BBH Mag March 2023

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March 2023 BBH Mag is free to all households in Broadbridge Heath. © BBH Community Publications. Email: bbh.mag@gmail.comBBH Mag is sponsored by Broadbridge Heath Parish Council. —–——————————————————————— NEW FIRE STATION IN THE VILLAGE Details on page 3 Your community magazine for Broadbridge Heath QR Code for our website

With all the inclement weather at the end of January the Beaver Scouts and Cub Scouts had an interesting indoor activity – STEAM.

STEAM evening was Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, Maths. They did science experiments looking at chemical reaction; they created their own books providing titles, characters, plot and a book cover. They took part in a problem solving engineering challenge where they had to build a tool to retrieve ‘important items’ from a ‘storm drain’ – against a time limit. Many photos were taken showing them having a great time making all the different items.

The Scout section is busy planning for their half term camp in Shere. The activities planned include abseiling, pistol shooting and the ever popular crate stacking and climbing. Other activities planned for this term are building a shelter on our camping site at Beacon Hill, Colgate and a ‘reptile night’!

If any of you reading this think that you may enjoy helping with evenings and camps like this, then contact our Group Scout Leader James at gsl1bbh@HORSHAMSCOUTS.COM. ————————————————

1st Broadbridge Heath Rainbows

Our Rainbows have been completing activities from our county football challenge. The girls have enjoyed learning dribbling and kicking skills as well as playing keepy uppies with a balloon. We have celebrated Chinese New Year by making lanterns with three different decoration techniques and we have continued with our first aid skills builder by learning how to clean a small wound and apply a plaster and learning what should and should not be in a first aid kit. The rainbow waiting list has now grown to a level that we could open another rainbow unit in Broadbridge Heath. If you know anyone that would be interested in supporting girls to gain skills and encourage confidence whist completing fun activities then please contact Sharon

2nd Broadbridge Heath Brownies

We have had a busy time at Brownies, we are very full and have a long waiting list…. It is such a lovely group to work with and because they are all so friendly and welcoming new recruits have no problem settling in. Our “area” covers a wide

2 1st Broadbridge Heath
Scout Group

distance and I think at last count we cover 9 different schools!! We would benefit from more Leaders so if you have some spare time each week then please get in touch. This term we played get to know you Bingo to help the new ones feel at home and have been competing in with The Dragons and the girls chose, designed, and made their own market stalls and stock and then using special money they sold to their fellow Brownies. We organized a Festival, where the girls had to decide on items to take with them to reflect all kinds of weather and scenarios but also fit into their bags and then make up a dance routine which we executed with the girls wearing glow sticks taped to their clothes, a great time was had by all!

2nd Broadbridge Heath Guides

The guides have experimented to find the best way to add shelves to a cardboard box. They have been discovering different dietary requirements and have cooked a meal following those requirements. The girls have created posters to try to encourage other to be more motivated to move to improve their fitness. We have completed some upcycling ideas, turning a cereal box into a pencil case and a milk carton into a herb planter.


Work continues to build the new fire station alongside the A24 in the village. You can check progress online and view the site webcam at west-sussex-fire-service-training-centre-and-fire-station


Wow! what a lot we learnt at our last meeting when Tommy the Tech Guy came along to deal with all our IT questions.

We certainly kept him busy, asking about a whole range of things, including storage, antivirus software, security and upgrades. But Tommy spent most of his time helping us to get the best from our various devices by showing us all those things we knew were possible, but didn't know how to do. And he explained everything without a word of jargon so we all had a very worthwhile and enjoyable afternoon.

Our next meeting will be our AGM and, once we’ve dealt with the business, we'll be starting the run up to the King's Coronation by getting in the mood with a Right Royal Quiz.

But our really big celebration will be on 9 May, when our guest speaker will talk about our new King's predecessor and namesake, King Charles II, and his escape through Sussex. And of course, Mandy will be making us a beautiful Coronation Cake to celebrate.

We have all sorts of exciting and interesting things lined up this year, including a novelist to tell us where she gets her ideas from, our garden party, a games afternoon and lots more. We’re also planning another brilliant day at the races, trips to the theatre and cinema, and on 1 July you’ll be able to find us at our usual stall at the Annual Village fête. Roll on summer!

If you’d like to come to one of our meetings, you can find us at St John’s Community Hall at 2.30 on the second Tuesday of each month. Or you can get in touch with Broadbridge Heath WI

email: or phone Maureen on: 01403 268963


Spring is coming and the Bombshells are already taking advantage of the lighter evenings by holding our quarterly Cocktail Club meet up in February. We chased the winter blues away with fabulous alcoholic and virgin concoctions. This time we were at Sit & Sip in Horsham, and we are all eagerly looking forward to the next one!

