2020 Connections Term 1

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E VA N G E L I S E + G AT H E R > < S E N D >

“Let us all remember this: one cannot proclaim the Gospel of Jesus without the tangible witness of one’s life.” Pope Francis



SAFEGUARDING KIDZ CORNER The protection of children and vulnerable adults within our Diocese will be achieved as every member of our community strives to be a person who: 1. Shows care for the rights of all people who are supported by Diocesan systems that are clear, accessible and compliant. 2. Leads by a constant commitment to raising awareness, education, professional development and supervision.

WORKING WITH CHILDREN CHECK RENEWALS Working with Children Check (WWCC) numbers are valid for 5 years. You will receive a reminder when your WWCC is due for renewal. The process for renewal has slightly changed. You are now required to produce two primary forms of identification and two secondary forms of identification. • Birth Certificate or Passport • Licence • Bankcard –you only need to list the last four digits on your card if doing online • Medicare card. You can do this online at the Office of the Children’s Guardian website. If you require assistance phone 02 9286 7276. If you are having difficulty doing this online, take the above proof of identification, along with your WWCC number to your nearest Service NSW centre and they will complete it for you. When you have renewed, you need to pass on your new expiry date to your Parish Coordinator or Parish Office. More information can be found at: https://www.kidsguardian.nsw.gov.au/child-safeorganisations/working-with-children-check/applicant/ proof-of-identity/proof-of-identity-what-you-will-need

CATECHIST SUNDAY Catechist Sunday is held each year in the Diocese of Broken Bay on the Sunday before Ash Wednesday, to acknowledge the great work done by SRE catechists in the public schools of parishes of the Diocese of Broken Bay. It is also a great time to commission all catechists for the year ahead, including Sacramental program catechists, RCIA catechists and Children’s Liturgy of the Word catechists. The CCD team wishes you well for 2020 in your ministry and thanks you for responding to your Baptismal call to holiness by spreading the Good News of Jesus Christ to the Catholic children in our public schools.

SRE TEACHER NAME BADGES Name badges are required to be visible when SRE teachers are attending a public school in NSW. Catechists in the Diocese of Broken Bay are provided with an authorisation card annually, which includes the catechist’s name and the name of the Approved SRE Provider (Catholic Church Diocese of Broken Bay). This should always be worn in the lanyard (supplied) whilst on school grounds. Please ensure that you read and sign the SRE teacher’s undertaking on the back of the authorisation card.

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CCD CONTACT LIST Alison Newell, Diocesan CCD Coordinator

8379 1637


Michael Tebbutt, Regional CCD Coordinator, Central Coast

8379 1641


Joe Pulis, Regional CCD Coordinator, North Shore & Hornsby

8379 1639


John Donnelly, Regional Coordinator CCD, Northern Beaches

8379 1640


Sharon da Roza Administration Assistant CCD

8379 1638


Colleen Smith Administration Assistant CCD

8379 1642


Training Registrations

8379 1643


From the Diocesan Coordinator Catechists Welcome back to another year of teaching Special Religious Education to Catholic children and young people who attend public schools in the Diocese of Broken Bay. As we begin another year in this vibrant ministry spreading the Good News of Jesus Christ, I wish you well in your classroom adventures with the children.

By now, you would have received the Walking with Jesus resources for the 2020 school year. I hope you are happy with new look. We in CCD believe the new coloured student activity books will be more engaging for the students.

During November 2019, around 500 catechists attended curriculum launch workshops across the Diocese. Thank you for your interest in the new material and your participation in the workshops. The quality of catechists in the Diocese of Broken Bay is second to none. The CCD team noted with much pleasure the vast experience of catechists and their undeniable desire to share their faith with the children and young people they teach. This is good news for the Church in Australia as we head towards a Plenary Council in 2020 which is asking the question - How is God calling us to be a Christcentred Church that is Missionary and Evangelising? SRE catechists are at the forefront of this evangelising work as they carry out God’s mission through the Ministry of SRE.

