2013 Connections Term 2

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Confraternity of Christian Doctrine Diocese of Broken Bay

CCD Newsletter Volume 18 Issue 2 Term Two 2013

in this issue‌ NEW Tear out and keep: Ideas for the classroom pages 10 & 11 This issue: Lesson ideas for Pentecost. & More tips for using the SmartBoard Resources in your classroom.

Upcoming Events: Regional Reflection Days with Monica Brown. Level 2 Training Further details see Notices on the back page

Catechist Formation:

Filling Our Wells Catechist Spirituality Part 4 of 5

in this issue

Term Two 2013 Week 1 Fifth Sunday of Easter Week 2 Sixth Sunday of Easter Week 3

Ascension of the Lord

Susan Daily


Week 4

Pentecost Sunday Week 5 Ordinary Time

Trinity Sunday Week 6 Ordinary Time

The Body and Blood of Christ 7 June—Sacred Heart Week 7 Ordinary Time

Do you have a story from your classroom that you think you could share? It could be an idea for a lesson, an incident that made you laugh, inspired you or challenged you in some way. If you would like to share your moment of grace please write to the editor at: ccdinfo@dbb.org.au or CCD, PO Box 340, Pennant Hills 1715 Closing date for the Term 3 issue is 14 June 2013

Week 8 Ordinary Time

From the Classroom

Hineh ma tov uma na'im Shevet achim gam yachad.

Week 9 Ordinary Time

24 June - St John the Baptist 29 June - Sts Peter & Paul

Filling our Wells Part 4 of 5

Monica Brown

Opportunity to attend Diocesan Bible Conference See page 5

May 2013

From the Director/ Events From the Diocesan CCD Coordinator Secondary or Ministry Catechist Formation: Filling our Wells Part 4 From the Classroom For the Classroom From the Regions Noticeboard, Training Dates & CCD Directory

3 4 5 6&7 8 9 & 10 11 12


Term Two 2013

page 12 Regional Reflection Days with

Pages 8 & 9


For full story See page 8


Catechist Spirituality

Front page: ‘Pentecost’ by Susan Daily

Jewish / Catholic Relations

Training and Formation Calendar

CCD Ministry Induction held in Forestville March 2013

from the director Welcome back to Term 2! I hope you have had a prayerful and blessed Easter as we journey towards Pentecost. It is not often that Term 1 continues after the Holy Week and the Easter Octave and I hope you had a chance to take a break, rest and recharge the batteries after the busyness of season and the continued classes. With the constant evolving of technology and learning methods, it was great to see the enthusiasm in which the first instalment of the Interactive White Board resources and the training program was received in Term 1. Development of the next instalment is well underway, and in collaboration with the Catholic Conference of Religious Educators in State Schools (CCRESS), the release of other digital and interactive resources over the coming months is being planned. The new diocesan website can be found at www.dbb.org.au and is also being actively updated with new resources are being made available on a regular basis. The ongoing training, formation and reflection days that are available provides catechists with opportunities to deepen their faith and expand their knowledge. The recent adult faith formation event with Michael Leunig and Rev Dr David Ranson was a huge success with many catechists amongst the 500+ attendees. I encourage all to consider attending the various events organised by the CCD diocesan team and the wider Parish Support Unit.

Term Three 2013 Week 1 Ordinary Time Week 2 Ordinary Time Week 3 Ordinary Time Week 4 Ordinary Time Week 5 Ordinary Time

Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary Week 6 Ordinary Time Week 7 Ordinary Time Week 8 Ordinary Time

3 Sept - Anniversary of the Ordination of Bishop David Walker (1996) Week 9 Ordinary Time

Much has also happened in the wider Church since our last issue of Connections. We have a new Pope, and the sense that I get from speaking to various people is that there is a renewed sense of hope that Pope Francis I will lead the Church through the tough issues that we are currently facing. With a similar conviction, but very different style from Pope Benedict XVI, Pope Francis reminds us of Jesus’ preference for the poor by bringing to the fore this Gospel message, through example.

