“We are called always to live out and proclaim the newness of the Lord’s love: Jesus truly loves you, just as you are. Give him space: in spite of the disappointment and wounds in your life, give him the chance to love you. He will not disappoint you.” Pope Francis, Jubilee for Catechists, 25 September 2016
You are warmly invited to attend the Confraternity of Christian Doctrine
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Annual Diocesan Mass Saturday 5 November 2016 11:30am at Our Lady of the Rosary Cathedral 23 Yardley Avenue, Waitara Join us as we celebrate the Ministry of SRE with Most Rev Peter A Comensoli Bishop of Broken Bay
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Morning Teas Page 12
SEEK UNIT Y | EDUC ATE | PROC LAI M | C ELEB RATE | SER V E | RES P O N D P ERSO N ALLY | LOV E EACH OT HER CCD Ne w sl et ter Term 4, 2016 | Vo l 21 Is s u e 4
Daniel ang - Director, Office for Evangelisation
The Fulfilment of our Hope
It is hard to believe that the final term of the school year has arrived and that the Jubilee Year of Mercy will soon also come to a close! It is most fitting that the extraordinary year of mercy we have experienced should conclude on the Feast of Christ the King as the whole Christian life and its various expressions constantly lead us to Christ as the face of mercy and “the first and greatest evangeliser” who inspires our mission as catechists (Pope Francis, Evangelii Gaudium 12). The weeks ahead will lead us quickly into Advent which provides an irreplaceable opportunity to anticipate the Good News that arrives in Jesus Christ. We anticipate with hope the birth of this man who is God, in the city of Bethlehem to a woman named Mary. We celebrate the fact that in Jesus, God has made it possible for us to experience his abundant life, his embracing love, and his divine forgiveness. Indeed, in Jesus we encounter both the way and the destination of our work as catechists. He models for us the way of Christian teaching as well as forming its very message which we announce with joy. It is worth noting that in contrast to the ‘crowded inn’ of Luke’s Gospel (Luke 2:7), which had no space for the Christ-child, we make room for Christ each week in the public schools spread across our Diocese. We invite the young to make a dwelling place for Christ
in their own hearts, to know him intimately as the fulfilment of their hope and the source of unceasing joy. To celebrate the many teachers and witnesses of this hope and joy, I look forward to being with you at our Annual Diocesan Mass in early November. This Mass will recognise catechists who have provided lengthy service within the CCD ministry and those who have completed the CCD SRE Diploma. The Diocesan Mass will complement local, parish celebrations that recognise the work of our coordinators and catechists. As the year does come to a close, my gratitude and thanksgiving for your dedication and passion for the ministry of catechesis. May this final term of the school year bring you great joy and hope as we approach the Advent and Christmas seasons.
Daniel Ang Director, Office for Evangelisation Catholic Diocese of Broken Bay
TAKING THE GOSPEL TO A WIDER WORLD Caroline Chisholm Centre, Pennant Hills Join us as we look at the birth and growth of the very early Church, and journey with Peter, Paul and the other disciples as they take the message of Jesus to the wider Jewish and GrecoRoman world. Dr Michele A. Connolly, rsj Lecturer Biblical Studies, Catholic Institute of Sydney
Dr Laurie Woods Formerly Senior Lecturer in Biblical Studies, Australian Catholic University
14 & 15 October 2016 2
CCD Newsletter Term 4, 2016 | Vol 21 Issue 4
Most Rev David L. Walker Bishop Emeritus of Broken Bay, ACBC Representative to the Catholic Biblical Federation
Registrations open www.trybooking.com/LLLJ Contact: registrations@dbb.org.au or Colleen on 9847 0448 / 4332 9825 www.dbb.org.au/bible
Bro k e n B ay B i b l e Co n f e r e n c e 2 0 1 6
alison newell - CCD, Diocesan Coordinator Welcome back to fourth term – and to beautiful spring weather. On Saturday 5 November this term we will celebrate the SRE Ministry at our Annual CCD Mass. On the Feast of Christ the King, we will celebrate the end of the Jubilee Year of Mercy. In the classroom, of course, catechists will be working with the beautiful themes of preparation and celebration as we lead into the Advent and Christmas seasons. The Ministry of SRE is one of the most vibrant in the life of the Parish. All Catholics are called to the evangelising work of the Church through their Baptism. Catechists live out this call to holiness in a very special way. One of my favourite quotes around the theme of evangelisation is attributed to St Francis of Assisi – “Preach the Gospel at all times; use words if necessary”. One of the greatest gifts of the SRE Ministry is the witness of catechists – those