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Welcome to the Maiden Edi on of BAZE FOCUS Magazine, a publica on that creates awareness on events in the university, while also serving as a pla orm for staff and students to show their knowledge and innova ve ideas to the outside world.

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Baze/IEEE Robo cs Contest

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Visit and Courtesy Calls

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The Baze University Management as part of its strategic ini a ve on informa on dissemina on has expanded its stables of Publica ons b e y o n d t h e N e w s - l e e r, B a z e Panorama and Bazement with the birth of this Magazine: the BAZE FOCUS a periodical showing major ac vi es and achievements. Publicity is never too much; this expanded medium of informa on will promote indepth news coverage, community out-reach and a rich academic rela onship that will go beyond our campus. In this maiden edi on, we present to our readers, major events and a c h i e v e m e n t s re c o rd e d i n t h e University from the Teaching Hospital Project, to our efforts at Robo cs, to partnerships with external professional bodies and the new programmes in the School of Postgraduate Studies; to men on but a few. There are other scin lla ng contribu ons on Campus life, high fliers, personali es, guest and visitors; indeed this is a pot purri and we are sure our readers will enjoy it. Hap-py Reading!!!

Dr. Jamila Shu'ara, FNIM Editor-in-Chief

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Alh. (Dr) Shehu Idris, CFR Sarkin Zazzau

Visitor to Baze University, Abuja

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Alhaji (DR) Ahmadu ABUBAKAR, OFR

Jus ce S. M. Alpha BELGORE, GCON

Chancellor, Chairman Board of Trustees

Member Board of Trustees

Professor Sam OYOVBAIRE

Mrs Roseline Ada OKWECHIME

Member Board of Trustees

Member Board of Trustees

Dr Aliyu Modibbo UMAR Member Board of Trustees

Senator Da


Founder, Pro-Chancellor

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FROM THE DESK OF THE FOUNDER & PRO-CHANCELLOR: CREATING PATHWAYS FOR IDEAS Baze University, is located in the na on's capital, Abuja; a modern, vibrant and studentfriendly city. The University though young, is one of the most respected universi es in Nigeria. We provide students with an unrivalled ter ary educa on experience through high quality teaching staff, conducive environment, excep onal educa onal and spor ng facili es, in a unique, pleasant, and mo va ng main c a m p u s w i t h a fi r s t- r a t e infrastructure to guarantee interna onal quality. Our highly trained staff bring with them a wealth of teaching experience and skills that assist students not simply to pursue academic excellence but to acquire life– long learning. At Baze, we ensure an atmosphere of cordiality and friendliness as we make our campus a home away from home for students. We offer a range of uniquely designed programmes to help students smoothly transit into their chosen area of specializa on. The Management creates pathways for ideas that promote our corporate vision. I am happy to be a part of the history of this maiden edi on of BAZE FOCUS and hope all our readers enjoy it.

Sen. Y.D. Baba-Ahmed, P.hD Pro-Chancellor

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Prof. Tahir Mamman, OON, SAN

David Ogbonna Esq.

(Vice– Chancellor)

(DVC Admin)

Prof. Peter Umoh

Inuwa Idris

(DVC Academics)


James Daniel, PhD

Umar Dalhat



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t is with great pleasure that I welcome you to Baze University on behalf of the Management, for this all-important stage of your life; a pivotal period of your strive to launch into a fulfilling career. Baze University offers you a unique opportunity for this purpose. The university is set to give you one of the best experiences you can hope for in a ter ary ins tu on. The serene environment is a rac ve, friendly, efficient and facili es are modern and globally compe ve.

Let me assure you that Management as a cri cal part of the Baze family, will work with students and parents to achieve a happy, healthy and memorable stay in this unique and modern university.

At Baze University, staff use student-centered methods to enhance learning and we encourage extra-curricular ac vi es in clubs, socie es and sports as well as linkages both locally and interna onally and internships in organiza ons located in the wider society. Students are, therefore, enjoined to take advantage of these unique opportuni es by focusing on their studies, respec ng rules and regula ons and the rights of other users. All the programmes offered in the university have been accredited by the Na onal Universi es Commission and other regulatory bodies. The menu of courses available in the University is growing with the recent approval by NUC to commence degrees in programmes in Environmental Sciences and Medical Sciences. NUC Approval for courses under MBBS and allied Medical Sciences are underway. I enjoin all students to abstain from an -social habits and other high risk behavior that damage health and wellbeing. The university offers limited suppor ve care in prov-en cases, but there are heavy sanc ons for students who engage in unwholesome behaviours on the campus.

Prof. Tahir Mamman, OON, SAN Vice Chancellor

"The university is set to give you one of the best experiences you can hope for in a ter ary ins tu on. The serene environment is a rac ve, friendly, efficient and facili es are modern and globally compe ve."

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THE JOURNEY SO FAR Abiodun Adeniyi*


he Baze University story began like the slow but steady walk of a one-legged cricket on a late night sojourn. However, unlike the cricket, the university had weak wings but with all its legs; strong and complete. In its walk to progress, which soon turned into sprint and later flight; the midwife, founder and proprietor of the process, Sen. Yusuf Da Baba-Ahmed, PhD. had an understanding (in the words of George Wa s's) that "Vision is something that is taken for granted. But without it, the future seems more forbidding" . To this extent, this founder was guided by a vision to fly, even without the ini al wings, believing that his concep on if perchance not recognized is just a ma er of me. Today, six years on; Baze University is effec vely at a cruising level, and even with higher ascensions in sight. Take a look at some of the greatest private universi es in the world and recall how they were founded and nurtured. Harvard, Stanford, Columbia, Princeton, Cornell, and Chicago all in USA. Imagine the ins tu ons in UK; Cambridge, Oxford, The London School of Economics (LSE), Warwick, Leeds, and similar others. And nearer home; University of Johannesburg, University of Ibadan, Ahmadu Bello University (ABU), and Covenant University, O a. The common denomina on for these citadels is a vision choreographed with purposeful and painstaking processes and procedures for its realiza on. This pa ern is the hallmark of the rise of Baze University from humble beginnings to its present status as a leading private University in Nigeria.

