28 minute read



Rhonda Grace has a simple message for everyone she meets: “Love God, love others, and love yourself!” Hers has not always been an easy life, but one thing has seen her through it all – her steadfast faith. That faith has led her down many paths in her life’s journey, but in retrospect each of those paths was preparing her for one special moment. That moment was when she started Grace Place Ministries – Ordinary People Serving an Extraordinary God with hardly more than a hope and a prayer. Today that ministry is one of the most impactful in our community. For her tireless work helping others, lifting them up when others had given up, Rhonda Grace is our January BayouIcon.

Rhonda Grace readily admits that she had the most wonderful parents – parents who loved their children with unconditional love. They provided Rhonda and her two sisters with a safe and secure home that included a strong religious foundation. “Both of our parents taught Sunday School at the Methodist church in El Dorado, Arkansas, where we were all faithful members,” Rhonda recalls.

Parental Influence and Family Love

Rhonda’s parents met on a blind date at a football game in Little Rock. It was an important chance meeting as the two of them fell in love and were happily married for over 50 years. Rhonda describes their marriage as a “wonderful example of a Godly marriage.”

Her father, Kermit Cottrell, was born in El Dorado, and her mother, Bernice Andreas Cottrell, was born in Brenham, Texas. Her dad had a very successful career with the Bell South Telephone Company for 40 years, and Rhonda’s mom was a stay-at-home mom who was a wonderful homemaker. She canned, cooked, and kept an immaculate house, according to Rhonda. “She made all of our clothes and doll clothes, as well!” Rhonda says. “She always had some kind of homemade cookies or pastries for us when we got home from school.”

Their parents taught their three girls important life lessons as they were growing up in their country home located 8 miles out of El Dorado. Rhonda remembers her parents sharing fresh vegetables from her father’s garden and some of his catch of catfish with a needy family on several occasions. She also remembers her paternal grandmother recounting stories of the Depression when needy families would come to her door for something to eat. Her maternal grandparents in Texas had a large farm and also shared with those in need. “They were all great examples to me of Christian charity in action while I was growing up,” Rhonda says.

Rhonda’s paternal grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins lived only a few miles away. Sunday afternoons were for making homemade ice cream with relatives coming by to visit. Because her maternal grandparents and relatives lived in Texas, Rhonda didn’t see them often. Each summer, however, she and her sisters would spend a week with them. “Those were memorable days on their farm,” she recalls. “Grandpa had beehives, and eating that honeycomb was the best!”



learly Rhonda loved the country life. She enjoyed going fishing with her father (there are countless family stories about her ability to tangle a fishing line), walking behind him when he plowed the garden, swinging on the old tire swing, and playing in her tree house. She enjoyed selecting a watermelon from her father’s garden and then having the neighborhood kids come to share it. “There were times when I did play with my baby dolls and cooking sets,” she says, “but being outdoors was where I was at my best.”

An early and lifelong influence on Rhonda was her parents showing her that they honored the Lord above all else. She remembers sitting at the breakfast table as a child, listening to her parents read from the devotional Upper Room. When she and her sisters got older, they had their own devotions. Other lessons learned from her parents were about integrity and doing a job well, and respecting one’s parents and respecting others. “I have strived to live my life as my parents reared me. Their ethics and example have guided me in business and in ministry throughout my life. I am so very grateful for them!” she says.

Education – Secular and Religious

Rhonda learned the importance of work at an early age. She earned 25 cents a week if she did her part of the chores. When she mowed grass, she got extra. She babysat often, and made some arts and crafts pieces which she sold to relatives. Her first “real job” was working after school and on Saturdays at a hardware store. One summer she delivered flowers for a florist. “Those jobs taught me the value of working hard, saving my money, and pleasing the boss,” she says. “I also got a glimpse of what being out in the work force meant, and how to work with many different kinds of customers – some easy to please, and some difficult.”

Rhonda enjoyed her years in the El Dorado school system. Even now she maintains contact with many of her classmates and friends from her high school days. After graduation, she attended Louisiana Tech University for 2 years, majoring in interior design. Truth be told, all she ever really wanted to be was a wife and mother. She met her future husband at LaTech. When they married, they began a nursery/garden center and landscaping business which Rhonda operated for 18 years until the marriage ended. Together they had two beautiful daughters. Today Rhonda cherishes her family – her daughters, sons-inlaw, two grandsons, three granddaughters, three great-grandsons, and her first greatgranddaughter expected to be born in April.

