3 minute read
Navigating a Developing Industry
It is with great pride that we present to you the inaugural issue of Carbon Capture Magazine. The Carbon Capture Utilization and Storage industry is emerging, and we see it through the stories reported in the additional publications printed by BBI International, Ethanol Producer Magazine, Biodiesel Magazine, and Biomass Magazine. Because of this excitement, we found it fitting to create a new publication that would deliver information to this rapidly growing industry. Our goal is to provide readers with industry insight, while also showing some remarkable developments made in efforts to reduce carbon emissions and combat climate change.
We start by exploring the primary sources of CO2 in the United States. Before any CO2 can be capture, stored, or utilized, we must understand where it comes from. Different sources have varying “cleanliness” and prices, making it an important factor to study before entering the market. To dive deeper into the merchant profile, please see page 6.
Sourcing the CO2 for companies and projects is only half the battle. For many organizations interested in pursuing carbon capture and storage, funding is the main issue they face. Our second piece focuses on the tax equity side of carbon capture and explores how tax credits can benefit companies entering the industry. Industrial facilities, power plants, and direct air capture facilities are all eligible for this incentive, which benefit these facilities by expanding capital and assist in meeting sustainability goals. For further information and qualification requirements, see page 10.
Next, we examine how the process of pyrolysis is used to produce biochar. This process turns various forms of waste into useful products, while also removing CO2 from the atmosphere. ARTi successfully pyrolyzed over 30 organic materials and has mastered sequestering atmospheric carbon into soil carbon. More details on the effectiveness of this process start at page 14.
Finally, we follow Summit Carbon Solution’s story of building the world’s largest carbon capture and sequestration project. The project proposes an extensive pipeline that travels through the Midwest and connects more than 30 ethanol facilities before sequestering the CO2 deep into the ground. Not only is this project reducing emissions by millions of tons of CO2 each year, but it is also creating hundreds of thousands of jobs, boosting our nation’s GDP, and expanding the grain market. Please see page 18 for the full story.
On the backside of this issue is the Carbon Capture & Storage Directory. We believe the directory will become a valuable resource to you and facilitates your ability to make new connections that will advance both your organization and the industry. The next issue of Carbon Capture Magazine will be accompanied by a map of facilities and sites where CO2 is being captured, stored, or sequestered. I hope you enjoy our first issue and I look forward to meeting many of you at the Carbon Capture & Storage Summit, held simultaneously with the International Fuel Ethanol Workshop & Expo!
CONTENT MANAGER Carbon Capture Magazine dpiekarski@bbiinternational.com
CEO Joe Bryan jbryan@bbiinternational.com President Tom Bryan tbryan@bbiinternational.com
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Content Manager Danielle Piekarski dpiekarski@bbiinternational.com Circulation Manager Jessica Tiller jtiller@bbiinternational.com Advertising & Marketing Manager Marla DeFoe mdefoe@bbiinternational.com Social Media & Marketing Coordinator Dayna Bastian dbastian@bbiinternational.com
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