The Plenary Council asks us to ‘Listen to what the Spirit is saying’. I believe the Spirit is alive and well in our classrooms. Let’s use this opportunity to invite children into a personal relationship with Jesus. Children need to know that God loves them first and foremost and that God will always forgive them. Jesus came to share this wonderful news and we now carry on His mission by sharing this Good News with the children. Let’s focus this year on prayer in the classroom. Pray with the children in a variety of ways. Teach the children to talk to Jesus in prayer and to listen with the ear of their hearts. Take a moment each lesson to be silent and ask the children to close their eyes and talk to

Jesus about anything – their joys, their fears, their relationships, their highlights and their challenges. Remind them of the importance of silence during their prayer time.

In our final edition of Connections for 2019, which was mailed to you, you would have received a copy of a Safeguarding booklet EXPECTATIONS OF ATTITUDES AND BEHAVIOURS when engaging with children & young people in your role. The booklet is designed to assist in understanding expectations when you undertake ministry and work with children and young people in the Diocese of Broken Bay. It relates to the Diocesan Code of Conduct and is yet another step towards creating safe environments for children to learn about their faith. If you would like more copies of this booklet for yourself or your parish, please don’t hesitate to contact me.

Many catechists provided feedback that they were happy to receive a hard copy of Connections in the mail. We no longer mail out every edition, due to postage costs. We do, however, provide hard copies to Parish Catechist Coordinators. If you are not receiving your copy of Connections every quarter (around the beginning of each school term), please contact your Parish Catechist Coordinator or Sharon da Roza on 8379 1638. Connections is also available on our CCD website at:

https://www.bbcatholic.org.au/parish-community/ ministries/ccd/connections Back copies of Connections are also available at the above link. You might like to use some of the classroom resources from older editions. Any resources provided in Connections are authorised for use in the SRE classroom. If you would prefer Connections be emailed directly to you, please contact Sharon da Roza on sharon.daroza@bbcatholic.org.au and we’ll add you to the email list.

Alison Newell

2020 Caritas Lenten Resources Age appropriate lessons – catechist notes and student material, PowerPoints, videos and other resources are available on the Caritas website https://lent.caritas.org.au/page/schools Please scroll down the page to find resources developed specifically for Catechists. Caritas resources are authorised for use in the SRE classroom. Please ensure you select age-appropriate lessons. ALL PURPOSE RESOURCES / CATECHIST RESOURCES CCD Newsletter Term 1, 2020 | Vol 25 Issue 1 |





WORD BANK Ashes Penance Palms Passover Purple Lent Jesus Change Risen Fast Pray Easter Bread Wine Good Friday

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e for Lent PrepaArFind-a-Word



HolyThrough Lent to Easter 3

Across 2. The first day of Lent. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 5. This is a time of preparation for Easter. _ _ _ _ 6. This time last for _ _ _ weeks. 10. _ _ _ _ _ _ is how we talk to God. 11. _ _ _ _ Friday is the day Jesus died on the Cross. 12. Jesus came into Jerusalem on _ _ _ _ Sunday. 13. Rejoice! He is _ _ _ _ _ !


Down 1. Lent is a time for _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 2. These are used to mark our forehead. _ _ _ _ _ 3. The day before Good Friday _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 4. Refrain from eating meat. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 8. Giving money to those who need it. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 9. Getting ready for Easter Sunday. _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Ash Wednesday Penance Palm Holy Thursday Almsgiving Lent Ashes Prepare Abstinence Risen Six Good Prayer

CCD Newsletter Term 1, 2020 | Vol 25 Issue 1 |


CCD Training and Formation Offerings Compulsory training for new catechists and helpers CCD Ministry Induction course is compulsory for all new catechists and those catechists returning to teach after an extended break from teaching. The CCD MI is also available to complete online, except for Teaching the Authorised Curriculum and Using the Interactive Whiteboard which are required to be completed ‘face-to-face’. Please contact registrations for more details. Ph: 8379 1643 or Email: registrations@bbcatholic.org.au

CCD Ministry Induction Course Units • Mission and Ministry of the Catechist • SRE Teacher in the Parish and the School • Safeguarding and Child Protection • Lesson Planning: Teaching the Authorised Curriculum (must be completed face-to-face) • Development of the Child and Adolescent I • Classroom Management: Positive Discipline • Introduction to the Bible • Using Interactive Whiteboard Resources (must be completed face-to-face)

