5 Classroom Activit y
6-7 Training & formation
8-9 training schedule 10 lenten Reflection
Catechist Sunday 11 February 2018
E VA N G E L I S E + G AT H E R > < S E N D >
â&#x20AC;&#x153;And so, dear catechists, dear brothers and sisters, may the Lord give us the grace to be renewed every day by the joy of the first proclamation to us: Jesus died and is risen, Jesus loves us personally!â&#x20AC;? Pope Francis
Equipping the Saints in this New Year
There is a Carthusian saying that our years of age tell us only this – that the earth has travelled around the sun so many times since we came into this world. Our true age is, in fact, measured by our journey with and closeness to Christ. As such there are adults who are yet to be born and children who carry the Word with them, the wisdom of the ages.
In this Australian Year of Youth we are reminded of the gift of all young people to the Church and the preciousness of those who form the Church through their living faith, including those in our State schools with whom we not only share but learn from as adults and catechists. Indeed the work of catechists is an intergenerational mission in which we experience abundant grace. We are gifted with the wisdom, experience and sharing of elders, the desire for faith and belonging to the Catholic tradition among parents, and the spontaneity and openness of children who hunger to know and experience the beauty and wonderment of life, including the Gospel which offers a way of life in the encounter with Jesus himself. With the opening of the Year of Youth at the Australian Catholic Youth Festival in Advent 2017, our CCD launched new resources and renewed branding to invite young adults to consider the
ministry of Special Religious Education as an expression of their own faith, and to take the Gospel to the world as personified by the children and families of our State schools. This has been a significant focus of the CCD team for some months and it is a joy to now share these resources with you in 2018. As catechists please continue to impart the passion you have for your ministry with the young adults and the young-at-heart in your life. Our ministry and Church are always enriched by those who step forwards anew in faith. Truly the Lenten season reminds us that the renewal of our faith as Christians and as a community of Christians, as a Church, is the fruit of not only turning away from those things which impair our relationship with God and one another but also a turning towards God and each other with hope and trust, with openness to what God is inviting in our life and is planting in the lives of others. So may this Year of Youth and Lenten season be a time of encouragement and invitation. God continually bids us to grow to our true age and, in the words of the Apostle Paul “to equip the saints for the work of ministry, for building up the body of Christ, until all of us come to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to maturity, to the measure of the full stature of Christ” (Ephesian 4:12-13). With every blessing, Daniel
Daniel Ang Director, Office for Evangelisation
TERM 1 Liturgical Calendar 2018 Year B
message from the director
LY GIVING Week 1 (28 Jan ) Ordinary Time Term1 Commences Week 2 (4 Feb) Ordinary Time
Week 3 (11 Feb) Ordinary Time Catechist Sunday 14 Feb – Ash Wednesday
Week 5 (25 Feb) Second Sunday of Lent Week 6 (4 Mar) Third Sunday of Lent Week 7 (11 Mar) Fourth Sunday of Lent 17 March St Patrick Week 8 (18 Mar) Fifth Sunday of Lent 19 March St Joseph
Lent feels great. can get his wonderful Week You 4 (18 Feb)First Sunday of Lent feeling all he world’s most vulnerable people by becoming
Week 9 (25 Mar ) Holy Week Palm Sunday 29 Mar Holy Thursday 30 Mar Good Friday 31 Mar Easter Vigil Week 10 (1 Apr) Easter Sunday Week 11 (8 Apr) Second Sunday of Easter 13 Apr Term 1 ENDS
s on t
Age appropriate teachers and students notes, video and other resources are available on the Caritas website http://www.caritas.org.au/projectcompassion/schools
CCD Newsletter Term 1, 2018 | Vol 23 Issue 1
Happy Easter
Independent Review of SRE commissioned by the Department of Education in NSW, Walking with Jesus received an excellent review by an independent educator, with teachers’ manuals and student activity books meeting all indicators for the curriculum category. Following a three year period of drafts and trials, the first edition of Walking with Jesus was released in 2007. This was followed by a second edition in 2012.
