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AUG. 2014

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table of contents AUGUST VOLUME 19





things we learned

while making the august issue

WCVB’s Heather Unruh believes ‘the family that plays together stays together.’ “We hug like there’s no tomorrow and cherish a lot of belly laughing,” she said. Find out more about this celebrity mom in this month’s Take 8 column on page 82.


One lucky baystateparent reader will win a $250 shopping spree for decafplush.com, an American company with a line of retro-inspired fashions. Details on page 43.


On August 23 in Northborough, a community family day and softball tournament is making sports dreams come true for special needs kids. Find out how you can join the fun on page 34.

Our Back-to-School Issue


Bay State Doing Better at Going Local




BITES: Add Local Flavor to Dinner

8 AUGUST2014 9

42 46 50 54 58 60

Back-to-School Fashion Down on the Farm Raising Leaders for the Modern World Classrooms Without Walls: Social Media Levels the Playing Field Be“Tween” Options for Afterschool Care

in every issue 9 9 10 12 14 18 21 30 72 73 74 82 32 34 38 62

OUR SPECIAL GUEST: Meet cover model Emersyn Carpenter MEET OUR CONTRIBUTORS OUR AUGUST FAVORITES: Facts, Finds and Freebies WOMEN’S HEALTH: The Choice for VBAC MOM MATTERS: Opting Back In to a Career Post-Kids OUT & ABOUT: Calendar of family events LET’S GO: I Spy Butterflies! FINALLY FOREVER: US Adoption Stats AUGUST’S CHILD: Meet Hanna CIRCLE OF FRIENDS: Area adoption events TAKE 8 with Heather Unruh

Features I Found Myself in Wisconsin Sports Dreams Come True for Special Needs Kids Excitement Builds at New LEGO Attraction Breaking Into Kids Lit: 4 Area Writers Share Stories

advertising directories





My Teacher Hates Me! Solving School Struggles Captured

WELCOME: A letter from our editor

meet team

welcome to







baystateparent publisher KIRK DAVIS


Happy New Year! For many of us, the first day of school is like New Year’s Day. We make it a celebration of a new year —buying new clothes and school supplies, signing up for new activities and sports, welcoming new friends and teachers, and setting new goals. With that in mind, our August issue is packed with end-of-summer ideas and new year inspiration. To celebrate this fresh start, we planned a back-to-school fashion field trip to the farm! With a crew of eight local kids, we traveled to Red Fire Farm in Granby. Our fashion shoot took place in July on one of the hottest days of this summer, so each of our young models gets an A+ for cooperation.

Now we’re ready for some showand-tell! Turn to page 42 to see our friends modeling retro-inspired styles with vibrant fall colors and unique detail. It’s old-fashioned meets new fashion. We love the dress designs from decaf plush, an American clothing company. The company’s stylists tell us the bold appliques are unique in texture and design, a hallmark of the fall line. We also like that one lucky baystateparent reader will win a $250 gift certificate to shop at decafplush.com. Find details in our fashion spread. Also in our magazine this month, we have prizes for Mom — including a designer diaper bag from House of Botori and fashion jewelry from Haute Sprout. And for the entire family, we are giving away a 4-pack of tickets to see The Wiggles at The Hanover Theatre in Worcester next month! Information on all of these giveaways and a few more can be found on page 12. If the new school year has you considering a return to the work force after being home with your

children, journalist Malia Jacobson has some advice. Turn to her story Opting Back In: Finding Career Success Post-Kids on page 18. She shares four important tips to consider if this is a decision you plan to make in the next year. And for those of us hoping to squeeze in one last magical afternoon with the kids before the chaos of a new year begins, see page 30 to read I Spy Butterflies! The article shares information about four Massachusetts butterfly gardens that will mesmerize all ages. Each is a perfect end-ofsummer destination— before we all cozy into our fall cocoons. So, as you prepare for the start of school, I hope you take a minute to stick your toes in the sand one last time and take in the view of the lake before heading home. Pour a glass of lemonade and let’s toast to the new year.

MaryJo Kurtz

Emersyn Carpenter

What grade are you going into this year? “Kindergarten!” What was the best part of your summer vacation? “Camp Shepard and riding bikes with Gramma.” What are you looking forward to the most about the new school year? “Arts and crafts at school.” Do you have any brothers and sisters? “Three big brothers: Sebastian (18), Conner (15) and Owen (7).”

Do you have any pets? “Three dogs (Dixie, Franchie and Gracie), fish and chickens.” What activities do you enjoy outside of school? Emersyn’s mom, Trish, told us, “Emmy likes soccer, plays on a hockey team, and lives to play Duck Duck Goose.” How long have you been modeling? “Emmy practiced modeling with her aunt who is a photographer, but this was her first time modeling for a shoot,” her mom said. What tips can you offer others who want to model? “Listen to the photographer and smile!”

creative director PAULA MONETTE ETHIER 508-865-7070 ext. 221 pethier@holdenlandmark.com senior graphic designer STEPHANIE MALLARD 508-865-7070 design@baystateparent.com

advertising director of sales REGINA STILLINGS 508-865-7070 ext. 210 regina@baystateparent.com senior account executive EMILY LAVOIE 774-364-4401 emily@baystateparent.com account executive MARIE COREY 508-735-0503 marie@baystateparent.com account executive DEBORAH MEUNIER 508-450-9718 deb@baystateparent.com

meet our special guest

Our cover model this month is 5-year-old Emersyn Carpenter of Westfield, who we hear was excited to be chosen for our cover this month! Emersyn is one of eight kids who took part in our back-toschool fashion shoot at Red Fire Farm in Granby. See the pictures on page 42!

editor in chief MARYJO KURTZ 508-865-7070 ext. 201 maryjo@baystateparent.com

account executive KATHY PUFFER 508-865-7070 ext. 211 kathy@baystateparent.com

presidents KIRK and LAURIE DAVIS photographers STEVEN KING JENNIFER ROSE copy editor BRYAN ETHIER

baystateparent is published monthly with a main office at 22 West Street, Millbury, MA 01527 cover photo



www.baystateparent.com It is distributed free of charge throughout Massachusetts.

jenniferrosephotography.org BAYSTATEPARENT 9 8

Meet Our Contributors Massachusetts mom Kimberlee Arnold offers solutions for parents who are looking for afterschool care for tweens. As a one-time middle school English teacher, Kimberlee noted the many ways working parents juggled afterschool options. She shares her tips and insight on page 54. In addition to her work as a teacher, Kimberlee is also experienced in marketing communications and is Mom to two juniors: one in high school and one in college. Amanda Collins, a transplant from California who now lives in Sturbridge, is a full-time reporter and freelance writer who lives with her boyfriend, Jonathan, and two one-eyed rescue cats, Sophie and Daryl. She enjoys reading, hiking and biking, and being “the fun aunt” to her six young nieces and nephew. In her article Classrooms Without Walls, page 50, Amanda shows how social media is taking students around the world — and outside of it, too!

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Malia Jacobson is an award-winning parenting and health journalist, sleep coach, and mom to three young children. In this month’s issue, she shares three articles. Her first, Opting Back In: Finding Career Success Post-Kids on page 18, offers four important steps to take if you are planning to return to the job market after an absence. In Learning to Lead: Raising Leaders for the Modern World on page 46, Malia examines how the digital age has widened opportunity to teach leadership to the digital generation. Her third article, My Teacher Hates Me on page 58, includes strategies to use with kids of all ages who are struggling with a teacher. When she’s not writing, Malia co-organizes a parenting group, digs in her garden, and explores local hiking trails with her family. Keith Regan is a freelance journalist and writer from Hopkinton who is also Dad to two teenagers. In this month’s issue, Keith shares details on the upcoming 4th Annual Make Your Mark Softball Tournament in Northborough. The family event is the primary fundraiser for the Mark Fidrych Foundation, a local nonprofit group dedicated to providing athletic opportunity to local children with special needs. Among his interviews, Keith speaks with Ann Fidrych, widow to pitching sensation and Northborough native Mark Fidrych. Read the story on page 34. Trish Reske shares the allure of butterfly gardens in her article I Spy Butterflies! on page 30. Trish said she learned a lot about butterflies while traveling in Costa Rica. “[I think] the short life of the butterfly, just a few weeks, is fascinating,” she said. Her article includes information on four butterfly exhibits that span the state, each offering family-friendly displays worth a flutter by (oh, we couldn’t resist…). In addition to writing, Trish is a Westborough mom, popular local blogger, running coach and business owner.

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When it comes to VBAC (vaginal birth after C-section), attitudes among medical professionals are changing. Journalist Amanda Roberge investigates the reason behind the change and factors that women must consider before making a decision for VBAC. See her article The Choice for VBAC: Women Weigh the Risks on page 14. Amanda is a busy Leominster mother of three daughters. In addition to her work as a writer, she is a henna artist and early childhood educator.

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our august favorites fa sunday





Starting on the date the prize appears, log on to www.baystateparent.com to enter for your chance to win.

3 {WIN}

Haute Sprout features eco friendly artisan made jewelry collections. The winner of this giveaway will receive earrings and a necklace from the Jute Collection and an adjustable choker necklace with matching earrings from the Wood Collection. Visit baystateparent.com today to find out how you can win this Haute Sprout set.





15 18



22 25



14 1

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According to a Pew Research Survey released this year, 73% of all those ages 12-17 use Facebook.

Take the ouch out of detangling with the Knot Genie, a pain-free hairbrush designed for hard-to-deal-with hair types. This prize package includes three sizes: the original Knot Genie, Teeny Genie for kids, and Genie Supreme. Stop by baystateparent.com today to find out how you can win!

19 {WIN}

26 26


12 AUGUST2014 13






Get ready to dance, sing, laugh and WIGGLE! WIN a family 4-pack of tickets to see The Wiggles at The Hanover Theatre! Ready Steady Wiggle appears on September 24 at 6:30 p.m. Find out how to get your family tickets today on baystateparent.com. The Massachusetts Department of Education’s 2011-12 Teacher Salaries Report (the latest year of published data) shows that the average salary for a Bay State public school teacher is $70,962.

2 {W

s facts, finds and freebies





The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that a child’s backpack weigh no more than 10 to 20 percent of the child’s body weight.



28 {WIN}


99 {tip}

8 14 14{tip} 15 21


Among the 36 million people 1 year and over who moved between 2012 and 2013, 5 percent said the most important reason for moving was to be closer to work or for an easier commute. Another 8 percent cited the desire for cheaper housing, according to a report released by the U.S. Census Bureau.


k he




House of Botori is a contemporary style pioneer offering innovative designs inspired by African cultures. This chic mom and baby bag in vibrant orange with brown trim could be yours! Get giveaway details today on baystateparent.com.

The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that children plan to have at least one day off per week from a particular sport to allow the body to recover.






Star Wars Workbooks, from Workman Publishing and Disney’s Lucas division, integrate the movie characters into core curriculum subjects, such as reading, math and writing. This prize package includes Preschool ABC Fun for ages 4 to 5 and 1st Grade Math for ages 6 to 7. Learn more about this giveaway today on baystateparent.com.



The Choice for VBAC: Women Weigh the Risks BY AMANDA ROBERGE

Following the release of a report from the National Institutes of Health in 2010, the attitudes among medical professionals towards encouraging women to attempt giving birth vaginally following a Cesarean section have shifted. The practice – commonly known as VBAC (Vaginal Birth After Cesarean) – was once considered a substantial medical risk, indicated the report, but upon closer consideration by a panel of 15 professionals with no conflict of interest, the conclusion calls for a higher level of research with a focus on helping women to get the

care they need in order to achieve successful VBACs. Dr. Carolyn Delk, D.O., who practices in Obstetrics & Gynecology at Wesson Women’s Group in Springfield, said that many practices have taken that message to heart and have been very committed to producing better outcomes for women looking to successfully VBAC. In fact, she added, the policies regarding VBAC have changed for her practice’s parent organization, Baystate Health, making it easier for the individual practices to offer better care.

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“We have been working very hard to put the policies in place that take away the option for elective inductions,” she said, adding that the practice of attempting to induce a baby before natural labor begins has long been thought to be a leading cause of C-section. One of the most heavily cited risks for VBAC, she added, is uterine rupture – where the previous incision from the surgery ruptures and presents a very serious situation for the birthing mother. However, said Delk, the rate of uterine rupture is around .9 percent – which makes the risk

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factor much lower than the risk of a repeat surgery if all other factors are consistent. Additionally, the risk of uterine rupture is much higher when induction is a factor – giving providers another reason to steer clear of induction when at all possible. According to the International Cesarean Awareness Network (ICAN), “Induction can increase the risk of uterine rupture and women who undergo an induction of labor with a prior cesarean have a 33 to 75 percent continued on page 16

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risk of requiring another Cesarean.” According to a research study conducted in 2009 by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality under the US Department of Health & Human Services, while some providers believe that elective induction of labor may increase the length of labor and the risk of Cesarean section, others believe it poses a minimal risk and may be clinically useful in preventing complications that may arise at a later gestational age. But regardless of what the medical opinions are, the fact is that women are rising up in great numbers and demanding to at

least get the opportunity to try. While finding a hospital to allow, encourage and support a VBAC can pose a challenge, self-advocacy is an important tool in accessing the best care. ICAN is devoted to helping women overcome the barriers to VBAC and said that while hospital bans on VBACs can present an obstacle for women, there are ways to approach the medical facilities. According to content on the ICAN website, “These bans do not mean that the woman must submit to a repeat Cesarean. Every patient has the right to refuse treatment. This includes the right of a pregnant

woman to refuse another Cesarean. Even if a ban is in place, a hospital cannot turn away a mother in labor and will be forced to care for her to the best of their ability, despite her refusal of the Cesarean.” NIH figures indicate that while the Cesarean delivery rates in the United States declined between 1990 and 1996, they rose markedly from 21 percent in 1996 to 32 percent in 2007 – figures which have leveled off in the meantime but with no significant recorded decrease. Delk encourages women to assess whether they are a good candidate for what is commonly referred to

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as “trial of labor.” While practitioners have access to an assessment tool that allows them to ascertain – through a series of questions about a woman’s age, birth history and the presentation (position) of the baby – it is generally agreed upon in the medical community that the best candidates for a successful VBAC are women whose initial C-section was a result of a circumstance with the baby’s positioning or heartrate, as opposed to their own anatomy (including pelvic size) or medical complications. For many women who have undergone a C-section prior to attempting a vaginal delivery, just being empowered to try is often enough. “Whether a woman is successful or not at a VBAC, they are generally happy to have given it an effort,” said Delk. “It can be incredibly frustrating not to have the option.” Allison Fambro is a mother of four who endured an emergency C-section for the birth of her second child after her appendix ruptured during labor, but went on to have two successful VBACs at Women & Infants hospital in Providence, RI. However, happy endings aside, finding a doctor who would work with her was a challenge of no small proportion. “I was flat-out told by several doctors not to even bother,” she said. “No one wanted to take me on because of the circumstances of my C-section.” Because of her experiences with labor and delivery in the context of the medical realm, she has some advice for mothers considering a VBAC that differs slightly from the advice that comes from within the medical community. “Get a doula,” she said, firmly and without hesitation. Doulas, or women who assist birthing mothers – not as a medical professional or spiritual guide, but as an advocate and helper devoted to promoting and upholding the birthing mother’s wishes to the extent circumstances allow – are not covered by insurance but Fambro said it is money well spent when it comes to your physical well-being. For Fambro and her husband, who do not have family in the area, a repeat C-section would have had a dire effect on her ability to care for her other children after giving birth and that alone was motivation to make the VBAC happen. “Having a doula was not covered by our insurance and it was hard to scrape the money together for us, like it is for most people,” she said. “But both my husband and I agree that we would pay it over and over and over again every time.”

