“Advent increases our hope, a hope which does not disappoint. The Lord never lets us down” (Pope Francis)
Page 4-5 Classroom Activities Page 6-7 Training & Resources Pg 8 Advent Page 9 Catechist stories Page 11 Around the Diocese SEEK UNIT Y | EDUC ATE | PROC L A I M | C ELEB R ATE | SER V E | RES P O N D P ERSO N A LLY | LOV E E ACH OT HER CCD Ne w sl et ter Term 4, 2017 | Vo l 22 Is s u e 4
Daniel ang - Director, Office for Evangelisation
Witnesses to the Living Word The word ‘catechesis’ is one very familiar to us as Catholics. It is a word we most commonly associate with the practice of teaching the faith. However, the deepest meaning of this word is in fact to ‘sound out’. It is akin to standing at the entrance of a cave, and speaking out and hearing this sound echo back. When we catechise we are speaking into young people’s lives, we are sharing faith and knowledge, and what we desire is for that faith and knowledge to resound back upon its reception. However, the only way we can hear an echo is if there’s a cave, if there is a space to speak into! If we were to run out and shout at a brick wall we are not going to hear an echo as there is no space to absorb and reverberate what is being shared! TERM 4 Week 1 (9 Oct) Ordinary Time Week 2 (16 Oct) Ordinary Time Week 3 (23 Oct) Ordinary Time Week 4 (30 Oct) Ordinary Time 1 Nov - All Saints’ Day 2 Nov - All Souls’ Day Week 5 (6 Nov) Ordinary Time Week 6 (13 Nov) Ordinary Time Week 7 (20 Nov) Ordinary Time Week 8 (27 Nov) 26 Nov—Christ the King Week 9 (4 Dec) 3 Dec - First Sunday of Advent New Liturgical Year begins: Sunday cycle B, weekday cycle 1 8 Dec - THE IMMACULATE CONCEPTION OF THE BLESSED VIRGIN MARY Week 10 (11 Dec) 12 Dec—Our Lady of Guadalupe Second Sunday of Advent 15 Dec—Term 4 ENDS
our evolving practice as catechists that we open young people to the Gospel not merely by the transmission of knowledge but by our very presence and witness to young people which is perhaps the primary way in which we impart the beauty and joy of the Gospel. Without Christian love and personal concern, without healthy and joyful relationships with our young people, the Gospel can ring hollow. Our witness will be the enduring context for our words.
This analogy underscores that the work of the Catechist is not simply ‘religious instruction’ but of accompaniment and pastoral relationship, encouraging openness to what God has revealed in the tradition of our Church, notably sacred Scripture, and in their experience of the world.
As we enter the fourth term of the year, we encounter the newborn Christ as the very presence of God’s life amongst us, not as mere information or a sign. Christ is the very face of God, as we are called to be the face of Christ in the midst of our young people. All of us await someone to encounter us on life’s journey. Christ has indeed met us; now we are called to encounter him.
In the effort to catechise, particularly with adults, we have too often confused people’s indifference with ignorance. People’s hearts may not be engaged, they may be indifferent and hold little ‘space’ for the Church or ourselves as Christians, and yet we seek to drown them in information in the hope that this might effect personal change! In short, we have sought to catechise and instruct the unengaged and so our words ultimately fall flat.
Thank you to each of you for your dedication to this work of evangelisation, including our Parish Coordinators and the teams of Catechists serving our State Primary and Secondary schools. Your service of the Church brings great hope to us all.
Today we understand through
This Advent and into the Christmas season may we create and renew a space within ourselves, to allow God’s Word to echo deeply in our lives and then be carried by our witness into the depths of others.
