July/August 2012
FEATURES Fiber, Filament Makers, Suppliers Report Positive Markets, Products In First Half Wire Business Doing Well, Say Wire Manufacturers, Suppliers
Broom, Brush & Mop Magazine
Product Availability And Price Fluctuation Remain Strong Points Of Interest For Raw Materials
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July/August 2012
July/August 2012
FEATURES Fiber, Filament Makers, Suppliers Report Positive Markets, Products In First Half___10 Wire Business Doing Well, Say Wire Manufacturers, Suppliers ____________20
Volume 102, Number 4
AMERICAN HARDWARE MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION 801 North Plaza Drive, Schaumburg, IL 60173-4977 • (847) 605-1025
FEIBP EUROPEAN BRUSH FEDERATION P.O. Box 90154, 5000 LG Tilburg, The Netherlands • 00 31 13 5944 678
2012 SUPPlIERS DIREctORy __________30
7373 N. Lincoln Avenue, Lincolnwood, IL 60646-1799 • (847) 982-0800
INTERNATIONAL HOUSEWARES ASSOCIATION 6400 Shafer Court, Suite 650, Rosemont, IL 60018 • (847) 292-4200
Product Availability And Price Fluctuation Remain Strong Points Of Interest For Raw Materials _________________________65
IMPORTS/EXPORTS Raw Material, Finished Goods Imports Down— Exports Up _________________56 April Imports & Exports For Raw Materials _________________________58
INDUSTRY NEWS News _____________________________28, 64, 66
STAFF CO-PUBLISHERS Don Rankin drankin@consolidated.net
ASSOCIATE EDITOR Rick Mullen rankinmag@consolidated.net
Linda Rankin lrankin@consolidated.net EDITOR Harrell Kerkhoff rankinmag@consolidated.net
GRAPHIC/PRODUCTION Andrew Webb David Opdyke RECEPTION Sandy Pierce
Rankin Publishing, Inc. 204 E. Main St., P.O. Box 130 • Arcola, IL 61910-0130, USA Phone: (217) 268-4959 • Fax: (217) 268-4815 Website: www.rankinpublishing.com
INDEX OF ADVERTISERS Amerwood............................................27
G.D.F. ..................................................17
Paul Marsh ..........................................33
ABMA ..................................................26
Gordon Brush Mfg. Co. Inc. ..............29
PelRay International...........................15
Bizzotto Giovanni Automation ...........11
Hahl Pedex ...........................................13
Borghi USA..........................Back Cover
Himesa............................................37, 45
Royal Paint Roller...............................32
Boucherie USA Inc. ...............................7
Jewel Wire............................................25
St. Nick Brush .....................................40
Briarwood Products ............................12
Jones Companies...........................Cover
Tai Hing Filaments..............................18
Bruin Plastics.......................................16
Keystone Plastics .................................14
Vonco Products Inc. ............................19
Caddy & Co., Inc., R.E.......................36
Lemieux Spinning Mill Inc...................3
WorldWide Integrated Resources......23
Crystal Lake ........................................35
Line Manufacturing, Inc. ...................38
Young & Swartz ..................................40
Culicover & Shapiro ...........................36
Magnolia Brush ...................................25
Zahoransky Group................................5
Deco Products Co. ...............................39
Manufacturers Resource ......................9
Zelazoski ..............................................22
Distribuidora Perfect, S.A. .................24
Mill-Rose ..............................................31
DKSH .....................................................2
MonahanPartners ...............................20
DuPont .................................................21
Monahan Filaments ............................67
Send News Of Your Company To rankinmag@consolidated.net
Index ABCO PRODUCTS CORP. ...................................................................30 ABTEX CORPORATION ......................................................................30 ACS INDUSTRIES, INC. ....................................................................30 ALGOMA MOP MANUFACTURERS, ...................................................30 AMERICAN BRUSH MANUFACTURERS ASSOC...................................30 AMERWOOD .....................................................................................30 BAKER MCMILLEN CO......................................................................30 BEIRA ENVIRO SOLUTIONS (PVT) LTD. .............................................32 BEL-MAID COMPANY ........................................................................32 BIZZOTTO GIOVANNI AUTOMATION SRL............................................32 BO-BUCK MILLS, INC. ......................................................................34 BODAM INTERNATIONAL LTD. ..........................................................34 BORGHI S.P.A. .................................................................................34 BOUCHERIE.....................................................................................34 BRIARWOOD PRODUCTS CO. ............................................................38 BRUIN PLASTICS CO., INC. ..............................................................38 BRUSH FIBERS, INC. .......................................................................38 BRUSH RESEARCH MANUFACTURING CO., INC. ...............................38 BRUSHES CORP. ..............................................................................38 R.E. CADDY & COMPANY, INC. ..........................................................40 CAROLINA MOP................................................................................40 CEPILLOS EL CASTOR S.A. DE C.V. ...................................................40 CHARLES E. GREEN & SON, INC. .....................................................40 CHIEF MANUFACTURING..................................................................40 CORONA BRUSHES, INC...................................................................40 CREATIVE POLY, INC.........................................................................40 CRYSTAL LAKE MANUFACTURING, INC. ............................................41 CULICOVER & SHAPIRO, INC. ...........................................................41 DECO PRODUCTS CO........................................................................41 DELAMO MFG. .................................................................................41 DELIGH INDUSTRIES, INC................................................................41 DISTRIBUIDORA PERFECT S.A. DE C.V..............................................41 DORDEN & CO., INC., .......................................................................41 DORSTENER DRAHTWERKE GMBH & CO. .........................................41 DRAPER KNITTING COMPANY...........................................................41 DUPONT FILAMENTS........................................................................41 EMSCO GROUP ................................................................................42 EPIC RESINS ...................................................................................42 EVANSVILLE ASSOCIATION FOR THE BLIND .....................................42 F.M. BRUSH CO., INC. ......................................................................42 FIBRATEXSA.....................................................................................42 FILI & FORME SRL ...........................................................................42 FILMOP USA, LLC ............................................................................42 FIMM ITALIA S.P.A............................................................................42 FLEX BRUSH....................................................................................42 G.D.F. DI DE FRANCESCHI GABRIELLA & CO. SAS.............................42 GARELICK MFG. CO..........................................................................42 GIFT SALES CO. ...............................................................................43 GOLDEN STAR INC. ..........................................................................43
GORDON BRUSH MFG. CO., INC. ......................................................43 E. GORNELL & SONS, INC. ...............................................................43 GOVER, HOROWITZ & BLUNT LTD.....................................................43 GSC MANUFACTURING, INC. ............................................................43 GUNN BRUSH CO., INC. ...................................................................43 HAGCO INDUSTRIES ........................................................................43 HA-STE MANUFACTURING, INC. .......................................................43 HAHL INC. .......................................................................................43 HARPER BRUSH WORKS, INC. .........................................................44 HAVILAND CORPORATION.................................................................44 HILL BRUSH, INC. ...........................................................................44 HIMESA HILOS Y MECHAS S.A. DE C.V. ............................................44 HOGE BRUSH COMPANY ..................................................................44 HOGE LUMBER CO...........................................................................44 HOWARD BERGER CO., INC ..............................................................44 INDUSTRIAL BRUSH CORPORATION .................................................44 INTERWIRE PRODUCTS ....................................................................46 JASON MILLS, LLC ...........................................................................46 JEWEL WIRE COMPANY ....................................................................46 JOFEL USA, LLC...............................................................................46 JONES COMPANIES, LTD. .................................................................46 K.R. PLASTIC INDUSTRIES CO., LTD. ................................................46 KEYSTONE PLASTICS INC. ...............................................................46 KIEFER BRUSHES, INC. ...................................................................46 KRAKER CO. ....................................................................................47 LA CROSSE BRUSH, INC. .................................................................47 LAFITTE MOP CO., INC. ....................................................................47 LAITNER BRUSH COMPANY..............................................................47 LAMBSKIN SPECIALTIES ..................................................................47 LANOCO SPECIALTY WIRE PRODUCTS, INC.......................................47 LEMIEUX SPINNING MILL, INC.........................................................47 LIBMAN COMPANY, THE ...................................................................47 LINE MFG. INC.................................................................................47 MAGNOLIA BRUSH MANUFACTURERS LTD. ......................................47 MALISH CORPORATION, THE ............................................................47 MANUFACTURERS RESOURCE, INC. .................................................47 MARINO – VILEDA PROFESSIONAL ...................................................48 PAUL MARSH LLC ............................................................................48 M-B COMPANIES, INC. .....................................................................48 MBK MASCHINENBAU GMBH ...........................................................48 MFC, LTD. ........................................................................................48 MICHIGAN BRUSH MFG. CO., INC. ...................................................48 MILL-ROSE COMPANY, THE ..............................................................48 MILWAUKEE DUSTLESS BRUSH .......................................................48 MONAHAN FILAMENTS, LLC.............................................................49 MONAHAN PARTNERS......................................................................49 THOMAS MONAHAN CO., THE ..........................................................49 MONTEREY MILLS............................................................................49 MOUNT JOY WIRE CORP. ..................................................................49
Continued On Page 8
For mass production of twisted-in-wire interdental and mascara brushes >
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July/August 2012
Suppliers Dir. Index: Continued From Page 6 NATIONAL WIRE & METAL TECHNOLOGIES, INC. ..............................49 NEXSTEP COMMERCIAL PRODUCTS .................................................50 NORSHEL INDUSTRIES, INC. ...........................................................50 NORTHEAST LTDA. ...........................................................................50 NORTHERN WOOD PRODUCTS, INC. .................................................50 NYCO PRODUCTS COMPANY .............................................................50 O’DELL CORPORATION .....................................................................50 OSBORN ..........................................................................................50 PADCO INC. .....................................................................................50 PAINT BRUSH CORPORATION ...........................................................50 PATRICK YARN MILLS, INC. ..............................................................50 PELRAY INTERNATIONAL, LLC ..........................................................50 PERFEX CORPORATION ....................................................................51 PFERD MILWAUKEE BRUSH COMPANY .............................................51 PLASTICFIBRE S.P.A. .......................................................................51 POGLIANI SRL .................................................................................51 PRAGMA SPECIALTY FILAMENTS ......................................................51 PMM (PROVEEDORA MEXICANA DE MONOFILAMENTOS). ..................51 PURDY.............................................................................................51 QUINN BROOM WORKS, INC. ...........................................................51 REIT-PRICE MFG. CO., INC. .............................................................52 REMCO PRODUCTS ..........................................................................52 ROL-BRUSH MFG., DIVISION OF MICHIGAN BRUSH MFG. CO. INC. ...52 ROYAL PAINT ROLLER MFG. CORP. ...................................................52 RUBBERMAID COMMERCIAL PRODUCTS ..........................................52 SANDERSON MACLEOD ....................................................................52 SCHAEFER BRUSH MFG. CO., INC. ...................................................52 SCHLESINGER MASCHINENBAU GMBH ............................................52 SHANGHAI YI HENG DAILY-USE PRODUCTS CO., LTD. .......................53 SHIJIAZHUANG GOLDEN HARVEST IND. & TRADING CO., LTD ...........53 SHURHOLD INDUSTRIES, INC. .........................................................53 S.M. ARNOLD, INC. ..........................................................................53 ST. NICK BRUSH CO. .......................................................................53 TAI HING NYLON FILAMENT PRODUCTS CO., LTD. ............................53 TANIS, INC.......................................................................................53 THOMAS TEXTILE COMPANY.............................................................53 TUCEL INDUSTRIES, INC. ................................................................53 TUWAY AMERICAN GROUP ...............................................................53 UNGER ENTERPRISES, INC..............................................................53 U.S. LAMBSWOOL ............................................................................54 VONCO PRODUCTS, INC. ..................................................................54 WEILER CORPORATION ....................................................................54 WHITLEY - MONAHAN HANDLE CO. ..................................................54 WÖHLER BRUSH TECH GMBH ..........................................................54 WOMA..............................................................................................54 WOOSTER BRUSH COMPANY, THE ....................................................54 WORLDWIDE INTEGRATED RESOURCES............................................54 XIAMEN POWER LIGHT INDUSTRY CO., LTD......................................54 YOUNG & SWARTZ, INC. ...................................................................55 ZAHORANSKY AG .............................................................................55 ZELAZOSKI WOOD PRODUCTS, INC. .................................................55 ZEPHYR MANUFACTURING CO..........................................................55 ZHENJIANG RUIFENG BRUSH CO., LTD. ...........................................55
If there is one material that all types of brooms and brushes have in common, it’s that of some type of natural fiber and/or synthetic filament. For this reason, demand for fibers and filaments is usually pretty high. Broom, Brush & Mop Magazine recently interviewed several well-known suppliers/producers of fibers and filaments to learn more about their businesses and projections for the near future.
fueling this demand. “Economic factors around the world are allowing more people to purchase such items as mascara and nail enamel brushes as well as brushes used for facial applications,” Vichich said. “For example, we have a new line of filaments for cosmetic brushes that people can use to apply facial blush.” One of the highlights for DuPont Filaments while an exhibitor at last May’s InterBrush 2012 trade show in Freiburg, Germany, was the company’s xperiencing recent business growth has Natrafil® textured filament. According to Vichich, been DuPont Filaments, a provider of a Natrafil® is a sophisticated synthetic filament for wide variety of monofilaments for such cosmetic powder brushes. Natrafil® combines the products as toothbrushes, paintbrushes and look and feel of natural hair, “With equal or better cosmetic brushes. The company also supplies pick up and release performance, but without the imperfections.” abrasive filaments for industrial applications. Natrafil® is said to complement a broad range of DuPont Filaments Marketing Tynex® filaments — offering & Sales Director Tom Vichich variations in flexibility, stiffness explained that as a global and softness for face, mascara and company, its main product line nail brushes. consists of nylon 6.12 and 6.10, as “There were models at our well as polyester. This includes: InterBrush booth who had makeup nylon 6.12 filaments under the applied to their faces using Tynex® brand, polyester filaments brushes with Natrafil® textured under the Orel® brand, mineral filament. DuPont Filaments has grit-filled nylon 6.12 filaments gained some traction in the under the Tynex® A brand, TEEE industry from brush makers, co-extruded filaments under the retailers and cosmetic manuDymetrol® brand, and nylon 6.10 Tom Vichich facturers when it comes to filaments under the Herox® brand. Tynex® branded filaments are manufactured in Natrafil®,” Vichich said. “Overall, our products are level diameters for toothbrush, industrial and used all around the world. This includes the cosmetic applications; tapered diameters for Americas, Asia and Europe.” He reported that business during the first half of paintbrush applications; while mineral grit-filled filaments are used for industrial machining and 2012 has been positive for DuPont Filaments. “Where we have seen some weaknesses in cleaning applications. Meanwhile, Orel® tapered filaments are used in certain areas of business ... these have been offset paintbrush applications, Dymetrol® co-extruded by strengths in other areas. In particular, the filaments are used in seating fabrics, and Herox® overall abrasive market is still adjusting to various shifts in demand related to auto making and steel filaments can be found in toothbrush applications. “We continue to add variations to our Tynex® production, etc. Meanwhile, the paintbrush and Herox® product lines. This includes Herox® segment is coming out of the influences from a AD that contains diamond grit, and Tynex®A HCP slow housing market,” Vichich said. “The that is a more caustic- and acid-resistant version of continued challenge for many filament makers is trying to follow the changing locations of brush our abrasive products,” Vichich said. He added that filaments sold into brush makers around the world, even though this applications for the cosmetic industry have been in movement trend has slowed down in some high demand over the past three years. New segments. We still see toothbrush manufacturers applications for small diameters (.002- to .006- continue to build plants or shift them from one part inches thick) and improving socio-economic of the world to another. This trend is also slowing conditions in emerging economies have been down, but it’s still going on and continues to be a
challenge. “It’s important to work through these various transitions and make sure we have all the products that a customer needs for a particular region or country. Despite the economic challenges that have taken place during the past several years around the world, we have seen very few customers who have actually gone out of business. We have also seen a reduction in the number of consolidations among the customer base. This is true in both the Americas and Europe. The Asia Pacific region, meanwhile, continues to be very dynamic.” Vichich added that a main strength for DuPont Filaments is the company’s ability to be quite flexible when meeting different customer demands. This includes that of providing smaller quantities when requested and reduced lead times. “We have customer service representatives and direct sales people at sites around the world,” he said. “DuPont Filaments is now 74 years old, while our parent company, DuPont, started in 1802.” The Washington Works plant, located near Parkersburg, WV, is DuPont Filaments’ oldest manufacturing site with filament production taking place there for the past 64 years. Other production plants include those located in Wuxi and Shenzhen, China; Madurai, India; and Landgraaf, The Netherlands. Company plants turn out an extensive range of filaments based on nylon, polyester and fluoropolymers. “Each global region has locally-based technical support and sales service capabilities to serve customers making various kinds of brushes and industrial products,” Vichich said. “We have a very experienced staff in place throughout the DuPont Filaments’ organization — from engineers to customer service and operations people. Many of these employees have multiple years of experience.” Contact: DuPont Filaments - Americas, LLC, Washington Works Plant, 8480 DuPont Rd., Building 158, Washington, WV 26161. Phone: 304863-4908 or 800-635-9695. E-mail: dupont.filaments@usa.dupont.com. Web site: www.filaments.dupont.com.
ith a history that dates over 100 years, PelRay International has evolved from a broom corn trading company
Continued On Page 12
July/August 2012
Fiber/Filaments: Continued From Page 10 into a full-line natural and synthetic fiber/filament PelRay International imports most of its inventory. “The program has been successful and steady for supplier. Natural fibers provided by PelRay International us,” Pelton said. “We can provide tampico with a relatively short lead time and include broom corn and yucca warehouse some of this material in fiber used in broom production as San Antonio. A lot of it, however, well as palmyra and tampico fiber is brought in to order specthat can mostly be found in various ifications.” types of brushes. Palmyra is PelRay International also imported from India, while tamimports palmyra from India. pico and most broom corn and Container loads are shipped to the yucca fiber arrives from Mexico. company’s San Antonio wareThe company, which is located house for the “less-than-containerin San Antonio, TX, also imports load” market. The palmyra is plastic fiber — such as PVC, PET available in various lengths, with and polypropylene — used in Bart Pelton the 18-inch variety a popular size many types of cleaning-related products. “We import plastic fiber from Italy that is used for plastic brushes and push brooms,” PelRay International CFO Bart Pelton said. “It looks like there is going to be some improvement in pricing for this type of fiber. This is due to falling oil and natural gas prices as well as a stronger U.S. dollar against the European euro. “PET fiber is becoming more available from our Italian suppliers. We are looking to perhaps change some of our business from PVC to PET as PET is considered environmentally more friendly.” A major focus at PelRay International, however, remains natural fiber. For instance, the company helped start a couple of small processing plants in northern Mexico during the past few years that provide both natural and black tampico fiber.
for certain types of stiff railroad and mill brooms and is often used with broom corn. “There are other lengths of palmyra used for all kinds of brushes and push brooms. The shorter material is often wound to make whisk brooms,” Pelton said. Pelton reported fairly steady orders as far as the brush fiber segment of his business is concerned. On the broom side, however, pricing pressure is being felt with broom corn. This is due to expectations of a smaller-than-normal main crop to be harvested this summer from northern Mexico. Despite the ups and downs associated with the supply of natural and synthetic fiber/filaments, Pelton said his company strives to keep its level of customer service high at all times. “Our big focus centers around that of keeping
customers updated regarding the status of their orders, particularly if it’s an item that we don’t stock in our own warehouse. We like to stay in frequent touch and let customers know when they can expect delivery,” he said. “We are also looking to expand our warehouse in San Antonio this year. This will provide more space to hold products for customers.” Getting products to customers has been met with an additional challenge lately, Pelton said, due to what he called a shortage of available trucking. “It’s been taking longer to find trucks, and sometimes we have had to pay higher freight rates. It looks like the main problem is a driver shortage. Part of this stems from more demand and another area concerns changes in federal regulations limiting the number of hours a commercial driver is allowed to operate,” Pelton said. “The development of oil shale plays in such locations as Texas, Pennsylvania and the Dakotas has also helped to further create trucking-related shortages.” Despite this challenge, Pelton remains optimistic about the future of the various industries that use both natural and synthetic fibers/filaments. “The market for our products is ongoing. There continues to be a need for people to sweep and brush using different types of fibers/filaments,” Pelton said. “Overall, I feel that U.S. manufacturing is becoming more competitive, particularly against Asia. More people are looking at the convenience that comes with purchasing products made in the United States. This includes shorter lead times. I also see many of our customers getting stronger.” Contact: PelRay International, LLC, 610 Lanark Dr., No. 202, San Antonio, TX 78218. Phone: 210-757-4640; Web site: www.pelray.com.
roveedora Mexicana de Monofilamentos (PMM), based in Mexico City, Mexico, specializes in the production of syntheticengineered plastic monofilaments made of nylon (nylon 6.12, nylon 6.6, nylon 6 plus and nylon 6) and polyester PBT. PMM also produces filaments made of polyethylene and polypropylene. “Our materials are mainly used for toothbrushes, cosmetic brushes and industrial brush applications,” PMM General Manager Enrique Mejia explained. He said the company’s product line has enjoyed equal demand from customers and that, in general, sales have experienced a recovery period over 2009 and 2008 figures. PMM Sales Manager Dennise Silva added that the company continues to benefit from good product consistency and quality. Punctual deliveries and service are also key factors to success. “We provide a 24-hour service guarantee. All customer inquiries will be answered/serviced the same day we receive them,” Silva explained. PMM was founded in 1976 as a privately-owned company. It now has over 30 years of experience in the production of quality engineered synthetic
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July/August 2012
Fiber/Filaments: Continued From Page 12 The various natural fiber materials provided by monofilaments for different brush blocks as well as stapling wire. applications. The company The company has multiple ware- Brush Fibers are used to make brush and broom achieved ISO 9001 certihousing facilities in North America and products found in different markets, such as retail, fication in 1995 and ISO a centralized headquarters in Arcola, household, janitorial/sanitary and industrial. These 14001 certification in 2003. which is located in Central Illinois. In products include angle and push brooms as well as Silva explained that hard addition, Brush Fibers can combine car wash and industrial brushes. Monahan said that “recycling” and “green” work and experience have orders with sister company Monahan allowed PMM to become an Filaments (also located in Arcola) to continue to be important buzzwords among many customers. Brush Fibers helps satisfy those seeking important supplier to the brush reduce shipping costs for customers. environmentally friendly prodindustry. “We provide one-stop ucts through its supply of shopping opportunities “Among the challenges the various types of natural fibers with both companies. company is working to overDennise Silva and and recycled materials. Natural Brush Fibers supplies all come is an instability in the Enrique Mejia fibers are considered a rennatural fibers and brush market with the supply of ewable resource, while synthblocks, while Monahan Filaments resin,” Silva said. etic PET, which is now Looking ahead, both Mejia and Silva said they feel produces synthetic filaments,” Brush provided by Monahan Filaconfident about their company’s future despite a Fibers President Chris Monahan ments, can be made from business climate that continues to experience said. “In the past, Brush Fibers also recycled plastic bottles. consolidations — both at supplier and customer levels. offered polypropylene, polystyrene, Along with satisfying high PVC and PET synthetic filaments. demands for environmentally These items are now supplied by Contact: Proveedora Mexicana de Chris Monahan friendly products, officials at Monahan Filaments.” Monofilamentos (PMM) at the company’s toll free New to Brush Fibers’ product lineup is hog Brush Fibers also remain committed to customer line for the United States and Canada: bristle. The company is now the exclusive North service. 1-877-202-9320. E-mail: pmm@pmm-mex.com. “A consistent policy of efficiently shipping American distributor of this bristle for DKSH Brush Web site: www.pmmbrightline.com. products within 24 hours, and keeping a large stock & Apparel Ltd., of Zurich, Switzerland. “Hog bristle is mainly used to make paintbrushes of inventory at competitive prices, provides many atural fibers for brush and broom production continue to be the main focus and some specialty items. We have a warehouse in opportunities at our company,” Monahan expfor Brush Fibers, Inc., an Arcola, IL,- New Jersey for this bristle,” Monahan said. “Hog lained. “Customers appreciate this effort, which based supplier of tampico, palmyra, sherbro, coco, bristle fits in well with Brush Fibers’ current lineup, includes our ability at Brush Fibers to place quite a arenga, bassine, rice root, hog bristle and horsehair. and DKSH has decades of experience sourcing few different orders in one shipment to save on freight costs.” Brush Fibers also supplies foam and solid plastic bristle from the very best facilities in China.”
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July/August 2012
Fiber/Filaments: Continued From Page 14 As a domestic fiber supplier, Monahan said he sees encouraging signs taking place within the industry. This is partly due to certain U.S. manufacturers focusing more on purchasing raw materials “at home.” “The gap between the United States and overseas is getting smaller,” Monahan said. “I feel the U.S. business climate is improving. “There continue to be challenges, but hopefully brighter days are ahead for everybody. The growth of our company mostly tracks the U.S. brush manufacturing industry.” He noted that both Brush Fibers and Monahan Filaments exhibited at InterBrush 2012 in Freiburg, Germany, last May. Representatives from both companies reported on receiving solid feedback while attending the once-every-four-year event. “We were all encouraged about the state-of-the-
industry after coming home from InterBrush,” Monahan said. Contact: Brush Fibers, Inc., 202 N. Oak St., Arcola, IL 61910. Phone: 217-268-3012; E-mail: chris@brushfibers.com. Website: www.brushfibers.com.
lso receiving good demand for filament products over a broad spectrum of markets is Monahan Filaments, of Arcola, IL, according to Chris Monahan, who serves as Director of Sales & Marketing for the synthetic filament producer. Among the items provided by Monahan Filaments are nylon 6, nylon 6.6, nylon 6.12, PBT, PET, PPS, polyethylene, polypropylene and polystyrene. These
products are used in brush and non-brush applications for industrial, oral care, construction, foodservice, paint, agricultural, automotive, janitorial and cosmetic markets. “Our sales efforts are backed by solid customer service and quality assurance departments, as well as a production workforce in Arcola that is second to none in the industry,” Monahan said. Monahan Filaments began operations in 2007 with the acquisition of assets from Specialty Filaments, of Middlebury, VT. The Middlebury plant was closed in November 2009, and now the complete focus is on operations in Arcola with cooperation from partners in Canada and Asia. Like its sister company Brush Fibers, customers of Monahan Filaments can benefit from one-stop shopping and combined shipping opportunities that are available from the two Arcola-based businesses. “Combining orders is very beneficial. This can further save on freight costs, which continues to be important,” Monahan said. “We also have made great strides at the Monahan Filaments’ production facility in Arcola. Production officials here continually keep a close eye on quality control.” Officials at Monahan Filaments are also looking at increased recycling avenues. For instance, the company regrinds its own product waste. Meanwhile, such filaments as PET are made from recycled plastic bottles. “We all benefit from improved U.S. recycling rates. This can open more avenues of growth for a company such as ours,” Monahan said. “Of course, at the end of the day, especially at the retail level, a lot of business is driven by price. This is especially true in the very competitive high volume world. “Overall, it’s been a good year thus far for both Brush Fibers and Monahan Filaments. There have been upswings for both companies.” Looking ahead, Monahan added that the global business community continues to become more connected each year. Various types of global challenges also remain, especially from Europe and Asia. “However, I don’t feel the mass exit (to Asia) is as great as it was in prior times. There seems to be a greater push by people to do more business in the United States. This is a positive,” Monahan said. “It’s important that we, at Brush Fibers and Monahan Filaments, continue to watch our levels of production, product quality and customer service. Additionally, we have been successful in helping our customers manage their own filament inventories. “There are a lot of things, however, we can’t control. This includes the cost of raw materials such as resin. Right now the price of petroleum has been going in a down direction. As we have learned in the past, this can change on a dime. Therefore, it’s important to remain concentrated on those parts of our business that we can better control.” Contact: Monahan Filaments, LLC, 215 Egyptian Trail, Arcola, IL 61910. Toll free: 888-833-1097; Phone: 217-268-4957. Email: info@monahanfilaments.com. Website: www.monahanfilaments.com.
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July/August 2012
Fiber/Filaments: Continued From Page 16 ahl Inc., located in Columbia, SC, is a individual orders, the company can sell as little as nown for its tampico fiber, Distribuidora manufacturer of synthetic bristle, nylon (6, one box to several thousand pounds. Perfect, S.A. de C.V., of Mexico, has been “In addition to our generic stock items, Hahl Inc., 66, 610, 612,), polyester (PBT and PET), busy as well supplying other types of polypropylene, abrasive fiber Abrafil 612 and manages many custom stock programs for fibers/filaments to various brush manufacturers. Hahlbrasif 6 (AO, SC, ceramic and diamond) for individual customers. This enables our company to This includes palmyra, rice root, hog bristle, cattle offer short lead times and take and horsehair, polypropylene and PET. The the brush industry. advantage of manufacturing company also provides such mixtures as unión fiber “We at Hahl Inc., are efficiencies,” Hogan said. “Our that consists of tampico and palmyra. always looking for ways to customers are then able to better meet expand our business through One of Distribuidora Perfect’s more popular the delivery requirements from their items, however, continues to be tampico, which the product innovation, custom own customers without increasing the company supplies in natural color or can dye the stock programs and con value of raw materials. signment as well as compfiber. Distribuidora Perfect’s Rodrigo Ripstein “Our industry depends on a added that tampico is a natural fiber that comes etitive pricing. Our 2012 plant healthy and growing economy. Con- from Mexico. expansion program is helping tinued recovery in the automotive Hahl Inc., achieve aggressive “Along with dyeing tampico, we can mix it with and housing industries is a key driver other materials such as palmyra, bassine, rice root, growth plans,” Hahl Sales to a healthy brush industry,” Hogan wire, nylon and polypropylene,” he said. Manager for North America said. “However, prTerry Hogan said. It’s Ripstein’s opinion that there Terry Hogan oduct quality, ser“We are growing and fois no good substitute for tampico cused on developing products that meet different vice and price remain the most fiber, as it possesses several market requirements. This strategy has helped the important requirements for Hahl essential qualities. These qualities Hahl Group become a leader in technical/industrial Inc., in 2012.” include a “good memory,” meaning applications for bristle and abrasive products the fiber will bounce back to its Contact: around the world,” Hogan said. “Our products are original shape after being bent. Hahl Inc., 126 Glassmaster Rd., used in the brush market for many applications. Other benefits include a long life, Columbia, SC 29072. These brushes are predominantly found within the good absorption and abrasive Phone: 803-359-0706; technical brush market as well as the professional qualities, and being able to withE-mail: customerservice@hahlcleaning market.” stand high temperatures. pedex.com. Hahl Inc., sells many products from a generic list He added that of the many Website: www.hahl-pedex.com. Rodrigo Ripstein of stock that meet the needs of most customers. For different types of fibers/filaments his company offers, those in particular high demand include tampico, unión fiber as well as a mixture of palmyra and polypropylene that features a cream color similar to tampico. Distribuidora Perfect’s various fiber/filament offerings can be found in brushes that are designed for a variety of uses such as polishing, washing, scrubbing, waterproofing,painting and other chores. Ripstein added that Distribuidora Perfect has enjoyed a busy year thus far, and the company was an exhibitor at InterBrush, in Freiburg, Germany. Company representatives continue to work on delivering shorter lead times along with quality customer service. Ripstein remains optimistic about the future of his company. “We spend a lot of time talking with clients and checking on their needs,” he said. “It’s also important for us to implement new machinery and technology as well as expand our product offering. For example, we now make wood blocks for the marketplace.” He explained that companies offering different and new products continue to keep a healthy list of customers. “I also think the future is very good for all natural fibers since the world has placed a greater awareness on the environment,” Ripstein said. These types of products, he noted, naturally decompose over time once their productive lives are finished. Distribuidora Perfect was founded in 1946 as a brush maker for the Mexican market. It remains a specialist in producing such products as paintbrushes, paint rollers, power brushes and scrub brushes. It began processing tampico fiber approximately 30 years ago and started selling it to other companies 11 years ago.