Our membership is growing larger every month and we love to welcome visitors to try us out! We had a lot of new ladies giving our Bingo evening a go at the end of January. Everyone brought along an unwanted Christmas present for the prize table and just about everyone won a prize in the end. We were all pleased to arrive with something we didn't really want and go home with something we actually did! It turned out to be a really great icebreaker for our newer members who may not know each other very well, and also the visitors who came to try us out. Take a look at our calendar and perhaps we will see you at a meeting next time?

If this sounds like your idea of fun, then please check out our website and Facebook page or email us for further information. Your first meeting is free!



5 Broadbridge Bombshells WI
6 Will matters Fully trained and insured Willwriters Regulated by the Institute of Professional Willwriters Full range of services with fixed prices Appointments in your own home Evening and weekend appointments available Please call: Claire Gordon on 01403 791337 or 07551 303002 Respitecare Companionship Housework Gardening Cooking I am a local lady offering my service to aid independence and quality of life at home. Qualified: Level 2 in Health Care, Early Stage Dementia Care, Nutrition and Health. DBS Checked & insured Contact Gabrielle 07864 584463

Community Speedwatch (CSW) is a national initiative where active members of local communities join with the support of the Police, to monitor speeds of vehicles using speed detection devices. Vehicles exceeding the speed limit are referred to the Police with the aim of educating drivers to reduce their speeds. In cases where education is blatantly ignored and evidence of repeat or excessive offences is collated (even across county borders), enforcement and prosecution follow.

The Broadbridge Heath CSW scheme tries to address the concerns of residents from across the whole village, targeting specific roads where speeding issues have been identified.

If you would like to get involved in our village scheme, please visit the website where you can sign up, and complete the online training.

You can email the local scheme at

Do you ever feel tired and achy, have a strenuous job or do a lot of exercise and need a massage but don’t want to leave home? Then Me2u could be the answer.

Me2u offers a bespoke, revitalising deep tissue massage in the convenience, comfort and privacy of your own home, the times available are Monday to Friday 10am to 8pm or Saturday and Sunday 10am to 5pm.

I am qualified, insured and experienced.

Please call Caroline on 07812 525154 or 01403 268971



BBH Mag Sport

News from local sports clubs. If you would like to publish your sports news in this magazine please contact the Editor by email:

CRICKET Broadbridge Heath Cricket Club.

As the cricket club prepares to celebrate its 125th anniversary this year, indoor winter training has begun at Forest School. Indoor nets are currently taking place until the beginning of April, they are held on Thursday nights at 8:30pm and all new players are welcome. We are very happy to see a healthy turn out so far and wish to see plenty of new players for

24 hour access not needed, Jeff 07852198949


Broadbridge Heath Parish Council


Facebook: Like our page, Broadbridge Heath Parish Council Parish Office Tel: 01403 900665

Election Year for BBHPC

This May is an Election year for Broadbridge Heath Parish Council. All current Councillors are required to stand for re-election if they wish to continue to serve as a Parish Councillor.

We would like to invite all residents to get in touch if they have any interest in becoming a Councillor or have any questions regarding the election process.

Horsham District Council are running two briefings sessions for candidates and agents via Zoom and are for anyone standing for election or re-election and will explain how the election will be run for the parishes and district council.

2 March at 4pm -

7 March at 6pm -

Further information can be found on Horsham District Council’s Website, District and Parish Elections – 4 May 2023.


Community First Responders

Southwater Community Responders recently delivered some invaluable Defib Training at the Parish Office.

Please see their words below:

Community First Responders (CFRs) play a vital role in supporting the village of Broadbridge Heath and the surrounding areas. These volunteer members of the community are trained to respond to emergency calls in conjunction with the South East Coast Ambulance Service (SECAMB).

As they live and work in the local area, CFRs are able to attend the scene of an emergency within a few minutes, often before the emergency service arrives. This means that they are able to offer life-saving first aid, which increases the patient's chances of survival.

SECAMB currently has over 400 CFRs spread across Kent, Surrey, Sussex, and north east Hampshire. These dedicated volunteers attend roughly 20,000 emergency calls per year, with over 10,000 of these calls being categorised as life-threatening, including more than 1,000 cardiac/respiratory arrest calls.

In addition to providing emergency medical care, CFRs also play an important role in educating the community about how to respond to emergencies. They work to raise awareness about the importance of first aid and CPR, and they are often involved in training local residents in these vital skills.

