CBM BAY WEEKLY No. 35, September 1 - September 8, 2022 GOING DIGITAL

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VOL. XXX, NO. 35 • SEPTEMBER 1 - SEPTEMBER 8, 2022 • BAYWEEKLY.COM Or visit BayWeekly.com BAY BULLETIN New Maryland Dove Sets Sail, New Song is Ode to State, Pirate Ship for Sale, New Tubman Statue at Museum, Women Lead Pax River Test Wing page 4 LOOK HIRINGWHO'S! Looking for a job? Ready to get to work? page 9 BAYWEEKLY.COM Scan Subscribeand to Our Email Edition! page 2 Bay Weekly Goes All Digital Grab This Final Print Issue! PAGE 2 SERVING THE CHESAPEAKE SINCE 1993


So believe me when I say this was a tough decision and not one made lightly. There are so many supporters out there we want to thank—the dedicated drivers who load bundles into their personal vehi cles every week to get the paper to our hundreds of distribution spots; the mom-and-pop local businesses who have been advertising with us for years; the columnists and freelanc ers who have launched (or extended) their careers with us; and the readers who have made us a part of their lives. Special thanks from the edi torial team to Joe MacLeod, our Art Director-Guru for the past two years. Beyond being the brains behind the scenes combining all the stories and photos and ads into what we all recognize as a newspaper—Joe has brought decades of alt-weekly news paper experience to our team, keeping us fresh and fun. The truth is, we aren’t going any where. We are going everywhere. Our website continues to be your home for the stories and columns you love, plus the classifieds and our event calendar. And we are only going to get better. If you love this paper, continue to support us by signing up for an email subscription at BayWeekly.com. • Kathy Knotts is managing editor of CBM Bay Weekly. Reach her at editor@bayweekly.com. aren’t going anywhere. We are going storiesyourcontinuesOureverywhere.websitetobehomefortheandcolumnsyoulove,plustheclassifiedsandoureventcalendar. us your thoughts on BAY 410 Severn Ave, Suite 311, Annapolis, MD 21403 LIKE US ON BAY



2 • CBM BAY WEEKLY • September 1 - September 8, 2022 Volume XXX, Number 35 September 1 - September 8, 2022 410 Severn Ave, Suite 311, Annapolis, MD 21403 410 626 9888, bayweekly.com Editorial dirEctor Meg Walburn Viviano Managing Editor Kathy Knotts contributing WritErs Steve Adams Diana Beechener Wayne Bierbaum Judy Colbert Molly Weeks Crumbley Dennis Doyle Jamilex Gotay Chelsea Harrison Matthew Liptak Susan Nolan Duffy Perkins Pat Piper Maria Price Jim Reiter Barry Scher Editors EMEritus J. Alex Knoll Bill Lambrecht Sandra Olivetti Martin sEnior account ManagEr Heather Beard heather@bayweekly.com advErtising account ExEcutivEs Theresa Sise info@bayweekly.com Production ManagEr Rebecca Volosin art dirEctor Joe MacLeod CHESAPEAKE BAY MEDIA, LLC 410 Severn Ave, Suite 311, Annapolis, MD chesapeakebaymagazine.com21403 chiEf ExEcutivE officEr John Martino chiEf oPErating officEr John Stefancik ExEcutivE vicE PrEsidEnt Tara Davis gEnEral ManagEr Krista Pfunder CONTENTS BAY BULLETIN New Maryland Dove Sets Sail, New Song is Ode to State, Pirate Ship for Sale, New Tubman Statue at Museum, Women Lead Pax River Test Wing .............. 4 LOOK WHO’S HIRING .............. 9 FEATURE Under Wraps: Maryland State House Dome Gets Makeover ................... 10 BAY PLANNER ...................... 14 MOVIEGOER ......................... 17 CREATURE FEATURE .............. 18 GARDENING FOR HEALTH ...... 19 MOON AND TIDES ................. 19 NEWS OF THE WEIRD ............. 20 PUZZLES .............................. 21 CLASSIFIED .......................... 22 SERVICE DIRECTORY .............. 23 It’s the end of an era. You are hold ing the last print version of CBM Bay Weekly. We are expanding our presence and shifting to a completely digitalInsteadformat.ofdriving to a grocery store or restaurant to find a rack full of Bay Weeklies, it will now come directly to your phone—or laptop or wherever you scroll for news and entertain ment. You will still get the same great content, but now you don’t have to worry about how to recycle it when you’re done. “We are committed to continuing to serve our community by providing timely coverage of the stories that impact all of us who live here,” says John Martino, the CEO of Chesa peake Bay Media, the parent compa ny of CBM Bay Weekly. “Moving to digital will allow us to grow our read ership more rapidly in a cost-effective and responsible way.” Learning to evolve has been a careerlong challenge for me. Yours truly had her first “real” newspaper job in 1999, following pro women golfers at the U.S. Women’s Open at Old Waverly Golf Club in West Point, Mississippi. I know nothing about golf and nextto-nothing about covering a sporting event. I learned on the job and from my colleagues. Even then, working at a small family-owned newspaper, I was coming into this industry as things were about to change. I had to type hand-written letters into a com puter; I had a mini-cassette recorder for interviews, film in my camera and we were still using waxing machines and X-Acto knives for layouts. Now I’m having to learn my way around social media, email services, SEOs and Google analytics. We are certainly not alone in giving up the physical product. Hundreds of newspapers have shuttered around the globe—I only know a few journal ists that still remain at a traditional print company. The pandemic made it evenWhenharder.Chesapeake Bay Media bought the paper in 2020, little did we know what was on the horizon. But Bay Weekly persisted. Even during the worst weeks, we still put out a paper. In nearly 30 years, we’ve never missed a week.

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September 1 - September 8, 2022 • BAY WEEKLY • 3

4 • CBM BAY WEEKLY • September 1 - September 8, 2022 B AY BULLETIN chesapeakebaymagazine.com/baybulletin 619 Severn Ave Eastport/Annapolis 410 280 1960 Paradise is just a float away Experience Sensory Deprivation to heal your mind and body Learn more & book at paradisefloatspa com marylandstrength.com10735 Town Center Blvd., Suite 3 Dunkirk, MD 20754 Why wait until tomorrow? Start your fitness journey! Personal Training Group Training Youth OnlineNutritionProgramsCoachingTraining The Maryland Dove gets a hero’s welcome and a 50-boat escort up the St. Marys River. Image: Cheryl Costello

September 1 - September 8, 2022 • CBM BAY WEEKLY • 5 NEW DOVEMARYLAND

“Not only will this Heritage Tour public program showcase all of the im portant work done at HSMC, but it will bring HSMC to the other heritage areas of Maryland as we share our stories of discovery and achievement with the rest of Maryland’s citizens,” said Friesen.

“We stand here on land once trod by Maryland’s first pilgrims embarking on this noble and glorious adventure,” Historic St. Mary’s Commissioner Ron Anton said before the crowd. The cannon fired, the ribbon was cut and the public was welcomed on for the firstAftertime.years of work at the Chesapeake Bay Maritime Museum, leaders admit it’s a bittersweet goodbye. “In a way, we hated to see it go. But we could not be more elated today to see it here where it rightfully belongs,” said museum chair CraigUnderneathFuller. sails meant to look straight out of 1634, the ship does have some modern comforts. “Forward is our ship’s galley. It’s very nice. We have a built-in galley, we have a refrigerator in there. We have a cooktop, counter space, and a sink. In the 17th century that space would have been the locker,” the Dove’s Jeremy Heveron showed Bay Bulletin

“It’s a more historically accurate rig. It’s a more unique rig to that time pe riod,” Hilgartner said. “And it’s a rig that no one has really had experience sailing before, so it’s pretty exciting.” Now the Dove’s focus shifts to educat ing the public. Historic St. Mary’s City Director of Education Peter Friesen says he’s “ecstatic, relieved, and looking toward the future.”

“We’ll be able to tell stories that we’ve never been able to tell before with a ship that’s a bit more accurate than what we think the Dove of 1634 would have looked like,” he said. “We know based off the historic record that the original Dove had a crew of seven. The Dove from 1978 had to have a crew of nine. So there’s no way the crew in the 1600s who have been able to sail that ship.”The new vessel has two masts, while the old one had three. “One of the most exciting things is it’s accessible. We have an ADA-compliant ship. We can get people on the main deck with our new gangway,” said Friesen. There was a prayer and a presentation of flags for the new ship.

The new Maryland Dove will travel to several ports around the Bay to cel ebrate its completion. With assistance from the Maryland Heritage Authority and a multi-heritage area grant, the first port of call will be City Dock. The ship will visit Annapolis Sept. 9-11. The ship is scheduled to arrive in An napolis late Sept. 8. and will be open as a dockside exhibit from 1- 6 p.m. Friday, Sept. 9, and 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Saturday and Sunday Sept. 10 and 11.

And, of course, a modern-day GPS would not have been present in the quarter deck to navigate.