As we embark upon the Year of Youth, one of the opportunities that presents itself is to invite younger people to join our ranks and consider becoming a catechist or a catechist helper. The Australian Catholic Youth Festival (ACYF) held recently at Homebush presented a wonderful opportunity for CCD staff to engage with youth and young adults from across the country. Many of these energetic and faith-filled young people were from our own Diocese of Broken Bay and we used the opportunity to encourage them to think about how they might use their energy and their talents to become involved in the Ministry of the catechist. CCD has developed a range of resources for parishes to use in the hope of reaching out to younger people and these will be available to parishes throughout the year. This year, I encourage you to invite a young person to become involved in SRE. Maybe you have a son or daughter at university who may be available on your SRE day to assist you in the classroom. Ask them!! They may not be available to help out every week. However, I believe we need to think creatively about how we can engage with and utilise young people in our work. Let’s all do our part and invite participation of the youth in our parishes. They may well be waiting for an invitation to come from one of the wisdom people in the parish so that they might take up the opportunity to live out their baptismal calling to holiness…
To begin the current review process, CCD is inviting feedback from catechists across the Diocese. We would like feedback from you on how clear the instructions are in the lesson plans for the year/s you teach and how the student activities complement the learning. Additionally, we would welcome feedback on the suggested resources in the lesson plan. We want to hear if you are using music with your lessons and if you are using the SmartBoard USB resource. We also want to know about the variety of teaching strategies you use, e.g. storytelling, drama and others. If there are specific lessons that you have found to be effective and engaging or mediocre and miss the point, we want to hear about them. Included with this edition of Connections, you will find an evaluation form. We encourage you to complete this and return to us via email or your Parish Coordinator or post to us at CCD, PO Box 340 Pennant Hills NSW 1715.
This year sees the beginning of a three year process of reviewing the Walking with Jesus K-6 curriculum into a third edition. In the recent
As you begin another year of teaching religious education to our Catholic children in Broken Bay, I ask you to reflect on what message you want to bring to the children in your SRE class. I hope it is always that God loves them, God will always forgive them and that they are unique in God’s eyes. Remember to pray with the children every lesson and pray for them every day. God bless you.
New CCD Logo This edition of Connections sees the launch of our new CCD logo. We at CCD are delighted with the contemporary clean lines and believe that this logo sets the tone for our work in today’s modern world. The inspiration for the new logo came from within our CCD team, where we realised that for many years the colours our team has associated with the different regions of our Diocese have mirrored the geography of Broken Bay – the aqua symbolising the waterways and beaches of the Central Coast, the yellow representing the sand of the Northern Beaches and the green picks up the leafy northern suburbs and the mountains region of the diocese. Thus, the new logo symbolises this mountains to the beaches topography. The brushstroke of the logo is organic in its approach and is free moving, more outgoing and pure. Free strokes reach out just as the
Taking the Gospel to the World
Welcome to 2018 and another year of Special Religious Education. I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and New Year with your families and friends. I trust you enjoyed the summer break from teaching and are returning to SRE renewed in spirit for the year ahead. This year brings new faces and new opportunities to evangelise and spread the Good News across our Diocese to Catholic children in our public school system. I wish you well in your role as a catechist in 2018.
message from the diocesan coordinator
Spreading the Good News through SRE
message of CCD ‘Taking the Gospel to the World’ is outward reaching. The circular shape ends with an upward stroke which forms a cross and encompasses the Bible and the Holy Spirit who inspires our teaching. Our thanks to our Comms team and particularly to Cyrilla Almeida for bring our new logo to life. Visit our CCD website at www.dbb.org.au/ ccd and click on the ‘Become a Catechist’ video to see the new logo in its digital form. CCD Newsletter Term 1, 2018 | Vol 23 Issue 1
Planning a Joint Denominational Easter Assembly
Planning an assembly can be a daunting task to those who have never had the responsibility thrust upon them. The initial response could well be something like this, “Err, I’d rather not. I am not good at speaking in front of an audience.” This is a similar response to that of Moses when God called him to tell the pharaoh to let the Hebrew people go free.
