Catholic Diocese of Broken Bay
Seek Unity • Educate • Proclaim • Celebrate • Serve • Respond Personally • Love Each Other
CCD Newsletter Term 3, 2016 Vol 21 Issue 3
“A Woman of Mercy” St Mary MacKillop of the Cross Pages 4 & 5
Safeguarding Children Child Protection in CCD Ministry Page 3
Bless Our Pilgrims on a journey of Mercy
From the Classroom Page 11
Training and Formation Level 3 - The Gospel According to John Page 6
Seek Unity - Educate - Proclaim - Celebrate - Serve - Respond Personally - Love Each Other
CCD Newsletter Term 3, 2016 Vol 21 Issue 3
Page 1
Office for Evangelisation - Evangelisation Daniel Ang Director, Office for - Daniel Ang Ang Director, Office for Evangelisation - Daniel
ow as Disciples To Missionary Grow as as Missionary Disciples To Grow Missionary Disciples
privileged attend the Divine Renovation In to June was to attend the Divine Renovation In IJune Iprivileged was privileged to attend the Divine Renovation ce in Halifax, Canada, which provided an 2016 Conference in Halifax, Canada, which provided an of an this provided issue In thisInissue of 2016 Conference in Halifax, Canada, In which this issue of learn from and be immersed in the experience opportunity to learn from and be immersed in the experience Connections Connections we we opportunity to learn from and be immersed in thewe experience Connections ok of thebehind samebehind name. Forof those who may not the book theof same name. For those whoonmay reflect thenot life on theon life the book the same name. For those who may notreflectreflect the life h this book, Divine Renovation tells the story be familiar with this Divine Renovation the story andtells mission ofthe St storyand mission of St of St be familiar withbook, this book, Divine Renovation tells and mission ’s Parish, led byParish, Fr James Mallon of aStparish Benedict’s a parish ledinbyled Fr James in Mary ofMallon the Cross theof Cross of St Benedict’s Parish, a parish by Fr James Mallon inMary of Mary the Cross with his collaboration seniorcollaboration leadership parish team, with team, his senior leadership team, parish team, MacKillop, an an with his senior leadership team, parish team,MacKillop, MacKillop, an cil and an army ofcouncil lay leaders, that has pastoral and anand army ofbecome lay of leaders, that icon of has grace andbecome icon oficon grace and and pastoral council an army lay leaders, thatbecome has of grace angelising community that brings people into a genuinely evangelising community that brings people into into in our holiness in our a genuinely evangelising community holiness that brings people holiness in our h Jesus encounter through a well-developed discipleship with Jesus through a well-developed discipleship own Australian own Australian encounter with Jesus through a well-developed discipleship own Australian book is highly recommended and be ofrecommended process. The book highly recommended and will bewill of be of context, profile context, profile process. The is book iswill highly and context, profile to CCD coordinators, parish and parishparish great great interest to CCD coordinators, catechists and and contemporary contemporary interest tocatechists CCD coordinators, catechists contemporary ed in parish life and ministry seeking build anyone involved in parish life to and ministry seeking build ‘saints into the in thein the anyone involved in parish life and ministry seeking to build‘saints‘saints e momentum their mission (you can learn a team and the momentum of their (you can making’ in learn the in thein form aofteam and the momentum of mission their mission (you canform learn making’ making’ the form ng more more by visiting of coordinators of coordinators by visiting of coordinators serving in our own diocese, and revisit best practices serving in our diocese, and and revisit best practices and and sion for In itscasting future, Benedict’s Parish aStvision for itsfor future, St Benedict’s Parish serving inown our own diocese, and revisit best practices In casting a vision its future, St Benedict’s Parish prerequisites for service in prerequisites our Church asfor catechists, again prerequisites for service in ourinChurch as catechists, again again missionary disciple in the following terms: a describes the missionary disciple in the following terms: a service our Church as catechists, describes the missionary disciple in the following terms: a in light of our dedication to in the children families whom in light of ourofdedication to theto children and families whomwhom who has a personal relationship withaJesus, disciple is one personal relationship with Jesus, light ourand dedication the children and families disciple iswho onehas whoa has personal relationship with Jesus, we serve, not for ourselves but for the sake of the Gospel we serve, not for ourselves but for the sake of the Gospel share faith is open the others, gifts canwith and does faithtowith is open theto gifts we serve, not for ourselves but for the sake of the Gospel canothers, and share does share faith withof others, is to open theof gifts of and in the name of theand Church, living andof serving bodyliving of inand thethe name of the Church, the and serving body of , has knowledge and love of the Scriptures, the Holy Spirit, has knowledge and love of the Scriptures, in the name the Church, the living and serving body of the Holy Spirit, has knowledge and love of the Scriptures, Christ. Christ. atholic theology, hasbasic a daily prayer life,has a has knowsknows basic Catholic theology, dailya prayer life, life, Christ. Catholic theology, daily prayer eal Christian community, has commitment experiences real Christian community, hasAs a has commitment we enter a new school term, may your vocation andterm, As we enter a new term, may your and and experiences reala Christian community, a commitment As we enter aschool new school mayvocation your vocation harist, celebrates the Sacrament to Sunday Eucharist, celebrates the Sacrament of as of mission a catechistmission continue to grow in grace, holiness as a catechist continue to grow in grace, holiness to Sunday Eucharist,ofcelebrates the Sacrament mission as a catechist continue to grow in grace, holiness , can pray spontaneously out loud when asked, outand Reconciliation, can pray spontaneously loud when asked, excellence. May the Spirit, the Spirit that andHoly excellence. May the Holy Spirit, the Spirit that animates Reconciliation, can pray spontaneously out loud when asked, and excellence. May theanimates Holy Spirit, the Spirit that animates stry, andserves seesserves his or in herministry, life as sees aand mission in ministry, and his orfield. herorlife aslife asaints mission field. the the Church past and present, lead you into theboth saints of the Church both past and present, lead you sees his her as a of mission field. the saints of the Church both past and present, leadinto you into adisciple deeperisencounter with Christ, the Teacher and Lord at Teacher a deeper encounter with Christ, the and Lord at t (!) andItreminds us that the disciple is one is quite a list (!) and reminds us that the one a deeper encounter with Christ, the Teacher and Lord at It is quite a list (!) and reminds us that the disciple is one whose feet we learn towhose be most ourselves to truly be forourselves feettruly we learn to beand most and toand be for y grows,who learns and deepens inlearns theirlearns personal constantly grows,grows, and deepens in their whose feet we learn to be most truly ourselves to be for who constantly and deepens in personal their personal others as witness and bearer of Good News. others as witness and bearer of Good News.News. God in relationship Christrelationship by thetoHoly Spirit, in their Godto inGod Christ by the Holy Spirit, in their others as witness and bearer of Good in Christ by the Holy Spirit, in their servicebelonging within theand community of faith, and service within the community of faith, and belonging and service within the community of faith, With every good and wish, With every good wish, With every good wish, tion to their neighbour for whom they bear in their dedication to their neighbour for whom they bear in their dedication to their neighbour for whom they bear e transformed by witness of grace. a life by grace. witness of transformed a life transformed by grace.
m this bold vision offrom discipleship, missionary As evident this of discipleship, missionary As evident frombold thisvision bold vision of discipleship, missionary value excellence. ‘Mission’ us that we communities value reminds excellence. ‘Mission’ reminds us that communities value excellence. ‘Mission’ reminds uswe that we r ourselves but for and it isbut our love forothers, do not exist for ourselves forbut others, and itand is our do notothers, exist for ourselves for it islove ourfor love for ves ourothers desire to grow and mature own that drives our desire toour grow in ourinown others that drives our in desire to and growmature and mature our own tices of evangelisation. It isof our love for othersIt is our faith and evangelisation. others faithpractices and practices of evangelisation. It islove ourfor love for others r desire that to grow and mature in our own faith drives our desire to grow and mature in our own faith that drives our desire to grow and mature in our own faith of evangelisation. and practices of evangelisation. and practices of evangelisation.
Daniel Ang DanielDaniel Ang Ang Director, Office for Evangelisation Director, Office for Evangelisation Director, Office for Evangelisation Catholic Diocese of Broken Bay Catholic Diocese of Broken Bay Bay Catholic Diocese of Broken Email: Email:Email:
ceBibleBible Conference Conference
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ctober, 2016 14 & 14 15 & October, 20162016 15 October,
hisholm Centre, Pennant HillsCentre, Caroline Chisholm Pennant Hills Hills Caroline Chisholm Centre, Pennant
the Apostles: the to aTaking Wider World” “TheTaking Acts theGospel Apostles: the Gospel to a Wider World”World” “Theof Acts of the Apostles: Taking the Gospel to a Wider y Dr Michele A Presented Connolly and DrALaurie Woods Presented by Drrsj Michele Connolly rsj and Laurie Woods by Dr Michele A Connolly rsjDr and Dr Laurie Woods
TakinG THe GoSPel TakinG THe GoSPel TakinG THe GoSPel To a WiDer WorlD To a To WiDer WorlD a WiDer WorlD Colleen on 9847 0448 / 4332 9825 Contact: or Colleen on 9847 4332/ 9825 Contact: or Colleen on 0448 9847 /0448 4332 9825 Office for EvangelisationOffice Office Web: Web: for Evangelisation for Evangelisation Educate -Seek Proclaim Celebrate Serve - Respond Personally - Love Other Unity Educate --Proclaim - Celebrate - Serve Respond Personally - Love- Each Seek--Unity - Educate - Proclaim - Celebrate - Serve -Each Respond Personally Love Other Each Other
CCDPage Newsletter 3, 2016 Vol 21Term IssueTerm 33, 2016 2 CCD CCD Newsletter Vol 21 Vol Issue Page 2 Term Newsletter 3, 2016 21 3Issue 3
CCD Diocesan Coordinator - Alison Newell
Safeguarding Children Creating a safe working environment in the SRE classroom They will remember that for
inter school holiday break provides a good opportunity to reflect on the year to date. Hopefully by now you have created a happy learning environment for yourself and the children. A safe and happy space is important if we want children to experience a loving God who is always there for them.
Our public schools are an important part of the life of our parishes. Special Religious Education is a subject like no other subject in public schools. Each time you, the catechists, go into that space you bring the face of Christ to the children. It is vital that you embody what you teach. It is important that words and mannerisms match our desire to spread the Good News. Your witness to your faith and the way you model this to the children may well impact on them for the rest of their lives. This very day, I received a message in my private inbox from a former student who had tracked me down to enquire about Mass times in my local parish. Now in his mid-thirties, he told me that he needs a change in his life and has been praying for guidance. He said he wants to go Mass to listen….. Not to tell God what he wants in life, but just to listen. We may never know the impact our faith has on children and young people, but we do know that we need a safe learning space for children to be open to an encounter with God. Safeguarding children is an important part of our role as catechists in the 21st Century. Thankfully, there is now a strong focus on the protection of children and young people in the Church and in society generally and we all share in this safeguarding responsibility. Legal regulations of working in the SRE ministry in schools now require us to obtain a Working with Children Check before we go into public schools and to renew this every five years. In addition, we are required to undertake initial and ongoing training in the areas of Safeguarding (Child Protection) and Classroom Management. Undertaking this training assists us in creating safe, happy and productive working environments for our lessons. Further, we must teach an SRE curriculum that is authorised by the SRE Provider – the Catholic Diocese of Broken Bay. Safe working environments are much more than just a physical space. The children may not remember where you taught them – in a classroom, a wet room, the library, an AV room, or a utility room. They may not remember whether you had access to a SmartBoard or other technical equipment. They may not remember the individual topics that you were teaching, or the particular resources that you used. They will remember how you made them feel. They will remember the experience of feeling safe as you prayed with them.
