Broom, Brush & Mop Jan/Feb 2014

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January/February 2014

Broom, Brush & Mop Magazine


Golden Star 4th Generation Leads Golden Star Into Its 106th Year

Paint Brush Companies Starting To See Steady Growth Torrington Brush Works Nour Trading Purdy Corporation

Toothbrushes: The State Of The Industry Radius Preserve

Imports/Exports First 10 Months Down

ABMA To Hold 97th Annual Convention in Rancho Mirage, CA


January/February 2014



Volume 104, Number 1



4th Generation Leads Golden Star Into Its 106th Year ___________________________6 Paint Brush Companies Starting To See Steady Growth________________14 Toothbrush Companies Continue To Improve Product, While Emphasizing What’s Good For The Environment ____________22 ABMA To Hold 97th Annual Convention In Rancho Mirage, California _________________28 Industry News ______________________________32

AMERICAN BRUSH MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION 736 Main Ave., Suite 7, Durango, CO 81301 • (720) 392-2262


801 North Plaza Drive, Schaumburg, IL 60173-4977 • (847) 605-1025


P.O. Box 90154, 5000 LG Tilburg, The Netherlands • 00 31 13 5944 678


7373 N. Lincoln Avenue, Lincolnwood, IL 60646-1799 • (847) 982-0800


6400 Shafer Court, Suite 650, Rosemont, IL 60018 • (847) 292-4200



Linda Rankin

2013 ISSA Show Photo Gallery _______________46

EDITOR Harrell Kerkhoff


Imports/ Exports First 10 Months Down _______________________36

Rankin Publishing, Inc.

October 2013 Import & Export Statistics____________________37

204 E. Main St., P.O. Box 130 • Arcola, IL 61910-0130, USA Phone: (217) 268-4959 • Fax: (217) 268-4815 Website:

Index Of Advertisers ABMA ..............................................................................21 American Select Tubing.....................................................16 Amerwood ........................................................................30 Borghi USA ..........................................................Back Cover Boucherie USA ...................................................................3 Briarwood.........................................................................32 Caddy & Co., Inc., R.E. .....................................................38 Culicover & Shapiro ..........................................................42 Deco Products Co. ............................................................27 Distribuidora Perfect, S.A. .................................................20 DuPont ............................................................................11 G.D.F. .............................................................................13 Garelick ...........................................................................26 Gordon Brush Mfg. Co. Inc. ...............................................23 Hahl Pedex ........................................................................9 Himesa ......................................................................29, 31 Jewel Wire........................................................................12 Jones Companies..................................................Front Cover PG 4

Keystone Plastics..............................................................12 Line Manufacturing, Inc. ...................................................39 Mill-Rose .........................................................................25 Monahan Filaments...........................................................51 Monahan Partners .............................................................24 Paul Marsh LLC ................................................................15 PelRay ...............................................................................2 PMM ...............................................................................17 Royal Paint Roller .............................................................37 St. Nick Brush..................................................................43 Tai Hing Filaments ............................................................10 Vonco ..............................................................................19 Wolf Filaments .......................................................5, 34, 35 WOMA .............................................................................17 Young & Swartz ................................................................43 Zahoransky.........................................................................7 Zelazoski..........................................................................18


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High High Q Quality•Performance•Competitive u a l i t y • P e r f o r m a n c e • C o m p e t i t i v e Price Price ow a b r a s i o n rrate, a t e , llong o n g llifetime ifetime H High i g h grinding grinding e effect, f f e c t , llow abrasion G ood b e n d rrecovery, e c o v e r y, ssuperior nb o t h dry d r y and and w e t working w o r k i n g cconditions onditions u p e r i o r sstiffness t i f f n e s s iin Good bend both wet H i g h tensile t e n s i l e sstrength, trength, e x c e l l e n t toughness, toughness, g r e a t durability durability High excellent great S table d i a m e t e r s , stable s t a b l e crimp c r i m p amplitudes amplitudes Stable diameters, E v e n l y distributed d i s t r i b u t e d grits grits a n d sstable table g r i t lloads oads Evenly and grit S table g r i t ssizes izes Stable grit S t a b l e and a n d low low w a t e r absorption, absorption, h i g h chemical c h e m i c a l rresistance esistance Stable water high T h e same same h igh q u a l i t y llevel e v e l of o f different d i f f e r e n t production production b atches The high quality batches

6 1 2 , N610, N610, N 6 B asic n y l o n rraw aw m aterials: N Basic nylon materials: N612, N6 hite a l u m i n u m (ceramic) ( c e r a m i c ) / green g r e e n silicon s i l i c o n carbide c a r b i d e / diamond diamond arbide / a luminum o xide / w A brasive g r i t s : ssilicon i l i c o n ccarbide Abrasive grits: aluminum oxide white aluminum # 5 0 0 #600 # 6 0 0 #800 # 8 0 0 #1000 #1000 # 1200 G r i t ssizes: izes: # 46 # 6 0 #80 #80 # 120 # 180 # 2 4 0 #320 # 3 2 0 #500 Grit #46 #60 #120 #180 #240 #1200 D i a m e t e r s : from from 0 . 2 0 mm m m tto o 2.00 2.00 m m Diameters: 0.20 mm P a c k i n g : hanks h a n k s / spools spools / b lengths u n d l e s cut c u t to t o desired d e s i r e d lengths Packing: bundles C h i n e s e Manufactory Manufactory Chinese T idyfeel F ilaments C o., L td Tidyfeel Filaments Co., Ltd N o . 2 5 5 - 1 JJintian intian R d, T iantou, No.255-1 Rd, Tiantou, P ingshan N ew D istrict, S henzhen Pingshan New District, Shenzhen C hina China T el: + 86-0755-8426 0 800 Tel: +86-0755-8426 0800 M obil: + 86 1 38 2 520 3 390 Mobil: +86 138 2520 3390 F ax: + 86-0755-8426 0 031 Fax: +86-0755-8426 0031 M a i l : Mail:

E urope Europe B I U R O HANDLOWE HANDLOWE A N A BIURO ANA R a d w a n s k a 72/6 72/6 U l . Radwanska Ul. Lodz 9 3 - 5 7 4 Lodz 93-574 P oland Poland 48-42-639-2850 Tel. +48-42-639-2850 T el. + 48-42-636-2306 Fax: +48-42-636-2306 F ax: + Mail: M ail: a

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ntering its 106th year of operation, with a history of four generations of family ownership at the helm, several key factors have helped Golden Star Inc., located in the Kansas City metropolitan area, prosper during this long time span. Near the top of the list is a strong focus on innovation as the company continues to expand its various product lines featuring wet and dry mops, brooms, brushes, microfiber items, cloths and accessories. Innovation and change have been welcome friends for Golden Star, a company that started in the car polish business but found a long history of success and loyalty by producing hard-surface cleaning products. “Given the background of our company, it’s hard to overlook what innovation and change has brought over the past 106 years,” Golden Star Vice President of Sales & Marketing Mark Julo said. “First of all, it’s pretty rare to see a company in its fourth generation of family ownership. The odds of this happening are long. In my opinion, the only way this occurs is through innovating, adapting, adjusting and changing. “We, at Golden Star, have introduced many product patents over the years that have impacted the business and industry in a positive way. Our history of innovation and meeting customer needs has greatly helped Golden Star reach the 100-plus year mark.” At first glance, an outsider to the cleaning industry may fail to see the importance of innovation when it comes to producing such items as mops, brooms and brushes. However, those responsible for keeping a building clean and healthy know better.

“Our philosophy has always been to help people keep their buildings clean and safe, while also focusing on costs. Golden Star representatives

work to provide quality products and innovation to the industry, and to do this in such a way where we are partnering with companies to help them make a profit. This is our goal,” Julo said. “Customer service is high on the priority list at Golden Star. As long as we can keep this as our focus, we will succeed.” It’s also vital that Golden Star representatives help customers find solutions for hard and ever-changing cleaning industry challenges. This is especially important when it comes to the health focus of cleaning. “Our job is basically to have products available that work and to educate customers about superior cleaning methods,” Julo said. PG 6


Automobile Era Ushers In A New Business

he original founders of Golden Star would probably be hard-pressed to recognize today’s company 106 years after its beginning. This is because the original idea for the business had nothing to do with hard-surface floor care. Rather, the founders were looking to help consumers in the early automobile era take better care of Mark Julo their new “horseless carriages.” Golden Star was opened in 1908 by two Pittsburg, KS, businessmen, Emil Gradinger and R.W. Morris. This was the same year that Henry Ford’s new company started to mass produce the Ford Model T. Gradinger and Morris noticed that many of that era’s cars were constructed with unfinished steel. This made them not only vulnerable to corrosion, but also perfect for the young entrepreneurs’ new automobile “protection polish.” The Golden Star Polish Manufacturing Company was soon launched. Its automobile protection polishes quickly led to cleaners and polishes for many hard surfaces, including wood, metal, ceramic and glass. During the 1930s, after it was observed that furniture polish was being swabbed on hardwood floors as a sealer, Golden Star officials invented the “polish mop,” and a whole new world of textile manufacturing was introduced to the company. Soon, Golden Star was producing and marketing mops pre-treated with its own polish, and it was also private labeling mops for many national chemical brands. Cleverly refillable metal containers were used to store and re-treat the mops. Golden Star’s experience with mop and textile manufacturing led to the introduction of the first cotton “dust control” floor mats in the 1960s and to more durable, efficient, and attractive synthetic-yarn mats in the 1970s. While matting and chemicals are no longer part of Golden Star’s offering, its textile-manufacturing tradition has flourished worldwide. “Basically, we started in the early part of the last century focusing on Continued On Page 8 BBM MAGAZINE | JAN/FEB 2014

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THE RIGHT SOLUTION FOR EVERY REQUIREMENT: Z.LION Advanced technology for the production of brooms and brushes

Z.LION Model 6325: semi-automatic 5-axis twin drilling and tufting unit

Reliable processes resulting in highest quality “Made in Germany” – this is what ZAHORANSKY stands for with over one hundred years of machine building experience and brush industry expertise.

Z.LION provides a full range of solutions from the economical, single version to the fully automated, twin-design production center. Depending on your requirements in terms of flexibility, output and degree of automation, Z.LION can be customized to optimally fit your operation. The Z.LION series: Proven technology Highest energy efficiency For the processing of natural fibres, nylon and/or wire filaments 3D Brush Designer Software for easiest holefield programming with graphical interface Minimal conversion times Interchangeable tools Highest tufting speeds (up to 1200 tufts per minute) Brooms up to 600 mm length in one operation

Golden Star: Continued From Page 6

the automotive industry. The company has since been completely transformed for the cleaning industry. This happened over a period of years,” Julo said. “The company went from developing application products, such as pads and hand mitts used to apply car finishes and polishes, to hard-surface cleaning products. Despite these changes, the company has remained in ownership by the Gradinger family.” Today, the company provides floor care and hard-surface cleaning solutions from vertically integrated manufacturing facilities located in the United States (Atchison, KS) and China. Every aspect of mop, pad, cloth and other types of production is undertaken in each of the company’s plants, including fiber selection; blending and spinning; product research, design, and testing; and ultimately, sewing, finishing, and inspecting. Customers are served from these facilities on six continents in multiple markets. “Most of our products today are used for hard-surface floor cleaning, but Golden Star also produces vertical cleaning products,” Julo said. “This includes such items as hand and high dusters. They are used to clean such places as window blinds, ceiling fans, furniture – anything above ground. “Our hard-surface floor products include dust and wet mops, brooms, microfiber items and all the hardware that accommodates these products.” The company has various partnerships in place for overseas production. A certain percentage of the company’s products is also made in Atchison, which Julo noted is located in the middle of the United States. Golden Star officials rely on a skilled workforce to produce high quality products. The company has approximately 300 employees worldwide. “We manufacture textile products. Most of these items are made with sewing machines. We have a lot of people who are considered skilled labor. They operate sewing machines and other production stations. Many of our employees have been with the company for decades,” Julo said. He added that this type of worker is very hard to replace. It’s not unusual for a Golden Star employee to work the majority of his/her career at the company. Many enjoy working for a family-run operation. “Golden Star has benefited from a very strong employee base for many years. It would be difficult to replace and succeed without them. It’s hard to put into words the value they bring to our company,” he said. “This is true not only for those employees who work here now, but we also owe a large debt to the many people who have since retired after putting decades of dedication in our company. “Golden Star employees have been the backbone of this company for a long time. They have allowed it to succeed. We can’t say enough about all of the work they have done to get us to where we are today. This dedication has led Golden Star to become a fourth-generation company.”


here are two basic Golden Star customer groups at work in today’s cleaning industry: janitorial supply houses (jan/san distributors) and those companies involved with the textile rental industry. “Our customers are any type of company that sells or rents janitorial supplies. Traditional janitorial supply houses have been a longtime staple of our company,” Julo said. “We now sell products all over the world. This is done through private branding. The average person wouldn’t recognize our products in the industry as they are mostly private labeled. We put the name of our customers on these products, not the Golden Star name. In other words, if a person was to walk through a school and see a Golden Star mop head, that person wouldn’t see our name on that product, but rather the name of our customer. “This is how we conduct most of our business and go to market. We don’t market our name, although we do have a microfiber branded name called ‘MIMA.’ Typically, however, we go to market by allowing our customers to use their own names for private labeling. This helps customers further develop their companies, which in turn makes us, at Golden Star, also stronger.” Julo reported business for Golden Star has been very good as of late. Even during the recession years of 2008 and 2009, although business slowed, the company maintained a steady course.

Helping Customers Through Private Labeling

PG 8

“Since then, we have seen an increase in activity and continue to grow at a pretty good clip every year,” Julo said. He credits several factors for Golden Star’s recent success, one being an influx of microfiber cleaning-related products offered by the company that continue to be demanded by various types of customers. “Overall, microfiber has enjoyed steady growth in the U.S. cleaning industry after the material had been used in Europe for quite some time. The microfiber product category has also grown considerably every year for us,” Julo said. “I feel what really makes Golden Star a little different is that the company has a strong background – maybe the strongest in the United States – of providing different types of hard-surface cleaning products. This includes many conventional products such as traditional wet and dust mops along with our microfiber items. “We have been able to take the advantages that microfiber brings to our industry, along with our conventional products, and break down application uses for the benefit of each type of product.” Julo said it’s important for company representatives to not only market and sell the benefits of traditional products but also the innovation that microfiber brings to the table. Golden Star’s U.S. factory is located in Atchison, KS.

“We help educate customers on when it’s best to use each type of product, where they should be used and why. It’s important customers understand the advantages and disadvantages of every type of product that we provide,” Julo said. “This has helped our

microfiber products complement our traditional items and vice versa.” Education is also key when it comes to helping customers defeat the many challenges found within the cleaning industry. Golden Star officials rely on the company’s 100-plus years of experience to help these people. “A lot of people need help implementing both microfiber and conventional cleaning practices into their hard-surface floor care,” Julo said. “This is not information that many companies have because frankly, they don’t have the same depth and knowledge that we do. This is all we, at Golden Star, have done for the better part of 100 years. “Therefore, we can provide a different angle than a lot of other companies. We are able to take this knowledge and use it for different markets, whether it’s health care, schools, higher education, etc. It really doesn’t matter. We can help people understand what it takes to clean a building, which products work and why.” Although Julo said the introduction of microfiber has led to major changes and advancements in cleaning over the past 5 to 10 years, there are limitations that customers must recognize. “Microfiber is a great cleaning tool, but there are some areas where a conventional product is better. I feel there has been a recent realization by many people in the cleaning industry of these limitations,” Julo said. “For example, microfiber can be a fragile product. Laundering a microfiber item can be a challenge to some companies. There are also places with large areas of square footage that may be better served by using a more traditional product. “Part of our job at Golden Star is to help people use the right type of cleaning product for the job at hand.”