vibrant, faithfilled people who embody their Catholic identity, who are regular members of their local communities of grace, and who are sent forth from the parish to Catholic children in State schools to teach Special Religious Education. Never underestimate the impact you have on the children and young people through your witness. Children and young people are very perceptive. They are excellent when it comes to identifying authenticity. This is why I believe that catechists have the capacity to have a deep impact on the faith journey of young Catholics, because catechists are authentic about the message they bring. Special Religious Education in a public school is a subject like no other. It may be counter-cultural in the 21st Century for many children and young people to publicly acknowledge their faith. However, SRE provides the space for these youngsters to embrace the joyful message that you bring. Some may mask the impact that this message has on them. You may never see the fruits of your labour. Remember though faith is gift from God and we are not responsible for giving the children faith. We are called to water the seed of faith that God has planted. SRE is a part of a life-long journey of faith. It is not the whole story, but it does have the capacity to create space for the Spirit to move in the hearts and minds of young people who are hungry for a message of hope, love and mercy. You are indeed ‘preparing a way for the Lord’ each time you go into the classroom. Use this time wisely and pray with and for the children and their families that there will always be space in their lives and their homes for the God who loves them. I have often heard catechists say that they get much more from the children than they give. Some find this ironic – that they enter the ministry of SRE to give something back and end up receiving more than they give. Some weeks it’s
hard to get to class for various reasons, but the rewards are great. Please give yourself permission to receive the graces that come from the effort you make to do this work. There are challenges which the ministry of SRE faces at the moment. Some are from outside – certain groups, politicians and media commentators are opposed to the place of religion in public schools, despite the fact that the majority of parents of children in NSW public schools still choose for them to attend SRE. One of the biggest challenges we face however comes from the declining number of volunteers who come forward to teach SRE. Research has shown that the number one reason people volunteer is because ‘someone asked me’… So please consider personally asking someone in your parish to join this wonderful ministry of SRE as a helper in the classroom and introduce them to your Parish Catechist Coordinator. Let’s pray for the ministry of SRE. We will storm heaven with our prayers, because we can be sure it is the will of God that this wonderful work continues for decades to come. SRE has been a strength of public education in New South Wales since the 1880s. This wonderful tradition of teaching religion to children in the faith of their families in public schools has positively contributed to NSW society for over 130 years. In the multi-faith, multi-cultural society in which we live, this is good news. SRE is the vibrant, joy-filled ministry that we celebrate at our Annual CCD Mass every year. Please join catechists from across the Diocese as we acknowledge those who have served the ministry for lengthy years or who have completed the CCD SRE Diploma. We will also honour deceased catechists and thank God for the contribution they made to the ministry during their lives. Following our Mass and presentation, we will gather for a light lunch in the courtyard of the Cathedral and enjoy the company of like-minded, faith filled catechists and their families. I would like to take this opportunity as the final term of the year begins to thank you sincerely for your contribution to the faith formation of Catholic children and young people. You are indeed the salt of the earth. Thank you for your dedication and commitment to this work. And, although it’s a little early, I wish you and your families and blessed time of preparation during Advent and a happy, holy and peaceful Christmas season.
Alison Vol 21 Issue 4 | CCD Newsletter Term 4, 2016
advent activity
Advent Bingo for Years 4 – 6 Need: Poster board, sets of five game counters/buttons per students Directions: Copy the Bingo Card templates on thicker paper, making sure you have enough for each student. Cover with clear contact paper and the cards will last for years. Students play regular bingo, but they answer questions about Advent. The teacher asks one student at a time a question from the list below. The student answers the question and the class looks for the word on their bingo card. The first student who fills their bingo card, wins.