I especially want to thank Alison Newell, Michael Tebbutt, Joe Pulis, Katya Polimeni, Sharon da Roza and Colleen Smith for their tremendous leadership and practical support of what our extraordinary Catechists do week in and week out. It is a work that echoes throughout our Diocese of Broken Bay and beyond, rendering our Catholic Diocese a leader in the work of Special Religious Education. With every blessing and gratitude in Christ,
Daniel Ang Director, Office for Evangelisation
Mission Sunday falls in October each year. The team from Catholic Mission have again this year provided classroom resources for catechists. Please visit the following website to access the resources which have been developed in age appropriate categories. https://www.cm.org.au/WMM2017/catechists.html 2
CCD Newsletter Term 4, 2017 | Vol 22 Issue 4
alison newell - CCD, Diocesan Coordinator
From the Diocesan Coordinator A Time to Celebrate and Reflect Welcome to the final term of 2017. It’s that time of year yet again, when our CCD community celebrates the Ministry of SRE. Our Annual Mass is being held on Saturday 11 November at Our Lady of the Rosary Cathedral at Waitara and we have morning teas in each region later in the term to thank all catechists for their wonderful work in the schools during 2017. You will notice in this edition of Connections an important letter about the Department of Education’s requirement for catechists to always teach using the authorised curriculum in an age-appropriate manner and with sensitivity. Lessons outside of authorised material are not to be taught. In the Diocese of Broken Bay, the authorised curriculum is Walking with Jesus for primary children. Authorised secondary material is provided from CCD. Sometimes it can be difficult to stay within the aim of the lesson. Children may ask questions which can easily side-track our lesson plans. Remember, if their questions don’t relate to the aim of the lesson, simply acknowledge the question, and without providing an opinion, move on with the lesson. Always refer children and young people to their families if the questions are of a political or sensitive nature. Stay on track and you can’t go wrong. Term 4 is an exciting one in the classroom. There are several opportunities to honour Mary. October being the month of the Holy Rosary and two significant Marian feast days in December provide the opportunity to encourage prayer through Mary. This term perhaps you could pray the Hail Mary with the children every lesson and encourage them to pray it at home. Of all the Christian feasts, children seem to know more about Christmas than any other, probably because of the secularisation of the feast which actually provides us with the opportunity to enter into the children’s life experience from the perspective of our faith Jesus being the real reason for the season. The incarnation of Jesus has much to offer children as they ponder in their hearts, like Mary, what it all means for them. The Walking with Jesus lessons provide opportunities for familiar songs, craft, drama and other activities that will help bring your SRE lessons to life and assist children and young people to enter the season of Advent with an openness and a willingness to prepare their hearts to welcome Christ at Christmas. I pray that your enthusiasm and joy will be infectious as you work your way through the final term of your lessons. Term 4 provides me personally with the opportunity to reflect once more on the role of the Catechist. Pope Francis has a deep respect for Catechists and has provided endless and rich advice to Catechists during his papacy. There have been many occasions that he has spoken to the
Catechists of the world, most recently at the International Catechetical Symposium in Argentina two months ago, where the Holy Father said, “Being a Catechist is a vocation of service in the Church that has been received as a gift from the Lord and must in turn be transmitted.” He goes on to say that the catechist walks with Christ, therefore is not a person who starts from his own ideas and tastes. He or she looks for the Lord and that searching makes their heart burn. Pope Francis also noted in his message that the role of the Catechist is a creative one because this person seeks different ways and means to announce the good news of Christ. The Pope adds that “this quest to make Jesus known as supreme beauty leads us to find new signs and forms for the transmission of the faith.” The means may be different, the Holy Father underlines, “but the important thing is to keep in mind the style of Jesus, who adapted to the people around him in order to bring them the love of God.” Pope Francis encourages Catechists to be “joyful messengers, guardians of good and beauty who shine in the faithful life of the missionary disciple.” Bishop Peter Comensoli, the Bishop of our Diocese of Broken Bay, is another leader who has a deep respect for Catechists. Bishop Peter expressed to me his gratitude to all those involved in CCD, “to the Parish Coordinators of Special Religious Education and to our tremendous Catechists” who he called “the storm troopers of evangelisation”. Bishop Peter further offered continued support for our “ongoing engagement in progressing the religious education of our young Catholics in Government Schools” and assured us of his continuing prayers for the “wonderful work that you do in Broken Bay”. I know the Parish Priests of our parishes share these sentiments and are truly grateful for the Catechists in their parishes who show commitment, faithfulness and love as they witness to the gift of faith that they have been given in the hope of sowing seeds in the hearts of our young. I cannot adequately express in words my respect and admiration for the Catechists of Broken Bay. You are leaders in the field of evangelisation as you selflessly take up your role as missionary disciples and spread the Good News of the kingdom of God in your schools with joy. I pray for you each and every day and I thank God for your presence in our schools. I wish you and your families abundant blessings at Christmas and always.
Alison Vol 22 Issue 4 | CCD Newsletter Term 4, 2017
classroom activity
Journey to Christmas
Waiting, preparing ourselves for the coming of Jesus. The Joy to the World We are entering into a beautiful season: for the northern hemisphere the white and cold season of winter: and for us here in the southern hemisphere we are surrounded by the red, blue, orange and green colours of summer. On both sides of the world, we Catholics are surrounded by traditions and feasts of obligation, which provide opportunities to celebrate our faith and our constant relationship with God, with Mary our Mother and in communion with the Saints, preparing ourselves for the coming of our saviour Jesus Christ. What a deep season to immerse ourselves into. During Term 4 we celebrate the feasts of the Holy Rosary, All Saints & All Souls Days, the 4 Sundays of Advent and Christmas. Michael Tebbutt and Katya Polimeni have collated activities that might help you to celebrate with the children in your class. If you would like to receive printed samples (numbered below), all the activities are available with instructions from your Parish or Regional Coordinator. What a beautiful trip it is to travel with the children in our State schools. A season that sees Yr 12 High school students focusing on their Higher School Certificate exams. Please remember to pray for our Yr 12 students as they sit their HSC exams this season.