SETS SAIL ON THE BAY BY CHERYL COSTELLO I t was a sail five years in the making. The new Maryland Dove made a jour ney up the St. Marys River on the way to her permanent home in Historic St. Mary’s City. This Dove is the most historically accurate version yet of the ship that brought the first European colonists to Maryland’s original capital. Bay Bulletin was lucky to be aboard one of the estimated 50 boats that ush ered the vessel into port for a welcoming ceremony Sunday. For the historical shipwrights who have poured years into research and hands-on work, watching the Maryland Dove sail sends chills up the spine, even on a hot August day. “It’s pretty surreal and it hasn’t completely settled in yet,” said lead rigger Sam Hilgartner. The Dove was built as an educational vessel to tell the story of the first col onists and funded with $5 million in state funds. It replaces the well-known Maryland Dove that had been an am bassador of Maryland history since 1978. At more than 44 years old, that vessel would have needed extensive renovation and repairs. Updated re search revealed some historical incon sistencies in the old interpretation. People lined up to watch from the shore as the new Dove made its arrival. “I think it’s going to be a great ren dition for St. Mary’s City to have,” said spectator Bernie Taylor. Capt. Matt Bowen grew up on the St. Marys River. He took Bay Bulletin out on his dad’s fishing charter to witness the milestone event. “Beautiful,” Bowen commented. “How did so many people get here on such a small vessel across theTheAtlantic?”construction of the new ship took place at the Chesapeake Bay Maritime Museum in St. Michaels. Bay Bulletin has been following the process since planning and design first began. Lead shipwright Joe Connor and Hil gartner traveled together to Europe to look at shipbuilding techniques there and get closer to historical accuracy. “Huge exhale,” Connor said of complet ing the Dove project. “It’s like threeand-a-half years of pretty extreme dedication.”Theproject continued right through the pandemic, while the maritime mu seum was closed to the public.

“She’s tiller steered—ship wheels didn’t exist yet. Ship wheels came in the early 18th century. So all the ships in our timeframe would be hand-tillered,” Heveron says. “People don’t realize how fabulous this was as a stepping-ground from the old country,” said visitor Rosemary Hinkle. “I mean we were first. We were first down here.”

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Priced at $49,000, the houseboat fea tures a galley, dining area, banquette, cabin, and of course, cannons off the stern. Cheekily named Surrender the Booty, the boat comes with a “skeleton crew” of bony buccaneers, all wearing Corder’s signature pink flipflops. You can see why this boat listing has attracted attention, even warranting a post from the “Zillow Gone Wild” social media account on Instagram and Twit ter, which features unusual real estate listings. The post has 785,000 likes. TV and radio interviews followed. Corder says text messages and voice mails continue to flood in about the boat, making it a full-time job to answer inquiries. But he’s picky about who he will ultimately sell it to—it has to be the right person, the right location, and the right intended use. He’d love for the new owner to keep the houseboat at


Charles has been singing and song writing for a long time—writing since he was 14, he tells us. He recently won the International Singer-Songwriter Award’s Entertainer of the Year. He has some advice for those trying to make it as“Anymusicians.young artist out there, I think it’s important to express yourself. You want to grow as a writer as well as a performer,” he says. Charles is still growing his own roles, too. He and his wife Miranda have a 3-year-old son and Charles is a national spokesman for the organization Zero— The End of Prostate Cancer. He’s a strong supporter of the Eastern Shore, even writing a new song called “Fish On” for the White Marlin Open. And he’ll be headlining the 75th an nual crab derby in Crisfield on Satur day, Sept. 3. You can watch the whole music video for “It’s a Maryland Thing” on YouTube: www.youtube.com/watch?v=RSmLubla4S4https:// www.marylandclockco.com 1251 W. Central Ave G-3 Davidsonville, MD 21035 410-798-6380 301-262-5300


6 • CBM BAY WEEKLY • September 1 - September 8, 2022

The video shows sunset on the Ocean City Bayside, the Bay Bridge, Assateague Island, Annapolis, and of course the Bay. “I think for us Marylanders, it’s al most like this sacred body of water. The crabs, the fishermen. There’s so much tradition there,” Charles says. He praises one of the state’s finest crab pickers. “I’ve got to give a shoutout to Ms. Joyce Fitchett, she is an eight- or nine-time derby-winning crab picker! She picked like five crabs in three min utes. I was like, ‘Can I hire you, please.’”

Charles says the video was filmed with the intention of looking authentic. The shots inside Oriole Park at Cam den Yards were taken were from a real performance when he sang the National Anthem there earlier this summer. “We wanted to get that real life feel… We’re not setting up for 5 hours. We’re just like, ‘We’re in it, we’re doing it.’ And I think you feel that in the video be cause it’s all very natural.”  Things got very real while shooting a scene where Charles and friends drive a Jeep on the beach at Assateague.


Recording artist Jimmy Charles shows off everything he loves about Maryland in this new music video. Image courtesy Jimmy Charles. Right: Jimmy Charles with wife Miranda and their son. This houseboat was all but abandoned before it became the latest Pirate’s Cove makeover. Photo: Daniel Corder See HOUSEBOAT on next page

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“The videographer was riding out the side of the Jeep and we were going pretty fast and I’m like, ‘Are you sure you’re alright?’ He’s like, ‘Yeah I’m fine and we’re getting the shot.’ Then he falls off and just face-plants, comes up, and is like ‘Go, go go [and continues filming]!”

It’s a noble pursuit in the boating world: rescuing old, beyond-hope fiberglass boats in disrepair and giving them new life. That’s what a retired firefighter is doing in Virginia’s Northern Neck—but with a twist. All of Dan Corder’s rescue boats are transformed into pirate ships and then sold to just the right buyer. In a little part of Lodge Creek off the lower Poto mac River that he calls Pirate’s Cove, Corder takes boats that “you couldn’t give away”, makes them seaworthy, and decorates them in full pirate regalia. One such boat is listed for sale right now, and the listing has gone viral.

Jimmy Charles is a country music art ist right in the thick of the Nashville scene. But he still goes home to his birthplace of Worcester County. And the Towson University graduate makes it no secret how much pride he has for his home Charlesstate.just released a music video for one of his newest songs, “It’s a Mary land Thing, You Wouldn’t Understand”. And anyone who lives in Maryland would find it hard not to enjoy. He spoke with Bay Bulletin about the inspiration for the song and filming the video—which he says he’d do all over again in a heartbeat.



From Baltimore’s pro sports teams to the Eastern Shore’s pro crab pickers, his lyrics capture the essence of the Old Line State. If you’ve never seen an Atlantic sunrise then the sunset over Isle of Wight/ Never crossed the Bay Bridge with the windows down, salt air blowing all around/Neverheard of Assawoman or Susque hanna/ Got a Maryland tattoo with matching pajamas/ Let me shed a little light so you can recognize/WhyusFree State folks have so much pride

“Boats are like people: when you’re young and beautiful everybody wants you but when you get old and tired no body wants you,” he quips. “I keep these things out of the dumpster.” He also reuses materials for all the decorations on his boats. Corder finds almost everything at local thrift and consignment shops, using everything from spires and crows’ nests to decora tive table legs and ornate bedposts. “It’s repurposing in an artistic way.” A widower at age 63, Corder also takes on the projects as a form of therapy since losing his wife. She was supportive of his pirate ship hobby, and the couple enjoyed showing up on one of the vessels at wa terfront restaurants dressed in costume. He’s showing no signs of slowing down in his boat makeovers. After the house boat sells, he has two more old boats he hasn’t started advertising yet. To inquire about buying the houseboat, call Dan Corder at 571-233-1663.

September 1 - September 8, 2022 • CBM BAY WEEKLY • 7 We take the time to get to know you and your eyes High quality eyewear made on-site 137 Mitchells Chance Rd Ste 120, Edgewater, MD 21037•(410) 956-2200•TidewaterEyeCare.com TIDEWATER FAMILY EYE CARE

The statue depicts the famed Under ground Railroad conductor holding a beaded rifle adorned with flowers and a beaded staff, called a vévé. Initially created as a part of Scott’s 2018 exhi bition entitled Harriet Tubman and

2021 Maryland Optometrist of the Year the dock as a floating guesthouse for grandchildren, or for it to be used as an Airbnb to help draw tourism to a small, sleepy town like those in Northumber land County in the Northern Neck. When he found it, the houseboat was on the hard, essentially abandoned at a marina in Lewisetta, Va. He swapped the engine for a more user-friendly out board motor and gradually brought the boat to Whilelife.this boat is getting all the at tention, it’s actually Corder’s 33rd pi rate boat makeover. The first was a neglected skiff his neighbor planned to set adrift in the Potomac about 13 years ago. Corder intervened, turning the 18foot sailboat into a “gaudy” spectacle so laden with pirate decor that it only had about 8 inches of freeboard.

“The timing of its arrival is especially fitting,” says Schillica Howard, the mu seum’s Curator of Collections. “The year 2022 is the 200th anniversary of Harriet Tubman’s birth and September is Inter national Underground Railroad Month.”

Tubman Statue Bigger Than Life

“It was so outlandish people would cheer when I came by,” Corder recalls. A pirate enthusiast with a themed cabin on Smith Mountain Lake, Va., spotted the skiff and offered to buy it on the spot, and the rest is history. Corder typically chooses smaller, affordable boats to make over and sell: speedboats, pontoon boats, even a jetski. Most are priced around or below $10,000 because Corder wants to show people that “you don’t need a lot of money to have fun on the water.” One of his boats even sold to Disney as part of a Make-a-Wish Foundation wish fulfillment. The full-blown pirate ship was planted in the backyard of a child with cancer, surrounded by blue flowers to make the “water”. A self-proclaimed “eco-pirate”, Corder feels it’s good to keep old boats out of land fills and hopes others will follow his lead.