Let us contextualize these asser ons! It is trite to argue that universi es the world over are defined by tangible and intangible things like environment, infrastructure, u li es, and human capaci es, etc. These factors shape the context of learning, for good or bad. They determine the quality of its produc on process, and the ra ngs accorded its graduates therea er. These factors provide the s mulus for the genera on and germina on of ideas, aside from crea ng grounds for the thriving of learning and research. These condi ons some mes come with age and in other mes, they come with sheer zeal of the stakeholders or even providence. It is also the reason why universi es are rated as "Ivy League", "Russell Group", "First Genera on", "Grade A" etc. Without gainsaying Baze University has risen to the A class among its peers, especially with the rich quality of staff, the tranquil learning environment, the appropriate facili es, and the seamless transi ons of its trimesters.

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These successes are the result of the ingenuity and resourcefulness of the Pro-Chancellor, himself a scholar of no mean repute, with a doctorate degree from the University of Westminster, United Kingdom. The quality of the university's management, senior and teaching staff, obviously a ests to Baba-Ahmed's leadership quali es and the knack for small details. From the present ViceChancellor; Prof. Tahir Mamman SAN, OON, dis nguished scholar, erudite legal personality, and the legendary former Director-General of the Nigerian Law School; the Registrar, Inuwa Idris, former Commandant of the elite military school, the Nigerian Defence Academy (NDA), Kaduna; Deputy Vice-Chancellors: Prof. Peter Umoh (Academic) a world class scholar and former Execu ve Director of the NDIC and Barrister David Ogbonna (Administra on), a

legal prac oner in England and Wales, etc. They are supported by other seasoned Deans, Heads of Departments, Faculty members, etc. As Baze University hits the cruising al tude, the captain and co-pilots sit pre y in the cockpit watching out for cumulous and cumulonimbus clouds before they ac vate the Autopilot. However, in the event of the inevitable air turbulence, which may result in occasional bumps, the commanding hands of the ProChancellor, aided by the superb combina on of the Vice Chancellor and other Management staff are excellently reassuring that the des na on of greatness, and further greatness, shall be arrived at in no distant me. For now, it's Bon Voyage!

*Dr. Abiodun Adeniyi is the Head of Department, Mass Communica on, Baze University, Abuja.

"Far from flattery, Baze University has stepped on the A class, especially with the rich quality of staff, the tranquil learning environment, the appropriate provision of facilities, and the seamlessness of

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quote from Khalil Gibran reads "Progress lies not in enhancing what is, but in advancing towards what will be". This kind of advancement is what the pro-posed Baze University Teaching Hospital (BUTH) is to the Management.

A er the Na onal Anthem, the former Minister of State for Health, Dr. Aliyu Idi Hong, led the opening prayer to declare the event open. The Special Guest of Honour, FCT Minister, Alhaji Mohammed Musa Bello, ably repre-sented by his Permanent Secretary, Dr. Babatokpe

The Founda on Laying Ceremony for the Baze University Teaching Hospital was held on Thursday the 27th of April, 2017 on the main campus. The morning was buzzing with considerable excitement and expecta ons as special guests, students, sta and Management of Baze University gathered to see the ďŹ rst brick laid.

Ajakaiye, gave a heart warming speech. The speech encapsulated that the Founda on Laying Ceremony was a welcome development at such a me when more health care facili es are needed in the city and encouraged the Management of the university of the support and coopera on of the FCT administra on towards actualizing the goal.

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H e c o n g ra t u l a t e d B a ze U n i v e rs i t y fo r contempla ng on the project and laid the founda on for the Teaching Hospital. Some of the special guests at the occasion included the Representa ve of the Execu ve Secretary, Na onal Universi es Commission; the Vice Chancellor of the Na onal Open University who was represented by Dr. Francis Abuldeen; Mr. Dan Okeke the UBA Execu ve Director (North); Mr. Aman Wahbi, the Abbey Mortgage Bank Execu ve Director; the Chairman and Chancellor of Baze University Board of Trustees and former Minister for Finance and Economic Development, Dr. Ahmadu Abubakar OFR; Rt. Hon. Jus ce S.M.A Belgore, GCON; Dr. Aliyu Modibbo, FCT Minister; Mrs. Rose Ada Okwechime and the Pro Chancellor, Sen. Yusuf Da Baba-Ahmed.

The Management of the University was led by the Vice Chancellor, Prof Tahir Mamman OON, SAN and the Deputy Vice Chancellor Administra on, David Ogbonna Esq; Deputy Vice Chancellor Academics, Prof. Peter Umoh; Registrar, Inuwa Idris; Deans and Head of Departments. Therea er guests and members of the Board of Trustees were led on a brief tour of the University.

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BAZE UNIVERSITY HIGH FLYERS Baze University is synonymous with excellence, our brand speak for itself. These are some of our ďŹ rst class graduates who proceeded for Masters Degree in Universi es abroad and maintained their Magna Cum Laude status.

Name: Halima Goni Abdu BU/12c/IT/0454 BSc Informa on Technology First Class Baze University, Abuja. 2015 MSc Management Informa on Systems Dis nc on Coventry University UK. 2016.

Name: Jamil Baba BU/11B/IT/0072 BSc Informa on Systems Management — (2:1) Baze University, Abuja. MSc Network Compu ng Dis nc on Coventry University, United Kingdom

Name: Khadijah Danjuma Mohammed BSc. Computer Science (Informa on Technology) First Class Baze University, Abuja. 2014 MSc. Informa on Systems & Business Analysis Dis nc on Aston University, Birmingham England. 2016

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Professor Michael Hodd Pioneer Vice Chancellor Baze University Date: 2011-2015

Prof. Muhammad Nur Alkali (Late) Inaugural Member, Board of Trustees Baze University Date : 2011– 2014

CONVOCATION LECTURERS 1st Convoca on 2014 Oloye Olajumoke Akinjide, Former Minister of the Federal Capital Territory

2nd Convoca on 2015 Prof. Ibrahim Gambari, CFR Former Under Secretary - General, United Na ons

3rd Convoca on 2016 Hon. Jus ce Fa Lami Abubakar, LLB, LLM, LLD Former Chief Judge of Niger State

