Broom, Brush & Mop June 2009

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June 2009

Broom, Brush & Mop Magazine SERVING THE INDUSTRY SINCE 1912

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NATURAL FIBERS: Broomcorn, Yucca, Palymra, Tampico. MOP YARNS: Cotton & Rayon. WOOD HANDLES: Hardwood, Pine & FSC Pine. METAL HANDLES: Powder Painted & Plastic Coated MOP & BRUSH HARDWARE

Many items in stock and available for prompt shipment!

Ray LeBlanc:, Bart Pelton:, David McGee: 610 Lanark Drive #202 • San Antonio, TX 78218 • Phone 210-757-4640 • Fax 210-650-8103

800-315-2827 •



June 2009


June 2009


Volume 99, Number 6

CALENDAR OCTOBER 6-9, 2009 ISSA/INTERCLEAN®, Chicago, IL Information: 800-225-4772

NOVEMBER 19-20, 2009

National Broom & Mop Meeting, St. Louis, MO Information: 800-626-7282 or 800-637-7739

Page 6

DEPARTMENTS Import/Export Overview ________________________57 February Imports & Exports _____________________58 Broom Corn Dealer Survey _____________________64

STAFF CO-PUBLISHERS Don Rankin Linda Rankin EDITOR Harrell Kerkhoff

RECEPTION Sandy Pierce


Rankin Publishing, Inc. 204 E. Main St., P.O. Box 130 • Arcola, Illinois 61910-0130, USA Phone: (217) 268-4959 • Fax: (217) 268-4815 • Website: BROOM, BRUSH & MOP (ISSN 0890-2933) is published monthly at 204 E. Main St., P.O. Box 130, Arcola, Illinois 61910. Telephone: (217) 268-4959. Subscriptions are $25 in the United States; $35 in Canada and Mexico; all others $110. The $110 foreign subscriptions include first class air mail postage. Arrangements can be made for first class postage for the United States, Canada and Mexico. Single copies of issues are $2 for subscribers; $5 for nonsubscribers, postage extra. The Suppliers Directory issue is $10 per copy. BROOM, BRUSH & MOP is a monthly trade magazine devoted to news of broom, brush and mop manufacturers and allied industries. It was established in 1912 as the Broom & Broom Corn News. It was entered as second class mail matter Feb. 27, 1912, at the U.S. Post Office in Arcola, Illinois, under the Act of March 3, 1879. Periodical postage paid at Arcola, IL, and additional mailing offices. Postmaster: send address changes to P.O. Box 130, Arcola, IL 61910.


MARCH 14-16, 2010

International Home & Housewares Show, Chicago, IL Information: 847-292-4200

MARCH 17-20, 2010

ABMA Annual Convention, Orlando, FL Information: 630-631-5217

MAY 4-6, 2010

National Hardware Show, Las Vegas, NV Information: 203-840-5622

MAY 22-25, 2010

National Restaurant Association Annual Show, Chicago, IL Information: 312-853-2525

ASSOCIATIONS AMERICAN BRUSH MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION 2111 W. Plum St., Aurora, IL 60506 • (630) 631-5217 AMERICAN HARDWARE MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION 801 North Plaza Drive, Schaumburg, IL 60173-4977 • (847) 605-1025 FEIBP EUROPEAN BRUSH FEDERATION P.O. Box 90154, 5000 LG Tilburg, The Netherlands • 00 31 13 5944 678 INTERNATIONAL SANITARY SUPPLY ASSOCIATION 7373 N. Lincoln Avenue, Lincolnwood, IL 60646-1799 • (847) 982-0800 INTERNATIONAL HOUSEWARES ASSOCIATION 6400 Shafer Court, Suite 650, Rosemont, IL 60018 • (847) 292-4200

Clip & return to Broom, Brush & Mop P.O. Box 130, Arcola, IL 61910



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Contek International ..............................30

June 2009

GSC Manufacturing, Inc. ......................38

Creative Poly, Inc. .................................30 ABCO Products Corp............................10 Abtex Corporation .................................10 ACS Industries, Inc. .............................10 Adjust-A-Brush .....................................10 Algoma Mop Manufacturers .................10 American Brush Manufacturers Association ............................................12 Amerwood Division, The Gateway Corp.12 H. Arnold Wood Turning, Inc................12 S. M. Arnold, Inc...................................14 Articulos Limpieza “La Nacional”........14 Associated Industrial Brush Co Ltd. .....14 Atlas Graham Industries Co., Ltd. ........14 Attenborough Brush Ltd........................16

Beatty Machine & Tool Works, Ltd. .....16 Bizzotto Giovanni Automation srl.........16 Bo-Buck Mills, Inc. ...............................17 Bodam International Ltd. ......................17 Borghi s.p.a............................................18 Boucherie USA Inc................................20 Briarwood Products Co. ........................24 Bros India Group ...................................24 Brushes Corp. ........................................26 Brush Fibers, Inc.. .................................26 The Brush Man, Inc...............................28 Bruske Products.....................................28

R.E. Caddy & Company, Inc.................28 Cardinal Brush Corp..............................30 Carlson Tool & Machine Company ......30 Carolina Mop.........................................30 Carolina Roller & Supply Co., Inc........30 Cepillos El Castor S.A. de C.V. ............30 Chief Manufacturing .............................30 Chung Thai Brushes Co., Ltd................30 Cleaning Technologies Group ...............30 Connors & Co., Inc. ..............................30

Crystal Lake Manufacturing, Inc. .........32 Culicover & Shapiro, Inc. .....................32

D.W. Davies & Co., Inc. .......................32 Deco Products Co..................................32 Distribuidora Perfect S.A. de C.V. ........32 DLH Nordisk Inc...................................32 Dorden & Co., Inc., ...............................32 Draper Knitting Company .....................32 Duff Brush LLC ....................................34 DuPont Filaments ..................................34

EMSCO Group ......................................34 Evansville Association for the Blind / EAB Industries .....................................34 Even Weight Brush LLC .......................34

F.M. Brush Co., Inc. ..............................34 Fili & Forme SRL .................................36 Filmop USA...........................................36 Furgale Industries, Ltd...........................36

G.D.F. s.r.l..............................................36 Garelick Mfg. Co...................................37 Gateway Corporation.............................37 Gift Sales Co. ........................................37 Golden Star Inc. ....................................37 Gordon Brush Mfg. Co., Inc. ................37 E. Gornell & Sons, Inc. .........................37 Great American Marketing, Inc.............38 Greenwood Mop & Broom, Inc. ...........38

Ha-Ste Manufacturing, Inc. ...................38 Hahl Inc. ................................................38 Hamburg Industries, Inc. .......................38 Handles USA .........................................39 Harbor Broom Co. ................................39 Harper Brush Works, Inc.......................39 Haviland Corporation ............................40 HIMESA Hilos Y Mechas S.A. de C.V. ...........................................40 Hoge Brush Company ...........................40 Hoge Lumber Co. ..................................40 Humboldt Broom Co. ............................41 Hydra Sponge Co. Inc. ..........................41

Industrial Brush Corporation.................41 Interamerican Woods, Inc......................41 Interwire Products .................................41 I Pulloma Paint. .....................................41

Jason Mills, LLC ...................................41 The Jersey Jerry Broomsquire...............41 Jewel Wire Company.............................41 Jofel USA, Inc. ......................................42 Jones Companies, Ltd............................42

K.R. Plastic Industries Co., Ltd.............42 Keystone Plastics Inc.............................43 Kiefer Brushes, Inc................................43 Kwick Clean and Green, Ltd.................43

LaFitte Mop Co., Inc. ............................43 Lambskin Specialties.............................43


Simply Revolutionary.



FnEnoIvati‘o0n8 I

ard Aw

Process Features

Product Features

Fully Integrated Line: one cell concept

Dramatic reduction in costs of materials

Phenomenal output: up to 1,500 picks per minute—zero index time

Innovative designs possible using two component technology

Reduced injection mold cycle times

Ecologically friendly; less plastic, less energy required

Boucherie patented anchorless technology

Product is recyclable, no metal component

204 Fox Road G Knoxville, Tennessee 37922 Telephone 865-247-6091 G Fax 865-247-6117

Kra. 104 No. 11-25 Apto 102 G Puerta de Hierro Cali, Colombia G Telephone 57-2-333-6873


Lanoco Specialty Wire Products, Inc. ...43 Lemieux Spinning Mill, Inc. .................43 Libman Company, The ..........................43 Line Mfg. Inc.........................................43 Lomont Molding, Inc. ...........................44

Magnolia Brush Manufacturers Ltd. .....44 Malish Corporation, The .......................44 Manufacturers Resource, Inc.................44 MAPA Spontex, Inc...............................44 Marino Manufacturing...........................44 Marion Brush Mfg.................................44 Paul Marsh LLC ....................................44 Mary Moppins .......................................44 MB Companies, Inc...............................45 MBK Maschinenbau GmbH..................45 MFC, Ltd. ..............................................45 Michigan Brush Mfg. Co., Inc. .............45 Microfiber Solutions, Inc. .....................45 Mill-Rose Company, The ......................46 Milwaukee Dustless Brush / Gordon Brush Wisconsin, LLC.............46 Thomas Monahan Co., The ...................46 Monahan Filaments ...............................46 Mount Joy Wire Corp............................47 Mr. LongArm.........................................47

National Wire and Metal Technologies, Inc. .................................47 Nation/Ruskin, Inc. ...............................48 Nexstep Commercial Products ..............48 Norshel Industries, Inc. .........................48 Northeast Ltda. ......................................48

O’Dell Corporation................................48 Offshore Milling Services. ....................48


PADCO Inc............................................49 Paint Brush Corporation........................49 Paragon Mop Company.........................49 Patrick Yarn Mills, Inc...........................49 Paul Brothers & Co. ..............................49 PelRay International, LLC ....................49 Perfex Corporation ................................49 PFERD Advance Brush .........................49 Phillips Brush ........................................50 Plasticfibre S.P.A. ..................................50 Pleasant Valley Broom ..........................50 Pogliani SRL .........................................50 Pro Roller Co., Inc.................................50 Proveedora Mexicana De Monofilamentos, S.A. De C.V. (PMM) .....................................50

June 2009

Spiral Brushes, Inc. ...............................52 Stainless Steel Products ........................53 St. Nick Brush Co. ................................53

Thomas Textile Company .....................53 Tucel Industries, Inc..............................53 Tuway American Group ........................53

U.S. Lambswool....................................53 Unger Enterprises, Inc...........................53

Vonco Products, Inc. .............................53

Quinn Broom Works, Inc. .....................50 Weiler Corporation................................54 WÖHLER BRUSH TECH GmbH ........54 Wooster Brush Company, The ..............54 Ravi Industries Limited ........................50 Reit-Price Mfg. Co., Inc. ......................51 Remco Products.....................................51 Rol-Brush Mfg. ....................................51 Royal Paint Roller Mfg. Corp. ..............51

S.I.B.O. snc............................................51 S & M Manufacturing Company...........51 Schaefer Brush Mfg...............................52 Schlesinger Maschinenbau GmbH ........52 Shanghai Yi Heng Daily-Use Products Co., Ltd..................................................52 Spazzolcasa............................................52

Xiamen Power Light Industry Co., .......54

Young & Swartz, Inc.............................55

Zahoransky AG .....................................55 Zelazoski Wood Products, Inc...............56 Zephyr Manufacturing Co. ....................56

ABCO Products Corp. 6800 N.W. 36th Avenue Miami, FL 33147 USA Phone: 305-694-2226 Fax: 305-693-4410 Products: A vertically integrated manufacturing company providing quality physical cleaning products to maintenance markets. Full line provider of brooms, mops, dust mops, brushes, squeegees, and handles, including 100 percent corn brooms, and a variety of push brooms. Mops include cotton, rayon, blended and specialty application products. 05 Abtex Corporation 89 Main Street P.O. Box 188 Dresden, NY 14441 USA Phone: 315-536-7403 Fax: 315-536-0280 E-Mail: Web Site: Company Officers: D. Mark Fultz, President Products: Full line of standard and custom abrasive filament power brushes. Custom nonabrasive brushes available as well. Brief History: Incorporated in 1980, Abtex utilizes a unique and flexible manufacturing process to produce Bradex® abrasive filament disc brushes. Its line has expanded to include a patented radial wheel brush as well as all common power brush formats. Special Features: Abtex anchors its filaments in a composite backing. This offers less filament breakage and a more densely filled brush. A flexible manufacturing process allows it to customize a brush for a specific application. 09 ACS Industries, Inc. Scrubble® Products Division One New England Way

Lincoln, RI 02865-4247 USA Phone: 401-769-4700 Fax: 401-333-6088 E-Mail: Web Site: Company Officers: Steven Buckler, President; Rory Beaudette, Vice President Products: ACS Industries, Scrubble® Products Division, manufactures a complete line of professional cleaning products including scouring pads, sponges, scrubbers, all types of wet and dry mops, upright corn and synthetic brooms, push brooms, microfiber mops and a full line of hand held brushes for commercial and foodservice use. The ACS Rotary Floorcare Line includes floor maintenance pads, non-woven floor pads, steel wool and sand screen disks. 09 Adjust-A-Brush 10445 49th St. N. Clearwater, FL 33762 USA Toll Free: 800-742-7874 Fax: 727-572-7160 E-Mail: Web Site: Company Officers: Duane H. Newville, President; Eric A. Newville, V.P.; Denise J. Newville, Secretary Products: Adjust-A-Brush manufactures and sells an extensive line of handles, both telescopic, non-telescopic as well as water fed handles and wood handles. For telescopic handles, Adjust-ABrush uses an internal ramping twist lock design expanding to yield nearly a 360 degree contact lock. In addition to the handles, the company also manufactures brushes, scrubbers, squeegees, HitchBall Finder, BusBuster, NoMold and other related accessory items to the RV, marine, swimming pool and automotive markets. Brief History: The Boden Company, Inc. dba Adjust-A-Brush is a family business that Duane Newville started following a 22 year

career in the USAF. Newville went to work as a manufacturer’s rep in the mobile home and RV market and while making a sales call saw the need for a telescopic handle and brush. By always offering quality and service, the company has done well in those markets. Its products have evolved, grown and improved over the years. The company also has a complete tool room that includes CNC tools for fabricating its own tools and molds, in addition to the handle fabrication and molding that it does. Special Features: Adjust-A-Brush has been a leading manufacturer of telescopic handles for over 30 years. Duane Newville, president of Adjust-A-Brush, holds many patents related to telescopic handles and other items. Newsworthy Happenings: Adjust-A-Brush has recently acquired another mold machine. All molding is done in-house. The company has been adressing the “Going Green Issue” for well over 15 years; the company’s molded products contain about 50 percent recycled plastic. Adjust-A-Brush also works with the Physical Therapy and Exercise Industry, and is working on new product developments with other companies in other industries. 09 Algoma Mop Manufacturers a division of East Shore Industries, Inc. 813 Rabas St. Algoma, WI 54201 USA Phone: 920-487-3614 / 800-216-3478 Fax: 920-487-3478 / 800-471-3478 E-Mail: Web Site: Company Officers: Ron Opicka, CEO; Joel Weichelt, Director of Manufacturing; Tracy Jilot, Comptroller; Mary Browne, Customer Service Representative Products: Algoma Mop Manufacturers pro-

PAGE 12 duce and distribute a wide range of products including: Endurance looped-end wet mop; cutend mops; cotton, blended and disposable dry mops; Relintless abrasive surface mop; Mission速 Mop; microfiber mops; frames and handles; towels and accessories. Brief History: Purchased in 1981, Algoma Mop Manufacturers provides employment to people with disabilities. It has maintained a tradition of excellence; offering quality products, superior customer service and short lead times. Algoma Mop Manufacturers believes that making a quality product at a fair price is important, but making the difference in the lives of others is even better. Special Features: Algoma Mop Manufacturers accepts and produces custom orders such as larger or smaller mop weights, private labeling and polybagging. Newsworthy Happenings: Mission速 Mop introduced a new Web site in April of 2009. In addition to the Mission速 Mop, the site includes a line of Mission速 products made by East Shore Industries, Inc./Algoma Mop Manufacturers. 09 American Brush Manufacturers Association 2111 Plum Street, Suite 274 Aurora, IL 60506 USA Phone: 630-631-5217 Fax: 630-897-9140 E-Mail: Web Site:

BROOM, BRUSH & MOP Company Officers: David C. Parr, Executive Director Products: The American Brush Manuf-acturers Association (ABMA) was founded in 1917 to assist North American Brush Manufacturers and their suppliers by enhancing industry knowledge, providing a variety of networking opportunities, and promoting profitability for its members. ABMA strives to promote and strengthen value for its members to be the preferred and innovative source for broom, brush and mop products worldwide. ABMA serves its members by providing an industry Freight and Transportation guide and newsletter, industry statistics, ANSI safety standards, ASTM packaging standards, leads generation, the ABMA Annual Convention and Suppliers Display, classifieds on the association Web site (, discounted freight program, employees screening program and merchant services program. ABMA also serves the industry as its voice in Washington and provides member services that individual companies may find difficult or impossible to manage alone. The association is made up of brush manufacturers and suppliers who seek to constantly expand and improve the North American broom, brush, mop and roller industry. Membership is open to brush making manufacturers and component, machinery and service suppliers worldwide. For membership informa-

June 2009 tion, visit 07 Amerwood Division, The Gateway Corporation 6220 Midway Road - P.O. Box 14988 Ft. Worth, TX 76117 USA Phone: 817-834-2894 Fax: 817-834-1112 Toll-Free: 800-4-HANDLE E-Mail: Web Site: Company Officers: L. Wayne Pringle, CEO & Executive Vice President Products: Honduran and Brazilian pine handles. Brazilian Grapia and Tauari handles. Brazilian plantation eucalyptus brush blocks. 05 H. Arnold Wood Turning, Inc. 875 Mamaroneck Avenue Mamaroneck, NY 10543 USA Phone: 888-314-0088 Fax: 914-381-0804 E-Mail: Web Site: Company Officers: Bruce Arnold, President; Jonathan Arnold, Vice President Products: Dowels, handles, turnings, moldings, shaped parts, wood strips. Most domestic and some imported hardwoods and softwoods. Special Features: Direct import shipments of handles, dowels, blocks and complete assemblies. Est. 1919. 09

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PAGE 14 S. M. Arnold, Inc. 7901 Michigan Ave. St. Louis, MO 63011 USA Phone: 314-544-4103 Fax: 314-544-3159 E-Mail: Web Site: Products: Water, Sprite PVA drying cloth, scrub brushes, brooms, microfiber cloths, chamois, lambswool floor applicators and bonnets, sponges, wash mitts, squeegees and much more. 08 Articulos Limpieza “La Nacional” Calle Felipe Angeles Y 8a. #800 Chihuahua, CHIH 31105 MEXICO Phone: 424-34-64 Fax: 424-14-80 E-Mail:; Company Officers: J.H. Aldrete, Director; Gloria U. De Aldrete, Sales; Jose H. Aldrete Urrutia, Production Products: Dowels, broom and mop handles, broom corn and grass for making brooms. 09 Associated Industrial Brush Company Ltd. 577 Secretariat Court Mississauga, ON L5S 2A5 CANADA Phone: 905-565-1722 Fax: 905-565-1721

BROOM, BRUSH & MOP E-Mail: Web Site: Company Officers: Bruce Carpenter, President Products: Associated Industrial Brush provide engineered brush solutions for cylinder, metal back strip, staple set and hand drawn brushes. Each brush is designed, constructed and engineered for a specific manufacturing, industrial, production and maintenance application. Brief History: Associated Industrial Brush started business in April of 1982, with only four full-time employees. Operations began in a 4,000-square-foot facility with manufacturing capabilities limited to serving car wash and bus, truck and train wash markets. Through continuous improvement, its team has brought new products to the marketplace. Associated Industrial Brush has maintained steady growth and profitability. This has allowed it to be a reliable and consistent supplier to all industries. Today, there are 25 employees between the office and manufacturing facility in Mississauga, Ontario, and the office/manufacturing facility located in Amhurst, NY. Special Features: Associated Industrial Brush offers product engineering and design services that enhance its diverse manufacturing capabilities. Its focus is concentrated on assisting customers in their pursuit of the most efficient and cost effective solution to design and manufacturing challenges.

June 2009 Newsworthy Happenings: “New Product” AIB’s double band coil brushes are manufactured with two steel bands - one outer notched band, and one inner flat band. These are locked together and roll formed into a channel for winding around a core. These double band brushes are manufactured with all types of fill materials, synthetic, wire and abrasives. The double band brush is engineered for superior strength and durability under the toughest of conditions. Custom engineered brush cores are available in steel and stainless steel construction. These brushes are available to fit O.E.M. specifications. 09 Atlas Graham Industries Co., Ltd. 1725 Sargent Ave. Winnipeg, Manitoba R3H 0C5 CANADA Toll Free: 800-665-8670 Fax: 800-665-6148 Web Site: Company Officers: James Graham, President & CEO; Kevin McCaw, Executive Vice President & COO; Kathleen Rodrigue, VP Sales & Marketing; Peter Riches, VP Operations Products: Brooms, brushes, mops, floor squeegees, window cleaning products, wiping products, dusting products and food processing products. 09


TWO HEADS ARE BETTER THEN ONE. The Model BFx5 with Two Opposite Size Tufting Heads is Attracting Attention.

Custom Brushes Made Quick and Easy!

THE NEW MODEL BFx 5 ULTRA FLEXIBLE STAPLE SET MACHINE Designed for Custom Brush Makers to Develop Prototypes and Quick Run Products. Vertical Tufting, Flare Tufting, Round Rotary Patterns and Cylinder Brushes all on the Same Machine. Simple and easy to fixture up most any brush and to adapt to your own tooling. Hole ranges from .060 to over 3/8" diameter, filament picking from 1.25 to 14" long bundles. Center drill-only cycle or drill and auto shift to a tufting head. Some pattern generation and teach-mode pattern development. Variable speed drive up to 300 holes a minute depending on pattern. Industrial custom PC with multi-axis motion card, Lenze personality chip Servo Drives, touch screen, Windows 2000 and Carlson operating software. Contact Carlson Tool and Machine Co., the only American Brush Machine Builder, for more details.

Balanced by Performance and Reliability.

CARLSON TOOL AND MACHINE COMPANY 70 Years of Building Reliable Brush Machines.

2300 Gary Lane Geneva, Illinios 60134 USA 630.232.2460 F: 630.232.2016 E-MAIL: —

A Proud Member of the ABMA and CBMA

PAGE 16 Attenborough Brush Ltd. Viscosa House, George Street Nottingham, Nottinghamshire NG1 3BN UK Phone: +44-115-947-3562 Fax: +44-115-950-9086 E-Mail: Web Site: Company Officers: E. J. Attenborough, CEO; Dr. J. L. Attenborough, Company Secretary Products: Rotary polishing and technical brushes and mops for the dental, jewelry and DIY sectors. Brief History: Established in 1863, Attenborough Brush Ltd. was purchased by the grandfather of the current CEO in 1919. The company has grown over the last 144 years to become one of Europe’s leading specialist brush manufacturers exporting its products across the globe for a number of precision applications including dentistry. All products are now available in the USA via Lincoln Dental, NJ. 1-800289-6678, or 1-800-396-0194, e-mail:, Special Features: High quality/long life, every brush is individually inspected prior to packing. All products are produced under an ISO 13485:2003 & ISO 9001:2000 quality management system. All brushes are made in the United Kingdom from the finest Chung King bristle. All packaging is batch/date numbered for ongo-

BROOM, BRUSH & MOP ing identification, bearing instructions in English, German, Spanish or French. Newsworthy Happenings: Full CNC automation of the entire production process and increased workforce has doubled production capacity to meet a marked increase in demand for products. This enables extremely competitive prices to be maintained whilst delivering all lines from site for a quick delivery. 09 Beatty Machine & Tool Works, Ltd. 103 Crockford Blvd. Scarborough, ON M1R 3B7 CANADA Phone: 416-755-3341, 800-299-4802 Fax: 416-755-8851 E-Mail: Company Officers: Kirk Beatty, President; Jack Beatty, CEO; Derek Beatty, Operations Manager Products: A complete line of metal paint trays. Also, plastic paint trays. The company specializes in light metal stamping. Brief History: Beatty Machine & Tool Works, Ltd. was founded in 1943 by Thomas Samuel Beatty. Now in its 3rd generation and 65 years later, Beatty Machine is proud to continue serving its customers with quality products and customer satisfaction. It takes pride in serving the brush industry for over 65 years. Its mission is to please customers so well, that the company’s

June 2009 products are always their first choice. 09 Bizzotto Giovanni Automation srl Via Buonarroti, 67 35010 Paviola di S.Giorgio in Bosco (Padova) ITALY Phone: +39 049 9451067 Fax: +39 049 9451068 E-Mail: Web Site: Products: Because of technological research and development of sophisticated automation systems, Bizzotto has widened its horizons, presenting itself as a supplier of totally customized machinery for different industrial sectors. It focuses on a complete partnership with the customer, that expresses itself in the capacity to understand the needs of the customer and provide them with “made-to-measure” solutions. The Bizzotto Company supplies automatic and semi-automatic machines (totally controlled by programmable logics on PC or on numerical control centers, with man-machine interactive and supervision systems) for the handle, broom and brush industry, as well as complex automations for the assembly of particular products. Bizzotto is specialized in three main sectors: Handle Machinery Sector: Sanders, chucking machinery (i.e. doming, tapering, tenoning, threading, end boring, cross boring, etc.), paint-

June 2009 ing machinery (lacquering), labeling systems and packing machinery for the production of wooden handles. Complete machinery lines for the production of metal handles, starting from the flat steel or aluminum band coil, including painting lines, machines for assembling the various plastic inserts (hanger tips, thread inserts, mop inserts, tapered inserts, etc.), boring, deforming and cutting, as well as labeling systems and machines for packaging with the use of different systems, even robotized. Woodworking Machinery Sector: Profiling and shaping machines, boring and tapping machines, sanders for the production of broom and brush blocks, paintbrush handles and similar items. Industrial Automation Sector: Customized machinery for the preparation, positioning and assembly of particular products and accessories for the cleaning industry (mops, floor scrubbers, detergent dispensers, velvet lint brushes for clothes cleaning, adhesive lint brushes for clothes cleaning, toothbrush/accessories etc.), automotive industry and the kitchen appliance industry. 08 Bo-Buck Mills, Inc. P.O. Box 692 - 921 E. Blvd. Chesterfield, SC 29709 USA

BROOM, BRUSH & MOP Phone: 843-623-2158 Fax: 843-623-6849 E-Mail: Web Site: Products: Narrow fabrics (polyester and cotton.) Brief History: Company founded in early 1950s and has been continuously operating as a manufacturer of narrow fabrics. It has supplied trim/binding to the mop industry as well as other specialty industries for many years. Special Features: Capable of manufacturing widths of .5 inches up to a maximum of 7.5 inches in a wide variety of colors, finishes, and patterns. Features include in-stock programs for immediate releases. 07 Bodam International Ltd. 903 Cirelli Court Aberdeen, MD 21001 USA Phone: 410-272-9797 Fax: 410-272-0799 E-Mail: Web Site: Contact: Carlos Petzold, President Products: Borghi broom and brush manufacturing equipment – Staple-set, anchor-set, twisted-in-wire broom and brush manufacturing machinery for all types of brushes. Also, strip brush machinery, mop manufacturing machin-

PAGE 17 ery and injection molds are available from Borghi (; Carnevali Dino trimming units – Motroized clipper heads, monofilament hank cutters, rotary cutters, specialty cutters for abrasive materials (grit brushes); Techno Plastic monofilament extrusion lines – All the equipment and know-how to produce broom and brush monofilaments for PP, PET, PS, PBT and many other types of polymers. Techno Plastic also produces lines for manufacturing PET strapping (; and Unimac power brush manufacturing equipment and metal handle manufacturing equipment – Unimac produces machinery and technology used to manufacture twisted knott power brushes, wheel brushes, cup brushes as well as quality control equipment for power brushes, machinery to convert wire from spools to cut-to-length bundles as well as equipment for crimping wire to be fed into power brush machinery. Furthermore, Unimac also specializes in complete production lines or specificuse machinery to produce fixed metal handles that are either powder coated or plastic coated, as well as equipment for extension handles (telescopic handles). Unimac’s tube-mill can also be used in other applications to produce tubes for other products ( 09

PAGE 18 Borghi s.p.a. Via Cristoforo Colombo, 12 Loc. Cavazzona Castelfranco Emilia (Modena) 41013 ITALY Phone: +39-059-953-3911 Fax: +39-059-953-3999 E-Mail: Web Site: Company Officers: Paolo Roversi, Sales Manager Products: Staple-set / Anchor-set brush manufacturing machines of all types; trimmers, flaggers and finishing machinery for brooms and brushes; twisted-in-wire brush manufacturing machinery; strip brush manufacturing machinery; mop manufacturing machinery; injection molds; and, specialty machinery for automation, packaging, etc. of brooms, brushes and mops. Borghi is known throughout the world as a leader in staple-set and anchor-set brush manufacturing machinery, sometimes referred to in the Brush Industry as “drilling and filling” machinery. Borgi also has many decades of experience in producing equipment for the production of twisted-in-wire brushes. Other than machinery for broom and brush