Continued On Page 10 BBM MAGAZINE | JAN/FEB 2014

Golden Star: Continued From Page 8


Shown above are handles used in the production of hard-surface cleaning products at Golden Star.

nowing exaltly what’s in a mop, broom, brush or other cleaning tool is another factor that has led Golden Star to over a century of business. In this light, all of the fiber found in company products is spun and blended in-house. “Doing this helps set our company apart from many other manufacturers. We control fiber content from the ground up. At one point, we actually grew our own cotton and ginned it, which was rare,” Julo said. “Because we, at Golden Star, spin and blend our own fiber, we can control exactly what goes into an item such as a mop. There are a lot of

A Hands-on Manufacturer

different mops available through Golden Star and the industry. By controlling our fiber, we can make sure customers receive a quality Golden Star product.” When it comes to mop production, a combination of four different fibers can be used. These fibers are cotton, rayon, acrylic and polyester. “Because we have the ability to control the exact percentage of what fibers are used, we can adjust the quality and cost of a mop based on application and purpose,” Julo said. “Therefore, if a customer wants a less expensive mop made of 100 percent cotton, we can take care of this order. Or, we can use higher rates of acrylic and polyester. This can satisfy a customer who wants a blended product that will hold up a little longer and exhibit better attributes while cleaning a hard surface.” Helping customers meet environmental demands is also part of Golden Star’s customer service offering. For example, the company is a member of the U.S. Green Building Council and can control the amount of recyclable content in many of its products. “Our mops are made with a certain amount of post-consumer cotton content and post-consumer PET (plastic.) We can control exactly how much is used. I would say we are at the top of the industry when it comes to using post-consumer content, both cotton and PET,” Julo said. Golden Star also uses several sources of raw materials to make sure no shortages are felt. “We don’t put ourselves in a situation where we are going to be short on raw material supply. As a manufacturer, it’s vital that we don’t run out of raw material,” Julo said. “There are multiple reliable sources that we use when it comes to fiber. This helps us find a good consistency. It also helps that we have been in business for such a long time. Experience is a real asset.”


onstantly coming up with new ideas and providing different products that will help people do a better job at cleaning – while also remaining cost effective – remains an important Golden Star objective as the company moves forward. “Considering labor is the most expensive part of cleaning any building, if we can find a product that helps a person do the job faster and better, then that product obviously has value. We are constantly looking for such products,” Julo said. “For example, Golden Star introduced a new wet mop called ‘Nova’ at the recent ISSA Annual Convention. We feel Nova meets the criteria of ‘better and faster.’” Featuring a blend of microfiber and traditional yarn, the Nova mop combines the deep cleaning power of microfiber with the strength and longevity of a traditional blended mop, according to Golden Star. The yarn is a 4-ply blend that is designed to glide over floors, and can be used in all general cleaning applications. “Mops that feature 100 percent microfiber tend to shrink significantly after laundering and can become fragile. From a longevity standpoint, end-users have to follow washing instructions very closely or a pure

New Products Lead Golden Star’s Future

Golden Star officials recently introduced the company’s Nova mop.

Continued On Page 12 PG 10


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DESIGN DESIGN FREEDOM. LIMITLESS LIMITLESS POSSIBILITIES. POSSIBILITIES. F From rom cosmetic br brushes ushes and toothbrushes toothbrushes to industrial brushes brushes and paintbr paintbrushes, ushes, DuPont DuP uPont ont F Filaments ilaments ou total design fr eedom. offers a br broad oad range of rreliable, eliable, high-performance high-performance solutions that giv givee yyou freedom. vative synthetic filaments to enable brush brush F For or mor moree than 70 yyears, ears, we we have have been pioneering inno innovative manufactur manufacturers ers to addr address ess emerging trends trends and meet evolving evolving consumer expectations. T oday,, D oday ariety of unique colors, textures, textures, stiffness, softness, Today, DuPont uPont filaments ar aree available available in a wide vvariety sizes and shapes, giving you you maximum flexibility to design versatile innovative products. products. sizes versatile and innovative W our pr oduct design requirements. requirements. en create create customized customized filament solutions to meet yyour Wee can ev even product

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Golden Star: Continued From Page 10

h t i w ush . r B A e c n e l excel

microfiber mop can be ruined,” Julo said. “The Nova mop comes with more flexible laundering instructions. The microfiber in the Nova mop adds to the product’s cleaning ability as an end-user maintains a building, but (the Nova) also provides the longevity of a conventional mop. “The Nova mop is one example of Golden Star constantly looking for products that add value, last longer and are available at a reasonable price.” In looking toward the future, Julo said a main objective at Golden Star will continue to be that of helping people keep their buildings safe and healthy by offering a combination of quality and value. “As long as Golden Star can continue to add value for its customers it is going to be just fine as a company,” Julo said. “The cleaning industry is like the health care industry – it’s not going to go away. It’s an industry that is viable, valuable and becoming even more important. As the U.S. population continues to grow at a record pace, the need for more infrastructure such as schools, hospitals, homes, etc., becomes greater. The

more buildings there are, the more demand is placed on the cleaning industry and Golden Star’s products. The way I look at it, each day our industry grows.”

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PG 12

Julo added that there is more to cleaning a building than simplying making it shine. The health aspect involved is critical. “This is apparent when MRSA and other outbreaks take place in hospitals, schools, etc.,” Julo said. “Keeping the spread of germs and cross-contamination issues at bay is essential. There is more awareness about these issues than ever before. Part of this is because the population continues to grow. “As the population grows, the necessity for properly handling health issues is greater. This can be done, partly, with better cleaning products and procedures.” This is a challenge that officials at Golden Star look forward to working on as the company continues with the second century of its operation. Contact: Golden Star Inc., 6445 Metcalf Ave., Overland Park, KS 66202-3927; Phone 1-816-842-0233. Website:


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Paint Brush Companies Starting To See Steady Growth By Rick Mullen | Broom, Brush & Mop Associate Editor

While the so-called U.S. Great Recession is officially over, there lingers a sluggish economy in many ways. However, things are looking up and executives from three paintbrush manufacturers, two in the United States and one in Canada, shared with Broom, Brush & Mop Magazine recently how their respective companies are gearing up for better days ahead.


hen she took the reins of Torrington Brush Works, of Sarasota, FL, in 2009, in the depths of the Great Recession, owner Mary Fitzgerald’s goal was to oversee and maintain slow, steady growth for her company. Thus far, this strategy has been successful, she reported. “We are doing really well,” she said. “We have been able to hire a few more employees the past couple of years, which is a good thing. Many of our manufacturing customers have come back to us, and we have picked up a lot of new custom brush business again. “We are not growing in big, giant steps, rather we are taking little baby steps, which is a good sign that we are coming back from the recession. A number of industrial companies are coming back or are opening, and they are ordering large numbers of brushes again.” Torrington’s primary customer base is industrial and manufacturing companies that many times are looking for paintbrushes to perform tasks other than painting. When it first started in the early 1900s in Torrington, CT, the company made scrub brushes and bench dusters, which were sold by salesmen who rode on horseback up and down the Naugatuck River Valley. About 24 years ago, the late Sid Fitzgerald, Mary Fitzgerald’s husband and owner of the company at that time, purchased a manufacturing facility in Sarasota, which is now the company’s main headquarters and manufacturing facility. The original warehouse still remains in Torrington. Mary Fitzgerald took over running the company after Sid Fitzgerald’s death in September 2009.

PG 14

The company’s warehouses in Connecticut and Florida house more than 3 million brushes in stock for immediate shipment. Torrington Brush ships its brushes to customers and businesses all over the world. Today, the company’s product lineup includes paintbrushes; chip brushes; acid-dope and flux brushes; artist brushes; auto cleaning and parts brushes; chimney brushes; foam applicators; floor brushes and brooms; glue and cement brushes; wire scratch brushes; wire wheel and cup brushes; roller covers; roller frames; faux

Torrington Brush employees gather for company Christmas Party.

finishing brushes; custom brushes; and more. One popular product line recently introduced is a selection of faux-finishing brushes constructed with high quality natural bristle. Torrington’s brushes are made with both natural and synthetic bristles and are still made by hand. Torrington Brush also offers different types of handles, as well as paint roller products, including covers, roller kits, frames, cages and accessories. Another of Fitzgerald’s goals, when she took over the company during the tanked economy, was to prove U.S. manufacturers could prosper and thrive onshore. While Torrington’s paintbrushes are assembled in the United States, the company has to look overseas to source some of its raw materials. In its brush making operation, Torrington Brush uses a significant amount of natural bristle, which it imports from overseas through a third-party company. The company also maintains a large inventory of

synthetic bristles. Stainless steel and tin are sourced domestically for ferrules, but Torrington officials must also reach out overseas for some of its wooden handles. “Years ago, we obtained our handles in the United States, but many of those manufacturers are gone,” Fitzgerald said. “Now, we are trying to reach out to the U.S. market again as some handle makers are coming back. “We import handles from China. I recently hired a new general manager, Michael Grimaldi, who is my son. I sent him to China for 12 days to learn about raw materials over there and how they are processed. “We must be able to price brushes so people will buy them. Brushes made entirely with materials sourced in the United States tend to cost more. It is a challenge to get that across to some of the industrial people. Whatever the industry, no one really wants to spend the money right now as they are still trying to build back their companies following the recession. There are a few people who come to us looking for only products ‘Made in the USA,’ which I love, because that is saying something about us in the United States.” A part of Sid Fitzgerald’s legacy was establishing the foundational principal that all of Torrington’s customers, whether large or small, are equally as important. The age-old adage “the customer is always right” is also taken very seriously at the company. “The customer is always right — I learned that years ago in retail,” Mary Fitzgerald said. “If a customer says he or she didn’t receive the correct brush, we ask questions. We try to find out why. If it is our mistake, we immediately ship the right brush to the customer. Sometimes, depending on the type of brush, we tell the customer he or she can keep the one we mistakenly sent. “In the case of a customer receiving a defective brush, we will, by all means, take it back and replace it with a new one.” Fitzgerald told the story of an extreme case of Continued On Page 16 BBM MAGAZINE | JAN/FEB 2014

Paintbrush Companies: Continued From Page 14

going the extra mile for a customer who felt her broom was defective. An elderly lady, who had purchased a broom from Torrington many, many years ago, wrote the company saying her broom was defective. However, the company never received the letter because she put the wrong address on the envelope. However, the lady persisted and kept writing letters to Torrington. “I finally got one and I just felt for her,” Fitzgerald said. “She had owned the broom for many years and the bristles were falling out. Because she was elderly, I called her and told her I felt really bad. She knew we stand behind our products and her broom was shedding. Since she felt like it was defective, I sent her a new broom. “We bend over backwards for all of our customers. At Torrington, we will break up a package to sell a person one piece of something, if that is what they want. We would prefer to sell the whole package, but at the same time, we know it is hard to find a company out there that will just sell one product out of a multi-pack. We also provide a lot of samples, because customers often aren’t sure if a particular design is going to work, so we work with them. “All of our customers are very important to us. We sell to anyone. If a person who lives down the road calls and wants a brush, we will sell him or her a brush.” In speaking of new developments at the company, Fitzgerald is excited about Torrington’s new membership in the American Brush Manufacturers Association (ABMA). “We joined the ABMA this year and I’m thrilled,” she said. “We are excited about how membership in the ABMA is going to help the company. As soon as we signed and paid our dues, we started getting phone calls from other ABMA members just welcoming us, which I thought was really an impressive gesture.” Torrington’s new membership in the ABMA dovetailed nicely with another positive development, that of hiring some new people during the past year.

“Hiring a couple of younger people has been a good contribution to the company because they have a lot of new ideas,” Fitzgerald said. “It will be good for them to attend the annual ABMA trade show in March to learn about all the different products out there. Joining the ABMA was a great move on our part to help keep us from getting stagnant.” While Torrington has brought some younger faces on board, most of the company’s skilled and loyal staff has been with Torrington for up to two or three decades. “Most of our employees are long-standing,” Fitzgerald said. “The general manager left last year because he had some family health issues. He wasn’t sure how long he would need to take off, so he felt it was better to just resign, I appreciated that from him. Most everybody else has been here up to 30 years. “It is like you really want to do something really nice for them for contributing 20 or 30 years of their lives. They show up everyday and they really like being here, which is important.” One employee, Frank Lauf, the shipping manager at Torrington’s Connecticut facility, has been with the company for about four decades. “Frank is 94 and has worked for Torrington Brush since he was 14 years old,” Fitzgerald said. “He had his hip replaced this summer, so he had to take three weeks off, but he still works a 40-hour week. He is amazing.” Fitzgerald is looking forward to another 100 years of success at Torrington as her vision is for her sons, Michael and Joshua, who just turned 11, to someday be at the helm together. Contact: Torrington Brush Works, Inc., 4377 Independence Court, Sarasota, FL 34234. Phone: 800-262-7874. Email: Website:


our Trading House Inc., Waterloo, ON, is a supplier of paint applicators to the Canadian paint industry with facilities in Canada, Vietnam and Egypt. In addition to the Canadian market,



Standard 5 pitch thread, flat plugs, metal threads, Hex threads with steel core, winding plugs, Swivel caps


PG 16


Diameters: 21mm, 22mm, 15/16, 1” Finishes: Powder Coated, Plastic Coated, Wood Grain Plastic Coated


TELESCOPING HANDLES: (Available in March) Custom lengths up to 10’. Stock products for immediate shipment.

PHONE: 217.234.7300

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Nour also sells to the rest of North America, Europe, the Middle East, Australia and New Zealand. The company was founded in 1978. “We were very fortunate in 2013,” said Nour Vice President of Sales and Marketing Bob Shaw. “We had a very good year, both in the Canadian market as well as the export market. In terms of the overall Canadian economy and the different businesses we operate, we put in a very good growth number for 2014 and we believe we will be able to attain this goal. “We expanded our business in Egypt last year and it has grown substantially over the past 12 months.” Nour manufactures a full range of paintbrushes and rollers, using synthetic and natural bristle for its professional bristle paintbrush products. The company sorts, cleans and mixes the bristle to create a high-quality, professional painting tool. Synthetic brushes are made with high-quality polyester and nylon filaments. The company also offers extension poles, trays and tray liners, foam brushes, wire brushes and more. In addition, Nour’s paint roller refills are hand wound to eliminate gaps and overlaps. According to the company, by fabricating in its own manufacturing plants worldwide, Nour is able to control all aspects of production and supply products that continuously meet its exacting standards. The company’s headquarters and main production facilities in Waterloo occupy more than 90,000 square feet. Additional manufacturing facilities are in Vietnam and Egypt. The company says it is vertically integrated in most areas of manufacturing. Nour produces its own wooden paintbrush handles. Custom color handles for the Nour line and private label products are manufactured at the company’s handle painting facility in Egypt. All professional brushes are made by hand. Nour also manufactures most of its own ferrules for paintbrush production. The company says it is the only Canadian manufacturer that processes all synthetic filaments in house to ensure the best flagging and tipping of DuPont Tynex® nylon and Orel® polyester. “We have started making brushes with DuPont™ Chinex®, which has been well received by our customer base,” Shaw said. “We have also expanded our national


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brand in Canada and a little in the United States as well.” Historically, Nour catered to the professional marketplace, but, in recent years, with the state of the economy and market trends, the company saw the do-it-yourself (DIY) segment as an area for potential growth. The company adapted and began doing more business with box stores, building centers and home improvement stores, a strategy which has been successful. “We’ve grown the DIY business in the lumber and building materials market, as well as with the box stores,” Shaw said. “These are businesses that we weren’t traditionally heavily involved in, but where most of our growth has come in recent years. “The consolidation of paint companies has affected everybody in the industry as this means fewer customers for manufacturers such as Nour.” When it comes to raw materials, Shaw said, “Availability is fine. On the cost end of it, the Canadian dollar has decreased about 10 percent versus the American dollar over the past year. Since we buy most of our commodities in American dollars, that will drive up our costs.” In this era of shrinking markets where money is tight and competition is tougher than ever, offering the best in customer service can be a game changer.