Week 10 Ordinary Time

“Jesus excluded no one, either from his message or from his invitation to enter the kingdom. He loved all his contemporaries. And because he loved them he sought their conversion, the change of heart that makes a person more human, from that which is overshadowed by, or submerged under, riches, power, pride, security, in the traditions of the law. What Jesus sought was that everyone should become a ‘new person,’ a member of the kingdom.” Oscar Romero It is this Gospel message that you teach our children as you enter the classroom every week. I never take for granted the work that you do and again thank you for your dedication and generosity of time, talent and treasure and the gift of yourself in the CCD ministry. God Bless Carole Gan, Director Parish Support Unit

Susan Daily

MEETINGS AND EVENTS April 29 May 3 6 6 6,13,20,27 7, 14, 21 10 13,20,27 17 28 31 31 June 3,17 3,17,24 14 28 28

TERM 2 2013 TERM 2 COMMENCES NSH: Parish Coordinators Meeting MWP: Parish Coordinators Meeting MWP: Secondary Catechists Meeting CC: Level 2 MWP: CCDMI CC: Parish Coordinators Meeting MWP & NSH: Level 2 MWP & NSH: Regional Reflection Day CCD Advisory Committee Meeting CC: Regional Reflection Day Service Award Application Deadline

10:00am - 12:00pm 9:45am - 12:00pm 1:00pm - 2:30pm 9:30am - 2:30pm 12:30pm - 2:30pm 10:00am - 1:00pm 9:30am - 2:30pm 9:30am - 2:30pm 5:00pm - 7:00pm 9:30am - 2:30pm

CC: Level 2 (cont) 9:30am - 2:30pm MWP & NSH: Level 2 (cont) 9:30am - 2:30pm Deadline for submitting articles for Connections Statistics Deadline TERM 2 CONCLUDES

CCC Mona Vale Mona Vale East Gosford Forestville East Gosford Forestville Terrey Hills CCC The Entrance East Gosford Forestville

CCC – Caroline Chisholm Centre (Pennant Hills); CC – Central Coast; MWP – Peninsula; NSH – North Shore & Hornsby

Confraternity of Christian Doctrine, Diocese of Broken Bay


from the Diocesan Coordinator, CCD Greetings to all our wonderful catechists during this grace-filled Easter Season! I trust you had a happy and holy Easter in your parishes and families and enjoyed celebrating this blessed feast with the children in your classrooms. It was wonderful to have the opportunity to continue the Easter story with the additional two weeks of term after the Easter weekend. It is always a source of joy and hope when I hear stories of wonderful Easter assemblies in your schools. It’s inspiring to hear of the ecumenical spirit that exists in many school communities as the Christian churches come together to celebrate that which is central to our Christian belief – the Resurrection of Jesus from the dead. As we journey through the Easter Season towards Pentecost, I pray that the children and their families will open their hearts to receive the graces that are available to them.

is essential that you attend one of our workshops. The USB resource remains the property of the Diocese and is provided to you on loan. As we further develop the SmartBoard resource, we will roll out new versions. As these new versions become available, it will not be necessary to train again, merely to return the USB and receive the latest version. It is important to note that the SmartBoard resources do not replace the curriculum material. Like any resource that you use to complement your lessons, if you only ever used the SmartBoard, children and young people would quickly tire of it. It’s important to continue using music, drama, story, etc. to enhance the quality of your lessons. The compulsory resources are the Walking With Jesus teacher’s manual and the student activity book. All other resources should complement the lesson plan you are working with. Term 1 also saw a number of CCD Ministry Induction courses (formerly BACs) held across all regions. It is always heartening to see the number of new volunteers who join our ranks each year. A warm welcome to all of our new catechists and catechist helpers. We hope you are enriched by your time with us as we know you will be. The two-way faith formation experience that comes with teaching SRE to children and young people is truly awesome!