BROOM, BRUSH & MOP manufacturing, Borghi offers production solutions for mop manufacturing and various types of injection molds. Borghi not only provides the mold itself, but also helps with product design, prototyping and testing the injection molds for plastic parts. Seeing that customers need a continuous renewal of their line of products, and that this takes time between the various phases of engineering and development, Borghi is able to offer a prompt response to these needs. Many Borghi employees have decades of experience in mold manufacturing and injection molding. This, united with the investment in state-of-the-art, specialized machinery to build and test the molds, gives the customer a strong partner to allow the customer to develop new ideas for injection molded products, in absolute privacy. Borghi goes a step further, as the customer’s raw materials are used to thoroughly test the mold and verify the quality not only of the injection molding, but also on the brush manufacturing machinery. Borghi not only provides technology for brooms and brushes, but also for certain kinds of paintbrushes and mops. With Borghi’s engineering capacity and technology manufacturing

June 2009 strength, requests for automation have been met with the realization of machinery for special types of paintbrushes and many types of mops. Borghi’s latest diversification is into machinery for manufacturing strip brushes. The Company’s strip brush manufacturing machine, model BS30, produces strip brushes at speeds reaching up to 100 feet per minute. Able to work with a variety of raw materials, Borghi’s strip brush machine gives customers the versatility to produce many sizes and types of strip brushes. The key reason Borghi can offer this type of equipment is due to the company’s design, which makes it easy to run strip brushes and change-over from one product to another; and allows even the novice to produce top qulity strip brushes with tight tolerances. Borghi also goes beyond just providing equipment to produce “the product”; it provides specialty machinery to automate packaging and other requirements that a given product may have before it is completely finished and ready to go into the warehouse or out the door. Borghi’s flexibility in ofering custom solutions is what keeps its level of technology fresh and cutting-edge. Please contact Borghi s.p.a. or one of their

Borghi Helping Customers Get Rid Of Abrasive Headaches Borghi s.p.a., one of the leading producers of machinery for manufacturing brushes and brooms, has announced that its in-house R&D department has developed technological improvements that will help revolutionize the manufacture of abrasive/grit brushes. Borghi s.p.a. has been designing and building “custom” and “special” brush manufacturing machines for the abrasive brush sector for 60 years, but during the last decade the requirements coming from this particular market segment have become more challenging. This is due to harder-towork materials and shapes of the finished products that have been developed. Today’s market increasingly requires abrasive filament brushes such as silicon carbide, aluminum oxide or other abrasive grit materials, impregnated onto fibers for a number of applications such as cleaning, polishing and finishing concrete, marble or metal surfaces, as well as treating cloth materials and/or giving aesthetic finishes to a variety of products. The biggest problem that occurs when working abrasive filaments to produce brushes is the wear and tear of the parts of the machine involved in the feeding and filling of the abrasive fibers. Borghi s.p.a. took up the challenge to be able to minimize wear and tear on parts

and has now announced the launch of its new patent-pending abrasive design, linked with its patent-pending washing system which are to be assembled on new generation Borghi machines. These machines are designed to work with all kinds of abrasive/grit fibers. The innovation stands out in the drastic reduction of wear and tear, in particular of the filling tool, due to the new patent-pending design that helps avoid the friction between the jaws and the fibers. Delving deeper into this innovative abrasive design, it also includes the following: n A new concept single channel fiberbox featuring tempered guides and a device to automatically stop the fiber feeding; n A newly designed vacuum-sealed cam box to protect the main cam shaft from any abrasive powder and dust; n A newly designed guarding system for the brush holding carriage, protecting it from abrasive materials; n A new blowing system featuring four units to reject the abrasive powder and dust from the filling head; and, n A revolutionary washing system for the filling tool. Asked to explain the reasons behind this

new project, Borghi’s President Enzo Ferrari said, “We are living in a reality of economic recession, but I think that this downturn is a part of the business cycle. The good news is that this situation gave us the opportunity to invest in a totally revolutionary project which isn’t only an important goal achieved by our company, but an instrument that will allow our customers to save money. So I can say that Borghi is working to give our customers winning weapons to fight the recession.” Looking ahead, Borghi’s plans include accelerating new product innovation and increasing investments to develop the solutions coming from specific customer requirements. This helps Borghi continue to be a leader in providing brush technology.



agents. In the USA and Canada, please contact: Bodam International Ltd., 903 Cirelli Court, Aberdeen, MD 21001, USA. Phone: 410272-9797, Fax: 410-272-0799, E-mail address:, Web site address:, Contact: Carlos Petzold, President. Newsworthy Happenings: In March 2009 at the annual ABMA Convention, Borghi s.p.a. announced its strategic alliance with another Italian machinery manufacturer: Unimac s.r.l. Unimac produces machinery and technology used to manufacture twisted knott power brushes, wheel brushes, cup brushes as well as quality control equipment for power brushes,

machinery to convert wire from spools to cutto-length bundles as well as equipment for crimping wire to be fed into power brush machinery. Furthermore, Unimac also specializes in complete production lines of specific use machinery to produce fixed metal handles that are, either: powder coated or plastic coated, as well as equipment for extension handles (telescopic handles). Unimac’s tube-mill can also be used in other applications to produce tubes for other products ( 09

Phone: 865-777-0424 Fax: 865-966-8974 E-Mail: Web Site:

Boucherie USA Inc. 204 Fox Road Knoxville, TN 37922 USA

Boucherie Latin America Kra. 104 No. 11-25 Apto 102 Puerta de Hierro Cali, Columbia Phone: +57-2-333-6873 Fax: +57-2-333-6873 E-mail: Company Officers: John Williams, President; Raymond Wilson, Manager, Brush Machinery Business Unit; Andres Becker, Boucherie Latin America Products: Tufting machines for brooms, household, industrial and personal care, and toothbrushes. Boucherie’s Anchor Free Technology has now been re-engineered to allow for the production of household and industrial brushes without the use of anchors or staples. The filament and block can be of different materials. With two filling heads running continuously at 650 RPM (1,300 tufts per minute), brushes with 138 tufts are produced at the rate of 600 pieces per hour. The indoor broom that was demonstrated at the last InterBrush show in Freiburg, Germany requires a mere 50 percent of the weight in polypropylene of a regular brush block. Additionally, there are savings in filament waste since no trimming is needed and, of course, there is no wire. In this world of high energy costs and petroleum based materials, such savings cannot be considered trivial. These combined attributes have the potential to revolutionize the brush manufacturing industry. Boucherie is very proud that the AFT-HH machine was honored with the Innovation both the ABMA and FEIBP annual Award atGCGEJ¬ MH¬ < GCGEJ¬ OL¬ conventions. The TCU-CNC machines are capable of handling brushes from nailbrushes to 24-inch brooms, at speeds up to 600 RPM or 1,200 tufts per minute. The modular concept, which permits a machine to be reconfigured for vastly different brushes, has now been well demonstrated. Moreover, these machines are available from being manually loaded all the way to fully automated production cells, equipped with fully automatic handle feeders and industrial robots. The TCU-CNC range of machines has been further extended by the introduction of the TCU-SL/CNC and the TCU-T/CNC. The TCU-SL/CNC machine, with its unique fiber picking system and 95 mm stroke, is able to

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G.B. Boucherie Stuivenbergstraat 106 8870 Izegem, Belgium Phone: ++32 51 31 21 41 Fax: ++32 51 30 54 46 E-Mail:

Continued On Page 22

Boucherie's new addition, top photo, includes a complete assembly area for IDM machinery, shown above.

GB Boucherie Completes Phase Two Of Move GB Boucherie has announced the recent completion of phase two of its long-term plan to move all operations to Ambachtenstraat 35, in Izegem, Belgium. Phase two consists of a 7,000-square-meter addition to the 7,500-square-meter assembly hall already located at this address. Housed in the new extension will be the complete assembly process for the IDM machine. Many of the sub-assemblies that comprise the TCU-, AFT- and TB3 range of machines will also be built here. Parts inventory for both supplying the assembly of machinery and the aftermarket is now stored in the new facility. Much of the sheet-metal work and prototyping of customer products will also occur under the new roof. All of this activity, along with the work that continues in the original part of the building, will be precisely controlled through the use of newly introduced ERP software. This will allow Boucherie to seek out and benefit from efficiencies in minimizing inventory cost, work in progress, and just-in-time delivery of parts and sub-assemblies to the assembly process. When machines are completed, they will be removed from the assembly hall to a packing area in the new extension where, once packed they will exit the facility via the new covered loading docks. The new addition is built on the same style as the existing building, with the north facing, saw tooth roof with windows that provide sufficient ambient light to minimize the use of electric lighting. When ambient light becomes inadequate, sensors automatically turn the factory lights on, similarly, should the light improve those same sensors turn the lights off. As part of the construction process, both parts of the combined building were raised to a higher building code. All of the roof windows were newly insulated from heat loss without the loss of transparency, and all walls and roofing were fully insulated. The end result of this effort is that, although the building essentially doubled in size, there was no increase in energy requirements. The entire 14,500-square-meter facility is heated without any additional heating equipment.

Suppliers Directory Continued From Page 20 run at speeds up to 1,000 tufts per minute, even with filaments as long as 420 mm (16-inches) unfolded. The TCU-T/CC machine, with long stroke filling tools that are lined with a ceramic material, and sturdy carousel with heavy-duty support in the drilling and filling stations, is designed for arduous applications with drill sizes to 12 mm, and the use of heavy vegetable fibers. With the single-header SCU-CNC, Boucherie enters the market for machinery for industrial brushes. The SCU will handle disk brushes as well as plate brushes, and can be converted to a household brush machine in a matter of minutes. The SCU-S/CNC is an economically priced, yet extremely sturdy and versatile single header machine for the production of all kinds of brooms and brushes up to 62 cm (24-inches) long in one operation and 1 meter (39-inches) long in 2 operations. Toothbrush Production Lines and Work Centers: Boucherie has developed a variety of toothbrush manufacturing equipment. Production machines range from the very affordable TB3-A/CNC, through the TB3-TS and TB3FS, which are economically priced, full production lines for less demanding applications, to the highly automated and sophisticated TB3-FM and TB3FM/L. All of these single header machines now run at continuous speeds up to 1,000 tufts per minute. For the highest production, Boucherie offers the double headed TB3-A2/CNC, TB32-FM4/CNC and TB42-FM/CNC numerically controlled machines, which will produce up to 50 finished brushes per minute. Anchorless Toothbrush Production Lines and Work Centers: In the field of machinery for the oral care industry, with the introduction of the AFT/CNC machine, Boucherie clearly established a leadership position in anchorless technology. The AFT/CNC is the first machine for tufting toothbrushes without using anchors. Block tufts, strip tufts and various combinations of tufts angles

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PAGE 24 widen the range of design options for the toothbrush heads. The AFT/CNC features automatic handle feeding, Windows-based CNC controls, and either pre-endrounding of bristles or automatic transfer of brushes into an integrated endrounding machine. No trimming is required. AFT technology may now be used to manufacture toothbrushes with tapered filaments. Available too is a less automated version of this machine: the AFT/SD line, in which the handle and bristle infeed are accomplished manually. The AFT-IMT is the world’s first commercially available in-mould technology for the production of toothbrushes. Pre-endrounded filaments are picked and arranged in their final configuration prior to being transferred into a mould where the brush head and handle are over-moulded to produce the finished product. IDM Machine: The IDM is a compact carousel machine for the high-speed production of inter-dental and mascara brushes. With the new two-step twisting, it is now possible to produce up to 50 high quality brushes per minute, even while using the smallest wire sizes, since the brush remains in the same clamp throughout the whole production process. The IDM is available in versions with spool feed of the nylon, or with fiber boxes for pre-cut filaments. An integrated vision system for the automatic inspection of finished brushes is also available. Injection Molds: Boucherie produces single component molds, multi-component molds with

BROOM, BRUSH & MOP manual or automatic transfer, and multi-component, high cavitation, valve gated, hot runner stack molds. Boucherie molds are used to produce a wide range of consumer, medical and engineering products. Packaging Machines: Form, fill and seal blister packaging machines are available in heat seal and high frequency seal versions for toothbrush and personal care brushes. They may be operated as stand-alone machines or integrated into one or two tufting machines. For the packaging of items like interdental brushes and toothbrushes in double-sided blister packs, the BM-A/DS was recently introduced. Brief History: Boucherie USA Inc., formerly CSD International, has been selling Boucherie brush machines, sophisticated multi-component injection molds and packaging equipment in North, Central and South America for more than 30 years. 09 Briarwood Products Co. 2900 Bradwell Avenue Cleveland, OH 44109 USA Phone: 216-398-1107 Fax: 216-398-1075 Web Site: Products: In addition to an existing line of OEM plastic cleaning tools, Briarwood Products has introduced CamLock™ Threaded Tips, designed to keep brush and broom handles from loosening or coming unscrewed during

June 2009 use. Handles coming loose from the tool to which they are affixed have been a long time industry problem. Patented CamLock™ Threaded Tips actually make it more difficult to unscrew a handle than to screw it on initially. The CamLock™ Tips can be purchased already assembled onto the handle of choice or sold separately. In either case, the “cam locking” mechanism creates a tight union between the handle and brush, broom or other tool that will not unscrew during normal use. 06 Bros India Group Bros India Office, Post Bag No. 3 Muhamma-688 525 Alleppey, Kerala 688 525 INDIA Phone: 91 478 2864434 Fax: 91 478 2863593 E-Mail: Web Site: Company Officers: K.P. John, B. Com., F.C.A. Chairman; John Paul, Managing Director; John Jose, Export Marketing Director; K.P. Paul, Finance Director Products: Coir and jute door mats, matting rolls, rugs and carpets, cotton rugs, rubberdoor mats, erosion control fabrics & products, horticultural & greenhouse products (coir pith, neem oil, cake, etc.), natural palmyra fiber, oiled palmyra fiber, bassine (dyed palmyra fiber), MSUD & PSUD, palmyra stalks (natural & dyed), RNS and EFS mixtures of palmyra fiber



& stalks, union mixtures of tampico and palmyra (50/50, 60/40, 70/30). Brief History: Founded in 1932 by K.J. Paul, the group is professionally managed and has well-equipped manufacturing units in two states of India (with four factories in Tamilnadu and two in Kerala). A family concern, Bros India Group is managed by the second generation. Bros India Group’s standards and promptness in shipments, along with its emphasis on speed, reliability and cost effectiveness, is well appreciated by clients. At Bros India Group, quality and customer satisfaction are ways of achieving bigger heights. The company is developing new items for various agricultural uses, foreseeing world market demands in developed as well as developing countries under the certification of ISO 9001-2000. Special Features: The company has five divisions in South India for various products: Brothers Coir Mills Pvt. Ltd., Kerala (floor covering division); Bros India Products, Alleppey (erosion control division); Agro Brothers Coir Company, Tamilnadu (agro products division); Paul Brothers & Co., Kanyakumari (brush fiber division); and Bros India Homes, Alleppey, Kerala (houseware division). Newsworthy Happenings: The company is a winner of awards constituted by the government of India in exports of natural coir geo-tex-

tiles and palmyra fibers. 09 Brushes Corp. 5400 Smith Rd. Brook Park, OH 44142 USA Phone: 216-267-8084 Fax: 216-267-9077 E-Mail: Web Site: Company Officers: Leonard DeFino, President Products: Twisted-in-wire brushes. Brief History: For over 50 years, Brushes Corp. has designed and manufactured twistedin-wire brushes for industrial, medical and military applications. Special Features: Brushes Corp. can produce its own wire for brushes, thus ensuring a constant supply of material at competitive prices. The company manufactures brushes to customer drawings or samples, using the highest quality materials available. 09 Brush Fibers, Inc. 202 N. Oak Street Arcola, IL 61910 USA Phone: 217-268-3012 Fax: 217-268-3245 E-Mail: Company Officers: Chris Monahan, President; Lynn Poindexter, Customer Service Manager;


Push Brooms

Concrete Finishing Brushes

Galvanized Pails

Street Brooms

Utility Brushes

Bi Level Scrub Brushes

Direct importers/distributors of hot dipped galvanized pails, tubs, chip brushes, corn brooms, handles and other quality products. P.O. Box 932 * 1001 N. Cedar * Clarksville, TX 75426 (903) 427-2261 phone * (903) 427-5230 fax email:

June 2009 Jaye Roberts, Controller; Chuck Copp, Sales Manager Products: Vegetable Fibers: Tampico fiber (natural white, black, grey, bleached, patent, union), palmyra fiber, palmyra stalks, bassine, sherbro piassava, sherbro/stalk mixes, rice root, coco fiber and arenga fiber. Plastics: Azlon nylon 66 and 612, polypropylene, polystyrene, polyester, PVC, PET, PBT. Wire: Power brush wire, hard drawn wire, card wire, scratch brush wire, staple wire–galvanized and copper coated (pay off packs, spools, reels). Horse hair and horse hair mixtures. Foam and solid plastic brush blocks. Brief History: Established in 1979, Brush Fibers, Inc. is a supplier of a full range of brush filling materials to brush manufacturers around the world. It is the sole distributor in North America for Fibras Saltillo, S.A. for all tampico fiber products. It is also a distributor for Plasticfibre s.p.a. of Italy, and Plastic-Age of Montreal, for plastic monofilaments; Azlon for Nylon 6.6 and 6.12; JH Velthoven & Zoon for natural fiber mixtures and horse hair mixtures; and Hirst and Williams for all fill wires. Special Features: Brush Fibers offers customers a comprehensive line, serviced from its Arcola warehouse, supported by warehousing facilities in North Carolina and Montreal. 09

Get The Right Connection



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WHEN YOUR BROOMS & MOPS NEED TO BE STREET TOUGH As they say "The Market Is Tough" and so are Deco's Mop & Broom Tips, Extensions & Adaptors. With Deco you have the right connection on the street with which to attach your handles. Deco's quality tips, extensions and adaptors are die cast from certified zinc alloy, one of nature's most impact resistant metals. You can order standard ACME or your own custom threading in a wide range of tapers, shapes and styles.

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The Brush Man, Inc. 602 W. Hickory St. Mahomet, IL 61853 USA Phone: 800-274-6898 Fax: 800-274-3369 E-Mail: Web Site: Company Officers: Gerald Hearnley, President; Sally Hearnley, Vice President; Tom Hearnley, Vice President; Dave Mayol, General Manager/VP Products: Contractor supplies including shovels, spades, axes, brooms, brushes, handles, squeegees, roller covers and frames, chip brushes, gloves, pails, pallet covers, extension cords and hundreds of other various products. Brief History: The Brush Man is a wholesaler of quality products and superior service to nationwide distributors in the roofing and contractor trade. For 34 years, every year has been higher in sales than the previous one, thanks to distributors who have understood the importance of providing The Brush Man’s category of products to their customers. Special Features: The Brush Man ships the same day the order is received, no minimums, no restocking charges (guarantee sale), no answering machines (a live person on the phone) and no customer ever put on hold. We special stock any item(s) the distributor

requests. Newsworthy Happenings: A one-stop source for a list of items that aren’t usually ordered in enough quantity to order direct from a manufacturer. Too many purchase orders to too many sources resulting in too much inventory, just to meet minimum order requirements, is a big reason to use a single source that can supply quality, superior service and overall good pricing. 09 Bruske Products 7447 Duvan Drive Tinley Park, IL 60477 USA Phone: 708-532-3800 Fax: 708-532-3977 (Canada) 800-821-0411 (U.S.) E-Mail: Web Site: Company Officers: Edward Bruske, President; Priscilla Bruske, Treasurer; Steve Schafer, David Cohea, Peter Airalis, John Briggs, Dave Tomlinson, Vice Presidents Products: Metal-backed Bruske Brushes, power sweeping, power scrubbing brushes, wash brushes, floor squeegees, knob scrubs, counter dusters, street sweeps, power sweeping filters, cleaning chemicals, staple set floor brushes, upright brooms, dust pans, scrapers, Blot It absorbent, Sea Horse sponges, sectional brushes and disc brushes.

June 2009 Brief History: Started over 35 years ago by Edward Bruske who was a Fuller Brush employee for 19 years. Mostly industrial/commercial products. Sells to Canada, South America, Western Europe. Special Features: Color-coded bristles and bolt-on handles. Sales force available for product demonstration and warranty. 09 R.E. Caddy & Company, Inc. P.O. Box 14634 Greensboro, NC 27415 USA Phone: 336-273-3609 Fax: 336-378-6047 Toll-Free: 800-213-9224 E-Mail: or Web Site: Company Officers: Richard Caddy, President Products: Redrawn galvanized brush staple wire, strip brush channel wire, and mop winding wire; tinned broom winding wire; box stitching wire; and flat anchor wire. Also offered: Processed Mexican broom corn and yucca fiber; wood broom, brush, and mop handles; wet mop hardware and handles; polyethylene broom sewing twine; and nails, knives, and other supplies. R.E. Caddy has broom and brush wire in a variety of packaging to accommodate the customers’ needs: pay off packs, wood reels from

Royal Paint Roller Royal Paint Roller — a name known in the industry for over 35 years for top quality products, fine service and competitive prices. Manufacturer of paint rollers in ALL SIZES—from Slim Jim to Jumbo 21⁄4” I.D. in VARIETY OF FABRICS—including lambskin, kodel, lambswool, synthetic blends & “Lint Free” woven line. Also a complete line of frames, trays, paint brushes & painting accessories for the professional and Do-It-Yourself markets. Specializing in private labeling at competitive prices.

ROYAL PAINT ROLLER 248 Wyandanch Avenue West Babylon, N.Y. 11704 Tel: (631) 643-8012 • Fax: (631) 253-9428

PAGE 30 200 lbs. through 1,000 lbs., and plastic spools from 10 lbs. through 65 lbs. Inventories are maintained for quick turnaround of orders. R.E. Caddy has several reliable sources of processed Mexican broom corn. It also has a full selection of unprocessed broom corn and supplies, such as twines, knives, and nails, for the hand-made craft broom market. Customers visiting can complete on-line purchases at the company’s ecommerce store. This service is aimed at craft customers, but can be utilized to buy other materials as well. R.E. Caddy accepts Visa and Mastercard for all purchases. R.E. Caddy & Company’s commitment is to work with customers to match raw material needs and delivery with their production requirements. The company will mark its 51st year in operation during 2009. 09 Cardinal Brush Corp. 19925-A W. 161st St. Olathe, KS 66062 USA Phone: 913-780-2071 Fax: 913-829-5987 E-Mail: Web Site: Products: Brooms and brushes for sweeping and scrubbing machines. 09 Carlson Tool & Machine Company 2300 Gary Lane Geneva, IL 60134 USA Phone: 630-232-2460 Fax: 630-232-2016 E-Mail: Web Site: Company Officers: John Carlson, CEO/President; Robert Sollinger, Sales and Service Manager Products: Carlson provides equipment to the brush manufacturing industry worldwide. Full range of manual to fully automatic staple-set brush machines. Several metal strip channel producing machines and binding and coiling equipment. Semi-auto and full automatic twisted-in-wire equipment. Custom in house engineering and special products R&D available. Hank cutters, trimmers, flaggers-tipping machines and clean-outs. 09 Carolina Mop 819 Whitehall Road Anderson, SC 29625 USA Phone: 800-845-9725 Fax: 864-225-1917 E-Mail: Web Site: Products: Mop buckets, wet floor signs, squeegees, dust pans, and carpet bonnets. As always, Carolina Mop carries a full line of wet mops, dust mops, brooms, brushes, and handles. 05

BROOM, BRUSH & MOP Carolina Roller & Supply Co., Inc. 214 North Aspen Street Lincolnton, NC 28092 USA Phone: 704-735-8381 Fax: 704-735-8478 E-Mail: Web Site: Company Officers: Mack Harvey, President; Jeff Harvey, Vice President Products: General industrial for all manufacturing plus specialty products for yarn manufacturing, weaving and knitting. Specialty products include ultra sharp utility blades, traveler hooks, roller pickers, mill chalk, ID bands, scissors and thread clips, belting and top drafting roll covering. 09 Cepillos El Castor S.A. de C.V. Frias #667 Guadalajara JAL 44200 MEXICO Phone: 52-333-826-3536 Fax: 52-333-826-2805 E-Mail: Web Site: Products: Push brooms, brushes, wet mops, dust mops, squeegees, structural foam brush blocks, fiberglass handles. Brief History: Founded in Mexico City more than 40 years ago, the company became the leading brush manufacturer in Mexico and is becoming an important player in America. In 1994, the company started the export journey and today it ships products to several countries as far and diverse as Japan, Peru, Barbados, Brazil and U.S.A. During the last eight years the company established strategic alliances with other manufacturers that are world leaders in production of floor pads, rubber gloves, window squeegees and floor squeegees. Special Features: The company is able to produce “private label” programs and can develop special products under customer specifications. In fact, it also manufactures industrial and customized brushes starting with “one piece” orders. 08 Chief Manufacturing P.O. Box 191 301 McIntosh Parkway Thomaston, GA 30286 USA Toll Free: 800-722-2061 Fax: 706-647-2790 E-Mail: Web Site:; Company Officers: Dr. Susan R. Hall, CEO; Dan Fuller, President; Matt Fuller, Purchasing; Kim Sidey, Marketing Coordinator; Renate Hense, Customer Service Products: Chief Manufacturing has been making industrial mop hardware and janitorial supplies since the 1950s and, until recently, under

June 2009 the name of Woodbury Box Company. One of the company’s new product lines is the Z-Force Hands-free Dust Mop System. 09 Chung Thai Brushes Co., Ltd. (See Xiamen Power Light Ind.) No. 577, Tian Mei St., Nei-Hu Dist., Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C Phone: 886-2-27915661 Fax: 886-2-27911612 Web Site: Products: The company supplies brushes for automotive, BBQ, household cleaning, winter solution, paint and sundry. It also offers squeegees, structural foam/solid plastic blocks and rubber wood blocks. 04 Cleaning Technologies Group P.O. Box 1247, One Fuller Way Great Bend, KS 67530 USA Phone: 620-792-1711 Fax: 620-792-3146 E-Mail: Web Site: Products: The Cleaning Technologies Group Franklin, Masury Columbia and Fuller Brush Professional – markets products, programs and services for janitorial, industrial and institutional cleaning. 07 Connors & Co., Inc. 400 D Lake St. Ramsey, NJ 07446 USA Toll Free: 888-324-1971 Phone: 201-818-7228 Fax: 201-934-9592 E-Mail: Products: Exclusive representatives in North America for Woehler brush machinery and technology. 08 Contek International 93 Cherry St. New Canaan, CT 06840 USA Phone: 203-972-1377, Ext. 15 Fax: 203-972-1043 E-Mail: Company Officers: Stan Circle, President Products: Wood handles, extension poles and blocks. Contek International Corp. has been one of the foremost manufacturers of wood products produced at its seven factories in Indonesia. A complete line of wood products can be tailored to special needs. The company’s proven success in the U.S. market guarantees the best quality and competitive prices. 09 Creative Poly, Inc. 620 W. Lincoln Avenue Rochelle, IL 61068 USA Phone: 815-562-9002 Fax: 815-562-8551 E-Mail: Products: Creative Poly, Inc. is a manufactur-

PAGE 32 er and printer of crown top (rounded corners), straight-edge, and custom shaped broom sleeves. Other items manufactured include mop and brush bags, reclosable zipper bags and wicketed bags. Creatives’ printing department has the capabilities to print both line print and process print items to the customers’ specs. Printed rollstock can also be supplied for automatic packaging machines. Call Creative Poly, Inc., with any questions at 815-562-9002 or 866-304-BAGS. The email address is Rod and Walt Dudziak take pride in providing quality dependable service at a competitive price. 08 Crystal Lake Manufacturing, Inc. P.O. Box 159 Autaugaville, AL 36003 USA Toll-Free: 800-633-8720 Phone: 334-365-3342 Fax: 334-365-3332 Web Site: Products: Brooms (broom corn, blended and plastic), mop heads, deck mops, dust mops, dust mop frames and handles, broom handles, complete line of handles, industrial and household wedge mops, industrial and household mopsticks, angle brooms, lobby brooms, whisk brooms, sponge mops, push brooms, and utility brushes. Brief History: Crystal Lake Manufacturing, Inc., established in 1935, has become one of the nation’s leading producers of corn brooms, wet and dry mops, and broom and mop handles. It services all market segments in the United States and many export locations with brooms, mops, dust mops and handles. Crystal Lake is able to handle private label requirements and manufacture to specifications. 04 Culicover & Shapiro, Inc. 220 S. Fehr Way Bayshore, NY 11706 USA Phone: 631-918-4560 Fax: 631-918-4561 E-Mail: Web Site: Company Officers: Richard Shapiro, President; David Shapiro, Treasurer Products: Floor brushes, garage brushes, counter dusters, radiator and window brushes, truck brushes, street brooms, corn brooms, baseboard brushes, bi-level scrubs, deck scrubs, hand scrubs, pot brushes, wet and dry mops, broom and mop handles, dustpans, squeegees. Brief History: Culicover & Shapiro was established in 1929 and operated out of a tiny loft in a building that now comprises the South Street SeaPort in New York. Over the years it has grown and changed and now occupies a large modern facility in Bayshore, NY. It can manufacture all types of brooms quickly and efficiently with modern CNC machinery, but still