Among the religious influences that Rhonda came under while growing up were those of Billy Graham and David Wilkerson. When she was in junior high and high school, Graham’s televised crusades impacted her. When she was only 15, she read Wilkerson’s book, The Cross and the Switchblade. When she finished the book, Rhonda was convinced that God was calling on her to work with alcoholics and those trapped by addiction. Rhonda never forgot that revelation. It would be nearly 35 years later before she was finally ready to answer that call.

Finding Her Way

As an adult, Rhonda worked in several different jobs, all of which she understands now were preparing her for her ministry. She was a receptionist and a secretary for a time. Later she had a cleaning service and a wallpaper hanging/decorating business. She always found time to help others, and especially enjoyed caring for elderly women by taking them on their errands, and cooking and cleaning for them. “Every job I had, owning a business, and caring for the elderly were all stepping stones to prepare me for ministry leadership,” she says.

Another important step toward her ministry (though she did not know it then) happened when she was a teenager and her parents became foster parents for two young boys who had been abused and badly neglected. They lived with the family for over a decade. Rhonda saw them become drug-addicted because of the years of abuse. To see firsthand those in great need was an important opportunity for her.

The lessons she learned from her foster brothers remained with her. In September 2000, Rhonda was working in New Orleans as director of a halfway house for prostitutes and addicts on heroine and crack. This was her first fulltime ministry and she was 49-years-old.

Although it was often overwhelming, she believed that the Lord had told her when she was 15 that this would be her work. She laughs now when she admits that she kept telling the Lord that she didn’t know what

CHRISTMAS CHILD OUTREACH Each year, Grace Place Ministries helps more than 800 local children by supplying one warm cap, one pair of gloves, full size blanket, medium stuffed animal, bible, and a goody bag of treats.


Rhonda pictured with her family (at top) and her three granddaughters (below).

she was doing. His answer was always the same – that He had chosen her for this work. She saw children fending for themselves on the streets, and living in badly neglected housing projects. Rhonda learned to help one child at a time and make a difference in that one life. Then she could help another child, and then another. To Grace Place

In 1999, Rhonda suffered a major disability because of degenerative disc disease. She had to live with friends who could care for her. During this time, Rhonda says that she heard God speak to her spirit again and understood Him to say “Grace Place.” That meant nothing to her at the time. Soon thereafter, she heard the Lord speak to her spirit, telling her that He was changing her name to “Grace.” She became so convinced that this was part of her destiny that she legally changed her last name to “Grace” in 2000. In September 2001, she established Grace Place Ministries – Ordinary People Serving an Extraordinary God.

After looking all over Ouachita Parish for a place to establish her ministry, Rhonda finally selected the southside of Monroe. On September 11, 2001, shortly after the Twin Towers were hit, she signed a lease on an 18room house on South Grand.

The first step was to repair the badly neglected house. Badly vandalized and with major needs, the structure had to be repaired first and then renovations could begin. Eventually the home was completely renovated and landscaped, making it a welcoming oasis to all who needed its shelter and comfort.

Children from the neighborhood began coming twice a week for Bible Study and activities, giving Rhonda an awareness of their specific needs – unconditional love and guidance. Where she detected abuse, she called Child Protective Services. She had nurses come and teach abstinence classes. After-school tutoring classes were begun to help with schoolwork when parents (many absentee) couldn’t. “Some of those children who are now grownups still come by to see me,” Rhonda says with a smile.

Over the years since its inception, Grace Place has continually grown in the numbers of people its ministers to. The Grace Place ministry now offers a meal at noon three days a week; hands out food bags on the 2nd and 4th Thursday of each month; gives clothing and household items where needed; and does Christmas Child Outreach each year (in 2020 in a pouring rain, they gave out gift bags to 781 children). “When I first started Grace Place, God never told me there would be a children’s ministry,” Rhonda explains. “I thought I would be taking in women off the streets like the women I worked with in New Orleans. The children’s ministry wasn’t something I asked for, but the Lord asked me if I would love the children and teach them. How could I say ‘no’?”

Grace Place has changed locations several times since its beginning. After losing the lease on South Grand, Rhonda moved the operation across the street to a 4-room house that had been donated to Grace Place and began renovations again. Then in 2005, Rhonda saw a building on Jackson Street that she felt was destined to be the next Grace Place. After securing a loan and with no idea how she and her Board of Advisors would make the payments, she began renovating once again. After a year of renovating, 1600 Jackson Street had been transformed into a beautiful soup kitchen. “Once again, the Lord didn’t tell me in advance what He had planned,” she says. “A soup kitchen was never on my radar!”

