2014 Connections Term 3

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CCD Newsletter


Confraternity of Christian Doctrine Diocese of Broken Bay

EVANGELII GAUDIUM Living the Joy of the Gospel

Volume 19 Issue 3 Term Three 2014

Ministry Workshop Day SEMESTER 2 The Word is Made Flesh Breaking open the word with children and youth Facilitated by Monica Brown See page2 & insert

For details see page 10

Level 3 Faith in Ministry

The Joy of the Gospel courses commence

July 2014 See page 12 for details

Susan Daily

You are warmly invited to join us in celebrating the Catechist Ministry at your 2014 Regional Mass & Supper Central Coast Region

Manly Warringah Peninsula Region

North Shore & Hornsby Region






19 August

26 August

St Mary of the Cross MacKillop WARNERVALE

St Mary’s Church Raglan St MANLY


25 August

Our Lady of Dolours Church CHATSWOOD

planning ahead

Events From the Director From the Diocesan CCD Coordinator: Joy of the

Ministry Workshop Day SEMESTER 2 The Word is Made Flesh

2 3

Gospel, Religion in Public Schools, Online Training,

4&5 Catechist Formation: The Joy of the Gospel (part 1 of 7) 6 & 7 From the Classroom 8 For the Classroom: Joy of the Gospel in our Curriculum, How to pray, Bishop David Walker Religious Art Prize 9 & 10 From the Regions: Profile of Frenchs Forest Parish 11 Noticeboard, Training Dates & CCD Directory 12 Secondary Catechists’ Conference


Breaking open the word with children and youth Facilitated by Monica Brown Through the integration of music, mime, scripture storytelling and other creative process, participants will be actively involved in developing creative ways to support and nurture the spirituality and faith development of their students.

Monday 28 July 2014, 9:30am - 2:30pm Divine Retreat Centre, 30 Lutana Rd,

Somersby For further details and to register your attendance please contact

Colleen Smith or Leanne McGill on 4332 9825 or 9847 0448. Email: registrations@dbb.org.au

Woy Woy 25 July - 19 September (Fridays)

Level 3

The Joy of the Faith in Ministry Gospel MEETINGS AND EVENTS July 14 14, 21, 28 18 21 21 21 25 25 28 August 1, 8, 15, 22 1, 8, 15, 22, 29 4, 11, 18, 25 19 26 25 September 1, 8, 15 3 5 5, 12, 19 19

Forestville 4 August - 15 September (Mondays)

TERM 3 2014

TERM 3 COMMENCES MWP & NSH: Level 2 (cont) NSH: Child Protection & Integrity Presentation MWP: Parish Coordinators Meeting MWP: Secondary Catechists Meeting CC: Parish Coordinators Meeting NSH: Parish Coordinators Meeting CC: Level 3 Monica Brown Workshop

9:30am - 2:30pm 10:00am -1:00pm 9:45am - 12:00pm 12:30pm - 2:30pm 10:00am - 1:00pm 10:00am - 12:00pm 12:30pm - 2:30pm 10:30am - 4:30pm

St Ives Chatswood Manly Vale Manly Vale The Entrance CCC Woy Woy Somersby

NSH: CCDMI CC: Level 3 (cont) MWP & NSH Level 3 CC: Regional Mass MWP: Regional Mass NSH: Regional Mass

9:30am - 2:30pm 12:30pm - 2:30pm 12:30pm - 2:30pm 7:00pm 7:00pm 7:30pm

Chatswood Woy Woy Forestville Warnervale Manly Chatswood

MWP & NSH Level 3 (cont) 12:30pm - 2:30pm Yr 10 Social Justice Day Deadline for submitting articles for Connections Term 4 CC: Level 3 (cont) 12:30pm - 2:30pm TERM 3 CONCLUDES

CCC – Caroline Chisholm Centre (Pennant Hills); CC – Central Coast; MWP – Peninsula; NSH – North Shore & Hornsby


See page 12 for details

Term Three 2014

Forestville Woy Woy

Training & Formation Awards 2014 If you have recently completed Level 1 or 2 Training and Formation course you will be eligible for a Certificate of completion. Please contact your Parish Coordinator or Regional Office if you believe that you are eligible for a Training Certificate.

from the diocesan office

from the director...