If you had a process to follow and were willing to invite others into the planning process to help you, you would find that the planning and executing an assembly can be a very fulfilling activity. You just have to remember that each of us, have certain gifts and talents. If we are all willing to use them to create a meaningful and prayerful event to celebrate the passion, death and resurrection of Jesus, the Lord, for the children we teach, then we will be a witness to what St Paul wrote in his letter to the Corinthians. There are different kinds of gifts, but the same Spirit distributes them. There are different kinds of service, but the same Lord. There are different kinds of working, but in all of them and in everyone it is the same God at work. (1Cor12:4 – 6) Let us consider the following 4 steps to use in the preparation and presentation of an assembly: Gather, Listen, Share and Go
classroom talk
Gather This step prepares it includes an introduction to let the students know what the assembly is about and how they can participate. Listen This step is the one in which the story is shared. In the case of an Easter Celebration, it will include a sensitive telling of the passion and the death of Jesus and His life restoring resurrection. This telling can be done in a variety of ways, e.g. the reading from the Gospel, a PowerPoint presentation using pictures, words and song, a dramatisation with a narrator telling the story or a combination of the above. The important thing is to engage the children in the process of ‘hearing’ this life giving event in our religious history. Share This is the time for one of the teachers, a minister or parish priest to share with the community gathered the meaning of the Easter event. It would be opportune to share a suitable song which would reinforce the Easter message, to join in prayer for the needs of the community gathered and for the needs of the world and those who lead us. Go This final step is the end of the assembly. To do this, a
CCD Newsletter Term 1, 2018 | Vol 23 Issue 1
closing prayer with a blessing should be prayed and Easter happiness shared amongst those gathered. The students are sent from the gathering space to take the Easter joy with them and to share it with all those whom they meet in the Paschal season. When it is your turn to prepare and present the Easter assembly at the local school, begin preparation at least a term ahead of time. Ask your regional co-ordinator for examples of assemblies that have been used previously. Work out which parts are suitable for the younger students and those for the older students. For example, Yr. 3 and 4 students could form the choir leading the whole group with the singing while the Yr. 5 and 6 students might be narrators, actors and prayer leaders. Students from K, Yr. 1 and 2 could be included in crowd scenes, (maybe the crowd who welcomes Jesus on Palm Sunday). Remember, not every student needs to be included. When the presentation has been decided, organise a meeting with the other Christian SRE teachers, inviting them to be part of the assembly. For this meeting, have ready a copy of an outline of the assembly which would include the script, the songs and if possible a print out of the slide show. Invite the other SRE teachers to select some students to be involved in the assembly and arrange for the school to provide a space and equipment (e.g. laptop, projector) for the assembly. Roles for the teachers would include the welcome, a short introduction and encouragement to participate in the singing and the prayers, being the IT specialists on the day and concluding the assembly with a final prayer, which would incorporate a ‘sending forth’ aspect. The timing suggested is ideal but may not be possible to follow. Begin planning early. Collaborate with the other Christian SRE teachers. Negotiate with the school regarding the venue and access to any audio visual equipment that may be required. Next time you are asked to organise the Easter Assembly, don’t panic or say that it is beyond your expertise. Just remember Gather, Listen, Share and Go and invite your Christian SRE teachers to a meeting and involve them. As the saying goes ‘a burden shared is a burden halved’ but when everyone is involved, it is hardly a burden at all. Michael Tebbutt CCD Regional Co-ordinator - Central Coast
Hosanna! Hosanna!
Mk 1:12-15 My name is
A crowd of people came to see Jesus as he entered Jerusalem on the back of a donkey. Draw yourself amongst a crowd of people waving palm fronds at Jesus. Draw or write what happened on each of these special days during Holy Week.
