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International Standards & Quality | Modern Teaching Equipment | Global Competitiveness

BROCHURE Undergraduate & Postgraduate

Plot 686, Cadastral Zone C 00, Behind Na onal Judicial Ins tute, Jabi Airport Road, Abuja, FCT, Nigeria.

Learn, To live











-VisionTo be a distinctive quality-based educational institution, making a difference in the nation's history through the positive impact of it’s services and it’s graduate output.

-MissionTo establish and maintain a more suitable academic environment, synergizing world-class human capital and best technology for creating and impacting knowledge to develop and modernize the Nigerian society.

Baze University Abuja is also one of the most respected universi es in Nigeria. We provide students with an unrivalled ter ary experience through the quality of our teaching staff, excep onal educa onal and spor ng facili es, and all at roughly half the cost of sending a student abroad. Our main campus is centrally located in the na on's capital Abuja; a truly modern, vibrant and student friendly city. Our highly trained staff bring with them a wealth of teaching skills which we combine with interna onal best prac ces, first-rate infrastructure, and equipment to guarantee quality. At Baze University, we are commi ed to an atmosphere of cordiality and friendliness as we aspire to make our campus a “home away from home” for students. This ambi on is led by our Vice Chancellor who sets an example of wearing his linen lightly, always open to new ideas and unwaveringly approachable.

Welcome to Baze University Dear Esteemed Student,


t is with great pleasure we welcome you to Baze University for this all-important stage of your study life; being the finishing period of your strive to launch yourself into a fulfilling career. Baze University offers a unique opportunity for this purpose. It is a city university situated in the heart of Abuja with easy access from all over Nigeria and beyond. The University is set to give students one of the best experiences they can hope for in a ter aryinss tu o modern fn facili es enable students’ access to learning environment that is a racte, friendly, efficient, and global. Baze University aims to create a community through ac vi e from students centered classroom work to extra curricula such as, clubs, socie es,and sports as well as linkage with the wider society through internships in organisa ons outside the university, both local and interna onal. Students are therefore enjoined to take advantage of these unique offerings in the university by focusing on their studies, obey rules and regulatons of the University. All our programmes have been accredited by the Natonal Universi es Commission (NUC) and others. The menu of available courses is growing with NUC’s approval for Degree Programmes in Environmental Sciences and Medical and Allied Health Sciences. University’s Hospital will be ready before the end of the year to host all programmes in the medical sciences. It is equally cri al for students to stay away from habits that are damaging to their health and wellbeing such as indulging in drugs and harmful substances. The University offers supporte care in this regard, but unyielding in ensuring that no student is allowed to engage in it on the campus. work with students and parents towards having a happy, healthy Baze family while in the University and for all mesthrough a strong alumni, so we can all say I am proud I atended this unique, modern, city university. Our dedicated Admissions Team will process your Applica onand get back to you sswi . You can contact the Dean of Student Affairs in a number of ways: Email: or Phone: +234 (0)813 376 9658

Prof. Tahir Mamman, OON, SAN. Vice-Chancellor, Baze University


Board of Trustees Arc. Mohammed Namadi Sambo, GCON, FNIA Chancellor, Chairman Board of Trustees His Excellency is an astute professional and highly respected politician who served in various capacities in the public service before election as Governor of Kaduna State and thereafter as Vice-President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, from 2010 to May 2015.

About Us Prof. Joy Angela Ogwu, OFR Former Minister of Foreign A airs and two-term Permanent Representative of Nigeria to the United Nations (2008 -2016). BAZE UNIVERSITY






Mahmud Yayale Ahmed, CON Former Federal Permanent Secretary; Head of Federal Civil Service; Minister of Defence; and Secretary to Government of the Federation.






aze University philosophy is set on the axiom that Knowledge is power that should be disseminated to individuals without let or hindrance. To this end, the Unive rs ity ’ s philosophy promotes the highest standards of teaching, research and community service, and provides a balanced education through the acquisition of knowledge, practical skills and moral rectitude.

