An investigation by the ‘BBH Mag’ has revealed that many drivers are using the car park outside the village Co-Operative store on Broadbridge Way as a rat run.
In just 20 minutes we observed 15 cars driven through the car park, without stopping to shop. It appeared that drivers wanted to avoid being caught by the new CCTV cameras installed on the nearby bus lane.
2,366 warning notices have been sent to drivers who broke the rules and used the bus lane in the centre of Broadbridge Heath. According to West Sussex County Council, that's how many drivers have been caught since the new CCTV cameras were installed there in December.
So are the new CCTV cameras failing to stop drivers using the centre of the village as a rat run?
A spokesperson for West Sussex County Council told the BBH Mag “Since the installation of the ANPR cameras at the bus gate in Broadbridge Heath, WSCC has been engaged in a period of monitoring and education to ensure that local road users are aware of the installation and the relevant signage is effective.
“Motorists who have driven through the restricted bus gate have received a warning notice only, with 2366 warning notices having been issued to drivers who have contravened this particular restriction.
“The county council has applied to the Department for Transport for permission to enforce the bus gate restriction, however we have been informed that the required Act of Parliament cannot be obtained until later in the year due to a lack of available parliamentary time.
“The county council had anticipated that the DfT would have granted permission to enforce these offences sooner, hence enabling the use of the ANPR cameras. However, in light of the delay we’re now aware of, the issuing of warning notices has now been discontinued until we are granted permission to progress to issuing fines for those who continue to transgress.
“We will continue to use the data from the ANPR cameras to monitor the effectiveness of signage on site and review local communication strategies so we can improve compliance before enforcement begins. WSCC will begin enforcement when our application for permission to do so is approved, as such we encourage road users in these areas to continue to obey the restrictions that are in place to ensure they’re not caught out and fined once enforcement is active.”
We've really been exercising our brain cells over the last few weeks. First, we had a right royal quiz at our AGM, just to get us in the mood for the forthcoming Coronation, and the following week we joined forces with other local WIs for a quiz night at the Salvation Army Hall.
We sent two teams and were up against some tough competition with Horsham’s other WIs, as they have a few top quizzers who always do very well. However, both our teams were on good form, with team 1 coming second (only beaten by one question!) and Team 2 coming fourth.
Must have been the brain food fish and chips we enjoyed before the quiz!
Our latest cinema visit was a trip to the Capitol to see Allelujah, the film adaptation of Alan Bennett's brilliant play of the same name.
It starred Jennifer Saunders and some of our best loved stars, including Judy Dench, Derek Jacobi, Julia McKenzie and Russell Tovey.
We’re being crafty in April when we’ll have a craft afternoon with a specialist to teach us lots of new skills, so watch this space for pictures of our creations.... And, of course, we are all really looking forward to our special celebration of the Coronation in May.
If you’d like to join us at one of our meetings, you will be made very welcome. We meet at St John’s Community Hall at 2.30 on the second Tuesday of each month. Or you can contact us for more information about any of our events by emailing: BBHWI@uwclub.net, or phoning Maureen on: 01403 268963
The eagle-eyed among you will have noticed that we have a fabulous new logo. However, this is not the only change afoot at Bombshells HQ - we also have a new president! Our outgoing president Rowena was responsible for setting up our little WI back in 2018 and has skillfully steered the ship through the choppy waters of our uncertain early days and the scary, uncharted waters of Covid19. She has been instrumental in bringing us a host of amazing meetings and experiences from day one. Under Rowena’s presidency our WI has grown into wonderful, supportive, educational, fun and slightly different WI. She has worked tirelessly to keep us all together embracing the quirky, fascinating and frankly sometimes downright boozy during our monthly meetings. These have featured witchcraft, burlesque, Tai Chi, belly dancing, facial yoga, meditation, menopause advice, Chinese medicine, gin, rum and wine tasting, cocktails and much more. As well as being a founder of the Bombshells, Rowena will go down in village history for introducing BBH to her signature ‘rocket fuel’ mulled wine, which has become infamous at the Christmas bazaar. Thank you Rowena for all your hard work and dedication. Our new president, Sandra has big shoes to fill, but we are all sure she is ready, willing and able. Welcome, Sandra, we are looking forward to the next chapter with you at the helm!
AGM, elections and a quiz were on the agenda for our last meeting, but we also had a few extras to attend this month. One of the highlights was a trip to the theatre to see Calendar Girls the Musical. This daring tale of the WI ladies that stripped off for a charity calendar using WI staples such as jam making, cake baking and knitting to protect their modesty got us talking about whether we should follow suit thankfully I think not!
