23 OKTOBER 2021 Berlepas pulang selepas menghadiri sambutan Keluarga Malaysia di Kuching, Sarawak. BERNAMA IMAGES / Mohd Faizol Abdul Aziz
23 OCTOBER 2021 Heading home after the Malaysian Family celebrations in Kuching.

‘Ismail Sabri Yaakob 365’ ialah fotofolio 365 hari pertama khidmat beliau sebagai

Perdana Menteri kepada negara. Datuk Seri Ismail Sabri Yaakob mengangkat sumpah
jawatan sebagai Perdana Menteri ke-9 Malaysia pada 21 Ogos 2021 di Istana Negara Kuala Lumpur. Ismail Sabri meluncurkan gagasan Keluarga Malaysia pada 22 Ogos 2021 yang menekankan kepada tiga teras utama iaitu Kebersamaan, Keterangkuman dan Kesyukuran. Membina dan mengembalikan kestabilan politik negara menjadi agenda utama sepanjang tempoh setahun pertama pentadbirannya.
‘Ismail Sabri Yaakob 365’ is a fotofolio of his first 365 days as Prime Minister serving the nation. Datuk Seri Ismail Sabri Yaakob took his oath of office as the 9th Prime Minister of Malaysia on 21 August 2021 at the National Palace, Kuala Lumpur. Ismail Sabri introduced the Keluarga Malaysia idea on 22 August 2021 which emphasises three main cores namely Togetherness, Inclusion and Gratitude. Building and restoring the country’s political stability became the main agenda during the first year of his administration.
Tiga Puluh Lima Tahun Berbakti
Dari Bera ke Medan Perjuangan
Terima Kasih Dari Diri Ini
Budi Penaja Menjadi Kenangan
This is a Malay rhyme that says Ismail Sabri has been in politics for 35 years, is from the town of Bera in the eastern Malaysia’s peninsula, and thanks the sponsors for this publication.

21 OGOS 2021 Istiadat Pengurniaan Surat Cara Pelantikan dan Mengangkat Sumpah Jawatan dan Setia serta Sumpah Simpan Rahsia Perdana Menteri ke-9 di hadapan Yang di-Pertuan Agong Al-Sultan Abdullah Ri’ayatuddin Al-Mustafa Billah Shah di Balai Singgahsana Istana Negara. BERNAMA IMAGES
21 AUGUST 2021 Ceremony of Awarding the Letter of Appointment and Taking the Oath of Office and Allegiance as well as the Oath of Secrecy of the 9th Prime Minister in front of the Yang di-Pertuan Agong Al-Sultan Abdullah Ri’ayatuddin AlMustafa Billah Shah at the National Palace Singgahsana Hall.

13 SEPTEMBER 2021 Majlis Menandatangani Memorandum Persefahaman (MoU) Transformasi dan Kestabilan Politik antara Kerajaan Persekutuan dan Pakatan Harapan di Bangunan Parlimen.

BERNAMA IMAGES / Mohd Faizol Abdul Aziz
The Signing Ceremony of the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU on Political Transformation and Stability between the Federal Government and Pakatan Harapan at the Parliament Building.

24 SEPTEMBER 2021 Meneliti dokumen Rancangan Malaysia Kedua Belas 2021-2025 (RMKe-12) bersama Unit Perancang Ekonomi Jabatan Perdana Menteri di Putrajaya.

BERNAMA IMAGES / Mohd Faizol Abdul Aziz
Taking a close look at the documents of the Twelfth Malaysia Plan 2021-2025 (RMK-12) with the Economic Planning Unit of the Prime Minister’s Department in Putrajaya.

27 SEPTEMBER 2021 Menuju ke Dewan Rakyat sambil diiringi oleh Dato’ Nor Nazimah Hashim, Setiausaha Sulit Kanan (empat dari kiri), Dato’ Ruhaidini Abd Kadir, Pengarah Media dan Komunikasi Strategik (tiga dari kiri) dan pegawai-pegawai yang lain serta Dato’ Sri Mustapa Mohamed, Menteri di Jabatan Perdana Menteri (lima dari kanan) untuk membentangkan Rancangan Malaysia Kedua Belas 2021-2025 (RMKe-12). BERNAMA IMAGES
Heading toward the Dewan Rakyat while accompanied by Dato’ Nor Nazimah Hashim, Principal Private Secretary (four from left), Dato’ Ruhaidini Abd Kadir, Director of Media and Strategic Communications (three from left) and Dato’ Sri Mustapa Mohamed, Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department (fifth from right) to table the Twelfth Malaysia Plan 2021-2025 (RMKe-12).
27 SEPTEMBER 2021 Membentangkan Rancangan Malaysia
Kedua Belas 2021-2025 (RMKe-12) di Dewan Rakyat.

