4 minute read

Missives from the Sea

Have an observation, comment or bitch about Cruising Outpost? Send it to us by email, snail mail or slow bottle. We will most likely ignore it, but if we have some empty space we just might put it here to fi ll the hole! Email: MailRoomTroll@cruisingoutpost.com Mail:909 Marina Village Parkway #351 , Alameda, CA 94501


Kids Say the Darnedest Things

It was with great excitement that we found your new magazine in the store recently!

My husband, our two heroes and myself look forward to seeing you every year at the South Shore Harbor Yacht Show but with a new magazine, we weren’t sure that we would be seeing you again this year. We tried to gently break this news to our boys. They have seen us survive through careers as paramedic fi re fi ghters and then creating/building and selling a new business and understand the idea that money might be too tight. We explained that since we boat/RV school (home school while traveling) that perhaps we would be able to catch up with you at the Miami Boat Show. With heavy sighs and sad faces they set about their homework like any other day. Noticing that the topic had somewhat defl ated their normal cheery attitudes I asked them to begin creative writing on any topic they wished. This is what they came up with:

Dear Mr. Bob and Mrs. Jody,

My name is Ethan and my brother’s name is Trevor. We look forward to seeing you every year when ya’ll come to Kemah, Texas. Last year you signed a deck of cards for me for my birthday and we still play with them all the time.

We understand that money might be tight with starting another magazine so we would like to offer you to stay in our rooms while you are in town. (Don’t worry, we asked our parents fi rst and they said it would be okay.)

Also, if you need help at your booth, my brother is a really good salesman and math is my favorite subject so I can help with the register too!

He has Concerns

I am writing this letter to express my concerns with your new publication. Let me explain the ramifi cations that your fi rst issue had on my life...

I, like many of your other readers, have done a bit of sailing, cruising, and a short stint as a liveaboard. But, the pitfalls of land life recaptured me after a short

Missives from the Sea - Missives from the Sea - Missives from the Sea - Missives from the Sea - Missives from the Sea

time, and as a result I have been living the traditional “land life” for the past 13 years.

Recently, as I was walking through my local marine supply store, I spotted your new periodical on the display rack. I threw it on the counter along with the T-shirt I was buying and left the store. That evening I began to thumb through the Premier Issue of Cruising Outpost. As it turns out I read it from cover to cover. I was re-inspired to go cruising again! As soon as my wife got home I casually tossed it on the table in front of her and said, “Pretty kewl new rag, you should check it out”.

My wife does not like to be pressured by me. She needs to be inspired to make any kind of important decision. Apparently she took the bait. The next day after reading Cruising Outpost from cover to cover she says to me, “Let’s buy another sailboat and take off again”. I s*!t you not! Just like that, your irresponsible use of the print media has cost me a bloody fortune. I now am forced to purchase an overpriced, depreciating asset, quit my lucrative job, and abandon the life to which many normal people aspire. I hope you are happy.... I sure am. Keep up the great work, and I hope to see 12 issues a year soon. Alex & Michelle Gallagher S/V TBD (soon) Flagler Beach, FL

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..And The Winner Is...

Well, this is a fi rst for me. I am not the kind of guy who writes in to whoever to complain or praise a product or service, but for all things there is a fi rst time. I just fi nished my fi rst run-through of my second Cruising Outpost and I have to tell you that this is the best sailing magazine I have ever seen in my life. I have been at this a very long time and enjoyed all the other mags out there, but this is the top of the line--nothing else required!! Thanks to you and Bob and Jody and all the others for a job well done. Even the paper is better. I don’t know what it is but it feels better. I am proud to be a charter subscriber. Keep it up, Capt. David Meyer aboard Last Dance

Captain Ron

It looks like the crew didn‛t take well to the Captain‛s new plan for sharing the latest booty.

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