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“Looking at customer service from a production standpoint, it involves maintaining the quality of the products we manufacture and doing it efficiently,” Shaw said. “From the customer and sales end of it, it is a matter of being very close to customers, understanding what their needs are and being able to develop products to satisfy those needs. From the purchasing side, we strive to know everybody in the marketplace. The marketplace is getting smaller and if there are advantages to be had out there, we have to make sure we take advantage of them.” Looking ahead, Shaw sees the biggest challenge is just the commitment it takes to managing the company’s businesses around the globe. “Also, in terms of day-to-day operations, it is a challenge dealing with the foreign exchange rates,” Shaw said. “Because we are not based in the United States, the exchange rate between the Canadian and U.S. dollars is extremely important. “As for Nour, the future looks very good. We are a lean business and the managing of our growth has been good. That being said, it will never be easy. If it was easy, everybody would be doing it.” Contact: 637 Colby Drive, Waterloo, ON N2V 1B4. Phone: 800-886-6687. Email: Website:


n 1925, S. Desmond Purdy began making paintbrushes in a converted two-car garage in Portland, OR. Today, still located in Portland, Purdy Corporation has evolved into a leading manufacturer of high-quality painting tools. “The art of making premium painting tools is the heart of our story,” said Purdy Product Manager Andrew Marsden. “We deliver handmade paintbrushes, as well as other quality, durable tools to cover the painting process from start to finish, including surface preparation tools, roller covers and frames, and accessories. Purdy works hard to be the one-stop-shop for any painter’s needs.” In addition to paintbrushes, the company offers roller covers, mini-rollers, scrapers, putty knives, poles, wire brushes and buckets. While Purdy assembles paint brushes by hand, there is a role for automation in the company’s manufacturing process. “For Purdy, it’s a balance,” Marsden said. “Our brush makers assemble Purdy paintbrushes by hand. They have since the beginning and that’s not going to change. With automation, we can manufacture and offer durable, high-quality roller covers. “The newest addition to our product line is Continued On Page 20



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Paintbrush Companies: Continued From Page 18

Marathon™ roller covers. These roller covers excel in durability, productivity and finish. Marathon roller covers are made with a proprietary blend of nylon and polyester exclusive to Purdy. They can be used with all latexand oil-based paints for a painting solution that saves professional painters time and keeps them ahead of their competition.” When asked about trends he sees in the industry, Marsden acknowledged the important role environmental awareness continues to play. “A trend we’re seeing in the paintbrush segment is a growing need for applicators that perform well with low or no VOC (volatile organic compounds) paints. With many homeowners looking to make healthier choices for their indoor air quality, paint manufacturers created paints with lower or no emissions. This altered the paint formulation.” Environmental awareness also guides Purdy’s manufacturing process. The company has a long-standing commitment to environmentally friendly products and practices. “Our Portland facility operates at ‘zero waste to landfill status.’ We don’t throw anything away — we find a way to reuse or recycle every component that comes into the facility,” Marsden said. “Our ‘Green Machine’ team helps us continue to perform at a level of sustainability of which we can all be proud.” When it comes to Purdy’s customer sales and service efforts, using technology tools to communicate and respond to customers is a key component. “Social media and consumer ratings play an important role in how people respond to products and brands,” Purdy Brand Manager Lisa Grdina explained. “We make sure we have processes in place to interact with Purdy customers in any form they may choose. Whether answering questions on our Facebook page, our website or via phone calls, our ability to efficiently and properly address our customers’ needs is always our top priority. To aid in this, we recently updated with increased functionality, product information, how-to videos, product ratings and reviews, and an overall easy online shopping experience.” Purdy employees have been making quality painting tools at the highest

level for decades. In doing so they have demonstrated not only a high degree of skill, but also a solid commitment to customers and the overall success of the company, according to Marsden. Today, the company employs more than 450 people. “Many of our brush makers have two to three decades of service — some even over 30 years,” Marsden said. “We’re proud of our Purdy heritage built on the quality of our paintbrushes. Yet, we understand successfully completing a painting project may require items other than a brush. Therefore, we are committed to designing and offering roller frames and covers, like our new Marathon line, worthy of carrying the Purdy name. We also want to ensure the widest possible audience is familiar with the dedication, quality and craftsmanship that define the Purdy brand. Specifically, we are working on efforts to reach out and connect with the Hispanic market.” In speaking of opportunities the company faces as it moves ahead, Marsden said the goal is “to raise the bar high through innovation, developing and testing new products that consistently yield superior results.” He added: “Our success is tied to the success of our customers. Whether the market is soft due to inclement weather or new competitors, Purdy stays focused on our customers and providing them with quality products and service. Marsden feels that with Purdy’s commitment to excellence in its manufacturing operation, high quality products and willingness to innovate, the company’s future is bright. “Because Purdy was built on such a strong foundation, we feel the future holds continued success for us and our customers,” he said. “We’re strengthening our position in the roller cover and mini roller markets and adding products that make sense and add value. We know what really counts are quality products painters can trust. We deliver that now and will continue to do so far into the future.” Contact: The Sherwin-Williams Company, 101 Prospect Ave. NW, Cleveland, OH 44115. Phone: 800-547-0780. E-mail: Website:

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Toothbrush Companies

Continue To Improve Product, While Emphasizing

What’s Good For The Environment By Harrell Kerkhoff | Broom, Brush & Mop Editor

Simply distinguishing a toothbrush with a different color handle and/or filament is often not enough to attract customers in today’s competitive retail marketplace. Many of today’s toothbrushes are designedand marketed for individual groups, such as children, senior citizens and those with disabilities. There are even toothbrushes made for the pet care industry. Broom, Brush & Mop Magazine recently talked with representatives of two toothbrush companies to learn more about the state of this important industry and what trends are driving the market.


n essential part of good oral health care is the practice of properly brushing teeth and gums, and doing so for the correct amount to time. This practice is made easier with the right type of tool, i.e. a quality toothbrush. Since the 1980s, officials at RADIUS, of Kutztown, PA, have been designing and producing toothbrushes that look different for a reason. They are produced with ergonomics and healthier brushing in mind. Looking to reinvent something that had not been changed much for a long time, architects Kevin Foley and James O’Halloran invented a different kind of toothbrush over 30 years ago. It looked different compared to the conventional small-headed, hard-bristled toothbrush of the day. What was developed was the RADIUS Original Toothbrush. It featured a large handle and came in both right- and left-handed versions. Also, the product included very fine filaments placed on a large, oval head. By 1988, RADIUS also introduced another toothbrush design called the SCUBA. It looked similar to the Orignal, but featured a flexible, rubber handle. The purpose of the non-slip, flexible rubber material was to help the user avoid applying too much pressure on the brush head. The Original and the SCUBA are still available today from RADIUS, along with other types of toothbrush products, including those designed for children. Also available are complementary items such as travel cases and dental floss. All products, with the exception of the dental floss, are produced by RADIUS at its Kutztown facility. Today, Kevin Foley’s daughter, Saskia Foley, is the company’s CEO. She noted that RADIUS’ oral care items, including the Original and the SCUBA toothbrush lines, are made with four main factors in mind. “Our products are clinically accepted by the American Dental Association, are sustainable, and are aesthetically pleasing and ergonomic,” Saskia Foley said. “They are effective beyond just cleaning teeth. It starts with the gums. “Our handles are wider than a conventional toothbrush as its important to use a product that is easy to hold and provides a relaxed grip. This helps the user avoid unwanted pressure placed on the brush head when cleaning teeth and gums. RADIUS also provides toothbrushes that have three times the bristles of conventional toothbrushes.” The nylon bristles of the company’s toothbrushes are vegetable base, a new development for RADIUS that took place approximately three years ago. “Our bristles are based from castor oil rather than petroleum. Again, sustainability is one of the major legs that we stand on. We are constantly trying to use reverse-engineering in an effort to make our products better. We made the switch to vegetable-based bristles as improvements in technology became available,” Saskia Foley said. PG 22

The RADIUS facility in Kutztown, which is 85 percent solar powered, houses the company’s own injection molding and bristling machinery. Advanced automation is important, according to Saskia Foley, as this helps RADIUS remain competitive and efficient. “The more times a worker touches a product, the more expensive that product becomes in terms of labor. We have machinery that runs 24/7. This equipment is running at a very low energy level with very little waste involved,” she added. “We have engineered our manufacturing process to be very streamlined.” Product development also remains vital. One of the leaders in the company’s research and development department is RADIUS co-founder Kevin Foley. Although he is semi-retired, Kevin Foley remains active when it comes to developing new products. Saskia Foley said part of her role at RADIUS is to keep an eye on market trends and demands, looking for ways her company can meet these demands with new products and/or line extensions. Once an idea is formed, it’s passed to Kevin Foley who works with industrial engineers to come up with possible new products. “He (Kevin Foley) provides sketches and helps bring a new product to life, along with the engineers. This involves CAD (Computer-aided Design) drawings and the making of molds,” Saskia Foley said. One new product recently released by RADIUS is its ‘SuperSoft’ bristle replacement toothbrush head that is part of the company’s The Source™ toothbrush line. “One of the great things about having a replacement head toothbrush product is that the user can insert heads with different bristle types onto the same handle. This now includes our new SuperSoft bristle product,” Saskia Foley said. “We feel there is a huge potential with SuperSoft. The bristles are even softer than the standard ‘soft head’ toothbrush. They are tapered to a slimmer point at the tip.” She added that this helps the bristles get further underneath the gum line. “It’s a whole different type of bristle,” Saskia Foley said. “We, at RADIUS, are also working on some other new items. For example, there is a huge potential for line extensions in the children’s toothbrush market. Currently, one of our top toothbrushes is designed for children.” The company says that due to all the work and design that goes into each type of RADIUS toothbrush, it’s not surprising that its products are considered high-end. According to Saskia Foley, a large percentage of RADIUS’ customers have disposable incomes. These are people who are very interested in investing in their long-term health by using quality products. “We are not looking for the standard $2 toothbrush purchaser. We are Continued On Page 24 BBM MAGAZINE | JAN/FEB 2014

Toothbrush Companies: Continued From Page 22

RADIUS toothbrushes feature a unique wide handle design.

much more focused, for example, on the person who is shopping at a natural products store. These people are generally more interested in investing in products that come at a higher cost but last longer,” Saskia Foley said. “Our products are also made in the USA, and they feature competitive advantages and attributes to take the user far beyond a standard toothbrush.” She noted that one of the company’s highly-designed, oversized toothbrushes is part of a permanent collection in the Smithsonian’s CooperHewitt, National Design Museum in New York City. Products produced by RADIUS are available in a variety of retail stores across the United States, including Whole Foods Market, Saskia Foley said. They can also be purchased online. “One of our target markets is females, as they tend to be the main purchasers of toothbrushes for the entire family. It’s important to offer solutions for the entire family,” she said. “Customer targets do change, however, depending on each of our products. “It’s important that we are careful on who we target and that our brand does not become diluted. Our products sell better if there is education

available. We want the staff working in the stores that we sell in to be able to educate customers. It’s important that these staff members actually have used our products. Not all stores are set up this way.” Saskia Foley said she is optimistic that business will remain brisk in 2014. “I believe a large part of our recent success is due to line extensions and revamping current products. This includes repackaging,” Saskia Foley said. “For example, we recently changed packaging to reduce the visual size of our toothbrush handle and head (for certain products). “Improving what we currently have available in the marketplace, focusing on new customer trials and seeking new accounts are all important. I have found over the years that if you are going to sell a premium product, it’s really important to participate in customer trials and make sure education is available at the store level.” This includes conducting demonstrations in stores. These demonstrations can also involve a person handing out coupons, as well as having customers exchange one of their conventional toothbrushes for a free RADIUS toothbrush. “We also offer a 30-day money-back guarantee, so if someone is not satisfied with one of our products, he/she can contact us and we will provide a refund,” Saskia said. “The point is, most people who try our products love them, and that is what we are banking on.” She added that competing against competitor products that come with lower price points can be a challenge. However, it’s refreshing to find a market where people are interested in higher-end items. “The challenge is to understand how to market and educate people about our company. Distribution can be a challenge as well,” Saskia Foley said. “The Internet has helped by showing people who formerly used our products how to find us again.” Another important factor to the success of RADIUS is the company’s team of employees. Saskia Foley noted that her company’s entire workforce today is comprised of women. “We wouldn’t be where we are today without our team. This includes those in assembly, support and management,” Saskia Foley said.

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Contact: RADIUS, 207 Railroad St., Kutztown, PA 19530. Phone: 610-683-9400. Website:

rgonomics and sustainability are two main selling points for Preserve, a producer of 100 percent recycled household products designed for everyday use. This includes the Preserve® toothbrush, which continues to grow in popularity among those customer groups interested in not only using a quality product, but one with a true “green” focus. The Preserve Toothbrush comes in a choice of three bristle strengths — medium, soft and ultra soft. The Preserve Toothbrush for children, meanwhile, is a soft bristle designed for ages 2 to 8. Besides Preserve’s personal care offerings including toothbrushes, razors, tongue cleaners and flavored toothpicks, Preserve also produces and sells everyday household essentials of food storage, tableware, and kitchen products. All Preserve products are made from 100 percent recycled plastic, with the exception of virgin nylon toothbrush bristles, razor blades and the company’s toothpicks. Continued On Page 26

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Toothbrush Companies: Continued From Page 24












TELESCOPIC POLES Our Multipurpose Telescopic Extension Poles are ideal for use with Brushes, Brooms, Bulb Changers, Paint Rollers, Squeegees, Strip Washers, and countless other tools.

QUALITY FEATURES - REAL VALUE • Lightweight High Tensile Drawn Aluminum • Twist Lock Cams Securely Lock Pole at Any Length • Rolled Tube Edges for Added Hand Comfort • Clear Satin Anodized Finish • ¾” Acme size Universal Screw Head • Premium Vinyl Black Hand Grip • Five Standard Sizes: 6’, 8’, 12’, 18’, 24’ • Custom Lengths available • Made in the U. S. A.