1. Make a special gift for the children in your class:
“Let’s Walk to Bethlehem” is an Advent Calendar with suggestions for each day during Advent on what and how we can prepare for the coming of Our Lord Jesus.
2. 7 October - Feast of Our Lady of
...Let’s walk to Bethlehem
the Rosary What is the Rosary?
SUNDAY 3 December
Souls day
10 December
Advent is time to prepare for the birth of baby Jesus . How are you getting ready to celebrate His birthday? Perhaps make a nativity scene or decorate the Christmas
Talk with your family about your HOPES this Christmas. Is it something you wish to do with mum and dad ? Write a wish list…
WEDNESDAY 6 St Nicholas Bishop Donate toys or books this Christmas for children in need. Give HOPE !
Ask Our Lady of Guadalupe to make room for Jesus in your heart .
Good thoughts can travel. Make a Christmas card for family and friends who are overseas or live far from you.
13 St Lucy
12 Our Lady of Guadalupe
11 Be kind and gentle to someone you don’t like much.
II SUNDAY OF ADVENT Light the 2nd purple candle of FAITH
4. Four Sundays of Advent- Yr.4 to
I SUNDAY OF ADVENT Light the 1st purple candle of HOPE
3. Halloween, All Saints and All
Forgive others . Have FAITH !
Pray for someone Spend a few extra minutes in prayer today
God prepared for the birth of Jesus by choosing Mary as His mother. Today honour Mary by praying the HAIL MARY
Be patient at home and at school .
Let’s finish these 2 prayers: “God please help me…. “ God Thank you for …
Yr.6 Reflection
17 December
5. Let the children put in order
III SUNDAY OF ADVENT Light the 3rd pink candle of JOY
the Story of Christmas.
‘The story of Christmas according to (student’s name…….......)
24 December
Joseph and Mary travelled to Bethlehem. Will you travel this Christmas? Pray for a safe trip for all who are travelling.
Join your parish for Christmas Carols Sing with JOY !
One way to bring joy to others is by sharing time together. Does your parish visit the local nursing home? Call your parish to find out…
Donate food to a local St Vincent de Paul or other charities for needy people
Bake Christmas cookies to share with friends and neighbours
Mary said “Yes “to the ANGEL to be the mother of JESUS. She showed us not to be afraid. To trust in GOD !
The Lord set his heart on you to bring you PEACE
Today in the town of David a Saviour has been born to you, He is Christ the Lord!
IV SUNDAY OF ADVENT Light the 4th purple candle of PEACE
Merry Christmas!
Happy Birthday Jesus ! Everything I have done during this month is my gift to you.
The Rosary Prayer
1 November All Saints day Here are pictures of some saints. Can you match the picture with the description of each saint? Write the correct name or names under each picture.
1. Colour each bead on which you say a Hail Mary green. Colour the bead on which you say the Our Father and Glory be another colour. The rosary is a prayer in which we honour Mary the Mother of God, and think about events in her life and in the life of Jesus. The rosary is a meditative prayer that helps us to hear God’s love. It has been a popular prayer with Catholics ever since the twelfth century. It can be said anywhere, as God is everywhere. At times you might find yourself saying the rosary prayer traveling on a train to school or to home, waiting for an important news. Some adults say the rosary while they are stuck in the traffic.
Saint Francis of Assisi loved animals and all of God’s created world.
St John Paul II tells us “ Do not be Afraid. Trust in God”
Gospel of Mark 13:33 – 37
St Mary of the Cross taught children to Love God Mary Our Mother teach us to say “Yes to God “ like she did. St Theresa of Calcutta cared for the poorest of the poor. Who are the poorest of the poor? What can we do this Christmas to help someone who has less than us! ? !
The story of Christmas according to :………………………………….
Prayer: Dear Jesus help me to be kind to everyone..
4. Sometimes it is hard to keep your thoughts on the words you are saying. Try thinking about the event in the life of Jesus or Mary which the leader announced when beginning the decade. Or just relax and let the words of the prayers which you are saying be the background to your experience or God’s presence. The rosary is a way to help you become quiet so you can think about God. Sometimes you might have a special request that you would like to say the Rosary prayer for like: ‘Dear God I am preparing for my ………test/exam/football match….. I am nervous, I offer you this Rosary prayer, please help me to stay calm and focus. ‘ AMEN.
Gospel of Mark 1:1-8
REFLECTION: A voice wakes us up and calls us to follow Jesus. We remember in the Gospel John the Baptist who invites us to prepare the way for the coming of Jesus. Today if we stay awake we will see many people that ”prepare the way” for Jesus to be among us”. Who is someone that reminds you of Jesus? Let’s prepare our heart to Welcome Jesus and let others know that He is coming..
Student activity sheet for Yr 5 and Yr 6
Stay Awake means to keep the light on. Which light ? Jesus is the light!. Stay awake means to keep on the light of Jesus present in each one of us. Be able to recognise moments when we meet Jesus, like when we are kind to someone who needs help.
