Broom, Brush & Mop Jan 2009

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January 2009

Broom, Brush & Mop Magazine SERVING THE INDUSTRY SINCE 1912

Focus On Paint Rollers, Paint Pads Michigan Brush Padco, Inc. Charles E. Green & Son Nour Handcrafted Painting Tools

National Broom & Mop Convention Industry Leaders Meet In St. Louis Detailed Reports Given By Suppliers Broom Corn Fumigation Issue Discussed



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NATURAL FIBERS: Broomcorn, Yucca, Palymra, Tampico. MOP YARNS: Cotton & Rayon. WOOD HANDLES: Hardwood, Pine & FSC Pine. METAL HANDLES: Powder Painted & Plastic Coated MOP & BRUSH HARDWARE

Many items in stock and available for prompt shipment!

Ray LeBlanc:, Bart Pelton:, David McGee: 610 Lanark Drive #202 • San Antonio, TX 78218 • Phone 210-757-4640 • Fax 210-650-8103

800-315-2827 •



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January 2009


January 2009

FEATURES National Broom & Mop Convention Industry Leaders Gather In St. Louis _______________6 Detailed Suppliers Reports Given _________________8 Fumigation Issue Discussed ____________________12 Paint Roller, Pad Business Hanging Tough Despite Economy ________________18

DEPARTMENTS September Imports & Exports ___________________24 Import/Export Overview ________________________26 Broom Corn Dealer Survey _____________________36

STAFF CO-PUBLISHERS Don Rankin Linda Rankin EDITOR Harrell Kerkhoff

RECEPTION Sandy Pierce


Rankin Publishing, Inc. 204 E. Main St., P.O. Box 130 • Arcola, Illinois 61910-0130, USA Phone: (217) 268-4959 • Fax: (217) 268-4815 • Website: BROOM, BRUSH & MOP (ISSN 0890-2933) is published monthly at 204 E. Main St., P.O. Box 130, Arcola, Illinois 61910. Telephone: (217) 268-4959. Subscriptions are $25 in the United States; $35 in Canada and Mexico; all others $110. The $110 foreign subscriptions include first class air mail postage. Arrangements can be made for first class postage for the United States, Canada and Mexico. Single copies of issues are $2 for subscribers; $5 for nonsubscribers, postage extra. The Suppliers Directory issue is $10 per copy. BROOM, BRUSH & MOP is a monthly trade magazine devoted to news of broom, brush and mop manufacturers and allied industries. It was established in 1912 as the Broom & Broom Corn News. It was entered as second class mail matter Feb. 27, 1912, at the U.S. Post Office in Arcola, Illinois, under the Act of March 3, 1879. Periodical postage paid at Arcola, IL, and additional mailing offices. Postmaster: send address changes to P.O. Box 130, Arcola, IL 61910.


Volume 99, Number 1


Building Service Contractors Association International Annual Convention & Trade Show, Chicago, IL Information: 800-368-3414

MARCH 22-24, 2009

International Home & Housewares Show, Chicago, IL Information: 847-292-4200

MARCH 25-28, 2009

ABMA Annual Convention, Miami Beach, FL Information: 630-631-5217

MAY 5-7, 2009

National Hardware Show, Las Vegas Convention Center & Sands Expo Convention Center, Las Vegas, NV Information: 203-840-5622

OCTOBER 6-9, 2009

ISSA/INTERCLEAN®, Chicago, IL Information: 800-225-4772

NOVEMBER 19-20, 2009

National Broom & Mop Meeting, St. Louis, MO Information: 217-923-3181.

ASSOCIATIONS AMERICAN BRUSH MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION 2111 W. Plum St., Aurora, IL 60506 • (630) 631-5217 AMERICAN HARDWARE MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION 801 North Plaza Drive, Schaumburg, IL 60173-4977 • (847) 605-1025 FEIBP EUROPEAN BRUSH FEDERATION P.O. Box 90154, 5000 LG Tilburg, The Netherlands • 00 31 13 5944 678 INTERNATIONAL SANITARY SUPPLY ASSOCIATION 7373 N. Lincoln Avenue, Lincolnwood, IL 60646-1799 • (847) 982-0800 INTERNATIONAL HOUSEWARES ASSOCIATION 6400 Shafer Court, Suite 650, Rosemont, IL 60018 • (847) 292-4200

Clip & return to Broom, Brush & Mop P.O. Box 130, Arcola, IL 61910



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By Harrell Kerkhoff Broom, Brush & Mop Editor


oday’s uncertainties in business influencing local, national and international markets was a main topic of discussion during the 2008 National Broom & Mop Convention that recently took place in St. Louis, MO. Representatives from various broom and mop manufacturing and supplier companies converged at the Hilton St. Louis Airport Hotel on November 20-21 to network and hear industry-related reports. A committee was also formed at the meeting portion of the event to help find a solution to recent broom corn import fumigation requirements brought on by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA). This year’s convention co-chairmen were Barry Harper of Harper Brush Works, Inc., in Fairfield, IA; and Ray LeBlanc of PelRay International, LLC, in San Antonio, TX. One of the highlights during this year’s annual convention meeting was a presentation on today’s global monetary exchange rates

The co-chairmen for the 2008 National Broom & Mop Meeting were Ray LeBlanc, left, and Barry Harper.

and various commodity markets, presented by Bart Pelton of PelRay International. Pelton noted that in today’s business climate, it’s very important for U.S. broom and mop-related companies to keep up with glob-

January 2009

al economic issues. Many of these companies work in some manner with both imports and exports as North American broom and mop production has become a global industry. “We (at PelRay International) follow foreign exchange rates very closely as part of our business as some of our key suppliers sell to us in euros or pesos,” Pelton explained. “Even if we are buying in U.S. dollars, say from sources in China or Brazil, these foreign suppliers’ costs are being affected by the value of the U.S. dollar. When the dollar is falling in price, our foreign suppliers’ profits are being pinched. And likewise, if the dollar is going up in value, I know their margins are increasing and it’s a good time for us to ask for a better deal.” He added that by tracking changes in foreign exchange rates, a business can get a better feeling of what future pricing is likely to be concerning a component or product that a U.S. company may want to purchase. It’s important to realize that many U.S. manufacturers of brooms and mops now have to import a majority of their company’s raw materials. Knowledge of such currencies as the European euro and Mexican peso is essential. Such industry raw materials as broom corn, stitching twine, tampico and palmyra are all now 100 percent imported. There are also very high percentages of wooden handles and blocks being imported, along with lower percentages of mop yarn, metal handles and plastic fiber. Pelton presented several charts detailing recent activity of such foreign currencies as the European euro, Canadian dollar, Mexican peso, Chinese yuan and Brazilian real. These are currencies of countries where many imported raw materials come from for the production of American-made brooms, mops and related cleaning items. He noted that all of the currency charts he showcased in detail at the National Broom & Mop Convention meeting followed very similar paths. Concerning the European euro, Pelton remarked that since 2002, the euro had been trending higher in value, becoming more expensive in the process. It finally peaked in value against the U.S. dollar in April and has since been decreasing in value. “For any products being purchased from Europe, this now means lower prices. There are many people in our industry who also buy equipment from European suppliers,” Pelton said. Although prices are falling for many products imported from Europe, he added that U.S. companies may not necessarily see a



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decrease in their next invoices, but that price decreases should eventually come just the same. He explained the delay is often due to European suppliers still having higher-priced goods in their inventory system. When asked, during his presentation, why he felt the euro was so strong for several years and then started to decline, Pelton speculated that when U.S. interest rates were pushed down to a point where they were lower than interest rates in Europe, this increased the attraction of the euro. “People could get more interest on their euro deposits than on U.S. dollar deposits. I also think some of the central banks, particularly in China and maybe those in the Middle East, wanted to diversify their foreign exchange reserves from exclusively being U.S. dollars. They primarily went toward the euro,” Pelton said. “I don’t necessarily think they sold U.S. dollars to buy euros, but as their foreign currency reserves increased, they started increasing them into euros rather than dollars. Bart Pelton of PelRay International discussed several monetary exchange “Now that European economies are bleaker and more rate and commodity market charts during the St. Louis meeting. people are panicking about commodity prices, many of “At last year’s meeting, I reported that the Canadian dollar had those who shifted money out of U.S. dollars are going back toward risen to parity with the U.S. dollar. Earlier this year, the Canadian this currency.” dollar was trading within a few percentages of the U.S. dollar,” This, he added, helped increase the value of the U.S. dollar. Pelton then discussed current trends with the Canadian dollar Pelton said. “However, one of the key components of the and Mexico peso. These are currencies that are familiar to many Canadian economy is energy. Canada is blessed with a surplus of U.S. companies in the broom and mop industries. Continued On Page 16



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By Harrell Kerkhoff Broom, Brush & Mop Editor


large portion of the agenda for the 2008 National Broom & Mop Convention meeting in St. Louis, MO, centered around various reports presented by suppliers associated with the production of brooms and mops. In presenting the broom corn report, Ray LeBlanc of PelRay International, LLC, in San Antonio, TX, touched on what his business partner, Bart Pelton, discussed earlier at the convention meeting regarding the shrinking availability of broom corn from Mexico. “Bart (Pelton) mentioned that corn prices were high when most broom corn was being planted (last spring). As a result, the whole (Mexican) crop only came to about 2,000 metric tons on a processed broom corn basis,” LeBlanc said. “It’s hard to say what this truly means due to the balance of supply and demand. Last year, broom corn consumption was 4,400 metric tons. So if we see the same consumption as last year, we will run out of broom corn (supply in 2009). One would assume, based on this projection, that there will probably be a huge price spike.” He added that current Mexican broom corn inventories are low, and the second broom corn harvest in Torreon for the year was recently completed due to a typical November freeze that took place in the region. Therefore, all Mexican broom corn processors have shut down their camps.

Wayne Pringle

Michael Grossman

January 2009

“There is a lot of speculation and talk in Mexico about having an early planting this coming year to try to increase the supply. There is talk about planting in Torreon as early as January instead of March,” LeBlanc said. “The problem with this is it’s cold in Torreon in January. What typically happens with broom corn in Torreon is that some people plant in February, some in March and some in April — and it’s all usually harvested at the same time. “When broom corn seed is cold, it germinates very slowly or not at all. It waits until it gets the right amount of heat to germinate. Therefore, I don’t really see how it’s going to do any good to plant in January.” Also during the meeting, a presentation on wooden handles was given by Wayne Pringle of Amerwood in Ft. Worth, TX. He mainly focused his report on wooden handles being supplied from the Central American country of Honduras. He noted that in 2005, Amerwood became a division of the Gateway Corporation, located in Corinth, MS. Amerwood continues to oversee imports and maintains an inventory of wooden handles at a warehouse in New Orleans. Gateway is also involved with wooden handle processing. “The Gateway Corporation is a family owned business and has been involved with wooden handles since 1950 in Corinth. A large inventory allows us to provide just-in-time products while still maintaining competitive prices,” Pringle said. In his presentation titled “Amerwood Honduras — From the Tree to the Finished Product,” Pringle said that saw mills all

Jim Monahan

Jeff Jones



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Andrew Dailey

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Richard Caddy

across the country (Honduras) bring in truckloads of logs every day. However, he added, a lot depends on weather conditions. Through the rainy season, the logging process can come to a stop. “Right now, (in November) we are trying to come out of one of the worst rainy seasons in about eight years in Honduras. The rainy season starts about a month after the actual U.S. hurricane season begins and sometimes lasts a month after the hurricane season ends. It will start to dry out in December. The months of January, February, March and April represent the dry period (in Honduras),” Pringle said. He added that the Honduran government is working to implement certain forestry practices such as those that currently take place in the United States.

Les Laske


Walter Dudziak

“One thing (the government) has done during the rainy season is call for a resting period to take place in the forests. (The government) doesn’t want anybody going into these areas to tear up roads, so we have to wait for the drier weather to arrive before the forests are opened again.” Pringle also discussed the milling process of handles from Honduras in detail. He showcased several samples and presented a slide presentation. According to Pringle, leftover cuts and trims that cannot be used for standard board sizes are sold to “square manufacturers” to be made into handles in Honduras. Larger saw mills may have their own (square) operations, but there are also a lot of small family operations that make squares.



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“These squares are stacked after being sawed to go through the drying process. Squares are stacked evenly spaced in crisscross rungs to ensure equal air flow across the entire surface,” he explained. “Most of the factories that we (Amerwood) deal with use drying kilns.” When the squares are dried, they are ready for the next step which is the running of squares through the dowel machine. “(The dowels) are fed into sanders and then graded into two export grades. We call them A and B grades. They are basically all a No. 1 handle. With the B grade, there is a little bit of light stain on the product. We try to not bring in any heavy-stained material (into the United States),” he said. Pringle added that there are three ways to determine the strength of wood. This includes bending strength, elasticity and maximum crushing strength (see accompanying chart). “It all starts with ramin, which is the kingpin of wood from the past. However, when comparing tauari and Honduran pine, it’s easy to see that they are very close in strength,” Pringle said. Also discussing wooden handles during the 2008 National Broom & Mop Convention meeting was Michael Grossman of Northeast Ltda, in Sao Paulo, Brazil. Grossman reported that there is no rainy season to contend with in Brazil regarding the supply of wooden handles, and that major retailer Wal-Mart is starting to demand Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) approved wood. He added that FSC forests are becoming very strong in Brazil. A metal handle report was presented by Jim Monahan of Handles USA in Arcola, IL, who said that it was not possible to discuss metal handles without talking about


Mark Quinn, above, of Quinn Broom Works and Jim Monahan are co-chairmen for the 2009 National Broom & Mop Convention.

their main ingredient which is steel. He added that in the process of making metal handles, steel accounts for approximately 50 to 60 percent of production costs. “Making metal handles is a high production, low labor content operation — mostly based on the cost of steel, either from the United States or foreign sources,” Monahan said. “If you ever visit a modern steel mill, you’ll find it’s now fully integrated. There used to be 15 to 20 major steel mills in the United States. Now it’s closer to 5 or 6. There has been a tremendous consolidation in the U.S. steel industry. “Right now the American steel industry is very competitive with the world market as far as efficiency. This wasn’t the case in the past, due to legacy costs. It’s now all very automated, however, and is not as labor intensive.” Monahan reported that the main ingredi-

January 2009

ent in steel is iron ore. Other ingredients are also added. The iron ore is melted in a blast furnace which is continuously operated. These large furnaces will sometimes be shut down, however, for maintenance reasons as well as to control steel output. Once a blast furnace is shut down, it takes approximately three to four weeks to cool. Monahan explained that it’s a very involved process. The No. 1 user of steel in the United States is the auto industry, followed by appliance makers. Along with the U.S. supply, steel is also available throughout other areas of the world such as France, Germany, Belgium, Brazil, China and South Korea. “With the weak U.S. dollar this past year, steel prices were very high. Now the dollar is coming back down,” Monahan said. He added that steel prices almost doubled in May, June and July which had a strong influence in producing metal handles. Steel prices have since fallen. Due to this great fluctuation in pricing during 2008, Monahan said ordering steel for the production of metal handles was difficult. “We (Handles USA) have to order steel 10 to 12 weeks ahead of time. Steel prices went up very fast this year,” Monahan said. “The cost per metal handle is pretty much a per inch cost. Typically, the longer the handle, the bigger the diameter and the more expensive it becomes. “The volatility we (as an industry) have experienced in all commodity markets during 2008 — such as steel, plastic resin and cardboard to name a few — has made it a very difficult year. If you throw in the foreign exchange markets, then it has been a very volatile year. I think what everyone would like to see in 2009 is more stability as it pertains to all the raw materials and commodity markets that we deal with and that influence us the most.” While producing metal handles, “full hard steel” is used. This is different than steel used in the automotive industry, which is softer steel from what is generally referred to as CQ (Commercial Quality) material. This type of steel is easier to bend and has more flexibility. However, Monahan added, with full hard steel, “you get a lot of strength for the weight. Full hard steel has much higher tensile strength. The down side is it’s very Continued On Page 22