Advent Bingo Questions: 1. What is the name for the special time of the year just before Christmas? (Advent) 2. What does Advent mean? (Coming)
Love Coming
3. The first Sunday of Advent begins a new Church _____. (Year) 4. An Advent _____ counts down the days until Christmas. (Calendar) 5. How many weeks does Advent last? (Four)
6. What name did Elizabeth and Zechariah call their baby? (John) 7. What is the liturgical colour of Advent? (Violet) 8. Each candle represents how many weeks? (One) 9. Three candles are what colour? (Purple)
Advent Year
10. What does the first candle symbolize? (Hope) 11. What does the second candle symbolize? (Peace)
12. What is the colour of candle that is lit third? (Rose) 13. What does the third candle symbolize? (Joy) 14. What does the fourth candle symbolize? (Love)
15. What candle is lit on Christmas Eve or Christmas Day? (White) 16. The white candle symbolizes the arrival of Christ, the _____ of the world. (Light) 17. What day do we celebrate the birthday of Jesus? (Christmas)
18. What is the name of the angel who appeared to Mary? (Gabriel) 19. Whom did Mary visit, who was also going to have a baby? (Elizabeth) 20. Who was Jesus’ earthly or foster father? (Joseph) 21. What was John’s father’s name? (Zechariah)
Four Prepare
John Purple
22. What was Jesus’ mother’s name? (Mary) 23. The ____________________ is when the angel appeared to Mary and gave her God’s message. (Annunciation) 24. Mary said “____” to the angel. (Yes)
25. Mary and Joseph lived in what town? (Nazareth) 26. The Prophet Isaiah told the people to ____________ the way of the Lord. (Prepare)
CCD Newsletter Term 4, 2016 | Vol 21 Issue 4
Nazareth Elizabeth
advent anthem
Come, O Come Emmanuel – Our Advent Anthem This ancient hymn, with its haunting tune is the story of the waiting of the coming of the Messiah. It is the anthem, if you like of the Advent season. It is said to have been written by a European monk in the Dark Ages (1200 years ago) when the general population were illiterate and therefore the Bible was inaccessible to them. O Come, O Come Emmanuel was the teaching tool of its day and now, in the 21st Century, it still has much to teach us. The pleading tone of the melody emphasises the urgency with which we call on God to be with us. And God does come to be with us in the person of Jesus, His Son, Jesus who was born into the humble conditions of a small and occupied country. Ransom captive Israel…a reference to the times when Israel was held in bondage by the Egyptians, the Babylonians and by the Romans in Jesus’ lifetime. We must consider what it is that keeps us captive today. From what do we need to be ransomed? O Come, Thou Dayspring! Another plea for God to come. Just as the dawning for the sun signals a new start to a new day, so too does the time of Advent signal a new beginning. Come and cheer our spirits by Thine advent here. How often do we go about our days with long faces, focusing only on the things that are wrong with the world and yet, in this hymn we call upon the Lord to cheer our spirits. Disperse the gloomy clouds of night. Are we really brave enough to let God cheer our spirits and disperse the gloomy clouds? Are we courageous enough to be true heralds of the Good News and reflect that in our body language, on our faces and in our smiles? Let us be people who truly do rejoice. And death’s dark shadows, put to flight! As Advent progresses we light the candles of the wreath, remembering the hope, peace, joy and love that it celebrates. On Christmas day, we light the white candle celebrating Jesus, the Light of the world and his resurrection, his victory over sin and death. Surely this is the reason for the rejoicing that the refrain of this ancient hymn calls us to. May the refrain be our mantra this Advent, Rejoice! rejoice! Emmanuel shall come to thee, O Israel as we joyfully prepare for the birth of the Christ child. Michael Tebbutt, Regional Coordinator Central Coast
O come, O come, Emmanuel, and ransom captive Israel, That mourns in lonely exile here until the Son of God appear. Rejoice! rejoice! Emmanuel shall come to thee, O Israel. O come, O come, Thou Lord of might, who to Thy tribes, on Sinai’s height, In ancient times didst give the law in cloud and majesty and awe. O come, Thou Rod of Jesse, free Thine own from Satan’s tyranny; From depths of hell Thy people save and give them vict’ry o’er the grave. O come, Thou Dayspring, come and cheer our spirits by Thine advent here; O drive away the shades of night and pierce the clouds and bring us light. O come, Thou Key of David, come and open wide our heav’nly home Where all Thy saints with Thee shall dwell O come, O come, Emmanuel! Vol 21 Issue 4 | CCD Newsletter Term 4, 2016
