May 2023 BBH Mag is free to all households in Broadbridge Heath. © BBH Community Publications. Email: bbh.mag@gmail.comBBH Mag is sponsored by Broadbridge Heath Parish Council. Your community magazine for Broadbridge Heath QR Code for our website
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Community Speedwatch (CSW) is a national initiative where active members of local communities join, with the support of the Police, to monitor speeds of vehicles using speed detection devices. Vehicles exceeding the speed limit are referred to the Police with the aim of educating drivers to reduce their speeds. In cases where education is blatantly ignored and evidence of repeat or excessive offences is collated (even across county borders), enforcement and prosecution follow.
The Broadbridge Heath CSW scheme tries to address the concerns of residents from across the whole village, targeting specific roads where speeding issues have been identified.
If you would like to get involved in our village scheme, please visit the website where you can sign up, and complete the online training. You can email the local scheme at
The Newbridge Garden Centre have told the BBH Mag ...
"We now recycle your old plastic compost bags. We recognise that plastic compost bags are singleuse, and have been working closely with one of our key suppliers, Evergreen Garden Care, on the issue of compost bags that are challenging to recycle, due to the contamination of soil in the bags.
We are pleased to share with you that we have found a solution to this and that our garden centre will have a new collection bin for used plastic compost bags, with clear instructions of what can be placed into the bin.
These will be located in either the car park, the compost yard or by the drive-in compost yard”.
Time just seemed to fly by at our craft afternoon as we were concentrating on creating our own individual coasters and little gift pouches.
Of course we were also busy chatting and, to be honest, some of us spent a lot of the time trying to thread our needles! But we enjoyed it, as well as finding it very relaxing.
Our next meeting will be extra special because, to celebrate the Coronation, we have invited lecturer on Sussex history, Helen Poole, to come and speak about the King’s predecessor King Charles II, and his escape through Sussex.
After the execution of Charles I in 1649, Charles II was defeated by Oliver Cromwell at the Battle of Worcester and forced to flee. His 615 mile journey has now become one of England’s longest footpaths.
Known as The Monarch’s Way, it ends in West Sussex. So if you enjoy a walk along the South Downs Way, you may well be following the route taken by Charles II on his way to France, where he remained in exile for nine years.
If you’d like to know more about Broadbridge Heath WI, you can contact us by emailing: or by phoning Maureen on: 01403 268963
Spring is upon us, but as I type this there is a raging gale blowing and the rain is lashing down. That hasn’t put the Bombshells off meeting up though. Our February meeting was all about pampering ourselves and learning about ‘clean’ skin care products from Tropic Ambassador, and local beauty salon owner Claire, who taught us how to give ourselves a mini facial with deliciously smelling, natural, sustainable and animal friendly products. Our faces were sparkling clean, moisturised and literally glowing at the end of the evening. Check out Claire’s website.
The bad weather hasn’t been able to prevent us from popping out for a few cheeky coffees either, meeting at local coffee shops for regular catch ups and the occasional slice of cake. Likewise Storm Noah was no deterrent for our regular Cocktail Club night, this time at the M Bar. The company was exceptional as were the cocktails!
With the King’s coronation approaching we are looking forward to getting together with our sister WI to share in their celebrations and listen to a speaker talking about our new King’s namesake Charles II and his connections to Sussex.
We are always pleased to welcome new members to our friendly group. Please check out our website and Facebook page or email for further info.
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Broadbridge Heath Parish Council
Facebook: Like our page, Broadbridge Heath Parish Council Parish Office Tel: 01403 900665
Uncontested Election
BBH Parish Council received the notice of an Uncontested Election with 7 Elected Councillors forming the new Council from 9th May 2023.
There are 6 Councillor vacancies which the new Council may co-opt to fill on, or after the next Full Council Meeting on Monday 15th May.
If you are interested in becoming a Parish Councillor or would like any more information please get in touch via email.
We would like to welcome all residents to meet your Councillors on Tuesday 13th June between 7pm and 9pm at the Parish Office, Sargent Way.
Monster Play Park—Village Centre Recreation Field
We are pleased to share provisional dates have been scheduled for the installation of the new Monster Play Park to replace the existing play area at the Village Centre Recreation Field. Works are planned to commence at the end of May, but may be subject to change due to the ground conditions etc. We will share further details on our Facebook page and Website page with some design images nearer to the installation date. This project was unfortunately delayed due to unforeseen circumstances but we hope you share our excitement as we approach the final stages.
The King’s Coronation
New commemorative flags will be flown on the village flagpoles to mark the occasion.
Some Councillors will be supporting the BBH Gala Associations “Coronation Big Lunch” picnic at the Village Centre Recreation Field, on Sunday 7th May from midday. We hope to see many of you celebrating! Fingers crossed for some May sunshine!