BROOM, BRUSH & MOP can run small orders and do hand work. It can also manufacture to specifications and frequently OEM for other brush manufacturers. 08 D.W. Davies & Co., Inc. 3200 Phillips Ave. Racine, WI 53403 USA Phone: 262-637-6133 Fax: 262-637-3933 E-Mail: Web Site: Company Officers: David W. Davies, Chairman of the Board; David J. Davies, President; David W. Rubenstein, Vice President Products: Cleaning products, glass cleaners, floor waxes, degreasers, floor strippers, sanitizers and disinfectants, skin care products, car washes and waxes, industrial chemicals, water treatment products, dust mop treatments and floor cleaners. Brief History: David W. Davies founded the business in 1951 and focused primarily on dry cleaning soaps and special spotters for dry cleaners. Other products included laundry soaps and spot removers. The product line expanded over time. The company offers aircraft and automotive products, floor care and food service goods, housekeeping, janitorial and transportation supplies. The company is ISO 9001-2000 certified and has a lab on site. 09 Deco Products Co. 506 Sanford Street Decorah, IA 52101 USA Phone: 563-382-4264 Fax: 563-382-9845 E-Mail: Web Site: Products: Zinc die castings. Deco is a large ISO 9001:2000 registered U.S. zinc die caster, with more than 40 years of casting experience for the broom, brush and mop industry. Deco offers standard and custom made threaded tips and angular brackets for most of the industries’ applications. 07 Distribuidora Perfect S.A. de C.V. Calle Cuatro No. 32 Naucalpan Edo de MEXICO 53370 Phone: 011 52 55 53 87 04 00 Fax: 011 52 55 55 76 24 44 E-Mail: Web Site: Company Officers: Jorge Ripstein, President and Director; Rodrigo Ripstein, Executive Director Products: The company offers tampico fiber, cup brushes, solvents, paintbrushes, end brushes, artist’s brushes, clothes brushes, paint rollers, shoe brushes, kits and trays, washing brushes, wire brushes, Loosen Up WE-60, paint pads (square brushes), color sprays, circular wire brushes, and painter complementary items. Brief History: Perfect has been in business for

June 2009 over 60 years in Mexico. The company first started selling paintbrushes and all sorts of brushes for domestic uses and industrial applications. The company later started distributing tooling for the construction industry, as well as tampico fiber all over the world. Newsworthy Happenings: The company now offers lamb’s wool paint rollers, rollers that eliminate bubbles when applying varnish, and abrasive circular wire brushes. 07 DLH Nordisk Inc. 2307 W. Cone Blvd., Suite 200 Greensboro, NC 27408 USA Phone: 800-688-2882 Fax: 336-852-1933 E-Mail: Web Site: Company Officers: Stewart Sexton, President; Christian Mengel, Executive VP; Kenn Rahbek, Treasurer Products: Imported lumber, brush blocks, broom/brush handles, dowels and mouldings. Brief History: The company was originally founded in 1908 in Denmark and DLH Nordisk USA was established in 1986 and rapidly became a major contributor to the Tropical Hardwood Industry in North America, with an initial focus on rough lumber from South America. Expanding into other areas, today DLH Nordisk stocks a wide range of products, primarily from South America, Indonesia, Malaysia, Russia, and Africa, including a variety of species in rough lumber & flooring, as well as various sizes of decking material. Additionally, DLH Nordisk can source a variety of other products, such as kiln sticks, truck flooring and custom machined wood products. Procurement facilities around the world help ensure customers receive continued support and service from an experienced sales staff. 09 Dorden & Co., Inc., aka Dorden Squeegees 7446 Central Avenue - P.O. Box 10247 Detroit, MI 48210-0247 USA Phone: 313-834-7910 Fax: 313-834-1178 E-Mail: Company Officers: Bruce M. Gale Products: Floor and window squeegees. Commercial, industrial and retail for the OEM and super distributor. The perfect addition to your line. We are your source not your competitor. 08 Draper Knitting Company 28 Draper Lane Canton, MA 02021 USA Phone: 781-828-0029 Fax: 781-828-3034 E-Mail: Web Site: Company Officers: Kristin Draper, President;



Scott Draper, Vice President; Bob Vassi, Sales Products: Specializing in custom fabrics for paint rollers. Brief History: In 2008, Draper Knitting Company celebrated another landmark in its business, celebrating the sixth generation of the Draper family to serve as president of the company. Kristin Draper, the sixth generation president, believes that it is the reputation of the company, built on handshakes and promises and finding a company that is true to its word that has kept it in business so long. Over the past 10 years, Draper has had the ability to work and excel with recycled fibers which have helped bring the company into the “green” movement of today. The company has also ventured into new markets; including Draper Therapies, a line of finished products that use a fiber that has been proven to increase circulation and reduce pain. Regardless of branching out into new markets, Draper has always kept a focus on its traditional markets like paint roller fabrics and outerwear fabrics. Special Features: Draper features custom blends and heavy weight fabrics, all with the ability to be custom colored by a onsite dye house. The company has over 150 years of experience working with wool, and over 35 years working with recycled fibers and countless other fibers to choose from. 09 Duff Brush LLC P.O. Box 34 - 630 7th St. Menominee, MI 49858 USA Phone: 906-863-3319 Fax: 906-863-3319 E-Mail: Company Officer: Matthew Duffrin Products: Straight metal back strip & wound brushes. Strip sizes: #4, #5, #7 and #10. Brief History: 28 years of brush making experience. With quality products, competitive prices and great service, Duff Brush knows what is most important to its customers. 09 DuPont Filaments Barley Mill Plaza 22/1154

Tel. (704) 342-9200 Fax (704) 342-9233 Email:

Wilmington, DE 19880-0022 USA Phone: 302-992-3284 Fax: 302-892-0955 Web Site: Products: DuPont Filaments provides high quality filaments for brush applications, plus global delivery to ensure the most cost-efficient production in local markets. With manufacturing facilities that span the globe and technical experts in multiple languages, DuPont Filaments meet filament needs worldwide. From FDA-compliant colorful filaments for oral care applications, to long synthetic tapered bristles for paintbrushes and soft “natural-feel” filaments for cosmetics, DuPont Filaments provides a broad range of product development and manufacturing solutions for individual product requirements. 05 EMSCO Group P.O. Box 151 Girard, PA 16417 USA Phone: 814-774-3137 Fax: 814-774-3463 Web Site: Products: Mops, brooms, brushes, buckets & snow tools, lawn & garden tools. Brief History: Emsco Group was founded in 1867. The original product line consisted of products such as wooden mop buckets, carpet beaters, cow pokes & buggy whips. Emsco Group has changed quite a bit since the 1800s and currently manufactures and successfully markets over 12 product lines. 08 Evansville Association for the Blind / EAB Industries 500 Second Avenue, P.O. Box 6445 Evansville, IN 47719 USA Phone: 812-422-1181 Fax: 812-424-3154 E-Mail: Web Site: Company Officers: Karla Horrell, Executive Director and Controller; Dan Leraris, Sales & Marketing; Tony Goebel, Plant Manager Products: Deck mops: cotton and rayon, Mop

June 2009 heads: cotton and rayon, traditional and custom sizes available. All made 100 percent in the USA. Brief History: The Evansville Association for the Blind is a non-profit organization incorporated in the state of Indiana, on April 13, 1923. The Association serves and employs persons with physical and mental disabilities. Special Features: Manufacturing time available for mop production due to expanded capacity. Newsworthy Happenings: The Evansville Association For The Blind is celebrating 90 years of service and employment to the tri-state area. 09 Even Weight Brush LLC P.O. Box 241 Gillett, WI 54124 USA Phone: 866-424-2627 Fax: 866-908-0267 E-Mail: Web Site: Company Officers: Paul Wilting, President; Kurt Darrow, Vice President Products: Processing brushes for the cotton, tobacco, sugar and concrete industries. Brief History: Even Weight Brush has been in business since 1997. Its primary emphasis is on production of brushes for the worldwide cotton industry and the sugar processing industry. Recently, Even Weight Brush has added a line of concrete finishing brushes and a line of tobacco processing brushes. 09 F.M. Brush Co., Inc. 70-02 72nd Place Glendale, NY 11385 USA Phone: 718-821-5939 Fax: 718-821-2385 E-Mail: Web Site: Company Officers: Frederick V. Mink, President; Jeffery A. Mink, Vice President Products: Artist brushes, from professional to student, all levels. Industrial affiliations, marking, stencil, and parts cleaning. Camel hair to red sable plus a full range of synthetics. Painted and unpainted han-

Thomas Textile Co.

P.O. Box 35697 Charlotte, NC 28235

We offer a wide variety of yarns to the mop industry: 1.) .60/4, .80/8 cotton blend wet mop yarns on ball warps 2.) 4/plied 100% cotton and cotton blend dustmop and deck swab yarns 3.) Big Cheese single end yarn for loop-end mops 4.) Mopmaster products in cotton and synray blends



dles. Assembled in the United States and Thailand. Large quantities for bids at all price ranges. Name brand and private label with quick delivery. Brief History: F.M. Brush is the primary manufacturer of artist, cosmetic, surgical, ceramic, craft and custom-made brushes. Founded in 1929, with 80 years experience in creating high-quality brushes that feature the right blend of form and function. It is F.M. Brush’s commitment to quality that sets the company apart. The company will continue to innovate and train its people, and is proud of a dedicated workforce to assure customers of the best quality brush products. Special Features: F.M. Brush is known for its newly created brush styles in both natural hair and synthetics. Its expertise in component materials, broad selection of stock elements and a wide range of specialty options make F.M. Brush an ideal choice as a brush manufacturer. It is environmentally sensitive and supports the fight against animal testing. In addition, handles come from managed wood reformed station programs. Newsworth Happenings: F.M. Brush is celebrating its 80th anniversary as America’s premier brush manufacturer. 09 Fili & Forme SRL Via del Lavoro, 10

41018 San Cesareo sul Panaro (MO) ITALY Phone: ++39059921462 Export: ++39031856986 Fax: ++39059921463 Export: ++39031856273 Web Site: Products: PVC and PP fibers. Brief History: Fili & Forme is a company specialized in the production of synthetic monofilaments in PVC and polypropylene. Created in 1994, it’s equipped with a high expertise and an elevated skill. During these last several years, Fili & Forme SRL has steadied its image on the PVC and PP monofilaments’ market by using high-professional instruments, efficient production management, together with its quality of materials and products. 05 Filmop USA 13622 Hwy 105 W Conroe, TX 77304 USA Toll-Free: 888-741-0707 Phone: 954-781-7699 Fax: 954-781-3433 Web Site: Products: A manufacturer of microfiber mops, accessories and compartmentalized carts and buckets. Product line includes “long-looped” Rapido™ 3-D microfiber mop, Top Down™

June 2009 Charging Bucket, Speedy™ folding microfiber mop and Total Mop™. Cart line includes split bucket designs that accommodate snap-in compartments for flexibility. 06 Furgale Industries, Ltd. 324 Lizzie Street Winnipeg, MB R3A 0Y7 CANADA Phone: 204-949-4200 Fax: 204-943-3191 Web Site: Company Officers: Jim Furgale, President Products: Manufacturers of mops, brooms, pails & ecofriendly products primarily for private label and OEM customers. 08 G.D.F. SRL Via Mazzini, 27 P.O. Box 71 Ufficio Postale Di Bazzano 40053 Bazzano BO ITALY Phone: ++39 051830189 Fax: ++39 051830263 E-Mail: Web Site: Company Officers: Gabriella De Franceschi, President Products: Extension poles, steel powder coated handles, multi-piece handles, plastic blocks for brooms and brushes, mops, buckets, cleaning tools, non-woven fabrics. 09

• Private Label Our Specialty • Prime Manufacturer


• A Great OEM Source • ISO 9001 Certified • Member ABMA



Division of Michigan Brush Mfg. Co. Inc.


View our catalog online at P.O. Box 10247 7446 Central Ave. • Detroit, MI USA 48210-0247 Phone: (313) 834-1070 • Fax: (313) 834-1178 Toll Free 1-800-MI BRUSH (1-800-642-7874)

Tel: 313-834-1070 Fax: 313-834-1178 Toll Free: 1-800-MI BRUSH (1-800-642-7874) To view our catalogue:

June 2009 Garelick Mfg. Co. 644 Second Street - P.O. Box 8 St. Paul Park, MN 55071 USA Phone: 651-459-9795 Fax: 651-459-8269 E-Mail: Web Site: Company Officers: Ken Garelick, President; Rick Garelick, Senior Vice President Products: Telescopic extension poles 6’, 8’, 12’, 18’ and 24’ lengths. Brief History: Garelick Mfg. Co. started in 1952. Metal fabrication is performed at two locations: St. Paul Park, MN, and Largo, FL. Special Features: Lightweight anodized aluminum, twist lock cams allow handle to be locked at any length, rolled tube edges, universal size screw adapter, five standard sizes. Quality features, real value. 09 Gateway Corporation 100 East Fifth Street Corinth, MS 38834 USA Phone: 662-286-3351 Fax: 662-286-3353 E-Mail: Web Site: Products: Gateway offers a full line of American manufactured wooden handles in both hardwood and pine species. It supplies all the standard lengths and diameters of handles as well as any specialty cut lengths needed. The company provides all types of threading, tapering and drilling. All handles are available in both clear and colored finishes as well as many specialty paint specifications. Gateway also supplies hardwood brush blocks in both floor sweep and street sweep standard sizes. Brief History: Gateway has been supplying American-made wooden handles to the broom, mop and paint roller industry since the company was founded in 1950. Special Features: Gateway prides itself on providing high quality products and on-time service thanks to all of its handles being manufactured locally in the United States. Its manufacturing capabilities allow it to react rapidly to customer needs and put it in a position to help customers maintain smaller inventories and shorter lead times. State-of-the-art machinery and extensive tooling capabilities allow it to meet any end fitting need that might be required by customers’ parts. Finally, it can finish any handle to meet customer needs by stamping or labeling handles as well as installing specialty hardware. 06 Gift Sales Co. P.O. Box 17082 Wichita, KS 67217 USA Phone: 316-267-0671 Fax: 316-267-2930 E-Mail: Web Site:

BROOM, BRUSH & MOP Company Officers: Bill Myers, President/Owner; Katie Myers, Office Manager Products: Urinal screens, urinal blocks, low cost plastic dust pans, metal dust pans, toilet bowl mops, wall blocks, enzyme blocks, toilet bowl caddies, absorbents, bowl blocks in plastic cage. 08 Golden Star Inc. 4770 N. Belleview - P.O. Box 12539 Kansas City, MO 64116 USA Phone: 800-821-2792 Fax: 800-487-4079 Web Site: Products: Full line of textile cleaning products including traditional wet and dust mops; microfiber cloths; wet mops; dust mops; dusters and bonnets; as well as a full range of applicable hardware. Brief History: Worldwide, fourth generation, vertically integrated manufacturer, marketer and distributor founded in 1908. 09

PAGE 37 heavily in the latest CNC controlled machinery. Special Features: Gordon Brush can make virtually any staple set, hand laced, wire drawn or twisted-in-wire brush to meet customers’ needs. Its in-house tool-making facility, coupled with state-of-the-art CNC equipment, provides Gordon with the ability to produce all brush components necessary for custom products. In addition, Gordon can imprint and private label brushes for the brush industry. 09 E. Gornell & Sons, Inc. 2241 N. Knox Avenue Chicago, IL 60639 USA Phone: 773-489-2330 Fax: 773-489-1102 E-Mail: Web Site: Company Officers: Gus H. Treslo, President; Marjorie Gornell, Secretary/ Treasurer Products: Gornell built its reputation as a custom designer and manufacturer of quality brushes for industry and maintenance. Gornell is a leading supplier of scratch, platers and welder brushes, staple set on the latest CNCcontrolled machinery. Gornell continues to custom-design and manufacture staple set and wire-drawn brushes for industry, using all types of wire, synthetic and natural fill materials. Brief History: E. Gornell & Sons, Inc., was

Gordon Brush Mfg. Co., Inc. 6247 Randolph Street Commerce, CA 90040 USA Phone: 323-724-7777 Fax: 323-724-1111 E-Mail: Web Site:,, Company Officers: Kenneth L. Rakusin, President and CEO; Bill Loitz, Executive Vice President and Treasurer Products: Miniature Supplier of Raw Materials to scratch and plater’s brushes, large scratch and Manufacture Brooms, plater’s brushes, Mops, and Brushes cylinder/roller brushes (all sizes), single spiral and 4wire single spiral brushes, • Galvanized & tinned wire for double spiral brushes, brush - broom - mop production micro spiral brushes, artist brushes, cosmetic brushes, • Processed Broom Corn & Yucca forensic brushes, wire • Wood Broom - Mop - Brush Handles drawn brushes, custom and specialty brushes of • Craft Broom Corn And Supplies all materials and configurations. • Other Materials - Broom Twine, Brief History: Gordon Broom Nails, Mop Hardware Brush was founded in 1951 by Don Gordon, a brush maker and machine We ship by pup or truck load direct from Mexico, builder. The company was or LTL/ UPS from our Greensboro warehouse. purchased in 1973 by the Loitz family and was sold to Ken Rakusin and the P.O. Box 14634 • Greensboro, NC 27415 Loitz’s son, Bill Loitz, in January, 1998. Gordon 336-273-3609 800-213-9224 Brush has continued rapid Fax: 336-378-6047 growth in the industrial brush industry and invests E-mail:



founded in 1892 by Edward Gornell. For over 100 years, Gornell has been supplying quality brushes and excellent service at very competitive prices. E. Gornell & Sons continues to grow, producing quality brushes with the latest state-of-the-art CNC machinery. Special Features: Gornell will imprint and private label brushes for the brush industry. CAD/CAM design available. Special packaging is offered to meet specific requirements. Newsworthy Happenings: Gornell is celebrating its 117th anniversary. 09 Great American Marketing, Inc. 29145 The Old Road Valencia, CA 91355 USA Phone: 661-362-6200 Fax: 661-362-6222 E-Mail: Web Site: Company Officers: Sherman L. Weiss, President & CEO; Beverly C. Weiss, Treasurer/CFO; Glenn Miller, VP Finance; Jeff Feldman, Sales Manager; Elliot Piltzer, VP Sales Products: GAM manufactures a complete high quality line of paintbrushes and rollers, and related paint sundry items in their China factories. GAM specializes in private label as well as their own brand of consumer and professional tools which include PX, Hi-tech, Magic Touch, Perfect Painter, PX Eco Friendly. 09 Greenwood Mop & Broom, Inc. 119 Grenola Avenue Greenwood, SC 29646 USA Phone: 800-635-6849 Fax: 864-227-3200 Web Site: Products: Greenwood Mop & Broom, Inc. was established in 1924 and is located in Greenwood, SC. Extensive product line includes mop heads, both wet and dry. Also, full compliment of brooms, upright as well as push type. The balance of the line includes handles, brushes and related cleaning products. 04


GSC Manufacturing, Inc. 510 Merritt Avenue Nashville, TN 37203 USA Phone: 615-248-6556 Fax: 615-248-6558 E-Mail: Web Site: Company Officers: Gina Lofredo and Scott Atkinson, Owners Products: Manufacturer of premium quality wet mops available in cut-end, loop-end, finish mops and T-bar construction. The company offers a full line of launderable and disposable dust mops and frames. It assembles handles for both wet and dust mops. All mops are available in a variety of natural and synthetic yarns to meet every customer’s special needs. Natural and plastic brooms, push brooms and industrial brushes complete a full janitorial and commercial line of cleaning products. Brief History: GSC Manufacturing was incorporated in 2000 to become an industry leader in the production and development of cleaning products. Special Features: OEM programs, private labeling, custom packs, short lead times from receipt of order to delivery. 09 Ha-Ste Manufacturing, Inc. P.O. Box 168 Union City, IN 47390 USA Phone: 800-228-6677 (MOPS) or, 937-968-4858 Fax: 937-968-4524 E-Mail: Web Site: Company Officers: Robin Stewart Products: Manufacturer of quality (Made in the USA) mopping products. Specializing in janitorial and industrial hard floor care, including quality product line of wet mops, dust mops, microfiber products, hardware and no-lint monofilament finish mops. Also included are custom factory and private labeling options as well as construction modifications to suit customers’ needs. 09 Hahl Inc. 126 Glassmaster Road

June 2009 Lexington, SC 29071 USA Phone: 803-359-0706 Fax: 803-359-0074 E-Mail: Web Site: Products: Nylon 6, 66, 610, 612; polyester PBT, PPN; abrasive nylon abrafil 612 SIC and AD grit; also diamond and ceramic grit specialties; nylon conductive, anti-static and UL VO flame retardant nylon. Brief History: U.S. plant of Hahl Filaments is part of Lenzing Plastics, also incorporating Pedex GmbH, Germany, a leading manufacturer of toothbrush fiber. The Lexington, SC, plant has undergone major change and investment in people and technology to bring it into line with a state-of-the-art European operations in Germany, Austria and Czech Republic. Special Features: Largest product portfolio and stocking program available to the industry. Continuous development in new products, especially in the field of abrasives. 08 Hamburg Industries, Inc. 218 Pine Street Hamburg, PA 19526 USA Toll Free: 800-321-6256 Phone: 610-562-3031 Toll Free Fax: 800-603-4965 Fax: 610-562-0209 E-Mail: Web Site: Company Officers: Richard Stiller, President/CEO; John Stevens, Director of Sales; Donald Barnes, VP of Operations; Donna Ladd, Controller Products: Corn brooms, plastic brooms, whisk brooms, toy and lobby brooms, street brooms, garage brooms, floor sweeps, scrub brushes, detail brushes, dusters, dust pans, squeegees, wood handles, metal handles, fiberglass handles, wet mops, dust mops, mop handles, rotary brushes, wire wheels. Brief History: Hamburg Industries was established in 1894 as a corn broom manufacturer. During the past several years Hamburg Industries has acquired four companies which



Wolcott, CT 06716

Phone 203-879-1481

June 2009 gives Hamburg the ability to manufacture mops, brushes & upright brooms. Hamburg Industries now manufactures and imports a full line of commercial and retail quality brooms, brushes and mops. Special Features: OEM, private label programs, quick turn around, and a customer service department that truly cares about its customers. 09 Handles USA 202 North Oak Street Arcola, IL 61910 USA Phone: 217-268-4955 Fax: 217-268-3113 Web Site: Company Officers: Jim Monahan, Dave Monahan Products: Powder and plastic coated handles. Diameters: 21 mm, 22mm, 25mm, 7/8”, 15/16”, 1”, 1-1/8”. Lengths: 24 to 60” with other lengths available. Sturdy telescopic handles. End fitments: threads, flat and tapered plugs, metal threads, straight and swivel caps. Secondary operations: slotting, punching, foam grips, labeling, and assembly of finished products. Brief History: Handles USA has five handle lines and two powder paint systems. It also has an in-house injection mold facility and a stateof-the-art tool and die shop to support the entire operation. These facilities, coupled with its engineering department and manufacturing

BROOM, BRUSH & MOP expertise, make Handles USA the perfect vendor for customers’ current items and an ideal partner for introducing new products. Use Handles’ capacity and proximity to better manage inventory levels. Know that customers can operate with confidence because of Handles reputation of high quality goods and excellent customer service. The company is continually investing in new equipment and processes to keep it at the forefront of the handle industry worldwide. 09 Harbor Broom Co. 428 Raritan Ave. Atco, NJ 08004 USA Phone: 856-767-7661 Fax: 856-767-7661 E-Mail: Company Officers: Cindy Giordano, President; Denny Giordano, CEO Products: Corn broom manufacturer. All types of janitor corn brooms and household corn brooms, lobby brooms and whisk brooms. Brief History: Harbor Broom Company was established in 1971 by Sam and Denny Giordano. The company offered all types of quality brooms and the business was prosperous. After the passing of Sam Giordano in 1996, his son, Denny, continued the family business and is still providing brooms to his valued customers. 09

PAGE 39 Harper Brush Works, Inc. 400 N. Second Street Fairfield, IA 52556-2416 USA Toll-Free: 800-223-7894 Phone: 641-472-5186 Fax: 641-472-3187 E-Mail: Web Site: Company Officers: Barry D. Harper, President/CEO; Scott Reid, V.P. Operations; Gary Wells, CFO; Lance Hayward, V.P. Sales; Jim Nairn, V.P. Supply Chain; Patty Adam, Marketing Director Products: Harper Brush manufactures and sells over 800 products, including industrial quality floor brushes, floor squeegees, counter dusters, car/truck wash brushes, upright brooms, scrub and scratch brushes, dust pans, buckets, mops and mopping equipment, ostrich dusters, microfiber cloths and mops and a variety of other commercial cleaning tools. History/Profile: Since 1900, Harper Brush has been manufacturing and marketing industrial, commercial, and now consumer quality cleaning products. The cornerstone of the product line is the Ultra Premium Push Broom made of the highest quality hardwood blocks and handles, steel handle braces and brush fibers. Harper has three manufacturing/distribution locations: Fairfield, IA; Stockton, CA; Greenville, NC. Harper Brush’s long history of direct selling through independent distributors gives it a unique



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insight into the end-users’ marketplace. This insight has allowed Harper Brush to anticipate and meet the market’s needs, resulting in worldclass products and service for commercial and consumer customers alike. 09 Haviland Corporation 200 S. Hwy. U - P.O. Box 769 Linn, MO 65051 USA Toll-Free: 800-325-3915 Phone: 573-897-3672 Fax: 573-897-4497 E-Mail: Web Site: Company Officers: Randy Haviland, Chairman of the Board; Jan Haviland, President; Alice Haviland, Director of Strategic Planning; Dale Heidbrink, Vice President of Operations; Randy Wolfe, Senior Manager of Operations; Joyce Dudenhoeffer, Director of Marketing Products: Haviland Corporation manufactures over 700 different floor squeegees with custom variations available. Sizes range from 12” to 72” with most styles and sizes available in curved and straight. Haviland Corporation also manufactures a large selection of window squeegees, hygienic squeegees, and grill squeegees; Handles - telescopic, wood, aluminum; Water-brooms; Wet/Dry vacuum floor machine replacement parts squeegees, gaskets, splash guards, cartridges, skirts; Floor scrapers; Paving tools - seal coating squeegees, epoxy applicators, crack filler squeegees, pour pots, lute/rakes, tampers, and Roller squeegees. Special Features: OEM programs, private labeling, bar coding, special packaging and custom products. Newsworthy Happenings: New from Haviland Corporation is the Microbe Spiker™ Squeegee. This squeegee is the revolution to stretching cleaning dollars. Microbe Spiker™ provides revolutionary cleaning, with percentage change of bacteria on surfaces, anywhere from 55 to 99.9 percent reduction, without use of additional chemicals/water. This is accomplished through the use of Nanotechnology. 09

HIMESA Hilos Y Mechas S.A. de C.V. P.O. Box 118 San Pedro Sula HONDURAS Phone: ++504-558-8141 Fax: ++504-558-8142 E-Mail: Company Officers: Robert Handal Products: HIMESA is the largest yarn manufacturer in Latin America. It spins a wide array of cotton, rayon blends, Acrylex®, synthetics, antimicrobial yarns, etc. The various styles that HIMESA uses for spinning yarns are Robbing, Open End/Friction and Corespun. These different methods enable HIMESA to produce an array of titles, colors and form options. HIMESA also produces every kind of mop imaginable (examples: loop end, cut end, deckmops, dustmops and disposables). It also offers an assortment of custom mops such as lay flat style, strip mops, double tailbanded mops, etc. The company also offers complete thread and twine manufacturing and can produce items from ne. 50’s down to coarse counts like ne. 1.0 thus enabling it to manufacture sewing threads, industrial threads, agricultural threads/twines and more. HIMESA’s facilities also include complete weaving operations for a variety of products like canvas, sheeting, tarpaulins, towels, cleaning and grill cloths, diapers, mop tape, etc. Brief History: HIMESA is a family owned and operated business with a 55-plus year history. The longevity of this company is due to the quality of products and the reputation that it has earned throughout time. With these traits, plus the strategic location of Honduras coupled with the precise export and fast shipping schedules, make HIMESA the large global exporting company that it is today. Special Features: HIMESA’s special yarn formulas have had great impact throughout the world. This is due to HIMESA tailoring each product that is manufactured to the individual needs and requirements of every customer and their specific marketplace. This customization and versatility allows HIMESAto comply with all customer needs, coupled with its prices and qual-

Brush Manufacturers

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June 2009 ity, plus the fact that Honduras does not have any quotas and in many cases no duties as well. This gives them an advantage over the competition. Newsworthy Happenings: HIMESA has been expanding its line of products to include ecological oriented Ecotex® yarns, made of 100 percent recycled materials. It has also increased its moptape manufacturing division, offering a more diverse collection of sizes, colors, styles and types of moptape, including custom jacquard lettering looms. HIMESA has also been expanding its global presence with its new and evolving Web site at that includes a downloads section with a variety of tutorials and informational presentations. With the evolution of communications, HIMESA offers U.S. phone numbers, where customers can call for the mere cost of a local phone call (Voice Over IP Internet Communications) and it has also added a free skype direct sales line, so that all international customers can talk for free, adding to an already instituted e-mail and messaging system. 08 Hoge Brush Company 202 E. South Street - P.O. Box 189 New Knoxville, OH 45871 USA Phone: 419-753-2351 Fax: 419-753-2893 E-Mail: Web Site: Company Officers: David Zwiep, Manager Products: Traditional, classic, time-tested staple set brushes; push brooms; maintenance and utility brushes. Brief History: Serving distributors and supply companies, co-manufacturers, dealers and stores since 1939. Special Features: North American hardwood blocks. Top quality natural and synthetic fibers. Experienced workmanship. Emphasis is placed on performance, durability and value. 09 Hoge Lumber Co. 701 S. Main Street - P.O. Box 159 New Knoxville, OH 45871 USA