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SAY WIRE MANUFACTURERS, SUPPLIERS Executives from five manufacturers of wire products for the cleaning market shared with Broom, Brush & Mop Magazine recently about how their companies are faring in an economic climate where uncertainty is the dominate mood. All five executives reported business in the broom, brush and mop sectors is doing well and they are optimistic about the future.
By Rick Mullen | Broom, Brush & Mop Associate Editor seem to be doing fairly well.” On another positive note, Caddy has seen evidence that some manufacturing .E. Caddy & Company, of Greensboro, NC, an exclusive sales that was moved offshore has come back into the United States. R.E. Caddy has representative for Southern Steel & Wire for more than 30 years, supplied more raw materials the past couple of years to such companies, which provides wire to companies that wind mops and brooms and that staple is an indication that some manufacturing “has come back this way,” Caddy said. “Ocean freight has become more expensive. Lead times and quality are set brushes. Founded by the late Richard Earl “Tip” Caddy Sr. in 1958, the company unpredictable. In addition, the gap in labor costs between U.S. companies and also supplies processed broom corn, palmyra and yucca fiber; wood broom, our competitors overseas is not as large. “In tracking container rates, two to three years ago containers were very brush and mop handles; wet mop hardware and handles; polyethylene broom cheap. However, prices have gone back to where they were five or six years ago. sewing twine; nails, knives and other supplies. “Business has been decent,” said R.E. Caddy President Richard Caddy, They are probably up 60 to 70 percent, which accounts for a couple of thousand son of Earl Caddy Sr. “When we look at the economy, we see many negative dollars per container in extra costs for the same goods. Furthermore, the goods indicators such as high unemployment and minimal growth, but the cleaning themselves are probably a little more expensive — all of these factors have helped domestic manufacturers.” sector seems to have held up fairly well over the past 12 months. As a supplier of wire products to the cleaning industry, steel prices and “Since we supply the raw materials to people who make cleaning tools, we have been tracking right along with that market segment. Most of our accounts availability are critical to R.E. Caddy’s operation. For the past couple of years, steel prices have been up and down, Caddy reported. There have been no issues, however, in the availability for the proper kind Available on fiberglass, metal or wood handles, of steel Caddy’s customers need to manufacture their packed to your specifications products. “We have had fluctuations during the year in steel prices, but recently we haven’t gone Richard Caddy up on our price,” Caddy said. “Worldwide, I think the pricing pressure is a little bit less on steel than it was last year. “In addition, we have been able to get the quality we need. The
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industries we serve each have their own quality needs. For broom and mop manufacturers, tensile strengths on wire used in these products are relatively high compared to brush staple wire. Also, the wire used by the broom and mop people must have a nice finish because it is visible to the consumer. “With staple setting, a durable finish that is resistant to corrosion is a must. We have the raw materials to allow us to
Continued On Page 22
July/August 2012
Wire Roundup: Continued From Page 20 adhere to these standards.” Over the years, R.E. Caddy’s diversity and flexibility have allowed it to offer quality customer service to both small and large customers. The company is meeting the needs of customers in many ways, including helping them keep their inventories low to save money, according to Caddy. Some of R.E. Caddy’s customers opt for blanket orders with the understanding that a certain amount of product must be available on demand. The company’s 35-year relationship with Southern Steel & Wire has been a critical cog in this effort. Caddy reported that in the 35 years of acting as a sales rep for Southern Steel & Wire, there has never been a negative issue with product availability. “It is a plus that Southern Steel & Wire is nearby so that we can travel to one another’s offices in 45 minutes to discuss strategies, etc.,” Caddy said. Southern Steel & Wire is located in Madison, NC, just north of Greensboro. Another important aspect of good customer service, especially in these rocky economic times, is R.E. Caddy’s commitment to communicate with customers. “There is no substitute for customer service. Whether you have good news, bad news or middling news, you have to share it right away with your customers. You must be honest,” Caddy said. “We strive to stay current with what our customers are doing and what their needs are going to be for raw materials.” When possible, R.E. Caddy works with customers
concerning projections and forecasts on their future needs. “We work to be able to respond to all of our customers’ raw material needs,” Caddy said. “We don’t want somebody to call and say, ‘I need 10,000 pounds of a certain product,’ and then have to respond by saying, ‘We are sorry, but you need to give us six weeks lead time.’ You have to be able to better respond to all your customers.” Caddy explained that the majority of the company’s customer service interactions do not involve “problem” issues. “We would have a tough time staying in business if the majority of our interactions were because we have ‘problems,’” he said. “Customer service involves so many other things.” When discussing some of the challenges his company faces in the near future, Caddy expressed concern about the Mexican broom corn crop. In addition of offering wire for winding broom corn brooms, R.E. Caddy also supplies processed broom corn. This time of year is the beginning of the new broom corn crop season, Caddy explained. There are always concerns about how much broom corn will be planted. Will there be a good harvest? Will the weather cooperate? A major concern in recent times; however, has been the drug-related violence in the broom corn growing regions, primarily located in northern Mexico. “The drug-related violence has made it unsafe to travel to the growing districts to do on-site analysis,”
Caddy said. “The processors we work with don’t feel safe, even in their own homes. “Mexico is the only viable source for any kind of broom corn volume. We have excellent relations with the people we work with, but I am always concerned if we will have a good crop. There is a lot of demand across the spectrum — from commercial factories to the people who make handmade brooms. “There are hundreds and hundreds of people who make handmade brooms. On the other hand, there are not hundreds of manufacturers who make commercial brooms, although commercial tonnage vastly dwarfs tonnage for craft people. “We respect the fact that there are many artisans and people who do this hand work. The dollar sales are not huge, but the number of people engaged in making handmade brooms is significant. Therefore, there is pressure to keep the product available in stock and ready to ship. “Right now we are between crops. For the craft people the answer is, ‘No, we don’t have anything yet.’ Commercial broom corn is available, even though it is from the end of the 2011 crop cycle. I think we are going to be able to acquire some new broom corn before the situation gets critical.” While the broom corn harvest is worrisome and the overall economy remains uncertain, Caddy remains optimistic about the future. “We have good relations with our customers and we are gaining new business,” he said. “We are still
Continued On Page 24
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July/August 2012
Wire Roundup: Continued From Page 22 our business right now. We feel like we are one of the brush industry. “Business has been outstanding, especially in the the lucky ones.” On the raw material front, Krieger reported that brush wire marketplace,” Ty Krieger said. “Our Contact: R.E. Caddy & Company, Inc., steel prices have been flat to down somewhat business is very good, but, on the other hand, if you P.O. Box 14634, Greensboro, NC 27415. watch the news at night it can make you afraid to do during the past several months. Phone: 336-273-3609; Fax: 336-378-6047. In pursuing opportunities for growth in the anything. There is much uncertainty associated with E-mail: sales@recaddy.com. international marketplace, Mount Joy Wire the economy. Website: www.recaddy.com. “What happened when the faucet shut off in 2008 representatives visited the recent InterBrush 2012 or more than two decades, Mount Joy Wire is always in the back of our minds. However, tradeshow conducted in Freiburg, Germany. Mount Corporation, of Mount Joy, PA, has lived overall, we are forIt is good to see that the brush companies up to its motto, “You are never far from our tunate being a diversified mill. Some seg wire,” while offering a variety of high quality wire we serve are busy and doing well. We have products, including high and low carbon, regular ments have slowed dogreat relationships with them, especially with tempered, high fatigue, scratch, untempered steel, wn a little, but brush wire has picked up. A the high fatigue brush wire that we sell. brass plated and stainless steel. Fred Krieger is the owner of MJW, while Tom couple of years ago, Everybody seems to be busy, and that is Duff is the president and Fred Krieger’s son, Ty when sales of brush great. wire were slower than it Krieger, is vice president of operations. The company’s motto also reflects the many is now, we had other — Ty Krieger, Mount Joy Wire applications of the company’s products, including areas that were hot. We have been very lucky in the past Joy Wire also recently appointed wire industry fishhooks, disposable lighters, cable, oil filters and musical couple of years to have a good veteran John D. Stanaway as the company’s instruments, among others. European/international agent. balance. In the manufacture of brush “We attended InterBrush for the first time and we “It is good to see that the brush wire, MJW uses mostly tempered companies we serve are busy and thought it was a great show,” Krieger said. “We are wire. The company installed a doing well. We have great trying to learn all we can about the European new tempering line just before relationships with them, especially market. It is just so different from the standpoint of t h e e c o n o m i c crash in the with the high fatigue brush wire that packaging, dealing with freight issues, currency latter part of 2008. While the we sell. Everybody seems to be risks, etc. We have acquired some great leads. There company makes wire products are some doors we are knocking on and hopefully busy, and that is great.” for other segments, it dedicates “We had a great 2010 and a very this effort will evolve into new business. more square feet of its facility to “From the standpoint of relationship building, to good 2011. We are very happy with Ty Krieger having fun with the business and we are successful. We are here for our customers.”
July/August 2012
networking, to learning the market, it was well worth attending InterBrush.” According to Krieger, MJW’s primary business plan lately has been to further enhance “value added” customer service. “Customers can see from our newly designed website that we are committed to ‘value added’ concepts,” Krieger said. “As an example of one of our value-added services is our very strong metallurgical staff that is able to help with product development. “Other value-added services include providing shorter lead times, allowing MJW to help customers manage their inventory more efficiently.” Located in an area noted for its large Amish community and beautiful farmland scenery, MJW has historically sought to help take care of the environment. The company has completed such environmentally friendly projects as changing its lighting system to low energy bulbs, which resulted in saving a significant amount of electricity, according to officials. In December 2011, MJW commissioned its Combined Heat and Power (CHP) System. The CHP is a natural gas fueled generator designed to contribute a significant amount of the electricity needed to power the specialty wire manufacturing facility, while using residual heat to help supply the facility’s steam and hot water needs. The project was paid for with a Green Energy Works grant, funded through the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act and the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection.
“The CHP is up and running and is very tainless Steel Products, a di v isio n of effective,” Krieger said. “We are excited about the RMR International Co., Inc., of Deer Park, system. It is producing nearly two-thirds of our NY, specializes in the sale o f wire and electricity. We recapture the heat to preheat and run value-added wire products to American manu fac into our boilers.” turers and distributors. MJW’s diversification has been a major factor in Founded in 1996, SSP manufactures wire to keeping the company prosperous over the years customers’ specifications, while it stocks and despite what economic conditions distributes products for quick prevail. Lately, the company has shipments and just-in-time concentrated on developing new deliveries. packaging. The company offers high“I think developing new fatigue resistant wire, including packaging is one of our strengths,” brush fills, staple wire, scratch Krieger said. “We have an array of brush wire, power brush wire, packages that we can put on spools crimped wire, retaining wire, or coils. We have picked up some straightened and cut-to-length market share from developing wire, winding wire, stranded wire other packaging options. and flat wire. “From the brush market The company’s wire products Ralph Rosenbaum standpoint, we feel like we are one are used in such applications as of the leaders in the industry, and we are very proud power brushes, scratch brushes, crimped and of the high fatigue brush wire that we make. crimped wheel brushes, strip brushes and twisted“We are very optimistic about the future of MJW. in-wire brushes. SSP also offers stainless steel and We are looking at different ways to improve our galvanized strip. efficiencies and increase our out put. Growth In addition to the brush industry, SSP also is definitely in our future.” services many other segments, including aircraft maintenance and the manufacturers of cable, Contact: Mount Joy Wire Corporation, chains, custom specialty products, dental products, 1000 E. Main St., Mount Joy, PA 17552-9505. filters, flexible metal hose, jewelry, medical Phone: 717-653-1461; products, pool safety cover hardware, springs, Toll Free: 800-321-2305; Fax: 717-653-0221. staples, wire for thread and yarn, wire braid and Email: sales@mjwire.com. Website: www.mjwire.com. Continued On Page 27
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Direct importers/distributors of hot dipped galvanized pails, tubs, chip brushes, corn brooms, handles and other quality products. P.O. Box 932 * 1001 N. Cedar * Clarksville, TX 75426 (903) 427-2261 phone * (903) 427-5230 fax email: sales@magnoliabrush.com http://www.magnoliabrush.com
July/August 2012
Wire Roundup: Continued From Page 25 wire cloth. “Wherever our customers are located, we have facilities near them to handle “Business has been up and down,” SSP President Ralph Rosenbaum said. their wire needs,” WCJ Pilgrim Wire Sales Manager Kristopher Shaw said. “It was better in the beginning of the year. Hopefully, business will bounce back According to the company, WCJ Pilgrim Wire’s products are designed for again after the summer. Meanwhile, our flat wire business is growing and we every type of brush, broom or mop application on the market. The company’s would like to maintain that momentum going forward.” offerings include galvanized high and low During the past year or so, sales of crimped filament brush wire have also carbon, stainless steel, nickel silver, brass coated, been a plus for SSP, as the company improved some of its machinery and regular tempered, untempered steel, high fatigue increased crimping capacity, according to Rosenbaum. and annealed wires. During the recession years, steel prices fluctuated wildly; however, since that The company packages wire in straight hanks, time, steel prices have leveled off and have even fallen, Rosenbaum reported. crimped in hanks, crimped in coils or spools, “Most of the year, nickel prices have driven stainless steel. In general, straight in coils or spools, straight and crimped commodity prices have fallen somewhat,” he said. “It is hard to say what will multi-stranded, and on stems and reels. happen in the future, but I’m surprised prices have gone down as much as they WCJ Pilgrim Wire also offers stitching and have.” baling wire products, and is a leader in the Traditionally, a large portion of SSP’s customer service outlook has been stitching, baling and binding wire industry, according to the company. In what Rosenbaum calls the addition, WCJ sells raw materials for company’s “friendly” attitude applications such as paper clips, Customers are tending to hold less when it comes to prototyping, industrial clamps, wire cables, clothes inventory, which means they need shorter innovations and working with cuspins, bicycle spokes, springs, rivets, tomers to develop new products. welding, weaving and more. lead times. There are signs, along with the “We are always open to “Business has been up and down, need for shorter lead times, indicating a working with com p a n i e s o n especially in the brush and broom m a k i n g s m a l l runs of new markets,” Shaw said. “Raw material renewed interest in U.S.-made products. products and prototype items,” costs have been somewhat stable and This could result in more manufacturing Rosenbaum said. “Hopefully, the cost of fuel seems like it is going moving back onshore. these efforts will result in down. customer loyalty in the long run. “One advantage we can offer — Kristopher Shaw, WCJ Pilgrim Wire Whenever customers have new customers is our stocking capabilities, products, we try to support them in any capacity that we can. In addition, we which helps bring down shipping costs. A customer’s end-user price can vary stock inventory for quite a few companies that give us blanket orders.” anywhere from 10 to 25 percent, depending how much product is purchased and In today’s sluggish and unpredictable economy, manufacturers must be on where it is purchased at a given time. the top of their game to remain competitive and prosper. “Customers are tending to hold less inventory, which means they need “Our biggest challenge is making sure we keep our employees happy, our warehouse stocked enough to keep our customers happy, while, at the same time, reducing operating expenses wherever possible,” Rosenbaum said. “The economy could pick up, which would be great, or it could drop some more. Successful companies must be prepared for either scenario, Most of the year, because it is difficult to predict. “We are seeking new customers nickel prices have and we are working on a few new driven stainless steel. products and prototypes. We are In general, commodity hopeful about the future. In general, in the brush industry, prices have fallen companies are holding their own. somewhat. It is hard to Nonetheless, it is really hard to say what will happen in predict the future.”
the future, but I’m surprised prices have gone down as much as they have.
— Ralph Rosenbaum, Stainless Steel Products
Contact: Stainless Steel Products, 561-T Acorn St., Deer Park, NY 11729. Phone: 631-243-1500. Web site: www.stainlesswires.com. E-mail: sales@stainlesswires.com.
ith warehouses located around the world and with more than 150 sizes of wire in stock, WCJ Pilgrim Wire, of Glendale, WI, is a leading manufacturer and distributor of wire used in the manufacturing of brushes, brooms and related products. In addition to its headquarters and a warehouse in the Milwaukee metro area, WCJ’s North American facilities are located in Montreal, QC; Toronto, ON; Vancouver, BC; Shelbyville, KY; Houston, TX; Laredo, TX; Los Angeles, CA; Seattle, WA; and Torreon, Mexico City and Monterey in Mexico. WCJ Worldwide, The Wire Specialists, a Division of WCJ Wire, operates warehouses in Waterford, Ireland; West Yorkshire, The United Kingdom; Radom, Poland; Alicante, Spain; Bogota, Columbia; Buenos Aires, Argentina; Lima, Peru; Santiago, Chile; Cairo, Egypt; Shanghai, China; and Hong Kong.
July/August 2012
Wire Roundup: Continued From Page 27 “Lately, steel prices have been softening; however, shorter lead times. There are signs, along with the transition from the animal fiber market to the wire need for shorter lead times, indicating a renewed market. Today, Deligh serves the broom, brush and the major steel mills have become quite adept in interest in U.S.-made products. This could result in mop industries, offering tinned wire for corn brooms, limiting supplies to shore up prices,” Deligdish said. galvanized broom bands, brush stapling wire, oil- “Steel rod is still in fairly short supply. The reality of more manufacturing moving back onshore.” One of the challenges the up and down nature of tempered wire, stainless steel wire, nickel silver wire the situation is that imported rod is still controlled by relatively few major players in the market.” and brass wire. business presents is in the area of planning. Deligh Industries stocks 95 percent of the products According to Deligh Industries President Robert “Planning is tough as things can change completely from one week to the next,” Shaw said. Deligdish, Rudolph Deligdish’s son, the company its sells. “We basically stock most of the items that we sell “We can go from a busy week to a week of nothing sells every type of wire that is used in the broom, on a regular basis; therefore, our lead times are brush and mop industry. coming through.” “Business during the past two months has been extremely short,” Deligdish said. “This enables our Throughout these uncertain economic times, both slightly off in the brush industry,” Deligdish said. customers to order on a just-in-time-basis.” during and since the recession, WCJ has partnered Looking ahead, Deligdish said the company’s with customers to cut costs by helping them keep their greatest challenge in the immediate future is the DELIGH INDUSTRIES INC. inventories low or nearly non-existent. WCJ Pilgrim overall rising cost of doing business. Wire is able to manufacture a product for a customer “We are dealing with higher expenses as the and then hold it until the customer is market is demanding lower prices,” ready. This allows WCJ Pilgrim Wire Lately, steel prices have been softe ning; Deligdish said. “Taxes, insurance, health to ship to the customer with just twohowever, the major steel mills have become care, labor — these expenses, at least in our day’s notice. area, are continuing to rise, while, at the same quite adept in limiting supplies to shore “Another aspect of our customer time, the business environment is becoming service side of the business is we up prices. Steel rod is still in more competitive. “We are finding that we need to reduce strive to make sure when someone fairly short supply. margins to stay competitive, because there is calls our company he or she will be — Robert Deligdish, Deligh Industries, Inc. a limit to how much we can cut expenses. helped by a real person,” Shaw said. “Unfortunately, there are not as many active brush Ultimately, one has to face the reality of a sustained, “Our policy is that incoming phone calls are answered companies operating in the United States as there extremely competitive market.” on the second ring. This is one of the things we do to Deligdish has said in prior interviews that the were in the past.” serve customers with a ‘personal touch.’ In addition to wire products, Deligh Industries primary reason for Deligh Industries’ success has “We value our customers as we work hard to adapt provides many varieties of brush blocks and broom been his father’s knowledge, experience and hard to meet their needs in these tough economic times.” handles. In the recent past, the company also began work over the years, a track record Deligdish says he Contact: WCJ Pilgrim Wire, works hard to emulate. selling injection molded mop parts. 4180 N. Port Washington Road, “The future of our company is bright even though “We have expanded our line of brush blocks and Glendale, WI 53212. Phone: 414-291-9566; we are now stocking a more expensive line of these there is still an enormous amount of market Website: www.wcjwire.com. blocks,” Deligdish said. “We also manufacture uncertainty,” he said. custom sizes. We are continuing to sell many injection Contact: Deligh Industries, Inc., hen Rudolph Deligdish founded Deligh molding parts; however, growth in that segment of the 255 Conover Street, Brooklyn, NY 11231. Industries, Inc., of Brooklyn, NY, more market has leveled off this year.” Phone: 718-875-1511; than 50 years ago, the company’s mission On the raw material front, Deligdish reported that Fax: 718-237-4257. was to supply animal fiber for the brush market. while steel prices were up earlier in the year, they Email: rdeligdish@aol.com. About 25 years ago, the company made the have backed off recently. Website: www.delighindustries.com.
Scheduled meetings and interviews were also conducted throughout the week in preparation for the American Brush Manufacturers Association’s (ABMA) approaching 100th anniversary in 2017. Brushes manufactured by these companies are used in every type of industry around the world. Some applications include makeup/mascara brushes, hair brushes, floor sweeping and polishing brushes, gun cleaning brushes, car wash brushes, copier toner brushes, brooms, paintbrushes and special brushes used in the medical field. The Mill-Ro se Comp an y is a U . S . manufacturer of twisted-in-wire brushes used in industries throughout the world. The company is a family-owned organization, now in its third generation. Mill-Rose has experienced significant growth from its beginnings in 1919, and today operates manufacturing and warehouse facilities throughout the United States and Mexico. Production facilities in Mentor, OH, and Mexico feature advanced manufacturing techniques and quality-control programs that ensure unvarying quality. Production is complemented by a U.S. distribution center featuring stateof-the-art inventory management to better serve customers around the world.
Mill-Rose 52nd Annual Industry Golf Outing Brush manufacturers and suppliers gathered for the 52nd annual Victor F. Miller Golf Tournament on June 22, held at Acacia Country Club, in Lyndhurst, OH. Over 70 representatives attended the event, hosted by Mentor-based The MillRose Company in honor of the company’s past president, Victor F. Miller. Manufacturers and suppliers gathered during the week before the golf outing to discuss business trends and opportunities.
ABCO Products Corp. 6800 N.W. 36th Avenue Miami, FL 33147 USA Phone: 305-694-2226 Fax: 305-693-4410 Products: A vertically integrated manufacturing company providing quality physical cleaning products to maintenance markets. Full line provider of brooms, mops, dust mops, brushes, squeegees, and handles, including 100 percent corn brooms, and a variety of push brooms. Mops include cotton, rayon, blended and specialty application products. 05 Abtex Corporation 89 Main Street P.O. Box 188 Dresden, NY 14441 USA Phone: 315-536-7403 Fax: 315-536-0280 E-Mail: sales@abtex.com Web Site: www.abtex.com Products: Full line of standard and custom abrasive filament power brushes. Custom nonabrasive brushes available as well. Incorporated in 1980, Abtex produces Bradex速 abrasive filament disc brushes. Its line has expanded to include a patented radial wheel brush as well as all common power brush formats. Abtex anchors its filaments in a composite backing for less filament breakage and a more densely filled brush. A flexible manufacturing process allows it to customize a brush for a specific application. 10 ACS Industries, Inc. Scrubble速 Products Division One New England Way Lincoln, RI 02865-4247 USA Phone: 401-769-4700 Fax: 401-333-6088 E-Mail: rbeaudette@acsind.com Web Site: www.scrubble.com Products: ACS Industries, Scrubble速 Products
Division, manufactures a complete line of professional cleaning products including scouring pads, sponges, scrubbers, all types of wet and dry mops, upright corn and synthetic brooms, push brooms, microfiber mops and a full line of hand held brushes for commercial and foodservice use. The ACS Rotary Floorcare line includes floor maintenance pads, non-woven floor pads, steel wool and sand screen disks. 11 Algoma Mop Manufacturers, A Division of East Shore Industries, Inc. 813 Rabas Street Algoma, WI 54201 USA Toll Free: 800-216-3478 Phone: 920-487-3614 Fax: 920-487-3478, 800-471-3478 E-Mail: sales@algomamop.com Web Site: www.algomamop.com or www.missionmop.org Company Officers: Ron Opicka, CEO; Joel Weichelt, Director of Manufacturing; Tracy Jilot, Comproller; Allan Wartella, Sales Service Specialist Products: Algoma Mop produces and distributes a wide range of products including: Looped end wet mops; cut end mops; cotton, blended and disposable dry mops; abrasive surface mops; Mission速 Mop; microfiber mops; frames and handles; towels and accessories. 12 American Brush Manufacturers Assoc. 2111 Plum Street, Suite 274 Aurora, IL 60506 USA Phone: 720-392-2262 Fax: 866-837-8450 E-Mail: info@abma.org Web Site: www.abma.org Company Officers: David C. Parr, Exec. Dir. Products: The American Brush Manufacturers Association (ABMA) was founded in 1917 to assist North American brush manufacturers and their suppliers by enhancing industry knowledge, providing a variety of networking opportunities,
and promoting profitability for its members. ABMA strives to promote and strengthen value for its members to be the preferred and innovative source for broom, brush and mop products worldwide. ABMA provides an industry freight and transportation guide and newsletter, industry statistics, ANSI safety standards, ASTM packaging standards, leads generation, the ABMA Annual Convention and Suppliers Display, classifieds on the association Web site (www.abma.org), discounted freight program, employees screening program and merchant services program. ABMA is also an ind u stry vo ice in Washington, D.C. Association members include brush manufacturers and suppliers who seek to expand and improve the North American broom, brush, mop and roller industry. Membership is open to brush making manufacturers and component, machinery and service suppliers worldwide. 10 Amerwood 801 CR2943 Evant, TX 76525 USA Toll-Free: 800-4-HANDLE Phone: 254-471-3044 Fax: 254-471-3044 E-Mail: wayne.amerwood@centex.net Company Officers: Wayne Pringle (Fort Worth, TX); Brooks Giles (San Pedro Sula, Honduras) Products: Pine and hardwood handles and dowels; New Orleans warehouse. 12 Baker McMillen Co. 3688 Wyoga Lake Rd. Stow, OH 44224 USA Phone: 330-923-8300 Fax: 330-923-8699 E-Mail: sales@baker-mcmillen.com Web Site: www.baker-mcmillen.com Company Officers: Derek Collard, Sales
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Products: The Baker McMillen Company began operations in 1874 in Akron, OH, as a manufacturer of fine wood turnings. Tool handles and vacuum cleaner rollers were the core products of the company’s early growth. Baker McMillen furthered its development through the manufacture of components for the furniture industry and continues today as a producer of precision wood turnings with automated finishing and assembly capabilities. Company sawmills are located in the breadbasket of some of the finest Northern White Ash. All of the ash used is from sustainable stands of forests in Indiana, Ohio and Michigan. Every log, dowel and, ultimately, handles are hand picked and sorted for quality. The company has also grown by acquisition and currently has three additional divisions: Waddell Manufacturing — Manufacturer and distributor of furniture components, dowels, moldings, shelving and hardware items. Waddell serves retailers and retail distribution networks in the home center/hardware, craft, and mass merchant industries. In 1995, Waddell blended with Phoenix Millwork, the distributor of decorative brackets, Victorian trim, and shelving. For additional information, please visit www.waddellmfg.com; Grand River — Manufactures and distributes architectural wood components and millwork for use by professional craftsmen and OEM’s in the kitchen and bath industry. These products go to market via
distributor partners. Visit www.gr1879.com; and Crook-Miller — Sawmill and manufacturer of tool handles, flagpoles, and other specialty hardwood turnings. Crook-Miller serves the O.E.M. tool manufacturer and handle replacement markets. For additional information, visit www.baker-mcmillen.com/CrookMiller.htm. 12 Beira Enviro Solutions (Pvt) Ltd. 48, "Parkway" Building, Level 3, Park Street, Colombo 2 SRI LANKA Phone: +0099411 2130 7168/70 E-Mail: info@beiragroup.com Web Site: www.beiragroup.com Products: The company is a precision engineered synthetic filament manufacturer producing monofilament yarn using PET, PP, nylon and PBT to be used as brush fibers. The company is a subsidiary of the Beira Group. Filaments are made with recycled water bottles in accordance with international standards in the company’s custom built Leadership in Energy Efficiency and Design (LEED) certified factory equipped with advanced machinery. 11 Bel-Maid Company P.O. Box 1101 Brick, NJ 08723 USA Toll Free: 800-527-4947 Phone: 732-905-2600 Fax: 732-905-2620 E-Mail: bmco1962@aol.com
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Products: Rayon and cotton cut end mops; loop mops - rayon color blends and finish mops; brooms; handles; brushes; squeegees; bucket combos; dust mops, frames, handles and dust pans. 10 Bizzotto Giovanni Automation srl Via Buonarroti, 67 35010 Paviola di S.Giorgio in Bosco (Padova) ITALY Phone: +39 049 9451067 Fax: +39 049 9451068 E-Mail: info@bizzottoautomation.com Web Site: www.bizzottoautomation.com Products: Because of technological research and development of sophisticated automation systems, Bizzotto has widened its horizons, presenting itself as a supplier of totally customized machinery for different industrial sectors. It focuses on a complete partnership with the customer, that expresses itself in the capacity to understand the needs of the customer and provide that customer with “made-to-measure” solutions. The Bizzotto Company supplies automatic and semi-automatic machines (totally controlled by programmable logics on PC or on numerical control centers, with man-machine interactive and supervision systems) for the handle, broom and brush industry, as well as complex automations for the assembly of particular products. Bizzotto is specialized in three main sectors: Handle Machinery Sector: Sanders, chucking
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Royal Paint Roller Royal Paint Roller — a name known in the industry for over 35 years for top quality products, fine service and competitive prices. Manufacturer of paint rollers in ALL SIZES—from Slim Jim to Jumbo 21⁄4” I.D. in VARIETY OF FABRICS—including lambskin, kodel, lambswool, synthetic blends & “Lint Free” woven line. Also a complete line of frames, trays, paint brushes & painting accessories for the professional and Do-It-Yourself markets. Specializing in private labeling at competitive prices.
