3 minute read
from BBH Mag March 2023
by BBH Mag
Work continues to build the new fire station alongside the A24 in the village. You can check progress online and view the site webcam at https://www.willmottdixon.co.uk/projects/ west-sussex-fire-service-training-centre-and-fire-station
Wow! what a lot we learnt at our last meeting when Tommy the Tech Guy came along to deal with all our IT questions.
We certainly kept him busy, asking about a whole range of things, including storage, antivirus software, security and upgrades. But Tommy spent most of his time helping us to get the best from our various devices by showing us all those things we knew were possible, but didn't know how to do. And he explained everything without a word of jargon so we all had a very worthwhile and enjoyable afternoon.
Our next meeting will be our AGM and, once we’ve dealt with the business, we'll be starting the run up to the King's Coronation by getting in the mood with a Right Royal Quiz.
But our really big celebration will be on 9 May, when our guest speaker will talk about our new King's predecessor and namesake, King Charles II, and his escape through Sussex. And of course, Mandy will be making us a beautiful Coronation Cake to celebrate.
We have all sorts of exciting and interesting things lined up this year, including a novelist to tell us where she gets her ideas from, our garden party, a games afternoon and lots more. We’re also planning another brilliant day at the races, trips to the theatre and cinema, and on 1 July you’ll be able to find us at our usual stall at the Annual Village fête. Roll on summer!
If you’d like to come to one of our meetings, you can find us at St John’s Community Hall at 2.30 on the second Tuesday of each month. Or you can get in touch with Broadbridge Heath WI email: BBHWI@uwclub.net or phone Maureen on: 01403 268963 email: bbhwi1951@gmail.com website: https://www.broadbridgebombshellswi.co.uk/

Spring is coming and the Bombshells are already taking advantage of the lighter evenings by holding our quarterly Cocktail Club meet up in February. We chased the winter blues away with fabulous alcoholic and virgin concoctions. This time we were at Sit & Sip in Horsham, and we are all eagerly looking forward to the next one!

Our membership is growing larger every month and we love to welcome visitors to try us out! We had a lot of new ladies giving our Bingo evening a go at the end of January. Everyone brought along an unwanted Christmas present for the prize table and just about everyone won a prize in the end. We were all pleased to arrive with something we didn't really want and go home with something we actually did! It turned out to be a really great icebreaker for our newer members who may not know each other very well, and also the visitors who came to try us out. Take a look at our calendar and perhaps we will see you at a meeting next time?
If this sounds like your idea of fun, then please check out our website and Facebook page or email us for further information. Your first meeting is free!

Community Speedwatch (CSW) is a national initiative where active members of local communities join with the support of the Police, to monitor speeds of vehicles using speed detection devices. Vehicles exceeding the speed limit are referred to the Police with the aim of educating drivers to reduce their speeds. In cases where education is blatantly ignored and evidence of repeat or excessive offences is collated (even across county borders), enforcement and prosecution follow.

The Broadbridge Heath CSW scheme tries to address the concerns of residents from across the whole village, targeting specific roads where speeding issues have been identified.
If you would like to get involved in our village scheme, please visit the website communityspeedwatch.org where you can sign up, and complete the online training.

You can email the local scheme at bbhspeedwatch@gmail.com
Do you ever feel tired and achy, have a strenuous job or do a lot of exercise and need a massage but don’t want to leave home? Then Me2u could be the answer.
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