2. To pray the rosary, start by making the Sign of the Cross. Then take the cross in your hand and say the Apostles' Creed. On the first bead, say the Our Father. Say a Hail Mary for each of the next three beads. Then pray the Glory Be to the Father on the last bead. If you are in a prayer group, the rosary leader usually says the first part of each prayer and everyone else answers with the second part. 3. The main part of the rosary is usually joined to the cross and first five beads by a medal. Say the Our Father as you hold the medal between your finger. Then move to the first of the ten beads of one side of the medal and say a Hail Mary for each bead. When you reach the single bead at the end, say the Glory Be to the Father. You have just said a decade (decade means ten) of the rosary. If you wish to say the whole rosary, keep your fingers on the single bead and say the Our Father again. Continue as before.
Call or visit your grandparents or an elderly friend.
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Prayer: God give us the Joy and a new heart to follow you.
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5 Additional Resources are available
CCD Newsletter Term 4, 2017 | Vol 22 Issue 4
classroom resource TEAR OUT AND KEEP!
Class activity – Kindy to Yr 2
Tear out and keep!
Hi Children, it’s time for you to have some fun… Fill in the missing words
Shutterstock Image
One day, an …..………. came to …..……... and told her that she would have a special baby. …..……... was to name the baby …..……... . …..……... and …..……... had to travel to Bethlehem. …..……... rode on a …..……... . While there were in Bethlehem, …..……... was born . …..……... and …..……... could not find a room at the inn, so …..……... was born in a stable. There were ………….. in the nearby fields taking care of their ……….. . An …..……... came to tell the …..……... that …..……... had been born. Many …..……... sang praises to celebrate! The …..……... went to see …..……... . They were amazed! The …..……... praised God, and they hurried to tell everyone about the saviour’s birth.
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Christmas Ornaments and cards with Christmas messages are also available.
Vol 22 Issue 4 | CCD Newsletter Term 4, 2017
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training and formation
Busy Term 3 for the Central Coast CCD Resource Centre The Central Coast CCD Regional Office and Resource Centre has had a busy start to third term. We now have two wonderful volunteers that come into the centre once a week to assist with resource orders for delivery. We warmly welcome Joanna and Jackie (our volunteers) from The Entrance parish and sincerely thank them for their time to assist with the packing of resources for our catechists of the Central Coast. Our SmartBoard has been put to great use this term, with many catechists booking times to come in and prepare their lessons. Joanna has been assisting other catechists in her parish to prepare their lessons and use the interactive SmartBoard resources effectively in the classroom. Catechists from the parishes of Kincumber, Terrigal, Toukley, Warnervale, Wyoming, and Wyong visit the Resource Centre to use the SmartBoard and borrow from our extensive resource library. Both primary and secondary resource deliveries have also been popular this term with Michael visiting the parishes of Kincumber, Gosford,
Terrigal, Toukley, Woy Woy, Wyoming and Wyong to drop off and collect resources for the classroom. We welcome all catechists of the Central Coast to visit us at the Resource Centre at 12 Ashton Ave, The Entrance. (Directly behind Our Lady of the Rosary Church, The Entrance) but please phone ahead before making a special trip as there are times when we are required elsewhere in the Diocese and the office may be unattended. For Central Coast Catechists – if you would like lesson resources delivered to your parish or would like to use the SmartBoard please contact Colleen Smith 4334 3367 for more information. To ensure delivery of resources for weekend collection, orders need to be received by close of business Monday. We welcome orders by either a phone call to the centre or by email at ccdcc@dbb.org.au Michael Tebbutt CCD Coordinator
CCD Ministry Induction Compulsory Training For New Catechists And Helpers & for those wanting a refresher course CCDL1-01MI The Mission and Ministry of the Catechist CCDL1-02MI SRE Teacher in the Parish and the School CCDL1-03MI Child Protection CCDL1-04MI Lesson Planning: Teaching the Authorised Curriculum CCDL1-05MI The Development of the Child and Adolescent I CCDL1-06MI Classroom Management: Positive Discipline CCDL1-07MI Introduction to the Bible (Order of units offered may vary from venue to venue. Please confirm at time of booking)
Central Coast Region - Course Type: CCDMI Venue:
Lecture Room, OLR Parish, 12 Ashton Ave, The Entrance Morning Tea Provided, BYO Lunch
Monday 23, 30 October, 6, 13 November 2017
9:30am - 2:30pm (13 November 9:30am – 12:00pm)
By Wednesday 18 October to registrations@dbb.org.au or 4332 9825 / 9847 0448
North Shore & Hornsby Region - Course Type: CCDMI Venue: Date: Time: RSVP:
Caroline Chisholm Centre, 423 Pennant Hills Road, Pennant Hills Morning Tea Provided, BYO Lunch Friday 20, 27 October, 3, 10 November 2017 9:30am - 2:30pm (10 November 2017 9:30am – 12:00pm) By Monday 16 October to registrations@dbb.org.au or 4332 9825 / 9847 0448
Northern Beaches Region - Course Type: CCDMI
The Lakes Parish Hall, 21 Lagoon Street, Narrabeen (Only Street Parking available) Morning Tea Provided, BYO Lunch
Tuesday 17, 24, 31 October, 14 November 2017
9:30am – 2:30pm (14 November 9:30am – 12:00pm)
By Friday 13 October to registrations@dbb.org.au or 4332 9825 / 9847 0448
CCD Newsletter Term 4, 2017 | Vol 22 Issue 4
Colleen Smith Administrative Assistant
training and formation Safeguarding Children & Integrity in the Service of the Church and Classroom Management The Department of Education requires all SRE teachers (catechists) and helpers to undertake initial and ongoing training in the areas of Child Protection and Classroom Management. It is mandatory for catechists and helpers to update this training every three years. Workshops are being made available in three separate venues across the Diocese to allow all catechists easy access to this important training.