BERNAMA IMAGES / Mohd Faizol Abdul Aziz
The tabling of the Twelfth Malaysia Plan 2021-2025 (RMK-12) in the Dewan Rakyat.

2 OKTOBER 2021 Wawancara eksklusif 100 Hari Aspirasi Keluarga Malaysia di Pejabat Perdana Menteri di Putrajaya. BERNAMA IMAGES / Mohd Faizol Abdul Aziz
2 OCTOBER 2021 The 100 Days Malaysian Family Aspirations exclusive interview at his office in Putrajaya.

29 OKTOBER 2021 Pembentangan Belanjawan 2022 di Dewan Rakyat. BERNAMA IMAGES

29 OCTOBER 2021 The tabling of the 2022 Budget at the Dewan Rakyat.

NOVEMBER 2021 Memegang selipar beliau sendiri selepas menunaikan solat Jumaat di Masjid Putra Putrajaya.

BERNAMA IMAGES / Mohd Faizol Abdul Aziz
Holding his sandals after performing Friday prayers at the Putra Mosque in Putrajaya.

8 JANUARI 2022 Berlepas pulang selepas lawatan kerja ke Sabah. BERNAMA IMAGES / Mohd Faizol Abdul Aziz
8 JANUARY 2022 Taking the flight home after a visit to Sabah.

26 OKTOBER 2021 Mengetuai delegasi Malaysia ke Sidang
Kemuncak ASEAN ke-38 & ke-39 serta beberapa sidang
lain bersama pemimpin utama ASEAN yang berlangsung
secara maya. BERNAMA IMAGES / Mohd Faizol Abdul Aziz
26 OCTOBER 2021 Leading the Malaysian delegation at the 38th & 39th ASEAN Summit as well as several other meetings with key ASEAN leaders that took place virtually.

INDONESIA 10 NOVEMBER 2021 Bersama Presiden Joko
Widodo di Istana Bogor bersempena lawatan rasmi ke

Indonesia. BERNAMA IMAGES / Mohd Faizol Abdul Aziz
With President Joko Widodo at Bogor Palace during his official visit to Indonesia.

SINGAPURA 29 NOVEMBER 2021 Sidang media bersama
Perdana Menteri Singapura Lee Hsien Loong di Istana
Singapura. BERNAMA IMAGES / Mohd Faizol Abdul Aziz
SINGAPORE News conference with the Prime Minister of Singapore Lee Hsien Loong at Singapore’s Palace.

SINGAPURA 29 NOVEMBER 2021 Bersama Perdana Menteri Singapura Lee Hsien Loong ketika Majlis Pelancaran Laluan Perjalanan Vaksinasi (VTL) antara Malaysia dan Singapura di Woodlands. BERNAMA IMAGES / Mohd Faizol Abdul Aziz
SINGAPORE With the Prime Minister of Singapore Lee Hsien Loong during the Launching Ceremony of the Vaccination Travel Lane (VTL) between Malaysia and Singapore at Woodlands.

1 DISEMBER 2021 Turun padang melakukan tinjauan harga barang basah di MyFarm Outlet Kasih di Putrajaya.

BERNAMA IMAGES / Mohd Faizol Abdul Aziz
1 DECEMBER 2021 In-the-field surveying price on essential goods at MyFarm Outlet Kasih in Putrajaya.

9 DISEMBER 2021 Program 100 Hari Aspirasi Keluarga Malaysia di Pusat Konvensyen Kuala Lumpur.
9 DECEMBER 2021 The 100 Days of Keluarga Malaysia Aspirations programme at the Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre.

19 DISEMBER 2021 Tinjauan operasi menyelamat dan lawatan ke Pusat Pemindahan Sementara mangsa banjir di Selangor.

19 DECEMBER 2021 Joining the rescue operations and visiting the Temporary Relief Center for flood victims in Selangor.


KEMBOJA 24 FEBRUARI 2022 Bersama Perdana Menteri Kemboja Samdech Techo Hun Sen di Peace Palace

CAMBODIA 24 FEBRUARY 2022 With Cambodian Prime Minister Samdech Techo Hun Sen at the Peace Palace in Phnom Penh. PRIME MINISTER’S DEPARTMENT

28 FEBRUARI 2022 Istiadat Pembukaan Mesyuarat Pertama Penggal Kelima Parlimen Ke-14 oleh Yang di-Pertuan Agong Al-Sultan Abdullah Ri’ayatuddin Al-Mustafa Billah Shah.

BERNAMA IMAGES / Mohd Faizol Abdul Aziz
28 FEBRUARY 2022 Opening Ceremony of the First Meeting of the Fifth Term of the 14th Parliament by the Yang di-Pertuan Agong Al-Sultan Abdullah Ri’ayatuddin Al-Mustafa Billah Shah.