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Preserve CEO & Founder Eric Hudson started the company in 1996. He set out to start his own business that developed creative ways to conserve and re-use the earth’s resources. Hudson enlisted the help of his father, an industrial designer of racing cars and boats, to design the first Preserve toothbrush. This was done with input from dentists and hygienists. Preserve toothbrushes feature curved, easy-togrip handles made from 100 percent recycled No. 5 polypropylene. The handle is designed to make it easy for the user to reach every part of teeth and gums, including those areas where plaque can be hard to remove. Virgin nylon bristles are placed in a tri-level configuration on the brush head to help message gums. Softer outer rows help protect gums and tooth enamel. The company offers its toothbrush in two types of practical packaging. The travel case features a reusable case with ventilation holes and a cap to keep a toothbrush clean and dry during storage. The mailback pack provides a mail-back system for customers to send their used toothbrushes back to Preserve in the package to be recycled. Preserve’s mailer can be downloaded from the company’s website. “From the beginning, our company sought to create a really different type of toothbrush. This includes making sure the product can have a second Preserve’s toothbrush life. Because a toothbrush is generally made from handles are made multi-materials, a consumer can’t just put it into any from recycled recycling bin. Therefore, Preserve has been yogurt cups. committed to creating a take-back policy for its toothbrushes and designing them for recyclability,” Preserve Sales & Marketing Associate Laurie Burgess said. “For years, we have offered postage-paid mailers where ‘Preservers’ can place their used Preserve toothbrushes to send back at our expense. Our company will make sure these products are then recycled. “This type of packaging has been revolutionary within our product category. It’s very lightweight and designed to not only contain the toothbrush, but also serve as the mailer,” Burgess explained. “When the company started, more people were recognizing the importance of recycling products found in their homes,” Burgess said. “(Preserve)’s CEO and founder was very interested in helping people understand that everyday recyclables could be turned into useful, high-quality, beautifully designed products. “Today, customers see Preserve as a go-to solution for recycling materials made from No. 5 plastic, which is commonly found in yogurt cups, takeout containers, medicine bottles, etc.,” she said. Together with the support of partner brands including Stonyfield, Burt’s Bees & Brita, Preserve runs a “Gimme 5” recycling program, which collects used items made of No. 5 plastic. Preserve Gimme 5 bins are located at various retail outlets throughout the country. People can also mail these items to Preserve via an address listed on the company’s website. In keeping with the company’s goal of limiting its environmental footprint, nearly all of Preserve’s products are made in the United States, which means shorter shipping distances using less fuel. In addition to being offered at leading retailers, Preserve’s products are available online. The company’s toothbrush even offers a subscription service. In looking ahead toward the remainder of 2014, Preserve remains optimistic about the company’s future of transforming recycled yogurt cups into toothbrushes. Contact: Preserve, 657 Main St., Waltham, MA 02451. Phone: 888-354-7296. Web Site: BBM MAGAZINE | JAN/FEB 2014

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ABMA To Hold 97th Annual Convention

In Rancho Mirage, California

By Harrell Kerkhoff | Broom, Brush & Mop Editor

The 97th Annual American Brush Manufacturers Association (ABMA) Convention is scheduled for March 26-29 at the Westin Mission Hills Resort & Spa in Rancho Mirage, CA. The ABMA event is billed as four days of networking, fellowship and information sharing. The theme of this year’s convention is “Corporate Branding.” It will include the awarding of the 2014 William Cordes Innovation Excellence Award, the Suppliers Display, divisional meetings, guest speakers, receptions and other key events. (A complete schedule accompanies this article.)

Convention Program Highlights

Wednesday, March 26, is the first full day of activities for the 97th Annual ABMA Convention. The Convention Committee Breakfast Meeting is scheduled from 8 to 9:20 a.m., followed by the Public Relations Committee Meeting from 9:30 to 10:20 a.m., and then the Membership Committee Meeting from 10:30 to 11:50 a.m. ABMA convention registration on Wednesday is scheduled from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. A Statistical Committee Lunch Meeting is set for noon to 12:50 p.m. on Wednesday, to be followed by a Safety & Standards Committee Meeting from 1 to 1:50 p.m. This year’s ABMA Divisional Meetings are also slated for Wednesday. The Paint Applicator Division Meeting will convene from 2 until 2:50 p.m.; the Broom & Mop Division Meeting from 3 to 3:50 p.m.; the Industrial Maintenance Division Meeting from 4 to 4:50 p.m.; and the Suppliers Division Meeting from 5 to 5:30 p.m. Technical presentations will be incorporated again into this year’s first three divisional meetings. Marcus Roth, of UPS Logistics, will discuss Recent Changes in Logistics and the Effects on Your Business during the Paint Applicator Division Meeting; while a roundtable discussion on the topic How Has the ACA (Obamacare) Affected Your Business? is slated during the Broom & Mop Division Meeting. Two technical presentations will be presented during the Industrial Maintenance Division Meeting. Matthias Peveling, of Woehler Brush Tech, will discuss Strip Brush 101; while Robert Dous, of Zahoransky AG, will give a talk on Staple Strip and The European Market. All divisional meetings are open to everyone PG 28

who attends the convention. Wednesday evening’s events include the New Members & First Time Attendees Welcome Reception from 6 to 7 p.m., followed by the Welcoming Reception from 7 to 9 p.m. Dress is business casual for both events. A day earlier, on Tuesday, March 25, the Directors Finance Meeting will take place from 5 to 6 p.m., and will be followed by the 100th Anniversary Task Force Meeting from 7 to 9 p.m. The main program to start Thursday, March 27, will be the Opening Business Session from 8 to 8:50 a.m. The event will include a welcome given by ABMA President Jeff Malish, of The Malish Corporation. Prior to the Business Session, a continental breakfast will be available from 7 to 8:30 a.m. Registration will open at 7:30 a.m. and remain open until 2 p.m. Following the Opening Business Session there will be an ABMA AllAttendee Educational Institute from 9 to 11 a.m. The event features guest speaker Ira Blumenthal, who will present the first of his two part program titled, Corporate Branding. He will return on Saturday, March 29, for the second half of his presentation. Blumenthal is president of CoOpportunities, Inc., an Atlanta-based consulting company that has counseled such clients as Coca-Cola, Nestle, Kroger, McDonald’s, Exxon and Walmart in areas related to “branding,” “strategic alliances,” “change management,” “re-invention” and “business development.” He is also a published author. The Suppliers Display setup time is scheduled from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Thursday, while the ABMA Golf Scramble Tournament will take place from 1 to 6 p.m. at the Pete Dye Course, located at the Westin Mission Hills Golf Resort & Spa. The tournament cost includes greens fees, golf cart rental, range balls and prizes. Participants are asked to make their own club rental arrangements directly by calling 760-3283198 to be connected to the pro shop. Bookings can also be made online at Thursday’s Mid-Convention Reception is slated for 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. Continued On Page 30 BBM MAGAZINE | JAN/FEB 2014

ABMA 97th Annual Convention: Continued From Page 28

Lunch and dinner on Thursday are open. A full day of activities is planned for Friday, March 28, starting with a continental breakfast from 7 to 8:30 a.m. Registration is scheduled from 7:30 a.m. to noon. One highlight will be the ABMA Suppliers Display, which will begin at 8 a.m. and run until noon. This event provides a showcase for ABMA members to see the latest products, ideas and components offered by exhibiting suppliers. In addition, the event is another opportunity for members to network. From 9 to 10:30 a.m., meanwhile, the ABMA Companion Program will take place, featuring fashion expert William Squire. The session’s title is Your Signature Style. A buffet lunch is slated for noon until 1 p.m. on Friday and will be followed by a San Andreas Fault Line Jeep Tour from 2 to 5:30 p.m. Also taking place on Friday, from 2 to 5 p.m., is a tennis clinic and round-robin tournament. Friday evening’s featured event will be the Suppliers Reception, which takes place from 7 to 10 p.m. The theme is Easy Rider Biker Night. The event is dedicated to motorcycles, dancing and fun. Dress is business casual. Jackets are optional. Attendees are urged to come dressed in theme garb, including leather jackets. The final day of the convention is Saturday, March 29, beginning with a continental breakfast from 7:30 to 9 a.m., and followed by the Closing Business Session and the William Cordes Innovation Excellence Award presentation. This all takes place from 8:30 to 9:30 a.m. After the award presentation, Saturday’s ABMA All-Attendee Educational Institute is scheduled from 9:30 to 10:30 a.m. with the second part of Ira Blumenthal’s presentation on Corporate Branding. From 11 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. on Saturday, the ABMA Board of Directors Luncheon and Meeting is scheduled. The final event of the 2014 ABMA Annual Convention will be the Board of Directors Dinner from 6:30 to 9:30 p.m. Also during this year’s convention, attendees who have not done so

already are urged to take part in the ABMA 100th Anniversary documentary project. Interview times are available on Wednesday through Friday during the convention week. Contact ABMA for more details.

Hotel Registration, Dress And Weather Information

The Westin Mission Hills Resort & Spa is located at 71333 Dinah Shore Drive, in Rancho Mirage, CA 92270. The phone number for reservations is 877-253-0041. For ABMA events, comfortable and casual dress is appropriate. Daytime attire is casual and sportswear is customary (golf shirts and slacks or shorts for men; slacks, shorts or skirts/dresses for women). Evening activities feature “nice” informal or daytime business casual attire and may include sport coats for men; pantsuits, slacks, skirts/dresses for women. Located in Southern California, Rancho Mirage has average daytime temperatures during March in the 70s to mid-80s. Nighttime temperatures average in the low- to mid-60s. Call 720-392-2262 or visit for additional information about this year’s ABMA Annual Convention.

Innovation Award Candidates

One of the six following candidates will be presented with the William Cordes Innovation Excellence Award during a ceremony scheduled for 9:20 a.m. on Saturday, March 29. This will be part of the ABMA Closing Business Session. The award, which recognizes innovation of manufactured products, components or services in the broom, brush, mop and roller industry, is named after William Cordes, who served as the first ABMA president from 1917-1928. This award serves as a reminder that new and exciting endeavors have beginnings that connect with real people. The 2014 candidates are: Borghi’s e-STROKE With KERS After three years of research and development, Borghi s.p.a. has introduced an electronic stroke drill/fill staple-set brush manufacturing machine that is also “green,” according to the company. New technology has been used to reduce power consumption due to the KERS (Kinetic Energy Recovery System) electronics package. This system is able to recover energy generated by motors and feed it back into the machine. Production studies by the University of Bologna have verified that on average, Borghi’s new Jupiter machine using KERS consumes only 60 percent of the electricity that a normal, cam-driven Jupiter machine with fixed stroke would consume. This means the new technology can save customers up to 40 percent in electricity, according to Borghi. An added bonus is improvement for operator health in regards to noise reduction. Freudenberg Household Products’ O’Cedar Dual Action Angler® Broom & Dust Pan Freudenberg Household Products offers advanced sweeping technology designed to capture and completely dispose of dust, hair and dirt. A special foam blade located in the broom head is used, along with firm angled bristles that grab dirt from corners. Rubber bumpers protect furniture and cabinets, while the anti-static dust pan fully releases fine dust. Patented cleaning cones on the dust pan helps get rid of hair and dirt from the broom. No more hand-cleaning of the broom head is necessary, particularly with hair stuck in the bristles.

PG 30


Magnetools’ Organization System Magnetools consist of a magnetic grip that attaches to any broom, mop or other cleaning utensil and is used with a metallic plate. The utensils can be hung by placing the plate inside a storage closet, on a wall or from a ceiling. There are different plates available for different purposes, as well as grips that come in several sizes including a new universal grip. The idea behind Magnetools is to provide more hygienic and organized storage solutions through the use of magnets. The Wooster Brush Company’s Jumbo-Koter® Pipe Painter From 1 inch in diameter to 13 feet, the Wooster Jumbo-Koter® Pipe Painter incorporates two smooth-spinning rollers so the user can paint two sides of a pipe simultaneously. The product can also be used to paint railings, posts, I-beams and bridges. The cage frames adjust in 30-degree increments – with one or both arms moveable – to accurately fit different surfaces. It professionally applies all coatings. The product is made from copolymer polypropylene and includes a thumb rest for comfort. It can be attached to a threaded or Sherlock GT® extension pole for added reach, and works with all 4.5-inch and 6.5-inch JumboKoter® minirollers.

The Wooster Brush Company’s Lock Jaw™ High Performance Tool Holder The design of the Lock Jaw™ High Performance Tool Holder allows it to lock in eight positions in order to cover all planes of a surface. It securely fastens to such tools as brushes, trim rollers, flashlights, scrapers, roller frames, sanders and dusters to avoid loosening and downtime. Made of engineering-grade plastics, the Lock Jaw™ works with threaded and Sherlock GT® extension poles. Zahoransky’s Tuft Control™ Zahoransky’s “Tuft Control” is a mechatronical solution to automatically detect defective brushes during production. According to Zahoransky AG, it identifies and ejects defective brushes immediately through a high-resolution sensor and control system. Tuft Control identifies: blowholes, bubbles and shrinkage within brush blocks; relevant breakage/splitting, e.g. during drilling; missing tuft density/bad picking; wear and tear of driver/bad driver; and blunt drills as well as retracted drill bits. Tuft Control stops the machine when an increase in “bad” brushes develops. It also provides immediate fault detection, eliminates the incertitude of random sampling, avoids waste and production losses, saves money and allows safety standards to be followed, according to the company.

New Ownership At Geerpress

Maneuverability. Flexibility. Versatility. That’s the Briarwood Microfiber Surface Cleaning Mop The new Microfiber Surface Cleaning Mops from Briarwood Products feature a strong molded base and two super aggressive Velcro® strips that keep the pads secure. The mops are the perfect solution for any surface cleaning application. Durable and easy to clean, the Briarwood Microfiber Surface Cleaning Mop can slide under furniture and equipment, increasing efficiency and preventing injury. The base allows the mop to sit flat on the floor, which also helps prevent streaking. The durable head can fit any standard threaded handle. Standard sizes are 18" and 24." Smaller sizes also available. Products Company


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Geerpres, a West Michigan company, has announced the sale of the company to a local owner. Established in 1935, the company’s history within the cleaning industry began at the height of the Great Depression, when the company introduced its downpress metal wringer. Today, Geerpres manufactures a variety of products in stainless steel, cold rolled steel, plastic and microfiber applicators including: mop wringers, buckets, housekeeping carts, mop handles, wall washing kits, etc. The company operates from a wholly owned, 85,000square-foot facility in Muskegon, MI. The new owner is Scott Ribbe. Prior to purchasing the business, Ribbe held senior positions at several fortune 500 companies. Geerpres will continue offering its line of products, with a focus on new product development “designed to meet customer needs and deliver value,” according to the company. To receive an update on the complete Geerpres product line, contact the company at 800-253-0373 or

The 2014 International Home + Housewares Show Opens March 15

The 2014 International Home + Housewares Show opens at 10 a.m. Saturday, March 15, and closes at 3 p.m. Tuesday, March 18 in Chicago’s McCormick Place. Spokespeople for the show say this year it will host more than 2,100 exhibitors from around the world, including 400 new companies exhibiting for the first time. The association says highlights will include Discover Design, a destination for buyers seeking unique products 12:11 PM from high-design, design-focused and innovative companies; the Hall of Global Innovation, featuring the show’s special exhibits, including Pantone ColorWatch, Going Green, and the 3rd annual IHA Innovation Awards. BBM MAGAZINE | JAN/FEB 2014

97th Annual ABMA Convention

Schedule Of Events March 26-29, 2014 | Westin Mission Hills Resort & Spa | Rancho Mirage, CA

Tuesday, March 25 5 to 6 p.m. Directors Finance Meeting 7 to 9 p.m. 100th Anniversary Task Force Meeting