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You may ask why one would want to be a youth at added the Facul es of Engineering , a me of great challenges for youths like now? Environmental Sciences and Basic Medical The challenges include economic recession that Sciences. A School of Postgraduate Studies is in has precipitated youth unemployment currently the offing. standing at 25.20 percent, graduate In addi on to excellent facili es including a unemployment at 45 percent and price infla on ca m p u s - w i d e i nte r n et co n n e c o n , t h e at 16.01 percent in August, 2017. Despite these University deploys the barcode technology challenges, this is the best me to be a youth. It where a student's biometrics are linked to the all de-pends whether a youth is an op mist or a student's name and registra on number. In so pessimist. Recall what the doing, the student's former war me Bri sh details are concealed Prime Minister, Winston "every great during examina ons' C h u rc h i l l , s a i d o n t h i s marking, with the result achievement is a dream subject. He said that a t h at favo r i s m a n d before it becomes pessimist sees difficulty in vic miza on are nonevery opportunity whereas reality. Superior existent. Furthermore, an op mist sees intelligence, discipline there is conference opportunity in every marking of examina on and ingenuity would difficulty. The ques on is: scripts which adds subs tute for "do Nigerian youths see c r e d e n c e t o opportuni es in the current resources." examina on results. It is difficul es?" I would like to no wonder that during believe that most youths in these financially challenging mes, some Nigeria are op mists who are able and willing to parents and sponsors are withdrawing their grab available opportuni es in the current children and wards from overseas universi es to difficul es. Baze University. Let us first examine educa onal opportuni es. What about self-employment opportuni es? Because charity is expected to begin at home, we The challenging mes in employment has therefore begin at Baze University, which is our brought out the best in Nigerian youths. See educa onal home. Here, the University offers what is happening in Yaba, Lagos, with the excellent opportunity for educa on-al pursuit by Andela Group which began in the Silicon Valley in our youths. In addi on to the Facul es of Law, the United States. The Group pays the young Management & Social Sciences, and Compu ng ones in Nigeria and Kenya to learn computer & Applied Sciences, the University has recently

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programming. The Co-crea on Hub in Lagos, as the Group center is called, has brilliant Nigerians who are now world-class so ware developers. Last year, Facebook Chief Execu ve Officer and Founder, Mark Zukerberg visited Lagos to inspire the so ware developers there. He was reported to have invested $24 million in Andela.

2015. Also, there is Yemi Adesokan, a post doctoral fellow at Harvard University who is reported to have pa-tents for procedures in tracking the spread of viral epidemics in developing countries. What about Ufot Ekong who was recently reported to have solved a 50year mathema cs riddle at Tokai University in Japan? The University was said to have voted him Recently, a CNN programme featured a Nigerian the most out-standing graduate of the young lady who graduated from Andela and was ins tu on. He is reported to be working among those recruited from Nigeria by a currently with Nissan Motors where he has paso ware company in the United States. The tents in his name. When President Obama was in company's representa ve said on the CNN office, we read of a Nigerian doctor who was programme that it could not find a qualified invited to the White House by the President in American to fill the vacancy that the Nigerian girl honour of his medical feat. He was recruited to fill. was reported to have Does that not say successfully taken out an something about "it is not the strongest unborn baby from the taking advantage by of species that survive, mother's womb in order to Nigerian youths of an remove a tumor in the womb. nor the most intelligent, opportunity in a He was reported to have challenging me? but the most responsive succeeded in placing back the That girl and other to change" baby in the womb where it youths have been able grew un l it was delivered. to iden fy unique The leadership opportuni es e m p l o y m e n t for Nigerian youths are hardly opportuni es in these exploited. In the first republic, challenging mes we had Ministers who were in their 20s and early through self development. These trying mes 30s. Even in the military era, we had young Heads call for renewed efforts in self employment by of State. General Gowon was only 34 when he youths who are able and willing to exploit was Head of State. Those who a ended the last available opportuni es for such employment. Mandela Memorial lecture at Baze University will Nigerian youths' excellence abroad is worth recall that a student had wanted to know when emula on. No doubt Nigerian youths are the youths would be given a chance in hardworking and crea ve par cularly given a governance. You will also recall that Chief conducive environment. One reads about AnneMbazulike (The Boy is Good) who was a Marie Imafidon who earned a Masters' degree in parliamentarian in that republic when he was in mathema cs and computer science from Oxford his 20s replied: "nobody gives you opportunity, University at 19 and is now on corporate boards you grab it". The ques on then is "when will our in the United Kingdom. Recently, she was youths start to grab poli cal and leadership reportedly awarded Member of the Bri sh opportuni es?" Empire (MBE) by the Queen of England for her It should be obvious that this is the me to be a contribu ons. She is of the famous Imafidon youth family which was voted "the smartest family" in

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given the current vacuum in credible leadership in Africa which youths should fill. To underscore the dearth of credible leadership, the Mo Ibrahim Founda on Prize which celebrates excellence in African leadership has not been awarded since the Namibian ex-President Pohamba won it in 2014. The prize of $5 million was to be given every year, yet since it was ins tuted in 2006, only 4 ex-leaders have won it. Should this not challenge our youths? They should start by being ac ve in the youth wings of poli cal par es from where they could seek poli cal leadership, first at the local level and subsequently at higher levels. Lee Kuan Yew grabbed the opportunity at 35 when he became Prime Minister of Singapore, a country with no natural resource. Today, the country is a first world. In his review of Yew's book: From Third World to First, Dr. Henry Kissinger, a former U.S. Secretary of State said this: "Every great achievement is a dream before it becomes reality. Superior intelligence, discipline and ingenuity would subs tute for resources."

