BB&N Report of Giving 2014-2015

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buckingha m Browne & Nichols SCHOOL r e p o r t of g i v i n g 2 o 1 4 - 2 o 1 5

above: Middle School students relax after school near one of the many buses that provide transportation to and from school for students from 50 different communities throughout greater Boston, as well as between campuses for sports and other activities.

front cover: Kindergarten teacher Ben Goldhaber and Tommy Bresler ’27 in the Outdoor Classroom back cover: Cami Fitzgerald ’15 at Homecoming 2014

f r o m t h e h e a d of S c h o o l Dear members of the BB&N community, A former director at the school liked to cite a word from the art world that has since become a favorite of mine for conveying what BB&N, this dynamic place, is all about. The word is tesserae: the small, square tiles that are arranged to create larger mosaics. I remember the tesserae image popping into my head when we were evaluating our mission and values statement a few years ago. As groups discussed what should be the key objectives in preparing our students to lead fulfilling lives, themes that kept bubbling up were the importance of engagement over self-absorption, of collaboration over isolation. In other words, very “tesseral” ideals.You are all familiar with educational buzzwords such as “globalism” or “21st century learning.” Ultimately, these boil down to one fundamental truth: We’re all connected. This has resonated powerfully for me during the past school year, and stretching into the summer and now fall. What I am seeing is a schoolwide culture of collaboration, from our youngest students spanning all the way up to our most veteran teachers, that has never been stronger than it is right now. You will read about many outstanding examples involving our students in the pages that follow. Another widespread example has been the explosion of collaborative “professional growth” projects that our

teachers have embraced recently. These include Research for Better Teaching workshops, the ongoing Cadwell Collaborative sessions for B-2 faculty at the Lower School, and Global Online Academy coursework, to name just three. Initiatives such as these are essential for sustaining the excellence of our school and our people.The payoff in how well we are able to teach, coach, and guide our students is incalculable. But it’s also a fact that these sorts of initiatives depend on your philanthropy to take root. And support us you do. Steadfastly. Superbly. Surpassing $3 million in annual donations to The BB&N Fund this past year was a breathtaking milestone (not to mention the additional $2.2 million in capital support). When I announced the accomplishment at our opening faculty meeting in late August, I could see several teachers in the theater saying, “Wow!” to their neighbors, followed by a round of applause so loud I wonder if you almost might have heard it at your home or office that morning. I wish you had. Because each of you—our donors, our volunteers, our ambassadors, our partners—are such vital tesserae, helping shape the larger masterpiece that is BB&N. On behalf of our 1,018 students and 300 faculty and staff members, thank you so much for your extraordinary support. I can’t wait to see how the BB&N mosaic evolves this year, tile by tile!

Will Harris ’15 and Nick Jacobs ’15 were among the 123 seniors who joined the BB&N alumni/ae ranks at Graduation in June.

honor scholarship kindness:

through R e l a t i o n s h i p s , C o l l a b o r a t i o n s , and C o n n e c t i o n s

Living Our Motto

When Class of 2015 Seniors were asked to reflect on their BB&N experience as part of a Senior Project video, a consistent theme expressed by many was the depth and value of their connections and relationships with faculty, each other, and the world beyond BB&N.

Upper School photography teacher Parrish Dobson congratulates Annabel and Libby Smith ’15 at Graduation in June.

At the heart of any academic institution are its people. At BB&N, it is the students, faculty, and staff whose lives intersect daily across our three campuses; the parents and families who support their work; and our alumni/ae who extend BB&N’s relationships throughout the world. The relationships and connections among our students and faculty, and the passion for collaborative learning across all our campuses, link BB&N to the world beyond and truly bring the BB&N motto to life. In this report we share just a few of the countless examples of the ways we live our motto every day. We also honor and celebrate the many members of the BB&N community whose generous investment of resources, time, and talents secures the foundation upon which our motto is built. R E L A T I O N S H I P S ,



BB&N Parent Opens Her MIT Lab to Advanced Biology Students

above: Ardi Hakimi ’15, Chloe DiPetrillo ’15, and Felix Duong ’15 below: Natalie Kuldell P’15 discusses synthetic biology experiment results with seniors Cami Fitzgerald, HJ Hwang, Zach Boughner, Ardi Hakimi, Felix Duong, and Chloe DiPetrillo.

Over the past two years, Upper School science teacher Karina Baum has developed a close relationship with Natalie Kuldell P’15, ’18, Instructor in MIT’s Department of Biological Engineering and President of The BioBuilder Educational Foundation. This collaboration has expanded well beyond a typical “guest speaker” relationship that often brings parents and alumni/ae into BB&N classrooms. During an Experimental Biology class unit on synthetic biology this spring, Kuldell invited BB&N students into her MIT lab to further expand their exposure to the field of bioengineering. This collaboration inspired three of Baum’s students to participate in “Genes in Space,” a national competition challenging students and teachers to solve real space exploration problems through DNA analysis. Consulting with Kuldell and Baum as they designed their experiments, the BB&N students applied their knowledge of molecular genetics and synthetic biology techniques to research a specific problem related to the health, hygiene, and personal challenges faced by astronauts aboard the International Space Station due to the microgravity environment.

Socktober Demonstrates Lower School’s Spirit of Caring for Their Community When Fifth Grade teacher Gabrielle Mbeki and her students were looking for an appropriate community service project last fall to kick off a year of activities focused on one of BB&N’s core values—Kindness— they came upon the perfect project: Socktober! As part of a national effort to encourage support for the homeless, Mbeki’s students set a goal of collecting 1,000 pairs of socks for both adults and children during the month of October. They researched statistics and information on people who are homeless, and worked hard campaigning around the Lower School about the need for socks. They calculated a goal to reach, and pushed themselves to try to achieve it. From Silly Sock Day to the generosity of the entire Lower School community, the project was a huge success and surpassed its goal by collecting 1,023 pairs of socks. After sorting and organizing them, the fifth graders delivered the socks to the Harvard Square Homeless Shelter and Horizons for Homeless Children.

“ I find myself fortunate to have such a wonderful group of students who wanted to take on this ‘Act of Kindness.’They understand the implications of how something as trivial as wearing clean socks can be so impactful to our fellow human beings, and how far one ‘Act of Kindness’ can go.” — Gabrielle Mbeki, Grade 5 teacher

above: Lower School students show off their colorful footwear on Silly Sock Day. below: Olivia Bancel ’22 donates a pair of socks to the Socktober collection box.

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Lower School Outdoor Classroom Provides Opportunities for Learning Outside Classroom Walls

above: Kindergarteners Antonio Santos ’27, Quinn Conine ’27, Joseph Jewett ’27, and their classmates designed and built a unique sculpture in the Lower School Outdoor Classroom this spring, using a style similar to that of Cambridge woodworker and playground designer Mitch Ryerson, whose work the students had admired and studied. Commenting on their design technique, Quinn noted that “we moved the logs together and then we stacked the sticks on top of it in a cool design.”

Taking advantage of the Outdoor Classroom that was installed outside the Morse Building last summer in response to a faculty-led grant proposal, Lower School teachers have found countless opportunities to use the space in ways that engage students in personally directed exploration of their natural world. In redesigning the spring social studies curriculum to take advantage of students’ interests and ideas, Kindergarten teachers Ben Goldhaber and Maria Barton, the Edgar H. Nichols Future Leader Instructor, developed a unit about Homes to help students answer essential questions about animal, insect, and bird houses. Through this unit, they investigated topics including what is a home, what are homes made of, how does the environment affect the structure of a home, and what is similar and different about human homes versus animal/insect/bird homes. Based on the students’ interest in learning more about this subject, the unit culminated with each student researching, drawing, and writing about a backyard animal, bird, or insect; and then building a home for their creature using various supplies and recycled materials. The kindergartners’ animal houses became a temporary addition to the wooden pallets in a corner of the Outdoor Classroom this spring, where they will remain on display (and hopefully habitation by outdoor creatures) into the fall.

Kindergarteners Aiko Bertram, Tommy Bresler, Molly McDonald, Thomas Numa, and Joseph Jewett proudly show off their insect houses before installing them in the Outdoor Classroom.


Connecting BB&N Students with Former Faculty Through Art When beloved BB&N science teacher John H. (Doc) Walters had to remove a giant oak tree from his property 35 years ago, he called upon his colleague Bob O’Brien (former science department chair) and longtime woodworking teacher Paul Ruhlmann for assistance. After the three intrepid woodsmen cut down the tree and sliced it into wide boards, the oak slabs were air dried and used by Ruhlmann for various projects over the years. This spring, Ruhlmann brought one of the last remaining slabs into his BB&N studio where six students in his advanced woodworking class transformed it into a beautiful bench with hand-cut dovetails. The bench now has a permanent home on the second floor landing outside the Upper School theater, and serves as a reminder of the relationships that connect generations of faculty members and students.

left: Upper School woodworking teacher Paul Ruhlmann (left), former science teachers Doc Walters (center) and Bob O’Brien (right) in November 1980, slicing wide slabs from the oak tree they had cut down. right: Ethan O’Reilly ’16, Kofi Yankey ’16, Ryan Pasculano ’15, and Jack McGourty ’15 put finishing touches on the red oak bench made from the 35-year-old slabs. Also part of the design and construction team were Nathan Logan ’15 and Nathaniel Smith ’16.

Creative and artistic recycling at its best, this project is just the latest example of the exceptional work produced by BB&N woodworking students over many years. In recognition of its high quality and design, the bench recently received “First Prize for Furniture” in the 12th Annual New England Student Woodworking Design Competition, one of three (out of six) first prizes won by BB&N students.

Relationships Between Faculty, Students, and Alumni/ae Last Beyond BB&N When Rick Foresteire ’86 stepped down as BB&N’s Athletic Director this spring, the lives he touched— students, families, and alumni/ae—could be measured in the thousands. While the ISL championships and league titles won by Rick’s teams over his 12 years as Athletic Director and 24 years as a coach are a measure of the growth of the athletic program under his leadership, Rick takes greater pride in the lives he has changed by helping students grow not only athletically but also in character, academics. and personal qualities. A special tribute to Rick at Strawberry Night in May brought out classmates, former colleagues, and alumni/ae from across the generations; and included remarks by alumnus Zak Farkes ’02 who spoke on behalf of the entire BB&N community (including brothers Josh ’03, Adam ’06, and Alex ’10) in sharing Rick’s impact on their lives.

“ The main qualities Rick has instilled

in me are hard work and competitiveness. Over the course of my four years at the Upper School, Rick was my head football coach, head baseball coach, and academic advisor, constantly holding me to a high standard, always pushing me to improve, and never settling with anything I did at BB&N. I remained very close with him during my collegiate career and even came back for nearly two years to work at BB&N.” — Adam Farkes ’06

left: Adam Farkes ’06, Alex Farkes ’10, Josh Farkes ’03, and Zak Farkes ’02 congratulate Rick Foresteire ’86 during a Strawberry Night tribute in May. right: In a fitting send-off to head coach Rick Foresteire ’86, the boys varsity baseball team captured the ISL title with a 21-2 record, its 19th consecutive winning season and 6th title under Coach Foresteire.

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Middle School art teacher Sasha Bergmann and her seventh grade students display the final arrangement of their individual turtles into a larger turtle shape. From left: Olivia Knight, Alisha Floros, Aaron Rasin, Julia Noyes, Whitney Janes, Ms. Bergmann, Camille Stockwell, Geoffrey Goose, Andy Monsalve, and Alex Alvarez Sepulveda. ďœąďœ°


Turtle as Messenger: Middle School Collaborative Art Project For their final ceramics project this spring, seventh graders, under the direction of art teacher Sasha Bergmann, created a collaborative work of art for display in the Seventh Grade Foyer that exemplified the ways in which art can serve as a medium to connect students’ learning across disciplines. Using the turtle as a symbolic messenger to communicate their concern for the state of our environment, students worked together to make multiple ceramic sea turtles and then hung them on the wall in the form of a larger turtle. They used changing hues of color−from healthy light green to darker green, evolving into browns and then a sludge black−to symbolize the damage being done to the oceans and the creatures that inhabit them. Bergmann brings considerable experience with collaborative art projects, and using art as a public or political medium, to her BB&N teaching. This fall she is leading an elective on Art for Social Change in which students will create a collaborative art project based on current events.

above: Whitney Janes ’20, Julia Noyes ’20, and Olivia Knight ’20 collaborate on the creation of turtles for the class project. below: Aaron Rasin ’20 traces a turtle pattern in clay as part of the Turtle as Messenger Project.

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Student and Faculty Collaborations Through Global Online Academy

Members of the Global Online Academy faculty cohort group share experiences in the use of blended learning in their classrooms. From left: Upper School Spanish teachers Rosario Sánchez-Gómez and Gabriela Gonzenbach, Upper School science teacher Karina Baum, and Upper School Academic Technology Specialist Megan Haddadi ’97.

“ Having the opportunity to talk about teaching and learning with educators from the other member schools who are based across the country and globe was a highlight for me. We are all deeply committed to making our classrooms (whether brick-and-mortar or online) enriching and dynamic in both content and execution, so sharing ideas, perspectives, and practices was a great professional development experience.” — Leah Cataldo, Upper School Science


As part of BB&N’s commitment to providing students with opportunities for global competency and learning experiences, the School’s new partnership with the Global Online Academy made it possible for nine seniors to enroll in online science and history classes last year, studying subjects ranging from Bioethics to Gender Studies to Medical Problem Solving alongside peers at top high schools around the globe. Given the success of the pilot program, more than two dozen students have enrolled in GOA classes in all disciplines for the 2015-2016 academic year. BB&N’s relationship with GOA also made it possible for all BB&N faculty to gain experience with the concepts of blended learning that are used in GOA courses, enabling them to better integrate classroom and online learning for students across grade levels and disciplines. Additionally, Upper School science teachers Karina Baum and Leah Cataldo received training to enable them to teach GOA classes this year. Along with Upper School Academic Technology Specialist Megan Haddadi ’97, Baum and Cataldo attended a GOA conference in Seattle this summer to perfect their skills in these areas. Their glowing comments about the conference are a testament to the benefits of this type of collaborative learning for our faculty.

Nine Upper School seniors participated in the pilot year of online courses offered through Global Online Academy. Students who took fall semester courses included Jordan Klein and Jaya Aiyer (front), and Serena Saini, Cierra Robson, and Adon Wade-Currie (back). Other seniors who took spring semester courses included Sarah DeVellis, Ally Gillis, Sophie Sadovnikoff, and Christina Stellwagen.


Middle School Students Connect Art, Science, and Technology Through Creative Collaboration Several years ago, Middle School Academic Technology Specialist Svetlana Grinsphan discovered a unique product called Chibitronics, developed by an MIT Ph.D. student who had combined her passion for craft, art, and engineering to create a manual and kit that made circuits and LED lights accessible to the public. When Grinsphan introduced the product to her Middle School colleagues, a new approach to teaching a traditional Middle School art class was born. After receiving a Technology Launch Grant last summer, art teacher Stephanie Moon worked collaboratively with Grinsphan, science teacher Kelley Schultheis, and other Middle School faculty to brainstorm project ideas that would allow students to integrate this technology into their art in a meaningful way. Using a Chibitronics manual and kit, students in Moon’s Eighth Grade Drawing and Painting class this spring each designed a project to incorporate LED lights into their semester-long drawing and painting exploration. Students were given freedom to choose the paper surfaces and drawing materials that would most effectively achieve their vision, the only requirement being that the drawing had to be visually effective on its own as well as with the circuitry enhancements. Students were thrilled with the process from start to finish and were incredibly proud of their accomplishments.

above: Klara Kuemmerle ’19 outlines the pattern of her art work with LED strips. below: LED lights shine through pinholes to illuminate the New York skyline created by Abby Ford ’19.

“ For me, working collaboratively with faculty and embarking on this project with a spirit of exploration alongside the students made using unfamiliar technology less daunting. I was amazed by the students’ exceptionally high level of engagement throughout and how they helped each other with the challenges they faced in a truly collegial way.The artwork the students made, in my unbiased opinion, was simply stunning.” — Stephanie Moon, Middle School Art


Collaborative Third Grade Project-Based Learning Experience Benefits a Global Cause Each spring, the Third Grade Businesses unit led by teacher Maura Pritchard provides students with a practical, hands-on opportunity to synthesize and apply skills developed over the course of the year in innovative and interactive ways. Skills such as time management, self-direction, flexibility, and adaptability are modeled, taught, and applied in various ways over the course of the year, but the Business project does the important work of pulling them together for students in a meaningful way. During this unit, third graders work together to earn salaries by completing tasks in the classroom; rent “office spaces” in which to carry out production; design and market products; and keep careful accounts of money earned and spent. At the end of the unit, the class calculates the combined profit of all the businesses.

Thanks to a generous grant from Lower School Director Shera Selzer, who matches the students’ earnings dollar for dollar, the total revenues are donated to a nonprofit organization. This year, students sent their profits to support relief efforts in Nepal.

above: Anja Caverley-Light ’24 prepares her hair accessories for sale. left: Quinn Pappendick ’24 and Max Boesch-Powers ’24 sell their noisemakers at the Third Grade Businesses sale.

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Trip to Italy Puts Art in a Global Context for Upper School Art History Students

Seniors on Upper School art history teacher Rob Leith’s trip to Italy pose for a group photo in the apse of the 6th century Church of S.Vitale in Ravenna. Front (from left): Bridget DeFranco, Audrey Bransfield, Molly Murphy, Jillian Sun, and Chloe Tinagero; back: Isaac Sebenius, Augie Briger, Hannah Martin, Alex Medzorian, and James Lindberg.

“ Our trip to Venice brought the art that we had been studying to life. I felt like a global citizen, exploring a culture in its streets and churches and not on a slideshow. Seeing the art in real life reinvigorated my passion for art history that has not waned since then.The class changed the way I look at the world and the trip to Venice put those skills to work.” — James Lindberg ’15

For the past three years, students in Upper School English teacher Rob Leith’s AP art history class have had the opportunity to travel to Venice over spring break, with day trips to Padua and Ravenna. This trip allows students to experience important works of art in person and in their original physical space. As Leith notes, “Venice is an ideal location for focusing on several aspects of the history of art, since within its borders one finds important artwork from ancient Rome until the present day, with some of the finest examples of Byzantine, Medieval, Renaissance, and Baroque art anywhere in the world. I believe the trip has been a highlight of their BB&N years for students who have taken it and a highlight of my teaching career.”

“ Belize gave me more of a sensibility of respect and empathy for those living in really tough situations around school, the Boston area, and around the world. Since the trip, I’ve definitely become more involved in foundations committed to helping people in rural areas across the world gain access to clean water and food, and I have a heightened awareness of populations without basic necessities that we take completely for granted.” — Tynan Friend ’15 (went on first Belize trip five years ago)


Middle Schoolers Forge Cultural Connections During Belize Trip This March marked the fifth year that Middle School science teacher Kelley Schultheis has taken a group of BB&N middle schoolers to Belize during spring break, enabling students to make connections with each other, with faculty, and across international boundaries. The focus of the trip is on service learning and leadership training, for which the students prepared by raising funds (a record $3,100) to support their service activities, and participating in an elective unit at BB&N on service and leadership. While in Belize, students engaged in a hands-on leadership curriculum that explored issues faced by both the U.S. and Belize; and used the funds they raised to build a fence around the perimeter of St. Jude’s School and paint the playground and dining hall. Students also explored the surrounding country and enjoyed dinners with local families in the village, helping to forge cross-generational and crosscultural connections.

Each year, when students return, they are clearly changed. As their perspectives have broadened, the middle schoolers have more confidence and greater awareness of their privilege and responsibility to others, as evidenced by their comments.

above: Andy Monsalve ’20 and Zoe Kemper ’18 make new friends at the St. Jude’s School. left: Tauryn Jennings-DuBose ’19 and a student from the St. Jude’s School in Maya Center.

“ This trip changed my thinking of what I have, and all I might take for granted.” — Tauryn Jennings-DuBose ’19

R E L A T I O N S H I P S ,



Panama Trip Brings Science and Culture to Life for Upper School Students Taking advantage of March break for a true global learning experience, nine Upper School students, along with science teachers Karina Baum and Leah Cataldo, traveled to Panama where they shared meals, memories, and scientific explorations. Using their surroundings as their classroom, students explored mangrove forests as they made their way to a bat cave, observing caimans, sloths, and numerous bird species along the way. They also snorkeled with marine ecologists from a local university, visited an indigenous tribe to learn about and share in their cultural practices, and explored a sustainable cocoa farm. The bulk of their stay required sustainable living practices including water conservation, recycling, and solar-powered everything! They spent several days in a secluded lodge on one of the many islands that make up the archipelago of Bocas Del Toro in Panama, where meals were prepared with fresh fruits and vegetables from the garden and surrounding rainforest. They also spent one night in a “floating lodge” on Lake Gatun, the manmade lake created by the construction of the Panama Canal.

above: Ethan O’Reilly ’16 and Kofi Yankey ’16 get a close-up look at Panamanian rain forest creatures with Upper School science teacher Karina Baum. below: Ethan O’Reilly ’16, Orly Levy ’17, and Kofi Yankey ’16 enjoy a Panamanian beach day. left: Emma Jacobs ’17 and Leandra Klein ’17 at Dolphin Bay in Bocas del Toro.


Upper School World Language Week Goes Truly Global World Language Week, a celebration of the six languages and cultures that make up BB&N’s Upper School World Languages Department (Arabic, Chinese, French, Latin, Russian, and Spanish), moved from its traditional February date to April this year, so that student visitors from three international schools with which BB&N has exchange programs could be part of the program. From April 19-24, the Upper School was transformed into a vibrant international school as it hosted 17 French students, 19 Spanish students, and 10 Russian students and their teachers from BB&N’s sister schools in Paris, Madrid, and Moscow. Activities ranged from culture-oriented

classes, a multilingual poetry reading, and a color war/ language celebration assembly; to field trips, an ice cream social, and a pizza and movie night. French visitors also joined BB&N students in a BB&N Serves project to clean the banks of the Charles River. Throughout the week, the sharing of cultures and perspectives among faculty, BB&N students and families, and our international visitors truly exemplified the School’s commitment to and celebration of our many global connections.

The World Language Week blackboard outside the Upper School Almy Library provided a visual representation of all the international trips organized by the World Languages Department in the Spring of 2015.

French exchange students proudly don BB&N Serves t-shirts for their community service project along the Charles River

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2014-2015 D e v e l o p m e n t and F u n d r a i s i n g H i g h l i g h t s


C A P I TA L G I V I N G P R O G R A M S :

•T he BB&N Fund raised more than $3 million, setting

•N early $1 million was received in new commitments

a new BB&N record for annual support.

•M ore than 1,950 alumni/ae, current and past parents, faculty, staff, grandparents, and friends supported the 2014-2015 BB&N Fund.