Wildflower Corridors
3 areas have been sown with more Wildflower seeds this Spring, including the Common Poppy and Cornflower.
As highlighted in the recent Sir David Attenborough series, Wild Isle, there are many benefits to wildflowers protecting and supporting nature in our community.
Thank you to David & Roo for their help sowing the seeds.
Community Litter Pick
A successful Community Litter Pick was held in March with many little helpers supported by residents and some Councillors.
Thank you to all those who helped and also to our regular community volunteers who regularly litter pick and support keeping the village tidy.
Please look out for future “Litter Pick Days” and if you are interested in regular volunteering please do let us know.
We are pleased to share, we now facilitate a food bank drop-off point supporting Horsham Matters. If you wish to donate items, this can be done during our Parish Office opening hours: Tuesdays 10am-12pm.
The Coronation Big Help Out
Tuesday 9th—Wednesday 10th May 10am-2pm
The Parish Office
In tribute to His Majesty The King's public service, ‘The Big Help Out’ will encourage people to try volunteering for themselves and join the work being undertaken to support their local areas, whilst highlighting the positive impact this can have on communities across the nation. The aim of The Big Help Out is to use volunteering to bring communities together and create a lasting legacy from the Coronation Weekend.
Come along to find out more about various volunteering opportunities across the district.
• Monday 15th of May 19:30
• Monday 5th of June 19:30
“Meet your Councillors”
• Tuesday 13th June 19:00-21:00
• Tuesday 16th May 16.30-18.30
This will include an opportunity for bike-marking
(Other dates will continue throughout the year)
AGE UK— Cuppa & Chat continues monthly at the Shelley Arms Pub
• Tuesday 2nd May 13.30-15.30
• Tuesday 6th June 13.30-15.30
The Parish Office is open every Tuesday, 10am-12pm. You are very welcome to drop-in with any enquiries, feedback or questions you may have.
Please email the office for appointments at alternative times, thank you.
Christ’s Hospital School
Performing Arts Events
Thursday 4 May at 7.45pm An Evening of Comedy
Wednesday 14 June at 8.00pm Grecians’ Valedictory Concert
Thursday 22, Friday 23, Saturday 24 June at 7.30pm Summer Production - HONK!
Sunday 25 June at 4.00pm A Concert of Chamber Music
For tickets, pricing, or further information, please visit our website or call the Box Office: Email:
Website: Tel: 01403 247434
CUTTING Please call for a free quotation. Only the best equipment used. Weekly or fortnightly service available. Fully insured. Ben Allen Garden Services Ltd. 07783 072314 or 01403 730347 JNM Electrical Services Your local, reliable and competitively priced Electrician All aspects of electrical work undertaken for domestic customers, private landlords and the commercial sector Fully qualified and insured 07872 318201
BBH Mag Sport
News from local sports clubs. If you would like to publish your sports news in this magazine please contact the Editor by email:
FOOTBALL Broadbridge Heath Football Club
With just two league games remaining the first team will finish hgher than the cub has ever finished in its 104 year history. Having already won more matches, scored more goals and won more points than we have ever done before we are still in with a great chance to win the Southern Combination League Premier Division if we win just one of our remaining two games at Midhurst or at AFC Vardeanians in Brighton. It's been a tremendous season regardless of where we finish and if we can cap it with promotion then we can look forward to visiting new grounds all over the South East next season in the Isthmian League but let's not count those chicken too soon we still have games to play..
The weather has had a major impact on the Under 23 League this season with so many games postponed as a result of waterlogged pitches that the League made an unusual decision to allow teams to withdraw from the league without completing their fixtures, three teams took up that offer while another team had already withdrawn from the league. Unfortunately by doing that it made league placings all a bit pontess with teams picking up 3 points for matches they didn't play, let's hope for better weather next season.
Our Under 18 side picked up two wins in recent weeks against Roffey and Loxwood. It's been a tough season for the team who are predominantly players eligible for the Under 16 team but the experience of playing in a strong league against opposition players that are older and bigger will give them a good grounding for the next two seasons. The Under 17s have one match remaining and if they win that will finish 3rd in the South Surrey Youth League Division 2.
The Junior Section should have finished their season by the end of April and they can then look forward to the Junior 5-a-sdie tournament over the Bank Holiday weekend 29th, 30th and 1st May. Lots of things going on at the club over that weekend as well as football we will have a BBQ, Bouncy Castle, Cake Stall, Bar, Assault Course, Ice Cream and on Saturday it's Party Night in the Club with DJ80, Auction, Raffle and BBQ, something for everyone so make a date in your diary and come along.
Our Club Room, "The Venue", at Broadbridge Heath Football Club is an ideal location to hold local events within the village, so if you've not visited us already, then come along and see what we can offer.