Rhonda remembers the early days with the soup kitchen. With the help of several faithful volunteers, they cooked, cleaned, and served for the hungry. The numbers of hungry increased to the point that Rhonda reached out to several churches for help. Over time, more churches became involved. Each selected its menu, so there was variety in the meal offerings. They provided all of the ingredients and had their volunteers cook on site.

Today, all of the slots are filled by church and civic volunteers, but there is always a need for extra volunteers to help clean tables, carry trays for children and the elderly, sweep and mop, and be a smiling face to greet those who need it. Approximately 3,500 meals are served per month. “Grace Place is filling voids in the community by serving hot meals, food bags and clothing, and serving up the love of God and prayers to every man, woman, and child we can,” Rhonda says. A Future of Service

Rhonda has traveled extensively, but her favorite destination of them all is Jerusalem, Israel. She has visited Jerusalem and that country three times. Susan Jones, a nurse and close friend who has traveled to Israel with Rhonda several times, describes Rhonda this way: “Rhonda Grace is a true servant and a true lover of Jesus. I have seen her continue to serve even in times of great physical illness and personal adversity. She has continued to do all that she can to take care of God’s children. Her ministry reaches across all ethnicities, colors, and ages. In Israel, Rhonda spent three months at her own personal expense ministering to terrorist attack survivors and encouraging the men and women there through prayer. While there – as here – she met the needs of people mentally, physically, and spiritually.”

“We all have traumas or hard times,” Rhonda explains. “But by God’s anointing, I see the hand of God move in people’s lives.” Based in part on her own life’s experiences, Rhonda offers counseling and inner healing from life’s traumas through personal counseling by appointment. Whether those needing counseling are among her own volunteers or strangers who come in off the streets, she is always willing to help others work through their challenges as much as she can.

Rhonda doesn’t see retirement as an option for her. She believes that she has at least 20+ more good years that will take her to 90. “As long as God wants to use me, and as long as there are needy people in spirit, soul, or body, I will be available,” she says. “God does not disqualify because of age, feebleness, frailty etc.; anyone who can be used by Him.”

Rhonda believes that in five to ten years she will still be serving people who hurt, whether through the Grace Place soup kitchen or another non-profit that she hopes to start soon. She is also considering writing a book about her lifetime of adventures.

When Rhonda is asked about how and why she does what she does, she answers simply. “I say that when the Lord asks me, I say that I am not qualified or have enough smarts or talents, and I am too old,” she says. “I have learned that He will give me all the resources I’ll need to accomplish all that He has planned for me to do. I rely on His grace and mercy, and not on my own abilities.”

Rhonda often says that that her entire life has been filled by God’s grace. Through many heavy struggles and personal doubts, that grace has seen her through and given her the courage and the will to continue moving forward. Saint Augustine of Hippo (theologian and writer – 354 AD – 430 AD) wrote, “For grace is given not because we have done good works, but in order that we may be able to do them.” Such is certainly the case with Rhonda’s faith-filled life and countless good works.

Celebrate with The Platter

Local Restaurant Offers a Variety of Options

WITH THE NEW YEAR COMES NEW HOPES, NEW plans and of course, new year resolutions. And one that is always at the top of everyone’s list is eating right. Whether you are looking to cut carbs with a keto diet plan or slim down by sticking to vegetables, the Platter has you covered! This locally owned business has become known for their charcuterie boards and platters for all occasions.

The Keto and Paleo lifestyles have become very popular and The Platter caters to those dietary needs. You can grab a protein platter out of the grab and go section or custom order something to your specific taste and needs. A typical protein platter has roast beef, pepperoni, salami, boiled eggs, cheese, olives, carrots, bell pepper, broccoli and more. Another favorite is the relish-n-meat platter with salami slices, prosciutto, pepperoni, black olives, green olives, pickled asparagus, celery stalks, sliced carrots, baby dill pickles, fresh blackberries and crackers. If cutting meat is your goal, grab a Veg Out Platter with a beautiful purple cabbage centerpiece and surrounded by the perfect veggie dip, broccoli, carrot slices, celery, cucumbers, red, orange, and green bell peppers, cherry tomatoes, sliced squash and cauliflower.