Dr. Charles Aderemi Akitoye Former Commissioner for Agriculture, Lagos State. Established an agro business consultancy outfit that runs successfully till date. Dr. (Mrs.) Jennifer DouglasAbubakar Member of the Board of Trustees Dr. Jennifer is a Lawyer by profession and she also holds a Doctorate Degree in International Relations. She is a Managing Partner at the Miyetti Law chamber in Nigeria and the Editor-in-Chief of the Miyetti quarterly Law Review Sen. Y.D. Baba Ahmed, PhD Founder, Pro-Chancellor of Baze University, Managing Director, Baze Research & Data Service Ltd., Chairman, Baze Construction Ltd. His companies employ over 1000 people including expatriates, and highly skilled professional Nigerians from the Diaspora.



Premium Baze Premium is the mark of excellence that sets us apart from our competitors in the industry, and our uniqueness are stated below:

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Campus is located in the heart of the city of Abuja, Serene and conducive atmosphere World class university education that attracts both local and foreign students Small class sizes, erudite professors Six Faculties with all programmes accredited by NUC Modern well-designed high-quality buildings, furnished to international standards for space utilization and academic activities Unique Teaching Facilities and customized Laboratory Equipment Smart boards, Smart audio-visuals, Telecoms, Biometrics Examination Assessment Platforms, all are second to none in Nigeria Best quality national and international academic sta employed on merit, and retained on basis of research output and support to industry IT Driven Students’ Registration and Examinations System that ensures e ciency and integrity Digital Transformation Platform supported with robust Google Classroom Tools for online teaching and learning Turnitin Plagiarism software to promote academic integrity Maintains an atmosphere for self-expression and selfdiscovery and students study in a diverse, inclusive, and tolerant community that enrich experience Post graduate programmes tailored to industry Digitally automated Faculty Libraries stocked with current collection of hard and other electronic academic resources Hostel accommodation with ancillary services (cafeterias and sick bay, Robust sporting and other relaxation facilities

Prototype Auditorium in all Faculties

Main Gate

Spacious Walk - Way

Biometric documentation by students


Baze Biodata Facts About Us:

Cross section of students

Convocation Lecture

Inaugural Lecture

Town Hall Meeting

· A private university, centrally located in Abuja. · Founded in 2011 by Sen. Yusuf. Datti Baba-Ahmed, PhD. · Fully licensed and recognized by the National Universities Commission (NUC) · Main campus has a robust masterplan with 25.6 hectares of land and about 65000sq.m² built up space · Provides world-class university education with international best practices at half the cost in overseas institutions · 49 fully accredited programmes at undergraduate and post graduate levels · Stable and uninterrupted academic calendar that guarantees timelines for graduation · Runs two semesters in an academic year and an optional summer semester where students can transfer acquired credits. · Admission into the university is three times in a year. · Appointment of Pioneer Vice Chancellor Prof Michael Hodd -2011 · First set of Admitted Students -20 17 Faculties and Year Established · Management & Social Sciences · Law · Computing & Applied Sciences · Engineering · Environmental · Medicine and Health Sciences · Center for Foundation Studies · Maiden Matriculation Ceremony · Maiden Convocation for award of Degrees

-2011 -2011 -2011 - 2015 -2015 -2016 -2018 -2011 -2014.

Facts About Us:


Appointment of 2nd Vice Chancellor Prof. Tahir Mamman, SAN (2016 - to date) Commenced post graduate programmes - 2017 Graduation of the first set of post graduate students - 2019 MoU with FCTA on use of Abuja hospitals for medical students - 2020

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Students: Total Number Admitted since inception Current Active Student Population Maiden Graduation Number of Students Graduated to date *(as at August 2021)

· · · ·


David Ogbonna Esq.

5,304* 3,434* 2014 1,272*

DVC Admin. - Baze University

Baze Alumni: Established in 2018 with over 500 active members Focus on networking and community outreach

· · Sta · · · · ·

: Six hundred and thirty two (632) academic and non-academic sta Highly qualified, diverse national and international backgrounds Research and publications mandatory for career growth of academics More than 60% of academics possess PhDs Re-training essential for Laboratory Technologists and Technicians

Security: ·

Two hundred (200) security sta , trained in homeland security, counter terrorism, use of CCTV, Cable Network, etc.