ROYAL PAINT ROLLER 248 Wyandanch Avenue West Babylon, N.Y. 11704 Tel: (631) 643-8012 • Fax: (631) 253-9428
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machinery (i.e. doming, tapering, tenoning, threading, end boring, cross boring, etc.), painting machinery (lacquering), labeling systems and packing machinery for the production of wooden handles. Complete machinery lines for the production of metal handles, starting from the flat steel or aluminum band coil, including painting lines, machines for assembling the various plastic inserts (hanger tips, thread inserts, mop inserts, tapered inserts, etc.), boring, deforming and cutting, as well as labeling systems and machines for packaging with the use of different systems, even robotized; Woodworking Machinery Sector: Profiling and shaping machines, boring and tapping machines, sanders for the production of broom and brush blocks, paintbrush handles and similar items; and; Industrial Automation Sector: Customized machinery for the preparation, positioning and assembly of particular products and accessories for the cleaning industry (mops, floor scrubbers, detergent dispensers, velvet lint brushes for clothes cleaning, adhesive lint brushes for clothes cleaning, toothbrush/accessories etc.), automotive industry and the kitchen appliance industry. 11 Bo-Buck Mills, Inc. P.O. Box 692 - 921 E. Blvd. Chesterfield, SC 29709 USA Phone: 843-623-2158 Fax: 843-623-6849 Web Site: www.bobuckmills.com Products: Narrow fabrics (polyester and cotton). The company was founded in the early 1950s, and has been continuously operating as a manufacturer of narrow fabrics. It has supplied trim/binding to the mop industry as well as other specialty industries for many years. Capable of manufacturing a wide variety of colors, finishes, and patterns. Features include in-stock programs for immediate releases. Represented by: Sarah Burnett, Manufacturers Resource, Inc., P.O. Box 667, Duluth, GA 30097 Phone: 770-476-3339 or 800-772-8503 Fax: 770-491-0101 E-Mail: sbpmri@bellsouth.net. 11 Bodam International Ltd. 903 Cirelli Court Aberdeen, MD 21001 USA Phone: 410-272-9797 Fax: 410-272-0799 E-Mail: bodam@bodam.com Web Site: www.bodam.com Contact: Carlos Petzold, President Products: Borghi broom and brush manufacturing equipment – staple-set, anchor-set, twisted-in-wire, manufacturing machinery for all types of brooms and brushes. Also, strip brush machinery, mop manufacturing machinery and injection molds are available from Borghi (www.borghi.com); Carnevali Dino trimming units – Motorized clipper heads, monofilament hank cutters, metal wire hank cutters, rotary cutters, specialty cutters
for abrasive materials such as grit brushes (www.carnevalidino.com); Techno Plastic monofilament extrusion lines – All the equipment and know-how to produce broom and brush monofilaments for PP, PET, PS, PBT, SAN and many other types of polymers. Techno Plastic also produces lines for manufacturing PET strapping (www.technoplastic.it); Unimac power brush manufacturing equipment and metal handle manufacturing equipment – Unimac produces machinery and technology used to manufacture twisted knott power brushes, wheel brushes, cup brushes, wafer brushes as well as quality control equipment for power brushes, machinery to convert wire from spools to cut-to-length bundles as well as equipment for crimping wire to be fed into power brush machinery. Unimac also specializes in complete production lines or specific-use machinery to produce fixed metal handles that are either powder coated or plastic coated, as well as equipment for extension handles (telescopic handles). Unimac’s tube-mill can also be used in other applications to produce tubes for other products (www.unimac.it.) 12 Borghi s.p.a. Via Cristoforo Colombo, 12 Loc. Cavazzona Castelfranco Emilia (Modena) 41013 ITALY Phone: +39-059-953-3911 Fax: +39-059-953-3999 E-Mail: info@borghi.it Web Site: www.borghi.com Company Officers: Paolo Roversi, Sales Manager Products: Staple-set / anchor-set brush manufacturing machines of all types; trimmers, flaggers and finishing machinery for brooms and brushes; twisted-in-wire brush manufacturing machinery; strip brush manufacturing machinery; mop manufacturing machinery; injection molds; and, specialty machinery for automation, packaging, etc., of brooms, brushes and mops. Borghi is known throughout the world as a leader in staple-set and anchor-set brush manufacturing machinery, sometimes referred to in the brush industry as “drilling and filling” machinery. Borgi also has many decades of experience in producing equipment for the production of twisted-in-wire brushes. Borghi also offers production solutions for mop manufacturing and various types of injection molds. Borghi not only provides the mold itself, but also helps with product design, prototyping and testing the injection molds for plastic parts. Seeing that customers need a continuous renewal of their line of products, and that this takes time between the various phases of engineering and development, Borghi is able to offer a prompt response to these needs. Borghi is a strong partner with the know-how to allow the customer to develop new ideas for injection molded products, in absolute privacy. Borghi not only provides technology for brooms and brushes, but with Borghi’s engineering capacity and technical manufacturing strength, requests for automation have been met with the realization of machinery for special types of paintbrushes, paintroller assembly, and many types of mops. Furthermore, Borghi has been producing machinery for manufacturing strip brushes since 2004. The
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company’s strip brush manufacturing machine, model BS30, produces strip brushes at speeds reaching up to 100 feet per minute. Able to work with a variety of raw materials, Borghi’s strip brush machinery gives customers the versatility to produce many sizes and types of strip brushes. The key reason Borghi can offer this type of equipment is due to the company’s design, which makes it easy to run strip brushes and changeover from one product to another; and allows even the novice to produce top quality strip brushes with tight tolerances. Borghi also goes beyond just providing equipment to produce “the product.” It provides specialty machinery to automate packaging and other requirements that a given product may have before it is completely finished and ready to go into the warehouse or out the door. Borghi’s flexibility in offering custom solutions is what keeps its level of technology fresh and cutting-edge. Please contact Borghi s.p.a. or one of its agents. For machinery sales in the USA and Canada, please contact: Bodam International Ltd., 903 Cirelli Court, Aberdeen, MD 21001, USA. Phone: 410-272-9797; Fax: 410-272-0799; E-mail: bodam@bodam.com; Web site: www.bodam.com; Contact: Carlos Petzold, President. For technical support and spare parts in the USA and Canada, please contact: Borghi USA, Inc., 903 Cirelli Court, Aberdeen, MD 21001, USA. Phone: 410-272-9797, Fax: 410-272-0799, E-mail: info@borghiusa.com; Contact: Matt Tompkins. Borghi s.p.a.’s partner companies, Unimac s.r.l. and Techno Plastic s.r.l., have recently moved into and inaugurated their new headquarters along side of Borghi, which in now being called, “The Brush District.” Unimac produces machinery and technology used to manufacture twisted knot power brushes, wheel brushes, cup brushes, wafer brushes as well as quality control equipment for power brushes, machinery to convert wire from spools to cut-to-length bundles as well as equipment for crimping wire to be fed into power brush machinery. Furthermore, Unimac also specializes in complete production lines of specific-use machinery to produce fixed metal handles that are, either: powder coated or plastic coated, as well as equipment for extension handles (telescopic handles). Unimac’s tube-mill can also be used in other applications to produce tubes for other products. (www.unimac.it). Techno Plastic offers equipment and know-how to produce broom and brush monofilaments for PP, PET, PS, PBT, SAN and many other types of polymers. Techno Plastic also produces lines for manufacturing ET strapping (www.technoplastic.it). 12 Boucherie USA Inc. 8748 Gleason Rd. Knoxville, TN 37923 USA Phone: 865-247-6091 Fax: 865-247-6117 E-Mail: sales@boucherie.com Web Site: www.boucherie.com G.B. Boucherie Stuivenbergstraat 106 8870 Izegem, Belgium Phone: ++32 51 31 21 41 Fax: ++32 51 30 54 46 E-Mail: info@boucherie.be
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Boucherie Latin America Kra. 104 No. 11-25 Apto 102 Puerta de Hierro Cali, Columbia Phone: +57-2-333-6873 Fax: +57-2-333-6873 E-mail: andres@boucherie.com Company Officers: John Williams, President; Andres Becker, Boucherie Latin America Products: Tufting machines for brooms; household, industrial and personal care brushes, and toothbrushes. Boucherie’s Anchor Free Technology has now been re-engineered to allow for the production of household and industrial brushes without the use of anchors or staples. The filament and block can be of different materials. With two filling heads running continuously at 650 RPM (1,300 tufts per minute), brushes with 138 tufts are produced at the rate of 600 pieces per hour. The indoor broom that was demonstrated at the last InterBrush show in Freiburg, Germany, requires a mere 50 percent of the weight in polypropylene of a regular brush block. Additionally, there are savings in filament waste since no trimming is needed and, of course, there is no wire. In this world of high energy costs and petroleum based materials, such savings cannot be considered trivial. These combined attributes have the potential to revolutionize the brush
manufacturing industry. Boucherie is proud that the AFT-HH machine was honored with the Innovation Award at both the ABMA and FEIBP annual conventions. The TCU-CNC machines are capable of handling brushes from nailbrushes to 24inch brooms. The modular concept, which permits a machine to be reconfigured for vastly different brushes, has now been well demonstrated. Moreover, these machines are available from being manually loaded all the way to fully automated production cells, equipped with fully automatic handle feeders and industrial robots. The TCU-CNC range of machines has been further extended by the introduction of the TCUSL/CNC and the TCU-T/CNC. The TCU-SL/CNC machine, with its fiber picking system and 95 mm stroke, is able to run at speeds up to 1,000 tufts per minute, even with filaments as long as 420 mm (16-inches) unfolded. The TCU-T/CC machine, with long stroke filling tools that are lined with a ceramic material and sturdy carousel with heavyduty support in the drilling and filling stations, is designed for arduous applications with drill sizes to 12 mm, and the use of heavy vegetable fibers. The newest refinements to the TCU line of machines are a faster indexing of the turret, higher speeds of well over 1,400 tufts per minute in some cases and a wider range of automation options. The single-header SCU will handle disk brushes as well as plate brushes, and can be converted to a
Supplier of Raw Materials to Manufacture Brooms, Mops, and Brushes • Galvanized & tinned wire for brush - broom - mop production • Processed Broom Corn & Yucca • Wood Broom - Mop - Brush Handles • Craft Broom Corn And Supplies • Other Materials - Broom Twine, Broom Nails, Mop Hardware We ship by pup or truck load direct from Mexico, or LTL/ UPS from our Greensboro warehouse.
P.O. Box 14634 • Greensboro, NC 27415 336-273-3609 800-213-9224 Fax: 336-378-6047 E-mail: sales@recaddy.com
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household brush machine in a matter of minutes. The double-header VCU is a high-performance versatile machine for the production of all kinds of brushware. It has 5 axis CNC control and will make brooms up to 24-inches in one operation, or 36inches in two operations. The brush holder frames are easy to change, so the machine can be used for the production of dish brushes, roller brushes or toilet brushes. Toothbrush Production Lines and Work Centers: Boucherie has developed a variety of toothbrush manufacturing equipment. Production machines range from the very affordable TB3A/CNC, through the TB3-TS and TB3-FS, which are economically priced, full production lines for less demanding applications, to the highly automated and sophisticated TB3-FM and TB3FM/L. All of these single header machines now run at continuous speeds up to 1,000 tufts per minute. The new concept of the TB5-FM machine is yet another world’s first, according to Boucherie. The filling tool runs on ball bearings, and has very few, and light, moving parts to make it simple to maintain and make the basic tool virtually wear-free. Futhermore, the machine features reduced handling of the products to optimize efficiency and product quality. For the highest production, Boucherie offers the double-headed TB32-flexi cell, which can make up to 70 brushes per minute when the 2 filling tools run in parallel, or for complex brushes with 2 different hole sizes when the filling tools run sequentially. Continued On Page 38
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This flexibility is build into the concept of the machine, and can be used effortlessly. Anchorless Toothbrush Production Lines and Work Centers: In the field of machinery for the oral care industry, with the introduction of the AFT/CNC machine, Boucherie clearly established a leadership position in anchorless technology, but with the new AMR machine, Boucherie is making a giant step to bring anchorless toothbrush production to more toothbrush makers. The AFT/CNC is the first machine for tufting toothbrushes without using anchors. Block tufts, strip tufts and various combinations of tuft angles widen the range of design options for the toothbrush heads. The AFT/CNC features automatic handle feeding, Windows-based CNC controls, and pre-endrounding of bristles. No trimming is required. AFT technology may now be used to manufacture toothbrushes with tapered filaments. Available too is a less automated version of this machine: the AFT/SD line, in which the handle and bristle infeed are accomplished manually. The brand new AMR machine also features Boucherie’s in-line pre-endrounding system, and will make the brushes that are now manufactured on complex anchor-set production cells at a reduced cost, with a higher endrounding quality, and at least at the same speed. The AFT-IMT is the world’s first commercially available in-mould technology for the production of toothbrushes, according to Boucherie. Preendrounded filaments are picked and arranged in their final configuration prior to being transferred into a mold where the brush head and handle are over-molded to produce the finished product. IDM Machine: The IDM is a compact carousel machine for the high-speed production of interdental and mascara brushes. It is now possible to produce up to 65 high quality brushes per minute, even while using the smallest wire sizes, since the brush remains in the same clamp throughout the whole production process. The IDM is available in versions with spool feed of the nylon, or with fiber boxes for pre-cut filaments. An integrated vision system for the automatic inspection of finished brushes is also available. Injection Molds: Boucherie produces single component molds, multi-component molds with manual or automatic transfer, and multi-component, high
cavitation, valve gated, hot runner stack molds. Boucherie molds are used to produce a wide range of consumer, medical and engineering products. Packaging Machines: Form, fill and seal blister packaging machines are available in heat seal and high frequency seal versions for toothbrush and personal care brushes. They may be operated as stand-alone machines or integrated into one or two tufting machines. Boucherie USA Inc., has been selling Boucherie brush machines, sophisticated multi-component injection molds and packaging equipment in North, Central and South America for more than 30 years. 12 Briarwood Products Co. 2900 Bradwell Avenue Cleveland, OH 44109 USA Phone: 216-398-1107 Fax: 216-398-1075 Web Site: www.BriarwoodProducts.com Products: In addition to an existing line of OEM plastic cleaning tools, Briarwood Products has introduced CamLock™ Threaded Tips, designed to keep brush and broom handles from loosening or coming unscrewed during use. Handles coming loose from the tool to which they are affixed have been a long time industry problem. Patented CamLock™ Threaded Tips actually make it more difficult to unscrew a handle than to screw it on initially. The CamLock™ Tips can be purchased already assembled onto the handle of choice or sold separately. In either case, the “cam locking” mechanism creates a tight union between the handle and brush, broom or other tool that will not unscrew during normal use. 06 Bruin Plastics Co., Inc. 61 Joslin Road P.O. Box 700 Glendale, RI 02826 USA Phone: 401-568-3081 Toll Free: 800-556-7764 Fax: 401-568-0019 E-Mail: sales@bruinplastics.com Web Site: www.bruinplastics.com Company Officers: Dennis E. Angelone, President; Steven M. Angelone, Vice President; Walter L. Conine, VP Sales & Marketing Products: Since 1964, Bruin Plastics Company has been a producer of industrial textiles. Bruin provides mildew and rot resistant VCM® (vinyl coated mesh)
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for wet mop head bands in a variety of colors, slit to a customer’s specific width requirements. For samples and information, contact Bruin Plastics Co., Inc., Steve Angelone, VP, E-mail: sangelone@bruinplastics.com. 12 Brush Fibers, Inc. 202 North Oak Street Arcola, IL 61910 USA Phone: 217-268-3012 Fax: 217-268-3245 E-Mail: chris@brushfibers.com Company Officers: Chris Monahan, President; Alicia Leal, Customer Service Manager; Jaye Roberts, Controller Products: Vegetable fibers: Tampico fiber (natural white, black, grey, bleached, patent, union), palmyra fiber, palmyra stalks, bassine, sherbro piassava, sherbro/stalk mixes, rice root, coco fiber and arenga fiber; Wire: Card wire, staple wire–galvanized and copper coated (pay off packs, spools, reels); and bristle (hog hair). Also offered are horse hair, horse hair mixtures, foam and solid plastic brush blocks. Established in 1979, Brush Fibers, Inc. is a supplier of a full range of brush filling materials to brush manufacturers around the world. Brush Fibers offers customers a comprehensive line, serviced from its Arcola warehouse, supported by warehousing facilities in North Carolina and Montreal. 12 Brush Research Manufacturing Co., Inc. 4642 Floral Drive Los Angeles, CA 90022 USA Phone: 323-261-2193 Fax: 323-268-6587 E-Mail: sales@brushresearch.com Web Site: www.brushresearch.com Company Officers: Michael Miller, VP of Sales; Heather Jones, Director of Marketing; Tara Rands, President Products: Industrial brushes, manufacturing power brushes and twisted-in-wire brushes in carbon steel, stainless steel, brass, natural bristle and abrasive nylon. 12 Brushes Corp. 5400 Smith Road Brook Park, OH 44142 USA Phone: 216-267-8084 Fax: 216-267-9077 Continued On Page 40
&$ &''
Get The Right Connection
Juno Tips 5399 (Patented) With Modified 3/4 - 5 Standard ACME Thread OD .937 - ID .812 Length 2.562
Available With Your Company Logo
WHEN YOUR BROOMS & MOPS NEED TO BE STREET TOUGH As they say "The Market Is Tough" and so are Deco's Mop & Broom Tips, Extensions & Adaptors. With Deco you have the right connection on the street with which to attach your handles. Deco's quality tips, extensions and adaptors are die cast from certified zinc alloy, one of nature's most impact resistant metals. You can order standard ACME or your own custom threading in a wide range of tapers, shapes and styles.
For: Wood, Fiberglass& Metal Handles We Offer: • Die Casting • Powder Coating • Plating • Engineering Services
So when you need a tough connection on the end of your handle get in the ring with Deco. Custom or standard tips for brooms and mops. Deco gives you clout.
Call Us Today: Deco Products Company 506 Sanford Street Decorah, Iowa 52101
1-800-327-9751 1-563-382-4264 Fax: 1-563-382-9845
Visit Our Web Site At: www.decoprod.com email / jraptes@decoprod.com
Our Facility is 9001 : 2000 Registered Keeping Deco A Leader In The Field
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E-Mail: jhauck@malinco.com Web Site: www.brushescorp.com Company Officers: Leonard DeFino, President; Jim Hauck, General Manager; Sophe Hicks, Inside Sales Products: Twisted-in-wire brushes, gun brushes and various custom brushes. Materials include nylon, polypro, and wire. Special packaging and assembly upon request. 12 R.E. Caddy & Company, Inc. P.O. Box 14634 Greensboro, NC 27415 USA Phone: 336-273-3609 Fax: 336-378-6047 Toll-Free: 800-213-9224 E-Mail: rec@recaddy.com or sales@recaddy.com Web Site: www.recaddy.com Company Officers: Richard Caddy, President Products: Redrawn galvanized brush staple wire, strip brush channel wire, and mop winding wire; tinned broom winding wire; box stitching wire; and flat anchor wire. Also offered: Processed Mexican broom corn and yucca fiber; wood broom, brush, and mop handles; wet mop hardware and handles; polyethylene broom sewing twine; and nails, knives, and other supplies. R.E. Caddy has broom and brush wire in a variety of packaging to accommodate the customers’ needs: pay off packs, wood reels from 200 through 1,000 pounds, and plastic spools from 10 through 65 pounds. Inventories are maintained for quick turnaround of orders. R.E. Caddy has several reliable sources of processed Mexican broom corn. It also has a full selection of unprocessed broom corn and supplies, such as twines, knives, and nails, for the hand-made craft broom market. Customers visiting www.recaddy.com can complete on-line purchases at the company’s ecommerce store. This service is aimed at craft customers, but can be utilized to buy other materials as well. R.E. Caddy accepts Visa and Mastercard for all purchases. R.E. Caddy & Company’s commitment is to work with customers to match raw material needs and delivery with their production requirements. The company will mark its 54th year in operation during 2012. 12
Carolina Mop 819 Whitehall Road Anderson, SC 29625 USA Phone: 800-845-9725 Fax: 864-225-1917 E-Mail: info@carolinamop.com Web Site: www.carolinamop.com Products: Mop buckets, wet floor signs, squeegees, dust pans, and carpet bonnets. Carolina Mop carries a full line of wet mops, dust mops, brooms, brushes, and handles. 05 Cepillos El Castor S.A. de C.V. Frias #667, Guadalajara JAL 44200 MEXICO Phone: 52-333-826-3536 Fax: 52-333-826-2805 Web Site: www.cepilloselcastor.com Products: Push brooms, brushes, wet mops, dust mops, squeegees, structural foam brush blocks, fiberglass handles. The company was founded in Mexico City more than 40 years ago. In 1994, the company started exporting, and today ships products to countries including Japan, Peru, Barbados, Brazil and the U.S. It has strategic alliances with other manufacturers that are world leaders in the production of floor pads, rubber gloves, window squeegees and floor squeegees. It can produce “private label” programs and develop special products under customer specifications. It also manufactures industrial and customized brushes starting with “one piece” orders. 08 Charles E. Green & Son, Inc. 225 Ridgewood Ave. - P.O. Box 8277 Glen Ridge, NJ 07028 USA Phone: 973-485-3630 Fax: 973-485-6510 E-Mail: sales@charlesgreen.com Web Site: www.charlesgreen.com Company Officers: John V. Green III, President; Rebecca Sullivan, Vice President; Caitlin E. Green, Vice President Products: Charles E. Green manufactures and distributes a wide variety of quality paint applicator products and components. They include: paintbrush ferrules; paint rollers and components; brush pins from England; manufacturers of Milliken Brush
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July/August 2012
Nailing Machines; industrial raschel knit mesh; tampico fibers; wood handles from Poland; plastic handles from Italy; general metal stamped and wire formed products. 12 Chief Manufacturing P.O. Box 191 301 McIntosh Parkway Thomaston, GA 30286 USA Toll Free: 800-722-2061 Fax: 706-647-2790 Web Site: www.chiefmanufacturing.net and/or www.chiefclean.net Products: Chief Manufacturing has been making industrial mop hardware and janitorial supplies since the 1950s and, until recently, under the name of The Woodbury Box Company. One of the company’s product lines is the Z-Force Hands-free Dust Mop System. 09 Corona Brushes, Inc. 5065 Savarese Circle Tampa, FL 33634 USA Phone: 813-885-2525 Fax: 813-882-9810 E-Mail: info@coronabrushes.com Web Site: www.coronabrushes.com Products: Quality handmade paintbrushes and rollers. It is a third generation family company operating in modern facility in Tampa, FL, and shipping worldwide. Corona offers handmade applicators in both natural and synthetic materials. Corona’s paintbrushes have full stock construction that tapers to a fine chisel tip. It uses fine materials for professional custom blends. All materials are processed in house. Of equal quality are Corona’s full-stock paint rollers formulated for fast, efficient, lint free application of paints, enamels, varnishes, stains, epoxies, marine coatings, urethanes and more. Corona celebrated its 50th anniversary in 2011. It recently introduced the UltraFast roller series and Easy Stain brushes. 11 Creative Poly, Inc. 620 W. Lincoln Avenue Rochelle, IL 61068 USA
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Phone: 815-562-9002, 866-304-BAGS Fax: 815-562-8551 E-Mail: creative@rochelle.net Products: Creative Poly, Inc. is a manufacturer and printer of crown top (rounded corners), straight-edge, and custom shaped broom sleeves. Other items manufactured include mop and brush bags, reclosable zipper bags and wicketed bags. Creative’s printing department has the capabilities to print both line print and process print items to the customers’ specs. Printed rollstock can also be supplied for automatic packaging machines. 08 Crystal Lake Manufacturing, Inc. P.O. Box 159 Autaugaville, AL 36003 USA Toll-Free: 800-633-8720 Phone: 334-365-3342 Fax: 334-365-3332 Web Site: www.crystallakemfg.com Products: Brooms (broom corn, blended and plastic), mop heads, deck mops, dust mops, dust mop frames and handles, broom handles, complete line of handles, industrial and household wedge mops, industrial and household mopsticks, angle brooms, lobby brooms, whisk brooms, sponge mops, push brooms, and utility brushes. Crystal Lake Manufacturing, Inc., established in 1935, has become one of the nation’s leading producers of corn brooms, wet and dry mops, and broom and mop handles. It services all market segments in the United States and many export locations with brooms, mops, dust mops and handles. Crystal Lake is able to handle private label requirements and manufacture to specifications. 04 Culicover & Shapiro, Inc. 220 S. Fehr Way Bayshore, NY 11706 USA Phone: 631-918-4560 Fax: 631-918-4561 E-Mail: culicoverbrush@aol.com Web Site: www.culicoverbrush.com Company Officers: Richard Shapiro, President; David Shapiro, Treasurer Products: Floor brushes, garage brushes, counter dusters, radiator and window brushes, truck brushes, street brooms, corn brooms, baseboard brushes, bi-level scrubs, deck scrubs, hand scrubs, pot brushes, wet and dry mops, broom and mop handles, dustpans, squeegees. Culicover & Shapiro was established in 1929 and operated out of a tiny loft in a building that now comprises the South Street SeaPort in New York. Over the years it has grown and changed and now occupies a large modern facility in Bayshore, NY. It can manufacture all types of brooms quickly and efficiently with modern CNC machinery, but still can run small orders and do hand work. It can also manufacture to specifications and frequently OEM for other brush manufacturers. 11 Deco Products Co. 506 Sanford Street Decorah, IA 52101 USA Phone: 563-382-4264 Fax: 563-382-9845
E-Mail: jraptes@decoprod.com Web Site: www.decoprod.com Products: Zinc die castings. Deco is a large ISO 9001:2000 registered U.S. zinc die caster, with more than 40 years of casting experience for the broom, brush and mop industry. Deco offers standard and custom made threaded tips and angular brackets. 11 Delamo Mfg. 7171 Telegraph Rd. Montebello, CA 90640 USA Phone: 888-711-8011 Fax: 323-936-3567 E-Mail: delamo@delamo-mfg.com Web Site: www.delamo-mfg.com Products: Innovative cleaning tools, including trash/utility cans, pails, wringer buckets, dust pans, mop sticks and more. 10 Deligh Industries, Inc. 255 Conover Street - P.O. Box 310-154 Brooklyn, NY 11231 USA Phone: 718-875-1511 Fax: 718-237-4257 E-Mail: rdeligdish@aol.com Web site: www.deligh.com Products: Tinned broom wire, galvanized mop and broom bands, galvanized and stainless steel brush stapling wire, galvanized stainless steel and plastic coated twisting wire, oil tempered and stainless steel scratch brush wire, brass and phosphor bronze brush filling wire, oil tempered, hard drawn and stainless steel power brush wire, wood brush blocks and broom handles. It also stocks rubber wood brush and broom blocks in a variety of sizes and profiles. Typical stock sizes are 18, 24, 30 and 36-inches long. Custom sizes can be produced to specification. The products listed above are supplied in a variety of different put-ups: 5, 10, 35, 200, 500 and 1,000 pound spools. Filling wire is available in either crimped or straight, cut to length or on coils, spools, or bunched cores. Twisting wire is available in 200-pound coils, 2,000-pound carriers or straightened and cut lengths. Wire it supplies is packaged in a wide array of put-ups to meet the needs of each customer. Company goal is to custom design products to suit the specific requirements of customers. 11 Distribuidora Perfect S.A. de C.V. Calle Cuatro No. 32 Naucalpan Edo de MEXICO 53370 Phone: 011 52 55 53 87 04 00 Fax: 011 52 55 55 76 24 44 E-Mail: rrk@brochasperfect.com.mx Web Site: www.brochasperfect.com.mx Company Officers: Jorge Ripstein, President and Director; Rodrigo Ripstein, Executive Director Products: The company offers tampico fiber, cup brushes, solvents, paintbrushes, end brushes, artist brushes, clothes brushes, paint rollers, shoe brushes, kits and trays, washing brushes, wire brushes, Loosen Up WE-60, paint pads (square brushes), color sprays, circular wire brushes, and painter complementary items. Perfect has been in business for over 60 years in Mexico. The company first started selling paintbrushes and all sorts of brushes for domestic