June 2009 Phone: 419-753-2263 Fax: 419-753-2611 E-Mail: Web Site: Products: Hardwood brush blocks: floor, garage, street, deck, counter duster, scrub, and a wide variety of other styles of wood blocks. Dimensions, shapes, holes, slots, etc. are manufactured per individual customer’s specifications. Lumber and/or blanks in stock, ready to machine to order. Make and hold programs, blocks shipped per customer schedule. Other Hoge Lumber Co. products are kiln dried hardwoods, moldings and millwork, bowling lane components, dimension blanks, machined wood parts, construction materials and design services for commercial, agricultural, and residential customers. Brief History: Hoge Lumber Company was founded in 1904 and has grown from a local sawmill into a diversified manufacturer of products which are shipped worldwide. Special Features: Hoge brush blocks are made from kiln dried North American hardwoods. Why choose wood? People like the look and feel of wood. Imitators try to make their products look like wood. Wood is a renewable resource. In the USA, there is much more standing timber now than 10, 20, 50 years ago. Young, healthy trees produce oxygen and capture carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. Wood waste is recycled at Hoge, reducing the need for fossil fuels. Wood is biodegradable and environmentally friendly. The natural choice for brush blocks. 09 Humboldt Broom Co. 901 East County Road 300 North Arcola, IL 61910 USA Phone: 800-677-2797 Fax: 800-360-4907 E-Mail: Products: Corn brooms, palm whisks, plastic whisks, corn whisks, child brooms. 08 Hydra Sponge Co. Inc. 800 Biltmore Dr. Fenton, MO 63026 USA Toll Free: 800-325-9922 Fax: 636-349-5660 Web Site: Company Officers: John VonAhn, COO; Brett Godsey, National Sales Manager Products: Sponges, and sponge related items. 09 Industrial Brush Corporation P.O. Box 2608 Pomona, CA 91769 USA Phone: 909-591-9341 Fax: 909-627-8916 E-Mail: Web Site: Company Officers: John L. Cottam, President;

BROOM, BRUSH & MOP Robert L. Baldridge, Vice President Products: Specials are Industrial Brush Corporation’s specialty. Custom designs and prototypes. Designs and manufactures thousands of different brushes to satisfy a wide variety of industrial and food processing applications. Also offered are standard and custom design staple set, metal channel strip and other brush constructions including straight and formed strip, coil, cylinder, cup, inside and outside disc, twisted-in-wire, wire scratch, wheel, cup and stem brushes, acid, paint and artist brushes. All types of fill materials are provided including synthetic, natural, hair and wire. Common applications include brushes for washing, drying, waxing, polishing, peeling and harvesting various fruits and vegetables. Other applications include scrubbing and deburring printed circuit boards; washing silicon chips; finishing and deburring metal; sanding, de-nibbling, staining and dusting wood products; glass and mirror washing; egg washing; static elimination; trommel cleaning, conveyor cleaning; mold cleaning and vehicle washing. Products are marketed throughout North America, Western Europe and Asia. Brief History: Industrial Brush Corporation was founded in Arcadia, CA, in 1947. Over the years it has expanded from a single, small facility manufacturing brushes for washing California citrus to supplying a wide range of strip, staple set and other brush constructions from plants in Pomona, CA, and Lakeland, FL. 09 Interamerican Woods, Inc. P.O. Box 5357 Eugene, OR 97405 USA Phone: 541-485-7338 Fax: 541-683-0647 E-Mail: Web Site: Company Officers: O. Dean Lahr, President; Beverly Ann Lahr, Secretary/Treasurer Products: Wooden broom and mop handles, tool handles, plunger handles, etc. Brief History: Established in 1978, Interamerican Woods, Inc. imports wood dowels from Latin America (primarily Honduras) and Mexico for use as handles, table legs, and playground equipment. 09 Interwire Products 355 Main St. Armonk, NY 10504 USA Phone: 914-273-6633 Fax: 914-273-6510 Web Site: Products: Holding wire (galv., carbon, stainless steel) and staple wire (galv., carbon, stainless steel); filler material (fine carbon, oil tempered, stainless steel, brass inconel, phosbronze). Stainless and galvanized strip for metal

PAGE 41 backing brushes. 06 I Pulloma Paint 1 Day Lane Carpentersville, IL 60110 USA Phone: 847-426-4140 Fax: 847-426-7467 Company Officers: Hasu Kamdar, Ashvin Kamdar Products: Broom handle lacquers, colors, bristle stiffner, and reducer. 09 Jason Mills, LLC 440 South Main Street Milltown, NJ 08850 USA Phone: 732-651-7200 Fax: 732-651-7222 E-Mail: Web Site: Company Officers: Michael Lavroff, President Products: Five-inch mop mesh or any width variation of rachel knit polyesters or nylons. 09 The Jersey Jerry Broomsquire (Dr. Sam Moyer) 911 Larkspur Place S. Mt. Laurel, NJ 08054 USA Phone: 856-222-0713 E-Mail: Web Site: Products: 1). Broomcorn seed: Machine harvestable hybrids, free samples. 2). Simple Inventions: Photos and instructions for making broomcorn harvesting machine, deseeding/ threshing device, drying systems, broomcorn sizing device, portable kicker/wire winder broommaker, cord tensioner device, broom sewing press. 3). Publications: Booklet of instructions for making six designs of craft type brooms. “Book”: Six historic reprints on broomcorn and broommaking, early patents for simple machines and reprint of 1876 book and 1953 article. 4). Available for teaching craft schools, private apprenticeships, consulting at museums. Brief History: Growing broomcorn and making brooms with homemade equipment since 1977. Collaboration with Dr. Henry Hadley in Illinois since 1983 to develop machine harvestable hybrids. Special Features: Able to help entrepreneurs/economic development groups with the complete process of growing broomcorn/broommaking with low investment. Newsworthy Happenings: Crop was cut with tractor and sickle bar grass/hay mower. FREE: detailed growing/harvest report available on request by e-mail, book order, or stamped, selfaddressed envelope. 09 Jewel Wire Company Route 101 - P.O. Box 282 Pomfret, CT 06258 Phone: 860-928-6681

PAGE 42 Fax: 860-928-6768 E-Mail: Web Site: Products: Stainless steel, high fatigue power brush wire, scratch brush wire, and draw wire; also available, stainless steel and nickel silver staple wire along with stem wire. Jewel Wire offers a full line of wire products in the following material and alloys: Brass alloy 260, phosphor bronze alloy 510, nickel silver alloy 745, untempered high carbon steel, galvanized low carbon steel. All alloys are available straight (level), pin or gear crimped. Brief History: Jewel Wire Company has a rich history starting in 1948, when an Italian immigrant, named John Mustica started the business in his garage in New Jersey with two customers, Weiler Brush Co. and Osborn Manufacturing Co. Both continue to this day to be customers of Jewel Wire Co. In the early 1960s, Mustica sold his company to John Giannuzzi, with the same quality and integrity he continued to grow and prosper for the next 25 years. Under Giannuzzi, the business expanded to include stainless steel products. In the mid 1980s when Giannuzzi was ready to retire, he sold Jewel Wire Company to National Standard Company. At this time, it was moved to a larger facility in Mount Joy, PA, and continued to grow. The company would be sold one more time to Loos & Sons, Inc., and in 1993 moved to Pomfret, CT, where it is located today. The Loos family has continued to grow the company, and expanded its manufacturing facility in 2000. Jewel Wire Company is still focused on the original owner’s humble beginnings by offering a quality product and excellent customer service. Special Features: Standard packaging available; hanks, coils, precision cut to length, single strand and multi-stranded on spools and cores. Jewel Wire also offers packaging to customer specifications. 09 Jofel USA, LLC 12100 Crownpoint Dr., #110 San Antonio, TX 78233 USA Toll Free: 800-875-6335 (800 US Jofel) Phone: 210-227-3779 Fax: 210-227-3782 E-Mail: Web Site: Company Officers: Luis Gomez, President; Aurelio Velasco, Vice President; Gloria L. Daniel, Secretary/Treasurer Products: Manufacturer of dispensers for paper towels, roll towels, tissue, napkins, soap, trash receptacles, caution signs. Brief History: The parent company of Jofel USA is in Alicante, Spain, “Jofel Industrial.” It has been in business for over 38 years. Offices are in Europe, Brazil, Mexico, and the United States. Jofel USA is located in San Antonio, TX, and

BROOM, BRUSH & MOP serves North America and Canadian markets. Jofel USA has been in business since 1994. 09 Jones Companies, Ltd. 312 South 14th Ave. - P.O. Box 367 Humboldt, TN 38343 USA Phone: (Customer Service) 800-238-8334 (Sales) 877-849-2767 (Office) 731-784-2832 Fax: (Order) 800-235-9276 (Sales) 704-332-4494 (Office) 731-784-7131 E-Mail: Web Site: Company Officers: Ralph Jones III, President/ CEO; Richard Ayers, CFO; Andrew Dailey, VP Sales Products: Jones Companies, Ltd. produces the largest variety of yarns specifically engineered to meet the performance requirements of the floor care industry available from a single source. Jones’ yarns range in size from Ne 0.55 to Ne 6.0 yarns and include 100 percent cotton yarns, cotton/synthetic blend yarns, rayon blend yarns, polyester blend and recycled fiber blend yarns. In addition to the floor care yarns, Jones offers a complete line of tailband tape, headband mesh and sewing thread. Trademarked yarns include RF-Yarns™ Recycled Fiber yarns; EnviroColor™ Yarns and BIO-100™ yarn. Brief History: Established in 1936 by W.R. Jones, Sr., and W.F. Jones, Sr., Jones Companies, Ltd. is a third generation, closely held business located in west Tennessee. Since its beginnings, Jones has grown from a one room operation to a five plant facility separately housed in a half million square feet of production and warehouse space. Jones manufactures a wide range of coarse count yarns predominantly made from recycled mill waste. Jones is one of the largest spinners of coarse count yarns made specifically for the floorcare industry. In 1981, Jones expanded into structured nonwovens, operating as Jones Fiber Products. Today, JFP operates four production facilities. Jones global expansion includes a joint venture operation in Coimbatore, India. Jones & Noolkarar Textiles PVT., Ltd., began operation in late 2007. This facility produces cotton yarn and cut-end mop products. Special Features: As a market leader, Jones is the only yarn spinning supplier that supports all of the floor care industry’s associations including the American Brush Manufacturers Association - ABMA; National Broom & Mop Manufacturers Association - NBMMA; and the International Sanitary Supply Association ISSA with direct representation and active involvement. Jones actively participated in the development of the ASTM certified industry standards for brooms and mops. In addition to supplying quality products, its services include product testing, customer exclusive product development, sales training and market intelli-

June 2009 gence. More than just another supplier, the Jones team welcomes the opportunity to become a contributing partner in growth strategies. Newsworthy Happenings: Jones introduced for 2009 several new yarns tageting a variety of floor care market segments. Introducing the NEW 30/4 DREF Wrap Econo-Color™ yarn. Never before has the industry had access to color yarns specifically targeting limited use applications where historically only cotton cutend yarns were economically feasible. The blend of the 30/4 yarn is primarily a blend of cotton with synthetic fibers that extend the durability and enhance the performance. The 30/4 can enhance any cut-end mop product line to strengthen a customer’s position against imports. The updated 60/4 yarn has a rejuvenated blend with a lighter shade like the 600/4 yarn. The 60/4 yarn is produced as a wrap of premium fibers around a core of a more economical blend of cotton and synthetic fibers. The performance of this yarn is more suited for looped or cut-end mops without the requirement of launderability. The changes to this product secure its position as dependable yarn for medium demand applications. The New 600/4 is an intimate blend of cotton and synthetic fibers. DREF spinning produces a very even yarn for a superior appearance. Absorption and durability of this yarn is very near the performance of the 760/4 OE Premium Cotton Synthetic blend yarn. The 600/4 yarn has a new lighter shade which smoothes the coloration. This yarn is an ideal option for a more economical product with high performance demands. Similar to the 600 series yarn the new 2000/4 rayon blend yarn is an intimate DREF spun yarn developed specifically for looped and cut-end wet mopping applications. The yarn offers superior absorption without the break-in period required for peak performance on cotton blends. The 2000/4 yarn has a bright sheen and doesn’t stand second to any economy rayon blend yarn. The even and bulky appearance reflects the quality and performance requirements the market demands. 09 K.R. Plastic Industries Co., Ltd. Marketing Head Office: 1F No. 728 Chung Hwa Rd. Ho Mu Village Chung Pu, Chia Yi, Taiwan Phone: 886-5-2393687 Fax: 886-5-2396968 E-Mail: Web Site: Factory: 96 M.8 Laonadee Road T. Muangkao, Amphur Muang Khon Kaen, Thailand 40000 Phone: 66-43-324602-3, 325017-9

June 2009 Fax: 66-43-324604 E-Mail: Web Site: Products: Level Monofilament: hollow/solid; Profiles: round, cross, triangle, hexagon, star...etc. Other profiles as requested. Krex Taper Filament: pinex, trialoy, triex, manmade bristle such as squirrel, boar, badger, goat, Kolinsky, mongoose, weasel...etc. Material: PA6 / 66 / 610 / 612, PBT, PET, PP, TFP, PS, ABS, Victrex peek, copolymers, nodular, indicator, anti-static, anti-bacteria. Applications: toothbrush, hair brush, household & broom, industry brush, paintbrush, cosmetic & artist brush...etc. Other special brushes. Brief History: K: KKF is a fishing net factory with 35 years experience in Thailand. R: RS is a plastic extruding machine maker in Taiwan since 1950 with about 60 years machine fabricating experience. KKF & RS is a joint venture together in Thailand making all kinds of synthetic filaments for over 20 years. 07 Keystone Plastics Inc. 3451 South Clinton Avenue South Plainfield, NJ 07080 USA Phone: 908-561-1300 Fax: 908-561-5189 Web Site: Products: Extruded polypropylene filaments (custom color match) will meet exact specifications. Call Keystone for specific brush application at 1-800-635-1300. Fifty-plus year tradition of quality, innovation and service excellence. 06 Kiefer Brushes, Inc. 19 Park Dr. Franklin, NJ 07416 USA Toll-Free: 800-526-2905 Fax: 888-239-1986 Web Site: Products: Kiefer manufactures an extensive line of floor and push brooms and brushes including paintbrushes, oven brushes, wire brushes and bowl brushes. 05 Kwick Clean and Green, Ltd. 309 - 13395 76th Avenue Surrey, BC V3W 6K2 CANADA Phone: 604-591-9122 Fax: 604-591-9118 E-Mail: Web Site: Company Officers: Terry R. Douglas, President Products: Enviro Brush® products are manufactured in Surrey, BC, Canada. The Enviro Brush® is designed for painting enthusiasts who hate cleaning paintbrushes, have a penchant for saving money, and have a desire to use environmentally friendly paintbrush products. The distinct feature that differentiates the Enviro Brush® from traditional paintbrushes is the replace-

BROOM, BRUSH & MOP able bristle refill (bristle pack®). Benefits of the replaceable bristle refill include easy cleanup – simply remove the replaceable bristle refill and clean. Paint buildup in the ferrule is common with traditional paintbrushes, cleaning is a dreaded activity. The Enviro Brush® system applies tension to the bristle approximately 3/8 inch above the glue line to minimize paint buildup resulting in a fast and complete cleanup. If cleaning the replaceable bristle refill is not desirable, simply discard the replaceable bristle refill and replace with a new refill. 09 LaFitte Mop Co., Inc. P.O. Box 577 Villa Rica, GA 30180 USA Phone: 770-459-5966 Fax: 770-459-1116 Web Site: Company Officers: John LaFitte, President; Cathy LaFitte, Secretary/Treasurer Products: LaFitte Mop Co., Inc. manufactures (made in the USA) a broad line of wet mops, cottons, blends, rayons, and synthetics offered in narrow band, wide band, fan tail, looped-end, and screw type styles. It specializes in all types of dust mops from economy to high-end launderable diamond twist. Also offered are handles, brushes, brooms, frames, and the new microfiber products. Special Features: Private label, logos, UPC, bar coding, and OEM programs available. 06 Lambskin Specialties 250 Dufferin Avenue Winnipeg, MB R2W 5J1 CANADA Phone: 800-665-0202 Fax: 204-582-5598 E-Mail: Web Site: Company Officers: Albert Schultz, President; Myron Schultz and Melvyn Pollins, Directors Products: Leading supplier in the duster category; dust wand wool and feather dusters; synthetic and microfiber dusters; high dusting and floor dusting. Also, floor finish applicators, window care accessories, automotive care accessories. Company can also help design and manufacture exclusive products. 08 Lanoco Specialty Wire Products, Inc. 7 John Road Sutton, MA 01590 USA Phone: 508-865-1500 Fax: 508-865-5960 E-Mail: Web Site: Company Officers: Thomas S. O’Connor, President; John J. Lannon, Vice President Products: Manufacturer of high quality stainless steel wire for the power brush industry. Wire includes pin crimped, gear crimped, or straight in multiple strands, hanks, coils, cut to lengths, or bobbin form. Call for a quotation. 09

PAGE 43 Lemieux Spinning Mill, Inc. 125 Route 108 Est., C.P. 2039 St. Ephrem, Beauce QC G0M 1R0 CANADA Phone: 418-484-2169 Fax: 418-484-5561 E-Mail: Web Site: Company Officers: Serge Lemieux, President; Marc Lemieux, General Manager Products: Rayon blend white and colored mop yarn, Price-Wise economy synthetic white and colored mop yarn, dust control synthetic white and colored dust mop yarn. Rayon blend mop yarn treated with UltraFresh (antibacterial), cotton blend mop yarn, and exclusive and custom mop yarn. New Greentex mop yarn is an environmentaly friendly blend of recycled PET and postconsumer fiber. Brief History: Lemieux Spinning Mill’s history dates back to 1906 when J.A. Lemieux founded his business on first-rate service and top quality products. In 1945, Clément Lemieux took over the business from his father, carrying on a tradition of well-known expertise. Since 1986, Jean-Paul Lemieux and his sons, Marc and Serge, have made the company a worldclass manufacturer. At Lemieux, father and sons have always passed on the same philosophy of personalized service. With well-established experience, Lemieux’s vision is constantly focused on the future. No matter what the specific requirements or needs are, Lemieux Spinning Mills, Inc., has the team and resources to meet them. 09 Libman Company, The 220 N. Sheldon Street Arcola, IL 61910 USA Phone: 217-268-4200 Toll-Free: 800-646-6262 Fax: 217-268-4168 E-Mail: Web Site: Products: Complete line of brooms, brushes, wet and dust mops, specialty mops and related equipment such as dust pans and buckets. Virtually all products are manufactured in the USA for all commercial/industrial needs. 08 Line Mfg. Inc. P.O. Box 6505 Walcott, CT 06716 USA Phone: 203-879-1481 Fax: 203-879-1530 Web Site: Products: Broom caps for both wooden and tubular handles; ferrules for the kitchen and garden tool industry; threaded shells for the broom and mop industry; and all other deep drawn metal shells, stamping or ferrules for the abovementioned industries. Special Features: Line Manufacturing, Inc.,

PAGE 44 has the skills, experience and specialized machinery to produce precision custom, highvolume component parts from ferrous and non-ferrous metals to precise specifications. It can provide virtually any contour, shape and finish, adding distinction and individuality to products and designs. The company will produce them accurately, at a fair price, and deliver them where and when needed. 05 Lomont Molding, Inc. 1516 E. Mapleleaf Dr. Mt. Pleasant, IA 52641 USA Phone: 319-385-1528 Fax: 319-385-1533 E-Mail: Web Site: Company Officers: J.D. Schimmelpfennig, President; Denny Heaton, VP Sales; Jason Bender, VP Operations Products: Complete line of structural foam molded and injection molded brush blocks. Also, Lomont builds tools and custom molds, all types of plastic parts. 09 Magnolia Brush Manufacturers Ltd. P.O. Box 932 - 1001 N. Cedar Clarksville, TX 75426 USA Phone: 903-427-2261 Fax: 903-427-5230 E-Mail: Web Site: Products: Floor brushes, garage brushes, street brooms, scrub brushes, wet mops, dust mops, concrete finishing brushes, janitorial items, detail brushes, counter dusters, vehicle wash brushes, masonry brushes, paint brushes, utility brushes, floor squeegees, wax applicators, window brushes, corn brooms, hot dipped galvanized pails and tubs, variety of handles, wire scratch brushes. 08 Malish Corporation, The 4260 Hamann Parkway Willoughby, OH 44094 USA Phone: 440-951-5356 Fax: 440-951-0293 E-Mail: Web Site: Company Officers: Terry J. Malish, Chairman; Jeffrey J. Malish, President & CEO Products: Manufacturer of staple set brush products and extruded plastics. Specializing in powered rotary and cylindrical brushes along with custom products and maintenance and food service brushes. Extruder of custom plastic profiles and tubes up to 10 inch diameter for use by brush manufacturers within the industry. Brief History: In 1946, The Malish Brush and Specialty Company was founded by Mr. John P. Malish and Mrs. Pauline Malish and incorporated in May of 1948. Over the next few years, after various location changes due to the growth of the company, it was apparent that a larger

BROOM, BRUSH & MOP facility was needed. In the late 1960s, land was purchased on Hamann Parkway in Willoughby, OH. By April 1, 1971 The Malish Brush and Specialty Company was in the new location. In 1983, an additional 20,000 sq. ft. were added enabling the company to create a new production area as well as increase warehouse and office spaces. 1987 brought the addition of Extruded Plastics to the company’s product and manufacturing capabilities. There was another expansion in 1995, again increasing warehouse, machine shop, brush manufacturing and office space. At that time, the corporate name was formally changed to The Malish Corporation. 09 Manufacturers Resource, Inc. P.O. Box 720396 Atlanta, GA 30358 USA Phone: 770-491-0080 Fax: 770-491-0101 E-Mail: Products: Manufacturers Resource, Inc. provides all of the materials and machinery used to produce textile based mops. Materials include yarn, thread, tapes, fabrics, and machinery from the top manufacturers for wet mops, dust mops, tufted mops and pads. Tapes and threads for mattress production are also available. 02 MAPA Spontex, Inc. 100 Spontex Drive Columbia, TN 38401 USA Phone: 931-388-5632 Fax: 931-388-3714 Web Site: Products: Cellulose products from full blocks, special cut sheets, cut to size mops, finished complete store brand or private label sponge and scrubber programs. Complete line of liquid proof gloves: disposable latex and vinyl, household latex, and chemical resistant professional hardware home center gloves. Brief History: Spontex has been in the cellulose products business for over 50 years. As the world’s largest supplier of cellulose sponges, Spontex can offer many years of expert help in the cellulose market. Spontex has combined with MAPA to also offer a wide range of latex and other liquid-proof gloves to complement the sponge and scrubber line. Special Features: Spontex has added anti-bacterial technology, available in all of its cellulose material. 05 Marino Manufacturing 59 Talman Ct. Concord, Ontario L4K 4L5 CANADA Phone: 905-669-9949 Fax: 905-669-5750 Toll-Free: 800-265-6267 Web Site: Products: Brooms, brushes, mops, dust mops, mop handles, floor squeegees, dust pans, plastic

June 2009 bottles and trigger sprayers, food service products, washroom accessories, and more. 04 Marion Brush Mfg. 1685 7th Avenue Marion, IA 52302 USA Phone: 319-377-0167 Fax: 319-377-3208 E-Mail: Company Officers: Gary Bolden, President Products: Patented Chameleon Trac II rope brush, concrete finishing brushes, customized brushes for industrial equipment, full line of brushes. Brief History: Established in 1954. Manufacturer of specialized industrial brushes. Special Features: Manufacturer of the patented Chameleon Trac II concrete finishing brush (rope brush). 09 Paul Marsh LLC 654 Madison Avenue, Suite #2009 New York, NY 10065-8404 USA Phone: 212-759-9060 Fax: 212-319-6214 E-Mail:, or Web Site: Company Officers: Paul S. Marsh, Nelly S. Shoham, Raul A. Molina, Mike Verdu, Denise Zhang Products: China bristles, horse hair, fine hair, synethetic tapered filaments (all colors), mixtures for paintbrushes (synthetic filaments & natural bristles), machinery new and reconditioned, parts and service, paint roller winding, cutting and finishing machines, roller frames, paint roller fabrics, phenolic paper, adhesive, covers, extension poles, handles, ferrules, brush pins, epoxy resins, etc. Brief History: Founded in 1959 by Paul S. Marsh, the firm has grown steadily. Paul Marsh LLC is presently an international supplier to the brush and broom trade, serving manufacturers in over 40 countries. Diversified departments within the company now supply manufacturing and trading concerns in a wide range of industries. Newsworthy Happenings: Paul Marsh LLC is celebrating 50 years of excellence. The company’s greatest satisfaction is to be able to help customers and suppliers. 09 Mary Moppins 1083 Tyson Lane Eugene, OR 97404 USA Toll Free: 800-345-3934 Fax: 541-688-7195 Web Site: Company Officers: Mary Findley, CEO; Reid Findley, CFO; Caroline Cummins, Sales Manager Products: Mops, handles, wall cleaning pads, microfiber, degreaser, window cleaner, car wax, oxidation remover, leather cleaner, wood polish, hard water remover, terry towels, lint free towels,

June 2009 stain remover for grout. Brief History: After professionally cleaning homes, Mary Findley developed a new floor mop ideal for residential cleaning companies, small offices, medical offices, beauty and barber shops. Findley is a nationally recognized cleaning expert and carries a full line of green cleaning tools and cleaners. Special Features: Mary Moppins is dedicated to bringing customers the highest grade product for the best price. If customers can’t find the tools they need, Findley will find it for them. Newsworthy Happenings: Mops are a huge hit with nursing homes. They wash the towels in the morning, then spray the towels with disinfectant. Floors are mopped without buckets of water or rinsing. 09 MB Companies, Inc. 1615 Wisconsin Ave. / P.O. Box 200 New Holstein, WI 53061 USA Phone: 800-558-5800 Fax: 920-898-4588 E-Mail: Web Site: Company Officers: Bryan Peters, Power Broom Brush Replacements Business Unit Director Products: Power Broom Brush Replacements – flat wafers available in a variety of diameters, made of poly, wire or combination. Convoluted wafers also available in a variety of diameters and made of poly, wire or combo. Custom orders available. 09 MBK Maschinenbau GmbH Friedrich-List-Str. 19 88353 Kisslegg Bad.-Wuertt. GERMANY Phone: 0049-75 63-91 31-0 Fax: 0049-75 63-25 66 Web Site: Products: Machines for the production of paintrollers made of foam: drilling machine MBO, drill grinding machine, gluing machine MKL also available with Corona, splitting machine MSP, ejecting machine MAS, round off machine MAR, frame bending automat BBM, automated assembly machine for roller cores KMA, foam gluing machine MKE, roller supply RZ and supply hopper BF, pea-hole burning machine ERB. Machines for the production of paintrollers made of plush and lambskin: strip cutting machine STM and STM-R, plush cutting device PSE, turn over equipment SUV, tandem-turnover-machine SUM, drawing device SAV, roller winding automat RWA, roller assembly machine RMA, roller treating automat RBA, radiator plush roller winding automat HWA, radiator plush roller assembly automat HMA, production automat for radiator rollers HFA, roller supply RZ and supply hopper BF. Machines for the production of flat and round

BROOM, BRUSH & MOP paintbrushes: Flat paintbrush automat with automated adhesive dispenser FPA, automated cleaning and trimming machine for flat paintbrushes ABM-K and ABM-L also for synthetic fiber, inserting and stapling machine EHM extendible with printing device and packing unit, paintbrush packing automat PEA, tuft dividing machine BAM, bristle vibrator BAG, shearing and trimming machine ZSM, wall brush assembly device FME, round paintbrush automat RPA, production equipment for round paintbrushes RFA, round paintbrush assembling machine RPM, and cleaning and trimming machine for round paintbrushes RSA. Mixing, metering and dispensing machines: automated adhesive dispenser VGA; mixing, metering and dispensing machine for two-component resin systems MUD and MUD-R with adjustable mixing ratio. Brief History: MBK is a state-of-the-art, medium-sized engineering company located in Kisslegg in the Allgaeu (approx. 35 km northeast of Lindau on the Lake of Constance, Germany). In 1966, MBK started to produce its own range of machines for the concrete pipe industry and in 1985 Albert Pfender took over the management from his father. In 1992, the production program was extended with special machines for paintroller production. When Carl-Josef Weiland joined MBK in 1996, the company’s product range was enhanced with machines for the manufacture of paintbrushes. Weiland had been responsible for new developments and paintbrush machine construction for 17 years in the same company. Building on the long experience of this man in the manufacture of paintbrushes, MBK began to develop and build new, more efficient machines which have already found wide acceptance on the global paintbrush and paintroller market. Special Features: Maintenance and service for all types of machines, conversion and extension of machinery in stock. 09 MFC, Ltd. 1904 Freight Street Laredo, TX 78041 USA Phone: 956-724-5191 Fax: 956-725-8080 E-Mail: Web Site: Company Officers: David Kalisz Products: Tampico fibers, union mix, semipatent fiber, palmyra, bassine, horsehair, horsehair mixtures with tampico fiber and/or synthetic. Boar bristle mixtures (natural and/or with synthetics), paintbrush mixtures of synthetic and natural bristles. Tipping, flagging, mixing and dyeing of taper synthetic fiber for paintbrush industry. Also rice (broom) root and metal handles. Brief History: MFC, Ltd., with roots as a supplier to brush manufacturers going back over 100 years, is proud to continue to provide cus-