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Opting Back In: Finding Career Success Post-Kids BY MALIA JACOBSON

Before kids, Lorraine Wilde had a great job managing supplies for a chemistry lab in a vibrant college town. It was the kind of job she’d trained for when she earned her master’s degree in environmental science, the kind of job she thought she’d have forever. But her plans changed in a heartbeat—or, more precisely, two heartbeats—when she found


ilde has lots of company on the on-again, off-again career track of early motherhood. Though over 70 percent of moms with kids under 18 participate in the labor force, the number drops to 63.9 percent for moms with kids under six, and just 56.5 percent for moms with infants, according to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS). That means a sizeable population of parents put work on hold to raise children before hopping back into the professional arena. 18 AUGUST2014 19

And when they do, many find a postkids professional landscape that looks different than the one they’d envisioned. When parents optback, can they keep their career on track and get the flexibility they want? Or will they pay a penalty for temporarily stepping off the career train?

Paying the Price With our competitive, fast-paced job market and little in the way

out she was expecting twins nine years ago. Wilde planned to work after having a child, but with two babies on the way, the picture was less certain. Full-time childcare for two infants would eat up much of her salary, and her employer wasn’t offering much flexibility. Ultimately, she decided to trade her dream job for full-time twin duty.

of protective leave policies for parents, those who take time off can pay a steep price. One study found that American women who take between four and 12 months off work after the birth of a child slash their chances of being promoted by 15 percent, compared to women who take a shorter maternity leave. The same study also found that having more children increases the career penalty: after having two or more children, women are more likely to make a downward career change than an upward one. Working moms bring home less

bacon, too. According to US government reports, women earn 78.7 cents for every dollar earned by a man. Research from the American Sociological Association found that moms face a 7 percent wage penalty per child. Another study found that for every two years a woman is out of the labor force, her earnings fall by 10 percent. Most moms can’t count on governmental policies to safeguard their careers—job-protected paren-tal leave is far from universal. Though some parents receive 12

weeks of job-protected, unpaid parental leave through the Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993, the law only applies to employers with more than 50 workers and employees must work 1250 hours over the preceding 12 months to qualify. Based on these stipulations, only 45 percent of working women qualify. On paper, prospects look grim for American working moms. But certified human resources professional and career coach Amy McGeachy thinks the stats tell only part of the story. True, some studies may show downward mobility or wage penalties for moms with young kids, but the moms themselves are initiating many of those career changes. “A number of moms are actively choosing to take a step back in their careers,” she said. “They may only be willing to work 40 hours a week instead of 65, or they may not want to travel for work anymore, and they’re willing to accept less compensation. They want to balance a career and family, so these are changes they want.”

familiar one, they will face changes in the workplace, especially if they’ve taken time off. One surprise for many is the heightened importance of social networking. Job seekers can’t afford to underestimate the value of LinkedIn, said McGeachy. “Companies have lots of search tools at their disposal, and this is the number-one tool they use.” Keeping an up-to-date profile and checking it regularly is essential. McGeachy recommends taking advantage of social networking months before career re-entry. “Six months to a year before you’d like to start actively searching,

update your LinkedIn profile and start attending networking events in your field.” Simply creating a resume and sending it out without doing any prepwork or networking isn’t a sound strategy, she said.

Forging a New Path After struggling with feeling like a failure for stepping off the science career track, Wilde found part-time career happiness as a freelance writer. These days, she works 15 hours a week in between

volunteering at the twins’ school and managing the household. Nearly any career change requires retraining (she’s invested in writing courses and dozens of books on the topic) as well as a new mindset, she said. “I grew up with the idea that you try to find the job you can retire in. It took a while to convince myself that another job could be fulfilling.” It’s something that she’s still working on, she admits. But at this point, she’s thrilled to once again be working in a field she loves. continued on page 14

Finding Flexibility Though studies suggest that moms want career flexibility— recent surveys have shown that around 60 percent of moms with young children would prefer part-time employment—many, like Wilde, find that part-time pickings are slim. And flexible work arrangements (including flextime, job sharing, compressed workweeks, and telecommuting) can exist in a number of industries, but whether or not a mom will be successful in creating flexible work arrangements depends on her boss: without extended, legislated job protection, most employers are free to decide whether or not they’ll offer job sharing or perks to moms. If a mom isn’t getting the career flexibility she wants or needs, should she jump the track and train for a new career? Not so fast, said McGeachy. “If you switch industries, you not only have to overcome the learning curve, but you have to then convince people to give you flexible work options. If you love what you’re doing, and you can try to figure out how to do it in a scaled-back way, that’s ideal,” she said. What if a pre-kids career is no longer a good fit? Career switches are highly common—modern workers hold more than 10 jobs during their prime working years, according to the BLS. But whether moms take a new career path or a BAYSTATEPARENT 19 18

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Ramping back on the career track? Follow these 4 essential steps:

1. Plan Your Move Before you dust off your old resume, consider whether your old career is still a good fit. If you need to invest in education or training for a job change, begin researching options at least a year or two before you’d like to step into a job search.

2. Refresh Your Skills Even if you’re not planning to change careers, consider a course in networking, interviewing, or social media. Community colleges offer non-credit courses on career-related topics.

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3. Build Your Network Six months to a year before a job search, create an up-to-date LinkedIn profile and start attending networking events in your field.

4. Be Engaged and Informed An informational interview with a professional in your field is one of the best ways to get a foot in the door. Ask for recommendations and advice (just don’t ask for a job—an informational interview faux pas). Remember to send a thank you note.


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The Frisch Marionettes present The Jungle Book: The Story of Mowgli’s Fire at the Puppet Showplace Theater in Brookline, July 30 through August 2.

On Friday, August 1, enjoy free admission to The Discovery Museums in Acton courtesy of the Highland Street Foundation’s Free Fun Fridays.

Photo courtesy of Fruitlands Museum

Photo courtesy The Discovery Museums

Photo courtesy Puppet Shocase Theater

As part of the Highland Street Foundation’s Free Fun Fridays, the Boston Harbor Islands National Park is open with free admission on Friday, August 8.

The Fruitlands Museum in Harvard is holding its Summer Concert Series featuring the folk tunes of Black Marmot on Thursday, August 7. BAYSTATEPARENT 21

OUT&ABOUT MELTDOWN WARNING: Before you pack up the mini-van, please confirm your destination. Although we’ve done our best to assure accuracy at press time, things can and do change…

$17 for ages 60 and up, free for children under 2. 508-866-8190. edaville.com. Family Nautical Nights. Battleship Cove, 5 Water St., Fall River. Family camping aboard a World War II battleship. $60 per person. Reservations at 508-678-1100. seeplymouth.com. Festival by the Sea. Masconomo Park, Manchester by the Sea. Saturday, August 2, 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. Music, artisans, crafters. Free.

Regina Stillings

Forefather’s Family Fun Day. Forefathers Monument, Allerton St., Plymouth. Saturday, August 2, noon to 4 p.m. Music, arts and crafts, education, food, games, activities, Civil War reenactments, stories and history. plymouthma400.org.

Fingerboard Rendezvous takes place in North Andover on Saturday, August 9 from noon to 6 p.m.

1 Friday Free Admission. The Discovery Museums, 177 Main St., Acton. 978-264-4200. Courtesy of the Highland Street Foundation’s Free Fun Fridays program. discoverymuseums.org. Pocahontas. North Shore Music Theatre, 62 Dunham Rd., Beverly. August 1, 10 a.m. and 1 p.m. 978-232-7200. nsmt.org. Free Admission. Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum, 25 Evans Way, Boston. Courtesy of the Highland Street Foundation’s Free Fun Fridays program. 617-566-1401. gardnermuseum.org. New England Herb Show: Herbs of Magic and Mystery. Tower Hill Botanic Garden, 11 French Dr., Boylston. Friday, August 1, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.; Saturday, August 2, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Admission is $12 adults, $9 seniors, $7 ages 6 to 18, free for children under 6. 508-869-6111. towerhillbg.org.

Free Admission. American Textile History Museum, 491 Dutton St., Lowell. Courtesy of the Highland Street Foundation’s Free Fun Fridays program. 978-441-0400. athm.org. Krazy Days Festival. Downtown business district, Center and Main streets, Middleborough. August 1 and 2. Vendors, arts, crafts, food, live entertainment, children’s activities. Free. middleboroughonthemove.org. 100th Annual Portuguese Feast of the Blessed Sacrament. Medeira Field, New Bedford. Food, music, entertainment, midway, carnival rides, parade. portuguesefeast.com. The Sound of Music. Zelterion Performing Arts Center, 684 Purchase St., New Bedford. Tickets $40 to $55. 508-994-2900. artsboston.org. Salem Heritage Days. Downtown Salem. Friday through Sunday, August 1 to 10. Food, kids’ activities, street fair, car show. salem.org.

The Jungle Book: The Story of Mowgli’s Fire. Puppet Showplace Theater, 32 Station St., Brookline. July 30 through August 2. Presented by Frisch Marionettes. Tickets $12. 617-731-6400. puppetshowplace.org

Scituate Heritage Days Festival. Scituate Harbor. August 1 through 3. Live music, entertainment, artisan crafts, kids’ activities and historical site visits. 781-545-4000. scituatechamber.org.

Free Admission. Concord Museum, 200 Lexington Rd., Concord. Courtesy of the Highland Street Foundation’s Free Fun Fridays program. 978-369-9763. concordmuseum.org.

2 Saturday

22 AUGUST2014 23

Western Weekend. Edaville USA, 5 Pine St., Carver. August 2 and 3. $20 for ages 2 to 59,

26th Annual Salem Maritime Festival. Derby Wharf, 193 Derby St., Salem. August 2 and 3. Music, free harbor cruises, craft demonstrations, dance storytelling, kids’ activities, kite flying, food. Free. salem.org.

3 Sunday Blue Man Group. Charles Playhouse, 74 Warrenton St., Boston. Shows run Wednesdays through Sundays. Appropriate for children ages 8 and over. 800-BLUE-MAN. blueman.com/boston/about-show. Charles Square Farmers Market. Charles Hotel Courtyard, 1 Bennett St., Harvard Square, Cambridge. Sundays, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. through November 23. massfarmersmarkets.org. Carver Farmers Market. Shurtleff Park, across from Town Hall, Route 58, 108 Main St., Carver. Sundays, noon to 4 p.m. through October 26. carverfarmersmarket.org.

4 Monday Billerica Farmers Market. Council on Aging, 25 Concord Rd., Billerica. Mondays, 3 to 7 p.m. through October 6. billericafarmersmarket.org Sunset Kayak Stand-Up Paddleboard Tour on Billington Sea. Billington Sea Kayak, 41 Branch Point Rd., Plymouth. 6:30 to 8 p.m. Boards equipped with custom lighting systems that make water glow as the group travels by the light of the moon and the stars. $40 per person. Register at 508-269-2031. billingtonseakayak.com.

5 Tuesday Story Thyme in the Garden. Tower Hill Botanic Garden, 11 French Dr., Boylston. Tuesdays through August 19, 11:30 a.m. to noon. All ages. Admission: $12 for adults, $9 for seniors, $7 for ages 6 to 18. 508-869-6111. towerhillbg.org.

Museum of Science Presents “Super Cold Science.” Fitchburg Public Library, 610 Main St., Fitchburg. 2 to 3 p.m. 978-829-1789. fitchburgpubliclibrary.org. Sunset Kayak Stand-Up Paddleboard Tour on Billington Sea. Billington Sea Kayak, 41 Branch Point Rd., Plymouth. 7:30 to 9 p.m. Boards equipped with custom lighting systems that make the water glow as the group travels by the light of the moon and the stars. $40 per person. Register at 508-269-2031. billingtonseakayak.com.

6 Wednesday Concerts in the Courtyard. Boston Public Library, Central Library in Copley Square, Boston. 6 p.m. One-hour concert features Darlingside, a Massachusetts-based indie folk quartet. Free. 617-536-5400. bpl.org. Free Wednesday Concert. DCR Hatch Shell on Boston Esplanade, 47 David G. Mugar Way, Boston. 7 to 9 p.m. The Landmarks Orchestra presents collaboration with Boston Lyric Opera. Free. 617-987-2000. artsboston.org. Little Red Riding Hood. Puppet Showplace Theater, 32 Station St., Brookline. August 6 through 9. Presented by WonderSpark Puppets. Appropriate for ages 3 and up. Tickets $12. 617-731-6400. puppetshowplace.org

7 Thursday Dig In! Family Drop In Program. Tower Hill Botanic Garden, 11 French Dr., Boylston. Thursdays through August 21, 9:30 to 11 a.m. All ages. Admission $12 for adults, $9 for seniors, $7 for ages 6 to 18, free for children under 6. 508-869-6111. towerhillbg.org. Free First Thursdays. Fitchburg Art Museum, 25 Merriam Parkway, Fitchburg. Free admission on the first Thursday of the month. 978-345-4207. fitchburgartmuseum.org. Summer Concert Series. Fruitlands Museum, 102 Prospect Hill Rd., Harvard. 7:15 p.m. Featuring the folk tunes of Black Marmot. $15 per car. 978-456-3924. fruitlands.org.

8 Friday Free Friday Night Fun. The Discovery Museums, 177 Main St., Acton. 4:30 to 8:30 p.m. Explore the museums at no charge every Friday night throughout the summer. 978-264-4200. discoverymuseums.org. The Addams Family. Shore Country Day School, 545 Cabon St., Beverly. August 8 through 10. Presented by Boston Children’s Theatre. $20 per ticket. 617-933-8600. bostonchildrenstheatre.org.


Boston Comic Con. Seaport World Trade Center, 200 Seaport Blvd., Boston. August 8 through 10. bostoncomiccon.com. Free Admission. Boston Harbor Islands National Park, Boston. Courtesy of the Highland Street Foundation’s Free Fun Fridays program. bostonharborislands.org. Free Admission. Fuller Craft Museum, 455 Oak St., Brockton. Courtesy of the Highland Street Foundation’s Free Fun Fridays program. 508-588-6000. fullercraft.org. Free Admission. USS Constitution Museum, Charlestown Navy Yard, Building 22, Charlestown. Courtesy of the Highland Street Foundation’s Free Fun Fridays program. 617-426-1812. ussconstitutionmuseum.org. The 132 Bolton Fair. Fairgrounds at Lancaster, 3187 Bridge Rd., Lancaster. Friday through Sunday, August 8 to 10. Entertainment, competitions, midway, demolition derby, petting zoo, food, shopping, crafters, farmers market. Tickets $10 for adults, $8 for seniors, $5 for ages 7 to 12, free for children 6 and under. boltonfair.org. nd

Midsummer Dreams Food & Wine Festival. Lucy Larcom Park, Lowell. August 8 and 9. Entertainment, food, wine, craft beers. Free admission. tlfwf.org. Lobster & Strawberry Festival & Craft Fair. Christ Church Parish, 149 Court St., Plymouth. August 8 & 9. Lobster rolls, strawberry shortcake and hand-crafted items. 508-746-4959. christchurch-plymouth.org. Free Admission. Wenham Museum, 132 Main St., Wenham. Courtesy of the Highland Street Foundation’s Free Fun Fridays program. 978-468-2377. wenhammuseum.org.

9 Saturday Free Evening for Families with Children on the Autism Spectrum. The Discovery Museums, 177 Main St., Acton. 5:30 to 8:30 p.m. For families with children on the autism spectrum. Pre-registration required at bit.ly/Esp4MeAug2014. 978-264-4200. discoverymuseums.org. Picnic with the Berenstain Bears. Edaville USA, 5 Pine St., Carver. August 9 and 10. $20 for ages 2 to 59, $17 for ages 60 and up, free for children under 2. 508-866-8190. edaville.com. Gloucester Blues Festival. Stage Fort Park, Cressey’s Beach, 41 Hough Ave., Gloucester. Saturday, August 9, 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. Music, food, drinks. Tickets $40. gloucesterbluesfestival.com. Fingerboard Rendezvous. 1620 Osgood St., North Andover. Noon to 6 p.m. Public fingerboard event. flatfacefingerboards.com. 47 Annual Pembroke Arts Festival. Pembroke Town Green, Recreation Center, Center St., Pembroke. August 9 and 10. Entertainment, raffles, Saturday lobster supper. pembrokefestival.org. th

Harborfest for MDA. Water St. on the waterfront, Plymouth. 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. Entertainment, crafters, artisans, children’s activities. 508-747-7727. projectarts.com. 7th Annual Barbara J. Walker Butterfly Festival. Broad Meadow Brook Wildlife Sanctuary, 414 Massasoit Rd., Worcester. 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Rain date August 10. Nature workshops, performances, live caterpillars, butterfly art, face painting, children’s activities, tours, butterfly plant sales, food. Admission $4, free for children under 2. Registration is required. 508-753-6087. massaudubon.org.

