September 1, 2021 - Issue 2
Display-as-aSpeaker (DaaS) Technology
WORKING OF A SPEAKER MODULE Conventional speakers primarily include a stretched diaphragm that vibrates to create sound pressure waves, which are perceived as sound. In the case of display-as-a-speaker (DAAS) technology, the diaphragm is replaced by the display screen which oscillates to produce sound.
DAAS based devices include one or more actuators, which are electromechanical components that convert electrical energy into mechanical energy, i.e., vibrations. Based on the desired audio output, a corresponding electrical energy (electronic signal) is applied to the actuator, which in turn generates mechanical vibrations and thus sound.
Image Source: LG Website
EVOLUTION OF DAAS Implementation Stage (2010-2015)
Improvement Stage (After 2015)
Trial Stage (2000-2010) Incubation Stage (Before 2000)
• Stage when the idea of ‘Display-as-a-Speaker’ technology originated • NEC, … & …invested in R&D
• Stage when few products were launched • NEC, Casio, ….. launched initial products • Nokia, LG,… started research
• During this stage, few companies launched their products on large scale for the commercial market • Sony, LG,…, etc., began research
• During this stage, companies tried to come with different solutions to improve existing design and solve associated challenges • Almost all the big players such as LG, Sony, Vivo, Samsung, Google, etc., launched their products
LG G8 Thin Q
Vivo Nex
Samsung Galaxy A80
Huawei P30 Pro
Sony A9 F
Google Pixel 5
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