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BY SUSAN NOLAN H istorians and biographers tell us Harriet Tubman was no more than 5-foot-2. Her legendary courage, how ever, was that of a giant. Baltimore artist and MacArthur Fel low Dr. Joyce J. Scott has captured Tub man’s larger-than-life heroism in her 10-foot-tall sculpture titled Araminta with Rifle and Vévé. Constructed from painted milled foam with found objects, blown glass, and mixed media appli qués, this unique work of art will be on display at Annapolis’ Banneker-Doug lass Museum from September 1, 2022 through Sept. 2023.

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Photo: Paul Lagasse/ U.S. Navy.

Upon assuming her command, Somer ville said, “This test wing is charged with an important mission: deliver lethality to our Sailors and Marines. It’s a huge chal lenge but this team is up for it—flight test is the ultimate team sport.”

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Other Truths at Grounds for Sculpture in Hamilton, N.J., the sheer size of Ara minta makes it unusual.

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8 • CBM BAY WEEKLY • September 1 - September 8, 2022


Somerville is no stranger to this team sport. She is a graduate of the Massa chusetts Institute of Technology, the Air Force Institute of Technology, and the United States Naval Pilot Test School and has accumulated over 2,500 flight hours. Over the course of a career span ning more than two decades, she has been a test pilot with the VX-31 Dust Devils of China Lake and VX-23 Salty Dogs of Pax River, led weapons and air craft software development, and held numerous positions of leadership. She is the recipient of the Air Medal, two Mer itorious Service Medals, two Navy and Marine Corps Commendation Medals, two Navy and Marine Corps Achieve ment Medals, and several campaign medals and citations. For her part, Salamon is a longtime civil servant responsible for coordinat ing the efforts of almost 4,000 person nel. She is the first civilian director of Naval Test Wing Atlantic and is the re cipient of the Department of the Navy Meritorious Civil Servant Award. Of her position, she says, “It’s an ex citing challenge ramping up talent and supportive skills sets the Navy will need to test and evaluate evolving sys tems and technology that make up the future of naval aviation.”

“Dr. Scott is a world-renowned artist. Her other sculptures are much smaller, no more than 3 or 4 feet tall,” explains Howard. Howard considers Scott’s work to be a touchstone in the museum’s 38-year history.

While Araminta with Rifle and Vévé is a stand-alone piece, it is also part of an upcoming exhibition, The Radical Voice of Blackness Speaks of Resistance and Joy opening Nov.10. Guest-curated by Myrtis Bedolla of Galerie Myrtis in Baltimore, the exhibition will feature the work of 15 Black Maryland-based artists and pieces from the Banneker-Douglass Museum Fine Art Collection. The exhibition will use art to explore America’s fraught his tory of systemic racism while celebrating the resiliency of African-Americans.

Ma’am, Yes Ma’am: Somerville Becomes First Woman to Lead Naval Test Wing Atlantic


“This test wing is charged with an important mission: deliver lethality to our Sailors and Marines. It’s a huge challenge but this team is up for it—flight test is the ultimate team sport.”

Capt. Elizabeth Somerville shakes hands with Col. Richard Marigliano after taking command of Naval Test Wing Atlantic during a ceremony at Naval Air Station Patuxent River, Aug. 11. Somerville is the developmental test wing’s first woman commander. During the ceremony, Marigliano retired from the U.S. Marine Corps after 27 years of service.

“Having an exhibition connected to big names in the art community, curated by Myrtis Bedolla, showing the art of Dr. Scott, these are things we can do because of our visitors’ support,” adds Howard.

“The Banneker-Douglass Museum interprets the African-American expe rience and culture in Maryland, and of course, our museum is named for two very important and influential African-American men,” says Howard. “Having this sculpture at our museum expands our opportunity to explore the experiences of Black women.”

For more information, bdmuseum.maryland.gov.visit

The Navy says the test wing is in capa ble hands with Salamon and Somerville.

Naval Test Wing Atlantic operates under the umbrella of the Naval Air Warfare Center Aircraft Division (NAWCAD). NAWCAD is the largest Navy warfare center, developing and supporting all aircraft used by the Navy and Marines. The Test Wing is an im portant component of the work done by NAWCAD.Focusedon warfighter requirements, explains the NTWL website, “the wing provides aircrew, aircraft assets, main tenance support, operational and safety oversight, process and facility support for developmental flight and ground test.”

he U.S. Naval Air Station Patuxent River, known in Chesapeake Country as simply Pax River, is home to a devel opmental wing that conducts testing for every aircraft in the Navy and Marine Corps.And now for the first time ever, the Naval Test Wing Atlantic at Pax River has two women at the helm: executive director Deb Salamon and the newly ap pointed commander, Captain Elizabeth Somerville.OnAug.11, Somerville relieved the previous commander, Commodore Col. Richard Marigliano, of duty. She and Salamon now both hold the titles of first woman in their respective roles. Marigliano, who stepped into retire ment during the ceremony after nearly 30 years of service, is a veteran of the United States Marine Corps who described his tour at the Naval Test Wing Atlantic (NTWL) as “the most challenging and re warding over [his] 27 years as a Marine.”

“In 1986, just two years after Banneker-Douglass Museum opened, it held its first ever group art exhibition featuring the work of six artists. Dr. Scott was the only female artist repre sented in that exhibition,” she says.


“This Wing’s leadership and our people make this team world class,” said NAW CAD Commander Rear Adm. John Lem mon, who presided over the ceremony.




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September 1 - September 8, 2022 • CBM BAY WEEKLY • 9



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“This is the second dome for the State House,” says Schneidman. “We have documentation prior to George


“It’s important that the State House be maintained for future generations and that is what this project is all about,” says Ellington Churchill Jr., Secretary of Maryland’s Department of General Services, the agency responsi ble for maintaining state-owned facil ities. “To our knowledge, this may be the first time all elements of exterior maintenance have been addressed. As the oldest operating state house in the nation, the building deserves that.”

Architect and Senior Project Manager Mark M. Schneidman agrees. “Up until now, exterior maintenance on the build ing has been piecemeal,” he says. “While this is not a historic preservation proj ect per se, we are respectful of the his toric fabric and nature of the project.”

Maryland State House Dome Gets Makeover BY SUSAN NOLAN

The present State House is the third to occupy State Circle. The first was con structed in 1695 shortly after the capital was moved from St. Mary’s City. A fire destroyed that building in 1704. Five years later, a second State House was completed, but within 60 years, it was deemed too small and rendered obsolete. It was razed and construction began on the current building in 1772. Hurricanes and the American Revolution delayed construction. When the Continental Congress met in Annapolis in 1783, the building was not yet finished.


10 • CBM BAY WEEKLY • September 1 - September 8, 2022

Ellington Churchill Jr. (left) and Mark Schneidman discuss the architectural mock-up of the State House dome. Photo: Susan Nolan.

dominates the Annapolis skyline and is as much an icon for the state as the blue crab or the black-eyed Susan. In 2000, its likeness was even minted on the quarter.

If you’ve visited Annapolis lately, you have undoubtedly noticed the dome is veiled in scrim and wrapped in scaffolding. It’s the first step in a comprehensive two-phase restoration project that once completed, will touch up the exterior of the State House, the grounds within State Circle and the 1736 Old Treasury Building.

O The State House dome is currently wrapped in scrim as restoration work continues at the capital.

September 1 - September 8, 2022 • CBM BAY WEEKLY • 11


Washington resigning his commission in 1783 that tells us a French digni tary visited Annapolis and commented on the beauty of the State House’s interior, particularly the Old Senate Chamber. He also commented that the dome was inadequate in size and didn’t let in enough light.” Additionally, the old dome leaked. Timber beams rotted and needed to be replaced. The exterior of the current dome was completed in 1788 and included the famed Franklin lightning rod, named for its designer Benjamin Franklin, and the original acorn, an almost 5-foot-tall nut-shaped finial that held the lightning rod in place. That original acorn was re moved in 1996 and stored at Maryland Archaeological Conservation Labora tory at Jefferson-Patterson Park and Museum in Calvert County. It is now on display at the Museum of Historic An napolis, located at 99 Main Street. The interior of the dome was com pleted in 1794. The project was not without conflict and tragedy. The dome’s architect and designer Joseph Clark quit before the project was com pleted, and in 1793, plasterer Thomas Dance fell over 90 feet to his death while working on the interior. Churchill and Schneidman are aware of the dome’s storied history. The De partment of General Services is re sponsible for maintaining 55 buildings belonging to the State of Maryland. Most of these buildings are in Annapolis and Baltimore, and none is more historic than the State House. “We have an his toric exemption,” explains Schneidman. “We don’t have to go with the lowest bidder when hiring. We take experience and expertise into account. I meet with the subcontractors, and I know we have

Photo: Kathy Knotts.

Original State House dome and acorn. Photo: Maryland State Archives. Restoration work is ongoing at the State House.