30 minutes every week they were immersed in a sacred space. Have you ever thought that children may encounter God for the first time in their lives in the space that you create? It’s one thing to learn about God; it’s another experience altogether to encounter God. The Walking with Jesus SRE curriculum has been developed with all these elements in mind.Therefore, it is not just the legal requirements of working with children that we ask you to focus on, though these,of course are extremely important. We also have a moral and a spiritual obligation to protect children and young people, to ensure their physical, emotional and spiritual well-being are at the top of our list and to make their learning environment and their world as safe as possible - the village mentality, if you like, of raising the young. Children are our most precious resource and a gift from God.
“Children are our most precious resource and a gift from God”
Sometimes, following a challenging lesson in SRE, we might be wondering ‘where is God in this classroom’, but please be assured that if you prepare your lesson well using the authorised curriculum material, be punctual and pray with and for the children, you will till the fertile ground to allow God to enter the lives of the children. This is your role as a catechist. Sometimes, we wish we could do more; however we are not the Master Builder, we are the labourers. It is important that we understand and comply with the requirements of our role as an SRE teacher or helper. These requirements have been put in place to safeguard our most precious resource – the children and young people we teach. I urge you to trust in your own faith, trust the authorised curriculum and teach it in an age apporpriate manner, trust our authorisation and training process and trust that God will do the rest. And always….. underpin all this with prayer. I wish you all a happy term, sharing your faith with the children in a safe a joyful environment. As always you are in my thoughts and prayers as you carry out your mission to teach the Good News to Catholic children in our public school system.
Seek Unity - Educate - Proclaim - Celebrate - Serve - Respond Personally - Love Each Other
CCD Newsletter Term 3, 2016 Vol 21 Issue 3
Page 3
St Mary MacKillop - “A Woman of Mercy”- Michael Tebbutt
Mary Mackillop “A Woman of Mercy”
M ary Mackillop was a young woman with a desire to follow God’s will and in doing so, help make the world a better place. She could see that helping to find solutions to the needs of the poorer people, whom otherwise would have been neglected. Mary Mackillop and her sisters, brought practical help to the families in need.
Mary felt very strongly the widespread ignorance of the whole of the spiritual dimension of life and dedicated her life to bringing the message of God’s love to all whom she encountered. Mary began teaching the Cameron children, her cousins, on the family estate at Penola and soon the poorer children of the area were invited to join the classes. It was at Penola that Mary met Fr Julian Tenison Woods who became her spiritual director. He also shared a similar desire to help the poor through education and meet their spiritual needs. In the Rules of the Institute of the Sisters of St Joseph of the Sacred Heart, Fr Julian Tenison Woods instructed the sisters to “do all the good you can and never see an evil without trying to remedy it. … This is their mission, for though the Institute has its peculiar (particular) duties, the religious must do any good that they can, and make their charity all-embracing.”
are sterile if they are not grounded in the gift of new and abundant life by which a person ‘is brought into the supernatural reality of the divine life itself and becomes a ‘dwelling place of the Holy Spirit,’ ‘a living temple of God’ (Dominum et Vivificantem, 58). Mary was canonized on the 17th of October 2010 and her feast day is celebrated on the 8th of August. Mary Mackillop’s life was a wonderful example of the good works filled with love cited in Matthew’s Gospel on which we will be judged. “I was hungry and you fed me, thirsty and you gave me a drink; I was a stranger and you received me into your homes, naked and you clothed me; I was sick and you took care of me, in prison and you visited me; … I tell you whenever you do this for one of the least important of these followers of mine, you did it for me.” The righteous will answer him, “When Lord, did we ever see you hungry and feed you, thirsty and give you a drink? When did we ever see you a stranger and comfort you and welcome you into our homes, or naked and clothe you? When did we ever see you sick or in prison and visit you?” The King will reply, “I tell you whenever you did this for one of the least important of these followers of mine, you did it for me!” (Matt 25:35 – 40) Another of Mary’s sayings was “Find happiness in making others happy.” This truly was how she lived her life and is a true example for us during this Year of Mercy, of practical ways we can bring about change to that part of the world in which we live.
In Brisbane, Mary established a refuge for women who had either just been released from gaol or were living on the streets. For the elderly, the incurably ill and those with habits such as drinking who found it very difficult to live in society, she established accommodation facilities. As Mary’s ministry and calling developed, she travelled extensively and spent nearly three years in New Zealand founding new communities of sisters, building orphanages and establishing shelters for the neglected and unwanted. During this time, Mary had the happiest years of her life, and she was often to say after: “I like New Zealand so much and have been very well here.” Mother Mary Mackillop died on August 8, 1909 and her last words to her sisters were, “Whatever troubles may be before you, accept them cheerfully, remembering Whom you are trying to follow. Do not be afraid. Love one another, bear with one another, and let charity guide you in all your life.” Mary Mackillop was beatified January 19, 1995 by Pope John Paul II. During the ceremony he spoke of Mary’s mission in Australia and New Zealand, “The beatification of Mary Mackillop reminds us that all efforts to renew the face of the earth (cf. Ps. 104:30) Seek Unity - Educate - Proclaim - Celebrate - Serve - Respond Personally - Love Each Other
Page 4
CCD Newsletter Term 3, 2016 Vol 21 Issue 3
The Corporal Works of Mercy - Michael Tebbutt
The Corporal Works of Mercy Corporal Works of Mercy are kind acts by which we help our neighbours with their material and physical needs – feed the hungry, give drink to the thirsty, clothe the naked, shelter the homeless, visit the sick, visit the imprisoned, bury the dead.
“Whenever you do this for the least of my bothers, you do this for me.”
Using a pen draw a line to match the person who needs help with the answer to that person’s need:
Kind Act
I am thristy
I will visit you in hospital
I am hungry
I can give you some money
I do not have a home
Here are more clothes
I have no money
Share my drink
My clothes are old and worn out
I am sick and in hospital
Share my meal
Come and live here
*Year of Mercy Lessons such as these will be available across all stages, in both Primary and High school. They will be available from your Parish Coordinator in Term 3, 2016
Seek Unity - Educate - Proclaim - Celebrate - Serve - Respond Personally - Love Each Other
CCD Newsletter Term 3, 2016 Vol 21 Issue 3
Page 5
Training and Formation CCD Ministry Course Level 3 Study of the Gospel According to John- Combined NSH & NB Regions The Sunroom Holy Name Catholic Faith Community, Wahroonga Friday 29/7/2016
The Development of the Child and Adolescent III
A Method of Theological Reflection
Friday 05/8/2016
10:00 am-12:30pm
Introduction to John
Friday 12/8/2016
10:00 am-12:30pm
Friday 19/8/2016
10:00 am-12:30pm
The Book of Signs (A)
Friday 26/8/2016
10:00 am-12:30pm
The Book of Signs (B)
Friday 09/9/2016
10:00 am-12:30pm
The Book of Glory (A)
Friday 16/9/2016
10:00 am-12:30pm
The Book of Glory (B)
Friday 23/9/2016
10:00 am-12:30pm
The Passion Narrative
Friday 30/9/2016
10:00 am-12:30pm
The Resurrection Appearance in Galilee
Friday 07/10/2016
Spirituality of Leadership
Identity and Integrity in Ministry
CCD Ministry Course Level 3 Study of the Gospel According to John- Central Coast Region Leo Mahon Room St John the Baptist, Woy Woy Friday 22/7/2016
A Method of Theological Reflection
The Development of the Child and Adolescent III
Friday 29/7/2016
10:00 am-12:30pm
Introduction to John
Friday 05/8/2016
10:00 am-12:30pm
Friday 12/8/2016
10:00 am-12:30pm
The Book of Signs (A)
Friday 19/8/2016
10:00 am-12:30pm
The Book of Signs (B)
Friday 26/8/2016
10:00 am-12:30pm
The Book of Glory (A)
Friday 09/9/2016
10:00 am-12:30pm
The Book of Glory (B)
Friday 16/9/2016
10:00 am-12:30pm
The Passion Narrative
Friday 23/9/2016
10:00 am-12:30pm
The Resurrection Appearance in Galilee
Friday 30/9/2016
Spirituality of Leadership
Identity and Integrity in Ministry
CCD Ministry Course CCDMI - Central Coast Region CCD Regional Office, East Gosford 7:00pm - 9:00pm (One Session Per Date) Wednesday 12/10/2016
Mission and Ministry of the Catechist
Wednesday 19/10/2016
SRE Teacher in the Parish and School
Wednesday 26/10/2016
Safeguarding Children/ Child Protection
Wednesday 09/11/2016
Lesson Planning:Teaching the Authorised Curriculum
Wednesday 16/11/2016
The Development of the Child and Adolescent I
Wednesday 23/11/2016
Classroom Management: Positive Discipline
Wednesday 30/11/2016
Introduction to the Bible
CCD Ministry Induction courses will be held in Term 4 in both the North Shore/Hornsby and the Peninsula Deaneries, beginning at the end of October. See the next edition of Connections for more information or ring Colleen Smith on 9847.0448.
