Morning Rituals
H E R E A R E S O M E S M A L L B U T S I G N I FI C A N T WAYS TO R I S E A N D T H R I V E I N T H E N E W Y E A R A r t i c l e B y Va n e l i s R i v e r a
Beatrice Tatem, owner of Wellness Initiatives, LLC and licensed professional counselor and counseling psychologist based in Monroe, Louisiana, informs, “The start of the day sets the tone for the rest of the day.” Though we tend to categorize ourselves as either early birds or night owls, Tatem notes that whenever you get the day started is the best time to establish healthy habits. “A routine tends to make people feel more in control,” she says, explaining that when we have a hand in what we can control, we are able to better manage our stress when the unexpected rears its impish head. Of course, at the beginning of the year, it’s easy to talk about the things
we have to do like—exercise more, take on healthy habits, or release what didn’t work the past year. But, Tatem warns of the importance of being realistic and reasonable when goal-setting. “We should be patient with ourselves,” she says, pointing out that we are still adjusting after the socio-economic blow from COVID-19. For 2022, the best approach to any of your resolutions should be the mantra “progress over perfection.” With that in mind, and thanks to the advice from a few prominent community figures, here are some small but significant ways to rise and thrive in this new year.