Term 1 was a busy and exciting one as we launched Version 1 of our new SmartBoard resources. Workshops have been held across many of the regions to train catechists in the basic use of SmartBoards and provide them with the USB resource that is designed to complement the Walking With Jesus curriculum material. Please contact your Parish Coordinator or Regional CCD office if you wish to enquire about the availability of SmartBoard training. If you wish to use the SmartBoard resource, it


Term Two 2013

You should by now have received your green or yellow 2013 authorisation card. We have provided these to you this year in a lanyard. Please wear these into the schools so that your authorisation as a Catholic SRE teacher is visible when you enter public school grounds. During Term 2, we are offering two Reflection Days which will be presented by Monica Brown (see flyer enclosed with this issue of Connections). I encourage you to attend one of these sessions if at all possible. They are being held at Terrey Hills and The Entrance. Monica is truly inspiring.

You may have read articles in the mainstream media during recent times that ethics classes have grown in numbers across the State to around 7000 students. I’d just say that, as always, we respect the right of parents to choose for their children the type of education they receive. We have always respected the right of parents to choose which SRE class the children attend – whether it be one of the Christian SRE classes available or that of another religious faith. Likewise, we respect the right of parents to choose non-Scripture for their children. The parents of nonScripture students now have an alternative choice, i.e. to choose

You are the salt of the earth! ethics classes. We happily co-exist alongside all providers. Please be assured that your contribution to public education is highly regarded by the families of the children you teach. Additionally, the bishops, priests and parishioners of New South Wales, the Minister for Education and the Department of Education and Communities greatly value the work you do in the schools to form children in the faith tradition of their families. We know also, that most of the children we teach greatly value their time in SRE. You are the face of Christ as you represent your Parish each week in the schools. Never underestimate the work you do. There are approximately 12,000 SRE volunteers in New South Wales who teach 300,000 SRE students. The Catholic Church is the largest denominational provider of SRE in New South Wales. You are the salt of the earth!! I wish you again the richest blessings of Easter during this Year of Grace and Faith as you go about sharing the Good News that Jesus brought to us 2000 years ago. Blessings,


secondary ministry

receiving ashes (on their hands) and a blessing with holy water that made this experience in the classroom sacred indeed. Across the Central Coast during term 1 high school Many thanks to our High students explored the seminar “Out of the Ashes”. School teams, the students The seminar outlines the 40 days of Lent and the appreciate all you do. struggles Jesus faced in the desert before he began Many staff in the schools his public ministry. The students identified the tell us how you are a struggles Jesus faced when he was tested by the devil, and gave positive understanding in relation to welcome sight, and that the students have told them how positive SRE has been. the gospel readings. Many students identified the path that Jesus highlighted for us and related stories May Term 2 bring many blessings when we do our of how they can be strong through hardships in their Seminar on “Gifts”. lives and how the power of prayer can alleviate their Rebecca Bishop, troubled hearts. CCD Support Coordinator, Central Coast Beautiful ritual parts of the seminar included

High School Seminars on the Central Coast

Out of the Ashes

Over 100 students trained to minister on the Central Coast

by a show of hands how many came from a public school 70% of the room raised their hands and praised the work of their own experience of SRE in a public school. This was a highlight for the CCD team and the good works of the catechists in this parish is to be commended.

During Term 1, at St Mary of the Cross Mac Killop Catholic Parish in Warnervale, the CCD team trained over 100 students to minister in both the Sacramental program and the CCD to assist Catechists in Thank you to Father John the primary classrooms. Hodgeson and Father Paul Durkin, The overwhelming response from for their support, Gayle Caulfield, the parish coordinator, who the students was, simply put, organised the catechists and the Amazing. When asked why they came today? Delightful responses morning tea and Adam Frost from came forth, and when prompted MacKillop High School who has

been working with the students to promote the Catholic Schools Youth Ministry Australia (CSYMA). Rebecca Bishop, CCD Support Coordinator, Central Coast

Broken Bay Bible Conference “Meeting Jesus in the Gospel of Luke”

9 – 10 August 2013 Light of Christ Centre, Waitara Join us on a journey through the Gospel of Luke with Biblical scholars Fr Brendan Byrne sj and Sr Michele Connolly rsj, and with participation by Bishop David Walker. Registrations are now open. For further information, please visit www.dbb.org.au/bible or contact Pauline Finch on 9847-0444.