IBB Mall

Student hostel


The Academic programmes offered by the FFacul eat Baze University are in line with the approved minimum benchmarks prescribed by the Na onalUniverrsi e Commission (NUC) - the Agency that is statutorily empowered to regulate university educa on programmes and ac vi e in Nigeria. The University offers several Academic Programmes at the Undergraduate and Postgraduate levels and is also in good academic standing at NUC on all its Programmes. There are six approved Facul es,namely: ¨ Faculty of Management and Social Sciences ¨ Faculty of Compu ngand Applied Sciences ¨ Faculty of Law ¨ Faculty of Engineering ¨ Faculty of Environmental Sciences ¨ Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences. The Facul eshave several programmes which differ in durara depending on the Course of Study. Most courses have 4-5-years dura onfor candidates with UTME entry, and 3-4 years dura onfor Direct Entry Candidates. Students are required to take up six (6) modules each semester. Each module comprises of 3 contact-hours per week, usually 1 hour of lecture and 2 hours of seminar. There are two semesters in each academic year, consis ngof 13 weeks of teaching and two weeks of examina ons.Full module details can be found in the Faculty sec onof this brochure and on our website. (Students who wish to finish early can be considered to take three semesters in a year).h :// The following is a summary of the courses offered at Baze University and the mandatory entry requirements. For more informa onon specific courses and subject requirements, please visit


Field Work

Moot Court


Management and Social Sciences

The Faculty of Management and Social Sciences is at present the largest in the university and it is made up of nine Departments comprising Accoun n , Banking and Finance; Business Management, Economics, Interna onalRelaa onand Diplomacy, Markeket, Mass Communicaton, Poliical Science and Public Administraron, Psychology, and Sociology and Anthropology. It focuses on entrepreneurial and business actviies that unites different organisaa onglobally. Students are given the opportunity to be creatve and effeceve using robust problem solving skills, irrespec e of the course of study. The Faculty boasts of excellent teaching facili essupported by staff, some of whom are the best in their fields and prepares students for successful careers. The Faculty delivers cu ng-e e programmes and research that can improve the quality of lives and transform individuals, organiza onsand the society at large. Entrepreneurship is a theme that permeates all the programmes in the Faculty at both the undergraduate and Post-graduate levels. The Faculty of Management and Social Sciences is posi oned to provide intellectual leadership and life-long training for its numerous students and aspires to be the most influenn aof its kind in Nigeria and beyond. On successful comple on,you will: · Develop your knowledge on how organisa ons func on. · Understand the structure and func oningof financial markets.

choose and issue various types of assets. · Broaden your understanding of personal social services through compara e study. · Re-examine the value base of social services work and how it is applied in a management role, among others.

Specialization All programmes cover similar topics in the first year. In subsequent years, it is possible to specialize in the following areas: B.Sc. Accoun ng , Banking and Finance B.Sc. Business Management and Marke ng B.Sc. Economics B.Sc. Government and Public Administra on B.Sc. Insurance and Actuarial Science. B.Sc. Interna onal elaa ons and Diplomacy B.Sc. Library and Informa on Science B.Sc. Mass Communica on B.Sc. Psychology B.Sc. Sociology and Anthropology

Business Management Students on a Visit to the Nigerian Stock Exchange


Computing Sciences

The Faculty of Compu ngSciences is for students who wish to build a career in computer programming, web development, network design, e-business opera onsand system network as well as computer service consultancy Computer Science facilitates the ability of specialising in the technical aspects of computer systems by knowing how it works in detail. Therefore we encourage our students to learn how informa on is processed and stored on computers and also how to interact with it. A Computer Science Degree at Baze is designed to enable students understand how to program computers and how to design and implement the systems of the future. On this course, students have access to: · Our fully equipped mul -pl aorm and computer labs in order to enhance their learning experience. They can also: · Apply their skills to real-life prac al problems · Design and develop their own so are, hardware or networkas part of their final year project, among others.