•T he Class of 2000 shattered the 15th reunion record with $57,115 raised.

for the Middle School Renovation Project, achieving our fund-raising goal for this project and enabling construction to begin in June.

•T he Class of 2015 Senior Parents’ Gift raised nearly $1 million with 98% participation, including gifts to establish a new fund to support collaborative faculty development opportunities, other capital/endowment initiatives, and The BB&N Fund.

•T he Class of 1980 set a new 35th Reunion participation record with 53% participation, which resulted in an additional gift of $5,000 from an anonymous donor who challenged the class to beat 50% participation.

•C lass of 2021 parents raised nearly $50,000 through their Sixth Grade Gift to support the Middle School Renovation Project.

•T hree new endowment and spendable funds were •T he Class of 2010 set a new attendance record for the 5th Reunion with 57 classmates in attendance.

created: the Class of 2015 Faculty Opportunity Fund, Marsh Fund for Faculty Professional Development, and the Wu Scholar Fund.

•T he Class of 2015 achieved 100% participation in their Senior Class Gift.

• S ignificant additions were also made to the Gunness Scholars Fund, Hixon Family English Faculty Fund, Al Rossiter Child Development Fund, and the Thompson Foster Street Financial Aid Fund.



The BB&N Fund

Capital Giving

Total Support

Current Parents $1,941,528 $1,463,524 $3,405,052 Alumni/ae $668,738 $334,770 $1,003,508 Parents of Alumni/ae & Former Students $237,018 $200,325 $437,343 Grandparents $110,894 $30,638 $141,532 Current Faculty and Staff $17,927 $500 $18,427 Former Faculty and Staff $512 $1,055 $1,567 Seniors $2,016 $0 $2,016 Friends and Other Donors $90,610 $201,850 $292,460 Other Operating Support: Parents’ Association Events and Activities $14,113 $14,113 Golf Tournament $8,879 $8,879 Total Support: $3,092,235 $2,232,662 $5,324,897



in millions

3 2



















$3.09 The BB&N Fund continues to meet the critical need for current use support of BB&N's academic, athletic, art, financial aid, and faculty programs, annually contributing an average of 6% of the School's operating budget.

1 0




equity, 35% marketable securities, 15% private equity, 10% real assets, and 15% fixed income/cash.

S U S TA I N E X C E L L E N C E F O R T H E 2 1 S T C E N T U R Y

Gifts to BB&N, whether for current operations, capital projects, or endowment, are an investment in the School’s present and future.The continued growth of The BB&N Fund—surpassing the $3 million mark this year— represents a strong vote of confidence in the School’s leadership and management of our financial resources; and an understanding by our donors of the importance of their support to sustain BB&N’s academic mission. The BB&N Fund provides crucial resources for the School’s $48 million operating budget along with income generated by the BB&N endowment, which had an estimated (unaudited) market value as of June 30, 2015, of $73.4 million. BB&N CFO/COO Brett Fuhrman is pleased to share a number of highlights regarding the School’s endowment investment strategy and practices:

• BB&N’s endowment outperformed that of other peer independent schools over the periods of 1 year, 3 years, and 5 years as of December 31, 2014 (the most recent available comparable data). BB&N’s unaudited performance for the same periods was 4.8%, 9.4%, and 7.6%. • BB&N closely monitors its endowment performance and returns to ensure that adequate liquidity is maintained to support current operations. Currently, more than 70% of BB&N’s endowment is available within 90 days. • The School continues to maintain a low endowment draw rate to assist in the funding of operations. By doing so, the portfolio is able to add a greater percentage of its returns to endowment principal in order to maximize growth to support future needs. The School’s actual draw from endowment during the just completed fiscal year 2014-2015 was 4.05% of the market value on July 1, 2014.

•B B&N reviews its asset allocation policy and the performance of investment managers on a regular basis. Current asset allocation policy targets are 25%

BB&N ENDOWMENT GROWTH (Market Value as of June 30)


in millions

60 40
















20 0 2006




2015 (unaudited)


2014-2015 SOURCES OF INCOME (unaudited)

Investment Income 0.5% Tuition and Fees 81.4%

Other Programs 4.3% Endowment Support 6.4% BB&N Fund Gifts 7.4%

2014-2015 DISTRIBUTION OF EXPENSES (unaudited)

Salaries and Benefits 58.6%

Non-Operating Costs 7.5%

Financial Aid 16.4%


No. of Donors


4 8 13 25 43 57 94 144 168 188 529 647

$400,480 $406,256 $332,175 $431,176 $441,155 $331,091 $258,321 $190,927 $107,784 $60,177 $76,252 $23,434

Total BB&N Fund Gifts: Other Operating Support:

$3,059,227 $33,008

BB&N Fund Total


Gift Level

$100,000 and Above $50,000 - $99,999 $25,000 - $49,999 $15,000 - $24,999 $10,000 - $14,999 $5,000 - $9,999 $2,500 - $4,999 $1,000 - $2,499 $500 - $999 $250 - $499 $100 - $249 $1 - $99


General Operations 17.5%



Amory Gordon ’23 and Avery Rubins ’23 enjoy the mini spacenet climbing structure outside the Lower School Brick Building.


Current Parents BB&N is extraordinarily grateful for the generous financial support provided by current families, 82% of whom made gifts totalling more than $1.9 million to The BB&N Fund in 2014-2015, and many of whom also made gifts, pledges, or payments to support the School’s capital priorities. Three grades attained above an impressive 90% participation. Listed below by grade are all parents who made gifts or pledges to either The BB&N Fund or to a capital/endowment initiative between July 1, 2014 and June 30, 2015. Families with children in more than one grade are included in The BB&N Fund participation figure for each grade, while their BB&N Fund gifts are included in the total for the grade of their oldest child.



GR A D E 1

88% BB&N Fund Participation $24,925 BB&N Fund Total Giving Anonymous (1) Alex and Kristen Alexandrov Christopher Andreoli and Denise Gee Andreoli Jesse and Pamela Baker Nada Bakri Jessica Epstein Baron ’93 and Shane Baron James and Susie Bonsey James Bowen and Carmen Arce-Bowen J. Ryan and Bronwen Carroll Kendrick Chow and Ellie Choi Alexis Boyle Egan ’93 and Chris Egan Dave and Mariana Egan Kimathi Foster Scott Friend and Leslie Riedel David and Christine Gross-Loh Richard Hoffman and Lisa Gross Debbie Longstreet and Peter Lipson Carl and Bridget Long Nicolas Massard and Emily McComb Kathryn Young McCullough ’98 and Gregory McCullough Peter M. Nicholas, Jr. ’88 and Christy Nicholas Steven and Genieve Rankel Ian and Marlene Reynolds Edward Saad and Jane Shih Soyoun and Megan Song John Sorgini and Shari Wolkon Ursula B. Stahl Rahul and Jo Swani Angus C. Treloar

70% BB&N Fund Participation $69,130 BB&N Fund Total Giving Anonymous (1) Alastair Bell and Alice Watson Joshua Bresler and Katherine Ferguson Keith and Susan Brown Steven and Alexi Conine Michael Heppner and Christa Crewdson David Deming and Janine Santimauro Martin Fisher and Andrea Serlin Julia Gwynne Tom and Jeanne Hagerty Rachel Kroner Hanselman ’89 and John Hanselman Justin Hildebrandt and Ying Chen Andrew Jewett and K. Healan Gaston Jared and Dara Kesselheim Gordon and Tania Kluzak Sol and Elizabeth Kumin Paul Kwon and Hyejin Park James and Anastasia Leyden Debbie Longstreet and Peter Lipson Ted Miller and Rosa Tarng Marc and Yueling Moran William Numa and Monica Neuman Soren and Caroline Oberg Shep Perkins and Lisa Mullan Perkins Tim and Elizabeth Rath Sean and Rachel Stevens Jed and Asia Webber John and Towne Williams

92% BB&N Fund Participation $61,447 BB&N Fund Total Giving Christopher Andreoli and Denise Gee Andreoli Chris and Jonna Angelone Ian and Lisa Ashton Jed Bailey and Kate Hardin Thomas Blackburn and Maria Durant Robert Brenner ’86 and Molly Brenner Charles and Georgina Chu Genevieve Cremaldi ’87 and Brendan Fahy Dave and Mariana Egan Patrick and Allison Fischoeder Scott Friend and Leslie Riedel Carlos Gonzalez and Zeynep Ton Chris and Mary Beth Gordon Kurt and Michele Graves Tim Hartshorn and Melissa Reilly Bob and Kristine Higgins Carl and Bridget Long Nicolas Massard and Emily McComb Peter M. Nicholas, Jr. ’88 and Christy Nicholas Demetri Orlando and Joslyne Decker Frank and Kelly Panayotou Niels and Meredith Peetz-Larsen Steven and Genieve Rankel Matthew Rubins and Meredith Rosenberg Sepehr Sekhavat and Gena Heidary Soyoun and Megan Song Apple Stephen ’88 and Andrew Kirk Sean and Rachel Stevens Rajeev Surati and Anubha Sacheti

Lydia E.Vagts ’81 and David Quilter Fredrik and Becky Velander Jason and Judith Walsh John and Danielle West James and Karla Winter GR A D E 2

83% BB&N Fund Participation $37,500 BB&N Fund Total Giving Anonymous (3) Jesse and Pamela Baker Jeffrey Barber and Kimberly Hsu-Barber Jessica Epstein Baron ’93 and Shane Baron Karina Baum and Itai Vardi Theodore Constan and Alison Franklin Jared Curhan ’89 and Katie Curhan Anthony and Maria Datel John Durfee and Preeti Patel Alexis Boyle Egan ’93 and Chris Egan Noah R. Feldman ’88 Patrick and Allison Fischoeder William and Virginia Foote Joel Goldberg ’87 and Cybill Goldberg David and Christine Gross-Loh Richard Hoffman and Lisa Gross Hiroshi Ishii and Akiko Sugaya Jeff and Lisa Kerrigan David Laibson and Nina Zipser Duncan Lennox and Shixin Han Edward and Jacqueline Martin Daniel Medwed ’87 and Sharissa Jones Richard Miner and Corinne Nagy William Numa and Monica Neuman Soren and Caroline Oberg C U R R E N T PA R E N T S


Robert L. Earl Noah R. Feldman ’88 John Fulginiti ’81 and Diane Fulginiti Andy Goldfarb and Stephanie Levinger Harvey Carlos Gonzalez and Zeynep Ton Julia Gwynne Megan Rutter Haddadi ’97 Tom and Jeanne Hagerty Zachary J. Harvey Michael and Monica Higgins Ranch and Alexa Kimball Gordon and Tania Kluzak Jennifer Light ’89 and Jonathan Caverley Richard Miner and Corinne Nagy Frank and Kelly Panayotou Ted Pappendick and Erica Gervais Pappendick John Polcari and Kara Pitt Fleur and Avron Segal Christopher and Meredith Shachoy Matthew K. Sidman ’90 and Lori Sidman Anthony and Dorothy Simboli Soyoun and Megan Song Apple Stephen ’88 and Andrew Kirk Jeannie Chi Yong Suk

Anthony and Yuka Reppucci Rajeev and Ila Shah Matthew K. Sidman ’90 and Lori Sidman Jeannie Chi Yong Suk Kingsley Taft and Gillien Todd Frederica C. Turner ’91 and Alejandro P. Heyworth Philip and Allison Walton Torsten and Beebe Wiegand John and Towne Williams GR A D E 3

70% BB&N Fund Participation $139,325 BB&N Fund Total Giving Anonymous (1) Warren Adams and Megan Weeks Adams Chris and Jonna Angelone Jeffrey Barber and Kimberly Hsu-Barber Ed and Lori Belz Marc Boesch and David Powers Chuck and Kate Brizius Steven and Alexi Conine Genevieve Cremaldi ’87 and Brendan Fahy Heather Gregg Earl

GR A D E 4

90% BB&N Fund Participation $80,455 BB&N Fund Total Giving Anonymous (1) Jed Bailey and Kate Hardin Jesse and Pamela Baker Jessica Epstein Baron ’93 and Shane Baron William and Judith Bijesse Denis and Mary Dowdle John Durfee and Preeti Patel Gian and Karen Fabbri Jonathan Goodman and Elizabeth Silverman Chris and Mary Beth Gordon Patrick and Lisa Holland Hiroshi Ishii and Akiko Sugaya David Kramer and Carolina Gomez-Kramer Debbie Longstreet and Peter Lipson Stuart Levinson and Jennifer Keddy Francis and Marjorie Lichtenberger Robert A. Maginn, Jr. and Ling Chai Edward and Jacqueline Martin Serge Mathieu and Rose Cornet-Mathieu Timothy and Corinne Noyes







83% 76%
























5 grade




Soren and Caroline Oberg Orlando and Anita Patterson John Polcari and Kara Pitt Vikrant Raina and Pratima Abichandani Stacey Reifer Matthew Rubins and Meredith Rosenberg Lindsey Mead Russell ’92 and Matthew T. Russell Gerline Saint Preux Javier Segovia and Rosario Sánchez Gómez Mason Sandell and Jacquelyn Fahey Sandell Allison N. Wade Philip and Allison Walton John and Danielle West Ogden White III and Elizabeth White Janet Costello Worthington ’93 and Michael Worthington Konstantinos Zafiriou and Domenica Karavitaki Marc Zukowski GR A D E 5

78% BB&N Fund Participation $98,325 BB&N Fund Total Giving Anonymous (2) Masud Azimi and Mahshid Samani Stèphane and Brenda Bancel David Berger and Micki Rowaan Marc Boesch and David Powers Zheng-Yi Chen and Elisabeth Battinelli Jimmy and Jessie Chen Joe and Lucy Chung Rob and Yola Cobert Steven and Alexi Conine Theodore Constan and Alison Franklin Jennifer Donaldson Neil Druker and Jodi MacKinnon Tim and D’Jamila Fitzgerald William and Virginia Foote Andy Goldfarb and Stephanie Levinger Harvey Zachary J. Harvey Thomas W. Janes Jeff and Lisa Kerrigan Carolyn Kopans Maxwell Krem

DuanDuan Ma Robert A. Maginn, Jr. and Ling Chai Jeremiah Manion and Staci Fields Frank and Kelly Panayotou Ted Pappendick and Erica Gervais Pappendick Michael and Margaret Rorick Hashim Sarkis and Diala Ezzeddine Dana Schmaltz and Kate Enroth Jonathan and Maggie Seelig Neil Shephard and Heather Bell Matthew K. Sidman ’90 and Lori Sidman Bobe and Sheena Simon Kim Druker Stockwell ’86 and Pel Stockwell Christine Hogan Ward ’86 and Holland Ward Ogden White III and Elizabeth White James Wood and Claire Messud GR A D E 6

72% BB&N Fund Participation $38,640 BB&N Fund Total Giving Anonymous (1) Andrew and Irina Angel Sam Atkinson ’82 and Tess Atkinson David and Andrea Attisani Robert and Karima Aust Stèphane and Brenda Bancel William and Judith Bijesse Gordon Bloom and Sara Singer Chuck and Kate Brizius John and Jennifer Cassedy Ajay and Layla Chadha Victor Chistyakov and Helena Choulga Tim and Susan Corcoran Anthony and Janine Cozier Arup Datta and Madhuleena Saha Denis and Mary Dowdle Heather Gregg Earl Robert L. Earl Gian and Karen Fabbri Chris and Jessica Fallon Raghav and Divya Gadodia Brian Gill and Jennifer Lerner John and Janice Gould David and Christine Gross-Loh Marcia Head Ron and Michal Hirsch

Philipp Lang and Natalie Salem Stuart Levinson and Jennifer Keddy Francis and Marjorie Lichtenberger Qiegang Long and Hongling Han Samir and Rania Melki David and Silvia Nieto Soren and Caroline Oberg Felix and Edith Okwesa Marjorie S. Palace Scott and Kristin Paton Roy and Linda Pollock Michael and Linda Rabieh Stacey Reifer Karl Ruping Lindsey Mead Russell ’92 and Matthew T. Russell Elizabeth Saltonstall William R. Scheer Christopher and Meredith Shachoy Guhan Subramanian and Helen Clement Stanley and Nathalie Tabor Edward and Lynn Trodden Lydia E.Vagts ’81 and David Quilter Fredrik and Becky Velander Christopher G. Weinert ’90 and Bridget Weinert Elizabeth Weir Nick and Tricia Winton Sam Wolff ’88 and Meredith Wolff Folk-Man and Monera Wong Janet Costello Worthington ’93 and Michael Worthington Geoffrey Xiao and Xiaoqing Zhou Marc Zukowski GRADE 7

81% BB&N Fund Participation $212,525 BB&N Fund Total Giving Anonymous (3) Dominic Abrams and Joan LaRovere Robert and Karima Aust David Berger and Micki Rowaan Marina Hatsopoulos Bornhorst ’83 and Walter Bornhorst Jacob Brown III and Lori Catallozzi Mark and Lisa Burton Charles and Adelina Carney Steven Clancy and Lisa Campoli Todd Cozzens and Carme Cozzens Palop

Jennifer Donaldson Doran and Karen Donovan John W. Fanning and Coreen S. Kraysler James and Colleen FitzPatrick Sherri D. Floros Roger and Gwen Forman Justin and Yvonne Foster Howard and Sheila Galligan Fen-Biao Gao and Kun Huang Dennis Goldstein and Beth Kressley Goldstein Jonathan Goodman and Elizabeth Silverman Jonathan and Barbara Goose William and Claire Harden Paul Hayre and Jeannette Perez-Rossello Zhenghua Hong and Jianqin Lu Thomas W. Janes Hongtao Ji and Haoyu Li Stephen and Debra Kemper Bill Keravuori and Jennifer Epstein Shahram and Laura Khoshbin Rakesh and Stephanie Khurana Ranch and Alexa Kimball James and Susanne Klingenstein Alex and Elizaveta Kogan Kenneth Kohlberg and Justine Bloch Dean and Paula Kolbas Ken and Vicky Lang Qi Li and Yiqi Jin Jie Liu and Weitong Ji Matthew and Rachel Loughran Angelo Manioudakis and Melani Cammett Serge Mathieu and Rose Cornet-Mathieu Edward and Marcy McGourty Karol Monsalve William Murphy and Claire Corcoran Kate Champion Murphy ’81 and Brian Murphy (dec.) Timothy and Dawn Nee Timothy and Corinne Noyes Ted Pappendick and Erica Gervais Pappendick Frederick Park and Bonnie Wargo Gregory Pongnon and Chantal Firmin Vikrant Raina and Pratima Abichandani Leonid and Olga Rasin Yves Raymond and Celine Gregoire

Qiushi Ren and Margaret Huaying Shang Joan Rosenberg Mason Sandell and Jacquelyn Fahey Sandell Robert Savage and Agnes Buczynski Scott and Tara Savitz Benjamin Shapiro and Kerry McGill Kim Druker Stockwell ’86 and Pel Stockwell Kingsley Taft and Gillien Todd Geoff and MaryCate Theobald Adrianne Elizabeth Vincent Bo Wang and Xin Liu Francis and Alice Wang Christine Hogan Ward ’86 and Holland Ward Torsten and Beebe Wiegand GR A D E 8

69% BB&N Fund Participaiton $142,966 BB&N Fund Total Giving Anonymous (3) Eric and Sara Aske Kenneth and Christine Baily Amit and Una Basak Ed and Lori Belz Shahzad Bhatti and Aisha Simon Todd and Melissa Boudreau Sierra Heath Bright Chuck and Kate Brizius Joe and Lucy Chung Chris Cooper and Roshanak Ghazinouri Anthony and Janine Cozier Arup Datta and Madhuleena Saha Judith Donath David Douglas and Pamela Gannon Neil Druker and Jodi MacKinnon Damani DuBose and Dawn Jennings DuBose Michael and Sara Fascetti Lee and Philippa Ferridge Tim and D’Jamila Fitzgerald James and Colleen FitzPatrick Raymond Ford and Marion Odence-Ford Kevyn Barbera Fusco ’83 and Scott Fusco Mehra Golshan and Parisa Lotfi C U R R E N T PA R E N T S


David and Christine Gross-Loh William Haining and Hadine Joffe David Hajian and Mary Greenwald Orest and Lillian Hrabowych Charles and Kimberly Jacobs Brenda Herschbach Jarrell ’85 and Kevin A. Jarrell Julie A. Jolin Judy Kanwal Manley Kiley, Jr. and Mary Leahy Josh Klein ’80 Scott Krentzman ’84 and Amy Krentzman Walter and Karameh Kuemmerle Anthony and Jill LaMonica Sung Jin Lee and SooJeong Lim Chiang Li and Liz Zhao Francis and Marjorie Lichtenberger Petra Loney Ken and Susan Lubar Robert A. Maginn, Jr. and Ling Chai Donna Maguire Etienne Marcoux and Nathalie Boily Fumiaki and Kako Matsumoto Steven and Nancy McIntire Samir and Rania Melki Ofer and Shelly Nemirovsky Colleen O’Connor Thomas Randall and Katrina Armstrong Apratim Sarkar and Sudeshna Das Fredrick H. Seguin and Esther Sprano Seguin Ajai and Amita Sharma Manu and Manisha Sharma Michael and Laurie Sheft Andrey and Rimma Soloshenko Michael and Irene Theodore Peter and Nonna Tilke Pirooz Vatan and Roya Esbah Vatan Fredrik and Becky Velander Michael and Agnes Voligny Herbert and Charlotte Wagner Jennifer Steffan Weissman Peter and Susan White James Wood and Claire Messud Ted and Lilly Yun Zilu Zhou and Xiaotong Yu


(dec.) - deceased


69% BB&N Fund Participation $213,037 BB&N Fund Total Giving Anonymous (5) David and Andrea Attisani Greg and Julie F. Auclair Mathew and Alison Avram Asif and Pervin Babu Elijah and Alisa Berg Thomas Blackburn and Maria Durant Kristen Bowden David Bowen and Wenken Ling Lynn A. Bradbury Richard and Ruth Brower Maud Cabot Charles and Adelina Carney Joe and Lucy Chung Tim and Christina Cohen Patrick Collins and Christine Ramsdell Timothy Davis Barbara Greenberg Denton ’77 and David Denton Thomas DiPetrillo and Tanya Arpiarian Charles and Margaret Donnelly Moran Doran and Karen Donovan Eric and Veronica Donovan Neil Druker and Jodi MacKinnon Jim and Lori Duran Jonathan and Barbara Foot Roger and Gwen Forman Markus and Natasha Frank Scott Friend and Leslie Riedel David Goldberg and Sydney Resendez Andy Goldfarb and Stephanie Levinger Harvey Rachael Goldfarb Jonathan Hakim and Linda Bilmes Arthur Hardigg and Therese J. Hardigg Kellen John and Janet Hauswirth Marcia Head Ignacio Inglessis and Ariadna Burgos Eric Jacquier and Kathleen Cullen Peter and Lisa Kaloostian Namho Kang and Jungha Gil Kevin Keegan and Deborah Donahue-Keegan Stephen and Debra Kemper Andrew and Emilie Kendall