‘Working with Children with Special Needs’ : Presented by Jo Karaolis Monday 29/8/2016
9:30am - 2:30pm
Our Lady of the Rosary Parish, The Entrance
Secondary Catechists’ Workshop #2 Tuesday 09/8/2016 Wednesday 10/8/2016 Monday 15/8/2016
9:30am - 2:30pm 9:30am - 2:30pm 9:30am - 2:30pm
Registration is essential to ensure adequate resources and seating are available. Please assist us in our planning by registering no later than 4 working days prior to the advertised training date: Colleen Smith or Leanne McGill: ph: 02 9847 0448 ph: 02 4332 9825 or email:
Frenches Forest Parish, Forestville Our Lady of the Rosary Parish, The Entrance Caroline Chisholm Centre, Pennant Hills
Seek Unity - Educate - Proclaim - Celebrate - Serve - Respond Personally - Love Each Other
Page 6
CCD Newsletter Term 3, 2016 Vol 21 Issue 3
All Training is offered at no cost to the participant. Please contact your regional office for any training enquires
North Shore Hornsby North North North North Region Shore Shore Shore Shore - Alison Hornsby Hornsby Hornsby Hornsby Newell Region Region Region Region Alison Alison Alison Newell Newell Newell North Shore Hornsby Region-----Alison AlisonNewell Newell
Epping & Carlingford Epping Epping Carlingford Parish Parish Parish Epping&&&Carlingford Carlingford Parish
The Parish of Epping & Carlingford The The The The The Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish is aof of of perfect of of Epping Epping Epping Epping Epping model & & & & Carlingford & Carlingford Carlingford Carlingford Carlingford of a strong is is is is ais aand aaperfect perfect aperfect perfect perfect model model model model model of of of of of aaaastrong strong astrong strong strong and and and and and The The Parish Parish of of Epping Epping & & Carlingford Carlingford is is aa perfect perfect model model of of aa strong strong and and ing &TTTCarlingford The he he heParish Parish Parish Parish Parishof of of sits of ofEpping Epping Epping Epping Epping on the & & & & & border Carlingford Carlingford Carlingford Carlingford Carlingford of the sits sits sits sits sits on on on on onthe the the the theborder border border border border of of of of ofthe the the the the The he he Parish Parish of of Epping Epping & & Carlingford Carlingford sits sits on on the the border border of of the the healthy parish SRE ministry. healthy healthy healthy healthy healthy Congratulations parish parish parish parish parish SRE SRE SRE SRE SRE ministry. ministry. ministry. on ministry. ministry. the commitment Congratulations Congratulations Congratulations Congratulations Congratulations on on on on on the the the the the commitment commitment commitment commitment commitment healthy healthy parish parish SRE SRE ministry. ministry. Congratulations Congratulations on on the the commitment commitment dney and Archdiocese Archdiocese Archdiocese Archdiocese Archdiocese the Dioceses of of of of ofSydney Sydney Sydney Sydney Sydney of Broken and and and and andthe the the the Bay theDioceses Dioceses Dioceses Dioceses and Diocesesof of of of ofBroken Broken Broken Broken BrokenBay Bay Bay Bay Bayand and and and and Archdiocese Archdiocese of of Sydney Sydney and and the the Dioceses Dioceses of of Broken Broken Bay Bay and and and dedication of the twoand and and Parish and and dedication dedication dedication dedication dedication Coordinators of of of of of the the the the the and two two two two two the Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish wonderful Coordinators Coordinators Coordinators Coordinators Coordinators and and and and and the the the the the wonderful wonderful wonderful wonderful wonderful and and dedication dedication of of the the two two Parish Parish Coordinators Coordinators and and the the wonderful wonderful are 54Parramatta. Parramatta. Parramatta. Parramatta. catechists Parramatta. who There There There There There areare are are authorised are are 54 54 54 54 54 catechists catechists catechists catechists catechists to teach who who who who who are are are are are authorised authorised authorised authorised authorised to to to to to teach teach teach teach teach Parramatta. Parramatta. 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Parish.These These These These These catechists catechists catechists catechists catechists serve serve serve serve serve Special Special Religious Religious Education Education in in the the Parish. Parish. 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Coordinators There There There There are are are are -two two two two Parish Parish Parish Parish Coordinators Coordinators Coordinators Coordinators ------Parish Parish Priest, Priest, Fr Fr Peter Peter Dowd. Dowd. There There are are two two Parish Parish Coordinators Coordinators Coordinator Ana Ana Ana Ana Ana Covacha Covacha Covacha Covacha for Covacha Primary is is is is is the the the the the SRE Coordinator Coordinator Coordinator Coordinator Coordinator and Maryfor for for O’Byrne for for Primary Primary Primary Primary Primary SRE SRE SRE SRE SRE and and and and and Mary Mary Mary Mary Mary O’Byrne O’Byrne O’Byrne O’Byrne O’Byrne Ana Ana Covacha Covacha is is the the Coordinator Coordinator for for Primary Primary SRE SRE and and Mary Mary O’Byrne O’Byrne ondary coordinates coordinates coordinates coordinates SRE coordinates Ministry. the the the the the Secondary Secondary Both Secondary Secondary Secondary Ana and SRE SRE SRE SRE SRE Mary Ministry. Ministry. Ministry. Ministry. Ministry. are Both Both Both Both Both Ana Ana Ana Ana Ana and and and and and Mary Mary Mary Mary Mary are are are are are coordinates coordinates the the Secondary Secondary SRE SRE Ministry. Ministry. Both Both Ana Ana and and Mary Mary are are ssion committed of committed committed committed committed reachingto to out to to to the the the the to the mission mission the mission mission mission children of of of of of reaching reaching reaching reaching reaching and young out out out out out to to to to to the the the the the children children children children children and and and and and young young young young young committed committed to to the the mission mission of of reaching reaching out out to to the the children children and and young young ools ofpeople people people the people people parish in in in in in State State State State by State providing schools schools schools schools schools of of quality of of of the the the the the parish parish parish parish religious parish by by by by by providing providing providing providing providing quality quality quality quality quality religious religious religious religious religious people people in in State State schools schools of of the the parish parish by by providing providing quality quality religious religious education. education. education. education. education. education. education. alive The The and The The The SRE SRE vibrant SRE SRE SRE Ministry Ministry Ministry Ministry Ministry in theis is is parish is is alive alive alive alive alive and and and and and vibrant constantly vibrant vibrant vibrant vibrant in in in in in the the the the the parish parish parish parish parish and and and and and constantly constantly constantly constantly constantly The The SRE SRE Ministry Ministry is is alive alive and and vibrant vibrant in in the the parish parish and and constantly constantly number growing. growing. growing. growing. growing. of catechists, AAAAAAA large large large large large both number number number number number thoseof of of new of of catechists, catechists, catechists, catechists, catechists, to the both both both both both those those those those those new new new new new to to to to to the the the the the growing. growing. large large number number of of catechists, catechists, both both those those new new to to the the eaching ministry ministry ministry ministry ministry for many and and and and and years, those those those those those have teaching teaching teaching teaching teaching taken for for for for up for many many many many training many years, years, years, years, years, have have have have have taken taken taken taken taken up up up up up training training training training training ministry ministry and and those those teaching teaching for for many many years, years, have have taken taken up up training training rtunities and and and and and over formation formation formation formation formation the past opportunities opportunities opportunities opportunities two opportunities years with over over over over over both the the the the the new past past past past past two two two two two years years years years years with with with with with both both both both both new new new new new and and formation formation opportunities opportunities over over the the past past two two years years with with both both new new and existing catechists Levels and training sts participating and and and and existing existing existing existing incatechists catechists catechists Levels catechists 1, participating participating 2participating participating participating and 3 training in inin in in Levels Levels Levels Levels 1, 1,1, 1, 1, 222222and 2and and and 333333training 3training training training and and existing existing catechists catechists participating participating in in Levels Levels 1, 1, and and training training sh Priest, offerings. offerings. offerings. offerings. offerings. the Coordinators The The The The The Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish and Priest, Priest, Priest, Priest, Priest, the the catechists the the the the Coordinators Coordinators Coordinators Coordinators Coordinators and and and and and the the the the the catechists catechists catechists catechists catechists offerings. offerings. The The Parish Parish Priest, Priest, the the Coordinators Coordinators and and the the catechists catechists alue of all all all all ongoing all understand understand understand understand understand training the the the the the and value value value value value formation of of of of of ongoing ongoing ongoing ongoing ongoing andtraining training training training the training and and and and and formation formation formation formation formation and and and and and the the the the the all all understand understand the the value value of of ongoing ongoing training training and and formation formation and and the the derived benefits benefits benefits benefits benefits from catechists that that that that that can can can can can be be be being be be derived derived derived derived derived formed from from from from from together catechists catechists catechists catechists catechists being being being being being formed formed formed formed formed together together together together together benefits benefits that that can can be be derived derived from from catechists catechists being being formed formed together together ith. as as as as as they they they they they journey journey journey journey journey in in in in in faith. faith. faith. faith. faith. as as they they journey journey in in faith. faith.
ets the CCD CCD CCD CCD Tick Training Training Training Training of Approval Gets Gets Gets Gets the the the Tick Tick Tick of of of Approval Approval Approval CCD Training Getsthe theTick Tickof ofApproval Approval
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Berg’sYvonne Yvonne Yvonne Yvonne Yvonne enthusiasm van van van van vanden den den den den andBerg’s Berg’s Berg’s Berg’s Berg’s abilityenthusiasm enthusiasm enthusiasm enthusiasm to enthusiasm impart and and and and andability ability ability ability abilityto to to to toimpart impart impart impart impart Yvonne Yvonne van van den den Berg’s Berg’s enthusiasm enthusiasm and and ability ability to to impart impart gift toknowledge knowledge knowledge knowledge us. knowledge Praiseis is is is God is God’s God’s God’s God’s God’s and gift gift gift gift thank gift to to to to to us. us. us. us. you us.Praise Praise Praise Praise Yvonne Praise God God God God God and and and and and thank thank thank thank thank you you you you you Yvonne Yvonne Yvonne Yvonne Yvonne knowledge knowledge is is God’s God’s gift gift to to us. us. Praise Praise God God and and thank thank you you Yvonne Yvonne nts. May for for for for for using using using Iusing using encourage those those those those those talents. talents. talents. everyone talents. talents.May May May May May to Iattend IIencourage Iencourage Iencourage encourage the everyone everyone everyone everyone everyone to to to to to attend attend attend attend attend the the the the the for for using using those those talents. talents. May May IIencourage encourage encourage everyone everyone to to attend attend the the sions CCD that CCD CCD CCD CCD are workshop workshop workshop workshop workshop offered.sessions sessions sessions sessions sessions that that that that that are are are are are offered. offered. offered. offered. offered. CCD CCD workshop workshop sessions sessions that that are are offered. offered.