Vinnie’s Sleepout and other youth and young adult events, the Diocese of Broken Bay Bible Conference As we start Term 3, I hope you have managed to get which I encourage all to attend, as well as various a little rest over the school holidays and are other faith formation opportunities in the coming recharged for an exciting term ahead. months. Don’t forget that some of these other training and formation opportunities can be used as I was looking at some statistics, and was really pleased to note that we had a total of 674 attendees exemptions for units in the CCD Accreditation Courses, so if you are working towards a Level 1, 2 to the 48 courses run by the Diocesan CCD Team last term. I also understand there were a number of or 3, do check with the office to see if what you are attending counts towards your accreditation. catechists in the groups that participated in the recent Pope Francis: Modelling the ministry of St There are a number of dedicated catechists who Peter BBI-ACBC e-conference. It was excellent, so if will be receiving awards at Regional Masses this you haven’t had a chance to watch it, the link is term. It is a privilege to be able to celebrate with http://francis.vivlive.com. you your achievements and publicly acknowledge your dedication. We invite all catechists and your The Diocesan CCD team and wider Parish Support families to join us at one or more of these Regional Unit continue to offer the standard CCD units as Masses. well as a number of gathering and training and formation opportunities in Term 3. The CCD Level This term we celebrate the Feast of St Mary 3 program this year focuses on the Joy of The MacKillop and the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Gospel, and in this edition of Connections, we have Mary. May we take them as example, remaining the first of seven parts focusing on a superb open to God’s call to further the Gospel message. resource The Joy of the Gospel, Seven challenges from God Bless Pope Francis, A pastoral resource based on Evangelii Carole Gan Gaudium by Teresa Pirola, our Project Officer for Ecumenism and Interfaith. Other events include the Director, Parish Support Unit Pope Francis chose to write an Apostolic Exhortation rather than an Encyclical. It seems a deliberate choice. It allows him to speak in a more personal and conversational style and that “speaks volumes” in itself. It embodies the style of Church he wants, a friendly, compassionate, conversational and persuasive one. He prefers to share rather than lecture, to invite rather than order, to persuade rather than command. His style is deeply pastoral and encouraging. He is comfortable with being fallible and is not at all defensive. He models the virtues he attributes to Mary. “In her we see that humility and tenderness are not virtues of the weak but of the strong who need not treat others poorly in order to feel important themselves.” #288 ¹ This was part of a presentation by Peter Gates, Deputy National Director of Catholic Mission at two Parish Support Unit Reflection Days

for parishioners of the Diocese of Broken Bay held recently at The Entrance and St Ives parishes with a combined total of just over 80 participants. The theme was the Francis Effect. The majority of attendees were catechists and the feedback at both venues was very positive about how uplifting Peter’s message about the Joy of the Gospel could be. One main theme which recurred throughout both days was that in spreading the Good News, we ourselves are evangelised and many of those present gave examples of how they had experienced such joy in their ministries. Joe Pulis Regional Support Coordinator, CCD

¹ The above is taken from “Living the Joy of the Gospel – The Francis Effect”, a book available from Catholic Mission which includes contributions by several authors commenting on Evangelii Gaudium (The Joy of the Gospel). This particular observation was from the article by Fr. Noel Connolly SSC who is Head of Mission Studies, Columban Mission Institute, Broken Bay Institute and Catholic Institute of Sydney.

Confraternity of Christian Doctrine, Diocese of Broken Bay


from the diocesan office

from the diocesan coordinator, CCD As I write this, I trust you are enjoying the winter break from teaching SRE and keeping warm on these cold days. The year has been a busy one to date and we are only half way through it, so it’s important to stop and smell the roses when the opportunity arises during school holidays.

The Joy of the Gospel

Term Three 2014 Week 1 (13 July) Ordinary Time Week 2 (20 July) Ordinary Time Week 3 (27 July) Ordinary Time