Maybe your new year’s resolution is to cut out fast food. The Platter’s famous boxes have been a hit for people of all ages and their grazing tables have been the piece de resistance of recent weddings, gatherings and parties. With selections ranging from stuffed olives, nuts, prosciutto, ham, cheddar, gouda, provolone, Monterey, brie, blue cheese, fresh mozzarella, raspberries, blueberries, strawberries, grapes, pepper jelly, fig spread, jam, spicy mustard and a variety of crackers, there is surely something to please every palette. If you would like to spend more time with your family this year, you can always grab a meal or casserole out of the grab and go section to fit your entire family something delicious, without spending all evening cooking in the kitchen.

The Platter also has healthier sweet treat options with a variety of sugar and gluten free options, as well as vegan and keto friendly selections. You can talk with them about your dietary needs and they can whip up something for your birthday, anniversary, special occasion or just to satisfy that sweet tooth. The Platters specializes in cakes, cookies, cupcakes, pies and assorted pastries all made from scratch! The Platter also offers off site catering as well as free catering consultations. Jodi and her team can guide you to execute your vision through their consultations and will have your vision come to life with their close attention to detail. They are able to accommodate weddings, showers, game night, Sunday school functions, anniversaries, birthdays, receptions, galas, corporate events, sales rep events and more. They can do it all!

Stop by The Platter on 120 Blanchard Street in West Monroe to see everything they have to offer. You can call ahead to place an order or visit the grab and go section from the cooler. The Platter looks forward to serving you and continuing to be the talk of the town.

New Year New Me

Put Your Best Face Forward This Year

DR.SOWMA AND HER FRIENDLY STAFF AT DermaMediQ, located on Lamy lane in Monroe, want to wish her current and future clients a Happy New Year. “We are so grateful for our patients’ support this year. As we step into a new year, my staff and I look forward to helping you become more confident, and happy with your overall appearance,” says Sowma. Dr. Sowma has been providing state of the art medically supervised beauty regimens at DermaMediQ in Monroe for more than 10 years. She is board certified in aesthetic medicine and pediatrics. Dr.Willis, who joined DermaMediQ in early 2021, is a board-certified general surgeon and one of the leading experts in liposuction and skin tightening. Morpheus8, Silhouette InstaLift, Votiva, Forma, O-Shot and BodyTite are just a few of the many procedures DermaMediQ offers.


Morpheus8 is an advanced microneedling treatment developed to stimulate remodeling in the fatty tissue of the dermis. Designed by In Mode Aesthetics, a leading manufacturer in the radiofrequency technology arena, Morpheus8 is the only device that combines radiofrequency with the microneedling technique.


Silhouette InstaLift uses absorbable micro-cones to instantly lift aging, mid-facial skin, including sagging cheeks and deeper folds in the skin. This procedure also activates your natural collagen production to boost volume over time for up to 2 years. That means you can achieve the look you want — without surgery or fillers.


A vampire facelift is a cosmetic procedure that uses the patient’s blood. Unlike a vampire facial, which uses microneedling, a vampire facelift injects both plasma and a hyaluronic acid filler. The procedure can make skin look less wrinkled, firmer, and more elastic.


Forma is suitable for all skin types and is appropriate for individuals seeking a non-invasive and a natural looking approach to achieve a younger appearance without surgery, scars or downtime.


BodyTite is a minimally invasive body contouring procedure delivering results previously only achieved through more excisional surgical procedures. Bodytite, powered by directional radiofrequency, provides contraction of the dermis, subdermal connective tissue, and adipose tissue coagulation. BodyTite is a great solution for individuals who are looking to reduce fat without the saggy, wrinkly skin. It also helps improve skin laxity after weight loss due to aging.

“I went to Dr. Sowma for fillers, and was so pleased with the results. She made me feel extremely comfortable during our consultation, and walked me through the entire procedure. My lips looked natural and not overly plumped. I looked like myself, but 10 years younger.” – patient of Dr. Sowma

No matter your age or issue you want to address, Dr. Sowma and the amazing staff at DermaMedicQ can help you achieve your beauty goals and truly put your best face forward this year.

