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Focus Interview with Gold Star Parents

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1. Please briefly introduce yourself.

My name is Israel Adeogun. I am from Ogun State and I reside in Ota, Ogun State. I retired from Chevron Nigeria Limited in June 2014 after 22 years working for the company. I am a parent of two pioneer students of Baze University.

2. How many of your children have attended/ or are attending Baze University?

Two of my children attended Baze University. They are twins, male and female (Olude Adeogun –Software Engineering, graduated 2014 and Adepate Adeogun – Law, graduated 2015). They belong to the pioneer students of Baze University and probably the first set of twins to attend the university.

3. At the outset of scouting for a university, was Baze the University of First Choice?

No. In fact, my son had already been given admission to read Electrical/Electronic Engineer ing in Covenant University in Ota where we lived and my daughter was about getting admission to read English in the same University.

4. If yes, what was the motivation? If no, how did your children end up with Baze University?

I got to know about Baze University when I read an interview granted the first Vice Chancellor of the University, Prof. Michael Hodd, in one of Nigerian newspapers. I was impressed by the mission and vision of the school as outlined by the VC and immediately I started to find out more about the institution. I visited the school to check things out and interact with the principal officers. During my visit, I met with the Pro Chancellor Dr. Yusuf Datti Baba-Ahmed. He took me round the school facilities and further explained to me the plans and programs of the school. He gave me assurance that my children would be well taken care of while in the school. There and then I decided my children would attend the university.

5. Have your expectations on your children’s education at Baze University been met? Give some vivid examples.

Absolutely yes. My expectations of the type of education I want for my children were met at Baze University. They were able to study in a multicultural and diverse environment while at Baze University. This experience, among other benefits, has enabled my children to become more liberal in their approach to life, make lasting friendship with people across diverse ethnic and religious backgrounds and improve their self-confidence. In the aspect of academics, they have been able to adapt and perform well during their Master degree programs in Canadian universities.

6. What are the challenges of multiple members of the family attending private university?

The main challenge is finance. The costs of having multiple children in private university is quite high and could be overwhelming for average, middle and low class parents. I want to thank the school management for offering flexible payment terms that is very convenient especially to parents with multiply children in the institution.

7. Have your sacrifices been worthwhile?

Oh yes! The prize at the end is worth the sacrifices.

8. The COVID period was difficult, as a parent, how did you cope with the challenges?

Fortunately my children graduated from the University before the outbreak of Covid-19 pandemic and the shut down of the system did not greatly affect their education.

Have any of your children graduated from Baze University? Where are they now?

The two of them graduated from Baze University in 2014 and 2015. *Olude Adeogun – Software Engineering graduated with First Class in 2014 Olude later studied Master of Engineering (Software Engineering) at Concordia University in Montreal Canada. He is living and working as a Software Engineer in Canada. *Adepate Adeogun – Law, graduated in 2015. Adepate finished from the Nigeria Law School, Abuja in 2018 and practiced for about 2years. She is currently a student of University of Lethbridge in Canada studying for a second degree in General Management.

10. Would you recommend Baze University to other parents?

Absolutely. I have recommended and I would not hesitate to continue to recommend Baze University to other parents. Presently, my friend’s son is attending Baze University based on my recommendation. I have been visiting the school almost every year since 2011 and on each visit I have seen continuous improvement on both infrastructure and standard.

11. Advice management on how best to improve service delivery in the University?

To improve service delivery in Baze University, I would recommend the following: Regular and continuous engagement of students and parents on the programmes and activities of the University; Regular and continuous review of plans and processes to improve performance in all aspects of the University. Use technology to deliver services and improve on research Continuous training for both academic and non-academic staff.

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Pic-1: Mr. & Mrs. Israel Adeogun at Olude’s graduation. Pic -2: Olude at the Convocation Ceremony. Pic -3: Mr. Israel Adeogun & Family at Adepate’s graduation. Pic -4: Adepate at Convocation Ceremony.


1. Please briefly introduce yourself.

My name is Mrs. Olayinka Folajin, I am a parent of two children (Feranmi and Mayokun) at Baze University and I am also an Alumni.

2. How many of your children have attended/ or are attending Baze University?

Two of my children currently studying at Baze University.

3. At the outset of scouting for a university, was Baze the University of First Choice?

No, it was not the first choice but it turned out as a good decision for us.

4. If above is yes, what was the motivation? If no, how did your children end up with Baze University?

I had completed my second degree at Baze University; that was the motivation for my chil dren to study there.

5. Have your expectations of your children’s education at Baze been met? Give some

vivid examples. So I have So far, so good, Everything has been relatively okay with their education at Baze University.

6. What are the challenges of multiple members of the family attending private uni-

versity?. For now, I don’t have any challenges with the university.

7. Have your sacrifices been worthwhile?

I am convinced my sacrifices will be worthwhile once my children graduate.

8. The COVID period was difficult, as a parent, how did you cope with the challenges?

I just had to follow the rules that the government laid down for that period of time.

9. Have any of the children graduated? Where are they now?

My children are still in the university and are yet to graduate.

10. Would you recommend Baze University to other parents?

Yes I would recommend Baze university to other parents. 11. Advice management on how best to improve service delivery in the University? The Management should complete the Road that leads to the school.

L-R:Mrs Olayinka Folajin with Feranmi at Matriculation, Mayokun and his friend at matriculation.

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