“At this point, we have removed 75 percent of the paint. We are using steam only, no chemical paint strip pers,” says Schneidman. Wooden ele ments will be repainted with a linseed oil-based paint as latex paint traps moisture and is not as durable. Windows have been removed and are being assessed and restored off-site. Like the balusters and other elements, windows must be thoroughly evalu ated individually. While some need to be repaired or restored, others may need to be replaced entirely, depending on their condition. “We are finding they are in need of different levels of inter vention,” Schneidman says. All the slate will be replaced. Accord ing to Schneidman, some of the slate was installed as recently as 1978, but the details are not historically accu rate giving the dome a rougher ap pearance than it would have had in the 18th Replacingcentury.theslate is not the only change that will enhance the dome’s look. The lightning protection system, currently on the exterior, will be relo cated to the interior of the dome, and a smaller, less intrusive sprinkler sys tem will replace the existing one. With so many building elements being moved, discoveries about past restoration projects are continuously being made. Schneidman recently found evidence of work done on the bal ustrade in 1879—a dated card nailed to the wood and enclosed beneath the metal encasement. “We are partner ing with the Maryland State Archives to have the card conserved and repli cated,” he states. The 1879 work was previouslyAccordingundocumented.toSchneidman, the project is running on time and within budget. Expected completion date for Phase 1? “It will be finished before the end of this calendar year. Definitely in time for the gubernatorial inauguration.” •

12 • CBM BAY WEEKLY • September 1 - September 8, 2022 highly skilled craftsmen on this job.” Schneidman describes the restoration crew as “small and highly specialized.”

Work is done in a carefully orchestrated sequence and in limited space. The scaffolding holding the work crew and their equipment is a custom design costing nearly $1 million by itself—and taking months to design and construct. Because it is a separate structure, not attached to the dome, it mitigates some of the stress placed on the dome during the restoration pro cess. “But there is no way to eliminate that stress completely,” explains Chur chill. “It’s challenging because the his toric timbers do not come with modern weight-bearing calculations.”


Photos: Maryland Department of General Services.

September 1 - September 8, 2022 • CBM BAY WEEKLY • 13 The restored acorn atop the State House in Annapolis. Photo: Dept of General Services.

SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 3 Migration Celebration Stop by the Community Conservation Outreach table at the farmers market to make pollinator seed balls, color on the migration mural and say goodbye as osprey, orioles and monarch butter flies fly away to their winter homes. 8am-noon, North Beach Farmers Mar ket: northbeachmd.org.


SEPTEMBER 2 THRU 4 Estate Sale Shop artwork, jewelry, books and more. 9am-2pm, Bayside History Museum, North Beach: rball@northbeachmd.org.

KIDS Sea Squirts Children (18mos-3yrs) join in story time and a carryout craft on the theme of squir rels. 10:15am & 11:15am, Calvert Marine Museum, Solomons, $9 w/discounts, RSVP: calvertmarinemuseum.com Wheels from the Past Cruise-In All makes and models welcome. 5-8pm, Greene Turtle, Edgewater: wheelsfromthepast.com.

A Sentimental Journey Ease into the evening with music by the Live Arts’ women’s vocal ensemble Cantori along with wine and appetiz ers at a private waterfront home on the Severn River. 6pm, $30, RSVP for address: liveartsmd.org.


The Drowsy Chaperone This loving send-up of the Jazz Age musical, features one show-stopping song and dance number after another. Direct ed by Jason Vellon. ThFSaSu 8:30pm, Annapolis Summer Garden Theatre, $27, RSVP: summergarden.com.


Maryland State Fair Enjoy three weekends of live enter tainment plus livestock and horse shows, see farm and garden exhib its, watch thoroughbred horseracing, indulge in your favorite fair foods and shriek aboard carnival rides. 10am-10pm, 2200 York Rd., Timonium, $10 w/discounts, discount packages and wristbands: marylandstatefair.com


14 • CBM BAY WEEKLY • September 1 - September 8, 2022


KIDS Infant & Toddler Hike Introduce little ones to outdoor play and nature; dress for weather and mud.


Adults-Only Sail Sail along the Patuxent River aboard the historic skipjack Dee of St. Mary’s; BYOB (ages 21+). 4:30-6:30pm, Calvert Marine Museum, Solomons, $45 w/dis counts, RSVP: 410-326-2042 x8083. Leonardtown A&E First Friday Visit participating businesses to see artwork by local artists and vote for your favorite during the Art Walk (5pm); then head to the Square for live music by Higher Standards Jazz trio (5:30-7:30pm); then visit LTown Alley to see the new mural Alice in Leonardtown (7:30pm), with balloon art, crafts and themed activ ities, golfing with pink flamingoes, games with the White Rabbit, photo opps and a movie screening. 5-10pm, Leonardtown Arts & Entertainment District: LeonardtownAE.visitLeonardtownMD.com/ Chris Botti in Concert 8pm, Maryland Hall, Annapolis, $80$115, RSVP: ramsheadonstage.com. One Particular Harbour in Concert Jimmy Buffett Band Tribute. 8pm, Rams Head on Stage, Annapolis, $35, RSVP: ramsheadonstage.com.

Email us: calendar@bayweekly.com

By Kathy Knotts • September 1 - September 8 Sept. 3-4: Southern Maryland Sunflower Festival Sept. 2: Leonardtown A&E First Friday “Sunflower Rabbits” by Robert Kyle.

Submit your ideas, comments and events!

Leonardtown Summer Concert Hear the season finale of the On the Water’s Edge Music Series featuring the Robbie Boothe Band, John Zimmerman and Billy Breslin; plus wine and beer, snacks and treats. 3-7pm, Leonardtown Wharf: LeonardtownAE.VisitLeonardtownMD.com/ Jeff Bradshaw in Concert 8pm, Rams Head on Stage, Annapolis, $29.50, RSVP: ramsheadonstage.com.

Children discover the wonders of the Chesapeake Bay

Use the sidewalks at the wharf as a backdrop for works of art and win prizes in four categories. 10am-5pm, Leonardtown Wharf, RSVP: Ltown MD@gmail.com.

Crofton ToastmastersProfessional Join this club dedicated to help ing improve speaking and leadership skills in a supportive environment. 11am-12:30pm, RSVP for Zoom link: cptm@toastmastersclubs.org.

Browse works by local artists, shop vendors, food trucks, local breweries, petting zoo and six acres of pick-yourown sunflowers; hosted by the Farm Her itage Conservancy. 10am-4pm, Seren ity Farm, Benedict, $15 w/discounts, RSVP: sunflower-festivalfarmheritageconservancy.org/

First Sunday Arts Festival

Stroll the streets at this outdoor art market featuring live music and culinary delights. 11am-5pm, West Street, Annap olis: innerweststreetannapolis.com.

Sidewalk Art contest

September 1 - September 8, 2022 • CBM BAY WEEKLY • 15 9:30-10:30am, South River Farm Park, Edgewater, RSVP: 410-222-1978.

September Sunday Concerts Jeff Herbert, a charter member of the Washington DC Fire Dept. Pipes and Drums Band performs on bagpipes and guitar; bring lawn seating. 4-6pm, Hat ton Regester Green, Severna Park, free: friendsofaatrails.org.

Children discover the wonders of the Chesapeake Bay by reading books wri en by Cindy Frelandby reading books wri en by Cindy Freland Check them out on cbaykidsbooks.comCheck them out on cbaykidsbooks.com

Education Team Allies wants all students to have wonderful start to the school year. If you need support to improve your child’s IEP or 504 this school year, Beth Nolan has over 20 years of experience in education and now is dedicated to supporting families as they navigate their child’s educational journey. Contact her today! info@educationteamallies.com • 410-793-7060 www.educationteamallies.com

The 27-acre Village of Revel Grove comes to life for its 46th season featur ing nine weekends of thrills, feasting, handmade crafts, entertainment, and merriment. Enjoy 200+ professional per formers on ten stages, a 3,000-seat arena with armored jousting on magnificent steeds, and streets filled with village characters, including knights, kings, and queens. Join His Most Royal High ness King Henry VIII in the forests and glades with over 140 artisans exhibiting crafts in their own renaissance shops, five taverns featuring cool libations, 42 food and beverage emporiums provid ing a vast array of succulent and sweet treats to sate even the most hearty of appetites. It’s Romance Weekend: Sin gles (ages 21+) can meet and mingle at Blackfriars Stage and the Dragon Inn (Sa, 1-5pm), pick up a numbered badge from the message board and leave a message for someone who catches your eye. On Su, partners can renew their vows at a special ceremony (3pm, Black friars Theatre). On Labor Day, all seniors (ages 62+) are admitted free. Tickets sold online only. 10am-7pm, 1821 Crownsville Rd., Annapolis, $24 ($30 Sept. 12-Oct. 23) w/discounts: rennfest.com.

Continued on next page Sept. 2: Chris Botti in Concert

Celebrate the placing of the 1912 Old Masonic Hall on the list of the Nation al Register of Historic Places, tour the restored headquarters and historical cen ter, plus view the new museum display from the Murray cannery. 1-4pm, 1367 Odenton Rd., free: odentonheritage.org.

SEPTEMBER 3 & 4 Southern Maryland Sunflower Festival

SEPTEMBER 3 THRU 5 Maryland Renaissance Festival

Artworks Open House Opening reception for Colors of the Harvest exhibit. 1-4pm, Artworks@7th, North Beach: artworksat7th.com.

Architrex Walking Tour Explore 300 years of architecture with a historian on a walking tour. High lights include one of the earliest record ed residential structures form the late 1600s and historic Georgian mansions.

Odenton Heritage Society

B.A.R.K. Ranger Training Does your dog enjoy walking the trails at Patuxent? Bring your dog to ranger training and upon completion your dog can monitor the trails as a certified B.A.R.K. Ranger. 1:30-3pm, Patuxent Research Refuge, Laurel, RSVP: 301-497-5887.


Classic Theatre of Maryland Tour the theater, meet staff and enjoy live entertainment plus catering by Smashing Grapes. 6:30-9:30pm, Classic Theatre of Maryland, Annapolis, free, RSVP: classictheatremaryland.org.