Monroe Chamber Holiday Gala

On Thursday, December 2, 2021 the Monroe Chamber of Commerce held its annual Holiday Gala at Bayou DeSiard Country Club. It was a magical night filled with music by The Josh Madden Band, complimentary wine & beer and 12 days of Christmas auction items donated by local business in our community. The Chamber staff along with Mrs. Terri Arthur (Gala Chairman) went all out for this event. There was not a seat left open at any of the VIP tables nor space on the dance floor. Patrons, sponsors, Chamber staff along with other guests enjoyed a night out on the town. For more information on the Chamber of Commerce, contact them at 318.323.3461 or visit their website at monroe.org

On the BayouScene

1 Dave and Emma Loyless, Roy and Beth Heatherly,

Sarah Heatherly 2 Christy and Collin Dunn 3 Brenda and Charles Marsala, Damon Marsala and Kristen Walter 4 Hunter and Victoria Christy, Roy Arthur 5 Ruthie Wheatley and Sarita Daniel 6 Erin Etheridge and Toni Bacon 7 Kirsten Gladen and Erin Woods 8 Alberta Green 9 Aimee Kane and Misti Cordell 10 David and Bridget Hampton 11 Joe Holyfield, Ramona Martin, Janet and Bob Durden 12 Friday and Ashley Ellis, Christine and Ron Berry 13 Tony and Lori Mathieu, Aaron and Kim Dietrich,

Patti Wilhite and Brent Vidrine 14 Kelsea McCrary and Steven Keirsey 15 Jorenda Stone and Kristopher Kelley 16 Patience and DeRon Talley 17 Jeannine and Darren Burgess

11 3


8 4



12 7


14 15 16 17 13

New You in 2022

Change Your Life this Year

DR. PATRICK MCGEE HAS BEEN PRACTICING DENTISTRY in the Twin Cities for the past eight years. Over this time, he has seen numerous families and treated every situation from first cleanings to cavities to Invisalign to dental implants. “One of the most gratifying and humbling things that I do in my practice is give people a new outlook on life,” said Dr. McGee. “We have seen people that haven’t been able to eat their favorite foods like steak or pizza in years because of ill-fitting dentures. We are able to offer them options like our Hybridge treatment plan, giving them their life back.” For patients with complex dental issues and multiple missing or unhealthy teeth, one of the best ways to replace them is with an implant retained restoration. This prosthetic involves anchoring the new teeth to the jawbone using small titanium posts that act as tooth roots, providing incredible stability and longevity. What once took more than a year to complete, can now be done in far less time and expense with the advancement of dental implant technology. Dr. McGee is proud to offer his patients a state-of-the-art approach to a long-lasting, fixed set of teeth with Hybridge Dental Implants, which allow you to permanently restore up to 12 teeth in as little as three weeks. Regular dental implant dentures can require up to eight implants to deliver the same quality of results. Because the Hybridge is supported by strong bone, patients are able to recover virtually all of their biting and chewing strength, allowing them to enjoy many foods that are usually considered off-limits to denture wearers. Plus, the teeth won’t slip out of place throughout the day. Some of the benefits of Hybridge Dental Implants include a shorter treatment time, reliability, long-lasting and they offer a natural and attractive look. If you are looking to regain not only the ability to eat the foods you love, but self confidence, make an appointment for an initial consultation so you can get started on your treatment plan this year! Often times, people have a fear of the dentist. Whether they have had a bad experience or are scared of the unknown, Dr. McGee has changed patients’ outlook on visiting the dentist. From the moment you walk in the door, you are greeted with a smile from his friendly staff and everyone makes you feel comfortable. They walk you through the entire process on what to expect and explain your dental insurance benefits as well. They also offer IV Sedation, which works as a form of conscious sedation to help you feel relaxed during your appointment. This method does not put you fully to sleep, but it does make you less aware of your surroundings. This means you can still respond to verbal commands or gentle nudging.

Dr. McGee prides himself on offering the latest in technology and services, all to provide the best care for his patients. Just one of the tools he uses is the X-Nav guided surgery, offering minimally invasive options and ensures efficient and effective results. The benefits include a live, 360-degree view during surgery, interactive, turn by turn guidance and improved accuracy. Cosmetic Dentistry is another area that Dr. McGee specializes in. Using advanced cosmetic dental treatments and materials, Dr. McGee can make a real difference. The skill, experience and commitment of their practice, using a unique combination of science and artistry, can literally redesign your smile. The office offers dental bonding, porcelain veneers, inlays, onlays, teeth whitening and Invisalign. The office of Dr. McGee is currently accepting new patients and the first step in a healthy and happy smile is making an appointment. They will take the time to properly diagnose your immediate dental concerns, review your past medical and dental history and create a treatment plan that provides for your optimal dental health.

The Get More! Giveaway

Spherion Staffing and Recruiting Announces Winners

THE GET MORE! GIVEAWAY LAUNCHED IN OCTOBER and ran for seven weeks with the goal of incentivizing America’s workforce to take advantage of Spherion’s employment opportunities nationwide. The giveaway also served as an employee retention tool for Spherion’s client companies and its 200-plus offices from coast to coast. As a result of this campaign, Spherion helped job seekers in the Monroe area find and stay at meaningful career opportunities.