10 Sunday Charles Square Farmers Market. Charles Hotel Courtyard, 1 Bennett Street in Harvard

King Richard’s Faire in Carver opens on August 30 and runs through October 19. The event includes rides, games, entertainers, food and artisans.

Square, Cambridge. Sundays, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. through November 23. massfarmersmarkets.org. Carver Farmers Market. Shurtleff Park, across from Town Hall, Route 58, 108 Main Street, Carver. Sundays, noon to 4 p.m., through October 26. carverfarmersmarket.org. Salem Heritage Days. Downtown Salem. Friday through Sunday, August 1 to 10. Food, kids’ activities, street fair, car show. salem.org.

11 Monday Body Worlds Vital. Quincy Market, Second Floor, Faneuil Hall Marketplace, Boston. Runs through September 14. Sundays 12 to 6 p.m., Mondays through Thursdays 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., Fridays and Saturdays 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. bodyworldsboston.com.

Photo courtesy King Richard’s Faire

Concerts in the Courtyard. Boston Public Library, Central Library in Copley Square, Boston. 12:30 p.m. One-hour concert features Boston Lyric Opera. Free. 617-536-5400. bpl.org.

Central Square Farmers Market. Parking lot, Bishop Allen Drive at Norfolk Street, Cambridge. Mondays, noon to 6 p.m. through November 24. massfarmersmarkets.org.

12 Tuesday Grease. North Shore Music Theatre, 62 Dunham Rd., Beverly. August 12 through 24. 978-232-7200. nsmt.org. Story Thyme in the Garden. Tower Hill Botanic Garden, 11 French Dr., Boylston. Tuesdays through August 19, 11:30 a.m. to noon. All ages. Admission $12 for adults, $9 for seniors, $7 for ages 6 to 18, free for children under 6. 508-869-6111. towerhillbg.org. Garden Sprouts Summer: Salad Celebration. Tower Hill Botanic Garden, 11 French Dr., Boylston. 10 to 11 a.m. Class

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OUT&ABOUT for preschoolers through kindergarten will introduce the world of plants. Children must be accompanied by an adult. $15 adult/child pair. 508-869-6111. towerhillbg.org. Smokey Bear’s 70th Birthday Celebration. Millbury Public Library, 128 Elm St., Millbury. 10 a.m. Walk to the Millbury Public Library with Smokey Bear, beginning at Curves in Millbury, for stories and songs. Free.

13 Wednesday Free Concert on the Esplanade. DCR Hatch Shell on the Esplanade, 47 David G Mugar Way, Boston. 7 to 9 p.m. Featuring From the New World: The Legacy of the Spirituals. 617-987-2000. landmarksorchestra.org.

www.WheelockFamilyTheatre.org 24 AUGUST2014 25

Free Admission. Museum of Russian Icons, 203 Union St., Clinton. Courtesy of the Highland Street Foundation’s Free Fun Fridays program. 978-598-5000. museumofrussianicons.org. Free Admission. Fitchburg Art Museum, 25 Merriam Parkway, Fitchburg. Courtesy of the Highland Street Foundation’s Free Fun Fridays program. 978-345-4207. fitchburgartmuseum.org. Free Admission. Garden in the Woods, 180 Hemenway Rd., Framingham. Courtesy of the Highland Street Foundation’s Free Fun Fridays program. 508-877-7630. newfs.org/visit/Garden-in-the-Woods.

Concerts in the Courtyard. Boston Public Library, Central Library in Copley Square, Boston. 6 p.m. One-hour concert features Caitlin Canty. Free. 617-536-5400. bpl.org.

The Marshfield Fair. 140 Main St., Marshfield. Friday through Sunday, August 15 to 24, daily noon to 10 p.m. Arts and crafts, agricultural and horticultural events, midway. Admission $10, free for children 6 and under. marshfieldfair.org.

Dr. Doohickey’s Monster Machine. Puppet Showplace Theater, 32 Station St., Brookline. August 13 through 16. Appropriate for ages 3 and up. Tickets $12. 617-731-6400. puppetshowplace.org

Free Admission. Plimoth Plantation, 137 Warren Ave. Plymouth. Courtesy of the Highland Street Foundation’s Free Fun Fridays program. 508-746-1622. plimoth.org.

14 Thursday Jesus Christ Superstar. TD Garden, 100 Legends Way, Boston. August 14. 617-624-1050. tdgarden.com. Dig In! Family Drop In Program. Tower Hill Botanic Garden, 11 French Dr., Boylston. Thursdays through August 21, 9:30 to 11 a.m. All ages. Admission is $12 for adults, $9 for seniors, $7 for ages 6 to 18, free for children under 6. 508-869-6111. towerhillbg.org.

15 Friday Family Game Night in the Studio. Artbeat The Creativity Store, 212A Massachusetts Ave., Arlington. 5 to 7 p.m. Game room with five games for all ages. Appropriate for ages 4 and up. Free. 781-646-2200. artbeatonline.com. Boston Green Fest. City Hall Plaza, One City Hall Square, Boston. August 15 to 17. Educational exhibits, entertainment, organic produce, crafts, vendors. Free. bostongreenfest.org.

A professional theatre located on the campus of Wheelock College in Boston’s Fenway Cultural District

Highland Street Foundation’s Free Fun Fridays program. 617-478-3100. icaboston.org.

Free Admission. Reagle Museum Theatre, 617 Lexington St., Waltham. Courtesy of the Highland Street Foundation’s Free Fun Fridays program. 781-891-5600. reaglemusictheatre.com.

16 Saturday Hello Kitty Weekend. Edaville USA, 5 Pine St., Carver. August 16 and 17. $20 ages 2 to 59, $17 ages 60 and up, free for children under 2. 508-866-8190. edaville.com. Silver Kingdom Renaissance Faire. 120 Northside Rd., Charlton. August 16 and 17, 10:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Artisans, face painting, storytellers, live performances. Admission $15 for adults, $10 for children 5 to 12, free for children 4 and younger. silverkingdomfestival.com. Annual Gloucester Waterfront Festival. Stage Fort Park, Gloucester. August 16 and 17. Artists, craftsmen, live music, food, pancake breakfast, car show. Free. capeannvacations.com. Country MusicFest. Wachusett Mountain Ski Area, 499 Mountain Rd., Princeton. Music, food, drinks. wachusett.com.

Concerts in the Courtyard. Boston Public Library, Central Library in Copley Square, Boston. 12:30 p.m. One-hour concert features The Jason Palmer Quartet, mixing modernimprovisational music with traditional jazz. Free. 617-536-5400. bpl.org.

Templeton Arts & Crafts Festival. Town Common, 1 South Rd., Templeton. August 16 and 17. Arts and crafts, vendors. Free. templetonartsandcraftsfestival.com.

Free Admission. The Institute of Contemporary Art, 100 Northern Ave., Boston. Courtesy of the

Newburyport Farmers’ Market. Sundays, 9 a.m. to 1p.m. Tannery

17 Sunday

OUT&ABOUT Marketplace. 50 Water Street, Newburyport. thenewburyportfarmersmarket.org. Attleboro Farms Year Round Farmers Market. Sundays, noon to 4 p.m. Attleboro Farms, 491 Hickory Road, Rt. 120, North Attleboro. attleborofarms.com. Corey Street Farmers Market. 120 Corey Street, West Roxbury. Sundays, 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. through October 26. bostonfarmersmarkets.org.

Canal District Farmers Market. 138 Green St., Worcester. Thursdays, 4 to 7 p.m. canaldistrictfarmersmarket.com.

22 Friday Cinderella. North Shore Music Theatre, 62 Dunham Rd., Beverly. August 22, 10 a.m. and 1 p.m. 978-232-7200. nsmt.org.

18 Monday

Concerts in the Courtyard. Boston Public Library, Central Library in Copley Square, Boston. 12:30 p.m. One-hour concert features Bill Lowe, bass trombonist and tubaist. Free. 617-536-5400. bpl.org.

Sunset Kayak Stand-Up Paddleboard Tour on Billington Sea. Billington Sea Kayak, 41 Branch Point Rd., Plymouth. 6:30 to 8 p.m. $40 per person. Register at 508-269-2031. billingtonseakayak.com.

Free Admission. Boston Children’s Museum, 308 Congress St., Boston. Courtesy of the Highland Street Foundation’s Free Fun Fridays program. 617-426-6500. bostonchildrensmuseum.org.

19 Tuesday Story Thyme in the Garden. Tower Hill Botanic Garden, 11 French Dr., Boylston. 11:30 a.m. to noon. All ages. Admission is $12 for adults, $9 for seniors, $7 for ages 6 to 18, free for children under 6. 508-869-6111. towerhillbg.org. Science Tellers. Fitchburg Public Library, 610 Main St., Fitchburg. 2 to 3 p.m. Find out how decaying matter helps plants grow. Pre-register at 978-829-1789. fitchburgpubliclibrary.org.

20 Wednesday Concerts in the Courtyard. Boston Public Library, Central Library in Copley Square, Boston. 6 p.m. One-hour concert features Fernando Holz Band. Free. 617-536-5400. bpl.org. Free Concert on the Esplanade. DCR Hatch Shell on the Esplanade, 47 David G Mugar Way, Boston. 7 to 9 p.m. Featuring Rhapsody in Green. 617-987-2000. landmarksorchestra.org. Explore the New Wilson Meadow. Broad Meadow Brook Wildlife Sanctuary, 414 Massasoit Rd., Worcester. 1 to 4 p.m. Suitable for ages 8 and up. Adults $12, children $8. Registration required. 508-753-6087. massaudubon.org.

21 Thursday Dig In! Family Drop In Program. Tower Hill Botanic Garden, 11 French Dr., Boylston. 9:30 to 11 a.m. All ages. Admission is $12 for adults, $9 for seniors, $7 for ages 6 to 18, free for children under 6. 508-869-6111. towerhillbg.org. Brookline Farmers Market, Inc. Coolidge Corner, Centre Street West Parking Lot off Beacon Street, Brookline. Thursdays, 1:30 p.m. to dusk, through October 30. brooklinefarmersmarket.com.

Free Admission. Museum of African American History, 46 Joy St., Boston. Courtesy of the Highland Street Foundation’s Free Fun Fridays program. 617-725-0022. afroammuseum.org. Free Admission. The Old Manse, 269 Monument St., Concord. Courtesy of the Highland Street Foundation’s Free Fun Fridays program. 978-369-3909. thetrustees.org. Free Admission. New Bedford Whaling Museum, 18 Johnny Cake Hill, New Bedford. Courtesy of the Highland Street Foundation’s Free Fun Fridays program. 508-997-0046. whalingmuseum.org.

23 Saturday Curious George Weekend. Edaville USA, 5 Pine St., Carver. August 23 and 24. $20 ages 2 through 59, $17 ages 60 and up, free for children under 2. 508-866-8190. edaville.com. Downtown Plymouth Waterfront Festival. Plymouth. 10:30 a.m. to 7 p.m. Artisan and crafter booths, food vendors, entertainment, car show, kids’ activities. Free. plymouthwaterfrontfestival. com. 32nd Antique and Classic Boat Festival. Brewer Hawthorne Cove Marina, 10 White St., Salem. August 23, 11 a.m. to 5 p.m.; August 24, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Vintage motor yachts, sailboats, crafts, artists, music, children’s activities. Admission $5, free for children under 12. salem.org. Blues ‘N’ Brews Festival. Nashoba Ski Area, Westford. Noon to 7 p.m. Music, food, homebrew competition, raffles, games, rides. Tickets $35, youth 12 and under get one free admission per paid adult. bluesandbrewsrotary.org.

24 Sunday 2nd Annual Ride for Your Life. Monty Tech Regional Vocational Technical High School,

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Holden Farmers Market. Damon House Parking lot. Tuesdays, 3 to 6:30 p.m. through October 28. farmfresh.org.

Billerica Farmers Market. Council on Aging, 25 Concord Rd., Billerica. Mondays, 3 to 7 p.m. through October 6. billericafarmersmarket.org

We’re looking out for you.

Central Square Farmers Market. Parking lot, Bishop Allen Drive at Norfolk Street, Cambridge. Mondays, noon to 6 p.m. through November 24. massfarmersmarkets.org.

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26 Tuesday

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Worcester Carribean American Carnival. Foley Stadium, 305 Chandler St., Worcester. Parade ends at Institute Park for live music concert. worcestercarib.com.

Beverly Farmers Market. Veterans Memoral Park, Rantoul St. and Railroad Aves, Beverly. Mondays, 3 to 7 p.m. beverlyfarmersmarket.org.

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Boylston Street, Boston. Tuesdays and Fridays 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. through November 25. massfarmersmarkets.org.

25 Monday

Feel the FREEdom. Enjoy these extras:

1050 Westminster St., Fitchburg. 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Three hour ride through North Central Massachusetts. $20 for riders, $15 for passengers includes lunch, maps, entertainment, on-route refreshments. Walkers/runners $10, children 12 and under $6. Registration required. ggsuicideprevention.org.

Boston Copley Square Farmers Market. Along St. James Ave., Dartmouth Street and

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NEW Shows this year Demolition Derby and Monster Truck Shows Evening Concert Series under the stars...bring a blanket! Bruce Marshall Blues Group Danny Klein’s Full House Band

Harvard University Famers Market. Science Center Plaza, Cambridge. Tuesdays, noon to 6 p.m., through October 28. massfarmersmarkets.org.

27 Wednesday Concerts in the Courtyard. Boston Public Library, Central Library in Copley Square, Boston. 6 p.m. One-hour concert features The Ron Murphy Band, performing blues, jazz and gospel. Free. 617-536-5400. bpl.org. Free Concert on the Esplanade. DCR Hatch Shell on the Esplanade, 47 David G Mugar Way, Boston. 7 to 9 p.m. Featuring O’er the Land of the Free: Bicentennial of The Star-Spangled Banner. 617-987-2000. landmarksorchestra.org. Sunset Kayak Stand-Up Paddleboard Tour on Billington Sea. Billington Sea Kayak, 41 Branch Point Rd., Plymouth. 6:30 to 8 p.m. Boards equipped with custom lighting systems that make the water glow as the group travels by the light of the moon and the stars.

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OUT&ABOUT $40 per person. Register at 508-269-2031. billingtonseakayak.com.

28 Thursday Medfield Farmers Market. First Parish Unitarian Universalist Church, 26 North Street, Medfield. Thursdays, 2 to 6:30 p.m. through September 25. firstparishmedfield.org. Sally Frank’s Farmers’ Market. Bowden Park, West Emerson Street, Melrose. Thursdays, 1 to 7 p.m. through October 30. melrosefarmersmarket.wordpress.com.

Salem Farmer’s Market. Derby Square on Front Street, Salem. Thursdays, 3 to 7 p.m. June 12 through October 23. salemfarmersmarket.org.

29 Friday Concerts in the Courtyard. Boston Public Library, Central Library in Copley Square, Boston. 6 p.m. One-hour concert features American Century Music, a program for string quartet. Free. 617-536-5400. bpl.org. Annual Gloucester Schooner Festival. Gloucester Harbor, Gloucester. August 29 to 31. Mayor’s Race, boat parade and fireworks. rockportusa.com.