Specialization All programmes cover similar topics in the first year. In subsequent years, it is possible to specialise in the following areas: B.Sc. So are Engineering B.Sc. Computer Science B.Sc. Communica on Technology B.Sc. Informa on echnology B.Sc. Informa on ystems Management

Computer Science Laboratories



The Sciences as a discipline in the Faculty of Compu ng and Sciences offer skills and practical experiences in Chemistry, Physics, Mathema cs, Biology and instrumenta on, which focuses in scien fic fields. The Science courses at Baze are designed to enable students learn a wide range of laboratory techniques used in Chemistry, Microbiology and Biochemistry, etc. At the end of this programme, you will have gained skills, knowledge and experience, which is required for employment in a wide range of scien fic disciplines such as healthcare, agriculture, food, and drink industries, among others.

Specialization All programmes cover similar topics in the first year. In subsequent years, it is possible to specialise in the following areas: B.Sc. Biochemistry B.Sc. Biotechnology B.Sc. Chemistry (Petroleum Chemistry) B.Sc. Mathema cs (Financial Mathema cs) B.Sc. Microbiology B.Sc. Physics (Geophysics) B.Sc. Biology (Biological Sciences)

Science Laboratories



Law is a very popular programme for students who wish to study law to degree level, irrespec ve of whether they wish to pursue a career in the legal field or not. The Faculty of Law offers courses that cover a diverse range of subjects (both core and op onal). The collec on of materials in the University’s Law Library is rich in quality and quan ty and there are digital and other resources available to students. There is a dedicated Law Librarian, who manages the resources of the library. The programme has been molded in order to expose students to emulate prac cal human situa on and solu on in an effort to develop their capacity for ques oning, extract and present evidence, rhetorical dexterity and examina on of policy op on and applica ons under the rules of law. The vision of the Law Programme at Baze University is to graduate highcalibre lawyers with requisite knowledge to be of genuine service relevant to humanity and society. The LL.B Programme is structured along the NUC Benchmark, with improvement to broaden and strengthen the content as well as delivery mode. e.

Specialization All programmes cover similar topics in the first year. In subsequent years, it is possible to specialise in the following areas: LLB Private and Commercial Law LLB Public and Interna onal Law.


The Medicine and Health Sciences Curriculum is custom built to reflect and conform with the high-class global standards that the University exhibits. The Faculty is made of different Departments that synergize to create a Centre of Excellence where competent Medicine and Health Scien ts who could be presented with contemporary medical challenges and difficult diagnosoc problems are trained. The goal is to produce confident and efficient Medicine and Health Scieniets that can be trusted by different categories of paa ts and thus stem the e of Medical Tourism abroad, among others. The University has now received approval to start the training of Medical Doctors and other Health Workers from the 2020/2021 session. The MBBS and some allied medical sciences programmes commenced in Semester 21A and the construc onof a Hospital to support this goal is at an advanced stage of comple on.

Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences

Specialization Medicine and Surgery, MBBS Radiography/Radia on Sciences, B.Sc Medical Laboratory Science, BMLS Public Health, B.Sc Human Anatomy, B.Sc Human Physiology, B.Sc


At Baze University, our Engineering programmes are designed to meet the needs of the Engineering industry. These programmes consist of lectures, laboratory, field works, projects, and prractal training in industries across the country. Year one and two offer a broad educaa oin the theorereal principles and conceptual fundamentals that underpin the Engineering profession. An opportunity to develop specialist knowledge in various Engineering majors is available from the third to final year of the Programme. A research-based project is carried out by each individual student in their final year. Successful completon of the Engineering Degree programme will provide students: · Sustained interest and enthusiasm in Engineering and applica ons. · With a broad and balanced base of theore al knowledge and applied skills in areas that can provide confidence for employment. · With a solid base of knowledge and skills that are required for postgraduate and research. · With the ability to design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs within realis c onstraints such as economic, environmental, social,, ethical, health and safety, manufacturability, and sustainability. · With the ability to develop the concepts of professional prac ces, innova onenterprise.