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By Harrell Kerkhoff Broom, Brush & Mop Editor


s reported in the November and December 2008 issues of Broom, Brush & Mop Magazine, a recent hot topic with U.S. broom corn suppliers remains the fumigation issue. In early October, the USDA started to require that all incoming broom corn from Mexico be fumigated. This has caused concerns over what influence the requirement will have on future supply and costs. There has been a compromise in place since October where broom corn hurl is no longer required to be fumigated as long as no insides are present in the same container load. However, if there are stalks present, such as found with insides or raw broom corn, then it must still be fumigated. The reasoning is, corn bores cannot nest in hurl, because there is nothing for them to bore into such as insides that have stalks. For U.S. companies buying enough quantity of broom corn that they can purchase a separate trailer load of hurl and a separate trailer load of insides, it’s possible to cut fumigation costs. If a trailer load contains both hurl and insides, however, the entire load must be fumigated. Reporting on the problem in depth during the 2008 National Broom & Mop Convention meeting in St. Louis, MO, was broom corn dealer Ray LeBlanc of PelRay International in San Antonio, TX. LeBlanc presented the history behind importing broom corn from Mexico, as well as what has taken place since the initial October decision by an inspector located in Austin, TX, to require fumigation. “Mexican loads of broom corn that were at the border were suddenly quarantined (in October) by the USDA. We were initially told that (the imported broom corn) was going to have to be unloaded into a controlled facility under USDA supervision, fumigated with a 40-foot dead space around the load for four days, reinspected, then reloaded before it could be sent out,” LeBlanc said. “We were looking at costs of around $4,000 to $5,000 per container. What they actually have made us do thus far, however, is hire a fumigator who opens the door of the container, pumps in (poison gas), have the container set over night and then the broom corn can be imported into

January 2009

the country.” LeBlanc said this reduced process is less expensive than the initial cost estimate but is still a concern and major problem. He added that the inspector in Austin cited a quarantine law dating

Ray LeBlanc of PelRay International gave an in-depth report on the recent broom corn fumigation requirement.

from 1912 as reasoning for the fumigation requirement despite the fact that fumigation for Mexican imported broom corn has not been required for 50 or more years. Furthermore, LeBlanc said the 1912 law actually does not require fumigation. It only requires inspection. However, there is a 2004 USDA inspector handbook that requires the fumigation. According to LeBlanc, after the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, U.S. customs and agriculture boarder control were put under the control of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security. After this occurred, many experienced inspectors, who typically checked such items as broom corn imports at the U.S./Mexican border, left their posts. “The new inspectors didn’t have experience in opening a load of sorghum and subsequently, a new handbook was written,” LeBlanc said. “(The inspectors) were told, ‘You will follow this handbook letter for letter, and whatever it says is what you will



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January 2009

inch in diameter (or any portion of the stem that remains where the do.’” He added that there was still no requirement for fumigation until straw is attached to its axis) may be subject to fumigation only an inspector based in Austin came on the scene, followed the when warranted by inspection; handbook “to the letter” and made the request in October. ■ Broom corn shipments originating in Mexico, south of a line “In order to stay free of the corn bore, inspectors can do any- drawn east and west through Mexico City and not destined to a thing up to grinding an entire shipment of broom corn into pow- Pacific Coast port, require a written permit and require fumigader. That is one of their tion. Shipments destined to options should they decide a Pacific Coast port must be “Broom straw is to be inspected and released that they don’t like what refused entry. (according to the USDA handbook). If we can they see. They can also It should be noted that convince the ag department that what we import refuse entry or require an most Mexican broom corn out of Mexico is broom straw — the (fumigation) imported into the United entire container of broom corn to be boiled,” LeBlanc States is grown in the problem goes away. If it comes out of North or said. Torreon region, located South America and is processed fiber, even if it He also went into detail at north of Mexico City. There has some stems or stalks, it should still be the National Broom & Mop is a smaller crop, however, considered broom straw.” Convention meeting about grown in the Apatzingan the 1912 law and how it was region that is located south Ray LeBlanc, PelRay International designed to protect U.S. of Mexico City. Also, most crops from European corn broom corn imported into bores in the early 1900s. Today, however, corn bores can be found the United States from Mexico arrives through Texas. in 47 states. In other words, corn bores still managed to arrive into LeBlanc added that he feels the 2005 import permit is based on the United States long ago. LeBlanc added that the corn bore is not the 2004 edition of the handbook, not the 1912 law. found in northern Mexico where the majority of Mexican broom “There is broom corn and then there is broom straw. (The corn is grown and processed. handbook) tells you how to figure out what to do with each. “Northern Mexico does not have a corn bore problem. There are With broom corn, (the handbook) basically says that if it’s comcorn bores in Eastern Europe, China, Africa and all over the ing out of Mexico, and not going to the West Coast of the United States, but the Mexican area where they grow most of the United States, it requires methyl bromide fumigation,” LeBlanc broom corn does not have a corn bore problem. In 30 years, I have said. He noted, however, that the handbook has said this since 2004 never seen one (in this region),” LeBlanc said. He pointed out as well that the 1912 law allows the current and fumigation was not an issue until October 2008. “Broom straw, however, is to be inspected and released (accordDeputy Administrator of Plant Protection and Quarantine to change the restrictiveness of this law by decree if he/she finds ing to the handbook). If we can convince the ag department that what we import out of Mexico is broom straw — the problem goes the threat of such problems as corn bores has been diminished. Also, a key point to the 1912 law concerns the difference away,” LeBlanc said. “If it comes out of North or South America between what falls under the definition of “broom corn” and and is processed fiber, even if it has some stems or stalks, it should “broom straw.” still be considered broom straw. They (the U.S. government) are “The problem is with broom corn. The old law addresses now considering anything with a stalk, like an inside or raw corn, broom corn, whether it’s in a broom or in a bale. Broom straw, to be broom corn and thus it needs to be fumigated. In fact, they sometimes referred to as ‘combed stalkless,’ has a whole differ- were considering hurl to be broom corn until last week when we ent set of rules,” LeBlanc explained. “If an inspector finds finally convinced them that it was broom straw instead of broom (broom straw) that contains stems, stalks, stubs and/or leaves, it corn.” LeBlanc said he feels the problem will not go away on its own can still be classified as broom corn. However — and this is written into the law — broom straw found on inspection that and pressed the need for attendees of the National Broom & Mop contains stems or stalks shall be sterilized unless it comes from Convention meeting to contact their U.S. representatives and senNorth or South America. If it comes from North or South ators on this matter. He suggested some “talking points” when contacting such elected officials. America, it remains broom straw.” It was pointed out at the St. Louis meeting that Mexican broom The include: corn (and broom straw) is obviously a product of North America. ■ Mexican broom corn has been imported for 50 years without Along with copies of the 1912 law, LeBlanc shared a copy of fumigation at the border and without problems; his company’s latest broom corn import permit that was issued ■ The corn bore is already in 47 states; in 2005. He said this permit has had some significant wording ■ Physical inspection of broom corn does not show a need for changes compared to permits that were issued in the 1990s. fumigation; Specifically, the 2005 permit states: ■ The law does not require fumigation, only inspection. The ■ Broom corn shipments originating in Mexico, north of a line 2004 USDA inspector handbook requires the fumigation; drawn east and west through Mexico City, require a written per■ The Deputy Administrator of Plant Protection and Quarantine mit, and (will be) inspected and released if no stems are present may at his discretion remove these restrictions at any time; that exceed 1/4-inch in diameter. Stems present that exceed 1/4■ Processed broom corn is more a “product of broom corn” with



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Broom Corn Festival Race 2008




We Go The EXTRA MILE! 202 N. Oak • Box 250 Arcola, IL 61910 217-268-4955 • Fax 268-3113



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significant sorting, cleaning, trimming and even fumigation already taking place; ■ Insides should be considered broom straw just as hurl because it is grown in North or South America, and even though it has some stalk it remains broom straw; ■ The corn bore has not been a problem in Mexico and is easily inspected out; and, ■ Most stalks today are at or near the 1/4-inch limit, unlike 40 years ago. It was pointed out during the National Broom & Mop Convention meeting that the American Brush Manufacturers Association (ABMA), of which many attending the St. Louis

Annual Meeting Continued From Page 7 energy, which the country is happy to sell at the right price. With oil and gas prices coming down, the Canadian dollar has come down.” He added that late 2007 was a good time for U.S. companies to find new customers in Canada and expand Canadian markets. Today, however, this may be more difficult. Due to a cheaper Canadian dollar, companies in Canada now may be the ones looking for better deals by selling into the United States. “The trouble is, right now the Canadian dollar is falling. It’s hard to say how low it will get. If you have competition from Canadian manufacturers, or if you are selling into Canada, this is going to impact you as a company,” Pelton said. Another nearby country that also exports energy and is influenced by falling oil prices is Mexico. In addition, Pelton said, Mexico has not spent the necessary money for oil exploration over the years, and subsequently the country is having a problem with depletion in its oil fields. “Not only is (Mexico) producing less oil, but the country also is receiving less money for the oil it is supplying. This is going to have an impact on (Mexico’s) national budget,” Pelton explained. “The peso has been fairly steady for years against the U.S. dollar. It had a trading range of around 10 to 11 pesos to the U.S. dollar. It then reached to around 9 pesos per U.S. dollar.” However, in October 2008, the peso dropped dramatically which could help U.S. companies in the near future when importing such items as broom corn, yucca fiber, brooms and mops. “For instance, we were expecting a larger increase in broom corn prices (due to a small Mexican crop this year) than what we have seen thus far. Part of this is due to the peso falling against the U.S. dollar,”

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meeting are members, may have funds to help fight the fumigation issue. Several attendees of the meeting also volunteered to form a committee to further help address the fumigation matter. They are: Ray LeBlanc, chairman; Stan Koschnick of NexStep Commercial, Paxton, IL; Don Leventhal of Newton Broom & Brush, Newton, IL; R. J. Lindstrom of Zephyr Manufacturing Co., Sedalia, MO; Richard Caddy of R.E. Caddy & Co., Greensboro, NC; Jim Nairn of Harper Brush Works, Fairfield, IA; Edward Pearson of Crystal Lake Manufacturing, Inc., Autaugaville, AL; and Mark Quinn of Quinn Broom Works, Greenup, IL.

Pelton said. Another important currency for many U.S. broom and mop makers is the Brazilian real. This is due to a large amount of wooden handles that are imported from this large South American country. Pelton explained that a few years ago, one U.S. dollar was buying three real, which made the real worth around 33 cents. The real then more than doubled in price. “I think this added a lot of pressure on the mills that exported to the United States. It’s why we saw multiple increases in the price of wooden handles from Brazil,” he said. “However, about the same time that the euro peaked, the Brazilian currency retracted tremendously. I have to think this will help the handle pricing situation in the near future.” The final currency that Pelton discussed during his presentation at the National Broom & Mop Convention meeting was the Chinese yuan. He noted that the U.S. dollar was consistently buying less compared to the Chinese currency until July 2008 when the situation stabilized. “Relative to the U.S. dollar, (the yuan) has been one of the strongest currencies around. But the dollar is not depreciating against the Chinese currency anymore. It’s actually holding fairly stable at this point,” Pelton said. “One of the attractions of importing from China versus several other countries is that the exchange rate is usually more predictable. Your costs are going to be much closer to what is expected.” When summarizing the current state of the U.S. dollar, Pelton added that he feels what is truly important to American businesses is not that the dollar is strong or weak. It’s that the dollar remains stable. “I feel it’s important to have relatively stable exchange rates,” he noted. Pelton also reported on key commodities that influence the cost of many raw materials linked to the U.S. broom and mop market-

place. He noted that the wild fluctuation of oil prices during much of 2008 was greatly felt. “Everything that is purchased has freight costs factored into the purchase price. It takes oil to move freight. Oil prices also affect those raw materials made from (oil) such as plastic resin,” Pelton said. “Oil has been on a tear lately. During the first part of the year, it went around the $150 per barrel mark at its peak. By (November 20), it broke below $50 per barrel for the first time in several years. This is a $100 per barrel drop from its peak in July.” With the current drop in oil prices, manufacturers and suppliers should start to see lower fuel surcharges on freight bills, lower shipping rates and lower prices for products made from oil. “It may take some time for (oil price drops) to work through the system as suppliers must first sell off their higher priced inventories,” Pelton said. Another important commodity that was highlighted was corn. With recent high corn prices, more Mexican farmers planted added acres of this crop in 2008 instead of broom corn, which helped to cause broom corn prices to increase. However, with current oil prices dropping, so has the demand for ethanol. “Oil is currently not as expensive, and now neither is corn,” Pelton said. “I feel we had a smaller (broom corn) crop this year (in Mexico) because farmers there decided to plant other crops. There will not be another major broom corn crop available until next summer, so we are now stuck with low supply.” If prices stay low for corn and other agricultural crops in the near future, then broom corn should be more competitive next spring when farmers in Mexico start to plant again, according to Pelton. Other important commodities showcased by Pelton that have also recently dropped in price include cotton and lumber.