training and formation CCD Ministry Induction Course CCDMI - Central Coast Region Wednesday 12 Oct 2016 Wednesday 19 Oct 2016 Wednesday 26 Oct 2016 Wednesday 02 Nov 2016 Wednesday 16 Nov 2016 Wednesday 23 Nov 2016 Wednesday 30 Nov 2016
The Mission and Ministry of the Catechist SRE Teacher in the Parish and School Child Protection / Safeguarding Lesson Planning: Teaching the Authorised Curriculum The Development of the Child and Adolescent I Classroom Management: Positive Discipline Introduction to the Bible
Venue: CCD Regional Office (MacKillop House), 58 Victoria Avenue, East Gosford Time: 7:00pm – 9pm RSVP: registrations@dbb.org.au or 9847 0448 / 4332 9825 by Wednesday 5 October 2016
CCD Ministry Induction Course CCDMI – North Shore / Hornsby Region Friday 28 Oct 2016 Friday 4 Nov 2016 Friday 11 Nov 2016 Friday 18 Nov 2016
The Mission and Ministry of the Catechist SRE Teacher in the Parish and School Child Protection/Safeguarding Lesson Planning: Teaching the Authorised Curriculum The Development of the Child and Adolescent I Classroom Management: Positive Discipline Introduction to the Bible
Venue: Caroline Chisholm Centre, 423 Pennant Hills Road, Pennant Hills (Vehicular entry via City View Road) Time: 9:30am - 2:30pm (Friday 18 Nov 9:30am – 12:00pm) RSVP: registrations@dbb.org.au or 9847 0448 / 4332 9825 by Friday 21 October 2016
CCD Ministry Induction Course CCDMI – Northern Beaches Region Tuesday 1 Nov 2016 Tuesday 8 Nov 2016 Tuesday 15 Nov 2016 Tuesday 22 Nov 2016
The Mission and Ministry of the Catechist SRE Teacher in the Parish and School Child Protection / Safeguarding Lesson Planning: Teaching the Authorised Curriculum The Development of the Child and Adolescent I Classroom Management: Positive Discipline Introduction to the Bible
Venue: Our Lady of Good Counsel Parish Centre, 9 Currie Road, Forestville Time: 9:30am - 2:30pm (Tuesday 22 Nov 9:30am – 12:00pm) RSVP: registrations@dbb.org.au or 9847 0448 / 4332 9825 by Tuesday 25 October 2016
Safeguarding Children/Child Protection and Integrity in the Service of the Church Central Coast Region Venue: Leo Mahon Room, St John the Baptist Parish Woy Woy Date: Monday 7 November Time: 10:00am – 12:30pm RSVP: registrations@dbb.org.au or 4332 9825 by Monday 1 November Northern Beaches Region Venue: St. Kieran’s Parish Centre, North Harbour Parish Date: Saturday 19 November Time: 10:00am – 12:30pm RSVP: registrations@dbb.org.au or 9847 0448 by Monday 14 November North Shore /Hornsby Region Venue: Caroline Chisholm Centre, 423 Pennant Hills Road, Pennant Hills Date: Tuesday 22 November Time: 6:30pm – 9:00pm RSVP: registrations@dbb.org.au or 9847 0448 by Tuesday 15 November 6
CCD Newsletter Term 4, 2016 | Vol 21 Issue 4
online training
Online training for CCD Ministry Induction Course As a result of a meeting with the administrator of the CCRESS online training website earlier this term, there has been an upgrading of the software which drives the website and this has resolved many of the issues which were causing difficulties with access. I have kept a record of any certificates of completion students have emailed me and I will be pleased to confirm completion of modules if students login and find the site indicates otherwise. From now on an automatic email is sent to me from the CCRESS site whenever a topic is successfully completed, which means you will no longer need to let me know. I will keep a record of each result. One of the improvements to the website is that when you have successfully logged in you will see a page with your profile showing some information about when you started the course and the last time you visited the site etc. plus a blue Tool Bar which can take you back to the Home page or a link to the right hand side of this titled About Us. When your cursor hovers over the About Us link, it will display various options including Online Training which leads you to Start Training and you can select any of the modules by name or view results of completed or partially completed modules by clicking on My Certificates. There are five online topics which are required to be completed as part of the CCD Ministry Induction training and they are: Mission and Ministry of the Catechist; The SRE Teacher in the Parish and the School; Development of the Child & Adolescent; Classroom Skills - Behaviour Management; and Introduction to the Bible.