Bill Keravuori and Jennifer Epstein Ravi and Christine Khanna Albert and Kate Kim Michael Lyman and Jean Klingler Scott and Natalie Kuldell Michael and Jacqueline Lamphier Ken and Vicky Lang Han Joo Lee and Wonkyung Park Matthew and Renee Levin Haiying Liu and Lucy Wei Qiu Charles and Susan Longfield Mikhail Lukin and Susanne Yelin Joseph Madsen and Ilonna Rimm Robert and Lisa Markey Peter and Cynthia Matthes Kate De Normandie McCarey ’81 and Kevin McCarey Stephen McJohn and Lorie Graham William and Jennifer McKinley John Meunier and James Flanagan Hajri and Rozeta Mija Rodrigo Navarro and Maria Flavia Crespo de Navarro Todd Newell and Raquel Balmelli Joseph and Carol Noenickx Dan and Annette Nowiszewski Robert and Susan Parente Frederick Park and Bonnie Wargo David and Julie Perry John and Lisa Plansky Helen Privett and Maria Vetrano Charles and Susan Ross Bernardo and Mary Sabatini Elizabeth Saltonstall Steven and Gerburg Sands John Scanlan and Agnes Bundy Scanlan William R. Scheer Christopher and Meredith Shachoy Michael and Laurie Sheft Jaime Sierra and Luz Marin Todd and Elizabeth Sloane Robert Benjamin Steinberg Jay and Lisa Symonds Stanley and Nathalie Tabor Bruce Tang and Hester Zhang Jimmy and Pamela Tang Sarina Tcherepnin ’86 and James Morris Gary and Melissa Tearney Gene and Christine Vetrano

Alexis and Nathalie Wallace Francis and Alice Wang Jeffrey and Dalila Wendlandt David and Sharon Whitney Sam Wolff ’88 and Meredith Wolff Maftouh Youssouf and Maria Aduse Ted and Lilly Yun David Zuckerman and Jennifer Snyder GR A D E 10

67% BB&N Fund Participation $339,847 BB&N Fund Total Giving Anonymous (4) Brooke W. Ablon ’85 and Alex Ablon Layne and Kimberly Ainsworth Jaime and Yeseny Alvarez Philip and Yuriko Anton Ian Arnof and Sunshine Greene Yochai Benkler and Deborah Schrag Kim Blair and Kimberly Allen-Blair Todd and Melissa Boudreau Sierra Heath Bright John and Paula Buchanan Domenic A. Capossela John and Diana Chapman Caleb C. Clapp ’79 Thomas and Lisa Clark Barry and Nancy Cohen Larry and Dawn Cohen Don and Lois Condie Anthony and Janine Cozier Paul Cucinotta and Lynne Apone Kevin Daly and Cathleen Campbell Scott Davis and Anne Marie Hill Angela DeVecchi ’81 James P. DeVellis ’84 and Ann Kelly Timothy and Kara Driscoll Sam and Alexandra Epee-Bounya Omar and Karen Eton Len Evenchik and Suzanne Kirschner Ed and Peggy Fitzgerald John and Susan Flahive William and Virginia Foote Kevyn Barbera Fusco ’83 and Scott Fusco Howard and Sheila Galligan Daniel and Anne Galvin Charles and Betsey Gifford Dan and Diana Goldman Mehra Golshan and Parisa Lotfi Kurt and Michele Graves

Todd M. Harrison ’77 and Alicia Crothers-Harrison John Hunt and Lillian Norton-Hunt Robin Hurley (dec.) and William Hurley Freddie and Nikki Jacobs Brenda Herschbach Jarrell ’85 and Kevin A. Jarrell David and Kay Kane Stephen L. Kaufer and Lisa Howe Chris Kauth and Lynda Dugas Anne McEvoy Kilzer ’78 and William Gary Kilzer Josh Klein ’80 Michael and Jacqueline Lamphier Ofer and Sharon Levy Richard Licht and Roanne Sragow Licht Francis and Marjorie Lichtenberger Jack Lifford ’84 and Karen Lifford Richard P. Lovett and Barbara A. Piette Elizabeth Lowrey and David Manfredi W. Timothy Mackey and Carol Lee Rawn Stephen and Nettie Madden Peter and Jen Manganella Greg and Deborah Mankiw Peter Massa and Andrea Martinez Chris and Marlyn Meredith Babi and Srirupa Mitra Karol Monsalve Peter and Kim Munch Kanapath and Anushya Murale Jeffrey Nadherny and Eileen McNeely Rodrigo Navarro and Maria Flavia Crespo de Navarro Said and Ashley Nazemi Gregory and Paula Nelson Ofer and Shelly Nemirovsky J.K. Nicholas ’85 and Virginia Shannon Jeremy and Liliana Nissenbaum Timothy and Corinne Noyes Colleen O’Connor James and Ann Olmsted Joe O’Neil ’82 and Heather O’Neil Pier Paolo and Letizia Pandolfi Randy Peeler and Kate Kellogg William Peng and Hong Geng Thomas and Lori Ann Piacenza Peter Piccirillo and Stella Pang

Amy Rae Robert Rae Leonid and Olga Rasin David L. Rasnick and Alison Berman Cecile Roucher-Greenberg Patrick and Lisa Shin Thomas J. Siegel Lawrence and Joan Siff Paul Smyke Charles and Dayle Solomont Christopher and Elizabeth Steel Robert Benjamin Steinberg Alan Sulikowski and Marisa Fenoglio Michael and Irene Theodore Michael and Agnes Voligny Herbert and Charlotte Wagner Andrew and Karen Wang Torsten and Beebe Wiegand Nick and Tricia Winton David Wolf and Beth Deysher Kirkham Wood and Glynis Gozigian Winston Yao and Jing Zhang Bracebridge Hemyng Young, Jr. and Landis Becker Young Maftouh Youssouf and Maria Aduse GRADE 11

73% BB&N Fund Participation $378,820 BB&N Fund Total Giving Anonymous (3) John and Lauren Addonizio Abdul and Selina Ahad James S. Allan and Susan E. Sunbury Jamie Ames and Stephanie Sawyer-Ames Maure Aronson and Cheri Opperman Mark and Dolores Bamford Moira Barrett and Johanna Schulman Jeffrey and Sarah Beir Elijah and Alisa Berg Matthew Berlin and Simone Liebman Michael and Lisa Bibbey Marina Hatsopoulos Bornhorst ’83 and Walter Bornhorst Page and Jennifer Bouchard Kristen Bowden Don and Katie Bramley Mark and Liz Burnett John Burstein and Molly Silver Paul and Stacey Butler

Brad and Maryellen Cartwright Anthony W. Cerra, Jr. and Julie C. Haynes Yama and Chhuni Cheshatsang Steven Clancy and Lisa Campoli Caleb C. Clapp ’79 Richard and Gabrielle Coffman James Connell and Mary Corcoran Connell David and Jennifer Costello Jack and Cheryl Cronin Gary and Sharon Curhan Jonathan Delgado and Catherine Bird Alvaro Deras and Lili Morales-Deras Joseph and Amy DeSantis Nathan and Patricia Dowden Neil Druker and Jodi MacKinnon John W. Fanning and Coreen S. Kraysler Lee and Philippa Ferridge Jonathan and Barbara Foot Markus and Natasha Frank Yahya and Parinaz Gharagozlou Lynda Gillis David Goldberg and Sydney Resendez Neil and Deborah Goldfine John and Janice Gould Amy Grossman Frank Feng Gu and Hua Hai Drew and Shannon Hayden Michael and Diane Hegarty Ken and Caroline Himmelman Robert and Ekuko Hogan Michael Horwitz and Kasey Kaufman James Jolley and Julie Jalelian Brian and Susan Kavoogian Kevin and Teresa Kelly Karen E. Kiepert Tae Wan Kim and Young Hye Lee Tim and Judi King Tony and Rebekah LaCava Ken and Vicky Lang Benjamin Leder ’85 and Mary Leder Peter and Julia Lee Sung Jin Lee and SooJeong Lim Joseph Lehár ’81 and Nora Ghillány ’80 Michael and Monica Lehner Damon Levin, Sr. and Joann Woodroffe-Levin Deborah Alpert Levin ’82 and Steven Levin ’83

Mark and Becky Levin Joshua Levy and Rachel Rock Wu-Tjong L. Liong and Li-Huei Tsai Haiying Liu and Lucy Wei Qiu Mary Rose Loeken Alba Lopez and Sandra Wheeler Elizabeth Lowrey and David Manfredi Barry N. Lyons Yue Jin Ma and Wenhua Jiang Jamie Mallinger and Elizabeth Gatti Martin and Tristin Mannion Robert K. Massie and Anne Tate William and Cynthia Mayer Edward and Marcy McGourty Kevin and Lynn McLaughlin Pat and Tammy McLeod Ofer and Shelly Nemirovsky Jeremy and Liliana Nissenbaum Dan and Annette Nowiszewski Jill O’Connell and Benjamin Piggott John and Loraine O’Hanlon Joe O’Neil ’82 and Heather O’Neil Hugh O’Reilly and Andrea Lordan Belkacem and Zina Ouldsaada Gregory Papazian and Kim Whittaker Richard and Robin Parker Bianca Pierre Thomas Randall and Katrina Armstrong Ted Ruehl and Claudia Svoboda Bernardo and Mary Sabatini David and Jocelyn Sand Philip and Debra Sloan Richard Solit Eugene Sorets and Merit Cudkowicz David and Amy Stein David Stiff and Pritha Mitra-Stiff David Strodel ’78 and Joan Strodel Steven and Patti Taibl Sarina Tcherepnin ’86 and James Morris Ken and Jill Trehub Todd M. Truesdale Micah and Yael Waldman Margaret Wasilewski and Maureen Fitzpatrick Gerald and Delia Wolf John Yankey and Beatrice Firempong




Under the leadership of Senior Parents’ Gift Co-Chairs Cherise Bransfield and Kate De Normandie McCarey ’81 and a dedicated committee of parent volunteers, the Class of 2015 Senior Parents’ Gift raised a remarkable total of $974,290 to support BB&N’s capital and annual giving priorities. The 2015 Senior Parents’ Gift included $623,265 to establish the Class of 2015 Faculty Opportunity Fund which will be used to support collaborative learning opportunities for BB&N faculty. In addition, $66,300 was contributed by senior parents for other capital and endowment initiatives, and $284,725 for The BB&N Fund and other areas of the operating budget. We are particularly delighted that nearly 100% of Senior Parents participated in this special fundraising program as an opportunity to show their appreciation to BB&N for the exceptional educational experience provided to their children. Anonymous (4) Kamesh Aiyer and Geeta Bhide Aiyer Patrick and Katherine Andreasen Jane Apau Greg and Julie F. Auclair Aixa Beauchamp Elijah and Alisa Berg Stephen Blacklaw and Barbara Appignani Marina Hatsopoulos Bornhorst ’83 and Walter Bornhorst Doris Dwyer Boudens Timothy and Teresa Boughner Robert and Cherise Bransfield Paul and Cristin Briger Richard H. Brudnick ’74 and Cynthia Brudnick Stephen and Judi Catalano Charles and Georgina Chu Joe and Lucy Chung Gregory and Teresa Clark Thomas and Lisa Clark 

Anthony and Janine Cozier Kermit Crawford and Barbara Nobles-Crawford Joel Cutler ’77 and Randi Cutler David and Kathryn Dahl Carl and Denise DeFranco James P. DeVellis ’84 and Ann Kelly Greg and Susan Diffley Thomas DiPetrillo and Tanya Arpiarian Judith Donath David and Tanya English Douglas and Gabrielle Fecteau Carlos Fernández and Maureen Mulligan Louis A. Ferraro ’78 and Jackie Ferraro Ed and Peggy Fitzgerald Robert Flaumenhaft and Lisa Nachtigall Charles and Michelle Fox Wendy Fox Catherine Brosens Francis ’81 and Dennis Francis Scott Friend and Leslie Riedel Kevyn Barbera Fusco ’83 and Scott Fusco Alexander and Jane Gavis Lisa Gianelly ’81 and Jeffrey Levinson Lynda Gillis Neil and Deborah Goldfine Richard and Mireia Greenblatt Eric Gustafson and Lenore Shannon Chun-Shin Hahn Alireza Hakimi and Nazila Hakimi-Bidabadi Jane Hamilton and Mary Grenham Robert and Kerriann Harris William and Kathleen Harris Drew and Shannon Hayden David and Ellen Herrick Ed and Alane Hodges Ha Il Hwang and Mi Sun Kang Freddie and Nikki Jacobs Brenda Herschbach Jarrell ’85 and Kevin A. Jarrell Matthew and Robin Kahn Rafiq and Shams Karimi Stephen L. Kaufer and Lisa Howe Andrew and Emilie Kendall Scott and Di Kirwan Josh Klein ’80 Kenneth Kohlberg and Justine Bloch Scott and Natalie Kuldell

Michael and Kathleen Langen Mark and Susan Lavoie Susan B. Lehman Dora Lewin Jack Lifford ’84 and Karen Lifford Mark C. Lindberg and Aline Gery Michael and Elysabeth Logan Peter and Deirdre Martin Kate De Normandie McCarey ’81 and Kevin McCarey Edward and Marcy McGourty Jay McNamara and Eileen Murphy-McNamara David Medzorian and Valerie Becker Belete Mekuria and Zemtawork Tesfaye David and Martha Metzdorf Benjamin W. Moulton and Ann Nelson Moulton Kate Champion Murphy ’81 and Brian Murphy (dec.) Christopher Nagel and Katherine Gundersen Frances Nalubega Todd Newell and Raquel Balmelli Joseph and Carol Noenickx Daniel Nvule Colleen O’Connor James and Barbara O’Connor Richard Page and Maura Murphy Mark and Deb Pasculano Scott and Kristin Paton Randy Peeler and Kate Kellogg

Robert and Cheri Pereira David and Julie Perry Syphorn and Nickie Phan Richard and Patricia Pino Leon and Marie Ridore Mark A. Roberts ’63 and Amanda Wang Charles and Hansella Robson Thomas and Marcella Ruddy Nicholas Sadovnikoff and Marcie Rubin Ajay Saini and Mina Paul Steven and Gerburg Sands Lester and Cynthia Savage Jim Sebenius and Nancy Buck Steven and Ellen Segal Leslie Segelke Michael and Ina Sipser Bradford J. Smith Eugene Sorets and Merit Cudkowicz David Jon and Elizabeth Stellati Eric and Sarah Stellwagen Benjamin and Anne Steverman Will Sun and Lynne Bolduc Halston and Katherine Taylor Jim and Susan Tinagero Desmond Tyler Allison N. Wade Ajay Wakhloo and Veronica DeGreiff Nick and Tricia Winton John Zhang and Pauline Gong David and Susan Zimmerman

The McCarey family shares several generations of BB&N alumni/ae connections at Graduation in June. From left: Kate De Normandie McCarey ’81, Fiona McCarey ’15, James McCarey ’18, and Caitlin McCarey ’13.

Alumni/ae BB&N alumni/ae continued to provide crucial support to The BB&N Fund and capital giving programs during 2014-2015. Nearly 1,000 alumni/ae contributed $668,738 to the 2014-2015 BB&N Fund. The Classes of 1980 and 2000 set impressive reunion participation and gift records. The Class of 2000 raised $57,115 while the Class of 1980 succeeded in breaking their 50% reunion participation challenge, achieving 53% participation. This new 35th Reunion record resulted in an additional $5,000 gift toward The Class of 1980 Reunion Fund from an anonymous donor. Listed below, by class and school, are all alumni/ae who gave to either The BB&N Fund or to a capital/endowment initiative during fiscal year 2015 (July 1, 2014 – June 30, 2015). Those individuals with a (*) have given for at least five consecutive years. We are grateful for the consistency and loyalty of these alumni/ae in their support of their alma mater.

1929 - Buckingham Ray Speight Theriault

1943 - Browne & Nichols Robert F. Whitman *

1938 - Buckingham Margaret Breed Marsh Suzanne Reed Newton * Lydia Phippen Ogilby * Mabel C. Richardson

1943 - Buckingham Carolyn Taylor Farrow * Emily Evarts Gordon *

1940 - Browne & Nichols Dan H. Fenn, Jr. * Benjamin T. Wright * 1940 - Buckingham Jane Hewitt Tierney 1941 - Browne & Nichols Charles F. Brown, Jr. Peter J. Lehner Charles P. Slichter * 1941 - Buckingham Constance Fraser * 1942 - Browne & Nichols Bartlett M. Hauthaway (dec.) * Richard S. Hill James Hugh Powers Richard A. Smith * 1942 - Buckingham Enid Clarke Winchell *

1944 - Browne & Nichols Louis A. Cutter * Peter M. Hewitt (dec.) 1945 - Browne & Nichols George Hansen, Jr. * Calvert Magruder, Jr. * Lawrence N. Miller * Paul Watkins * 1945 - Buckingham Sally O’Brien Hennessey * Persis Gleason Laverack Elizabeth R. Taylor * 1946 - Browne & Nichols Whitton E. Norris, Jr. * 1946 - Buckingham Ruth Metzger Bruening Edith Anderson March * Betty Spelman * 1947 - Browne & Nichols Igor R. Blake * Kirk Bryan, Jr. Norman E. Hansen * William C. Sawyer *

1947 - Buckingham Ann Simmons Butler * Mary Coit Drury * Ruth Hadley Dunbar Nancy Ames English Ann Landis McLaughlin * Laura Richardson Payson * Judith Maraniss Weber * Mary Louise Slichter Whaling *

Harley P. Park D. Bradford Wetherell, Jr. Pete White * David S. Wise *

1948 - Browne & Nichols George S. Ames * Duncan Smith * Frederick A. Stevens, Jr. * Roger M. Thomas *

1951 - Browne & Nichols Harry C. Barr Michael Moskow Peter W. Packard * Allan H. Seigal *

1948 - Buckingham Jean Dupee Lloyd-Rees Mary Pennington Weatherall *

1951 - Buckingham Martha Walton Evens * Margaret R. Goostray * Ann Imlah Schneider * Frances Smith Wetherell

1949 - Browne & Nichols Ralph S. Brown * Clayton W. Dodge Frederick J. England, Jr. Theodore B. Gazarian George M.Yazejian 1949 - Buckingham Peg Morton 1950 - Browne & Nichols Edward C. Bursk, Jr. * Gerald Groden Jonathan Moore *

1950 - Buckingham Gisela Martens Fry * Virginia Angevine Fuller * Sheila Malone King *

1952 - Browne & Nichols Laurence D. Berman * Robert A. Dole, Jr. * Paul G. Kirby J. Gordon Lunn * Robert M. O’Neil * 1952 - Buckingham Marjorie Morando Cairns * Louise Slater Huntington * Julane Hotchkiss Knobil * ALUMNI/AE


Richard A. Cabot * Carl D. Canner Russell B. Clark * Mark B. DeVoto * James J. Fitzgerald * Richard H. Goldman George A. Nelson John B. Wheeler * Douglas C. Whitney, Jr.

Helen Ernest McCune * Ann Pottinger Saab * 1953 - Browne & Nichols Charles D. Bonanno Fred Cohen Thomas A. Fitzgerald, Jr. * Seth Gibson * John Grinold *

1957 - Buckingham Ellen Tague Dwinell * Diana Volkmann Pratt * Susan Stearns Scott * Charlotte Pratt Sudduth * Sarah Kibbee Weinberg *

1953 - Buckingham Sarah Greene Bull * Frances Tubby Chilcote * Lee Ginsburg Herbst 1954 - Browne & Nichols Frank F. Chin * Richard H. Goldman Arnold E. Jacobson George F. Olesen, Jr. * Arnold H. Singal * William A Truslow, Jr. * 1954 - Buckingham Nancy Hoadley Fryberger * Cornelia Dunning Hollister Elizabeth MacMahon Jochnick * Karen Thimann Romer * 1 9 5 5 - B R O WN E & NICHOLS 6 0 T H R E U N IO N

1958 - Browne & Nichols Richard M. Boonisar * Richard D. Craven Peter S. Gove Jeremy I. Moskow Thomas E. Stolper * John H.Van de Graaff * Charles F. Woodard, Jr. * 1958 - Buckingham Margery Brown Blacklow Sara Hunter Hudson Cathy Holst Levine Cynthia Hersum Radue

Edwin R. Sage II 1956 - Browne & Nichols John T. Giblin * Nathaniel M. Gorton * William W. Graves * Melville T. Hodder * Mallory H. Slate Gardner M. Stultz * John B. Watkins Henry N. Winslow * 1956 - Buckingham Ellen Smith Giblin * Sally D. Hurlbut

1959 - Browne & Nichols Edward L. Etsten * Tom Hennessey * Markku Juhani Pohjola Peter S. Slocum Peter H. Smith Robert B. Stephenson * Paul A.Vernaglia * 1959 - Buckingham Toby Lerner Ansin Susan Everett Blabey * 1960 - BROW NE & N IC H OL S 55TH REUNION

1957 - Browne & Nichols Kevin G. Barbera *


(dec.) - deceased

Richard M. Chalfen * Leonard F. Conway, Jr. *

* - donor for five or more consecutive years

Hugh T. Field Bud Gruenberg, Jr. * Frederic G. Houle * Arthur E. Schoepfer * Charles L. Short, Jr. 1960 - B U C K IN GH A M 55T H R EU N ION

Anonymous (1) Eleanor Weiss Angoff * Nan Kindall Holmes * Cay Stratton * Nancy Morse Torti 1961 - Browne & Nichols Keilah D. Coon * Ferdinand V. Coroniti * James Donovan * Jack Hardy * Charles H. Shurcliff 1961 - Buckingham Sue Hyman Besharov * Margaret Sandoz Hardy * Stephanie Shires Hooper * V. Ann Nail Karr Susan Rich Rona Deborah Willard Sawyer * 1962 - Browne & Nichols Andrew T. Adams * Kenneth J. Berk * Joseph L. Butera Robert L. Clark * Rupert A. Emerson Peter B. Finn * Fred Gordon David R. McCann James McLendon * Christopher M. Meyer * Daniel Singal *

Brenda Luquer * Virginia Simonds White * 1963 - Browne & Nichols Peter R. Bono * Bruce H. Brehm Alan H. Field * Peter W. Fink * Lars A. Hanslin * David Kasdon (dec.) * Thomas D. Lincoln * Cody Meissner Mark A. Roberts * Richard E. Wengren, Jr. 1963 - Buckingham Janet Griffin Abbott Julie Fallwell Kinkade Megan Lehmer * Victoria Guy Smith Schilling Elspeth Eustis Taylor * 1964 - Browne & Nichols Kenneth R. Andrews Charles A. Atherton Charles N. Dermenjian, Jr. * Robert Franklin Frederick Good Douglas M. Haigh * Peter A. Hoffman Donald C. Johnson * Joseph E. McKeigue * William J. E. Morton * Joseph A. Sammartino, Jr. * 1964 - Buckingham Helen Chen Emily Pond Clarke * Priscilla Cogan * Lucy W.Young Robinson 1965 - B R OW N E & N I C H O LS

