3 minute read
Learning from Others Session 3: Reflections
After the buddies pair up, it should take about 30 to 45 minutes to go through the story. Encourage students to talk freely, but keep the class on task by letting them know when it is time to move on. Be mindful of students’ conversations and if a pair seems to have gone too far off the topic, have them tell you their answers to the most recent question, and then ask them to continue the story.
Early Finishers
If buddies complete the interactive session early, you can use these ideas to help them keep the discussion going until the end of the session: • Direct buddies to a book corner that has related books on display (see Appendix, Recommended books). Encourage buddies to choose and read a book together. Encourage them to talk about how it relates to what they learned. • Have them use the learning from others Think About It cards to review, recall, and reflect on events in the interactive story.
Class Discussion
Leave about 10 minutes at the end of the session to bring the whole group together and lead a discussion about the story. Direct attention to the world map and identify the U.S. and Turkey as you discuss what students learned about Turkey from the interactive story. Ask students to share any experiences they have had with pen pals. Then ask questions such as: • Where did Arthur get information about Adil? How did he feel when he found out the information was wrong?
• Has someone ever made a wrong assumption about you? What did you do?
• Have you ever had a friend from another place or culture? How did you learn about one another? • How can we get to know someone who is different from us? • Why did Arthur choose Adil as a pen pal? If you had a pen pal, where would you like your pen pal to live? What kinds of questions would you want to ask?
If time allows, have students do a simple activity such as: •Make a "Find the Facts" chart for the class. Brainstorm with students different ways they can find factual information about different people, cultures, and traditions. Hang the chart and allow students to add to it as they come up with new ideas. As a class, use the ideas and find out information about Turkey.
To wrap up their exploration of the topic, students meet in their home classrooms to talk about the story and the buddy experience. Review what happened in the story. You may want to ask:
• What were some of the things that Arthur assumed about Adil that were wrong?
• Where did Arthur get his information? How can you get accurate information about
Adil's country?
• How did Adil feel about Arthur’s questions? How did Arthur know Adil was upset?
• Have you ever assumed something about someone that turned out not to be true? Where did you get your information? How did you find out what was true?
• Do you think you would be upset if someone asked you strange questions about where and how you live? Why do you think that?
Ask students to think about what they have learned about being respectful of and learning from people who are different from them. To help them gather their thoughts, you may want to project an image from the interactive story on the wall or a screen, then have students draw or write about the characters and events in the image. If you have time, you can watch Dear Adil, the Arthur episode that the story was based on, and compare it to the digital interactive story. Follow up with students who did not have a good experience.
© 2017 WGBH Educational Foundation. All rights reserved. “Arthur” & the other Marc Brown Arthur characters and underlying materials (including artwork) TM and © Marc Brown. The Arthur Interactive Media Study was made possible through the support of a grant from the John Templeton Foundation. The opinions expressed in this publication are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the John Templeton Foundation.
Prep Sessions
Prep Session 1: Getting Ready to Meet Your Buddy
Big Buddies (45 minutes)........................................................................52 Little Buddies (45 minutes) ....................................................................21
Prep Session 2: Training the Big Buddies
Big Buddies (30–45 minutes)..................................................................56 Little Buddies (20–30 minutes) ..............................................................25
Watch Video #5: Training the Buddies x
Prep Session 3: Meet and Greet
Big Buddies and Little Buddies Together (20–30 minutes) ................59