Free Admission. Buttonwood Park Zoo, 425 Hawthorn St., New Bedford. Courtesy of the Highland Street Foundation’s Free Fun Fridays program. 508-991-6178. bpzoo.org. Free Admission. Griffin Photography Museum, 67 Shore Rd., Winchester. Offered as part of the Highland Street Foundation’s Free Fun Fridays program. 781-729-1158. griffinmuseum.org. Free Fun Fridays. EcoTarium, 222 Harrington Way, Worcester. 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Free admission offered as part of the Highland Street Foundation’s Free Fun Fridays program. 508929-2700. ecotarium.org.

Ladies Night Out

Thursday, August 14, 2014 5 p.m.-9 p.m. Discount, sales, and special incentives for ladies only at participating businesses throughout Leominster & City Hall Starting at 5:00, the first 150 ladies to arrive at City Hall will receive (1) free gift bag filled with coupons and products from local businesses and organizations. PLEASE NOTE: Gift Bag line-up will begin at 4:30. One bag per person, must be 18 yrs of older.

Fashion Show at City Hall 8:00 p.m.

The fashion show will feature models wearing fashion from Leominster retailers with hair and make-up courtesy of Leominster salons and music by DJ Ray Richard Contact Sandie Cataldo at 978-534-7500 or visit www.leominsterevents.com for information 28 AUGUST2014

30 Saturday Squirrel Stole My Underpants. Puppet Showplace Theater, 32 Station St., Brookline. August 30 through September 1. Appropriate for ages 3 and up. Tickets $12. 617-731-6400. puppetshowplace.org Day Out with Thomas. Edaville USA, 5 Pine St., Carver. August 30 to September 1. 20-minute ride on 15-ton replica of Thomas. $20 per person, free for children under 2. 508-8668190. edaville.com. King Richard’s Faire. 235 Main St., Carver. August 30 through October 19, 10:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. Rides, games, entertainers, food, artisans. Tickets $29 for adults, $16 for children. kingrichardsfaire.net. 118th Fall Old Home Day Weekend Celebration. Town Common, Charlton. August 30 through September 1. Entertainment, Saturday fireworks, craft fair, art show, flower show, car show, contests, food, soap box derby, road race, parade. Free. townofcharlton.net. Fireworks. Annual Gloucester Schooner Festival, Gloucester Harbor. 9:15 p.m. 978-281-0470. gloucesterschoonerfestival.net Riverfront Music Festival. Waterfront, Newburyport. Saturday, August 30, noon to 6 p.m. Food, drinks, music. newburyportchamber.org. Helping Wildlife: Monarch Butterflies. Wachusett Meadow Wildlife Sanctuary, 113 Goodnow Rd., Princeton. 1 to 3 p.m. Tag monarchs, learn about fall butterflies. Suitable for all ages. Adults $8, children $4. Registration required. 978-464-2712. massaudubon.org. Family Fun Days. Old Sturbridge Village, 1 Old Sturbridge Village Rd., Sturbridge. 9:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Games, crafts, puppet show. Kids 17 and under free in August when accompanied by an adult paying full admission. Admission $24 for adults, $22 for seniors. 800-733-1830. osv.org.

31 Sunday Acton-Boxborough Farmers Market. 1 Pearl Street, West Acton. Sundays, 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. through October 26. abfarmersmarket.org. Corey Street Farmers Market. 120 Corey Street, West Roxbury. Sundays, 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. through October 26. bostonfarmersmarkets.org. Wilmington Farmers Market. Swain Green across from Town Common, 140 Middlesex Ave, Wilmington. Sundays, 10:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. through October 12. wilmingtonfarmersmarket.com. Visit baystateparent.com to post your family event. Email listings to editor@baystateparent.com.



Butterfly Gardens Show Kids Metamorphic Magic




ho isn’t amazed at the captivating beauty of a butterfly, or the unique metamorphosis that transforms a caterpillar into a graceful and gorgeous winged insect? While you don’t have to travel much farther than your backyard to spy New England butterflies, there are opportunities for your child to learn about and see a variety of both local and tropical species up close at one of four indoor gardens in Massachusetts. “The way a butterfly moves through the air is magical for people of all ages. The fairy-like beauty of their wings, with all the colors and patterns, and their seemingly fragile nature captivate a child’s imagination,” said Maria Mingalone, Director of Interpretation at the Berkshire Museum. The museum’s current Butterflies exhibit combines first-hand experience of a butterfly pavilion with culturally related arts and objects from around the world. Butterfly gardens enable children to learn about and see up-close butterflies living in a re-creation of their native environment. Butterfly gardens give visitors an up-front view of the four stages of the butterfly’s short life. Adult butterflies lay their eggs on a plant specific to their species, so that when the larvae (or caterpillars) hatch from the eggs, 30 AUGUST2014 31

they can begin to eat the right food for them immediately. Butterfly eggs are extremely tiny, but the hungry caterpillar will instantly start eating the leaves or stalks and begin growing on the plant on which they were born. Once they are fully grown, caterpillars form into a pupa (or chrysalis), a hard casing that protects the butterfly while it undergoes metamorphosis. Quite literally, the caterpillar transforms its tissue, limbs and organs while inside its cocoon, and when done, emerges as a winged butterfly or moth. Most butterfly gardens have a chrysalis nursery, or box, where butterfly pupa are pinned on display until the butterfly emerges. If you and your child are lucky, you may see a butterfly emerge from its butterfly hanging from the pupa encasement, pumping blood into its soft new wings, (a 3 to 4 hour process) so that it can fly. Julianna from Littleton, with 3-year-old daughter Sierra, recently visited The Butterfly Place in Westford. “It was amazing for her to see the caterpillars and butterflies up close,” she said. “She loved watching them. I learned a lot about butterflies myself. I was surprised by how much I didn’t know. I hope she remembers this experience as she gets older.” Adult butterfly behavior is also

fascinating to watch. Kids can observe how butterflies eat: butterflies have a long coiled straw, called a “proboscis” that uncoils to suck up sweet liquids and nectar. Butterflies live on an all-liquid diet. Since a butterfly’s life is short — just one month on average, and sometime even just a week or two — you may see butterflies with tattered wings. This means they are approaching their end of life, and tiny scales are falling off their wings. Butterflies with brilliant, in-tact wings are ones that have recently undergone their metamorphosis. You can spy butterflies up high and down low, so keep a sharp eye out and tread lightly — some butterflies may be resting on the ground. If you want a butterfly to land on you, wear white or light clothing, although this is not a guarantee that you or your child will have this special encounter. However, you should know that butterflies should not be handled. Their wings are fragile: the best way to experience butterflies is to look and watch their behavior as a non-intrusive observer, respecting them in their habitat. “It’s all about observation, said Sylvia Leslie of The Butterfly Place. “Just to have one new thing you or your child sees that says, ‘Wow I never knew that, I never saw that or thought about that.’ It’s surprising how many people become aware of

dangers for extinction, for example, because of our choices for our own environment.” Butterfly gardens are lush indoor spaces thriving with tropical plants, an indoor temperature that mimics their habitat, and sometimes glassenclosed exhibits that show and tell the life story of the butterfly. Since butterflies cannot fly if their body temperature dips below 86 degrees, butterfly gardens are hot and humid, so be sure to dress accordingly, even if you visit in the middle of winter. Butterfly exhibits generally entertain but also educate about the endangered future of butterflies. For example, if the host plant that a butterfly depends on for laying eggs begins to become scarce or disappear, that population may be endangered, especially if the butterfly is a migrating breed like the Monarch. Many people consider their host plant, the milkweed, as an undesirable weed, and it is being cut down. This is threatening the species. Learning about butterflies is a multifaceted way of understanding this unique insect in our imagination, our specific habitat, and our world. There are four specific butterfly places you can visit with your child to discover and see these magical creatures.

well in a beautifully landscaped, indoor garden. The Butterfly Place also carries butterfly feeders, books, and butterfly hatching kits, where children can watch caterpillars morph into butterflies in their own home. Summer hours: Daily, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.; www. butterflyplace-ma.com


3. Magic Wings Butterfly Conservatory and Gardens in South Deerfield


1. The Butterfly Garden at the Museum of Science in Boston The Butterfly Garden at the Museum of Science is a wonderful, affordable way to learn and experience butterflies up close in the context of a Museum of Science exhibit. You can add a tour of the Butterfly Place to your museum admission, and learn the four stages of the butterfly life cycle, other interesting facts about butterflies, and most importantly, see up close many butterfly species in a tropical environment tucked into the top floor of the MOS. Hours: Daily, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.; www.mos.org

2. The Butterfly Place in Westford The first butterfly place built in Massachusetts and the fourth in the country, The Butterfly Place in Westford is the result of one family’s passion for butterflies that has captivated thousands of visitors since its opening in 1990. The owner, George Leslie, saw an article in the Smithsonian Magazine about butterfly gardens and decided to start his own. The Butterfly Place has tropical birds and koi fish as

See close to 3,000 free-flying butterflies enclosed in an 8,000 square foot conservatory, including a waterfall and Japanese Koi. There are educational videos on butterflies, as well as a restaurant (Monarchs Restaurant) and outdoor butterfly garden (weather permitting) and gift shop. Magic Wings has “Flight Attendants” on staff to answer all your questions about butterflies. Summer hours: Daily 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.; www. magicwings.com

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4. Butterflies Exhibit and Pavilion at the Berkshire Museum in Berkshire This limited-time exhibit and pavilion combines history, art, and first-hand experience of butterflies in one exhibit, which has been recently extended until October 26, 2014. The pavilion of live butterflies is at the heart of the exhibit and features butterflies diverse in variety and habitat, including both native and exotic breeds. The exhibit features works and artifacts from around the world and includes information about the butterfly lifecycle and protection of species from extinction. Regular admission is $13 adult, $6 child. Children under 3 are free. Admission to the Butterfly Pavilion is an additional $2 per person. Summer hours: Monday through Saturday, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.; Sunday, noon to 5 p.m. www.berkshiremuseum.org

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I Found Myself in Wisconsin BY MARYJO KURTZ

For years, I joked with my husband and kids that one day I was going to escape to a cabin in the woods for a few days, free from phones and computers, lists and schedules, chores and deadlines. There, I would take a long shower, sleep without interruption, finish a thought or two, and — for a few precious days — be free of “Mom! Mom! Mommy! Mommy! Mommy! Mama! Ma! Ma! Ma! Mum! Mum! Mummy!” I never planned for it to happen. It just did. A few weeks ago, I accepted an invitation to explore the Northwoods of Wisconsin, the northwest portion of a state I had never visited. I packed a small personal suitcase and a large workbag. I had my computer, my cell phone, camera, and paperwork. I planned to finish up some writing on the plane, schedule story interviews while I was in the hotel, and manage family details via text and email. When I arrived at the Duluth airport, I spent an hour in the lobby answering messages and returning phone calls before traveling to my accommodations. That’s when all of my best-laid, overscheduled-mom plans changed.

Lodged on the Lake During the hour and a half drive 32 AUGUST2014 33

from Minnesota to the Northwoods, I was distracted by the scenery — to be honest, I was intrigued. At first, it was reminiscent of wooded drives through the White Mountains of New Hampshire. But soon, things changed. Along the way, I saw enormous piles of stacked logs (a hallmark of the area’s logging industry), swarms of mosquitoes the size of New England dragonflies, and dragonflies that reminded me of small birds. And woods — miles and miles of forest in every direction. As I neared the town of Hayward, population 2400, my phone beeped to tell me that cell service was available. Apparently, I had been without it. In Hayward, my host for the trip took me to my cabin, one of many scattered throughout the grounds of Northland Lodge on Lost Lake. This is a destination for families to join their generations together and spend a vacation floating in black inner tubes, fishing on the lake, cooking dinner on the grill, and singing together around the campfire. Indeed, one of the guests explained he had been coming to this remote spot with his family for 65 years. “Many generations,” he laughed. The main lodge smelled of summer camp. Animal heads were mounted

on the wall by an old wooden foosball table. One of the owners had her latest project, a hand-sewn quilt, draped over a pool table by the fireplace. “My daughter picked out the material,” she beamed. The piece was being meticulously crafted, and it added comfort to the Americana scattered about the room. My cabin, it turned out, was a half mile from the main lodge. A dirt road turned to grass as we neared it. Just a few steps from the water, there was a small 2-bedroom log cabin that I would call home for my visit. “It’s 3 o’clock now,” my host noted. “Please take your time getting settled. Enjoy the view. I will pick you up for dinner at six.” As I set my suitcase down, I turned to lock the door. “You didn’t just lock that, did you?” I heard her laugh as she drove away.

Feeling Disconnected I flipped open my laptop while calling my family in Massachusetts to let them know of this time warp experience. The multitasking came to a quick halt though, as I realized that I had no Internet access. What’s more, I had no cell phone service. I looked around for a land line. There was none.

Without planning for it, I had escaped to a cabin in the woods for a few days, free from phones and Wi-Fi. I hushed my initial panic by slowly eyeing the cottage. It was, as I had always dreamed for my escape, quaint and remote — with a striking view of the lake and a small dock. And I was alone. For at least three hours. Forced to disconnect, I left the cabin and walked to the water — to listen to the quiet. Over the next few days, I explored the area without electronic guidance. I hiked trails and bogs, went on an early morning elk hunt (yes, I saw elk!), and enjoyed a pontoon ride over Lake Namakagon. I saw black bears and deer. I visited the shops of downtown Hayward, trying homemade chocolates and tasting local wine. I had an extraordinary cranberry and wild rice (two of the area’s biggest crops) soup made with fresh pickings from the chef’s personal garden. The locals were funny, happy, relaxed and apparently do not use cell phones much in public. I didn’t see any phones. Or iPads. Or iPods. One of the highlights of Hayward is a four-and-a-half-story fiberglass muskie (yep, the fish), the mascot of the National Freshwater Fishing Hall of Fame and Museum. I walked

the many steps to its open mouth, a photo op landing with terrific views of the park below. In addition to its obvious passion for fish, the area embraces its logging roots. A lumberjack show is a tourist favorite for families. Area children learn to log roll (dancing atop floating logs) just as Massachusetts kids learn to play soccer. Homes and buildings are made of logs. And crafters use chain saws to carve lawn art from huge tree stumps. In nearby Cable (population 825), shops and studios for potters, painters and sculptors are hidden

deep in the woods along the main roads. I visited the stunning homes and studios of several critically acclaimed artists, including sculptor Sara Balbin and potter Reg Behrends. Each told similar stories of how the beauty of the area inspires art.

Connecting to My Inner Net Each night, I opened the windows to my cabin and enjoyed a calming lake breeze. After a few days without cell phone and Wi-Fi, I found my senses

keenly tuned to this environment. I looked forward to the crisp, loud calls of the night owls and morning birds. On my last night in the Northwoods, I made note that the skies were still hanging onto daylight at 9:45. Then, those shy stars that hide from city skies put on a light show, glistening above the moving waters of the nearby lake. As I left this area to head home, I realized that I took my long shower, slept without interruption, and finished more than a few thoughts. I may not have planned for it, but this

turned out to be the mommy escape that I longed for. While it is an ideal place for families to connect, I found it perfect for connecting with myself — something I sacrifice often and willingly for my family. I found my peaceful retreat in the Northwoods of Wisconsin, a hidden gem in the American landscape. I had the time I needed to dust off my senses. And those family hugs felt a little more welcome when I got home.

I was told, is the largest fiberglass muskie in the world. I had no doubt.

it’s a person in a pig costume, but still…), and serving up dinner.

Original Famous Dave’s Hayward, WI www.famousdaveshayward.com Dave Anderson is the founder of the Famous Dave’s chain of BBQ restaurants, now numbering 200, and he started it all in Hayward. He and his wife run the flagship restaurant that sits on Round Lake, and you can catch him there autographing books, posing for photographs, watching a waterskiing pig (okay,

Downtown Hayward, WI This clean, family-friendly downtown is made for tourists. For several blocks in each direction, there are gift shops, candy stores, artisans and restaurants. I particularly enjoyed my visit to Hookstone Winery (www. hookstone.com) where I sampled a variety of olive oils and wines — my recommendation is the Best Friend Blackberry wine.