uses and industrial applications. The company later started distributing tooling for the construction industry, as well as tampico fiber all over the world. The company now offers lamb’s wool paint rollers, rollers that eliminate bubbles when applying varnish, and abrasive circular wire brushes. 10 Dorden & Co., Inc., aka Dorden Squeegees 7446 Central Avenue - P.O. Box 10247 Detroit, MI 48210-0247 USA Phone: 313-834-7910 Fax: 313-834-1178 E-Mail: mmfgcoinc@aol.com Company Officers: Bruce M. Gale Products: Floor and window squeegees. Commercial, industrial and retail for the OEM and super distributor. “We are your source not your competitor.” 10 Dorstener Drahtwerke GmbH & Co. Marler StraBe 109 Dorsten D-46282 GERMANY Phone: +49 (0) 2362-20 99 38 Fax: +49 (0) 2362-2 63 95 E-Mail: info@dorstener-drahtwerke.de Web Site: www.dorstener-drahtwerke.de Products: Brush stapling wires: galvanized and copper coated on spools of 45KG and 90KG. 12 Draper Knitting Company 28 Draper Lane Canton, MA 02021 USA Phone: 781-828-0029 Fax: 781-828-3034 E-Mail: kdraper@draperknitting.com Web Site: www.draperknitting.com Products: Specializing in custom fabrics for paint rollers. In 2008, Draper Knitting Company celebrated the sixth generation of the Draper family to serve as president of the company. Kristin Draper now serves as president. Over the past 11 years, Draper has had the ability to work with recycled fibers which have helped bring the company into the “green” movement of today. New markets include Draper Therapies, a line of finished products that use a fiber that can increase circulation and reduce pain. Draper continues to keep a focus on its traditional markets like paint roller fabrics and outerwear fabrics. It features custom blends and heavy weight fabrics, all with the ability to be custom colored by a onsite dye house. The company has over 150 years of experience working with wool, and over 35 years working with recycled fibers and countless other fibers to choose from. 11 DuPont Filaments Barley Mill Plaza 22/1154 Wilmington, DE 19880-0022 USA Phone: 302-992-3284 Fax: 302-892-0955 Web Site: www.filaments.dupont.com Products: DuPont Filaments provides high quality filaments for brush applications, plus global delivery to ensure the most cost-efficient
production in local markets. With manufacturing facilities that span the globe and technical experts in multiple languages, DuPont Filaments meet filament needs worldwide. From FDA-compliant colorful filaments for oral care applications, to long synthetic tapered bristles for paintbrushes and soft “natural-feel” filaments for cosmetics, DuPont Filaments provides a broad range of product development and manufacturing solutions for individual product requirements. 05
sizes available. Made 100 percent in the USA. The Evansville Association For The Blind is a non-profit organization incorporated in the state of Indiana, April 13, 1923. The association serves and employs persons with physical and mental disabilities. Manufacturing time available for mop production due to expanded capacity. The Evansville Association For The Blind is celebrating 91 years of service and employment to the tri-state area. 12
EMSCO Group 617 Church St. - P.O. Box 151 Girard, PA 16417 USA Toll Free: 800-458-0839 Fax: 814-774-3463 E-Mail: chrisc@emscogroup.com Web Site: www.emscogroup.com Products: Residential and commercial grade cleaning aids. Emsco manufactures and distributes mops, brooms, brushes, buckets, accessories and others. Its complete line of products can be seen at www.emscogroup.com. Emsco Group, originally the Theo J. Ely Company, was founded in 1867. The company originally produced wooden mop buckets, mop handles, carpet beaters, etc. Emsco Group has the manufacturing capability to develop and manufacture products in venues including: metal stamping, injection molding, textile conversion, staple setting, wood handle conversion and market specific assembly. Its main manufacturing and distribution facility in Girard, PA, is located centrally for shipping products across the country, or across the globe. 11
F.M. Brush Co., Inc. 70-02 72nd Place Glendale, NY 11385 USA Phone: 718-821-5939 Fax: 718-821-2385 E-Mail: info@fmbrush.com Web Site: www.fmbrush.com Products: Artist brushes, from professional to student, all levels. Industrial affiliations, marking, stencil, and parts cleaning. Camel hair to red sable plus a full range of synthetics. Painted and unpainted handles. Assembled in the United States and Thailand. Large quantities for bids at all price ranges. Name brand and private label with quick delivery. The company was founded in 1929, and has over 80 years experience in creating high-quality brushes that feature both form and function. F.M. Brush offers brush styles in both natural hair and synthetics. It is environmentally sensitive and supports the fight against animal testing. Handles come from managed wood reformed station programs. 11
Epic Resins 600 Industrial Blvd. Palmyra, WI 53156 USA Phone: 262-495-3400 Fax: 262-495-3410 E-Mail: sales@epicresins.com Web Site: www.epicresins.com Products: Epic Resins offers paintbrush and paint roller adhesives. These adhesives offer adhesion to natural bristles, nylon, polyester and olefin filaments, as well as vinyl substrates. Epic Resins provides both two component epoxy resin adhesives as well as one component polyurethane moisture cure adhesives to serve the paintbrush and paint roller markets. Epic Resins is a custom formulator of epoxy resin and polyurethane compounds for original equipment manufacturers (OEM). It has been in business since 1958. Epic Resins specializes in custom manufacturing and formulating materials. 11
Fibratexsa P.O. Box 118 San Pedro Sula, HONDURAS Web Site: www.fibratexsa.com Products: Mop making machinery including loop end and deck mop machines, sewing stations, automatic cutters and more. 12
Evansville Association For The Blind - EAB Industries 500 Second Avenue, P.O. Box 6445 Evansville, IN 47719 USA Phone: 812-422-1181 Fax: 812-424-3154 E-Mail: eabindustrial@aol.com Web Site: www.evansvilleblind.org Company Officers: Karla Horrell, Executive Director and Controller; Dan Leraris, Sales & Marketing; Tony Goebel, Plant Manager Products: Deck mops: cotton and rayon; mop heads: cotton and rayon. Traditional and custome
Fili & Forme SRL Via del Lavoro, 10 41018 San Cesareo sul Panaro (MO) ITALY Phone: ++39059921462 Export: ++39031856986 Fax: ++39059921463 Export: ++39031856273 E-Mail: export@filieforme.com Web Site: www.filieforme.com Products: Product line includes: Monofilaments in PVC that can be produced as UV resistant for long lasting under sun exposure, and antibacterial to reduce and avoid the formation of offensive odors; monofilaments in polypropylene; PS and SAN. For more than 15 years, Fili & Forme has produced monofilaments for various markets like home, personal care, industrial, technical and sports. It offers a completely automated manufacturing process, with cutting edge technology and machines, quality control, efficiency and competitive prices. 10 Filmop USA, LLC 13410 Hwy 105 West Conroe, TX 77304 USA
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Phone: 936-588-8942 Fax: 936-588-8948 E-Mail: info@filmopusa.com Web Site: www.filmopusa.com Products: Designs, manufactures and distributes: buckets; carts - hospital, janitorial and maid; dusters; dusting cloths; dustpan; floor finish applicators; handles - mop, broom, brush and telescopic; microfiber products; mopping equipment; mops - dust and wet; plastic containers; safety products equipment and signs; squeegees - floor and window; wall washing equipment; waste receptacles; window cleaning accessories; wringers. 11 FIMM ITALIA S.p.A. via della Repubblica 153 50050 STABBIA (Firenze), ITALY Phone: +39-0571-956124 Fax: +39-0571-956111 E-mail: FIMM@spinelli-group.com Web Site: www.FIMM@spinelli-group.com Products: Metal broom handles, plastic housewares, house-cleaning products and customized items. The history of FIMM ITALIA S.p.A. dates back to the 1890s, and is part of the Spinelli Group, a machinery manufacturer. 11 Flex Brush P.O. Box 517 Lakewood, OH 44107 USA Phone: 216-252-2557 E-Mail: lreading@flex-brush.com Web Site: www.flex-brush.com Company Officers: Marc Calcaterra, President; Bill Imrie, Sales Products: Flexible brush weatherseal. 12 G.D.F. di De Franceschi Gabriella & Co. SAS Via Mazzini, 27 40053 Bazzano BO ITALY Phone: ++39 051830189 Fax: ++39 051830263 E-Mail: gdf@gdfsrl.eu Web Site: www.gdfsrl.eu Company Officers: Gabriella De Franceschi, President Products: Steel epoxy painted handles and telescopic poles; plastic blocks for brooms and brushes; mops, buckets, cleaning tools, shopping cart bags. 11 Garelick Mfg. Co. 644 Second Street - P.O. Box 8 St. Paul Park, MN 55071 USA Phone: 651-459-9795 Fax: 651-459-8269 E-Mail: mail@garelick.com Web Site: www.garelick.com Products: Telescopic extension poles 6’, 8’, 12’, 18’ and 24’ lengths. Garelick Mfg. Co. began in 1952. Metal fabrication is performed at two locations: St. Paul Park, MN, and Largo, FL. It offers lightweight anodized aluminum, twist lock cams allow handle to be locked at any length, rolled tube edges, universal size screw adapter, five standard sizes. 11
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Gift Sales Co. P.O. Box 17082 Wichita, KS 67217 USA Phone: 316-267-0671 Fax: 316-267-2930 E-Mail: gscjansplymfr@juno.com Web Site: www.giftsalescompany.net Products: Urinal screens, urinal blocks, plastic dust pans, toilet bowl mops, wall blocks, enzyme blocks, toilet bowl caddies, absorbents, bowl blocks in plastic cage, and the company’s new superior metal dust pan (one-piece construction, 20 gauge metal, 12- inch edge, powder coating, reinforced handle.) 10 Golden Star Inc. P.O. Box 12539 Kansas City, MO 64116 USA Phone: 816-842-0233 Fax: 816-842-1129 Email: goldenstar@goldenstar.com Website: www.goldenstar.com Products: Full line vertically-integrated manufacturer of professional surface cleaning tools, systems and accessories. This includes wet and dust mops, microfiber pads and cloths, dusters, bonnets, corn and push brooms, and hardware. 12 Gordon Brush Mfg. Co., Inc. 6247 Randolph Street Commerce, CA 90040 USA Phone: 323-724-7777 Fax: 323-724-1111 E-Mail: sales@gordonbrush.com Web Site: www.gordonbrush.com, www.marxbrush.com, www.milwaukeedustless.com Company Officers: Kenneth L. Rakusin, President and CEO Products: Miniature scratch and plater’s brushes, large scratch and plater’s brushes, cylinder/roller brushes (all sizes), single spiral and 4-wire single spiral brushes, double spiral brushes, micro spiral brushes, artist brushes, cosmetic brushes, forensic brushes, wire drawn brushes, custom and specialty brushes of all materials and configurations. Gordon Brush was founded in 1951 by Don Gordon, a brush maker and machine builder. The company was purchased in 1973 by the Loitz family and was sold to Ken Rakusin and the Loitz’s son, Bill Loitz, in January, 1998. Gordon Brush has continued rapid growth in the industrial brush industry and invests heavily in the latest CNC controlled machinery. Gordon Brush can make any staple set, hand laced, wire drawn or twisted-in-wire brush to meet customers’ needs. Its in-house tool-making facility, coupled with state-of-the-art CNC equipment, provides Gordon with the ability to produce all brush components necessary for custom products. In addition, Gordon can imprint and private label brushes for the brush industry. 10 E. Gornell & Sons, Inc. 2241 N. Knox Avenue Chicago, IL 60639 USA Phone: 773-489-2330 Fax: 773-489-1102
E-Mail: sales@gornellbrush.com Web Site: www.gornellbrush.com Products: Gornell built its reputation as a custom designer and manufacturer of quality brushes for industry and maintenance. Gornell is a supplier of scratch, platers and welder brushes, staple set on the latest CNC-controlled machinery. It offers custom-design and manufacture staple set and wiredrawn brushes for industry, using all types of wire, synthetic and natural fill materials. E. Gornell & Sons, Inc., was founded in 1892 by Edward Gornell. For over a century, Gornell has been supplying quality brushes and excellent service at very competitive prices. It continues to grow, producing quality brushes with the latest state-ofthe-art CNC machinery. Gornell will imprint and private label brushes for the brush industry. CAD/CAM design available. Special packaging is offered to meet specific requirements. 11 Gover, Horowitz & Blunt Ltd. Grosvenor Gardens House 35-37 Grosvenor Gardens London SW1W 0BS UNITED KINGDOM Phone: +44 207 630 7777 Fax: +44 207 828 3867 E-Mail: mr@ghb.co.uk Web Site: www.ghb.co.uk Company Officers: Matthew Ralph, Director Products: Natural vegetable fibers/fillings (bassine, palmyra, coco, sherbro, piassava, tampico, broom root, union mix, arenga.) Synthetic filaments (PVC, PPN, PBT, nylon), coir and rubber door mats and matting. 12 GSC Manufacturing, Inc. 510 Merritt Avenue Nashville, TN 37203 USA Phone: 615-248-6556 Fax: 615-248-6558 E-Mail: info@gscmanufacturing.com Web Site: www.gscmanufacturing.com Products: Manufacturer of premium quality wet mops available in cut-end, loop-end, finish mops and T-bar construction. The company offers a full line of launderable and disposable dust mops and frames. It assembles handles for both wet and dust mops. All mops are available in a variety of natural and synthetic yarns to meet every customer’s special needs. Natural and plastic brooms, push brooms and industrial brushes complete a full janitorial and commercial line of cleaning products. GSC Manufacturing was incorporated in 2000 to become an industry leader in the production and development of cleaning products. It offers OEM programs, private labeling, custom packs, short lead times from receipt of order to delivery. 10 Gunn Brush Co., Inc. 948 Chrch Street Baldwin, NY 11510 USA Toll Free: 800-834-6035 Fax: 516-771-7019 E-Mail: gunnbrush@aol.com Web Site: www.gunnbrush.com Products: All types/styles and sizes of floormachine rotary brushes and pad holder
assemblies. Custom work, as well as custom diamond drivers made to specifications. Large inventory allows same day shipping on most orders. Over 50 years of experience in the industry ensures accurate filling of orders. 04 Hagco Industries 1052 N. Main St. River Falls, WI 54022 USA Phone: 715-425-7994 Fax: 715-425-7992 E-Mail: hagcoinc@comcast.net Web Site: www.hagcoultramicrofiber.com Company Officers: Ted Hagberg, President; Traci Hagberg, CEO; Nicole Bee, Vice President Products: Hagco Industries has a variety of microfiber products. The company carries many types of wet and dry mops including string mops, grout mops, surgical mops, wire frame mops, and anti-bacterial mops that will pick up 99 percent of bacteria using only water. Hagco industries also carries specialty items such as microfiber sponges, high dusting wands, dusting gloves, and a variety of window washing pads and accessories. It also carries carpet bonnets, vacuums, buckets, and wringer buckets. Hagco Industries also has hardware microfiber products such as handles, and other tools, along with a wide variety of microfiber cloths. The company was established in 1967 serving commercial customers. Company officials say it is known as the “Ultra Microfiber Company” with a 100 percent satisfaction guarantee. The company imports microfiber from Korea, China, and Italy. Its accessories and hardware for mops are made in the USA. It continues to expand its line of products, and focuses on rewarding the customer. The company has a new rewards program in place. 12 Ha-Ste Manufacturing, Inc. P.O. Box 168 Union City, IN 47390 USA Phone: 800-228-6677 (MOPS) or, 937-968-4858 Fax: 937-968-4524 E-Mail: service@hastemops.com Web Site: www.hastemops.com Company Officers: Robin Stewart Products: Manufacturer of quality (Made in the USA) mopping products. Specializing in janitorial and industrial hard floor care. Quality product line of wet mops, dust mops, microfiber products, hardware and no-lint monofilament finish mops. Includes custom factory and private labeling as well as construction modifications to suit customers’ needs. 12 Hahl Inc. 126 Glassmaster Road Lexington, SC 29072 USA Phone: 803-359-0706 Fax: 803-359-0074 E-Mail: customerservice@hahl-pedex.com Web Site: www.hahl-pedex.com Company Officers: Terry Hogan, Sales Manager; Steve Pruitt, Site Manager; Mark Hartig, CFO Products: Synthetic bristle in diameters ranging
from .003” - .120” nylon 6, nylon 66, nylon 612, nylon 610, polyester PBT, polypropylene. Abrasive fibers in diameters ranging from .010” .070” nylon 6, nylon 612, with abrasive grit types silicon carbide, aluminum oxide, ceramic and diamond. Specialty fibers are a big part of Hahl’s product offering: nylon 6 flaggeable, nylon 6 UL94VO, nylon 6 “anti-static”, nylon 6 “conductive,” nylon “HT”, polyester “metal detectable,” PEEK, PPS. In February 2011, Lenzing AG sold The Hahl Group to Global Equity Partners along with a consortium of private investors. The new company’s name is Hahl Pedex. There are three manufacturing locations related to the new company. Hahl GmbH is located in Munderkingen, Germany, Pedex GmbH is located in Affolterbach, Germany, and Hahl Inc. is located in Lexington, SC. 12 Harper Brush Works, Inc. 400 N. 2nd Street Fairfield, IA 52556 USA Toll-Free: 800-223-7894 Phone: 641-472-5186 Fax: 641-472-3187 E-Mail: info@harperbrush.com Web Site: www.harperbrush.com Products: Harper Brush manufactures and sells over 1,500 products, including industrial quality floor brushes, floor squeegees, counter dusters, car/truck wash brushes, upright brooms, scrub and scratch brushes, dust pans, buckets, mops and mopping equipment, ostrich dusters, microfiber cloths and mops, equine brushes, color-coded foodservice cleaning tools, waste containers, paper/soap dispensers, and a variety of other commercial cleaning tools. 10 Haviland Corporation 200 S. Hwy. U - P.O. Box 769 Linn, MO 65051 USA Phone: 573-897-3672 Fax: 573-897-4497 E-Mail: squeegees@havilandcorp.com Web Site: www.havilandcorp.com Company Officers: Jan Haviland, President & CEO; Dale Heidbrink, VP of Operations; John Painter, VP of Information Systems Products: Haviland manufactures floor and window squeegees; waterbrooms; replacement blades for sweeper scrubbers and paving tools in the United States. Over 90 percent of the raw materials Haviland Corporation uses to manufacture products are derived from the USA. Haviland manufactures the largest selection of floor squeegees in North America including non-marking, neoprene, FDA approved, double foam, antimicrobial and numerous others, according to the company. Haviland Corporation’s selection of floor squeegees also includes variations in blades such as flat edge, multi edge, double, serrated (notched), and beveled. 12 Hill Brush, Inc. 811 Rolyn Ave. Baltimore, MD 21237 USA Phone: 800-998-1515 Fax: 410-325-6477 E-Mail: info@hillbrushinc.com
Web Site: www.hillbrushinc.com Products: Manufacturers of a premier line of quality hygienic cleaning tools. Designed for foodservice, healthcare and janitorial industries. Products include brushes, brooms, mops, squeegees, shovels, buckets, scoops, paddles, waterflow products, pro-window cleaning, floor hygiene and all handle requirements. 09 HIMESA Hilos Y Mechas S.A. de C.V. P.O. Box 118 San Pedro Sula HONDURAS Phone (USA): 954-323-8692 Phone: ++504-2558-8141 Fax: ++504-2558-8142 E-Mail: himesa@himesa.com Web Site: www.himesa.com Company Officers: Robert Handal Products: HIMESA spins a wide array of cotton, rayon blends, Acrylex®, synthetics, antimicrobial yarns, 100 percent recycled, etc. The various styles that HIMESA uses for spinning yarns are ring, open end/friction and core spun. These different methods enable HIMESA to produce an array of titles, colors and form options. HIMESA also produces various types of mops (examples: loop end, cut end, deckmops, dustmops and disposables). It also offers an assortment of custom mops such as lay flat style, double tailbanded mops, wire/connector mops, quik on, etc. All these mops are custom designed to customers specs, be it for retail, industrial, foodservice, healthcare, janitorial, etc. The company also offers complete thread and twine manufacturing and can produce items from ne. 50’s down to coarse counts like ne. 1.0. This allows HIMESA to manufacture sewing threads, industrial threads, agricultural threads/twines and more. Its facilities also include complete weaving operations for a variety of products like canvas, sheeting, tarpaulins, towels, cleaning and grill cloths, diapers, mop tape, etc. 12 Hoge Brush Company 202 E. South Street - P.O. Box 189 New Knoxville, OH 45871 USA Phone: 419-753-2351 Fax: 419-753-2893 E-Mail: dzwiep@hoge.com Web Site: www.hoge.com Company Officers: David Zwiep, Manager Products: Traditional, classic, time-tested staple set brushes; push brooms; maintenance and utility brushes. Serving distributors and supply companies, co-manufacturers, dealers and stores since 1939. Special features include North American hardwood blocks. Top quality natural and synthetic fibers. Experienced workmanship. Emphasis is placed on performance, durability and value. 12 Hoge Lumber Co. 701 S. Main Street - P.O. Box 159 New Knoxville, OH 45871 USA Phone: 419-753-2263 Fax: 419-753-2611 E-Mail: dzwiep@hoge.com Web Site: www.hoge.com Products: Hardwood brush blocks: floor, garage,
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street, deck, counter duster, scrub, and a wide variety of other styles of wood blocks. Dimensions, shapes, holes, slots, etc. are manufactured per individual customer’s specifications. Lumber and/or blanks in stock, ready to machine to order. Make and hold programs, blocks shipped per customer schedule. Other Hoge Lumber Co. products are kiln dried hardwoods, moldings and millwork, bowling lane components, dimension blanks, machined wood parts, construction materials and design services for commercial, agricultural, and residential customers. Hoge Lumber Company was founded in 1904 and has grown from a local sawmill into a diversified manufacturer of products which are shipped worldwide. Hoge brush blocks are made from kiln dried North American hardwoods. Wood is a renewable resource. In the USA, there is much more standing timber now than 10, 20, 50 years ago. Young, healthy trees produce oxygen and capture carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. Wood waste is recycled at Hoge, reducing the need for fossil fuels. Wood is biodegradable and environmentally friendly, the natural choice for brush blocks. 12 Howard Berger Co., Inc 324A Half Acre Road Cranbury, NJ 08512 USA Phone: 609-860-9990 Fax: 609-860-9991 E-Mail: info@hberger.com Web Site: www.hberger.com Company Officers: Robert Winterstein, President Products: My Helper® brand of mops, brooms, gloves and general houseware items. 12 Industrial Brush Corporation P.O. Box 2608 Pomona, CA 91769 USA Phone: 909-591-9341 Fax: 909-627-8916 E-Mail: ibcsales@industrialbrush.com Web Site: www.industrialbrush.com Company Officers: John L. Cottam, President Products: Custom designs and prototypes. Designs and manufactures thousands of different brushes to satisfy a wide variety of industrial and food processing applications. Also offered are standard and custom design staple set, metal channel strip and other brush constructions including straight and formed strip, coil, cylinder, cup, inside and outside disc, twisted-in-wire, wire scratch, wheel, cup and stem brushes, acid, paint and artist brushes. All types of fill materials are provided including synthetic, natural, hair and wire. Common applications include brushes for washing, drying, waxing, polishing, peeling and harvesting various fruits and vegetables. Other applications include scrubbing and deburring printed circuit boards; washing silicon chips; finishing and deburring metal; sanding, denibbling, staining and dusting wood products; glass and mirror washing; egg washing; static
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elimination; trommel cleaning; conveyor cleaning; mold cleaning and vehicle washing. Products are marketed throughout North America, Western Europe and Asia. Industrial Brush Corporation was founded in Arcadia, CA, in 1947. It has expanded from a single, small facility manufacturing brushes for washing California citrus to supplying a wide range of strip, staple set and other brush constructions from plants in Pomona, CA, and Lakeland, FL. 09 Interwire Products 355 Main St. Armonk, NY 10504 USA Phone: 914-273-6633 Fax: 914-273-6510 Web Site: www.interwiregroup.com Products: Holding wire (galv., carbon, stainless steel) and staple wire (galv., carbon, stainless steel); filler material (fine carbon, oil tempered, stainless steel, brass inconel, phosbronze). Stainless and galvanized strip for metal backing brushes. 06 Jason Mills, LLC 440 South Main Street Milltown, NJ 08850 USA Phone: 732-651-7200 Fax: 732-651-7222 E-Mail: mike@jasonmills.com Web Site: www.jasonmills.com Products: Five-inch mop mesh or any width variation of rachel knit polyesters or nylons. 10 Jewel Wire Company Route 101 - P.O. Box 282 Pomfret, CT 06258 Phone: 860-928-6681 Fax: 860-928-6768 E-Mail: sales@jewelwire.com Web Site: www.jewelwire.com Products: Stainless steel, high fatigue power brush wire, scratch brush wire, and draw wire; also available, stainless steel and nickel silver staple wire along with stem wire. Jewel Wire offers a full line of wire products in the following material and alloys: Brass alloy 260, phosphor bronze alloy 510, nickel silver alloy 745, untempered high carbon steel, galvanized low carbon steel. All alloys are available straight (level), pin or gear crimped. Standard packaging available; hanks, coils, precision cut to length, single strand and multistranded on spools and cores. Jewel Wire also offers packaging to customer specifications. 11 Jofel USA, LLC 12100 Crownpoint Dr., #110 San Antonio, TX 78233 USA Toll Free: 800-875-6335 (800 US Jofel) Phone: 210-227-3779 Fax: 210-227-3782 E-Mail: info@jofelusa.com Web Site: www.jofelusa.com Products: Manufacturer of dispensers for paper towels, roll towels, tissue, napkins, soap, trash receptacles and caution signs.
The parent company of Jofel USA is in Alicante, Spain, “Jofel Industrial.” It has been in business for over 40 years. Offices are in Europe, Brazil, Mexico, and the United States. Jofel USA, located in San Antonio, TX, serves the North America and Canadian markets. Jofel USA has been in business since 1994. 10 Jones Companies, Ltd. 312 South 14th Ave. - P.O. Box 367 Humboldt, TN 38343 USA Phone: (Customer Service) 800-238-8334 (Sales) 877-849-2767 (Office) 731-784-2832 Fax: (Order) 800-235-9276 (Sales) 704-332-4494 (Office) 731-784-7131 E-Mail: inforequest@jonesyarn.com Web Site: www.jonesyarn.com Company Officers: Ralph Jones III, President/CEO; Richard Ayers, CFO; Andrew Dailey, VP Sales Products: Jones Companies, Ltd. produces the largest variety of yarns available from a single source specifically engineered to meet the performance requirements of the floor care industry. Jones’ yarns range in size from Ne 0.55 to Ne 2.75 and include 100 percent cotton yarns, cotton/synthetic blend yarns, rayon blend yarns, polyester blend and recycled fiber blend yarns. In addition to the floor care yarns, Jones offers a complete line of tailband tape, headband mesh and sewing thread. Trademarked yarns include RF-Yarns™ Recycled Fiber yarns; Enviro-Color™ Yarns; AM-Yarn™ antimicrobial; nWET™ nonwoven edge trim yarn alternative and BIO-100™100 percent bio-degradable yarn. The expanded NEXT GENERATION product line includes disposable cotton dust mops; microfiber mops; microfiber towels; synthetic carpet bonnets; cotton carpet bonnets and microfiber carpet bonnets. Established in 1936 by W.R. Jones, Sr., and W.F. Jones, Sr., Jones Companies, Ltd. is a third generation, closely held business located in west Tennessee. Since its beginnings, Jones has grown from a one room operation to a five plant facility separately housed in a half million square feet of production and warehouse space. Jones manufactures a wide range of coarse count yarns predominantly made from recycled mill waste. Jones is one of the largest spinners of coarse count yarns made specifically for the floorcare industry. In 1981, Jones expanded into structured nonwovens, operating as Jones Fiber Products. Today, JFP operates four production facilities. Jones global expansion includes a joint venture operation in Coimbatore, India. Jones & Noolkarar Textiles PVT., LTD., began operation in late 2007. This facility produces cotton yarns. As a market leader, Jones is the only yarn spinning supplier that supports all of the floor care industry’s associations including the ABMA American Brush Manufacturers Association; NBMMA - National Broom & Mop Manufacturers Association; and the ISSA International Sanitary Supply Association, with direct representation and active involvement.