North Shore & Hornsby Region Venue: Caroline Chisholm Centre, 423 Pennant Hills Road, Pennant Hills Morning Tea Provided, BYO Lunch Date: Thursday 5 October 2017 Time: 9:30am – 2:30pm Register by: Friday 29 September 2017 Phone: 4332 9825 or 9847 0448 Email: registrations@dbb.org.au
Northern Beaches Region Venue: St Kieran’s Parish Centre, North Harbour, 2 King Street, Manly Vale Morning Tea Provided, BYO Lunch Date: Wednesday 4 October 2017 Time: 9:30am – 2:30pm Register by: Wednesday 27 September 2017 Phone: 4332 9825 or 9847 0448 Email: registrations@dbb.org.au
Central Coast Region Venue: Our Lady of the Rosary Parish Centre, 429 The Entrance Road, The Entrance Morning Tea Provided, BYO Lunch Date: Monday 20 November 2017 Time: 9:30am - 2:30pm Register by: Monday 13 November 2017 Ph: 4332 9825 or 9847 0448 Email: registrations@dbb.org.au
encounter series
Understanding the Reformation: 500 Years On
Presenter: Reverend Professor Gerard Kelly Date: Thursday 26 October 2017 Time: 7:00pm – 9:30pm Venue: Caroline Chisholm Centre, Building 2, 423 Pennant Hills Road, Pennant Hills (Vehicular entry via City View Road) RSVP: By Monday 23 October 2017 to registrations@dbb.org.au or 4332 9825 / 9847 0448
In 1517, Martin Luther published his famous Ninety-Five Theses which was the beginning of what we know as the Protestant Reformation. Come and learn about this fascinating event in the Church, and how Catholics and Lutherans today are engaged in ecumenical dialogue towards a unity. Reverend Professor Gerard Kelly, President of the Catholic Institute of Sydney, Catholic co-chair of the Australian Lutheran-Roman Catholic Dialogue, and member of the Faith and Unity Commission of the National Council of Churches in Australia, will be guiding us to an understanding of this historical event as well as its significance for Catholic communities today.
lectio divina for Advent
“God With Us”
A 4-week resource based on the Advent scripture readings will be available from the Diocese of Broken Bay. Advent begins on 3 December and is a sacred time of waiting and preparation to celebrate the coming of our God into the world in the person of Jesus Christ. We celebrate, too, the God who is continually born into the circumstances of our lives, if we will only recognise God with us. This resource is for personal or group use, and will be available for download in PDF format at www.dbb.org.au from mid-November
For further details, please visit www.dbb.org.au/News & Events/Calendar of Events or contact registrations@dbb.org.au 4332 9825 / 9847 0448 Vol 22 Issue 4 | CCD Newsletter Term 4, 2017
catechist spirituality
Advent: A Time to Prepare our Gift to the Father What is your image of the season of Advent? How does it make you feel? Is it a time of quiet preparation for the coming festivities, or the realisation that there are only a few weeks left to complete the Christmas shopping? Do you look forward to the beautiful Nativity scene being set up on the sanctuary, awaiting the arrival of the Christ – child? Maybe you see Advent as a time of preparation, a little like Lent but not as severe. All these ideas are truly part of the lead up and anticipation of the Christmas season. Let us look at what the Advent Scripture readings are telling us. Isaiah is calling on God to “rend the heavens and come down, with the mountains quaking before You, while You wrought awesome deeds we could not hope for, such as they had not heard from of old”(Is 64:1,3-4). Why is the prophet asking God to carry out such terrible deeds? He says the Chosen People are sinful and have “weathered like leaves”. Psalm80 which is the response to this reading, is a psalm begging God, the Shepherd of Israel, to come and save his people, to protect the vine He planted and pledges that the people of Israel will not turn away again. Paul gives the people of Corinth a gentle reminder to keep the end times in mind and to use the gifts given them by Christ so that they will remain faithful. His tone is one of encouragement. Mark, in his Gospel, has Jesus telling the people that the end is coming and to be on the watch. On what are the readings of the First Week of Advent calling us to reflect? Have we been faithful to the covenant or have we forgotten our responsibilities and turned away? Are we like withered leaves? Are we aware of the spiritual gifts which have been given to us? If so, do we use them as best we can for the benefit of all? The Second Sunday of Advent has a hope-filled tone to it. This week we are reminded that in the past, God rescued the people from captivity in Babylon and to hope that God will once more rescue the people from their captivity to sinfulness. It highlights God’s faithfulness despite humanity’s weakness and desire to an easier path through life and not maintain the covenant with the Almighty. This week the Psalm is one of thanks and trust that God will save them. I will hear what God proclaims; the LORD—for he proclaims peace to his people. Near indeed is his salvation to those who fear him, glory dwelling in our land. Ps 85:9 – 10 Peter’s Second Letter warns that “the day of the Lord will come like a thief, and then the heavens will pass away with a mighty roar and the elements will be dissolved by fire, and the earth and everything done on it will be found out.”. This echoes the judgement that Isaiah called for in the previous week’s reading however Peter does not leave us in a hopeless 8