Favorite Stops To be honest, I could have spent the entire trip hiking the local trails or walking along the lakes — but the mosquitoes were plentiful in size and number. The good news is that it gave me the incentive to discover many interesting stops in the Northwoods, including these favorites. Fred Scheer’s Lumberjack Show Hayward, WI www.scheerlumberjackshow.com I have to admit, this was both corny and cool. The family show

features two teams of lumberjacks competing in logging events, as seen on ESPN’s Great Outdoor Games. The jokes were suitable for all ages, and the stunts were entertaining. I especially marveled at the log rolling demonstration. Freshwater Fishing Hall of Fame and Museum Hayward, WI www.freshwater-fishing.org This is a must, if only to say that you stood in the mouth of a four-and-ahalf-story fiberglass muskie. Which,


Sports Dreams Come True for Spec

The Mark Fidrych Foundation Holds Annual Family Fund BY KEITH REGAN


or a generation of New England sports fans, Mark Fidrych’s name is synonymous with baseball dreams coming true. The Northborough native was the local baseball prodigy who took Major League Baseball by storm, turned in a rookie season for the ages and did it all with mound presence and a smile as big as his personality. While earning Rookie of the Year honors pitching for the Detroit Tigers in 1976, Fidrych inspired 34 AUGUST2014 35

more than his share of youngsters to pick up a ball, talk into their gloves and kick up their lead legs. But even as he started the MLB All Star Game and headlined games on national television and later, when injury shortened his career before he could make it back to the big leagues with his hometown Red Sox, Fidrych was already planting the seeds of another part of his legacy. And since his untimely death in 2009 on his Northborough farm, at the age of 54, through the work of his

wife and daughter and a growing number of supporters, that legacy continues to grow.

Helping Children with Special Needs

Since 2011, the Mark Fidrych Foundation has raised well over $125,000, which has been turned into grants for local organizations that provide athletic opportunities for youngsters with special needs, extending work that Fidrych began early in his playing days.

For the fourth straight year, the Fidrych Foundation caps its fundraising efforts with the Make Your Mark Softball Tournament, scheduled for Aug. 23 in Northborough. Ann Fidrych said the organization is hopeful that it will top last year’s figure of $55,000 raised at the event, which will feature a dozen teams, including a team of former NHL players and teams sponsored by area businesses. The money raised, in turn, is funneled to organizations that help

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young people with special needs experience the transformational joy of sports. Last year alone, the foundation awarded nearly $40,000 to Challenger Little League organizations in several Central Massachusetts towns, the Miracle League of Massachusetts and others. Joe Kennedy, president of the Lancaster Challenger Baseball League, said support from the Fidrych Foundation enables that league to serve 30 to 35 players annually with a wide range of

physical and mental challenges, teaming them up with volunteer “buddies” who help them as needed. “The games are modified so that every player hits, runs the bases, scores a run, and plays a position in the field,” said Kennedy. “The emphasis is not so much on developing baseball skills, but on having fun while playing baseball with friends & teammates.” Foundation backing also enables the league to purchase equipment, including a special “beep ball”



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used by blind players. Jim Furlong, who operates the newly formed Northborough Challenger Little League program, said that organization and others in nearby communities would not have been able to get off the ground without the support of the foundation. “That’s an amazing group,” said Furlong. “Whatever you need, they are there for you.” Furlong was motivated to explore starting a Challenger league in Northborough because of his earlier experiences coaching little league. "We would have players

with special needs from time to time and I felt I got so much more out of coaching them,” he said.

was the honorary chairman of the winter Special Olympics and long after he stopped playing, he went out there every year to help with fundraising.” She said he paid it forward on a regular basis. “He always felt the fans were the reasons why he was where he was and he was chronically giving back. A lot of kids never knew who he was — that all happened years before they were born — but they appreciated his efforts and I have a desk full of cards and pictures from them.” Lately, Fidrych has been adding to

Continuing Mark’s Work Similarly, Ann Fidrych said her husband never forgot the impact young special needs children had on him when he was a young star baseball player. He also never forgot the power of play to overcome obstacles and provide joy. “His life was taken too early,” she said. “This was part of his mission, of giving back. In Michigan, he


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Media sponsors:

Significant funding for the Higgins Armory Collection Integration has been provided by The George I. Alden Trust, Fred Harris Daniels Foundation, Inc., The Fletcher Foundation, The George F. and Sybil H. Fuller Foundation, The Stoddard Charitable Trust, and The Manton Foundation. Additional support has been provided by the Hoche-Schofield Foundation, the Rockwell Foundation, and the Massachusetts Cultural Council.

Helmutt design by Veronica Fish

36 AUGUST2014 37

Exhibition sponsors:

that stack of gratitude many notes to the Mark Fidyrch Foundation. One was from a mother of a Challenger player, who spoke about the importance of the weekly athletic outlet not only for her son, but the entire family. “She said she looked forward to the game because she knew she would be around other people who shared similar challenges every day,” she said. “She said at the games she could finally exhale.” Other benefactors of the Foundation include the Miracle League of Massachusetts, which plans to enter a team in this year’s Make Your Mark tournament. With Fidrych funds, the league built accessible fields suitable for use with walkers and wheelchairs. Last year, the league provided “ambassadors” for the game, with children who benefitted from the support directly giving back. The league also used the funding to purchase adaptive skiing equipment to enable special needs youngsters to engage in outdoor activities year-round. From the ski slopes to specially designed baseball fields, the faces of the players tell the story best, she said. “The smiles just speak volumes.” Through it all, the Make Your Mark Tournament continues to grow. This year, the event will again feature children’s activities such as face painting and balloon making, along with hot dogs and hamburgers and ice cream. There will also be items such as feathers and bird feeders that recall Fidrych’s baseball nickname, The Bird — a reference to Sesame Street’s Big Bird. When she was asked how her husband would react to the tournament and the scores of happy faces on the diamond and on the sidelines, Ann Fidrych was silent for a moment. When she answered, it was clear she had no trouble picturing the scene. “He would smile,” she said.

Make Your Mark The 4th Annual Make Your Mark Softball Tournament takes place on Saturday, Aug. 23 starting at 10 a.m. at the Casey and Memorial Fields in Northborough. The event includes a day of softball, food, raffles, children’s events, entertainment and family activities. For more information, visit www. markfidrychfoundation.org.




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at New LEGO Attraction BY MARYJO KURTZ

The new LEGOLAND Discovery Center in Somerville is the first to open in New England, the seventh to open in North America. Designed for children ages three to twelve, the 44,000 square foot facility includes interactive exhibits, a café, rides, models and classes. And it has a Master Builder. “My job is to maintain displays in the facility, design and oversee the classes that operate here, and help to make the center grow,” said Ian Coffey.

C Master builder Ian Coffey shares his expertise with young visitors to LEGOLAND Discovery Center. 38 AUGUST2014 39

offey is, indeed, a master builder. As far back as he can remember, he has been building with LEGOs. “The coolest thing I’ve ever built is a city that I have in my basement. It is a complete city — with skyscrapers, museums, buildings, even a capitol. And there

is a governor’s office in the capitol,” the 26-year-old said. “[The city] is forever growing.” His talent for engineering LEGOs caught the attention of LEGOLAND creators. To find a Master Builder for the new LEGOLAND Discovery Center, managers held a LEGO building competition in January at

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the Boston Public Library. Through several rounds of competition with hundreds of people, Coffey came out on top — landing the job. “When I first took the job, I went to California to train,” he said. “I was surprised at how much there is to building a model. There’s a process, a correct way to do it. You want to

make it functional and esthetically pleasing.” In addition to creating and maintaining models at the new LEGOLAND, Coffey helps to mentor new builders by overseeing classes that operate. He said that while most classes are designed for children, there are programs for all ages.

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Among the attractions to explore: MINILAND — A replica of Boston created from LEGO bricks. 4D Cinema — In addition to a 3-D experience, visitors feel as if they are inside the screen. For example, gusts of wind blow when LEGO bricks come flying through the air. Kingdom Quest ride — A seated ride that includes laser guns to shoot LEGO bricks, skeletons and trolls during a 3-D experience. Merlin’s Apprentice ride — Children are challenged to pedal as fast as they can to help Merlin conjure his magic. The harder they pedal, the higher they get. Play and build areas — “There is an earthquake table where kids can build towers and then see how well they do in an earthquake,” said Coffey. “Parents can go anywhere the kids can go,” he said. “But they are also welcome to stay in the café. We’re working on getting free Wi-Fi.” Among the most impressive structures at the new facility is a large, centrally located clock tower. “It has many cool features, and it’s animated,” said Coffey. He also pointed out the two-story tall giraffe that stands outside the building. It is created using DUPLO LEGO bricks. The center is located at 598 Assembly Row in Somerville. Admission is free for children under 3, $18 for children 3 to 12, and $22.50 for ages 13 and up. Annual passes are available. For more information, visit legolanddiscoverycenter.com/boston.

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40 AUGUST2014 41

Back to

School 42

Back to School Fashion Down on the Farm


Raising Leaders for the Modern World


Classrooms Without Walls: Social Media Levels the Playing Field


Be“Tween” Options for Afterschool Care


My Teacher Hates Me! Solving School Struggles





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Back to School Down on the

42 AUGUST2014 43

ol Fashion he Farm

Our back-to-school field trip takes place at Red Fire Farm in Granby, where these friends share some show-and-tell fashion fun! For the boys, the lesson is all about layering. Stripes and solids and plaids in coordinating colors. Collars, hoods, caps and cuffs. The look is both traditional and fresh — and affordable. Pair a cotton shirt with his favorite tee, and he is sure to earn a top grade in Style. Our girls are wearing designs by decaf plush (decafplush.com), a colorful and modern collection that is retro-inspired. We especially love the felt appliques. The company reports that no two are alike, because cutting & stitching methods change daily. As a special back-to-school bonus, the good folks at decaf plush are giving away a $250 fashion spree to one lucky baystateparent reader! To enter this giveaway, send your name and address to editor@baystateparent. com. Put DECAF PLUSH GIVEAWAY in the subject line. One entry per email address. Entries accepted through August 31, 2014. Winner will be randomly chosen from all eligible entries. Winner will receive a digital gift card with no expiration date. Balance may be used in multiple visits/transactions. No product or sale exceptions.

Photography by jenniferrosephotography.org, Granby Hair and Makeup by Toni & Guy Hairdressing Academy, Worcester Art Direction by Paula Monette Ethier baystateparent


Getting Ready for S What are you most looking forward to this school year? “Meeting my teacher, seeing my friends and making new friends.” — Allyson “Meeting new friends and reading new books!” — Braylon “Arts and crafts!” — Emersyn

Pressley Lashua, age 5, Fitchburg 44 AUGUST2014 45

Alexiana Ramos, age 4, South Hadley

Brandon Cekovsky, age 6, Westfield

Isabel Rodriguez, age 5, Chicopee

for School ... What do you want to learn at school this year? “I want to learn how to read and write better.” — Isabel “How to read books.” — Alexiana “Telling time and how to spell better.” — Allyson “To read books by myself so I can read to Mommy at night.” — Brandon

What is your favorite book? “If You Give a Moose a Muffin.” — Isabel “Madagascar.” — Alexiana “The Berenstain Bears books.” — Brandon “Ivy and Bean, Take Care of the Babysitter” — Allyson “Hop on Pop” — Braylon

“More math skills.” — Braylon

Camden Lashua, age 7, Fitchburg

Emersyn Carpenter, age 5 Westfield

Brayon Jarrett, age 6, Southampton

Allyson Quinn, age 6, Sudbury BAYSTATEPARENT 45 44


Learning to Lead: Raising Leaders for the Modern World BY MALIA JACOBSON

What proud parent hasn’t envisioned their child as a leader? Whether parents picture their precocious tot in the Oval Office or in a team captain’s uniform, their ultimate wish is the same: success. Our culture often equates leading others with achievement and material success, said David Cottrell, bestselling author of Monday Morning Leadership and Monday Morning Leadership for Kids. Leaders are shining stars for others to emulate, respect, admire and trust. But raising a leader is not a straightforward task. Even the definition of “leadership” is disputed by today’s leadership experts, as they pump out books, webinars and workshops on the topic. One thing they do agree on: today’s leaders have complex global challenges to solve. Modern leaders can’t simply direct others. And charm, confidence and charisma — all enviable traits — are not enough for effective leadership. In fact, these traits may not be as important for the leaders of tomorrow as we think.

Checking the leader ego The world “leader” conjures up the image of an all-powerful individual


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dictating from a rarefied ivory tower — or at least, it used to. Traditional leadership was viewed as a solo pursuit: leaders were islands, surrounded by a sea of followers. Today, that definition has shifted, said Rabbi Stuart Light. “In the past, leaders were people with the first word, the last word and at least every other word in between,” Light says. “By contrast, the leader of today is the one who inspires others to reach their greatest heights.” In short, it’s not enough to be charming or attractive. In fact, today’s leaders don’t need to be gifted public speakers who love the camera. Electronic media and social networking platforms give shy and self-effacing leaders a voice, effectively leveling the leadership playing field and opening doors for kids who may not fit the traditional “leader” mold. In The Leader in Me: How Schools and Parents Around the World Are Inspiring Greatness, One Child at a Time, the late best-selling author Stephen R. Covey paints leadership as a combination of individual traits, including self-motivation, confidence, planning and interpersonal skills — think of communication, conflict management and honesty. True leadership exists only at the intersection of independence and

interdependence; leaders need to first motivate themselves and then motivate others. What does all this mean for our future leaders in classrooms and playrooms across America? Parents who want to build leadership skills should first focus on character, said Light. Paradoxically, parents who praise kids for taking the lead in social situations might be missing the boat, because true leadership is not about taking charge. Instead, effective leadership has, literally, humble beginnings: “The leader of today needs to exercise humility and understand that ‘It’s not all about me,’” he said. Ethical behavior, honesty and humility are at the core of effective leadership, agreed Mariam G. MacGregor, author of Teambuilding with Teens: Activities for Leadership, Decision Making, and Group Success and founder of Youthleadership.com.

Little leaders The teen years are filled with leadership opportunities, from serving as a class officer to organizing a church food drive. But younger kids can lead, too, and overlooking younger leaders is a missed opportunity, said MacGregor. “By making kids wait until high school

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to take on leadership opportunities, we aren’t nurturing the pipeline for young leaders,” she noted. Although many schools are doing a good job at character education, “We need to emphasize those qualities from an earlier age,” she said. Experts zero in on kindergarten as a time when kids are ripe for early leadership training. By 5 and 6 years old, students understand actions and consequences, and they’ve internalized some ideas about right and wrong. More importantly, they’ve developed a sense of empathy that allows them to see how their behavior impacts others. A great way to begin leadership education is by emphasizing that children have ownership over their own actions. Longtime educator Evelyn Addis, co-author of Monday Morning Leadership for Kids, drives this point home by creating an oversized “driver’s license” for each of her kindergarten students, complete with the child’s name, photo and signature. When kids make poor choices, their “driver’s license” is temporarily suspended and they lose some classroom freedoms. The message is clear: Each child is in the driver’s seat, with the ability to make impactful choices and embrace responsibility for those decisions.

Social platforms Social networking has been a boon to young leaders, helping kids and teens communicate, connect, organize and motivate. Electronic leadership bridges access barriers such as transportation, which can stymie young people who are trying to organize groups and clubs. Not everyone has a car, but everyone can be a leader by leveraging their strengths online, said MacGregor. But the growth of online leadership platforms introduces a new wrinkle into leadership training: children now need strong online communication skills in addition to other core leadership traits, said Cottrell. Electronic communication is highly nuanced, and without social and visual cues such as vocal tone and body language, it’s easy to misfire. In other words, parents and educators should proceed with caution — and supervision — before turning young leaders loose on the Internet. Whether leadership takes place online, in schools or through community groups, parents should give children time and space to discuss and share their experiences. Leadership opportunities are meaningless without self-reflection, said Light. “Students need to have those critical conversations and opportunity for feedback and selfreflection to tease out the qualities that allowed for optimal results. That’s when real growth happens.”

