home to the Bay Area last spring. This time, for the first time, they were unable to find crew due to the pandemic. So it was just the two of them sailing and motoring Mykonos, the Swan 44 they bought new (and even saw being built at the factory in Finland) in 1998. This summer, Mykonos received a new engine; "a much longer and more complicated project than we expected," notes Marina. After the three-month job, they did a shakedown cruise, motoring all the way to Monterey and back — all systems were 'go' and no problems. If the vaccine program goes well, look for this pretty boat back among the fleet for the '21 Ha-Ha. — Leslie and Andrew Godfrey aren't going to make their five-year goal. That WENDY HINMAN
We love the smell of fresh-painted boats in the morning: the 'Hinman 38' hard dodger and cabin agleam in fresh paint. Also visible is a bit of the shed built to keep those cold Bainbridge Island winters outside where they belong.
pages. They know the value of taking your time and doing things right. "At times our progress is frustratingly slow," notes Wendy. "But if 34,000 miles of passagemaking and the pandemic have taught us anything, it is patience." — Following their 10th Baja Ha-Ha rally in 2019, Marina and Myron Eizenzimmer made their 10th Bash back
would have required them to sail their Valiant 40 Sonrisa back to San Diego by February 28 to 'tie the knot' of the circumnavigation they began in 2016. Turns out, they're currently in the Seychelles, almost exactly halfway around the world from California — and life is good. They are in no particular hurry to complete that circumnavigation any time soon. As with everyone 'out there,' the couple's 2020 plans went out the window with the pandemic. When we featured them in the July issue, they were just coming off a quarantine bubble with up to a dozen other cruising boats that had been ordered to anchor off a group of small, uninhabited Maldivian islands until the initial pandemic danger had passed. So basically, stuck in paradise. New friends were made, much was shared, beach bonfires lit — and memories etched that will last a lifetime. "The Seychelles are a true safe haven from the uncertainty we've faced this strange and challenging year," reports Leslie. (Fewer than 300 cases had been reported in this African island nation of 90,000 since March, at least so far.) Leslie
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