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By Rick Mullen Broom, Brush & Mop Associate Editor


hile it could be expected that in today’s bleak economy, especially in the housing market, sales of home improvement products such as paint rollers and paint pads would also experience a downturn, there is some evidence that the situation is not as bad as it could be. Broom, Brush & Mop recently interviewed executives representing one Canadian and three U.S. paint roller and paint pad manufacturers who reported their companies are hanging tough and even growing despite the economic challenges of the times.


ichigan Brush Manufacturing Company, Inc., of Detroit, MI, has been making quality paint and cleaning products since 1917 and has been manufacturing paint rollers for nearly 60 years. “Our paint roller division is called Rol-Brush. Rol-Brush manufactures for the OEM as well as the retail, commercial and other marketplaces,” said Michigan Brush President Bruce Gale. “We also manufacture a number of specialty products and various sizes of paint rollers from very small to very large.” In addition to paint rollers and accessories, the company produces other high quality products for many applications including paintbrushes, artist brushes, scrub brushes and more. Michigan Brush also makes squeegees, mopheads, mop sticks and various types of brooms. Like the weather this time of year in the Great Lakes region, Gale reported business at Michigan Brush has been “brisk.” “The economy has not been brisk, but our business has been brisk, and, as always, very challenging,” Gale said. “In addition to conventional style rollers, we also offer some unique and very good products that go into various marketplaces, including some niche markets. We make some specialty products for epoxy applications, and we make parts that are used for measuring equipment. “In manufacturing, we use a heat-cured epoxy system that works very well with our Phenolic core professional style

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rollers. We also produce other plastic cores with our heat-cured process. We make products for various brush manufacturers, and we make some items for other paint roller manufacturers as well.” While many of Michigan Brush’s manufacturing processes involve automation, the company still believes in hands-on inspections, and makes some handcrafted items as well. Recorded on its Web site, Michigan Brush’s mission statement says, “To produce and distribute to our customers in the most

“I think the do-it-yourself segment would be a pretty good market in the near future since the economy is in the shape it is in. We are going to see more and more people doing their own home projects.” Bruce Gale, Michigan Brush Mfg., Co., Inc.

timely, efficient and courteous manner the finest quality brushes, brooms, mops, mop sticks, rollers, squeegees and related products.” Michigan Brush takes pride in living up to its mission statement in providing, not only quality products, but value-added, personalized customer service. As a result of nearly a century of adhering to its core principles and an ongoing effort to continually improve its service, the company has garnered many long-term customers. In speaking of why Michigan Brush has been successful for so many years, Gale cited, “Hard work, the perseverance and the dedication to making quality products, and providing value and service to our customers.” Gale also called the company’s highly skilled, dedicated and loyal work force “a very important part of the formula.” As Michigan Brush is constantly looking to expand its markets, Gale feels, given the state of the economy, that it is highly likely many consumers will opt to do their own home improvement proj-



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ects as opposed to hiring professionals. “I think the do-it-yourself segment would be a pretty good market in the near future since the economy is in the shape it is in,” he said. “We are going to see more and more people doing their own home projects.” A projection of increased sales in the DIY market segment is good news. There is also more good news as Gale reported the company’s professional trade is also doing well. “The future of Michigan Brush is strong,” Gale said. “We are looking at anywhere from a 5 to 7 percent increase in sales during the coming year. Certainly, there are challenges to be overcome as the marketplace continues to change, and we will have to change with it.” Contact: Michigan Brush Manufacturing Company, Inc., P.O. Box 10247, Detroit, MI 48210-0247. Phone: 800-642-7874. Web site: E-mail:



saver. How is Padco faring in the current economic climate? MacCormick reports: “Good. We have customers who, unfortunately, have been affected by the economy, but it has not impacted our overall sales.” Padco’s modus operandi from day one has been to ensure servicing the customer is of the highest priority. “At Padco, our customers are No.1. We have always put a high value on superior customer service and quality products,” MacCormick said. “One of the things our customers appreciate about Padco is that we manufacture our paint pads in the United States. With today’s economy, people realize how important it is to buy local in order to keep jobs here in the United States. “We are not a knock-off, commodity producing, outsourcing type of company. We manufacture here in the USA; we manufacture with pride; and we manufacture with quality in mind.” To sustain its reputation of excellence, quality control at Padco is a critical element in its success. The company uses a combination of automation and physical inspection to ensure its products meet high standards of quality.

adco®, Inc., of Minneapolis, MN, has been manufacturing innovative painting and home decorating tools since the early 1960s. In addition to its headquarters in Minneapolis, Padco also has operations in Mexico. “... we manufacture our paint pads in the United States. The company enjoys a flourishing international presence as it With today’s economy, people realize sells to hardware and home cenhow important it is to buy local in order ters in more than 100 countries. to keep jobs here in the United States.” According to Padco’s Web site, the company’s products feature Anna MacCormick, Padco, Inc. NAFTA packaging in English, French and Spanish, including a “We owe our success to the fact that we have stuck to producselect group of Padco tools packaged in other languages such as Chinese, German, Italian and Dutch. ing quality products and providing outstanding customer service,” Padco manufactures many types of paint pads, paint rollers, MacCormick said. “We are the company that invented the paint paint applicators, paint tools and accessories, floor tools, faux fin- pad. We are an innovative company. The workers here are ish tools, texture tools, drywall and surface preparation tools, trays extremely important. Our employees are involved and they care and extension poles, among other products. about the company. As a result, our products reflect the quality “We invented the paint pad and we are the only manufacturer of that only dedicated employees can produce. paint pads in the United States,” said Padco owner and CEO “The industry is changing and you have to be able to change Anna MacCormick. with the times. What makes Padco unique is when a customer In the 1960s, Padco introduced its first paint pad originally needs something; we are able to quickly give them what they called “The Speed Brush.” Padco’s new Speed Brush was need, whatever it is. We are a local company. Customers can call billed as a significant time saver over traditional paint applica- us and we can respond quickly, which is a real plus.” tors of the day for painting large surfaces, both exterior and Looking down the road, MacCormick said Padco’s future interior. “looks bright.” Today, Padco manufactures the latest in innovative paint pad “The company is a family business that my father started in the products for the professional and DIY markets including its clas- 1960s. I have owned the company since March 2007. I am comsic line featuring a replaceable Nylfoam® pad that conforms to mitted to the same standards of quality and innovation, but I have contours and textures for use with latex, acrylic and oil paints as a different management style. There are always new and exciting well as stains, waxes and sealers. Other paint pad products include changes ahead,” she said. paint and stain pads for use on exterior shakes, siding, shingles, Contact: Padco, Inc., 2220 Elm St., SE, Minneapolis, MN 55414. decks, fences and concrete. These pads feature a threaded handle Phone: 612-378-7270; Fax: 612-378-9388. for use with an extension pole. Web site: Padco’s PadBRUSH® line represents the latest technology in E-mail: paint pad manufacturing. The products are environmentally friendly, user friendly, value packed and quality constructed. ounded in 1876 by Charles E. Green, Charles E. Green According to Padco’s Web site, this product presents many more & Son, Inc., of Newark, NJ, bills itself as the oldest comfiber tips to the surface being painted. More fiber tips mean the pany of its kind in the United States. The manufacturer of PadBRUSH carries more paint to the surface, which is a big time paint rollers and other products for the paint industry is still owned





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and operated by the Green family with Charles E. Green’s fifth ed the company to Newark. Under the leadership of Charles E. Green’s son, John generation grandson, John V. Green III, serving as president of the company and sixth generation granddaughter, Rebecca Green Vanderbilt Green, the company designed and built six innovative Sullivan, serving as vice president. machines that were belt driven to form “lockseam” ferrules. Three “We manufacture paint roller frames and paint roller compo- of those original machines, which were put into operation shortly nents. We service most of the after World War I, were still paint roller manufacturers in in use until just a few years “We are obviously in a recession and the United States with compoago. maintaining jobs for our employees nent parts,” John V. Green III During World War II, said. Charles E. Green & Son all and maintaining fiscal health for the Charles E. Green & Son’s but suspended its ferrule makcompany in the near future is our goal.” product lines also include ing operation, manufacturing paintbrush ferrules, aluminum machine gun links for the war John V. Green III, Charles E. Green & Son, Inc. brush inserts, artist ferrules, effort instead. wood and plastic paintbrush During the early to midhandles and paint roller grips. 1950s, the company continued to upgrade its machinery to “We recently became the U.S. distributor for Dalle Crode S.p.A. accommodate its ferrule business and to meet the demands of the (headquartered in Italy) plastic handles, which is very good for growing field of paint roller components. In 1964, with John V. Green Jr. as president, more machinery us,” John V. Green III said. In addition, the company is able to meet customers’ metal was purchased to increase capacity and the move was made to the stamping, wire forming and deep drawing needs. Charles E. Green company’s current facility, which encompasses 75,000 square feet & Son also deals in the general hardware, household, ammunition on 7 acres of land. By the mid-1970s, Charles E. Green & Son and electric parts market segments. The company deals only in the experienced its largest internal growth as it doubled its machinery OEM marketplace. and began to diversify the company’s product lines to include Originally, Charles E. Green moved from his home in household items, general hardware, ammunition and electronic Connecticut and set up his business in New York City to supply parts. ferrules to the broom and brush industry. By 1900, he had relocatThe company continued to prosper throughout the 1980s and 1990s. In the 1990s, to increase its production as the paint roller and paintbrush base began to dwindle due to foreign imports, Charles E. Green & Son purchased another company. Although John V. Green III recently reported that business in the paint roller segment has been “slow” for about a year now as the Supplier of Raw Materials to U.S. economy has been in the throes of a dramatic downturn, he Manufacture Brooms, remains optimistic about the future of his company. It has been Mops, and Brushes Charles E. Green & Son’s commitment to manufacturing quality products that has sustained it for more than a century through good economic times and bad. Indeed, the company’s niche is supply• Galvanized & tinned wire for ing quality professional components for the paint roller and paintbrush - broom - mop production brush industry. “We have had a strong position in the marketplace and I see • Processed Broom Corn & Yucca ourselves continuing to have a strong position because of the • Wood Broom - Mop - Brush Handles quality of our products,” John V. Green III said. “Our quality speaks for us. We are known for standing behind the products we • Craft Broom Corn And Supplies make and we make the best possible products we can. The assem• Other Materials - Broom Twine, bly of paint rollers is done by hand here to ensure a high level of Broom Nails, Mop Hardware quality.” Because of its reputation of manufacturing quality products, Charles E. Green & Son has gained business from customers who, We ship by pup or truck load direct from Mexico, at times, find they cannot get the products they need from overseas or LTL/ UPS from our Greensboro warehouse. sources or who are seeking higher quality products than the commodity items typical of imports. “We have customers coming to us when they can’t get what P.O. Box 14634 • Greensboro, NC 27415 they need from other sources, and that has been going on for awhile,” John V. Green III said. “We have steady business in the 336-273-3609 800-213-9224 professional paint roller segment where these sources are often Fax: 336-378-6047 not producing the quality that many professional contractors E-mail: require.” Charles E. Green & Son’s factory houses 27 four-slide



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panies that have their own stores — dealing with professional painters and manufacturing high-end paint rollers where performance is the first criteria,” Shaw said. As the paint roller side of Nour’s business continues to grow, the company places an emphasis on being at the forefront of offering new and innovative professional quality products as paint technologies are constantly changing and advancing. “We continue to experiment with new fabrics that work better with the new paints that are on the market,” Shaw said. “Probably one of the most significant new items this year has our use of microfiber. It is a very high quality product that is being well received by both professional contractors and consumers. Fabrics used in making paint rollers have changed over the past 10 years as water-based paints have become more popular. One of the reasons microfiber rollers have become so successful is that people really like the way they apply paint.” n the midst of worldwide economic uncertainties, Bob Shaw, Shaw said Nour’s commitment to making quality products vice president of sales and marketing at Nour throughout its history and the company’s ability to control costs Handcrafted Painting Tools, of Waterloo, ON, reports his have been key elements in its ongoing growth. Another vital faccompany continues to experience “steady growth.” tor in the success of the company, especially because it makes “We have seen consolidation at the customer end, and the num- handcrafted tools, is its ability to maintain a highly skilled veterber of suppliers that we deal with diminishes every year, but the an work force. usage of paint rollers by consumers continues to grow at a steady “When you are making handmade brushes and handmade pace,” Shaw said. “Also, the quality of the fabric that we are get- rollers your employees are key,” Shaw said. “Our skilled employting for manufacturing paint rollers has been good and pricing has ees make sure Nour is producing high quality products all the time with very minimal quality control problems. They take a lot of pride in what “We have seen consolidation at the customer end, they do. “If we were mass producing conand the number of suppliers that we deal with sumer brushes, it would probably be a diminishes every year, but the usage of paint rollers different ball game. There would be a by consumers continues to grow at a steady pace.” lot more machinery involved, but in making handmade products, employees Bob Shaw, Nour Handcrafted Painting Tools are a crucial element. Most of our employees have been with us many, been relatively steady.” many years.” Fortunately, the current economic woes besetting Canada’s When it comes to controlling costs, the fluctuating exchange neighbor to the south have not had a negative impact on Nour’s rate between the U.S. and Canadian dollars has made it more difbusiness. ficult the past couple of years. “All of Nour’s business in the United States is new business, “Probably one of the biggest issues we have had to deal with in which is growth for us in a declining (U.S.) market,” Shaw said. the past two years is the exchange rates with the United States that Nour has been manufacturing professional painting tools since have see-sawed a couple of times,” Shaw said. “A high priority is it was founded in Waterloo in 1978. The company has been mak- our effort to maintain and grow sales in a declining market — to ing paint rollers since 1984. expand our North America market where we have not really done “Paint rollers are a very sizeable part of our overall business,” so in the past.” Shaw said. Shaw also spoke of the challenge of expanding and diversiTo accommodate expansion, Nour recently relocated its paint fying the company’s market share in an industry that continues roller manufacturing operation to a larger facility in Waterloo. to undergo consolidation, i.e., customers buying customers. “We also recently completed expansion of our roller manufacChallenges notwithstanding, Shaw sees continued growth and turing in Egypt,” Shaw said. “We manufacture in many different prosperity in Nour’s future. areas, but we only make paint rollers in Waterloo and in Egypt, “Financially, we are on very stable ground, and the management with the Egyptian operation supplying the Middle East and team and owners here are focused and dedicated to building the European markets, while the Waterloo plant supplies the Canadian business over the long term.” and U.S. markets.” Contact: Nour Handcrafted Painting Tools, 637 Colby Drive, Nour’s hand-wound paint rollers and accessories are high qualWaterloo, ON N2V 1B4. Phone: 800-686-6687; Fax: 888-886-9744. ity products geared more for the professional market than the DIY Web site: market. E-mail: “The general focus of our company is dealing with paint commachines, 36 automatic machines and more than 100 presses. The company’s paint roller components are sold on every continent. John V. Green III said the company’s short-term goal is to ride out the current economic crisis — not the first economic downturn the company has lived through during its more than 100 years in business. “We are obviously in a recession and maintaining jobs for our employees and maintaining fiscal health for the company in the near future is our goal,” he said. “Continuity of family ownership and commitment to quality above all else have been the key to our success over many decades.” Contact: Charles E. Green & Son, Inc., 625 Third St., Newark, NJ 07107. Phone: 973-485-3630; Fax: 973-485-6510. E-mail: Web site:




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Suppliers Continued From Page 10 difficult to bend. It does possess very good strength for the gauge. The thicker the steel, the more the weight and cost involved. That is why we use the full hard steel — it’s a light gauge steel.” Monahan further explained that metal handles provided by Handles USA can either be plastic coated or painted with a powder coating. The plastic finish, he said, is a little duller and may be softer to the touch. The powder coating finish is shinier. Each handle is also cut to length and then the end-fitments are placed on each handle. “In Arcola, where we (Handles USA) make our own tubing with either plastic or powder coating, we also injection mold all of our own end-fitments. They can be swivel or non-swivel caps, and come in different colors and designs according to our customers’ needs,” Monahan said. “After that, the handles are packed, labeled and shipped to the customer. Packaging is done 12 or 25 per bundle.” Monahan reported that the future of the metal handle business relies on the availability of steel. “I believe steel will always be available, it’s just a matter of at what price. The major steel mills are trying to curtail production (in hopes of keeping prices high). They are shutting down blast furnaces and tightening supply as demand is falling,” he explained. “It’s been a crazy year and I’m not sure how next year will play out.” He said a lot depends on the health of the automotive and appliance industries, the latter of which is tied to housing starts. Monahan also added that his company has been working with what is called a “mini-mill,” which is traditionally a secondary steel producer. Usually a mini-mill obtains most of its iron from scrap steel, recycled from used automobiles and equipment or from byproducts in manufacturing. “The price of scrap mimics the steel market. Three or four months ago, I think scrap was at an all-time high but has since fallen in price,” Monahan said, adding that the mini-mill his company is working with will provide full hard steel. “We have begun to work with one of them (a mini-mill) and can eventually advertise that the metal handles from this source are made of 100 percent recycled steel,” he added. “Everybody is pushing


for green, and we are working on this as well. It’s unfortunate that sometimes green costs more. That is always the catch. Technology for green products will cost a little bit more initially until it becomes established.” A report on fiberglass handles was given by Jeff Jones of Fiberglass Innovations in Rockford, IL. He noted that fiberglass is a resin-base product. Therefore, as oil prices increased earlier in 2008, so did the price of the resin to produce fiberglass. Jones added that his company did its best to control such pricing issues by incorporating lean manufacturing practices. He

also presented a sample of a fiberglass handle that his company makes. The handle contained a honeycomb-like inner core that was made from recycled plastic. “We can also make hollow tubes, but they cost more to produce due to the manufacturing process involved,” Jones said He explained that the hollow tube handles require a matting material to be used to help increase the handle’s strength. This matting adds to the handle’s expense. As far as future costs with resin, used to make fiberglass handles, are concerned, Jones reported that he doesn’t foresee prices increasing for awhile. “I think our resin prices are going to stay pretty level for the next year. We (Fiberglass Innovations) try to keep our customers competitive any way we can,” Jones said. “This includes buying larger quantities of glass and resin at one time, and using recycled plastic for the inside of our handles. We have found that the recycled plastic is just as good as new plastic.” Jones also mentioned that fiberglass handles have been particularly popular with the food industry and can be made in any color.