Confraternity of Christian Doctrine, Diocese of Broken Bay


catechist formation

Catechist Spirituality



(Part 4 of 5)

Some years back my local parish offered parishioners the opportunity to partake in a ‘busy persons retreat’. With 3 young children at the time I jumped at the thought of 10 minutes each day in spiritual solitude. With a spiritual advisor to guide and nurture me along, I thought this was something just for me. Day one: I was filled with enthusiasm, I felt a sense of achievement, a sense of being lifted up. Day two: I was still determined, it felt wonderful. Day three: I felt a bit rushed and uptight in my solitude time. My youngest wasn’t sleeping and I wasn’t in the right head space. By day four, I don’t recall what happened I remember that I lost the momentum and feeling like a failure, the whole process then became disjointed. So within just 2 weeks I had to admit to my spiritual advisor that I had failed. I felt pulled from pillar to post getting my family organised, children dressed, fed, making lunches, transport to school, play group, library, swimming lessons, soccer training, grocery shopping, laundry, cooking, cleaning, ironing, bathing, story time etc. etc. Just listing what I did, day in and day out, is exhausting, so any wonder by the end of each day, I would collapse into bed. I recall small snippets throughout the day when I thought, ‘Oh, I meant to find that 10 minutes’ or ‘I must organise my day better tomorrow’. I recall the pressure to complete the motherly household tasks took priority over everything else especially, I am embarrassed to confess, God. I asked my spiritual advisor what I should do and she replied, “Perhaps now isn’t the right time for you”. In hindsight I truly wish she had replied with what I challenge you to do through this article, that is “forget 10 minutes, find 60 minutes!” You may think this impossible, unrealistic or even ridiculous; but take a deep breath and read on because none of us are ever resigned to failure when it comes to God. Welcome to the wonderful, uplifting, peaceful and enlightening spiritual practise of mantras. These can easily be integrated into your daily life, for God wants to walk with you, in and around all the activities that absorb your every day. Mantras are simple methods of prayer that are repeated as you go about your regular daily activities. Do you recall this mantra, from Catechist Spirituality part 3?

BECOM E… BECOM E… . BECOM E… . As a flexible framework for prayer, mantras are not rigid or learnt by rote. They have no set duration nor end. One can pick them up and say them openly, silently, with abounding joy or even through tears. Mantras can change or remain constant all day and night long; opening ones eyes to see, ones ears to hear, hands to mould and ones heart to love through the distractions and blockages to God’s presence in our daily lives. To embody the simple use of mantras one doesn’t need to be clever or wise, but one does need to BECOME.

Jesus said, Believe me, unless you become like little children again, you shall not enter the kingdom of heaven. Matthew 13:3 Fr John Thornhill states the best definition of prayer is by a Carmelite theologian who said prayer is the “recovery of the attitudes of childhood with the awareness of adulthood”. Mantras in many ways through their flexible and simple repetition allow us to find openness to dialogue with God about the things we hold dear. Fr John says this is “a great formula for prayer”. Using mantras to BECOME develops an awareness of God, a patience and strength about one’s faith not felt before, the ability to nurture and feed one’s faith, to move easily into communication with God and eventually to own one’s faith with a love akin to a real living relationship where one BECOMES smitten by HIS Love. This makes one not so much time poor but time rich for prayer.


Term Two 2013

catechist formation The ‘Guide for Catechists’ document issued from the Bishops throughout the world explained 6 facets of catechist spirituality. I spoke of these before. Would the implementation of mantras into your daily life increase your spirituality to 1.