1962 - Buckingham Louise Bingham Bennett Caroline Mechem Fenollosa * Ellen L. Frost * Rosalind Gorin * Trina Barnett Grantham * Katharine G. Gregg Katharine Winslow Herzog * Pamela Hardee Jackson *


Fred Berk Richard B. Coakley David Curtis Hunt Dowse * Timothy K. Earle Jerry S. Friedman Richard W. Kirkpatrick John M. Leventhal

Christopher R. McAleer * Jonathan Moss Melvin P. Osborne, Jr. Richard M. Petkun Bill Shutzer John H. Stevens Howard Sturges Charles Thurlow IV W. Frederick Uehlein Tim N. Whiting 1 9 6 5 - B U C K IN GHAM 5 0 T H R E U N IO N

Wendy Weinstein Fish Martha Siegfried Fritz * Karen Friedman Hawthorne Laura Stratton Thoresby * Jill Totenberg 1966 - Browne & Nichols Theo Armour * Michael J. Bucuvalas * Miceal G. Chamberlain David D. F. Kennard Thomas W. Kensler * Peter D. McManmon * Anthony Morse III * Bob Nye * Lawrence M. Schell *

David R. Epstein * Richard N. Jacobson Peter A. Rossetti, Jr. * Dolph J.Vanderpol * 1968 - Buckingham Erica Reitmayer * Jane Willard White * 1969 - Browne & Nichols George S. Bain * John M. Schiller Roger Sohn * Theodore L. Westlake Richard M. Wyman, Jr. 1969 - Buckingham Ann Nemiah Conway * Katherine Jacobs Eyre *

his wife Joyce.The Dermenjians have attended countless Strawberry 1970 - BROW NE & N IC H OL S 45TH REUNION

David C. Bono * Alan M. Leventhal * David T.W. Minot Richard W. Rowe Alexander Vershbow 1970 - BUCKINGH A M 45TH REUNION

1966 - Buckingham Sigrid Obenland Gail Wallins Plotkin * Lenore Gessner Travis (dec.) *

Charles Dermenjian, Jr. ’64 enjoys Strawberry Night in May with

Cynthia Chace * Margie Bain Huoppi * Joy Pheeney Messineo Linda Burnett Perry * Margaret Bates Sharis *

1967 - Browne & Nichols Edward M. Alt Stephen Besse * Seth A. Goldfine George P. Kacoyanis * Stephen B. Nilsen * David B. Roberts *

1971 - Browne & Nichols Thomas K. Blake * Raza M. Dean John N. Fisher, Jr. * Arthur L. Lewis II *

1967 - Buckingham Martha Campbell Gellens *

1971 - Buckingham Jane Lempereur Bradbury Mary Cameron Lord Catherine Reurs *

1968 - Browne & Nichols David M. Banash * Don Berk * Edward C. Browne, Jr. Gregory Catani

1972 - Browne & Nichols Lee T. Archung * Geoffrey R. Booty *

Nights and alumni/ae events over the years and have been loyal donors to the School for 19 consecutive years. Wendell B. Colson Steven Damalas * David C. DiBenedetto * Peter Gergely * Michael R. Glendon * Peter F. Howe Mark Krentzman * David Joseph Murphy * James G.Vouros, Jr. * Richard C. Walton 1972 - Buckingham Erica Lenk Emmet * Barbie Butler Foster 1973 - Browne & Nichols John Crocker III * Bradford Hardie II * R. Gustav Niebuhr Mark E. Satterfield 1973 - Buckingham Leslie Eloise Gredler * Christine Hill Smith *

1974 - BB&N Chester S. Beattie, Jr. Mark R. Bernfeld Richard H. Brudnick * William D. Gardner * Michael W. Kahn Costa Littas Marsden H. McGuire * Gregory J. Pano * William M. Petkun * Jane Gair Prairie Janet M. Storella * Laura Hodges Taylor * Susan Broadhurst Taylor * Juliet Teixeira * Earle S. Tutunjian (dec.) 1975 - B B & N 40T H R EU N IO N

Emily Baker Black Gemma M. Burns Michael J. Connolly Richard H. Cook Matthew C. Emerson



Alison Field-Juma Carolyn L. Greenberg * Marina Grossi Brett M. Harrison * Christopher P. Mosca * Jay E. Rosenfeld John E. Schoepfer Anita Gilman Sherman Peter Slavin * Katharine Malcolm Stohlman * Carol Cesari Tourgee 1976 - BB&N Norman W. Alpert * Morgan Baker Brelis * Eleanor S. Campbell-Swank * Jane E. Minasian * Marilee Moy Rebecca Verrill Smith * Bob Strodel * 1977 - BB&N E. Park Kelly Coughran Joel Cutler * Barbara Greenberg Denton * David Fialkow * Todd M. Harrison * David Orfao 1978 - BB&N James E. Baker Hans-Peter Biemann * Andrew H. Bush * Anne Casner Alexandra Chinoporos Colette de Marneffe * Janine Elliott Louis A. Ferraro Andrea Scully Keogh * Omar H. Khudari * Anne McEvoy Kilzer * Debra Smith Knez * Joseph S. O’Loughlin * Jennifer J. Payette * Virginia Pye David Strodel * Christine Brey Treat Karl H. Trieschman Mark H.Vanger * David B. Williams *


(dec.) - deceased

1979 - BB&N Anonymous (1) Christopher Baker Dina Wolfman Baker Caleb C. Clapp Tenney Mead Cover * Eric Eisendrath Keith G. Moskow * Jon Pressman * William A. Rome * Richard Truesdell, Jr. * Adam Whitlock *

Jane Coles Ryter William Schwalbe John Simon * Becky Smith Geoffrey A. H. Steadman Amy F. Steffian * Michael H. Stevens Jeffrey H. Sturges Stuart Treat David A.Valenstein Lydia Rizzo Vorsteveld Susan B. Whitlock

1980 - BB&N

1981 - BB&N Anonymous (1) Deborah Grassi Baker * Deborah Freedman Belt Allison B. Carnduff Rachel Smollen Carter Carolyn Gomatos Del Gizzi Angela DeVecchi Catherine Brosens Francis * John Fulginiti * Robert M. Gailey * Lisa Gianelly * Karen Kalina * Joseph Lehár Kate De Normandie McCarey * Kate Champion Murphy * Tiron Pechet * John Toupin * Andrew F. Upton * Lydia E.Vagts *


Anonymous (1) Jeffrey M. Baden John J. Buckley III Carolina Caldini Randi Stempler Chen Francesca Connolly Elizabeth Hodder Corbus Christopher R. Defilippi Christopher DeLorey Anne Cook Draudt Sarah A. Emerson Ari W. Epstein Matthew T. Fremont-Smith * Nura Khudari Funda Alexander A. Gendzier Nora Ghillány Keith Gilbert Daniel T. Griscom Eric D. Grunebaum Eric X. Hamilton Cathleen Howard Holmes Abigail P. Johnson * Barbara Katzenberg Josh Klein Jay Knowles Tim Leinbach David F. Levingston M. Sherif Lotfi Paul E. Lustiber Amy Dray McNamee Jessie Meyer-Eisendrath Ruth Morss Katrina Scully Ohl Vincent James Patalano II Margaretta Clapp Phillips

* - donor for five or more consecutive years

1982 - BB&N Sam Atkinson * Shaun M. Duffy III Jeffrey M. Glauber Karene-Sean E. Hines Paul Lee * Deborah Alpert Levin * William L. Marshall IV * Joe O’Neil Alice Reich * 1983 - BB&N Timothy F. Austen Marina Hatsopoulos Bornhorst * Jane H. Fink Kevyn Barbera Fusco Daniel P. Karnovsky * George T. Koh *

Mark Leeds Steven Levin * Suzie Reider David A. Talanian Annie Touborg Ward 1984 - BB&N Anonymous (1) James C. Bush * Paul Deutch James P. DeVellis Brendan G. Diffley Benjamin A. Holtz Scott Krentzman * David Kris Peter K. Levitt * Jack Lifford * Michelle Allard McMahon * Maura Griffith Moffatt Lewis Pearlson Robert J. Reiskin * Kenneth C. Smurzynski * Jennifer Stern John P. Stonestreet * David Sze * 1985 - B B & N 30T H R EU N IO N

Brooke W. Ablon * William V. Anninger Sarah Bureau Bazos Elizabeth Cahn * Ted Chavez Frederick H. Hofheinz Brenda Herschbach Jarrell Daniel A. Kaufman * Jennifer Wieland Knowles * Jonathan M. Koff Benjamin Leder * Edward J. Murphy, Jr. J.K. Nicholas * Bjorn R. Slate David J. Thompson Beth B. Whitlock Clarence G. Williams, Jr. * 1986 - BB&N Tamara W. Ashford * Robert Brenner Annie Brewster * Mark Cobb * Adam R. Cohen *

2014-2015 REUNION



Browne & Nichols
































Jonathan K. Coon Amanda Kazanjian Culhane * Robert D. Curtin * Lisa Evangelista Richard J. Foresteire, Jr. * Jennifer Lebowitz London * Jenny Nauss * Jenifer Curhan Panner * Margaret Danenbarger Royston * Suzanne Siner * Kim Druker Stockwell * Sarina Tcherepnin Christina L.Vaule * Christine Hogan Ward

1988 - BB&N J. Stuart Ablon * Shergul Arshad Valerie M. Chase Alexander C. Dyer * Karin E. Elliott Noah R. Feldman Tracey Gangi Johnson * Mark La Camera * Peter M. Nicholas, Jr. * Jonathan M. Siner * Apple Stephen * Caitlin Glasser Travers * Sam Wolff *

1987 - BB&N Anonymous (1) Larisa A. Bevan Rebecca B. Borden * David J. Braemer * Mark Costa * Genevieve Cremaldi * Julia Holleran del Sobral * Catherine Bronnert DeSchepper Ray Diffley Joel Goldberg * Samantha Malm * Robert G. Mather * Daniel Medwed Lisa Levy Shaub Ursula S. Slate Catherine Giles Stecher * Christopher N. Travers * Allison C. Warren Jennifer Wharton

1989 - BB&N Jennifer Gelfand Church * Jared Curhan * Wendy Falchuk * Jamie Hale * Rachel Kroner Hanselman * Christopher Harris Daniel Hayden Jennifer Light Erin Stokes Majernik * Tavan Pechet * Keith Perry * Selina Wood Rossiter * Shelley McEachern Simmons 1990 - BB&N 25TH REUNION

Anonymous (2) Shehime Arshad Jessica Balboni

Michelle Cherande * Sarah Thiemann Connolly Holly Coombs * Brian C. Crounse Jeffrey David Cory Liebergott Floyd * David Frank Ilya Fuchs Deborah Gordon * Craig Gorton Morgan Gaspar Herman Shanna Hines Franz Ingelfinger Elin Norberg Lamb * Allegra Wechsler Lowitt Kate Novack Joseph J. Nugent III Andrew M. Purcell Katherine Nicholas Ronan Matthew Sidman * William Simone Maria Whitehorn Votsch * Christopher G. Weinert * Oliver Weir Caleb Winder Katherine Fesus Zanto 1991 - BB&N Anonymous (1) Nathaniel S. Bacon Susan Herzlinger Botein Aberre C. Broome Terrence A. Butt * Caroline Schaefer Del Col * Nicholas S. Kasdon

BB&N Class of 2000 15th Reunion Record $57,115 BB&N Fund Total BB&N Class of 1980 35th Reunion Record 53% BB&N Fund Participation

Matthew P. Kelliher * Robert B. Knight * Sarah E. Light * Michael S. Stacchi * Karen E. Todd * Frederica C. Turner * Kim Ablon Whitney * 1992 - BB&N Jennifer Winn Aronson Marya Hill-Popper Besharov * Veronica P. Gapud Ian B. Glick * Caroline Good Emily Frug Klineman * Lindsey Mead Russell * Laura Meeks Saltonstall * Michael Schnitman * Rebecca Lewin Scott * Robert K. Shavell * Sarah Spitz * Alison Tsoi * Matthew S. Zises * 1993 - BB&N Jessica Epstein Baron * Mohit Bhatia * Aaron B. Brown * Adam Bruce Sumi Paek DeBenedittis * Alexis Boyle Egan * Carrie Ardito Fanlo Elana Feinberg * David Jellinek * ALUMNI/AE


Kari Jorgenson Brett D. Lovins * Maryssa Schneider McLean Elizabeth Zug Moore * Amy Rofman Ethan C. Rossiter * Arielle Strem Ruys Jennifer Sartory Jesse A. Sarzana * Samuel E. Sherry * Matthew A. Weissman * Janet Costello Worthington * 1994 - BB&N Eric Adams * Kenton Beerman * Alyssa D’Ambra Sophia Fregosi Mark Granovsky Jason Kolman Brian M. Leahy, Jr. Lisa Bard Levine * Josh Mendelsohn Kirsten Catanzano Messina Ted Norberg Samir Randolph * Sharon Kams Shaff Peter D. Shah Kate A. Tauber Erika Tower * Mary-Margaret O’Donnell Zablocki * 1995 - BB&N 2 0 T H R E U N IO N

Anonymous (1) Beth Myers Azano * Katherine Stirrat Carleton * Sam Ditzion Alexander Fine F. Tyler Hardy * Conor McDonough Toby Nanda Alison Powers * Melisa Nasella Shen Alison McConologue Thompson * Katherine Tomford * Courtney Stokes Willett * Melissa Schwab Wright *


(dec.) - deceased

1996 - BB&N Amelia Ames Sahar Aminipour * Matthew K. Englander * Mr. Brian Gangemi Andrew Kopans Emily Leventhal * Allison M. Lewin Courtney Dann Mack Amanda Muros-Bishoff Jesse Needleman * Kerri Tyman Obstein * Sarah Eliza Petrow Alan F. Riley * Catherine L. Shortsleeve 1997 - BB&N Tegan Leonard Avellino Jennifer Berylson Block * Kathryn Dingman Boger * Ellis Yelton Dillon * Emiko Domoto-Reilly Gabriel S. Eichler Aron L. Epstein Bryan D. Falchuk * Felicity Fishman Karen R. Freedman Megan Rutter Haddadi * Andrew Iappini Eric Leslie * Marc Lieberman Frederick Sanjeeve Martyn * Nathaniel Meyer Caroline Hardy Pierce * Kathleen Gilmore Pillsbury * Katiuscia S. Potier Julia S. Powell * Rebekah Splaine Salwasser * Zachery T. Salwasser Jennifer Murray Talmadge * 1998 - BB&N Anonymous (1) Jake Anderson-Bialis * Scott Belsky * Philip Davidson * Ben Grossman * Emily Hennigar Hill-Wisniewski Kathryn Young McCullough

* - donor for five or more consecutive years

Jason Oppenheim Elizabeth Horst Redman * Alexander E. Ropper * Jed J. Rosenbaum * Robert E. Weyman Fan Wu * 1999 - BB&N Anonymous (2) Jessica Server Alam * Sonya Behnke Kathrene Tiffany Bell * Neel Chaudhury William Droste J. Patrick Duffy Michael Ellis Pauline Kim Han * Alix Leader-Cramer * Alexander D. Moore * Oliver Uhl Nordlinger * Descatur Potier * Jonathan Tracy 2000 - B B & N 15T H R EU N ION

Jessica Batzell James T. Berylson * Sarah Booker Kristin Tyman Brawn * Jacob S. Carney Alexis Van Pelt Casby Lesley Chin * Elizabeth Howie Dank Jordan L. Gill * Jason P. Hafler * David Hirsch Katherine Thorpe Kerr * Rick Massey * Michael P. McGuire Robert McManmon * Justus Meyer * Cory Saunders Margaret Shear Emily A. Simmons Matthew S. Slovik J. Brian Sullivan 2001 - BB&N Jennifer Abramson * Katherine M. Alexander * Corinne L. Case *

Laura Cohen * Edward T. Fish * Andrew Franklin Joshua D. Goldman * Kathryn Kargman Holden * Richmond Holden III * Andrew H. Jewett * Jubin Kwon Alessandra Croffy Lovett * Steven Myrick * Timothy J. Parks * Philip G. Petri Morgan Pierson * Chloe Randall Schweinshaut * David F. Sontheimer * William John Nicholas Tomford II Natalie Zervas * 2002 - BB&N Mollie Wertlieb Barnathan * Zak Farkes Ada Gropper Waks * Diana Leader-Cramer * Emily Glaser Ross * Laurel E.Valchuis * 2003 - BB&N Anonymous (3) Andrew Benson * Lila Bouscaren * Sam Brownell * Dan Carroll * Meredith L. Coburn * Jennifer Crombie * Janelle Dempsey * Brenna McGuire Dubinsky Josh Farkes Bailey Fidler Zach Gut Katherine Mackey * Skip McManmon * Jay Myers * Ania Warczyk Payne * Altair L. Peterson Becca Schildkret Michelle Shortsleeve * Adam Zalisk * 2004 - BB&N Anonymous (2) Timothy S. Bassett *

Kara Borodkin * Kathleen Donelan Ryan Hanley Hannah Joseph Benjamin Kuritzkes * Tony Lo * Samantha Miller Paul Selker * Blair Stevens Staunton 2005 - BB&N 1 0 T H R E U N IO N

Anonymous (2) Michael Ian Miller Abrams * Sam Cabral-Curtis Ed Colburn * Andrew Coles James P. Collins IV Beryl Crofton-Atkins Katherine Englander Dana Flanders * Arabella Beatty Hill Alex Hoder Anderson E. Jones Kimberly Kargman Philip H. Kim * Jessica Knez Younyoung Lee Robert Mahoney Jacqueline Modica * Emma Reilly * Miriam J. Wertlieb Lindsay W. White * David Kent Wyman 2006 - BB&N Emma Cobert Hassun Omar Daouk * Matthias Donelan, Jr. * Samuel Duboff Adam Farkes Leland Fidler Rebecca E. Heymann Rebecca Jackson Jonathan Kalick * Alexandra Lovett-Woodsum * Emily Mackey * Sachin Mallya Daniel Haruki Oshima * Nikhil Pereira-Kamath * Mary Potter *

Marc Pulde Michael Skocpol * Abigail Stone Ben Strauss * Lindsey Swanson * Robert Warner 2007 - BB&N Anonymous (1) Danyelle Antone Samuel Axelrod * Samuel Bean Randall Carter * Anya Cohen Joelinda Coichy * Nastaran Hakimi Christopher Haynes Benjamin Housman Andrew Knez * Nicole Panico Krensky * John Manna Alexander Glaser Ross * Jason Schlundt * Abigail Smitka * Catherine Wood * 2008 - BB&N Anonymous (3) Leslie Ahlstrand * Luke Boelitz * Meredith Bosco * Edward Chan * Chase Lovett-Woodsum * Sonal Mallya Paul Mannix * Leeds Pierce Margaret Reilly * Christopher Richards * Scott Schlager * Carly Schuster Brian Stearns Nicholas Taylor Adam Vartikar Chris Venti 2009 - BB&N Nicholas Amphlett Eliza Appleton Alexander Barber Daniel F. Berenson * Caroline Brewster

Emily Daggett Michael DiChiara Jennifer Francis * Miles Grimshaw * Samantha Leahy Emily Leinbach Cecily Lloyd Isaac Maze-Rothstein Zachary Miller Philippe Panico * Joseph Papa, Jr. Samuel Pokross * Ryan Segal Nora Tufano *

Matthew Robert Castaldo * James G. DiBlasi Caroline Kim Leahy * Thomas Bell Leith Liz McCormack Natalia Cassesso Miller Xavier Morse Meghan Hanlon O’Donnell * Alexandra Patricia Orfao Stephan Douglas Panico * Danielle C. Reny Kathryn Emily Richards * Peter A. Savarese 2012 - BB&N Anonymous (1) Alice F. Berenson Nicholas J. DiChiara Corinne Lehner Milbury Richard J. Page

2010 - B B & N 5T H R EU N ION

Anonymous (1) Tanzila Ahad * Anna Ancona Brooke Baumgartner * Graeme Blackman Lydia Carthy Bethany Crombie * Eric Danilchuk Morgan Dove Alexander Farkes Gregory Faxon Victoria Goldman Sarah Gottlieb Paxton Maeder-York James McCaffrey Zach McLeod Kathryn Medeiros Anthony Moccia Adam Morollo Jessica Mulligan Michael Nisbet Kathleen Oshima * Lyndia Personnat * Joelle Rebeiz Emma Sagan Zach Sanders Brianna Smith * Alexandros Souris Daniel Teller 2011 - BB&N Haley Barrows George D. Bell III * John Joseph Bosco *

2013 - BB&N Anonymous (1) Wenli Bao Elaine Dai Caroline Davitt Paul Walker Maeder-York Ben Rosenblatt Margery Tong 2014 - BB&N Anonymous (1) Adam Carlson Brien R. Diffley Liam C. Egan Courtney E. Erickson Elliot O. Eton Gabriela M. Gayley Jennifer Isaacson Sandy Li August Lin James G. Liptrot Michelle E. Nelson Sophie Olmsted Anya Pforzheimer Christian M. Sady Skylar W. Smith Shayna Solomont Tara Phoebe K. Talland



2015 - Senior Class Gift The Senior Class Gift is coordinated by the Senior Class Ambassador Committee and provides an opportunity for BB&N Seniors to work together to achieve a common goal in support of their school community. The Ambassadors reach out to classmates throughout the year to help educate the Class about what it means to be a BB&N alumnus/a and about the importance of The BB&N Fund. This year’s Senior Class achieved 100% participation in the Senior Class Gift and all funds were directed to The BB&N Fund to support Financial Aid.

Jaya S. Aiyer Bryce W. Andreasen Kwabena Antwi Harry Bator Nicholas F. Bator Helina M. Belete Isaiah Berg Jeremiah L. Blacklow Natasha I. Bornhorst Zoe C. Bornhorst Zachary T. Boughner Audrey C. Bransfield Pablo A.L. Briger Jonathan K. Brudnick Deven M. Catalano Thomas C. Chu Istvan Chung Jack Clark Victoria T. Clark Antoinette O. Cozier Benjamin L. Crawford Mallory H. Cutler

At the Senior Spring Project Fair in May, Jonathan Brudnick ’15 illustrates how he researched and restored a 1947 Willys CJ2A jeep.