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Along with producing fiberglass handles for the broom and mop trades, Fiberglass Innovations makes such products as sea walls that come in the form of long planks. “We also make all types of solid rods and other products. Our company is involved in a lot of different industries,” Jones said. While presenting a report on mop yarn, Andrew Dailey of The Jones Companies in Humboldt, TN, discussed three main issues: fiber supply changes currently facing the mop industry, environmental product demands and wet mop import trends. Dailey began by talking about current issues within the cotton industry and pricing trends. He noted, however, that the type of fiber used in mop yarn most often comes from textile mill byproducts. This supply continues to diminish for several reasons, including the continuing closing of U.S. textile mills. “Certainly, if there are not as many textile mills running (in the United States), there is not as much textile mill waste being generated,” Dailey said. Many of these mills that remain in operation have become more efficient and are re-introducing their byproducts into their own production stream. This can diminish the supply of byproducts used by mop yarn producers. Improvements in the cotton ginning process, which is another waste stream, has also had an influence on mop yarn producers. “In 1998 or so, it would take 17 virgin (cotton) bales to generate 1 gin mote bale. Today, because of improvements in processing, it now takes 25 virgin bales to equal 1 bale of gin motes,” Dailey said. “Availability of raw material from the ginning process, as far as gin motes are concerned, is not at the same level. In the ginning process, they are better at not throwing a lot out the door, so to speak.” To help make up for the loss of available cotton waste for the production of mop yarn, Dailey said the industry can use what is called “shoddies,” which are regenerated fibers from recycled woven and knitted goods. Also, a larger amount of non-woven waste has been introduced into the mop yarn source stream. “There are rayon and polyester-based products that are in non-wovens. A nonwoven is a textile fabric that is held together by a non-conventional textile structure,” Dailey explained. “It’s a sheet of material that performs like a textile, but it is not constructed by conventional means.”



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Dailey also discussed other recycled materials that can be used in the mop industry. This includes material from recycled plastic bottles, otherwise known at PET (Polyethylene Terephthalate). When cleaned and recycled, PET flakes and pellets can be used for spinning fiber. Although PET is very popular as a recycled material, challenges remain with supply. According to Dailey, plastic soda pop and water bottles have been recycled in the United States for at least 25 years. The production of PET hit a high mark in 1995 and was soon followed by a sharp decline due to decreasing petroleum derivative prices at the time. “Petroleum-based product prices and the cost of resin came down so low that it made it virtually impossible for (recyclers) to compete, so they held back,” Dailey said. “Are we currently heading toward one of these situations again? I don’t know, but I think it’s a factor to consider.” He also noted that other PET supply issues are taking place. For instance, a large recycling center for a major soft drink producer is scheduled to come on line in 2009. It’s expected to require a large number of available plastic bottles for recycling. This means fewer bottles may be available for other recyclers. Also, the availability of recycled plastic bottles is connected to the seasons. In other words, fewer beverages that come in plastic bottles are consumed during colder months. Another factor to consider when discussing the availability of PET concerns possible legislation in some areas to reduce the amount of plastic bottles being used. This is largely due to landfill issues. This effort runs counter to a national bottle bill, which focuses on increasing plastic bottle recycling efforts nationwide.


Carlos Petzold of Borghi USA in Aberdeen, MD, discussed during the National Broom & Mop Convention meeting his personal effort to support a national bottle bill. “There are currently 11 states that have a 5 or 10 cent deposit on (certain plastic bottle) containers. Statistics show very clearly from the plastics industry that in states that have a bottle bill in place, reclamation is around 80 percent of all bottles sold in that state,” Petzold said. “Statistics show for all non-bottle bill states, the highest level of reclamation is 9 percent. “A national bottle bill would increase the amount of PET raw material bottle flakes. There would be more supply that should put downward pressure on recycled materials versus virgin materials, and ultimately make (U.S.) manufacturing companies more competitive against foreign competitors.” Dailey also discussed the use of plantbased polymers, such as PLA (Polylatic Acid). He said PLA is derived from corn, which is renewable, and there is no reduction in performance when used by the mop industry as far as absorption and durability are concerned. “PLA meets compost standards in the United States and Europe. It will break down and turn back into sugars once it’s placed in the proper composting operation. Cotton and rayon are also natural fibers that will break down,” Dailey said. The third part of Dailey’s presentation during the St. Louis meeting highlighted wet mop import trends — specifically imports from China, Pakistan and Central America. He said imports do have an impact on U.S. producers but that current issues with transportation costs, as well as lead times regarding these imports, should


not be forgotten. There are also reports of fewer container ships being available in the near future for importing goods. “Even with fuel costs going down, will there still be as many ships out there? Are there going to be more delay issues? We will have to see,” Dailey said. Richard Caddy of R.E. Caddy & Co., in Greensboro, NC, gave a presentation on broom, brush and mop wire. Caddy is also a sales agent for Southern Steel & Wire, Inc., in Madison, NC. Caddy explained the process involved in producing wire. He also discussed different finishes used, tensile strength range and the variety of available packaging. He added that since this type of wire comes from scrap metal, it’s considered 100 percent recycled material. Caddy expects wire prices to become lower in the future as scrap prices also decline. Discussing poly packaging/plastic film that is used in the broom and mop industries were Les Laske of Vonco Products, Inc., in Lake Villa, IL, and Walter Dudziak of Creative Poly, Inc., in Rochelle, IL. It was reported that resin prices are dropping, but that it takes time for these price drops to be felt by customers. Also noted was the “green” initiative and that there are now resins available that are biodegradable. These resins will allow products to better break down when eventually disposed of in a landfill. They also come at a higher price. Next year’s National Broom & Mop Convention is scheduled for November 1920 at the same location, the Hilton St. Louis Airport Hotel. Co-chairmen of the 2009 event will be Mark Quinn of Quinn Broom Works in Greenup, IL, and Jim Monahan.



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January 2009

September Import/Export Figures Show Mixed Results By Rick Mullen Broom, Brush & Mop Associate Editor U.S. government trade figures for the first nine months of 2008 indicate raw material imports were up in one of the two categories outlined in this issue of Broom, Brush & Mop, compared to the first nine months of 2007. For September 2008, raw material imports were also up in one the two categories outlined, compared to September 2007. Import totals for the first nine months of 2008 were down in four of the five finished goods categories outlined from the same time period in 2007. Also, in September 2008, four of the five categories outlined recorded decreases, compared to September 2007. RAW MATERIAL IMPORTS Hog Bristle The United States imported 41,229 kilograms of hog bristle in September 2008, down about 3 percent from 42,316 kilograms imported in September 2007. During the first nine months of 2008, 300,460 kilograms of hog bristle were imported, about a 24 percent decrease from 395,877 kilograms imported during the first nine months of 2007. The United States imported 298,860 kilograms of hog bristle from China during the first nine months of 2008. The average price per kilogram for September 2008 was $11.32, down about 11 percent from the average price per kilogram for September 2007 of $12.78. The average price per kilogram for the first nine months of 2008 was $16.06, up about 53 percent from the average price per kilogram of $10.52 for the first nine months of 2007. Broom And Mop Handles The import total of broom and mop handles during September 2008 was 2.6 million, up about 37 percent from 1.9 million broom and mop handles imported in September 2007. During the first nine months of 2008, 23.4 million broom and mop handles were imported, compared to 20 million for the first nine months of 2007, an increase of about 17 percent. During the first nine months of 2008, Brazil shipped 10.2 million handles to the United States. Meanwhile, Honduras shipped 5.6 million; Indonesia, 4.3 million; and China, 2 million. The average price per handle for September 2008 was 75 cents, up about 12 percent from 67 cents for September 2007. The average price for the first nine months of 2008 was 67 cents, an increase of about 6 percent over the average price recorded for the first nine months of 2007 of 63 cents. FINISHED GOODS IMPORTS Brooms Of Broom Corn Valued At Less Than 96 Cents Imports of brooms of broom corn valued at less than 96 cents per broom during September 2008 totaled 21,516, down about 63

percent from 58,464 brooms imported during September 2007. During the first nine months of 2008, 184,494 brooms were imported, a decrease of about 73 percent from 684,963 brooms imported during the first nine months of 2007. During the first nine months of 2008, Mexico exported 116,112 brooms to the United States, compared to 322,241 during the same time period in 2007. Also, China shipped 68,382 brooms during the first nine months of 2008, compared to 323,122 during the same time period in 2007. The average price per broom in September 2008 was 70 cents, down about 29 percent from 98 cents for September 2007. The average price per broom for the first nine months of 2008 was 73 cents, down about 6 percent from 78 cents for the first nine months of 2007. Brooms Of Broom Corn Valued At More Than 96 Cents The United States imported 748,102 brooms of broom corn valued at more than 96 cents per broom during September 2008, compared to 807,248 in September 2007, a decrease of about 7 percent. During the first nine months of 2008, 6.7 million brooms of broom corn were imported, down about 11 percent from 7.5 million imported during the first nine months of 2007. Mexico exported 5.9 million brooms to the United States during the first nine months of 2008, compared to 6.6 million during the same time period in 2007. The average price per broom for September 2008 was $2.30, down slightly from $2.33 for September 2007. The average price per broom for the first nine months of 2008 was $2.29, down slightly from $2.32 for the first nine months of 2007. Toothbrushes The United States imported 63.3 million toothbrushes in September 2008, down about 6 percent from 67.2 million imported in September 2007. During the first nine months of 2008, 598.1 million toothbrushes were imported, a decrease of about 6 percent from 639.2 million imported during the first nine months of 2007. China shipped 387.4 million toothbrushes to the United States during the first nine months of 2008. The average price per toothbrush for September 2008 was 26 cents, up about 18 percent from the average price for September 2007 of 22 cents. The average price for the first nine months of 2008 was 25 cents, up about 14 percent from the average price of 22 cents for the first nine months of 2007. Paint Rollers The import total of paint rollers during September 2008 was 4.1 million, down about 5 percent from 4.3 million paint rollers imported during September 2007. During the first nine months of 2008, 48.1 million paint rollers were imported, down about 12 percent from 54.7 million imported during the first nine months of 2007. The United States imported 35.4 million paint rollers from China during the first nine months of 2008.



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January 2009


The average price per paint roller for September 2008 was 52 cents, up about 13 percent from 46 cents for September 2007. The average price for the first nine months of 2008 was 40 cents, up 1 cent from the average price recorded for the first nine months of 2007. Paint Pads The United States imported 1.6 million paint pads in September 2008, compared to 474,572 imported in September 2007. During the first nine months of 2008, 7.7 million paint pads were imported, about a 51 percent increase from 5.1 million imported during the first nine months of 2007. During the first nine months of 2008, China shipped 6.1 million paint pads to the United States, while Mexico shipped 801,844. The average price per paint pad for September 2008 was 45 cents, down about 40 percent from the average price for September 2007 of 75 cents. The average price for the first nine months of 2008 was 52 cents, down about 36 percent from the average price of 81 cents for the first nine months of 2007. EXPORTS Export totals for the first nine months of 2008 were up in all three of the categories outlined, compared to the first nine months of 2007. In September 2008, two of the three categories reported an increase in exports, compared to September 2007. Toothbrushes During September 2008, the United States exported 13.2 mil-



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lion toothbrushes, down about 27 percent from the total recorded in September 2007 of 18.2 million. During the first nine months of 2008, 137.2 million toothbrushes were exported, up about 7 percent from 128.2 million exported during the first nine months of 2007. During the first nine months of 2008, the United States sent 33.6 million toothbrushes to Canada; 29.5 million to Mexico; 16.2 million to Germany; and 14.3 million to France. The average price per toothbrush for September 2008 was 40 cents, up about 25 percent from the September 2007 average price of 32 cents. The average price per toothbrush for the first nine months of 2008 was 34 cents, up 1 cent from the average price for the first nine months of 2007. Paint Rollers U.S. companies exported 419,751 paint rollers during September 2008, up about 38 percent from 304,648 exported during September 2007. Paint roller exports for the first nine months of 2008 were 3.2 million, up about 23 percent from 2.6 million recorded for the first nine months of 2007. The United States exported 1.5 million paint rollers to Canada and 1.1 million to Mexico during the first nine months of 2008. The average price per paint roller for September 2008 was $2.79, down 1 cent from average price for September 2007. The average price for the first nine months of 2008 was $2.62, up about 20 percent from the average price of $2.19 for the first nine months of 2007. Paint Pads September 2008 exports of paint pads totaled 35,782, up about 10 percent from the September 2007 total of 32,448 pads. During the first nine months of 2008, 297,778 paint pads were exported, up about 31 percent from 227,588 for the first nine months of 2007. During the first nine months of 2008, the United States shipped 92,599 paint pads to Taiwan; 43,709 to Brazil; 34,038 to Hong Kong; and 31,958 to Mexico. The average price per paint pad was $6.55 during September 2008, up about 63 percent from $4.03 in September 2007. During the first nine months of 2008, the average price per paint pad was $4.78, up 3 cents from the average price for the first nine months of 2007.