Have an openness to the trinity - Father, Son and Holy Spirit?


Have an openness to the Church?


Have an openness to the world?


Have a coherence and authenticity of Life?


Have missionary zeal?


Have a devotion to Mary?

Suspecting a YES…. YES…. YES…. is not surprising, for the use of mantras dates back to the Desert Fathers of the fourth century whereby the key to their practise was repetition of a short verse of Scripture. Prayed and repeated over and over this kept their minds directed to ways of invoking God’s presence. In our postmodern, materialistic, consumerist society there do exist small snippets of time for the practise of mantras. Turn the radio off whilst in the car, a prayer of thanks for the beautiful day whilst chauffeuring children or grandchildren, breathing more deeply whilst gardening or walking pets, to pray whilst peeling vegetables, waiting for a page to load on the computer, whilst waiting for an elevator or whilst cleaning your teeth. Deeply rooted and used by Christians worldwide, we realise we can easily pray openly yet intimately, calling, discussing, healing, calming, realising a stillness where we come to discern what it is we are committed to. Our prayer BECOMES not one of childhood petition but by our relationship, we learn to listen. To come to know who God is, what are His concerns, His ways and His values. The following link http://www.spiritualityandpractice.com/practices/features.php?id=15337 offers more insight into “Maranatha” the oldest Christian mantra which means “Come Lord”, whereby we call the Lord to connect with us in daily life. Here are some mantras from our rich tradition that you may wish to use: Situation For beauty

Mantra “Glory be to God…. Glory be to God…. Glory be to God….

Roots Luke 2:14

For love

“Plunge my soul into the shoreless ocean of Your Love…”

St. Terese of Lisieux, Story of a Soul

For gratefulness For trust

“All shall be well, all shall be well, and all manner of things shall be well” “O God, we believe you are here. Flood our souls with Your spirit and life” “My God and my all… My God and my all… My God and my all… “ “Trust in the slow work of God…. Trust in the slow work of God…. Trust in the slow work of God…”.

St. Julian of Norwich

For loss Through difficult times

Blessed Mother Teresa St Francis of Assisi Pierre Teilhard de Chardin

Musicians like Monica Brown have compiled and written complete albums of mantras and chants for reflection and prayer. “Holy Ground” is one such album. If you have access to the internet, search “TAIZE + MANTRAS” and up will come an assortment of YouTube sites where you can view and listen to mantras. Taize’ (Ti’ zay) prayer comes from the Christian monastic community of Taize’ ,France, founded by Brother Roger. Let me leave you with some of his words of wisdom. “Nothing is more conducive to communion with the Living God than a meditative common prayer with singing that never ends, but continues in the silence of one’s heart, when one is alone again.” Jennifer Skelly, CCD Support Coordinator North Shore & Hornsby Confraternity of Christian Doctrine, Diocese of Broken Bay


From the classroom

St Ives Parish I wrote to my old friend who happens to teach On our first day back at one of our schools this Hebrew in a seminary for year I was told that I would be using the same religious orders in room as last year in half of the old hall that is now Melbourne. It brought an two classrooms with a divider between them. immediate response, On arrival I found the Jewish lady already settled “Your excavation of our in with her class, so moved on to the next room old song impressed me. How appropriate – but where I was told that it was the Anglican’s room watch the spelling of the last word. It is “yachad”. and that I was to teach in the same room as the It seems we are not all perfect! Catechists soon Jewish class! On hearing the news the Jewish lady learn to expect the unexpected when we walk into said, “This won’t work” as the Deputy walked into a classroom. the room, “the Catholics would use up all the The following week the Rabbi came to the school chairs.” There were laughs all around. While the to talk to the Jewish students about the Feast of Deputy went off to sort it all out I asked if the Purim. It is a very popular feast that celebrates Jewish class would like me to sing a Hebrew song the deliverance of the Jews from their enemies in that a young Franciscan friar taught my Year 2 the biblical Book of Esther, the Jewish-Persian class some forty years ago. queen who prevented a massacre of the Jewish As I began to sing, the Jewish lady joined in with people. The Rabbi chatted with me after class and great gusto and our children looked on in was interested to learn that Catholics do read the amazement. I told the two classes that the words Old Testament (including the Hebrew Scriptures). of the song, Hineh ma tov In all of this new Jewish/Catholic friendships have uma na'im. Shevet achim blossomed, and it all started with simple gam yachid mean “See how conversation that led us to common ground. good it is and how pleasant when people live together Bev. Howie Catechist Coordinator, in peace.” (Psalm 133).