Lee Kuan Yew was not only rela vely young, he was also intelligent and disciplined. He graduated from Cambridge University in England before he returned to enter poli cs in his country. He had the energy of youth, intelligence, exposure of good educa on, and patrio sm to move his country from an undeveloped na on to a de-veloped one in so short a me! Let me conclude by borrowing from Charles Darwin who asserted that: "it is not the strongest of species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the most responsive to change". In today's Nigeria, challenges and change are enormous and rapid. Our youths must therefore learn to survive by being responsive to the challenges and change. They must be willing and able to seize available opportuni es for crea vity and self-employment. They must also learn to seek and grab leadership opportuni es whenever and wherever one exists. *Prof Peter Umoh is the DVC Academics & Coordinator Post Graduate Programme

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he Faculty of Basic Medical Sciences is responsible for grooming students in the fundamental knowledge and prac ces leading to mastery in Medicine, Anatomy, Physiology, Public Health, Medical Laboratory Technology, Nursing, Radiotherapy and other allied studies in Medicine The Na onal Universi es Commission (NUC) visited the Faculty on 23rd December 2016 and gave Baze University the approval to commence Anatomy and Physiology courses on 27th February 2017.The pioneer students for these programmes were admi ed in May 2017 and the second cohort of students gained admission in September 2017. Further more, NUC has given Baze University the nod to ini ate the processes of star ng the programmes leading to the award of the degrees of Bachelor Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (MBBS), as well as Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BNSc), Public Health (BP.HSc), Medical Laboratory Sciences (B.Med. lab.Sc) and Radiotherapy (B.RT.Sc). We are eagerly awai ng the NUC's visit on Resource Verifica on for these programmes, so that if successful, the Faculty will kick start admission processes and selec on of students for the various programmes. Meanwhile, the diverse effects of neurological disorders all over the world has mo vated researchers and organiza ons to learn about such ailments. Nigeria has also been impacted by this phenomenon, so the Faculty of Basic Medical Sciences in its quest for excellence

struck a partnership with the Neuroscience Society of Nigeria an organiza on dedicated to research collabora ons with neuroscien sts on related areas. As a result of our collabora on with the Neuroscience Society, the Faculty hosted the Annual Conference and Annual General Mee ng of the Neuroscience Society of Nigeria on the 13th of July, 2017. The Conference Theme was: 'The Role of Neuroscience Research in Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals'. At the occasion, the Vice Chancellor, Prof. Tahir Mam-man, welcomed the Neuroscience Society of Nigeria to Baze University and expressed support for all the work the organiza on is doing in its niche and encouraged full par cipa on by all A endees. Prof. Isa Marte Hussaini of the University of Maiduguri spoke on the detrimental effects of drugs and narco cs on the brain and the influence on governance. This Conference and the papers delivered were educa ve and mely in view of its posi ve impact on the young students of Baze university who obtained first hand informa on on the effects, consequences and right choices to make where narco cs was involved.

*Prof. Ferdinand Om'Iniabohs is the Dean of the Fac-ulty of Basic Medical Sciences

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Memorable Moments from the Interna onal Conference of the Neuro-Science Society of Nigeria

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Introduc on: The Faculty of Compu ng and Applied Sciences is one of the pioneering facul es at Baze University which has seen remarkable growth since the incep on of the university. The faculty has been under the deanship of two very competent Professors who have contributed immensely to the growth of the faculty and of Baze University. The Faculty

Shehnaz Ibrahim Dandawaki (BU/14B/SCI/1176) during her presentation at the Conference

consists of ďŹ ve academic Departments running the following programmes at undergraduate level: B.Sc Biological Sciences; B.Sc Chemistry (Petroleum); B.Sc Computer Science (So ware Engineering; Informa on Technology and Informa on Systems Management); B.Sc Physics (Geophysics) and B.Sc Mathema cs (Financial) There is a global understanding that higher educa on is a key driver of growth and development, as it engenders the c r e a o n o f knowledge and innova on which are vital in sustainable development, reducing poverty, i m p rov i n g g l o b a l h e a l t h , a n d enhancing na onal and global prosperity and compe veness. The-se are essen al features that collec vely addup to making a University worldclass: Highly q u a l i ďŹ e d fa c u l t y, Excellence in research, Quality

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to an increase in students' enrolment and has recently applied for the NUC's Approval of the following undergraduate programmes: B.Sc degree in Cyber Security, B.Sc degree in Biochemistry, B.Sc degree in The Faculty of Microbiology and B.Sc degree in Computing and Biotechnology

teaching, Academic freedom, well defined autonomous governance structures and well-equipped facili es for teaching, research, administra on, and student life. At Baze University, Abuja – Nigeria, these strategies are encapsulated in policies that provide deliberate focusedinvestment in science and technology and lots of "handson-experiences." NUC accredita on: the faculty has successfully obtained the NUC full accredita on in the following programmes and in fact was rated the top faculty at the University: B.Sc Computer Science; B.Sc Biology and B.Sc Chemistry.

Applied Sciences is one of the pioneering faculties at Baze University which has seen remarkable growth since the inception of the university.

Growth: the faculty has over the past few years introduced new courses which has led

Staff: there is an increase in the number of academic staff (na onal and interna onal) employed to cater to the growing number of courses and students. The quality of the services provided by the staff has also increased tremendously and this can be a ributed to a number of fa c to rs i n c l u d i n g , q u a l i t y mentorship, encouragement to engage with research community in their disciplines, and experience. In the Faculty, being world-class

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Some Staff and Students of the Department of Biological Sciences on an excursion to Na onal Park, Abuja.

is not just a slogan; it is prac cable. There is an assemblage of well qualified scien sts of diverse backgrounds, mobilizing knowledge for human needs in our various disciplines. Student mentorship programme: this is one innova ve approach which has helped students by providing guidance especially at the outset of their degree programmes. It offers a great opportunity for the staff to contribute to shaping the minds of the future leaders outside the classroom. Our Graduates: A number of these graduates have successfully pursued Masters' Degree programmes in the UK (and elsewhere) and have graduated with Dis nc on Some are taking interna onal such as TOEFL (Test of English

Language) and the GRE (Graduate Record Examina on) to commence MSc and PhD degree programs in 2018.