Sept. 7: The Albino Mbie Trio Sept. 8: Classic Theatre of Maryland Sept. 8: September Sunsets Concert John Frase Project

Virtual History Lecture



16 • CBM BAY WEEKLY • September 1 - September 8, 2022 4-6pm, Visitor Center Info Booth at City Dock, Annapolis, $22 w/discounts, RSVP: watermarkjourney.com.

Americas Boating Club Join for friendship, education and boating fun. 5:30 dinner, meeting 6:30pm, The Pier Restaurant, Solo mons: usps_pax_river@yahoo.com.


Hot Club of Baltimore Hear energetic jazz inspired by a vari ety of eras and regions. 4:30-6:30pm, Downs Park, Pasadena, free, Facebook @FriendsofDownsParkInc.

Historian Richard Bell explains how imperial officials worked to split their empire in half, insulating the Brit ish West Indies from the contagion of revolution. 7:30-9pm, $15 w/discounts, RSVP for link: Annapolis.org. Judith Hill in Concert W/ Nelly’s Echo. 8pm, Rams Head on Stage, Annapolis, $39.50, RSVP: ramsheadonstage.com.


KIDS Mr. Paca’s Garden Read John, Paul, George and Ben, sing songs, make crafts and explore the garden (ages 3-5). 10-11:30am, Wil liam Paca House, Annapolis, $10 w/ discounts, RSVP: annapolis.org

Danger Bird in Concert A tribute to Neil Young. 8pm, Rams Head on Stage, Annapolis, $20-$25, RSVP: ramsheadonstage.com.

The Albino Mbie Trio World Artists Experiences, in part nership with the Embassy of Mozam bique, presents this multi-award-win ning musician, guitarist, singer, com poser, and producer known for com bining rhythmic patterns and musical concepts to create a unique Marra benta, Nikatche, Afro-Pop and MozJazz sound. 7pm, Gloria Dei Lutheran Church, Arnold: worldartists.org.

Pops in the Park

PLAN AHEAD Arts Alive Global Sept 9: The Maryland Hall cam pus transforms into a mini-globe with trips around the world thru enter tainment, décor, art, food and Puss er’s Painkillers; music by the Yacht Lobsters and performances by Annap olis Opera, Annapolis Symphony Orchestra, Ballet Theatre of Mary land and Live Arts Maryland. 6-10pm, Maryland Hall, Annapolis, $200, RSVP: marylandhall.org.

Knights of Columbus Bingo Doors open 5:30pm, game starts 7pm, The Knights of Columbus Coun cil 2577, 6111 Columbian Way, Bowie: kofc2577.com.

Hot Sox Field Grand Reopening Sept 10: This historic 1915 ball field and park has been updated with new amentias including a new playing field, new grandstand, new dugouts and more. Ribbon cutting 11am, followed by reception and exhibition game, Hot Sox Field at Wilson Park, Galesville: 410-703-0610.

• BAY PLANNER HAVE YOUR EVENT LISTED IN BAY PLANNER! Send your information at least 10 days in advance to: calendar@bayweekly.com. Include date, location, time, pricing, short description and contact information. OUR ONLINE CALENDAR AT BAYWEEKLY.COM/EVENTS IS ALWAYS OPEN.

Shemekia Copeland in Concert 8pm, Rams Head on Stage, Annapolis, $29.50, RSVP: ramsheadonstage.com.

KIDS Sea Squirts Children (18mos-3yrs) join in story time and a carryout craft on the theme of squir rels. 10:15am & 11:15am, Calvert Marine Museum, Solomons, $9 w/discounts, RSVP: calvertmarinemuseum.com

Allen Pond Park Concert Hear 4 The Road perform. 7-8pm, Allen Pond Park, Bowie, free: cityofbowie.org/concerts.

The Annapolis Symphony Orches tra presents its annual concert; bring lawn seating. 5:30pm, Quiet Waters Park, Annapolis, free, RSVP: annapolissymphony.org.

Happy Labor Day!

September Sunsets Concert John Frase Project performs; beer and wine sold, food trucks on site, bring seating. 6-8pm, Annapolis Mar itime Museum Park Campus, 7300 Edgewood Rd., free (donations sugg’d): amaritime.org.

As for my three wishes, I’ll make them simple: I wish that Idris Elba finally got a movie worth his consid erable talents. I wish you’d check out filmstodifor.com if you’d like to read more reviews from me. And most of all, I wish you excellent moviegoing. Good Fantasy * R * 108 mins. •

While the visuals never disappoint, the script makes the film lag a bit. The framing device—the fairytale of Alithea and the Djinn—doesn’t have the same sense of wonder and whimsy that the rest of the film does. At its heart, the film is interested in the magic inherent in sharing sto ries, and cinematographer John Seale (Mad Max: Fury Road) does his best to infuse each scene with shimmering, enchanted touches. Each story the Djinn tells is set in a new locale with new sights and sounds to explore. It’s a visual feast, but one that doesn’t fully satisfy. The parts set in modern times feel long, with less color and quirk to keep up the interest. The viewer would be excused for wishing to stay within the world of the Djinn’s tales.And Idris Elba does conjure some brilliant tales. Though Swinton is a formidable actor, this movie belongs to Elba. He’s dazzling as a modern-day Scheherazade, weaving his yarns and trying to tempt Alithea into making a wish. Both his anguish and fascina tion with humanity are apparent in his stories filled with hedonism and delights. It’s the perfect lure for a woman who can’t resist a good story. As for Swinton, her Alithea is a crackling source of wit and wisdom. She gamely matches Elba point for point on mythology and storytelling. But her character falters slightly due to the script’s lack of imagination. Alithea can’t compete with the Djinn’s tall tales, and the movie doesn’t want to help her do so. She’s a conduit for the audience, but one that can’t possi bly hold the film on her own.

Though Swinton is a formidable actor, this movie belongs to Elba. He’s dazzling as a Scheherazade.modern-day

Idris Elba stars as The Djinn and Tilda Swinton as Alithea Binnie in director George Miller’s film Three Thousand Years Of Longing, a Metro Goldwyn Mayer Pictures film. Photo: Elise Lockwood.

IN THEATERS I f you could have three wishes, what would they be? Fame, fortune, Idris Elba shirtless—all are tempting, but usually stories like this come with a catch.Narratoligist Dr. Alithea Binnie (Tilda Swinton: Memoria) knows the catches that come with her job inti mately. A quiet academic who prides herself on her solitude, Alithea has always related best to the world through stories. Her inner world is so strong that she had an imagi nary friend for decades, helping her through her solitary youth. So when a Djinn (Idris Elba: Beast) pops out of a bottle bought at a Turk ish bazaar, she’s not surprised, but she is Thoughskeptical.theDjinn offers her three wishes, Alithea doesn’t want any part of it. She’s read enough stories to know a cautionary tale when she sees one. But the Djinn is persistent—he must grant the three wishes or be condemned to live in a bottle. Besides, he assures her he’s a god-fearing Djinn who would never do anything untoward. While mulling his offer, Alithea asks him to tell her about all the times he’s found himself confined to a contain er. Can the Djinn’s stories convince Alithea to make a wish? What wish would you make, if given the chance? A cacophony of sound and stun ning images, Three Thousand Years of Longing works best when its Djinn is weaving his magical tales. Director George Miller (Mad Max: Fury Road) is no stranger to bombastic filmmak ing. And he’s fully able to unleash his imagination here, with some thrilling set pieces and bursts of beautiful color.

What’s your wish?

Still, Three Thousand Years of Long ing is a film that’s definitely worth see ing on the big screen. Miller’s vision is always something to behold, even when his storytelling doesn’t quite stick the landing. Drink in the visuals and enjoy the feast of narrative flare as the Djinn transports you through three fantasy worlds. Like most fairytales, this one’s end ing is bittersweet—and so is the end ing of this review. I’ve been honored to review films for Bay Weekly for the better part of a decade. I’ve taken the job seriously, and cherished every lovely email of encouragement and angry voicemail left on the paper’s machine. But it’s time for this tale to end and for us all to move on. Thank you for reading. I’ll keep watching films and I hope you will, too.