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Jones actively participated in the development of the ASTM certified industry standards for brooms and mops. In addition to supplying quality products, company services include product testing, customer exclusive product development, sales training and market intelligence. Jones offers an E-Commerce link on which customers use a password-protected web portal to place and update orders, review purchase histories and account information. 12 K.R. Plastic Industries Co., Ltd. Marketing Head Office: 1F No. 728 Chung Hwa Rd. Ho Mu Village Chung Pu, Chia Yi, Taiwan Phone: 886-5-2393687 Fax: 886-5-2396968 E-Mail: raihsing@ms17.hinet.net Web Site: www.raihsing.com Factory: 96 M.8 Laonadee Road T. Muangkao, Amphur MuangKhon Kaen, Thailand 40000 Phone: 66-43-324602-3, 325017-9 Fax: 66-43-324604 E-Mail: sales@kr-plastic.com Web Site: www.kr-plastic.com Products: Level Monofilament: hollow/solid; Profiles: round, cross, triangle, hexagon, star...etc. Other profiles as requested. Krex Taper Filament: pinex, trialoy, triex, manmade bristle such as squirrel, boar, badger, goat, Kolinsky, mongoose, weasel, etc. Material: PA6 / 66 / 610 / 612, PBT, PET, PP, TFP, PS, ABS, Victrex peek, copolymers, nodular, indicator, anti-static, anti-bacteria. Applications: toothbrush, hair brush, household & broom, industry brush, paintbrush, cosmetic & artist brush, etc., and other special brushes. K: KKF is a fishing net factory with 35 years experience in Thailand. R: RS has been a plastic extruding machine maker in Taiwan since 1950 with about 60 years machine fabricating experience. KKF & RS is a joint venture in Thailand, making all kinds of synthetic filaments for over 20 years. 10 Keystone Plastics Inc. 3451 South Clinton Avenue South Plainfield, NJ 07080 USA Phone: 908-561-1300 Fax: 908-561-5189 Web Site: www.keystonesweepersbrushes.com Products: Extruded polypropylene filaments (custom color match) will meet exact specifications. Call Keystone for specific brush application at 1-800-635-1300. Fifty-plus year tradition. 06 Kiefer Brushes, Inc. 19 Park Dr. Franklin, NJ 07416 USA Toll-Free: 800-526-2905 Fax: 888-239-1986 Web Site: www.kieferbrushes.com Products: Kiefer manufactures an extensive line of floor and push brooms and brushes including paintbrushes, oven brushes, wire brushes and bowl brushes. 05
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Kraker Co. 1st Floor, Opposite of Al-Muallak Mosque King Faisal St. Damascus, Dimashq 14199 SYRIA Phone: +963-11-2311962, or +963-944-553999 Fax: +963-11-231-5855 E-Mail: info@kraker-sy.com Web Site: www.kraker-sy.com Company Officers: Mounir Kraker, Anas Kraker, Mohamad Kraker Products: Brush making machines and related equipment. The company also produces brooms, brushes, mops, dustpans, squeegees, and metal and wood sticks. 12 La Crosse Brush, Inc. 3235 George Street La Crosse, WI 54603 USA Phone: 888-683-7491 Fax: 608-783-5539 E-Mail: derekpeterson@lacrossebrush.com Web Site: www.lacrossebrush.com Company Officers: Dennis Peterson, President; Derek Peterson, Vice President Products: Quality brooms and brushes since 1926. Serving the janitorial, construction, industrial, food processing and dairy industries. Some products include: floor brooms, scrubs, street brooms, truck wash brushes, tank brushes and various color-coded items. Also, La Crosse is a distributor of Harold Moore, a manufacturer of plastic items for the food industry. 12 LaFitte Mop Co., Inc. P.O. Box 577 Villa Rica, GA 30180 USA Phone: 770-459-5966 Fax: 770-459-1116 Web Site: www.lafittemop.com Products: LaFitte Mop Co., Inc. manufactures (made in the USA) a broad line of wet mops, cottons, blends, rayons, and synthetics offered in narrow band, wide band, fan tail, looped-end, and screw type styles. It specializes in all types of dust mops from economy to high-end launderable diamond twist. Also offered are handles, brushes, brooms, frames and microfiber products. Private label, logos, UPC, bar coding, and OEM programs available. 06 Laitner Brush Company 1561 Laitner Drive Traverse City, MI 49686 USA Phone: 231-929-3300 Fax: 231-929-7219 E-Mail: sales@laitner.com Web Site: www.laitner.com Products: Brooms, brushes and squeegees. 09 Lambskin Specialties 250 Dufferin Avenue Winnipeg, MB R2W 5J1 CANADA Phone: 800-665-0202 Fax: 204-582-5598 Web Site: www.lambskin.com Products: Leading supplier in the duster category; dust wand wool and feather dusters; synthetic and microfiber dusters; high dusting and floor dusting. Also, floor finish applicators,
window care accessories, automotive care accessories. The company can also help design and manufacture exclusive products. 08 Lanoco Specialty Wire Products, Inc. 7 John Road Sutton, MA 01590 USA Phone: 508-865-1500 Fax: 508-865-5960 Web Site: www.lanoco.com Products: Manufacturer of high quality stainless steel wire for the power brush industry. Wire includes pin crimped, gear crimped, or straight in multiple strands, hanks, coils, cut to lengths, or bobbin form. 09 Lemieux Spinning Mill, Inc. 125 Route 108 Est., C.P. 2039 St. Ephrem, Beauce QC G0M 1R0 CANADA Phone: 418-484-2169 Fax: 418-484-5561 E-Mail: sergel@lemieuxspinning.com Web Site: www.lemieuxspinning.com Company Officers: Serge Lemieux, President; Marc Lemieux, General Manager Products: Rayon blend white and colored mop yarn, Price-Wise economy synthetic white and colored mop yarn, dust control synthetic white and colored dust mop yarn. Rayon blend mop yarn treated with Ultra-Fresh (antibacterial), cotton blend mop yarn, and exclusive and custom mop yarn. New Greentex mop yarn is an environmentally friendly blend of recycled PET and post-consumer fiber. Lemieux Spinning Mill’s history dates back to 1906 when J.A. Lemieux founded his business on first-rate service and top quality products. In 1945, Clément Lemieux took over the business from his father, carrying on a tradition of wellknown expertise. Since 1986, Jean-Paul Lemieux and his sons, Marc and Serge, have made the company a world-class manufacturer. At Lemieux, father and sons have always passed on the same philosophy of personalized service. With well-established experience, Lemieux’s vision is constantly focused on the future. No matter what the specific requirements or needs are, Lemieux Spinning Mills, Inc., has the team and resources to meet them. 12
Fax: 203-879-1530 Web Site: www.linemfg.com Products: Broom caps for both wooden and tubular handles; ferrules for the kitchen and garden tool industry; threaded shells for the broom and mop industry; and all other deep drawn metal shells, stamping or ferrules for the abovementioned industries. Line Manufacturing, Inc., has the skills, experience and specialized machinery to produce precision custom, high-volume component parts from ferrous and non-ferrous metals to precise specifications. It can provide virtually any contour, shape and finish, adding distinction and individuality to products and designs. The company will produce them accurately, at a fair price, and deliver them where and when needed. 05 Magnolia Brush Manufacturers Ltd. P.O. Box 932 Clarksville, TX 75426 USA Phone: 903-427-2261 Fax: 903-427-5230 E-Mail: sales@magnoliabrush.com Web Site: www.magnoliabrush.com Products: Floor and garage brushes, street brooms, scrub brushes, masonry brushes, paintbrushes and sundries, squeegees, concrete finishing brooms, hot-dipped pails, fender and utility brushes, wax applicators and corn brooms, 11
Libman Company, The 220 N. Sheldon Street Arcola, IL 61910 USA Phone: 217-268-4200 Toll-Free: 800-646-6262 Fax: 217-268-4168 E-Mail: info@libmanpro.com Web Site: www.libmanpro.com Products: Complete line of brooms, brushes, wet and dust mops, specialty mops and related equipment such as dust pans and buckets. Virtually all products are manufactured in the USA for all commercial/industrial needs. 10
Malish Corporation, The 4260 Hamann Parkway Willoughby, OH 44094 USA Phone: 440-951-5356 Fax: 440-951-0293 E-Mail: comments@malish.com Web Site: www.malish.com Company Officers: Terry J. Malish, Chairman; Jeffrey J. Malish, President & CEO Products: The Malish Corporation is the world’s leading manufacturer of commercial and industrial floor machine brushes. With manufacturing facilities in the United States and China, and a sales office and warehouse in Europe, Malish is well positioned to handle customer requirements virtually anywhere on the globe. In addition to its strength in floor machine brushes, Malish also offers a full line of janitorial and foodservice/color-coded brushes for use in a wide variety of industries. More recently, the Diamabrush™ Floor Preparation System by Malish was introduced, offering a complete line of specialty brushes for prepping concrete and wood as well as mastic removal. Malish Plastics is a division of The Malish Corporation with manufacturing and sales operations at the corporate headquarters in Willoughby, OH. Malish Plastics specializes in custom thermoplastic extrusions to produce a wide range of profiles and tubes. 12
Line Mfg. Inc. P.O. Box 6505 Walcott, CT 06716 USA Phone: 203-879-1481
Manufacturers Resource, Inc. P.O. Box 667 Duluth, GA 30097 USA Phone: 770-476-3339
Toll Free: 800-772-8503 Fax: 770-491-0101 E-Mail: sbpmri@bellsouth.net Products: Manufacturers Resource, Inc. provides all of the materials and machinery used to produce textile based mops. Materials include yarn, thread, tapes, fabrics, and machinery from the top manufacturers for wet mops, dust mops, tufted mops and pads. Tapes and threads for mattress production are also available. 11 Marino – Vileda Professional 59 Talman Ct. Concord, Ontario L4K 4L5 CANADA Phone: 905-669-9949 Fax: 905-669-5750 Toll-Free: 800-265-6267 Web Site: www.marinomop.com, www.vileda.com Products: Brooms, brushes, mops, dust mops, mop handles, floor squeegees, microfiber wiping cloths, buckets & wringers, plastic bottles, health care products, washroom accessories, and more. 10 Paul Marsh LLC 654 Madison Avenue, Suite #2009 New York, NY 10065 USA Phone: 212-759-9060 Fax: 212-319-6214 Web Site: www.paulmarshworldwide.com Products: China bristles, horse hair, fine hair, synthetic tapered filaments (all colors), mixtures for paintbrushes (synthetic filaments & natural bristles), machinery new and reconditioned, parts and service, paint roller winding, cutting and finishing machines, roller frames, paint roller fabrics, phenolic paper, adhesive, covers, extension poles, handles, ferrules, brush pins, epoxy resins, etc. Founded in 1959 by Paul S. Marsh, the firm has grown steadily. Paul Marsh LLC is an international supplier to the brush and broom trade, serving manufacturers in over 40 countries. Diversified departments within the company now supply manufacturing and trading concerns in a wide range of industries. 11 M-B Companies, Inc. 1615 Wisconsin Ave. / P.O. Box 200 New Holstein, WI 54915 USA Phone: 800-558-5800 Fax: 920-898-4588 E-Mail: sales@m-bco.com Web Site: www.m-bco.com Company Officers: Grant Kolbe, Business Unit Director - Brush Dept. Products: Tube brooms, gutter brooms, runway wafers, strip brooms, poly wafers, wire wafers, poly/wire wafers. Brushes for all makes and models of attachment brooms, runway snow removal equipment, and street sweepers. 12 MBK Maschinenbau GmbH Friedrich-List-Str. 19 88353 Kisslegg Bad.-Wuertt. GERMANY Phone: 0049-75 63-91 31-0 Fax: 0049-75 63-25 66 Web Site: www.mbk-kisslegg.de
Products: Machines for the production of paint rollers made of foam – Drilling machine MBO, drill grinding machine, gluing machine MKL also availavle with Corona, splitting machine MSP, ejecting machine MAS, round off machine MAR, frame bending automat BBM, automated assembly machine for roller cores KMA, foam gluing machine MKE, roller supply RZ, supply hopper BF, pea-hole burning machine ERB. Machines for the production of paint rollers made of plush and lambskin – Strip cutting machine STM and STM-R, plush cutting device PSE, turn over equipment SUV, tandem-turn-overmachine SUM, drawing device SAV, roller winding automat RWA, roller assembly machine RMA, roller treating automat RBA, radiator plush roller winding automat HWA, radiator plush roller assembly automat HMA, production automat for radiator rollers HFA, roller supply RZ and supply hopper BF. Machines for the production of flat and round paintbrushes – Flat paintbrush automat with automated adhesive dispenser FPA, automated cleaning and trimming machine for flat paintbrushes ABM-K and ABM-L also for synthetic fiber, inserting and stapling machine EHM extendible with printing device and packing unit, paintbrush packing automat PEA, tuft dividing machine BAM, bristle vibrator BAG, shearing and trimming machine ZSM, wall brush assembly device FME, round paintbrush automat RPA, production equipment for round paintbrushes RFA, round paintbrush assembling machine RPM, and cleaning and trimming machine for round paintbrushes RSA. Mixing, metering and dispensing machines – Automated adhesive dispenser VGA; mixing, metering and dispensing machine for two and more component resin systems MUD and MUD-R with adjustable mixing ratio. MBK is a state-of-the-art, medium-sized engineering company located in Kisslegg in the Allgaeu (approx. 35 km northeast of Lindau on the Lake of Constance, Germany). Maintenance and service for all types of machines, conversion and extension of machinery in stock. 11 MFC, Ltd. 1904 Freight Street Laredo, TX 78041 USA Phone: 956-724-5191 Fax: 956-725-8080 E-Mail: info@mfc-usa.com Web Site: www.mfc-usa.com Products: Tampico fibers, union mix, semi-patent fiber, palmyra, bassine, horsehair, horsehair mixtures with tampico fiber and/or synthetic. Boar bristle mixtures (natural and/or with synthetics), paintbrush mixtures of synthetic and natural bristles. Tipping, flagging, mixing and dyeing of taper synthetic fiber for paintbrush industry. Also rice (broom) root and metal handles. MFC, Ltd., has been a supplier to brush manufacturers for over 100 years, and continues to provide customers with quality products and service at competitive prices. 11
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Michigan Brush Mfg. Co., Inc. 7446 Central Avenue - P.O. Box 10247 Detroit, MI 48210-0247 USA Phone: 313-834-1070 Fax: 313-834-1070 Toll-Free: 800-642-7874 E-Mail: mmfgcoinc@aol.com Web Site: www.mi-brush.com Company Officers: Bruce M. Gale, President/ Managing Director Products: Specializing in all types of brooms, brushes, mops, squeegees, paint rollers and related products. Special order products for machinery and equipment including oversize paint rollers, brushes, and squeegees are available. Prototypes and long or short runs invited. 10 Mill-Rose Company, The 7995 Tyler Blvd. Mentor, OH 44060 USA Phone: 440-255-9171 Fax: 440-255-5039 E-Mail: info@millrose.com Web Site: www.millrose.com Company Officers: Paul Miller, President Products: The Mill-Rose Company is suited to manufacture brushes as tiny as .014-inch in diameter to 15-inch wire wheel brushes, using a diverse range of metals and both natural and synthetic fibers for bristle material. Production runs vary from high-volume standard or custom orders to small-volume specialty orders. Style and types of brushes include, but are not limited to, twisted-in-wire, strip brushes, staple set, end, cup, wheel, drawn and more. Mill-Rose offers a complete range of standard materials (high carbon, stainless steel, brass, bronze, nylon, bristle) etc., a variety of animal hair, and more. Also offered are aluminum silicate, and different grits of diamond-mixed aluminum oxide and silicon carbide, as well as different grits of plain aluminum oxide and silicon carbide. Mill-Rose also offers Panex 35 for carbon fiber anodes. 12 Milwaukee Dustless Brush 1632 Hobbs Drive, Unit C Delavan, WI 53115 USA Phone: 323-724-7777 Toll-Free: 800-632-3220 Fax: 323-724-1111 E-Mail: sales@milwaukeedustless.com Web Site: www.milwaukeedustless.com Company Officers: Kenneth L. Rakusin, Mgr. Products: A full line of maintenance tools and brushes for the janitorial and industrial supply markets, including: Speed Sweep® floor brushes, Speed Squeegee® floor squeegees, Speedy Corn® upright brooms, Speedy Mop® selfwringing cellulose sponge mops, hand held utility brushes, counter dusters, deck scrubs and vehicle washing brushes. HySWEEP™ hygienic cleaning tools are manufactured with a compression lock handle system and also meet the hygienic requirements of the food processing, healthcare, agriculture and safety industries. A full line of replacement brooms is offered for both mechanical and air street sweeping equipment, including: Speed Sweep® tube-type main brooms, Tuft Sweep™ tufted main
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broom strips, gutter brooms, wafer segments, vacuum sweeper extension brooms. Custom designed brush capabilities include staple-set cylindrical brushes. Milwaukee Dustless Brush Co. was founded in 1897 in Milwaukee, WI. The original “Dustless” floor brush included a reservoir in the brush back which fed a sweeping fluid to the floor surface. This design was effective in preventing dust and dirt from rising into the air. Over the years, Milwaukee Dustless Brush has improved upon the “original” dustless brush concept and has become an innovator in janitorial brush design and production. In December 2005, Gordon Brush Wisconsin, LLC purchased the assets of Milwaukee Dustless Brush and has since moved the manufacturing from Milwaukee, WI, to a facility in Delavan, WI. Gordon Brush Wisconsin, LLC continues to invest in state-of-the-art brush/broom machineryto keep the company at the forefront of the industry. It has over 100 years of brush manufacturing knowledge. 10 Monahan Filaments, LLC 215 Egyptian Trail Arcola, IL 61910 USA Phone: 217-268-4957 Customer Service: 888-833-1097 E-Mail: info@monahanfilaments.com Web Site: www.monahanfilaments.com Company Officers: Jon Monahan, President; Chris Monahan, Vice President Sales & Marketing; Mark Mininfior, Vice President Manufacturing Products: Broad selection of synthetic filaments in a wide range of diameters for the brush and monofilament industries. Nylon, polyester, polyethylene, polystyrene and polypropylene fibers for applications in industrial, construction, automotive, personal care, paint, cosmetic, and janitorial markets. Founded in early 2007 with the acquisition of Specialty Filaments, the company has consolidated operations into a new facility in Arcola, IL. Centrally located in the Midwest, MFI is well positioned to meet the challenging needs of all customers. Sister company Brush Fibers, Inc., is also located in Arcola and able to ship all items together with Monahan Filaments further saving on freight. Now offering high performance filaments such as PPS for demanding applications and V0 grade nylon. 12 Monahan Partners 200 N. Oak Arcola, IL 61910 USA Phone: 217-268-5771 Fax: 217-268-3113 E-Mail: pat@monahanpartners.com, or debbie.dunagan@monahanpartners.com Web Site: www.monahanpartners.com Company Officers: Pat Monahan, President, (888-268-5754); Debbie Dunagan, Vice President (888-268-5757) Products: Monahan Partners assembles wood, metal or fiberglass mopsticks. It offers a full range of metal and plastic attachments for both
wet and dry mops, and sells the component parts for self-assembly. Monahan Partners offers popular plastic and metal janitor quick changes/stirrups, gripper (jaws), household and janitor spring and levers. And for dust mops, the company offers nylon slide connectors and a patented flexible connector. Other popular products are dust mop frames and heads (in 3 1/2 and 5-inch widths) including cotton, colored cotton, colored synthetics, disposables and microfiber dust mop pads with a velcro backing as well as wedge mop heads and frames. Monahan Partners also sells broom braces; industrial T-bars; plastic/wire connectors for layflat mops; twist mops made with cotton yarn, microfiber yarn, and non-woven strips; microfiber yarn wet mops; both metal and plastic hinge sponge mops; and fiberglass handles with swivel cap and thread. Monahan Partners now also sells a popular, made in USA, economical, patented lobby dust pan and is a leading producer of fiberglass handle mopsticks. Monahan Partners was spun out of The Thomas Monahan Company in December 2010. Formerly, a division of the family business, Monahan Partners continues a long history of great service. 12 Thomas Monahan Co., The 202 North Oak Street Arcola, IL 61910 USA Phone: 217-268-4955 Fax: 217-268-3113 E-Mail: tim@thomasmonahan.com Web Site: www.thomasmonahan.com Company Officers: Jim, Tim, Jon, and Chris Monahan. Pat Monahan owns and runs a sister company, Monahan Partners Products: The Thomas Monahan Company is the parent of the Monahan family of companies – Brush Fibers, Inc. (natural filaments); Monahan Filaments (synthetic filaments); and Whitley Monahan Handles Company (wood handles). See separate listings for these companies in this issue. The Thomas Monahan Company manufactures and sells component parts for the manufacture of brooms and mops. It has proven sources in the USA, China, Mexico and around the world. Through its Whitley Monahan Handles Company, Monahan offers quality handles in pine and hardwoods in clear lacquer, painted or plain sanded, with tapers, tennons or threads, in all standard diameters and lengths. The company is the exclusive distributor of Bamwood – a manufactured wood made from bamboo. Through its Brush Fibers and Monahan Filament companies, Monahan manufactures synthetic filaments and sells them along with imported natural fibers to the brush industry. The Thomas Monahan Company sells broomcorn and natural filler fibers, plastic angle brooms, and broom twine. The company also offers products from foreign sources on a container load basis for direct shipment at nice savings. The company has been a family
business since 1922, now managed by its fourth generation of Monahans. The Thomas Monahan Co. stands behind everything it sells. The company prides itself on fast, courteous service. 12 Monterey Mills P.O. Box 790 Janesville, WI 53547 USA Phone: 608-754-2866 Fax: 608-754-3750 E-Mail: birkhoffh@montereymills.com Web Site: www.montereymills.com Company Officers: Daniel Sinykin, President Products: Supplier of knitted pile fabric to the paint roller industry. Apparel, over-the-counter, toy, saddlepad, casket / boot / slipper / music case liners, wash mitts, pet beds, wool and wool blended buffing pads, premium hospital pads, and pet bed fabrics. Monterey Mills is a combination of multiple companies. Roller Fabrics began in 1946 and expanded the use of pile fabric when paint rollers started being used during the 1950s. The company’s emphasis on industrial and applicator fabrics remains strong today. Monterey Mills began in Janesville, WI, in 1965 manufacturing faux fur for the women’s apparel and toy industries, as well as home furnishings such as bedspreads, throws and bath rugs. Monterey Mills expanded and improved its products and its physical size. The company’s goal is to continue expanding the business by offering the highest quality knitted pile fabric to industrial and retail markets. Monterey Mills strives to be the premium supplier of knitted pile fabric and to be recognized as a leader in the industry. The company works to provide customers with a product they can be proud of, and to assist them in the growth of their business. In addition, Monterey Mills strives to provide its valued employees with an environment in which they can learn, grow, achieve success, and participate in the success of the company’s common vision. Monterey Mills holds 23 fabric patents. The company marked its 65th anniversary in 2011. 12 Mount Joy Wire Corp. 1000 E. Main Street Mount Joy, PA 17552 USA Phone: 717-653-1461 Toll Free: 800-321-2305 Fax: 717-653-0221 E-Mail: sales@mjwire.com Web Site: www.mjwire.com Company Officers: Tom Duff, President & CEO; Ty Krieger, VP of Operations; George Belforti, Director of Sales & Marketing; Jon Stine, Plant Manager Products: Wide range of brush wire products – carbon steel, stainless steel, brass plated, galvanized, tinned, flats. All sizes of tempered and hard drawn brush wire with full capabilities in crimping, bunching, and cutting in hanks. 11 National Wire & Metal Technologies, Inc. 200 Harrison Street Jamestown, NY 14701 USA Phone: 716-661-9180
Fax: 716-661-9189 E-Mail: national@netsync.net Web Site: www.homemaid.us Company Officers: Bump Hedman, President; Tammy Snyder, Vice President Products: Twist mops, dust mops, sponge mops, roller mops, butterfly mops, commercial metal wet mops, broom braces, brush scrapers, squeegee’s. Other product capabilities include metal stamping, wire forming welding, tool and die capabilities, assembly and metal finishing operations. 12 Nexstep Commercial Products 131 N. Railroad Avenue Paxton, IL 60957 USA Phone: 217-379-2377 Fax: 217-379-9901 E-Mail: sales@ocedarcommercial.com Web Site: www.ocedarcommercial.com Company Officers: Todd Leventhal, President; Stan Koschnick, Vice President, Operations Products: Exclusive Licensee of O-Cedar. A complete line of commercial cleaning products... brooms (angle and traditional upright), floor sweeps, brushes (utility, counter, scrubs and bowl), wet mops (traditional), mops (selfwringing, sponge and roller), dust mops, microfiber (cloths, wet mops, dust mops, dusters, bonnets, heads/holders, cleaning systems, etc.), squeegees (floor and window), dusters, carpet sweepers, bonnets, dispensers, sponges, floor mats, rotary brushes, pad drivers, hardware for rotary brushes, carts and mop buckets and wringers. Todd Leventhal and Stan Koschnick, both industry experts and executives with O-Cedar Brands and Vining Industries, offer 60 years of combined experience in the cleaning industry. They bought the commercial division in 2003 from O-Cedar Brands. The new company, Nexstep Commercial Products, is the exclusive licensee of O-Cedar for commercial products. Its products are manufactured and distributed out of its two main facilities located in the Midwest. The company is dedicated to providing its customers with innovative, top quality products at competitive prices and with worldclass customer service and flexibility. The product slogan “OCedar Makes Your Life Easier®” exemplifies Nexstep Commercial Products commitment and know-how to make cleaning quicker and easier for today’s operators/end-users. Nexstep Commercial Products is committed to protecting the environment and improving the current state of Earth’s ecosystem. Recently, it launched a complete line of “green” solutions, supported by the distinguished “Green Environmentally Designed Products” seal of approval. All “Nexgeneration” solutions are classified into one or more of the following categories: Post industrial waste, recycled resin, renewable resource, new technological materials, materials reduction, recycled pulp. Nexstep Commercial Products will continue to conduct market research to understand today’s operators/end-users needs and do its part to protect the environment and improve the current state of Earth’s ecosystem. 12
Norshel Industries, Inc. 2933 River Rd. Croydon, PA 19021 USA Toll Free: 800-355-MOPS Fax: 215-788-5225 E-Mail: sales@norshel.com Web Site: www.norshel.com Products: Wet mops, handles, dust mops, brushes, dust pans, poly and corn brooms. 06 Northeast Ltda. Rua Lisboa, 453 Sao Paulo S.P. 05413-000 BRAZIL Phone (U.S.): 917-842-5062 Phone: 55 11 3085 4955 Fax: 55 11 3081 2176 E-Mail: michaelg@northeast-brazil.com Web Site: www.northeast-brazil.com Company Officers: Michael Grossman, Elaine Kimoto, Isabela Zanini Products: FSC and non-FSC wooden handles; softwood and hardwood, all finishing available: sanded, lacquered or painted; all accessories such as metal threaded tips, thread on wood, tenon, domed, plastic caps, etc. available, as are bar codes and private labels. All packing available including strip pack, box pack, etc. Metal handles and angle brooms are also available. Northeast, over the past seven years, has developed into a prime resource for quality and legally logged wooden handles out of Brazil. Reliability, consistent quality and timeliness of shipping have become synonymous with Northeast and the Malinski factory. Multi-annual logging contracts will guarantee its raw material for years to come. In spite of the weakening U.S. dollar, Northeast has been able to maintain its position as a quality wooden handle supplier to the United States and Canada. 12 Northern Wood Products, Inc. 1504 Lauderdale Pl. LaCrosse, WI 54603 USA Phone: 608-783-1112 Fax: 608-783-0272 E-Mail: norwoodprod@centurytel.net Products: Wood handles and wood brush blocks manufactured for the broom, brush and mop industries. 10 Nyco Products Company 5332 Dansher Road Countryside, IL 60525 USA Toll-Free: 800-752-4754 Fax: 708-579-9898 Web Site: www.nycoproducts.com Products: Chemical formulas, floor finish, stripper, cleaners, disinfectants/sanitizers, odor counteractants, cleaners, degreasers, pressure washes, kitchen products, dish machine products, Green Seal and DfE certified products, hand soaps, bowl cleaners, carpet cleaners, and foodservice products. 10 O’Dell Corporation P.O. Box 540 Ware Shoals, SC 29646 USA Toll-Free: 800-342-2843 Fax: 800-445-1533
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E-Mail: orders@odellcorp.com Web Site: www.odellcorp.com Company Officers: John Stroud, CEO; Chip O’Dell, COO; Michelle Harrison, Vice President; Tim Hodges, Vice President of Sales; Ronda Pulley, CFO; Paul O’Dell, Vice President of National Accounts. Products: Wet mops, dust mops, handles, brushes, janitor carts, microfiber, echoMop, The Edge Mop, The Patriot Mop, frames, janitorial accessories. 12 Osborn 1100 Resource Dr., Suite 1 Brooklyn Hts., OH 44131 USA Phone: 216-361-1900 E-Mail: brushes@osborn.com Web Site: www.osborn.com Company Officers: Dr. Florestan Von Boxberg, President; Mark C. Johnson, Vice President of Sales & Marketing; Thom MacLean, Vice President of Operation Products: Industrial and maintenance brushes, brooms, mops, aerosols, buffs, compounds, Load Runner idler rollers and rails. 12 PADCO Inc. 2220 Elm Street Southeast Minneapolis, MN 55414 USA Phone: 612-378-7270 Toll Free: 800-328-5513 Fax: 612-378-9388 Web Site: www.padco.com Products: Padco Inc. is an American manufacturer of home decorating tools. Padco offers a full line of consumer friendly paint pads and accessories. Padco also offers a broad selection of stain applicators, paint rollers, texture tools, trays, extension poles and floor tools for the professional and the do-it-yourselfer. 12 Paint Brush Corporation P.O. Box 371 Vermillion, SD 57069 USA Phone: 605-624-8601 Fax: 605-624-6909 Web Site: www.paintbrushpartsbrush.com Products: Paintbrushes for the professional, as well as automotive parts cleaning brushes. Worldwide distribution available. Paint Brush Corporation is now in its 66th year. 10 Patrick Yarn Mills, Inc. 501 York Road Kings Mountain, NC 28086 USA Phone: 704-739-4119 Fax: 704-739-9276 E-Mail: sales@patrickyarns.com Web Site: www.patrickyarns.com Products: Patrick Yarn Mills offers a complete product line of high quality yarns for wet mops, dust mops and finish mops. The company’s modern manufacturing facilities produce cotton yarns, synthetic blends, and specialty mop yarns, including anti-microbial and microfiber products. 06 PelRay International, LLC 610 Lanark Drive #202 San Antonio, TX 78218 USA
Phone: 210-757-4640 Fax: 210-650-8103 E-Mail: info@PelRay.com Web Site: www.PelRay.com Company Officers: Michael McKenzie, CEO; Ray LeBlanc, COO; Bart Pelton, CFO; David McGee, Sales Manager Products: Raw materials – natural fibers: broomcorn, yucca (beargrass), tampico and palmyra; mop yarns: cotton, rayon; USA made poplar and southern yellow pine handles; metal handles: plastic coated and powder painted; mop and brush hardware. Finished items – imported plastic angle brooms, mop handles, corn brooms, deck mops, push brooms, and brushes all made to customer specifications. Since 2008, PelRay International has been meeting the needs of manufacturers of brooms, mops and brushes worldwide. Although the company name is relatively new, its sales team of Bart Pelton and Ray LeBlanc each has 35 years of experience in the industry. For customers looking for a made in the USA label, PelRay International now offers competitively priced poplar and pine handles as well as mop hardware. Need various items? PelRay stocks many items in its San Antonio, TX, warehouse and can combine orders in one shipment. It also offers competitive pricing on mop yarn, metal handles, tampico and broomcorn. PelRay’s staff is ready to serve customers, easily in Spanish or English. Hablamos español. From PelRay’s warehouse in San Antonio, shipments can reach customers anywhere in the continental United States, Mexico or Canada in less than a week. 12 Perfex Corporation 32 Case Street Poland, NY 13431 USA Phone: 315-826-3600 Fax: 315-826-7471 E-Mail: perfex@perfexonline.com Web Site: www.perfexonline.com Products: Brooms, brushes and mops. 09 PFERD Milwaukee Brush Company 30 Jytek Drive Leominster, MA 01453 USA Toll Free: 800-342-9015 Fax: 978-840-1563 E-Mail: sales@pferdusa.com Web Site: www.pferdusa.com Company Officers: Gene Huegin, President; Sam Birel, Vice President Operations; Ralph Whitcomb, Vice President Finance; Diane Scalley, Director of Business Process Integration Products: Brooms, floor sweeps, squeegees, paintbrushes and accessories, scratch and chip brushes, utility and deck scrub brushes, power wire brushes and abrasive filament nylon brushes (MBRAD®). 12 Plasticfibre S.P.A. Via Emilia 309A 40011 Anzola Emilia (BO) ITALY Phone: +39-051-739762 Fax: +39-051-739519