Good Friday
Holy Thursday
Easter Sunday
classroom activity
Palm Sunday
Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord - Year B
Š Creative Ministry Resources 2014
CCD Newsletter Term 1, 2018 | Vol 23 Issue 1
>>>> CCD Training and Formation for 2018 CCD Ministry Induction (CCDMI) and Level 1 Topics are being presented in a slightly different way in 2018 in an attempt to make it easier for Catechists to attend various sessions. It is compulsory for all new (and returning) Catechists to complete the CCDMI before a full authorisation CCD Green Card can be issued. The temporary CCD Yellow Card is valid for 12 months and needs to be renewed if CCDMI has not been completed. It is CCD’s preference that Safeguarding Children (previously called Child Protection) and Classroom Management is completed as soon as possible after joining to comply with Dept. of Education requirements.
There are two ways of fulfilling this obligation of completing the CCDMI
1. Face to face at times scheduled twice a year in all regions of the Diocese of Broken Bay 2. Online training-register with Joe Pulis and complete via the Internet.
A combination of both these ways can be chosen according to preference and convenience of the Catechist.
If a Catechist chooses to complete the online course for CCDMI, *‘Lesson Planning: Teaching the Authorised Curriculum’ must be done face-to-face at one of the scheduled sessions. The reason for this is that the online course is generic for all dioceses throughout NSW and does not adequately cover the Walking with Jesus curriculum authorised by the Diocese of Broken Bay. CCD Level 1 Training and Formation consists of 14 topics in total and the first 7 subjects of Level 1 fulfil CCDMI (compulsory for all new and returning Catechists) The following table lists all seven topics which make up CCDMI. The topics listed are usually presented as 2 sessions a day (unless an evening course - then only 1 session per evening is held)
The Mission and Ministry of the Catechist SRE Teacher in the Parish and the School
Sessions 1 to 7
Safeguarding Children (Previously called Child Protection) ** Lesson Planning: Teaching the Authorised Curriculum * The Development of the Child and Adolescent Introduction to the Bible
training & formation
Classroom Management: Positive Discipline **
** It is a mandatory government regulation that both the ‘Safeguarding Children’ AND ‘Classroom Management: Positive Discipline’ sessions are completed once every three years by all Catechists. (Face to face or online) * ‘Lesson Planning: Teaching the Authorised Curriculum’ must be done face-to-face. (See note above)
Level 1 continued – Sessions 8 to 14 “Teaching Strategies: Using Interactive Whiteboard Resources” will be conducted at the end of the 7 CCDMI sessions. For example, session number 7 of CCDMI is Introduction to the Bible which usually falls on the morning of the final day. This will allow the afternoon session to include Teaching Strategies: Using Interactive Whiteboard Resources otherwise known as SmartBoard Training at the same venue if there is an Interactive White Board on the premises.
Level 1 Topics – Sessions 9 & 10 Teaching Strategies: Prayer in the Classroom Teaching Strategies: Listening and Questioning Both will be conducted during a day session (Scheduled May/June 2018)
CCD Newsletter Term 1, 2018 | Vol 23 Issue 1
Level 1 Topics – Sessions 11 & 12 Teaching Strategies: Using Music in the Classroom Miracles and Parables Both will be conducted during a day session (Scheduled August 2018)
Level 1 Topics – Sessions 13 & 14 Teaching Strategies: Drama in the Classroom Teaching Strategies: Using Stories and Visual Resources Both will be conducted during a day session (Scheduled October 2018) The above outline is a new way of presenting the remainder of Level 1 which will be presented in three separate two-session workshop days. The concept behind this new way of providing Level 1 is the hope that it will be a more convenient method for Catechists who cannot attend every week. It may interest Catechists who wish to attend certain sessions (new or for revision) or who are attempting to catch up with missed sessions from previous years to become eligible for a Level 1 Certificate.