PAGE 45 tomers with quality products and excellent service at competitive prices. 08 Michigan Brush Mfg. Co., Inc. 7446 Central Avenue - P.O. Box 10247 Detroit, MI 48210-0247 USA Phone: 313-834-1070 Fax: 313-834-1070 Toll-Free: 800-642-7874 E-Mail: Web Site: Company Officers: Bruce M. Gale, President/ Managing Director Products: Specializing in all types of brooms, brushes, mops, squeegees, paint rollers and related products. Special order products for machinery and equipment including oversize paint rollers, brushes, and squeegees are available. Prototypes and long or short runs invited. 08 Microfiber Solutions, Inc. 7484 University Ave., Suite 230 La Mesa, CA 91941 USA Toll Free: 866-463-1557 Fax: 619-330-2114 E-Mail: Web Site: Company Officers: Ira F. Sutton, President/ CEO; Cary Sutton, Vice President; Robert Holiday, Secretary/Treasurer Products: Microfiber cleaning products; complete mopping systems – four separate styles in all sizes. Eight different mop pad styles with various colors. Microfiber cleaning towels for wet and dry use, seven styles, many sizes and colors; microfiber carpet bonnets, three different sizes; microfiber sponge and applicator pads; microfiber mitts and gloves; microfiber Hi-duster systems with flexible wands and extension pole/handles; microfiber optical cloths; microfiber hand-held dusters; complete line of automotive microfiber products; mop buckets, cars, and signage; complete line of jan/san microfiber products; and complete line of aviation and marine microfiber products. Brief History: In business since 1998. The company currently markets products into 11 different countries, and operates three warehouse locations to complete service. Products produced in Korea and China. Special Features: The company offers a “custom order” division that allows customers to order any product in any size or color. Packaging and private label features are provided. The company does not retail its products, nor share its customer base with anyone. It normally ships orders within 24-48 hours, and to any location worldwide. It is happy to quote on any microfiber product, both existing or new ideas and concepts. In addition, it operates a military division that services all military PX’s and exchanges, as well as all federal agencies. Newsworthy Happenings: The company has

PAGE 46 spoken to over 18 groups around the United States and written six articles on microfiber. Its factory has been cited for innovative products and development of products into the cleaning industry. 09 Mill-Rose Company, The 7995 Tyler Blvd. Mentor, OH 44060 USA Phone: 440-255-9171 Fax: 440-255-5039 E-Mail: Web Site: Company Officers: Paul Miller, President Products: The Mill-Rose Company is suited to manufacture brushes as tiny as .018” in diameter to 15” wire wheel brushes, using a diverse range of metals and both natural and synthetic fibers for bristle material. Production runs vary from high-volume standard or custom orders to small-volume specialty orders. Style and types of brushes include, but are not limited to, twisted-in-wire, strip brushes, staple set, end, cup, wheel, drawn and more. Mill-Rose offers a complete range of standard materials (high carbon, stainless steel, brass, bronze, nylon, bristle) etc., a variety of animal hair, and more. Also offered is aluminum silicate, and different grits of diamond-mixed aluminum oxide and silicon carbide, as well as different grits of plain aluminum oxide and silicon carbide. History: The Mill-Rose Company is the largest U.S. manufacturer of twisted-in-wire brushes used in virtually every type of industry throughout the world. Mill-Rose experienced significant growth from its humble beginning in 1919, and today operates manufacturing and warehouse facilities throughout the United States and Mexico. A 64,000- square-foot production facility in Mentor, OH, and 33,000-square-foot production facility in Mexico feature the latest manufacturing techniques and quality-control programs. Production is complemented by a 70,000-square-foot distribution center with state-of-the-art inventory management and distribution. Special Features: The Mill-Rose Company specializes in designing and manufacturing brushes used in new and unique applications. Many of these brushes do not actually brush, and are used in all types of manufacturing where off-the-shelf brushes simply don’t work. Applications include static dissipation, material handling, augers, heat sinks, filters and more. These unBrushes® can be made to any size and shape, and produced in any quantity. unBrushes® can be manufactured to customer drawings, or designed and manufactured by Mill-Rose. 08 Milwaukee Dustless Brush / Gordon Brush Wisconsin, LLC 1632 Hobbs Drive, Unit C Delavan, WI 53115 USA

June 2009 Phone: 323-724-7777 Toll-Free: 800-632-3220 Fax: 323-724-1111 E-Mail: Web Site: Company Officers: Kenneth L. Rakusin, Manager Products: A full line of maintenance tools and brushes for the janitorial and industrial supply markets, including: Speed Sweep® floor brushes, Speed Squeegee® floor squeegees, Speedy Corn® upright brooms, Speedy Mop® selfwringing cellulose sponge mops, hand held utility brushes, counter dusters, deck scrubs and vehicle washing brushes. HySWEEP™ hygienic cleaning tools are not only manufactured with a compression lock handle system but also meet the hygienic requirements of the food processing, healthcare, agriculture and safety industries. A full line of replacement brooms are offered for both mechanical and air street sweeping equipment, including: Speed Sweep® tube-type main brooms, Tuft Sweep™ tufted main broom strips, gutter brooms, wafer segments, vacuum sweeper extension brooms. Custom designed brush capabilities include staple-set cylindrical brushes. Brief History: Milwaukee Dustless Brush Co. was founded in 1897 in Milwaukee, WI. The original “Dustless” floor brush included a reservoir in the brush back which fed a sweeping fluid to the floor surface. This design was highly effective in preventing dust and dirt from rising into the air. Over the years, Milwaukee Dustless Brush has improved upon the “original” dustless brush concept and has become a leading innovator in janitorial brush design and production. Satisfying customers’ changing needs with superior product design serves as the driving force behind the company’s growth. Company Statement: In December 2005, Gordon Brush Wisconsin, LLC purchased the assets of Milwaukee Dustless Brush and has since moved the manufacturing from Milwaukee, WI, to an ultramodern facility in Delavan, WI. In its continued pursuit to efficiently manufacture the highest quality products, Gordon Brush Wisconsin, LLC has invested in state-of-the-art brush/broom machinery which, when combined with over 100 years of brush manufacturing knowledge, will keep the company at the forefront of the janitorial brush manufacturing industry. 06 Thomas Monahan Co., The 202 N. Oak Arcola, IL 61910 USA Phone: 217-268-4955 Fax: 217-268-3113 E-Mail: Web Site: Company Officers: Jim, Pat, Tim, Jon, Chris and Dave Monahan Products: The Thomas Monahan Company is

the parent of the Monahan family of companies – Handles USA (metal handles), Brush Fibers, Inc. (natural and synthetic filaments), Monahan Filaments (synthetic filaments), and Whitley Monahan Handles Company (wood handles). See separate listings for these companies in this issue. The Thomas Monahan Companies manufacture and sell component parts for the manufacture of brooms and mops. They have proven sources in the USA, China, Mexico and around the world. The Monahan Company has a large selection of metal and plastic wet mop hardware and dust mop frames and connectors. It sells broom braces, and offers microfiber pads and bases. Monahan offers dust mop heads and specialty wet mops including non-wovens, spunlace, microfiber and now, bamboo yarn mops. The Thomas Monahan Company is a OEM manufacturer of non-woven mops, self-wringing mops, and a wide variety of mopsticks, especially for the janitorial trade. It makes roller mops, metal and plastic hinge mops and butterfly mops as well as sells the component parts. It carries a full line of fiberglass handles which feature a swivel cap and threads, including a flexible thread. Through its Whitley Monahan Handles Company, Monahan offers quality handles in pine and hardwoods in clear lacquer, painted or plain sanded, with tapers, tennons or threads, in all standard diameters and lengths. The company is the exclusive distributor of Bamwood – a manufactured wood made from bamboo. Through its Brush Fibers and Monahan Filament companies, Monahan manufacturers synthetic filaments and sells them along with natural fibers to the brush industry. The Thomas Monahan Company sells broomcorn and natural filler fibers, broom heads (both natural and plastic angle brooms) and broom supplies. The company also offers products from foreign sources on a container load basis for direct shipment at nice savings. Brief History: The company has been a family business since 1922, now managed by its fourth generation of Monahans. Company Statement: The Thomas Monahan Co. stands behind everything it sells. The company prides itself on fast, courteous service. 09 Monahan Filaments 3046 Case Street Middlebury, VT 05753 USA Toll Free: 800-451-3448 Phone: 802-388-4956 Fax: 802-388-3522 E-Mail: Web Site: Products: Monahan Filaments manufactures a broad selection of synthetic filaments for the brush and monofilament industry. The various

June 2009


sizes and materials utilized are used in industrial, automotive, personal care, construction, paint, and janitorial markets. Materials used include polypropylene, polyethylene, polyester, nylon 6, 6.6, 6.10 and 6.12 polystyrene, and PVC. Abrasive nylon, impregnated with various minerals, are supplied to industrial markets and many other specialty materials are produced for unique applications. Monahan Filaments has added the capability of producing PET filaments made from certified post-consumer waste. Newsworthy Happenings: Monahan Filaments, a division of The Thomas Monahan Company, produces its products in Middlebury, VT, as well as from a new plant in Arcola, IL. Founded in 1922, TMCO is a leading supplier to the broom, brush and mop industry. Monahan Filaments has also become the exclusive North American representative of products produced by Tai Hing Nylon Filament Products Co., Ltd., of Hong Kong. 09 Mount Joy Wire Corp. 1000 E. Main Street Mount Joy, PA 17552 USA Toll-Free: 800-321-2305 Phone: 717-653-1461 Fax: 717-653-6144 E-Mail: Web Site: Company Officers: Tom Duff, President; George Belforti, Director of Sales & Marketing; Jon Stine, Director of Tech Services Products: Wide range of brush products. All sizes of tempered and un-tempered brush wire with full capabilities in gear crimping, pin crimping, bunching, and cutting in hanks. Complete line of carbon steel wire products. 09

Mr. LongArm P.O. Box 377 Greenwood, MO 64034 USA Phone: 816-537-6777 Fax: 816-537-6162 E-Mail: Web Site: Company Officers: Deré Newman, President Products: Mr. LongArm offers one of the widest selection of utility and extension handles in the world. Handles are constructed of a variety of materials, including CFT (Continuous Fiber Thermoplastics), aluminum, fiberglass and steel. The locking mechanisms to choose from include internal cam twist-locks, external chuck and collets, positive locks, or new, patented bidirectional compression locks. The materials used for the 3/4 inch (2 cm) “universal” threads include nylar and die cast metal (the metal threads feature the patented Lok-Step which prohibit tools from loosening during use). The company offers two styles of nylar tapered ends – a European and a standard tapered yoke. In addition to handles, the company also manufactures paint sundry items such as Smart-Lok roller frame and a variety of applicator pads. Products manufactured for the janitorial industry include window squeegees and the patented ProCurve Window Cleaning System. The company also makes water-fed handles and flow-through brushes, letter changers and nonconductive light bulb changers. Brief History: The first aluminum extension handle was invented by R.D. Newman (now the chairman of the board for Mr. LongArm) in 1958. The idea came to him while he was making a sales call. He saw a paint contractor struggle with taping a paint roller frame to a piece of electrical conduit. When Newman returned home, he formed the company that would

PAGE 47 become Mr. LongArm and began manufacturing the first known extension handles. These telescoping poles have evolved over the years and Mr. LongArm’s research and development departments continue to make great strides in product enhancements. The quality and dependability of these products are ensured by the company’s involvement in all aspects of manufacturing, including the use of its own injection-molding and fiberglass pultrusion systems. It has expanded the product line to include applicators and other accessories that attach to them. Products are still manufactured in Greenwood, MO. Special Features: Mr. LongArm is a leading innovator in telescoping extension handles, holding over 40 patents. 06 National Wire and Metal Technologies, Inc. 200 Harrison Street Jamestown, NY 14701 USA Phone: 716-661-9180 Fax: 716-661-9189 E-Mail: Web Site: Company Officers: Bump Hedman, President; Tammy Snyder, Vice President; John Hedman, Vice President of Operations; Luci Hedman, Treasurer Products: Twist Mops, dust mops, sponge mops, roller mops, butterfly mops, commercial metal wet mops, broom braces, brush scrapers. Other product lines and capabilities include metal stamping, wire forming, welding, tool and die capabilities, assembly and metal finishing operations. Brief History: The Hedman Family and its ancestors have been manufacturing since 1904. The original manufacturing company was started by Glenn Greene Sr. and then carried on by

Monahan Filaments Becomes Exclusive Representative Of Tai Hing In North America An agreement was reached on March 24, 2009, between Monahan Filaments, a subsidiary of The Thomas Monahan Company, and Tai Hing Nylon Filament Products Co., Ltd. of Hong Kong. Under the terms of this agreement, Monahan Filaments is now an exclusive representative of products produced by Tai Hing for the North American market, effective immediately. Tai Hing, an ISO 9001 certified producer of filaments in nylon, polyester and other engineered resins, has been in operation since 1985. The company is recognized for quality products and product innovation. The Lasson Brand of nylon is well established globally as are the company’s other filaments including chemically-

tipped polyester. Monahan Filaments, with locations in Middlebury, VT, and Arcola, IL, produces synthetic filaments for industrial, personal care, paint, construction and other markets. “We are extremely pleased to announce this strategic alliance, and view Tai Hing as a perfect partner for the future. Under the terms of the agreement, the companies will cross-market products wherever it makes sense for the local markets and customers,” announced Brian Crawford, Monahan’s director of sales and marketing. “Working with The Thomas Monahan Company to serve the North American brush industry is our great pleasure. There are benefits for both our companies and

Shown are William Lau of Tai Hing, Brian Crawford of Monahan Filaments and Wilson Lau of Tai Hing with agreement.

our customers,” added Wilson Lau, director of Tai Hing Nylon Filament Products Co., Ltd.


June 2009

his children. Through the years, the Hedman Family pursued other paths and in 1999 decided to work together in starting their own manufacturing company. In March of 2000, the family formed National Wire and Metal Technologies, Inc., which now employs approximately 50 people in the Jamestown, NY, area. The company plans to continue to grow and diversify its customer base, along with improving current product lines and manufacturing processes. It also will be continuing to expand into new product lines and potentially creating new manufacturing capabilities. Special Features: The company manufactures sponge mops and other cleaning products for large companies such as Rubbermaid, O-Cedar Brands, and Butler Home Products. Many of the mops that are available at commercial distributors and major retailers such as Kmart, WalMart, Target and grocery stores are produced in Jamestown. Newsworthy Happenings: New items added to the company’s line this year are The Magic Eraser style sponge mop and the T-Bar. 09

Brands. The new company, Nexstep Commercial Products, is the exclusive licensee of O-Cedar for the commercial products. Its products are manufactured and distributed out of its two main facilities located in the Midwest. The company is totally dedicated to providing its customers with innovative, top quality products at very competitive prices and with worldclass customer service and flexibility. The product slogan “O-Cedar Makes Your Life Easier®” exemplifies Nexstep Commercial Products (the exclusive licensee of O-Cedar) commitment and know-how to make cleaning quicker and easier for today’s operators/endusers. Special Features: Nexstep Commercial Products, the exclusive licensee of O-Cedar, launched a complete line of “green” solutions, as exemplified by the distinguished “Green Environmentally Designed Products” seal of approval in 2008. The line consists of everything from wet mops and dustmops through bamboo handles and MaxiPlus™ microfiber cleaning bonnets. 08

Nation/Ruskin, Inc. 206 Progress Drive Montgomeryville, PA 18936 USA Phone: 267-654-4000 Fax: 267-654-4010 E-Mail: Company Officers: Ray Adolf, Sandy Adolf, Alex Adolf Products: Paint sundries: sponges, staining pads, paint strainers, gloves, cheesecloth, tack cloth, dust masks, painters rags, terry towels, shop towels, glass towels, industrial towels, mitts, tarps. 09

Norshel Industries, Inc. 2933 River Rd. Croydon, PA 19021 USA Toll Free: 800-355-MOPS Fax: 215-788-5225 E-Mail: Web Site: Company Officers: Eric Leibowitz, President; Norman Leibowitz, CEO; Aaron Leibowitz, Secretary Products: Wet mops, handles, dust mops, brushes, dust pans, poly and corn brooms. 06

Nexstep Commercial Products, Exclusive Licensee of O-Cedar 131 N. Railroad Avenue Paxton, IL 60957 USA Phone: 217-379-2377 Fax: 217-379-9901 E-Mail: Web Site: Products: A complete line of commercial cleaning products... brooms (handle and traditional upright), floor sweeps, brushes (utility, counter, scrub and bowl), wet mops (traditional), mops (self-wringing, sponge and roller), dust mops, microfiber (cloths, wet mops, dust mops, dusters, bonnets, heads/holders, etc.), squeegees (floor and window), dusters, carpet sweepers, bonnets, rotary brushes, pad drivers, hardware for rotary brushes, carts and mop buckets and wringers. Brief History: Long-time industry experts Todd Leventhal and Stan Koschnick - both executives with O-Cedar Brands and Viking Industries with more than 60 years combined experience in the cleaning industry - bought the commercial division in 2003 from O-Cedar

Northeast Ltda. Rua Lisboa, 453-000 Sao Paulo S.P. 05413-000 BRAZIL Phone (U.S.): 917-842-5062 Phone: 55 11 3085 4955 Fax: 55 11 3081 2176 E-Mail: Web Site: Company Officers: Michael Grossman, Daniel Dzegar Products: FSC and non-FSC wooden handles; softwood and hardwood, all finishing available: sanded, lacquered or painted; all accessories such as metal threaded tips, thread on wood, tenon, domed, plastic caps, etc. available, as are barcodes and private labels. All packing available including strip pack, box pack, etc. Metal handles and angle brooms are also available. Brief History: Northeast, over the last five years, has developed into a prime resource for wooden handles during lean times as well as times of plenty. Quality and timliness of shipping has become synonymous with Northeast. Newsworthy Happenings: During 2008, Malinski Madeiras purchased an FSC certified mill in southern Brazil, believing that the future

of wood is in legal renewable and smart logging. 09 O’Dell Corporation, The 13833 Indian Mound Road P.O. Box 540 Ware Shoals, SC 29692 USA Toll-Free: 800-342-2843 Fax: 800-445-1533 E-Mail: Web Site: Company Officers: John Stroud, President; William B. “Chip” O’Dell, COO; Michelle Harrison, VP Operations Products: Wet mops; dust mops; microfiber cleaning systems; microfiber wet and dry pads; microfiber cloths; deck mops; handles; janitorial accessories; brooms and brushes; dusters polywool, lambswool, synthetic, microfiber; squeegees; carpet bonnets; environmentally friendly cleaning tools - wet mops, dust mops, handles, disposable biodegradable dry dusting sheets. Brief History: O’Dell Mop and Broom Company, founded in 1945 by returning veteran William O’Dell Sr., began with one broom making machine, one deck mop winder, and one wood-paneled station wagon for deliveries. O’Dell made a commitment to produce the highest quality cleaning products and give his customers the best service possible. That commitment to service still stands after over 60 years. The O’Dell Corporation has grown at a steady pace since 1945, and it is now one of the leaders in the cleaning products industry. Company officials believe that quality, prompt service, and fair cost are factors upon which customers depend. The company provides custom manufacturing and packaging, and private labeling along with outstanding customer service. Special Features: In 1995, O’Dell Corp. used company land and established a 1,000 acre tree farm – which today can supply enough oxygen for 16,200 people a year. The company also converted to 100 percent green power in 2007, and is an EPA 100 percent Green Power Partner. O’Dell uses corn-based, PLA packing film where available, and recycles all corrugated, plastic, paper and textile waste. It established the EchoLive® of environmentally-friendly cleaning tools to make a stand for responsible, sustainable product design. O’Dell plans to make full use of new, sustainable technologies an ideas as they arise. Newsworthy Happenings: June 2008 - 1st company in our industry certified as carbon neutral by Leonardo Academy CICI Program. EPA 100 percent Green Power Partner. April 2009 - O’Dell launches the Rewind Mop Recycling Program, the first take-back recycling program in the cleaning industry. 09 Offshore Milling Services 8968 SW Joe Court Tigard, OR 97223 USA Phone: 503-244-1516

June 2009 Fax: 503-452-9855 E-Mail: Web Site: Company Officers: Mary A. Inman, President; Dave Inman, Vice President Products: Screws, nuts, bolts, washers, stamped parts, steel, stainless, brass. Brief History: Offshore Milling Services, Inc. has more than 20 years of experience importing special threaded fasteners and other products from overseas. The company has strong relationships with many foriegn factories and an in-depth knowledge of their products and capabilities. This real-life expertise guarantees that the company can pay attention to every detail of an order and ensures customers will get the best product at the best price, the first time. Special Features: The company has long-term relationships with suppliers. It helps to have a guide to foreign manufacturers. The company has built long-term relationships with foreign suppliers over many years. Factories trust Milling Services and the company trusts them to deliver a quality product at a quality price. That benefits customers, impacting bottom lines and increasing profitability. 09 PADCO Inc. 220 Elm St., SE Minneapolis, MN 55414 USA Phone: 612-378-7270 Toll Free: 800-328-5513 Fax: 612-378-9388 Web Site: Products: One of the fastest, most efficient floor finish applicators available. For hardwood, resilient, vinyl, concrete, tile, and stone finishes and coatings. Padco t-bar floor coaters’ cushioned squeegee action applies a smooth, flawless finish with water-borne, wax, and mild solvent coatings, in a fraction of the time of traditional applicators. Normal application rate is 10,000 square feet per hour with no streaks or bubbles. Padco offers a full line of floor finish applicators, trim pads, extension poles, trays and accessories. Visit 05 Paint Brush Corporation 27 West Cherry Street - P.O. Box 371 Vermillion, SD 57069 USA Phone: 605-624-8601 Fax: 605-624-6909 E-mail: Company Officers: Leslie Rose Johnson, President Products: Paintbrushes for the professional, as well as automotive parts cleaning brushes. Worldwide distribution, available. Paint Brush Corporation is now in its 63rd year. 09 Paragon Mop Company 4401 Wilkinson Boulevard Charlotte, NC 28208 USA Phone: 704-391-7525

BROOM, BRUSH & MOP Fax: 704-391-7437 E-Mail: Web Site: Company Officers: William D. Cooksey, President; C. L. Chappell, Vice President Products: A full line mop manufacturer offering standard cut-end wet mops, premium loop mops, a wide variety of dust mops, corn brooms, handles for wet mops and dust mops, dust mop frames and carpet bonnets. The company’s flexible manufacturing capabilities, quality, service, and competitive prices set the standard for proven, reliable performance. 09 Patrick Yarn Mills, Inc. 501 York Road Kings Mountain, NC 28086 USA Phone: 704-739-4119 Fax: 704-739-9276 E-Mail: Web Site: Products: Patrick Yarn Mills offers a complete product line of high quality yarns for wet mops, dust mops and finish mops. The company’s modern manufacturing facilities produce cotton yarns, synthetic blends, and specialty mop yarns, including anti-microbial and microfiber products. 06 Paul Brothers & Co. Bros India Group Muhamma Post-688 525 Alleppey, Kerala 688 525 INDIA Phone: 91 478 2862731 Fax: 91 478 2862648 E-Mail: Web Site: Company Officers: K.P. John, B.Com., F.C.A. Managing Director; John Paul, Exports Director; John Jose, Exports Director Products: Natural palmyra fiber; oiled palmyra fiber; bassine (dyed palmyra fiber); MSUD and PSUD; palmyra stalks (natural and dyed); regular natural stalks (RNS); extra fine natural stalks (EFS); mixtures of palmyra fiber and stalks (50/50, 60/40, 70/30); union mixture of tampico and palmyra fiber (50/50, 60/40); natural floor furnishing of coir, jute, rubber; cotton (mats, matting rolls, rugs and carpets); erosion control products; rubber wood brush backs; house and kitchen wares; horticultural and green house products. Brief History: Established in 1978 and specialized in natural brush fiber production and exports, Paul Brothers & Co. is the brush fiber division of Bros India Group founded in 1932. It takes only 35 days after order to deliver full container loads of brush fiber in Europe and 45 days to U.S.A., Mexico, Brazil and 30 days to China, Australia and Far East. The company gives proper attention to keep up supplier quality, good packing, safe shipments, prompt delivery and service. Special Features: The group of companies include – Brothers Coir Mills Pvt. Ltd., Agro

PAGE 49 Brothers Coir Company and Paul Brothers & Co. Each incorportes huge production standards and abiding the environmental guidelines set under the I.S.O. 9001-2000. Newsworthy Happenings: Holds first position in exports of palmyra fiber from south India. Innovator of poly union mix. 09 PelRay International, LLC 610 Lanark Drive #202 San Antonio, TX 78218 USA Phone: 210-757-4640 Fax: 210-650-8103 E-Mail: Web Site: Company Officers: Michael McKenzie, CEO; Ray LeBlanc, COO; Bart Pelton, CFO; David McGee, Sales Manager Products: Raw materials – natural fibers: broomcorn, yucca, palmyra, and tampico; mop yarns: cotton, rayon, microfiber, PET; wood handles: hardwood, pine as well as FSC handles; metal handles: plastic coated and powder painted; mop and brush hardware. Finished items – imported plastic angle brooms, mop handles, corn brooms, deck mops, push brooms, and brushes all made to customer specifications. Also offered are mop buckets, wet floor signs, floor and window squeegees, and more. Brief History: PelRay International was started in October 2008 to serve manufacturers of brooms, mops, and brushes worldwide. Although it is a new company, its managers and sales staff each have over 20 years experience in the industry and over 100 years combined. The company’s staff is ready to serve customers easily in spanish or english. Hablamos expañol. Newsworthy Happenings: From PelRay’s new warehouse in San Antonio, TX, shipments can reach customers anywhere in the continental United States, Mexico or Canada in less than a week. 09 Perfex Corporation 32 Case Street Poland, NY 13431 USA Phone: 315-826-3600 Fax: 315-826-7471 E-Mail: Web Site: Products: Brooms, brushes and mops. 09 PFERD Advance Brush 30 Jytek Drive Leominster, MA 01453 USA Toll Free: 800-342-9015 Fax: 978-840-6421 E-Mail: Web Site: Products: Maintenance brooms; handles; squeegees; utility brushes; flue, pipe, roller brushes; paintbrushes; rollers and accessories; scratch brushes; polishing tools; custom brushes.