E-Mail: fiori@plasticfibre.com Web Site: www.plasticfibre.com Products: Synthetic monofilaments: Plasticrin (PVC), Emilen (PP), Ecoclean (PBT), Ecoster (PET), Politex (PE), Ultrapaintex (hollow PBT), Paintex (hollow PET), Ecostil (PS), Ecosan Also offered are (PS/SAN), Plastinyl (PA). vegetable fibers (tampico/broomroot/palmyra). Manufacturers of quality synthetic fibers for the broom and brush industry since 1959. The company extrudes filaments made of PVC, PP, PET, PBT, PS, SAN, PE and PA. Plasticfibre can offer a complete range of synthetic filaments to manufacturers of all brush products in every sector. Its filaments vary in application throughout the industrial and manufacturing sectors in more than 50 countries worldwide. Quality system certified under ISO 9001:2008. 11 Pogliani SRL Via A. Volta 7/A Costamasnaga (LC) 23845 ITALY Phone: ++39031856986 Fax: ++39031856273 E-Mail: info@poglianisrl.com Web Site: www.poglianisrl.com Products: Synthetic filaments: solid and hollow polyester, nylon, PP and polyethylene; tapered filaments for paint, cosmetic and toothbrushes; Wires: stapling wire (flat and round), wire for crimping or for twisted purpose, wire for filling, in many different raw materials such as stainless, brass, phosphorous bronze, nickel silver, copper coated and galvanized steel; natural fibers: tampico, broom root, coco, palmyra, horsehair, bristles and mixtures. Founded at the beginning of the 20th century, Pogliani s.r.l. started out by preparing bristles, hair and vegetable fibers. The experience gained from production is now combined with its commercial knowledge. Its range of products has been gradually increased in order to follow the market’s evolution and to cover all of its customers’ needs. After more than 100 years continuous activity, Pogliani now supplies the broom, brush and paintbrush industries. The company offers a combination of experience and knowledge of the global market in suggesting solutions combining quality with optimal price and service. 10 Pragma Specialty Filaments 94 County Line Road Colmar, PA 18915 USA Phone: 215-997-3333 Fax: 215-997-3659 E-Mail: mail@pragmasf.com Web Site: www.pragmasf.com Company Officers: Bernard Suh, President Products: Pragma Filaments™ – chemically tapered filaments. 12 Proveedora Mexicana De Monofilamentos, S.A. De C.V. (PMM) Oriente 217 No. 190 Mexico City, D.F., 08500 MEXICO Phone: 001 (52 55) 55 58 6502 Toll-Free: 1-877-202-9320
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Fax: 001 (52 55) 55 58 4483 E-Mail: pmm@pmm-mex.com Web Site: www.pmmbrightline.com Company Officers: Enrique Mejia, General Manager; Dennise Silva, Sales Manager; Cynthia Sauza, Sales Executive United States & Canada Products: PMM produces synthetic engineered monofilaments for the brush industry. It offers nylon 6.12, nylon 6, nylon 6.6, nylon 6 plus, polyester PBT, polyethylene and polypropylene filaments in a wide range of calipers and colors. It specializes in critical applications, where consistency and quality are a must. 12 Purdy 101 Prospect Ave. Cleveland, OH 44115 USA Toll Free: 800-547-0780 Fax: 800-380-9422 E-Mail: info@purdycorp.com Web Site: www.purdy.com Products: Purdy offers a broad assortment of brushes, roller covers, faux finishing tools and painting accessories. The company began in 1925 when S. Desmond Purdy began building paintbrushes in a converted two-car garage in Portland, OR. Purdy painting tools offer outstanding finish appearance, which forms a smooth, even layoff of the paint on the surface. Smoother “no drag” brush strokes and better paint flow and release are also qualities found in Purdy brushes, and help to make faster and better production on big jobs. Purdy brushes also provide cutting-in capabilities for corners and sash work because of the individual craftsmanship put into the chiseling, shaping and finishing of all Purdy brushes. The brushes are also the light weight and are perfectly balanced. Purdy recently launched its 18-inch adjustable roller frame. Purdy’s premium adjustable roller frame fits all standard roller covers from 12 to 18inches. This design works with a cam latch system for quick adjustment. Purdy also launched a jumbo mini-roller system. This cageless jumbo mini-roller frame features a patent-pending “dog bone” design which provides the smooth rolling action for a perfect finish. The 3/4-inch jumbo core cover holds more paint giving professionals the desired look in less time. The new lightweight frame is available in 14 and 26 1/2-inch lengths, as well as a complete assortment of 4 1/2 and 6 1/2-inch jumbo mini-roller replacement covers. 11 Quinn Broom Works, Inc. 1527 IL Rt. 121 P.O. Box 575 Greenup, IL 62428 USA Phone: 217-923-3181 Fax: 217-923-5150 E-Mail: qbroom@rrl.net Web Site: www.quinnbroomworks.com Company Officers: Mark D Quinn, President Products: All types of wound, nail, kitchenette, whisk and toy brooms. Corn brooms manufactured to customers’ specifications. 12
Reit-Price Mfg. Co., Inc. 522 W. Chestnut Street Union City, IN 47390 USA Phone: 765-964-3252 Fax: 765-964-5343 E-Mail: customerservice@reitprice.com Web Site: www.reitprice.com Products: Wet mops, dust mops, squeegees, handles, corn brooms, microfiber mopping pads and microfiber cleaning towels. 10 Remco Products 4735 W. 106th Street Zionsville, IN 46077 USA Phone: 317-876-9856 Fax: 800-585-8619 Web Site: www.remcoproducts.com Products: Designers and manufacturers of quality plastic products. Color-coded polypropylene oneand two-piece shovels, mixing paddles, scoops, scrapers, metal detectable tools, HDPE tubs, lids, pallets, and steel undercarriages. Remco also offers the Vikan hygiene system® line of color-coded hand brushes, floor and wall brushes, squeegees, pails, pad holder system, paddle/floor scrapers, tube and valve brushes, handles (regular and specialized), wall brackets and waterfed brushes and handles. Remco Products is a family business started in 1985 by Richard L. Garrison in Zionsville, IN. The company offers a large range of products and serves a number of markets, including the food processing, food service, jan/san, material handling, and safety markets. Remco offers Vikan hygiene system® colorcoded hygienic brooms, brushes and squeegees. The brooms and brushes feature a solid polypropylene block and polyester bristles that are held in place with stainless steel staples. With block and bristle of the same color, they are autoclavable, sterilizable and come in a variety of shapes, sizes and bristle types. In addition to fixed head and swivel neck squeegees, an ultra hygiene squeegee is also available. The single-blade design of this squeegee discourages bacterial growth. These products can be purchased with Remco’s selection of European-thread handles that are of varying length, material and color. Remco also offers a complete line of helically wound stainless steel tube and valve brushes as well as several special application brushes. 11 Rol-Brush Mfg. , Division of Michigan Brush Mfg. Co. Inc. 7446 Central Avenue - P.O. Box 10247 Detroit, MI 48210-0247 USA Phone: 313-834-1070 Fax: 313-834-1178 Toll-Free: 800-642-7874 Web Site: www.mi-brush.com Products: Company offers paint rollers, covers and trays. Private label is the company’s specialty. RolBrush is a prime manufacturer, an OEM source and is a member of the American Brush Manufacturers Association. 10 Royal Paint Roller Mfg. Corp. 248 Wyandanch Ave. West Babylon, NY 11704 USA
Phone: 631-643-8012 Fax: 631-253-9428 E-Mail: royalpaintroller@aol.com Products: Paint roller covers made of lambskin, Kodel, lambs wool, synthetic blends, “Lint Free” woven fabrics. All sizes available. Jumbo 2-1/4” ID to Slim Jim covers, plus roller frames, trays, paintbrushes and a full line of painting accessories for the professional and do-it-yourself markets. Royal Paint Roller Mfg. Corp. has been providing top quality paint rollers and painting accessories for the professional and do-it-yourself markets for over 40 years. It takes pride in the reputation it has established over the years of being more than simply a supplier, but rather a “business partner” to customers. Along with the many items offered in its catalog, the company has increased the number of items it manufactures according to customer specifications. Its cost-conscious approach has also enabled it to offer private labeling to many of its volume purchasers at competitive prices. It looks forward to continuing its steady growth, which has been built on high quality products and the personal, attentive service its customers have come to expect. 11 Rubbermaid Commercial Products 3124 Valley Avenue Winchester, VA 22601 USA Phone: 540-667-8700 Fax: 540-542-8770 Web Site: www.rubbermaidcommercial.com Products: Offers durable facility maintenance solutions, and produces an extensive line of solution-based cleaning and maintenance products including: the Rubbermaid HYGEN™ System, WaveBrake® Mopping Systems, Web Foot® Microfiber Mops, Swinger Loop® Wet Mops, Super Stitch® Mops, floor sweeps, brace brooms, street sweeps, Trapper® Dust Mops, Kut-A-Way® dust mops, disposable dust mops, utility brushes, deck bushes, and floor squeegees. Rubbermaid Commercial Products, headquartered in Winchester, VA, is a manufacturer of products for commercial and institutional markets worldwide. Since 1968, RCP has pioneered technologies and system solutions in the categories of food services, sanitary maintenance, waste handling, material transport, away-fromhome washroom, and safety products. RCP, an ISO 9001:2000 manufacturer, is part of Newell Rubbermaid’s global portfolio of brands. The Rubbermaid HYGEN™ System’s performance removes microorganisms, reduces cross-transmission and offers long-lasting durability. It can maximize productivity, reduce chemical and water consumption and cleans floors faster. 11 Sanderson MacLeod 1199 South Main Street Palmer, MA 01069 USA Phone: 866-522-3481; 413-283-3481 Fax: 413-289-1919 Web Site: www.sandersonmacleod.com; www.ztipbrush.com Products: Sanderson MacLeod specializes solely in twisted-wire brushes. It is a large volume
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contract manufacturer of medical and dental brushes, firearm brushes, cleaning brushes and cosmetic brushes. It is also the inventor of the ZTip, which puts a protective tip on a twisted-wire brush that is smoother, safer and stronger than traditional tipping methods. The Z-Tip is manufactured using high energy fusion welding technologies to melt a pre-constructed core wire section of a twisted-wire brush into a consistent, smooth and inseparable protective tip. In 2011, the Z-Tip won the American Brush Manufacturers Association’s William A. Cordes Innovation Excellence Award. Sanderson MacLeod manufactures the following types of twisted-wire brushes: medical endoscope cleaning, medical cytology, interdental, shotgun cleaning, rifle cleaning, pistol cleaning, general cleaning, deburring, poishing, and mascara. The company was founded by Ken Sanderson and Bruce MacLeod in 1958. In 1959, Sanderson MacLeod invented the twisted-wire mascara brush. During the 1960s, the company purchased better brushes and expanded into the medical, firearm, and industrial and general cleaning markets. Today, Sanderson MacLeod employs more than 100 employees and operates out of a 137,000-squarefoot, state-of-the-art facility with an FDA compliant quality control lab. Engineering custom brushes is the company’s specialty.11 Schaefer Brush Mfg. Co., Inc. 1101 S. Prairie Avenue Waukesha, WI 53186 USA Phone: 262-547-3500 Toll Free: 800-347-3501 Fax: 262-547-3927 E-Mail: sales@schaeferbrush.com Web Site: www.schaeferbrush.com Products: Brushes made of twisted-in-wire, staple set and hand drawn are the specialty of Schaefer Brush. With the recent addition of automated twisting equipment, Schaefer is capable of manufacturing both small and high volume production runs. Brushes can be filled with a variety of materials, including horsehair, natural fiber, synthetics, abrasive nylon and various sizes and types of wire. From concept to completion, custom manufactured industrial brush products are made daily to perform in very unique applications. The company’s catalog, illustrating an extensive line of standard items for the plumbing and HVAC industries, can be found on the Web site. Schaefer Brush incorporated in Milwaukee, WI, in 1905. Harold Schaefer purchased the company from his third generation cousin Jack Schaefer, in 1990. Jack’s son, Jeff Schaefer, has been with the company since 1983. 10 Schlesinger Maschinenbau GmbH ForststraBe 3 Burgwald, Hessen 35099 GERMANY Phone: 0049-6451-719180 Fax: 0049-6451-71918-30 E-Mail: info@schlesinger.de Web Site: www.schlesinger.de Products: Brush production machinery. Auto-
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matic cleaning and trimming machinery. High performance and special machinery; appliances for brush production; performance, modern and versatile machine constructions; powerful technics and reliable service. 10 Shanghai Yi Heng Daily-Use Products Co., Ltd. No. 27 Si Cheng Rd. Ma Lu Town, Jia Ding District Shanghai, P.R. 201208 CHINA Phone: 86-21-69158000, Ext. 8077 Fax: 86-21-69158070 and 69158093 E-Mail: ivyf@sh-yiyuan.com Web Site: www.sh-yiyuan.com Products: Cleaning products, daily-use products, brooms, brushes, mops, mop buckets, squeegees, dusters, etc. Also offered are machinery such as broom stitchers, cutting machines, binding machines, as well as furniture. Shanghai Yi Heng Daily-Use Products Co., Ltd was founded in 1996, headquartered in Shanghai. Manufactured products come in various kinds and are kept updated with the quick change in technology. Primary items cover cleaning products and daily-use products involving over 400 kinds, and are exported to the United States, Australia, Europe, Japan and Southeast Asia. Since the establishment of the company, both Yi Heng representatives and customers have witnessed a rapid development that comes from the company’s management team. Innovation in management, research and development, especially in sales, enable the company to accommodate further growth. The company offers American long fiber corn brooms to the U.S. market with over 40 styles. It offers direct sales for American nationwide supermarkets through U.S. partners. The company’s products, quality, sales network and after-sale service help to increase sales volume. 11 Shijiazhuang Golden Harvest Industrial & Trading Co., Ltd Room 811, Fullboon Building No. 1, North Jianshe Street Shijiazhuang, Hebei 050011 CHINA Phone: 86-311-87761195 Fax: 86-311-87760818 E-Mail: xiufeng.chen@gmail.com Company Officers: Chen Xiufeng, Director; Li Fan, Sales Manager Products: Boiled bristle/bristle mixture (natural boiled bristle mixed with tapered PBT/PET filaments), tapered PBT/PET filaments/filaments mixture, horse tail hair, horse mane hair, horse hair mixture, D.D goat hair, goat hair mixture, fine animal hair for cosmetic/art brushes, fine animal hair mixtures, special filaments (imitation blue squirrel tail hair/imitation badger hair, etc.) 12 Shurhold Industries, Inc. 3119 SW 42nd Ave. Palm City, FL 34990 USA Phone: 772-287-1313 Fax: 772-286-9620 E-Mail: nicole@shurhold.com Web Site: www.shurhold.com Products: Brushes, mops, brooms, handles, cleaning chemicals, buffer and fishing gaffs. 09
S.M. Arnold, Inc. 7901 Michigan Ave. St. Louis, MO 63111 USA Phone: 314-544-4103 ext. 136 Fax: 314-544-3159 Web Site: www.smarnoldinc.com Products: WaterSprite® pva drycloth, scrub brushes, brooms, microfiber cloths, chamois, lambswool floor applicators, trigger sprayers, plastic bottles (private label imprinting available), bonnets, sponges, wash mitts, squeegees and much more. 10 St. Nick Brush Co. P.O. Box 15 Burton, OH 44021 USA Toll Free: 800-798-1269 Fax: 440-834-0243 Web Site: www.hardwood-lumber.com Products: Brushes, brooms, wood brush blocks, street brooms and floor sweeps. All brooms are in the company catalog, which can be downloaded off the Web site. All blocks are made by Hardwood Lumber, which is a part of St. Nick Brush Co. The company has a computerized ripping and cutoff system for the manufacture of wooden brush blocks. 11 Tai Hing Nylon Filament Products Co., Ltd. Room A, 17/F, Convex Building 388-390 Portland Street MongKok, Kowloon, Hong Kong CHINA Phone: +852 2494 0233 Fax: +852 2485 2677 E-Mail: marketing@taihingnylon.hk Web Site: www.taihingnylon.com Company Officers: Wilson H. Lau; William Lau; Peter Pang Products: All kinds of filaments including PA filaments of nylon 6, 66, 46, 610 and 612; PBT filaments of normal and tapered; PE filaments of HDPE, and LOPE; PET filaments of normal, tapered and recycled; PP; PS; PPS; PEEK; PLA; and PMMA filaments for making brushes in various applications, including industrial, cosmetic, oral care, cleaning, broom, paintbrushes, etc. 12 Tanis, Inc. 3660 Kettle Court East Delafield, WI 53018 USA Phone: 262-646-9000 Fax: 262-646-9005 E-Mail: sales@tanisinc.com Web Site: www.tanisbrush.com Company Officers: Scott Tanis, President; Jeff Miller, CFO; Dave Schill, Director of Sales; Shelly Koprek, Marketing Products: Engineered brush solutions in strip, stapled set, twisted-in-wire and abrasive nylon configurations. 12 Thomas Textile Company P.O. Box 35697 Charlotte, NC 28235 USA Phone: 704-342-9200 Fax: 704-342-9233 E-Mail: wgtttc@bellsouth.net Company Officers: Bo Thomas
Products: Cotton and rayon blend mop yarns on ball warps, cones, and large single end wheels. 12 Tucel Industries, Inc. 2014 Forestdale Road - P.O. Box 146 Forestdale, VT 05745 USA Phone: 802-247-6824 Fax: 802-247-6826 E-Mail: jlewis@tucel.com Web Site: www.tucel.com Company Officers: John C. Lewis, Jr., President; Joanne Raleigh, Vice President Products: Tucel produces brushes currently serving foodservice, janitorial and other industries. Tucel is 100 percent green, recyclable and fused. All products are polypropylene which does not absorb water, causing bacteria. Fused brushes are made using a manufacturing process whereby the bristle and block are “heat fused” together; thus no holes and no staple where bacteria can harbor and cross-contaminate. Tucel originated in 1970 gaining its first patent for “fusing” bristle to block. Tucel was located in Middlebury, VT, for 10 years and relocated to Forestdale where the 45,000-square-foot factory still remains. Tucel has held more than 38 patents worldwide. Tucel also develops a wide assortment of specialty brushes for other companies. Tucel has its brushes NSF tested for cleanability. All products are HACCP compatible. Tucel has been under the same ownership since the company began in 1970. 12 Tuway American Group 2820 West Maple Road, Suite 101 Troy, MI 48084 USA Phone: 248-649-8790 Fax: 248-649-3666 Web Site: www.tuwaymops.com Products: Tuway offers a complete line of textile cleaning products, including dust-mops, wet-mops, floor finishing applicators, cloths, carpet bonnets, and a full range of microfiber cleaning products and accessories. Tuway is a women-owned and family operated company, that has been a leader in textile cleaning product innovations since 1923. Tuway offers a line of products and programs designed to meet the most vigorous cleaning challenges. 10 Unger Enterprises, Inc. 425 Asylum St. Bridgeport, CT 06610 USA Toll Free: 800-431-2324 Fax: 800-367-1988 E-Mail: unger@ungerglobal.com Web Site: www.ungerglobal.com Products: Unger manufactures tools that help professionals clean windows, floors and restrooms, as well as outdoor and high access areas in the janitorial/sanitation, industrial, food and retail industries. In 1964, Henry Unger realized his vision to improve the safety and efficiency of cleaning products. Beginning with window cleaning tools, he started designing and selling a new line of products for professional window cleaners. Unger has grown and diversified since then by adhering to two fundamental philosophies: treating
customers as the most important asset and producing innovative products. In the mid-1990s, Unger expanded its product lines to become a provider of cleaning and maintenance solutions for janitorial sanitation, window and industrial sectors. Today, Unger manufactures and sells over 250 product solutions to professional cleaning personnel in over 80 countries worldwide. 09 U.S. Lambswool 65A Saratoga Blvd. Island Park, NY 11558 USA Phone: 516-546-0395 Fax: 516-546-6239 Company Officers: Jacqueline and Elliot Goldstein Products: The company carries a complete line of floor finish applicators including 100 percent lambswool, synthetic, water base (foam and white woven lint free). 12 Vonco Products, Inc. 201 Park Avenue Lake Villa, IL 60046 USA Phone: 847-356-2323 Fax: 847-356-8630 E-Mail: les@vonco.com Web Site: www.vonco.com Company Officers: Les Laske, Vice President Products: Broom sleeves, mop bags, printed roll stock, bags on a roll, header bags, hard header bags, wicketed bags, custom shapes, process printing, trade show bags. Vonco has been a family owned manufacturer of all types of polyethylene shapes and flexible packaging since 1955. Broom sleeves are available with a straight side tapered shape with optional “fast-load” features.Vonco provides mop bags, printed roll stock and header bag needs. See Vonco’s promotional products at www.thunderstix.com. Meanwhile, Vonco has redesigned www.vonco.com to better service customers’ needs. 12 Weiler Corporation One Weiler Drive Cresco, PA 18326 USA Phone: 570-595-7495 Fax: 570-595-2002 E-Mail: info@weilercorp.com Web Site: www.weilercorp.com Products: Maintenance products include floor, garage and street brooms; vehicle care brushes; upright brooms and mops; specialty floor brushes; squeegees; dust pans; window and dusting, scrub, utility, bowl, food service, paint and sundry, and wire scratch brushes. 10 Whitley - Monahan Handle Co. 3827 Whitley Road Midland, NC 28107 USA Phone: 704-888-2629 E-Mail: patrick@whitleyhandle.com Company Officers: Patrick Peebles, President; Jim Monahan, Vice President/Sales Manager (located at Arcola Sales Office 217-268-5755); Products: Whitley - Monahan has a complete line of wood handles. Hardwoods (both domestic and imported) and softwoods are available in 3/4 to 1
1/4-inch diameters, in lengths from 10 inches to 12 feet. The company has complete lacquering and finishing capabilities in a modern plant located in Midland, NC. Call Jim or Patrick for a quote on wood handle requirements. Whitley Monahan Handle Company was formed in 2009 from the merger of two great names in the wood handle business. The Whitley Handle Co. of Midland, NC, and the Thomas Monahan Co. Wood Handle Division of Arcola, IL. The operating plants of each were consolidated to the modern Whitley Handle plant in Midland. Patrick Peebles and his wife, Lorraine, run the day-to-day operation in Midland. Jim Monahan assists in sales out of the Arcola, IL, office. Whitley - Monahan can offer immediate shipments from its plant in Midland. The plant has sanding and painting capabilities and can finish the handle with any custom end treatment. Further, the company can label, strip-pack, or box handles to customer specifications. 12 Wöhler Brush Tech GmbH Schützenstrasse 38 33181 Bad Wüennenberg GERMANY Phone: +49 2953-73300 Fax: +49 2953-7396300 E-Mail: bt@woehler.de Web Site: www.bt.woehler.com Company Officers: Rudolf Brenken, Dipl.-Ing; Matthias Peveling, Dipl.-Ing. Products: Wöhler develops concepts for different production areas and manufactures production systems for technical brushes in industrial applications as well as special consumer brushes. This includes strip, roll, twist knot, dental, polishing, end, street sweeper, cleaning, twist-inwire, micro, and paintbrushes for different brush segments. Equipment includes punching, trimming, cutting and crimping; brushing and specialty machines; surface finishing and WPC devices; and special filaments. 12 WOMA Im Gewerbepark 10, Stadtlengsfeld 36457 GERMANY Phone: +49 (0) 36964 86600 Fax: +49 (0)1805 0065344744 E-Mail: info@woma-brush.com Web Site: www.woma-brush.com; www.woma-market.com Company Officers: Daniel Koehler, Managing Director; Maria Koehler, Sales Director Products: WOMA offers all types of used machinery for the brush and related industries. This includes woodworking machines. Among those found in the company’s customer base are manufacturers of household brushes and brooms, interdental brushes and toothbrushes, technical and paintbrushes as well as rollers and cotton mops. Suppliers of wooden blocks and handles, wire, bristles and filaments are also among WOMA’s client base. The company has also established a new website (www.woma-market.com) to help customers sell or purchase stock surpluses for various types of filament, wire, fiber, etc. 12
July/August 2012
Wooster Brush Company, The 604 Madison Avenue Wooster, OH 44691 USA Phone: 330-264-4440 Fax: 330-263-0495 E-Mail: customerservice@woosterbrush.com Web Site: www.woosterbrush.com Company Officers: William Fagert, President; Jon Rose, Vice President of Sales; Scott Rutledge, Vice President of Marketing Products: With more than 160 years of industry experience, The Wooster Brush Company is one of the most innovative manufacturers of paintbrushes, rollers, surface prep tools, and painting equipment in the USA. Wooster offers, through distribution, over 2,000 products for professional and do-it-yourself painters. Brand names include Ultra/Pro®, Alpha™, Advantage®, Yachts-man®, Shortcut®, and Golden Glo® paintbrushes; Super/Fab®, Pro/Doo-Z®, Avalon™ Super Doo-Z®, and Polar Bear® paint rollers; Sherlock® roller frames and extension poles; the Jumbo-Koter® miniroller system; and Prep Crew® surface prep tools. The Wooster AeroDuster™ is designed for walls, ceilings, baseboards, floors, and more. This new tool ensures that surfaces are dust-free prior to painting, and it’s also great for everyday house cleaning. Made with specially treated yarn, the AeroDuster collects and traps dust particles, cobwebs, and pet hair. No additional cleaning sprays or liquids are needed. The 9 1/2-inch triangular shape reaches into corners, above doorways, and under tables. Once cleanup is complete, shake out the AeroDuster— there’s no wetting or washing required. Connecting the new AeroDuster to the AeroSander™ base (sold separately) requires pressing the two tools together. Once attached, the AeroDuster remains in place thanks to the integrated hook and loop fastener. The fiberglass-reinforced nylon base has a 360-degree pivot that allows full surface contact without catching, gouging, or rolling over. Go to woosterbrush.com/catalog to view AeroDuster and other Wooster tools. In 1851, The Wooster Brush Company began producing handmade bristle brushes from a twostory building in Wooster, OH. Its headquarters are still located in that city today. Far beyond a single building, the company has grown to over 888,000square-feet of manufacturing, shipping, administrative, and warehousing facilities. Wooster Brush has 500 dedicated employees with an average of 18 years of service each. 12 Worldwide Integrated Resources 7171 Telegraph Rd. Montibello, CA 90640 USA Toll Free: 800-441-6448 Fax: 323-838-8939 E-Mail: info@wwir.com Web Site: www.wwir.com Products: Metal and plastic hardware, dustpans, self-ringing mops, wet mops, sponge mops, dust mops and frames, buckets, brooms, miscellaneous and specialty items. 10 Xiamen Power Light Industry Co., Ltd. 2F, Factory BLDG. No. 33-35, Huli Rd., Huli
July/August 2012
Xiamen, Fujian 361006 CHINA Phone: 86-(0)592-5623805 Fax: 86-(0)592-5625208 Web Site: www.ctbc.com.tw Products: Car wash brushes, snow brushes, BBQ grill brushes, household cleaning brushes, brooms, wire brushes, mops, flow-through telescopic handles, structural foam brush blocks, solid plastic brush blocks and wood brush blocks. In 1994, Xiamen Power was founded by Chung-Thai Brush. It has been operating a brush business in Taiwan since 1971. Xiamen Power has grown into a more integrated brush manufacturer. Now, it not only offers finished products to the DIY market, Xiamen Power also provides brush making supplies in structural foam, solid plastic and different types of wood blocks to the brush industry all over the world. 10 Young & Swartz, Inc. 39 Cherry St. Buffalo, NY 14204 USA Phone: 716-852-2171 Fax: 716-852-5652 E-mail: info@youngandswartz.com Web Site: www.youngandswartz.com Company Officers: Raphael E. Winzig, President; Paul E. Winzig, Sales/Engineering Products: Specialty brush manufacturing. Staple set, wheels, strip, cylinders, hand and machine brushes. All mediums–natural, synthetic, wire. Can work in wood, plastic, leather back. Custom and contract runs invited. Company uses quick change, computerized equipment. Celebrating 146 years in business. Established in 1866. Specializing in custom made brushes. “Send us your specials” is the company’s motto. 12 Zahoransky AG Anton-Zahoransky Strasse 1 Todtnau-Geschwend 79674 GERMANY Phone: 49 7671-9970 Fax: 49 7671-997-299 E-Mail: info@zahoransky-group.com Web Site: www.zahoransky-group.com For USA: Zahoransky USA, Inc. 1981 Bucktail Lane Sugar Grove, IL 60554 USA Phone: 630-466-1901 Fax: 630-466-1902 E-Mail: frank.kigyos@zahoransky-group.com kevin.kigyos@zahoransky-group.com Brush Machinery: Semi and fully-automatic staple set drilling and filling machines for brooms and brushes; semi and fully-automatic trimming and flagging machines for brooms and brushes; semi-automatic staple set drilling and filling machines for industrial brushes of all types including cylinders, plates, disks, strips, domes and more; semi-automatic staple set machinery for street sweeping main and side brooms; trimming and flagging machines for all types of industrial brushes; abrasive picking and tufting system adaptable to industrial staple set machines. Semi and fully-automatic anchor-set machines
for tufting small pre-cored handles (toothbrushes); fully-automatic in-mold toothbrush production system; automatic twisted-in-wire brush machines for production of cut-end brushes; automatic twisted-in-wire brush machines for industrial closed-end and looped handle brushes; automatic twisted-in-wire brush machines for inter-dental and cosmetic closed end brushes; semi-automatic twisting machines for the production of all kinds of twisted wire brushes; semi-automatic machines for laying out filament in the production of twisted wire brushes; Semi-automatic wire straightening, cutting and forming machines for the production of twistedin-wire brushes; wire filament feed and cut machines for the production of twisted-in-wire brushes; fully and semi-automatic hank cutting machines. Packaging Machinery: Semi and fullyautomatic thermoform, seal and cut blister packaging machines; Semi and fully-automatic horizontal cartoning machines. Injection Molds: Automatic multi-component injection molds; automatic single-component injection molds; automatic turn stack molds for in-mold assembly. Custom Automation: Transfer and handling automation to link systems together; semi and full-automatic assembly and inspection machinery. The company was founded in 1902 by Anton Zahoransky, providing machines for the brush industry. Strong dedication and leadership has currently made Zahoransky one of the world’s largest suppliers and leading developers of brush making machines. In addition, Zahoransky has become one of the world’s leading suppliers of injection molds and blister packaging machines, both of which have been produced in Germany now for more than 40 years. The company operates from six manufacturing facilities and two sales/service offices located throughout Europe, Asia and North America. All Zahoransky CNC brush machines are fully equipped with the company’s latest machine control and 3D Brush Designer system. In addition to providing a simple and reliable operational platform, 3D Brush Designer provides the brush maker with a powerful tool for creating new brush designs in an efficient manner that has never been previously possible. In addition of 3D Brush Designer, Zahoransky has also introduced CAD converter for the conversion of CAD brush drawings into Zahoransky, CNC machine language. Also, introduced at Interbrush 2008 was the SCADA (Systems Control And Data Acquisition) network software for connecting all Zahoransky machines into one network and providing management with complete manufacturing statistical control. 12 Zelazoski Wood Products, Inc. 835 Ninth Avenue - P.O. Box 506 Antigo, WI 54409-0506 USA Phone: 715-627-4804 Fax: 715-627-2347 Toll-Free: 800-240-0974 E-Mail: ben@zwpi.com Web Site: www.zwpi.com
Company Officers: James Zelazoski, President; Michael Zelazoski, Vice President; Joseph Zelazoski, Vice President; Charles Zelazoski, Treasurer; Benjamin Zelazoski, Secretary Products: Complete line of wooden brush and broom blocks, molded, shaped, and/or turned, finished or plain, manufactured according to customers’ specifications. Can also machine most plastics. Zelazoski Wood Products began in 1924 as the Thos. Zelazoski Mfg. Co. The company began making wooden blocks for the brush and broom industry in 1928. Over its existence, ZWPI has continued to update machinery, facilities, and processes to meet the everchanging needs of its customers. Zelazoski Wood Products’ modern facility enables it to manufacture a wide range of parts according to customers’ specifications, especially where close tolerance and high quality are required. Unless imported wood is specifically requested, all brush and broom blocks are made from managed North American forests. ZWPI is always ready to look at new items and anxious to quote customer needs, simple or complex, from 1 to 1 million pieces. 12 Zephyr Manufacturing Co. 200 Mitchell Road Sedalia, MO 65301 USA Phone: 660-827-0352 Fax: 660-827-0713 E-Mail: info@zephyrmfg.com Web Site: www.zephyrmfg.com Company Officers: R. J. Lindstrom, President; Bob Schneider, Vice President of Sales Products: Zephyr offers a complete selection of wet mops and dry mops covering the full range of fibers, styles, and prices. Also offered are brooms, brushes and specialty products, handles, frames, dusters, mop sticks and many related items. 12 ZhenJiang RuiFeng Brush Co., Ltd. Zhuangquan, Guyang Town, Zhenjiang City, Jiangsu Province, CHINA Phone: +86-511-83323108 Fax: +86-511-83326711 E-Mail: sales@ruifengbrushes.com Web Site: www.ruifengbrushes.com Products: Professional manufacturer of paintbrushes. The company has been in business for over 20 years. Other products include artist brushes, paint rollers and scrapers. The company’s factory is located in Zhenjiang City, Jiangsu Province, China. 10
Broom Brush and Mop
OUr 100Th YEar.