CENTRAL COAST REGION Location: Leo Mahon Room, St John the Baptist, 54 Victoria Rd, Woy Woy Date: Friday 21, 28, February & 6, 13 March Morning Tea Provided, BYO Lunch Time: 9:30am to 2:30pm Register by: Friday 14 February 2020

Through Lent with Mark’s Gospel – Spirituality Morning CCD offers Reflection/Spirituality mornings for catechists and their friends. Join us for a Lenten journey with Mark’s Gospel



For New Catechists and those on

“Yellow” Provisional Cards

Then Jesus went around teaching from village to village. “ Calling the Twelve to him, he began to send them out two by two and gave them authority over impure spirits.” ~ Mark 6:6-7 CENTRAL COAST REGION Location: St Cecilia’s Parish Hall, Byron Street, Wyong Date: Monday 16 March 2019 Time: 9:30am to 12:30pm Register by: Monday 9 March 2020

NORTH SHORE HORNSBY REGION Location: Caroline Chisholm Centre, Building 2, 423 Pennant Hills Road, Pennant Hills Date: Friday 14, 21, 28, February & 6 March Morning Tea Provided, BYO Lunch Time: 9:30am - 2:30pm Register by: Friday 7 February 2020

NORTH SHORE HORNSBY REGION Location: Caroline Chisholm Centre, Building 2, 423 Pennant Hills Road, Pennant Hills Date: Friday 3 April 2020 Time: 9:30am - 12:30pm Register by: Friday 27 March 2020

NORTHERN BEACHES REGION Location: St Kieran’s Parish Hall, King Street, Manly Vale Date: Monday 17, 24 February & 2, 9 March Morning Tea Provided, BYO Lunch Time: 9:30am- 2:30pm Register by: Monday 10 February

NORTHERN BEACHES REGION Location: Our Lady of Good Counsel, 11 Currie Road, Forestville Date: Monday 6 April 2020 Time: 9:30am- 12:30pm Register by: Monday 30 April 2020

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SAFEGUARDING CCD Level One Certificate: Tools for Ministry

School holiday in-service: Safeguarding Children

Consists of six, 2-hour units, and is complimentary to the CCDMI. The units offered are ‘tools for the CCD ministry’ presenting teaching strategies for the classroom. It is offered as additional training and is not compulsory. A certificate is awarded on successful completion of the CCDMI and Level One.

This training is for catechists who are fully authorised and hold a GREEN authorisation card.

Units include:

1) Classroom Management, 2) Authorised Curriculum and 3) Safeguarding Children. During the autumn school holidays, the training being offered is Safeguarding Children.

• Teaching Strategies: Prayer in the Classroom • Teaching Strategies: Listening and Questioning • Teaching Strategies: Using Music in the Classroom • Teaching Strategies: Miracles and Parables • Teaching Strategies: Using Drama in the Classroom • Teaching Strategies: Using Stories and Visual Resources

Experienced catechists are required to attend ongoing training every three years in:

For experienced catechists on

“Green” cards



NORTH SHORE HORNSBY REGION Location: Caroline Chisholm Centre, Building 2, 423 Pennant Hills Road, Pennant Hills Date: Friday 13, 20 & 27 March 2020 Morning Tea Provided, BYO Lunch Time: 9:30am - 2:30pm Register by: Friday 6 March 2020

NORTHERN BEACHES REGION Location: St Kieran’s Parish Hall, King Street, Manly Vale Date: Monday 16, 23 & 30 March 2020 Morning Tea Provided, BYO Lunch Time: 9:30am- 2:30pm Register by: Monday 9 March 2020 CENTRAL COAST REGION Location: Leo Mahon Room, St John the Baptist, 54 Victoria Rd, Woy Woy Date: Friday 20 & 27 March & 3 April Morning Tea Provided, BYO Lunch Time: 9:30am to 2:30pm Register by: Friday 13 February 2020