Sarah M. Dahl Bridget B. DeFranco Sarah M. DeVellis Jacqueline C. Diffley Chloe H. DiPetrillo Sophie R. DiPetrillo Felix Duong Diarra J. English Alexandra Fecteau Sebastian R. Fernández-Mulligan Peter L. Ferraro Cameron E. Fitzgerald Jennifer L. Flaumenhaft Hallie A. Fox Katrina M. Francis Tynan H. Friend Bradley C. Fusco Edwin J. Gavis Sebastian H. Gilligan-Kim Alexandra N. Gillis Isabel A. Goldfine Natalia H. Greenblatt

Alec T. Gustafson Ardeshir A. Hakimi Aran Hamilton-Grenham Michael R. Harris William P. Harris, Jr. Shay V. Hayden Emma G. Herrick Ethan L. Hodges Scott W. Hom Hyuk Joo Hwang Nicholas G. Jacobs Rebecca R. Jarrell Chung-Junn Juang Andrew S. Kahn Husayn Karimi Isaac Kaufer Christopher M. Kellogg-Peeler Oliver G. Kendall Audrey J. Kirwan Jordan G. Klein Emily B. Kohlberg Caroline E. Kuldell Nicholas C. Langen Grace M. Lavoie Daniel Lehman William H. Levinson Jeremy P. Lewin Amanda L. Lifford James A. Lindberg Nathan R. Logan William F. Marshall Hannah R. Martin Fiona B. McCarey John G. McGourty Maeve S. McNamara Alexander M. Medzorian Daniel J. Metzdorf Chase Moulton Molly K. Murphy

Ilsa M. Nagel Cara J. Najjar Abina Nepal Alec T. Newell Allyson V. Noenickx Gerald B. Nvule Cole T. O’Connor Owen F. Page Ryan E. Pasculano Eliza Paton Robert W. Pereira III Elizabeth T. Perry Darrith B. Phan Daniel R. Pino Sébastien V. Ridore Amy F. Roberts Cierra B. Robson Julia C. Ruddy Sophie A. Sadovnikoff Serena C. Saini Adrian A.D. Sands Harrison S. Savage Isaac Sebenius Samantha B. Segal Aaron J. Sipser Annabel M. Smith Elisabeth C. Smith Alexander G. Sorets Michael A. Stellati Christina M. Stellwagen John E. Steverman Jillian Sun Lexie D. Taylor Chloe K. Tinagero Khai A. Tyler Adon Wade-Currie Albert J. Wakhloo Fuller R. Winton Michelle L. Zhang James B. Zimmerman

Parents of Alumni/ae and Parents of Former Students BB&N is honored and grateful to have the financial support provided by parents of alumni/ae and former students who generously gave more than $237,000 to The BB&N Fund in 2014-2015. We welcome all of our past and former parents back to campus for community events. We treasure the value of these relationships that continue to anchor and define the broader BB&N community.

Anonymous (4) Steven and Gridth Ablon Andrew T. Adams ’62 and Marilyn Adams Godfrey and Janet Amphlett Vincent and Patricia Andaloro Eleanor Weiss Angoff ’60 Charles D. Atkinson III and Jeannette Atkinson Jerry Avorn and Karen Tucker Bernard and Lotte Bailyn Christopher Baker ’79 and Nancy Baker George Baldwin Beverly B. Balise Kevin G. Barbera ’57 and Mimi Barbera Marc and Carol Bard Tom and Pauline Barkalow David Baron and Pamela Mann Randall and Christine Battat Richard Beaty and Paula Chauncey Alex and Linda Beavers James Belmont and Joyce Kinoshita Chuck and Lynn Benson Richard and Barbara Berenson Samuel and Carly Berk John and Amy Berylson Jim and Tish Biggar Hamish Blackman Don and Marcia Blenko Taylor and Willa Bodman Charles D. Bonanno ’53 and Lena Bonanno Vincent and Paula Bonazzoli David C. Bono ’70 and Andrea J. Galvin Joe and Maureen Bosco Edward and Bernadette Bourget Michael and Edith Bouscaren Byron and Berit Bowman William and Barbara Brathwaite

Morgan Baker Brelis ’76 and Matthew Brelis Michael Bresnahan and Maria Lopez-Bresnahan Pierre and Francine Brosens Jeff Brown and Betty Webb Brown Lewis H. Bryant Jeanne Fiol Burlingame Jerold and Ilene Carlson Allison B. Carnduff ’81 and Vincent Tompkins Tom and Mary Ann Case Lawrence and Lynn Cetrulo Ann W. Clapp David and Mary Clarke Downing A. Cless and Alice E.Trexler Stephen and Katherine Cochran Steven Cohen and Mary Akerson Paul A. Cohen Francis and Susan Colannino Kenneth and Virginia Colburn Richard and Ruth Cole George and Patsy Conrades Keilah D. Coon ’61 Joseph and Emily Coughlin Ernest Cravalho and Ruth Tuomala Bill and Francine Crawford Lodowick F. Crofoot III and Carolyn Crofoot Mary Alice Crosby Ronald and Joan Curhan David Curtis ’65 and Elizabeth Cabral-Curtis Sunil and Margo Dhaliwal Michael and Maureen DiChiara Tom and Nancy Dingman Mary Dolbear and Gabriela Gonzenbach Robert A. Dole, Jr. ’52 and Marguerite Dole James Donovan ’61

Kathleen and Henry Dorkin Alexzandra Z. Dow Ronald and Julie Druker Chelinde M. Edouard and Sylvia R. Stevens-Edouard John J. Egan and Maura L. Connolly Chip and Jane Elfner Frederick J. England, Jr. ’49 and Valerie England David R. Epstein ’68 and Betsy Banks Epstein Michael and Caryl Erdos Barry and Mary Margaret Erickson Gary S. Farkes and Renee T. DuChainey-Farkes David Fialkow ’77 and Nina Fialkow Kenneth and Adele Fiandaca Mark and Tobey Fidler Alan H. Field Peter B. Finn ’62 and Nancy Finn Jefferson and Maisie Flanders Stephen Foell and Martha Martin Floyd J. Fowler, Jr. Robert Franklin ’64 and Anne Wulsin William A. Fregosi Steve Gallant and Julia Todd Ward Ghory and Anne Ghory-Goodman Ernestine Gianelly Keith Gilbert ’80 and Stacy Osur Karen Gill and Chris Elliot Frederick Good ’64 and Susan Good Rosalind Gorin ’62 and Matthew Budd Nathaniel M. Gorton ’56 and Jodi Gorton Suzanne B. Greenberg Michael Grill and Hillary Brown Paul S. Grogan Marina Grossi Gabriel and Denise Guerrier

Peter and Peggy Gunness Peter and Sara Haley John and Ann Hall Carol Hamilton and Peter Johnson Sharon Hamilton George Hansen, Jr. ’45 and Ellen Hansen Jack Hardy ’61 and Margaret Sandoz Hardy ’61 Keith and Marilyn Harrison Woodie Haskins and Andrea Mattisen-Haskins George and Daphne Hatsopoulos Bob Hesslein and Chris Ciotti D. Fleet Hill and Walter J. Popper Gordon Hislop Anthony Hixon and Diane Hixon (dec.) Melville T. Hodder ’56 and Lissa Hodder Frederick H. Hofheinz ’85 and Lisa Evangelista ’86 Leigh P. Hogan William and Mari-Ann Hogan Joe Horning and Fiona Lovell-Horning Arch Horst and Kate Kirby Hugo and Janet Huettig Bradley Hunter and Mary Palaima John P. Iappini and Carole Mathieson Howell E. Jackson and Elizabeth V. Foote Dick and Beth Jacobson Dale and Linda Jorgenson William Joseph and Sigrid Bergenstein Jenifer N. Kasdon Jerry and Marti Katz Andy and Linda Kaufman Kevin and Tracy Keegan Paul and Jean Kellen Kathryn L. Kenney John S. Kerr II PA S T PA R E N T S


Rosalie Kerr Sheila Malone King ’50 and William B. King Paul G. Kirby ’52 and Claire Kirby Georg Kirchner and Marjorie Sagan-Kirchner J. Philip and Wendy Kistler Brian Knez Debra Smith Knez ’78 Mark Krentzman ’72 and Caroline Vanderlip Donald Kufe and Hilary Mankin-Kufe Philip and Nancy Kukura Butler and Lois Lampson Leslie A. Langston Linda L. Leahy Philip and Aya Leder Han Joo Lee and Wonkyung Park Kee-Pyo Lee and Hee-Jin Jun Christopher and Judith Leich Rob and Mary Joan Leith Alan M. Leventhal ’70 and Sherry Marcus Leventhal Edward and Marjorie Levin Zhen He Li and Qiao Hua Chen Carl and Karin Lieberman Carol F. Lieberman Richard and Pat Light Cynthia Livingston Doug Lober and Ann Bitetti Dan and Eileen Logan Philip and Elizabeth Loughlin Diana F. MacPhail Paul Maeder and Gwill York Gopinath and Sumana Mallya Richard and Beverly Malone Margaret Breed Marsh ’38 and Paul E. Marsh Carol C. Martin Richard and Maria Massey Ramon and Corrine McCree Judith B. McDonough Leslie Forkner McIntosh Peter D. McManmon ’66 and Linda McManmon Kirt and Susan Mead Donald K. and Charlene M. Medeiros Howard and Mameve Medwed


(dec.) - deceased

Cody Meissner ’63 and Barbara Bush Meissner Edward and Ginette Merrill Paul Milbury and Heidi Lehner Peter L. Miller and Mary Cassesso Jane E. Minasian ’76 and J. Grant Monahon Geordie and Mary Mitchell Maura Griffith Moffatt ’84 and Gregory Moffatt Jeffrey Moore and Barbara Southcote Scott Moriearty andYolanda Kodrzycki Michael Moskow ’51 and Donna Moskow Jonathan Moss Bob and Joan Murray Warren and Karen Myers Alan and Kathleen Nauss Aaron Nelson and Margaret O’Connor Patrick and Martha Newport Pete and Ginny Nicholas Britain Nicholson and Celeste Robb-Nicholson Jonathan and Rebecca Niloff Kim Noltemy John Norton and Frances Austen Stephen and Susan Olson Christopher and Catherine O’Neil David Orfao ’77 and Mary Beth Orfao David and Jane Otte Benjamin and Christine Oulton Olavo and Suzanne Panico Vincent and Sumalee Passaretti Lewis Pearlson ’84 and Heidi Pearlson Marna D. Peters Peter Petri and Jean Lawrence Gary and Mary Pforzheimer Marilyn Pike David Pokross, Jr. and Laurie S. Gill Mary A. Poor Arthur and Barbara Powell Jane M. Rabb Tom and Sue Randall John and Lynn Reichenbach Jerald and Sara Reisman Steve and Audrey Reny Mark and Patricia Richards Edwina L. Rissland David B. Roberts ’67 and Barbara Roberts

Susan Rich Rona ’61 and Mahmet Rona Michael and Berenice Ronthal Michael and Ann Rosenblatt W. Allen and Selina Rossiter Larry Rowe and Wendy Gordon Matthew and Jamie Rubin Michael and Rhonda Sady Paul and Ann Sagan Linda Samuels Lewis and Amy Sassoon Panit Satyasai-Crimmin William C. Sawyer ’47 and Joan N. Gardner Ernst and Mary Schaefer Bob and Natalie Schlundt Al and Peggy Schmertzler Arthur Schneider Fred and Judith Server Kathleen and Fereydoun Shahrokhi Neal and Debbie Shalom Barry and Amy Shemin Donald Shepard and Emily Maitin Charles L. Short, Jr. ’60 and Valeria Secchi Short Michael and Catherine Shortsleeve LeRoy and Deborah Simpson Mallory H. Slate ’56 and Ylva Slate Peter Slavin ’75 and Lori Slavin Adrian Slywotzky and Christine Balko Slywotzky Neil Smith and Kathleen Katterhagen Dorothy Smith Richard A. Smith ’42 and Susan F. Smith John Smitka, Jr. and Amelia Bormann Gerald A. Sohn Samuel and Loretta Stacchi Wilma Stonestreet Carol Strasburger Grace H. Strodel Chia-Ming and Judith Sze Laura Hodges Taylor ’74 and Scott Taylor Beth Thiemann Roy B. Tishler and Abby E. Zanger William Mills Todd and Eva Andenaes Todd Brigitte Tournier Peter and Ann Tower Frank A. Tredinnick, Jr.

At the Lower School Grandfriends’ Day in November, Chuck Dowding and Pete Nicholas join their granddaughter Lexi Nicholas ’26 in her first grade classroom.

William A. Truslow, Jr. ’54 and Miriam Truslow Peter and Mary Jeanne Tufano Pamela W. Turner W. Frederick Uehlein ’65 and Diana Uehlein Jonathan Uhrig and Jennifer Stonestreet Uhrig Sandra A. Urie and Frank Herron Joan S.Van Dorn Mark H.Vanger ’78 and Eileen Span Richard C. Walton ’72 and Susan Walton David Warner and Mary Beekman Gordon and Susan Weir Kent Werth and Nina Barwell Austin Wertheimer and Caryl Goodman Jane Willard White ’68 and Robie White Hilary Wodlinger Stephen Woodsum and Anne Lovett Mary LaVerne Wright Miner Yinong Yang and Youhong Zhao Robert and Eileen Zalisk Mary Zappala

Current and Past Grandparents BB&N greatly appreciates the generous financial support provided by grandparents who gave more than $110,000 to The BB&N Fund in 2014-2015. We continue to welcome all of our grandparents and grandfriends back to campus for community events. We warmly embrace these relationships and treasure the opportunity to share the BB&N experience of each child with their enthusiastic supporters!

Anonymous (1) Steven and Gridth Ablon Robert and Judith Adams Cleo Alexander Melvin and Patty Alperin Vincent and Patricia Andaloro Charles D. Atkinson III and Jeannette Atkinson Karen Aust Walter H. Baily Ronald and Janice Baker Kevin G. Barbera ’57 and Mimi Barbera Tom and Sue Barnett Judith B. Bayer Wendy Bazemore Linda Berger Peter and Ellen Boer Curtis and Janet Bohlen Rosalie Bosco Sharen K. Bowden Stanley R. Bowden Pierre and Francine Brosens Lewis H. Bryant David and Laura Burke Luis and Anna Maria Cardenas Jose and Anna Carrion Byong Uk and Myung Soon Chung Paul A. Cohen Arlene Crewdson Joan Crothers Frances Cucinotta Ronald and Joan Curhan James W. Daly Robert de Garavilla Ron and Sandee Decker Charles and Marylee Dodge Ronald and Julie Druker Ruth Duran Robert and Jean Durfee Sean and Patricia Egan

Chip and Jane Elfner David R. Epstein ’68 and Betsy Banks Epstein Remo Fabbri, Jr. and Christiane Nockels-Fabbri Thomas A. Fitzgerald, Jr. ’53 Noreene Foster Charles and Janice Fox Hermann and Therisia Frank Barbara Fried Paul and Pat Fulchino John and Joanne Fusco Joe and Kay Gaston Barbara Gervais Russell F. Gervais Ernestine Gianelly Steve and Dorothy Gilman Allan and Marilyn Glick Suzanne B. Greenberg Armour Gregoire Margo Guertin Bette Jane Hancock Katherine Harris Keith and Marilyn Harrison Pamela Read Harvey Baftjar Hasanaj George and Daphne Hatsopoulos Dariush and Farideh Heidary Gloria Heppner Pamela Herrick Robert and Katherine Hogan William and Mari-Ann Hogan Joseph Hsieh and E. Mei Shen-Hsieh Kimberly R. Irish Leonard and Marcelle Joffe Donald and Suzanne Kaufman Andy and Linda Kaufman Paul and Jean Kellen Jim and Gail Kellogg John and Nancy Kendall

Kathryn L. Kenney Emily E. King Albert and Kazimiera Kryzak Leslie A. Langston Jack and Sally Lawrence Philip and Aya Leder Joo Yong Lee Monique Lehner Peter J. Lehner ’41 Andrew Leighton Richard and Pat Light Charles and Ellen Lipson Wilfred and Patricia Loeken Bill and Anne Longfield Mason and Susan Lowance Dmitri Lukin and Olga Lukina Cynthia B. Martin Ramon and Corrine McCree William and Susan McKinley Kirt and Susan Mead Howard and Mameve Medwed William M. Meredith, Sr. John and Nancy Michalski William and Barbara Murray Bruce and Carlene Newell Pete and Ginny Nicholas Lydia Phippen Ogilby ’38 Elinor R. O’Neil Richard and Jane Page Nick and Penelope Panayotou Sonny and Loretta Pang Leland and Nancy Paton James and Audrey Peck Donald and Catherine Peeler Emil and Maria Pfender Carlo Piacenza James and Joni Pitt Karen Pryor Elvira Quilter Lamson and Sally Rheinfrank

William and Shirley Richards Henry and Cathy Roberts Charles Robson II and Cheryl Robson Kathy Rorick Marie B. Ross Steve and Marsha Roth Sonya H. Ruehl Joyce and Abner Salant Leonard and Ann Sand Al and Peggy Schmertzler John and Joanne Schmitt David and Marie Louise Scudder Sheldon and Carol Segal Norman and Maryellen Shachoy Henrietta Shapiro Joseph and Connie Shay Robert and Shirley Siff Richard and Linda Silverman Carl and Toby Sloane Dorothy Smith Richard A. Smith ’42 and Susan F. Smith Sherman H. Starr Julia Stephanian Deicy Stockwell and Alexandra Simis Wilma Stonestreet Grace H. Strodel Linda Katzen Swartz Herbert Tabor David and Sara Taft Chester and Eleanor Terry Shu-Hua Yang Tsai Pamela W. Turner Fred and Maisie Wade Michael Wang Ogden and Bonnie White Sonja G.Yates Mary-Elizabeth Young G R A N D PA R E N T S


Current and Former Faculty and Staff BB&N is especially grateful for the generous financial support provided by current and former faculty and staff, 42% of whom made gifts and pledges to The BB&N Fund in 2014-2015. We acknowledge with equal gratitude the value of the ongoing contribution of each faculty and staff member who defines and enriches the BB&N experience every day, throughout our campuses.

Anonymous (1) Alex Ablon Elizabeth O. Allen Henri Andre Jill H. Apple Beverly B. Balise Willnetta Ball Karina Baum Sasha Bergmann Tish Biggar Miles Billings Dudley F. Blodget Willa Chamberlain Bodman Susie Bonsey Rebecca B. Borden ’87 Sharen K. Bowden Byron L. Bowman Anthony Breen Beth Brooks Betty Webb Brown Lewis H. Bryant Terrence A. Butt ’91 Tony Cai Elizabeth W. Canaday Amy Carey Gustavo Carrera Leah Cataldo Richard S. Chang L. Hamilton Clark, Jr. David B. Clarke Joseph P. Clifford Joelinda Coichy ’07 Louisa Connaughton Elizabeth Conway Albert Coons III Elizabeth Hodder Corbus ’80 Janine Cozier Christa Crewdson Marc Vincent Cronin Mary Alice Crosby Randi Currier 

Joe Decastro Armen Dedekian Mary Everett Dolbear Kathleen Moreno Dorkin Alexzandra Z. Dow Rosemary J. Downer Leonard H. Dowse, Jr. ’65 Lynda I. Dugas Robert Duggan Laura Duncan Christopher R. Dwyer Debra Marie Dzierzak Robert O. Edbrooke, Jr. Simone Miles Esteves Michael Ewins Daniel L. Farber Zachary Farkes ’02 Lauren Feldman Mark T. Fidler Carol M. Fine Thomas A. Fitzgerald, Jr. ’53 Andrew Fletcher Richard J. Foresteire, Jr. ’86 William A. Fregosi Brett Fuhrman Katrina Fuller Kevyn Barbera Fusco ’83 Katie Gayman Katherine A. Gellar Aline H. Gery Ward J. Ghory Karen Gill Lynda Gillis Ben Goldhaber Carolina Gomez-Kramer Gabriela G. Gonzenbach Kelly Greene Thom Greenlaw Christian Gregory Svetlana Grinshpan Peter K. Gunness

Megan Rutter Haddadi ’97 Nastaran Hakimi ’07 Carol Hamilton Sharon Hamilton Pauline Kim Han ’99 Margaret Sandoz Hardy ’61 Woodie Haskins Stefanie Haug Lee Ginsburg Herbst ’53 Rebecca E. Heymann ’06 Lissa Hodder Leigh P. Hogan Mary Holmes Joseph F. Horning III Molly Jackel Beth R. Jacobson Linda Kaufman Chris Kauth Tim Kendrick Janna Renee Kerpelman Jacqueline S. Kieff Sheila Malone King ’50 Jean Klingler Allison Kornet Sharon E. Krauss Laura Moberg Lavoie Dianne J. LeBlanc Andrew Leighton Rob W. Leith Mark C. Lindberg Julie Lindstrom Andrea Lordan Ellie Loughlin Rachel Loughran Jo-Ann Giordano Lovejoy Meg Macri Louise Makrauer Beverly M. Malone Margaret Breed Marsh ’38 Paul E. Marsh Andrea Martinez .

Serge Mathieu Lora Mazaheri Elaine M. McGovern Elizabeth A. McNamara Augustus G. Means III Gabriel C. Mejail Rania Melki Geordie Mitchell Stephanie InKyung Moon Alexander D. Moore ’99 Douglas Neuman Katherine H. Newell Martha L. Newport John C. Norton Colleen O’Connor Demetri Orlando Christine K. Oulton Nick Papas Peggy Payne Charles W. Putnam Natalie N. Ralston Tom Randall Genieve Rankel Brian P. Reasoner Anthony Reppucci William R.D. Rogers Chip Rollinson Carolyn F. Rose Janet B. Rosen Tracy M. Rosette Elinor S. Ross Ethan C. Rossiter ’93 W. Allen Rossiter Cecile Roucher-Greenberg Rosario Sánchez Gómez L. Manlius Sargent, Jr. Jesse A. Sarzana ’93 Robert Savage John E. Schoepfer ’75 Kelley Schultheis Shera Selzer

Jorge Senabre Thomas Siegel Deborah D. Slade Katherine C. Small Sarah A. Smith Caitlin Sprague Rachel Stevens Wilma Stonestreet Carol D.M. Strasburger David M. Strodel ’78 Angela Tabb Youssef Talha Jennifer Murray Talmadge ’97 Zoe Tarshis Julia Tatsch Vanessa Taylor Geoff Theobald Beth A. Thiemann

Brigitte Tournier Peter P. Tower Linda Tran Suta Tungsiripat Rebecca T. Upham Sarah Vollmann Joshua Walker Audrey F. Wallace Jamie A. Wallace Anna Wech Courtney Stokes Willett ’95 David B. Williams ’78 Richard M. Wyman, Jr. ’69 Karen McKee Wyon Yinong Yang Mo Zelaya

Friends Each year BB&N is pleased to receive gifts from individuals and organizations who choose to support BB&N’s mission with a gift to a special initiative or by making a gift in honor or memory of a family member, friend, or loved one.