Some of our graduates have become entrepreneurs and are c o n t r i b u n g t o t h e G ro s s Some of our Domes c Product (GDP) by graduates have crea ng jobs for other Nigerians. become For example, one is a farmer who entrepreneurs and uses his degree program in his farming research, strategy and are contributing to product marke ng. Some are the Gross learning to design fashion Domestic Product clothing for women by applying (GDP) by creating t h e i r I n t e r a c o n , U s e r Experience, and Color Scheme jobs for other Design skills. One makes and Nigerians. markets frozen Samosa and is looking into applying her degree program in the development of marke ng applica on for her business. One of them is now an Assistant examina on Lecturer in this University. Many are working as a Foreign

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in industries in Nigeria and abroad. Students who graduate from the Faculty do so with same skills that are used in the top 4 most valuable companies in the world. One of our students FAIZA ABDULLAHI ATTAH (1st class So ware Engineering gradua ng class of 2014-B) said: "I always felt like I was useless un l I went for SIWES a er my 3rd year and I found myself contribu ng. I wanted to spend more me there because I felt highly valuable." Another student BRAIMOH PETER ODION (So ware Engineering and gradua ng class of 2017-B) came on a vis-it to the campus while on SIWES and proclaimed: "Baze Rocks" and then proceeded to share his experience at NNPC. He described how students from other Universi es had to be trained on how to crimp Com-puter Network RJ45 cables, while he and his friends from Baze just did it because they already received the training. Reports that we receive from managers in the industries where our students are working a er gradua on and have served during their SIWES program have been very posi ve and encouraging. Our students who go into the industries have reported their confidence in being able to handle assigned tasks. Research Research efforts are gathering momentum; a number of our academic staff have been sponsored to present papers at na onal and interna onal conferences. Similarly, the Faculty recently organized the first interna onal conference on sustainable development through scien fic research and modern technology. These efforts will be sustained.

Academic Reforms: The Faculty has brought about significant discipline on the way the final year students' projects are handled. These efforts are paying off in terms of the quality of the project reports obtained at final sub-mission. A case in point is the project report of Shehnaz Ibrahim Dandawaki (BU/14B/SCI/1176) tled "Prepara on of Soaps Using Ternary Blended Vegetable Oils" was accepted and presented at the 5th Interna onal Conference on Natural Resources Development and U liza on. The conference which was organized by Harvest Plus & Interna onal Potato Centre (CIP) in collabora on with Raw Materials Research and Development Council (RMRDC) took place from 11th-13th July, 2017. Procedure All the components are configured on a single bread board; a ba ery of 9v, a single stranded conduc ng wire from the LED to the base of each transistor, which serves as a signal carrier connected to different water level of the beaker. The posi ve terminals of the LEDs were labeled as LED 1, 2 & 3 to the posi ve terminal of the ba ery and then nega ve terminal to a resistor of 330Ω connected to the emi er of each transistor. Another connec on from the nega ve terminal of the ba ery to the bo om of the in-ner path of the beaker. Another simple circuit on a different bread board with a triple five mer IC (555 TIMER) was con-structed in order to provide a sensory switch to the main circuit.

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A Lecturer attending to a Student of Computer Science during a Database Class.

CIRCUIT CONFIGURATIONS FOR A RESERVOUR WATER LEVEL DETECTOR Workshop on design and construc ons of a device used in detec ons of a certain anomaly such as water in different levels of a reservoir.



Prof. Peter Ogedebe is the Dean Faculty of Compu ng and Applied Sciences at Baze University

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The Use of Robots In Disaster Management Oluwatobi Sholanke*


oes the future of humanitarian aid lie in the hand of robots? Well, that ques on led us to undertake this project. ROBOTICS is an intriguing field with advancements happening at a rapid pace. An advantage of ROBOT over humans is its adequate insight to cover the most extreme territory of given space. The development of rescue robots is a very popular field of research at the present me. According to RoboCup, a rescue robot s h o u l d b e a b l e to m e et t h e fo l l ow i n g specifica ons: It should be able to collect, accumulate, relay, process and distribute informa on. It should give the rescue opera on management cri cal help in planning. It should be reliable during ac ve duty and it has to be robust so it can survive in hos le and some mes dangerous environments. Also it has to be easy to use and useful for anyone without deep technical knowledge. The robot should in the most possible way be fool-proof but if it breaks down it should be easily repaired and use cheap spare parts. Self-sufficient Intelligent Robots will be robots that can perform wanted ac ons in unstructured condi ons without human help.

ROBOTICS has been helping in the advancement of technology, especially in the area of communica on and mechanical control. We expect to see robots make an impact in the public safety area. I, Tobi Sholanke a 300 level student of the department of Electrical and Computer Engineering of BAZE University under the tutelage and supervision of the lecturers of the Faculty of Engineering decided to work on the field of robo cs. We came up with an idea of designing an obstacle avoidance robot to help make human life be er. There are different kinds of mobile robots which consist of wheeled robot, crawling robot and legged robot; but our project features a two wheeled autonomous robot. Selfsufficient Intelligent Robots will be robots that can perform wanted ac ons in unstructured condi ons without human help. The robot has an infrared and ultrasonic sensor which is u lized to detect the obstacles or objects coming in the ROBOT's path or way. It will move in a specific bearing and keep away from the obstruc on which is coming in its way. It is programmed in a way that it is intelligent enough to manipulate received data from its sensor by itself and use the results from the manipulated data to carry out some defined tasks. It uses an infrared sensor to sense an object or obstacle in its path, once an obsta-

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cle is detected a high voltage signal is sent to the Arduino-Uno board which handles all the processing job. The primary aim of designing this type of Robot or the technology is that it can be used in areas that can endanger human lives when reached directly by humans. Examples are situa on of ďŹ re accident, mining ďŹ eld etc. The robot can be sent into these areas to scan what is going on through audio visual camera.

The primary aim of designing this type of Robot or the technology is that it can be used in the transport industry to avoid accident that generally happens in congested or the Metropolitan areas by applying emergency break. Oluwatobi Sholanke* is a 300 level Student in the Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering.