16 MAC 2022 Berucap pada sesi penggulungan Perhimpunan Agung UMNO 2021 di Pusat Dagangan Dunia Kuala Lumpur.

BERNAMA IMAGES / Mohd Faizol Abdul Aziz
16 MARCH 2022 Addressing the closing session of the 2021 UMNO General Assembly at the Kuala Lumpur World Trade Centre.

VIETNAM 21 MAC 2022 Kunjungan hormat ke atas
Presiden Vietnam Nguyen Xuan Phuc di Istana
21 MARCH 2022 Courtesy call on Vietnamese
President Nguyen Xuan Phuc at the Presidential Palace in Hanoi. PRIME MINISTER’S DEPARTMENT

Majlis Apresiasi Ekspo 2020 Dubai.
BERNAMA IMAGES / Mohd Faizol Abdul Aziz
UNITED ARAB EMIRATES 30 MARCH 2022 The 2020 Dubai Expo Appreciation Ceremony.

INDONESIA 1 APRIL 2022 Lawatan kerja singkat ke Indonesia bertemu Presiden Indonesia Joko Widodo di Istana Merdeka. BERNAMA IMAGES / Mohd Faizol Abdul Aziz
A short working visit to Indonesia to meet Indonesian President Joko Widodo at the Merdeka Palace.


28 APRIL 2022 Bersama anak-anak yatim termasuk
dari rumah anak yatim Raudhatul Al-Faeez membeli
baju raya baharu di sebuah pusat beli belah di

Putrajaya menjelang sambutan Hari Raya Aidilfitri.
BERNAMA IMAGES / Mohd Faizol Abdul Aziz
With orphans including orphans from the Raudhatul Al-Faeez buying new clothes at a mall in Putrajaya ahead of the Hari Raya Aidilfitri celebrations.

10 MEI 2022 Raja Permaisuri Agong Tunku Hajah Azizah Aminah Maimunah
Iskandariah berkenan mengadap sempena lawatan ke Pemeran Tenun
Diraja Pahang pada Minggu Kraf London di bangunan Suruhanjaya Tinggi
Malaysia di Belgrave Square London. BERNAMA IMAGES
10 MAY 2022 Raja Permaisuri Agong Tunku Hajah Azizah Aminah Maimunah
Iskandariah consented to an audience in conjunction with a visit to the Royal Pahang Weave Exhibition during the London Craft Week at the Malaysian High Commission building in Belgrave Square London.

Bersama Presiden Amerika Syarikat
Joe Biden dan pemimpin utama ASEAN sempena Sidang Kemuncak
Khas AS-ASEAN di Rumah Putih
Washington DC. BERNAMA IMAGES / Mohd Faizol Abdul Aziz
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 13 MAY 2022 With the President of the United States Joe Biden and key ASEAN leaders in conjunction with the US-ASEAN Special Summit at the White House in Washington DC.

AMERIKA SYARIKAT 13 MEI 2021 Pertemuan dengan Naib Presiden Amerika
Syarikat Kamala Haris dan pemimpin utama ASEAN sempena Sidang
Kemuncak Khas AS-ASEAN di Rumah Putih Washington DC. BERNAMA
IMAGES / Mohd Faizol Abdul Aziz
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 13 MAY 2021 Meeting with Vice President of the United States Kamala Harris and key ASEAN leaders in conjunction with the US-ASEAN Special Summit at the White House in Washington DC.

JEPUN 24 MEI 2022 Menerima Ijazah Kehormat
Kedoktoran daripada Presiden Universiti Nihon Dr Naoto Kato di Tokyo. JABATAN PERDANA MENTERI
JAPAN 24 MAY 2022 Receiving an honorary doctorate from Nihon University President Dr Naoto Kato in Tokyo. PRIME MINISTER’S DEPARTMENT

JEPUN 26 MEI 2022 Menyampaikan ucaptama pada Persidangan Antarabangsa ke-27 Mengenai Masa Depan Asia atau Persidangan Nikkei di Tokyo. BERNAMA IMAGES / Mohd Faizol Abdul Aziz
JAPAN 26 MAY 2022 Delivering a keynote address at the 27th International Conference on the Future of Asia or the Nikkei Conference in Tokyo.

JEPUN 27 MEI 2022 Bertemu dengan Perdana
Menteri Jepun Fumio Kishida di Kantei atau
Pejabat Perdana Menteri Jepun di Tokyo.
BERNAMA IMAGES / Mohd Faizol Abdul Aziz
JAPAN 27 MAY 2022 A meet-up with the Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida at Kantei the Japanese Prime Minister’s Office in Tokyo.