Building Catholic / Jewish Relations

Corpus Christi, St. Ives

Have you checked out our new website?

w w w. d b b . o r g . a u

Our Website is exciting and easy to use. It is constantly being updated and improved. Currently there is no direct link to the CCD pages, however, they are not very difficult to find. There are a number of ways to navigate to the CCD pages. You can select or you can select the tab. Once on this page, choose the Catechesis and Formation button and from there you will be able to select the Confraternity of Christian Doctrine (CCD). 8

Term Two 2013

On the CCD Pages you can find out about upcoming Events, Courses and Reflection days. You can download the updated CCD Calendar and a current copy of Connections (as well as issues dating back to 2004). You will also find links to our Mission Statement, photos of recent events, information on our Curriculum and about Resources. Finally, the website is also an excellent tool for keeping up to date with what else is happening in our Diocese and as a general resource with pages on the recent Synod and links to the Broken Bay News. There is also a link to Mass Live, streamed live, daily, for those who are unable to physically join a parish community for Mass.

ideas for the classroom

Each Term we try to include some ideas for the classroom for when you need inspiration or something extra for your class. Here are some suggestions from past Connections that you can use for

Tips for the Classroom:

A Pentecost Prayer Come, Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of your people R: And kindle in them the fire of your love. Send forth your spirit and they shall be created. R: And you will renew the face of the earth. Let us pray: Lord by the Light of the Holy Spirit you have taught the hearts of your faithful. In the same Spirit help us to love what is right and always rejoice in your presence and kindness We ask this through Christ our Lord. R: Amen. Eulalie O’Keefe Connections V8i2

Using Drama to tell the Story Students dramatise a Pentecost reading:

PENTECOST: Provide cut outs of doves representing the Holy Spirit for students to write one or more Gifts of The Spirit. Each then can choose to name one of the gifts and write on their dove. They then decorate with representations of wind and / or fire, and take home as a reminder to cooperate with God’s Spirit in using their chosen gift. The Gifts of the Holy Spirit are: RightJudgment, Knowledge, Awe and Wonder, Understanding, Wisdom, Reverence, Courage. Each of these will need to be ‘unpacked’ for students according to the stage of development reached by them.

Acts 2:1-11 (the descent of the Holy Spirit) Teacher tells/reads the story. Then... You will need…. A narrator to tell the story from the bible. Volunteers to take the role of the eleven apostles and Mary hidden in the upper room for fear of the Jews. Students to create special effects: the sound of ‘a powerful wind from heaven’. Tongues of fire (try red cellophane or cardboard cut into the shape of flames) Students who can speak a foreign language who will create the effect of many different languages being spoken. Volunteers for the ‘general crowd’ scene. Before….. Before embarking on the drama, discuss the events and context of this Pentecost reading: Why were the apostles hidden in the upper room? Why were there only eleven of the twelve apostles? Where was Jesus? What did God reveal through these events? During…. As the drama proceeds, 'freeze frame' at various key points. Have one character ‘come out of the scene’ and speak to the class in his/her own words about what is happening and what this character is thinking/feeling. The drama continues. After… After the drama, revisit the Pentecost story through the experiences of the students. What did you see, hear, feel, and think as you watched or participated in this drama? Eulalie O’Keefe Connections V8i2

ORDINARY TIME: A class banner may be constructed, with each student attaching their dove to a length of red material stapled or sewn onto a piece of dowel. Tie string to each end of dowel rod and use as a prayer focus in the coming weeks. Add symbols of The Body and Blood of Christ, The Trinity and The Sacred Heart in June. These will help your students to build up a sense of the flow of the traditional seasonal life of our Catholic Church. Connections V11i2

Confraternity of Christian Doctrine, Diocese of Broken Bay


for the classroom

Interactive Whiteboards Tips for SmartBoard Users "As with all technology, it's how it's used, not the technology itself that will ultimately determine its value for teaching and learning."