ManlyCarole Carole Carole Carole Freshwater O’Donnell, O’Donnell, O’Donnell, O’Donnell, ParishManly Manly Manly Manly Freshwater Freshwater Freshwater Parish Parish Parish Carole O’Donnell, ManlyFreshwater FreshwaterParish Parish
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The Christian Life: tian Life: The The TheChristian Christian ChristianLife: Life: Life: The Christian Life: Date: Morality, Relationships && Faith Relationships Morality, Morality, Morality,Relationships & Relationships Relationships Faith && & Faith Faith Faith Morality, Relationships Faith
Date: Date: Date: Date: Date: Date: Date: Date: Date: Date: Date: Date: Date: Date: Date: WEDNESDay 3 aUGUSTWEDNESDay WEDNESDay WEDNESDay 2016 WEDNESDay WEDNESDay WEDNESDay 33333aUGUST aUGUST aUGUST aUGUST aUGUST 10 2016 2016 2016 2016 aUGUST 2016 WEDNESDay WEDNESDay WEDNESDay WEDNESDay 2016 WEDNESDay 10 10 10 10 10 aUGUST aUGUST aUGUST aUGUST aUGUST 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 WEDNESDay WEDNESDay 33 aUGUST aUGUST 2016 2016 WEDNESDay WEDNESDay 10 10 aUGUST aUGUST 2016 2016
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This ENCOUNTER course explores: What is Christian morality? ourse explores: This This This This This This ENCOUNTER ENCOUNTER ENCOUNTER ENCOUNTER What ENCOUNTER ENCOUNTER is Christian course course course course course course morality? explores: explores: explores: explores: explores: explores: What What What What What What is is is is is Christian Christian is Christian Christian Christian Christian morality? morality? morality? morality? morality? morality? This This ENCOUNTER ENCOUNTER course course explores: explores: What What is is Christian Christian morality? morality? What is an informed conscience? What is the relationship d conscience? What What What What What What What is is is is is an an is an an an an is informed informed informed informed informed the informed relationship conscience? conscience? conscience? conscience? conscience? conscience? What What What What What What is is is is is the the is the the the the relationship relationship relationship relationship relationship relationship What What is is an an informed informed conscience? conscience? What What is is the the relationship relationship Venue: Venue: Venue: Venue: Venue: Venue: Venue: Venue: Venue: Venue: Venue: Venue: Venue: Venue: Venue: Venue: between divine, natural, and positive law? ural, and positive between between between between between between law? divine, divine, divine, divine, divine, divine, natural, natural, natural, natural, natural, natural, and and and and and and positive positive positive positive positive positive law? law? law? law? law? law? between between divine, divine, natural, natural, and and positive positive law? law? ThE ENTRaNCE paRiSh ThE CENTRE ThE ThE ThE ThE ENTRaNCE ENTRaNCE ENTRaNCE ENTRaNCE ENTRaNCE OUR paRiSh paRiSh paRiSh paRiSh LaDy paRiSh OF CENTRE CENTRE CENTRE CENTRE CENTRE ThE ROSaRy OUR OUR OUR OUR OUR LaDy LaDy LaDy LaDy LaDy OF OF OF OF OF ThE ThE ThE ThE ThE ROSaRy ROSaRy ROSaRy ROSaRy ROSaRy ThE ThE ENTRaNCE ENTRaNCE paRiSh paRiSh CENTRE CENTRE OUR OUR LaDy LaDy OF OF ThE ThE ROSaRy ROSaRy Topics include: right relationships; the nature of sin, virtue and t relationships; Topics Topics Topics Topics Topics Topics the include: include: include: include: include: nature include: right right right right of right right sin, relationships; relationships; relationships; relationships; relationships; virtue relationships; and the the the the the the nature nature nature nature nature nature of of of of of of sin, sin, sin, sin, sin, sin, virtue virtue virtue virtue virtue virtue and and and and and and Topics Topics include: include: right right relationships; relationships; the the nature nature of of sin, sin, virtue virtue and and the entranCe the the the the the SChOOL entranCe entranCe entranCe entranCe entranCe LiBRaRy, Waitara SChOOL SChOOL SChOOL SChOOL SChOOL LiBRaRy, LiBRaRy, LiBRaRy, LiBRaRy, LiBRaRy, Waitara Waitara Waitara Waitara Waitara the the entranCe entranCe SChOOL SChOOL LiBRaRy, LiBRaRy, Waitara Waitara holiness; issues of medical ethics; the innate dignity of the medical ethics; holiness; holiness; holiness; holiness; holiness; holiness; the innate issues issues issues issues issues issues dignity of of of of of of medical medical medical medical medical medical of the ethics; ethics; ethics; ethics; ethics; ethics; the the the the the the innate innate innate innate innate innate dignity dignity dignity dignity dignity dignity of of of of of of the the the the the the holiness; holiness; issues issues of of medical medical ethics; ethics; the the innate innate dignity dignity of of the the human person. human human human human human human person. person. person. person. person. person. human human person. person.
Course duration: 2.5 hours x 2.5 hoursCourse Course Course Course Course Course duration: duration: duration: duration: duration: duration: 11111x 1x1x 1xx2.5 2.5 x2.5 2.5 2.5 hours hours hours hours hours hours Course Course duration: duration: 1x x x2.5 2.5 2.5 hours hours Contact: Contact: Contact: Contact: Contact: or Colleen on 9847 0448 /or or 4332 or or or Colleen Colleen Colleen Colleen Colleen 9825on on on on on 9847 9847 9847 9847 9847 0448 0448 0448 0448 0448 ////4332 4332 4332 9825 9825 9825 9825 9825 Contact: Contact: or or Colleen Colleen on on 9847 9847 0448 0448 /4332 //4332 4332 4332 9825 9825
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Seek Unity - Educate - Proclaim Seek Seek Seek Seek Seek Unity Unity Unity Unity Unity - Celebrate ----Educate -Educate Educate Educate - -Serve ---Proclaim -Proclaim Proclaim Proclaim - Respond ----Celebrate -Celebrate Celebrate Celebrate Personally ----Serve -Serve Serve Serve - Love ----Respond -Respond Respond Respond Each Other Personally Personally Personally Personally Personally ----Love -Love Love Love Each Each Each Each Each Other Other Other Other Other Seek Seek Unity Unity --Educate Educate Educate --Proclaim Proclaim Proclaim --Celebrate Celebrate Celebrate --Serve Serve Serve --Respond Respond Respond Personally Personally --Love Love Love Each Each Other Other
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Teaching Strategies - Michael Tebbutt
Using Age Appropriate Material In the Classroom
secondary students have been designed with the students’ capabilities in mind. So too are the resources that are suggested in the teachers’ manuals of both programmes and the multimedia resources that have been developed for use with these programmes.
Age appropriate material consists of a combination of tasks that the students are asked to complete combined with directions that they are able to understand. If students in Kindergarten were told a story about The Annunciation in terms of an angel visiting a young woman, whose name was Mary and that God was very happy with her and has chosen her to have a baby boy, they will understand this. (Lesson K.9.1) If as the teacher you were to quote directly from the New Revised Standard Version Bible the words of Luke’s Gospel, they would have difficulty understanding the story. “In the sixth month the angel Gabriel was sent by God to a town in Galilee called Nazareth, to a virgin engaged to a man whose name was Joseph of the House of David, The virgin’s name was Mary. And he came to her and said, “Greetings, favoured one! The Lord is with you. …” (Luke26 – 28) A student in Year 5 or 6 would have a much better understanding of this passage but would still have questions that would need to be answered. So a less adult oriented translation would be better used, for example the translation of the CEV Bible. This is part of what using age appropriate material is about – understandable language. The second part is about the tasks the children are required to do in their work books. In the Kindergarten work book, the students are asked to trace over the key words – ‘young lady’ and ‘God’s messenger’. If they were asked to write these words, they would have difficulty as their ability to form the letters and to spell have not been developed enough. Students in Stage 3 would be able to answer a series of question on this passage and even explain how they would feel if they were asked by God to undertake an important task. This is the second part of the question about age appropriate material – the way the students are asked to process or use the material they have just listened to. The layout of the book the students are expected to use is also important. Pictures and simple puzzles are most appropriate for younger students, while more complex comprehension questions and role plays will stimulate the thinking and creativity of older students in Stage 3.
The spiritual development of the children we teach is very important but this too has to be considered in a way that is age appropriate. Spiritual development is defined as a developmental process for making meaning of one’s life (Lingley, 2013). Consequently we would not expect the children in the primary school to gain much from your reading to them, the life of St Therese of Lisieux or teaching them about Ignatian Spirituality. Rather, it would be more beneficial to lead the students in a prayer of thanksgiving and a suitable hymn which would complement the prayer. With the students in high school, the Ignatian Examen or breaking open a passage of Scripture with them and then leading them in a meditation based on that passage would be most appropriate. From this meditation they could share their reflections and pray in a way that is suited to their own spiritual development. Once again, the prayers and rituals in the primary and secondary programmes are age appropriate. We must be careful when we want to introduce things which are not contained in the authorised SRE programmes. As Catholic SRE Teachers, we have agreed to teach the authorised programme. If you wish to use a DVD, make sure that it is G rated. If there is no rating on the cover of the DVD and check with your Parish Co-ordinator or your Regional Co-ordinator as to the appropriateness of the film. A general rule of thumb is that animated films with a G rating are suitable for use in the classroom. These may not be appropriate for secondary students so care needs to be taken when selecting a DVD to use in the Secondary SRE lesson. Use your Regional Co-ordinator as a reference person to check the suitability of the resource you wish to use. If you are tempted to use a film clip from You Tube, just remember that this material is not rated and therefore it is possible that it may not be age appropriate. Be assured that if you stick to the programme that has been designed by the Diocese of Broken Bay, developed from the Religious Education from the Catholic Schools Office, you will not go wrong and your lessons thoughtfully prepared accompanied with prayer and reflection on the main message of the lesson, will speak to the hearts of your students.
The information presented and the activities that are used to engage the students in both “Walking With Jesus” for primary students and the “Pathways of Discipleship’ for
Seek Unity - Educate - Proclaim - Celebrate - Serve - Respond Personally - Love Each Other
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CCD Newsletter Term 3, 2016 Vol 21 Issue 3
Northern Beaches Region - Yvonne van den Berg
Pittwater Parish This is a parish with spectacular views of the Pacific Ocean. There is also an abundance of eating places along the beach shores, not to mention the aroma of coffee mixed with the sea salt in the air. Pittwater parish has two churches, one at Mona Vale and Avalon. There are two Catholic Primary Schools and Mater Maria High School in the parish area. There are four State Government Primary schools with approx. 750 Catholic students. There are also two State Government High Schools with approx.200 Catholic students attending weekly classes. These High Schools are courageously attended weekly on Thursdays for two periods by both David West and Veronica Thomas as a great CCD team. On Fridays David faces the challenges at Pittwater High often doing more than two or three 60mins classes at Pittwater High. The Parish Priest Father George Kolodziej SDS, has always been very supportive of CCD ministry. He attends CCD masses and constantly recruits for more catechists to supply the local schools. A highlight of the Pittwater Parish CCD ministry has always been the end of year Thank You to Catechists Luncheon. It is a special affair to show the parish appreciation of the work of the volunteer catechists. Father George has been seen with his Barista hat on, making the catechists a real coffee from the coffee machine in the parish centre meeting room. During 2015/16 the team of SRE teachers has been led by two wonderful coordinators, Maureen Wooldridge and Angela Smit. Angela has the dual role of Sacramental Coordinator for the parish and being new to both ministries she has been lovingly nurtured by the experience of Maureen. Through Angela, CCD continues to be closely linked to the parish Sacramental Programme which is inclusive of the State School students. In 2013 Maureen received a 25 year service award. Her proud photo with Bishop David took up the entire front cover of the parish bulletin for the entire parish to celebrate. Over many years
I have been privileged to know Maureen, she is passionate about CCD ministry, she works willingly, with a smile, helping all not only in her own parish but she is now teaching in a school of the neighbouring parish also. As one of the faces in the parish office, Suzy Caruso also worked as a Sacramental and CCD coordinator in the parish. Having knowledge of the catechists and the CCD ministry, Suzy willingly helps the catechists with their concerns and needs. Together Maureen, Angela and Suzy are a welcoming and friendly CCD team helping Pittwater Parish to thrive and flourish.
Teaching Tips for the Classroom - Alison Newell
• • • • • • • • • •
Believe in your students and remember…. praise bears more fruit than criticism! Build a good rapport with the classroom teacher…. let the children see you talking with each other. Don’t re-invent the wheel with class rules – use the ones already in place in the classroom. Remain calm at all times – how you respond to difficult behaviour is often the key to diffusing it. ‘Catch’ children being good. Allow the classroom teacher to support you with classroom management strategies. Make good use of your lesson time by ensuring your instructions to the children are ageappropriate and clear. If you have children with special needs in your classroom, write the instructions on the white board or a flash card as you move from one part of the lesson to another, e.g Pencils down, prayer time. Children with special needs may take a little longer to process instructions and this could be reflected in the time it takes for them to respond to a new instruction – allow take-up time. Use music in the classroom and sing with the children.
• Pray with the children.