1 JUN 2022 Konvensyen Barisan Nasional bersempena Sambutan

Ulang Tahun Barisan Nasional Ke-48 di Dewan Merdeka Pusat
Dagangan Dunia Kuala Lumpur. BERNAMA IMAGES
1 JUNE 2022 Barisan Nasional Convention in conjunction with the Barisan Nasional’s 48th Anniversary at Merdeka Hall in the Kuala Lumpur World Trade Centre.

6 JUN 2022 Yang di-Pertuan Agong Al-Sultan Abdullah Ri’ayatuddin Al-Mustafa Billah Shah dan Raja Permaisuri

Agong Tunku Hajah Azizah Aminah Maimunah Iskandariah berkenan bersama sebelum Istiadat Menghadap dan Pengurniaan Darjah Kebesaran Bintang dan Pingat Persekutuan 2021 bersempena Hari Keputeraan Rasmi Yang di-Pertuan Agong di Istana Negara. BERNAMA IMAGES
6 JUNE 2022 The Yang di-Pertuan Agong Al-Sultan Abdullah Ri’ayatuddin Al-Mustafa Billah Shah and Raja Permaisuri Agong Tunku Hajah Azizah Aminah Maimunah Iskandariah consented to an audience before the Presentation Ceremony and Awarding of the Federal Star and Medal 2021 in conjunction with the Yang di-Pertuan Agong’s Official Birthday at the National Palace.

14 JUN 2022 Menyaksikan perlawanan terakhir Kumpulan E saingan Kelayakan Piala Asia 2023 antara Malaysia dan Bangladesh di Stadium Nasional Bukit Jalil. BERNAMA IMAGES
14 JUNE 2022 Watching the final Group E match of the 2023 Asian Cup Qualifiers between Malaysia and Bangladesh at the Bukit Jalil National Stadium.

24 JUN 2022 Sesi Dialog Peringkat Tinggi Mengenai Pembangunan Global anjuran Republik Rakyat China di Kuala Lumpur.
BERNAMA IMAGES / Mohd Faizol Abdul Aziz
24 JUNE 2022 High Level Dialogue On Global Development session organized by the People’s Republic of China in Kuala Lumpur.

28 JULAI 2022 Rang Undang-Undang (RUU) Perlembagaan (Pindaan) (No 3) 2022 berkaitan Larangan Ahli Parlimen Bertukar Parti diluluskan di Dewan Rakyat dengan sokongan majoriti dua pertiga. BERNAMA IMAGES

28 JULY 2022 Constitution (Amendment) Bill (No. 3) 2022 and the Provision for the Prohibition of Members of Parliament from Party Hopping was passed in the Dewan Rakyat with a two-thirds majority.

29 JULAI 2022 Bersama Yang di-Pertuan Agong Al-Sultan Abdullah Ri’ayatuddin Al-Mustafa Billah Shah
membaca surah Yasin sempena Majlis Sambutan Maal Hijrah Peringkat Kebangsaan Tahun 1444H dan Majlis
Bacaan Yasin Hari Pahlawan Tahun 2022 di Masjid Wilayah Persekutuan di Kuala Lumpur. BERNAMA IMAGES
29 JULY 2022 With the Yang di-Pertuan Agong Al-Sultan Abdullah Ri’ayatuddin Al-Mustafa Billah Shah reciting the Yassin in conjunction with the National-level Maal Hijrah 1444H Celebration and the 2022 Warriors Day Recitation of Yassin Ceremony Federal Territory Mosque, Kuala Lumpur.

30 JULAI 2022 Pelancaran Bulan Kebangsaan dan Kibar Jalur Gemilang di Dataran Putra Putrajaya. BERNAMA IMAGES
30 JULY 2022 Launching of the National Month and Fly the Jalur Gemilang celebrations in Dataran Putra Putrajaya.

3 OGOS 2022 Sambutan Hari Wanita Kebangsaan 2022 di Pusat Konvesyen Kuala Lumpur (KLCC). BERNAMA IMAGES / Mohd Faizol Abdul Aziz

3 AUGUST 2022 Celebration of the 2022 National Women’s Day at the Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre (KLCC).

9 OGOS 2022 Melihat lukisan potret beliau di Parlimen. BERNAMA IMAGES / Mohd Faizol Abdul Aziz
9 AUGUST 2022 Taking a peek at his portrait painting at the Parliament.

13 OGOS 2022 Program RXZ Members 4.0 2022 di Litar Permotoran Antarabangsa Terengganu di Gong Badak Kuala Terengganu. BERNAMA IMAGES

13 AUGUST 2022 The 2022 RXZ Members 4.0 Programme at the Terengganu International Drag Strip in Gong Badak Kuala Terengganu.