CCD Newsletter Term 4, 2017 | Vol 22 Issue 4
situation. He gives us a way to live, despite this great destruction… “since everything is to be dissolved in this way, what sort of persons ought you to be, conducting yourselves in holiness and devotion, waiting for and hastening the coming of the day of God.” 2 Peter 3:12,14 Mark’s Gospel introduces us to John the Baptist’s call to repent and to be ready for the kingdom of the One who is to come. And the people of the region responded! In Advent, we are called to repent. What are we being challenged to overhaul in our lives? The Third Week of Advent has a change of tone. Isaiah talks about the good news for those who are “oppressed, broken hearted, the captives, the prisoners and the mourning.” (Is 61:1) He talks of the being clothed in salvation and justice and uses the images of the bejewelled bride and groom in the new garden where justice and praise abound. This is indeed an image of a new creation. The Psalm is replaced with Luke’s Magnificat with Mary singing the song of praise because of all the wonderful things that God has done. Paul urges us in his letter to the Thessalonians to, like Mary, Rejoice always. Pray without ceasing. In all circumstances give thanks, for this is the will of God for you in Christ Jesus, in order that the God of peace make you perfectly holy and may you entirely, spirit, soul, and body, be preserved blameless for the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. The one who calls you is faithful, and he will also accomplish it. 1 Thess 5:16 - 24 Our challenge is to be people of joy. Can we honestly say that we continually praise God for His goodness to us? As Advent marks the New Year in the Church’s calendar, maybe our New Year’s resolution could be to be real Easter People, People of Joy. The final week of Advent sees King David desiring to make a home worthy of the Lord. When King David was settled in his palace, and the LORD had given him rest from his enemies on every side, he said to Nathan the prophet, Here I am living in a house of cedar, while the ark of God dwells in a tent!” Nathan answered the king, “Go, do whatever you have in mind, for the LORD God is with you.” 2 Sam 7:1 – 3 But God warns Nathan to tell David not to build a home for the Ark of the Covenant as God will choose one of David’s son’s to build the temple … And when your time comes and you rest with your ancestors, I will raise up your heir after you, sprung from your loins, and I will make his kingdom firm. I will be a father to him, and he shall be a son to me. Your house and your kingdom shall endure forever before me; your throne shall stand firm forever.” 2 Sam 7:12 - 14 Paul praises God for this promise and the Angel Gabriel announces to Mary, the fulfilment of the House of David. In this passage from Luke’s Gospel, we hear Mary, a young woman, betrothed to Joseph but not yet married, consent to a most incredible thing. She consents to being the Mother of the Son of God. Such a responsibility and something which
catechist/spirituality formation
will cost her dearly! Are we able to consent to the request of our loving God with such confidence and trust as Mary did? This Advent we are being challenged! Challenged to be people who are faithful to our Baptismal Promises and people who have repentant hearts. to be people who live the Joy of the Gospel and people who trust in the kindness of our loving Father. When we become new People of God, then this will truly be a worthy Gift to give to the Father this Christmas. Michael Tebbutt, CCD Regional Co-ordinator Central Coast
Fr Shaju visiting Hornsby Heights Public School On Tuesday 1 August Fr Shaju our Parish Priest visited the children in our SRE classes at Hornsby Heights Public School. Thirty-three students attended the first session and 54 students attended the second session. Father Shaju spoke to the students about the three ways of Praying, Talking, Thinking, Listening, using the lesson from our Yr 2 Walking with Jesus book. The Sessions began with the Lord’s Prayer led by Year 2 boys and girls. Our Catechist, Greta Wickham, led the students in the song ‘Christ in my Vessel’ which the children enjoyed so much. Then we had Prayers of the children - 2 from each class reading the prayers. Another of our catechists, Norma de Couter, read the verses ‘We are the Church’ and the students sang the chorus. Greta Wickham led the students with the finger rhyme ‘Here is the Church’ engaging the children in action and joy. Then Fr Shaju’s gave his talk on the three ways of Praying. Concluding with the blessing of the children. We ended the session with ‘I Will Walk with You Jesus’. Thank you to Greta, Norma and our wonderful Fr Shaju