Wednesday, March 26 8 to 9:20 a.m. Convention Committee Breakfast Meeting 9:30 to 10:20 a.m. Public Relations Committee Meeting 10:30 to 11:50 a.m. Membership Committee Meeting 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. Registration / “Gathering Place” Noon to 12:50 p.m. Statistical Committee Lunch Meeting 1 to 1:50 p.m. Safety & Standards Committee Meeting 2 to 2:50 p.m. Paint Applicator Division Meeting & Technical Presentation 3 to 3:50 p.m. Broom & Mop Division Meeting & Technical Presentation 4 to 4:50 p.m. Industrial Maintenance Division Meeting & Technical Presentations 5 to 5:30 p.m. Suppliers Division Meeting 6 to 7 p.m. New Members & First-Time Attendees Welcome Reception Dress: Business Casual 7 to 9 p.m. Welcoming Reception Dress: Business Casual

Thursday, March 27 7 to 8:30 a.m. Continental Breakfast 7:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. Registration / “Gathering Place” 8 to 8:50 a.m. Opening Business Session - President’s Welcome 9 to 10:45 a.m. ABMA All-Attendee Educational Institute Speaker: Ira Blumenthal “Corporate Branding - Part I”

11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Suppliers Display Setup 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Lunch on Own 1 to 6 p.m. Golf Scramble Tournament 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. Mid-Convention Reception 7:30 p.m. Dinner on Own

Friday, March 28 7 to 7:45 a.m. Suppliers Display Setup 7 to 8:30 a.m. Continental Breakfast 7:30 a.m. to Noon Registration / “Gathering Place”

8 A.M. TO NOON ABMA SUPPLIERS DISPLAY 9 to 10:30 a.m. Companion Program — Your Signature Style Noon to 1 p.m. Buffet Lunch 2 to 4 p.m. Tennis Clinic & Round-Robin Tournament 2 to 5:30 p.m. San Andreas Fault Line Jeep Tour 7 to 10 p.m. Suppliers Reception Theme: Easy Rider Biker Night Dress: Business Casual

Saturday, March 29 7:30 to 9 a.m. Continental Breakfast 8:30 to 9:20 a.m. Closing Business Session 9:20 to 9:30 a.m. Innovation Award Presentation 9:30 to 10:30 a.m. ABMA All-Attendee Educational Institute Speaker: Ira Blumenthal “Corporate Branding - Part II” 11 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Board of Directors Luncheon & Meeting 6:30 to 9:30 p.m. Board of Directors Dinner



Imports/Exports First 10 Months Down By Rick Mullen | Broom, Brush & Mop Associate Editor

U.S. government trade figures for the first 10 months of 2013 indicate raw material imports were down in the two categories outlined: broom and mop handles and metal handles, compared to the first 10 months of 2012. For October 2013, raw material imports were up in one of the categories outlined: metal handles, compared to October 2012. Import totals for the first 10 months of 2013 were up in two finished goods categories outlined: toothbrushes and paintbrushes, compared to the same time period in 2012. In October 2013, two categories outlined recorded decreases: toothbrushes and hairbrushes, compared to October 2012. Broom And Mop Handles The import total of broom and mop handles during October 2013 was 1.6 million, down 16 percent from 1.9 million for October 2012. During the first 10 months of 2013, 12.8 million broom and mop handles were imported, down 12 percent from 14.5 million for the first 10 months of 2012. During the first 10 months of 2013, the United States received 5.1 million broom and mop handles from Brazil, 3.3 million from Honduras, 2.2 million from China and 1.8 million from Indonesia. The average price per handle for October 2013 was 84 cents, up 47 percent from the average price for October 2012 of 57 cents. The average price for the first 10 months of 2013 was 86 cents, up 10 percent from 78 cents the first 10 months of 2012. Metal Handles The import total of metal handles during October 2013 was 3.2 million, up 10 percent from 2.9 million for October 2012. During the first 10 months of 2013, 21 million metal handles were imported, down 11 percent from 23.5 million for the first 10 months of 2012. During the first 10 months of 2013, Italy sent 11.7 million metal handles to the United States, while China shipped 4.4 million and Spain sent 4.1 million. The average price per handle for October 2013 was 66 cents, up 20 percent from 55 cents for October 2012. The average price for the first 10 months of 2013 was 71 cents, up 9 percent from the average price for the first 10 months of 2012 of 65 cents.

Raw Material Imports

Toothbrushes The United States imported 83.6 million toothbrushes in October 2013, down 1 percent from 84.4 million imported in October 2012. During the first 10 months of 2013, 894.3 million toothbrushes were imported, up 1 percent from 888.2 million imported during the first 10 months of 2012. China sent 670.3 million toothbrushes to the United States during the first 10 months of 2013, while Vietnam shipped 70.5 million. The average price per toothbrush for October 2013 was 23 cents, up 1 cent from the average price for October 2012. The average price for the first 10 months of 2013 was 23 cents, up 15 percent from 20 cents for the first 10 months of 2012.

Finished Goods Imports

Hairbrushes October 2013 imports of hairbrushes totaled 4.1 million, down 42 percent

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from the October 2012 total of 7.1 million hairbrushes. During the first 10 months of 2013, 38.8 million hairbrushes were imported, down 19 percent from 48 million for the first 10 months of 2012. China shipped 38.2 million hairbrushes to the United States during the first 10 months of 2013. The average price per hairbrush was 29 cents during October 2013, up 1 cent from the average price for October 2012. For the first 10 months of 2013, the average price per hairbrush was 27 cents, the same as the average price for the first 10 months of 2012. Paintbrushes U.S. companies imported 16.9 million paintbrushes during October 2013, up 8 percent from 15.6 million paintbrushes imported during October 2012. Paintbrush imports for the first 10 months of 2013 were 205.1 million, up 3 percent from 198.4 million recorded for the first 10 months of 2012. China shipped 144.9 million paintbrushes to the United States during the first 10 months of 2013, while Costa Rica exported 34.8 million and Indonesia sent 21 million. The average price per paintbrush for October 2013 was 26 cents, down 19 percent from the average price for October 2012 of 32 cents. The average price for the first 10 months of 2013 was 26 cents, down 19 percent from 32 cents for the first 10 months of 2012.

Exports Export totals for the first 10 months of 2013 were down in two categories outlined: shaving brushes and paintbrushes compared to the first 10 months of 2012. In October 2013, two categories outlined reported decreases: toothbrushes and shaving brushes, compared to October 2012.

Toothbrushes During October 2013, the United States exported 12.7 million toothbrushes, down 22 percent from the total recorded in October 2012 of 16.2 million. During the first 10 months of 2013, 152.8 million toothbrushes were exported, up 23 percent from 124.1 million exported during the first 10 months of 2012. TheUnited States exported 60.3 million toothbrushes to Canada during the first 10 months of 2013, while sending 24.2 million toothbrushes to Mexico and 21 million to Germany. Theaverage price per toothbrush for October 2013 was 46 cents, up 12 percent from the average price for October 2012 of 41 cents. The average price per toothbrush for the first 10 months of 2013 was 44 cents, down 8 percent from 48 cents for the first 10 months of 2012.

Shaving Brushes The United States exported 1.4 million shaving brushes during October 2013, down 22 percent from 1.8 million shaving brushes exported for October 2012. During the first 10 months of 2013, 13.6 million shaving brushes were exported, down 33 percent from 20.3 million during the first 10 months of 2012. Canada imported 4.8 million shaving brushes from the United States during the first 10 months of 2013, while Brazil received 4.2 million. The average price per shaving brush for October 2013 was $1.23, up 84 percent from the average price for October 2012 of 67 cents. The average price for the first 10 months of 2013 was 95 cents, up 48 percent from 64 cents recorded for the first 10 months of 2012.

Paintbrushes The export total of paintbrushes during October 2013 was 118,121, up 14 percent from 103,787 for October 2012. During the first 10 months of 2013, 1.1 million paintbrushes were exported, down 27 percent from 1.5 million during the first 10 months of 2012. Canada imported 473,011 paintbrushes from the United States during the first 10 months of 2013. The average price per paintbrush for October 2013 was $17.59, up 8

percent from $16.28 for October 2012. The average price for the first 10 months of 2013 was $17.65, up 32 percent from $13.34 recorded for the first 10 months of 2012. BBM MAGAZINE | JAN/FEB 2014


Domestic Merchandise

1404902000 Broomcorn (Sorghum Vulgare Var. Technicum) Used Primarily In Brooms Or In Brushes, Whether or Not In Hanks or Bundles October Year To Date Country Net Q/Ton Value Net Q/Ton Value Colomb 18 34,000 Brazil 1 3,583 Paragua 2 9,000 U King 1 4,844 France 48 186,624 TOTAL 70 238,051

9603100000 Brooms & Brushes, Consisting of Twigs or Other Vegetable Materials Bound Together, With or Without Handles October Year To Date Country Net Q/Dozen Value Net Q/Dozen Value Canada 2,815 111,721 29,672 1,361,980 Mexico 133 4,400 1,033 31,886 Guatmal 22 4,087 C Rica 1,790 51,208 Panama 1,095 26,045 2,781 96,281 Bermuda 344 16,288 Bahamas 121 38,733 1,019 185,440 Jamaica 257 7,085 Cayman 88 2,892 88 2,892 Haiti 290 4,516 Dom Rep 77 7,148 St K N 100 2,580

S Vn Gr Barbado Guadlpe Colomb Venez Peru Chile Brazil Sweden Norway Finland U King Ireland Nethlds Belgium France Germany Poland Kazakhs Turkmen Spain Malta Italy S Arab Qatar Arab Em India Singapr Phil R China Hg Kong Japan Austral Libya Guinea Nigeria Angola Rep Saf TOTAL









452 23

14,906 8,263





76 218 72 95 530 306 345 11,527 481 110 121 9,179 318 237 183 106 2,761 84 49 10 166 39 161 3,163 16 160 40 518 10 1,654 1,710 2,585 419 331 35 452 23 185 75,948

5,251 7,854 3,183 5,661 17,470 10,088 16,322 397,216 21,628 3,613 4,000 254,319 10,500 15,233 6,037 33,638 89,006 3,460 27,924 7,841 3,283 2,817 5,302 159,668 9,250 21,219 2,614 20,141 3,552 59,056 37,105 99,004 20,710 6,437 11,567 14,906 8,263 29,710 3,226,239

Royal Paint Roller Royal Paint Roller — a name known in the industry for over 35 years for top quality products, fine service and competitive prices. Manufacturer of paint rollers in ALL SIZES—from Slim Jim to Jumbo 21⁄4” I.D. in VARIETY OF FABRICS—including lambskin, kodel, lambswool, synthetic blends & “Lint Free” woven line. Also a complete line of frames, trays, paint brushes & painting accessories for the professional and Do-It-Yourself markets. Specializing in private labeling at competitive prices.

ROYAL PAINT ROLLER 248 Wyandanch Avenue West Babylon, N.Y. 11704 Tel: (631) 643-8012 • Fax: (631) 253-9428 BBM MAGAZINE | JAN/FEB 2014

PG 37

Country Canada Mexico Guatmal Belize Salvadr Hondura C Rica Panama Bermuda Bahamas Jamaica Haiti Dom Rep B Virgn St K N Antigua S Lucia S Vn Gr Grenada Barbado Trinid S Maarte Curaco Aruba Colomb Guyana Surinam Ecuador Peru Chile Brazil Paragua Uruguay Argent

9603210000 Toothbrushes October Year To Date Net Q/No. Value Net Q/No. 5,680,496 2,265,463 60,288,004 2,863,513 884,934 24,218,240 9,344 48,147 9,344 648 4,670 1,368 1,955 5,704 42,164 575,064 243,806 3,786,522 864 491 8,005 2,465 9,968 6,548 134,364 31,368 12,305 51,335 79,337 42,365 457,687 490 96 14,164 418 4,280 1,092 247 210 61,708 47,010 68,676 573,126 246 2,513 842 315,096 28,272 18,522 23,657 331,199 32,114 30,200 22,118 31,357 55,004 84,673 1,600 4,816 92,257 15,131 5,112 6,543 9,700 3,168 4,118 14,295 2,999,452

Value 26,427,436 7,404,610 48,147 7,381 20,000 41,663 57,855 2,059,565 9,100 27,823 65,018 18,272 254,388 2,782 3,877 16,024 11,176 2,522 7,728 40,265 584,429 5,899 104,218 10,909 458,896 27,119 33,958 36,420 107,835 94,429 54,717 24,546 103,016 985,390

Supplier of Raw Materials to Manufacture Brooms, Mops, and Brushes • Galvanized & tinned wire for brush - broom - mop production • Processed Broom Corn & Yucca • Wood Broom - Mop - Brush Handles • Craft Broom Corn And Supplies • Other Materials - Broom Twine, Broom Nails, Mop Hardware We ship by pup or truck load direct from Mexico, or LTL/ UPS from our Greensboro warehouse.

P.O. Box 14634 • Greensboro, NC 27415 336-273-3609 800-213-9224 Fax: 336-378-6047 E-mail: PG 38

Sweden Finland U King Ireland Nethlds Belgium France Germany Czech Switzld Poland Russia Ukraine Spain Italy Bosnia Turkey Iran Israel Jordan Kuwait S Arab Arab Em Oman India Thailnd Vietnam Singapr Indnsia Phil R China Kor Rep Hg Kong Taiwan Japan Austral Algeria Nigeria Rep Saf TOTAL

12,072 13,353 45,180

13,991 136,618 27,447





57,480 70,389 441,461 1,530 13,628 6,108

573,938 542,248 257,194 24,461 13,533 62,500

735 12,747,820

4,939 5,894,045

114 2,481,588 231,264

4,515 403,292 111,474

7,884 15,276 103,265 975,649 89,300 5,472 8,603 20,958,880 5,916,835 5,294,280 19,781 500 5,440 31,685 43,530 3,688 335 1,437,465 283 2,274 16,589 5,480 10,502 4,524 7,821,303 800,140 9,770 26,690 296,000 2,712 2,584,432 967,582 9,585,781 314,782 1,443,934 228,740 52,776 1,080 51,952 152,805,735

12,757 19,557 179,235 1,426,979 223,106 7,918 23,094 3,738,820 2,920,197 777,490 8,719 7,153 14,997 4,276 81,405 7,754 9,465 274,395 2,894 23,267 26,632 5,999 11,315 4,125 4,952,762 121,763 25,305 72,959 102,765 15,689 3,269,503 3,326,103 3,697,467 319,575 933,307 704,097 31,513 2,952 140,438 66,685,160

9603290000 Shaving Brushes, Hairbrushes, Nail Brushes, Eyelash Brushes & Other Toilet Brushes For Use on the Person October Year To Date Country Net Q/No. Value Net Q./No. Value Canada 694,368 450,678 4,814,735 3,454,963 Mexico 118,825 204,149 1,732,592 1,151,741 Guatmal 239 3,333 4,299 33,148 Salvadr 32,793 134,922 Hondura 1,008 3,074 Nicarag 101 5,195 101 5,195 C Rica 920 3,319 4,623 12,344 Panama 10,000 21,383 Bahamas 16 3,652 Dom Rep 5,064 12,296 7,654 21,721 Trinid 8,394 18,648 41,100 304,985 S Maarte 309 5,466 Curaco 3,436 7,563 Colomb 10,662 97,507 115,640 276,443 Venez 112,000 84,000 277,150 209,450 Ecuador 110,432 90,099 Peru 30 6,490 180 9,603 Bolivia 9,489 16,870 Chile 7,524 14,806 61,553 115,350 Brazil 94,554 71,615 4,175,160 1,562,127 Paragua 66,412 122,151 Uruguay 3,147 18,986 Argent 154,134 39,451 662,818 159,188 Sweden 1,576 19,725 Finland 4,057 24,002 U King 22,263 57,364 199,056 631,839 Nethlds 63,061 265,407 Belgium 1,335 12,206 11,646 110,320 France 24,324 76,822 162,197 701,057 Germany 38,106 125,734 130,794 497,313 Switzld 660 4,458 6,197 40,490 Latvia 3,576 9,838 Poland 1,000 6,210