September 1 - September 8, 2022 • CBM BAY WEEKLY • 17

Three Thousand Years of Longing

18 • CBM BAY WEEKLY • September 1 - September 8, 2022

T his week I was walking one of the trails at Jug Bay Wetlands Sanctuary in Lothian when a horsefly began buzz ing me. It was super annoying. The darn bug would hit my ear, fly at my eyes, land on my neck or just circle my head. It wouldn’t go away. Finally, it landed on my left ear and as I was shaking my head to dislodge it, a large dragonfly flew right at me and suddenly turned to my left. I heard the rattle of the drag onfly’s wing and a crunching sound. My excellent new friend, the dragonfly, car ried off that pesky horsefly. But darn if the dragonfly landed too high in a bush for me to get a good photograph.  I decided to go somewhere with lots of dragonflies and try to get some photos. Chesapeake Bay Environmental Center (CBEC) in Grasonville is essentially an island (at high tide) surrounded by marsh grasses and is loaded with marsh flies, mosquitoes, and dragonflies. There are several freshwater ponds there that support developing dragon fly nymphs. I was lucky to be there the same week that several dragonfly spe cies were starting to leave their watery lives as nymphs and emerge as flying mosquito eaters. Of the 129 species of dragonflies listed in the Maryland Bio diversity Project, I got photos of eight different species.  The most colorful one I saw was the autumn meadowhawk. The males are bright red and tend to spend a lot of time perched about waist height, an easy photo-op. Another colorful dragon fly was the very tiny seaside dragonlet. The female is golden in color and the males are almost black. The dragon let is the only Western Hemisphere dragonfly whose nymph lives in salt water. They are a saltmarsh dragonfly that typically emerges in late sum mer. Unfortunately, they tend to perch below knee-high—which is hard on an old photographer’s back. When shooting photos of insects it’s important to understand some biology. Dragonflies are very motion sensitive. Perched dragonflies are difficult to walk up on. To get a photo, I have to move extremely slowly and avoid any sudden movement. This includes movement of a camera strap, a foot, a finger—anything.  If I hold very still, then, to a dragon fly, I become part of the scenery and not a predator. They basically stop being able to see you. Patience is needed because the drag onfly may suddenly chase a bug or be challenged by another dragonfly. If it does fly, I wait while holding still because they frequently will return to the same resting spot.  There are three elements that I pay attention to when taking any animal’s photo. The first is to get a good focus on the closest eye. The second is finding a pleasant non-distracting background. Last is using the proper exposure of the subject. After I shift my position to get a decent background, I adjust my camera settings. I like a blurred background, so I set the aperture to be fairly wide open, f/3.2 to f/5, which gives a very narrow focus depth of field. For insects, I use a macro lens but any lens that allows the bug to fill one-quarter of the frame would be good. I use spot focusing and move the “spot” to cover the closest eye. I then adjust the exposure value according to the background. Using center-weighted light metering, if the background is dark compared to the subject then I increase the shutter speed to prevent overexposure of the dragonfly. Then if the background is bright compared to a dark subject then I decrease the shutter speed to bring out the dark insect.


CREATURE FEATURE STORY AND PHOTOS BY WAYNE BIERBAUM Slaty AutumnSeasideskimmer.dragonlet.meadowhawk.

Photo Tips for Shooting Insects

One of the hardest photos to capture is one where the eyes, back of the thorax, wings, and abdomen are all in focus and still have a narrow depth of field. Putting all the body elements in the same focal plane is very difficult as the dragon fly is frequently adjusting itself—which makes me adjust my position (slowly) and right when I am about to press the shutter the dragonfly moves again. Of the 50 of so photos I got at CBEC, only one, an autumn meadowhawk, had all the elements on the same focal plane. Of course there are certain species of dragonflies, like darners and saddle bags, that rarely perch. The approach to those hovering insects is to use a telephoto lens with a high shutter speed and more narrow aperture and trying to catch one hovering in place. I use the same approach for pho tographing butterflies but since they have a great sense of smell they must be approached from downwind. But terflies also move continuously while feeding on flowers, which makes for a lot of wasted shots. I frequently will post myself near the best-looking flower and wait for one to fly in.  I like getting an eye and tongue in focus along with part of a wing so I fre quently use a smaller aperture of f/7.1 or f/8.  Many butterflies will open their wings fully once or twice right after landing. It happens quickly so to get all parts of the wing in focus the shot has to be fast and from the right height. When there is no wind, the butterflies will leave their wings open longer. A windless day is best for butterfly shots. When taking photos of amphibians and reptiles, I basically use the same approach: move slowly and extend my arm and camera away from my face. That extension blocks them from seeing my eyes which makes them feel less threatened.

To get really close, I will slowly extend my arm away from my face but toward the insect. I still look through the view finder and keep the focus spot on the animal’s eye.

Jug Bay Wetlands Sanctuary has a butterfly garden and a large number of butterflies and dragonflies zipping around. Fort Smallwood Park, Sandy Point Park and CBEC have diverse wetlands that support a wide variety of dragonflies including the seaside dragonlet.Ifyouwant a challenge, head out and see how many species you can capture in a photo. But if the book Dragonflies and Damselflies of the East by Dennis Paulson is any indication of the size of this challenge, it’s could be a lifelong task. The book is 538 pages long.

Jug Bay

Dining on Dolmathes


he Mediterranean diet is one of the best in the world for health benefits. One of my favorite dishes from that region is dolmathes or stuffed grape leaves. Dolmathes are on many restau rant menus, but if you have some free time, homemade dolmathes are far su perior, as many offerings in restaurants come from a can. Grape leaves are an excellent source of beta-carotene and niacin. They also contain resveratrol, which helps pre vent cardiovascular diseases. It reduc es blood platelets’ tendency to stick together and clot. It also increases HDLCollectcholesterol.grapeleaves from any grape vines you have in your garden. And if you grow a variety of herbs you can make this dish completely from scratch. If you don’t have grapes growing in your garden, you can forage for them in wooded areas. Wild grapes grow in our woods. It’s best to pick the grape leaves earlier in the year when they are more tender, but the herbs in my garden are more abundant now. If you have to forage for wild grapevine leaves, a short walk through the woods or wild areas should yield some grape vines in trees. The leaves can be anywhere from 2 to 8 inches wide and maple-like with three lobes with whitish reddish felt underneath.Makesure their tendrils are forked at the end, as there are poisonous looka likes. Canada moonseed has a single flat crescent-shaped seed and the leaf attaches beyond the leaf base; porce lain berry has small blue, purple and turquoise berries. It never has a brown, woody vine and it has single tendrils that are not forked at the end. For the recipe, collect about 50 leaves. Snip the grape leaves leaving a ½-inch stem, put them in a pot with 2 inches of water and boil for about 10 minutes. I picked a salad bowl full of herbs: large handfuls of lemon balm, sweet basil, parsley, fennel leaves, oregano, rosemary and spearmint. Strip all the leaves from their stems and chop in a food processor. Saute one cup of rice in 2 tablespoons of olive oil until lightly brown. Add a chopped clove of garlic, two finely chopped onions, and one pound of ground meat. Add two cups of water and stir until absorbed. Add your chopped herbs, 1/8 teaspoon cinnamon, 1/2 cup currants and 1/4 cup pine nuts. Mix well. Fill your grape leaves with one tablespoon of filling along the bot tom of the leaf. Roll the stem end up and fold the two sides over and finish rolling the leaf. Place the end of the roll down and stack tightly in a pot. Add two cups of water and the juice of a lemon. Place a plate on top to cover the pot. Simmer 45 minutes. Squeeze lemon juice on top and enjoy. Have a gardening question? editor@bayweekly.com


ASOS PRESENTS MOON & TIDES ANNAPOLIS 09/01 03:26 AM L 08:44 AM H 3:24 PM L 10:08 PM H 09/02 04:26 AM L 09:23 AM H 4:07 PM L 11:07 PM H 09/03 05:32 AM L 10:09 AM H 4:58 PM L 09/04 12:11 AM H 06:42 AM L 11:08 AM H 5:57 PM L 09/05 01:17 AM H 07:53 AM L 12:23 PM H 7:02 PM L 09/06 02:22 AM H 08:59 AM L 1:44 PM H 8:09 PM L 09/07 03:23 AM H 09:56 AM L 3:00 PM H 9:14 PM L 09/08 04:18 AM H 10:45 AM L 4:08 PM H 10:16 PM L 1 11:56 am 10:24 pm 2 1:06 pm 10:59 pm 3 2:19 pm 11:43 pm 4 3:29 pm 5 12:37 am 4:35 pm 6 1:41 am 5:31 pm 7 2:54 am 6:17 pm 8 4:11 am 6:55 pm Sep Moonrise/set/rise Sep Sunrise/Sunset 1 6:34 am 7:36 pm 2 6:35 am 7:34 pm 3 6:36 am 7:33 pm 4 6:37 am 7:31 pm 5 6:38 am 7:30 pm 6 6:39 am 7:28 pm 7 6:40 am 7:26 pm 8 6:41 am 7:25 pm


A Captain’s License is a professional credential required to operate a vessel carrying passengers or cargo for hire. If anyone onboard is paying to be there, or you are being paid to transport goods or cargo, you are required to have a licensed Captain aboard.

September 1 - September 8, 2022 • CBM BAY WEEKLY • 19

"I hope you get into a car accident and die," McCarthy added for good measure. His attorney, John Waldron, said his client was frustrated with the ongoing investigation and "couldn't deal with it anymore." McCarthy was indicted on Aug. 4 and released on $100,000 bond on Aug. 9. Bright Idea Looking for new kicks that'll mark you as a beer-loving fashion icon? Of course you are. Heineken has partnered with sneaker designer and customizer Dominic Ciambone to create Heine kicks—signature green, white and red high-tops with a built-in bottle open er and the company's newest brew, Heineken Silver, sloshing around in the soles. Oddity Central reported that the shoes provide a unique feeling. "I can't say I've ever designed a sneaker that contains actual beer before," Ciambone said. Probably not—and only a handful of people will ever get to wear them, with just 32 pairs scheduled to hit the market in the fourth quarter of 2022.

• A 911 operator in San Luis Obispo, California, received a call on Aug. 12 from the Zoo to You facility in Paso Robles, but when the dispatchers tried to call back, there was no answer, ABC7-TV reported. Sheriff's deputies responded to the zoo, but no one there would take credit for the call—except one 10-month-old Capuchin monkey named Route. The deputies determined that the monkey had gotten his hands on a cellphone left in a golf cart and made the call. "We're told Capuchin monkeys are very inquisitive and will grab anything and everything," the sheriff's office remarked.