We are always pleased to welcome new members to our friendly group, so if all this sounds like your idea of fun, then please check out our website and Facebook page or email for further information.
email: bbhwi1951@gmail.com
Separate Star Productions presents …..
A staged reading of the play Red Heaven at St John’s Broadbridge Heath on 29 April, 7.30 pm.
It tells the funny, but uplifting story of two Red Vicars, Revd. Conrad Noel and Father Jack Putterill, who attempt to bring revolution to the conservative Essex town of Thaxted and their collaboration with the composer Gustav Holst on a music festival.
The play includes excerpts from The Planets, which Holst was writing at the time he moved to Thaxted.
Profits from the event will be donated to the St John's Church Renewal Fund.
Tickets are available at https://redheaventickets.eventbrite.com
News from local sports clubs. If you would like to publish your sports news in this magazine please contact the Editor by email: bbh.mag@gmail.com
We're coming towards the end of the football season and our first team are currently top of the Southern Combination Football League Premier Division, one point clear of Nehaven and with a game in hand. With seven league matches still to play the team have already won more games, scored more goals and picked up more points than at any time in the club's history. So whatever happens now, it will remain our best ever season. As well as chasing the league title the First team are also still in the last sixteen of the Sussex RUR Cup, surely it couldn't be a league and cup double, could it?
Our Under 23 team have moved up to second place in their division, quite an achievement after a poor start to the season, they've currently won four league games on the trot but the gap between first and second looks too big to close so there's unlikely to be any silverware this year.
Our Under 18 side have won their first league match of the season when they defeated Roffey by 2-0,. It's been a tough season for the team who are predominantly players eligible for the Under 16 team but the experience of playing in a strong league against opposition players that are older and bigger will give them a good grounding for next season and the season after.
The Under 17s could well have finished their league season by the time this magazine is published, they currently sit in mid-table in the South Surrey Youth League Division 2 but they are still in the League Trophy so good luck to them in those final games.
Broadbridge Heath Football Club is run by dedicated volunteers, whether that's coaching/managing players, litter picking, mowing, cleaning dressing rooms, decorating, bar work or various other D.I.Y. jobs around the site. If you can spare some time to help us, please do get in contact because we'd love to hear from you, Our Club Room, "The Venue", at Broadbridge Heath Football Club is an ideal location to hold local events within the village, so if you've not visited us already, then come along and see what we can offer. If you have a party or function enquiry, then please give Helen Kowalkowski our Community & Events Coordinator. a call or send her an email to discuss your plans in more detail Tel. 01403 283165 or email helenkowalkowski@outlook.com To see what events are on at the Venue please visit our website at www.thevenuehorshamuk.com/whats-on
Sat April 8th Home v AFC Vardeanians, K.O. 3.00
Sat April 15th Home v Crowborough Athletic, K.O. 3.00
This term the rainbows have been learning that once you say unkind words that you can apologise but the words have still been said in an uncrumpled friends’ activity. The girls have learnt about caving painting and have created painting of their own. Whilst painting the girls were concentrating so much that not one of the girls made a sound for 10 minutes!
This month the guides took part in an annual London Monopoly Run. The girls planned their route in advance before we set off to London. Over 8000 guides, scouts, rangers and explorers took part in over 200 games. It was a very exciting day running around London buying property, completing challenges and warming up with hot chocolate! Three of our guides made their promise as a guide at Trafalgar Square and another on a red London bus.
For girls to join please visit girlguiding.org.uk
Facebook page for the district: Girlguiding Clemsfold District.
A big thank you to Tesco Community Grants for £678 to purchase gardening equipment so scouts can plant out and tend our raised beds and produce vegetables. We will also purchase water butts. Thank you to all of you who supported our charity.
During half term the Scouts camped at Bentley Copse in Shere – abseiling down a tower, pistol shooting on their rifle range and crate stacking, which is always a popular activity. Also cooking: they made a curry for dinner, followed by ‘songs around the campfire’. Although cold the weather was dry. They are now planning their next overnight hike to Colgate campsite. One Scout Gold award was presented. They had a small slide show on the first 112 years of BBH Scouting. It showed them how much Scouting has changed since the small beginnings!
The Cub Scouts now have more new leaders and helpers. They are working hard towards their Silver Award. Four of them will be moving on to the Scout section where they hope to achieve their Gold Award. A new activity; axe throwing, was enjoyed.
The Beaver Scout section also has two new helpers, who are a real asset to the Group. To help them we have a parent helper rota. They look forward to a talk about Tim Peak the astronaut and a telescope to look at the stars, so we hope for a clear sky that night. In the Easter holiday there will be a Beaver sleepover. Overall, the Group is thriving, but if you can give any help however small please contact our GSL James on gsl1bbh@HORSHAMSCOUTS.COM
Email: admin@broadbridgeheath-pc.gov.uk
Facebook: Like our page, Broadbridge Heath Parish Council Parish Office Tel: 01403 900665
This May is an Election year for Broadbridge Heath Parish Council.