Russia Georgia Spain Italy Turkey Israel Jordan Kuwait S Arab Arab Em India Pakistn Burma Thailnd Malaysa Singapr Indnsia Phil R China Kor Rep Hg Kong Taiwan Japan Austral N Zeal Rep Saf TOTAL









8,250 1,065 7,884 13,550 1,626 6,154

23,761 15,765 13,808 43,088 8,979 32,869

4,304 12,110

668 1,359,367

23,464 110,252

8,967 1,676,512

5,030 4,120 40,836 15,274 3,903 217 5,012 20,387 11,428 21,787 21,419 16 1,094 1,564 22,396 36,707 2,907 155,428 306,130 25,097 25,664 12,298 44,436 84,785 3,772 12,866 13,602,380

42,753 37,680 97,555 107,208 34,357 3,566 44,047 185,927 56,172 145,172 23,898 3,440 10,000 6,770 98,936 137,585 32,607 101,357 567,171 89,632 143,741 24,458 237,014 639,991 6,581 50,267 12,974,510

9603300000 Artists Brushes, Writing Brushes and Similar Brushes for the Application of Cosmetics October Year To Date Country Net Q/No. Value Net Q/No. Value Canada 471,275 925,519 5,188,052 10,346,811 Mexico 12,002 52,054 473,493 1,535,739 Guatmal 1,663 14,798 Salvadr 3,250 2,925 3,658 5,529 C Rica 2,789 10,292 4,750 19,694 Panama 18,084 66,720 74,358 178,688 Bahamas 64 4,001 1,313 8,611 Dom Rep 15,125 43,102 34,782 137,298 Antigua 1,228 3,815 S Lucia 3,786 9,713 Barbado 9,562 10,055 13,108 23,141 Trinid 2,016 5,302 11,156 24,388 S Maarte 3,633 8,611 Curaco 1,499 6,561 Colomb 29,612 98,878 Venez 6,768 11,431 28,230 95,664 Ecuador 14,238 44,260 Peru 19,277 47,747 Chile 8,460 26,583 27,420 91,650 Brazil 2,091 7,716 120,574 416,404 Paragua 37,960 141,108 Uruguay 9,434 34,810 Argent 4,609 17,005 Sweden 400 2,520 18,798 117,410 Norway 5,633 27,115 42,009 184,838

Finland Denmark U King Ireland Nethlds Belgium France Germany Austria Slovak Hungary Switzld Latvia Lithuan Poland Russia Spain Italy Slvenia Romania Turkey Israel Kuwait S Arab Arab Em Sri Lka Thailnd Malaysa Singapr Indnsia Phil R China Kor Rep Hg Kong Taiwan Japan Austral New Gui N Zeal Fiji Libya Egypt Eq Guin Nigeria Rep Saf TOTAL Country Canada Mexico Guatmal Belize Salvadr Hondura C Rica

1,633 48,335 1,074

6,027 186,838 3,963

36,880 2,253 903

136,078 5,328 3,332







8,673 48,873

32,001 176,052





8,499 2,232 22,266 1,700 82 16,269

31,360 15,671 386,582 4,228 2,520 51,906



72,599 896,617

116,448 2,622,092

11,272 2,540 272,413 21,726 18,420 64,201 89,517 10,285 388 1,163 808 128,972 2,425 2,171 2,391 17,843 2,887 51,325 3,384 3,726 18,286 19,933 15,623 11,817 15,793 124 103,197 19,569 21,114 1,373 747 258,237 18,719 76,872 62,276 29,779 217,899 2,448 4,646 1,968 5,421 2,333 734 150 95,881 7,881,436

9603402000 Paint Rollers October Year To Date Net Q/No. Value Net Q/No. 81,541 182,240 636,879 4,836 11,757 115,636 225 3,942 3,525 3,533 5,409 3,533 449 8,340 968 4,788 2,197 53,142 3,368

41,589 14,299 986,577 78,491 53,896 244,333 307,348 58,932 2,977 4,292 2,980 483,427 13,285 8,009 20,238 76,652 16,188 222,116 6,772 17,303 76,524 62,387 60,816 51,972 78,381 3,160 448,884 72,200 64,660 20,896 3,352 956,233 98,197 618,962 130,968 114,452 1,099,969 6,016 22,611 6,153 20,000 8,608 2,707 8,677 152,613 20,462,273 Value 1,541,696 341,989 13,594 5,409 17,446 6,379 73,686



&$ &''

#&%" PG 39

Panama Bermuda Bahamas Jamaica Dom Rep B Virgn St K N S Vn Gr Barbado Trinid S Maarte Curaco Aruba Colomb Venez Guyana Peru Chile Sweden U King Ireland Nethlds Belgium France Germany Switzld Poland Russia Turkey Israel S Arab Arab Em Afghan India Thailnd Malaysa Singapr Phil R China Mongola Kor Rep Hg Kong Taiwan Japan Austral New Gui N Zeal Fiji Angola Rep Saf TOTAL Country Mexico Nicarag C Rica Panama Haiti Dom Rep Trinid Colomb Chile Brazil Argent Finland Denmark U King Ireland Russia Romania Turkey Israel Jordan S Arab India

PG 40











2,384 3,360

18,844 2,512



50 371

5,750 10,198











12,118 17,234 2,700 18,657 60,340 242 2,287 3,584 1,552 36,060 430 317 200 8,197 1,822 2,976 41,494 540 1,728 4,254 155 23,608 3,540 818 56,655 13 88 17,376 663 1,868 57,207 22,154 171 9,090 3,390 2,938 2,510 960 4,069 1,117 27,900 607 182 710 221,738 2,234 37,059 24,408 1,720 4,108 1,514,485

9603404020 Paint Pads October Year To Date Net Q/No. Value Net Q/No. 3,300 8,433 85,535 3,240 23,000 3,240 650 528 100 423 5,556 48 254 14,796 454 1,440 1,080 6,000 11,660 17,772 458 265 9,419 6,348 431 665 26 10,383 5,819 2,112 14,991 2,112 652 1,277

37,337 27,396 24,195 25,586 150,723 4,050 10,089 6,497 7,159 66,877 5,242 5,559 2,712 16,805 31,973 7,646 34,870 3,369 2,943 33,163 2,723 132,695 5,666 14,355 124,744 2,600 4,266 32,353 11,641 34,993 59,028 20,464 3,000 80,879 28,277 29,654 6,048 4,336 49,900 2,888 201,906 38,130 3,200 12,462 304,773 5,115 95,039 27,906 5,827 43,597 3,892,855 Value 274,029 23,000 11,961 3,750 3,200 9,632 6,568 2,640 17,386 78,847 4,862 36,453 3,091 50,301 3,060 7,749 4,233 19,412 41,306 14,991 4,630 9,065

Singapr Hg Kong Japan Austral N Zeal TOTAL





5,244 6,800 786 30,430 6,542 194,799

12,850 11,560 6,306 26,399 7,641 694,922

9603404050 Paint, Distemper, Varnish or Similar Brushes (Except Brushes of 9603.30) October Year To Date Country Net Q/No. Value Net Q/No. Value Canada 47,413 672,775 473,011 7,202,200 Mexico 1,338 21,787 11,606 194,621 Belize 868 18,001 Salvadr 884 18,648 Hondura 3,873 68,839 Nicarag 971 15,914 C Rica 249 5,164 2,844 93,196 Panama 128 3,186 13,929 218,536 Bermuda 1,306 27,067 Bahamas 340 8,570 5,807 93,951 Jamaica 1,742 41,064 Cayman 2,848 44,011 Haiti 201 4,160 Dom Rep 40 4,442 3,977 98,265 B Virgn 1,124 41,282 St K N 1,519 31,159 1,673 34,348 Antigua 304 6,302 Monsrat 140 7,528 S Lucia 125 2,599 336 6,969 S Vn Gr 357 7,396 Grenada 100 3,123 Barbado 852 17,678 Trinid 1,701 35,282 7,109 148,006 S Maarte 517 16,557 Colomb 899 18,644 4,778 91,148 Venez 2,116 17,959 Guyana 2,146 59,118 Ecuador 6,787 61,366 25,179 224,887 Peru 276 5,720 1,275 26,457 Chile 64 3,894 506 13,071 Brazil 664 22,121 Uruguay 1,899 17,413 Argent 4,673 96,936 Finland 340 4,275 1,158 18,632 Denmark 468 9,716 U King 12,069 292,187 77,634 1,539,107 Ireland 6,435 44,931 Nethlds 19,081 440,294 143,252 4,055,160 Belgium 1,536 58,971 France 2,131 41,092 4,324 62,808 Germany 1,437 18,766 12,102 357,925 Austria 1,380 6,563 Czech 2,515 52,160 9,865 204,806 Lithuan 90 4,407 2,901 57,828 Poland 718 13,228 1,591 21,326 Russia 185 3,830 1,691 35,067 Georgia 19 2,770 Italy 18,148 167,227 Slvenia 518 10,743 Turkey 931 19,305 Israel 706 17,295 6,662 118,918 S Arab 14,005 159,426 Arab Em 139 2,884 1,985 35,502 Bahrain 206 4,273 Afghan 159 3,301 India 259 7,991 Thailnd 240 13,173 Vietnam 2,758 30,026 Malaysa 1,652 15,752 Singapr 3,839 68,649 14,097 248,005 Indnsia 4,982 78,444 Brunei 686 7,745 Phil R 15,681 168,076 China 4,205 43,740 26,657 490,347 Kor Rep 3,074 63,762 40,973 924,376


Hg Kong Taiwan Japan Austral N Zeal Samoa Solmn I Libya Eq Guin Niger Angola Djibuti Mozambq Rep Saf TOTAL



500 1,284 542

3,090 26,628 11,245



80 118,121

3,210 2,077,610

19,484 1,276 1,200 13,089 31,474 1,217 424 120 102 123 133 199 150 728 1,064,289

462,343 24,866 25,306 79,087 149,317 25,240 8,798 7,020 2,808 2,559 2,750 4,121 10,000 9,283 18,788,510

9603900000 Hand-Operated Mechanical Floor Sweepers, Not Motorized, Mops & Feather Dusters; Prepared Knots & Tufts for Broom or Brush Making, NESOI October Year To Date Country Net Q/No. Value Net Q/No. Value Canada 222,052 2,910,451 2,134,684 25,348,371 Mexico 53,974 704,823 605,434 7,818,523 Guatmal 373 7,926 1,949 33,492 Belize 125 4,975 Salvadr 299 4,850 1,464 23,769 Hondura 1,213 19,677 3,847 57,782 Nicarag 3,638 28,356 C Rica 4,277 88,726 31,843 465,935 Panama 45 4,132 10,514 153,222 Bermuda 6,230 26,678 Bahamas 6,850 42,701 Jamaica 399 6,617 Turk Is 352 6,736 Cayman 2,453 12,385 Haiti 801 13,000 Dom Rep 346 3,443 3,364 49,456 B Virgn 17 3,828 S Lucia 1,104 2,639 Barbado 2,680 24,832 Trinid 1,056 17,116 4,806 58,011 S Maarte 985 15,970 Curaco 630 10,220 1,085 22,171 Aruba 3,221 40,339 Colomb 3,025 24,085 17,734 220,748 Venez 355 5,759 26,538 861,395 Ecuador 1,632 26,474 27,088 358,541 Peru 1,184 15,408 14,855 205,285 Chile 4,014 74,565 46,982 454,341 Brazil 4,611 21,621 80,707 933,014 Paragua 451 7,323 Uruguay 1,319 67,659 Argent 642 2,881 16,128 140,069 Iceland 2,411 39,106 Sweden 1,196 19,391 5,099 90,416 Norway 10,909 78,543 Finland 4,537 57,890 Denmark 2,268 36,780 24,711 267,098 U King 9,642 92,533 89,630 1,019,975 Ireland 1,744 5,443 38,191 595,613 Nethlds 772 12,093 20,912 177,227 Belgium 2,915 18,989 47,593 268,243 Luxmbrg 180 10,491 760 39,659 France 615 12,054 7,059 181,673 Germany 3,010 57,742 28,130 392,113 Austria 527 2,713 Czech 318 5,159 8,986 145,746 Slovak 200 2,969 Switzld 900 6,417 11,033 138,034 Estonia 8,242 135,669 Latvia 208 3,372 3,298 34,136 Lithuan 4,200 12,990 4,392 16,111 Poland 1,405 23,730 Russia 2,123 34,439 20,167 175,830 Kazakhs 219 3,558 438 7,112 Turkmen 287 4,654


Spain Portugl Malta Italy Greece Turkey Lebanon Iraq Israel Jordan Kuwait S Arab Qatar Arab Em Oman Bahrain Afghan India Pakistn Thailnd Vietnam Malaysa Singapr Indnsia Phil R China Mongola Kor Rep Hg Kong Taiwan Japan Austral New Gui N Zeal Algeria Libya Egypt Eq Guin Camroon Togo Nigeria Angola Congo B Djibuti Tnzania Rep Saf Zambia Malawi TOTAL





42 3,848 691 4,925 253

3,024 32,047 11,200 22,025 4,100

417 3,316

6,482 24,646

481 2,959 333

7,800 32,839 12,258

508 6,545

11,694 108,868

28,897 13,502

240,986 193,757





3,783 2,102


61,358 29,419


6,327 485 3,227 20,929 716 2,916 550 640 11,379 317 3,850 106,732 2,618 34,819 497 1,534 2,493 13,190 514 4,729 8,832 9,846 27,876 36,600 5,817 39,322 216 35,336 40,793 6,008 132,605 122,567 2,619 17,836 362 300 306 547 80 510 1,406 1,099 160 801 678 5,309 1,150 1,650 4,117,657

102,366 7,859 21,095 265,461 23,728 30,124 10,818 3,834 187,669 7,817 17,911 1,173,466 42,455 313,887 16,984 19,688 44,437 150,703 15,192 92,158 145,569 144,619 297,362 171,298 132,492 544,847 3,497 466,438 633,964 121,797 1,336,920 1,433,092 33,682 220,606 5,875 2,700 2,820 8,877 6,866 4,437 21,356 20,747 2,593 13,000 11,000 66,496 8,915 14,454 49,826,394


Country Germany Thailnd China TOTAL

Country U King Thailnd China TOTAL

0502100000 Pigs’, Hogs’ or Boars’ Bristles and Hair and Waste Thereof October Year To Date Net Q/KG Value Net Q/KG 350 162 10,482 273 44,482 536,314 249,278 44,644 546,796 249,901 0502900000 Badger Hair and Other Brushmaking Hair and Waste Thereof October Year To Date Net Q/KG Value Net Q/KG 4 505 5,012 2,920 9,418 208,086 35,978 9,923 213,098 38,902