Mechanical Engineering

Specialization All programmes cover similar topics in the first year. In subsequent years, it is possible to specialize in the following areas: B.Eng. Civil Engineering B.Eng. Computer Engineering B.Eng. Electrical & Electronics Engineering B.Eng. Mechanical Engineering B.Eng. Petroleum & Gas Engineering B.Eng. Telecommunica on Engineering


The Faculty of Environmental Sciences at Baze University consists of various disciplines that are concerned with recrea ngthe environment in order to make it func onall, aestheetally and culturally acceptable and environmentally habitable by utlizing available resources economically without disrup ngthe balanced eco-system. On successful comple on at the Faculty, the students become well equipped graduates with sufficient contemporary theorereal knowledge and prac al skills required to deal with planning, design, consstruc on, management and conserva onof man-made and natural environment.

Students during Fieldwork

ARC 423: Architectural Design VI

Specialization The Faculty offers the following Programmes: B.Sc Architecture B.Sc Building B.Sc Estate Management B.Sc Quan tySurveying B.Sc Surveying and GeoInforma cs B.Sc Urban and Regional Planning


Undergraduate Programmes Requirements for Admission

S/N 1

COURSE BSc. Computer Science BSc. Computer Science (Informa on echnology) BSc. Computer Science (So are Engineering) BSc. Computer Science (Informa on ystems Management)

DIRECT ENTRY Two A/L passes in science subjects in cluding Mathema cs. NCE with at least merit in Mathemat ics and one other science or social science subject.



Five SSCE credit passes to include English Language, Mathema cs, P ysics, plus two other science subjects.

Math, Physics and one of Biology, Chemistry, Agric Science, Economics and Geography.

Diploma in Data Processing with at least a merit pass from a recognised University or OND/ HND in Data Pro cessing, Engineer ing and Maths with an overall B grade may be considered.


BSc. Economics

Two ‘A’ level passes in Economics and any one of Mathema cs, Saa s cs, Geography, Physics, Chemistry, Agric Science, Accoun n , Business Management, History and Government.

Five SSCE credit passes in English Language, Mathematics, Economics and any two of Arts or Social science subjects.

Economics, Mathema cs and any of Government, History, Geography, Lit in- English, French and CRK/IRK.


BSc. Banking and Finance

Two ‘A’ level passes in Accoun ng or economics and one other subject. NCE with passes at merit level in relevant subjects. ND at credit level. Founda on i ternaa onal exam such as ICAN, ACCA, ICMA, GPFA.

Five SSCE credits including English Language and Mathema cs and conomics.

Mathema cs, one social science and any other subject.

Two ‘A’ level passes including economics.

Five SSCE credit passes including English Language, Mathema cs and conomics.

Mathema cs, conomics and any other social subject.


BSc. Accoun ng



BSc. Business Management

Same as in Accoun ng

Same as in Accoun ng


BSc. Marke ng

Same as in Accoun ng

Same as in Accoun ng


BSc. Insurance and Actuarial Science

Same as in Accoun ng

Same as in Accoun ng

Same as in Accoun ng

Same as in Accoun ng Same as in Accoun ng


BSc. Mass Communicaon

Two ‘A’ level passes in Arts or social science subjects.

Five SSCE credit passes in English Language and 4 other subjects in Arts or Social Science.

Any three from Arts or Social Science subjects.


BSc. Sociology and Anthropology

Two ‘A’ level passes including Government or History

Five SSCE credit passes in Government or History, English Language and three other subjects. At least a pass in Mathema cs is equired.

Three social Science or Arts subjects.


BSc. Psychology

Same as in above

Same as above

Same as above


BSc. Government and Public Administra on

Two ‘A’ level passes in Government and one other social science subject.

Five SSCE credit passes including English Language, Government or History and at least a pass in Mathema cs.

Three Arts or social science subjects.


BSc. Library & Informa on Science (Not Running)

Two ‘A’ level passes in relevant subjects. NCE/OND in relevant subjects.