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Singapr Kor Rep Japan Austral TOTAL

January 2009





389 1,800 31,492 2,966 2,660,440

3,553 3,627 288,706 4,044 3,490,502

September Exports By Country

Foreign Merchandise 1404902000 Broomcorn (Sorghum Vulgare Var. Technicum) Used Primarily In Brooms Or In Brushes, Whether or Not In Hanks or Bundles September Year To Date Country Net Q/Ton Value Net Q/Ton Value Canada 6 15,311 34 87,571 U King 1 2,575 Switzld 1 3,409 TOTAL 6 15,311 36 93,555 9603100000 Brooms & Brushes, Consisting of Twigs or Other Vegetable Materials Bound Together, With or Without Handles September Year To Date Country Net Q/No. Value Net Q/No. Value Canada 428 13,402 6,362 238,642 Mexico 81 2,660 U King 352 11,609 France 50 6,276 Italy 1,365 44,994 China 2,184 72,000 Hg Kong 601 19,823 TOTAL 428 13,402 10,995 396,004 9603210000 Toothbrushes, Incl. Dental-Plate Brushes September Year To Date Country Net Q/No. Value Net Q/No. Value Canada 937,492 978,843 10,238,494 8,759,312 Mexico 120,084 130,816 Salvadr 3,456 2,848 Jamaica 3,079 11,923 Dom Rep 8,472 17,345 Barbado 5,184 4,272 Colomb 1,368 4,993 Paragua 240 3,358 U King 786 3,849 Nethlds 296,316 64,189 296,316 64,189 France 8,545 13,870 Fr Germ 69,108 36,037 Spain 518,724 44,103 518,724 44,103 Portugl 521 2,553 Italy 1,329 6,511 Israel 23,988 28,786 Singapr 42,888 17,288 494,231 159,383 China 151,937 23,670 Kor Rep 57,672 20,425 113,040 41,428 Hg Kong 10,588 15,064 Taiwan 69,552 22,627 Japan 5,800 2,784 5,800 2,784 Austral 110,574 48,171 TOTAL 1,858,892 1,127,632 12,255,416 9,447,892 9603290000 Shaving Brushes, Hairbrushes, Nail Brushes, Eyelash Brushes & Other Toilet Brushes For Use On The Person September Year To Date Country Net Q/No. Value Net Q/No. Value Canada 145,332 209,515 1,403,873 1,783,643 669,000 Mexico 152,671 68,077 1,118,162 Ecuador 128 5,379 Brazil 21,780 70,912 U King 2,287 7,628 5,426 36,328 France 1,690 21,741 32,246 327,455 Fr Germ 4,551 41,623 19,220 261,478 Poland 1,392 12,728 Arab Em 9,230 11,448 21,566 23,649

9603300000 Artists Brushes, Writing Brushes and Similar Brushes for the Application of Cosmetics September Year To Date Country Net Q/No. Value Net Q/No. Value Canada 347,806 1,226,260 3,098,671 10,015,057 Mexico 79,377 661,210 744,594 2,327,391 Venez 1,335 4,925 Ecuador 1,032 3,492 Chile 3,396 12,529 Brazil 47,374 43,563 73,232 134,583 Argent 1,389 5,124 44,861 51,765 Sweden 9,590 44,619 88,976 339,823 Norway 2,085 7,692 13,729 56,020 Denmark 7,425 34,068 U King 26,171 90,716 329,462 1,264,559 Ireland 360 2,810 Nethlds 572 2,920 24,786 230,733 Belgium 11,447 42,240 276,740 1,021,071 France 11,384 59,048 200,182 767,121 Fr Germ 34,324 66,576 Czech 8,776 14,576 Switzld 5,570 20,552 73,328 270,545 Poland 714 2,634 Russia 78,503 155,335 484,885 1,278,154 Ukraine 2,200 8,117 80,413 302,544 Kazakhs 1,197 4,415 70,819 135,646 Moldova 7,980 8,234 28,681 34,624 Spain 10,869 10,759 Italy 4,072 73,226 29,650 156,191 Turkey 4,365 16,104 20,035 98,972 Israel 1,296 2,880 Arab Em 10,858 40,063 India 2,301 8,490 Thailnd 2,900 29,392 11,054 59,479 Malaysa 4,800 4,355 4,800 4,355 Singapr 29,917 110,380 Indnsia 2,106 7,769 China 6,537 53,750 30,685 142,846 Kor Rep 28,100 125,304 69,535 266,928 Hg Kong 998 3,681 31,240 117,615 Taiwan 3,600 2,738 20,462 61,721 Japan 12,372 49,326 312,199 1,030,186 Austral 164,905 408,845 Rep Saf 995 3,673 14,058 62,959 TOTAL 701,384 2,741,594 6,456,691 20,961,684

Country Canada Mexico U King Belgium Fr Germ China Hg Kong Taiwan Austral N Zeal TOTAL

9603402000 Paint Rollers September Year To Date Net Q/No. Value Net Q/No. 33,528 67,552 161,119 15,803 48,105 213,005 193 3,380 519 243 4,272 917 336 3,433 620 10,890 827 272 34,054 384 3,136 384 50,771 137,335 414,866

Value 341,278 580,086 21,467 16,109 5,890 60,254 17,220 4,779 53,989 3,136 1,104,208

Country Mexico Fr Germ China

9603404020 Paint Pads September Year To Date Net Q/No. Value Net Q/No. 1,907 13,540 125,954 2,100 8,750 62,113 13,636

Value 243,382 5,991 96,797



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January 2009 Hg Kong Japan TOTAL





13,836 27 155,553

40,906 3,785 390,861

9603404050 Paint, Distemper, Varnish or Similar Brushes (Except Brushes of 9603.30) September Year To Date Country Net Q/No. Value Net Q/No. Value Canada 2,212 45,897 44,952 682,006 Mexico 6,265 113,563 Guatmal 590 12,248 Hondura 4,642 96,290 Chile 164 3,401 Uruguay 276 3,450 U King 1,003 44,177 Nethlds 157 3,261 288 5,979 France 689 14,300 Fr Germ 1,020 21,134 Italy 483 10,015 Singapr 339 7,032 China 221 8,821 Taiwan 290 6,000 Japan 295 6,117 TOTAL 2,369 49,158 61,517 1,034,533 9603900000 Hand-Operated Mechanical Floor Sweepers, Not Motorized, Mops & Feather Dusters; Prepared Knots & Tufts For Broom or Brush Making, NESOI September Year To Date Country Net Q/No. Value Net Q/No. Value Canada 61,260 477,304 514,668 5,682,007 Mexico 13,621 176,505 71,616 781,266 Salvadr 218 3,539 218 3,539 Jamaica 667 12,212 Dom Rep 1,263 20,487 1,263 20,487 Chile 373 6,060 2,712 37,606 Brazil 239 6,889 582 12,460 Iceland 68 2,815 Sweden 1,764 14,867 Norway 792 7,080 Finland 1,064 9,305 Denmark 660 8,275 U King 184 2,986 9,192 112,356 Nethlds 2,618 38,590 Belgium 260 4,225 343 8,139 France 5,074 47,689 15,820 126,966 Fr Germ 2,664 24,487 16,775 158,570 Austria 281 4,565 Hungary 709 9,161 Russia 213 2,742 Spain 544 4,196 Italy 120 2,929 Greece 254 4,115 254 4,115 Turkey 403 8,751 Israel 100 4,500 S Arab 172 2,782 Arab Em 1,034 3,615 Thailnd 400 2,636 Phil R 508 2,540 China 3,950 64,094 Japan 2,006 13,737 Austral 1,740 8,589 13,377 160,638 N Zeal 2,360 15,009 TOTAL 87,150 782,875 667,253 7,342,550

Domestic Merchandise 1404902000 Broomcorn (Sorghum Vulgare Var. Technicum) Used Primarily In Brooms Or In Brushes, Whether or Not In Hanks or Bundles September Year To Date Country Net Q/Ton Value Net Q/Ton Value Canada 2 4,872

Mexico Fr Germ Japan TOTAL

PAGE 27 1 8 1 12

3,000 31,500 6,022 45,394

9603100000 Brooms & Brushes, Consisting of Twigs or Other Vegetable Materials Bound Together, With or Without Handles September Year To Date Country Net Q/Dozen Value Net Q/Dozen Value Canada 2,300 106,191 22,199 988,781 630 29,402 3,908 150,175 Mexico Guatmal 370 11,139 Salvadr 106 2,829 C Rica 670 12,297 670 12,297 Panama 455 8,927 Bermuda 98 5,184 Bahamas 3,065 204,157 Jamaica 239 5,516 Cayman 122 12,168 122 12,168 Dom Rep 848 49,848 Barbado 102 3,366 Colomb 361 12,789 Venez 879 45,502 Ecuador 682 22,500 Peru 200 12,300 200 12,300 Chile 130 8,692 Brazil 1,917 30,879 Argent 1,228 40,486 Sweden 23 6,611 Finland 182 20,453 Denmark 356 14,868 U King 260 9,356 8,462 450,675 Ireland 2,219 126,360 Nethlds 50 23,000 1,242 181,971 Belgium 5 3,092 5 3,092 Fr Germ 199 24,684 Poland 83 3,460 83 3,460 Russia 2,942 97,003 Spain 182 14,629 Portugl 15 5,548 Italy 1,871 61,694 5,594 184,429 Israel 796 26,268 S Arab 15 8,199 3,848 189,116 Arab Em 221 16,658 Singapr 440 15,193 Phil R 92 3,019 497 17,050 China 333 3,160 Kor Rep 906 69,333 Hg Kong 6,862 152,815 Japan 2,907 68,068 Austral 222 16,596 TOTAL 6,298 284,178 76,115 3,335,575

Country Canada Mexico Guatmal Belize Salvadr Hondura C Rica Panama Bermuda Bahamas Jamaica Cayman Haiti Dom Rep Antigua S Lucia Grenada

9603210000 Toothbrushes Year To Date September Net Q/No. Value Net Q/No. 2,916,051 1,776,018 33,575,484 2,394,571 954,175 29,489,616 28,367 73,728 31,419 647,120 324,920 15,592 662 3,245 19,628 129,456 46,175 741,888 12,029 12,852 15,525 18,612 84,360 30,462 159,888 7,980 53,039 564 6,130 219,335 54,040 5,508 5,166 15,948 4,320

Value 17,172,402 8,136,945 37,464 278,789 188,123 20,175 32,788 258,435 8,913 25,979 57,508 11,462 33,355 106,274 47,666 14,019 3,516



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PAGE 28 Barbado Trinid N Antil Aruba Colomb Venez Guyana Surinam Ecuador Peru Chile Brazil Paragua Uruguay Argent Finland Denmark U King Ireland Nethlds Belgium France Fr Germ Switzld Lithuan Poland Spain Italy Greece Romania Israel Kuwait S Arab Arab Em India Thailnd Vietnam Malaysa Singapr Phil R China Kor Rep Hg Kong Taiwan Japan Austral N Zeal Rep Saf TOTAL

BROOM, BRUSH & MOP 209,411 6,958

72,676 9,892

11,160 6,480 13,536 27,216 12,528 725,868

9,148 2,653 4,869 10,280 4,207 268,469

73,584 859 7,842 28,688 68,736 102,996

50,294 4,211 38,426 21,988 127,814 33,722

1,276,796 1,516,965 3,264

158,762 124,671 15,993

460 557,508 5,000

2,986 43,367 16,370



16,895 115,200 140,640

82,787 240,021 29,265

315,400 23,602 33,420 1,855,758

100,723 13,596 11,002 780,526

54,920 252,208 113,808

24,444 88,283 48,149



46,694 536,340 14,758 15,779 262,961 353,988 19,080 21,240 107,352 145,597 232,165 2,288,298 5,048 59,040 1,155,666 859 18,642 278,590 5,414,216 3,774,689 13,724 14,283,020 16,162,020 41,586 21,296 1,760 5,747,005 944,448 1,884 10,000 3,883 1,440 4,036 21,899 703,728 361,605 1,902,500 14,492 1,822,846 42,310 470,164 9,812,203 626,160 393,829 1,797,332 1,768,550 10,224 104,889 137,227,641

178,726 255,895 15,844 37,386 302,549 144,806 17,267 13,129 43,830 67,250 135,116 926,154 24,733 15,867 494,525 4,211 50,090 107,501 4,415,694 729,301 37,458 1,459,991 1,803,902 28,925 2,824 6,001 413,497 347,556 9,230 3,127 19,025 5,472 6,702 87,141 949,167 148,107 135,332 16,009 713,104 36,642 142,840 4,022,406 247,688 235,379 753,221 907,636 3,684 72,432 47,028,185

9603290000 Shaving Brushes, Hairbrushes, Nail Brushes, Eyelash Brushes & Other Toilet Brushes For Use on the Person September Year To Date Country Net Q/No. Value Net Q./No. Value Canada 151,447 293,490 1,398,865 2,329,186 Mexico 83,797 192,021 2,491,430 3,108,022 Guatmal 578 14,404 Salvadr 339 3,100 C Rica 2,600 6,140 4,689 24,624 Panama 4,429 40,500 Bermuda 168 3,022 Bahamas 644 5,270 Cayman 82 7,160 Dom Rep 1,255 10,756 S Lucia 2,244 4,037 Barbado 30,722 32,742 Trinid 24,012 180,000 Martinq 320 2,922 Colomb 92,551 88,293 Venez 780 5,420 15,464 40,646 Ecuador 548 7,539 Peru 2,362 13,583 Chile 12,451 90,816

Brazil Paragua Sweden Finland Denmark U King Ireland Nethlds Belgium France Fr Germ Czech Hungary Switzld Latvia Poland Russia Azerbjn Spain Italy Turkey Lebanon Israel S Arab Arab Em India Thailnd Vietnam Malaysa Singapr Indnsia Phil R China Kor Rep Hg Kong Taiwan Japan Austral N Zeal Nigeria Rep Saf TOTAL

January 2009 30


5,486 1,162 101

46,995 10,623 6,867

2,542 6,911

31,410 55,226





1,043 3,466 349

9,540 3,396 17,535



2,094 15,258

19,152 139,525







3,615 837 612 5,040 813 31,517 7,317 6,434 28,379 91,365 24,940 80 872 3,487 1,784 154,000 5,110 130 862 12,684 16,745 542 14,012 5,663 21,192 993 29,731 5,084 14,939 28,993 50 9,129 66,792 5,963 25,613 28,128 568,020 18,846 70 1,880 60 5,325,476

26,859 23,246 5,597 14,363 7,432 238,137 36,095 79,071 231,930 536,234 240,093 5,572 4,980 31,883 34,149 430,624 44,115 2,898 12,334 47,519 153,123 4,960 105,254 53,424 468,689 10,300 292,670 46,500 22,865 75,281 5,000 112,418 594,526 49,786 276,517 59,111 463,813 115,319 7,538 6,828 11,400 10,995,075

9603300000 Artists Brushes, Writing Brushes and Similar Brushes for the Application of Cosmetics September Year To Date Country Net Q/No. Value Net Q/No. Value Canada 424,653 1,261,856 3,826,688 12,124,224 Mexico 39,782 124,837 251,727 872,833 Guatmal 245 5,925 Salvadr 8,462 31,221 Hondura 13,653 34,428 C Rica 24,013 43,644 33,858 88,556 Panama 8,136 14,282 11,860 22,326 Dom Rep 1,740 8,290 78,100 333,176 Trinid 7,796 28,763 15,431 56,849 N Antil 240 4,800 Aruba 4,407 13,827 Martinq 1,592 5,875 Colomb 800 10,967 21,338 86,628 Venez 29,718 46,362 35,280 65,242 Ecuador 2,549 5,430 Peru 1,200 19,428 Bolivia 12,182 44,950 Chile 4,368 6,277 Brazil 1,099 4,608 12,586 53,030 Paragua 36,410 134,342 36,410 134,342 Iceland 725 2,676 Sweden 860 6,252 39,317 176,549 Norway 11,682 32,056 Finland 2,034 6,876 U King 121,559 703,462 499,265 2,579,044 Ireland 2,785 10,277 106,800 386,598



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January 2009 Nethlds Belgium France Fr Germ Austria Switzld Estonia Poland Russia Ukraine Kazakhs Spain Malta Italy Slvenia Greece Romania Turkey Israel Kuwait Qatar Arab Em India Thailnd Malaysa Singapr Indnsia Phil R China Kor Rep Hg Kong Taiwan Japan Austral N Zeal Moroc Ghana Gambia Liberia Rep Saf TOTAL

Country Canada Mexico Salvadr Hondura C Rica Panama Bermuda Bahamas Cayman Dom Rep Antigua Barbado Trinid N Antil Colomb Ecuador Peru Argent Sweden Finland Denmark U King Ireland Nethlds France Fr Germ Hungary Poland