PAGE 50 Brief History: Founded as Manufacturer’s Brush Co. in 1911, in Cleveland, OH, the company catered to the newly industrialized U.S. economy. Subsequently renamed Advance Brush in the 1960s, it was acquired by Milwaukee Brush in 1984. Both brands continued. In 1997, Milwaukee Brush was acquired by PFERD INC., a subsidiary of August Rüggeberg GmbH, Germany, a worldwide producer of hand finishing abrasives, brushes and power tools. Special Features: While offering an extremely broad variety of industrial quality brushes, it is part of the larger PFERD family of hand finishing products allowing both users and distributors to consolidate their vendor base. Newsworthy Happenings: The Milwaukee Brush brand name was folded into Advance Brush Brand, the sole brand under which the company goes to market. 08 Phillips Brush 2202 Superior Ave. Cleveland, OH 44114 USA Phone: 216-621-0992 Fax: 216-621-4994 E-Mail: Web Site: Company Officers: B. Simon, President Products: Hair brushes – professional styling brushes for salons. 09 Plasticfibre S.P.A. Via Emilia 309/A Anzola Emilia (BO) 60011 ITALY Phone: 00-39-051-739762 Fax: 00-39-051-735519 E-Mail: Web Site: Company Officers: Cristiana Cerati, Sales Manager Products: Manufacturers of quality synthetic fibers since 1959 including PVC, PP, PET, PBT, PS, SAN, PE and Nylon. 09 Pleasant Valley Broom 22941 487th Ave. Flandreau, SD 57028 USA Phone: 605-997-3306 Fax: 605-997-3162 Company Officers: Andrew Tschetter, President; Chris Hofer, Vice President Products: The company makes warehouse brooms, regular house brooms, a poly broom house broom size, wisk brooms, toy brooms – all out of 100 percent broom corn except for the poly brooms. 09 Pogliani SRL Via A. Volta 7/A Costamasnaga (LC) 23845 ITALY Phone: ++39031856986 Fax: ++39031856273 E-Mail: Web Site:

BROOM, BRUSH & MOP Products: Main products supplied by Pogliani SRL are synthetic filaments like solid and hollow polyester, nylon, PP and polyethylene; tapered filaments for paint, cosmetic and toothbrushes; natural fibers as tampico, broom root, coco, palmyra, horse hair, bristles and mixtures; wire such as galvanized steel wire for stapling, brass wire, nickel silver, copper coated - both round and flat - stainless steel, phosphorous bronze, wire for twisted-in-wire. New products: stainless steel wire, polyurethane coated for interdental brushes; KREX® GEMINI coextruded tapered filaments for paint, cosmetic and toothbrushes. Brief History: Pogliani SRL is a reference point for all producers of brooms, brushes and paintbrushes. This company can offer high quality products and excellent service. Founded at the beginning of the 20th century, Pogliani SRL has developed and evolved and now is able to offer a wide range of products. 09 Pro Roller Co., Inc. #1 Industrial Drive Pacific, MO 63069 USA Phone: 636-271-2008 Toll Free: 800-325-9561 FAX: 636-271-2843 E-Mail: Web Site: Company Officers: James Niehoff, President; Thomas Niehoff, Vice President; Patricia Oates, Vice President Products: Paint roller covers, roller frames, paint trays, cigar covers, paintbrushes, chip brushes, assorted paint sundries. Brief History: Pro Roller Co. was started by Jack Niehoff, in 1953. From the beginning of the company 53 years ago in a small basement until the present location, a modern factory in a suburb of St. Louis, MO, the company’s aim has been constant. Pro Roller Co. has the finest roller covers at a reasonable price. It is now in its second and third generations and still familyowned and managed. Special Features: Pro Roller now has a full line of paint applicators with the edition of paintbrushes. They range from retail-type to top-ofthe-line professional. Initial sales have been excellent with great customer satisfaction. Newsworthy Happenings: In 2008, Pro Roller became a distributor of T.S. Simms paintbrushes. T.S. Simms is a 150-year-old manufacturer of paintbrushes. 09 Proveedora Mexicana De Monofilamentos, S.A. De C.V. (PMM) Oriente 217 No. 190 Mexico City, D.F., 08500 MEXICO Phone: 001 (52 55) 55 58 6502 Toll-Free: 1-877-202-9320 Fax: 001 (52 55) 55 58 4483 E-Mail:

June 2009 Web Site: Company Officers: Enrique Mejia, General Manager; Dennise Silva, Sales Manager; Cynthia Sauza, Sales Executive U.S. & Canada Products: PMM produces synthetic engineered monofilaments for the brush industry. It offers nylon 6.12, nylon 6, nylon 6.6, nylon 6 plus, polyester PBT, polethylene and polypropylene filaments in a wide range of calipers and colors. It specializes in critical applications, where consistency and quality are a must. 09 Quinn Broom Works, Inc. 1527 IL Rt. 121 P.O. Box 575 Greenup, IL 62428 USA Phone: 217-923-3181 Fax: 217-923-5150 E-Mail: Web Site: Company Officers: Mark D Quinn, President Products: All types of wound, nail, kitchenette, whisk and toy brooms. Corn brooms manufactured to customers’ specifications. 09 Ravi Industries Limited 252/A Kurunduwatte Road, Ekala, Ja Ela Colombo, SRI LANKA Phone: 94 11 4974711 Fax: 94 11 2232874 E-Mail: Web Site: Company Officers: R.R.I. Fonseka, Managing Director; T. Wijeyanandan, Commercial Manager; R.R.A.N.D. Ranatunge, Assistant Commercial Manager Products: All types of banisters, brooms, push brooms, scrubs, tick brushes, roma deck brushes, squeegees, toilet brushes, pot wash brushes, truck wash brushes, paste brushes, driveway applicators and other brushes to customer specifications with coco fiber, arenga fiber, tampico fiber, palmyra, mix fiber and synthetic monofilaments. Brief History: Ravi Industries Ltd. (RIL) was established in 1962. The Hayleys Group of Companies acquired this small company, formed by a few partners, to cater to the needs of the local market in 1975. In the same year, RIL commenced exporting of brushes. And in 1976, B.V. Borstelfabriek VERO of Holland acquired a share in Ravi Industries Ltd. VERO is a producer of brushes and brooms in Europe. With the vast experience of B.V. Borstelfabriek VERO in manufacturing and marketing, RIL was able to venture out into the global market with high quality brushes. Special Features: RIL specializes in manufacturing and exporting of brushes and brooms and has been in operation for the last 45 years. Essentially, RIL manufactures both domestic and industrial brushes using mainly rubber timber backs. It also manufactures a plastic range, using polypropylene backs. Brush filling mate-

June 2009 rials include natural fibers such as tampico, coco, palmyra, arenga, etc. Synthetic fibers and mixed fibers are also used on some of the brushes at the request of customers. In addition to brushware, RIL supplies timber and plastic brush blocks to the brush manufacturing industry. The technology and the production plants at RIL are state-of-the-art with CNC controlled brush making machines sourced from GB Boucherie N.V, Zahoransky and Schlesinger Maschinenbau. There are 11 CNC controlled and 35 semi-automated brush-filling machines installed at the RIL plant. In 1998, RIL became one of Asia’s first brush manufacturers to receive the ISO 9001 certification from DNV, the globally renowned Dutch certification agency. RIL also obtained the ISO 14001 Environmental Management Systems certificate in 2004, another formidable accomplishment that will benefit both the company as well as its ever-expanding global customer base. Commitment to environmental protection is evident from the fact that RIL is the first brush manufacturer in Sri Lanka to produce brushes with the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) certification. RIL is a member of American Brush Manufacturers Association. Newsworthy Happenings: The company has been awarded the Presidential Export Award for its performance in the field of manufacturing and exporting of brushes and brooms in 2006. 09 Reit-Price Mfg. Co., Inc. 522 W. Chestnut Street Union City, IN 47390 USA Phone: 765-964-3252 Fax: 765-964-5343 E-Mail: Web Site: Company Officers: Roger L. Stewart, Toni Stewart, R.E. Welch and Cylestia Filiso Products: Wet mops, dust mops, squeegees, handles, corn brooms, microfiber mopping pads and microfiber cleaning towels. 09 Remco Products 4735 W. 106th Street Zionsville, IN 46077 USA Phone: 317-876-9856 Fax: 800-585-8619 Web Site: Products: Designers and manufacturers of quality plastic products. Color-coded polypropylene one- and two-piece shovels, mixing paddles, scoops, scrapers, metal detectable tools, HDPE tubs, lids, pallets, and steel undercarriages. Remco also offers the Vikan hygiene system® line of color-coded hand brushes, floor and wall brushes, squeegees, pails, pad holder system, paddle/floor scrapers, tube and valve brushes, handles (regular and specialized), wall

BROOM, BRUSH & MOP brackets and waterfed brushes and handles. Brief History: Remco Products is a family business started in 1985 by Richard L. Garrison in Zionsville, IN. The company offers a large range of products and serves a number of markets, including the food processing, food service, jan/san, material handling, and safety markets. Special Features: Remco offers Vikan hygiene system® color-coded hygienic brooms, brushes and squeegees. The brooms and brushes feature a solid polypropylene block and polyester bristles that are held in place with stainless steel staples. With block and bristle of the same color, they are autoclavable, sterilizable and come in a variety of shapes, sizes and bristle types. In addition to fixed head and swivel neck squeegees, an ultra hygiene squeegee is also available. The single-blade design of this squeegee discourages bacterial growth. These products can be purchased with Remco’s selection of European-thread handles that are of varying length, material and color. Remco also offers a complete line of helically wound stainless steel tube and valve brushes as well as several special application brushes. 08 Rol-Brush Mfg. Division of Michigan Brush Mfg. Co. Inc. 7446 Central Avenue - P.O. Box 10247 Detroit, MI 48210-0247 USA Phone: 313-834-1070 Fax: 313-834-1178 Toll-Free: 800-642-7874 Web Site: Products: Company offers paint rollers, covers and trays. Private label is the company’s specialty. Rol-Brush is a prime manufacturer, a great OEM source and is a member of the American Brush Manufacturers Association. 08 Royal Paint Roller Mfg. Corp. 248 Wyandanch Ave. West Babylon, NY 11704 USA Phone: 631-643-8012 Fax: 631-253-9428 E-Mail: Company Officers: Randy Boritz, President; Gloria Boritz, Secretary Products: Paint roller covers made of lambskin, Kodel, lambs wool, synthetic blends, “Lint Free” woven fabrics. All sizes available. Jumbo 2-1/4” ID to Slim Jim covers, plus roller frames, trays, paintbrushes and a full line of painting accessories for the professional and do-it-yourself markets. Brief History: Royal Paint Roller Mfg. Corp. has been providing top quality paint rollers and painting accessories for the professional and do-it-yourself markets for over 40 years. It takes pride in the reputation it has established over the years of being more than simply a supplier, but rather a “business partner” to customers. Along with the many items offered in

PAGE 51 its catalog, the company has increased the number of items it manufactures according to customer specifications. Its cost conscious approach has also enabled it to offer private labeling to many of its volume purchasers at competitive prices. It looks forward to continuing its steady growth, which has been built on high quality products and the personal, attentive service its customers have come to expect. 09 S.I.B.O. snc Via Alfredo di Dio, 215 Ornavasso (VB) 28877 ITALY Phone: 0039-0323-837205 Fax: 0039-0323-837597 E-Mail: Web Site: Company Officers: Graziano Brusa Antonini, Alberto Brusa Antonini Products: To work broom blocks and brushes S.I.B.O. manufactures: routing milling machines, both mechanical and numerical control (CNC), such as the CA/450, CA/2T, FCA/CNC, FBI/CNC. To work broom handles S.I.B.O. manufactures: molding machines such as TAU, and sanding machines such as 2LU (different models are available). S.I.B.O. also manufactures machines to execute thread and drill on handles or on broom blocks, such as TSP, FIL/R, FA/F and 2TSP (to work contemporaneously both ends of the handles). All machines can be customized following customer requirements. Brief History: The company, with the trade name S.I.B.O. snc, has been present in the market since 1968, and it is a family continuation of the previously well known “Graziano Brusa Costruzioni Meccaniche,” founded in 1830 by Mr. Graziano Brusa. Thanks to the experience of many years’ work, S.I.B.O. machines have reached a high technological standard and are esteemed all over the world. In the field of woodworking machines, S.I.B.O. manufactures mechanic hydraulic and CNC machines, but also automatic, semiautomatic and CNC lines. Standard productions present different models of milling machines, routing machines, moulding machines and sanding machines to work different kinds of products such as: all kinds of brushes, paintbrushes, broom blocks and broom handles, walking rods and related handles/grips, agricultural implements, etc. 09 S & M Manufacturing Company 105 East 8th Street - P.O. Box1637 Cisco, TX 76437 USA Toll Free: 800-772-8532 Fax: 254-442-1643 E-Mail: Company Officers: George Owens, President; Gail Hogan, Executive Vice President; Sandy

PAGE 52 Boyett, Vice President Products: Tarbaby Roofing Mop. Brief History: All mops are not alike. This is important in asphalt work more than any other mop application. This was the company’s goal when it started making roofing mops over 50 years ago. After many years of using other manufacturers’ mops, it was decided the company needed a mop more suited for the work. It took time to find the right yarn, handles, and way of building them into a usable tool. High quality yarn was selected and mills were requested to alter specifications. S & M Manufacturing tested the mops with its own roofing and over a period of time developed what the company believes to be the most efficient, hard working roofing mop ever devised. Special Features: The Tarbaby Roofing Mop is a real roofing mop, combining high absorbency qualities with minimum burning. The Tarbaby utilizes highest quality 100 percent cotton drop ply yarn in a formula to get maximum work from each mop. All roofing mops are available with disposable 72-inch hardwood handles except for the Apatche roofing mop which is available with a 54-inch length handle. Tarbaby mops come in a variety of yarn weights to meet every job. Newsworthy Happenings: S & M Manufacturing Company is celebrating 54 years in business in Cisco, TX. 09 Schaefer Brush Mfg. Co., Inc. 1101 S. Prairie Avenue Waukesha, WI 53186 USA Phone: 262-547-3500 Fax: 262-547-3927 E-Mail: Web Site: Company Officers: Harold G. Schaefer, CEO/Owner; Sheri Reichart, President; Tony Brooks, Vice President Productss: Twisted-in-wire, staple set and hand drawn brush products are the specialty of Schaefer Brush. Standard and custom brushes are filled with a variety of materials including horsehair, natural fibers, synthetics, abrasive nylons, and various types and sizes of wire bristle. This fourth generation family-owned corporation has been providing brush solutions for their customers for 104 years. Visit the Schaefer Web site at to custom design products, or contact a customer service expert for assistance by calling toll free, 1-888-547-3501. Brief History: Schaefer Brush was incorporated in Milwaukee, WI, in 1905. Harold Schaefer is the current owner and CEO. Schaefer purchased the company from Jack Schaefer, his cousin, in 1990. In the early 1960’s, there was a demand for an alternative source to the standard revolving brush for conveyor cleaning. Harold’s father, Harold A. Schaefer, met this demand by inventing the Schaefer S-VECO

BROOM, BRUSH & MOP linear cleaner which is custom built to each application. These units are still a part of Schaefer’s sales today. Special Features: Schaefer Brush offers everything from highly automated brush making equipment for large production runs, to the small individualized custom jobs. Its on time delivery, competitive pricing, a friendly and knowledgeable staff accompanied by quality products are what keep customers loyal. From concept to completion, custom manufactured industrial brush products are made daily to perform in very unique applications. Newsworthy Happenings: In 2008, another state-of-the-art Borghi automated twisting machine was purchased to complement Schaefer’s current line of equipment. “Continuous Improvement” is the company’s theme. 09 Schlesinger Maschinenbau GmbH ForststraBe 3 Burgwald, Hessen 35099 GERMANY Phone: 0049-6451-719180 Fax: 0049-6451-71918-30 E-Mail: Web Site: Products: Brush production machinery. Automatic cleaning and trimming machinery. Special Features: High performance and special machinery; appliances for brush production; performance, modern and versatile machine constructions; powerful technics and reliable service. 07 Shanghai Yi Heng Daily-Use Products Co., Ltd. No. 27 Si Ceng Rd. Ma Lu Town, Jia Ding District Shanghai, P.R. CHINA 201208 Phone: 86-21-69158000, Ext. 8077 Fax: 86-21-69158070 and 69158093 E-Mail: Web Site: Company Officers: Steven Si, Ivy Fan Products: Cleaning products, daily-use products, brooms, brushes, mops, mop buckets, squeegees, dusters, etc. Also offered are machinery such as broom stitchers, cutting machines, binding machines, as well as furniture. Brief History: Shanghai Yi Heng Daily-Use Products Co., Ltd was founded in 1996, headquartered in Shanghai. Manufactured products come in various kinds and are kept updated with the quick change in technology. Primary items cover cleaning products and daily-use products involving over 400 kinds, and are exported to the United States, Australia, Europe, Japan and Southeast Asia. Products enjoy great popularity with good quality. Since the establishment of the company, both Yi Heng representatives and customers have witnessed a rapid development that comes from

June 2009 an excellent management team. Innovation in management, research and development, especially in sales, enable the company to accommodate further growth. Special Features: The company offers American long fiber corn brooms to the U.S. market with over 40 styles. It offers direct sales for American nationwide supermarkets through U.S. partners. The company’s products, quality, sales network and after-sale service helps to increase sales volume. 08 Spazzolcasa Via Manfrassina 46-50 Viadana, MN 46019 ITALY Phone: 0039-0375-781257 Fax: 0039-0375-830058 E-Mail: Web Site: Company Officers: Martelli Luisa, Sales Manager Products: Cloth brush, shoe brush, horse brush, gun cleaning brush, artillery brush, Army cleaning equipment for land, water, and air operations. Push brooms up to cm. 160 in length. Brief History: Founded in the early 1950s, the company is among the first Italian firms to produce brushes by machine. Since then it has grown to become a large diversified manufacturer of household and industrial cleaning articles. Special Features: Highly automated brush making equipment to achieve a good price/quality ratio. State-of-the-art quality control lab and in-line automated screening are offered to assure sales with no problems, consistent quality and user satisfaction. 09 Spiral Brushes, Inc. 1355 Commerce Drive Stow, OH 44224 USA Toll-Free: 800-888-2861 Phone: 330-686-2861 Fax: 330-686-9436 E-Mail: Web Site: Company Officers: Chuck Nichols, Sales; Rich Harala, Engineering; Chip Preston, President Products: Standard and custom industrial brushes in all power brush styles, metal channel strip brushes, and wound cylinder brushes. A broad selection of brush fill materials including carbon steel, stainless steel, brass, bronze, nylon, polypropylene, polyester, abrasive nylon, horsehair, and tampico. Engineering consultation available to solve application problems. Custom brush design is a hallmark. Call for “specials” and hard-to-find power brushes. Brief History: Spiral Brushes was founded in 1939 as a manufacturer of custom brushes, including a patented metal channel strip. During the 1960s and 1970s, Spiral expanded its product offering to include more power-

June 2009 driven brush styles, and added industrial distributors to its established base of end-users, OEMs and brush manufacturers. 09 Stainless Steel Products 561-T Acorn St. Deer Park, NY 11729 USA Phone: 631-243-1500 Fax: 631-243-4064 E-Mail: Web Site: Products: Stainless steel wire - rolled; stainless steel wire - flat; stainless steel strip; wire forms; wire straightened and cut; crimped wire. Brief History: Stainless Steel Products is a division of RMR International Co., Inc. The division was established in 1996 to focus on the sales of stainless steel wire and value added wire products to American manufacturers and distributors. In 2003, the company undertook an expansion by adding wire drawing capabilities. This expansion was undertaken to differentiate Stainless Steel Products, Inc. from competitors by providing customized solutions to specific customer requirements. The company’s mission statement is to facilitate American industrial manufacturing by providing customized solutions and quality products at competitive prices. Special Features: Stainless Steel Products is a material supplier selling wire and wire products to manufacturers and distributors in the United States. The company manufactures wire to customer’s customized specifications, as well as stocks and distributes products for quick shipments and just-in-time requirements. 07 St. Nick Brush Co. P.O. Box 15 Burton, OH 44021 USA Phone: 440-834-1891 Fax: 440-834-0243 Web Site: Products: Brushes, brooms, wood brush blocks, street brooms and floor sweeps. All brooms are in the company catalog, which can be downloaded off the Web site. All blocks are made by Hardwood Lumber, which is a part of St. Nick Brush Co. Brief History: Hardwood Lumber Co. began operating in 1958 as a logging saw mill operation. In 1978, the company purchased its first broom machine, which was a street broom machine Then came a deck scrub machine. This was a wood using operation. Quality lumber was easily sold, but low grade lumber presented a problem. The company had kilns to dry lumber and small dimension wood products could be made out of low grade lumber. Special Features: Manufactures different types of household brushes and brooms, with a specialty of street brooms. The company has a computerized ripping and cutoff system for the manufacture of wooden brush blocks. 08

BROOM, BRUSH & MOP Thomas Textile Company P.O. Box 35697 Charlotte, NC 28235 USA Phone: 704-342-9200 Fax: 704-342-9233 Products: .60/4 & .80/8 cotton blend wetmop yarns; .80/4 rayon blend yarns; 4/plied 100 percent cotton yarns; 4/plied cotton blend yarns; 2/plied cotton yarns; cotton and Synray Mopmasters. 09 Tucel Industries, Inc. 2014 Forestdale Road - P.O. Box 146 Forestdale, VT 05745 USA Phone: 802-247-6824 Fax: 802-247-6826 E-Mail: Web Site: Company Officers: John C. Lewis, Jr., President; Joanne Raleigh, Vice President Products: Tucel Industries, Inc. is a leading manufacturer of fused brooms and brushes. Products are constructed by bonding plastic filaments to molded blocks. The end result is a brush that contains no staples or drilled holes. Therefore, brooms and brushes are 100 percent hygienic as there is no place to harbor mold, mildew or bacteria. Brief History: Since 1970, Tucel has manufactured products for foreign and national markets under its own patents. Aside from its own product line, it has been involved with developing a wide assortment of specialty brush products for outside industries. Special Features: Tucel currently holds 38 patents worldwide. The company uses FDAapproved raw materials and its brushes and brooms have been NSF tested for clean-ability. Tucel’s brushes and brooms are HACCP compatible. 08 Tuway American Group 2820 West Maple Road Troy, MI 48084 USA Toll-Free: 800-537-3750 Fax: 800-426-3964 E-Mail: Web Site: Products: Tuway offers a complete line of textile cleaning products, including dust-mops, wet-mops, floor finishing applicators, cloths, carpet bonnets, and a full range of microfiber cleaning products and accessories. Brief History: Tuway is a women-owned and family operated company, that has been a leader in textile cleaning product innovations since 1923. Special Features: Tuway offers an extensive line of products and programs designed exclusively to meet the most vigorous cleaning challenges. 05 U.S. Lambswool 56 W. Merrick Rd. Freeport, NY 11520 USA

PAGE 53 Phone: 516-546-0395 Fax: 516-546-6239 E-Mail: Company Officers: Elliot Goldstein, Jacqueline Goldstein Products: Floor finish applicators available in 100 percent lambswool, synthetic and for water base finishes. Lambswool dusters and poly dusters available. 09 Unger Enterprises, Inc. 425 Asylum St. Bridgeport, CT 06610 USA Toll Free: 800-431-2324 Fax: 800-367-1988 E-Mail: Web Site: Company Officers: Jan Unger, Chief Executive Officer; Mark Unger, President, Unger Enterprises; Dane Unger, President, Unger Industries; Chuck Rote, Controller, US; Bruno Niklaus, Vice President Global Marketing Products: Unger manufactures high quality, innovative tools that help professionals clean windows, floors and restrooms, as well as outdoor and high access areas in the janitorial/sanitation, industrial, food and retail industries. Brief History: In 1964, Henry Unger realized his vision to improve the safety and efficiency of cleaning products. Beginning with window cleaning tools, he started designing and selling a new line of products for professional window cleaners. Unger has grown and diversified since then by adhering to two fundamental philosophies: treating customers as the most important asset and producing innovative products. In the mid-1990s, Unger expanded its product lines to become a leading provider of cleaning and maintenance solutions for janitorial sanitation, window and industrial sectors. Today, Unger manufactures and sells over 250 product solutions to professional cleaning personnel in over 80 countries worldwide. 09 Vonco Products, Inc. 201 Park Avenue Lake Villa, IL 60046 USA Phone: 847-356-2323 Fax: 847-356-8630 E-Mail: Web Site: Company Officers: Les Laske, Vice President Products: Broom sleeves, mop bags, printed roll stock, bags on a roll, header bags, hard header bags, wicketed bags, custom shapes, process printing, trade show bags. Brief History: Vonco has been a family owned manufacturer of all types of polyethylene shapes and packaging since 1955. Special Features: Broom sleeves are available with a straight side tapered shape with optional “fast-load” features. Remember Vonco for mop bags, printed roll stock and

PAGE 54 header bag needs. See Vonco’s promotional products at Newsworthy Happenings: Vonco Products announced the acquisition of Poly Shapes Corp. in 2008. 09 Weiler Corporation One Weiler Drive Cresco, PA 18326 USA Phone: 570-595-7495 Fax: 570-595-2002 E-Mail: Web Site: Company Officers: Brenda Hagan, VP Marketing; Tony Hufford, Product Manager Products: Maintenance products include floor, garage and street brooms; vehicle care brushes; upright brooms and mops; specialty floor brushes; squeegees; dust pans; window and dusting, scrub, utility, bowl, food service, paint and sundry, and wire scratch brushes. 09 Wöhler Brush Tech GmbH Schützenstrasse 38 33181 Bad Wüennenberg GERMANY Phone: +49 2953 73-300 Fax: +49 2953 7396-300 E-Mail: Web Site: Company Officers: Dipl.-Ing. Rudolf Brenken, Managing Director; Dipl.-Ing. Matthias Peveling, Managing Director Products: Creative concepts and guaranteed highest quality with optimal service - that’s what Wöhler stands for with more than 50 years experience in the brush industry. In its modern facility of over 10,000 square meters with a state-of-the-art machine outfit, Wöhler offers the required flexibility and engineering possibilities to build specialty machines for a diverse range of applications. In the first line, these are specialty machines and complete production systems for all types of technical brushes for industrial applications: strip brushes, roll brushes; twist knot brushes; brush segments (wheel and cup); dental brushes, polishing brushes; end brushes; street sweeper brushes, cleaning brushes; twist-in-wire brushes, micro brushes; paintbrushes and special technical brushes. Wöhler Brush Tech also supplies: punching, trimming, cutting and crimping equpment; brushing and specialty machines; surface finishing and WPC devices, and special filaments. Brief History: Founded in 1948 in Wuppertal, Germany by Hans Wöhler (and based on the company established in 1932 in Berlin by his father, Wilhelm Wöhler) the production facility and main operations center moved to Bad Wüennenberg in 1964. It became a limited company under son, Dr. Fritz Wöhler in 1988, and receiving its current company form as Brush Tech in 2002. The Company currently operates with 70 employees and an effective, global dealer network.

BROOM, BRUSH & MOP Special Features: In Wöhler’s corporate research, development and design department new processes and technologies are constantly developed. Worldwide patents endorse the company’s goal of being always a step ahead. Wöhler is please to present the following machinery innovations for: Street Sweeper Production – The automatic Ring Rolling Machine RWA 250 produces U- or V-shaped metal rings. The ring machine can be integrated into a line with calibration and rivet inserting NIS 900. Recommended is the integrated Spot Welder PT 100 for fully automatic production of complete rings at a speed of up to 10 pieces/min; Trimming and Cutting – The Trimming Bench MTB 1000 has been optimized for use by all brush manufacturers and stands out for its easy operation. The machine offers high flexibility with an automatic trimming process for roll and disc brushes with outer diameters up to 1,000 mm and a trim length of 1.25 m (max. 4.25m). Contour trimming is optionally available. New Inline Synthetic Fiber Cutting and Bundling Unit PCD 1000 is available for positioning behind an extrusion line alternatively to a winding device. Advantage of the unit is the exact cutting of filaments without any loss. Due to a special ejection mechanism, the bristles are cut in the exact length and laid down into the integrated plastic film packing. Bundling is possible by using PE-film. The throughput speed is up to 2 m/sec. Strip Brush Production – The state-of-the-art Strip Brush Machine SBM 92 is available in a range of models from a low-cost basic machine up to a fully equipped high capacity system with a production rate of up to 40 m/min. The machine is fitted with a touch screen control and can be tooled for profile sizes from 1.5 mm up to 8 mm. The comprehensive range of additional devices such as picker, trimmer, comber, flagger, winder, bender, cutter, etc. go to make the SBM 92 the most flexible strip brush machine available. The Digital Fill Density Inspection System BDG 10T guarantees the exact measurement of fill densities for quality control with display on SBM touch screen. High Performance Cutting Devices MSA 30 for short cut lengths at maximal production speeds of up to 500 cuts/min. are available. The main advantage of these devices, compared to conventional cutters, is that despite the flying cut no actual mass need be accelerated up to strip speed. For further information on product ranges, news, contact details and much more visit 09 Wooster Brush Company, The 604 Madison Avenue Wooster, OH 44691 USA Phone: 330-264-4440 Fax: 330-263-0495

June 2009 E-Mail: Web Site: Company Officers: Allan K. Rodd, President & Treasurer; Bill Fagert, Vice President of Finance; Jon Rose, Vice President of Sales; Scott Rutledge, Vice President of Marketing Products: With more than 158 years of industry experience, The Wooster Brush Company is one of the most innovative manufacturers of paintbrushes, rollers, surface prep tools, and painting equipment in the USA. Wooster offers, through distribution, over 2,300 products for professional and doit-yourself painters. Brand names include Ultra/Pro®, Advantage®, Yachtsman®, Shortcut®, and Golden Glo® paintbrushes; Super/Fab®, Pro/Doo-Z®, Super Doo-Z®, and Polar Bear® paint rollers; Sherlock® roller frames and extension poles; the Jumbo-Koter® miniroller system; and Prep Crew® surface prep tools. Brief History: The Wooster Brush Company was founded in 1851. The company began producing handmade bristle brushes from a two-story building in Wooster, OH. Its headquarters is still located in that city today. Far beyond a single building, the company has grown to over 888,000 square feet of manufacturing, shipping, administrative, and warehousing facilities. Wooster Brush has 560 dedicated employees with an average of 17 years of service each. Special Features: Just introduced in February 2009, new Alpha™ professional paintbrushes create a fine finish. The Wooster-exclusive filament blend features Micro Tip™ technology. Designed to carry more paint in the end of the brush, coatings are released with less effort, onto the surface and during cleanup, for increased production with all paints. In lab tests, every style painted 30 percent farther than other brushes of equal size. Also designed for precision, Alpha has a fuller end that eliminates drag while providing superior cut-in control. Available in angle sash, thin angle sash, flat sash, varnish, semioval, and wall styles for a total of 13 brushes. 09 Xiamen Power Light Industry Co., Ltd. 2F, Factory BLDG. No. 33-35, Huli Rd., Huli Xiamen, Fujian 361006 CHINA Phone: 86-(0)592-5623805 Fax: 86-(0)592-5625208 Web Site: Products: Car wash brushes, snow brushes, BBQ grill brushes, household cleaning brushes, brooms, wire brushes, mops, flow-through telescopic handles, structural foam brush blocks, solid plastic brush blocks, wood brush blocks. Brief History: In 1994, Xiamen Power was funded by Chung-Thai Brush. It has been

June 2009 operating a brush business in Taiwan since 1971. With sophisticated brush making know-how and the favorable business environment in China, Xiamen Power has grown into a more integrated brush manufacturer. Not only offering finished products to the DIY market, Xiamen Power also provides brush making supplies in structural foam, solidplastic and different types of wood blocks to the brush industry all over the world. 04 Young & Swartz, Inc. 39 Cherry St. Buffalo, NY 14204 USA Phone: 716-852-2171 Fax: 716-852-5652 E-mail: Web Site: Company Officers: Raphael E. Winzig, President; Paul E. Winzig, Sales-Engineering Products: Specialty brush manufacturing. Staple set, wheels, strip, cylinders, hand and machine brushes. All mediums–natural, synthetic, wire. Can work in wood, plastic, leather back. Custom and contract runs invited. Company uses quick change, computerized equipment. Brief History: Celebrating 143 years in business. Established in 1866. Special Features: Specializing in custom made brushes. “Send us your specials” is the company’s motto. 09 Zahoransky AG Anton-Zahoransky Strasse 1 Todtnau-Geschwend 79674 GERMANY Phone: 49 7671-9970 Fax: 49 7671-997-299 E-Mail: Web Site: For USA: Zahoransky USA, Inc. 1981 Bucktale Lane Sugar Grove, IL 60554 USA Phone: 630-466-1901 Fax: 630-466-1902 E-Mail: Products: Semi-automatic staple set drilling and filling machines for brooms and brushes; semi-automatic trimming and flagging machines for brooms and brushes; fully automatic staple set drilling and filing machine for brooms and brushes; semi-automatic staple set drilling and filling machines for industrial brushes of all types including cylinders, plates, disks, strips, domes and more; semi-automatic staple set machinery for street sweeping main and side brooms; trimming and flagging machines for all types of industrial brushes; abrasive picking and