"ROBOTICS has been helping in the advancement of technology, espe-cially in the area of communica on and mechanical control, we expect to see robots make an impact in the public safety area. "

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The newly launched Faculty of Environmental Sciences of Baze University is made of six sister departments making up the Built Environment. They are Architecture, Building, Estate Management, Surveying and Geoinforma cs, Quan ty Surveying, Urban and Regional Planning. The faculty flagged off with a lecturing staff force of six Ph.D. holders and two M.Sc. holders. The faculty also has support staff comprising of three tech-nical officers and a studio officer. The structure boasts of facili es worthy of compe on anywhere on the globe. The classrooms are equipped with comfortable seats with backrest and support for scribbling, adequate ligh ng fixtures, elevated podiums, support sound system working harmoniously to balance the acous cs of the interior spaces, smart boards for easy informa on dissemina on in all classes and air condi oning. There is a well-equipped auditorium capable of sea ng 300 students, three fully furnished design studios, a library, adequate conveniences for both staff and students on all floors, adequate offices for staff and technicians alike to work efficiently. All spaces are equipped with flat screen computers and internet connec vity. The surrounding environment is safe and secured with dedicated security personnel on high alert. The faculty of Environmental Sciences sounds and certainly looks like a set off a beau ful movie. If you are interested in movies, a few examples of movies ex-pressing architectural elements worth no cing include:

· King Kong - Empire state building, New York, new architecture, high-rise, clean straight lines and boxed materials used, steel and glass, oneme highest build-ing in the world. · Hercules - Greek temples, statues of gods, mosaic flooring, columns, marble blocks, expressing early mes in history where survival was paramount materials showed earth baked clay. · Entrapment - Petronas Towers, Kuala Lumpur, post-modern architecture, material reinforced concrete, steel and glass exterior resembling Islamic mo fs. One me world's tallest building and currently world's tall-est twin towers. · Gods of Egypt - pyramids, gardens, arts, construc on, décor on the god's, material earth baked clay, pa erned gold. · Rome Amphitheatres, extensive outdoors scene for execu on, arena for combatant ba les, entertain-ment, material earth. I trust next me you're viewing a movie, you will look deeper and experience art and architecture from perspec ves or points of views of the past, its present and the definitely the future. Hannatu Abdullahi Idris* is a lecturer in the Faculty of Environmental Sciences


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a e Stepanak once said that "Unity is strength when there is teamwork and collabora on, wonderful things can be achieved." A collabora ve partnership agreement was signed on the 13th of July 2017 between the Associa on of Cer fied Chartered Accountants (ACCA), a global accoun ng professional body based in UK with 101 offices in 52 countries worldwide - Nigeria inclusive, and

BAZE University, a Nigerian based private University of interna onal repute; with the overarching objec ve of providing professional founda on for growing accoun ng graduates in African sub-region. ACCA is an ins tu on with over a century experience in developing globaly relevant finance professionals through innova ve learning delivery.

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With ACCA values of opportunity and diversity, we have worked relessly to provide quality capacity to ins tu ons in Nigeria by removing ar ficial barriers and thus providing an enabling environment for earning globally relevant professional educa on and trainings.

The goal is to enable Baze University further strengthen its reputa on at na onal and global level by bridging the gap between academic and professional educa on for its students, thereby i m p ro v i n g e m p l o ya b i l i t y a n d c a p a c i t y development of its faculty.

The Memorandum of Understanding was signed on behalf of Baze University by the Deputy Vice Chancel-lor, Professor Peter Umoh, in the presence of the Reg-istrar, Rtd Major Gen. Inuwa Idris, Associate Prof. Emeka E. Ene, Dean of Faculty of Management and Social Sciences, and on behalf of ACCA by the Head of Country, Thomas Isibor, the Business Development Manager heading the Northern Region of Nigeria, Mr Anthony Chukwuma and ACCA key Account Manager, Evelyn Isioye.

In his remarks at the occasion, the Deputy Vice Chancellor Academics, Prof. Peter Umoh, commended ACCA for demonstra ng a high level global professional accoun ng leadership by its value offerings to the University. The Registrar, Inuwa Idris added that Baze University is uniquely posi oned to take a leadership role in p r o v i d i n g a c a d e m i c a n d p r o fe s s i o n a l development in Accoun ng in African subregion.

The Highlights of this collabora ve partnership arrangement include: Provision of learning support to the Baze University students and academics; Embedding ACCA curriculum into that of Baze Uni-versity, thus enhancing the University's B.Sc. Ac-coun ng curriculum to interna onal standard ; Accredita on of Baze University's Accoun ng and Finance department ; Building capacity to deliver ACCA tui on to fast track students' professional journey with the ACCA. The partnership is align the visions of Baze University with that of ACCA; "To be a dis nc ve quality-based educa onal ins tu on, making a difference in the na on's history through posi ve impact of its services and its graduate output". ACCA is keen to support its mission to provide quality University educa on in Nigeria at about half the cost of studying abroad.

In conclusion, Associate Professor Emeka E. Ene added that the value offerings of ACCA is quite a rac ve, and Baze University is taking full advantage to be the first choice for professional and academic training in accoun ng in Nigeria. ACCA Nigeria has partnered with flagship Universi es in Nigeria such as Babcock University, Elizade University and it has been an objec ve for the University to develop a strategic partnership with the Associa on. Associate Prof Emeka Ene is the Ac ng Dean Faculty of Management & Social Sciences*

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Signing of MOU with ACCA in Pictures

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he work of the Interna onal Commi ee of the Red Cross (ICRC) is based on the Geneva Conven ons of 1949, their Addi onal Protocols, its Statutes and those of the Interna onal Red Cross and Red Crescent M o ve m e nt a n d t h e re s o l u o n s o f t h e Interna onal Confer-ences of the Red Cross and Red Crescent. The ICRC is an independent, neutral organiza on e n s u r i n g h u m a n i ta r i a n p ro te c o n a n d assistance for vic ms of armed conflict and other situa ons of violence. It takes ac on in response to emergencies and at the same me promotes respect for interna onal humanitarian law and its implementa on in na onal law. The ICRC also endeavours to prevent suffering by pro-mo ng and strengthening humanitarian law and univer-sal humanitarian principles. It is in this spirit that the ICRC, during their visit to Baze University, gave a lecture to the staff and Students of the Faculty of Law. The lecturer gave a comprehensive ap-praisal of the Mission and

Vision of the ICRC. she also encouraged both staff and students to have basic knowledge of Humanitarian law, to further enunciate this act of encouragement, the ICRC donated a library consis ng of Books, Journals and Pamphlets to the faculty, on this same note the Dean Faculty of Law, Prof. Chris Ohuruogu announced that Interna onal Humanitarian Law is being taught as a course in the Faculty of Law Baze university. He also thanked the ICRC on behalf of the management and students of the university. * Prof. Chijoke C. Ohuruogu is the Dean, Faculty of Law