Term 2 wound up with two excellent Reflection Days for catechists presented Week 4 (3 August) by Peter Gates, Deputy National Director of Catholic Mission. One of the Ordinary Time 8 Aug - Feast Day of Saint Mary of the things that really touched me is the recognition that our Pope is a joyful Cross MacKillop person. His gestures and acts of kindness are witness to this joy. Catechists Week 5 (10 August) are such people. I am always inspired by the joy of catechists at they go Ordinary Time about their work, sometimes under difficult conditions. Issues like inadequate 15 Aug - Assumption of the Blessed accommodation, behaviourally challenged children and insufficient face-toVirgin Mary face teaching time that threaten to sabotage the work of catechists seem to Week 6 (17 August) fade away when a catechist sits in front of a classroom of children to share Ordinary Time the joy of the Gospel message with them. My catchcry has always been that Week 7 (24 August) you are the most important Ordinary Time resource which you take into Week 8 (31 August) the classroom. It is you that Ordinary Time the children will remember – 3 Sept - Anniversary of the Ordination your gestures, your smile, of Bishop David Walker (1996) your kind words, your Week 9 (7 Sept) Christian love, your respect Ordinary Time for them regardless of their Week 10 (14 Sept) behaviour, your fair and just Ordinary Time approach to discipline when Exaltation of the Holy Cross required and the message you embody in your person. These are the qualities that will inspire the children to want to live the joy of the Gospel in their own lives. And…. these are the qualities that will arouse in their hearts a desire to be in relationship with Jesus. Our Level 3 training courses begin early in Term 3 and this year will be a reflective review of The Joy of the Gospel. Please contact your regional office for further details or to register for Level 3. Registrations are essential for planning purposes.

Religion in Public Schools

Bay. 75% of parents whose children attend Government schools You may have noticed lately in the in NSW choose SRE upon mainstream media a focus on the enrolment. There is an abundance place of religion in public schools. I of quality research which points encourage you not to be towards positive outcomes for those disheartened by negative press. who have their spirituality nurtured The Special Religious Education through religious faith and (SRE) program has been an integral education. SRE has made a part of public education in NSW significant contribution to public since 1880. It falls under the NSW schooling and the community of Education Act and is different to the NSW for 134 years. Broken Bay Chaplaincy Program which is a CCD is a member of the Catholic recent Federal Government initiative Conference of Religious Educators and has been receiving a lot of in State Schools (CCRESS). This media attention of late. Our ministry group is made up of CCD leaders is SRE. It is not funded by the from the eleven Dioceses in NSW/ Government. It is funded by SRE ACT. CCRESS exists to support Providers – in our case the Catholic catechists across the State so that Diocese and Parishes of Broken SRE can be delivered in a safe and 4

Term Three 2014

friendly environment. CCRESS reports to the NSW/ACT Bishops who strongly support the place of religion in the public school system. The advice from CCRESS to catechists is simple. We encourage you to continue doing what you do best; to prepare your lesson using the authorised curriculum, be punctual, teach the children with a joyful heart and pray with them and for them and their families. Feel confident that your work in the classroom is supported by a large network of people and organisations. If you have any concerns which you wish to discuss in relation to media articles, please feel free to call me any time on 4334 3367.

from the classroom

Term Four 2014

Bishop David Walker Art Competition Please encourage students in your classes to participate in the Bishop David Walker Art Competition, particularly those who you know to be artistic. It would be wonderful to see our Catholic students from public schools enter the competition which is being judged in Term 3. Prizes will be awarded for each stage in primary and secondary school. Entry is simple. Details on how to enter appear on page 10 in Connections.

Online Training The online training program which has been funded by the NSW/ACT Bishops is ready for trial and a small number of people will be invited to participate in the pilot program before it is rolled out across the eleven Dioceses of the State. Online training is not intended to replace face-to-face training sessions, where catechists come together to undergo training and formation and share their experiences and learning in an adult faith formation setting. When the online program is rolled out, people will still be asked to attend two of the CCD Ministry Induction training modules in a group session. Online training will be of great assistance to those who live in remote areas or who find it difficult to get to normal training sessions due to work and/or family commitments.

Week 1 (5 Oct) Ordinary Time Week 2 (12 Oct) Ordinary Time Week 3 (19 Oct) Ordinary Time

Mission Sunday

Week 4 (26 Oct) Ordinary Time

1 Nov - All Saints’ Day Week 5 (2 Nov) Ordinary Time

2 Nov - All Souls’ Day Week 6 (9 Nov) Ordinary Time Week 7 (16 Nov) Ordinary Time Week 8 (23 Nov) Christ the King Week 9 (30 Nov) First Sunday of Advent

New Liturgical Year begins: Sunday cycle B, weekday cycle 1

Secondary Catechist Conference On June 3, a major conference was held at Caroline Chisholm Centre, Pennant Hills for high school catechists from across the State. The event was co-hosted by the Dioceses of Broken Bay and Parramatta. Catechists from five dioceses attended. Fr Paul Roberts the Director of the Institute for Mission in the Diocese of Parramatta was the keynote speaker and spoke with humour and authenticity on Ethical Issues in the SRE Classroom. Excellent workshop presenters from the Dioceses of Broken Bay, Parramatta, Wollongong and the Archdiocese of Sydney provided a difficult choice for catechists who were able to attend two of the six workshops on the day. Workshop sessions included Classroom Management, Technology, Adolescent Development, Ignatian Spiritual Exercises, Breaking Open the Word with Teenagers and Linking Parishes and SRE Students. Feedback was very positive and high school catechists are begging for more quality training to empower them in their work with adolescent students. A major benefit of the day was the opportunity to network with catechists from several different dioceses and to discuss challenges and highlights of their work.