Shuttle Mold System By Zahoransky Improves Efficiency During the course of its mold making history, Zahoransky has continued to strive for improvements in injection molding processes. The first major development was the two component rotary mold whereby articles automatically rotate 180 degrees from the first to second component cavities. With this development two component articles could be produced within one single mold tool operation. The next development introduced was the three position rotary mold which significantly reduced cycle times for molding two component articles. With this development the third rotary position is used to eject finished articles while the mold continues to operate. Zahoransky’s latest development, called the Shuttle Mold System, not only reduces cycle times further but also improves mold press efficiency, reduces labor and material costs and provides additional manufacturing flexibility. The basic concept of this system is to automatically shuttle light-weight standard size molds in and out from the mold press without sacrificing any press time for cooling. Shuttle molds, fabricated from high-grade aluminum, will typically include two or four cavities, depending on article size but do not include any automation or cooling lines. If more capacity is required for a given article, then two or more molds will be supplied with the system, and since the molds are simple and smaller in size they are relatively inexpensive. A summary of the Shuttle Mold operation is as follows: A 6-Axis industrial robot shuttles molds between the injection press and a multi-station cooling rack. Once molds have been injected they are immediately transferred to the cooling rack where they sit for a pre-set period of time until sufficiently cooled. At the same time, the mold robot continually transfers other molds in the system to and from the mold press and cooling rack. Once molds are cooled they are transferred by the mold robot to the election station where cooled articles are removed by a second 6-Axis industrial robot. The article robot performs automatic end of arm tooling changeover for handling different articles as well as the various article bins. An additional feature offered with the Shuttle Mold System is the co-injection system whereby virgin raw material is first injected into mold cavities followed by a second injection of low cost re-grind material. The end result is molded articles that look and feel like 100 percent virgin material but in actuality include an inner core of low cost

New Systems Technology Facility Opens In Freiburg Zahoransky has announced the opening of its new systems technology facility located adjacent to its mold making facility in Freiburg, Germany. The need for the new facility was brought on by continued demand for fully automated production lines. The systems technology facility provides 4,000 square meters of office and manufacturing space dedicated to the design and fabrication of all spare parts tooling, toothbrush finishing machines and custom assembly and transfer systems. In addition to the building itself, Zahoransky also has added a new CNC machine shop and parts storage and distribution system. The new factory offers attractively designed work places for approximately 100 staff members, and its proximity to the mold factory improves information and material flow for integrated projects, resulting in higher productivity and project efficiency. For further information, send e-mail to regrind material. The complete Zahoransky Shuttle Mold System is controlled by a custom programmed industrial computer that automatically optimizes production of each article depending on quantities to produce, cooling times and number of molds in the system. When compared to conventional molding, customers will realize several advantages with the Shuttle Mold System including: 80 percent potential cycle time reduction; 33 percent reduction in required floor; 50-100 percent reduction in labor; reduction in set-up and change over times by 1.5 hours; and reduction of color change times by 1-1.5 hours. In the case of the co-injection process, customers will realize additional cost saving advantages including: 25-50 percent raw material savings, and 20 percent additional raw material savings when runner sprue is recycled. For more information, contact Zahoransky USA at

PAGE 56 tufting system adaptable to industrial staple set machines. Semi-automatic anchor-set machines for tufting small pre-cored handles (toothfully-automatic anchor-set brushes); machines for tufting small pre-cored handles (toothbrushes); fully automatic inmold toothbrush production system; automatic twisted-in-wire brush machines for production of cut-end brushes; automatic twisted-in-wire brush machines for industrial closed end and looped handle brushes; automatic twisted-in-wire brush machines for inter-dental and cosmetic closed end brushes; semi-automatic twisting machines for the production of all kinds of twisted wire brushes; semi-automatic machines for laying out filament in the production of twisted wire brushes; Semi-automatic wire straightening, cutting and forming machines for the production of twisted-in-wire brushes; wire filament feed and cut machines for the production of twisted-in-wire brushes; fully and semi-automatic hank cutting machines; automatic thermoform, seal and cut blister packaging machines; automatic multi-component injection molds; and automatic single-component injection molds. Brief History: The company was founded in 1902 by Anton Zahoransky, providing machines for the brush industry. Strong dedication and leadership has currently made Zahoransky one of the worlds largest suppliers and leading developers of brush making machines. In addition, Zahoransky has become one of the worlds leading suppliers of injection molds and blister packaging machines, both of which have been produced in Germany now for more than 40 years. The company operates from 6 manufacturing facilities and 2 sales/service offices located throughout Europe, Asia and North America. Special Features: All Zahoransky CNC brush machines are now fully equipped with the company’s latest machine control and 3D Brush Designer system. In addition to providing a simple and reliable operational platform, 3D brush designer provides the brush maker with a powerful tool for creating new brush designs in such an efficient manner that has never been previously possible. In addition of 3D Brush Designer, Zahoransky has also introduced CAD converter for the conversion of CAD brush drawings into Zahoransky, CNC machine language. Finally, introduced at Interbrush 2008 was the SCADA (Systems Control And Data Acquisition) network software for connecting all Zahoransky machines into one network for


June 2009

complete manufacturing central control. 09 Zelazoski Wood Products, Inc. 835 Ninth Avenue - P.O. Box 506 Antigo, WI 54409 USA Phone: 715-627-4804 Fax: 715-627-2347 Toll-Free: 800-240-0974 E-Mail: Web Site: Company Officers: James Zelazoski, President; Michael Zelazoski, Vice President; Joseph Zelazoski, Vice President; Charles Zelazoski, Treasurer; Benjamin Zelazoski, Secretary Products: Complete line of wooden brush and broom blocks, molded, shaped, and/or turned, finished or plain, manufactured according to customers’ specifications. Can also machine most plastics. Brief History: Zelazoski Wood Products began in 1924 as the Thos. Zelazoski Mfg. Co. The company began making wooden blocks for the brush and broom industry in 1928. Over its existence, ZWPI has continued to update machinery, facilities, and processes to meet the ever-changing needs of its customers. Special Features: Zelazoski Wood Products’ modern facility enables it to manufacture a wide range of parts according to the customers’ specifications, especially where close tolerance and high quality are required. Unless imported wood is specifically requested, all our brush and broom blocks are made from managed North American forests. ZWPI is always ready to look at new items and anxious to quote customer needs, simple or complex, from 1 to 1,000,000 pieces. 09 Zephyr Manufacturing Co. 200 Mitchell Road Sedalia, MO 65301 USA Phone: 660-827-0352 Toll-Free: 800-821-7197 Fax: 800-676-5807 Fax: 660-827-0713 E-Mail: Web Site: Company Officers: John Lindstrom, President; Doug Leerssen, Vice President Products: Zephyr Manufacturing Co. is Your One Stop Source For Quality Cleaning Products™ with a reputation for Quality, Service, and Selection. The company offers a complete selection of wet mops and dry dust mops covering the full range of fibers, styles, and prices. Also offered are brooms, brushes and specialty products, handles, frames, dusters, mopsticks and many related items that are available from leading distributors throughout the world. 09

PFERD Appoints Mark Crump General Manager Of New Canadian Subsidiary August Rüggeberg GmbH & Co. of Marienheide, Germany, manufacturer of PFERD abrasives, power tools and Advance Brushes, will establish a major distribution service center in Canada. Ontario native, Mark Crump, will serve in the newly created position of General Manager, PFERD of Canada. Crump will report directly to Gene Huegin, president, PFERD INC., the August Rüggeberg subsidiary located in Leominster, MA. This new opening follows the company’s successful pattern replicated many times throughout the world. Crump, a graduate of Sheridan College in 1990 with a degree in urban planning, is originally from London, England, and now resides with his wife in Georgetown, Ontario. He most recently worked for 15 years at Kennametal Ltd. as distributor development manager. Prior to that, he was president of the Presto Cutting Tool Division of Kennametal. Besides being responsible for locating and establishing the Canadian subsidiary’s headquarters at 5570 McAdam Road, Mississauga, Ontario along with the staffing, stocking and equipping involved, Crump is also charged with designing and executing a marketing plan and with working with key customers to bring PFERD of Canada to a premier position in that country. August Rüggeberg GmbH & Co. is a 209year-old leader in the design and manufacture of quality abrasive products, cutting tools, brushes and power tools. Advance Brush, located in Wisconsin, and PFERD of Canada are subsidiaries of PFERD INC.

June 2009



Import, Export Figures Down After First 2 Months Of 2009 By Rick Mullen Broom, Brush & Mop Associate Editor

about 14 percent from $2.27 for February 2008. The average price per broom for the first two months of 2009 was $2.42, up about 6 percent from $2.28 for the first two months of 2008.

U.S. government trade figures for the first two months of 2009 indicate raw material imports were down in both categories outlined in this issue of Broom, Brush & Mop, compared to the first two months of 2008. For February 2009, raw material imports were also down in both categories outlined, compared to February 2008. Import totals for the first two months of 2009 were down as well in both of the finished goods categories outlined from the same time period in 2008. Also, in February 2009, both categories outlined recorded decreases, compared to February 2008.

Toothbrushes The United States imported 57.2 million toothbrushes in February 2009, down about 19 percent from 70.3 million imported in February 2008. During the first two months of 2009, 124.3 million toothbrushes were imported, a decrease of about 9 percent from 136.6 million imported during the first two months of 2008. Duringthefirsttwomonthsof2009,theUnitedStatesimported78.1 million toothbrushes from China, in addition to 19.7 million from Switzerland, 8.1 million from Germany and 6.5 million from India. The average price per toothbrush for February 2009 was 24 cents, down 2 cents from the average price for February 2008. The average price for the first two months of 2009 was 23 cents, down 1 cent from the average price for the first two months of 2008.

RAW MATERIAL IMPORTS Broom And Mop Handles The import total of broom and mop handles during February 2009 was 1.2 million, down about 52 percent from 2.5 million broom and mop handles imported in February 2008. During the first two months of 2009, 3.8 million broom and mop handles were imported, compared to 5.1 million for the first two months of 2008, a decrease of about 25 percent. During the first two months of 2009, the United States imported 2.1 million handles from Brazil, compared to 2.6 million during the same time period in 2008. The average price per handle for February 2009 was 68 cents, down 2 cents from February 2008. The average price for the first two months of 2009 was 73 cents, an increase of about 7 percent over the average price recorded for the first two months of 2008 of 68 cents. Brush Backs February 2009 imports of brush backs totaled 122,897, down about 27 percent from the February 2008 total of 168,981 brush backs. During the first two months of 2009, 224,133 brush backs were imported, down about 40 percent from 372,883 for the first two months of 2008. The United States did not import any brush backs from Brazil during the first two months of 2009, compared to 198,450 during the same time period in 2008. The average price per brush back was 64 cents during February 2009, down about 36 percent from the average price for February 2008 of $1. For the first two months of 2009, the average price per brush back was 64 cents, down about 28 percent from the average price of 89 cents for the first two months of 2008. FINISHED GOODS IMPORTS Brooms Of Broom Corn Valued At More Than 96 Cents The United States imported 591,567 brooms of broom corn valued at more than 96 cents per broom during February 2009, compared to 731,154 in February 2008, a decrease of about 19 percent. During the first two months of 2009, 1.2 million brooms of broom corn were imported, down about 20 percent from 1.5 million imported during the first two months of 2008. The United States imported 1.1 million brooms of broom corn from Mexico during the first two months of 2009. The average price per broom for February 2009 was $2.59, up

EXPORTS Export totals for the first two months of 2009 were down in both categories outlined, compared to the first two months of 2008. In February 2009, one of the two categories reported an increase in exports, compared to February 2008. Brooms & Brushes Of Vegetable Materials The United States exported 5,330 dozen brooms and brushes of vegetable materials during February 2009, up about 12 percent from the February 2008 total of 4,768 dozen. Exports of brooms and brushes of vegetable materials during the first two months of 2009 were 9,036 dozen, down about 36 percent from 14,178 dozen for the first two months of 2008. The United Kingdom received 3,134 dozen brooms and brushes from the United States during the first two months of 2009, while Canada imported 2,305 dozen. The average price per dozen brooms and brushes was $57.15 in February 2009, compared to $58.08 for February 2008. The average price per dozen brooms and brushes for the first two months of 2009 was $50.23, an increase of about 11 percent from the average price per dozen for the first two months of 2008 of $45.32. Toothbrushes During February 2009, the United States exported 8.3 million toothbrushes, down about 61 percent from the total recorded in February 2008 of 21.1 million. During the first two months of 2009, 19.2 million toothbrushes were exported, down about 50 percent from 38.4 million exported during the first two months of 2008. During the first two months of 2009, Canada imported 5.7 million toothbrushes from the United States, compared to 8.7 million during the first two months of 2008. Meanwhile, Mexico received 5.4 million toothbrushes from the United States during the first two months of 2009, compared to 11.8 million during the same time period in 2008. The average price per toothbrush for February 2009 was 57 cents, up about 148 percent from the February 2008 average price of 23 cents. The average price per toothbrush for the first two months of 2009 was 56 cents, up about 124 percent from 25 cents for the first two months of 2008.



EXPORTS February Exports By Country

Foreign Merchandise 1404902000 Broomcorn (Sorghum Vulgare Var. Technicum) Used Primarily In Brooms Or In Brushes, Whether or Not In Hanks or Bundles February Year To Date Country Net Q/Ton Value Net Q/Ton Value Canada 6 12,752 TOTAL 6 12,752 9603100000 Brooms & Brushes, Consisting of Twigs or Other Vegetable Materials Bound Together, With or Without Handles February Year To Date Net Q/No. Value Net Q/No. Value Country Canada 144 57,052 2,071 125,285 Norway 218 7,191 218 7,191 TOTAL 362 64,243 2,289 132,476 9603210000 Toothbrushes, Incl. Dental-Plate Brushes February Year To Date Country Net Q/No. Value Net Q/No. Value Canada 1,141,544 1,008,704 2,045,958 1,778,936 Mexico 22,464 8,162 Jamaica 4,456 13,789 4,768 17,515 Finland 9,456 4,001 9,456 4,001 Switzld 4,320 3,500 4,320 3,500 Singapr 11,388 13,188 25,140 22,890 Kor Rep 18,360 7,987 18,360 7,987 Taiwan 36,456 14,559 Japan 610 2,988 610 2,988 TOTAL 1,190,134 1,054,157 2,167,532 1,860,538 9603290000 Shaving Brushes, Hairbrushes, Nail Brushes, Eyelash Brushes & Other Toilet Brushes For Use On The Person February Year To Date Country Net Q/No. Value Net Q/No. Value Canada 92,484 125,506 177,408 232,892 Mexico 53,536 212,609 166,073 270,063 20,936 2,290 9,178 1,004 U King France 168,778 74,948 183,433 248,503 Fr Germ 123,328 82,813 126,829 130,878 Switzld 333 3,041 1,913 6,114 Italy 1,421 12,995 Croatia 3,682 3,070 Arab Em 7,728 8,346 9,011 985 Phil R 13,849 1,514 13,849 1,514 China 26,145 720 Taiwan Japan 5,001 49,905 5,001 49,905 Austral 30 3,391 30 3,391 TOTAL 446,008 575,240 679,027 1,036,098 9603300000 Artists Brushes, Writing Brushes and Similar Brushes for the Application of Cosmetics Year To Date February Value Net Q/No. Value Net Q/No. Country Canada 214,470 557,487 354,798 1,023,889 44,506 21,377 8,796 2,207 Mexico Brazil 24,400 48,492 24,400 48,492 Argent 10,040 32,655 25,029 46,459 7,126 Sweden 1,520 Norway 1,150 9,552 98,055 30,393 21,707 U King 4,672 Ireland 1,450 5,351 1,450 5,351 Nethlds 324 4,030 21,511 79,369 28,740 Belgium 7,789

France Fr Germ Switzld Poland Russia Ukraine Spain Italy Singapr China Kor Rep Hg Kong Japan Austral Senegal TOTAL

June 2009 2,328 2,842 1,256 1,500 10,428 6,180 1,260 9,466 1,361 103,443 13,901 831 10,627 17,269 3,828 676,992

11,301 10,199 4,635 4,508 56,383 28,357 4,280 28,571 5,020 132,540 48,802 3,066 54,502 63,716 23,534 1,871,772

Country Canada Mexico Austral TOTAL

9603402000 Paint Rollers February Year To Date Net Q/No. Value Net Q/No. 276 3,431 429 5,508 41,879 58,867 396 6,944 396 6,180 52,254 59,692

Value 6,117 116,991 6,944 130,052

Country Mexico TOTAL

9603404020 Paint Pads February Year To Date Net Q/No. Value Net Q/No. 9,645 38,713 74,829 9,645 38,713 74,829

Value 153,685 153,685

2,842 1,256 1,500 5,771 1,127 1,260 1,221 1,361 58,709 5,904

10,199 4,635 4,508 30,721 4,158 4,280 2,843 5,020 80,065 22,905

7,711 12,290 3,828 361,288

39,736 45,343 23,534 955,646

9603404050 Paint, Distemper, Varnish or Similar Brushes (Except Brushes of 9603.30) February Year To Date Country Net Q/No. Value Net Q/No. Value Canada 835 17,306 2,192 45,423 Mexico 320 6,622 1,303 27,010 Nethlds 256 5,301 Fr Germ 152 3,150 Greece 504 10,452 504 10,452 TOTAL 1,659 34,380 4,407 91,336 9603900000 Hand-Operated Mechanical Floor Sweepers, Not Motorized, Mops & Feather Dusters; Prepared Knots & Tufts For Broom or Brush Making, NESOI Year To Date February Value Net Q/No. Value Net Q/No. Country Canada 35,317 453,951 60,415 707,931 Mexico 10,003 137,633 25,213 350,267 C Rica 2,508 40,676 3,320 53,852 Panama 2,432 39,456 3,233 52,449 620 10,042 Chile Denmark 544 29,689 1,992 90,524 U King 1,141 60,428 3,374 115,182 670 19,791 6,058 112 Nethlds 8,757 150 Belgium France 124 7,239 713 39,210 Fr Germ 842 13,665 1,414 43,242 Estonia 374 3,300 Poland 166 2,687 Spain 157 2,553 157 2,553 Italy 41 2,506 Kor Rep 256 4,148 256 4,148 2,539 986 Austral 53,436 795,496 103,094 1,508,980 TOTAL

Domestic Merchandise 1404902000 Broomcorn (Sorghum Vulgare Var. Technicum) Used Primarily In Brooms Or In Brushes, Whether or Not In Hanks or Bundles February Year To Date Net Q/Ton Value Value Net Q/Ton Country

June 2009 Mexico Ireland TOTAL


1 1

3,103 3,103

2 1 3

5,705 3,103 8,808

9603100000 Brooms & Brushes, Consisting of Twigs or Other Vegetable Materials Bound Together, With or Without Handles February Year To Date Country Net Q/Dozen Value Net Q/Dozen Value Canada 730 46,175 2,305 95,051 118 19,708 1,268 60,271 Mexico Bahamas 377 47,380 546 52,959 N Antil 12 3,550 Denmark 240 5,151 240 5,151 U King 3,135 114,080 3,145 116,630 Ireland 8 7,200 France 340 11,220 340 11,220 Fr Germ 127 3,820 Poland 84 3,460 419 17,300 Italy 166 5,475 166 5,475 Croatia 24 12,229 24 12,229 Turkey 57 4,130 Iraq 25 14,400 25 14,400 Israel 41 3,840 S Arab 10 6,398 10 6,398 Afghan 12 5,762 12 5,762 Phil R 52 4,816 52 4,816 Kor Rep 83 4,920 Hg Kong 130 2,750 Japan 3 4,311 12 11,947 Rep Saf 14 4,054 14 4,054 TOTAL 5,330 304,619 9,036 453,873

Country Canada Mexico Salvadr Hondura Nicarag C Rica Panama Jamaica Dom Rep Antigua Barbado Trinid N Antil Colomb Venez Guyana Ecuador Peru Chile Brazil Uruguay Argent Iceland Denmark U King Ireland Nethlds Belgium France Fr Germ Switzld Italy Bulgar Israel S Arab India Thailnd Vietnam Singapr

9603210000 Toothbrushes February Year To Date Net Q/No. Value Net Q/No. 2,699,706 1,992,795 5,701,421 1,403,001 562,450 5,386,801 15,000 3,456 5,184 4,272 5,184 3,456 2,848 23,352 5,384 26,384 5,384 6,912 43,272 14,310 64,440 13,824 3,456 60,445 97,257 63,901 14,160 5,070 14,640 18,991 27,274 18,295 20,880 10,440 12,528 4,960 12,528 12,528 5,363 12,528 70,992 25,707 70,992 160,740 78,641 244,260 3,911 19,162 3,911 344,112 47,816 81,264 705 3,456 705 4,608 2,918 4,608 1,923 9,423 17,475 177,600 306,382 359,808 745,483 129,520 896,683 6,336 4,055 6,336 1,584 7,763 501,171 465,854 196,559 508,061 22,658 5,184 21,600 24,840 7,875 44,640 908 1,174 12,600 200,544 419,857 200,544 7,608 200,000 88,582 39,683 259,190

Value 4,651,899 2,071,136 9,825 2,848 4,272 14,477 26,384 5,695 25,036 14,378 2,848 100,104 8,660 30,686 8,261 9,180 4,960 5,363 25,707 106,689 19,162 169,105 3,456 2,918 16,880 599,577 182,242 4,055 102,755 234,487 10,368 22,841 4,449 5,753 9,817 419,857 3,161 31,200 102,346

China Kor Rep Hg Kong Taiwan Japan Austral Rep Saf TOTAL

PAGE 59 22,488 1,040,966 209,169 193,920 247,195 290,153 10,368 8,348,784

8,780 406,139 86,260 36,510 52,765 140,122 3,648 4,781,208

46,056 2,787,192 253,521 220,060 314,077 515,363 10,368 19,237,219

19,938 1,059,489 99,166 52,238 169,939 260,316 3,648 10,737,571

9603290000 Shaving Brushes, Hairbrushes, Nail Brushes, Eyelash Brushes & Other Toilet Brushes For Use on the Person February Year To Date Country Net Q/No. Value Net Q./No. Value Canada 174,912 231,268 266,988 447,875 Mexico 325,299 406,547 586,250 683,384 Trinid 1,844 18,000 1,844 18,000 Colomb 5,250 160,464 Venez 90 3,830 Chile 2,016 13,888 Brazil 4,280 39,142 Norway 502 4,590 502 4,590 U King 4,442 40,617 16,734 91,429 Ireland 357 3,262 Nethlds 1,256 10,940 Belgium 10,941 89,345 11,541 92,360 France 12,754 70,183 16,715 111,236 Fr Germ 1,938 17,725 Switzld 1,017 9,300 Spain 1,898 17,360 7,460 67,070 Italy 2,534 23,177 4,391 26,260 Iraq 847 7,750 Arab Em 129 7,788 129 7,788 India 705 6,450 Thailnd 2,467 22,563 Indnsia 1,703 11,140 1,703 11,140 Phil R 1,075 9,830 1,075 9,830 China 117,337 396,054 124,538 463,952 Kor Rep 531 4,857 1,157 12,978 Hg Kong 3,003 27,464 3,003 27,464 Japan 2,624 24,000 89,727 82,137 Austral 900 8,230 900 8,230 Rep Saf 329 3,005 329 3,005 TOTAL 662,757 1,393,455 1,155,209 2,464,042 9603300000 Artists Brushes, Writing Brushes and Similar Brushes for the Application of Cosmetics February Year To Date Country Net Q/No. Value Net Q/No. Value 1,601,042 603,915 676,385 274,265 Canada Mexico 39,661 155,838 93,474 354,866 Hondura 2,880 4,350 2,880 4,350 4,323 15,950 13,328 48,570 Panama Cayman 250 2,795 1,992 13,447 22,422 26,430 22,422 26,430 Dom Rep Venez 5,200 5,750 5,200 5,750 Ecuador 789 10,797 7,049 30,050 21,963 5,918 Brazil Norway 650 3,768 Finland 1,325 4,889 2,129 7,857 U King 28,267 114,638 40,414 176,050 6,310 5,199 7,951 11,252 Ireland Nethlds 13,021 48,042 63,567 234,541 Belgium 3,821 14,095 18,050 66,595 France 35,997 139,054 43,212 171,417 Fr Germ 4,337 22,204 22,839 103,723 3,627 13,382 13,382 3,627 Austria Czech 1,355 5,000 5,670 1,537 Switzld Poland 894 3,300 894 3,300 Russia 17,317 63,895 6,834 1,852 3,672 995 Italy Turkey 1,016 3,750 1,016 3,750 Lebanon 251 4,778 251 4,778 Israel 1,852 6,833 1,852 6,833

PAGE 60 Arab Em India Thailnd Vietnam Singapr China Kor Rep Hg Kong Taiwan Japan Austral N Zeal Algeria Ghana TOTAL

BROOM, BRUSH & MOP 4,500 6,246 3,232 1,561 1,438 17,610 1,925 5,888 1,553 44,764 10,811 1,464 17,630 1,200 1,103,392

9,152 23,045 18,820 5,760 5,307 64,976 21,154 30,801 6,621 193,940 44,559 5,400 68,717 4,115 3,482,306

Country Canada Mexico Bermuda Bahamas Jamaica Dom Rep Colomb Venez Peru Brazil Finland U King Nethlds Fr Germ Israel Jordan S Arab Arab Em China Hg Kong Austral N Zeal Fiji TOTAL

9603402000 Paint Rollers February Year To Date Net Q/No. Value Net Q/No. 89,237 535,923 244,962 191,124 261,964 587,904 2,444 1,812 1,168 1,500 481 96,696 99,966 96,696 5,020 5,053 7,660 6,198 334 5,860 8,334 1,051 560 7,536 14,165 9,586 984 2,963 984 190 3,562 190 1,215 963 6,934 1,427 450 1,352 23,735 1,352 4,520 15,202 4,520 1,644 1,452 397,956 975,327 983,590

Value 1,052,841 1,352,653 5,349 4,058 20,503 39,652 8,450 99,966 8,009 20,007 19,200 5,328 2,808 22,412 2,963 3,562 21,333 12,655 11,988 23,735 15,202 6,700 7,586 2,766,960

Country Mexico Hondura Panama Grenada Colomb Israel Taiwan Japan TOTAL

9603404020 Paint Pads February Year To Date Net Q/No. Value Net Q/No. 5,411 10,335 5,411 20 336 2,768 336 3,083 1,642 11,656 1,642 417 5,620 1,226 13,624 5,160 7,806 30,379 30,502

Value 10,335 3,400 2,768 21,882 11,656 11,360 17,711 3,769 82,881

6,246 2,515 1,561

23,045 13,362 5,760

16,852 1,925 2,059

62,179 21,154 15,034

2,367 5,120 1,464

8,734 21,949 5,400

1,200 501,949

4,115 1,470,021

9603404050 Paint, Distemper, Varnish or Similar Brushes (Except Brushes of 9603.30) February Year To Date Country Net Q/No. Value Net Q/No. Value Canada 18,701 332,279 42,527 632,505 Mexico 260 5,399 399 8,276 48,082 4,076 42,084 4,022 Guatmal Hondura 360 6,012 360 6,012 C Rica 1,069 22,176 442 9,150 2,688 16,603 Bermuda Bahamas 2,189 45,395 2,509 51,017 16,127 778 16,127 778 Jamaica Cayman 648 5,268 1,050 13,606 Dom Rep 145 3,000 145 3,000 64 2,752 64 2,752 B Virgn Monsrat 254 12,849 254 12,849 Barbado 26 2,950 26 2,950

Trinid N Antil Colomb Venez Peru Brazil Argent Sweden Denmark U King Ireland Nethlds France Fr Germ Czech Poland Spain Israel Kuwait S Arab Singapr Phil R China Kor Rep Austral Ivy Cst TOTAL

June 2009 155 13 1,582

3,210 3,256 20,513

1,040 3,929 1,768

15,600 16,175 50,944

13,293 1,881 2,277 489 1,575 1,320 810 2,020

275,730 12,680 47,239 11,215 29,474 7,426 19,727 8,639

931 28 100 439 584 969 63,092

7,086 6,581 5,677 9,104 12,124 20,104 1,065,769

1,844 413 1,582 501 120 478 18 2,080 5,299 2,346 516 27,958 2,816 2,277 489 1,575 1,320 1,931 2,020 711 953 28 836 439 584 969 116,048

14,905 8,120 20,513 10,398 3,084 21,355 3,906 31,200 22,503 62,919 3,806 579,901 34,614 47,239 11,215 29,474 7,426 51,534 8,639 14,742 12,046 6,581 31,220 9,104 12,124 20,104 1,914,627