BROOM, BRUSH & MOP 7,863 5,249 4,630 1,016

33,021 19,366 18,189 3,750

40,460 177,838 517,072 44,347 4,662 20,315 1,432 34,951 16,072 26,014 10,800 7,869 7,871 61,643 455 805 54 14,814 1,800 9,327 720 26,112 7,389 2,910 134 20,931 2,324 473 147,440 62,239 175,832 25,447 28,372 73,334 18,004 4,695 700 2,000 907 10,000 6,640,563

150,220 729,779 2,002,178 168,095 17,202 74,958 3,180 135,339 86,834 21,178 13,109 22,305 29,042 205,962 3,163 2,970 2,587 54,657 4,874 34,413 2,840 120,389 24,975 14,840 7,554 77,228 29,378 5,000 339,327 243,541 311,237 112,190 99,016 297,792 100,363 15,547 3,752 9,000 3,348 10,981 22,783,509

9603402000 Paint Rollers September Year To Date Net Q/No. Value Net Q/No. 284,872 759,995 1,471,630 112,166 151,139 1,096,815 3,138 6,437 34,008 3,030 12,111 480 2,913 8,425 1,774 10,451 72,547 27,502 864 267 4,683 267 676 4,744 701 2,102 766 10,000 34 9,678 200 18,435 546 1,291 5,892 514 167 2,926 167 3,987 19,958 15,929 13 160

Value 3,764,068 2,258,631 6,863 42,546 93,585 7,808 33,138 26,207 7,556 131,806 15,161 4,683 8,646 6,237 15,980 36,890 13,440 8,700 12,596 74,723 9,578 8,331 12,617 6,850 2,926 89,980 2,519 6,652









2,521 5,153 5,519

9,300 19,014 23,816

9,964 19,429 5,273 3,401 700

42,525 79,408 19,457 12,547 3,752



Russia Portugl Italy Croatia Slvenia Lebanon Israel S Arab Qatar Arab Em India Singapr China Hg Kong Japan Austral N Zeal Fiji Egypt Rep Saf TOTAL

Country Mexico Salvadr C Rica Bahamas Dom Rep Dominca S Lucia Colomb Venez Peru Brazil Uruguay Argent U King Fr Germ Switzld Spain Israel Arab Em Thailnd Vietnam Malaysa China Kor Rep Hg Kong Taiwan Japan N Zeal Rep Saf TOTAL

PAGE 29 558 20 399 7,402 1,857 2,621 10,492 1,367 190 877 50,835 176 36,110 11,590 9,332 106,992 86,257 8,367 3,600 117,596 3,184,775

14,031 6,010 7,000 119,765 103,932 50,366 28,839 19,310 3,241 9,093 99,934 3,087 65,655 127,119 36,455 652,597 168,658 21,255 7,347 78,790 8,331,201

9603404020 Paint Pads September Year To Date Net Q/No. Value Net Q/No. 832 5,908 31,958 420 2,460 140 860 240 130 12,992 92,226 21,067 1,879 2,500 1,810 5,523 43,709 13,332 6,035 42,840 6,035 444 3,151 2,863 7,390 2,313 16,422 2,349 202 1,356 55,680 1,801 5,328 1,747 373 2,995 915 836 34,038 10,000 12,482 92,599 2,780 423 16,409 35,782 234,232 297,778

Value 89,099 4,956 6,214 8,400 6,163 2,964 8,597 131,878 13,341 5,579 333,735 10,841 42,840 20,319 26,137 24,605 5,791 58,837 23,087 12,403 2,646 25,737 66,725 5,934 241,606 115,574 9,853 3,000 116,480 1,423,341





440 3,518

9,662 61,746



9603404050 Paint, Distemper, Varnish or Similar Brushes (Except Brushes of 9603.30) September Year To Date Country Net Q/No. Value Net Q/No. Value Canada 24,182 372,626 554,543 5,785,524 Mexico 683 14,160 17,696 329,754 Guatmal 41 3,800 4,261 67,547 Salvadr 253 8,688 Hondura 158 2,853 15,469 159,150 Nicarag 245 5,075 C Rica 494 10,247 Panama 925 13,285 4,844 95,876 Bermuda 177 3,675 3,338 46,515 Bahamas 23,253 314,503 Cuba 180 4,502 Jamaica 2,318 45,577 Turk Is 1,694 24,779



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PAGE 30 Cayman Haiti Dom Rep Anglla B Virgn St K N Antigua S Lucia S Vn Gr Grenada Barbado Trinid N Antil Aruba Colomb Venez Surinam Ecuador Peru Chile Brazil Argent Sweden Norway Finland Denmark U King Ireland Nethlds Belgium France Fr Germ Austria Switzld Estonia Poland Russia Ukraine Spain Malta Italy Greece Bulgar Turkey Lebanon Israel Jordan S Arab Arab Em Bahrain India Thailnd Vietnam Malaysa Singapr Phil R China Kor Rep Hg Kong Taiwan Japan Austral N Zeal Fr Poly Marshal Egypt Guinea Ghana Kenya Rep Saf Namibia TOTAL





565 155

11,710 4,673





1,644 1,004

9,736 20,831



901 167

18,700 4,600

752 5,280

15,600 107,866



13,023 4,419

270,119 91,648







691 476

11,637 13,472



292 810

23,980 10,645











9,095 100 5,222 64 2,764 267 455 220 131 922 625 2,015 1,380 1,298 1,664 9,616 97 3,942 2,222 16,455 47,206 1,566 6,918 5,280 8,442 6,161 459,691 6,999 173,378 26,439 1,862 9,570 1,961 711 1,171 22,259 100 1,584 4,585 248 4,205 278 36 665 1,847 15,861 334 1,640 1,599 18 158 3,502 379 6,919 11,213 285 19,364 7,028 25,383 1,368 24,768 2,414 3,907 14 606 7,472 217 2,404 661 770 336 1,618,924

78,822 3,248 46,748 6,571 57,308 9,400 7,033 15,191 13,247 27,440 12,236 22,751 35,310 26,921 37,210 78,033 2,521 81,792 41,431 100,254 425,991 31,898 119,626 107,866 170,551 50,530 2,665,798 44,131 3,570,803 550,771 31,521 177,471 18,353 14,764 5,569 258,688 3,768 37,620 80,328 7,628 121,005 9,435 7,126 13,792 24,931 336,549 6,396 34,015 36,824 2,562 3,287 62,513 7,866 156,318 193,244 11,586 416,336 131,723 484,691 28,362 421,361 8,727 67,483 3,778 6,959 154,977 4,500 72,128 13,711 19,166 14,864 18,851,094

9603900000 Hand-Operated Mechanical Floor Sweepers,

January 2008

Not Motorized, Mops & Feather Dusters; Prepared Knots & Tufts for Broom or Brush Making, NESOI September Year To Date Country Net Q/No. Value Net Q/No. Value Canada 307,418 2,629,655 2,357,875 22,895,193 Mexico 47,239 601,260 632,525 8,200,184 Guatmal 1,802 29,231 Salvadr 359 7,525 359 7,525 Hondura 1,328 21,533 16,342 400,688 C Rica 7,245 75,357 Panama 216 3,510 19,467 312,124 Bermuda 318 7,810 Jamaica 628 3,684 1,084 10,802 Cayman 293 4,748 Dom Rep 1,726 22,171 Barbado 564 5,030 Trinid 3,663 42,293 N Antil 1,421 6,851 Aruba 214 5,247 Colomb 1,087 17,638 6,906 73,132 Venez 1,320 21,418 5,055 85,024 Guyana 8,580 139,160 Ecuador 3,744 27,607 Peru 3,139 50,812 3,139 50,812 Chile 190 3,081 29,129 251,344 Brazil 1,350 21,895 8,958 121,437 Argent 132 4,563 270 9,537 Iceland 84 4,438 Sweden 1,616 35,361 Finland 1,118 21,355 Denmark 73 6,620 8,064 417,960 U King 7,178 115,098 84,929 1,361,632 Ireland 2,538 41,169 4,649 75,412 Nethlds 2,107 34,170 31,471 326,392 Belgium 2,648 94,436 Luxmbrg 20 2,574 France 264 3,200 9,787 210,175 Fr Germ 1,640 28,230 18,666 426,215 Czech 1,464 7,118 Hungary 100 3,927 Switzld 504 8,180 4,506 69,216 Lithuan 448 7,270 Poland 2,871 46,565 Russia 659 10,690 5,296 85,915 Belar 20 2,740 Spain 2,342 37,983 Italy 649 14,612 10,269 138,370 Slvenia 23 4,264 Turkey 3,083 50,000 4,241 72,855 Lebanon 250 4,050 Iraq 5,298 85,924 Israel 615 18,000 6,478 76,603 Kuwait 833 13,510 S Arab 12,162 81,245 Qatar 1,748 10,567 Arab Em 9,675 91,407 Oman 3,156 51,190 Bahrain 266 5,170 Afghan 740 12,000 India 1,042 16,893 2,006 35,239 Thailnd 24 4,593 2,422 74,147 Vietnam 1,278 13,600 Malaysa 164 2,659 1,476 43,008 Singapr 2,113 44,597 Indnsia 1,748 14,440 2,344 21,979 Phil R 2,280 25,948 China 612 17,704 10,140 128,090 Kor Rep 644 9,221 14,746 159,070 Hg Kong 3,627 61,382 17,711 283,456 Taiwan 7,827 129,096 Japan 5,892 76,704 48,765 458,237 Austral 4,644 56,040 57,092 854,121 N Zeal 201 3,255 3,539 55,833 Tunisia 500 3,180



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January 2009 Egypt Nigeria Angola Liberia Rep Saf TOTAL





1,035 5,762 1,048 250 3,385 3,531,636

16,790 27,259 16,822 2,910 35,673 39,096,201

Broom and Brush

IMPORTS September Imports By Country

Country U King China TOTAL

0502100000 Pigs’, Hogs’ or Boars’ Bristles and Hair and Waste Thereof September Year To Date Net Q/KG Value Net Q/KG 1,600 41,299 467,706 298,860 41,299 467,706 300,460

Value 49,507 4,774,821 4,824,328

Country Mexico U King Fr Germ Thailnd China Japan TOTAL

0502900000 Badger Hair and Other Brushmaking Hair and Waste Thereof September Year To Date Net Q/KG Value Net Q/KG 1,165 273 25,872 555 15,537 555 12,122 78,655 129,944 7 12,677 94,192 157,816

Value 16,167 175,326 610,304 15,537 979,305 14,817 1,811,456

0511993300 Horsehair and Horsehair Waste, Whether or Not Put Up As A Layer With or Without Supporting Material September Year To Date Country Net Q/KG Value Net Q/KG Value Paragua 26,803 248,903 Argent 51 5,895 Fr Germ 10,957 84,361 China 13,232 161,801 102,940 1,658,122 Austral 72 3,478 72 3,478 TOTAL 13,304 165,279 140,823 2,000,759 1404903000 Istle Used Primarily In Brooms or In Brushes, Whether or Not In Hanks or Bundles September Year To Date Country Net Q/KG Value Net Q/KG Value Mexico 47,813 234,573 332,373 1,560,800 TOTAL 47,813 234,573 332,373 1,560,800 4417002000 Broom and Mop Handles, 1.9 CM or More In Diameter and 97 CM or More In Length, Of Wood September Year To Date Country Net Q/No. Value Net Q/No. Value Canada 115,766 28,928 39,506 Mexico 233,110 Hondura 738,840 253,956 5,553,338 2,175,582 Dom Rep 19,440 19,469 Colomb 6,900 2,708 117,252 88,813 Brazil 1,306,453 1,221,959 10,154,912 8,169,949 Argent 42,300 24,590 Fr Germ 45,100 33,327 104,350 80,854 Lithuan 1,476 2,526 Sri Lka 233,953 208,709 Vietnam 33,852 29,683 108,596 81,434 Malaysa 148,339 100,060 Singapr 61,280 41,682 Indnsia 394,846 358,966 4,332,298 3,168,493 China 96,149 70,230 1,997,610 1,463,323 Taiwan 32,945 28,697


PAGE 31 2,622,140

4417004000 Paint Brush September Country Net Q/Variable Canada Fr Germ Czech Poland Italy Thailnd Indnsia China Hg Kong Taiwan Japan TOTAL

Country Canada Colomb Brazil Italy Sri Lka Vietnam Indnsia Taiwan TOTAL

Country Canada Mexico C Rica Colomb Brazil Paragua Sweden Nethlds France Poland Spain Italy Indnsia China Taiwan TOTAL


129,000 23,385,965

40,885 15,763,500

and Paint Roller Handles, Of Wood Year To Date Value Net Q/Variable Value 2,406 46,662 147,314 88,627 364,304 5,978,106 36,955 225,825 1,643,759 72,364 1,471,243 3,112 64,218 2,995 662,493 9,485,397

4417006000 Brush Backs, Of Wood September Year To Date Net Q/No. Value Net Q/No. 46,399 38,977 852,720 5,760 55,125 74,037 509,600 35,640 99,571 32,474 274,715 174,016 36,700 1,200 201,095 145,488 1,890,351 4417008010 Tool Handles of Wood September Year To Date Net Q/Variable Value Net Q/Variable 9,987 2,863 2,606 354,992


46,204 32,087 453,536

Value 424,841 2,854 562,401 17,781 186,647 86,189 29,825 3,076 1,313,614

Value 168,213 43,747 30,278 7,733 2,494,689 27,335 2,347 2,310 2,679 6,707 4,797 3,805 18,009 787,746 80,913 3,681,308

4417008090 Tools, Tool Bodies, Broom or Brush Bodies, Shoe Lasts and Trees, of Wood September Year To Date Country Net Q/Variable Value Net Q/Variable Value Canada 169,898 1,424,445 Mexico 6,237 131,533 Hondura 6,597 26,957 Colomb 3,358 17,879 Chile 501,138 4,435,546 Brazil 4,880 U King 4,629 136,252 France 9,890 43,795 Fr Germ 82,480 Russia 2,363 Spain 4,221 70,370 Portugl 2,322 Italy 2,384 155,565 Slvenia 109,947 Israel 19,116 India 136,804 300,463 Sri Lka 75,882 818,452



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PAGE 32 Vietnam Indnsia Bhutan China Taiwan Japan Austral Zmbabwe TOTAL

BROOM, BRUSH & MOP 12,265 116,613 212,966 41,784 220,388


119,222 358,136 2,435 3,642,209 242,801 2,897,917 4,700 2,363 15,052,148

9603100500 Wiskbrooms, of Broom Corn, LT=.96 EA. Prior to Entry or Withdrawal for Consumption of 61,655 Dozen In Calendar Year September Year To Date Country Net Q/No. Value Net Q/No. Value Mexico 16,776 14,423 Hondura 3,456 3,110 China 7,200 4,464 TOTAL 27,432 21,997 9603104000 Other Brooms, of Broomcorn, LT=.96 EA, Prior to Entry or Withdrawal For Consumption of GT=121,478 Dozen in Calendar Year September Year To Date Mexico 19,104 14,302 China 15,666 14,596 TOTAL 34,770 28,898 9603105000 Other Brooms, of Broomcorn, LT=.96 EA, at Entry or Withdrawal For Consumption of GT=121,478 Dozen in Calendar Year September Year To Date Country Net Q/No. Value Net Q/No. Value Mexico 21,516 15,070 116,112 81,907 China 68,382 52,376 TOTAL 21,516 15,070 184,494 134,283 9603106000 Other Brooms, Of Broomcorn, Valued Over September Year To Date Country Net Q/No. Value Net Q/No. Mexico 694,450 1,612,215 5,929,142 Hondura 49,140 105,144 618,216 China 4,512 5,565 108,426 TOTAL 748,102 1,722,924 6,655,784