Five SSCE credit passes including English Language and Mathema cs.

Any three Arts or social science subjects.


BSc. Interna onal elaons and Diplomacy

Two (2) 'A' Level passes in Social Science subject from Government/History, Economics, Sociology and Business Management.

Five (5) SSC credit passes to include English Language, Government or History and three (3) relevant subjects

Economics, Literature in English and Geography/ Government/ History.


LLB. Law

Two ‘A’ level passes in Arts or social science subjects.

Five ‘O’ level credit passes to include English Language, Lit -in -English and Mathema cs.

Any three Arts or social science subjects.

NCE/OND/First Degree (Second Class Lower) 15

B.Eng. Mechanical Engineering

(i) Two (2) 'A' Level passes from Chemistry, Physics and Mathematics. (ii) ND upper credit, NCE technical and HND in Mech. Engineering

5 SSCE credits to include Physics, Math, Chemistry, English, and 1 science subject.

Physics, Chemistry, and Math


B.Eng. Civil Engineering

(i) 'A' Level passes in Physics and Mathema cs. (ii) ND/HND upper credit at appropriate levels.

Same as Mechanical Engineering

Same as Mechanical Engineering



B.Eng. Electrical/ Electronic Engineering

Two (2) 'A' Level passes in Mathema cs, P ysics or Chemistry

Same as Mechanical Engineering

Same as Mechanical Engineering


B.Eng. Telecommunica on Engineering

'A' Level passes/ND and HND in relevant subjects into 200 and 300 levels.

Same as Mechanical Engineering

Same as Mechanical Engineering


B.Eng. Petroleum and Gas Engineering

'A' Level passes to include Physics, Chemistry and Mathema cs.

Same as Mechanical Engineering

Same as Mechanical Engineering


B.Eng. Computer Engineering

Three (3) 'A' Level passes in Pure Mathema cs or Pue and Applied Mathema cs, Chemitry and Physics.

5 SSCE credits to include Physics, Math, Further Math, Chemistry, and English.

Same as Mechanical Engineering


BSc. Biological Sciences

(i) Two ‘A’ Level passes to include one of Botany, Zoology, Biology or Chemistry. (ii) ND/NCE in related fields.

5 SSCE credits to include English, Math, Chemistry, Biology and any other Science Subject.

Biology, Chemistry, and Physics or Math.


B.Sc. Microbiology

Same as Biological Sciences

Same as Biological Sciences

Same as Biological Sciences


B.Sc. Biochemistry

Same as Biological Sciences

Same as Biological Sciences

Same as Biological Sciences


BSc. Petroleum Chemistry

(i)Two ‘A’ Level passes in Chemistry and any of Physics, Math, or Biology. (ii)ND/NCE with good grades in relevant ‘O’ Level Subjects.

5 SSCE credits to include English, Math, Chemistry, Biology and Physics

Chemistry and two of Physics, Biology, and Math.


BSc. Financial Mathema cs

(i)Two ‘A’ Level passes in Math, and any other science subject. (ii)ND/NCE with at least Merit in Math and one of Physics, Chemistry or Economics.

5 SSCE credits to include English, Math, and Chemistry, or Physics.

Math and any two of Physics, Chemistry, Economics, or Geography.


BSc. Physics

ND/NCE/Two ‘A’ Level passes in Physics, and Math or Chemistry.

5 SSCE credits to include English, Physics, Math, Chemistry, and any other science subject from Further Math, Biology or Chemistry.

Physics, Math and Chemistry or Biology


Architecture, B.Sc.

(i) Two (2) 'A' Level passes chosen from Mathema cs or P ysics and Chemistry, Geography or Fine Arts. (ii) ND/HND upper credits in relevant field.

Five (5) SSC credit passes in English Language, Mathema cs, Physics, Chemistry and any of Fine Art, Geography or Wood Work, Biology, Economics, Technical Drawing, Further Mathema cs, I trroduc ono Building Construc on, Brickl ying/Block laying.