All current Councillors are required to stand for re-election if they wish to continue to serve as a Parish Councillor.
Currently we have 8 serving Parish Councillors of 13 seats.
We would like to invite all residents to get in touch if they have any interest in becoming a Councillor or have any questions regarding the election process.
Further information can be found on Horsham District Council’s Website, District and Parish Elections – 4 May 2023.
When budget setting this year, the Parish Council were keen to keep any increase to the precept to a minimum, but had to give consideration to inflation and the rising costs of projects and suppliers.
Following a recommendation from the Finance and Establishment Committee, the Parish Council discussed and agreed an 8% increase to the precept, representing an annual increase of £4.38 to £59.07 for a Band D property. This forms the Parish Council element of your annual Council Tax bill.
Further details about the tiers of government and each authority’s responsibilities can be found on our website.
Local Government Responsibilities and Reporting - Broadbridge Heath Parish Council (broadbridgeheath-pc.gov.uk)
Notification on changes to Highways Online Reporting - WSCC. Announcing 'Love West Sussex' is to be shut down on 28th April 2023.
Last year WSCC Highways changed the reporting tool for road and pavement issues. The old reporting tool “Love West Sussex” will be turned off from 28 April 2023.
For all Highway road and pavement related issues including potholes, flooding, tree, hedges, weeds and grass and faults or obstructions on the road, pavement or cycle paths then please use the following link Report a problem with a road or pavement
Full URL as follows: https://www.westsussex.gov.uk/roads-and-travel/make-anenquiry-or-report-a-problem-with-a-road-or-pavement/
We would encourage all residents for any highways related issue to report directly to WSCC as per above.
All residents on the Allotment Waiting List that showed preference for a plot at Weston Avenue have now been emailed and sent a Welcome Pack. If any resident that believes to be on the Waiting List and shown a preference or a plot at Weston venue and not received an email please get in touch.
It’s been great to see residents starting to use their plots!
Progress continues to transfer the Churchill Way site to the Parish Council. We are in the latter stages of this legal transfer, and works to clear and prepare the site have been instructed with the developer in preparation for completion. Further communications will be shared accordingly.
The Allotment Waiting List currently remains closed to allow initial plot allocation at both sites. It is anticipated once this is complete the waiting list will re-open and this will be shared via the Parish Councils communication means.
Thursday 20th April 2023
The Parish Office, Sargent Way
6pm to 8:30pm
All residents are invited to attend the Annual Parish Meeting.
This is not a usual Parish Council meeting, but is the annual meeting of the people of the parish, giving our electorate the opportunity to raise any matters important to our village.
Come along and meet your Parish Councillors, Officers and some of our community partners.
• Monday 3rd of April 19.30
• Monday 15th of May 19:30
• Tuesday 25th April 10.00-12.00
• Tuesday 16th May 16.30-18.30 This will include an opportunity for bike-marking
(Other dates will continue throughout the year)
AGE UK— Cuppa & Chat continues monthly at the Shelley Pub
• Tuesday 4th April 13.30-15.30
Tuesday 9th—Wednesday 10th May 10am-2pm The Parish Office
In tribute to His Majesty The King's public service, ‘The Big Help Out’ will encourage people to try volunteering for themselves and join the work being undertaken to support their local areas, whilst highlighting the positive impact this can have on communities across the nation. The aim of The Big Help Out is to use volunteering to bring communities together and create a lasting legacy from the Coronation Weekend.
Come along to find out more about various volunteering opportunities across the district.
Are you passionate to see children and young people come to faith in Jesus?
We're looking for a part-time Youth & Children’s Team (YACHT) Coordinator to help lead our ministry to young people in our village. A prayerful, inspirational person: who will build on the work which has developed here in Broadbridge Heath over many years, and lead us forward into a new and exciting stage. We are currently seeing a large growth in attendance of young families with children at St John’s and we want to make sure we can provide the best environment for every person, whatever their age, to encounter God.
This is a leadership role as well as an administrative one. The role includes coordination of the provision for children’s groups on a Sunday during church, oversight of family liaison work, preparing resources for all-age services and school assemblies, running parenting for faith or youth alpha courses and seasonal church activities amongst others. There is guaranteed variety in the role!
The YACHT Coordinator will work as part of a team alongside two members of clergy, two dedicated church wardens, a church administrator (part-time) and an ordinand as well as an excellent team of experienced youth and children's volunteers with additional input from the Horsham youth coordinator and the Diocesan hub. Initially this will be a part-time role (0.6) with the potential to become full-time in the future.