Anonymous (3) F. Steele Blackall Janet Bucher Matt Conway Suzanne Whitman Diehl Richard and Joanna Donnelly James P. Honan and Lisa J. Mars David B. Livesey

Eric Nemirovsky ’19 William Nemirovsky ’17 Melissa Renn Wendy Stonestreet Sciolla and Robert D. Sciolla Clay V. Stites William and Joan Witkin

Anna Gross-Loh ’28 and Beginners teacher Cristina West count money at the Beginners Hot Chocolate Shop.

Middle School science teacher Amy Carey helps Nicholas Kobas ’20 and Vivien Keravuori ’20 with a science project.

F A C U L T Y, S T A F F, A N D F R I E N D S


Corporations, Matching Gift Companies, Foundations, and Organizations BB&N is pleased to recognize the following corporations, foundations, and other businesses who provided important support for the School’s annual and capital giving programs in 2014-2015. The School is especially grateful to the many parents, past parents, alumni/ae, and friends who took advantage of matching gift opportunities through their employers or board relationships to increase the value of their gifts to the School last year. The companies and foundations listed below contributed more than $67,300 in matching gifts to support The BB&N Fund and capital priorities in 2014-2015, providing important resources for all areas of our academic program.

Anonymous (9) A&A Metro Transportation Adage Capital Management, L.P. The Alpert Family Foundation The American Gift Fund AOL Matching Gifts Program The Archibald Family Foundation Babson Capital Management LLC Bank of America Charitable Foundation Barclays Capital Belsky Family Foundation The Biogen Foundation BNY Mellon Community Partnership The Boston Foundation Boston Trust & Investment Management Company The Bristol Fund, Inc. Build-It-Yourself Cambridge Boat Club Cetrulo LLP Chevron Matching Gifts Program Chicago Community Foundation Choate Hall & Stewart LLP Chubb and Son, Inc. The Chung Family Foundation Combined Jewish Philanthropies of Greater Boston The Community Foundation for The National Capital Region Community Foundation of New Jersey Corning Incorporated Foundation The Crawford Foundation Gary and Sharon Curhan Family Charitable Foundation 

Deutsche Bank Securities, Inc. Bertram A. and Ronald M. Druker Charitable Foundation Eaton Vance Management Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund Fidelity Foundation Matching Gifts to Education Program FM Global Foundation GE Foundation Matching Gifts Program Goldman Sachs and Company Goldman Sachs Gives Goldman Sachs Philanthropy Fund Jacqueline and Todd Goodwin Charitable Trust Google Inc. Goose Printing, Inc. Beryl David and Harry N. Gorin Foundation Harris Family Foundation Hipower Energy (USA) Inc. Historic Homes IBM Matching Gifts Program Independent Schools Compensation Corporation Ingersoll Rand Charitable Foundation Intuit Employee Matching Program The Gail and James Kellogg Family Fund of the Community Foundation of New Jersey J.C. Kellogg Foundation Jenzabar Foundation Jewish Communal Fund Joan Levitt Trust John Hancock Financial Services, Inc. Kenwood Foundation

Kerry Capital Advisors The Klingenstein Charitable Foundation Trust The Knez Family Charitable Foundation Harvey C. Krentzman Charitable Foundation Trust LaCava Foundation Sherry and Alan Leventhal Family Foundation Ruth Lilly Philanthropic Foundation Lovett-Woodsum Foundation, Inc. McDonough, Hacking & Lavoie LLC Medical Consulting Associates LLC The Merck Company Foundation Microsoft Matching Gifts Program Millennium Pharmaceuticals Matching Gifts Program David Minkin Foundation Morgan Stanley Dean Witter Matching Gifts Program Mullen & McGourty PC National Philanthropic Trust Network for Good The New York Community Trust Novartis US Foundation O’Connor Physical Therapy Services Olympus OSSA Matching Gifts Program O’Neil Group, Inc. Oppenheim Charitable Foundation The Orchard Foundation The Pechet Foundation PepsiCo Foundation PerkinElmer Foundation Pfizer Foundation Matching Gifts Program

The Rhode Island Foundation Cele H. and William B. Rubin Family Fund Sacajawea Charitable Foundation Sanofi Foundation for North America John C. Schmitt Associates LLC The Schwab Charitable Fund Serlin Haley Charitable Foundation Sidman Family Foundation Siff Charitable Foundation Slade Gorton and Company, Inc. Amy Smith and John G. Berylson Charitable Foundation Richard and Susan Smith Family Foundation SNL Financial State Street Corporation Sogg Foundation Sherman H. Starr Foundation Stein Family Foundation Target - Take Charge of Education The Thompson Foster Street Foundation, Inc. Jane H. Tierney 2005 Trust TripAdvisor, Inc. United Way of RI U.S. Charitable Gift Trust Vanguard Charitable Endowment Program Wagner Family Foundation Wellington Management Company, LLP White Mountains Capital Whitman Family Foundation

Honorary and Memorial Gifts Each year BB&N is pleased to receive gifts from individuals and organizations in honor or memory of a faculty or staff member, family member, friend, or loved one, or to recognize a special occasion. The School sends notification to the honoree or family member of these thoughtful tributes.

In Honor of 6th Grade Teachers and Faculty Ajay and Layla Chadha

In Honor of the Buckingham Class of 1954 Cornelia Dunning Hollister ’54

In Honor of Henri Andre Kermit Crawford and Barbara Nobles-Crawford Scott and Di Kirwan Richard and Patricia Pino

In Honor of Gustavo Carrera Scott and Natalie Kuldell

In Honor of Karina Baum Amgen Foundation Wendy Fox

In Honor of Istvan Ki-Bohk Donath Chung ’15 Byong Uk and Myung Soon Chung

In Honor of Alice F. Berenson ’12 Daniel F. Berenson ’09

In Honor of Ross J. Clark, Jr. Alexander and Jane Gavis Leon and Marie Ridore

In Honor of Daniel F. Berenson ’09 Alice F. Berenson ’12 In Honor of Michael Bernstein Mark and Deb Pasculano In Honor of Jason Bloom ’21 Gordon Bloom and Sara Singer In Honor of Edward H. Bourget, Jr. ’96 Joseph and Carol Noenickx David and Julie Perry Richard and Patricia Pino In Honor of Audrey Bransfield ’15 Tom and Sue Barnett Allan and Marilyn Glick In Honor of the Browne & Nichols Class of 1953 Thomas A. Fitzgerald, Jr. ’53 In Honor of Lewis H. Bryant Kamesh Aiyer and Geeta Bhide Aiyer Allison N. Wade

In Honor of Lily Denton ’18 Suzanne B. Greenberg In Honor of Parrish Dobson Wendy Fox In Honor of Mary Dolbear Steven and Nancy McIntire

In Honor of Richard S. Chang Steven and Nancy McIntire

In Honor of Carter Coates Donovan Steven and Nancy McIntire In Honor of Kayla Duran ’18 Ruth Duran In Honor of Bob Edbrooke Anonymous (1) Scott and Di Kirwan Joseph and Carol Noenickx

In Honor of Genevieve Cohen ’17 Larry and Dawn Cohen

In Honor of Diarra Janai English ’15 David and Tanya English

In Honor of Buzz Congram Scott and Kristin Paton In Honor of Melissa Courtemanche Jane Apau Lynda Gillis

In Honor of Elleree Erdos ’08 Michael and Caryl Erdos In Honor of Michael Ewins Steven and Nancy McIntire

In Honor of Fred Coyne Louis A. Ferraro ’78 and Jackie Ferraro Alexander and Jane Gavis Lester and Cynthia Savage John Zhang and Pauline Gong

In Honor of the Faculty & Coaches of Bayard Eton ’17 Omar and Karen Eton

In Honor of Althea B. Cranston Richard Page and Maura Murphy

In Honor of Alda Farlow Jane Apau Ed and Alane Hodges Freddie and Nikki Jacobs

In Honor of Christa Crewdson Gloria Heppner

In Honor of Mark T. Fidler Ed and Alane Hodges Rob and Mary Joan Leith

In Honor of Armen Dedekian Brooke Ablon ’85 and Alex Ablon

In Honor of Tillie Fischoeder ’25 and Coco Fischoeder ’26 Elinor R. O’Neil In Honor of Charlotte Foote ’17, Thaddeus Foote ’22, and James Foote ’25 Lamson and Sally Rheinfrank In Honor of Richard J. Foresteire, Jr. ’86 William and Kathleen Harris James and Barbara O’Connor J. Brian Sullivan ’00 In Honor of Hallie A. Fox ’15 Charles and Janice Fox In Honor of Katrina M. Francis ’15 Pierre and Francine Brosens In Honor of Ann Freeman Anonymous In Honor of Lucas Fried ’17 Barbara Fried In Honor of Bradley C. Fusco ’15 John and Joanne Fusco In Honor of Katie Gayman Haley Barrows ’11 David and Ellen Herrick Mark and Susan Lavoi In Honor of Susan Glazer Ha Il Hwang and Mi Sun Kang Richard and Patricia Pino In Honor of Isabel Goldfine ’15 and Michael Goldfine ’16 Donald and Suzanne Kaufman

C O R P O R A T I O N S , H O N O R A RY A N D M E M O R I A L G I F T S


Pete and Ginny Nicholas Charles W. Putnam Bill Rogers Michael and Berenice Ronthal W. Allen and Selina Rossiter Jeffrey Rudman ’66 Mark E. Satterfield ’73 Deborah Slade and Jeffrey Pierce John P. Stonestreet ’84 and Leslie Stonestreet Carol Strasburger Anna Wech In Honor of Margaret Hardy ’61 James Donovan ’61

Caroline Nelson ’17 and Nell Fusco ’17

In Honor of Ross Harrison ’17 Joan Crothers

work on a problem in the science lab.

In Honor of Woodie Haskins Joel Cutler ’77 and Randi Cutler In Honor of Harvey Goldschmid Edward M. Alt ’67 In Honor of Kian Golshan ’17 and Armeen Golshan ’19 Mehra Golshan and Parisa Lotfi In Honor of Henry Goodman ’20 and Charlotte Goodman ’23 Richard and Linda Silverman In Honor of the Nathaniel Gorton Family Slade Gorton and Company, Inc. In Honor of Peter K. Gunness Betsy Allen Henri Andre Jill Apple Beverly B. Balise Jim and Tish Biggar Byron and Berit Bowman Jeff Brown and Betty Webb Brown L. Hamilton Clark, Jr. and Caroline Clark David and Mary Clarke


(dec.) - deceased

Althea B. Cranston Mary Alice Crosby Armen Dedekian Daniel L. Farber Mark T. Fidler Nathaniel M. Gorton ’56 and Jodi Gorton Sharon Hamilton Jack Hardy ’61 and Margaret Sandoz Hardy ’61 Kenneth and Mary Holmes Dick and Beth Jacobson Dale and Linda Jorgenson Andy and Linda Kaufman Molly E. King J. Philip and Wendy Kistler Dianne J. LeBlanc Andrew Leighton Rob W. Leith Richard and Pat Light Mark C. Lindberg and Aline H. Gery Cynthia Livingston Richard and Beverly Malone Michael Moskow ’51 and Donna Moskow Soizick M.L. Munir Alan and Kathleen Nauss Kathy Newell

In Honor of Shay V. Hayden ’15 Joseph and Connie Shay In Honor of Callie Heppner ’27 Gloria Heppner In Honor of Emma Herrick ’15 Pamela Herrick In Honor of Helene Herzog Lydia Phippen Ogilby ’38 In Honor of Lindy Hess Eliza Appleton ’09 In Honor of Robert Takeru Hogan ’16 Robert and Ekuko Hogan In Honor of Joe Horning Steven and Gerburg Sands In Honor of Beth Jacobson Laura Moberg Lavoie In Honor of Rachel C. Jamison Steven and Nancy McIntire In Honor of Pandelis Karayorgis Greg and Julie F. Auclair

In Honor of Isaac Kaufer ’15 Charles and Ellen Lipson In Honor of Linda Kaufman Jennifer Light ’89 and Jonathan Caverley In Honor of Christopher M. Kellogg-Peeler ’15 Donald and Catherine Peeler In Honor of Oliver G. Kendall ’15 John and Nancy Kendall In Honor of Tim Kendrick Patrick and Katherine Andreasen Stephen and Judi Catalano Thomas and Lisa Clark Kevyn Barbera Fusco ’83 and Scott Fusco In Honor of Jean Klingler Mark and Deb Pasculano In Honor of Allison Kornet Chun-Shin Hahn David and Ellen Herrick Bradford J. Smith In Honor of Matthew Kryzak ’20 Albert and Kazimiera Kryzak In Honor of Nathaniel Leabo ’16 Karen Pryor In Honor of Rob Leith Bailey Fidler ’03 Robert Flaumenhaft and Lisa Nachtigall Chun-Shin Hahn Michael Horwitz and Kasey Kaufman Joseph and Carol Noenickx Jim and Susan Tinagero Allison N. Wade In Honor of William H. Levinson ’15 Ernestine Gianelly

In Honor of Mark C. Lindberg Anonymous (1) Greg and Julie F. Auclair William A. Fregosi Brenda Herschbach Jarrell ’85 and Kevin A. Jarrell Jennifer Lebowitz London ’86 Steven and Gerburg Sands Robert Warner ’06 In Honor of Julie Lindstrom Lester and Cynthia Savage In Honor of Scott MacPhee ’08 Chris Venti ’08 In Honor of Louise Makrauer Stephen Blacklow and Barbara Appignani Richard and Mireia Greenblatt Jim and Susan Tinagero In Honor of Hannah Martin ’15 David and Marie Louise Scudder In Honor of Sharon Mathieu Leon and Marie Ridore In Honor of Matt McDonald Jane Apau In Honor of Emily McKinley ’18 and Katie McKinley ’18 William and Susan McKinley In Honor of Zachary McLeod ’10 Gregory Faxon ’10 In Honor of Beth McNamara Chun-Shin Hahn Kate Champion Murphy ’81 and Brian Murphy (dec.) Joseph and Carol Noenickx Richard and Patricia Pino In Honor of Gus Means Steven and Nancy McIntire

In Honor of Daniel Medwed ’87, Jono Medwed ’90, and Mili Medwed ’25 Howard and Mameve Medwed In Honor of Gabe Mejail Steven and Nancy McIntire In Honor of Geordie Mitchell Dora Lewin

In Honor of Richard Page ’12 and Owen Page ’15 Richard and Jane Page

In Honor of Rachel Riemer Charles and Georgina Chu Thomas and Marcella Ruddy

In Honor of Will Pappendick ’20, Jack Pappendick ’22, and Quinn Pappendick ’24 Barbara Gervais Russell F. Gervais

In Honor of Cierra B. Robson ’15 Charles and Undrea Robson II

In Honor of Ryan Pasculano ’15 Joyce and Abner Salant

In Honor of Rory Morton ’81 Lynda Gillis Jim and Susan Tinagero

In Honor of Eliza Paton ’15 Leland and Nancy Paton

In Honor of TQ Moy Frank F. Chin ’54

In Honor of Peggy Payne Jane Apau Wendy Fox William and Kathleen Harris

In Honor of Jessica Mulligan ’10 Marilyn Pike In Honor of Christina Redmond Myers ’01 Jane Apau Scott and Kristin Paton

In Honor of Sonja Randall Peetz-Larsen ’26 Kimberly R. Irish In Honor of Elizabeth Trowbridge Perry ’15 Curtis and Janet Bohlen

In Honor of Doug Neuman Robert Flaumenhaft and Lisa Nachtigall

In Honor of Eugene Pool James E. Baker ’78

In Honor of Alec T. Newell ’15 Bruce and Carlene Newell

In Honor of Clio Quilter-Vagts ’21 Elvira Quilter

In Honor of Suzanne Reed Newton ’38 Lydia Phippen Ogilby ’38

In Honor of Natalie N. Ralston Lucy W.Young Robinson ’64

In Honor of John C. Norton Scott and Di Kirwan John Zhang and Pauline Gong

In Honor of Tom Randall Mark and Deb Pasculano

In Honor of Manna Ohmoto-Whitfield Kamesh Aiyer and Geeta Bhide Aiyer Alexander and Jane Gavis Steven and Gerburg Sands

In Honor of Brian Reasoner Ha Il Hwang and Mi Sun Kang Leon and Marie Ridore Steven and Gerburg Sands

In Honor of Chip Rollinson Judith Donath Chun-Shin Hahn Rafiq and Shams Karimi Mark and Deb Pasculano Michael and Ina Sipser In Honor of Carrie Rose David and Ellen Herrick Scott and Kristin Paton Bradford J. Smith In Honor of Ethan C. Rossiter ’93 Wendy Fox Steven and Nancy McIntire In Honor of Jesse A. Sarzana ’93 Jane Apau Steven and Nancy McIntire In Honor of Samantha B. Segal ’15 Sheldon and Carol Segal In Honor of Amy Selinger Joel Cutler ’77 and Randi Cutler Chun-Shin Hahn Allison N. Wade In Honor of Shera Selzer and the Lower School Teachers Janet Costello Worthington ’93 and Michael Worthington In Honor of Jorge Senabre Steven and Nancy McIntire In Honor of Amani Abu Shakra Richard Page and Maura Murphy Allison N. Wade

In Honor of Mabel C. Richardson ’38 Lydia Phippen Ogilby ’38

In Honor of Charles O’Rourke Greg and Julie F. Auclair Steven and Patti Taibl



In Honor of Charlotte Shapiro ’20 Henrietta Shapiro In Honor of Kerri Anne Shea Jane Apau

In Honor of Joshua Walker Richard and Mireia Greenblatt Richard Page and Maura Murphy Mark and Deb Pasculano Steven and Patti Taibl

In Honor of Ian Sloane ’18 Carl and Toby Sloane

In Honor of Susannah Walker Alexander and Jane Gavis

In Honor of Annabel Smith ’15 and Libby Smith ’15 Dorothy Smith

In Honor of Carrie Wihbey Scott and Kristin Paton

In Honor of Frank J. Smith Fred Berk ’65 James McLendon ’62 In Honor of Nathaniel Smith ’16 Wilfred and Patricia Loeken In Honor of Michael A. Stellati ’15 Paul and Pat Fulchino

In Honor of Michael Willey Freddie and Nikki Jacobs Mark and Deb Pasculano Richard and Patricia Pino In Honor of Wesley Williams Greg and Julie F. Auclair Stephen and Judi Catalano Alexander and Jane Gavis Dora Lewin Allison N. Wade

In Honor of Christina M. Stellwagen ’15 Andrew Leighton

In Honor of Wrestling Coaches Omar and Karen Eton

In Honor of Rachel Stevens Steven and Nancy McIntire

In Honor of Edward T. Wright ’86 Mary LaVerne Wright Miner

In Honor of Wendy Svatek Steven and Nancy McIntire Scott and Kristin Paton

In Honor of Yaotang and Lixiang Wu Fan Wu ’98

In Honor of Geoff Theobald Michael Grill and Hillary Brown Mark and Susan Lavoie David and Julie Perry

In Honor of Yinong Yang Dora Lewin Nicholas Taylor ’08

In Honor of Matthew Turnbull Patrick and Katherine Andreasen In Honor of Adon Wade-Currie ’15 Fred and Maisie Wade

In Honor of Brace Young ’14, Mari Young ’14, and Tristan Young ’17 Mary-Elizabeth Young In Honor of Berhane Zerom Steven and Nancy McIntire In Honor of James Zimmerman ’15 David and Susan Zimmerman

In Memory of Richard S. Alles ’42 Woodie Haskins and Andrea Mattisen-Haskins

In Memory of John Cooper Chris Cooper and Roshanak Ghazinouri

In Memory of Jenny Fiol Birch ’87 Jeanne Fiol Burlingame Julia Holleran del Sobral ’87 Joel Goldberg ’87 and Cybill Goldberg

In Memory of Stephen Cucinotta Frances Cucinotta

In Memory of Ben Bradlee Janet Bucher

In Memory of Jonathan E. Diehl ’72 Thomas K. Blake ’71 Suzanne Whitman Diehl

In Memory of Minnie Belle Brewer Lydia Phippen Ogilby ’38 In Memory of Alexander H. Bright 1915 Sierra Heath Bright In Memory of Horace O. Bright 1913 Sierra Heath Bright In Memory of Jane Brooks Mary Cameron Lord ’71 In Memory of Richard C. Bryan ’41 Kirk Bryan, Jr. ’47 In Memory of the Buckingham Class of 1938 Deceased Members Lydia Phippen Ogilby ’38 In Memory of Mary Letitia “Chen Sun” Campbell Martha Campbell Gellens ’67 In Memory of David Chamberlain ’48 Bob and Natalie Schlundt In Memory of Frank Cheever Mary Zappala In Memory of Henry T. M. Chen ’63 Helen Chen ’64 In Memory of Susan C. Clemedtson ’38 Lydia Phippen Ogilby ’38 In Memory of Jack Comey Christopher R. McAleer ’65


In Memory of Pamela G. Dempsey Janelle Dempsey ’03

In Memory of Lois Hersum Dove ’49 Cynthia Hersum Radue ’58 In Memory of William P. Elliott John H. Stevens ’65 In Memory of John H. Etter ’49 Brooke Ablon ’85 and Alex Ablon Henri Andre Laurence Etter (dec.) and Elizabeth Etter Joseph E. McKeigue ’64 Henry N. Winslow ’56 In Memory of Anne Montgomery Flannery ’38 Lydia Phippen Ogilby ’38 In Memory of Anne Baldwin Fletcher John and Janet Hauswirth In Memory of Barbara Ames Fletcher ’51 Nancy Ames English ’47 In Memory of Cary Girod Donald and Charlene Medeiros In Memory of Pomniah Kamalaharan Kanapath and Anushya Murale In Memory of Ann R. Karnovsky Daniel P. Karnovsky ’83 and Priscilla Karnovsky

In Memory of David L. Kasdon ’63 David L. Kasdon Trust Fund Jenifer N. Kasdon

In Memory of Joan Hunter Manzelmann ’54 Karen Thimann Romer ’54

In Memory of Marina Keegan ’08 Kevin and Tracy Keegan Elizabeth A. McNamara Emma Reilly ’05 Christopher Richards ’08 Carly Schuster ’08 John Zhang and Pauline Gong

In Memory of Nicoletta Mosca Christopher P. Mosca ’75

In Memory of Anne Reitmayer Kennedy Douglas M. Haigh ’64 In Memory of Christopher Kern ’99 Anonymous (1) Sonya Behnke ’99 Edward and Bernadette Bourget William Droste ’99 Michael Ellis ’99 Diana F. MacPhail Jonathan Tracy ’99

In Memory of Cheryl Tessler Solit Richard Solit

In Memory of John B. Petropoulos Charles and Janice Fox Chris Kauth and Lynda Dugas Melissa Renn Richard W. Rowe ’70 In Memory of Wigmore A. Pierson ’59 Andrew Jewett ’01 In Memory of Robert F. Porter Gustavo Carrera

In Memory of Edgar H. Knapp Mr. Edward C. Bursk, Jr. ’50

In Memory of Lynsey Graham Rea ’90 Anonymous (2) Jessica Balboni ’90 Jeffrey David ’90 Cory Liebergott Floyd ’90 Craig Gorton ’90 Shanna Hines ’90 Franz Ingelfinger 90 Elin Norberg Lamb ’90 Andrew M. Purcell ’90 Caleb Winder ’90

In Memory of Helen Landess Pamela W. Turner

In Memory of George Reichenbach Jo-Ann Giordano Lovejoy

In Memory of Agatha Christophene Liburd Anonymous (1)

In Memory of Becca Rosenthal ’03 Anonymous (1)

In Memory of Richard D. Kirkpatrick ’36 Richard W. Kirkpatrick ’65

In Memory of Langdon F. Lombard ’59 Robert B. Stephenson ’59 In Memory of Deanne Lord Mary Cameron Lord ’71 In Memory of Elizabeth Roome Luquer Brenda Luquer ’62

In Memory of Craig B. Stonestreet ’49 Brooke Ablon ’85 and Alex Ablon Robert Duggan Leigh P. Hogan Paul G. Kirby ’52 and Claire Kirby Wendy Stonestreet Sciolla and Robert D. Sciolla John P. Stonestreet ’84 and Leslie Stonestreet Wilma Stonestreet David Sze ’84 Peter and Ann Tower Jennifer Stonestreet Uhrig and Jonathan Uhrig

In Memory of Elizabeth Stowe Stephanie Shires Hooper ’61 Anita Gilman Sherman ’75 In Memory of April Teruel ’78 Andrew H. Bush ’78 Alexandra Chinoporos ’78 In Memory of Lenore Gessner Travis ’66 Lawrence M. Schell ’66 John M. Schiller ’69 In Memory of Marian W.Vaillant Constance Fraser ’41 Lydia Phippen Ogilby ’38 In Memory of John H. Walters, Jr. Jonathan M. Koff ’85

In Memory of Arlyn Baker Schneider Arthur Schneider

A giant outdoor chess set magically appeared on the Lower

In Memory of Anthony Shadid Nada Bakri

School playground this spring and was a popular activity during recess. In addition to the fun of playing the game,

In Memory of K.D. Sharma and Shanta Sharma Ajai and Amita Sharma

learning the rules about the care and use of the equipment

In Memory of Parker Small Costa Littas ’74

Finn Wiegand ’25 and Fitzie Hung ’25.

taught students equally important lessons about cooperation, courtesy, kindness, and good sportsmanship. Pictured above:



Gifts in Kind, Golf Tournament and Circus Sponsors BB&N greatly appreciates the generosity of alumni/ae, parents, and friends who contributed goods and services to the School that were used to enhance academic programs, offset budgeted expenses, or as ticket donations to faculty and staff in appreciation of the important work that they do every day. Every May, the BB&N Circus brings together the entire community for a day of fun. Countless parent volunteers work tirelessly to make this a special celebration for the children. This year the Circus raised more than $14,000 to benefit financial aid for Lower School students. BB&N’s tenth annual golf tournament brought together alumni/ae, parents, students, and other friends in a benefit for the School’s athletic program. We are grateful to the businesses and individuals who provided underwriting support or donated items for the auction held in conjunction with the tournament.