In the Diocese of Broken Bay, there two topics which we require to be completed face-to-face when they are scheduled in your region throughout the year. These are Lesson Planning: Teaching the Authorised Curriculum and Child Protection, so there is no need to complete these topics online. There are an additional two topics available online which are optional and you’re welcome to do them for interest if you wish. They are The Teaching Authority of the Catholic Church and Classroom Skills: Questioning. When all required topics are totally completed online, (i.e., all parts have been viewed and assessments have achieved the required pass mark) and the two face-to-face sessions have been attended, I will email you to advise that you will soon receive a full (green) authorisation card from your CCD Parish Coordinator. If you have any questions regarding online training, please don’t hesitate to email or call me. Once again, thank you for your patience while waiting for the site to be improved and made accessible again. I hope you find the site easier to use and please don’t hesitate to contact me if you are experiencing any concerns when continuing with your training. Joe Pulis, Regional Coordinator North Shore and Hornsby Deaneries joe.pulis@dbb.org.au Ph. 9847 0228
ENCOUNTER Short Course
Christian Spirituality: Awakening the Deep Spirituality is central to what it means to be human. This ENCOUNTER course will highlight the meaning of spirituality and how it is understood within the Catholic tradition, including the stages in the spiritual life; the insights and wisdom provided by the Doctors of the Church; and practical skills to encourage and deepen the spiritual life.
Presenter: Very Rev Dr David Ranson, Parish Priest Holy Name Parish Wahroonga and Vicar General Catholic Diocese of Broken Bay
Course duration: 1 x 2.5 hours THURSday 20 october 2016 7:00pm – 9:30pm
THURSday 27 october 2016 7:00pm – 9:30pm
friday 28 october 2016 7:00pm – 9:30pm
Venue: Our Lady of Good Counsel Parish Hall, Forestville
Venue: Holy Cross Church, south kincumber
Venue: Holy name parish sunroom, wahroonga
RSVP: by tuesday 18 october
RSVP: by tuesday 25 october
RSVP: by wednesday 26 october
RSVP: registrations@dbb.org.au or please call Colleen 9847 0448/4332 9825 Vol 21 Issue 4 | CCD Newsletter Term 4, 2016
The Christmas Story Card Game Here is a game to help the students to remember the story of Jesus’ birth. • Copy two sets of pictures per group (4 -6 students per group) use different coloured paper for each set. (It is easier to sort the sets that way). • Shuffle the cards and place them on the table face down. • Have the students turn them over, 2 at a time, trying to match the pictures. • Note: if you laminate them or cover them in clear contact, they will last longer.