Seek Unity - Educate - Proclaim - Celebrate - Serve - Respond Personally - Love Each Other
CCD Newsletter Term 3, 2016 Vol 21 Issue 3
Page 9
of Broken Bay. The parish priest Reverend Father Stephen Wayoyi Omwanda along with his CCD team lead by Amanda Carrigan and Carmen Chetcuti coordinate the CCD Ministry in the parish communities of Toukley/Lake Munmorah. St Central Coast Region Rebecca Bishop Central CentralCoast CoastRegion Region ---Rebecca RebeccaBishop Bishop Central Coast Region - Rebecca Bishop Mary’s, St Brendan’s and St Brigid’s are the Catholic schools in the community with 10 State schools (8 primary and 2 high schools in the area).
Toukley/Lake Toukley/Lake Munmorah Munmorah Parish Parish Toukley/Lake Munmorah Parish TT T Toukley/Lake Toukley/LakeMunmorah MunmorahParish Parish TT Toukley/Lake Munmorah Parish
I wish to congratulate ea Munmorah parish; your fa day saints, you are an insp you at Christmas assemb admire each of you.
May God Bless and suppor The CCD team of the Toukley/Lake Munmorah parish is Central CentralCoast CoastRegion Region- Rebecca - RebeccaBishop Bishop outreaching to the lives of people inwork their local communitywith community, as they work in collaboration with parish teams community, community, as asthey they workin incollaboration collaboration withparish parishteams teams he Catholic Community of Toukley/Lake Munmorah is our he heCatholic CatholicCommunity Communityof ofToukley/Lake Toukley/LakeMunmorah Munmorahis isour our of Norah Head, Noraville, Toukley, Gorokan, Lake Haven, such as sacramental team to foster families through faith such such as as sacramental sacramental team team to to foster foster families families through through faith faith community, as they work in collaboration with parish teams northern reaching parish community of the Catholic Diocese northern reaching parish parish communityof ofMunmorah the theCatholic Catholic Diocese henorthern Catholicreaching Community of community Toukley/Lake isDiocese our Charmhaven, Blue Haven, Doyalson, San Remo, Buff through faith journeys. journeys. journeys. such as sacramental team to foster families of Broken Bay. The parish priest Reverend Father Stephen of ofBroken Broken Bay. Bay.parish The Theparish parish priest priest Reverend Reverend Father Father Stephen Stephen- Rebecca Bishop Central Coast Region northern reaching community of the Catholic Diocese Point, Budgewoi, Mannering Park, Chain Valley Bay, Lake journeys. Wayoyi Omwanda along with his CCD team lead by Amanda Wayoyi Wayoyi Omwanda Omwanda along along with with his his CCD CCD team team lead lead by by Amanda Amanda wish to congratulate each volunteer of the Toukley/Lake III wish wish to to congratulate congratulate each each volunteer volunteer of of the the Toukley/Lake Toukley/Lake of Broken Bay. The parish priest Reverend Father Stephen Summerland Munmorah, Point and Gwandalan. This Carrigan and Carmen Chetcuti coordinate the CCD Ministry Carrigan Carrigan and andCarmen Carmen Chetcuti Chetcuti coordinate coordinate the the CCD CCD Ministry MinistryI wish Munmorah parish; your faith commitment is that of modern Munmorah Munmorah parish; parish;your your faith faith commitment commitment is is that thatof ofmodern modern Wayoyi Omwanda along with his CCD team lead by Amanda to congratulate each volunteer of the Toukley/Lake community of grace, work ecumenically with other local with community, asas they work inin collaboration parish teams community, they work collaboration with parish teams heand Catholic Community ofof Toukley/Lake Munmorah isSt our in the parish communities Munmorah. St in in the the parish parish communities communities Toukley/Lake Toukley/Lake Munmorah. Munmorah. St he Catholic Community Toukley/Lake Munmorah is our day saints, you are an inspiration to many and working with day daysaints, saints, you youare arean an inspiration inspiration to tomany many and andof working working with with Carrigan Carmen Chetcuti of coordinate the CCD Ministry Munmorah parish; your faith commitment is that modern Christian Churches to bring Jesus to the lives of hundreds offamiliesthrough such asas sacramental team totofoster such sacramental team fosterfamilies throughfaith faith northern reaching parish community of the Catholic Diocese Mary’s, St Brendan’s and St Brigid’s are the Catholic schools Mary’s, Mary’s, St StBrendan’s Brendan’s and and St StBrigid’s Brigid’s are arethe the Catholic Catholic schools schools northern reaching parish community of the Catholic Diocese you at Christmas assemblies and other times, can only you at at Christmas Christmas assemblies assembliesto and and other other times, III can can only in the parish communities of Toukley/Lake Munmorah. St dayyou saints, you are inspiration many andtimes, working withonly children and families. Weekly and an fortnightly the preparation journeys. journeys. of The parish Reverend Father in the community with 10 State schools (8 primary and high in inthe the community community with with 10 10 State Statepriest schools schools (8 (8 primary primary and and22Stephen 2high high ofBroken BrokenBay. Bay. The parish priest Reverend Father Stephen admire each of you. admire admire each eachof ofyou. you. Mary’s, St Brendan’s and St Brigid’s are the Catholic at Special Christmas assemblies andteacher’s other times, I can andschools dedicationyou of the Religious Education is as community, theyonly work in collaborat Wayoyi Omwanda along with his CCD team lead by Amanda he Catholic Community of Toukley/Lake Munmorah iseach our schools in the area). schools schools in in the the area). area). Wayoyi Omwanda along with his CCD team lead by Amanda I wish to congratulate I wish to congratulate eachvolunteer volunteerofofthe theToukley/Lake Toukley/Lake in the community with 10 State schools (8 primary and 2 high admire each of you. to Bishop be commendedMay andGod celebrated. May God Bless and support you on the Mission of the Church. as sacramental team to foster May God Bless Blessand andsupport supportyou youon onsuch the theMission Mission of ofthe theChurch. Church. Central Central Coast Coast Region Region Rebecca Rebecca Bishop Carrigan and Carmen Chetcuti coordinate the CCD Ministry northern reaching parish community of the Catholic Diocese Carrigan and Carmen Chetcuti coordinate the CCD Ministry Munmorah parish; your faith commitment is is that ofof modern Munmorah parish; your faith commitment that modern schools in theteam area). The CCD team of the Toukley/Lake Munmorah parish is The The CCD CCD team of of the the Toukley/Lake Toukley/Lake Munmorah Munmorah parish parish is isMay God Bless and support you on thejourneys. Mission of the Church. ininthe Toukley/Lake of Broken Bay. priest Reverend Father Stephen theparish parishcommunities communitiesofof Toukley/Lake Munmorah. St AllMunmorah. ofThe thisparish leads St to quality religious education in the localtostate day saints, you are an inspiration many and working with day saints, you are an inspiration to many and working with outreaching to the lives of people in their local community outreaching to to the the lives of ofpeople peoplein intheir theirlocal local community community Theoutreaching CCD team ofBrendan’s thelives Toukley/Lake Munmorah parish is Mary’s, StSt Brendan’s and StSt Brigid’s are the Catholic schools Wayoyi Omwanda along with hisyou CCD lead Amanda Mary’s, and Brigid’s are the Catholic schools schools and fosters relationships in by the wider community. assemblies times, only Iand wish to congratulate each voluntee youatteam atChristmas Christmas assemblies andother other times,I can I can only of Norah Head, Noraville, Toukley, Gorokan, Lake Haven, of of Norah Norahto Head, Head, Noraville, Noraville, Toukley, Toukley, Gorokan, Gorokan, Lake Lake Haven, Haven, outreaching the lives of people inschools their local community inin the community with 1010 State (8and primary and 2 high Carrigan Carmen Chetcuti coordinate the CCD Ministry the community with State schools (8 primary and 2 high The enthusiasm of the CCDeach team train in curriculum and parish; your faith commitm admire ofto you. Munmorah admire each of you. Charmhaven, Blue Haven, Doyalson, San Remo, Buff Charmhaven, Charmhaven, Blue Blue Haven, Haven, Doyalson, Doyalson, San San Remo, Remo, Buff of Norah Head, Noraville, Gorokan, Lake Haven,Buff schools inin the area). the parish communities of Toukley/Lake Munmorah. schools the area).Toukley, in formation opportunities highlights the joy ofStwitness; the you are an inspiration to m day saints, Point, Budgewoi, Mannering Park, Chain Valley Bay, Lake Point, Point, Budgewoi, Budgewoi, Mannering Park, Park, Chain Chain Valley Valley Bay, Bay, Lake Lake May God Bless support you onon the Mission ofof the Church. May God Blessand and support you the Mission the Church. Charmhaven, Blue Mannering Haven, Doyalson, San Remo, Buff Mary’s, St Brendan’s andoutlook St Brigid’s are the Catholic schools missionary of the ‘SRE’ teacher is awork beacon toatthe youcollaboration Christmas assemblies and ot community, community, as they as work they in collaboration in with parish with parish teamsteams The CCD team ofof the Toukley/Lake Munmorah parish isisisour Munmorah, Summerland Point and Gwandalan. This Munmorah, Munmorah, Summerland Summerland Point Point andValley Gwandalan. Gwandalan. This This TheCatholic CCD team thePark, Toukley/Lake Munmorah parish he he Catholic Community Community of Toukley/Lake of and Toukley/Lake Munmorah Munmorah is our Point, Budgewoi, Mannering Chain Bay, Lake in the community with 10 State schools primary and 2team highteam eachfamilies of you. such such as(8sacramental as sacramental to admire foster to foster families through through faith faith outreaching to lives of people inGwandalan. their community community of grace, work ecumenically with other local community community of of grace, grace, work work ecumenically ecumenically with with other other local localDiocese outreaching tothe the lives of people in their local community northern northern reaching reaching parish parish community community of the oflocal Catholic the Catholic Diocese Munmorah, Summerland Point and This schools in theJubilee area). journeys. journeys. for Catechists - Alison Newell May God Bless and support you on the Norah Head, Noraville, Toukley, Gorokan, Lake Christian Churches to bring Jesus to the lives of hundreds of Christian Christian Churches Churches to to bring bring Jesus Jesus to to the the lives lives of of hundreds hundreds of ofStephen of Norah Head, Noraville, Toukley, Gorokan, Lake Haven, of Broken of Broken Bay. The Bay. parish The parish priest priest Reverend Reverend Father Father Stephen community of grace, work ecumenically with other localHaven, Charmhaven, Blue Haven, Doyalson, San Remo, Buff The CCD team of the Toukley/Lake Munmorah parish is each children and families. Weekly and fortnightly the preparation children children and and families. families. Weekly Weekly and and fortnightly fortnightly the the preparation preparation Charmhaven, Blue Haven, Doyalson, San Remo, Buff Wayoyi Wayoyi Omwanda Omwanda along along with his with CCD his team CCD team lead by lead Amanda by Amanda I wish I wish to congratulate to congratulate each volunteer volunteer of theofToukley/Lake the Christian Churches to bring Jesus to the lives of hundreds of usage. They commenced in Toukley/Lake Italy, where s part of the Jubilee Year of Mercy, Point, Budgewoi, Mannering