.96 Each Value 13,638,859 1,371,472 216,907 15,227,238

9603109000 Brooms & Brushes, Consisting of Twigs or Other Vegetable Materials Bound Together, With or Without Handles, NESOI September Year To Date Country Net Q/No. Value Net Q/No. Value Canada 10,960 20,109 Mexico 83,968 87,392 Dom Rep 5,613 8,134 5,613 8,134 Colomb 17,688 30,182 53,964 88,516 Brazil 29,540 45,171 U King 8,000 9,518 Fr Germ 3,064 14,486 Russia 3,961 3,170 Belar 7,620 5,861 Spain 20,256 24,287 Slvenia 4,200 6,603 Israel 1,296 2,305 India 4,900 7,207 Sri Lka 70,611 138,091 704,081 1,199,255 Thailnd 8,350 11,475 125,724 228,996 Vietnam 60,000 23,316 129,950 76,807 Phil R 6,000 9,702 China 15,008 22,237 177,734 239,845 Kor Rep 1 3,743 1 3,743 Taiwan 3,600 5,899 TOTAL 177,271 237,178 1,384,432 2,087,006 9603210000 Toothbrushes, Incl. Dental-Plate Brushes September Year To Date Country Net Q/No. Value Net Q/No. Value Canada 3,790 9,037 145,553 106,463

Mexico Brazil Sweden U King Ireland Nethlds Belgium France Fr Germ Switzld Spain Italy Arab Em India Thailnd Vietnam Malaysa Indnsia China Kor Rep Hg Kong Taiwan Japan Austral Moroc TOTAL

January 2009 217,418 1,661,832 20,478 256,800 1,429,850 32,872

205,826 518,178 18,540 85,030 570,550 8,771

5,030,536 4,151,652

3,027,032 1,815,157

2,339,588 709,164 1,215,684 1,302,988 268,000 43,241,615 65,568 137,760 1,100,510 76,100

456,058 128,804 306,864 118,668 14,818 8,730,518 16,620 37,699 226,729 15,549



3,907,869 13,286,096 67,742 626,467 12,703,326 339,804 238,608 792 67,587,906 48,726,446 4,824 3,713 1,532,736 22,954,164 8,185,072 8,844,896 10,384,704 973,170 387,384,780 1,403,004 697,062 5,425,733 2,303,364 351,000 8,000 598,086,831

1,615,669 3,973,140 70,829 294,996 3,718,549 40,753 116,360 7,545 32,804,594 26,614,730 5,023 12,381 354,940 3,499,767 1,108,392 1,739,535 1,174,657 61,938 69,649,434 258,127 233,008 1,951,005 226,307 22,087 7,733 149,667,962

9603294010 Hairbrushes, Valued Not Over .40 Each September Year To Date Country Net Q/No. Value Net Q/No. Value India 5,040 2,281 Thailnd 83,600 10,994 Vietnam 34,800 8,461 China 5,476,880 1,416,954 44,381,106 11,729,319 Kor Rep 22,250 9,416 79,498 18,836 Hg Kong 69,120 9,659 1,223,232 146,520 Taiwan 18,870 5,976 676,998 268,541 TOTAL 5,587,120 1,442,005 46,484,274 12,184,952 9603294090 Shaving Brushes, Nail Brushes, Eyelash Brushes & Other Toilet Brushes For Use On The Person, Valued Not Over .40 Each September Year To Date Country Net Q/No. Value Net Q/No. Value Mexico 4,720,572 473,475 44,069,859 4,213,870 Brazil 192,000 13,933 Nethlds 440,000 31,202 1,780,399 127,132 France 359,268 77,409 2,200,130 472,527 Fr Germ 3,936,200 725,928 30,700,030 4,884,321 Italy 313,836 59,240 2,115,502 448,057 Turkey 50,000 8,150 Arab Em 19,680 4,796 India 7,602,884 253,710 Sri Lka 16,200 6,155 Indnsia 135 2,388 China 3,407,644 601,473 34,063,240 6,512,190 Kor Rep 210,000 17,240 6,226,000 266,989 Hg Kong 14,400 3,042 3,641,496 294,706 Taiwan 118,199 39,539 1,388,539 327,423 Japan 80,000 9,580 80,324 15,265 TOTAL 13,600,119 2,038,128 134,146,418 17,851,612 9603302000 Artists Brushes, Writing Brushes & Similar Brushes For Application Of Cosmetics, Valued Not Over .05 Each September Year To Date Country Net Q/No. Value Net Q/No. Value Canada 185,000 5,571 Mexico 96,000 2,581 3,981,080 52,910 France 7,800,000 278,368 Fr Germ 750,000 29,913 5,090,710 134,130 Italy 517,800 6,495 23,636,800 320,381 India 6,165,000 54,477 China 16,473,588 401,144 75,669,808 2,343,054



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January 2009 Kor Rep Hg Kong Taiwan TOTAL

BROOM, BRUSH & MOP 700,800 213,000 18,751,188

22,948 7,063 470,144

17,688,200 1,948,400 1,214,000 143,378,998

500,259 43,743 42,518 3,775,411

9603304000 Artists Brushes, Writing Brushes & Similar Brushes For Application of Cosmetics, Valued Over .05 But not Over .10 Each September Year To Date Country Net Q/No. Value Net Q/No. Value Mexico 6,105,884 483,192 55,764,578 4,382,437 Brazil 384,000 27,560 U King 503,730 44,469 Fr Germ 756,150 52,635 Malta 296,650 27,746 India 61,740 5,224 644,460 53,521 China 6,642,546 555,208 63,853,703 4,775,777 Kor Rep 433,000 31,355 4,737,980 300,953 Hg Kong 1,921,130 144,833 Taiwan 273,840 24,203 995,724 88,475 TOTAL 13,517,010 1,099,182 129,858,105 9,898,406 9603306000 Artists Brushes, Writing Brushes & Similar Brushes For Application Of Cosmetics, Valued Over .10 Each September Year To Date Country Net Q/No. Value Net Q/No. Value Canada 432 21,804 5,255 208,875 Mexico 10,701,711 1,790,893 120,398,250 19,985,472 Dom Rep 149,186 135,304 1,218,067 1,143,824 Colomb 4,542 2,299 Brazil 120 6,079 120 6,079 Denmark 1,464 4,999 U King 73,084 154,628 1,051,026 2,117,863 Monaco 2,347 11,576 France 61,512 244,458 704,579 2,270,385 Fr Germ 69,853 140,629 1,747,685 1,954,382 Czech 288 5,942 Switzld 1,377 13,981 3,317 69,857 Spain 90,218 417,437 Italy 502,700 97,624 1,399,916 370,239 Greece 27,635 210,829 Turkey 35,532 10,955 Israel 30,482 66,864 Arab Em 17,934 12,662 India 802,068 272,008 4,699,600 2,053,268 Sri Lka 271,932 188,162 2,463,171 1,479,677 Thailnd 370,645 314,911 3,029,433 2,581,596 Vietnam 30,000 65,701 30,000 65,701 Malaysa 3,697 24,832 Singapr 197,664 28,661 Indnsia 27,168 5,636 China 21,172,039 17,330,363 171,150,154 118,919,551 Kor Rep 470,806 517,402 4,139,762 4,932,915 Hg Kong 250,114 204,749 4,177,966 2,592,514 Taiwan 186,820 42,330 2,339,196 624,045 Japan 257,173 749,184 3,335,171 8,215,815 Austral 1,620 17,355 10,842 68,153 Maurit 3,023 7,264 14,204 45,556 TOTAL 35,376,215 22,314,829 322,356,685 170,508,459

Country Canada Mexico Brazil Sweden Norway U King Nethlds Fr Germ Italy Greece Indnsia

9603402000 Paint Rollers September Year To Date Net Q/No. Value Net Q/No. 188,077 187,945 550,987 820,958 564,163 8,670,076 30,094 192 5,000 13,000 300 2,751 7,678 130,400 37,998 2,674,396 20,860 3,846 138,084

Value 534,855 5,016,343 9,994 8,991 9,667 10,777 17,389 804,291 24,693 54,857 71,080

China Hg Kong Taiwan Japan Camroon TOTAL

PAGE 33 2,930,546




35,443,886 1,190 112,796 81,025 374,559 48,127,669

12,456,474 5,830 46,160 59,247 60,119 19,190,767

9603404020 Paint Pads (Other Than Of Subheading 9603.30) September Year To Date Country Net Q/No. Value Net Q/No. Value Canada 295 10,624 801,844 119,804 Mexico U King 67,240 23,820 Fr Germ 2,078 10,837 41,417 55,745 Israel 1,200 2,520 Pakistn 56,000 5,543 China 1,565,980 702,294 6,161,834 3,028,957 Taiwan 568,556 719,440 Japan 21 2,125 TOTAL 1,568,058 713,131 7,698,407 3,968,578 9603404040 Natural Bristle Brushes, Other Than Brushes Of Subheading 9603.30 September Year To Date Country Net Q/No. Value Net Q/No. Value Canada 4,560 9,515 5,550 11,643 U King 16,739 18,712 64,518 85,550 Nethlds 324 2,958 Belgium 560 8,160 France 5,660 17,990 Fr Germ 315 3,533 17,869 45,769 Italy 30,634 133,911 Turkey 42,580 137,345 India 35,112 36,898 Indnsia 5,296,956 895,763 42,975,255 6,625,854 China 76,478 73,472 2,082,348 620,456 Hg Kong 462 2,577 Taiwan 60,040 36,180 2,448,288 531,146 Japan 720 5,570 1,320 10,384 TOTAL 5,455,808 1,042,745 47,710,480 8,270,641 9603404060 Paint, Distemper, Varnish/Similr Brushes Exc Subheading 9603.30 NESOI September Year To Date Country Net Q/No. Value Net Q/No. Canada 14,992 27,488 763,317 Guatmal 42,412 Brazil 32,448 Sweden 25,000 11,177 118,907 U King 2,650 12,140 167,255 Nethlds 9,534 Belgium 192 Fr Germ 11,650 42,536 61,406 Czech 4,800 2,878 19,200 Spain 8,822 Italy 396 7,353 15,112 India 593,576 Thailnd 922,368 Vietnam 1,492 4,608 27,631 Indnsia 4,206,336 765,149 33,952,422 China 16,745,624 5,444,777 116,783,902 Kor Rep 1,280,000 Hg Kong 1,008 11,488 16,328 Taiwan 418,344 211,812 2,947,746 Japan 5,180 6,143 11,244 Cocos I 572 TOTAL 21,437,472 6,547,549 157,774,394

Country Mexico Brazil

9603908010 Wiskbrooms September Year To Date Net Q/No. Value Net Q/No. 17,396 2,933 77,631 5,318

Brushes of

Value 509,075 35,544 9,508 80,029 132,964 6,746 3,989 142,414 12,104 17,284 68,510 71,420 821,873 58,632 5,749,405 39,535,493 74,914 39,461 847,746 21,126 2,665 48,240,902

Value 47,316 100,017



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PAGE 34 Italy Israel China Taiwan TOTAL

Country Canada Mexico Guatmal Salvadr Colomb Brazil Nethlds Spain Italy Vietnam Phil R China Hg Kong Taiwan Egypt TOTAL






2,703 7,460 280,192 10,191 323,260

9603908020 Upright Brooms September Year To Date Net Q/No. Value Net Q/No. 652 63,297 75,732 459,939 42,606 66,264 19,860 15,422 61,976 16,434 35,201 300,336 4,296 14,114 4,296 27,598 24,816 29,639 517,032 1,100 3,250 380,464 498,374 3,886,261 38,488 6,604 36,792 15,352 38,184 515,771 705,274 5,463,334

26,720 8,391 404,946 10,308 597,698

Value 14,106 537,855 81,759 66,001 50,262 610,013 14,114 27,637 994,796 3,233 3,106 5,334,421 56,707 83,727 36,596 7,914,333

9603908030 Push Brooms, 41 CM or Less in Width September Year To Date Country Net Q/No. Value Net Q/No. Value Mexico 2,280 2,429 Sri Lka 3,222 15,791 China 79,182 129,362 Taiwan 96,216 138,550 TOTAL 180,900 286,132

Country Canada Mexico Guatmal Salvadr Colomb Venez Brazil Argent Sweden U King Czech Russia Spain Italy Israel India Sri Lka Thailnd Malaysa Indnsia China Hg Kong Taiwan Egypt TOTAL

9603908040 Other Brooms, NESOI September Year To Date Net Q/No. Value Net Q/No. 236,254 529,748 1,549,405 293,677 613,279 3,025,554 61,200 69,952 6,816 11,623 316,834 4,543 39,668 23,269 9,144 15,172 291,212 7,260 750 711 5,256 763 89,280 76,372 294,737 2,545 131,700 22,938 59,039 414,420 960 16,600 23,010 78,177 276,304 5,000 6,552 29,000 1,903,964 79,500 81,305 199,550 587,186 710,084 8,262,429 4,498 15,051 4,498 2,108 5,142 10,992 16,584 1,364,665 2,246,468 16,910,482

Value 1,904,727 6,148,879 53,282 85,369 309,110 185,358 838,979 8,306 4,827 10,160 253,720 5,849 124,890 486,721 2,226 15,740 731,186 46,926 1,109,347 204,390 9,647,361 15,051 40,331 13,493 22,246,228

9603908050 Brooms, Brushes, Sqeegees, Etc., NESOI September Year To Date Country Net Q/No. Value Net Q/No. Value Canada 1,193,445 16,771,349 3,889,240 33,181,248 Mexico Salvadr 119,229 Hondura 1,167,417 12,413,054

Panama Dom Rep B Virgn Colomb Venez Chile Brazil Argent Sweden Finland Denmark U King Ireland Nethlds Belgium France Fr Germ Austria Czech Hungary Lichten Switzld Estonia Poland Spain Italy Serbia Romania Israel India Pakistn Sri Lka Thailnd Vietnam Malaysa Singapr Indnsia Phil R China Kor Rep Hg Kong Taiwan Japan Austral N Caldn Tunisia

January 2009 15,728 14,638 110,614

57,299 31,961 54,905 154,017 105,967 20,800 58,092 20,500 238,072

72,989 2,733 30,443 380,640

149,109 71,466 600,615 288,327 456,059 3,670 37,584 4,111 103,034 25,379,739 204,683 134,877 1,272,897 46,312 343,450 27,418

60,314 156,260 14,638 909,186 10,029 6,793 443,413 87,783 796,237 60,513 1,115,760 1,139,966 35,234 168,842 1,825,284 272,998 2,324,203 33,823 243,302 5,143 41,806 255,127 2,396 26,469 673,078 7,753,556 123,587 7,063 873,469 591,631 5,397,480 2,457,342 3,418,630 321,390 180,713 112,538 595,787 112,699 215,947,334 4,205,529 2,075,306 11,725,034 768,221 1,581,214 59,849 62,136

INDEX OF ADVERTISERS ABMA ......................................................................38 Brush Expert .............................................................37 Caddy & Co., Inc., R.E.............................................20 Carlson Tool ............................................................25 Chung Thai Brushes Co..............................................7 Crystal Lake..............................................................11 Distribuidora Perfect, S.A. .........................................9 Himesa ................................................................13, 17 Jones Companies ........................................................5 Lemieux Spinning Mill Inc.........................................3 Line Manufacturing, Inc. ..........................................23 Manufacturers Resource ...........................................40 Monahan Co., The Thomas ................Front Cover, 15 PelRay.........................................................................2 St. Nick Brush Co.....................................................25