Joe Pulis and Sharon da Roza
Central Coast CCD Office and resource Centre
Resource Borrowing: Monday to Friday 9am—1pm (Please phone Colleen or Michael to make an alternate time to visit outside of these hours.) Resource Deliveries: We deliver to all Central Coast Parishes. Orders to be received by 4pm each Monday to ensure prompt end of week delivery. (Contact Colleen for more information) Visiting Resource Centre: If you are making a special trip to visit the CCD Resource Centre, we suggest phoning ahead to confirm that the office is opened, as at times the CCD staff are required elsewhere in the diocese. Smartboard: We offer the use of the interactive smartboard to assist with the preparation of lessons for catechists who have been trained in the use of the smartboard. (Bookings are essential to use the interactive smartboard)
PH: 4334 3367 Email: ccdcc@dbb.org.au
Drop in and experience God’s light and peace in your life in a new way this Lent. You are welcome. Please also invite others. For further details and a list of participating churches please visit www.thelightisonforyou.org.au
Br Guy Consolmagno SJ to visit Broken Bay We are delighted to announce that the Diocese of Broken Bay will be hosting Br Guy Consolmagno SJ in April 2018. Br Guy is the Director of the Vatican Observatory and President of the Vatican Observatory Foundation, holding a PhD in Planetary Science from the University of Arizona. He visited Broken Bay briefly in September 2016. Br Guy is a very engaging speaker, and we look forward to continuing the conversation on the fascinating topic of Faith and Science. More details soon.
12 Ashton Ave, The Entrance (behind OLR Church)
Churches of the Diocese of Broken Bay are participating in the Light Is On this Lent. To allow us to make a space to turn to God more authentically and to be renewed in our faith, churches throughout the Diocese will be open for quiet time, prayer and the Sacrament of Reconciliation every Friday in Lent from 7pm - 8pm (Feb 16, 23, Mar 2, 9, 16, 23).
training & formation
A new initiative for Lent
Please save the date: Saturday 28 April, morning presentation at Waitara Monday 30 April, evening presentation at Tuggerah CCD Newsletter Term 1, 2018 | Vol 23 Issue 1
CCD training and formation opportunities serve those involved in the mission of Special Religious Education (SRE) in our State Schools but are also open to those in catechesis and evangelising outreach in our Diocese. The Office for Evangelisation offers CCD training to all interested people providing formation that enables the Gospel to be taken into the lives of others.
CCD Ministry Induction – Compulsory training for new catechists and helpers CCD Ministry induction course is compulsory for all new catechists and those catechists returning to teach after an extended break from teaching.. The CCDMI is also available to complete online. Please contact registrations for more details. CCDL1-01MI The Mission and Ministry of the Catechist CCDL1-02MI SRE Teacher in the Parish and the School CCDL1-03MI
Child Protection
training schedule
CCDL1-04MI Lesson Planning: Teaching the Authorised Curriculum CCDL1-05MI The Development of the Child and Adolescent I CCDL1-06MI
Classroom Management: Positive Discipline
CCDL1-07MI Introduction to the Bible
North Shore Hornsby Region
Northern Beaches Region
Location: Killara Parish Hall, Cnr Fiddens Wharf Rd and Charles St, Killara (Carpark entry in Charles St) Morning Tea Provided, BYO Lunch Date: Monday 19 & 26 February 5 & 12 March 2018 Time: 9:30am - 2:30pm Register by: Monday 12 February 2018 Ph: 4332 9825 or 9847 0448 Email: registrations@dbb.org.au
Location: Our Lady of Good Counsel, 9 Currie Road, Frenchs Forest Morning Tea Provided, BYO Lunch Date: Friday 23 February 2, 9, & 16 March 2018 Time: 9:30am – 2:30pm Register by: Friday 16 February 2018 Ph: 4332 9825 or 9847 0448 Email: registrations@dbb.org.au
CCD Newsletter Term 1, 2018 | Vol 23 Issue 1
Central Coast Region Evening Course Location: Lecture Room, Our Lady of the Rosary Parish, The Entrance (Parking entry via Ashton Avenue) Date: Tuesday 20 & 27 February 6, 13, 20 & 27 March, 3 & 10 April 2018 Time: 7:00pm – 9:00pm Register by: Tuesday 13 February 2018 Ph: 4332 9825 or 9847 0448 Email: registrations@dbb.org.au
Level 1 Tools for teaching in the SRE Classroom
Central Coast Region
Level one will be divided into units and offered over 3 terms as one day training days. All catechists are welcome to attend all units to gain a Level 1 certificate (CCDMI must be completed to receive certificate) or may attend the topics of interest. CCDL1-14-14 Teaching Strategies: Using Interactive Whiteboard Resources This unit is offered at the end of the CCDMI course.