Raising Leaders of Character From tots to teens, effective leadership begins at home. Parents can encourage leadership growth with simple, at-home tactics.

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1. Focus on each child’s strengths. Every child has leadership potential — how they realize that potential will be unique. One child might gravitate toward service projects, while another prefers team sports. Recognizing each child’s unique strengths gives the child a platform for future leadership development.


2. Pay attention to kids’ companions. Kids will begin to resemble the five or six people they spend the most time with, making their choice of pals an important aspect in character development. Get to know kids’ friends. If a friend is a poor influence, initiate an open conversation about why that friend is appealing to your child.

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3. Seek kids’ input whenever possible. Leadership skill building can begin with the smallest children and the simplest of choices, from deciding which shoes to buy to picking the site for a playdate with friends. Older kids can help plan meals, family game nights and even family vacations.

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4. Create a sense of a bigger purpose.

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Connect kids to the larger world outside their front door through participation in local events, a globally oriented service project or a faith community. Creating a sense of a larger purpose gives kids a sense of their place in the bigger picture, provides valuable perspective and exposes them to leadership role models.

I’ve wanted to become a scientist ever since I was a kid. At MWCC, I discovered how to make that dream a reality. Julio Sanchez, MWCC Graduate

Source: David Cottrell, author of Monday Morning Leadership and Monday Morning Leadership for Kids (November 2012).


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Social media levels the playing field between school districts and around the world


Classrooms Without Walls BY AMANDA COLLINS

It was a June afternoon towards the end of the school year when students in Douglas settled in to the auditorium at the Intermediate Elementary School for the school trip of a lifetime. They were heading where only handful of humans have ever been before: 230 miles above the earth on a floating habitable satellite called the International Space Station. The sixth, seventh and eighth grade students who had been learning about outer space were meeting up with NASA scientists who were orbiting the earth.

50 AUGUST2014 51

But they didn't need rockets or space suits to get there – instead, just the click of a button put the kids face-to-face with three astronauts in the middle of a mission. Through a NASA downlink, students watched as the astronauts floated weightlessly through their satellite, got a tour of the station, and chatted live from their school's auditorium with men and women suspended in space. It's incredible, but not uncommon, as the various social medias that are changing our day-to-day lives are also making their way into the classroom. It used to be that class trips included bus rides and bagged lunches, head counts and permission slips. But today, teachers are armed with a slew technologies that can bring students to ends of the earth – and beyond – without ever leaving the classroom. Social media applications like Facebook, Twitter, Skype and YouTube are changing the way teachers teach and are allowing students new experiences that once seemed like science fiction. “Ten years ago this would have been completely different,” Bev Bachelder, principal of Douglas Intermediate Elementary School said of the school's Space Week unit, which culminated with students having a live question-and-answer session with in-flight astronauts Karen Nyberg, Chris Cassidy, and Luca Parmitano. “Ten years ago we would have been making

dioramas and reading about this from a book. But with this new technology, here we are, this little town in the middle of Massachusetts, chatting with astronauts in space.” The connectedness of today's world has created classrooms without walls. Teachers are using online social tools as a way to directly link students to what they're studying. At the Beaver Country Day School, in Chestnut Hill, students have used Skype, an internet phone service that allows users to communicate via instant messaging and voice chat, to speak with other pupils across U.S. and the globe. They've discussed and debated current events with students in all corners of the world, and even virtually met Syrian refugees living in Lebanon. “We have Skyped with Afghan students about NATO forces in Afghanistan, with Pakistani students about drones and the Taliban, with Egyptian leaders about the situation in their country, with Syrian students about their country, and we also debated with German students about military intervention in Syria,” said Kader Adjout, the school's Global History Department head. “Interactions are very courteous

and well prepared on both sides, but it does get heated when students debate.” Adjout said these interactions have brought authenticity to the classroom and have made teachers at the school focus on real-world learning. “This brings a global perspective and empathy to our students. It really allows them to work on authentic problems,” he said. The tools are replacing some of the more traditional ways of the classroom. Guest speakers no longer have to be able to physically come in to the school. Students can Tweet their favorite author and get an instant response, as opposed to sending out a letter and perhaps never hearing back. Entire classes have created closed Facebook pages where teachers can make a post to promote a discussion. “Technology as a tool has helped us take the lessons out of the classroom,” said Adjout. Social media has also introduced new curriculum in classroom that students are truly engaged in and excited about. As an end-of-theyear project at the Southbridge Middle/High School, kids in a

"Today, teachers are armed with a slew technologies that can bring students to ends of the earth – and beyond – without ever leaving the classroom. Social media applications like Facebook, Twitter, Skype and YouTube are changing the way teachers teach and are allowing students new experiences that once seemed like science fiction."

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communications media class made their own video on YouTube. They edited months of film of students and staff dancing and singing into a threeminute music video to Pharrell's infectious hit song, “Happy.” It hit the web on the last day of school, and by the next day, had gone viral. The teacher behind it, Michael Montigny, said the video created a buzz in the school and and sparked an interest in the school's media program. “Students saw that all it takes is a camera and free software program to make something, and you just never know what will take off,” he said. Since most social media applications are free, using them in the classroom has also “leveled the playing field,” said Bachelder. “It's allowed us opportunities that we wouldn't have otherwise in a district like Douglas,” she said. “A small town school and one in a city with everything at their disposal are on the same level with these tools.” Outside the classroom, schools are using social media to connect with parents and the community. Districts such as Northbridge, Uxbridge, and Dudley-Charlton have created Twitter and Facebook accounts to offer followers the latest school news. They use these tools to post everything from photos of “Students of the Month,” to alerting parents to snow delays or school closings. Just as social media has changed our every day life, its use is changing the way school administrators communicate, the way teachers teach, and the way students learn. “Students have access to the knowledge online, so this has clearly redefined the role of the teacher, not as someone giving away knowledge, but as someone who collaborates with students,” said Adjout.

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Be “Tween” Options for Afterschool Care BY KIMBERLEE ARNOLD


orking parents juggle huge “to do” lists that change once school is back in session. For moms and dads with children at middle school, what to do about the afterschool hours is a challenge. Adding to that is that children at this age are at various stages of independence. According to the Afterschool Alliance, a Washington, D.C.-based organization dedicated to raising awareness of the importance of afterschool programs, some preteens “feel ready for more independence and autonomy, while others still desire the structured and nurturing environment found in elementary school. Most students are too young to work, yet feel that afterschool programs are designed for younger children and are unwilling to participate.” Indeed, while many Massachusetts public, charter, and private schools offer extended day programs for their Kindergarten and elementary students, middle schoolers — students in sixth, seventh and eighth

grade — are often left on their own. So what’s a parent to do? Here are three popular options.

1. Programs At School According to the Massachusetts Afterschool Partnership, advocates focused on increasing afterschool and expanded learning opportunities for Massachusetts’ 1,066,834 schoolage children, 26 percent — more than 274,000 — of students are alone and unsupervised during the hours after school. Some districts have answered the need by offering afterschool options. In Swampscott, for example, a Teen Center opens every day at the middle school after dismissal and offers a safe and comfortable environment where students have an opportunity to do homework, learn life skills, and participate in sports and creative activities. Similarly, the Youth Making a Difference program operates at the Adams Middle School in Holliston from 2 to 6 p.m. This daily program includes hobbies, sports, games, life

skills, and homework help. At the Advanced Math and Science Academy charter school in Marlborough, a Homework Club is available to students in grades 6 to 8 daily from 3:30 to 6 p.m. Not only is this club a place where students receive the quiet time and support they need for their assignments, it also facilitates volunteers from its National Honor Society to offer homework help.

2. Off-site Centers Community centers, churches, Boys & Girls Clubs, as well as YWCAs and YMCAs sponsor a variety of afternoon drop-in programs for tweens and teens. “For sixth, seventh, and eighth graders [after school] is less about needing care,” said Pam Suprenant, Regional Associate Executive Director, Central Community Branch of the YMCA of Central Massachusetts. “Rather, it is about focusing on things they are interested in and providing the opportunities to explore.” At centers like Montachusett

Community Branch in Fitchburg, middle school-aged kids can be a part of a formal class but “also have the freedom to be at the center on their own,” Suprenant said. After getting off the school bus at this Y Branch, for example, students “help each other with homework, start a club, work out at the Wellness Center, or connect with teen and adult counselors. The mix of structured and unstructured time fits between a teen’s sense of wanting freedom but knowing we are here for them, too.” This is a balance important at the Boys & Girls Club, as well. At both locations in Lawrence, middle schoolers find a place where a focus on academic success is interwoven with sports, technology, and community service. Executive Director Markus Fischer described how one sports league works. In our “Academic Basketball program, for fifth graders through high school boys and girls, the number one requirement is that practice on the court includes one hour of study time. The number two requirement is that a weekly report card comes back from their teachers

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available at no cost or very low cost via affordable annual Youth or Teen memberships ($240 at the YMCA of Central Massachusetts) and financial assistance is available.

3. Afterschool A La Carte Despite these on- or off-site options for extending a middle school students’ day for several hours, not all towns have access to such broad programs. Middle schools presenting intramural sports, clubs, or STEMfocused teams, such as robotics or mathematics, often only fill an hour or so after school. Many of these programs only last for a few weeks

instead of the entire school year. As a result, parents use a more “a la carte” approach to create an after school schedule, combining resources with the help of school, family, and friends. Joann Cambrola of Milford, working mother of three, has managed after school time with her husband, the help of her mother, and playing the sibling card. “My youngest, who is now 11-years-old, actually gets home before his high school brothers. He gets a snack and even though there’s an adult on the property — my mother lives in our in-law apartment — he needs his own down time,” she said. As they were growing up, the boys helped each other out before

a parent got home from work. She said that has changed now that her children are older and busier with sports. “I have friends who carpool to practices and who rely on extended family.” Active grandparents, even aunts and uncles, are great resources for older children who need to get to a lesson or a practice, Cambrola suggested. Finally, having a high school or college- age student who can stop by the house for a few hours is a way of providing companionship without the feel of “babysitting.” Consider adding this type of “house check” to the arsenal of afterschool care.

showing positive behavior and effort at school.” Afterschool for tweens at this Boys & Girls Club is also a place for exploring creative ways to use technology, said Fischer. Kids use the computer labs “for digital arts, video and music production, and animation with same academic requirements of participants in the Academic Basketball program.” Director of Program Services Manny Ayala said that beyond academics, “we take a holistic approach to kids.” Other programs “focus on healthy life decisions including physical fitness, proper nutrition, and high risk behaviors like drugs, alcohol and teen pregnancy. Relationships are being built here,” he said. “We see the same kids from elementary school through middle school and high school, and we help them understand that they’re Montessori Provides... part of a larger picture andCountry have a responsibility to give back and • Distinct learning environment participate in their communities in a for ages 2.9 to 7 years meaningful way.” Combining academic support • Year Round Program with Extended with a growing sense of self is Hours: also 7:15 a.m. – 6: 00 p.m. important at the Teen Zone in • Area Reasonable Rates North Attleboro, a Hockomock YMCA site open from 2:30 to •8 p.m. Full Day & Half Day Preschool every day for kids ages 11 to2,17.3, or 5 days According to Dawn DaCosta, Teen • Open 7:15 a.m. to 6 p.m. • Open Year Round • Full Day & Half Day Kindergarten and Community Outreach Director, or 5 days in addition to offering tutoring, 3“we Contact • Open Snow Days • Open School Vacations try to offer something different • Language arts, math 7• Lucy • social Agesstudies, 2.9 thru Reasonable Rates at • Certified Teachers Lukason, Director every day – games, a craft project, and enrichment programs or a meal – which keeps kids active Country Montessori Provides... and encourages them to make new and creative crafts • Art • Full Day & Half Day Preschool 2, 3, or 5 days • Full Day & Half Day Kindergarten 3 or 5 days friendships.” In addition, community for a tour • Outdoor and indoor play arts, social studies, math and • Language enrichment programs • Art and creative crafts service is important. “We have a www.countrymontessori.com in our quiet country setting • Outdoor and indoor play in our quiet country setting project each month like putting up a bulletin board or working at a community garden.” Afterschool programs need to recognize kids are unique at this age,” DeCosta said. Contact Lucy Lukason, Director at 508-865-4223 for a tour The key, she added, is variety. Off-site programs like these are www.countrymontessori.com

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56 AUGUST2014 57

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My Teacher Hates Me! Solving School Struggles BY MALIA JACOBSON

When a child dislikes a teacher — or feels disliked by one — school becomes a daily struggle. Just ask Constance Zimmer. Her stepston Harrison, now a happy fourth grader, got off on the wrong foot with his first-grade teacher. “He felt picked on and singled out,” she recalled. “He began to act out in class and refused to participate in projects and assignments.”

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Fortunately, teacher-student traumas are often highly fixable. Read on for ways to smooth the bumps for a better school year.


Ages 3 to 5: Slow and Steady When a preschooler appears to dislike a teacher, longtime early childhood educator and co-author of Monday Morning Leadership Evelyn Addis warns parents against jumping the gun and hastily switching classes or schools. When a child first begins preschool, he may be responding negatively to the overwhelming experience of school rather than a specific teacher. “Allow a period of adjustment for your child in any new classroom setting,” said Addis. “It takes time for classes to come together as a group.” Most schools welcome parents to observe a child’s classroom in action, particularly when a concern arises. But beware: a short classroom observation doesn’t present a true picture of an entire instructional day, and a parent’s presence can alter a child’s behavior. If complaints about a teacher persist, document your concerns and set up a conference with the teacher. Brainstorm a plan for addressing the problem areas, along with a plan for daily or weekly communication to monitor the situation, advised Addis.

Ages 6 to 12: Detective Duty When a grade-schooler complains about a super-strict teacher, don’t impulsively jump to calling the principal or filing a complaint, said child and adolescent psychologist Kristen Wynns, Ph.D. Instead, go into detective mode: gather information about the conflict with a log. After a few weeks of documenting the problem, request a meeting with the teacher to talk about a solution before you consider alternative options like changing teachers. Sometimes, there’s more to the “mean teacher” situation that meets the eye. Constance Zimmer’s stepson Harrison felt targeted by his teacher, but it turned




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Most teens will run into a teacher conflict at some point, said Wynns. “Any parent knows if you go to school long enough, it’s inevitable you’ll have that ‘really mean’ or demanding teacher.” While those experiences aren’t always fun, they can teach teens valuable lessons about dealing with difficult people, she noted. After ensuring that the class in question isn’t too easy or too advanced for the teen’s academic abilities, Wynns advised parents to avoid automatically “rescuing” teens who find themselves in a tough spot with a teacher. When parents encourage teens to continue in the class instead of granting them the easy way out, (like dropping the course) it conveys a strong message about the parent’s confidence in the teen, said Wynns. Teenagers who see that a parent believes they can handle a tricky situation will often rise to the occasion.

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out that he had undiagnosed attention deficit disorder. “Once the problem was treated, he made progress in leaps and bounds, and realized that it wasn't a matter of the teacher not liking him, but his own perceptions about his lack of progress in school,” Zimmer said.

Reading List Check out these books about teachers and students to help foster positive feelings about your child’s instructor. • My New Teacher and Me! by Al Yankovic and Wes Hargis • First Day Jitters by Julie Danneberg and Judith Dufour Lov • The Best Teacher Ever by Mercer Mayer • Teacher Appreciation Day by Lynn Plourde and Thor Wickstrom • Because of Mr. Terupt by Rob Buyea (chapter book)

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Back to School

Colby and Emily Spencer are all smiles as they share their clever back-to-school photo tradition.

Tristan Cibeira (6) of Templeton and his mom, Shannon, go to the head of the class for this great back-to-school photo idea. This is Tristan on the last day of school holding a photo from his first day of school. Look how much he’s grown!

