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The Art of Reading and the Library Best of Baze University Panorama: Editor’s Photo Gallery Faculty Libraries
Reading is a life-long process that never ends. Many people read Books of all kinds daily in print or electronic to satisfy their purposes in life. People irrespective of their ages read: to gain information and knowledge; solve day-to-day problems; and achieve tasks, which cannot be accomplished without requisite information. The best time to commence reading is in childhood, while the best place to start is the home and the school. In any case, learning never ends so reading has no limit.
Historically, reading dates back to the invention of writing in the 4th millennium BC. In the ancient Egyptian Empire, writings were sacred and mystical and could only be touched by the Royal Princes and Princesses. Thus, the first Librarians were of Royal blood. Today, reading from the printed text (Guttenberg 1495 AD) to obtain information appears easy and popular, but in history, it had never been so. With a few exceptions, only a small percentage of the population in many countries were literate before the Industrial Revolution.
The Importance of Reading and the Library
From the point of view of the Library, reading is basic and essential for all human beings. Reading is the main building block for learning and education irrespective of the school and subject an individual chooses to study. In real life, reading is a necessity for daily living and meeting every existential need and purpose such as reading street signs, prescription drugs, and numerous other things in life. Reading is an important and necessary life skill every child must develop. Reading strengthens the brain, improves memory and concentration, and increases vocabulary and language skills. It is a major source of analytical skill and a source of self-solutions to mystical storylines. Reading builds self-confidence and opens wide, the world of entertainment and fun. Reading is the best teacher for the child about the world beyond his domain. Incidentally, many educated people take reading for granted, they forget how difficult it was as a child, and consequently become nonchalant about the fate of those who can neither read nor write. It is a great privilege to be able to read and the ability to read should be an equal opportunity.
The Role of the Library in Reading
The Library is the repository of the cumulative knowledge of the world from the beginning of mankind to date. Libraries have therefore played a fundamental role in learning and education from time immemorial and even now, despite the development of Information and Communication Technology and the Internet. The uniqueness of the Library, though, is an excellent resource of human and material content. The Librarians are trained to select, organize, catalogue, classify and disseminate library collections according to subjects and permanent home addresses using a standard classification scheme. This classification of materials makes the work of the reader a lot easier and the librarian is always there to direct and guide his clientele.
The library provides space, tranquility, and security. Computers and electronic gadgets are provided in the Library and loaded with digital subscription software (e-books) in various subjects offered by the University. The library is the most comfortable and conducive place any student and researcher can find to do his studies on the university campus. All that is required of you is to simply register with the library to secure full access to the unlimited resources and facilities the University has put together for you throughout your stay. I invite you to come and READ to widen your horizon and reduce the ocean of ignorance of your world. Learn to Live.
The Internet and the Library
Reading is a life-long enterprise which never ends. The importance of the library from ancient times has been to store various types of information, such as history, music, literature, military and documents. In the last 2,000 years, the world has experienced exponential changes and innovations; however, the library has maintained its original drive of providing readers with the information they require for living and ensuring that visitors get to know the truth. No matter the information the visitors are looking for, they get these with the assistance of well-equipped libraries and trained librarians. Reading a good book can give a person all the necessary boost of the mind, heart and soul. In fact, with a good book, man is never alone under any circumstance and the book remains a reliable partner that will never die despite the ‘almighty Internet. This is why the Librarian treats Books with velvet hands and encourages everyone to do the same.
Libraries build communities and networks of people and resources. It is a centre for learning at all levels, and plays an important economic role because it allows access to open resources. Through the Library, various clubs are formed, where community developments are initiated and executed for the benefit of all. Libraries allow cohorts of various ages and trades to germinate and spread into the entire community of like minds. Libraries provide information about the marketplace and point readers to opportunities for business, which they hitherto would have missed. The library remains a great place for training and up-scaling one’s skills by leveraging Information Technology (IT).
The Library is fundamental to reading and learning because it is the custodian of the resources for literacy and education and makes it accessible to anyone that needs access to information. It is the permanent home of free long-life learning and accommodate every reader. The Library remains the best friend of everyone; it is available 24/7. Reading is a culture we all need to cultivate by reading a Book. Why not read a Book today?
*Dr. James O. DANIEL, FNLA, FCAI is the University Librarian