Sihak Lee ’16 skillfully defends the BB&N goal in a boys varsity hockey game.


4As Parent Affinity Group A&A Metro Transportation John and Lauren Addonizio Graeme Blackman ’10 Boloco Edward H. Bourget, Jr. ’96 Joseph Bradlee ’10 Brogen Photography Adam Bruce ’93 Eric and Sofia Bulman Edward and Mary Ann Choate Christina’s Ice Cream Paul Cokinos Barry and Nancy Cohen Matt Conway John and Annemarie Czarnota Richard and Joanna Donnelly Jerry S. Friedman ’65 John Greenup Harpoon Brewery John and Janet Hauswirth Michael Horwitz and Kasey Kaufman Scott Krentzman ’84 and Amy Krentzman Donald Kufe and Hilary Mankin-Kufe William and Jennifer McKinley Craig McLaughlin David and Martha Metzdorf Ofer and Shelly Nemirovsky

Dan and Annette Nowiszewski Robert and Cheri Pereira Jami Pompeo Yves Raymond and Celine Gregoire Malcolm J. Rohrbough ’50 Michael and Rhonda Sady Michael and Laurie Sheft Padraic Spence ’85 Penny Stanley Summer @ BB&N Mark and Cheryl Synnott Ken and Jill Trehub Fan Wu ’98 Bracebridge Hemyng Young, Jr. and Landis Becker Young

Middle School science teacher Kelley Schultheis and her seventh grade students test the structural integrity of their Pasta Bridge Challenge project. Front row (from left): Ben Raymond, Ms. Schultheis, Thomas Bornhorst, and Ranch Kimball. Back: Charlotte Shapiro and Sam Savitz.


Capital Projects, Endowed and Spendable Funds BB&N greatly appreciates the generous support of the parents, alumni/ae, and friends listed below who made gifts, payments, or pledges to endowment and spendable funds, capital projects, and other special fundraising initiatives during the 2014-2015 fiscal year. The list below includes a brief description of the history and purpose of the endowment and spendable funds to which gifts were made this year. For a complete list of BB&N Endowment and Spendable Funds, visit


2014 Senior Parents’ Gift Financial Aid Enrichment John Burstein and Molly Silver Omar and Karen Eton Joshua Levy and Rachel Rock 2015 Senior Parents’ Gift Faculty Opportunity Fund Anonymous (4) Kamesh Aiyer and Geeta Bhide Aiyer Patrick and Katherine Andreasen Jane Apau Greg and Julie F. Auclair Aixa Beauchamp Elijah and Alisa Berg Stephen Blacklaw and Barbara Appignani Doris Dwyer Boudens Timothy and Teresa Boughner Robert and Cherise Bransfield Paul and Cristin Briger Richard H. Brudnick ’74 and Cynthia Brudnick Stephen and Judi Catalano Charles and Georgina Chu Joe and Lucy Chung Thomas and Lisa Clark Anthony and Janine Cozier Kermit Crawford and Barbara Nobles-Crawford Joel Cutler ’77 and Randi Cutler David and Kathryn Dahl Carl and Denise DeFranco James P. DeVellis ’84 and Ann Kelly 

(dec.) - deceased

Greg and Susan Diffley Thomas DiPetrillo and Tanya Arpiarian Judith Donath David and Tanya English Douglas and Gabrielle Fecteau Carlos Fernández and Maureen Mulligan Louis A. Ferraro ’78 and Jackie Ferraro Ed and Peggy Fitzgerald Robert Flaumenhaft and Lisa Nachtigall Charles and Michelle Fox Wendy Fox Catherine Brosens Francis ’81 and Dennis Francis Scott Friend and Leslie Riedel Kevyn Barbera Fusco ’83 and Scott Fusco Alexander and Jane Gavis Lisa Gianelly ’81 and Jeffrey Levinson Lynda Gillis Neil and Deborah Goldfine Richard and Mireia Greenblatt Eric Gustafson and Lenore Shannon Chun-Shin Hahn Alireza Hakimi and Nazila Hakimi-Bidabadi Jane Hamilton and Mary Grenham Robert and Kerriann Harris William and Kathleen Harris Drew and Shannon Hayden David and Ellen Herrick Ed and Alane Hodges Ha Il Hwang and Mi Sun Kang Freddie and Nikki Jacobs Matthew and Robin Kahn Rafiq and Shams Karimi

Stephen L. Kaufer and Lisa Howe Andrew and Emilie Kendall Scott and Di Kirwan Josh Klein ’80 Kenneth Kohlberg and Justine Bloch Scott and Natalie Kuldell Michael and Kathleen Langen Mark and Susan Lavoie Susan B. Lehman Dora Lewin Jack Lifford ’84 and Karen Lifford Mark C. Lindberg and Aline Gery Michael and Elysabeth Logan Peter and Deirdre Martin Kate De Normandie McCarey ’81 and Kevin McCarey Edward and Marcy McGourty Jay McNamara and Eileen Murphy-McNamara David Medzorian and Valerie Becker Belete Mekuria and Zemtawork Tesfaye David and Martha Metzdorf Benjamin W. Moulton and Ann Nelson Moulton Kate Champion Murphy ’81 and Brian Murphy (dec.) Christopher Nagel and Katherine Gundersen Frances Nalubega Todd Newell and Raquel Balmelli Joseph and Carol Noenickx Daniel Nvule Colleen O’Connor James and Barbara O’Connor Richard Page and Maura Murphy Mark and Deb Pasculano Scott and Kristin Paton

Randy Peeler and Kate Kellogg David and Julie Perry Syphorn and Nickie Phan Richard and Patricia Pino Leon and Marie Ridore Mark A. Roberts ’63 and Amanda Wang Charles and Hansella Robson Thomas and Marcella Ruddy Nicholas Sadovnikoff and Marcie Rubin Ajay Saini and Mina Paul Steven and Gerburg Sands Lester and Cynthia Savage Jim Sebenius and Nancy Buck Steven and Ellen Segal Leslie Segelke Michael and Ina Sipser Bradford J. Smith Eugene Sorets and Merit Cudkowicz David Jon and Elizabeth Stellati Eric and Sarah Stellwagen Benjamin and Anne Steverman Will Sun and Lynne Bolduc Halston and Katherine Taylor Jim and Susan Tinagero Desmond Tyler Allison N. Wade Ajay Wakhloo and Veronica DeGreiff Nick and Tricia Winton John Zhang and Pauline Gong David and Susan Zimmerman Jenny Fiol Birch 1987 Financial Aid Fund Originally established by alumni/ae and friends of the Class of 1987 in memory of Jenny Fiol Birch ’87, the

Jenny Fiol Birch Financial Aid Fund was endowed in 2012 through a gift from Jenny’s mother, Jeanne Burlingame, and is intended to support BB&N financial aid students’ expenses for School-sponsored international trips. Jeanne Fiol Burlingame Joel Goldberg ’87 and Cybill Goldberg John & Archontoula Bucuvalas Scholarship Fund Established in 1998 by Michael Bucuvalas ’66 and his wife Martha, this fund provides financial aid for talented and deserving students, with a preference for students from the Somerville Public Schools. Michael Bucuvalas ’66 and Martha Bucuvalas Lawrence J. and Anne Cable Rubenstein Scholarship Fund Established in 1997 by the Cable family and the Lawrence J. and Anne Cable Rubenstein Foundation, this fund provides financial aid support to less advantaged children from the Boston area. Thomas D. Lincoln ’63 The Joe and Lucy Chung Financial Aid Fund Established in 2007 by BB&N parents Joe and Lucy Chung, this fund provides support for BB&N’s financial aid program. Joe and Lucy Chung Curhan-Pokross Fund to Promote Faculty Excellence Established by members of the Curhan and Pokross families to encourage and promote faculty excellence at the Upper School, this fund provides training and professional development opportunities for Upper School faculty. Jared Curhan ’89 and Katie Curhan Ronald and Joan Curhan Jenifer Curhan Panner ’86 David Pokross, Jr. and Laurie S. Gill Samuel Pokross ’09

Armen Dedekian Faculty Endowment Fund This fund was established in 2008 to honor long-time Russian teacher Armen Dedekian upon his retirement, and supports general faculty endowment. Brooke Ablon ’85 and Alex Ablon Druker Foundation Financial Aid Fund Established in 2010 by members of the Druker and Stockwell families, this fund provides support for BB&N’s financial aid program. Kim Druker Stockwell ’86, Pel Stockwell, and the Bertram A. and Ronald M. Druker Foundation The John H. Etter Teaching Fund Established in honor of John H. Etter ’49, Director of Athletics for more than 40 years, this fund supports the Director of Athletics position. Laurence Etter (dec.) and Elizabeth Etter Joseph E. McKeigue ’64

campuses for initiatives that promote cross-campus and interdisciplinary curriculum development. Nancy Hoadley Fryberger ’54 and Dick Fryberger General Endowment Fund Estate of Peter M. Hewitt ’44 Steven and Nancy McIntire The Gordon and Rowe Family Upper School Faculty Enrichment Fund Established in 2012 by Wendy Gordon and Larry Rowe P’09,’13, this fund provides grants to support professional enrichment opportunities for Upper School faculty members who have demonstrated exceptional performance in the classroom. The Gordon and Rowe Family Grace Music and Arts Fund Established in 2014, this fund provides support for BB&N’s Upper School performing and visual arts program with a preference for the music program. David and Kay Kane

John H. Etter Financial Aid Fund Established in 2011 in memory of former BB&N Athletic Director and Coach John H. (Jack) Etter ’49, this fund provides support for BB&N’s financial aid program. Brooke Ablon ’85 and Alex Ablon Henry N. Winslow ’56 Financial Aid Endowment Fund Carrie Ardito Fanlo ’93 and Iggy Fanlo Thom Greenlaw and Kimberly McAllister Steven and Ellen Segal Peter Slavin ’75 and Lori Slavin Fryberger Fund for Curriculum Development Established in 2007 by Nancy Hoadley Fryberger ’54 and Dick Fryberger, the Fryberger Fund is a spendable fund that provides grants to faculty on all three

Gunness Scholars Fund Established in 2014 in honor of Peter K. Gunness, former Head of School for Browne & Nichols and BB&N from 1969 - 1992, this fund provides support for BB&N’s financial aid program. Betsy Allen Henri Andre Jill Apple Beverly B. Balise Jim and Tish Biggar Byron and Berit Bowman Jeff Webb and Betty Webb Brown L. Hamilton Clark, Jr. and Caroline Clark David and Mary Clarke Althea B. Cranston Mary Alice Crosby Armen Dedekian Daniel L. Farber Mark T. Fidler

Nathaniel M. Gorton ’56 and Jodi Gorton Sharon Hamilton Jack Hardy ’61 and Margaret Sandoz Hardy ’61 Kenneth and Mary Holmes Dick and Beth Jacobson Dale and Linda Jorgenson Andy and Linda Kaufman Molly E. King J. Philip and Wendy Kistler Dianne J. LeBlanc Andrew Leighton Rob W. Leith Richard and Pat Light Mark C. Lindberg and Aline H. Gery Cynthia Livingston Richard and Beverly Malone Michael Moskow ’51 and Donna Moskow Soizick M. L. Munir Alan and Kathleen Nauss Kathy Newell Pete and Ginny Nicholas Charles W. Putnam Bill Rogers Michael and Berenice Ronthal W. Allen and Selina Rossiter Jeffrey Rudman ’66 Mark E. Satterfield ’73 Deborah Slade and Jeffrey D. Pierce John P. Stonestreet ’84 and Leslie Stonestreet Carol Strasburger Anna Wech Bartlett M. Hauthaway Scholarship Fund Established in 2001 by Bartlett M. Hauthaway ’42, this fund provides financial aid for one or more Upper School students who are strongly motivated, intellectually or artistically promising, eager to lead or create, and who have a deep and abiding interest in nature. Bartlett M. Hauthaway ’42 (dec.)



Head’s Discretionary Fund Marina Hatsopoulos Bornhorst ’83 and Walter Bornhorst The Hixon Family English Faculty Endowment Fund Established in 2007 by the Hixon Family, this fund provides support for professional development for BB&N English Department/Language Arts faculty, as well as enrichment opportunities for Upper and Middle School English/Language Arts classes. Anthony Hixon, Diane Hixon (dec.), and Augusta Hixon ’07 Marina Keegan ’08 Memorial Fund/Summer Fellowship Established in 2012 to honor the memory of Marina Keegan ’08, a student noteworthy for her wide-ranging involvement in BB&N and her distinct talents, this fund provides support for the Marina Keegan ’08 Summer Fellowship Program. Kevin and Tracy Keegan Emma Reilly ’05 Christopher Richards ’08 John Zhang and Pauline Gong Christopher James Kern Scholarship Fund Established in 2001 by family and friends in memory of Christopher Kern ’99, this fund provides financial aid to an Upper School scholar-athlete. Anonymous (1) Sonya Behnke ’99 William C. Droste ’99 Michael Ellis ’99 Joseph P. Kennedy III ’99 Matthew R. Kennedy ’99 Sheila R. Kennedy Jonathan Tracy ’99


(dec.) - deceased

Legacy Foreign Language Fund Established in 2007 by Eleanor Campbell-Swank ’76, this fund is used to enhance the objectives of the language program on all three campuses. Eleanor S. Campbell-Swank ’76 Lehner Family Financial Aid Fund Established in 2011 by The Orchard Foundation/Michael and Monica Lehner P’12,’14,’16, this fund supports the BB&N financial aid program. Monica and Michael Lehner Litterae II Financial Aid Fund Established by an anonymous donor in 2011, this fund supports the general financial aid program of BB&N by providing funding for a student requiring full or nearly full support from the School. Anonymous Mannion Family Financial Aid Fund Established in 2014, this fund supports the general financial aid program by providing funding for a student requiring full or nearly full support from the School. Mannion Family Foundation Marsh Fund for Faculty Professional Development Established in 2014 by former faculty member Paul E. Marsh, husband of Margaret Breed Marsh ’38, this fund supports the professional development of BB&N Upper School faculty during the summer months, with a preference for History Department Faculty. Paul E. Marsh (dec.) and Margaret Breed Marsh ’38 E.Vincent Merry Fund Established in 1980 in memory of E.Vincent Merry, husband of BB&N former trustee Karan A. Merry P’86, ’91, this fund provides financial assistance for academic or special programs for minority students and faculty. Lee T. Archung ’72 Tamara W. Ashford ’86

Past Parents’ Financial Aid Fund Established in 1999 by parents of BB&N graduates, this fund provides financial aid for an Upper School student. Linda and Alex Beavers Ruth and Richard Cole Francine and William Crawford Betsy Banks Epstein and David R. Epstein ’68 Caryl Goodman and Austin Wertheimer D. Fleet Hill and Walter J. Popper Nancy and Philip Kukura Heidi Lehner and Paul Milbury Monica and Michael Lehner Eileen and Dan Logan Rebecca and Jonathan M. Niloff Barbara Roberts and David B. Roberts ’67 Christine Balko Slywotzky and Adrian Slywotzky Hilary Wodlinger Petropoulos Art Scholars Program Fund The Petropoulos Art Scholars Program Fund honors the memory of John B. Petropoulos P’93, a beloved member of the B&N and BB&N Upper School Art Department faculty from 1962 to 1982. The Petropoulos Art Scholars Program provides an enriched experience for Upper School students who participate in independent study programs in the visual and performing arts. Charles and Janice Fox Chris A. Kauth and Lynda I. Dugas Melissa Renn Al Rossiter Child Development Faculty Support Fund Established in honor of former Assistant Head of School Al Rossiter, whose commitment to his students and their families made a significant difference in students’ adolescent development and mental health, this fund supports faculty and staff professional development in the area of child development and childhood mental health. Jerry Avorn and Karen Tucker

Shawkemo Financial Aid Fund Established by an anonymous donor in 2012, this fund supports the general financial aid program of BB&N by providing funding for a talented and deserving student requiring full or nearly full support from the School. Anonymous Craig B. Stonestreet ’49 Fund Established in 1991 by family and friends in memory of Craig B. Stonestreet ’49, Former Director of the Upper School, this fund is used to provide financial aid to deserving Upper School scholar-athletes.The fund also provides an annual prize to a member of the junior class in recognition of high scholarship, excellence in athletics, and constructive influence within the School. Brooke Ablon ’85 and Alex Ablon Robert Duggan Leigh P. Hogan Paul G. Kirby ’52 and Claire Kirby Peter Levitt ’84 and Adriana Levitt Wendy Stonestreet Sciolla and Robert D. Sciolla John P. Stonestreet ’84 and Leslie Stonestreet Wilma Stonestreet David L. M. Sze ’85 Peter and Ann Tower Jonathan Uhrig and Jennifer Stonestreet Uhrig Elizabeth Thacher Stowe Teaching Fund Established in 1974 in honor of Elizabeth Stowe, Headmistress of The Buckingham School from 1963 until 1974, in recognition of her talents as a stimulating teacher and able administrator, this fund supports faculty professional development with special emphasis on projects designed to expand the interrelationship of the teacher and student in the teaching process. Anita Gilman Sherman ’75

Thompson Foster Street Foundation Fund Established in 2004 by David J. Thompson ’85 and Elizabeth Thompson, this fund supports BB&N’s financial aid program with a preference for a scholar-athlete from a diverse ethnic background. David Thompson ’85 and Elizabeth Thompson Wu Scholar Fund Established in 2015 by Fan Wu ’98 to honor his parents, this fund supports BB&N’s financial aid program. Fan Wu ’98


Lower School Science, Technology, and Music Center George Baldwin Middle School Building Project Anonymous (3) J. Stuart Ablon ’88 Leslie Ahlstrand ’08 James T. Berylson ’00 Marjorie Morando Cairns ’52 Gregory and Teresa Clark Tim and Christina Cohen Steven and Alexi Conine Tim and Susan Corcoran Tom and Nancy Dingman James Donovan ’61 Sam and Alexandra Epee-Bounya Katie Gayman Tom Giblin ’56 and Ellen Smith Giblin ’56 David and Christine Gross-Loh Tom and Jeanne Hagerty Marcia Head James P. Honan and Lisa J. Mars Zhenghua Hong and Jianqin Lu Stephen and Debra Kemper James and Susanne Klingenstein Sol and Elizabeth Kumin Ken and Vicky Lang The Lawrences

Philip and Elizabeth Loughlin Greg and Deborah Mankiw Richard Miner and Corinne Nagy Ofer and Shelly Nemirovsky Lydia Phippen Ogilby ’38 Frank and Kelly Panayotou The Pappendick Family Fund Shep Perkins and Lisa Mullan Perkins Matthew Rubins and Meredith Rosenberg David and Jocelyn Sand Ann Imlah Schneider ’51 Matthew S. Slovik ’00 Richard A. Smith ’42 and Susan F. Smith Soyoun and Megan Song Clay V. Stites Laura Hodges Taylor ’74 and Scott Taylor Torsten and Beebe Wiegand Ted and Lilly Yun Sixth Grade Gift for the Middle School Building Project Anonymous (2) Andrew and Irina Angel Sam Atkinson ’82 and Tess Atkinson David and Andrea Attisani Robert and Karima Aust Stèphane and Brenda Bancel William and Judith Bijesse Gordon Bloom and Sara Singer Chuck and Kate Brizius John and Jennifer Cassedy Ajay and Layla Chadha Victor Chistyakov and Helena Choulga Tim and Susan Corcoran Anthony and Janine Cozier Arup Datta and Madhuleena Saha Denis and Mary Dowdle Heather Gregg Earl Robert L. Earl Gian and Karen Fabbri Chris and Jessica Fallon Raghav and Divya Gadodia Brian Gill and Jennifer Lerner John and Janice Gould David and Christine Gross-Loh Marcia Head

Ron and Michal Hirsch Philipp Lang and Natalie Salem Stuart Levinson and Jennifer Keddy Francis and Marjorie Lichtenberger Qiegang Long and Hongling Han Samir and Rania Melki David and Silvia Nieto Soren and Caroline Oberg Felix and Edith Okwesa Marjorie S. Palace Scott and Kristin Paton Roy and Linda Pollock Michael and Linda Rabieh Stacey Reifer Lindsey Mead Russell ’92 and Matthew T. Russell Elizabeth Saltonstall William R. Scheer Christopher and Meredith Shachoy Guhan Subramanian and Helen Clement Stanley and Nathalie Tabor Edward and Lynn Trodden Lydia E.Vagts ’81 and David Quilter Fredrik and Becky Velander Christopher G. Weinert ’90 and Bridget Weinert Elizabeth Weir Nick and Tricia Winton Sam Wolff ’88 and Meredith Wolff Folk-Man and Monera Wong Janet Costello Worthington ’93 and Michael Worthington Geoffrey Xiao and Xiaoqing Zhou Marc Zukowski Upper School Building Project Lewis and Amy Sassoon


Diversity Initiatives Anonymous (1) Jessica Balboni ’90 Chester S. Beattie, Jr. ’74 and Brenda Coleman-Beattie Jeffrey C. David ’90 Cory Liebergott Floyd ’90 Craig Gorton ’90 Shanna Hines ’90 Franz M. Ingelfinger ’90 Elin Norberg Lamb ’90 Members of the Class of 1990 Caleb Winder ’90 Environmental/Sustainability Issues Gary and Mary Pforzheimer The Family Cooperative Daycare Tegan Leonard Avellino ’97 Global Online Academy Anonymous Lower School Makerspace Project Anonymous (1) Richard Miner and Corinne Nagy Opening Minds Campaign Unrestricted Jonathan Goodman and Elizabeth Silverman The Nicholas Family Summer Wishes Randy Peeler and Kate Kellogg Upper School Theater Name A Seat Initiative Larry and Dawn Cohen Jennifer Lebowitz London ’86 Richard Page and Maura Murphy James and Audrey Peck



The Almy Society Each year, thoughtful individuals and families invest in the School’s future through their estate plans. There is a unique story behind each and every one of these legacies but they all have the same ultimate goal: to maintain the strength, integrity, and value of the BB&N experience for future generations of students. If you have arranged to support BB&N through your charitable estate plans like the generous alumni/ae, parents, and friends recognized below, please contact Janet Rosen at 617-800-2729 or so that we can welcome you as a member of The Almy Society. To read more about BB&N’s Planned and Deferred Giving program, visit The Almy Society gratefully recognizes the following alumni/ae, parents, grandparents, faculty, and friends who have included BB&N in their long-term philanthropic plans.