By Rick Mullen | Broom, Brush & Mop Associate Editor U.S. government trade figures for the first four months of 2012 indicate raw material imports were down in three of the four categories outlined in this issue, compared to the first four months of 2011. For April 2012, raw material imports were up in two of the four categories outlined, compared to April 2011. Import totals for the first four months of 2012 were down in four of the seven finished goods categories outlined from the same time period in 2011. In April 2012, four of the seven categories outlined also recorded decreases, compared to April 2011. RAW MATERIAL IMPORTS Hog Bristle The United States imported 12,390 kilograms of hog bristle in April 2012, down 75 percent from 50,180 kilograms imported in April 2011. During the first four months of 2012, 87,227 kilograms of hog bristle were imported, a 36 percent decrease from 136,544 kilograms imported during the first four months of 2011. China sent 86,556 kilograms of hog bristle to the United States during the first four months of 2012, while Thailand exported the remainder. The average price per kilogram for April 2012 was $18.53, up 361 percent from the average price per kilogram for April 2011 of $4.02. The average price per kilogram for the first four months of 2012 was $11.01, up 35 percent from $8.16 per kilogram for the first four months of 2011. Broom And Mop Handles The import total of broom and mop handles during April 2012 was 1.4 million, down 26 percent from 1.9 million for April 2011. During the first four months of 2012, 4.8 million broom and mop handles were imported, down 30 percent from 6.9 million for the first four months of 2011. During the first four months of 2012, the United States received 1.4 million broom and mop handles from Honduras, 1.3 million from China and 1.2 million from Brazil. The average price per handle for April 2012 was 79 cents, down 1 cent from the average price for April 2011. The average price for the first four months of 2012 was 78 cents, up 1 cent from the first four months of 2011. Brush Backs April 2012 imports of brush backs totaled 707,151, up 57 percent from the April 2011 total of 450,152 brush backs. During the first four months of 2012, 2.6 million brush backs were imported, up 44 percent from 1.8 million for the first four months of 2011. Sri Lanka shipped 1.5 million brush backs to the United States during the first four months of 2012, while Canada shipped 1.1 million. The average price per brush back was 40 cents during April 2012, down 18 percent from the average price for April 2011 of 49 cents. For the first four
months of 2012, the average price per brush back was 46 cents, down 10 percent from the average of the first four months of 2011 of 51 cents. Metal Handles The import total of metal handles during April 2012 was 2.7 million, up 29 percent from 2.1 million for April 2011. During the first four months of 2012, 7 million metal handles were imported, down 31 percent from 10.1 million for the first four months of 2011. During the first four months of 2012, Italy shipped 3.9 million metal handles to the United States, while China sent 2.6 million and Mexico exported 400,248. The average price per handle for April 2012 was 52 cents, down 34 percent from 79 cents for April 2011. The average price for the first four months of 2012 was 74 cents, the same as the average price for the first four months of 2011. FINISHED GOODS IMPORTS Brooms Of Broom Corn Valued At Less Than 96 Cents Imports of brooms of broom corn valued at less than 96 cents per broom during April 2012 totaled 27,848, up 164 percent from 10,560 brooms imported during April 2011. During the first four months of 2012, 116,048 brooms of broom corn were imported, compared to 21,936 imported during the first four months of 2011. Mexico sent 71,328 brooms to the United States during the first four months of 2012 while China shipped 44,720. The average price per broom in April 2012 was 86 cents, up 2 percent from 84 cents for April 2011. The average price per broom for the first four months of 2012 was 90 cents, up 7 percent from the average price for the first four months of 2011 of 84 cents. Brooms Of Broom Corn Valued At More Than 96 Cents The United States imported 645,609 brooms of broom corn valued at more than 96 cents per broom during April 2012, down 13 percent from 744,399 for April 2011. During the first four months of 2012, 2.5 million brooms of broom corn were imported, down 11 percent from 2.8 million for the first four months of 2011. Mexico shipped 2.4 million brooms to the United States during the first four months of 2012, while Honduras sent the remainder. The average price per broom for April 2012 was $2.48, up 5 percent from the average price for April 2011 of $2.37. The average price per broom for the first four months of 2012 was $2.45, the same as for the first four months of 2011. Brooms & Brushes Of Vegetable Material The import total of brooms and brushes of vegetable material during April 2012 was 80,243, down 45 percent from 144,920 brooms and brushes imported during April 2011. During the first four months of 2012, 500,648 brooms and
July/August 2012
brushes were imported, down 8 percent from 541,694 imported during the first four months of 2011. Sri Lanka exported 251,888 brooms and brushes to the United States during the first four months of 2012, while China sent 107,235. The average price per unit for April 2012 was $1.49, up 45 percent from $1.03 for April 2011. The average price for the first four months of 2012 was $1.25, an increase of 3 percent from the average price recorded for the first four months of 2011 of $1.21. Toothbrushes The United States imported 100.1 million toothbrushes in April 2012, up 44 percent from 69.7 million imported in April 2011. During the first four months of 2012, 381.8 million toothbrushes were imported, an increase of 32 percent from 288.5 million imported during the first four months of 2011. China sent 294.8 million toothbrushes to the United States during the first four months of 2012. Also shipping toothbrushes to the United States were Switzerland at 27.6 million, Vietnam at 22.1 million and India at 14.5 million. The average price per toothbrush for April 2012 was 17 cents, down 32 percent from the average price for April 2011 of 25 cents. The average price for the first four months of 2012 was 18 cents, down 18 percent from 22 cents for the first four months of 2011. Hairbrushes The United States imported 6.1 million hairbrushes in April 2012, up 135 percent from 2.6 million imported in April 2011. During the first four months of 2012, 19.5 million hairbrushes were imported, up 48 percent from 13.2 million imported during the first four months of 2011. China sent 19.3 million hairbrushes to the United States during the first four months of 2012. The average price per hairbrush for April 2012 was 23 cents, down 30 percent from 33 cents for April 2011. The average price for the first four months of 2012 was 24 cents, down 17 percent from 29 cents for the first four months of 2011. Shaving Brushes The United States imported 4.7 million shaving brushes in April 2012, down 38 percent from 7.6 million imported in April 2011. During the first four months of 2012, 21.4 million shaving brushes were imported, down 41 percent from 36.1 million imported during the first four months of 2011. China sent 12.1 million shaving brushes to the United States during the first four months of 2012, while Mexico sent 4.8 million and Germany exported 1.8 million. The average price per shaving brush for April 2012 was 13 cents, down 13 percent from the average price for April 2011 of 15 cents. The average price for the first four months of 2012 was 13 cents, the same as the average price for the first four months of 2011. Paintbrushes U.S. companies imported 19.7 million paintbrushes during April 2012, down 13 percent from 22.6 million paintbrushes imported during April 2011. Paintbrush imports for the first four months of 2012 were 67.6 million, down 5 percent from 71.2 million recorded for the first four months of 2011. China shipped 56 million paintbrushes to the United States during the first four months of 2012 while Indonesia shipped 10.6 million. The average price per paintbrush for April 2012 was 35 cents, up 21 percent from 29 cents for April 2011. The average price for the first four months of 2012 was 31 cents, down 1 cent from the average price for the first four months of 2011. EXPORTS Export totals for the first four months of 2012 were up in three of the five categories outlined, compared to the first four months of 2011. In April 2012, three of the five categories outlined also reported increases in exports,
compared to April 2011. Brooms & Brushes Of Vegetable Materials The United States exported 7,775 dozen brooms and brushes of vegetable materials during April 2012, down 6 percent from the April 2011 total of 8,239 dozen. Exports of brooms and brushes of vegetable materials during the first four months of 2012 were 58,376 dozen, up 98 percent from 29,493 dozen for the first four months of 2011. The United States sent 30,516 dozen brooms and brushes to Brazil during the first four months of 2012 and 11,114 dozen to Canada. The average price per dozen brooms and brushes was $38.66 in April 2012, down 10 percent from $42.83 for April 2011. The average price per dozen brooms and brushes for the first four months of 2012 was $35.49, a decrease of 41 percent from the average price per dozen for the first four months of 2011 of $60.44. Toothbrushes During April 2012, the United States exported 10.1 million toothbrushes, up 15 percent from the total recorded in April 2011 of 8.8 million. During the first four months of 2012, 44.5 million toothbrushes were exported, up 32 percent from 33.7 million exported during the first four months of 2011. The United States exported 20 million toothbrushes to Canada during the first four months of 2012, while sending 5.8 million toothbrushes to Mexico and 4.3 million to Ireland. The average price per toothbrush for April 2012 was 55 cents, down 5 percent from the average price for April 2011 of 58 cents. The average price per toothbrush for the first four months of 2012 was 53 cents, down 5 percent from 56 cents for the first four months of 2011. Shaving Brushes The United States exported 3.2 million shaving brushes during April 2012, up 191 percent from 1.1 million for April 2011. During the first four months of 2012, 11.8 million shaving brushes were exported, up 42 percent from 8.3 million during the first four months of 2011. Mexico imported 8.2 million shaving brushes from the United States during the first four months of 2012, while Brazil received 839,811 and Canada imported 783,492 The average price per shaving brush for April 2012 was 43 cents, down 57 percent from $1 for April 2011. The average price for the first four months of 2012 was 48 cents, down 13 percent from 55 cents recorded for the first four months of 2011. Artist Brushes The United States exported 966,265 artist brushes during April 2012, down 26 percent from 1.3 million artist brushes exported for April 2011. During the first four months of 2012, 3.1 million artist brushes were exported, down 9 percent from 3.4 million the first four months of 2011. Canada imported 1.8 million artist brushes from the United States during the first four months of 2012, while The United Kingdom imported 426,937. The average price per artist brush for April 2012 was $3.12, up 4 percent from $2.99 for April 2011. The average price for the first four months of 2012 was $3, up 5 percent from $2.85 recorded for the first four months of 2011. Paintbrushes The export total of paintbrushes during April 2012 was 177,759, up 6 percent from 168,139 paintbrush exports recorded for April 2011. During the first four months of 2012, 691,508 paintbrushes were exported, down 4 percent from 723,350 during the first four months of 2011. Canada imported 418,225 paintbrushes from the United States during the first four months of 2012, while The Netherlands received 68,385. The average price per paintbrush for April 2012 was $13.48, up 44 percent from $9.33 for April 2011. The average price for the first four months of 2012 was $11.84, up 16 percent from $10.23 recorded for the first four months of 2011.
EXPORTS Broom and Brush
April Exports By Country
Domestic Merchandise 1404902000 Broomcorn (Sorghum Vulgare Var. Technicum) Used Primarily In Brooms Or In Brushes, Whether or Not In hanks or Bundles april Year To Date Country Net Q/Ton Value Net Q/Ton Value Venez 2 11,500 Belgium 1 4,175 1 4,175 France 18 69,120 Austral 8 29,553 TOTAL 1 4,175 29 114,348 9603100000 Brooms & Brushes, Consisting of Twigs or Other Vegetable Materials Bound Together, With or Without handles april Year To Date Country Net Q/Dozen Value Net Q/Dozen Value Canada 3,049 116,664 11,114 418,809 Mexico 40 3,331 40 3,331 Guatmal 333 15,215 Hondura 102 8,877 Nicarag 10 2,641 10 2,641 C Rica 618 29,803 Panama 151 4,974 820 19,900 Bermuda 366 10,933 366 10,933 Bahamas 60 42,068 Jamaica 348 13,890 St K N 180 4,576 Barbado 76 3,012 76 3,012 Trinid 8 3,656 Colomb 1,496 17,165 Venez 229 10,284 1,754 60,595 Peru 368 12,144 Brazil 415 18,850 30,516 1,011,194 Sweden 90 2,970 Norway 81 2,670 U King 1,560 51,443 2,402 97,773 Ireland 83 12,000 146 21,000 Nethlds 3 4,483 Andorra 10 3,099 10 3,099 France 2 2,718 Germany 90 2,961 343 19,605 Poland 105 3,461 587 20,765 Italy 504 7,983 Lebanon 21 3,146 Iraq 21 3,494 Israel 389 12,818 S Arab 20 8,157 697 48,169 Arab Em 123 4,050 India 810 26,701 Kor Rep 235 13,022 Hg Kong 1,250 27,150 2,767 60,059 Japan 195 4,212 390 8,424 Austral 98 3,237 Egypt 32 11,112 32 11,112 Nigeria 34 2,516 84 5,411 Rep Saf 60 3,788 332 11,528 TOTAL 7,775 300,588 58,376 2,072,046
Country Canada Mexico Belize Salvadr C Rica
9603210000 Toothbrushes april Year To Date Net Q/No. Value Net Q/No. 4,739,508 2,422,948 20,025,547 1,473,627 543,703 5,829,963 35,520 460 2,610 29,149 8,976
Value 10,146,375 2,464,727 18,868 109,037 6,930
Panama Bermuda Bahamas Jamaica Haiti Dom Rep Antigua S Lucia Barbado Trinid S Maart Curaco Colomb Venez Guyana Ecuador Chile Brazil Paragua Uruguay Argent Sweden Finland Denmark U King Ireland Nethlds France Germany Hungary Switzld Latvia Poland Italy Turkey Lebanon Kuwait S Arab Arab Em India Thailnd Vietnam Malaysa Singapr China Kor Rep Hg Kong Taiwan Japan Austral N Zeal Egypt Rep Saf TOTAL
July/August 2012 132,817 7,272 690 8,280
69,097 2,645 7,063 2,863
104,640 7,840
71,930 3,640
1,570 30,032 1,944
16,068 34,085 3,899
24,363 51,744
249,270 40,996
6,576 3,600
5,984 3,899
11,000 14,000
15,000 6,860
473 880,400
6,788 337,253
11,163 3,701
114,211 19,100
937 774,468 837,211 606,791 40,206 45,137 156,672
5,324 235,147 440,661 447,973 20,436 40,686 174,837
1,851,010 7,272 8,969 108,072 3,950 248,144 10,720 14,615 15,232 278,126 1,944 30,000 59,057 205,632 11,878 11,520 6,576 3,600 414 3,762 1,465,956 11,000 14,000 5,760 40,902 4,252,507 4,364 6,000 69,283 843,318 67,527 3,701 919 118,047 8,160 7,000 6,216 13,308 73,762 324,001 1,960 21,300 10,000 23,727 1,618,836 2,973,804 2,457,947 341,223 200,753 631,427 11,520 12,072 799 44,450,747
1,071,497 2,645 28,582 102,293 7,752 135,253 6,823 13,011 32,441 186,418 3,899 11,595 337,761 163,329 29,084 3,341 5,984 3,899 4,236 34,468 182,438 15,000 6,860 8,900 317,762 1,507,506 9,157 3,720 677,652 408,813 467,100 19,100 9,402 67,070 10,024 16,672 19,826 19,208 125,917 109,188 17,042 23,250 2,903 33,187 574,464 1,533,517 1,357,941 147,926 138,413 586,290 4,191 4,358 4,536 23,359,581
9603290000 Shaving Brushes, hairbrushes, Nail Brushes, Eyelash Brushes & Other Toilet Brushes For Use on the Person april Year To Date Country Net Q/No. Value Net Q./No. Value Canada 278,052 463,596 783,492 1,292,077 Mexico 2,636,849 501,470 8,234,652 1,812,936 Guatmal 1,572 14,374 9,316 35,554 C Rica 907 3,567 5,659 13,143 Dom Rep 1,349 4,831 1,378 7,501 Trinid 4,636 46,000 14,191 131,345 Colomb 42,120 28,689 121,603 90,740 Venez 690,480 261,464 Peru 180 2,805 180 2,805 Bolivia 139 3,086 139 3,086 Chile 8,160 12,303 53,051 81,427 Brazil 5,289 48,364 839,811 325,900 Paragua 200 9,033 Uruguay 4,800 10,666 8,232 17,415 Argent 203,000 46,079 503,266 136,393
July/August 2012 U King Ireland Nethlds Belgium Luxmbrg France Germany Switzld Spain Italy Lebanon Kuwait S Arab Arab Em Thailnd Singapr Phil R China Kor Rep Hg Kong Taiwan Japan Austral TOTAL
2,551 1,229
23,328 11,243
130 2,187 471 70 15,096
4,171 20,000 4,309 3,960 10,833
2,046 426 3,666 1,400 3,239,444
21,150 3,900 32,806 8,000 1,380,647
42,215 33 1,550 5,086 102 10,839 13,299 2,750 9,980 3,356 561 2,780 100 6,730 2,687 2,493 181 25,362 3,308 7,829 426 336,641 12,199 11,756,157
145,945 3,094 18,488 19,713 2,907 107,988 123,547 25,154 33,199 40,200 3,916 47,775 2,975 66,819 25,250 32,111 15,995 180,162 46,041 39,861 3,900 280,370 113,237 5,599,466
9603300000 artists Brushes, Writing Brushes and Similar Brushes for the application of Cosmetics april Year To Date Country Net Q/No. Value Net Q/No. Value Canada 488,075 1,354,092 1,788,342 4,219,395 Mexico 24,214 89,387 166,039 608,185 Guatmal 8,800 11,930 8,800 11,930 Salvadr 7,859 12,671 Nicarag 4,039 14,902 C Rica 22,002 60,611 Panama 2,000 3,700 13,178 29,438 Bermuda 3,827 6,489 Bahamas 72 2,531 Dom Rep 6,314 23,297 B Virgn 3,312 4,787 Grenada 1,617 5,968 Colomb 714 5,833 10,517 44,421 Venez 940 3,468 940 3,468 Brazil 105,166 166,113 128,519 258,894 Paragua 5,197 19,175 Uruguay 8,000 10,032 8,000 10,032 Argent 1,572 4,256 Iceland 2,714 10,864 Sweden 1,316 8,728 Norway 730 6,355 11,194 59,419 Finland 962 3,548 962 3,548 U King 152,403 347,282 426,937 1,002,475 Nethlds 895 5,556 Belgium 4,934 24,420 France 11,789 43,494 Germany 7,868 29,029 9,500 35,049 Switzld 9,065 33,447 9,065 33,447 Estonia 838 3,093 2,041 7,532 Poland 1,978 7,300 Russia 2,661 13,344 2,764 17,138 Italy 45,822 169,068 Turkey 24,588 56,279 24,588 56,279 Lebanon 944 5,737 Israel 7,187 15,281 12,082 33,344 S Arab 1,093 4,033 Arab Em 3,182 12,215 Thailnd 1,042 3,844 7,315 30,382 Malaysa 3,816 14,079 Singapr 3,140 15,815 4,393 22,808 China 32,886 121,342 110,478 407,627 Kor Rep 20,650 349,814 62,103 940,460 Hg Kong 12,000 64,800 60,341 316,923 Japan 8,565 35,770 9,378 38,770 Austral 41,889 262,410 94,839 652,052
N Zeal Tnzania Rep Saf TOTAL
PAGE 59 1,882
1,882 921 735 3,110,147
6,945 3,400 5,672 9,319,214
Country Canada Mexico Salvadr Hondura C Rica Panama Bermuda Bahamas Jamaica Cayman Dom Rep S Maart Venez Peru Chile U King Nethlds Germany Italy Serbia S Arab Arab Em India Malaysa Singapr Phil R Kor Rep Hg Kong Taiwan Austral N Zeal Kenya TOTAL
9603402000 Paint rollers april Year To Date Net Q/No. Value Net Q/No. 147,947 247,759 625,131 66,753 190,872 361,413 1,440 595 10,265 855 15,000 3,713 1,938 5,128 3,094 800 2,600 3,161 2,417 1,224 4,205 10 2,607 10 2,105 40,091 925 11,750 2,645 2,633 2,410 9,212 9,664 7,628 13,660 20,885 400 1,062 576 8,783 2,393 548 99 383 114 5,281 114 490 31,050 2,605 46 144,638 8,336 1,960 229,870 534,919 1,266,634
Value 1,166,611 767,818 6,120 10,435 12,860 34,780 7,680 6,294 9,346 2,548 110,212 2,607 5,791 38,472 29,305 12,637 56,133 37,103 3,479 3,422 8,134 11,746 22,100 9,625 4,501 6,715 5,281 68,170 4,400 489,990 22,712 3,780 2,980,807
Country Mexico C Rica Panama Bermuda Dom Rep Venez Brazil Finland Denmark U King Kuwait S Arab Singapr Kor Rep Austral TOTAL
9603404020 Paint Pads april Year To Date Net Q/No. Value Net Q/No. 720 2,818 8,626 672 300 24 397 2,820 2,996 26,784 1,260 818 480 525 18,205 1,545 1,500 2,290 55,015 2,290 1,956 1,092 22,667 3,932 78,858 73,010
Value 42,459 20,160 6,657 3,480 21,270 71,843 3,692 5,810 3,038 23,273 28,425 55,015 4,420 7,749 24,816 322,107
9603404050 Paint, Distemper, Varnish or Similar Brushes (Except Brushes of 9603.30) april Year To Date Country Net Q/No. Value Net Q/No. Value Canada 103,194 1,053,517 418,225 3,543,307 Mexico 4,208 61,115 Guatmal 434 6,689 Belize 873 18,104 Hondura 571 12,535 1,740 30,233 Nicarag 160 2,800 394 6,285 C Rica 367 10,764 1,430 28,585 Panama 936 19,552 5,902 143,914
PAGE 60 Bermuda Bahamas Jamaica Cayman Dom Rep St K N Antigua S Lucia Barbado Trinid Colomb Venez Surinam Ecuador Brazil Sweden Finland U King Ireland Nethlds Belgium France Germany Austria Czech Switzld Lithuan Poland Italy Israel Kuwait S Arab Arab Em India Vietnam Malaysa Singapr Phil R China Kor Rep Hg Kong Taiwan Japan Austral N Zeal Nigeria TOTAL
1,237 529
32,155 12,367
5,251 24,519 229 20,943 1,763
27,156 458,021 8,065 434,379 36,561
2,644 73
55,885 3,062
2,178 7,325
24,744 102,931
600 1,062 1,132
9,900 3,588 12,454
125 177,759
2,598 2,395,423
323 252 865 617 3,036 260 5,001 200 511 4,706 4,013 529 50 15,847 760 1,684 5,251 56,902 2,437 68,385 1,763 17 8,602 73 132 85 60 387 203 2,205 382 527 5,483 154 889 4,040 4,373 21,738 4,012 15,263 101 1,477 2,555 2,787 9,105 260 691,508
6,708 2,858 22,151 13,310 89,957 5,400 40,476 4,148 12,541 97,609 97,396 12,367 5,100 83,989 10,625 41,488 27,156 1,107,854 26,707 1,360,598 36,561 3,816 124,113 3,062 3,199 2,607 2,938 8,449 4,220 57,740 3,365 10,929 113,726 3,186 18,457 34,906 55,557 255,779 80,365 313,624 6,465 28,085 14,809 51,652 36,066 5,388 8,185,734
9603900000 hand-Operated Mechanical Floor Sweepers, Not Motorized, Mops & Feather Dusters; Prepared Knots & Tufts for Broom or Brush Making, NESOI april Year To Date Country Net Q/No. Value Net Q/No. Value Canada 228,040 2,617,185 770,609 9,256,001 Mexico 81,712 1,095,778 313,870 4,087,341 Guatmal 277 4,500 377 7,260 Salvadr 516 8,368 Hondura 504 7,899 Nicarag 1,035 16,024 C Rica 592 9,609 6,164 66,860 Panama 7,954 49,942 13,196 137,554 Bahamas 1,177 8,854 4,478 25,250 Jamaica 1,340 21,515 Cayman 78 2,502 391 7,577 Dom Rep 888 19,501 S Lucia 1,200 3,183 Trinid 1,278 20,723 S Maart 165 2,676 165 2,676 Aruba 1,633 26,485 1,633 26,485 Colomb 416 16,911 Venez 8,038 117,103 Guyana 724 11,742 724 11,742 Ecuador 3,647 53,578 3,880 57,363
Peru Chile Brazil Paragua Sweden Norway Denmark U King Ireland Nethlds Belgium Luxmbrg France Germany Czech Slovak Switzld Lithuan Poland Russia Spain Malta Italy Macedon Greece Turkey Lebanon Israel Jordan Kuwait S Arab Qatar Arab Em Oman Bahrain Afghan India Pakistn Thailnd Vietnam Malaysa Singapr Indnsia Phil R Maldive China Kor Rep Hg Kong Taiwan Japan Austral New Gui N Zeal Samoa Nigeria Rep Saf TOTAL
July/August 2012 592 272 2,616
9,611 10,248 25,675
13,348 5,123 3,094 4,044 4,623 110 243 3,330
36,048 74,202 36,547 43,362 23,867 7,554 3,946 38,723
311 370
11,842 6,000
32 430 62 1,503
3,315 2,831 2,858 22,139
8,108 213
32,647 3,461
1,455 3,803 314 75 1,224 1,734 2,143 3,463 1,057
27,805 61,691 5,100 8,532 19,851 18,008 34,758 37,673 15,550
656 2,691 2,805 2,352 12,887 5,523
10,647 45,001 54,365 6,187 107,725 109,320
1,154 356
9,458 2,921
12,946 1,029 13,066 1,200 442 883 15,310 48,270 6,758 19,871 13,975 482 536 9,694 2,646 266 4,480 197 586 3,210 493 2,926 9,445 202 311 410 720 1,752 1,430 494 27,531 60 19,692 213 1,400 2,768 6,482 914 2,172 1,877 3,194 6,004 3,463 1,530 983 8,389 13,293 6,113 4,517 41,456 21,939 716 4,356 356 423 417 1,484,990
190,651 22,529 193,643 7,560 13,769 14,320 83,951 442,044 80,927 226,440 118,700 20,237 14,628 117,077 44,788 4,313 27,237 3,203 9,500 44,871 5,353 16,009 100,742 2,878 11,842 10,378 4,869 55,897 7,771 6,834 213,107 2,525 93,024 3,461 9,335 51,737 98,467 9,875 42,316 30,447 41,457 77,832 37,673 23,220 15,947 100,263 163,741 89,892 43,563 337,911 284,246 2,935 51,678 2,921 6,855 6,760 17,661,485
IMPORTS Broom and Brush
April Imports By Country
Country Thailnd China
0502100000 Pigs’, hogs’ or Boars’ Bristles and hair and Waste Thereof april Year To Date Net Q/KG Value Net Q/KG 671 12,390 229,547 86,556
Value 34,916 925,496
July/August 2012 TOTAL
Country Canada Denmark U King France Germany Thailnd China TOTAL
12,390 229,547 87,227 0502900000 Badger hair and Other Brushmaking hair and Waste Thereof april Year To Date Net Q/KG Value Net Q/KG 454 69 26 24,961 58 1 16 1,354 154 18,155 25,073 180 43,116 27,025
BROOM, BRUSH & MOP 960,412
Value 4,050 14,104 58,192 6,433 38,603 75,432 520,557 717,371
0511993300 horsehair and horsehair Waste, Whether or Not Put Up as a Layer With or Without Supporting Material april Year To Date Country Net Q/KG Value Net Q/KG Value Paragua 8,000 87,425 Belgium 2,500 28,120 2,500 28,120 Italy 90 5,448 China 19,688 193,942 77,136 1,012,819 TOTAL 22,188 222,062 87,726 1,133,812 1404903000 Istle Used Primarily In Brooms or In Brushes, Whether or Not In hanks or Bundles april Year To Date Country Net Q/KG Value Net Q/KG Value Mexico 42,136 186,743 156,006 763,199 TOTAL 42,136 186,743 156,006 763,199 4417002000 Broom and Mop handles, 1.9 CM or More In Diameter and 97 CM or More In Length, Of Wood april Year To Date Country Net Q/No. Value Net Q/No. Value Canada 1,031 2,138 1,631 4,533 Mexico 1,932 3,278 34,988 22,333 Hondura 353,410 190,958 1,359,709 674,856 Colomb 13,476 5,583 68,580 28,123 Brazil 272,664 352,779 1,224,445 1,527,295 Sri Lka 11,000 17,299 92,400 125,693 Vietnam 10,800 11,018 10,800 11,018 Indnsia 293,712 291,247 780,495 629,818 China 479,048 254,192 1,265,068 768,711 Taiwan 8,699 23,911 TOTAL 1,437,073 1,128,492 4,846,815 3,816,291 4417004000 Paint Brush and Paint roller handles, Of Wood april Year To Date Country Net Q/Variable Value Net Q/Variable Value Germany 80,532 Poland 8,878 Italy 347,228 1,963,916 Thailnd 20,475 Indnsia 27,016 429,305 China 39,765 632,869 Kor Rep 9,200 9,200 TOTAL 423,209 3,145,175
Country Canada Sri Lka Vietnam TOTAL
4417006000 Brush Backs, Of Wood april Year To Date Net Q/No. Value Net Q/No. 482,819 151,451 1,069,098 203,836 111,172 1,483,955 20,496 20,117 20,496 707,151 282,740 2,573,549
Country Canada Mexico Brazil
4417008010 Tool handles of Wood april Year To Date Net Q/Variable Value Net Q/Variable 17,685 6,956 223,919
Value 380,618 786,111 20,117 1,186,846
Value 47,407 19,323 1,134,297
U King Nethlds France Germany Italy India Vietnam Indnsia China Taiwan TOTAL
44,887 63,345 30,796 397,690
5,050 2,122 10,102 2,361 4,549 2,432 136,869 61,337 171,249 123,677 1,720,775
4417008090 Tools, Tool Bodies, Broom or Brush Bodies, Shoe Lasts and Trees, of Wood april Year To Date Country Net Q/Variable Value Net Q/Variable Value Canada 45,430 258,635 Mexico 54,473 205,613 Chile 604,587 2,017,469 Brazil 6,039 U King 12,927 51,913 France 2,081 7,515 Germany 8,045 8,045 Spain 11,854 19,866 Italy 4,551 20,933 India 44,458 959,934 Sri Lka 16,207 16,207 Vietnam 28,196 37,943 Indnsia 58,888 149,621 China 340,087 1,153,515 Taiwan 13,270 42,781 Japan 413,858 1,612,999 TOTAL 1,658,912 6,569,028 7326908576 Metal handles For Brooms, Mops, Paint applicators april Year To Date Country Net Q/No. Value Net Q/No. Value Canada 40,000 5,473 Mexico 121,032 61,954 400,248 168,130 Brazil 11,580 7,072 36,974 33,915 Denmark 310 4,679 1,629 33,211 U King 360 4,771 Germany 4,000 4,972 Spain 139,344 82,163 Italy 1,570,524 805,474 3,861,133 3,074,541 Israel 6,096 6,034 India 1 6,655 China 1,025,767 544,399 2,557,149 1,774,057 Taiwan 1,278 5,928 TOTAL 2,729,213 1,423,578 7,048,212 5,199,850 9603100500 Wiskbrooms, of Broom Corn, LT=.96 Ea. Prior to Entry or Withdrawal for Consumption of 61,655 Dozen In Calendar Year april Year To Date Country Net Q/No. Value Net Q/No. Value Mexico 11,592 10,087 Ukraine 5,880 3,132 China 20,400 18,384 TOTAL 37,872 31,603 9603104000 Other Brooms, of Broomcorn, LT=.96 Ea, Prior to Entry or Withdrawal For Consumption of GT=121,478 Dozen in Calendar Year april Year To Date Mexico 15,360 11,569 TOTAL 15,360 11,569 9603105000 Other Brooms, of Broomcorn, LT=.96 Ea, at Entry or Withdrawal For Consumption of GT=121,478 Dozen in Calendar Year april Year To Date Country Net Q/No. Value Net Q/No. Value Mexico 14,148 11,907 71,328 60,350 China 13,700 12,022 44,720 43,668
TOTAL 27,848 23,929 116,048 104,018 9603106000 Other Brooms, Of Broomcorn, Valued Over .96 Each april Year To Date Country Net Q/No. Value Net Q/No. Value Mexico 627,369 1,557,846 2,405,386 5,915,702 Hondura 18,240 40,970 90,366 209,331 TOTAL 645,609 1,598,816 2,495,752 6,125,033 9603109000 Brooms & Brushes, Consisting of Twigs or Other Vegetable Materials Bound Together, With or Without handles, NESOI april Year To Date Country Net Q/No. Value Net Q/No. Value Canada 4,000 7,182 Mexico 6,774 11,447 Guatmal 10,800 16,225 Germany 200 2,155 200 2,155 Czech 1,400 3,676 Armenia 9,000 18,300 Italy 2,574 16,098 2,591 18,394 Turkey 1,500 4,002 India 3,750 2,658 Sri Lka 43,587 54,082 251,888 264,267 Thailnd 5,000 6,261 36,150 52,977 Vietnam 7,150 9,586 57,550 61,045 Phil R 3,000 2,330 7,810 12,574 China 18,732 29,163 107,235 148,659 TOTAL 80,243 119,675 500,648 623,561 9603210000 Toothbrushes, Incl. Dental-Plate Brushes april Year To Date Country Net Q/No. Value Net Q/No. Value Canada 55,268 24,695 76,448 64,730 Mexico 146,920 76,410 800,277 371,904 Guatmal 76,800 14,356 76,800 14,356 Dom Rep 538,080 23,750 2,875,040 122,605 Curaco 55,440 101,493 Brazil 340,992 102,002 1,104,620 314,889 Sweden 10,624 18,115 37,924 27,279 U King 826 6,804 11,982 13,641 Ireland 266,544 159,157 720,864 430,552 Nethlds 214,565 28,831 France 15,000 13,914 15,000 13,914 Germany 2,135,550 1,315,798 8,527,704 5,705,820 Hungary 6,824 20,791 22,928 52,812 Switzld 8,891,692 2,907,229 27,617,368 9,574,895 Spain 10,000 5,102 Italy 1,205,720 105,190 1,620,220 250,597 Arab Em 21,600 5,301 India 3,648,372 724,541 14,533,514 2,932,335 Thailnd 67,928 17,983 3,796,508 573,290 Vietnam 5,140,656 358,644 22,108,680 1,352,194 Malaysa 372,320 44,428 590,176 69,002 Indnsia 585,960 45,088 1,136,560 81,828 China 76,148,448 10,356,405 294,787,174 44,720,277 Kor Rep 236,488 84,285 264,468 156,277 Hg Kong 61,850 13,934 235,838 69,181 Taiwan 81,632 87,465 427,979 269,733 Japan 21,763 82,641 90,273 580,462 TOTAL 100,056,257 16,603,625 381,779,950 67,903,300 9603294010 hairbrushes, Valued Not Over .40 Each april Year To Date Country Net Q/No. Value Net Q/No.