CCDL1-08-14 Teaching Strategies: Prayer in the Classroom CCDL1-09-14 Teaching Strategies: Listening and Questioning
Course Type: Level 1 – Units CCDL1-08-14 Teaching Strategies: Prayer in the Classroom & CCDL1-09-14 Teaching Strategies: Listening and Questioning Location: Lecture Room, Our Lady of the Rosary Parish, The Entrance (Parking entry via Ashton Avenue) Morning Tea Provided, BYO Lunch Date: Friday 18 May 2018 Time: 9:30am – 2:30pm Register by: Friday 11 May 2018 Ph: 4332 9825 or 9847 0448 Email: registrations@dbb.org.au
All Catechists welcome to attend Lesson Planning Teaching the Authorised Curriculum
Northern Beaches Region
Course Type: Level 1 – Units CCDL1-08-14 Teaching Strategies: Prayer in the Classroom & CCDL1-09-14 Teaching Strategies: Listening and Questioning Location: Caroline Chisholm Centre, 423 Pennant Hills Road, Pennant Hills Morning Tea Provided, BYO Lunch Date: Friday 1 June 2018 Time: 9:30am – 2:30pm Register by: Friday 25 May 2018 Ph: 4332 9825 or 9847 0448 Email: registrations@dbb.org.au
Location: Caroline Chisholm Centre, 423 Pennant Hills Road, Pennant Hills Date: Monday 16 April 2018 Time: 9:30am – 12:00pm Register by: Monday 9 April 2018 Ph: 4332 9825 or 9847 0448 Email: registrations@dbb.org.au
Northern Beaches Location: St Kieran’s, 2 King Street, Manly Vale Date: Wednesday 18 April 2018 Time: 9:30am – 12:00pm Register by: Monday 9 April 2018 Ph: 4332 9825 or 9847 0448 Email: registrations@dbb.org.au
Central Coast Region Location: Our Lady Star of the Sea Parish Hall, Serpentine Road, Terrigal Date: Friday 20 April 2018 Time: 9:30am – 12:00pm Register by: Friday 13 April 2018 Ph: 4332 9825 or 9847 0448 Email: registrations@dbb.org.au
training schedule
Northern Shore & Hornsby Region
Northern Shore & Hornsby Region
Course Type: Level 1 – Units CCDL1-08-14 Teaching Strategies: Prayer in the Classroom & CCDL1-09-14 Teaching Strategies: Listening and Questioning Location: Our Lady of Good Counsel, 9 Currie Road, Frenchs Forest Morning Tea Provided, BYO Lunch Date: Friday 25 May 2018 Time: 9:30am – 2:30pm Register by: Friday 18 May 2018 Ph: 4332 9825 or 9847 0448 Email: registrations@dbb.org.au
Registration for CCD training and events: CCD staff are always striving to make training and formation an enjoyable experience. To assist our staff with this goal, we encourage you to contact Colleen at our registration desk by phone or by email to register your attendance at any of our training or events. Some venues have a limited seating capacity and it is important that we adhere to recommended venue numbers. Our course handouts are prepared in advance, so for printing and catering purposes it is helpful for us to know correct numbers. If you inadvertently miss the RSVP date, still feel free to give us a call because we can often take late registrations up to the day before. Phone: 9847 0448 0r 4332 3825 registrations@dbb.org.au CCD Newsletter Term 1, 2018 | Vol 23 Issue 1
Catechist Sunday
Catechist Sunday is an annual event originating in 1935 when the Vatican published a document on the Better Care and Promotion of Catechetical Education it acknowledged the importance of the Church’s teaching ministry and asked every country to honour those catechists who serve within their Christian communities.