Easy Advent Wreath for Younger Kids This Advent wreath is super easy, all you need is coloured paper – green, purple, pink, yellow and red – scissors, glue, and tape or staples. Cut out two strips of green paper. Cut these strips in a wavy pattern to give it more of a wreath look. Staple/tape the two strips together at the ends to create a circle. Cut 3 tall rectangles out of purple paper and one tall rectangle out of pink. Roll each to form a pipe and tape ends together. Staple/tape them to the wreath. They are the candles. Now draw four teardrop shapes on yellow paper and add a little orange to the bottom to make it look like a flame. After cutting them out draw orange flames to the other side, too. Staple/tape one flame to the top of each coloured candle for the four weeks of Advent. Cut out circles from red paper to make berries. Use glue to add them to the wreath. Use the berries to cover the staples. It works well! Michael Tebbutt, Regional Coordinator Central Coast 8
CCD Newsletter Term 4, 2016 | Vol 21 Issue 4
bishop david l walker library
Did you know that the Bishop David L Walker Library has an excellent and wide ranging selection of picture books, posters, DVDs, teaching aids and WWJ kits to help SRE teachers (catechists) to create a fun and interactive lesson for their classes. Below is a small selection of what we hold in the area of Advent and Christmas. BIG BOOKS Good News by Elizabeth Crocker, Nashville, TN: Abingdon Press, 1995 [CCD 226.4 CRO] A Baby is Coming by Daphna Flegal. Nashville, TN : Abingdon Press, 1995 [CCD 226.4 FLE] (Both of these big books are suitable for Kinder, year 1 and 2 WWJ curriculum) My Very First Big Nativity Play by Lois Rock. Oxford: Lion Children’s, 2007. [CCD 232.9 2007] Baby Jesus by Lois Rock. Oxford : Lion Children’s, 2005. [232.92 ROC] (Both of these big books are suitable for Kinder, year 1, year 2, year 3 WWJ curriculum)
Other Picture Books 10 Minutes to Showtime! by Tricia Goyer, Nashville, Tenn.: Tommy Nelson, 2004. [232.95 GOY 2004] Peeking under the curtain, one angel views the sleepy town of Bethlehem and the shepherds gazing into the sky. When show-time has come, countless angels stream from behind the curtains of heaven to proclaim the birth of Jesus! An insightful new perspective of the first Christmas. (Suitable for infant classes) All Safe in the Stable by Mig Holder. Oxford: Candle Books, 2005.[CCD 232.92 HOL 2005] The story of Mary and Joseph’s journey to Bethlehem and the arrival of baby Jesus is delightfully told from the perspective of the donkey. (Suitable for infant classes) Little Lamb Finds Christmas by Cathy Gilmour [CCD 232.92 GIL 2014] Lemi, the lamb who always gets lost, makes his way to the Bethlehem stable on Christmas Eve and finds that staying close to the Christ Child makes miracles possible. (An excellent companion to WWJ 3.9.1)
The Uproar in Bethlehem [CCD 232.92 HUD 2001] Little Figge the sheep recounts the turmoil that takes place when the shepherd, the cowherd, the goatherd, and their charges go to Bethlehem to register, look for the baby the angels describe, and announce the good news. (Suitable for WWJ 2.10)
DVDs How can I Celebrate Advent : A young Christian’s guide to the Church Year. Beth and her brother; Digger, can hardly wait for the Christmas celebration to come, so they are excited to learn that the church has a special season of waiting and preparation in expectation of the coming Saviour: the season of Advent. This is an excellent teaching tool, with puppets explaining the symbols of Advent. Duration 27 minutes (can be divided into 2 lessons) suitable for 5-10 age group. WWJ K.9.2 and 1.9.4 Alabaster’s Song : Christmas through the eyes of an angel. A young boy has a magical experience when a Christmas tree angel comes to life and transports him back in time to the scene of the first Christmas. The angel, named Alabaster, makes a discovery as they witness the dramatic events surrounding Christ’s birth. But the lesson is soon lost in the bustle of holiday activities, and the memory of that magical journey fades. Based on book by Max Lucado, duration 60 mins, highlights the true meaning of Christmas. Suitable for infant and primary classes. We are Catholic : Christmas Special. In this special “We Are Catholic” Christmas episode, the town of Saint Claire is preparing to celebrate Christmas. The mayor wants to have a taller Christmas tree while Manuel and Phillip leave to find moss for the Nativity set. When the owner of the factory surprises everyone by shipping the largest Christmas