When using the “Magic Pen” to highlight a part of an image in your slides, this is achieved by drawing a circle with your finger. Choose the “Select” tool and touch the circle anywhere on the circumference and you can drag the circle around the slide to highlight other parts of the slide as suits the lesson plan. The same method applies to the square or rectangle using the “Magic Pen”. You can magnify any part of the slide by moving it around from the perimeter of your object after pressing the “Select” tool.

Over the past few weeks during Term 1, 106 Catechists have experienced SmartBoard training at various venues and received a USB Flash Drive Mr. Samuel Kizito, a Geography and Economics teacher at containing lesson material and activities relating to Gayaza High School, Uganda. the first six months core lessons for Walking With Jesus curriculum (Kindergarten to Year 6). The Research indicates that students respond to training, which takes about one and a half hours, displays where colour is employed. Use the various has taken place during evening and daytime to pens from the tool bar to create interesting designs accommodate Catechists’ ability to attend and around or pointing to the various images in the prefurther sessions are planned during Term 2 if prepared lessons to capture and retain the suitable venues can be located. students’ attention. Remember when closing the A State Public School is the ideal venue because lesson at the end to click “NO” when asked if you most classrooms contain a SmartBoard and if a wish to save the changes. This ensures that what you have created will not be on the slide next time Catechist and/or school coordinator has a good relationship with the school, you would be doing a you open it. great service for other Catechists in your Parish by asking if one of the classrooms might be available for such training. If such a possibility exists, please let your Regional Support Coordinators know and we would be happy to make contact with the school to arrange times suitable to them etc. Plans for future development of this resource will include preparation of core lessons for Another handy tip is when you write on the board the remainder of the second half of the year plus with a pen or your finger and you wish to convert material for Catechists who teach at Public High this to a type face, right click in the middle of the Schools. When these are finalised, CCD Parish area where you have written and press the drop Coordinators will be advised so that those who have down arrow on the top right hand corner and select done the training may exchange their USB Flash “Recognise ….”. The students who haven’t seen Drive with the updated version for continued use. this technique before should be suitably impressed. (To right click on a SmartBoard, press the button in Joe Pulis , the middle of the bottom pen tray which looks like a CCD Support Coordinator computer mouse followed by a press with your North Shore & Hornsby Region finger on the whiteboard). 10

Term Two 2013

from the regions

Central Coast Regional PSU and CCD Resource Centres On the Central Coast we are fortunate to have two resource centres to cover the deaneries of Brisbane Water and Tuggerah Lakes. The Brisbane Water deanery covers the parishes of Gosford, Wyoming, Woy Woy, Kincumber and Terrigal. Our Gosford office is located at MacKillop House, 58 Victoria St, East Gosford. Sue Beencke is happy to provide assistance with resources and arrange delivery to the parishes. Delivery orders do need to be placed one week in advance and would be delivered on the following Friday. Gosford office is opened Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 10am – 2pm and catechists are welcomed to come and browse through the available resources The Tuggerah Lakes deanery covers the parishes of The Entrance, Toukley, Warnervale and Wyong. The Entrance office is located at 12 Ashton Ave, The Entrance, directly behind Our Lady of the Rosary Church. Leanne McGill and Colleen Smith are able to assist with resources Monday to Friday from 10am – 2pm. We have recently purchased a variety of new and exciting resources for use in the classroom. We love having catechists pop in to browse and borrow from our library. For further information contact Sue at our Gosford office on 4323 7090 Mon, Wed and Fri and for The Entrance office, Colleen and Leanne can be contacted on 4334 3367 or 4334 2622 Mon to Fri.