Value 15,015 16,870 3,683,599 3,715,484

Value 11,668 137,683 843,592 992,943

PG 41

0511993300 Horsehair and Horsehair Waste, Whether or Not Put Up As A Layer With or Without Supporting Material October Year To Date Country Net Q/KG Value Net Q/KG Value Peru 591 16,941 Paragua 20,510 253,282 Belgium 7,299 66,720 Germany 12,457 161,568 Italy 1,769 11,685 China 18,715 234,240 219,582 2,608,085 N Zeal 28 6,534 43 10,123 TOTAL 18,743 240,774 262,251 3,128,404

1404903000 Istle Used Primarily In Brooms or In Brushes, Whether or Not In Hanks or Bundles October Year To Date Country Net Q/KG Value Net Q/KG Value Mexico 17,050 89,529 275,948 1,380,210 TOTAL 17,050 89,529 275,948 1,380,210

4417002000 Broom and Mop Handles, 1.9 CM or More In Diameter and 97 CM or More In Length, Of Wood October Year To Date Country Net Q/No. Value Net Q/No. Value Canada 480 2,225 Mexico 55,690 50,086 144,926 124,970 Hondura 374,396 206,877 3,326,685 1,584,546 Dom Rep 9,360 12,189 9,360 12,189 Colomb 5,712 2,857 142,010 66,644 Brazil 682,392 748,847 5,102,986 6,022,945 U King 12,800 12,807 12,800 12,807 Belgium 900 9,919 900 9,919 Indnsia 127,872 172,262 1,834,161 1,749,172 China 363,325 161,153 2,172,076 1,426,004 Taiwan 1,440 3,287 5,688 6,525 TOTAL 1,633,887 1,380,284 12,752,072 11,017,946

4417004000 Paint Brush and Paint Roller Handles, Of Wood October Year To Date Country Net Q/Variable Value Net Q/Variable Value Mexico 2,009 U King 5,622 Germany 8,795 34,171 Czech 99,470 Italy 611,177 5,873,008 Thailnd 27,729 161,471 Indnsia 141,892 1,088,239 China 269,244 2,777,080 Taiwan 17,232 TOTAL 1,058,837 10,058,302 Country Canada Germany Sri Lka China TOTAL Country Canada Mexico Salvadr Colomb Brazil U King Nethlds Switzld Spain Italy Sri Lka Thailnd Vietnam Indnsia China Taiwan TOTAL

4417006000 Brush Backs, Of Wood October Year To Date Net Q/No. Value Net Q/No. 105,593 54,806 2,540,883 48,909 265,648 156,249 2,109,377 83,520 27,788 89,520 454,761 238,843 4,788,689

4417008010 Tool Handles of Wood October Year To Date Net Q/Variable Value Net Q/Variable 8,498 47,736 3,592 66,289

2,535 49,413 19,940 40,555 35,191 273,749

Value 1,059,483 13,525 1,141,772 32,419 2,247,199 Value 83,069 672,402 7,003 7,754 4,851,683 6,182 3,757 3,073 68,729 106,321 3,475 2,478 439,463 212,188 560,774 418,161 7,446,512

4417008090 Tools, Tool Bodies, Broom or Brush Bodies, Shoe Lasts and Trees, of Wood October Year To Date Country Net Q/Variable Value Net Q/Variable Value Canada 87,434 928,582 Mexico 18,935 118,021 Colomb 4,530 4,530 Chile 570,520 6,230,824 Brazil 3,253 Sweden 2,161 U King 5,395 179,295 Nethlds 5,562 France 2,431 75,684 Germany 15,007 68,978 Austria 2,357 Lithuan 4,211 Spain 9,034 46,028 Italy 11,490 97,054 Croatia 2,161 Romania 7,445 Turkey 2,782 India 218,745 683,127 Sri Lka 89,360 370,678 Vietnam 27,433 202,367 Singapr 10,768 Indnsia 104,697 China 308,393 3,669,430 Hg Kong 13,455

PG 42


Taiwan Japan TOTAL

52,524 567,468 1,988,699

187,454 3,827,505 16,848,409

7326908576 Metal Handles For Brooms, Mops, Paint Applicators October Year To Date Country Net Q/No. Value Net Q/No. Value Canada 12 3,407 Mexico 12,042 5,091 429,338 158,290 Colomb 16,140 7,537 Brazil 31,284 24,455 100,284 68,055 Finland 400 5,010 Denmark 999 10,423 1,584 27,021 Germany 1,989 6,374 4,680 24,245 Spain 1,685,088 808,516 4,130,484 1,940,243 Italy 920,388 565,019 11,675,293 8,425,035 Israel 2,000 2,187 Sri Lka 4,700 2,256 76,705 64,564 China 495,559 649,058 4,436,921 4,134,135 Hg Kong 17,264 19,703 Taiwan 92,734 66,361 TOTAL 3,152,049 2,071,192 20,983,839 14,945,793

9603100500 Wiskbrooms, of Broom Corn, LT=.96 EA. Prior to Entry or Withdrawal for Consumption of 61,655 Dozen In Calendar Year June Year To Date Mexico 8,412 7,765 56,776 52,877 China 12,696 13,701 TOTAL 8,412 7,765 69,472 66,578

9603104000 Other Brooms, of Broomcorn, LT=.96 EA, Prior to Entry or Withdrawal For Consumption of GT=121,478 Dozen in Calendar Year June Year To Date Mexico 13,332 8,622 123,288 70,534 TOTAL 13,332 8,622 123,288 70,534

9603105000 Other Brooms, of Broomcorn, LT=.96 EA, at Entry or Withdrawal For Consumption of GT=121,478 Dozen in Calendar Year June Year To Date Mexico 2,400 2,103 12,996 11,288 China 4,800 4,971 TOTAL 2,400 2,103 17,796 16,259

9603106000 Other Brooms, Of Broomcorn, Valued Over .96 Each June Year To Date Country Net Q/No. Value Net Q/No. Value Mexico 671,020 1,609,443 6,556,556 15,547,639 Hondura 2,640 5,638 51,330 107,152 Italy 7,900 23,390 China 12,500 27,888 TOTAL 673,660 1,615,081 6,628,286 15,706,069


9603109000 Brooms & Brushes, Consisting of Twigs or Other Vegetable Materials Bound Together, With or Without Handles, NESOI June Year To Date Country Net Q/No. Value Net Q/No. Value Canada 718 12,770 Mexico 5,160 4,149 81,808 191,457 Colomb 1,920 2,504 Sweden 200 2,181 Norway 8,411 23,698 U King 42 3,280 1,172 12,437 Estonia 26,218 19,306 117,976 134,493 Italy 24,196 29,268 India 22,500 16,736 Sri Lka 134,795 178,327 1,021,231 1,161,356 Thailnd 10,000 11,235 48,238 87,680 Vietnam 18,350 17,669 172,272 191,400 Phil R 600 2,865 19,220 45,730 China 5,392 17,194 173,172 268,857 Japan 4,830 16,813 TOTAL 200,557 254,025 1,697,864 2,197,380

9603210000 Toothbrushes, Incl. Dental-Plate Brushes October Year To Date Country Net Q/No. Value Net Q/No. Value Canada 4,163 11,602 340,856 169,004 Mexico 377,424 181,405 3,216,752 1,700,788 Guatmal 153,600 29,090 Brazil 109,368 35,430 2,067,264 571,641 Sweden 156,375 249,950 Denmark 2,280 2,486 U King 64,656 25,224 1,081,004 652,090 Ireland 641,912 337,407 7,479,162 4,179,400 Nethlds 63,706 13,193 699,654 92,468 France 3,600 2,742 Germany 2,581,622 1,873,389 25,421,411 16,886,031 Hungary 89,710 4,772 276,712 271,502 Switzld 4,461,510 2,610,102 50,453,433 28,360,391 Italy 154,848 644,117 India 5,429,136 682,486 44,257,208 5,601,910 Thailnd 319,824 85,141 1,544,623 423,109 Vietnam 8,399,341 612,541 70,518,012 3,615,423 Malaysa 355,000 24,872 3,423,005 326,138 Singapr 3,120 5,227 Indnsia 123,360 20,778 3,254,160 166,303 China 60,189,845 12,549,173 670,313,274 136,215,604 Kor Rep 252,300 85,008 3,457,096 819,516 Hg Kong 81,720 42,463 1,008,614 177,989 Taiwan 6,654 10,290 2,559,609 907,541 Japan 9,312 14,633 2,485,412 427,585 N Zeal 7,000 3,857 TOTAL 83,560,563 19,219,909 894,338,084 202,501,902


" ! "

" "

" "



PG 43

9603294010 Hairbrushes, Valued Not Over .40 Each October Year To Date Country Net Q/No. Value Net Q/No. Value Vietnam 25,920 5,661 Malaysa 30,000 2,250 China 4,078,904 1,200,814 38,167,054 10,225,169 Kor Rep 7,320 2,755 Hg Kong 556,176 85,239 Taiwan 24,048 7,375 TOTAL 4,078,904 1,200,814 38,810,518 10,328,449

9603294090 Shaving Brushes, Nail Brushes, Eyelash Brushes & Other Toilet Brushes For Use On The Valued Not Over .40 Each October Year To Date Country Net Q/No. Value Net Q/No. Mexico 176,200 24,632 2,490,050 Denmark 12,000 U King 25,500 Germany 1,211,088 261,849 6,307,369 Switzld 44,640 Italy 54,688 19,893 149,080 India 660,000 China 2,612,603 485,532 29,306,096 Kor Rep 6,903,620 Hg Kong 81,552 Taiwan 1,113,906 Japan 627,500 TOTAL 4,054,579 791,906 47,721,313

Person, Value 344,473 4,208 5,349 1,449,256 10,325 49,827 14,869 5,010,823 236,292 18,552 81,254 151,554 7,376,782

9603302000 Artists Brushes, Writing Brushes & Similar Brushes For Application Of Cosmetics, Valued Not Over .05 Each October Year To Date Country Net Q/No. Value Net Q/No. Value Mexico 1,370,096 22,952 12,493,943 315,448 France 1,990,000 84,078 10,295,000 401,787 Germany 3,523,000 95,749 39,122,000 1,379,475 Italy 7,474,000 107,845 83,807,700 1,042,538 India 6,090,680 184,914 Thailnd 109,000 4,770 Vietnam 65,000 2,340 10,375,840 125,538 China 17,099,277 517,809 110,435,553 3,084,023 Kor Rep 5,994,000 145,864 23,308,900 521,695 Hg Kong 594,000 12,448 Taiwan 120,000 4,235 5,574,031 112,292 TOTAL 37,635,373 980,872 302,206,647 7,184,928

9603304000 Artists Brushes, Writing Brushes & Similar Brushes For Application of Cosmetics, Valued Over .05 But not Over .10 Each October Year To Date Country Net Q/No. Value Net Q/No. Value Mexico 5,106,454 400,701 59,217,145 4,693,167 France 230,000 16,379 Germany 834,800 61,323 11,850,100 924,703 Italy 175,600 12,926 India 752,616 57,578 Thailnd 137,264 10,912 China 14,506,025 1,105,763 152,370,678 11,435,741 Kor Rep 350,000 29,622 3,800,810 288,748 Hg Kong 1,322,000 94,515 Taiwan 174,432 14,591 4,102,224 312,388 TOTAL 20,971,711 1,612,000 233,958,437 17,847,057

9603306000 Artists Brushes, Writing Brushes & Similar Brushes For Application Of Cosmetics, Valued Over .10 Each October Year To Date Country Net Q/No. Value Net Q/No. Value Canada 1,391 8,524 7,138 102,585 Mexico 10,703,853 1,855,385 112,497,944 19,424,462 Dom Rep 89,712 113,011 1,514,447 1,640,046 B Virgn 91 2,138 Barbado 2,881 12,625 U King 69,469 141,033 633,589 1,522,363 Ireland 10 5,295 France 71,792 340,763 885,350 4,832,363 Germany 726,793 291,848 6,303,136 2,923,570

PG 44

Switzld Spain Italy Greece Israel India Sri Lka Thailnd Vietnam China Kor Rep Hg Kong Taiwan Japan Austral Mauritn Maurit TOTAL Country Canada Mexico Sweden U King Nethlds Germany Greece India Indnsia China Hg Kong Taiwan Japan TOTAL

1 13,873 13,608

4,144 63,719 162,499

704,184 228,240 186,766 241,376 30,040,932 305,249 189,791 1,114,308 259,446

247,574 99,245 167,900 58,097 22,755,546 281,142 311,821 242,759 1,347,132

81,912 45,042,696

581,935 29,074,077

1,706 88,344 243,221 1,536 8,382 5,292,844 2,029,404 2,736,749 1,860,034 222,220,492 1,966,810 1,715,291 6,409,791 2,562,441 310 52,717 227,007 369,261,665

9603402000 Paint Rollers October Year To Date Net Q/No. Value Net Q/No. 11,499 3,368 44,066 639,656 211,298 6,450,851 2,800 12,000 2,223 246,475 87,388 1,832,938 32,360 14,166 5,781 14,166 216,959 3,620,906 1,938,749 35,891,394 24,000 2,000 10,097 4,532,702 2,246,584 44,535,854

69,995 367,561 911,526 2,501 30,841 2,591,409 997,816 1,799,306 528,320 171,409,488 1,571,144 1,477,646 1,803,822 14,353,620 12,060 224,625 1,496,963 230,114,090 Value 39,008 2,291,388 19,964 5,965 6,782 460,046 103,771 5,781 39,326 20,754,978 4,478 8,800 8,549 23,748,836

9603404020 Paint Pads (Other Than Of Subheading 9603.30) October Year To Date Country Net Q/No. Value Net Q/No. Value Canada 4,038 11,234 Mexico 36 3,445 U King 99,372 66,454 Pakistn 24,000 2,532 323,400 33,993 China 1,629,325 391,728 22,858,949 6,259,427 Taiwan 1,350 3,618 TOTAL 1,653,325 394,260 23,287,145 6,378,171

9603404040 Natural Bristle Brushes, Other Than Brushes Of Subheading 9603.30 October Year To Date Country Net Q/No. Value Net Q/No. Value Canada 25,224 25,960 157,256 195,702 Sweden 1,000 3,872 U King 11,500 19,565 118,904 284,463 Germany 342 5,561 121,019 116,393 Italy 177,767 60,982 1,058,208 685,458 Turkey 8,004 22,968 250,336 269,092 India 809,772 135,831 Vietnam 792,181 165,194 Indnsia 6,747,844 1,136,037 50,000,014 8,448,895 China 2,893,625 481,701 21,621,733 5,490,344 Kor Rep 9,500 4,803 Taiwan 48,384 12,483 633,334 235,586 TOTAL 9,912,690 1,765,257 75,573,257 16,035,633

9603404060 Paint, Distemper, Varnish/Similr Brushes Exc Brushes of Subheading 9603.30 NESOI October Year To Date Country Net Q/No. Value Net Q/No. Value Canada 7,345 19,043 97,956 165,679 Mexico 500 3,169 500 3,169 Guatmal 26,800 28,275 C Rica 2,531,000 48,984 34,845,333 641,093 Brazil 18,678 13,463 Sweden 25,000 11,271 136,011 101,393


Denmark U King Ireland Nethlds Belgium Germany Czech Poland Italy Turkey India Sri Lka Thailnd Vietnam Malaysa Singapr Indnsia Phil R China Kor Rep Hg Kong Taiwan Japan TOTAL Country Nethlds Serbia China TOTAL