Week 10 (7 Dec) Second Sunday of Advent Week 11 (14 Dec) Third Sunday of Advent

World Mission Sunday, organised by the Propagation of the Faith, is a day set aside for Catholics worldwide to recommit themselves to the Church's missionary activity through prayer and sacrifice. In 2014, World Mission Sunday is celebrated on October 19

I take this opportunity to congratulate and thank all primary and high school catechists for the inspiring work you do. May God bless you as you continue to radiate the Joy of the Gospel to the students you teach. Alison Newell, Diocesan Coordinator, CCD Confraternity of Christian Doctrine, Diocese of Broken Bay


catechist spirituality

The Joy of the Gospel

Part 1 of 7

EVANGELII GAUDIUM APOSTOLIC EXHORTATION ON THE PROCLAMATION OF THE GOSPEL IN TODAY’S WORLD other, young or old. Listening and learning from others is core to mindful religious submission, in order to reconfigure and transform ourselves to develop a deeper evangelical life, and so transform others, so together as community we are always becoming more fully alive.

deeply. Together as Christians, we are challenged to “a renewed personal encounter with Jesus Christ, or at least an openness to letting him encounter them” (#3). By them, here I am referring to the children we encounter. We are the face of Jesus to the children and Francis asks us “to do this Given that the English translation unfailingly each day. No one of Evangelii Gaudium is “The Joy of should think that this invitation is not meant for him or her, since “no the Gospel”, the central theme is one is excluded from the joy Christian joy, embodied as joyful brought by the Lord”(#3). This proclamation. Within the theme of joy, ever new, a joy exhortation, using a resource developed by Teresa Pirola, seven shared, draws us to share our faith with not only the children but also challenges are drawn to offer opportunities “to embark on a new each other, so as we listen, we will Before embarking on THE JOY OF chapter of evangelisation”(#1) in learn something from listening to THE GOSPEL, catechists reading our lives towards embodiment of them. This is all part of building a this article may well ask or like to this joyful proclamation, which People of Communion, a people be reminded “What is an Apostolic Pope Francis so authentically who then embody mission with Exhortation?” It is a papal the fruits of authentic communion. radiates to the world. Over the document which as a means of next seven issues of Connections, Only then do we not allow communication has a pastoral each challenge will be explored in ourselves to be robbed of nature which encourages us, the the context of the CCD ministry to missionary enthusiasm!¹ faithful to open our minds and help flesh out how the Joy of the Let us reflect and pray for a hearts; to allow our views and Gospel can renew and deepen our moment on the attractiveness of how we live to be shaped by its mission ‘Walking with Jesus on missionary enthusiasm. Pope teaching. An Apostolic Pathways of Discipleship’. Francis challenges each of us, Exhortation, as the title describes, “rather than being experts in dire exhorts or urges us strongly to do Through the words and gestures predictions, dour judges bent on something. It gives earnest advice of Pope Francis, Catholics rooting out every threat and not on new doctrine but advice on worldwide are invited to recover deviation, we should appear joyful their true purpose as a how Church teachings and messengers of challenging "community of missionary practices can be applied disciples". As catechists within our proposals, guardians of the meaningfully for the reader in goodness and beauty which shine Diocese of Broken Bay, we may today’s world. To respond is not forth in a life of fidelity to the well reply “we do belong to a an easy undertaking. It requires Gospel”(#168). In becoming joyful community of disciples, we meet space; space to allow God’s love together each term and go out into messengers of the Gospel, the first and mercy to envelop us so that point of re-discovery is how we can listen, listen to what Jesus classrooms evangelising and catechising every week!” But Pope Kerygma, the Good News about is asking of us as we journey Jesus Christ is announced. Francis is challenging us more through life, learning from each Following our program ‘Walking ¹Teresa Pirola, The Joy of the Gospel, Seven challenges from Pope Francis, A pastoral resource based on Evanagelii Gaudium , Catholic Diocese of Broken Bay, 2013, #80. 6