"If me, the parent, was to do something like this to my child," Bazley said, "I would be called a horrible parent. I would lose my kids." She filed an offi cial complaint, and the commissioner of CPS in Texas, Jamie Masters, came to Houston to personally apologize to Bazley and her daughter. The worker was dismissed from her position on Aug. 10.

20 • CBM BAY WEEKLY • September 1 - September 8, 2022 They Buried the Lead Skydiver Gary Connery, 53, was sentenced in Oxford Crown Court in England on Aug. 16, the BBC reported, for grievous bodily harm after he threw his girlfriend, Tanya Brass, down a staircase. The assault, which shattered Brass' shoulder, took place in October 2020. The now-infamous abuser previ ously achieved his 15 minutes of fame when he served as Queen Elizabeth II's stunt double in the opening ceremony of the 2012 Olympic Games, when he and "James Bond" (another stunt dou ble) leapt out of a helicopter and para chuted into the Olympic stadium. After the stunt, Connery told the BBC it had been "an amazing experience." Perhaps he can relive it during his 18 months in prison.

Precocious • Aug. 12 started as a pretty typ ical day for 1 1/2-year-old toddler Ethan and his mom, Brittany Moore, of Senoia, Georgia. They were playing with bubbles in the backyard of their home when Ethan chased one to the fence and noticed something in the woods beyond, ABC4 News reported. When his mom asked him what he saw, he said, "Feet." Ethan had discovered 82-year-old Nina Lipscomb, who had been missing for four days. Lipscomb was alive but disoriented; her daughter said she had wandered away from a nearby home where she was visiting family. "Her sister lived here in this house, but she passed away in March," Karen Lipscomb said. The Lipscombs and the Moores got together to cele brate the little boy who probably saved Nina's life. "It took a child ... that was being worked by God," Brittany said.

Awesome! News of the Weird generally eschews world record stories, but this one seems happily adventurous. Peter McConville and Pavel "Pasha" Krechetov of Austin, Texas, and Abdullahi Salah, of Minne apolis, broke a world record by trav eling to all 50 United States in five days, 13 hours and 10 minutes, starting on May 13. They started in Vermont, KXAN-TV reported, and finished the continental part in Washington, then flew to Alaska and finally Hawaii, hav ing spent about $12,000 and 120 hours in a rental car. McConville said the Grand Canyon in Arizona was his most memorable moment of the trip: "I can't even describe what that experience was, not only because we were so tired, but we were seeing so much at once," he said. The group's record is listed by All Fifty States Club, as Guinness dis continued listing speed records in 1996.

Update Remember the fatal lightning strikes in Washington, D.C., on Aug. 6? Those shocking events were responsible for the deaths of three people, WUSA-TV reported. Amber Escudero-Kontosta this, 28, of Newbury Park, California, was with the group huddling under trees during the storm, and she was the lone survivor. Escudero-Kontostathis suffered burns down the left side of her body and initially couldn't walk, but she's now using a walker and looking forward to getting back to her job. What saved her? She and her mother, Julie Escudero, think the thick rubber soles on her Dr. Martens boots helped out. But she also credits the first responders and traveling nurses who happened to be in the park for their quick action.

Ewwwww Miller High Life has a new product introduction: Ice Cream Dive Bar, Unit ed Press International reported. The collaboration with Tipsy Scoop, maker of alcohol-infused ice cream, comprises all your favorite flavors from a dive bar: beer, peanuts, tobacco smoke, caramel and dark chocolate. The bars contain up to 5% alcohol, which you may need after you see the price: $36 for a six-pack.

NEWS WeirdNewsTips@amuniversal.com.to NEWS OF THE WEIRD BY THE EDITORS AT ANDREWS MCMEEL SYNDICATION DUNKIRK, MD | 10136 So Maryland Blvd | 301.812.1240 WW W M AMMA L U C I A R E S TAU R A N T C O M Carryout Available CONTRACTSCONSTRUCTIONANDDISPUTESPhilipClarkJones CONSTRUCTION LAW jonescohenlaw.com (410) 921-3360 | (202)415-1313 410-798-4980 www.enticementstables.com Horseback Riding & Stables Boarding • Sales & Leases Sign up today for RIDING LESSONS Obligation Farm: 4016 So omons Is and Rd, Harwood Md 20776 New! Oakland Ridge: 4252 Blair Ln, Harwood, MD 20776 Antiques • Lighting • Jewel r y • A r t 10335 Southern Maryland Blvd. #102 • Dunkirk, MD 20754 443.964.6730 • www.dunkirkvision.com Schedule your kids’ Back to School Eye Exam! Baltimore Society mojoworkin.com Operations of the BBS are supported by grants from the Maryland State Arts Council, and agency funded by the State of Maryland and the National Endowment for the Arts. FEELINGBLUESWITHAJOINTODAY! DedicatedMOJOWORKIN.COMtothepreservationofAmerica’sNativemusicalartform—THEBLUES Baltimore Society

Surprise, Surprise Residents of South Auckland, New Zealand, were the lucky—or not-solucky—recipients of the contents of an abandoned storage container, Stuff reported. But when they got the loot home, they discovered a surprise among the items: human remains. The new owners called police on Aug. 11, whose first priority was to identify the remains, detective inspector Tofilau Faamanuia Vaaeula said. A neighbor who previously worked at a nearby crematorium noted "a wicked smell" coming from the home: "I knew straight away and I thought, where's that com ing from," he said. His mother reported that detectives and forensic teams had been seen recoiling in shock from the scene. The investigation is ongoing. Unclear on the Concept Keisha Bazley, a mother of nine children in Houston, turned to Child Protective Services for help with her 14-year-old daughter, who had been running away and getting into trouble at school. Instead, according to Fox26 Houston, her daughter told her that a "worker had been telling her she should (become a prostitute)," so the girl vid eotaped the CPS support staff member.

Florida James Hunt, 41, and his girlfriend got into it at a Clearwater, Florida, Burger King on Aug. 13, because "the victim was not eating her food," The Smoking Gun reported. When the 53-year-old woman left the restaurant, Hunt fol lowed her and launched his cheeseburg er at the back of her head, allegedly causing her to fall over a curb onto the ground and hit her chin and lip. How did cops know? There was blood on her shirt and shorts and cheese in her hair. Hunt admitted hitting her with the cheeseburger but didn't think it caused her to fall down. Nonetheless, he was charged with felony domestic battery and held on $15,000 bond.

Just Keep Digging Stephen McCarthy, 31, a physician's assistant in Allentown, Pennsylvania, has been under suspicion of trafficking steroids and stimulants, LehighValley Live reported. Federal agents were on the case, but no charges had been filed. That is, until McCarthy got in touch with one of the DEA agents, threaten ing to disfigure and rape him, on July 8.

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"The trauma doctor ... said she's an absolute miracle," Julie said.


ours? (a) Circinus

AB negative (c) A negative Science

Alexandrite 4.

How many 2 or more letter words can make in 2 minutes from the letters in: Badminton (40 How long does it take sunlight to reach About 8 minutes About 30 About How many layers make up the earth’s What precious material rains (b) (c) Turquoise is a combination of what other (b) (c) What galaxy is nearest to (b) What is the rarest (b)

September 1 - September 8, 2022 • BAY WEEKLY • 21 PU ZZ LES KRISS KROSS © Copyright 2021 solutionPuzzleJunction.comonpage22 3 Letter Words YewOakFigElm 4 Letter Words TeakPinePearDateCork 5 Letter Words OpepeOliveMapleKauriKapokCedarBirchBeechAppleAlder 6 Letter Words WillowWalnutSprucePoplarLindenCashewBaobabAcacia 7 Letter Words HickoryDogwoodCypressConifer SequoiaRedwood 8 Letter Words TamarindSycamoreCarnauba Trees Around the World CROSSWORD © Copyright 2021 solutionPuzzleJunction.comonpage22 ACROSS 1 Vaulted recess 5 Logs Z’s 9 Muse of poetry 14 Oaf 15 Malaria 16 Broadcasted again 17 Olympian Korbut 18 Sweet breath freshener 20 Debacle 22 Criterion (Abbr.) 23 Starch from palms 24 High rocky hill 25 So. state (Abbr.) 27 Wedding words 29 Walking sticks 31 Chewy candy 36 Flightless birds 38 Petroleum 40 Small edible fruit 41 Confederate soldiers 42 Brads 45 Ajar 46 Arrow poisons 48 Animal foot 49 Pung 50 Sweetened mixture of milk and eggs 53 Disturbance 55 Dung beetle 56 Insect 57 Old Fr. coin 60 Soft drink 64 Guitarist Paul 66 Straighten out 68 Sweet boxed gift 71 Crafts’ buddies 72 Assisted 73 Pedestal section 74 Fashion plate 75 Antlered cervid 76 Piece of cake 77 Blemish DOWN 1 High in the air 2 Infectious disease 3 Coffee sweeteners 4 Gr. letters 5 French pastry 6 Mature 7 Young canines 8 Tank type 9 Slip up 10 Radioactivity units 11 Solo 12 Zest 13 In the know 19 Poi 21 After beer or tin 26 Orient 28 Non-profit group (Abbr.) 30 Resource 32 Got up 33 Crepe sweetener 34 Fencing sword 35 Contribute 36 Viking 37 Bill of fare 39 Brim 43 Dinner choice 44 Pulpy tropical fruit 47 Bittersweet 51 Bagel 52 Fears 54 Wreath 58 Surpass 59 Knock over 60 Swindle 61 Toledo location 62 Extinct bird 63 Playing cards 65 ___ & Ollie 67 Fathers 69 Pindaric 70 Cruise ship timetable (Abbr.) Sweet Tooth CRYPTOQUIP © Copyright 2021 PuzzleJunction.com • solution on page 22 The CryptoQuip below is a quote in substitution code, where A could equal R, H could equal P, etc. One way to break the code is to look for repeated letters. E, T, A, O, N and I are the most often used letters. A single letter is usually A or I; OF, IS and IT are common 2-letter words; and THE and AND are common 3-letter words. Good luck! SUDOKU Fill in the blank squares in the grid, making sure that every row, column and 3-by-3 box includes all digits 1 to 9. © Copyright 2021 PuzzleJunction.com solution on page 22 THE INSIDE WORD Scoring: 31 - 40 = Aloft; 26 - 30 = Ahead; 21 - 25 = Aweigh; 16 - 20 = Amidships; 11 - 15 = Aboard; 05 - 10 = Adrift; 01 - 05 = Aground by Bill Sells It’s quite possible badminton began with a stick and a bird, but in India an early net-less version played over the shrubs was called Battledore. When they added a net and shuttlecock (rapid moving fowl) they called it Poona, after the city where it was played. British officers brought the game back to England where it was played and renamed at the Duke of Beaufort’s Badimyncgtun estate in Gloucestershire. Thankfully, it wasn’t brought to England and named for The Old Thirteenth Cheshire Astley Volunteer Rifleman Corps Inn