tree in a helicopter, he is informed that Manuel and Phillip are lost in the forest. In a generous way he uses the helicopter to rescue them. Duration 30 minutes. WWJ K.9.3, K.9.4, K.10.3, 5.10.2 The Prince of Peace : the Christmas story. Relive the Christmas story in this fascinating 3D animation spectacular. See the story unfold as Mary and Joseph are visited by angels while Herod plots to erase any competition to his throne. The birth of baby Jesus in the Bethlehem stable changed the world, and to this very day, men, women and children kneel to worship the One who is called the Prince of Peace. Suitable for ages 3-10, 29 minutes duration, WWJ 2.10.1 Little Shepherd : The timeless story of Christmas with an unexpected twist. Highlights moral story to have faith and trust in God. Duration 25 minutes, WWJ 2.10.2 Heather Lang, Bishop David L Walker Library Vol 21 Issue 4 | CCD Newsletter Term 4, 2016
parish profile
Ku-ring-gai Chase Catholic Parish Ku-ring-gai Chase Catholic Parish is the most Northern part of the North Shore and Hornsby Region of our Diocese of Broken Bay located just south of the Hawkesbury River and encompasses the twin communities of St Bernard’s, Berowra Heights and St Patrick’s, Asquith. There are 24 catechists who are authorised to teach Special Religious Education in the Parish. The parish area includes 9 State primary schools and 2 State high schools. There are 864 Catholic students attending these 11 State schools in the Parish. To quote the Gospels “The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few “(Matt. 9:37). By doubling and tripling up on the number of lessons each week, the SRE teachers in this parish manage to attend 7 State primary schools but neither of the State high schools. The Coordinator for SRE Ministry in the parish is Cynthia Gilbertson who undertakes the leadership of the day to day matters relating to planning and teaching SRE in the Parish. She is responsible to the Parish Priest for recruitment, authorisation documents, convening and chairing meetings, selecting, supporting and planning classes. Cynthia is clearly committed to the demanding task of evangelising to these students in the state schools. The Ministry is supported by Fr Shaju John OSH who was appointed the Parish Administrator a few months ago. There are two other priests assisting Fr Shaju John – Fr Thomas Alackakunnel VC and Fr Leonse Kurian plus Deacon Kevin Hale. The SRE teachers in Ku-ring-gai Chase Catholic Parish offer genuine human values of the Gospels thus contributing to the spiritual and personal development of the Catholic students in the State schools. Without the weekly commitment these good people make, all these
Parish Coordinator Cynthia Gilbertson and Fr Shaju John OSH young students, would miss the opportunity of learning about and sharing a gift that has been given to us - our faith. I have heard these SRE teachers declare that this ministry is a great blessing to the growth of one’s own personal faith. SRE is a wonderful ministry and a great privilege. It is challenging and takes time to prepare and teach lessons from the authorised curriculum. Every now and then there is that “less than responsive” class, but only every now and then. There are many blessings in SRE ministry that far outweigh the challenges. Congratulations to these SRE teachers and the Parish leaders for their constant dedication in taking this CCD ministry to Catholic students in State schools. Joe Pulis, Regional Coordinator North Shore and Hornsby Deaneries
Woy Woy Peninsula Schools Celebrate the Eucharist The Liturgy of the Word was celebrated across four state schools under the guidance of catechists from St John the Baptist Parish. We held Masses and Liturgies in school halls and classrooms for the children in Years 3 through 6. Father Tim led the children in the Prayers of the Eucharist, delivered lovely homilies and all together, we sang joyfully. While we took a bit more than our usual weekly allocated time, the Principals and Teachers at Ettalong, Woy Woy, Woy Woy South and Umina Schools clearly appreciated our efforts to bring this most significant aspect of our faith to the children. And the children delighted us all by their excellent behaviour, attention, reverence and participation. Susan Simmons, Parish Coordinator 10
CCD Newsletter Term 4, 2016 | Vol 21 Issue 4
parish profile
