Unit 2 Exam - Communication by Aribah Khan

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Communication By Aribah Khan

These are two mappings of the distribution of two of the most common religions in London and where they are most populated, in the darker areas we can see that there are over 50% of people that follow one of the two religions in an area, the lighter colours show that there are under 5% of people that follow that religion.

This map shows the distribution of the people that follow the religion ‘Christianity’.

This mapping shows the distribution of people following the religion ‘Islam’

This Photography Book contains images and information about my chosen topic of Communication and in particular Religion in my local area. London is a very diverse and multicultural area which is portrayed through the people and the customs of the area. The 2011 Census showed that the largest religious groupings are ‘Christians’ followed by ‘Islam’. This book will contain factual information about both these religions balanced with photographs I have taken.

Holy Texts The Bible

The Old Testament has 39 books. The Jews divided these books into three main sections; the Law, the Prophets, the Writings. The English Bible divides the information into four main groups: 1. The Law: These books tell the history of the universe from the very beginning. They also tell about God’s working through the nation of Israel, and the laws given for Israel to follow. 2.History: These 12 books continue the history of Israel, and cover 1,000 years, and show the results of disobedience or obedience to God. 3.Poetry: These books express worship towards God, provide advice, and address some issues. 4.Prophets: These books announce God’s blessings and judgments, and inform about future events. They are divided into Major and Minor prophets depending on the length of the book. The New Testament has 27 books. These are arranged into four main sections: 1. The Gospels: These four books record the time Jesus spent on Earth, His death, and Resurrection. 2.Church history: The book of Acts records the beginning of the church, and the spread of Christianity. 3.The Letters: These 21 letters from apostles were addressed to churches, they teach individuals about Christianity and how to live a Christian life. 4.Revelation: This book was written to encourage Christians suffering persecution. It also reveals what will happen in the future, when new heavens and a new Earth will be created for those who have received the free gift of eternal life.

Holy Texts The Quran Muslims believe that the Quran is the literal word of god and therefore should be treated with the upmost care and respect. The Quran was revealed by the angel Gabriel to the Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) in the cave of Hira. Most Muslims believe that the Quran was not revealed at once but revealed over a period of 23 years. The Holy Quran established the religious beliefs and practices of the Islamic people. There are 114 verses in the Quran and 30 chapters. All the chapters except one begin with the sentence “Bismillahir rahmanir raheem”, ‘In the name of Allah the most merciful and the kindest’. This is the thought with which Muslims should start every action. Translations of the Qur’an exist in over 40 languages but Muslims are still taught to learn and recite it in Arabic, even if this is not their native language and they cannot converse in it. Translations are regarded by Muslims as new versions

How do Muslims respect the Quran? Before reciting the Quran or Salah (The five daily prayers) Muslims are obliged to perform ‘Ablution’ sometimes referred to as ‘Wudu’. There are many sections in the Holy Quran that refer to Ablution being important; “O you who believe, when you rise to observe the Salat, you shall wash your faces and your arms to the elbows, and wipe your heads and your feet to the ankles.” 5:6 The Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) said ‘cleanliness is half of faith’. Wudu (Ablution) is the ritual washing performed by Muslims before prayer. Muslims must be clean and wear good clothes before they present themselves before God. A Muslim who makes Wudu at least 5 times a day forms a habit of cleaning, which protects him from causes of illnesses; Wudu is known to be the spiritual weapon of a believer. It protects an individual from sin and desires, many Muslims believe that Wudu helps get rid of evil and negative thoughts and feelings running through the mind. “If a person makes Wudu as it is ordered and performs prayers as they are ordered, his minor sins are forgiven.” Muslims suggest that making Wudu is a way of repentance.

Performing Ablution/Wudu 1. Before entering the bathroom, individuals must make the ‘Niyyah’ (Intention) that the purpose of the ablution is to prepare for a time of worship or to cleanse the mind, body and soul. 2. The individual must wash both hands up to the wrists (starting with the right hand) three times. 3. Then taking the water with the right hand place into ones mouth and gurgle three times. 4. Now the individual must splash in your nose (cleaning the inside of the nose with the left finger) this is also done three times. 5. The individual now has to wash their entire face three times. 6. Then wash the arms from wrists to elbows three times (again starting with the right hand) 7. Now the individual must run the wet palms of their hands over their head (beginning from the Forehead to the back of the neck) 8.Individual now has to clean the grooves and holes of the ears with wet fingers. 9. The final step for the individual is to was their feet three times (beginning from the right foot)

Islamic Art:

The art of the Islamic world reflects its cultural values, and reveals the way Muslims view the spiritual universe. Islamic art tries to get the artist and those who experience the art closer to Allah. Many Muslims believe that beauty has always been and always will be and that prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) stated: ‘Allah is beautiful and he loves beauty’ so many Muslims today portray this through different art forms. Geometry is one of the most common art forms in Islam and this is covering surfaces with geometric patterns. This use of the geometry is thought to reflect the language of the world and help a believer to reflect on life and all creation. Art and design in Islam is also seen through architecture and buildings due to the immaculate designs inside and outside of these buildings. A structure that contains these patterns is the ‘Mosques’ that are carefully designed with bright designs and colours. Within London there are almost over 100.

Mosques: A mosque (Masjid in Arabic) is a place for worship in Islam. Although prayers can be done privately, either indoors or outdoors, nearly every community of Muslims dedicates a space or building for congregational prayer. A minaret is a slim tower rising from a mosque. They vary in height, style, and number. Minarets may be square, round, or octagonal and are usually covered with a pointed roof. Originally used as a high point from which to make the call to prayer (adhan), minarets remain a traditionally decorative feature of most mosques. The central area for prayer is the prayer hall and It is deliberately quite bare. No furniture is needed, as worshippers sit, kneel, and bow directly on the floor. There may be a few chairs or benches to assist elderly or disabled worshippers who have difficulty with mobility. During Islamic prayers, worshippers bow, kneel, and prostrate on the ground before God. The only requirement in Islam is that prayers be performed in an area that is clean. Rugs and carpets have become a traditional way to ensure the cleanliness of the place of prayer, and to provide some cushioning on the floor

Bibliography: http://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/keywords/bible.html https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Psalm+119%3A105&version=ESV http://www.bbc.co.uk/religion/religions/christianity/ http://www.bbc.co.uk/religion/religions/christianity/history/history_1.shtml http://www.bbc.co.uk/religion/religions/islam/art/ art_1.shtml http://www.openbible.info/topics/being_yourself http://www.openbible.info/topics/reading_gods_ word http://www.vexen.co.uk/UK/religion.html http://www.whatchristianswanttoknow.com/ quotes-about-the-bible-25-awesome-sayings/ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Islam http://www.bbc.co.uk/religion/religions/islam/ http://www.theguardian.com/world/islam http://islam101.net/

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