Term Three 2014

catechist spirituality

with Jesus on Pathways of Discipleship’ is a two-fold undertaking. There is the content and there is the pedagogy. As catechists we become familiar with the content through CCD Ministry Induction and years of experience, but what is meant by pedagogy? Pedagogy is the art of the instructional method which influences the quality of the classroom teaching on student’s learning and wellbeing. To catechise effectively in these current times, catechists must rediscover, reconfigure what it means to evangelise rather than simply teach. Children today are very savvy and can see right through what is not authentic evangelisation. If love and mercy and joy are not integral in the encounter children have through you of Jesus Christ, then they, the children, will not encounter Jesus, and your efforts are reduced to the teaching of doctrines and the practise of rituals. Pope Francis so beautifully points out that we need not blindly seek God, for we know that God has already spoken to us in the Scriptures. The study of Scripture must be a door opened to every believer. It is essential that the revealed word radically enrich all our efforts to pass on the faith” (#175). Together in community, catechists can discover new ways to become joyful messengers. This is so evident in the training and formation offered by the

Diocese. This formation can be likened to being salted with the joy and light of the gospel for Jesus carefully reminds us…. “You are the salt of the earth! But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled underfoot” Mt 5:13.

Pope Francis insists the Kerygma needs to be proclaimed in such a way that the children hear it “again and again in different ways, the one which we must announce one way or another throughout the process of catechesis, at every level and moment” (#164). Francis goes on to say “Christian formation consists of entering more deeply into the Kerygma, which is reflected in and constantly illumines, the work of catechesis, thereby enabling us to understand more fully the significance of every subject which the latter treats” (#165). It is

wholeheartedly less burdensome when we embody our work of catechesis “marked by joy, encouragement, liveliness and a harmonious balance which will not reduce preaching (catechesis) to a few doctrines which are at times more philosophical than evangelical. All this demands on the part of the evangeliser (catechist) certain attitudes which foster openness to the message: approachability, readiness for dialogue, patience, a warmth and welcome which is nonjudgmental” (#165). Not allowing ourselves to be robbed of missionary enthusiasm is the first challenge. It asks each of us to find space to listen, to enter more deeply into the Kerygma, to examine our methods of pedagogy, relevant for children today, and to ascertain how we may reconfigure and transform ourselves to develop a deeper evangelical life. Pope Paul VI rightly noted “modern man listens more willingly to witnesses than to teachers, and if he does listen to teachers, it is because they are witnesses”. Be transformed, so to transform others, so together as community we embody the joy of the gospel to become more fully alive. Jennifer Skelly Regional Support Coordinator CCD

Pirola, Teresa. The Joy of the Gospel, Seven challenges from Pope Francis, A pastoral resource based on Evanagelii Gaudium , Catholic Diocese of Broken Bay, 2013. Pope Francis, Evanagelii Gaudium, November 24, 2013. http://w2.vatican.va/content/francesco/en/ apost_exhortations/documents/papa-francesco_esortazione-ap_20131124_evangelii-gaudium.html. Confraternity of Christian Doctrine, Diocese of Broken Bay


from the classroom

Gosford Parish Friends with Mary

Frenchs Forest Parish Lenten Promises

Some time ago at Scripture in the Infants Class we had a lesson on the Angel’s visitation to the Virgin Mary announcing that she was chosen to become the Mother of God’s own Son and that she must name him Jesus. We talked about Mary for a while then one child asked me if “I used to play with Mary!”. What an honour that would have been. I think of it often, it makes me smile. Its always a pleasure to be with the little ones, you never know what they come out with.

In the lead up to Easter my year three class learned about Lent. Several of the children requested personal Project Compassion boxes. One of the boxes which was handed in just before the Easter break had in it money the child had donated from her pocket money, but also some Lenten promises which she had written on slips of paper – 

Jane Azzopardi Catechist, Somersby PS

 

Warringah Parish

Jesus’ Love This picture came from my Year 4 class. The lessons have been on Lent & Easter and how Jesus has shown his love for the disciples following the Resurrection. One of the Boys in the class gave me the picture whilst they were working on their books and said , “the class thinks

you are so much like Jesus in what you do and how you say things.” The school and the Warringah Parish Coordinator are very supportive in the work we do and give us lots of encouragement to try new things in the classroom. Chris Micallef Catechist, North Curl Curl PS