Sunday 11th February your parish is asked to stop and think about the incredible work and dedication of volunteer catechists. Your parish may choose any number of ways to recognise and celebrate this ministry, such as:
Commissioning Service with Blessing ceremony; Inviting catechist prayer partners and the family of the catechist to join in blessing ceremony; Together reciting the catechist prayer. Inviting a catechist to highlight their vocation to the ministry; Offer catechist profiles in the parish bulletin; Catechist ministry display table; Joining together for morning tea and a chat after Mass. Catechists Sunday provides an opportunity to invite new people to join the ministry This year Ash Wednesday falls on the 14 February and once again, we will be asking one another “What will we be giving up for Lent?” When I Googled the date for Ash Wednesday, I found this statement briefly explaining the meaning of Ash Wednesday and Lent. “…For Christians, the day marks the first day of Lent and the starting of 6 weeks of fasting and penance.”
A Reflection on Lent
The question is, why are we fasting and performing acts of penance? Do we give up things, abstain from eating meat and fast as a way gaining some idea of the sufferings of Jesus or to imitate Jesus’ forty days in the desert before he began his ministry? Is the making of the sacrifice an end in itself, or does it lead us to something much greater?
sisters), I for my part do not consider myself to have taken possession. Just one thing: forgetting what lies behind but straining forward to what lies ahead, I continue my pursuit toward the goal, the prize of God’s upward calling, in Christ Jesus.
Consider John’s Gospel (John 15:1–7) when Jesus talks about the vine being pruned in order that it bear much fruit. This idea underlies We must remember the reason for the liturgical season of Lent is not the penitential aspect of Lent. We are not giving up things or fasting just to focus on the sufferings of Jesus but to prepare for the greatest in order to make up for our sinfulness. Rather we undertake these event in salvation history. The reason for the season is Easter, the great practices in order that the process of conversion, through the action celebration of Jesus’ victory over sin and death and the redemption of of God’s grace, can transform us so that we can share the fullness of all God’s creation. God’s life and love. When we decide to give up something, ideally it is to make more Repentance in the season of Lent also has a liturgical aspect to it. As a space and time to enable us to deepen our relationship with God. community, we enter into the season of Lent on Ash Wednesday when How do we do this? Through prayer and contemplation, meditation we receive the ashes as a reminder of our brokenness and frailty. We of God’s Word, being involved with those who need some help. There do not travel through this season as isolated individuals. Just as we are are many ways which would lead us into a deeper relationship with all sinful, that is, we all fall short in our relationship with God and with God. This will lead us into a journey of the conversion of the heart. each other, so too as a community we can support each other in our This is not a “quick fix’ change. It is a gradual process, not unlike the efforts to allow God to transform us into His own image. tortoise’s progress in the race with the hare. The tortoise placed one foot Historically, this communal aspect grew out of the Church community in front of the other and steadily made progress toward the finish line. supporting those who were preparing for initiation into the Paul writes in his Letter to the Philippians, worshipping community. The aspirants would be expected to help It is not that I have already taken hold of it or have already attained the poor and needy, fast on bread and water for the forty days of Lent perfect maturity, but I continue my pursuit in hope that I may possess and reflect constantly on the words of the Lord’s Prayer as well as it, since I have indeed been taken possession of by Christ. Brothers (and doing acts of penance. The community would fast and pray with the
CCD Newsletter Term 1, 2018 | Vol 23 Issue 1
Tips for
Effective Teaching
Baptismal candidates. From the earliest days, Lent took on this transformative nature which was to be carried out in community, not isolation.