Something tells us Reid, Hayden and Claire Sumner of Wellesley will get high marks for organization this year.

Cameron Lambert (3.5) of Franklin kisses his sister, Avery (5), good luck for her first day of Kindergarten at the Helen Keller School. BAYSTATEPARENT 61 60

Breaking Into Kids Lit: 4 Area Writers Share Stories BY AMANDA ROBERGE

I am a few minutes late to my meeting with four Bostonarea children’s literature writers and, in that short time, they have become unexpectedly giddy. By the time I enter the room, the women, all promoting their latest works – thoughtful and intriguing books geared toward kids of varying ages – have cut and pasted and clicked and selected. They look simultaneously ridiculous and approachable, each one having donned a cartoon costume – from Viking hats to devil horns to handlebar mustaches – of their own choosing.

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his is a club I want to join, and if you have ever had dreams of making a living as a writer, you would want to join, too. We are having a late-night session on Google Hangouts, and our webcams have brought us together after a string of emails to arrange this thing. “A glass of wine is optional,” I had written to Jen Malone, whose book At Your Service (Simon & Schuster) is getting ready to hit the shelves in time for summer – an exciting event all four women have in common. “No, the wine is mandatory,” she shot back, and I knew we’d get along just fine. But even through my computer screen, I could see directly to the core of the thing. The thing, of course, being that for a writer of any kind, having a book in actual stores and being represented by an actual agent is as close to “having arrived” as you might ever get. Never mind if your book catches on to the masses – a la Harry Potter or The Hunger Games. That’s just too good to imagine. These women are hitting their stride as the real deal, and working in their profession requires a certain amount of faith, determination and talent. I mention to them that they are living the dream of every writer and they humbly agree. But contrary to popular belief, breaking into the children’s literature business

happens in ways that might surprise people. Stephen King, in his book On Writing, in which he writes about the nuances of being a writer, simply stated, “Writers write.” Poignant, straightforward, but absolutely the truth. “There is this idea that it’s all about meeting the right people, about networking, being in the right place at the right time,” said Malone. “But it really boils down to your work. That is what agents are looking for and basing decisions on.” So even though for the four women on my computer screen there are events and meetings and daily lives to maintain, what might surprise would-be writers the most is that they are incredibly disciplined when it comes to making time for their craft. Some set timers, others hold fast to a predetermined schedule, others go with the flow and hope for the best. “If I don’t make it a priority, it doesn’t happen,” said Jennifer Ann Mann, author of Sunny Sweet is So Dead Meat (Bloomsbury, Spring 2014). Here’s something that might surprise you: They meet for playdates. Okay, they call them writing dates, but it’s essentially the grown-up version of a playdate. They convene at coffee shops and have contests to see who can write more words in one sitting. Their number one pearl of

wisdom for aspiring writers, which is something they all preach and practice, is to seek community. “Join a writer's critique group,” said Mann, who added that the Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators can be helpful for locating one in a certain area. “Follow authors on Twitter and on their blogs. Community is information and support, and these are two things that all writers need to be successful.” For Malone, having the critique of the writers’ group she found through SCBWI was crucial in building her confidence while getting some critical input on her work. “They really got me to the next level and allowed me to do so without getting beaten down by all the rejection that precedes most every publishing success story,” she said. The work of writing, said Dana Alison Levy, author of The Misadventures of the Family Fletcher (Random House), can be very isolating and having a community is priceless. “Those moments of connection have absolutely saved me from losing my mind,” she said. Their other core piece of advice has a slight edge of business savvy connected to it, though it reeks of common sense, and that is to know the market. In other words, said Mann, know what sells. “Get onto the Publisher's Marketplace Deals Database and watch what sells.

I would never tell a writer to chase the market, but knowing the market is a must. Knowing it and chasing it are two different things,” she said. And the third piece of advice is to live the writer’s lifestyle, which involves doing a lot of a reading and a lot of hanging out around books. “I suggest spending a lot of time in bookstores and libraries, eavesdropping and paying attention to what kids are choosing off the shelves,” said Malone. Having a family can be a challenge, but these ladies have done their best to not let it derail their dreams. Levy brings her laptop and her fingerless gloves to her kid’s hockey practices and sits in the stands, writing, while he plays. She jokes that the ability to tune out noise and distraction is a mammalian adaptation born of necessity for a mom with a busy life. But at the heart of any writer – if you look past the scheduling and the business savvy and the time management skills – is a true passion for the written word. Everything else, according to my new cyber-writerfriends, can be learned. “I have always known my whole life that I wanted to be a writer,” said Anna Staniszewski, author of The Prank List (Sourcebooks, Summer 2014). “I know this is what I was meant to be doing.”

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64 AUGUST2014 65

Bay State Doing Better at Going Local BY MARYJO KURTZ Massachusetts is improving its commitment to local foods, according to the 2014 Locavore Index, a ranking of each state’s commitment to promoting and providing locally grown foods. The report ranks the Bay State 11th in the country, up from 12th last year and 28th in 2012. “There are many good reasons to eat locally produced foods, the first among them that they’re very good for us,” said cardiologist and professional chef Michael S. Fenster, MD, (www.whatscookingwithdoc. com), author of Eating Well, Living Better and The Fallacy of the Calorie. “There’s a direct relationship between our food, our environment, our genetics and our health. Eating locally grown foods gives us our

most nutritious meals, most flavorful meals. Few choices have as many personal ramifications as that which we decide to stuff into our gob.”

Rating the States The Locavore Index is compiled annually by Strolling of the Heifers, a Vermont-based local food advocacy group. By releasing its report, the group hopes to encourage families, restaurants, schools and other groups to commit to eating fresh. Four sets of data were used to evaluate a state’s commitment to local foods: • number of farmers markets • number of consumer-supported agriculture operations (CSAs) • number of food hubs

• percentage of each state’s school districts with active farm-to-school programs The data was compared on a percapita basis. In Massachusetts, with a population of nearly 6.7 million as estimated by the US Census Bureau in 2013, there are a reported 292 farmers markets, 227 CSAs and 13 food hubs. In addition, 77 percent of the state’s schools participate in a farm-toschool program. These numbers were reported by the United States Department of Agriculture in March 2014. Topping the list of states this year are Vermont, Maine and New Hampshire respectively. At the bottom are Arizona, Nevada and Texas.

4 Benefits of Going Local Fenster believes the report is an important measure of where communities are doing well and where they can improve. He said there are four important reasons that families should make an effort to eat local: 1. Money — “Finding healthful produce at venues like a local farmer’s market can result in prices that are at least comparable, if not substantially less than, those at the megamarket, which have the additional costs of shipping from the nether regions,” he said. “By purchasing items produced locally, your money strengthens the local economy and helps sustain BAYSTATEPARENT 65 64

the people producing the types of food stuffs that you wish to sustain yourself upon,” he said. “That is the smiley face circle of life.” For additional savings, Fenster recommended buying fresh, local seafood instead of paying for flashfrozen fish. He also suggested buying produce that is in season and locally overstocked.

He added that by taking advantage of seasonal changes in locally produced foods, the family menu will naturally offer variety.

Small Changes for Big Improvement

2. Freshness — Fenster noted that almost 60 percent of the modern Western diet is prepackaged, preserved and processed. “Any time we manipulate our comestibles in such a fashion, we add compounds that are not naturally found in them or remove parts that are,” he said. “Those precut vegetables in the supermarket may be convenient, but they started losing nutritional value and flavor as soon as they were sliced and diced.” 3. Variety — “There is ample evidence that the reason we as a species became the smartest kids on the block is that we took advantage of a varied diet. This hardwired drive for diversity in dining is also one reason why restrictive diets that seek to severely limit what we consume almost always, ultimately fail,” Fenster said.

the importance of sustainability and noted that local foods are healthier, better for the environment and economically positive.

4. Sustainability — “With enough people acting locally, the impact becomes regional and if enough people demand control over their foodstuffs then, like a crazy cat video gone viral, it can have a global effect,” he said. Strolling of the Heifers also stressed

To get started with a family commitment to eating more fresh, locally produced foods, consider some of these opportunities: Visit your local farmers market. For a list of markets in your area, visit baystateparent.com. See our list of area farmers markets in Farmers Markets Make It Easy to Eat Fresh, http://www. baystateparent.com/June2014/Farmers-MarketsMake-It-Easy-to-Eat-Fresh/. Take advantage of area CSAs. Most offer affordable family shares of local produce, and some offer plans that include a volunteering commitment. This enables you and your children to experience the first-hand benefits of growing local food, and you get to taste the fruits (and vegetables!) of your labor.


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Explore the many pick-your-own farms in the Bay State. From apples to strawberries to blueberries and more, the variety of crops changes with the season. For a list of pickyour-own farms in Massachusetts, visit baystateparent.com. See our list of pick-your-own farms in Pick Your Own Summer Fun, http://www. baystateparent.com/June-2014/PickYour-Own-Summer-Fun/. Start a family garden. Whether you only have room on your windowsill for a few small pots of herbs or a stretch of backyard for tomato plants and pumpkins, growing fresh food not only teaches basic horticulture to your children but it can creates delicious results. Cook together. Share ideas and recipes with your family and make plans to cook together. Share new ways to incorporate fresh produce into a meal plan. The experience provides lifelong skills for children, introduces a variety of food, and turns meals into memories. All of these options increase commitment to local foods and ultimately increase a commitment to healthy living. By knowing where your food comes from and considering what it contains and does not contain, Fenston noted, you take a proactive step in health and wellness for both you and your family.


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Dishin’ with the Dietitian

The Skinny on Juicing BY CARRIE TAYLOR, RDN, LDN


I’ve been seeing a lot about juicing programs as a healthy way to lose weight. I am wondering your thoughts on a diet plan based on juicing fresh fruits and vegetables. My daughter (14) and I both need to lose some weight and we like this idea, but is it safe? — Andrea, Plymouth

A: Congratulations to you and your daughter on wanting to make a change! Embarking on a new adventure to make your lifestyle work for you, versus against you, can be a very exciting time. The best way to ensure you accomplish your goal of weight loss while staying nourished (and left able to maintain the weight loss you achieve!) can be summarized with two words: lifestyle behaviors. In the nutrition world, we tend to treat the word diet as a “four-letter” word. Dietitians are not necessarily fans of diets, regardless of their premise — juice cleansing, food demonizing or nutrient skipping. Reason being, these eating regimes tend to fail the individual attempting them — not the other way around.

Severely restrictive eating isn’t maintainable (nor recommended) for most individuals. Additionally, the diet in question could potentially leave you missing key nutrients such as protein in the case of juicing. While juicing offers a way for some individuals to incorporate more fruits and vegetables into their meal plan, it does tend to be a higher source of calories and sugars (albeit naturally-occurring sugar) while providing less vitamins, minerals and fiber. For this reason, I recommend eating fruits and vegetables in their whole form over consuming them as juice. In lieu of attempting to lose weight by juicing, learn how to live a healthy lifestyle as a family. This is especially important given your daughter’s age. She would not be recommended to follow a dieting routine. As healthful lifestyle behaviors become the norm in your household, weight loss may in fact prove a secondary side effect. To get started, here are a few steps to follow:

gov/myplate/index.aspx) you can learn what daily Food Group goals are recommended for someone your size, age, gender and activity level. One great thing about ChooseMyPlate.gov is that it meets you where you are now and offers you an alternative meal plan for weight loss or weight gain if necessary. Another great attribute is that it talks in terms of food. I don’t know about you, but I prefer to look at my meals in terms of food rather than numbers — it’s much more satisfying and fun! What sounds tastier? A plate of chicken with sautéed vegetables and brown rice or 32 grams protein with a side of 35 grams carbohydrates? To compare what you eat to what is recommended, sign up for SuperTracker (link: www. supertracker.usda.gov). It will not only remind you of your Daily Food Plan, it will also show you how your current food choices match up with daily Food Group goals.

Step #2: Move It, Move It, Move It! Any weight loss program promising you won’t need to move a muscle to lose weight is setting you down a path of failure. Since your goal is not failure, nor continually yo-yo dieting, focus on maintainable success and healthful behaviors that balance the foods you eat with the energy you expend.

However you like to move, do! Like to dance? Great! Do that. Like to ride bikes? Super! Giddy up. Whatever activity you find enjoyable, do it.

Step #3: Work with an Expert If you find you are in need of support to keep you on track (Who isn’t?), consider hiring a registered dietitian nutritionist specializing in wellness coaching. Many insurance companies will pay for a few visits to a registered dietitian, but you truly want to be able to work with someone on a regular basis throughout your weight loss journey, not just for one or two consults. Carrie Taylor is the lead registered dietitian nutritionist for the Living Well Eating Smart program at Big Y Foods. Have a nutrition question? E-mail livingwell@bigy.com.

Your question might be featured in a future issue of baystateparent and Dishin’ with the Dietitian! Send it to: editor@baystateparent.com.

Step #1: Where are you and where should you be? Are your current food choices helping to meet daily nutrition needs? Find out at ChooseMyPlate. gov. By visiting their Daily Food Plan page (link: http://choosemyplate. BAYSTATEPARENT 67 66

Bites Recipes Add Local Flavor to Dinner

The key to taking advantage of local products is to be flexible and adaptable. These recipes use fresh grouper, but feel free to substitute any fresh fish that is available. The tropical relish is a tasty topping

on fresh tuna. The citrus-miso glaze makes salmon sizzle. If you don’t have fresh beets, zucchini are at peak this month — so slice some of those and put them into the slaw.

Coconut Grilled Grouper with Tropical Relish Ingredients: Fresh Grouper Fillets, Marinade, Tropical relish

Grouper Marinade Ingredients: • ¼ cup dark rum • ¼ cup coconut water • 2 Tbs chopped unsweetened coconut • 1 Tbs fresh grated ginger • 1 Tbs chopped cilantro • Juice of 1 grapefruit • Juice of 2 limes • ¼ tsp vanilla • ¼ teaspoon ground allspice • 1 tsp salt • ½ tsp pepper • 2 Tbs basil Directions: Mix all the ingredients together in a large bowl. Marinate the grouper in the mixture for about 2 to 4 hours, refrigerated. The fish can then be cooked on the grill on alder wood or other wood planks, but you can also simply use a fish basket. Once the fish comes off the grill, top it with the relish, pile on the sides and enjoy!

Tropical Relish Ingredients: • 4 tomatoes, seeded and chopped • Juice of 1 lemon • Juice of 1 lime • 1 avocado, chopped • 2 Tbs parsley, chopped • ½ medium sweet onion, chopped • 1 roasted poblano chili, seeds removed • (if additional heat desired) 1 Serrano pepper (with seeds for extra heat) • 2 prickly pear cactus fruits, chopped (can substitute 1/3 cup chopped watermelon) • 1 mango, chopped • 1 Tbs coconut (unsweetened) • 1 clove garlic, chopped • 1 tsp salt • ½ tsp pepper Directions: Combine all the ingredients in a medium bowl and mix well. The relish can be done ahead and refrigerated overnight. Allowing the relish to rest at least four hours in the refrigerator, preferably overnight, allows a delightful depth of flavor to develop.

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Carrot and Roasted Beet Slaw Ingredients: • ½ head red cabbage • 3 to 4 medium carrots • 3 medium beets • 2 Tbs apple cider vinegar • 2 tsp honey • 1 tsp celery seed • 1 tsp salt • ½ tsp fresh ground pepper • ¼ cup mayonnaise

Creamy Roasted Corn and Swiss Chard

Directions: Preheat the oven to 325 degrees F. In a shallow roasting dish place the washed beets. Cover with a drizzle of olive oil and lightly season with salt and pepper. Roast for about 30 to 35 minutes, until the tip of a knife or tines of a fork easily pierce the flesh. Remove and allow to cool. Peel the beets and finely dice. Using a mandolin, or slicing thinly, cut the carrots and cabbage into thin slices. Combine with all the ingredients.