Overall, the work of CFRs in Broadbridge Heath and the surrounding areas is crucial in ensuring that the community is well-prepared and able to respond quickly and effectively to emergencies. Their dedication and training make them an invaluable asset to the community, and they are an integral part of the emergency response system in the area.

We have several Defibs located in the village. The Parish Council are responsible for the Defibs located at the Parish Office and Church Hall.


Walking in England

Please see the below shared from John Harris who maintains the Walking in England Website:

With Spring on its way, we start to think about getting out to walk in the beautiful English countryside again, but where to find new and interesting walks?

Walking in Sussex sussex has loads of walks to download and print, free, it also has books of walks, details of all the walking groups in the county and much more. Whether you want to walk on your own or with a group all the information is there in one place.

John Harris (who maintains the website) said ‘There is so much walking information on the web, but it is difficult to find. Walking in Sussex (part of the Walking in England website) has brought it together in one place so whether you are walking from home, or away on holiday, you will be able to find a walk suitable for you’.

With walks from half a mile to twelve miles plus long, and a note of suitability for pushchairs and wheelchairs, everyone can find a walk to enjoy. So, home or away, check out the websites and get walking!

Community Litter Pick

Come and get involved with our community litter pick on Saturday 18th March 10am-12.30pm from the Parish Office, Sargent Way. We would like to see as many people involved as we can! Equipment will be provided.



· Monday 6th of March 19.30

· Monday 3rd of April 19.30


· Tuesday 21st March 10.00-12.00

· Tuesday 25th April 10.00-12.00 (Other dates will continue throughout the year)

AGE UK— Cuppa & Chat continues monthly at the Shelley Pub

· Tuesday 7th March 13.30-15.30

· Tuesday 4th April

Annual Parish Meeting 2023


at the Parish Office, Sargent Way

Last year we welcomed community representatives and it was great to see so many residents join Councillors and staff. Further details for this year’s meeting will be shared soon via our Website & Facebook page.


Christ’s Hospital School Performing Arts Events

Our forthcoming events include:-

Sunday 19 March at 7.00pm Angus Ross Gala Concert

Thursday 23 March at 7.30pm

Dotdotdot Dance - Blue Ghost

For tickets, pricing, or further information, please visit our website or call the Box Office:



Tel: 01403 247434

CUTTING Please call for a free quotation. Only the best equipment used. Weekly or fortnightly service available. Fully insured. Ben Allen Garden Services Ltd. 07783 072314 or 01403 730347 JNM Electrical Services Your local, reliable and competitively priced Electrician All aspects of electrical work undertaken for domestic customers, private landlords and the commercial sector Fully qualified and insured 07872 318201

Vicar: Mark Lavender

You can find us on Church Road, Broadbridge Heath: look for the triangular shaped building. To contact the church office: The Church Office, St John’s Hall, Church Road, Broadbridge Heath, RH12 3LD email:

St John’s Events – March 2023

Every Wednesday - Early Bird Café 8.45 – 10.00 am. Come along for Fair Trade coffee/tea, toast and biscuits. No charge but donations welcome. All ages welcome. Toys for toddlers. Contact Val 01403 260179

Wednesday 1 March & 5 April – Craft Social 9.30 – 12.00. Come along and join in at any time – just bring along something crafty, enjoy some fellowship, swap ideas, share resources … and be creative! Cost £2 to cover hall hire and refreshments. Contact Charlotte 01403 267673.

Wednesday 15 March - Village Lunch - All are welcome to join us for food and fellowship at St John’s Community Hall BBH 12 for 12.30 pm. Cost is £4 per head on the day. Menu is Mediterranean Chicken followed by Bread & Butter Pudding. To book please call Charlotte on 01403 267673 by the previous Sunday.

Monday 27 March - Age UK Tea & Friendship Group 2 pm - Tea, Cake & Chat £1

Praying for our local streets

At St John’s Church we are praying every month for a set of roads in the village. If you would like something prayed for, email us:

In March we are praying for everyone in:

St John’s Crescent, Swann Way, Heath Close, Sleets Road, Mulberry Gardens, Sullington Mead, Broomwicks Place, Broadbridge Park, Chantry Court

Sunday Services at St John’s

08.30 am Communion Service

10.30 am Morning Worship (with children’s groups)

10.30 am First Sunday - All-Age

10.15 am Midweek Communion (Every Wednesday)

St John’s Church, Broadbridge Heath

Are you passionate to see children and young people come to faith in Jesus?

We're looking for a part-time Youth & Children’s Team (YACHT) Coordinator to help lead our ministry to young people in our village. A prayerful, inspirational person: who will build on the work which has developed here in Broadbridge Heath over many years, and lead us forward into a new and exciting stage. We are currently seeing a large growth in attendance of young families with children at St John’s and we want to make sure we can provide the best environment for every person, whatever their age, to encounter God.