We are excited to be able to expand our team at this time and to welcome to the church family someone who is young at heart and strong in faith. Initially, we would invite any potential applicants to register their interest by email: office@stjohnsbbh.org.uk upon which we will arrange to send you more details of the role and an application form.
Upcoming services at St John’s:
2nd April 10:30am: Palm Sunday – a family friendly service following Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem
6th April 7pm: Maundy Thursday – a performance of a Passion play directed by Riding Lights
7th April 9:00am – Good Friday – An opportunity to use a series of reflective prayer stations in church
11:15am – we will join with other churches from Horsham at the Carfax in town for a joint service
9th April 10:30am – Easter Sunday – Celebrate with us the true meaning of Easter –resurrection joy!
16th April – Forest Church – an afternoon of activities and a BBQ for families with children (contact the church office for details)
Other events at St John’s:
The April Craft Morning is cancelled but there will be craft on Weds 3 May. Early Bird Cafe is every Wednesday but not 5 April. Village lunch is on Wed 19 April
The feast day of Easter was first a pagan holiday of renewal and rebirth which ‘celebrated’ the pagan Saxon goddess Eastre, the goddess of fertility and spring. Due to its prolific breeding tendencies, the rabbit became a symbol for this and was later adopted as a symbol for Easter too. But in AD 595, Pope Gregory sent Roman monks to convert the Anglo Saxons of this country to Christianity and after this the spring holiday, because it occurred near the same season as the traditional Christian memorial of Christ's resurrection from the dead, it was joined with the pagan festival, and became known as Easter.
The significance of Easter to Christians is Jesus Christ's triumph over death. His resurrection. And, in some countries, Easter Sunday is known as Resurrection Day, where Christians celebrate that Jesus overcame death and came back to life and that he promised eternal life for all who believe in Him.
The resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead is the core of the Christian gospel. St Paul says that if Christ is not raised from the dead, then our preaching and hope are in vain (1 Cor. 15:14). Without the resurrection, there would be no Christian faith. The apostles of Christ would have continued as the disheartened group which the Gospel of John depicts them being in hiding after Jesus’ death. They were in total despair until they met the risen Christ (John 20:19). Then they touched his wounds of the nails and the spear; they ate and drank with Him. The resurrection became the foundation of everything they said and did (Acts 2-4). And that tiny group of witnesses in a remote part of the middle east shared that with all those that they met until the news reached the ends of the earth. And at St John’s we have been studying the book of Acts this year as the early church grew from being a helpless band of nervous eye witnesses to being a worldwide movement of confident, spirit-filled evangelists. The impact on the world of that one event (the resurrection of Jesus) has changed the world forever. It has given billions of people a reason to live, a power (through the filling of Jesus’ spirit) to share and a hope in life after death. I wish you a very happy resurrection day for this April 9th .
Dr. Mark Lavender, Vicar, St John’s church, Broadbridge HeathRev. Dr. Mark Lavender
Our forthcoming events include:-
Thursday 4 May at 7.45pm
An Evening of Comedy
Wednesday 14 June at 8.00pm Grecians’ Valedictory Concert
Thursdays at 2.00pm (term time only)
Lunchtime Concert
From Thursday 20 April, every week our pupils will present a short music recital. Admission is free. Tea, coffee and cake is available, from 1.30pm, for a small donation.
For tickets, pricing, or further information, please visit our website or call the Box Office: Email: boxoffice@christshospital.org.uk
Website: www.christs-hospital.org.uk
Tel: 01403 247434
The UK's 'Government Budget' will be announced the day after my deadline for this article, so what is The Budget? In simple terms it is a projection of the Government’s revenue and spending for the next year. It is no different to a household budget where we look at our income and whether there are ways we can increase this, and then decide how we are going to spend it.
Some Budgets have been more memorable than others. We won’t forget the budget of Liz Truss's reign last September in a hurry.
But for me, the one that was particularly memorable was the 2014 Budget, when 'Pension Freedom' was announced, and we were told we no longer had to buy an annuity (a guaranteed income for life) from our pensions. This has made a massive difference to pension advice.
But there is a lot of history surrounding the Budget which originates from the 1720s. The red briefcase has been used for over a century, and the Chancellor is even allowed to consume alcohol whilst delivering the Budget, the only time ministers may consume alcohol in parliamentary debate in the House of Commons.
There's always plenty of speculation around what's going to be in the Budget, but only time will tell. Once all has been revealed, if you’d like help understanding the implications for you personally, do not hesitate to call us to talk it over.
The content included on this page is based on our understanding of UK tax law at the time of publication. It may be subject to change and may not be applicable to your circumstances.