Friday 22 March 2013

Parish Coordinators Workshop Day

© Susan

Confraternity of Christian Doctrine, Diocese of Broken Bay


notices and directory

Training & Formation Courses Term 2, 2013 Course Type CCDMI




Register by



7, 14 & 21 May (Tuesdays)

12:30pm - 2:30pm

Tues 30 April

9847 0516

Level 2

East Gosford

6, 13, 20 & 27 May; 3 & 17 June (Mondays)

9:30am - 2:30pm

Wed 1 May

4334 3367

Level 2


13, 20 &27 May; 3, 17 & 24 June (Mondays)

9:30am - 2:30pm

Wed 8 May

9847 0482 or 9847 0516

(formerly BAC)

CCDMI = CCD Ministry Induction (formerly BAC /Basic Accreditation Course) Phone your local PSU Regional Office for a full program. See below for further contact details. Please assist us in our planning for events and courses by replying by the advertised closing date.

Holy Ground Facilitated by Monica Brown

Reflection Day : See enclosed flyer for details CCD DIRECTORY Current as of April 2013

Diocesan Office Caroline Chisholm Centre (CCC) Building 2, 423 Pennant Hills Rd Pennant Hills (Enter off City View Rd) Postal Address PO Box 340, Pennant Hills NSW 1715 Phone: (02) 9847 0492 Fax: (02) 9847 0481 Director - PSU Carole Gan Phone: (02) 9847 0560 Diocesan CCD Coordinator Alison Newell Phone: (02) 4334 3367 E-mail: alison.newell@dbb.org.au Diocesan Admin Assistant Phone: (02) 9847 0492 E-mail: sharon.daroza@dbb.org.au CCD Authorisations Contact your PSU Regional Centre

Curriculum Orders Dina Leverett Phone: 9847 0442 Fax: (02) 9847 0481 E-mail: ccdresources@dbb.org.au North Shore & Hornsby Office (NSH) Caroline Chisholm Centre Postal Address PO Box 340, Pennant Hills NSW 1715 Phone: (02) 9847 0482 Fax: (02) 9847 0481 E-mail: psunorth@dbb.org.au Joe Pulis - (02) 9847 0228 E: joe.pulis@dbb.org.au Jennifer Skelly - (02) 9847 0448 E-mail: jennifer.skelly@dbb.org.au Central Coast (Gosford) Office (CCG) PSU Regional Centre 58 Victoria St, East Gosford NSW 2250 Phone: (02) 4323 7090 Fax: (02) 4323 7097 E-mail: psucc@dbb.org.au Michael Tebbutt - (02) 4323 7090 E-mail: michael.tebbutt@dbb.org.au

Central Coast (Wyong) Office (CCW) PSU Regional Centre Catholic Formation and Education Centre 12 Ashton Avenue, The Entrance Postal Address PO Box 390, The Entrance NSW 2261 Phone: (02) 4334 3367 Fax: (02) 4334 3230 E-mail: psucc@dbb.org.au Rebecca Bishop - (02) 4334 3367 E-mail: rebecca.bishop@dbb.org.au Manly Warringah Peninsula Office (MWP) Caroline Chisholm Centre Postal Address PO Box 340, Pennant Hills NSW 1715 Phone: (02) 9847 0516 Fax: (02) 9847 0481 E-mail: psumanly@dbb.org.au Yvonne van den Berg - (02) 9847 0494 E-mail: yvonne.vandenberg@dbb.org.au CCD WEBSITE www.brokenbay.catholic.org.au/ccd

To submit an article or to make a suggestion for Connections please write to: ccdinfo@dbb.org.au or CCD, PO Box 340, Pennant Hills 1715 Closing date for the Term 3 issue is 14 June 2013 12

Term Two 2013

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