This is a leadership role as well as an administrative one. The role includes coordination of the provision for children’s groups on a Sunday during church, oversight of family liaison work, preparing resources for all-age services and school assemblies, running parenting for faith or youth alpha courses and seasonal church activities amongst others. There is guaranteed variety in the role!

The YACHT Coordinator will work as part of a team alongside two members of clergy, two dedicated church wardens, a church administrator (part-time) and an ordinand as well as an excellent team of experienced youth and children's volunteers with additional input from the Horsham youth coordinator and the Diocesan hub.

Initially this will be a part-time role (0.6) with the potential to become full-time in the future.

We are excited to be able to expand our team at this time and to welcome to the church family someone who is young at heart and strong in faith. Initially, we would invite any potential applicants to register their interest by email: upon which we will arrange to send you more details of the role and an application form. Mark

Upcoming services at St John’s:

5th March 10:30am: All-Age Service – an interactive family friendly service lasting about an hour

19th March 7pm: Encounter – our termly evening service with live band and contemporary music

2nd April 10:30am Palm Sunday – a service for all ages to mark the beginning of Holy Week

7th April 9:00am – Good Friday – An opportunity to use a series of reflective prayer stations

9th April 10:30am – Easter Sunday – Celebrate with us the true meaning of Easter –resurrection joy!16th April – Forest Church – an afternoon of activities and a BBQ for families with children (contact the church office for details)

Rev. Dr. Mark Lavender

1st Broadbridge Heath Beavers/Cubs/Scouts

James Seden Smith (GSL)

1st BBH Rainbows

Sharon Newman

2nd BBH Brownies

Sharon Carver

2nd BBH Guides and Rangers

Sharon Newman

St Johns Church

Broadbridge Heath Parish Council Chairman – Terry Oliver Parish Office & Officers Tel: 01403 900665

Broadbridge Heath Gala Association


Broadbridge Heath District Councillors Louise Potter and Matt Allen

Broadbridge Heath Cricket Club 07740 101983

Broadbridge Heath Football Club 01403 252273

Broadbridge Heath Tennis Club

Ann Lines 07759 286434

Horsham District Indoor Bowls Club 01403 268346

Broadbridge Heath Stoolball Club (Ladies)

Sally Booker 01403 260036

Shelley Primary School Administration Office 01403 271340

Kinderoo Parent & Toddler Group Meets on Thursday mornings at St Johns Church Hall

Broadbridge Heath W.I. Maureen McConnell 01403 268963

Horsham & District Cats Protection: Report lost or found cat 01403 854464

Horsham Arun Badminton Club

Ian Wood 01403 250337 Website:

Broadbridge Heath Youth Club Charlotte Heath 07916778547 -

16 Village Contacts. Cut out this page and keep it by your phone
To list your village club, society or organisation on this page please contact the BBH Magazine editor by email at

Karen MacDonald

The Financial Fairy Godmother of Broadbridge Heath

For many families, Christmas is a time when we suddenly realise that elderly relatives are not coping as well as we thought, especially if this has been the first Christmas together since Covid. Covid brought a greater sense of camaraderie as people looked after elderly neighbours, but this is lessening as life returns to normal, with the pressures of the increased cost of living.

If this was your family this Christmas the first priority may have been where and how to provide care. However, don’t overlook the need to plan finances, because if you are the one needing care, and you are self-funding, your savings may go down fast. Too many people approach us for advice when their money is already running out, by which time it’s too late to do anything about it.

As soon as the right care is in place, that’s the time to make sure the ability to pay for it is guaranteed, and if you can plan ahead, that’s even better. You may be eligible for Local Authority financial support, but if you’re not paying the bills, you may have less choice about where you are cared for. If you start out paying for your care, and the Local Authority are required to step in later, this risk is that they may not be prepared to pay the fees for where you are currently placed. What happens then?

This is a worry for some people, but with the right advice from a specialist financial adviser, you can plan your financial affairs so that your money will last as long as possible. It’s even possible in many cases to buy a guaranteed income for the rest of your life, which could remove the risk of your money running out.

If you want to try to make sure your/your relative’s money will last, give us a call.

Planning for your Care

20 BBH Mag is your village magazine for Broadbridge Heath. Copyright: BBH Community Publications To contact the Editor email: To advertise email: —————————————————————— Printed by FinePrint 01293 913317
Karen MacDonald is an independent financial adviser with Monetary Solutions Ltd ( For a free no-obligation initial consultation call 01403 288078 or email

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