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Adapt the Program
Watch Video #4: Helpful Hints
In this short video, you'll find a wide range of tips and advice from teachers who have used the AIM program on how to successfully conduct the AIM Buddy Project in your own classroom. Watch the video. www.pbslearningmedia.org/resource/aim17-sel-topics
Adapt the program to the specific learning styles and needs of your students. For example, you can: • Support visual learners by using more pictures (e.g., Arthur character cards, PowerPoint slides, or other images on a whiteboard) to help familiarize students with characters, behaviors, and the story structure or game mechanics. • Have Big Buddies turn the sound off and read the text on the screen for their Little Buddies if your students need more literacy skills practice. • Spend more time reviewing vocabulary, particularly colloquial phrases, for English language learners. You may also want to use the Vocabulary List handouts (see page 106).
• If you are unable to complete three sessions for each topic due to schedule constraints, you may choose to skip the third session. We do not recommend eliminating any of the three introductory Buddy Prep sessions, because spending the time up front to build a strong foundation for the program and the buddy relationships will result in a smoother, more effective program overall.