On her final piece of paper, she had written – “ ” If she achieved even a fraction of her promises, she would have made her parents very happy people! Miriam Bennett Catechist, Terrey Hills PS

For more stories and news from Frenchs Forest Parish, see page 11

We love to receive your stories from the Classroom or Parishes to include in Connections. If you would like to submit an article please do so. It can be as little as a few lines on a good lesson; a story; a resource you’ve found; or a special event in the parish or school. If there’s something you’d like to see us cover in future editions, please let us know that too! To submit an article or to make a suggestion for Connections please write to: ccdinfo@dbb.org.au or CCD, PO Box 340, Pennant Hills 1715

Closing date for the Term 4 issue is 5 September 2014


Term Three 2014

ideas for the classroom

The Spirit of the Joy of the Gospel

EVANGELII GAUDIUM …..in our curriculum

“The joy of the Gospel fills the hearts and lives of all who encounter Jesus. Those who accept his offer of salvation are set free from sin, sorrow, inner emptiness and loneliness. With Christ, joy is constantly born anew. In this Exhortation I wish to encourage the Christian faithful to embark upon a new chapter of evangelization marked by this joy, while pointing out new paths for the Church’s journey in years to come.” (EG 1)

How do we teach the children that the Gospel and all that it contains is a joyous message? let’s examine our curriculum, “Walking with Jesus: Pathways of Discipleship” The lessons that are in Walking with Jesus have been written in such a way that there is a great variety of activities, resources and information for the children to enjoy and learn. This is one way that the programme has tried to keep the students engaged and wanting to learn more. Learning should be a joyful thing. An example of this is the way in which the Pentecost event is opened up for the Year 5 students Rather than reading the passage from the Acts of the Apostles, the story is presented in a dramatic fashion that will involve all the class members in a joy filled way. Many lessons ask for the students to engage their creativity in responding the content of the lessons. For the youngest of the students, this would consist of partaking in the game of Pin the Tail on the Donkey while in the upper years of Primary, the students are lead in meditations to bring the Gospel message to life in their lives or to tap into their artistic abilities through designing a mandala in response to a moment in the Gospel story and using that as springboard for dialogue with God. For the students in our classes that are musically inclined, each unit has one or two songs that are recommended for them to learn as a way of praying and also as a way of reinforcing the main message of that unit. For example, in Year 3, Unit 5 , First Eucharist, uses the hymn, Share This Meal, to strengthen their understanding of the Eucharist as a special meal that gathers us , nourishes us and then enables us to go out and be Christ’s disciples. When in Year 5, the students delve more deeply into the meaning and mystery of the Eucharist and their words skills have increased, the ever popular Find A Word is used to help them celebrate what the lessons are about. The spirit of Evangelli Gaudium urges us to re-read the Gospel with new eyes and a new heart, to read it as if it is the very first time we have heard this Good News and to welcome Jesus into our lives anew each time. As Special Religious Education Teachers, we might well be letting our students hear the Good News that Jesus brought us for the very first time. What better time to convey the joy of the Gospel and how better might we be able to do this than by employing tools that the students enjoy using and activities that are fun and educational. As a people who are filled with the joy of the Gospel, who live our lives reflecting this joy and accept the mission we received at our baptism, let us take the message of Jesus to our students as joy filled and hope filled messengers of the Good News. Michael Tebbutt Senior Regional Co-ordinator CCD

Confraternity of Christian Doctrine, Diocese of Broken Bay


for the classroom

Teach your students this simple way to pray: Using the fingers on your hand, start with the thumb and pray these intentions in this order: 1.) The thumb is the closest finger to you. So start praying for those who are closest to you. They are the persons easiest to remember. To pray for our dear ones is a "Sweet Obligation." 2.) The next finger is the index. Pray for those who teach you, instruct you and heal you. They need the support and wisdom to show direction to others. Always keep them in your prayers. 3.) The following finger is the tallest. It reminds us of our leaders, the governors and those who have authority. They need God's guidance. 4.) The fourth finger is the ring finger. Even though it may surprise you, it is our weakest finger. It should remind us to pray for the weakest, the sick or those plagued by problems. They need your prayers. 5.) And finally we have our smallest finger, the smallest of all. Your pinkie should remind you to pray for yourself. When you are done praying for the other four groups, you will be able to see your own needs but in the proper perspective, and also you will be able to pray for your own needs in a better way. Retrieved 3 July 2014 from: http://www.catholic.org/prayers/prayer.php?p=3396