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January 2009



Earl Julo, Steve Lewis Lead Golden Star Into Its 2nd Century During the annual 2008 Board of Directors meeting, new officers were elected to lead Golden Star, of Kansas City, MO, into its second century. The president position is now shared by Earl D. Julo and Steven M. Lewis. Julo will head finance and global supply chain activities and Lewis will lead sales and marketing initiatives worldwide. Joe Julo was elected vice president, manufacturing; and Gretchen Gradinger Lynch was elected vice president, compliance. Gradinger Lynch will also continue as corporate counsel and Bill Gradinger will continue as executive vice president. In making these announcements, chairman and CEO, Gary Gradinger, noted, “Golden Star has an obvious fondness for the long road … the wonderful experi-

Obituary Harold W. Hatcher Harold W. Hatcher, 63, died on Thursday, Nov. 27, 2008, from complications of leukemia. Born in Memphis, TN, on Feb. 24, 1945, to Everette M. Hatcher, Sr. and Thelma Tritt Hatcher, he received a law degree from Memphis State University. Initially working for the state of Tennessee as a lawyer, he later joined his brother and father in the family businesses, Chickasaw Broom Works, in Memphis, TN, and Little Rock Broom Works, in Little Rock, AR. Hatcher is survived by his wife, Sandra DeVall Hatcher, and son, John (Mack) Hatcher, both of Little Rock. He is also survived by a sister, Nancy Hatcher Kitchen, of Crosby, TX; and a brother, Everette Hatcher Jr. and wife, Jane, of Memphis, TN; nephew and business partner Everette Hatcher III, of Bryant, AR; and nieces Beth Sayles, Vicki Parks and Nancy Daniels of Tennessee; Kim McClure, Kelley Kratky, Kandace Kitchen and Kary Denny of Texas, as well as their spouses and children. Hatcher was preceded in death by his parents. A memorial service was held December 2 at Second Presbyterian Church, in Little Rock. Memorials are suggested to St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, 501 St. Jude Place, Memphis, TN 38105.

ences, the enduring friendships, the shared prosperity and the multitude of challenges to overcome. Particularly gratifying has been our long-term involvement in the emergence of an indispensable industry. “Both Earl and Steve’s tours with Golden Star have each spanned over 25 years and have touched every corner of our business and industry. We couldn’t be more fortunate in having their distinguished leadership and vast experience and that of our other new officers to launch us into another century of business.” Since 1908, Golden Star has driven textile-based cleaning solutions for hard and soft surfaces worldwide. An industry innovator recognized for its support and service, Golden Star attends to customer needs

Steve Lewis

Earl Julo

Joe Julo

Gretchen Gradinger Lynch

from 450,000 square feet of vertically integrated production facilities on two continents.

Hamburg Industries Appoints Upper Midwest Sales Representative Hamburg Industries, of Hamburg, PA, has appointed Denny Smith, Smith Sales Company, as sales representative in the Upper Midwest.

Smith will handle field sales in Minnesota, North Dakota, South Dakota and in western Wisconsin. He has over 30 years experience in the jan/san industry.

Wooster’s ECO Kit™ Designed With The Environment In Mind The Wooster Brush Company’s paint roller ECO Kit™ is designed to reduce waste, contains reusable products and is made from recycled materials. This 5-piece kit includes a metal 1-quart tray and 9-inch cage frame for repeated use. Also found in this package are a biodegradable tray liner and two 9inch ECO Roller™ covers. The fabric of the ECO Roller is made from 100 percent certified recycled plastic PET (polyethylene terephthalate) bottles. The fabric is also free from the presence of dyes or chemicals used for coloring. It is available in 3/8-inch pile, and is recommended for use with flat paints on smooth surfaces like most walls and ceilings. The ECO Roller is also sold sepa-

rately in a 2-pack. The ECO Liner™ is made from recycled materials, and it is also biodegradable. The clear plastic contains special additives to make it fully degrade after disposal. It will become a humus-like biomass in any landfill or compost system within one to five years (paint and/or disposal method may impact biodegradability.) The form-fitting ECO Liner assists in extending the life of Wooster’s R402 Deluxe Metal Tray (included in the kit). The ECO Liner is also available for purchase individually. These green products are available at all traditional paint and decorating centers, hardware stores, paint sundry distributors or retailers, and home centers.



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January 2009

U.S. Imports 123 Short Tons Of Broom Corn In October By Harrell Kerkhoff Broom, Brush & Mop Editor According to the U.S. Department of Commerce, there were 123 short tons of broom corn imported into the United States during October 2008. Total value of this import was $354,798, with a cost per ton of $2,885 ($1.44 per pound). Two countries supplied broom corn to the United States during October, according to government figures, led by Mexico with 109 short tons. Total value of the Mexican broom corn was $338,290, with a cost per ton of $3,104 ($1.55 per pound). India was the other supplier for the month at 14 short tons and a total value of $16,508. The cost per ton of the Indian import was $1,179 (59 cents per pound). October’s import figure of 123 short tons was smaller compared to the previous month’s total of 133 short tons that arrived in September. However, more broom corn was imported during the past October compared to one year ago, when just 92 short tons arrived into the United States during October 2007. For the first 10 months of 2008, a total of 932 short tons of broom corn arrived into the United States. Total value of this broom corn was $2,423,722, with a cost per ton of $2,601 ($1.30 per pound). In comparison, after the first 10 months of 2007, there were 955 short tons of broom corn imported. Total value of this import was $2,149,097, with a cost per ton of $2,250 ($1.13 per pound). The 2008 import breakdown in short tons by country after 10 months is as follows: Mexico, 883 tons; India, 48 tons; and Sweden, 1 ton. Bart Pelton of PelRay International, LLC, in San Antonio, TX, said 109 imported short tons of Mexican broom corn is now considered a pretty good month as opposed to years ago. Therefore, Pelton was fairly happy with the month’s import figure. “I think (the amount) was a little heavier than usual as there may have been more broom corn buying taking place in the United States from people trying to stay ahead of price increases. There are also concerns over broom corn being in short supply by next spring,” Pelton said. “Our company (PelRay International) also increased its inventory a bit in October due to these same concerns over pricing and availability.” As has been the case in the past, Pelton said he feels the import figure out of India for October was probably palmyra fiber rather than actual broom corn. In other words, the import may have very well been misclassified. He explained that palmyra can be found in some brooms. For example, 18-inch palmyra is often used for the center of some specialty brooms such as those purchased by railroads. This is because palmyra fiber is often coarse and stiff. In addition, there is fine shredded palmyra that is used in the production of certain

push brooms and scrub brushes. “Fine palmyra is flexible enough that it can be staple set and won’t break,” Pelton said. When interviewed on December 11, Pelton added that Mexican broom corn pricing remained fairly stable, with some very small decreases taking place at times from the previous month’s level. This is primarily due to the slippage of the Mexican peso when compared to the U.S. dollar. “With most of the demand for broom corn now coming from Mexico, the price is set in pesos these days rather than in U.S. dollars. When the peso slips like it has been doing, this helps keep (broom corn) prices from going up as much as they normally would,” Pelton explained. “Years ago, when the United States bought most of the broom corn grown in Mexico, American demand would set the market more in terms of U.S. dollars.” Although the price of Mexican broom corn may not be going up as fast due to the weaker peso, the fact remains that the price is still high. This in itself may be causing a softer demand for the crop, including those who use broom corn in Mexico. “At the moment, the liquidity in Mexico is not very good. I think there are a lot of people who are worried about the supply of broom corn and who would like to buy what is available, but may not have the money,” Pelton said. There remains good news, however, about the quality of Mexican broom corn that is now available. Pelton said he has not seen any negative quality issues regarding the broom corn that came out of the late 2008 harvest in Torreon. “Unfortunately, the (Mexican) processors who do the best job seem to always be the first ones who run out of broom corn,” he added. With current Mexican prices remaining high, there are plenty of discussions taking place from processors to encourage additional planting of Apatzingan broom corn. This crop is usually the first broom corn to be harvested in Mexico every year, although its size in recent years has been small. “I would expect the (Apatzingan) crop (in 2009) to be larger than last year. It’s usually a small crop, however, so 200 processed tons is probably about the best we can hope for at this time,” Pelton said. “This would certainly help since broom corn from (the Apatzingan harvest)would be hitting the market next spring at a time when Mexican supply may be gone.” As of the middle of December, Pelton said there has not been any major changes with the fumigation issue regarding imported broom corn from Mexico. In early October, the U.S. Department of Agriculture started to require all incoming broom corn from Mexico to be fumigated. This was due to an effort to protect against corn bore. The fumigation issue has caused concerns from U.S. broom corn dealers and users over what influence the requirement would have on supply and costs. Since this time, there has been a



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compromise met where hurl is no longer required to be fumigated as long as insides are not present in the same container load. The fumigation issue was addressed at length during the 2008 National Broom & Mop Convention in St. Louis, held in November (see page 12 of this issue). Pelton said a letter writing campaign among various people involved with the U.S. broom and broom corn industry will begin shortly. These letters will be sent to various U.S. representatives and senators as well as to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, asking for a review of the fumigation requirement. Concerning the yucca fiber market, Pelton said stability remains in place and that prices have not changed much from previous months. “This market is a bit on the slow side, (partly) because of its seasonal nature,” he said. “We often see an uptick in price (for yucca fiber) around December. Prices can increase 5 to 20 percent and then come down in the spring. This is due to a loss of production because of the holiday season and winter weather. We haven’t seen yucca fiber prices increase (as of December 11), but this is still possible.” Richard Caddy of R.E. Caddy & Co., Inc., in Greensboro, NC, reflected on the fact that October’s price for Mexican broom corn (at $1.55 per pound) was in the historic level category. “That is the current trend — prices have been high. I’m not sure what (prices) will do in the future, but I think a lot will depend on how much broom corn will be available before the new crops are harvested (in 2009),” Caddy said. “Right now, there is broom corn available, and when looking at import figures for finished brooms heading into the United States, this amount is going down. I would say there is not as much activity with Mexican and other broom makers as in the past.” Caddy said on December 11 that Mexican broom corn prices were steady with very minor adjustments being made. Quality of this broom corn also remains steady with no major issues to report. He also commented on the broom corn fumigation issue, saying it’s hard to predict what the final outcome will be on today’s current requirements. “If you bring in a load right now of broom corn that does not include stalks, then that load is not required to be fumigated. However, if you bring in a load of mixed broom corn, with even one stalk, then the whole trailer must be fumigated,” Caddy explained. “We (R.E. Caddy) usually bring in mixed broom corn containing both insides and hurl. Therefore, this type of load must be fumigated, which adds an additional 5 to 6 cents a pound to the cost. “When building inventory in the warehouse, it’s certainly feasible to buy a truck load of hurl and a truck load of insides to cut fumigation costs. It’s possible for a dealer or distributor to do this from a stocking standpoint.” Pertaining to yucca fiber, Caddy said there is plenty of supply available and that lead times are not a problem. Orders can be turned in a couple of weeks. Unfortunately, he added, demand for yucca fiber has trended down, similar to the recent trend with broom corn. Caddy said that overall business seems to be slowing. This has been typical in recent years due to the time of year. “Seasonally, business slows in December. However, this was not always the case. Years ago, business might be busy during the final month of the year as customers didn’t want to wait until January. Today, our business tends to depend on what season is currently taking place,” he said. “Our larger accounts are antici-


pating a slow down in business right now with their ultimate endusers, so it may be a little slow during the next couple of months. The economy doesn't seem to be very good right now if you listen to the TV and believe what you read. The experts sure aren't presenting a very positive picture. “On the up side, gasoline is cheaper. It now takes less money to drive and deliver goods.” Tim Monahan of The Thomas Monahan Co., in Arcola, IL, said he was pleased to see that the amount of broom corn imported into the United States after the first 10 months of 2008 was not that far behind the 10-month mark for 2007. “I felt there was some U.S. production of brooms lost (in 2008), but it looks like somebody has picked up the slack,” Monahan said. He noted that the $1.55 per pound mark for Mexican broom corn is as high at it’s been for quite a while, and that this figure accurately reflects the current market situation. Monahan added that he has no complaints about the quality of the Mexican broom corn he has seen as of late. He reported that color is good and there “is a fair amount of 18- and 20-inch broom corn which is the desirable size.” Fiber quality is also reasonably good. Monahan also reported during the middle of December that overall business has been on the slow side. He said usually a slow economy, however, doesn’t influence the sale of brooms as much as it does with higher ticket items. “Hopefully business in January will pick up, but it’s hard to tell how long the economy will stay down,” he said.



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January 2009

Housewares Industry Seeks Ways To Fight Economic Challenges With the U.S. economy entering into challenging times, housewares industry stakeholders are focused on strategies that bring consumers into stores. Sales promotions, rebates and new product offerings are widespread across all categories as consumers tighten their belts and the discretionary income pie continues to shrink. “Managing the housewares business in the midst of a tumultuous economy is no doubt a challenge,” says Peter Goldman, president of the Home Section of The NPD Group. Commenting in the Fall issue of Housewares Marketwatch, Goldman notes that consumers are inevitably buying less, with sales patterns reflecting how they might be dealing with pressures that include a credit crunch, high gasoline prices, climbing home foreclosure rates and growing unemployment. In the small appliance sector, home environment products are faring best, with flat dollar sales while most product categories are in the red. Goldman says this is “further testament of how restrictive consumer spending was” during the first half of the year. The abiding trend toward wellness has contributed to a positive

outlook for products that keep a home clean. Canister vacuums, for instance, were among the “bright spots” of the housewares industry in the first half of 2008 with dollar and unit sales up 12 percent and 6 percent, respectively. Goldman says innovation in this category continues to influence consumer perception of these products, making them an attractive option in floor care. “Many of today’s models have been designed to address consumer needs for convenience, functionality and design,” he says, “offering superior technology that tackles each of these concerns.” In the resilient housewares industry, there is always a silver lining. The sale of rice cookers grew in 2008, with dollar sales up 14 percent and unit volume up 4 percent in the six months ending June 2008. Innovation in this category also is well represented, as manufacturers have built-in features such as steamer trays or similar accessories that accommodate steaming of vegetables and other foods. This appeals to consumers who are in the habit of buying convenience-oriented products that offer multi-functionality.

Unger’s SmartColor Mop Holder Helps Reduce Cleaning Time Unger Enterprises’ SmartColor Mop Holder features a low profile and pivoting head, reducing cleaning time by 10 percent. Its design reduces the amount of bending and reaching required during restroom cleaning, while its large 16-inch surface covers more area and improves scrubbing pressure. The SmartColor Mop Holder can be used with Unger’s mop handles, SmartColor MicroMops, SmartColor Damp Mop and Spill Mop.



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Broom, Brush & Mop

SUPPLIERS 2009 Deadline: May 15, 2009 The following form will be used to compile a company profile to be included in Suppliers 2009, an international suppliers directory that will be read all year long by broom, brush and mop manufacturers. Please fill out and return as soon as possible. Thank you for your help in making this suppliers directory the most helpful and most comprehensive yet.











Mail to: Broom, Brush & Mop, 204 E. Main, P.O. Box 130, Arcola, IL 61910 - USA Phone 800-598-8083 (US) • 217-268-4959 • FAX 217-268-4815 • Email:



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