CENTRAL COAST REGION Location: Our Lady Star of the Sea Parish Hall, 165 Serpentine Road, Terrigal Date: Monday 20 April 2020 Time: 9:30am – 12:00pm Register by: Monday 13 April 2020 NORTH SHORE & HORNSBY REGION Location: Caroline Chisholm Centre, 423 Pennant Hills Road, Pennant Hills Date: Wednesday 22 April 2020 Time: 9:30am – 12:00pm Register by: Wednesday 15 April 2020 NORTHERN BEACHES Location: Lakes Parish Hall, 21 Lagoon Street, Narrabeen Date: Friday 24 April 2020 Time: 9:30am – 12:00pm Register by: Friday 17 April 2020

Confraternity of Christian Doctrine (CCD) Registrations For ALL registrations and training enquiries please phone: 8379 1643 or Email: registrations@bbcatholic.org.au

CCD Newsletter Term 1, 2020 | Vol 25 Issue 1 |



Jesus of History / Christ of Faith – Lent 2020 Let us take a moment to consider how we imagine Jesus – what He looked like, how He dressed, did He enjoy his life or was He weighed down by the mission He had? Was He a person who was totally focussed on the mission or did He have time to simply be with people? If we look at the readings for the Lenten Season this year, we see that Jesus does not avoid making the difficult decisions or going to places that are not so friendly, either environmentally or socially. In preparation for the celebration of Easter, the Gospels which are proclaimed each Sunday of Lent, take us on a journey from the desert to a mountain in the north, and then south through the region of Samaria into Judea and into the city of Jerusalem itself. Matthew has Jesus reliving the Exodus of the Hebrews many hundreds of years earlier by having Him in the desert for 40 days and facing similar temptations as the Hebrews did. Unlike the Hebrews, Jesus resisted the temptation and did not sin. Likewise, the three disciples, Peter, James and John saw Jesus being transfigured with Moses and Elijah appearing by His side. This event has a familiar ring to that of the experience of Moses of seeing the Face of God when he received the Ten Commandments on Mt Sinai. What do these two events mean for us? What can we learn through the reading, meditating and praying of these passages?

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Both episodes are examples of encounter. Jesus encounters His humanity in the desert and is tested. With each temptation, Jesus draws on His Jewish faith and is strengthened to resist. With the Transfiguration, the disciples encounter Jesus revealed in His full glory, a glimpse of Jesus as He truly is. Take some time to recall a time when you have encountered your human weakness and have called on God for help. How was that experience for you? What did you learn? How did you grow? Remember a time when you encountered God in prayer. What did you want to do to celebrate the moment? How did that experience change you? As we continue the Gospel journey through Lent, Jesus travels south through Samaria where He meets the woman at the well. I imagine the disciples were a little apprehensive travelling through Samaria as the Jews and the Samaritans did not get along at all. When the disciples returned to Jesus after getting food for lunch, they found Him not only talking to the woman but sharing a cup of water with her. These things were taboo, but Jesus didn’t mind. Instead, He engaged her in discussion about important religious practices and offered her living water. Through this discussion, the woman, whose name we do not know, experienced conversion. She wanted what Jesus had to offer. The woman left Jesus and told all those of her town that the Messiah was at the well. They went to meet Him, and He stayed there for two days. Many experienced conversions and became believers. Recall an encounter you have had with some one of deep faith. Reflect on how that person has been an influence on your faith journey. Jesus’ next encounter was with a man born blind and the disciples were arguing over whose sinfulness caused this man to be blind. The disciples show themselves to be spiritually blind. Jesus takes

CATECHIST SPIRITUALITY the opportunity to open their spiritual eyes by healing the man who is physically blind. The onlookers cannot believe what happens. They too are suffering some blindness. The pharisees are blind to the good works of Jesus and do their best to discredit Him. At the end of this episode, it is the man whose sight has been restored who teaches the leaders the truth.

waiting for. This encounter is most life-giving. On entering the city, however, things are in turmoil. It is the week leading to Passover and many have gathered for their sacrificial lamb to be slaughtered in the Temple. The Jewish officials need to keep order as the Romans are in charge. There can be no uprising. It is now that Jesus encounters resistance.

When have we been unable to comprehend something that has been staring us in the face or have been taught some deep truth by the least likely teacher? Take a moment or two to reflect on such a time.