Park, Chain Valley Bay, Lake outreaching to the lives of people in their local community and dedication of the Special Religious Education teacher’s is and and dedication dedication of of the the Special Special Religious Religious Education Education teacher’s teacher’s is is Point, Budgewoi, Mannering Park, Chain Valley Bay, Lake Carrigan Carrigan and Carmen and Carmen Chetcuti Chetcuti coordinate coordinate the CCD the Ministry CCD Ministry Munmorah Munmorah parish; parish; your faith your commitment faith commitment is that is of that modern of modern children and families. Weekly and fortnightly the preparation an organisation of lay people undertook catechists of the world will gather in Munmorah, Summerland Point and Gwandalan. This of Norah Head, Noraville, Toukley, Gorokan, Lake Haven, to be commended and celebrated. to to be be commended commended and and celebrated. celebrated. Munmorah, Summerland Point and Gwandalan. This in the in parish the parish communities communities of Toukley/Lake of Toukley/Lake Munmorah. Munmorah. St St day saints, day saints, you are you an are inspiration an inspiration to many to many and working and working with with and dedication of the Special Religious Education teacher’s is the task of instructing children in Rome on the weekend of Friday 23 community of work ecumenically with other local Charmhaven, Blue Haven, Doyalson, San Remo, Buff community grace, work ecumenically with other local Mary’s, Mary’s, St Brendan’s Stofgrace, Brendan’s and Stand Brigid’s St Brigid’s are the are Catholic the Catholic schools schools you at you Christmas at Christmas assemblies assemblies and other and other times, times, I can I only canPope only to be commended and celebrated. the truths of the faith. In 1905 All of this leads to quality religious education in the local state All Allof ofthis thisleads leadsto toquality qualityreligious religiouseducation educationin in–the the local local state state 25 September. LetValley us,you. the Christian toto bring Jesus toschools the ofprimary hundreds of2ofhigh Point, Budgewoi, Mannering Park, Chain Bay, Lake Christian Churches bring Jesus to the lives of hundreds in theincommunity theChurches community with 10 with State 10 State schools (8lives primary (8Sunday and 2and high admire admire each each of of you. Pius X ordered that a Confraternity of schools and fosters relationships in the wider community. schools and andtofosters fosters relationships relationships in in the theinwider wider community. community. All schools of this leads quality education thecatechists local state of the Diocese Broken This children and families. Weekly and fortnightly the preparation Munmorah, Summerland Point and of Gwandalan. children and families. Weekly and fortnightly the preparation schools schools in the inarea). thereligious area). Christian Doctrine beofset up inChurch. every The enthusiasm of the CCD team to train in curriculum and The The enthusiasm enthusiasm of of the the CCD CCD team team to to train train in in curriculum curriculum and and May God May Bless God Bless and support and support you onyou theonMission the Mission theof Church. the schools and fosters of relationships inReligious the wider community. Bay, join withisecumenically catechists across the local and dedication the Special Religious Education teacher’s community of grace, work with other and dedication of the Special Education teacher’s is parish in the world. This decree has formation opportunities highlights the joy of witness; the formation opportunities highlights highlights the the joy joy of of witness; witness; the the The CCD Theopportunities CCD team team of theof Toukley/Lake thetoToukley/Lake Munmorah Munmorah parish parish is is Theformation enthusiasm of the CCD team train in curriculum and globe intoprayer as we thanks for toto bebe commended and celebrated. Christian Churches bring Jesus to give the lives of hundreds of commended and celebrated. been incorporated in Canon Law. Your missionary outlook of the ‘SRE’ teacher is aatheir beacon to the missionary missionary outlook outlook of ofhighlights the the‘SRE’ ‘SRE’ teacher teacher is isinawitness; beacon beacon to tothe the outreaching outreaching to the to lives lives of people of people in their local local community community formation opportunities the joy of the opportunity have to share children andthe families. Weeklywe and fortnightly theGod’s preparation parish catechist team is encouraged to AllAll ofof this leads quality religious education inin the local state this leads to quality religious education the local state of Norah Norah Head, Head, Noraville, Noraville, Toukley, Toukley, Gorokan, Gorokan, Lake Lake Haven, Haven, missionary outlook ofto the ‘SRE’ teacher is a beacon mercy with the childrenEducation and young and dedication of to thethe Special Religious teacher’s is participate in the Jubilee for Catechists schools and fosters relationships in the wider community. schools and fosters relationships in the wider community. Charmhaven, Charmhaven, Blue Blue Haven, Haven, Doyalson, Doyalson, San San Remo, Remo, Buff Buff Jubilee for Catechists Alison Newell Jubilee Jubileefor forCatechists Catechists---Alison Alison Newell Newell peopleand wecelebrated. teach in NSW Government to be commended by making a pilgrimage to one of the five The enthusiasm ofMannering the CCD team toPark, train inschools. curriculum and The enthusiasm of the CCD team to train in curriculum and Point, Point, Budgewoi, Budgewoi, Mannering Park, Chain Chain Valley Valley Bay, The Lake Bay, Lake work of lay catechists Jubilee for Catechists -highlights Alison Newell usage. They commenced in Italy, where usage. usage. They They commenced commenced in inItaly, Italy,in where where Holy Doors in the Diocese and attending formation opportunities the joy of witness; the All of this leads to quality religious education the local state formation opportunities highlights the joy of witness; the Munmorah, Munmorah, Summerland Summerland Point Point and and Gwandalan. Gwandalan. This This part of the Jubilee Year of Mercy, sss part part of of the the Jubilee Jubilee Year Year of of Mercy, Mercy, has been part of the Church’s tradition an organisation of lay people undertook an an organisation organisation of of lay laypeople people undertook undertook Reconciliation, or with Eucharistic missionary outlook of the ‘SRE’ teacher is a beacon to the schools and fosters relationships in the wider community. missionary outlook of the ‘SRE’ teacher is a beacon to the community community of grace, of grace, work work ecumenically ecumenically with with other other local local usage. They commenced in Italy, where catechists of the world will gather in catechists of ofJubilee the the world world will will gather gather in in since the 1565. Confraternities of scatechists part ofChristian the Year of bring Mercy, the task of instructing children in the the task task of of instructing instructing children children in in Adoration or with a prayer in the Prayers The enthusiasm of the CCD team to train in curriculum and Christian Churches Churches to bring to Jesus Jesus to the to lives the of lives hundreds of hundreds of of an organisation of lay people undertook Rome on the weekend of Friday 23 Rome Rome on on the the world weekend weekend of of Friday Friday 23 23 Christian Doctrine were set up in the catechists of the will gather in the truths of the faith. In 1905 Pope the the truths truths of of the the faith. faith. In In 1905 1905 Pope Pope of Intercession at weekend Masses. formation opportunities highlights the joy of witness; the children children and families. and families. Weekly Weekly and and fortnightly the Reformation preparation preparation task oftheinstructing children in Jubilee for Catechists -us, Alison Newell Jubilee for Catechists -23fortnightly Alison Newell Sunday 25 September. Let the ––– Sunday Sunday 25weekend September. September. Let Let us, us, the thethe Post period, when Catholic Rome on the25 ofthe Friday Pius X ordered that a Confraternity of Pius Pius X X ordered ordered that that a a Confraternity Confraternity of of missionary outlook of the ‘SRE’ teacher is a beacon to the and dedication and dedication of the of Special Special Religious Religious Education Education teacher’s teacher’s is is the truths of the In 1905 catechists of the Diocese of Broken catechists catechists of of the the Diocese Diocese of of Broken Broken schools had faith. not come intoPope general – Sunday 25 September. Let us, the They commenced in where Christian Doctrine be set up in every Christian Christian Doctrine be set set up upinItaly, in in every every usage.Doctrine They commenced Italy, where to sbe to commended be commended and celebrated. and celebrated. Pius Xusage. ordered that a be Confraternity of Attention Secondary Attention AttentionAllAllAllSecondary Secondary part of the Jubilee Year of Mercy, Bay, join with catechists across the Bay, Bay, join join with with catechists catechists across across the the s part of the Jubilee Year of Mercy, catechists of the Diocese of Broken an organisation of lay people undertook parish in the world. This decree has parish parish in in the the world. world. This This decree decree has has an organisation of lay people undertook CCD Reminders: Christian Doctrine be set up in every Jubilee for Catechists Alison Newell catechists of the world will gather in globe in prayer as we give thanks for globe globe in in prayer prayer as as we we give give thanks thanks for for catechists of the world will gather in Attention All Secondary All of All this of leads this leads to quality to quality religious religious education education in the in local the state local state SRE Teachers! SRE SRETeachers! Teachers! Bay, join with catechists across the the task ofof instructing children been incorporated in Canon Law. Your been been incorporated incorporated in inCanon Canon Law. Law. Your Your inin the task instructing children in the world. This decree has Rome on the ofofFriday 23in the opportunity we have to share God’s the the opportunity opportunity we we have have to to share share God’s God’s Rome onas the weekend Friday 23wider schools schools and fosters and fosters relationships relationships in parish the the wider community. community. globe in prayer weweekend give thanks for Don’t forget the Secondary Don’t Don’t forget forget the theSecondary Secondary SRE Teachers! the truths of the faith. In 1905 Pope usage. They commenced in Italy, where parish catechist team is encouraged to parish parish catechist catechist team team is is encouraged encouraged to to the truths of the faith. In 1905 Pope been in Canon Law. Your – –Sunday 25 September. Let the sus, part oftrain the Year of Mercy, mercy with the children and young mercy with withenthusiasm the the children children and and young young Sunday 25have September. Let the The enthusiasm The of the CCD the team CCD team tous, train to inincorporated curriculum inJubilee curriculum and and themercy opportunity we to of share God’s Pius X ordered that a Confraternity of an organisation of lay people undertook participate in the Jubilee for Catechists participate participate in in the the Jubilee Jubilee for for Catechists Catechists Pius X ordered that a Confraternity of Training workshops Term Training workshops inininTerm Term3.3.3. Don’tTraining forget workshops the Secondary parish catechist