693,396 172,700 13,380,181

112,048 11,772 4,001,398

30,696 3,500 16,886,734

14,756 9,369 4,408,666

1,100 281,790 5,692 2,539 288 178,221 240 1,500 4,200 43,096 30,367 74,221 156,240 2,728 4,050 21,575 20,989,944 2,710,500 144,907,838 4,200 41,000 423,289 68,590 205,078,486

9603908010 Wiskbrooms October Year To Date Net Q/No. Value Net Q/No. 568 51,300 68,436 64,241 1,004,368 68,436 64,241 1,056,236

6,848 252,538 5,674 5,805 2,478 321,700 8,199 5,143 27,436 164,606 8,446 102,158 5,187 10,587 5,029 23,658 4,028,322 61,578 47,457,196 12,062 8,011 225,280 119,118 53,820,131 Value 2,266 91,694 987,612 1,081,572

Country Canada Mexico Guatmal Hondura Colomb Brazil Sweden Germany Portugl Italy India Sri Lka Vietnam China Taiwan TOTAL

9603908020 Upright Brooms October Year To Date Net Q/No. Value Net Q/No. 300 73,628 113,095 447,038 135,825 13,400 3,840 3,932 15,972 10,908 71,776 101,765 104 154 2,400 75,200 110,249 671,976 4,884 5,921 27,484 100,164 188,949 536,046 6,050 826,910 1,190,922 9,837,751 53,904 1,095,534 1,684,844 11,850,169

Value 2,708 718,392 224,537 29,181 16,365 529,445 3,579 2,109 3,411 902,255 27,995 1,054,234 6,336 14,227,212 320,066 18,067,825

Country Canada Mexico Guatmal Salvadr Hondura Dom Rep Colomb Brazil U King

9603908040 Other Brooms, NESOI October Year To Date Net Q/No. Value Net Q/No. 255,803 483,563 1,657,247 542,825 936,104 4,912,708 14,028 24,636 70,236 19,648 20,267 278,698 39,396 21,192 28,711 26,408 299,540 22,926 35,154 288,778 2,481

Value 3,344,008 8,359,519 73,888 341,460 80,507 35,812 383,378 486,721 29,518

9603908030 Push Brooms, 41 CM or Less in Width October Year To Date Country Net Q/No. Value Net Q/No. Value Canada 281 2,958 2,031 15,787 Mexico 24,768 87,707 Italy 7,704 18,422 Sri Lka 43,812 169,902 560,978 1,864,254 China 94,152 289,152 529,656 1,560,793 Taiwan 420 3,683 TOTAL 138,245 462,012 1,125,557 3,550,646


Germany Czech Estonia Spain Portugl Italy Israel India Sri Lka Thailnd Vietnam Phil R China Taiwan Egypt TOTAL






4,500 86,412 7,500 42


7,956 1,617,147


2,654 117,206 8,031 4,674


3,327 2,805,615

1,123 342,048 320 74,448 96 129,286 13,503 23,964 690,236 38,672 120,755 210 4,830,251 19,876 7,956 13,863,020

14,482 431,068 2,934 151,071 3,521 222,174 31,473 18,050 1,273,438 71,139 178,340 4,620 7,694,625 60,631 3,327 23,295,704

9603908050 Brooms, Brushes, Sqeegees, Etc., NESOI October Year To Date Country Net Q/No. Value Net Q/No. Value Canada 1,560,385 16,452,666 Mexico 4,352,023 42,874,339 Salvadr 22,027 217,579 Hondura 1,296,764 13,302,464 C Rica 4,970 Dom Rep 3,223 352,117 Colomb 103,986 807,078 Brazil 5,624 532,440 Argent 112,392 Sweden 28,474 144,249 Finland 51,819 Denmark 336,405 2,894,447 U King 30,919 333,133 Nethlds 13,253 1,690,573 Belgium 90,490 1,039,607 France 52,605 183,410 Germany 328,379 3,589,503 Austria 76,467 470,321 Czech 96,119 504,329 Lichten 22,483 Switzld 6,045 161,549 Estonia 2,693 20,033 Latvia 2,477 12,219 Lithuan 235,547 Poland 59,534 510,146 Spain 111,861 1,177,114 Portugl 6,524 Italy 178,921 2,815,646 Slvenia 8,492 Romania 4,230 164,481 Turkey 4,051 57,743 Cyprus 5,178 Israel 75,662 293,074 Arab Em 32,063 India 36,728 542,646 Pakistn 514,479 4,120,578 Bngldsh 16,063 83,470 Sri Lka 284,824 1,897,423 Thailnd 334,451 2,201,732 Vietnam 47,843 624,319 Malaysa 55,251 559,595 Indnsia 220,137 740,898 China 32,577,249 353,661,148 Kor Rep 126,050 2,870,022 Hg Kong 323,521 7,073,534 Taiwan 1,456,561 12,981,689 Japan 38,786 696,280 Austral 176,770 1,002,648 N Zeal 33,103 54,995 Egypt 10,360 209,880 Camroon 2,482 Namibia 14,975 TOTAL 45,094,793 480,418,042

PG 45

ACS Industries, Inc./Scrubble Division provides stainless steel scrubbers, nylon scouring pads, grill cleaning products, mops, brooms, brushes, floor pads, and steel wool and sand screen disks. Pictured is the ACS team showing many of the company’s new products.

Haviland Corp. officials would like to thank everyone who came by the company’s booth. Haviland specializes in floor and window squeegees, vac and automatic squeegees, gaskets and splash guards, handles, floor scrapers, water brooms, paving and concrete hand tools and applicators. Shown, left to right, are company representatives Patty Lind, Joyce Dudenhoeffer, Alice (Haviland) Andrews, Bob Weyand, Jan Haviland and Randy Wolfe.

Magnolia Brush Manufacturers, Ltd., offers many types of brushes, brooms, mops, squeegees, buckets, handles, sponges and dust pans for the janitorial supply trade. Pictured, left to right, are company representatives Gary Townes, Jim Jeffer and Kurt Fisk.

Milwaukee Dustless Brush, Gordon Brush Wisconsin, LLC, manufactures floor brushes, upright brooms, hand-held brushes, counter duster brushes, floor squeegees, sponge mops, truck washing brushes, deck scrubs, hygienic and microfiber cleaning tools, and handles. Shown, left to right, are Jeff Feder, national sales manager; and Ken Rakusin, president & CEO.

Nexstep Commercial Products provides a complete line of commercial-grade sanitary maintenance products. This includes wet mops, mop sticks, mop buckets and wringers, janitor carts, trash can dollies, waste receptacles, dust mops, floor sweeps, angle brooms, corn brooms, microfiber products and squeegees.

Zephyr Manufacturing Co., Inc., offers wet mops, dust mops, brooms, brushes, dusters, handles and more. Pictured, left to right, are company representatives Bob Schneider, R.J. Lindstrom and Sean Pence.

ABCO Products Corp. is a vertically integrated manufacturer of cleaning tools and recipient of the ISSA Best Customer Service Award - 2013. Shown, left to right, are Isacio Albir, vice president of production; Carlos Albir, operations manager; and Luis Janania, administrative & sales manager.

Crystal Lake Manufacturing, Inc., supplies the cleaning industry with such products as wet and dust mops, microfiber mops and pads, carpet bonnets, mop handles, corn and plastic brooms, push brooms, assorted brushes and brush handles. Shown is Edward Pearson, president.

Lambskin Specialties is the manufacturer of the original Dust Wand Lambswool Dusters, applicator pads, polishing bonnets and Window Pro strip washers. The company’s product lineup also includes feather, synthetic and microfiber dusters; squeegees; utility handles; chamois; microfiber cloths; complete floor systems; and high, low, wall and ceiling dusting products. Among those people shown are company sales representatives.

Briarwood Products Co. specializes in labor-saving and cost-cutting cleaning tools. Items include Shank-free correctional facility tools, Adjust-a-Turn surface cleaning tools, wet mop holders, all-plastic floor squeegees, dry dust mop frames, sweeping equipment and fiberglass extension poles. Shown, left to right, are company representatives Larry Stephenson and Manfred Tomm.

Golden Star Inc. is a full line, vertically integrated manufacturer of professional surface cleaning tools, systems and accessories. Products include wet and dust mops, microfiber pads and cloths, dusters, bonnets, corn brooms, push brooms and hardware.

The Malish Corp. supplies floor machine brushes, the Diamabrush™ prep and polish system, push brooms, hand maintenance brushes, handles, plastic extrusions and specialty brushes.

Cequent Consumer Products now includes Harper Brush and Laitner Brush companies. Items include various types of brooms, brushes, wet and dust mops.

Filmop USA designs, manufactures and distributes a large range of microfiber mop systems; mop buckets; and maid, janitorial, health care and hospitality carts stocked in the United’s new products.

Fuller Commercial Products supplies such items as floor finish, sealers, strippers and maintainers; carpet care products; degreasers; disinfectants; odor control products; aerosols; wet and dry mops; brushes, brooms and hand operated carpet sweepers; and Texas Feathers dusting products.

Padco, Inc., offers a full line of floor finish applicators, trim pads, extension poles as well as paint applicators and accessories. Padco’s floor coaters can be used to apply finish to hardwood, vinyl, concrete, tile and slate floors. Shown are company representatives Ludmilla and Ed Goldstein.

Remco Products provides color-coded cleaning tools designed specifically for the food, pharmaceutical, safety and material handling industries. Products include brushes, brooms and squeegees. Shown, left to right, are Summer Talley, account manager; Rob Middendorf, business development director; and Dustin Milstead, national accounts manager.

S.M. Arnold, Inc., offers cleaning maintenance accessories for the professional, industrial and consumer markets. Products include brushes, microfiber, brooms and dusters. Shown is company representative Kelly Friederich.

Carlisle Sanitary Maintenance Products is a manufacturer of cleaning items for sanitary maintenance, food processing and food service professionals. Products include color-coded cleaning tools, wet and dry floor care items, window cleaning items, rotary brushes and power sweepers.

Continental Commercial Products, LLC, offers a complete line of janitorial and sanitary maintenance items. This includes various types of mops, brooms and brushes.

ETC of Henderson, Inc., provides such products as synthetic and natural fiber floor pads, mops, carpet bonnets, brooms and brushes.

Ettore Products Co. is a manufacturer of general and window cleaning tools and accessories such as squeegees, dusters, microfiber, floor finish applicators and extension poles.

Unger Enterprises, Inc., supplies products for professional window cleaning, restroom cleaning, floor mopping, highaccess dusting, litter removal as well as microfiber cloth systems. The Libman Company manufactures various types of brooms, mops, brushes, squeegees and other cleaning-related products. This includes items designed for the janitorial, foodservice, hospitality and health care segments. Shown, left to right, are Desi Csoka, commercial sales; Jon Franklin, quality manager; and Terry Wiggins, director of sales - south.

Raw A

Material Roundup

healthy brush, mop and broom marketplace depends on the availability of various types of raw materials. Representatives from two industry suppliers reported on different issues that are influencing the raw materials they work with and/or supply. As a provider of paint roller fabric for the paint applicator industry, Draper Knitting Company President & General Manager Kristin Draper said the raw materials used to produce this type of fabric are in good supply, although there are always challenges.

“We use polyester, acrylic and different staple fibers when producing paint roller fabric,” Draper said. “Polyester is readily available, although our sources do change. It’s not like it used to be where we could sign up with a supplier and that supplier would be around for 50 years. There are (suppliers) that come and go. It’s important

that we stay on top of what type of (fiber) they provide. We don’t want to supply our customers in the paint roller market with a different fiber without them testing it first.” Draper reported that the acrylic market remains a challenge. “The last acrylic manufacturer in the United States left the country a number of years ago. Our acrylic suppliers are all now at offshore locations. We had moved our acrylic purchasing to Spain, but now that source has closed. Therefore, we now get acrylic from another source. Changes like this are always a challenge,” Draper said. “Meanwhile, there doesn’t seem to be any major issue with the supply of yarn. We are able to get this on a very consistent basis.” She added that various types of dyes and chemicals are also needed for processing paint roller fabric. The supply of such materials remains fairly steady, although some pricing has started to increase. “There are government regulations that can lead to price increases when it comes to dyes and different chemicals. Everything in this area is very regulated. Companies that supply this material have to report everything. Many dyes and chemicals have become obsolete or banned over the years. They must be replaced with safer items and disposed of properly. This costs everyone money,” Draper said. Besides paint rollers, Draper Knitting, which is located in Canton, MA, provides material used in such items as buffing pads, performance clothing liners, footwear liners, gloves and air filtration. Despite various raw material challenges that are often part of everyday business, Draper said 2013 was a good year for her company, and looks forward to a prosperous remainder of 2014. “We experienced a slight increase in business regarding the paint roller market in 2013, and anticipate another increase for this year,” she added. “We continue to look for more business in this marketplace. I’m cautiously optimistic.” According to Draper, overall demand for paint rollers in the United States appears to be stable despite the ups and downs of the U.S. housing market. “When the housing market is good, contractors are buying paint rollers and paint brushes to use in their new homes. When the housing market is down, however, there are still a lot of people refurbishing PG 50

Kristin Draper

Wayne Pringle

By Harrell Kerkhoff | Broom, Brush & Mop Editor

their current homes,” she said. “I don’t think the market for paint applicators, even those designed for professional painters, is quite as volatile compared to other items that come with a higher price point. You can redo a room relatively cheaply with one or two gallons of paint and a paint roller.” Reporting on the supply of pine handles from the Central American country of Honduras was Wayne Pringle, of Amerwood, in Evant, TX. These handles are generally used for such items as brooms, mops, janitorial brush rods and paint rollers. “The manufactured handle is a by-product from logs that are cut in order to provide various types of lumber. The side cuts are usually used to make tomato stakes and handles,” Pringle said. “The supply of

raw material right now from Honduras is excellent. We are heading into the dry part of the year in Honduras which should last through May. This is a good time to get quality handles from the country. The drying time is a lot

faster now. A lot of (wood) squares will be dried in the open, which takes some relief away from the kilns. During the dry season, the (Honduran) forests are usually open, the roads are dry and the loggers can harvest the trees.” Pringle noted that the Honduran rainy season usually coincides with the Caribbean hurricane season. This can stretch from June through December. “There have been some years when Honduras experienced exceptionally wet rainy seasons, forcing the forests to be closed to logging. This was to prevent the roads in the area from receiving excessive damage. In this case, people have had to rely on their inventory of logs until the situation improved. Sometimes these forests have been shut down for months at a time,” Pringle said. “We haven’t seen this situation lately. In fact, during the past two years, the rainy season hasn’t been that bad.” Another big advantage to harvesting Honduran pine during the dry part of the year is that staining becomes less of a problem, according to Pringle. “One of the biggest issues with Honduran pine is trying to eliminate the stain. The logs don’t sit long enough during the dry time of year to develop too much stain. They get used pretty fast,” he said. Pringle added that raw material prices for Honduran pine have been fairly stable as of late. Overall business, meanwhile, has been good, although extreme weather events in various parts of the United States have slowed handle sales a bit.

“One recent challenge involves a new surcharge in Honduras. This concerns containers of both imported and exported goods,” Pringle said. “Part of the responsibility for regulating Honduran ports has been given to a private company. With this action, the surcharge soon followed.” Pringle has been involved with the Honduran prine industry for 38 years. He works with, Brooks Giles, who is located in San Pedro Sula, Honduras. BBM MAGAZINE | JULY/AUG 2013

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