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aze University, Abuja, conceived in 2008 as a privately owned nondenomina onal ins tu on, obtained its license in 2011 and graduated its first set of students in the 2013/2014 academic session. In 2015, the University started planning for postgraduate programmes and tasked an appointed Postgraduate Coordinator to liaise with the Na onal Universi es Commission (NUC) for the required approvals for postgraduate studies. The Coordinator worked assiduously with the University's Director of Academic Planning towards ge ng the needed approvals. Also, concerted efforts were made to ensure that the University was ready in terms of required facili es and qualified manpower to host the postgraduate programmes that would be approved for it by the NUC. It was therefore with gra tude and sa sfac on that the University received the NUC's le er of 15th September, 2017 informing the University of its readiness to approve the requested postgraduate programmes on the payment of necessary fees and a successful resource assessment visit. As the University prepares for the visit, it is hopeful to receive approvals for the twelve (12) Master of Science (M.Sc.) programmes, one (1) Master of Busi-ness Administra on (MBA) programme and one (1) Mas-ter of Public Administra on (MPA) programme for which the University applied. The postgraduate programmes at the University are to produce students with a spirit of innova ve enquiry through training and research. The programmes aim at providing

students with ability to apply fundamental ide-as in their various disciplines to solve new problems as they arise. Such students would be prepared for the high-level manpower requirements in Nigeria's private and public sectors of the economy. The students would also be prepared to fill teaching vacancies in our ins tu ons of higher learning as well employment opportuni es available in interna onal organiza ons. The postgraduate courses are to be hosted by the vari-ous Departments and Facul es with coordina on at the School of Postgraduate Studies. The Dean of Postgradu-ate Studies shall be the academic and administra ve head of the School, repor ng to the Vice Chancellor and the Senate of the University, through the Board of Post-graduate School. The Board to be chaired by the Dean shall have representa ves from all the Facul es hos ng postgraduate programmes. The Board shall be responsible for all ma ers in respect of postgraduate studies in-cluding, but not limited to, processing and admission of postgraduate students, development of postgraduate curriculum, examina ons and award of postgraduate degrees. It is envisaged that the University will be in a posi on to mount the underlisted fourteen (14) postgraduate pro-grammes star ng January 2018 at the Masters' level

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whilst Doctoral programmes will be added when the Masters' programmes gain maturity. i. Business Administra on, M.Sc., MBA ii. Interna onal Rela ons and Diplomacy, M.Sc. iii. Accoun ng, M.Sc. iv. Public Administra on, MPA, M.Sc. v. Banking and Finance, M.Sc. vi. Sociology, M.Sc. vii. Economics, M.Sc. viii. Mass Communica on M.Sc. ix. Parasitology, M.Sc. x. Animal & Environmental Science, M.Sc. xi. Computer Science, M.Sc.

xii. Chemistry, M.Sc. The University shall admit only graduates from recog-nized ter ary ins tu ons into its postgraduate pro-grammes on mee ng the requirements s pulated for the intended p ro g ra m m e s o f st u d y. T h e ge n e ra l admission requirements shall be as follows:i. Possession of "O" level with at least five credit pass-es in relevant subjects as determined by the Department of study. ii. Candidates for Masters' Degree shall in addi on to (i)

above possess a first degree with second class lower divi-sion or first degree with p o st gra d u ate d ip lo ma o r H ND wit h postgraduate diploma. iii. All applica ons must be accompanied by academic transcripts and favourable referees' reports. In addi on to the above, an applicant may be required as a condi on of admission to undergo such test as may be prescribed by the Department or Departments of his/her proposed programme, or take such other pre-requisite or concurrent studies and examina ons as may be pre-scribed, subject to the overall control of the Postgradu-ate School Board. The postgraduate programmes shall have the following dura ons:


The full- me Masters' degree programme shall be a minimum of one academic session and a maximum of two academic sessions. ii. A part- me Masters' degree programme shall have a minimum of two academic sessions and a maximum of four academic sessions. iii. In excep onal circumstances, Senate may grant an extension of me to a candidate on the recommenda on of the Faculty Board and the Board of the School of Post-graduate Studies. Such extension shall not exceed 12 months for a Masters' programme.

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Students are at liberty to combine their course work with research work. v. There shall be a wri en examina on in each taught course at the end of every semester. To qualify for the examina on, a student must have a ended at least 75 % of the lectures in the course. vi. For each Masters' student, there shall be a Project Supervisory Commi ee comprising the major supervisor (who shall be at least a Senior Lecturer) and one minor supervisor. This commi ee will have the responsibility of guiding and supervising the student as well as approving all aspects of the project and the thesis before submission to the External Examiner. vii. All postgraduate students shall submit a thesis or project (in a prescribed format) in par al fulďŹ llment of the requirement for gradua on in the various degrees which they have registered for.

viii. There shall be an oral defense of the thesis/project and each student must sa sfy his/her examiners in this regard to graduate. The University shall run ďŹ rst-rate postgraduate programmes for residents of Abuja and its environs, thus obvia ng the need for them to travel outside the territory to do such programmes. For those working in the city, execu ve-type postgraduate programmes shall be run in the evenings and weekends to cater for their needs. The pro-grammes shall emphasize quality, rigor and relevance. The University is uniquely located to make this contribu on towards the educa onal, technical and managerial advancement in the city, not only as a business proposi on, but also as part of its social responsibility. *Prof. Peter Umoh is the Deputy Vice Chancellor Academic & Coordinator Post Graduate Programme.