team encouraged to catechists ofchildren Diocese of catechists ofof the world will isgather in people we teach in NSW Government people people we wethe teach teach in in NSW NSW Government Government catechists ofthe the Diocese ofBroken Broken S formation formation opportunities opportunities highlights highlights the joy the joywitness; of the the mercy with and young Christian Doctrine be set up inin every task children by making aawitness; pilgrimage to one of the five by bymaking making athe pilgrimage pilgrimage to to one of ofup the the five five Christian Doctrine beone set everyof instructingAttention participate in Jubilee for Catechists All Secondary Attention All Secondary “Our Merciful God Celebrate the Bay, join with catechists across the Rome on the weekend of Friday 23 For more details see page schools. The work of lay catechists For For more more details details see see page page 1010in 10 schools. schools. The The work work of of lay lay catechists catechists Bay, join with catechists across the Training workshops in Term 3. outlook of Government theof‘SRE’ the ‘SRE’ teacher teacher is a beacon is a beacon to the to the peoplemissionary we missionary teach outlook in NSW parish inin the world. This decree has the truths Holy Doors in the Diocese and attending Holy Holy Doors Doors in the the Diocese Diocese and and attending attending parish the world. This decree has of the faith. In 1905 Pope by making a pilgrimage to one Year of Mercy” globe in asas wewecatechists give thanks forfor –thanks Sunday 25 September. Let us, of thethe five has been part of the Church’s tradition has has been been part part of ofthe the Church’s Church’s tradition tradition globe inprayer prayer give Teachers! Teachers! For more details SRE seeSRE page 10 of schools. The work of lay been incorporated in Canon Law. Your Pius X ordered that a Confraternity Reconciliation, or with Eucharistic Reconciliation, Reconciliation, or or with with Eucharistic Eucharistic been incorporated in Canon Law. Your Holy Doors the Diocese attending Students in our Government Schools the wewe have God’s catechists of thein Diocese of and Broken since the 1565. Confraternities since the the 1565. 1565. Confraternities Confraternities of theopportunity opportunity haveto toshare God’s hassince been part of the Catechists Church’s tradition Jubilee Jubilee for for Catechists -share Alison -ofof Alison Newell Newell forget Secondary Don’t forget the Secondary parish catechist team is totoDoctrine be setDon’t Christian up intheevery Adoration or with prayer in the Prayers Adoration Adoration or or with with aaawith prayer prayer in in the the Prayers Prayers parish catechist team isencouraged encouraged will need to upload art work Reconciliation, or Eucharistic A mercy with children and young Bay, join with catechists across the to the Christian Doctrine were set up in the Christian Christian Doctrine Doctrine were were set set up up in in the mercy withthe the children and young since the 1565. Confraternities ofthe participate in for Catechists parish in the world. This decree has of Intercession at weekend Masses. of ofIntercession Intercession at at weekend weekend Masses. Masses. participate inthe theJubilee Jubilee for Catechists Diocesan website by Friday 29th Training workshops in Term 3. 3. year th Training workshops in Term Adoration or with a prayer in the Prayers This people we teach in NSW Government globe in prayer as we give thanks for Post Reformation period, when Catholic Post Post Reformation Reformation period, period, when when Catholic Catholic people we teach in NSW Government usage. usage. They They commenced commenced in Italy, in Italy, where where Christian Doctrine were up in Year theMercy, by making pilgrimage toto one of the five s part s part of the of Jubilee theset Jubilee Year of ofofMercy, been incorporated in Canon Law. Your by making a pilgrimage one of the five July 2016. be selected Intercession ataFinalist weekend ForFor moremore details seesee pagepage 10will schools. ofinto laylay catechists the opportunity we have to share schools had not come into general schools schools had had The not not come come into general general details 10 be held schools. Thework work of catechists an organisation an organisation of will layMasses. ofGod’s people lay people undertook undertook Post Reformation when Catholic Doors in the Diocese and attending catechists catechists ofperiod, the of world the world will gather will gather in Holy infrom parish catechist team is encouraged to Holy Doors in the Diocese and attending each stage for judging at a has been part ofofthe Church’s tradition mercy with the the the children and young children has been part the Church’s tradition task task of instructing of instructing children in in schools had not come into general of NovembeTr Reconciliation, orlevel. Rome Rome on the on weekend the weekend of Friday of Friday 23 23 participate Reconciliation, or with with Eucharistic Eucharistic in the Jubilee for Catechists Diocesan CCD Reminders: CCD CCD Reminders: Reminders: since the people of we in NSW Government since the1565. 1565. Confraternities Confraternities of teach the truths the truths of the of faith. the faith. In 1905 In 1905 Pope Pope Adoration oror with a prayer inin the Sunday – Sunday 25 September. 25 September. Let us, Let the us, the byPrayers making Adoration with a prayer the Prayersa pilgrimage to one of the five Cathedral P CCD–Christian Reminders: F schools. of lay that catechists ChristianDoctrine Doctrinewere wereset setup upininthe the The Piuswork Pius X ordered X ordered athat Confraternity a Confraternity of of ofof Intercession atat weekend Masses. catechists catechists of the of Diocese the Diocese of Broken of Broken Holy Doors in the Diocese and attending Intercession weekend Masses. Post Reformation period, when Catholic has been part of Christian the Church’s tradition Post Reformation period, when Catholic Christian Doctrine Doctrine be set be up setinupevery in every Attention All Secondary All Secondary Bay, Bay, join join with with catechists catechists across across the the Reconciliation, or withAttention Eucharistic schools general since the 1565. of This schoolshad hadnot notcome comeinto into general parish parish inConfraternities the in world. the world. This decree decree has S has SSAAwith AVVVEEETTaTHHHprayer globe globe in prayer in prayer as we as give we thanks give thanks for for Adoration or in the Prayers EEED-DDARespond SRE Teachers! - Love Each O Seekbeen Unity - set Educate - Proclaim Celebrate Personally “Our Merciful God Celebrate the “Our “OurMerciful MercifulGod God---Celebrate Celebratethe the AATTT SRE Teachers! Christian Doctrine were upin in the been incorporated incorporated Canon in Canon Law.- Law. Your Your- Serve S A the opportunity theYear opportunity we have we have to share to share God’sGod’s of Intercession at weekendEEEMasses. V E CCD Reminders: CCD Reminders: T Year of Mercy” Year of of Mercy” Mercy” H Post Reformation period, when Catholic Don’ttheforget Secondary the Secondary parish parish catechist catechist team team is encouraged is encouraged to to E DATE Don’t forget “Our mercy Merciful God with -the Celebrate the and mercy with children the children and youngyoung Page 10 in the Newsletter Term 3, 2016 Vol 21 Issue 3 Students in our Government Schools Students Students in in our ourMercy” Government Government Schools Schools schools hadparticipate notparticipate come into general inCCD Jubilee the Jubilee for Catechists for Catechists Year of Training workshops Training workshops in Term Term 3. people people we teach we art teach inwork NSW in to NSW Government will need to upload art work to the will will need need to toupload upload art work to the the Government Students in our Government Schools by making by making a pilgrimage a pilgrimage to onetoofone theoffive the five For moreFor details more seedetails pagesee 10 page 10 schools. schools. The by work The work of 29th lay of catechists lay catechists CCD Reminders: Diocesan website Friday 29th Diocesan Diocesan website website by Friday Friday 29th This year the Diocesan Mass This This year year the theSCCD Diocesan Mass Mass will need to upload artby work to the Holy Doors Holy Doors in theinDiocese the Diocese and attending and attending SCCD ACCD AEVETHDiocesan V has been has been part of part the of Church’s the Church’s tradition tradition T Volume 3.indd 10 H July 2016. Finalist will be selected July July 2016. 2016. Finalist Finalist will will be be selected selected E E DADTAETEMass5th “Our Merciful “Our Merciful God- Celebrate - 29th Celebratethe the Diocesan website byGod Friday will be held on the Saturday 5th This year the Diocesan will will be be held heldCCD on on the the Saturday Saturday 5th Reconciliation, Reconciliation, or with or with Eucharistic Eucharistic sinceeach since thestage 1565. the 1565. Confraternities Confraternities of of from each stage for judging at from each stage for for judging judging at ataaa Sh Year of Mercy” Year of Mercy” Julyfrom 2016. Finalist will be selected Adoration Adoration or with or awith prayer awill prayer in the in Prayers the Prayers of November 2016, at the Hornsby held on 2016, the Saturday 5th of ofbe November November 2016, at at the the Hornsby Hornsby Christian Doctrine were set up setinupthein the Diocesan level. Diocesan Diocesan level. level. Students inDoctrine Government Students inour our Government Schools fromChristian each stage for judging atwere a Schools of Intercession of Intercession at weekend at weekend Masses. Masses. SAVE THE Dsh Post Reformation Post Reformation period, period, when when Catholic Catholic God - Celebrate the of Cathedral Cathedral Parish of Waitara. November 2016, at the Hornsby Cathedral Parish Parish of ofWaitara. Waitara. will need art work toto the will needto toupload upload art work the Merciful D “Our Diocesan level. schools schools had had not by come not come into into general general P: Diocesan website 29th Diocesan website byFriday Friday 29th This Thisyear yearthe the CCDDiocesan DiocesanMass Mass Year of Mercy” Cathedral Parish ofCCD Waitara.
Toukley/Lake Toukley/LakeMunmorah MunmorahParish Parish T T
F: July Finalist July2016. 2016. Finalistwill willbebeselected selected Students in our Government Schools will willbebeheld heldononthe theSaturday Saturday5th 5th CCD CCD Reminders: Reminders: from each stage for judging at a from each stage for judging at a will need to upload art work to the Seek Unity Educate Proclaim Celebrate Serve Respond Personally Each Other Seek SeekUnity Unity---Educate Educate---Proclaim Proclaim---Celebrate Celebrate---Serve Serve---Respond RespondPersonally Personally---Love LoveEach EachOther Other ofLove November 2016, of November 2016,atatthe theHornsby Hornsby Diocesan Diocesanlevel. level. Diocesan website by Friday 29th This year the CCD D Seek Unity - Educate - Proclaim - Celebrate - Serve - Respond Personally - Love Each Other Cathedral CathedralParish ParishofofWaitara. Waitara. July Term 2016. willVol be selected Page 10 Page 10 10 CCD Newsletter Term 3, 2016 Vol 21 Issue CCD CCDNewsletter Newsletter TermFinalist 3, 3,2016 2016 Vol21 21Issue Issue333 will be held on the S from each stage for judging at a SA SA
FromFrom From the Classroom the the Classroom Classroom
How great How ow great and greatwonderful and and wonderful wonderful is ouris is God? our our God? God?
