As we approach the end of the summer, or lack thereof, and with children returning to school, at long last, the semblance once more of normality is seemingly within our collective grasp for a large percentage of the country. In a packed magazine we touch on an even more topical subject with our front cover story as Rowan Douglas from Willis Towers Watson examines how the insurance industry can play a more critical role in combating climate change. In a completely mixed bag in the rest of the magazine we cover, amongst others, categories ranging from the wider consequences of serious injury from Adrian Denson from Fletchers Serious Injury and how life is being made harder for fraudsters from Dale Critchley at Aviva. As usual all our other regular columnists supply us with a new range of topics to discuss, including Tom Murray getting irritated by a call centre. I trust you have enjoyed your summer whether it was a staycation or if you managed to get abroad.