Encourage your students to participate:

The 2014 Bishop David Walker Student Religious Art Prize is open to all Primary & Secondary school students enrolled in Catholic and Government schools the Diocese of Broken Bay. Artistic mediums can include painting, drawing, print, photography, film, sculpture, dance & drama. Prizes consist of cash and art supplies vouchers. For further details and how to enter go to: www.dbb.org.au/news and click on the Religious Art Prize link on the left hand side. Entries due 1 AUGUST 2014 10

Term Three 2014

Theme for 2014 a Scriptural person, event, passage or theme Susan Daily

from the regions

Frenchs Forest Catholic Parish, MWP Parish Profile The Catholic Parish of Frenchs Forest is made up of three church communities, St Anthony in the Fields, St Martin de Porres and Our Lady of Good Counsel. There are two Catholic Primary Schools within the boundaries of this parish which embraces the suburbs of Frenchs Forest, Forestville, Killarney Heights, Davidson, Belrose and Terrey Hills. With regards to the CCD Ministry this parish services eight Primary Government Schools and three Secondary Government Schools. At this moment in time 63 catechists serve these schools weekly. Our statistics show this is 840 primary students and 250 secondary students. Congratulations to these wonderful catechists who spread the Good News of God to so many students. This mammoth task has been coordinated over the past five years by some remarkable catechist coordinators. Angela Spencer was the coordinator when the three parish church communities amalgamated to form one Catholic parish. Her optimistic, cheerful personality saw the parish incorporating all the Government and Catholic Schools coming together in harmonious dialogue and cooperation. Angela was assisted by Maureen Diebold whose previous knowledge of CCD workings created a great working CCD parish team. Three years ago Maureen took over the coordinator’s role and was assisted by Sharon Kavalaris. CCD again flourished under this leadership team. Two years ago changes were made to two of the high schools which formally taught the students once a term. This has now increased to years 7-10 at Davidson High receiving fortnightly lessons, while students in years 7&8 at Forest High also receive fortnightly lessons. Features of this parish community include the clergy of the parish visiting the students in the classrooms and Mass being celebrated at some of the

Government schools. Sunday year group masses include the students from the Government schools as well as the Catholic Primary Schools. There is an annual Catechist Thanksgiving Mass attended by all the clergy of the parish to acknowledge the wonderful contribution of the catechists to this vital parish ministry of outreach. The annual Christmas luncheon at one of the local taverns brings the catechists together in friendship and fellowship. Many of the catechists relieve for one another and often take more than one class at more than one school. Some of the catechists teach at both the primary and secondary schools. We pay tribute to the CCD leadership skills of Angela, Maureen and Sharon over the past five years. May God bless the wonderful catechists of The Catholic Parish of Frenchs Forest who weekly volunteer their time in service of the Lord. Yvonne van den Berg, Regional Support Coordinator, CCD “Coordinating a large group of volunteers needs a lot of patient listening and a good

School Mass at Wakehurst During Term Two Wakehurst School experienced their first school Mass. The children were well prepared and their participation reverent and enthusiastic. Thank you to Father Jose and the catechists for preparing the children. The following are examples of Year Four's " Thank You" cards:

Dear Father Jose, Thank you for coming to Wakehurst on Wednesday to offer Mass. We appreciate it. My favourite part was when we sang the "Our Father" and when you blessed us. I can't wait until the next Mass. Yours truly, Amanda P.S. I brought up the bread.

The feed back from the Primary classes was very positive and many children expressed the wish to participate in another school Mass. Jan Donnelly, Catechist, Frenchs Forest

memory as each person comes

It was so good to know of catechists’ happy experience with their classes, as mentioned by Eulalie O’Keefe and take their likes/dislikes into Bev Howie in the last Connections. account and listen to their My 6th grade class is a delight to work problems if I am to retain with. The Head Mistress & staff at the Terrey Hills Public School are most their service. It is as much supportive, especially the librarian, about looking after the Sue and secretary Louise. catechists as it is about looking The children help in setting up the sacred space, dismantling it and after the students. Children want to hear about God’s love. carrying my bag to the car, even though it is morning break time. We only have 30 minutes a The children know that I think this week to somehow give them a Year 6 is the best that I have ever thirst for His love but this is taught. I certainly tell them. Leila McCreton my mission. It is my passion.” Catechist, Terrey Hills PS with a history and I need to