Physics, Mathema cs, and a y of Chemistry, Geography, Art, Biology and Economics.



B.Sc. Urban & Regional Planning

(i) Two (2) A’ LEVEL passes in Geography and Mathema cs (ii) ND/HND upper credit in Town Planning or related programmes plus UTME requirements are accepted. Two ‘A’ Level passes in Mathema cs, conomics, Geography, Biology, and Physics. ‘A’ Level passes in Math, Physics, and Chem.


B.Sc. Estate Management


B.Sc. Building


B.Sc. Surveying and Geo-Informa cs

Two ‘A’ Level passes chosen from Maths, Physics, Chemistry, Geo, or Fine Art.


B. Sc. Quan ty Suveying

(i) Two (2) 'A' Level passes chosen from Mathema cs or P ysics and Chemistry, Geography or Fine Arts. (ii) ND/HND upper credits in relevant field.


B.Sc. Human Anatomy


B.Sc. Human Physiology


MBBS. Medicine and Surgery


B.Sc. Public Health

Two ‘A’ Level passes chosen from Biology, Chemistry, and Physics in addi on o UTME requirement. Two ‘A’ Level passes chosen from Chemistry, Physics, and Biology/ Zoology. (i) 'A' Level passes in Physics, Chemistry and Biology or Zoology in addi on o the UTME requirements. (ii) BSC, etc in relevant programme Two (2) 'A' Level passes in Biology/ Zoology, Chemistry and Physics


BMLS. Medical Laboratory Science.


B.Sc. Radiography and Radia on Science.

'A' Level passes to include Physics, Chemistry and Biology or Zoology Two (2) 'A' Level passes chosen from Physics, Chemistry and Biology.

Five (5) SSC credit passes in English Language, Mathema cs, Geography, and any two (2) of Physics, Chemistry, Economics, Government, Biology, Art, History, IRK/CRK, Social Studies and Tech Drawing.

Mathema cs, Geogaphy and one of Economics, Physics, Chemistry.

Five SSCE credit passes including Chemistry, Math, English.

Math, Economics, and one other subject.

Five SSCE credit passes in Math, English, Physics, Chemistry, and any one of Geo, Economics, Art, Tech Drawing. Five SSCE credit passes in English, Math, Physics, Chemistry, and any of Fine Art, Geo, Wood Work, Bio, Economics, Tech Draw, Further Math, Building Construc on, or Graphics Design. Five (5) SSC credit passes in English Language, Mathema cs, Physics, Chemistry and any of Fine Art, Geography or Wood Work, Biology, Economics, Technical Drawing, Further. Mathema cs., I trroduc ono Building Construc on, Brickl ying/Block laying Five SSCE credit passes in English, Math, Bio, Chemistry, and Physics.

Math, Physics, and Chem.

Five SSCE credit passes in English, Math, Physics, Chemistry, and Biology.

Physics, Chemistry and Biology.

Five (5) SSC credit passes in English Language, Mathema cs, Physics, Chemistry and Biology.

Physics, Chemistry and Biology.

Five (5) SSC credit passes in Mathema cs, Chemitry, Biology, Physics and English Language.

Physics, Chemistry and Biology

Five (5) SSC credit passes in English Language, Mathema cs, Physics, Chemistry and Biology

Physics, Chemistry and Biology

Five (5) SSC credit passes in English Language, Mathema cs, Biology, Physics and Chemistry

Physics, Chemistry and Biology

Physics, math, and any of Chemistry, Geo, Art, Bio, and Economics.

Physics, Mathema cs, and any of Chemistry, Geography, Art, Biology and Economics.

Math, Bio, and Physics, or Chem.