If you have a party or function enquiry, then please give Helen Kowalkowski our Community & Events Coordinator. a call or send her an email to discuss your plans in more detail Tel. 01403 283165 or email
To see what events are on at the Venue please visit our website at
CRICKET: Broadbridge Heath Cricket Club
I’m writing this article with less than 2 weeks before our first league game of the season in the knowledge that we are around 5 weeks behind on preparing the cricket ground for this first game. March this year has been one of the worst in recent memory. We had so much rain, it has been impossible to get onto the square to start flattening it out. Still, there is a ray of hope with the forecast for the week beginning 17th April; so fingers crossed we will make it. By the time you read this article we will have found out.
The work we have been doing at the ground over the last couple of years has paid some dividends. Despite the amount of rain we had in March, the top common has remained mainly surface water free. We’ve had a lot of draining work done, which appears to be working. Some of you will have noticed the fencing that has been in place over the winter, which has now been removed, that was there to help the ground recover from the work we’ve had done. We can only thank you all for your patience whilst it has been in place.
2023 is the Club’s 125th year and we will be holding a number of events over the season to help us celebrate. This will culminate in an open invite to families of the village to come along and join in some fun events, which will include coaching games for the children. We had hoped to hold this in May; however, unfortunately we had a burst pipe in the winter, which flooded the pavilion, and it’s taking a long time to dry out. Until it has, we cannot replace the flooring and make good the damage done by the water, and therefore don’t feel we can hold the event yet. We will release further details over the summer, including confirming the actually date – at the moment, we are considering early September as the likely time.
As part of our 125th anniversary year we are also starting to discuss the possibility of relaunching our junior section; something the Club hasn’t had for many years. In the past we’ve had a very successful junior set up, with some of our former joiners going on to play for much bigger clubs. One former junior also went on to play for England! If you have children who might be interested in playing for the village, then we want to know about them so that we can work out what age group(s) we might want to consider starting with. Please email our Chairman at
If there are any adults out there who are looking to restart their cricketing career or just want to have a go for the first time, then we are always looking for new players. If you are interested in joining the club, then again contact our Chairman at the email address or above, or contact him on 07740 101983
Finally, just to confirm our home fixtures for the start of the season:
29th April – 1st XI v Roffey CC 3rd XI
6th May – 2nd XI v Steyning CC 3rd XI
13th May – 1st XI v Littlehampton, Clapham & Patching 2nd XI
20th May – 2nd XI v Warnham CC
27th May – 1st XI v Crawley Eagles 3rd XI
28th May – 1st XI v Crawley Eagles 2nd XI (League T20 Cup)
Clemsfold District
This month Chris, one of our guide leaders was awarded for her 60 years of service with Girlguiding. The surprise evening began with Chris being sent to our shed to pack away and find items whilst unknown to her the guests arrived through the front door! Judy our County President who was presenting the award was running late but Judith (guide leader) managed to keep Chris busy in the shed for 20 minutes whist we waited! The guests included past (many are still involved in guiding) and present guides as well as members of her family and other adult members of the district. We discovered during the presentation that Chris has volunteered with 2nd Broadbridge Heath Guides for 55 years! Congratulation Chris.
For more information regarding volunteering or to register your daughter please visit Facebook page for the district: Girlguiding Clemsfold District.
Beaver Scouts have been learning good life skills this term. They have been working towards their Money Skills badge. They have been learning about budgets and how to save some of their pocket money. They also looked back into the history of money and the bartering system. Hopefully, they will remember some of these skills as they grow up. They also have been caving in indoor tunnels at Beacon Hill Colgate, our local campsite.
The Cub Scouts took part in axe throwing and fire lighting. Our leaders are teaching them a wide variety of different skills.
The Scout section has been busy planning their June camp at Colgate. Firstly is the planning for the 10km hike to get there. This will go towards their Expedition badge. They will have to pack their own kit and the required equipment for sleeping overnight. This will need to be carried by them to the campsite. One of the activities will be a favourite - axe throwing. Before sleep will be the singing of traditional Scout songs around the campfire. The next day, after having re-packed their kit and equipment, they will have to walk the 10km back to the hall (with their kit). They should sleep well when they get home.
Vicar: Mark Lavender
You can find us on Church Road, Broadbridge Heath: look for the triangular shaped building. To contact the church office: The Church Office, St John’s Hall, Church Road, Broadbridge Heath, RH12 3LD
St John’s Events – May 2023
Every Wednesday - Early Bird Café 8.45 – 10.00 am. Come along for Fair Trade coffee/tea, toast and biscuits. No charge but donations welcome. All ages welcome. Toys for toddlers. Contact Val 01403 260179
Wednesday 3 May & 7 June – Craft Social 9.30 – 12.00. Come along and join in at any time – just bring along something crafty, enjoy some fellowship, swap ideas, share resources … and be creative! Cost £2 to cover hall hire and refreshments.