In the Temple, Jesus sees it being desecrated by those who should know better but that is not all that angers Him. He upturns the money changers’ tables and herds the sacrificial animals out of the Temple precinct. These were necessary for the fulfilment of the Jewish liturgy and prayer of Passover. When challenged by the religious leaders on whose authority Jesus acted this way, Jesus replied, “Destroy the Temple and in three days I will raise it up.” Jesus is telling us He is the new temple and therefore all the old practices are no longer required, hence the expulsion of the animals and the money changers. He is the Paschal Lamb of the new and everlasting covenant. The scribes and pharisees are being challenged by Jesus to let go of the things that make them feel safe and indeed, give them power. This would have been very threatening for them. Change can be destabilising. What religious practices do we cling to because they make us feel safe? In what newer aspects of liturgy or sacramental celebration are we scared to participate? Take time to have a heart-to-heart talk with Our Father and allow Him to whisper gently in the ear of your heart that which would enable you to truly encounter Jesus, the risen Christ, this Easter.

Jesus’ next encounter is with friends. Word comes to Jesus that His friend, Lazarus is gravely ill. Strangely enough, Jesus does not hurry to heal him before he dies. By the time Jesus and the disciples reach Bethany where Martha and Mary live with Lazarus, Lazarus has died. Martha hears that Jesus is near and she goes out and almost scolds Jesus for not coming sooner. “But Lord, if you had been here, my brother would not have died.” Have you ever blamed Jesus for something? I know I have. When Mary meets Jesus, she says the same words as her sister, but can you hear a different tone – a tone that still has hope in it? From where do we draw our hope when faced with some distressing news? Is it another person’s faith that reminds us of our source of hope? Perhaps it is our trust in God that enables us to face difficulties with great hope and calmness. Take some time to reflect on how you have faced a particular difficulty or tragedy. At Jerusalem, outside the city walls, Jesus is recognised as “the one who comes in the Lord’s name.” The people who have met Jesus and have been ministered to by Him, acclaim Him as the one they have been

Michael Tebbutt CCD Regional Coordinator Central Coast Region

CCD Newsletter Term 1, 2020 | Vol 25 Issue 1 |


Rogers Management Dr Bill Behaviour

Last year, Dr Bill Rogers presented Behaviour Management training for SRE Coordinators in the Diocese of Broken Bay. We were joined by Coordinators from the Archdiocese of Sydney and the Diocese of Parramatta. The following has been adapted from the notes which Dr Bill provided and from articles prepared by Sydney, Parramatta and Bathurst CCDs. We share it to support you to develop positive classroom behaviour strategies.

The Four Cornerstones of Behaviour Management 1. Establish and clarify class rules at the beginning of the year. In your first lesson for Term 1 get to the class in plenty of time for you to be settled, relaxed and prepared. Talk to the class teacher about their expectations, rules and routines. You may be able to use these during your SRE class as well. Talk to the students about the classroom rules and your expectations. For example: Hands up to speak. Fair go for all. A student has the right to learn. A teacher has the right to teach. Monitor noise levels in the classroom. If it’s too loud, give a brief descriptive cue to inform the students of what is happening followed by a directive cue which tells them what you want them to do, e.g.: “Students, there is too much noise in the room. Lower your voices and settle down. When you raise your hand, then I will come to help you.”

2. When you correct a student, repair the relationship during the lesson.

at the offending students and then avert your gaze back to the whole group. If the talking continues you can say: “Some of you are still calling out”. When things settle down say “thanks” and continue with the lesson. DO NOT USE ‘PLEASE’. It is not a request. It is direction. Tactically ignore secondary behaviour e.g. pouting, sulking, loud sighing, mumbling, noisily placing an object on the desk. Resume lesson. If a particular student is disruptive and has to be corrected a number of times, ensure that you attempt to repair the relationship before you leave, e.g.: “(Name) not having a good day? Let’s see if we can do better next week. Ok?”

3. Encouraging words aimed at the student’s work and efforts, affirm the student and give them courage to believe in their learning. Don’t praise the student’s personally; praise their behaviour. Spot the difference in the following two examples of positive feedback from a teacher to a student.