9603900000 Hand-Operated Mechanical Floor Sweepers, Not Motorized, Mops & Feather Dusters; Prepared Knots & Tufts for Broom or Brush Making, NESOI February Year To Date Country Net Q/No. Value Net Q/No. Value Canada 235,797 2,263,636 449,027 4,539,111 Mexico 66,801 750,072 143,051 1,684,827 Hondura 420 6,808 420 6,808 Panama 590 9,576 3,465 56,202 Dom Rep 678 3,359 S Vn Gr 83 2,877 Barbado 240 6,500 Trinid 711 11,021 711 11,021 N Antil 2,282 13,321 3,602 37,452 Venez 1,304 21,154 2,162 35,064 Peru 11 3,159 Bolivia 215 3,480 215 3,480 Chile 500 4,158 7,955 98,991 Brazil 3,577 19,698 3,577 19,698 Argent 295 4,780 Sweden 669 9,846 5,734 80,459 43,554 2,673 U King Ireland 2,065 33,490 2,065 33,490 24,498 3,729 16,160 3,215 Nethlds Belgium 455 9,325 France 2,446 39,680 2,705 43,885 65,096 4,383 46,130 2,743 Fr Germ Switzld 2,038 30,036 2,038 30,036 Estonia 369 5,988 Lithuan 880 9,050 Russia 499 8,093 499 8,093 Spain 262 4,247 262 4,247 Italy 206 3,334 206 3,334 Greece 163 2,642 163 2,642 Israel 370 6,015 803 13,036 802 12,994 3,302 204 S Arab Qatar 191 3,100 Arab Em 467 11,024 356 5,782 356 5,782 Pakistn Thailnd 598 4,676 18,356 458 Singapr Indnsia 2,082 25,524 China 7,703 216,894 7,994 221,613 22,472 4,162 40,986 1,454 Kor Rep Hg Kong 686 18,734 1,191 33,479 Taiwan 3,495 56,697 4,469 75,474

June 2009 Japan Austral N Zeal Rep Saf TOTAL

BROOM, BRUSH & MOP 4,991 3,698 412

72,628 59,997 2,528



7,251 8,340 669 763 680,245

107,639 145,813 6,695 10,307 7,579,816

Broom and Brush

IMPORTS February Imports By Country

Country China Hg Kong TOTAL

0502100000 Pigs’, Hogs’ or Boars’ Bristles and Hair and Waste Thereof February Year To Date Net Q/KG Value Net Q/KG 11,047 39,716 51,497 2,212 11,047 39,716 53,709

Value 697,328 24,071 721,399

0511993300 Horsehair and Horsehair Waste, Whether or Not Put Up As A Layer With or Without Supporting Material February Year To Date Country Net Q/KG Value Net Q/KG Value China 7,870 125,480 20,945 307,067 TOTAL 7,870 125,480 20,945 307,067 1404903000 Istle Used Primarily In Brooms or In Brushes, Whether or Not In Hanks or Bundles February Year To Date Country Net Q/KG Value Net Q/KG Value Mexico 54,885 278,109 89,111 448,888 TOTAL 54,885 278,109 89,111 448,888 4417002000 Broom and Mop Handles, 1.9 CM or More In Diameter and 97 CM or More In Length, Of Wood February Year To Date Country Net Q/No. Value Net Q/No. Value Mexico 10,000 4,674 10,000 4,674 Hondura 429,116 224,269 803,592 438,310 Colomb 9,648 3,947 Brazil 452,725 340,725 2,054,968 1,652,834 32,064 14,758 Spain Sri Lka 6,000 6,740 Vietnam 66,420 63,392 358,837 430,057 143,014 175,232 Indnsia China 104,216 85,804 330,132 188,856 Taiwan 33,000 36,190 1,171,289 798,486 3,775,881 2,768,538 TOTAL 4417004000 Paint Brush and Paint Roller Handles, Of Wood February Year To Date Country Net Q/Variable Value Net Q/Variable Value 8,102 Fr Germ Czech 18,894 18,894 Italy 32,080 733,895 Indnsia 6,407 162,916 1,009,194 545,380 China Taiwan 8,364 TOTAL 602,761 1,941,365

Country Canada Sri Lka Hg Kong TOTAL

4417006000 Brush Backs, Of Wood Year To Date February Net Q/No. Value Net Q/No. 142,492 56,212 100,360 22,537 22,040 56,641 25,000 224,133 78,252 122,897


4417008010 Tool Handles of Wood Year To Date February Net Q/Variable Value Net Q/Variable

Value 70,476 56,100 16,944 143,520


Canada Mexico Salvadr C Rica Colomb Brazil Nethlds Poland Indnsia China Taiwan TOTAL

PAGE 61 3,100 2,609

202,926 12,548 57,028 5,499 283,710

10,500 19,265 3,050 2,640 3,088 671,972 5,533 12,548 24,899 89,285 12,519 855,299

4417008090 Tools, Tool Bodies, Broom or Brush Bodies, Shoe Lasts and Trees, of Wood February Year To Date Country Net Q/Variable Value Net Q/Variable Value Canada 41,106 85,681 Mexico 2,768 5,868 Hondura 3,079 Colomb 2,696 Chile 477,498 1,180,108 U King 9,752 14,951 Spain 4,923 4,923 Italy 5,672 India 78,807 201,633 Sri Lka 55,002 159,268 Vietnam 18,499 Indnsia 36,631 China 167,697 445,983 Taiwan 23,219 44,795 Japan 317,558 523,185 TOTAL 1,178,330 2,732,972 9603100500 Wiskbrooms, of Broom Corn, LT=.96 EA. Prior to Entry or Withdrawal for Consumption of 61,655 Dozen In Calendar Year February Year To Date Country Net Q/No. Value Net Q/No. Value Mexico 3,108 3,010 3,108 3,010 TOTAL 3,108 3,010 3,108 3,010 9603104000 Other Brooms, of Broomcorn, LT=.96 EA, Prior to Entry or Withdrawal For Consumption of GT=121,478 Dozen in Calendar Year February Year To Date 18,756 14,489 41,748 31,241 Mexico China 2,520 2,456 TOTAL 18,756 14,489 44,268 33,697 9603106000 Other Brooms, Of Broomcorn, Valued Over .96 Each February Year To Date Net Q/No. Value Net Q/No. Value Country Mexico 561,495 1,461,638 1,113,500 2,711,385 149,525 68,136 67,881 30,072 Hondura China 15,840 32,432 TOTAL 591,567 1,529,519 1,197,476 2,893,342 9603109000 Brooms & Brushes, Consisting of Twigs or Other Vegetable Materials Bound Together, With or Without Handles, NESOI Year To Date February Country Net Q/No. Value Net Q/No. Value Mexico 13,600 7,818 Colomb 17,544 22,689 17,544 22,689 Sri Lka 66,254 159,207 124,018 256,538 13,163 6,250 3,558 2,500 Thailnd Vietnam 9,800 7,932 24,850 20,478 2,504 1,000 Phil R China 5,940 12,784 18,628 37,640 TOTAL 102,038 206,170 205,890 360,830 9603210000 Toothbrushes, Incl. Dental-Plate Brushes February Year To Date Value Net Q/No. Value Net Q/No. Country Canada 9,180 2,201 40,887 63,348

PAGE 62 Mexico Chile Brazil Sweden U King Ireland Nethlds France Fr Germ Switzld Italy Israel India Thailnd Vietnam Malaysa Indnsia China Kor Rep Taiwan Japan TOTAL

BROOM, BRUSH & MOP 487,824


1,323,360 6,436 7,870 595,116 16,245

368,252 10,792 4,163 262,709 5,716

4,581,428 13,647,144 120,096

2,404,587 3,389,392 56,490

2,359,460 783,360 355,712 787,088 160,000 30,422,727 420,160 110,166 1,012,720 57,206,092

449,668 64,884 91,719 33,687 8,252 6,032,728 15,101 89,728 69,628 13,521,164

1,009,405 38,016 2,219,544 6,436 7,870 1,359,948 55,945 447 8,083,772 19,684,056 194,976 113,576 6,528,450 1,885,720 956,360 787,088 294,000 78,065,665 420,160 1,571,472 1,012,720 124,336,513

388,199 9,216 610,421 10,792 4,163 602,896 11,132 4,287 5,339,063 4,956,300 93,915 74,249 1,009,852 200,221 287,348 33,687 17,148 14,055,332 15,101 284,987 69,628 28,141,285

9603294010 Hairbrushes, Valued Not Over .40 Each Year To Date February Net Q/No. Value Net Q/No. Value Country Poland 13,824 4,460 13,824 4,460 Vietnam 7,200 3,086 China 2,956,090 795,630 9,097,013 1,958,358 Kor Rep 35,856 9,191 35,856 9,191 Hg Kong 24,000 5,555 160,512 30,769 TOTAL 3,029,770 814,836 9,314,405 2,005,864 9603294090 Shaving Brushes, Nail Brushes, Eyelash Brushes & Other Toilet Brushes For Use On The Person, Valued Not Over .40 Each February Year To Date Country Net Q/No. Value Net Q/No. Value Mexico 3,033,382 277,989 7,369,536 691,218 France 167,911 34,551 Fr Germ 2,096,670 352,994 4,624,840 846,728 Italy 531,751 88,136 1,076,355 229,174 India 146,494 3,423 146,494 3,423 China 3,694,326 532,353 7,535,551 1,342,186 Kor Rep 123,000 8,099 1,575,600 49,141 Hg Kong 384,000 29,396 Taiwan 10,000 4,203 45,000 13,970 TOTAL 9,635,623 1,267,197 22,925,287 3,239,787 9603302000 Artists Brushes, Writing Brushes & Similar Brushes For Application Of Cosmetics, Valued Not Over .05 Each Year To Date February Country Net Q/No. Value Net Q/No. Value 6,391 832,400 11,336 563,200 Mexico 38,191 3,569,500 32,065 1,069,500 Fr Germ Italy 2,145,000 23,422 5,687,900 71,918 1,500,000 13,200 13,200 1,500,000 India 310,059 12,243,794 165,423 6,757,020 China Kor Rep 638,000 25,563 2,003,000 60,512 25,836,594 505,216 266,064 12,672,720 TOTAL

Country Mexico Fr Germ China Kor Rep Hg Kong Taiwan TOTAL

9603304000 Artists Brushes, Writing Brushes & Similar Brushes For Application of Cosmetics, Valued Over .05 But not Over .10 Each Year To Date February Net Q/No. Value Net Q/No. Value 446,075 11,040,125 896,531 5,442,919 11,910 187,500 11,910 187,500 6,886,032 548,668 14,948,973 1,200,660 43,700 777,000 27,100 477,000 200,000 18,200 230,000 21,237 100,080 6,183 1,000,096 59,172 1,058,136 28,183,694 2,233,210 13,293,531

June 2009

9603306000 Artists Brushes, Writing Brushes & Similar Brushes For Application Of Cosmetics, Valued Over .10 Each February Year To Date Country Net Q/No. Value Net Q/No. Value Canada 204 8,508 249 10,671 Mexico 9,300,462 1,475,854 16,942,239 2,722,270 Dom Rep 182,530 210,609 270,235 299,180 U King 129,567 232,685 220,978 400,582 Belgium 13,976 3,673 13,976 3,673 France 61,029 225,513 110,185 461,683 Fr Germ 947,144 310,382 993,444 445,594 Switzld 166 3,722 166 3,722 Spain 7,299 32,459 Italy 95,853 32,934 India 168,453 96,454 587,791 305,455 Sri Lka 38,772 21,751 273,780 144,789 Thailnd 189,481 153,940 460,195 313,908 China 11,827,358 7,070,504 28,963,687 17,714,315 Kor Rep 181,023 226,531 437,069 404,188 Hg Kong 285,320 254,119 828,210 524,812 Taiwan 27,280 18,366 168,532 68,689 Japan 381,816 883,262 606,449 1,556,314 1,944 12,726 3,834 21,328 Maurit TOTAL 23,736,525 11,208,599 50,984,171 25,466,566

Country Canada Mexico Fr Germ Singapr China TOTAL

9603402000 Paint Rollers February Year To Date Net Q/No. Value Net Q/No. 89,122 89,497 128,130 741,998 398,160 1,450,690 278,880 57,863 520,880 48,321 9,186 48,321 1,564,452 944,428 4,008,098 2,722,773 1,499,134 6,156,119

Value 121,874 844,323 132,706 9,186 2,623,056 3,731,145

9603404020 Paint Pads (Other Than Of Subheading 9603.30) February Year To Date Country Net Q/No. Value Net Q/No. Value Italy 44 7,438 China 1,420,810 438,388 2,207,992 922,045 Taiwan 29,024 252,108 46,800 384,154 TOTAL 1,449,834 690,496 2,254,836 1,313,637 9603404040 Natural Bristle Brushes, Other Than Brushes Of Subheading 9603.30 February Year To Date Value Net Q/No. Value Country Net Q/No. Sweden 100 4,542 100 4,542 U King 4,344 7,617 17,824 22,297 Nethlds 336 2,805 336 2,805 France 1,340 3,475 1,340 3,475 1,428 4,050 Fr Germ Italy 60,800 84,596 60,800 84,596 Turkey 23,112 69,943 Israel 12,000 9,423 12,000 9,423 52,720 371,664 52,720 371,664 Thailnd Vietnam 405,528 53,218 405,528 53,218 Indnsia 1,924,340 344,064 4,613,950 777,178 China 52,800 3,494 77,080 37,738 150,316 37,622 153,316 46,212 Taiwan 2,700 24,291 8,147 900 Japan TOTAL 2,984,468 611,723 5,741,178 1,192,488 9603404060 Paint, Distemper, Varnish/Similr Brushes Exc Brushes of Subheading 9603.30 NESOI February Year To Date Country Net Q/No. Value Net Q/No. Value 52,328 60,204 33,367 40,040 Canada 4,100 11,950 11,950 4,100 Brazil U King 120 4,511 120 4,511 Fr Germ 1,663 9,904 14,583 52,401 6,014 9,600 6,014 9,600 Czech Switzld 517 2,358 517 2,358

June 2009 Vietnam Singapr Indnsia China Taiwan Japan TOTAL



35,758 10,750 6,067,315 24,688,034 308,167 109,371 31,300,643

68,314 4,309 1,331,448 10,166,265 146,809 33,548 11,888,131

2,593,827 10,824,366 248,767 40,756 13,793,436

592,181 4,490,581 73,353 13,938 5,300,055

Country Mexico China Rep Saf TOTAL

9603908010 Wiskbrooms February Year To Date Net Q/No. Value Net Q/No. 1,520 23,674 22,723 83,782 768 23,674 22,723 86,070

Value 2,893 73,185 2,467 78,545

Country Canada Mexico Colomb Brazil Italy China TOTAL

9603908020 Upright Brooms February Year To Date Net Q/No. Value Net Q/No. 132 3,730 132 29,778 36,298 55,170 3,984 3,482 13,272 17,427 22,363 41,310 18,658 437,445 455,124 1,124,795 488,766 520,997 1,253,337

Value 3,730 64,729 13,552 53,134 14,080 1,187,097 1,336,322

9603908030 Push Brooms, 41 CM or Less in Width February Year To Date Country Net Q/No. Value Net Q/No. Sri Lka 720 China 9,840 TOTAL 10,560

Country Canada Mexico Guatmal Salvadr Colomb Venez Brazil Hungary Spain Italy Sri Lka Thailnd Vietnam Indnsia

9603908040 Other Brooms, NESOI February Year To Date Net Q/No. Value Net Q/No. 56,292 103,793 151,893 319,204 688,571 594,017 20,400 20,536 20,400 3,366 22,144 23,010 27,900 720,252 42,616 53,296 73,369 27,900 22,200 1,343 26,934 80,964 70,282 6,500 9,420 4,878 12,160 38,150

Value 3,213 21,371 24,584

Value 308,739 1,207,321 20,536 39,436 27,994 41,437 120,116 8,777 22,495 14,248 199,308 9,034 11,241 38,974

China Taiwan Egypt TOTAL

PAGE 63 390,960 160 3,600 872,952

453,654 2,843 2,904 1,433,583

1,100,790 160 3,600 2,893,926

1,237,172 2,843 2,904 3,312,575

9603908050 Brooms, Brushes, Sqeegees, Etc., NESOI February Year To Date Country Net Q/No. Value Net Q/No. Value Canada 1,658,097 3,475,192 Mexico 3,543,415 7,344,733 Salvadr 18,578 18,578 Hondura 904,103 1,883,377 Panama 9,716 Dom Rep 158,299 165,472 Colomb 117,172 199,404 Brazil 85,911 139,899 Argent 70,906 Sweden 65,690 89,976 Denmark 98,006 152,353 U King 82,895 126,804 Nethlds 148,912 163,986 Belgium 260,615 411,075 15,082 15,082 France Fr Germ 98,398 260,614 Austria 33,220 199,439 Czech 8,093 Switzld 2,202 14,703 Poland 6,424 Spain 3,017 9,100 Italy 467,944 1,187,377 Romania 3,835 Syria 3,299 3,299 Israel 15,469 102,956 India 122,129 313,106 Pakistn 543,738 1,020,417 Sri Lka 262,024 485,346 Thailnd 921,102 1,913,922 Vietnam 53,207 130,447 Malaysa 17,802 43,454 Singapr 18,615 Indnsia 15,249 89,203 China 21,240,049 49,226,032 Kor Rep 190,958 575,383 Hg Kong 362,796 698,727 Taiwan 772,274 1,617,851 Japan 34,292 111,389 Austral 97,782 206,285 25,469 W Samoa 39,239 27,658 Egypt 32,441,384 72,577,278 TOTAL

ABMA Announces New Member Services Provider The American Brush Manufacturers Association (ABMA) has announced that Sageworks, Inc., is a new member service provider for the Association’s members. Sageworks provides a data collection and benchmarking tool “Profit Cents” that contains a highly specialized data collection, performance and benchmarking engine. Profit Cents collects and reports industry specific benchmarking information relative to how a company measures up against its peers and the industry. The platform has sophisticated data security and confiden-

tiality features built-in. “Profit Cents” traditional clients include lending banks and audit firms. Sageworks has recently opened to the association market to build a stronger data base sort capability by NAICS code. Included in the platform is a budgeting and modeling tool that is highly developed and supports real-time, multi-year forecast generation, one cell at a time. This modeling tool is helpful for “what if” scenarios and is especially useful when building a presentation piece for lenders, customers

or shareholders. To find out more information about this new ABMA members-only benefit, visit: icle&n_id=62. ABMA was founded in 1917 to assist North American brush manufacturers and their suppliers by enhancing industry knowledge, providing a variety of networking opportunities and promoting sustainability for its members.



June 2009

U.S. Imports 50 Short Tons Of Broom Corn In March By Harrell Kerkhoff Broom, Brush & Mop Editor According to the U.S. Department of Commerce, 50 short tons of broom corn were imported into the United States during March 2009. Total value of this import was $108,699, with a cost per ton of $2,174 ($1.09 per pound). The government reported that two countries imported broom corn during the third month of 2009, led by Mexico with 41 short tons at a total value of $84,139. The cost per ton of this import was $2,052 ($1.03 per pound). The only other country to import broom corn during March was Chile at 9 short tons. Total value of this import was $24,560, with a cost per ton of $2,729 ($1.36 per pound). Although very low compared to historic figures, more broom corn was imported into the United States in March 2009 than any other month since October 2008, when 123 short tons entered the country. After the first three months of 2009, a total of 85 short tons of broom corn was imported into the United States. All but 9 of these tons arrived from Mexico. Total value of the broom corn imported after the first three months was $219,697, with a cost per ton of $2,585 ($1.29 per pound). In comparison, 221 short tons of broom corn were imported into the country after the first three months of 2008, with a total value of $555,413. The cost per ton of this import was $2,513 ($1.26 per pound).

even bring in unprocessed broom corn for that price,” Pelton said. As far as the Chilean import in concerned, he explained that there is broom corn grown in South America, such as found in Argentina and Paraguay. Climate conditions should make it possible as well for broom corn to be grown in parts of Chile. When interviewed on May 26, Pelton added that the first 2009 harvest from the Torreon region of Mexico is drawing closer and should begin in about three to four weeks. He added that mixed signals have been given concerning the expected size of this harvest. “The bad news about the new crop is that the Torreon area is not very safe to be in at the current time. There have been a number of kidnappings in the area. It’s harder to get information because there are not many people willing to travel (to the Torreon area),” Pelton said. “Typically, near the first of June, there are some small broom corn fields harvested in the local (Cadereyta) area and on toward the Mexican border with Texas, but the biggest part of the harvest occurs in Torreon. This usually starts around July 1, depending on the weather. “The first broom corn that typically arrives in Cadereyta (for processing) is around the first week in July. By mid-July, therefore, we (in the United States) are usually buying and importing this new crop broom corn.” As of the last week in May, Pelton reported that Mexican broom corn prices have been fluctuating in association with the value of the Mexican peso. He said that in years past, most broom corn buyers were located in the United States and purchased with (U.S.) dollars. Therefore, changes with the peso did not immediately impact the price of broom corn. Today, however, most of the buying is done with pesos from local (Mexican) broom factories.

Bart Pelton of PelRay International, LLC, in San Antonio, TX, said that unfortunately, March’s total of 50 short tons is now a typical monthly import figure. “With more proBroom Corn duction shifting to 2004 2005 2006 2007 Mexico, and due to Tons Tons Tons Tons the recession, 50 to 75 tons a month is January 174 125 61 116 now a likely average February 113 44 215 90 for U.S. broom corn March 168 77 65 83 imports,” Pelton said. 48 56 120 122 April He added, however, May 167 36 135 172 that the total value of 81 63 65 147 June $84,139 ($1.03 per July 162 124 160 80 pound) for the MexAugust 183 177 216 80 ican broom corn imSeptember 215 124 152 131 ported in March looks October 202 133 184 92 to be off. November 194 200 96 160 “I feel that’s a misDecember 127 164 76 101 take. It’s well below 1,974 1,389 1,497 1,216 our costs. You can’t

Imports 2008 Tons

2009 Tons

Total Value

Cost Per Ton




$3,363 ($1.68)




$3,044 ($1.52)

41 150 98 65 66 76 133 123 29 17



$2,174 ($1.09)




$2,585 ($1.29)

June 2009


Because of this, Mexican broom corn prices now tend to fluctuate much more directly with the peso. Pelton added that the peso is currently influencing Mexican broom corn prices more so than actual supply. Pelton also noted that at the moment, hurl is in tight supply while insides are relatively plentiful. This may be in relation to more brooms being produced in Cadereyta and the United States right now that contain a higher amount of yucca fiber and fewer insides. “The yucca fiber market is fairly steady. Pricing has been soft over the past few months. I feel yucca fiber is a relative bargain right now. It didn’t go up with (past) broom corn pricing or during the winter months (when supply is often tighter),” Pelton said. “There may be some good deals available with pup and trailer load purchases.” Changes within the yucca fiber market may take place, however, as some processors could start to shut down due to current conditions. Pelton also discussed today’s state of the Mexican economy, which continues to suffer due to an ongoing economic recession. He noted that the automobile manufacturing industry is big in Mexico. With the auto industry in a slump in many parts of the world, this is having a negative influence in Mexico, similar to what is taking place in the United States. Along with the recession, continued problems with violence within portions of the country along with this spring’s swine flu outbreak have made 2009 a rough year thus far for the country. “Mexico is going through a difficult period. I do feel (the government) is trying to do the right things and it should get better, but it will take time,” Pelton said. Richard Caddy of R.E. Caddy & Co., Inc., in Greensboro, NC, agreed with Pelton that the Mexican broom corn dollar figure during March does not look to be correct. He added that at $1.03 per pound, this import would almost all have to be of raw broom corn and “at this time of year, there isn’t a lot of raw corn left to bring in from Mexico.” As for the upcoming first harvest from the Torreon region, Caddy said he has not received any recent information concerning the expected size of this crop outside of the fact that there will be broom corn available for purchase. He added that continuing violence in the Torreon area is a problem. “Even the processors don’t want to go out there (to Torreon).

It’s just not safe right now. It’s a rough situation,” Caddy said. There was good news to report, however, regarding Mexican broom corn pricing as of the last week in May. Caddy indicated that pricing dropped a bit due to a number of reasons. “The fumigation issue (at the Mexican-U.S. border) has apparently been resolved. Processors are also having a tough time selling broom corn. Therefore, prices are softer to encourage more buying,” Caddy said. “In return, we (R.E. Caddy) have been able to pass along some cost savings to our customers. “I don’t have a good feel for what pricing will be like in July with the new crop. There is always a hope that with the new harvest, pricing will be lower.” On the subject of yucca fiber, Caddy reported that there is plenty of product available from Mexico. This fiber is also of good quality and pricing. Concerning overall business, Caddy said that he had seen more activity in May compared to April, but that the current economic recession is still taking its toll. “In our industry, so much of it is retail driven. There is a lot of dependence of people getting into stores and buying,” he said. “There was always a belief in the past that purchasing a broom or mop was something people would do (even during a recession), but I feel it’s different this time around. If there are a lot of people not sure about the future of their jobs, they may be less inclined to even purchase brooms and mops. For those who don’t know if their jobs are secured, they are not going to spend extra on anything.” Tim Monahan of The Thomas Monahan Co., in Arcola, IL, also felt the dollar value of the Mexican broom corn imported in March looked suspicious to him, although it’s conceivable that this import was mostly comprised of raw corn. Monahan also found it unusual that there was imported broom corn arriving from Chile, although he did know of a broom corn operation in that country that has since been retired. “It’s possible that they got rid of some of their old inventory,” he explained. Monahan added that broom corn harvesting is expected to soon take place in Torreon, although he has not received word as of the latter part of May concerning the possible size of the crop. Meanwhile, the yucca fiber market remains slow despite plenty of product being available. “The market is weak and demand is calling the shots,” he said.

Wooster Brush Offers New Pro Value Roller Packs Wooster Pro Value packs help end-users purchase professional-level paintroller fabrics at a reduced price. The red-white-andblue-themed boxes are filled with 9-inch rollers made in the USA for use with flat, eggshell and satin paints. High-capacity knits, poly/wool blends and shed-resistant fabrics are available. Pro Value packs come in three nap categories: low, medium and high. The low nap box (catalog number R711) contains 10 of the 3/8-


inch pile covers. Six rollers of either 1/2-inch or 3/4-inch pile are inside the medium nap box (catalog number R712). The high nap box (catalog number R713) is another 6pack with either 1-inch or 1 1/4-inch covers. Currently, Wooster has thousands of packs on hand, but this offer will only last as long as they remain in stock. Pro Value packs are available from paint and decorating centers, hardware stores and paint sundry distributors or retailers.



June 2009

Nexstep Commercial Features Neptune™ Rayon Cut-End Mops Nexstep Commercial Products (exclusive Licensee of O-Cedar) has announced its new Neptune™ Rayon CutEnd Mops with Scrub Pad. They are designed for institutional, hospital and food service use and feature: n scrub pad attached to headband that allows the user to flip the mop over to scrub heavily soiled areas; n premium yarn construction with tightlytwisted 8-ply premium rayon fibers constructed with 4 rows of “lock-stitching”; n strong tailband construction with “back tacked” tailband to hold it firmly to mop; n high launderability features; and, n 1-1/4-inch narrow headband that fits

standard mopsticks such as the Quick™ Change Mopstick. Neptune™ Rayon Cut-End Mops with Scrub Pad are available in today’s popular sizes: 12 oz., 16 oz., 20 oz., 24 oz. and 32 oz.…and color...white. For more information, visit

Obituary Hector Campbell Longtime broom and broom corn industry professional Hector Campbell, 76, died on May 8, 2009, in Laredo, TX. He had worked in the broom industry for most of his life, including approximately 35 years for The Thomas Monahan Company. Campbell is survived by his wife, Consuelo Campbell; children Sergio (Lorena) Campbell, Diana Campbell and Letty (Edgardo Sarmiento) Campbell; grandchildren Ingrid Mata Campbell, Jordi Mata Campbell, Hector Campbell III, Gerardo Campbell, Johnathan Campbell, Sergio Campbell and Sebastian Sarmiento; and his brother, Enrique (Elma) Campbell. He is preceded in death by a son, Hector R. Campbell; and a son-in-law, Jordi Mata. Funeral arrangements were under the direction of Hillside Funeral Home, 310 Hillside Rd., Laredo, TX 78041-3290 (phone 956-724-6060).

INDEX OF ADVERTISERS ABMA ......................................................................17 Amerwood ................................................................20 Bizzotto .....................................................................11 Borghi s.p.a...............................................................19 Boucherie USA...........................................................7 Caddy & Co., Inc., R.E.............................................37 Carlson Tool........................................................15, 39 Chung Thai Brushes Co............................................16 Creative Poly, Inc. ....................................................13 Crystal Lake..............................................................35 Culivover & Shapiro, Inc..........................................39 Deco Products Co. ....................................................27 Distribuidora Perfect, S.A.........................................24 GDF ............................................................................9 Gordon Brush Mfg. Co. Inc......................................29 Jewel Wire Co...........................................................22 Jones Companies ........................................................2 Keystone Plastics ......................................................14 Lanoco Specialty Wire Products, Inc. ......................26 Line Manufacturing, Inc. ..........................................38

Magnolia Brush ........................................................26 Manufacturers Resource ............................Back Cover MAPA Spontex .........................................................12 MBK .........................................................................25 Michigan Brush Mfg. Co..........................................36 Mill-Rose Company..................................................31 Monahan Co., The Thomas ......................Front Cover Paul Marsh Co. .........................................................33 PelRay.........................................................................3 PMM .........................................................................21 Rol-Brush Mfg..........................................................36 Royal Paint Roller ....................................................28 Shanghai Aubi Metals Co. ........................................67 St. Nick Brush Co.....................................................40 Thomas Textile Co....................................................34 Vonco Products, Inc. .................................................23 Young & Swartz........................................................40 Zahoransky .................................................................5 Zelazoski Wood Products .........................................22

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