For those who are more into doing something active, some time each week could be devoted to a local charity or outreach group. This would lead us to think of others and in turn pray for their wellbeing. Let us look at Lent as a time for positive change in our spiritual and physical lives this year and make time and space for God to Work wonders in each of our lives and then share these wonders with all whom we work, live and play.
Prayers during Lent In the Walking with Jesus student books you will find prayers suitable for your class age level. The following could be said and learnt during Lent: Kindergarten, Years 1 & 2 LORD HAVE MERCY
Ensure you read your WWJ teacher’s manual – the unit outline and the lesson plan. Prepare the lesson plan and the resources you will need to make your lesson exciting and engaging for your students.
Arrive as early as possible
So that you can set up the sacred space and environment to enhance the atmosphere which should be conducive to learning about God.
Where possible demonstrate the simple act of hospitality. This can be at the door as the children arrive or once the children are ready, saying good morning to each other. Calling the children by name shows you value them (name tags help at the beginning of the year as you learn all the names).
Set boundaries
Rules are important for respect and give the children the structure they need to learn. Be sure to tap into the classroom rules already in place. At the beginning of a new year with a new class you can focus on three rules which reflect our Christian values for your class: • Treat everyone with kindness • Listen while others are speaking • Keep safety in mind while moving around the classroom
Years 3 & Year 4 ACT OF CONTRITION
Generate discussion with open-ended questions
This helps the students to express opinions about a topic or consider ways our faith can be lived.
Years 5 & 6 I CONFESS
Greet the students
Get students working together
Give the students a chance to interact with their peers sometimes. Involve as many students as possible in the task of reading aloud. Each group can be assigned a different task which is then reported or dramatised to the class e.g. KWL chart or frozen statues, which can be found in the Appendix of the Teacher’s Manuals.
tips for effective teaching
Maybe 30 minutes can be put aside each day through Lent and that time could be spent reading and praying the readings for the coming Sunday Mass. If you wanted to add a sacrificial element to this practice, you could give up 30 minutes of sleep and read and meditate in the quiet of the morning. Imagine how this practice would transform each day and in time, each person’s life.
Be prepared - do your homework
Now rather than asking “What am I going to give up for Lent?” we need to ask, “With the time and space I have created in which God’s Spirit can transform me, what am I going to do for Lent as I prepare to celebrate of Christ’s victory over sin and death and the redemption of all God’s creation?”
Contact Details for CCD Diocesan Offices Sharon da Roza Dioccesan CCD Admin sharon.daroza@dbb.org.au P: 02 9847 0492 F: 02 9847 0501
Alison Newell Diocesan CCD Coordinator alison.newell@dbb.org.au P: 02 4334 3367 M: 0424 737 911
Regional Offices North Shore Hornsby Region P: 02 9847 0228 M: 0438 229 541
Northern Beaches Region P: 02 9847 0494 M: 0447 901 531
Central Coast Region P: 02 4334 3367 / 02 4334 2622 M: 0407 218 677
CCD Newsletter Term 1, 2018 | Vol 23 Issue 1
The Annual CCD Diocesan Mass and Presentation of Awards Ceremony
was held at Our Lady of the Rosary Cathedral at Waitara on Saturday 4 November 2017. Bishop Peter Comensoli celebrated Eucharist with Clergy from across the Diocese and catechists from all parishes. Deceased catechists were remembered for their contribution to the Ministry of SRE. Catechists were awarded for Years of Service for 15 years and above (in increments of 5 years) and for Accreditation for the completion of the Level 3 Diploma of the CCD Training and Formation Program. At a Parish level, catechists were awarded for 5 and 10 years of service and for the completion of Levels 1 and 2.