Undergraduate Programmes Students’ Accommodation

How to Apply Visit h ps:// for the Applica on pocedures. Register and fill in all relevant aspects of the Applica on orm and submit as directed. As soon as the University receives the Applica on, an acknowledgement will be sent, and if qualified, an Admission Leter will follow as soon as possible. FEES For Fees, Cost and Funding, please visit: INFORMATION

Baze University Hostel Accommoda onspanning three magnificent floorors is si ng on a viable expanse of land situated at the South-East end of the campus. Here at Baze, hostel life is considered an informal educa on.Residents can learn and experiment with developing habits of mind and body that contribute to a healthy lifestyle. There are two dis nct hostels (one for each gender) comprising 720 bed spaces in total. Each hostel has a recep onarea where students can meet with their friends and receive guests (at designated mes).oom is equipped with two single beds, an air condi one, cabinets, and chairs. There is ample outside space for recrea on and a secure perimeter wall which marks the boundary of the campus footprint.

Tel: +234 (0) 813 376 9658, +234(0) 803 529 9979 Email: Students’ Hostels

Male or Female students are NOT permited to enter opposite gender's hostel.




Postgraduate Graduation Requirements ·



To be awarded the M.Sc degree, candidate must take and pass a minimum of 33 Credit Units made up of the following: 24 units of compulsory courses 9 units of elec e courses in the area of specializaa on 3 units of Seminar 6 units of Disserta on Successfully defend the Research Project before an approved Panel of Examiners to be cons tued by the Post Graduate School. To be awarded the MBA degree, candidate must take and pass a minimum of 72 Credit Units made up of the following: 48 units of compulsory courses 18 units of elec e courses in the area of specializaa on 6 units of Project work. Successfully defend the Project work before an approved Panel of Examiners. To be awarded the Law (LL.M) degree, candidate must take and pass a minimum of 30 Credit Units made up of the following: 8 units of compulsory courses 16 units of elec e courses in the area of specializaa on 6 well-researched Long Essay. Successfully defend the Long Essay before an approved Panel of Examiners to be cons tued by the Post Graduate School.

Postgraduate Application Procedure Applica on orms can be downloaded at Forms can also be collected at the address below. Completed Applica on orms could be scanned and sent to or physically submited at the address below. For further enquiries, please contact: The Dean, Postgraduate School, Baze University, Plot 686, Cadastral Zone C00, Behind Na onal Judicial Ins t e, O ffJabi Airport Road, Abuja, FCT, Nigeria.

Mani Ibrahim Ahmed, Registrar - Baze University


Email: W ebsite: Phone: 090 707 88881



aze University is located in the heart of Abuja, the capital city of Nigeria, on a vast expanse of land measuring over 26.6 hectares. The main campus has several Buildings including Academic Buildings, consis ng of several Lecture Halls, Auditoriums, Offices looped in a Quadrangle style. The Academic Buildings are uniquely named afer dis nguished individuals: the Administra ve Block - Ahmadu Abubakar, the Faculty of Law - Abiola Ojo, the Faculty of Compu ng & Sciences - Michael Hodd, the Faculty of Engineering - Rose Okwechime, the Faculty of Environmental Sciences - Aliyu Modibbo and the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences - Alpha Belgore.

The Baze University Hospital, which is a 150 bed facility under construction, is expected to be commissioned by the end of the year 2021. The University Library Complex consists of six Faculty Libraries supported by copious automaton, unlimited internet access, e-library resources, and dedicated desktop Computers for use by Students and Faculty. The Staff Housing Complex contains sixteen (16) Blocks of four Flats each and the Students’ Hostel Complex consists of two (2) Blocks dedicated for males and females respec vely with a combined capacity of 720 Bed Spaces. University has robust ancillary which include: Cafeterias, a Shopping Mall, a Chapel, a Mosque and expansive Spor ng Facili es.

Learn, To Live Baze University Abuja is one of the most respected universi es in Nigeria. We provide students with an unrivaled ter ary experience through the quality of our teaching staff, excep onal educa onal and spor ng facili es, and at roughly half the cost of sending a student abroad.

Sen. Da i Baba-Ahmed, PhD Founder, Pro Chancellor

ISSN: 2811 - 2202 Printed: September 2021 Compiled and edited by: Jamila Shu’ara(DAPS) Connect with us on social media:

@offcial_BazeUniversity @Baze_University @BazeUniversity

Yaliam Press Ltd.: 08060010202, 09093232264

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