to identify to to identify identify the gifts the theof gifts gifts theof of Spirit the the Spirit Spirit operative operative operative little boy) little little boy) boy) in thisin ingreat this this great man, great man, Mandela. man, Mandela. Mandela. 2) Joshua 2) 2) Joshua Joshua said that said saidJoshua that that Joshua Joshua was his was was hero. his his hero. hero. How blessed How How blessed blessed are we are are to we be we Catechists, to to be be Catechists, Catechists, WhenWhen When askedasked asked to write to to write their writeown their theirstory own own story of story of of The students The The students students laughed laughed laughed and commented and and commented commented and toand and be using to to be be using using the lessons the the lessons lessons that help that thatus help help us us a person aa person person they knew, they they knew, knew, this rather this this rather rather noisy noisy noisy that he that that could he he could could not benot not hisbe be own his hishero! own own hero! Joshua hero! Joshua Joshua to reach to to reach reach the hearts the the hearts hearts of God's of of God's God's little ones! little little ones! ones! and restless and and restless restless groupgroup group of children of of children children brokebroke broke explained. explained. explained. He meant He He meant meant the Joshua the the Joshua Joshua of theof of the the How truly How Howawesome truly truly awesome awesome is it when is is itit when when we actually we we actually actually into chatter. into into chatter. chatter. Amongst Amongst Amongst the many the the many many stories stories stories First Testament First First Testament Testament Bible Bible stories Bible stories stories and could and and could could experience experience experience the Holy the theSpirit Holy Holy Spirit Spirit at work at at work with workus with with us us that came that that came came forth as forth forth weas as moved we we moved moved around around around the the therecount recount recount that hero that thatstory. hero hero story. story. Following Following Following that, Ithat, that, II in thein in classroom. the the classroom. classroom. room,room, room, I recount II recount recount three three particular three particular particular ones that ones ones that that told the told told children the the children children that ifthat that theyififwere they they named were were named named This morning This This morning morning the lesson the the lesson lesson to a year to to aa3/4 year year 3/4 3/4 touched touched touched us deeply. us us deeply. deeply. after aafter after heroaasaint, hero hero saint, saint, they could they they could could write write about write about about groupgroup group of 38 children of of 38 38 children children was the was was second the the second second 1) Tim1) 1)(Not Tim Timreal (Not (NotName) real real Name) Name) askedasked asked if he could ifif he he could couldthat person. that that person. person. I thenIItold then thenthem told told them the them story the the story of story of of one on one one theon on gifts the theof gifts gifts theof of Holy the theSpirit. Holy Holy Spirit. Spirit. After After After write write about write about about his favourite his his favourite favourite TV hero. TV TV hero. After hero. After After my hero my mysaint. hero hero saint. saint. identifying identifying identifying the way the theinway way which in in which which the gifts the the gifts gifts conversation conversation conversation it became itit became became clear clear that clearthis that that this this 3) Ramon, 3) 3) Ramon, Ramon, who has who who been has has a been been littleaadifficult little little difficult difficult operated operated operated the teacher the the teacher teacher was towas was tellto to the tell tell story the the story story hero used hero heroviolence used used violence violence to achieve to to achieve achieve his goals his his goals goals and disengaged and and disengaged disengaged in class in in class last classyear last lastand year year and and of Nelson of of Nelson Nelson Mandela. Mandela. Mandela. and not and and the not not power the the power power of theof of Holy the theSpirit. Holy Holy Spirit. Spirit. this year this thissuddenly year year suddenly suddenly became became became excited excited excited The lesson The The lesson lesson required required required the students the the students students to think to to think think Tim was Tim Timdowncast was was downcast downcast and wandered and and wandered wandered away away away when when when I told Ithem I told told them the them story the the story of story myof of name my my name name of a person of of aa person person who was who whoawas was heroaakind hero heroof kind kind person of of person person from his from from desk, his his desk, desk, whichwhich which was usual. was was usual. usual. He then He He then thenSaint,Saint, Saint, St.Eulalia St.Eulalia St.Eulalia who iswho who theis is Patron the the Patron Patron Saint Saint Saint who made who who made made a difference aa difference difference because because because they were they they were were askedasked asked if he could ifif he he could could write write about write about about his father. his his father. father. of Barcelona, of of Barcelona, Barcelona, and ofand and theof of Basilica the the Basilica Basilica that that that empowered empowered empowered by theby by Gifts the theof Gifts Gifts theof of Holy the theSpirit Holy Holy Spirit Spirit Glad that Glad Gladhe that that would he he would would actually actually actually sit down sit sit down and down and andhonours honours honours her inher her Barcelona. in in Barcelona. Barcelona. Ramon Ramon Ramon jumped jumped jumped As I spoke As As II spoke spoke aboutabout about the man, the the man, the man, terrible the the terrible terrible write,write, write, I responded II responded responded quickly quickly quickly and he and and then he he then then up and up upsaid and and"Isaid said know "I "I know that knowstory! that that story! story! I knowII know know injustices injustices injustices that he that that and he hehis and and countrymen his his countrymen countrymen said: My said: said: father My My father father is a true is is aahero! true true hero! He hero! is He the He is is the the what happened what what happened happened to her! to toMy her! her! mum My My mum told mumme told told me me and women and and women women experienced, experienced, experienced, and how and andhe how how he he first Aboriginal first first Aboriginal Aboriginal person person person to be .......... to to be be .......... .......... in in in that story that that story when story when when I was Ismall! I was was small! small! I was Iborn I was was born born achieved achieved achieved his goals his his goals goals in South in in South South Africa,Africa, Africa, to myto to my my Australia! Australia! Australia! He was He Healso was wasable also alsoto able able identify to to identify identify in Madrid in in Madrid Madrid but my but but parents my my parents parents took me took took tome me to to great great amazement, great amazement, amazement, the beautiful the the beautiful beautiful youngyoung young the particular the the particular particular gifts of gifts gifts theof of Spirit the the Spirit Spirit activeactive active Barcelona Barcelona Barcelona to be baptised to to be be baptised baptised in herin in church. her her church. church. woman woman woman (who agreed (who (who agreed agreed at theat at beginning the the beginning beginning of of of in his in in father. his his father. father. At that At Atmoment that that moment moment everything everything everythingAfter After aAfter busyaatime busy busyof time time writing of of writing writing and and and the year the theto year year be a to tohelper be be aa helper helper so that so sowe that that could we we could could changed changed changed for Tim. for forItTim. Tim. wasItItas was was if he as aswas ifif he henow was was now nowinteracting interacting interacting the children the the children children camecame came to silence to to silence silence keep this keep keepclass this this class together class together together weekly) weekly) weekly) suddenly suddenly suddenly connected connected connected to what to to was what whathappening was was happening happening around around around for thefor for final the theprayer. final final prayer. prayer. All this All Allhappened this this happened happened in in in spokespoke spoke up. "I up. grew up. "I "I up grew grew in South up up in in South South Africa!Africa! Africa! him and him himtoand and theto to children the the children children at hisat at table his his table who table who who that "never that that "never "never enough enough enough time"time" time" of thirty of of thirty five thirty five five Nelson Nelson Nelson Mandela Mandela Mandela is my is hero! is my my hero! We hero! left We We South left left South South were happy were were happy happy to listen to to listen listen to histo to story. his his story. story. (The (The (The minutes. minutes. minutes. AfricaAfrica Africa to come to to come come to Australia to to Australia Australia when when when I was I16 I was was 16 16 classroom classroom classroom teacher teacher teacher who had who whooverheard had had overheard overheard I continue II continue continue to reflect to to reflect reflect on how on onthe how how Word the the Word Word because because because we could we we could could not bear not notthe bear bear suffering the the suffering suffering Tim'sTim's Tim's statement statement statement went to went went Google to to Google Google and for and and for for of Godof ofand God Godthe and and Spirit the the Spirit Spirit "reaches "reaches "reaches into the into into the the of theof of black the the black black and coloured and and coloured coloured people!" people!" people!" She She She sure there sure sure there was therethe was was truth the the truth of truth theof of Tim's the the Tim's Tim's depths depths depths of everything" of of everything" everything" (1Cor.(1Cor. (1Cor. 2:10.)2:10.) 2:10.) and and and then continued then then continued continued to speak to to speak speak from the from from heart the the heart heart story;story; story; his background his his background background and family and and family family life were life life were were how privileged how how privileged privileged we are we we toare are be catechists. to to be be catechists. catechists. aboutabout about her experience, her her experience, experience, whichwhich which absolutely absolutely absolutely unknown unknown unknown to toShe her. her.too She She was too tootouched was was touched touched and and and mesmerised mesmerised mesmerised the children. the the children. children. She had She Shenot had had not not commented commented commented that this that thatgave this thisher gave gave a her much her aa much much read the read read lesson the the lesson lesson plan for plan plan thefor for day the the and day dayI had and and II had had greater greater greater understanding understanding understanding of a child of of aa that child childshe that that she she no knowledge no no knowledge knowledge of herof of background. her her background. background. During During During had only had hadcategorised only only categorised categorised as a very as as aanaughty very very naughty naughty questioning questioning questioning the children the the children children were easily were were easily easily able able able
Eulalie Eulalie Eulalie O'Keefe O'Keefe O'Keefe
Terrigal Terrigal Terrigal Parish Parish Parish -Holgate -Holgate -Holgate PS PS PS gave their gave gaveoffertory their their offertory offertory gifts to gifts gifts to to MassMwas ass asscelebrated was was celebrated celebrated at Holgate at at Holgate Holgate FatherFather Father JacekJacek Jacek of Terrigal. of of Terrigal. Terrigal. They They They
Primary Primary Primary School School School on Thursday on on Thursday Thursday 16th 16th 16th also presented also also presented presented FatherFather Father with with with June. June. June. It wasItItawas was joy to aa joy watch joy to to watch watch the the the special special special prayerprayer prayer boxesboxes boxes containing containing containing children children children join injoin join thein in liturgy. the the liturgy. liturgy. Many Many Many prayers prayers prayers whichwhich which they had they they written. had had written. written. of these of of these these children children children had never had had never never been been been Many Many joyful Many joyful “Peace joyful “Peace “Peace be with be be with with to Mass to to Mass before, Mass before, before, so it was so so ititvery was was very very you” greetings you” you” greetings greetings were exchanged were were exchanged exchanged special special special for everyone for for everyone everyone involved. involved. involved. by all.A by byvery all.A all.Awarm very very warm warm thankthank thank you you you Because Because Because we were we welucky were were lucky enough lucky enough enough to Father to to Father Father JacekJacek Jacek and also and andto also also to to to have to toan have have overhead an an overhead overhead screen screen screen mademade made Holgate Holgate Holgate Primary Primary Primary School School School for the for for the the available, available, available, the children the the children children were able were were able able extended extended extended SRE time SRE SREneeded time time needed needed for for for to participate. to to participate. participate. They cheerfully They They cheerfully cheerfully this this special special Mass.Mass. Mass. sang their sang sanghymns their their hymns hymns and joined and and joined joined in in inthis special the prayers the the prayers prayers of theof of Mass. the the Mass. Mass. Mary Smith, Mary Mary Smith, Smith, Terrigal Terrigal Terrigal ParishParish Parish SRE SRE SRE With great With With great delight great delight delight the children the the children childrenTeacherTeacher Teacher
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N AT i o N A l C o N f e r e N C e o N T H e N e W e vA N g e l i S AT i o N
P R O C L A I M 2 0 1 6
1 AUGUST PROCLAIM 2016 will bring together over 500 Catholics over a period of three days in Sydney A conference for people who are interested in the new evangelisation in parishes Includes workshops for parish life, liturgies, panel discussions, social media, a night of praise and worship open to youth and young adults For clergy, religious, diocesan and parish staff and volunteers in parish ministry, married and single people, young and old KEYNOTE SPEAKERS
Cardinal Donald Wuerl is the Archbishop of Washington and was elevated to the College of Cardinals in 2010. He serves on a number of Vatican Congregations, Councils and Commissions including those for the Doctrine of the Faith and for Bishops.
Bishop Nicholas Hudson was ordained Auxiliary Bishop for the Diocese of Westminster in 2014, with responsibility for the pastoral care of Central and East London. He has oversight of the Agency for Evangelisation.
Dr Susan Timoney is the Assistant Secretary for Pastoral Ministry and Social Concerns for the Archdiocese of Washington, USA. Dr Timoney’s visit to Australia is hosted and sponsored by the Archdiocese of Melbourne.
Mr Daniel Ang is the Director of Evangelisation, Diocese of Broken Bay, with responsibility for planning for mission and implementing strategies for evangelisation. He is Chair of the National Pastoral Planners Network and a member of the Australian Catholic Council for Pastoral Research.
PROCLAIM 2016 conference is organised on behalf of the Australian Catholic Bishops Conference by the Catholic Diocese of Broken Bay.
For more information
Natalie Moutia (02) 9847 0504
w w w. p r o c l a i m c o n f e r e n c e . c o m . a u
Catholic Diocese of Broken Bay