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he 2017 Baze/Ins tute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE) Nigeria Robo cs Contest themed 'Inspiring Innovator of Tomorrow' was held at the Baze University on 1st of June, 2017. The event had in a endance students from Secondary Schools in the FCT, Teach-ers, Undergraduates, Graduate students, young professionals and senior IEEE members. Other personali es who graced the occasion were the Deputy Vice-Chancellor Academics, Prof. Peter Umoh who represented the Vice Chancellor; Prof. Gloria Chukwudebe (President IEEE Africa sec on); Rislan Kanya, Director, IT Services; Dean of the Faculty of Compu ng and Applied Sciences, Prof. Peter Ogedebe, Dean of the Faculty of Engineering Dr Labaran Tanko; President of RAN, Mrs Irene Mbanefo; Engr. Abdullateef Aliyu, YP Chair, IEEE Nigeria Sec on; Engr Tunde Salihu, Trustee & MDO and IEEE Nigeria Sec on members. The 2017 IEEE Nigeria Robo cs Contest started with an Opening Remark by Engr. Raph Onoshakpor, the President of the Robo cs and Automa on Society, Nigeria Chapter and Chair of the IEEE Nigeria Sec on. A brief introduc on to Robot Arms was presented by David Okereafor, who also read out the rules of the contest and grouped the contestants into Teams. There were four Teams made up of students from

Baze University, Bells University, University of Ibadan, University of Lagos, LAUTECH, Covenant University and Nasarawa State University. The contestants were required to assemble and program ELECTRONIC ROBOT ARMS within the me limit of an hour. At the end of the contest, all the Teams completed the task to certain degrees, and the Team made up of contestants from the University of Ibadan and Bells University emerged in the ďŹ rst posi on. The Baze Team received the Award for the best design (hardware and so ware) and were third place in the overall compe on. There was a Discussion segment of the Contest and Panelists like Chukuwdebe (IEEE, President Africa sec on), Dr Amina Batagarawa of Baze University, Lebogang MM Madise (IEEE, South Africa sec on), Pa ence Enahoro and Engr. Mrs Chidimma IbehD im nwo b i a ll f ro m Niger ia m a d e va lu a b le contribu ons which were moderated by Toyin Oluwaniyi, Co-founder of Edu-teen founda on. A poster session was held with seven student branches contes ng. Ten judges inspected their works and the University of Ibadan, STB28371 was adjudged the winner while the ďŹ rst runner-up was Obafemi Awolowo University, STB89601. Prizes for the poster session were sponsored by Smile Telecom. *Rislan Kanya is the Director, IT Services.

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Dear Student, The journey of life, they say, begins with a step. Every day is a chance to be a be er you. Planning your studies is key to your dreamed successes. It guarantees good grades and a sense of fulfilment. Planning is the cheapest way to avert wastages. Avoid procras na on. It steals away your me. While doing what you are passionate about and taking chances on campus professionally, don't be afraid to think outside the box. Dream big, but have goals because dreams with-out goals can lead to disappointments. Be reminded that discipline and consistency are major ingredients for achieving these goals. Remember also that hard work pays. Working really hard and smart is what successful people do. When at some point in your journey you fail, see it as a chance to regroup and try again. Remember that you only truly fail when you refuse to try again. Those who achieve resounding successes today had their own mes when things turned south. But they held on, they persevered, refusing to let those setbacks define who they truly are. With the right opportuni es and privileges evident here on campus, everyone is a star, and a poten al achiever. I am yet to see anyone anywhere who ever went through a University with a 4.0 CGPA scoring 100% in all modules from start to finish. By this I mean, at some point, people do fail. But they don't allow those failures define them. They s ll went ahead and achieved great fits. There would be basic setbacks in the course of your study, I understand. This is nor-mal. The stories are

abound of Abraham Lincoln's many failures, yet he rose and eventually became one of America's arguably finest presidents of all me. Like Abraham Lincoln, you too can rise against all odds and achieve your most profound dreams. It is possible. Never give up! Just because your last examina ons did not turn out like you would have loved, does not mean your future examina ons can't be be er than you ever imagined. Never give up! In trying to achieve success, don't forget to synergize with your friends, course mates, and lecturers, because together we are powerful. Together we can achieve what may seem impossible when we act alone. When you eventually succeed, do remember to help empower others. It is a great way of building be er integrated and greater communi es, socie es, and na ons. For those of you who are just star ng off your Univer-sity journey here at Baze University, I encourage you not to despise the days of your li le beginnings. Re-member that great things are achieved a li le at a me. There may be several tempta ons that come with being a University Freshman, especially the tempta on to use illicit drugs. Simply say no. It will save you a whole lot of headaches, pains, and grief.

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For those of you whose university expedi on here has come to an enviable end, I encourage you to take with you the Baze University Family Values of excellence, dedica on, love, understanding, care for one another, uprightness, trust, and service to Country and Humanity. Be our proud Ambassadors. Let the world see the values you've learnt while here. Though we would love to have you with us always, me has come for you to move on. It is me for the rest of the world to see and celebrate your worth. As you go into the wider world, let your narra ves res-onate with World Peace,

Togetherness, Equal Opportuni es, Tolerance, and Care. For on these founda ons, together we could build a be er, fairer, and more inclusive world for all. Wherever and whenever you can, help others. The world is far be er o with more helpers. Above all, love your brothers, sisters, friends, families, and countr y. At ever y given opportunity, demonstrate your commitment to the common good and oneness of Humanity. Aghedo Oshioreamhe is the Dean Student Aairs*

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Visit by His Excellency, the former Vice President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, Arc. Namadi Sambo GCFR

Visit by His Excellency, the Executive Governor of Kano State, Dr. Abdullahi Umar Ganduje

Visit by Alh. Mohammed Indimi, President /CEO, Indimi Foundation

Visit by the Honourable Minister of Women Affairs, Hajiya Aisha Jummai Alhassan

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Visit by the Minister of Communications, Abdul-Raheem Adebayo Shittu

Visit to NEEM Foundation a Rehabilitation Centre by Baze University Team

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It is with heavy hearts, that we announce the passage of: Five of our dear students: • Bashir Umar Musa, Abubakar Umar Tambawal and Maskur Muhammad Abdulkadir—March 2017 • Shehu Usman Muhammad— July 2017 •

Ishaya Rikwen she—October 2017 Two diligent members of staff:

Dr. Onukaba Adinoyi Ojo—March 2017 Dr. Ejike Anunike—August 2017 May their gentle souls rest in peace.

Baze University Library System Baze University has six faculty libraries in the system; Law and Legal Studies; Management and Social Sciences; Engineering; Environmental Sciences; Basic Medical Sciences; Compu ng and Informa on Technology. The libraries strive to have the most up-to-date collec ons and state-of-the-art facili es.

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