Maureen Diebold

Confraternity of Christian Doctrine, Diocese of Broken Bay


notices and directory

Training & Formation Courses Term 3, 2014 Course Type Level 2 (continued) Child Protection & Integrity



St Ives (MWP/NSH)

14, 21 & 28 July (Tuesdays)

Chatswood (NSH)


Register by


Tues 2 May

9847 0448

9:30am – 2:30pm

18 July (Friday)

10:00am - 1:00pm

Mon 14 July

9847 0448

Level 3

Woy Woy (CC)

25 July; 1, 8, 15, 22 & 29 August; 5, 12 & 19 September (Fridays)

12:30pm – 2:30pm

Fri 18 July

4332 9825

Monica Brown Workshop

Somersby (All regions)

28 July (Monday)

10:30am - 4:30pm

Tues 22 July

9847 0448 or 4332 9825


Chatswood (NSH)

1, 8, 15 & 22 August (Fridays)

9:30am – 2:30pm

Fri 25 Jul

9847 0448

Level 3

Forestville (MWP/NSH)

4, 11, 18 & 25 August; 1, 8 & 15 September (Mondays)

12:30pm – 2:30pm

Mon 28 Jul

9847 0448

All training is offered at no cost to the participants. Phone your local PSU Regional Office for enquiries or a full program. See below for further contact details. Please assist us in our planning for events and courses by replying by the advertised closing date. Registrations or Enquiries: Colleen Smith

Call: 9847 0448 or 4332 9825 or Email: registrations@dbb.org.au

Come and celebrate with us at the Regional Masses in August. RSVP to your Regional Office

CCD DIRECTORY Current as of September 2013

Diocesan Office Caroline Chisholm Centre (CCC) Building 2, 423 Pennant Hills Rd Pennant Hills (Enter off City View Rd) Postal Address PO Box 340, Pennant Hills NSW 1715 Phone: (02) 9847 0492 Fax: (02) 9847 0481 Director - PSU Carole Gan Phone: (02) 9847 0560 Diocesan CCD Coordinator Alison Newell Phone: (02) 4334 3367 E-mail: alison.newell@dbb.org.au Diocesan Admin Assistant Phone: (02) 9847 0492 E-mail: sharon.daroza@dbb.org.au CCD Authorisations Contact your PSU Regional Centre

Curriculum Orders Dina Leverett Phone: 9847 0442 Fax: (02) 9847 0481 E-mail: ccdresources@dbb.org.au North Shore & Hornsby Office (NSH) Caroline Chisholm Centre Postal Address PO Box 340, Pennant Hills NSW 1715 Phone: (02) 9847 0482 Fax: (02) 9847 0481 E-mail: psunorth@dbb.org.au Joe Pulis - (02) 9847 0228 E: joe.pulis@dbb.org.au Jennifer Skelly - (02) 9847 0488 E-mail: jennifer.skelly@dbb.org.au Central Coast (Gosford) Office (CCG) PSU Regional Centre 58 Victoria St, East Gosford NSW 2250 Phone: (02) 4323 7090 Fax: (02) 4323 7097 E-mail: psucc@dbb.org.au Michael Tebbutt - (02) 4323 7090 E-mail: michael.tebbutt@dbb.org.au

Central Coast (Wyong) Office (CCW) PSU Regional Centre Catholic Formation and Education Centre 12 Ashton Avenue, The Entrance Postal Address PO Box 390, The Entrance NSW 2261 Phone: (02) 4334 3367 Fax: (02) 4334 3230 E-mail: psucc@dbb.org.au Rebecca Bishop - (02) 4334 3367 E-mail: rebecca.bishop@dbb.org.au Manly Warringah Peninsula Office (MWP) Caroline Chisholm Centre Postal Address PO Box 340, Pennant Hills NSW 1715 Phone: (02) 9847 0516 Fax: (02) 9847 0481 E-mail: psumanly@dbb.org.au Yvonne van den Berg - (02) 9847 0494 E-mail: yvonne.vandenberg@dbb.org.au CCD WEBSITE www.brokenbay.catholic.org.au/ccd

To submit an article or to make a suggestion for Connections please write to: ccdinfo@dbb.org.au or CCD, PO Box 340, Pennant Hills 1715 Closing date for the Term 4, 2014 issue is 5 September, 2014 12

Term Three 2014

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