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Where’s My Mojo?
Addressing Sexual Wellness Together
WHEN LONG-TERM COUPLES approach an end to their hormonal honeymoon, and the phases of menopause and andropause begin to have a negative impact on sexual function and intimacy, the combined disruption can have a significant effect on the health of the relationship. Some couples believe the decline in their quality of life is inevitable. Others feel hopeless, thinking their partner no longer desires the connection they once shared. Clouded by misinformation, they tend to shoulder the burden of aging alone.
It doesn’t have to be this way. At Professional Laser Center, we can take a coupleoriented approach to these developments. Couplepause is a novel way of addressing menopause and andropause symptoms together, by familiarizing our patients about the normalcy of their journey, and show them how to revive their energy and MOJO for each other.
Women are not strangers to hormonal fluctuations, but when their hormone levels begin plummeting in their early 50’s or before, their lives can change overnight as they cope with night sweats, ballooning weight, aching joints, low libido, and fuzzy thinking.
While not as disruptive as menopause, men’s sex hormones are also declining at midlife. This is called “andropause.” The difference is their decline in hormones is not as sharp and sudden as a woman’s. They may feel small dips in their energy level, stamina, mental function, libido, and sense of well being.
The good news is you, nor your partner, have to suffer and resign yourself to the infirmities of advancing age. The solution is to replace your lost hormones with human identical hormones, which are available to both men and women.
Bioidentical hormones have the same molecular structure as those produced by the body. They are identical to your own hormones; estrogen, progesterone, testosterone, thyroid, growth hormone, and insulin. They’re taken from natural sources, such as soybeans or yams, and are more easily absorbed by the body than other types of hormone replacement.
They come in the form of creams, pellets, pills, injections, and patches. Professional Laser Center has been prescribing bioidentical hormone replacement for over 10 years now and our clients love it. Pellets are one of the most popular forms of hormone replacement for both women and men. The tiny pellets are placed just under the skin in the upper quadrant of the hip, where they slowly release a stable, steady dose of testosterone and/ or estrogen over the course of three to six months. Our Nurse Practitioner has advanced hormone training through the A4M, the world’s largest Integrative Medicine Organization, which focuses on the proper dosing of these hormones. “The dose makes the poison.” If not properly dosed, your hormones will not be balanced. When our levels are unbalanced, the communication between our cells is interrupted and major, negative changes can occur in the body.
Human identical hormones can change your life and your relationship. It is your most powerful weapon in the war on aging. What are you waiting for?
For more information or to schedule an appointment, call 318-361-9066. For a list all of our services, please visit our website at www. professionallaser.com.