Reflections from Arcadia on “being a Catechist” Miriam Brown the Parish Coordinator from Arcadia invited her team to share their thoughts on “being a Catechist”. Rita – I know that to me it gives me so much joy and happiness to be able to introduce our children to our Lord with understanding and faith. Also the rewards I get when I finish each class. It also strengthens my own faith. Paula – What it takes to be a Catechist: Someone who wants to deepen their relationship with Jesus. Someone who loves children and wants to challenge them. Someone who wants to feel fulfilled, one way to evangelise. Maya – My thoughts on being a Catechist. Dedicating time to willingly teach children the importance of God’s word. To enrich their lives as well as yours by learning and growing together. Teaching the faith of the Church by word and example. Helping others and self-deepen and maintain their relationship with Jesus, especially now more than ever. You can change lives and bring others to God. To be genuinely happy to teach and give your time to spread the message. This is important. That a catechist does it from their heart with love and expect nothing in return. Being a catechist involves not just teaching about God but also allowing others to share their stories and views with us. If we can touch the heart of one child it will mean so much. Becoming a Catechist means to spread the Good News with love, patience, by example and being one of God’s instruments in bringing others to know and love him and learn the truth. To realise that it is important and necessary for each and every one of us to have God in our lives. Maria – My thoughts on what it takes to be a Catechist;I came across an article which sums up the role of a Catechist perfectly. You may want to use it. A Catechist’s role is not just to spread information about the Catholic faith; but also it is a deepening of one’s personal development and deeper understanding of the various elements of the Christian faith. This enables one to fully live the Christian life, bearing witness to Christ and the Gospel in the world. Whilst a Catechist gives clear instruction in the Catholic faith, the one being instructed reflects upon what is heard and incorporates it into his or her own life. Catechists explain how Christians seek to develop the virtues and mould their moral lives to imitate Jesus Christ, always seeking to unite their sufferings to those of Christ. I started it off with my thoughts - What does it take to be a Catechist or helper? A desire to bring Jesus to the children, a sense of humour and patience. Just as Jesus said “Let the children come to me”, so we make Jesus known to the children so they can come to him. A C atec hi st !
Vol 22 Issue 4 | CCD Newsletter Term 4, 2017
around the diocese
CCD Ministry Induction Online Training – updated Online training for the CCD Ministry Induction Course has recently been updated with two subjects reviewed and rerecorded to bring the concepts in line with modern teaching and present-day legislation. The two revised subjects are Child Protection 2017 and The Development of the Child and Adolescent 1. There are nine topics still available to be viewed online via the CCRESS website and Child Protection 2017 can now be used officially for completing this requirement and no longer has to be attended face to face. The previous obligation to attend this topic in person was necessary when it was realised that the online presentation was not in keeping with current legislation. It was decided to record The Development of the Child and Adolescent again to include participation by an audience of Catechists who had the opportunity of interacting with the presenter of the topic and asking questions to make it more in tune with face to face situations whenever this topic is presented. The theoretical nature of the subject needed some participant input to demonstrate how the theory may be put into practice and how it can apply to curriculum material provided by different dioceses. The new version of the Development of the Child and Adolescent will be available online in the near future One topic remains obligatory to attend in person. This is Lesson Planning: Teaching the Authorised Curriculum (online the title is: Using an Authorised Curriculum for Planning) because the online version is generic, applicable to other dioceses throughout NSW and ACT and, therefore, not specific to the authorised curriculum for the Diocese of Broken Bay – Walking with Jesus, Pathways of Discipleship. It is especially beneficial to attend this topic in a face to face group session because it provides an excellent opportunity for “hands on” experience with the preparation of SRE lessons and information about how to make the best use of the materials supplied by the Diocese of Broken Bay supporting the authorised curriculum. Whilst online training suits many people, particularly those who may be time poor, the value of face to face training for any of the topics is that it
CCD Newsletter Term 4, 2017 | Vol 22 Issue 4