Vietnam China Kor Rep Hg Kong Taiwan TOTAL
July/August 2012
64,800 24,048 6,110,869
11,143 6,947 1,407,399
7,200 19,254,259 6,600 203,040 24,048 19,495,147
4,099 4,662,288 2,497 35,060 6,947 4,710,891
9603294090 Shaving Brushes, Nail Brushes, Eyelash Brushes & Other Toilet Brushes For Use On The Person, Valued Not Over .40 Each april Year To Date Country Net Q/No. Value Net Q/No. Value Mexico 603,650 57,222 4,830,625 354,439 Germany 90,000 21,947 1,729,187 370,544 Italy 207,475 55,895 214,675 58,772 China 2,596,977 397,432 12,058,924 1,751,129 Kor Rep 1,000,000 18,170 2,006,500 38,471 Taiwan 60,000 20,045 60,000 20,045 Japan 100,000 27,322 350,000 99,220 N Zeal 34,560 12,714 103,692 39,546 TOTAL 4,692,662 610,747 21,353,603 2,732,166 9603302000 artists Brushes, Writing Brushes & Similar Brushes For application Of Cosmetics, Valued Not Over .05 Each april Year To Date Country Net Q/No. Value Net Q/No. Value Canada 175,000 5,725 Mexico 639,000 19,993 3,645,597 129,489 Germany 3,152,000 145,779 9,293,497 392,301 Italy 12,051,000 134,394 34,078,200 416,086 India 578,000 22,834 China 10,527,354 331,500 36,142,834 1,130,166 Kor Rep 500,000 11,180 7,220,000 160,621 Hg Kong 1,014,440 23,411 2,518,808 58,305 Taiwan 300,000 14,822 300,000 14,822 TOTAL 28,183,794 681,079 93,951,936 2,330,349 9603304000 artists Brushes, Writing Brushes & Similar Brushes For application of Cosmetics, Valued Over .05 But not Over .10 Each april Year To Date Country Net Q/No. Value Net Q/No. Value Mexico 5,761,884 446,173 25,646,695 2,016,643 Germany 3,244,440 227,889 7,056,910 500,711 India 76,176 5,605 304,467 24,055 China 7,952,338 590,983 39,226,623 2,961,033 Kor Rep 1,286,240 95,670 Hg Kong 1,290,000 114,046 1,290,000 114,046 Taiwan 154,400 11,027 1,312,580 94,770 TOTAL 18,479,238 1,395,723 76,123,515 5,806,928 9603306000 artists Brushes, Writing Brushes & Similar Brushes For application Of Cosmetics, Valued Over .10 Each april Year To Date Country Net Q/No. Value Net Q/No. Value Canada 16 2,751 2,395 51,185 Mexico 11,394,985 1,934,596 45,504,680 7,376,182 Dom Rep 65,914 113,350 409,615 494,507 B Virgn 1,900 6,169 Brazil 20,472 8,213 20,592 16,041 U King 69,830 176,613 431,829 793,183 France 74,981 286,801 351,716 1,321,861 Germany 1,606,722 613,389 4,622,021 1,797,497 Switzld 220 7,204 536 22,796 Spain 17,853 94,034 48,875 249,829 Italy 10,544 59,271 82,199 245,009 Israel 3,360 11,052 India 633,585 232,831 2,714,770 1,248,402 Sri Lka 59,836 39,046 526,588 235,796 Thailnd 415,891 228,683 1,032,388 692,832 Vietnam 121,800 17,927 822,900 107,884
July/August 2012
Indnsia China Kor Rep Hg Kong Taiwan Japan Austral Mauritn TOTAL
53,999 20,305,218 179,309 151,003 167,296 377,803
75,654 12,960,590 100,629 149,679 68,523 1,386,078
11,861 35,739,138
48,364 18,604,226
53,999 71,473,942 666,453 1,044,703 536,380 1,188,855 141 25,266 131,566,103
75,654 47,991,271 514,052 639,839 204,930 5,140,127 6,593 97,377 69,340,068
Country Canada Mexico Brazil Sweden U King Nethlds Germany Austria Italy China Japan TOTAL
9603402000 Paint rollers april Year To Date Net Q/No. Value Net Q/No. 2,000 3,544 2,010 1,343,372 392,966 4,162,128 9,708 1,600 7,414 3,600 4,036 20 6,989 20 257,400 50,345 1,023,870 600 274 7,038 307 4,478,995 2,031,939 12,047,910 114 6,083,661 2,500,235 17,254,303
Value 9,082 1,307,612 11,670 17,838 24,218 6,989 257,578 2,652 23,428 6,154,506 2,613 7,818,186
9603404020 Paint Pads (Other Than Of Subheading 9603.30) april Year To Date Country Net Q/No. Value Net Q/No. Value U King 4,070 21,281 6,640 38,791 Greece 5,000 8,014 5,000 8,014 Pakistn 24,800 2,579 152,000 16,390 China 1,213,183 1,122,768 5,742,221 2,764,583 Taiwan 3,002 22,611 TOTAL 1,247,053 1,154,642 5,908,863 2,850,389 9603404040 Natural Bristle Brushes, Other Than Brushes Of Subheading 9603.30 april Year To Date Country Net Q/No. Value Net Q/No. Value Canada 11,634 13,789 61,015 66,891 U King 19,000 44,429 65,387 160,537 Nethlds 324 2,177 Germany 5,032 21,656 10,294 46,785 Czech 25,758 12,956 Italy 11,420 53,892 Turkey 10,780 39,158 India 10,236 12,325 Thailnd 76,528 31,182 Vietnam 8,116 4,845 Indnsia 5,120,292 851,579 16,300,027 2,852,225 China 746,336 180,208 1,962,334 574,828 Taiwan 400 2,939 174,648 52,864 TOTAL 5,902,694 1,114,600 18,716,867 3,910,665 9603404060 Paint, Distemper, Varnish/Similr Brushes Exc Brushes of Subheading 9603.30 NESOI april Year To Date Country Net Q/No. Value Net Q/No. Value Canada 800 2,082 3,252 7,351 Guatmal 27,504 28,397 Sweden 25,630 33,996 U King 50,100 23,540 291,229 93,602 Belgium 712 32,524 Germany 40,680 24,761 64,672 134,709 Spain 2,185 4,535 Italy 402 3,157 4,286 17,253 Sri Lka 4,776 4,905 Thailnd 1,380 3,424 Vietnam 1,444 12,437 4,694 20,099 Indnsia 1,232,328 325,982 10,633,584 2,186,215 China 18,272,975 6,372,204 56,014,395 17,900,488
Hg Kong Taiwan Japan TOTAL
Country Mexico Colomb China Hg Kong TOTAL
4,523 381,980 142,000 78,468 142,207 19,740,729 6,842,631 67,607,009 9603908010 Wiskbrooms april Year To Date Net Q/No. Value Net Q/No. 7,880 3,710 9,248 4,200 66,330 47,548 187,866 2,000 74,210 51,258 203,314
Country Canada Mexico Guatmal Hondura Colomb Brazil Argent Germany Italy Israel Sri Lka China Taiwan Moroc Egypt TOTAL
9603908020 Upright Brooms april Year To Date Net Q/No. Value Net Q/No. 966 74,156 81,567 246,754 55,693 11,184 6,720 12,012 78,654 21,822 5,120 560 27,000 31,502 153,992 1,584 24,192 52,803 130,488 810,235 995,827 2,988,391 18,259 116,194 18,259 34,560 5,976 965,854 1,356,547 3,682,069
21,000 61,865 101,482 20,651,845 Value 6,117 4,754 183,831 17,238 211,940
Value 7,411 284,793 108,079 10,222 6,943 143,293 13,527 8,337 185,553 2,246 228,385 3,788,153 116,194 20,708 4,367 4,928,211
9603908030 Push Brooms, 41 CM or Less in Width april Year To Date Country Net Q/No. Value Net Q/No. Value Mexico 4,140 16,703 30,384 105,815 Hondura 25,596 43,949 Sri Lka 52,428 190,809 229,331 784,283 China 17,232 51,455 64,066 250,266 TOTAL 73,800 258,967 349,377 1,184,313
Country Canada Mexico Guatmal Salvadr Colomb Brazil Denmark U King Czech Switzld Russia Spain Italy Israel India Sri Lka Thailnd Vietnam Phil R China Austral TOTAL
9603908040 Other Brooms, NESOI april Year To Date Net Q/No. Value Net Q/No. 66,912 111,626 311,115 886,711 1,101,361 2,294,019 27,888 23,810 87,144 30,384 31,151 108,804 11,400 9,333 594,376 61,032 118,262 90,512 2,550 1,159 52,080 42,386 106,848 4,800 1,310 7,064 11,307 21,768 5,448 27,514 86,607 6,428 9,300 115,330 198,824 343,108 10,000 7,410 7,941 35,290 2,000 370,025 712,340 1,592,258 1 8,996 24,662 1,641,685 2,404,851 5,734,058
Value 495,501 3,331,772 71,075 116,981 72,759 187,229 17,255 42,276 100,093 4,720 4,500 45,114 176,803 14,776 12,370 542,045 18,257 38,285 2,605 2,829,253 127,787 8,251,456
9603908050 Brooms, Brushes, Sqeegees, Etc., NESOI april Year To Date Country Net Q/No. Value Net Q/No. Value Canada 2,486,061 8,028,550 Mexico 4,001,618 17,198,733 Guatmal 29,184 29,184
PAGE 64 Salvadr Hondura Dom Rep Colomb Brazil Sweden Finland Denmark U King Nethlds Belgium France Germany Czech Switzld Estonia Latvia Lithuan Poland Spain Italy Romania Turkey Israel India Pakistn Sri Lka Thailnd Vietnam Malaysa Singapr Indnsia China Kor Rep Hg Kong Taiwan Japan Austral N Zeal Egypt Rep Saf TOTAL
BROOM, BRUSH & MOP 33,492 1,274,713 17,364 39,824 119,289 34,236 39,165 192,725 27,622 170,425 92,520 13,301 233,133 28,513 9,536 8,576 43,505 20,889 59,568 296,617 16,522 33,313 56,206 546,764 318,367 159,674 37,263 74,357 332,209 39,597,712 465,740 373,753 1,243,758 77,284 5,479 15,703
100,862 4,977,736 83,347 385,418 171,766 58,241 44,651 747,635 136,331 939,545 511,124 27,970 836,688 127,904 31,551 14,620 17,673 139,126 143,297 391,857 976,063 84,433 12,602 60,449 175,658 1,181,849 640,192 1,032,891 76,868 166,148 6,267 597,441 130,572,104 1,120,443 3,123,260 4,932,814 256,802 181,659 5,992 60,284 22,185 180,430,213
July/August 2012
“Communication with customers is important. Most of them can provide good projections of what they will need over a specific period of time. It’s then our responsibility of make sure we have material at the ready.” Besides broom corn and yucca fiber used for natural broom production, R.E. Caddy also supplies palmyra. This fiber is mostly for customers who produce wound brooms. “There are a lot of different kinds of palmyra, and we used to have customers who put this fiber into push and street brooms. However, we don’t see much of that anymore,” Caddy said. “Most of the palmyra that we provide can be found in a wound broom. These tend to be special brooms for the roofing industry or used in snow removal where extra stiff material is needed for sweeping. They are great brooms for specific outdoor situations such as spreading roofing tar, etc.” Along with fiber, officials at R.E. Caddy provide other items to help their customers produce various types of brooms — as well as brushes and mops. This includes steel wire, which is used to either wind brooms and mops, or under special applications, to staple set brushes. Other supplies include nails, either for nail machines or to be used when making brooms by hand; polyethylene sewing twine for stitching brooms; broom knives and a variety of other tools used in the craft broom industry. “Those in the craft trade like a variety of knives, hand sewing needles and all kinds of threads and twines. It’s quite a variety of supplies,” Caddy said. “The bulk of our sales comes from commercial factories, however, so for those customers it’s mostly confined to broom corn, yucca and palmyra fiber, wood handles, steel wire, nails — these are the main components that we supply.” The availability of enough quality broom corn, yucca and palmyra fiber on a yearly basis to meet demand is one of the main challenges that faces Caddy and other U.S. suppliers. This is particularly a concern with broom corn. Most imported broom corn sent to the United States is grown in Mexico, where farmers there have many choices regarding what type of crops to produce. High prices for such crops as sweet corn, soybeans and cotton are putting extra pressure on the amount of broom corn being planted in Mexico, Caddy said. “This challenge is ongoing. Having a reliable supply of material is just as critical this year as in 2011,” Caddy said. “Part of the solution is pricing. Most of the broom corn and other fiber that we need has become a little more expensive over time. Although suppliers and end-customers all hate to pay more, this does help keep such material as broom corn more competitive when farmers are trying to decide what to plant each year.” Contact: R.E. Caddy & Co., Inc., P.O. Box 14634, Greensboro, NC 27415. Phone: 336-273-3609; E-mail: sales@recaddy.com. Web site: www.recaddy.com.
Fiber/Filaments: Continued From Page 18 Contact: Distribuidora Perfect, Calle 4 No. 32, Fraccionamiento Industrial Naucalpan 53370 Naucalpan Estado de México, México Tel. (5255) 5576 2444. E-mail: rrk@brochasperfect.com.mx. Web site: brochasperfect.com.mx.
upplying fiber for domestic natural broom producers is an important part of business at R.E. Caddy & Co., located in Greensboro, NC. This fiber includes broom corn hurl, insides and raw corn as well as yucca and palmyra
fiber. R.E. Caddy, which has been in business for 54 years, supplies material to both commercial and craft broom makers. “We did more business with craft broom makers last year than ever before. It actually outpaces, in terms of growth rate, those customers in the commercial sector,” R.E. Caddy President Richard Caddy said. “There are a lot of people who like to make brooms themselves, either as a hobby or perhaps something to do when they retire. They will take classes and eventually buy the material to get started. “On the commercial side,” he added, “I have noticed over the past couple of months an increase in domestic broom corn broom production.” These are customers who make brooms and other cleaning products found in retail outlets and for the janitorial/sanitary industry. “It’s usually not a problem to keep inventory oriented toward the commercial side, while also having enough raw broom corn on hand for the craft people,” Caddy said. “Regardless of what type of customer I’m working with, it’s important to have products ready to ship on a timely basis. We pay close attention to our own purchasing habits in anticipation of what customers will need from us over a 30- to 60-day period. This is a fairly short turnaround.
Z.HORNET 4 — Fully Automatic Machine For Production Of Endless Strip Brushes Presented by ZAHORANSKY AG for the first time at InterBrush 2012, company spokespeople say the new Z.HORNET 4 is designed for the production of endless strip brushes with modern 4-axis CNC control system. This is an efficient and economic technological solution for the production of strip brushes, e.g. for sealing applications or in conveyor technology. Zahoransky says the Z.HORNET 4 complements the solutions of the Z.HORNET series with a still more economic variation for the production of strip brushes. Features include: laterally driven strip carriage, suitable for endless strips and cut strips, maximum width of 80mm; unfolded filament length of 35.320mm; width position of up to 20° possible; suitable for filling tool sizes up to 8,0mm; filling tool stroke 70mm or 100mm; optional double or triple material box; extremely high output of 700 tufts/minute; noise reduced and is operator friendly (78 dB(A); and short conversion time of approximately 5 to 10 minutes. With a hole distance of 10mm, up to 7m per minute can be produced. This relates to an output of up to 3,5 kilometer in 8 hours, and 1.000 kilometer per year on single shift operation. Visit www.zahoransky-group.com for more information.
Andrew Dailey
Wayne Pringle
Ray LeBlanc
Tim Monahan
Richard Caddy
luctuations with the supply and price of various raw materials used to produce mops, brushes and brooms remain a challenge for U.S. cleaning industry suppliers and manufacturers. Representatives from five suppliers recently discussed the current status of many of these raw materials. Andrew Dailey, of the Jones Companies, Ltd., in Humboldt, TN, said that currently, the overall availability of most raw materials needed for mop production is not a concern. “The challenge is not so much with staple items such as rayon, polyester, cotton — these are fairly plentiful. The challenge is with the supply of recycled mill waste (used in U.S. mop production). This is a moving target, and one that we continually have to chase,” Dailey said. He explained that by-products used in the mop yarn industry for cotton yarns today are textile mill waste and gin motes. In the ginning process there are “Grade A” cotton bales as well as gin mote bales generated. The gin mote bale has more plant residue, even though the fiber itself is virgin. “More gin motes have to be used today than in the past (for mop yarn production) as textile mill waste is not as readily available. Therefore, more costs are associated today with the gin mote,” Dailey said. He added that there has been recent pressure placed on domestic spinners of mop yarn from foreign competition. This is because costs are coming down quicker for these foreign spinners. “They are coming to the marketplace with lower prices today, but their customers (in North America) still must deal with longer lead times, prepaying, etc.,” Dailey said. “Domestic spinners are getting close to that time period when the U.S. cotton harvest begins and the actual cost of gin motes will be established. This should help place domestic spinners in a better competitive position.” Dailey added that most indications point to a good U.S. cotton harvest for 2012, although excessive dry weather being experienced in large sections of the country remains a concern. “There are a couple of factors that are resulting in a current lower commodity cotton price. One is global supply. Right now the current global supply of cotton looks good. The second factor is demand for cotton, which is low on a global scale. These two factors should place continued downward pressure on price,” Dailey said. “All fibers follow each other to a certain extent. When the price of cotton comes down, this can result in downward pressure placed on prices for other items that must compete against cotton within the global textile industry. Although fibers do compete, synthetic fibers are also susceptible to movement within the petroleum market.”
Wayne Pringle, of Amerwood, in Evant, TX, reported on the supply of pine handles from Honduras for U.S. stick goods production. Pringle recently moved his company’s headquarters from Fort Worth, TX, while co-worker Brooks Giles is located in San Pedro Sula, Honduras. Pringle reported that the current supply of pine handles from Honduras is good, but noted that the rainy season in Central America has started which can sometimes slow down the harvesting to Caribbean pine trees used in handle production. “There might be a little extra supply compared to demand right now, but the rainy season has started. This makes it more difficult to keep supply of the raw material in the pipeline,” Pringle said. “Wood handle production is a by-product of lumber. The forests in Honduras are in the mountains, and when it rains it’s harder to get back into those woods to harvest the lumber. The Honduran government takes good care of these forests. If conditions get bad enough due to the rain, government officials will close down logging for a time. They don’t want the dirt roads in the mountains damaged. “There are suppliers (of pine handles) in Honduras that use dry kilns as opposed to air drying.” Pringle noted that the rainy season in Honduras, and the rest of Central America, typically follows the traditional hurricane season of June through November. “It doesn’t rain every day, and some years are rainier than others. Last year wasn’t bad at all. This year, so far, has been average or a little above average in rainfall.” He added that the Caribbean pine grown in the mountainous regions of Honduras is similar to Southern yellow pine found in the United States. “It typically produces strong, straight handles when properly dried. It’s also readily available. There is a lot of pine lumber produced in Honduras,” Pringle said. “This is a country with two parts. There is the tropical area which has flat valleys that produce such crops as bananas and sugar cane, and then there is the interior part of the country which is very mountainous. It’s a pretty rugged place that reaches 4,000 to 5,000 feet in elevation — and it’s just covered with trees.” It typically takes three days to ship products via ocean containers from Honduras to the southern part of the United States, Pringle added. Reporting on recent broom corn and yucca fiber activity for the production of natural brooms was Ray LeBlanc, of PelRay International, in San Antonio, TX.
According to the U.S. Department of Commerce, 57 short tons of broom corn were imported into the United States during May 2012, with a total value of $164,647. The cost per ton average for this broom corn was $2,889 ($1.44 per pound). All of May’s imported broom corn arrived from Mexico. After the first five months of 2012, a total of 232 short tons of broom corn was imported — also all from Mexico. Total value for this broom corn was $605,952, with a cost per ton average of $2,612 ($1.31 per pound). LeBlanc said he agreed with government figures reporting that 57 short tons of broom corn had been imported into the United States during May, but felt the total value of this import was too low. Having recently returned from a broom corn fact finding trip to Mexico, LeBlanc reported experiencing a calmer atmosphere concerning the ongoing threat of violence that has gripped northern Mexico for several years. “It was a little calmer than it’s been during the past several trips. This is good,” he said. “I have a lot of friends in Mexico and hate to see all of the violence that has taken place.” LeBlanc added that this year’s first broom corn crop from the Torreon region of Mexico will be very small — perhaps 300 to 500 short tons or smaller. He noted that farmers in the region have been planting more hectares of other crops at the urging of the Mexican government. This includes cotton, sweet corn and feed grains. Meanwhile, representatives of Mexican broom corn processors and broom factories have not been to the Torreon region as much — especially during the critical February and March time periods when farmers there are making final decisions on what type of crops to plant. This absence has been due to security fears about traveling to the Torreon region. Thus, the promotion of broom corn over the past several years has been decreased. “As a result, last year’s Torreon crop was only about half as large as the one from two years ago, and this year’s crop is going to be about 20 percent in size of what was harvested last year,” LeBlanc said. Another problem this year resulted from a late planting of broom corn in the Sinaloa region of Mexico. “There was a reasonable size planting that took place in Sinaloa but it was late, and this area has a very distinct rainy season. Once the rains start, they don’t usually stop for about a month. If they don’t have the broom corn in the buildings before it starts raining there, it will be lost. That is what happened this year,” LeBlanc said. “So instead of 1,000 to 1,200 short tons of broom corn available, there is going to only be about 200 short tons from Sinaloa. Also, a good part of this broom corn will be low-grade material due to rain stain.” He added there will be approximately a 45-day supply of Mexican broom corn available for broom producers after combining this year’s Sinaloa crop with the first crop from Torreon. There is also a low supply of 2011 carry-over broom corn available in Mexico. “Broom corn insides are readily available right now, but I expect a major shortage of hurl for this winter heading into next spring,” LeBlanc said. On a positive note, he added that current higher prices for Mexican broom corn could persuade Torreon farmers to grow more broom corn later this summer for the traditional second crop. “The price being paid today for broom corn from Torreon is 50 percent higher than the price paid at this time last year. This should be a big enough increase to encourage farmers to plant a second crop,” LeBlanc said. “The problem is a lack of water. The irrigation lakes are very low, and there are limits on the amount of water that can be used. “If a big second crop in Torreon is not grown, then it looks like we are going to have a major broom corn shortage in the near future. In order to harvest broom corn before the first Torreon freeze, which usually takes place in early November, this crop must be planted by early August.” LeBlanc said he did see during his trip to Mexico some Torreon first crop broom corn that possessed very good qualities. “There was some beautiful broom corn down there with nice, long hurl fiber and fine green color. There was also broom corn that was not as nice,” he said. Tim Monahan, of The Thomas Monahan Co., in Arcola, IL, also felt that this year’s first Torreon broom corn crop will be smaller in size compared to past years. He noted as well other troubles still taking place in the growing region. “The threat of violence in the Torreon area remains a concern. Monterrey is also still very dangerous to visit and so is Cadereyta. There are a lot of kidnappings for cash taking place,” Monahan said. “Quality of the broom corn, however, in Torreon should be good.”
July/August 2012
When interviewed during the second week in July, he added that current Mexican broom corn pricing has jumped higher and looks to increase further. Monahan said there are hopes that Torreon farmers will see higher broom corn prices as a good incentive to plant a strong second crop. One problem, however, when it comes to planting broom corn is that many competing crops are also coming with higher prices to the farmer. “There are so many other things going on that broom corn is getting moved to the bottom of the barrel when it comes to planting choices,” Monahan said. “At 57 short tons (of imported broom corn for May), this shows that there are not many (natural) brooms being made in the Untied States. It appears that broom corn brooms are slowly being replaced in the stores with other items.” Lower yucca fiber production is also a concern. “One of my (yucca fiber) suppliers has retired and another two are still in business but have slowed down quite a bit,” Monahan said. Overall business, he added, has been good as of late. “However, there remains a lot of nervousness within the marketplace,” Monahan said. Richard Caddy, of R.E. Caddy & Co., Inc., in Greensboro, NC, felt that May’s U.S. broom corn import mark of 57 short tons was close to accurate. “May was an active month. The (reported total value) was also fairly close to accurate when factoring in both insides and hurl,” Caddy said. “Most of May’s imported tonnage was probably processed broom corn as the Mexican supply of raw broom corn is getting pretty scarce.” Caddy reported during the second week in July that first crop Torreon broom corn had just started to arrive in Cadereyta for processing. Like LeBlanc and Monahan, he is not expecting a very big crop. “We are looking for whatever we can get out of Cadereyta, but the reports right now seem to indicate a small broom corn harvest is taking place,” he said. “Yucca fiber, meanwhile, has a lead time of two to three weeks. Quality of this fiber is still pretty good with no real pricing issues. Pricing for yucca fiber became firmer a few months ago, but has since stayed steady.”
Ha-Ste Manufacturing Introduces Its GoldStrike™ Dust Mop Ha-Ste Manufacturing has introduced the company’s GoldStrike™ dust mop. Company spokespeople say it’s economical and is made from 100 percent synthetic yarn that will not fray. The dust mop is available in beige yarn only, but can be overdyed to achieve various colors. It’s also available in all standard dust mop sizes and backing colors. GoldStrike™ is made in the United States. Call 800-228-6677 or visit www.HasteMops.com.
The new Goldstrike dust mop.
Nexstep MaxiSand™ Disk Drivers Nexstep Commercial Products has announced its new MaxiSand™ Disk Drivers. Features include: Meets today’s ‘green’ standard — block made of 100 percent recycled post-consumer waste high-impact high-density polyethylene; 3/4-inch thick felt — smooth as sandpaper surface, absorbs vibrations and minimizes chatter; 1.5-inch riser and female bolt fitting — riser and fitting molded into block, eliminating the need to add any additional accessories; and, Left-handed steel bolt — securely holds cup as buffer spins. MaxiSand™ Disk Drivers are available at 15-, 16-, 17- and 19-inch sizes. Nexstep is the exclusive licensee of O-Cedar. Please visit our website at www.ocedarcommercial.com for more information.
World leader in filament and fiber manufacturing, design and solutions technology. Engineering Creative Solutions Together.
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