THE LAKES PARISH – A parish steeped in CCD history The Lakes Parish and its connections to CCD go back long before the Broken Bay Diocese was formed. It began with the Good Samaritan Sisters who set up the Motor Missionaries who ministered to the children in the Government schools. The famous Sister Mary Hugh was one of these special pioneers of CCD in the Northern Beaches area. Many of the present-day SRE/ Catechists received their initial training and inspiration under Sr Mary Hugh’s leadership. Lakes Parish Catechist, Amanda Hickey, fondly remembers the good work of Sr. Mary Hugh. In 2011 Amanda received a 30 year service award to recognise her work as Parish Coordinator, her dedication to teaching SRE and also for many years being a representative on the Bishop’s CCD Advisory Board. Quite a statement to make on behalf of the CCD ministry! Currently the Lakes Parish comprises of the twinned communities of St Joseph’s Narrabeen and St Rose Collaroy Plateau. There are 38 SRE/Catechists who go into six primary schools. This equates to 1099 students being exposed to the Walking with Jesus SRE curriculum each week. The CCD team is being capably led by Alicen van Bokhoven. Alicen liaises with two different ecumenical teams to arrange the Easter and Christmas assemblies yearly in the schools. In cooperation with the parish Priest, Alicen also leads the preparation of Masses which are arranged at all the schools. One of the schools has the privilege of walking across the road to the church of St Rose for their Mass. Every year the catechist team enthusiastically sells raffle tickets to the wider parish community. The purpose is to buy a bible for each year six student in SRE to have and take with them into their high school classes. This is a wonderful initiative which involves not only the CCD team but the wider parish community in the process of spreading the Good News and evangelizing the students in the Government Schools. This team is also very hospitable, sharing homemade treats at their term meetings as well as enjoying a delicious homemade end of year get-together to celebrate their voluntary parish community commitment to the CCD ministry. WELL DONE to each and every member of the Lakes CCD team. Yvonne van den Berg, Regional Coordinator Northern Beaches
Amanda Hickey, Fr Rex Curry and Alicen van Bokhoven
Catechist’s Prayer Come Holy Spirit, enlighten my mind as I prepare my religion lesson. Help me to understand and love the truths that I teach my children, and may I proclaim them with sincerity, conviction and enthusiasm. Strengthen me, Holy Spirit, to witness to those I teach a life committed to Jesus, so they too may be drawn to love and serve him. Give me patience, understanding, compassion, and love for them. May no fault, harshness or negligence of mine prevent them from hearing the Gospel message. Be with me when I teach, giving your power and wisdom to my words and open the minds and hearts of my pupils. Through Christ our Lord, Amen. Mary, Queen of the Apostles, pray for me, pray for my pupils.
Contact Details for CCD Diocesan Offices Sharon da Roza Dioccesan CCD Admin sharon.daroza@dbb.org.au P: 02 9847 0492 F: 02 9847 0501
Alison Newell Diocesan CCD Coordiantor alison.newell@dbb.org.au P: 02 4334 3367 M: 0419 123 096
Regional Offices North Shore Hornsby Region P: 02 9847 0228 M: 0438 229 541
Northern Beaches Region P: 02 9847 0494 M: 0447 901 531
Central Coast Region Brisbane Waters Deanery P: 02 4323 7090 / 02 4322 5869 M: 0407 218 677 Tuggerah Lakes Deanery P: 02 4334 3367 / 02 4334 2622
Vol 21 Issue 4 | CCD Newsletter Term 4, 2016
invitation to morning tea
Morning Teas for Parish Coordinators and Catechists
Tuggerah Lakes Deanery Date: Monday 28 November 2016 Venue: Our Lady of the Rosary Parish Centre, 239-243 The Entrance Rd, The Entrance Time: 10:00am to 12:00pm RSVP to Colleen Smith by Thursday 24 November 2016 Ph: 4334 3367 or email: colleen.smith@dbb.org.au Brisbane Water Deanery Date: Monday 5 December 2016 Venue: The Jordan Room, St Patrick’s Parish, 76 York St, East Gosford Time: 10:00am to 12:00pm RSVP to Sue Beencke by Thursday 1 December 2016 Ph: 4323 7090 or email: susan.beencke@dbb.org.au Northern Beaches Deanery Date: Friday 9 December 2016 Venue: St Anthony in the Field, 46 Myoora Rd, Terry Hills Time: 10:30am to 12:30pm RSVP to Rina Cipri by Wednesday 7 December 2016 Ph: 9847 0516 or email: rina.cipri@dbb.org.au North Shore and Hornsby deaneries Date: Friday 2 December 2016 Venue: Caroline Chisholm Centre, 423 Pennant Hills Rd, Pennant Hills Time: 10:30am to 12:30pm RSVP to Sharon da Roza by Wednesday 30 November 2016 Ph: 9847 0492 or email: sharon.daroza@dbb.org .au
CCD Newsletter Term 4, 2016 | Vol 21 Issue 4