Wednesday 17 May - Village Lunch - All are welcome to join us for food and fellowship at St John’s Community Hall BBH 12 for 12.30 pm. Cost is £4 per head on the day. Menu is Fish Pie followed by Pineapple Upside Down Cake. To book please call Charlotte on 01403 267673 by the previous Sunday.
Monday 22 May - Age UK Tea & Friendship Group 2 pm - Tea & Cake - £1
Praying for our local streets
At St John’s Church we are praying every month for a set of roads in the village. If you would like something prayed for, email us:
In May we are praying for everyone in:
Church Road, The Orchard, Corsletts Avenue, Stanford Way, Thelton Avenue, Bearsden Way, Wickhurst Gardens
Sunday Services at St John’s Church 08.30 am Communion Service 10.30 am Morning Worship (with children’s groups)
10.30 am First Sunday - All-Age 10.15 am Midweek Communion (Every Wednesday)
Rev. Dr. Mark Lavender, Vicar, St John’s church, Broadbridge Heath
In the 1990s, a new bypass road and bridge was planned for the city of Choluteca in Honduras. The new Choluteca Bridge (there was an existing older one), also known as the Bridge of Rising Sun (Puente Sol Naciente in Spanish), was built between 1996 and 1998 and became the largest bridge constructed by a Japanese company in Latin America.
In the same year that the bridge was commissioned for use, Honduras was hit by Hurricane Mitch, which caused considerable damage to the nation and its infrastructure. Over 150 bridges in Honduras were destroyed, including the old bridge, but the new Choluteca Bridge survived with minor damage. While the bridge itself was in near perfect condition, the roads on either end of the bridge had completely vanished, leaving no visible trace of their prior existence.
After the hurricane, the problem was not with the bridge, it was with the Choluteca River, which was over 100 metres wide (300 ft) at the bridge. The storm was so severe it actually shifted the river, carving itself a new channel during the massive flooding so that it now flows around the bridge instead of under it and so the bridge now spanned dry ground. The bridge quickly became known as “The Bridge to Nowhere”, without any useful function.
The Choluteca Bridge has been used as a metaphor for life, because no matter how hard we try to perfect things in life, we also have to ensure that we are adaptable to life’s changing events. What is the point of a state-of-the-art bridge which is now rendered useless? In the same manner, what are the practices and habits that we are holding on to that are now redundant in our changing world and our changing lives. Are we willing to adapt to the changes that happen to us or around us, or are we in denial, stubbornly standing still, like the bridge to nowhere!
Change will affect our lives just like any storm but it is up to us how it affects us. Today we have all experienced the impact of a global virus, financial concerns and climate change, not to mention changing health for many of us. We can choose to do nothing, and become bitter and isolated or we can get active, live life to the full, adapt our ways of living and enjoy the new found purpose we will find in that change.
We all need purpose, just as we need to be valued and God has a purpose for each of us, just as he values and loves each of us unconditionally.
Have a great month!
Rev. Dr. Mark Lavender
Karen MacDonald
The Financial Fairy Godmother of Broadbridge Heath. The Budget’s Big Surprise
My last article was written on the eve of the March UK Budget announcement, when there was only speculation as to the content. I did say some Budgets had been memorable – well, this was one of them!
The speculation was around any increase in the Lifetime Allowance, but the big surprise was that this was removed, albeit with a few conditions put in place. So what does this mean? Prior to the Budget there was a tax charge if you built up more than a certain amount in a Pension, unless the Pension scheme had a form of Protection from this charge. The Budget removed this charge but there is now a maximum to the tax free lump sum that can be taken. I know I was not the only one surprised by this announcement.
But this may not be the end of the Lifetime Allowance. Labour have said that if they were to get back into power they would reintroduce the rule. So you do still need to take care, especially if you have protection in place, as this may no longer seem relevant but may be important in the future. If you break the terms of your protection now you may regret it later. Another Pension announcement was that the government also increased the Annual Allowance from £40,000 to £60,000pa.
Now all has been revealed, if you need some help understanding the implications of the latest UK Budget and how this is likely to affect you personally, do call for a free no-obligation consultation.
This content is based on our understanding of UK law at the time of publication. It may be subject to change and may not be applicable to your circumstances.
Karen MacDonald is an independent financial adviser with Monetary Solutions Ltd ( For a free no-obligation initial consultation call 01403 288078 or email This is an advert.
20 BBH Mag is your village magazine for Broadbridge Heath. Copyright: BBH Community Publications To contact the Editor email: To advertise email: —————————————————————— Printed by FinePrint 01293 913317