Silver 5.

metal? (a) Nickel

words) TRIVIA 1.


on Neptune and Uranus? (a) Diamonds


Triangulum (c) Andromeda 6.

3 hours 2.

blood type? (a) O positive

aluminum and


atmosphere? (a) 3 (b) 4 (c) 5 3.

earth? (a)

minutes (c)

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$209,000 RAY MUDD/MIKE DUNN 410-320-4907




410-320-4907 Northern

June 9 - June 16, 2022 • BAY WEEKLY • 3 301-261-9700 • 410-867-9700 • WWW.SCHWARTZREALTY.COM • 5801 DEALE-CHURCHTON ROAD • DEALE, MD 20751Call Today! $1,100,000 RAY MUDD/MIKE DUNN 410-320-4907 Southern Anne Arundel County. One of a kind location on 1+ acres with expansive bay views. 3Br., 3Ba., new roof, freshly painted, new floor covering. Open floor plan with walls of glass in living room & owners bedroom. MDAA2042628. UNDER CONTRACT 10 DAYS WATERFRONT $519,900 RAY MUDD/MIKE DUNN 410-320-4907 Southern Anne Arundel Co: 3Br., 2Ba. com pletely renovated over the years and located on private 1.35 acres with limited views of the bay. Beautiful sunroom, kitchen with lg. center island, granite, 18’X20’ shed w/electric, lg. chicken coop, no covenants or restrictions. MDAA2042178. COMING SOON 1.35 ACRES $949,900 RAY MUDD/MIKE DUNN 410-320-4907 Southern Anne Arundel Co.: 4Br., 2Ba. direct New England style Cape Cod Bayfront home with sandy beach located almost 1 acre. Hard wood floors, fp, 1 car garage, owner bedrooms with waterfront deck. Will not last long. MDAA2042170. UNDER CONTRACT 3 DAYS WATERFRONT WITH BEACH

Southern Anne Arundel Co: 4Br., 3Ba. sprawling rambler with 2 car garage & located on 1 acre. Inlaw suite with kitchenette & separate entrance. Oversized driveway for boat/RV. No covenants or restrictions. Will not last long. MDAA2038578 CONTRACT


Deale: 2Br., 1Ba. in move in condition. Freshly painted, new carpet through out, deck over looking nice yard. Walk to nearby marina’s, waterfront dining & shops. 45 minutes to D.C., 25 minutes to Annapolis. MDAA2012536 AVAILABLE



2 Br. 1 Ba. log home located on almost 1/2 acre. Fenced rear yard, deck, sky lights, unfinished lower level. Walk to community beach. Needs some TLC. MDCA2007676 UNDER CONTRACT WATER PRIVILEGE COMMUNITY GEORGE$479,500GHEINE JR. 301-261-9700, 410-279-2817 Annapolis, 3br, 2ba this home is in the arts district on West street. Mixed zone, can be residential or as a commercial use. Special tax preference. schwartzrealty.com/MDAA2020826 UNDER CONTRACT ZONE FOR RESIDENTIAL/COMMERCIAL $379,900 RAY MUDD/MIKE DUNN 410-320-4907 Southern Anne Arundel: 3Br., 2.5Ba., freshly painted, new carpet, large kitchen, living room with fireplace, deck overlooking large fenced yard. No covenants or restriction. Not in subdivision. 50 minutes to D.C., 25 minutes to Annapolis, MDAA2038408. 100% FINANCING AVAILABLE UNDER CONTRACT 8 DAYS $399,999 CLYDE BUTLER 443-223-2743 Avenue, MD., 9 + acres, 85% cleared flat land. Water Views all around. New Metal Barn, passed Perc Test, new schwartzrealty.com/MDSM2006862well. NEW LISTING 9+ ACRES $449,900 RAY


2,600+ Sq.ft, 1 block from the Bay. Fresh paint, new carpet, large kitchen, deck overlooking large yard, shed. Walk

$499,900 RAY MUDD/MIKE DUNN 410-320-4907

beach, playground, boat ramp and more. UNDER CONTRACT WATERFRONT $799,999 RAY

Co.: 5Br. 4.5Ba. with

Southern Anne Arundel Co: 4Br., 2.5Ba. over 2,200 sq.ft., hardwood floors, upgraded kitchen, family room with gas fireplace, spacious owners suite with full bath, 2 car garage, lg. fenced rear yard with shed. No covenants or restrictions. Walk to community marina, pier, boat ramp, beach, club house and more. Easy commute to D.C.. MDAA2039550. CONTRACT DAYS PRIVILEGE COMMUNITY

community beach, piers, boat ramp, playground and more. MDAA2016652. UNDER CONTRACT 100% FINANCING AVAILABLE CLYDE$454,900BUTLER443-223-2743 Huntingtown;3br,1.5ba farmette with 3+ acres, horses are welcome, large barn in very good condition. Move in-ready, recently renovated. schwartzrealty.com/MDCA2006808 JUST REDUCED MOVE-IN READY GEORGE$899,995GHEINE JR. 301-261-9700, 410-279-2817 Annapolis; 9br.,6ba., Unique property ideal for large family or a family compound with three separate unites. In addition there are two separate and approved and recorded building lots. Must see this property to appre ciate what it is.... schwartz realty.com/MDAA2010024 THREE SEPARATE LIVING UNITS JUST REDUCED $450,000 DALE MEDLIN 301-466-5366 Shady Side; 4BR.,3BA.,Spacious home features open floor plan,gourmet kitchen with stainless steel appliances, wood-burning fireplace, crown molding, large screened porch with a built-in hot tub. Desirable finishes schwartzrealty.com/MDAA2034338throughout JUST REDUCED SNUG HARBOR COMMUNITY PARK 301-261-9700,GEORGE$970,000GHEINEJR.410-279-2817 Snug Harbor, 4br., And 2ba., Home. Income opportunity, property totaling 1.06931 Acres Commercial/marine zoned property, with 135 ft. of bulk headed waterfront, 200 ft. Pier with 12 boat slips. schwartzrealty.com/MDAA2011224 ZONE COMMERCIAL/MARINE JUST REDUCED



GEORGE$295,000GHEINE JR. 301-261-9700, 410-279-2817 Owings: one acre approved built site surround ed by an addition of approximatley 20.45 Acres of open space property, which is included in the price. Please see the amendment to the covenants in the document section of the listing. One acre site has an approved perc. schwartzreatly.com/MDAA2005772




Southern Anne Arundel County: 4Br., 2.5Ba with pier with shallow water perfect for kayak/ canoe. Renovated through out the years. Hard wood floors through out main level, updated kitchen with granite countertops, 1 car garage, large rear yard. Walk to comm. pier, MUDD/MIKE DUNN Calvert beautiful MUDD/MIKE DUNN 410-320-4907

RAY MUDD/MIKE DUNN 410-320-4907

Calvert Co: MUDD/MIKE DUNN 410-320-4907 5Br., 3Ba., to


Southern Anne Arundel Co: 3Br., 2ba recently renovated with new baths, new LVP flooring, newer windows and roof, granite countertops, center island, pellet stove, lg. fenced rear yard. 1 block from community piers, beach, boat ramp, playground and more all located on the Bay. Will not last long. MDAA2040380



RAY MUDD/MIKE DUNN 410-320-4907



RAY MUDD/MIKE DUNN 410-320-4907


RAY MUDD/MIKE DUNN 410-320-4907


inground pool located on 1 acre. Upgraded kitchen with granite, hwd. flrs. & custom trim through out, plantation shutters, finished lower level with Br. & FB., easy commute to D.C.., MDCA2006636. UNDER CONTRACT INGROUND POOL $699,900 RAY

Southern Anne Arundel County: 3Br., 2Ba. with expansive Bay views. Pier with boat lift & jet ski lift, updated kitchen with Corian counter tops, family room with woodstove, whole house generator. MDAA2034564

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