“The Get More! Giveaway was a great and interactive way to thank our employees for their hard work and dedication,” said Brittany Forbis, VP of Operations at Spherion West Monroe. “We celebrated weekly winners who experienced the thrill of some extra cash in their paychecks and our regional prize winner who was awarded a $2,500 cash prize. We have a strong collaborative team and look forward to holding more campaigns in the future to benefit our dedicated employees.”

Spherion Staffing and Recruiting West Monroe has announced a winner of its Get More! Giveaway. Spherion West Monroe had one of three regional grand prize winners. The regional prize winner, Staci Glenn, employee of Spherion West Monroe, was awarded a $2,500 cash prize.

Staci was born and raised in West Monroe and has a husband and two children ages 8 and 5. Her 8-year old son is autistic and she is an advocate for autism awareness. This is Staci’s first time working with a staffing company, and she has been employed with Spherion since October 2021. Winning the $2500 couldn’t have come at a better time, as it will provide her the opportunity to give her children a very merry Christmas.

To learn more about the Spherion Get More! Giveaway or see a list of final regional and grand prize winners, visit https://www.spherion. com/getmore. Each year Spherion offers a Community Giveback Program. This campaign highlighted efforts of organizations that are creating change in our community. Our office selected local nonprofit Embrace Grace and donated $1000 to their worthy cause. For more information how you can donate, volunteer or be in a support group visit https://www. embracegrace.com.


Spherion, a leader in the recruiting and staffing industry with 75 years of experience, brings the power of local to its clients and candidates through a network of independent and empowered franchise owners. Backed by the drive and stability of the global leader in human resource services, Spherion is growing and evolving to tackle what is next for the emerging workforce. In 2021, the company unveiled a striking new brand identity that reflects its successful growth to meet the needs of client companies and the emergent workforce. It also revealed a new purpose-driven tagline, “Let’s Get to Work.” Today, Spherion services the workforce needs of more than 4,000 businesses and operates more than 200 offices across the country. To learn more about Spherion’s services, visit https://www.spherion.com. For information about the Spherion franchising opportunity, visit https://www.spherion.com/franchise/.

Relieving Stress and Depression

Let Spa Nouvelle Take Away Those Winter Blues

THAT’S A WRAP. THE ORNAMENTS have been neatly tucked into the attic, the hustle and bustle now seems a distant memory and people are settling into the new year. It’s often a time of reflection and change, but for many the stress of the new year becomes overwhelming. It’s easy to overassess about accomplishments or lack thereof, or maybe it’s just a feeling of uneasiness after a holiday calendar jammed packed has finally resolved. If this seems familiar, take time to relax and rejuvenate at Spa Nouvelle.

Taking time for a massage is as important for people dealing with depression as it is with someone with a sports injury or arthritis. According to the National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health, clinical trials suggest that massage therapy may help relieve depression. A 60-minute massage can lower cortisol, a hormone that’s produced in response to stress by an average of 30 percent. And when cortisol levels decline, serotonin – one of the body’s antipain mechanisms – increases by an average of 28 percent after receiving a massage. By lowering cortisol and increasing serotonin, you’re boosting your body’s ability to fight off pain, anxiety and feelings of sadness, according to professionals at the Mayo Clinic.

Partners Mary Beth Dickerson, Ana Lopez Hale, Drew Farr and Wendy Newsom all have a passion for health and beauty. They understand that their business provides a safe and nurturing place for individuals to relax, refocus and find clarity. With an attentive approach to relaxation and skincare health, it’s no surprise that the staff of Spa Nouvelle has won top prizes in the BayouBuzz Awards since its inception.

For many clients who are living with anxiety and depression, and the day-to-day symptoms those feeling bring, the staff at Spa Nouvelle are here to help. From personalized essential oil infusions to CBD oils, signatures service from Spa Nouvelle are guaranteed to offer relief and rejuvenation.

If you are one of the many who are suffering after the holiday season, or if you are overloaded with extra stress, make an appointment today. Start the new year with a new sense of relief, empowerment and mind-body connection. For a list of services, visit their website at spanouvelle.com. Spa Nouvelle is located at 1705 Lamy Lane in Monroe. Call them at 318.816.4949 and be sure to like them on Facebook and Instagram for special offers and appointment openings.