When disruptions occur in class while you are speaking say as calmly and slowly as possible, a descriptive cue followed by a directive cue. For example: “A number of you are still chatting. Face this way and listen.” If the behaviour continues you can raise the behaviour awareness by looking 10 | CCD Newsletter Term 1, 2020 | Vol 25 Issue 1

“Josh, you’ve been awesome all day. That’s just brilliant!” and “Josh, I noticed how well you listened to the discussion and you had some thoughtful questions too. Thank you - that really helped everyone to get more out of the lesson today.” Both these examples are positive and well-intentioned, but one is much more powerful in shaping student behaviour. The first is an example of global praise – a broad sweeping comment in which the teacher gives their evaluation of the student. In the second example

ds Awards warService ACCD the teacher is reinforcing the behaviour the student is demonstrating, the listening and participation through questions. Respect is shown through saying ‘thank you’ for their decision to behave constructively and through the provision of a reason why it’s important. The first example is teacher opinion, the second is instructive information which empowers the student and affirms the right behaviours.

What are Service Awards? Service awards are presented to catechists (SRE teachers) and assistants in the Diocese of Broken Bay to acknowledge the contributions made to the Ministry of the Special Religious Education. Service awards are an essential feature of all organisations that value the work of volunteers in their operation.

4. Stay calm to maintain order and command respect. Be clear about expectations and be fair.

Who is Eligible? Service awards are presented in 5-year increments to catechists who have been in the Ministry for a minimum of 5 years.

Mutual respect and the dignity of the individual, in relation to both the teacher and student is important. This respect should be evident in all interactions including when discipline is required. Without this respect and dignity it’s difficult to teach effectively and influence behaviour. Some examples include: asking permission to look at the student’s work, and the way we deal with student possessions which are distracting them/their peers. In the latter case we don’t just take it off them instead we give them a directed choice such as ‘I notice you are distracted by your pencil case, you can either place it on my desk or put it away, thanks’. Use the least instructive corrections, sometimes it can be enough to demonstrate that you are aware of what is going on in the classroom eg. “some people are still chatting. Facing this way and listening, thanks.” Or with eye contact or a word demonstrate the requirement to attend or follow an instruction. These minimal corrections convey calmness – which is so important – and a lack of confrontation. They show to the student that you are aware of what is going on. More intrusive forms of correction may be required in a situation but the idea is to only do what is required to get behaviour back to what’s necessary for effective learning to take place. The more intrusive corrections which may be required as a follow up where more minimal corrections have not worked are obviously distracting for the whole class and can be isolating for the individual, possibly giving them attention in unconstructive ways.

Why Apply for a Service Award? An application may mark a significant milestone in your involvement in the SRE ministry. It marks not only individual achievement, but also that of the support of your family and friends and members of your local parish communities. When do you receive the Award? Five-year and ten-year service awards are presented at your local Parish Masses in Term 4 each year. Fifteen-year, Papal Blessings (20 years) and the other awards for longer service are presented at the Diocesan Mass held at Our Lady of the Rosary Cathedral at Waitara in November each year. APPLYING FOR A SERVICE AWARD: STEP 1: Please complete an application form which can be located at: https://www.bbcatholic.org.au/parish-community/ ministries/ccd/resources/forms Your Parish Coordinator can also provide an application form. Do not be concerned if you cannot remember full details of your service. STEP 2: Give the application form to your Parish CCD Coordinator who will ensure it is signed by your Parish Priest and sent to the CCD Diocesan Office by the closing date. Closing date for applications is Friday 29 May 2020.

These 4 cornerstones work together to enable a good teaching / learning relationship which leads to desirable classroom behaviour. If you would like to watch a short video about how to ensure a settled and focused class that features Dr Bill Rogers you can watch it at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PLFcaovsriA

CCD Newsletter Term 1, 2020 | Vol 25 Issue 1 | 11


CCD Mass

Congratulations to those catechists who received accreditation and years of service awards at the Annual CCD Mass held in November 2019. This significant event in the annual CCD calendar celebrates the commitment and work of SRE catechists. Congratulations to all recipients, particularly to Robyn Nevin who received an award for 55 years of service as an SRE catechist.

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