also provides a chance for sharing experiences and making contact with other Catechists plus an opportunity for enrichment and reflection on the mission and ministry of CCD. It gives Catechists a venue for discussing the course content with others and asking questions whenever clarification is necessary. All new Catechists are required to complete the CCD Ministry Induction training course. This course is made up of seven topics. From now on Catechists will be given the option of completing all seven topics by attending face to face group training sessions or completing six of the sessions online and one: - Using an Authorised Curriculum for Planning face to face. New Catechists will also have the choice of completing a mixture of the six topics online or face to face as long as Using an Authorised Curriculum for Planning is included as one of the face to face sessions. Online training for the CCD Ministry Induction Course is available through the CCRESS website. What is CCRESS? CCRESS is the Catholic Conference of Religious Educators in State Schools in NSW-ACT. The CCDs from each Catholic Diocese in NSW and the ACT have membership and voting rights and voting members are those individuals allocated responsibility by the Bishop of each Diocese for the coordination of the Ministry of SRE. The online courses involve watching a series of short videos, doing some associated reading and completing short assessments which are intended for reinforcement of what you’ve learned. Multiple attempts at the assessments are permitted. When you have completed each topic, you will be eligible for full authorisation (Green card) to teach SRE in State Schools. All Catechists are required to complete Child Protection and Classroom Management training every three years. These may be done online or face to face. We encourage all Catechists to take up training opportunities from time to time to refresh their skills and revise any information available either online or face to face when scheduled in their region. What do you need to do? Send an email to joe.pulis@dbb.org.au to arrange a login username and password. Full details will be emailed to you to enable access to the CCRESS website. If you have any questions about accessing online training, please don’t hesitate to email or call Joe Pulis 9847 0228
around the diocese CCD Invites Coordinators and Catechists from across the Diocese to celebrate their work over a cup of tea. Please join us at your nearest location
‘ Thank You’ morning tea
Message from Helen Sullivan The Lakes Parish
North Shore Hornsby Region Venue: Caroline Chisholm Centre, Pennant Hills Date: Friday 24 November 2017 Time: 10:00am – 12:00pm RSVP: Monday 20 November 2017 to Sharon da Roza sharondaroza@dbb.org.au or Ph: 9847 0492
I became a catechist over 45 years ago, beginning when my four children started school. Why have I been teaching for so long you ask?…. The answer is simple. I was given the faith, firstly, by my parents, and by the Dominican nuns as a child at school. I feel so thankful that I want to give back this knowledge to the children as best as I can. I feel chosen to do this and hopefully I teach with confidence and love, even though I am not a trained teacher. I have taught at Wahroonga, Waitara, Greenwich, North Narrabeen and Narrabeen Lakes Public Schools.
Central Coast – Tuggerah Lakes Deanery Venue: Parish Centre, Our Lady of the Rosary, The Entrance Date: Monday 27 November 2017 Time: 10:00am – 12:00pm RSVP: Wednesday 22 November 2017 to Colleen Smith ccdcc@dbb.org.au or Ph: 4334 3367
Whilst driving to each lesson, I ask the Holy Spirit to guide me to teach the children what God wants them to know. At the end of each lesson I pray, ”Thank you God, that was easier than I thought it would be.” It makes it all worthwhile when I receive little notes from the children, written from the heart. FROM FRENCHS FOREST PARISH The girls surprised me this morning by creating a sacred space before I got to the classroom room. It’s the most beautiful class. And the boys like to take turns in leading the class in prayer, first the Hail Mary then the Our Father. I think I can let them run their own scripture class. Just wanted to share. Lisa – Frenchs Forest Parish
Central Coast – Brisbane Water Deanery Venue: Jordan Room, St Patrick’s Parish, East Gosford Date: Monday 4 December 2017 Time: 10:00am – 12:00pm RSVP: Wednesday 29 November 2017 to Colleen Smith ccdcc@dbb.org.au or Ph: 4334 3367 Northern Beaches Region Venue: Terry Hills Date: Friday 8 December 2017 Time: 10:00am – 12:00pm RSVP: Monday 4 December 2017 to Sharon da Roza sharondaroza@dbb.org.au or Ph: 9847 0492
Contact Details for CCD Diocesan Offices Sharon da Roza Dioccesan CCD Admin sharon.daroza@dbb.org.au P: 02 9847 0492 F: 02 9847 0501
Alison Newell Diocesan CCD Coordinator alison.newell@dbb.org.au P: 02 4334 3367 M: 0424 737 911
Regional Offices North Shore Hornsby Region P: 02 9847 0228 M: 0438 229 541
Northern Beaches Region P: 02 9847 0494 M: 0447 901 531
Central Coast Region P: 02 4334 3367 / 02 4334 2622 M: 0407 218 677
Vol 22 Issue 4 | CCD Newsletter Term 4, 2017
All catechists and their families are warmly invited to attend the CCD
Annual DiocesanMass Saturday 11 November 2017 11:30am at Our Lady of the Rosary Cathedral 23 Yardley Avenue, Waitara Join us as we celebrate the Ministry of SRE with Most Rev Peter A Comensoli Bishop of Broken Bay
CCD Newsletter Term 4, 2017 | Vol 22 Issue 4