Ingredients: • Kernels removed from 2 ears fire roasted corn • 1 bunch Swiss Chard (stems separated and par-boiled*) • 1 Tbs butter • 1 Tbs flour • ½ cup milk • 2 Tbs mascarpone cheese (sour cream can be substituted) • 1 tsp salt • ½ tsp pepper Directions: In a large sauce pan, melt the butter. Add the flour and whisk together to form a roux. Add the milk, chard and corn. When the liquid starts to thicken, add the cheese and whisk in, remove from the heat, season and serve.

*Chard stems and the leaves require different length of cooking time. The easiest way to address this is to par-boil the stems and leaves ahead of time. This allows you to quickly sauté all the vegetables together and serve a piping hot side right along with the main course. To parboil, bring a pot of salted water to a boil. Separate the leaves from the stems. Place the stems in the boiling water and allowed to cook for about six minutes. Add the leaves and cook another two minutes. Remove the chard from the water in place in ice bath to arrest the cooking process. Remove from the ice bath, drain off the excess moisture (you may want to squeeze the leaves) and they are ready to use.

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Ingredients: • Citrus-Miso Glaze (recipe follows) • Fresh grouper fillets • 1 tsp. sesame oil • 1 tsp. salt • ½ tsp. fresh ground black pepper • 1 Tbs. finely minced cilantro (for garnish)

Citrus-Miso Glaze Ingredients: • 3 Tbs miso paste (fermented soybean paste; active culture is best) • Juice 1 grapefruit • Juice of 1 lime • 1 tsp. fresh grated ginger • 1 garlic clove; finely minced • ¼ cup mirin* • 1 Tbs honey • 1 tsp. Dijon mustard • ½ tsp. star anise • ¼ cup soy sauce • ¼ cup Worcestershire sauce • ¼ cup rice wine vinegar • 1 tsp. Sriracha sauce (if some heat desired) Directions: Preheat the oven to 450°F. Spread half the sesame oil on the bottom of an ovenproof baking sheet. Sprinkle half the salt-and-pepper on top of the oil and lay the grouper fillet on top of that. Rub the remaining oil on the top of the fillet and sprinkle the remaining salt-and-pepper on the top of the fillet. Set aside. While the oven is preheating, prepare the citrus-miso glaze. Mix all the ingredients in a small sauce pan over high heat and bring to a boil. Reduce by approximately one third, until the glaze has thickened and will coat the back of a spoon, about 5 minutes. Remove from the heat. Prior to placing the fillet in the oven, generously coat the top with the glaze. The total baking time will depend on the thickness of the fillet but will generally be about 10 to 12 minutes. Halfway through the cooking time, re-apply the glaze if needed. Once the fish is done, place the broiler on high for about thirty seconds. Remove, allow to rest for 2 to 3 minutes and serve topped with finely minced cilantro. *If you do not have mirin, you may use any white wine and add an additional teaspoon of honey. Recipes courtesy Michael Fenster, MD, author of Eating Well, Living Better: The Grassroots Gourmet Guide to Good Health and Great Food.

of f n





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72 AUGUST2014 73


million The number of adopted children under 18 in the US. This number represents 2.4% of all American children under 18.

29,636 The number of adopted children in Massachusetts under the age of 18 as of 2010, 2.3 percent of this age group.

51% 147,547 The percentage of all foreign-born adopted children who were born in Asia.

The number of adopted children between the ages of 5 and 18 in the US reporting at least one disability.




25% 219,692 The estimated number of adopted children who were adopted internationally, according to the National Survey of Adoptive Parents.

The number of adopted children between ages 5 and 18 in the US reported to be living in poverty.

*Statistics reported in Adopted Children and Stepchildren: 2010 Population Characteristics by Rose M. Kreider and Daphne A. Lofquist. issued by the US Census in April 2014. The report cites numbers from both the US Census and the American Community Survey. See www.census.gov.

Meet August’s Child: Hanna

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Hanna will celebrate her fourteenth birthday this month. This Caucasian young lady enjoys painting her nails and trying out make up as well as new hairstyles. She has many interests including swimming, singing, bike riding and yoga. However, Hanna’s true passion is animals. She hopes to attend college one day and find a job working with animals. Things are going very well for Hanna. She succeeded in seventh grade with the support of an Individualized Education Plan (IEP). Hanna is thriving in her current foster family that allows her to fully be part of the family and provide her with consistency.

Hanna’s social worker feels she would do best in a twoparent home that would help her continue to build her selfesteem. Hanna is legally free for adoption and would like to remain in contact with her younger sister who will be adopted separately. For more information on Hanna, please call Department of Children and Families (DCF) Adoption Supervisor Rukaiyah Saforo at 508-929-2095. DCF hosts monthly informational meetings about the adoption process in general at The Worcester Adoption Office. For specific details about the next meeting please call 508-9292143.

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wildorchidbaby.com • wildorchidmama.wordpress.com BAYSTATEPARENT 73 72

Circle of Friends Friday, August 1 — Adoptive Families Together (AFT) Support Group. Jamaica Plain MSPCC Office, 3815 Washington St., Jamaica Plain. 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. AFT provides education, advocacy, training and support to families, professionals and communities about the unique circumstances inherent in the adoption experience. Free. No registration. www.mspcc.org.


Wednesday, August 6 — Adoptive Families Together Support Group. 5 Post Office Square, Boston. 12:30 to 1:30 p.m. AFT provides education, advocacy, training and support to families, professionals and communities about the unique circumstances inherent in the adoption experience. Free. No registration. www.mspcc.org. Sunday, August 10 — Ironstone Adoption Party for Children with Special Needs. Ironstone Farm, 450 Lowell St., Andover. 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Ironstone Farm is a horseback riding facility specializing in therapeutic riding for youth with disabilities. Participate in fun activities with children. Children will have the opportunity to ride a horse. Network with social workers, other prospective adoptive parents and experienced families. Learn about different resources in the community available to children with special needs. For homestudied or in-process families. 617-542-3678, ext. 135. mareinc.org. Wednesday, August 13 — Adoption Information Meeting. Wide Horizons For Children Main Office, 38 Edge Hill Rd., Waltham. 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. Register www.whfc.org. Monday, August 18 — Lobster & Steak on the Links: Welcome Lodge #158 Knights of Pythias Golf Tournament. Poquoy Brook Country Club, Lakeville. The Knights of Pythias fraternal organization is hosting its 6th Golf Tournament, helping MARE (Massachusetts Adoption Resource Exchange, Inc.) find adoptive homes for children in foster care. Golf, sponsor, enjoy a lobster & steak dinner, plus raffles, auctions, and a $10,000 Hole-In-One Contest. $150 per player, $550 for foursome, $50 for dinner-only guest.

© 2014 EWC Prices may vary by region

Monday, August 18 — Southern Region Adoption Info Meeting. Canton Police Station, 1492 Washington St., Canton. 6 to 8 p.m. Presented by the Massachusetts Department of Children and Families. RSVP 508-894-3830. mareinc.org.

europeanwax waxcenter.com

WESTBOROUGH 290 Turnpike Road Speedway Plaza 774-512-0095

Tuesday, August 19 — Considering Adoption? Massachusetts Information Meeting. Morse Institute Library, 14 East Central St., Natick. 6:30 to 8 p.m. Presented by Stepping Stones Adoption Program. Information meeting for those considering adoption. RSVP 888-8660113, ext. 712. steppingstonesusa.org. Wednesday, August 20 — Boston Region Adoption Info Meeting. DCF Boston,

74 AUGUST2014 75 6643_Westborough_Baystate-Parent_B.indd 1

7/17/14 11:44 AM

451 Blue Hill Ave., Dorchester. 4 to 5:30 p.m. Learn how you can change the future of a child in need by becoming a foster or adoptive parent with the Massachusetts Department of Children and Families. No registration required. 617-989-9202. mareinc.org. Wednesday, August 20 — Foster Care/ Adoption Informational Meeting. Brockton DCF, 110 Mulberry St., Brockton. 6 to 7 p.m. Learn how you can change the life of a child in need by becoming a foster parent with the Department of Children and Families. This session is primarily for those interested in doing foster care and reside in Brockton, Avon, Easton, Holbrook, East Bridgewater, West Bridgewater, Bridgewater or Stoughton. RSVP 508-894-3745. www.mass.gov. Wednesday, August 20 — Considering Adoption? Massachusetts Information Meeting. Stepping Stones Amesbury Office, Boston North Properties, 110 Haverhill Rd., Suite 100, Amesbury. 6:30 to 8 p.m. Presented by Stepping Stones Adoption Program. Information meeting for those considering adoption. RSVP 888-866-0113, ext. 712. www.steppingstonesusa.org. Thursday, August 21 — Foster Care/ Adoption Informational Meeting. Arlington DCF, 30 Mystic St., Arlington. 6 to 7 p.m. Learn how you can change the life of a child in need by becoming a foster parent with the Department of Children and Families. Registration not required. 617-520-8762. www.mass.gov. Thursday, August 21 — Southern Region Adoption Info Meeting. Morton Hospital, Margaret Stone Conference Room, 88 Washington St., Taunton. 6:30 to 8 p.m. Presented by the Massachusetts Department of Children and Families. RSVP at 508-894-3830. mareinc.org. Thursday, August 21 — Adoptive Families Together Support Group. Worcester MSPCC Office, 335 Chandler St., Worcester. 7 to 9 p.m. AFT provides education, advocacy, training and support to families, professionals and communities about the unique circumstances inherent in the adoption experience. Free. No registration. www.mspcc.org. Sunday, August 31 — Adoptive Families Together Support Group. First Congregational Church, 18 Andover Rd., Billerica. 7 to 9 p.m. AFT provides education, advocacy, training and support to families, professionals and communities about the unique circumstances inherent in the adoption experience. Free. No registration. www.mspcc.org. If your group or organization is holding an adoption information or support group, and you would like to have information posted for readers of baystateparent, please email editor@baystateparent.com.


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Also Offering offering Vacation open Programs gyms

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80 AUGUST2014 81

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INDEX Amazing Grace Preschool..........80 American Women’s College.......19 Applewild School.....................76 B.A.W. Inc..............................72 Backyard Adventures................77 Bag2School............................58 Bancroft School.......................40 Battleship Cove ......................11 Big Joe Productions..................80 Big Y Foods, Inc........................6 Blossom Station......................48 Boston Ballet..........................83 Boston Paintball......................80 BrainCore...............................62 Breezy Picnic Grounds..............35 Bridge of Central MA, Inc (The) 11 Brookline Music School.............57 Cambridge Friends School.........49 CCS Dance Academy................63 Central MA Dance Academy......49 Charlotte Klein Dance Centers....47 Children’s Dentistry of Northborough........................72 Christopher’s Ice Cream............79 City of Leominster....................28 Clarke School for Hearing & Speech.............................53 Claytime.................................59 Clinton Savings Bank.................2 Coldstone Creamery.................79 Cornerstone Academy.................3 Country Montessori..................55 Crocodile River Music...............60 Cultural Care Aupair.................11 Davis Farmland.......................35 Dramakids..............................77 Ecotarium...............................31 Edaville USA...........................37 Elite Academy of Dance............60 European Wax Center...............74

Faucher Dance School..............52 Fitzgerald Institute of Learning..56 FMC Ice Sports........................77 Ford’s Hometown Services........80 Franciscan Children’s Hospital....10 Garden In the Woods...............14 Giguere Gymnastics..................52 Girls Inc..................................53 Global Connect Forum..............81 Great Wolf New England...........17 Growing Room of Berlin (The)...56 Gymnastics Learning Center......41 Harrington Oil.........................69 Heywood Hospital/ LaChance Maternity...............16 Holden Christian Academy.........56 Indian Hill Music School............54 Inn at East Hill Farm................23 Johnny Appleseed Trail Association...........................27 Kathy Corrigan’s Full Day Care Center..........................79 Lanni Orchards........................80 Legoland Discovery Center Boston...13 Lowell Summer Music..............46 Lucy Johnson Fitzgerald Dance..58 Magic Touch Nursery Preschool..80 Marianapolis Preparatory School..... 63 Marini Farm............................66 Mill Street Motors....................71 Millbury Savings Bank..............26 Mount Wachusett Community College................................ 47 Mrs. B’s Preschool...................73 Music Together Corporation.......53 Nashoba Montessori School......51 New England Music Academy....76 Next Generation Children’s Ctr.....5 Nichols College........................39 Pakachoag Community Music....61

Paula Meola Dance..................57 Pawlak and Higgins, LLC...........71 Playtime Piano........................79 Reliant Medical Group..............15 Riverbend School.....................64 Roots Natural Foods Inc............70 Rosalita’s Puppets....................79 Seven Hills Charter School........49 Sholan Farms..........................69 Shrewsbury Children’s Center....52 Skribbles Learning Center..........20 Smuggler’s Notch Resort...........71 Snip-Its..................................57 Stardust Gym................20,79,80 Stella’s Cusom Cakes...............80 Step In Time...........................54 Thayer Performing Arts Center...39 The Bolton Fair........................26 The Children’s Workshop...........20 The Learning Zone...................76 The Original Nanny..................81 The Queen’s Cups....................79 Tower Hill Botanic Garden.........29 Tri State Speedway..................31 UMass Memorial Medical Center.....84 Wachusett Mountain................75 West End Creamery & Family Farm.........................68 Wheelock College Theatre....24,25 Wild Orchid Baby.....................73 Worcester Academy..................59 Worcester Art Museum..........4,36 Worcester JCC...........................7 Worcester Music Academy.........31 Worcester Music Therapy Services...............................62 YMCA Central Branch...............60

September is Arts & Extracurriculars

To part ofinthis Tobe advertise thisexciting excitingissue issue of of baystateparent baystateparent contact Regina at 508-865-7070 x210 or regina@baystateparent.com. Space deadline is August 14. contact Regina today at 508-865-7070 x210 or regina@baystateparent.com BAYSTATEPARENT 81 80

take eight

with Heather Unruh

Emmy award-winning reporter Heather Unruh is co-anchor of the 6 and 11 o’clock newscasts on WCVB’s NewsCenter 5. She is also Mom to two Dover Sherborn High School students, Will (16) and Kyla (14). baystateparent had a chance to Take 8 with Heather Unruh to find out how she balances her career with family life.


How did you get your start in television journalism? I like to say my career began right here at WCVB, where I interned as a college senior, although getting hired by Channel 5 took many years. My first reporting job was in Binghamton, NY. I spent three years in Alabama and six years in Oklahoma City. I’m finally home!

What is the most memorable story of your career? I was in St. Peter’s Square for the Papal Conclave. Witnessing the white smoke and Pope Francis first appearing on the balcony is something I’ll never forget. I have chills just thinking about my week in Rome.


What is the biggest obstacle you face as a working mother? Time… period. There is never enough.

How do you feel your celebrity affects your children? My children are remarkably unfazed by my career, probably because it’s all they have ever known. They do roll their eyes when people ask to take a picture with me, but I can feel their pride, too, when I break a big story.


2 4

What advice do you have for mothers who work unusual hours? Take naps, even if you have only twenty minutes to quiet the mind. Loosen your standards. A little dust in your home can wait if it means more time with the kids.

82 AUGUST2014 83


What does your family enjoy doing together? We spend as much time together as possible on the ski slopes in Vermont. In my experience it’s true, ‘the family that plays together stays together.’ We have fierce family card games and have been known to spend hours at a time searching beaches for sea glass and heart shaped rocks. We hug like there’s no tomorrow and cherish a lot of belly laughing.

What are your family’s favorite Massachusetts destinations? Nantucket Island, Cape Cod beaches and Gloucester.

7 8

Who inspires you? I am most inspired by my Mom, Dee Unruh. She has taught me everything I know about compassion, honesty and resilience. She bravely faced her lung cancer diagnosis six years ago and my father’s sudden, unexpected death in 2011. I am in awe of her ability to accept and carry on.

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Member Hospitals: Clinton Hospital • HealthAlliance Hospital • Marlborough Hospital UMass Memorial Medical Center • Wing Memorial Hospital and Medical Centers 84 AUGUST2014

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