Anonymous (5) Michael J. Bucuvalas ’66 and Martha Bucuvalas Arthur M. Bylin ’54 Elizabeth S. Cahn ’85 Margaret A. Carver ’44 Cynthia Chace ’70 Richard M. Chalfen ’60 Christopher R. Decker ’82 Robert Dole ’52 and Marguerite Dole James M. Donovan ’61 Laurence Etter (dec.) and Elizabeth Etter Thomas A. Fitzgerald, Jr. ’53 Nancy Hoadley Fryberger ’54 and Dick Fryberger Lincoln B. Gamble ’76 Theodore B. Gazarian ’49 Seth Gibson ’53 Phillips N. Gordon ’43 John P. Grinold ’53 and Catherine Grinold Don V. Hellerman ’50 George W. Jones ’47 Karen J. Kalina ’81 The Krentzman Family: Farla Krentzman (dec.), Harvey Krentzman (dec.), Mark Krentzman ’72, and Scott Krentzman ’84 

Brenda Luquer ’62 Deirdre Nansen McCloskey ’60 Scott G. McMullin ’63 Mary K. Merrill Ellen C. Oppler ’46 Louise A. Pfeiffer ’36 John B. Read, Jr. ’53 Robert Rosenthal and Linda Samay (dec.) Jeffrey Rudman ’66 George and Nancy Rupp Linda Samuels Mark E. Satterfield ’73 and Marian Satterfield William D. Saunders ’59 William C. Sawyer ’47 Ann Imlah Schneider ’51 Allan H. Seigal ’51 Arnold H. Singal ’54 Mallory H. Slate ’56 Duncan Smith ’48 and Joan Smith Janet M. Storella ’74 Jane Hewitt Tierney ’40 Patricia Blevins Till ’44 Nancy Morse Torti ’60 Klaus E. von Stutterheim ’62 Richard C. Walton ’72 Henry N. Winslow ’56 Charles F. Woodard, Jr. ’58 Benjamin T. Wright ’40

For their lasting legacies to the School, we recognize in perpetuity the following individuals whose estate gifts have been realized and have fortified the foundations of learning and excellence at BB&N: James B. Ames Horace O. Bright ’13 Edward C. Browne ’37 Harriet Ropes Cabot ’25 Erica Barth Cawley Frank S. Cawley Edward P. Chase ’27 Mr. and Mrs. James Couzens Nicholas and Antigoni Damalas Clarence G. Davenport ’26 Suzanne A. Fleischner ’48

Malcolm S. Hayden ’45 Peter M. Hewitt ’44 William S. Howe ’47 Natalie Hoyt Nancy Griffin Jackson ’60 Herbert B. Jacobs ’43 Andrea L. Kusko ’66 Arthur J. Lawson ’26 Ruth Rosenberg Medalia ’42 Mary Potter Meeker ’53 Constance R. Milton ’28 Nancy Morse Margaret E. Oakley Sarah Osborn David and Muriel K. Pokross Alice Woodman Rossiter ’33 Anna Minot Warren ’35

Kayla Duran ’18 advances the ball in a soccer match.

BB&N Volunteers We are deeply grateful to the many parents, grandparents, alumni/ae, students, faculty, staff, and friends listed below who contributed countless hours of volunteer time to BB&N last year through various activities in support of the School’s mission. Without your efforts, BB&N could not have achieved the results and accomplishments celebrated in this report.

2014-2015 Board of Trustees Bracebridge Hemyng Young, Jr., Chair Shelly Nemirovsky,Vice Chair/ Secretary Charles A. Brizius III,Vice Chair David Randolph Peeler, Vice Chair/Treasurer J. Stuart Ablon ’88 Leslie Ahlstrand ’08 Beth Myers Azano ’95 Jeffrey S. Barber James T. Berylson ’00 Agnes Bundy Scanlan Joseph T. Chung Gregory T. Clark Thomas Dingman Diala Ezzeddine Katie Gayman Mary Beth Gordon Jason P. Hafler ’00 Bob Higgins James P. Honan Ken Lang Philip H. Loughlin Erica Gervais Pappendick Jocelyn H. Sand Clay V. Stites Janet M. Storella ’74 David J. Thompson ’86 Frederica C. Turner ’91 David B. Williams ’78 Rebecca T. Upham, Head of School Board of Trustees Fundraising Committee Shelly Nemirovsky, Chair Beth Myers Azano ’95 Jeffrey S. Barber Jason P. Hafler ’00 Ken Lang Philip H. Loughlin Erica Gervais Pappendick Frederica C. Turner ’91

2014-2015 Alumni/ae Council Beth Myers Azano ’95, Chair Tegan Leonard Avellino ’97 Matthew W. Henning ’92 Karen Kalina ’81 Mark La Camera ’88 Scott Schlager ’08

Hua Hai Freddie G. Jacobs, Jr. SooJeong Lim Leslie Riedel Karla Winter

2014-2015 Parents’ Association Executive Committee Jocelyn H. Sand, President Janice Gould,Vice President Corinne Noyes, Executive Secretary Kimberly A. Ainsworth, Executive Treasurer Kristen Bowden Cherise R. Bransfield Liz Burnett Anthony Cozier Janine Cozier Karen Donovan Sara Fascetti Mary Grenham Michael Horwitz Kimberly Hsu-Barber Freddie G. Jacobs, Jr. Kay Kane Kasey J. Kaufman Emilie K. Kendall Preeti Patel Micki Rowaan Lori Sidman Apple Stephen ’88 Irene Theodore Parent Group Representatives Jenny Chang Janine Cozier Joslyne Decker Mariana Egan Mary Grenham

Lower School Parent Representatives Andrea Attisani Pratima Abichandani Deepika Aggarwal Jed Bailey Brenda Bancel Lori Belz Jennifer Cassedy Georgina Chu Alexi Conine Janine Cozier Genevieve Cremaldi ’87 Priya Giri Desai

Alexis Boyle Egan ’93 Kate Bower Enroth Sara Fascetti Alison Franklin Denise Gee Lisa Gross Julia Gwynne Kimberly Hsu-Barber Susanna Jacobus Darla Jelley Dara Kesselheim Marjorie Lichtenberger Debra Longstreet Daniel Medwed ’87 Caroline Oberg Kelly Panayotou Erica Gervais Pappendick Preeti Patel Melissa Reilly Leslie Riedel Meredith Rosenberg

Nandita Aggarwal ’25 and Robbie Baker ’25 collaborate on a math problem.



Karl Ruping Meredith Santos Avron Segal Fleur Segal Lori Sidman Megan Song Apple Stephen ’88 Frederica C. Turner ’91 Danielle West Monera Wong Middle School Parent Representatives Melissa Boudreau Adelina Carney Doran Donovan Karen Donovan Sara Fascetti Philippa Ferridge Kevyn Barbera Fusco ’83 Pamela M. Gannon Julie Jolin Judy Kanwal Francis Lichtenberger Christina Mann Joan Rosenberg Micki Rowaan Margaret Shang Irene Theodore Nonna Tilke Becky Velander Alice W. Wang Lillian K.Yun Upper School Parent Representatives Heliana Attie Kristen Bowden Doris Boudens Cherise Bransfield Agnes Bundy Scanlan Liz Burnett Domenic Capossela Diane Chapman Anthony Cozier Peggy Fitzgerald Gina Foote


Scott Fusco Lisa Gianelly ’81 Betsey Gifford Erin M. Gilligan Rachael Goldfarb Pauline Gong Caroline A. Himmelman Julie Jalelian Kay Kane Kasey Kaufman Emilie Kendall Richard Kennedy Ken Lang Becky Levin Marjorie Lichtenberger Barry Lyons Christina Mann Marcy McGourty Kate Champion Murphy ’81 Eileen Murphy-McNamara Shelly Nemirovsky Carol Noenickx Ingrid Belete Núñez Dinah Olanoff Syphorn and Nickie Phan Marie Ridore Virginia Shannon Joan Strodel Karen Wang Lower School Circus Volunteers Kristine Higgins, Chair Jonna Angelone Jed Bailey Pamela Baker Lori Belz Janine Cozier Genevieve Cremaldi ’87 Gregory Fernandes Janice Gould Darla Jelley Lisa Kerrigan Jennifer Lavenberg Marjorie Lichtenberger Michael McCauley Corinne Nagy Marjorie Palace Donald Richards Avron Segal Towne Williams

Anilda Mendes ’18 and Isabella Collins ’18 at Bivouac last fall.


Jason P. Hafler ’00, Trustee, BB&N Fund Co-Chair Ken Lang, Trustee, BB&N Fund Co-Chair Diana Chapman, Parent Co-Chair Frederica C. Turner ’91, Parent Co-Chair Becky Velander, Parent Co-Chair BB&N Fund Parent Volunteers Lisa Ashton Pamela Baker Alexi Conine Priya Giri Desai Gina Foote Kimathi Foster Charles Gifford Stephanie Harvey Shelly Nemirovsky Melissa Reilly Leslie Riedel Margaret Wasilewski Towne Williams

BB&N Fund Faculty/Staff Volunteers Megan Rutter Hadadi ’97 Louise Makrauer Beth McNamara Bill Rogers Jesse Sarzana ’93 Shera Selzer BB&N Fund Grandparent Volunteers Pierre and Francine Brosens Allan and Marilyn Glick Jim and Gail Kellogg Richard and Pat Light 2014-2015 Senior Parents’ Gift Committee Cherise Bransfield, Co-Chair Kate De Normandie McCarey ’81, Co-Chair Julie Auclair Richard H. Brudnick ’74 Joe and Lucy Chung Gregory and Teresa Clark Joel Cutler ’77 and Randi Cutler Carl DeFranco James DeVellis ’84

Alexander and Jane Gavis Pauline Gong Mary Grenham Drew and Shannon Hayden Nikki Jacobs Eileen Murphy-McNamara Richard Page and Maura Murphy Deb Pasculano Randy Peeler and Kate Kellogg Marie Ridore Steven and Ellen Segal Nick and Tricia Winton Sixth Grade Gift Committee Kate Brizius Karen Fabbri Marcia Head Margie Palace Nathalie Tabor Becky Velander Nick and Tricia Winton


Reunion Volunteers Elizabeth Abbe ’80 Deborah Ann Abbott ’65 Brooke Ablon ’85 Mike Abrams ’05 Tanzila Ahad ’10 Christian Arcand ’00 Beth Myers Azano ’95 Jessica Batzell ’00 Arabella Beatty ’05 Daisy E. Beatty ’00 Jimmy Berylson ’00 Graeme Blackman ’10 Joseph Bradlee ’10 Jennifer Boyce ’95 Leslie A. Cadwell ’80 Alexandra Cantley ’05 Randi Stempler Chen ’80 Michelle Cherande ’90 Mark F. Coe ’80 Richard H. Cook ’75 Beryl Crofton-Atkins ’05 Elizabeth Howie Dank ’00 Christopher R. Defilippi ’80 Mark B. DeVoto ’57

Sarah Diaz ’10 Sam Ditzion ’95 James Donovan ’61 Sarah A. Emerson ’80 Kendrick Evans ’10 Alison Field-Juma ’75 Cory Liebergott Floyd ’90 Ilya Fuchs ’90 Alexander A. Gendzier ’80 Keith Gilbert ’80 Sarah Gottlieb ’10 Carolyn L. Greenberg ’75 Eric D. Grunebaum ’80 Jason P. Hafler ’00 Eric X. Hamilton ’80 F. Tyler Hardy ’95 David Hirsch ’00 Cathleen Howard Holmes ’80 Tatiana A. Homonoff ’00 Brenda Herschbach Jarrell ’85 Barbara Katzenberg ’80 Kaeghan Kelly ’10 Katherine Thorpe Kerr ’00 Josh Klein ’80 Jay Knowles ’80 Elin Norberg Lamb ’90 Rick Massey ’00 Amy Dray McNamee ’80 Martina McPherson ’00 Adam Morollo ’10 Christopher P. Mosca ’75 J.K. Nicholas ’85 Kate Novack ’90 Martha Stearns Pendleton ’65 Lyndia Personnat ’10 Alison Powers ’95 Jay E. Rosenfeld ’75 Jane Coles Ryter ’80 Emma Sagan ’10 John Simon ’80 Brianna Smith ’10 Katharine Malcolm Stohlman ’75 Terrance Sullivan ’05 Dave Thompson ’85 Robin McCree Torres ’75 Fred Uehlein ’65 Edwin J. Wang Sr. ’80 Tim Whiting ’65 Susan B. Whitlock ’80 Courtney Stokes Willett ’95 Caleb Winder ’90

Alumni/ae Class Agents Brooke W. Ablon ’85 Beth Myers Azano ’95 Tim S. Bassett ’04 Peter R. Bono ’63 Kara Borodkin ’04 Kristin Tyman Brawn ’00 Jennifer Gelfand Church ’89 Meredith L. Coburn ’03 Joelinda Coichy ’07 Alexis Boyle Egan ’93 Wendy Falchuk ’89 Alexander Fine ’95 Edward T. Fish ’01 Paul Gallagher, Jr. ’10 Joshua D. Goldman ’01 Jason P. Hafler ’00 Rachel Kroner Hanselman ’89 F. Tyler Hardy ’95 Kathryn Kargman Holden ’01 Richmond Holden III ’01 John A. Hope ’85 Andrew H. Jewett ’01 Karen Kalina ’81 Hannah C. Kauders ’11 Katherine Thorpe Kerr ’00 Elizabeth Kerwin-Miller ’06 Nicole Panico Krensky ’07 Amanda Krentzman ’04 Ross H. Kukulinski ’05 Emily Leventhal ’96 Allegra Wechsler Lowitt ’90 Rick Massey ’00 Sarah H. Montgomery ’01 Daniel Morrill ’04 Jay Myers ’03 J.K. Nicholas ’85 Daniel Haruki Oshima ’06 Timothy J. Parks ’01 Milyna Phillips ’99 Morgan Pierson ’01 Danielle C. Reny ’11 Emily Glaser Ross ’02 Peter A. Savarese ’11 Michelle Shortsleeve ’03 David F. Sontheimer ’01 Jennifer Duval Souza ’93 Garrett P. Sullivan ’01 Frederica C. Turner ’91 Kim Ablon Whitney ’91 Clarence G. Williams, Jr. ’85

Stephen Wise ’04 Eric D. Wolkoff ’01 Adam Zalisk ’03 2014-2015 Senior Class Ambassador Committee Jonathan K. Brudnick ’15 Emma G. Herrick ’15 Oliver G. Kendall ’15 Amanda L. Lifford ’15 Harrison S. Savage ’15 Annabel M. Smith ’15 Elisabeth C. Smith ’15 Buckingham Five Cynthia Chace ’70 Nancy Hoadley Fryberger ’54 Rosalind E. Gorin ’62 Pamela Hardee Jackson ’62 Nancy Morse Torti ’60 Class Secretaries Betsy Ludwig Abdallah ’88 Andrew T. Adams ’62 C. Richard Anderson ’61 Alison Koff Arnstein ’82 Charles A. Atherton ’64 Frances Atherton ’67 Philip Auerbach ’97 Beth Myers Azano ’95 David M. Banash ’68 Meghan Barry ’93 Sara Ciotti Bavaro ’91 Kathrene Tiffany Bell ’99 Thomas K. Blake ’71 Jennifer Berylson Block ’97 Kristin Tyman Brawn ’00 Ann Simmons Butler ’47 Jack L. Carlson ’05 Corinne L. Case ’01 Cynthia Chace ’70 Melvin H. Chalfen ’44 Richard M. Chalfen ’60 Neel Chaudhury ’99 Randi Stempler Chen ’99 Meredith L. Coburn ’03 Adam F. Cohen ’01 Robert A. Cohen ’82 Lilla Curran ’98 Elizabeth Howie Dank ’00 VO L U N T E E R S


Filipe Caldas de Vasconcellos ’93 Sumi Paek DeBenedittis ’93 Mark B. DeVoto ’57 Linda Thimann Dewing ’61 Anne C. Diamond ’98 William P. Dole ’46 Alexis Boyle Egan ’93 Michael Ellis ’99 Erica Lenk Emmet ’72 Kendrick Evans ’10 Sophia Fregosi ’94 Nancy Hoadley Fryberger ’54 Virginia Angevine Fuller ’50 Kevyn Barbera Fusco ’83 Nancy R. Gair ’77 Robert N. Ganz, Jr. ’43 Joe Ghory ’98 Ellen Smith Giblin ’56 John T. Giblin ’56 Jaime Bard Goldstein ’98 Sarah Gottlieb ’10 Trina Barnett Grantham ’62 Matthew Griffin ’97 Miles Grimshaw ’09 Brenda Gross ’75 Lauren B. Gross ’01 Ben Grossman ’98 Jason P. Hafler ’00 George Hansen, Jr. ’45 Norman E. Hansen ’47 David Harburger ’98

Jason Harburger ’98 Katharine G. Herrup ’00 Rebecca E. Heymann ’06 Richmond Holden III ’01 Joan Floe Holdgate ’57 Cathleen Howard Holmes ’80 Suzanne Balise Holmes ’81 Caroline Howard ’64 Louise Slater Huntington ’52 Ethan E. Jacks ’72 Nathaniel Jacks ’99 Douglas R. Jackson ’59 Eric S. Jacobson ’90 Greg James ’98 Matthew E. Javitch ’00 Andrew H. Jewett ’01 Rory Jones ’01 George P. Kacoyanis ’67 Julia P. Kennedy ’91 Katherine Thorpe Kerr ’00 Keri-Anne Gill Laidlaw ’89 Alix F. Leader-Cramer Mark Leeds ’83 Emily Leinbach ’09 Carolyn Levitan ’09 Richard J. Litner ’63 Frederick Sanjeeve Martyn ’97 Phillip A. McCarthy ’97 Robert McManmon ’00 Jacob Meyer ’97 Nathaniel Meyer ’97

Jennifer Borden Mikell ’83 Mary Whiston Moura ’69 Jesse Needleman ’96 Oliver Uhl Nordlinger ’99 Sarah Puglia O’Brien ’97 Lydia Phippen Ogilby ’38 Geoff Pardo ’89 Alison Parker ’09 Timothy J. Parks ’01 Johanna Larson Perry ’49 Jacob H. Peters ’97 Susan Harwich Pollock ’55 Alisa Ray ’98 Margaret Reilly ’08 Joanna deVaron Reynolds ’67 Kristen Gill Reynolds ’86 Aldis Russell ’94 John S. Russell ’00 Patrice Ryce ’02 Jane Coles Ryter ’80 Rebekah Splaine Salwasser ’97 Carolina Samudio-Ortega ’99 Mark E. Satterfield ’73 Serena Satyasai ’87 Lawrence M. Schell ’66 Michael Schnitman ’92 Michelle Shortsleeve ’03 Arthur Shurcliff ’60 Matthew S. Slovik ’00 Christine Hill Smith ’73 Duncan Smith ’48

Bradford Sohn ’98 Tiffany C. Sommadossi ’08 Ali Gifford Stevens ’86 Roger B. Sturgis ’70 Elspeth Eustis Taylor ’63 Elizabeth G. Terry ’84 Derek B. Townsend ’94 Lenore Gessner Travis ’66 (dec.) Natasha Velickovic ’97 Betsy Baum Vickers ’60 Richard E. Waring ’70 Mia Weiss ’07 Lindsay W. White ’05 Pete White ’50 Tim N. Whiting ’65 Beth B. Whitlock ’85 Amy Tobin Wilson ’97 Leverett L. Wing ’86 Charles F. Woodard, Jr. ’58 Eyob Yohannes ’04 Adam Zalisk ’03 Natalie Zervas ’01 Alumni/ae Panelists and Speakers Astrid C. Chow ’00 Jason P. Hafler ’00 Jameson Henn ’02 Franz Ingelfinger ’90 Jeremy S. Kaplan ’03

The 2014-2015 Report of Giving is published by the BB&N Office of External Affairs. Every effort has been made to ensure that the information included in this report is accurate and complete. If you note any errors or omissions, please accept our apologies and notify the Office of External Affairs at 617-800-2729 so that we can correct our records.

Julia Ruddy ’15 puts the finishing touches on her Senior Tile. 

Editors: Sherwood C. Haskins, Assistant Head for External Affairs Kelly Greene, Director of The BB&N Fund Molly Jackel, Associate Director, The BB&N Fund Meg Macri, Manager of Advancement Services Janet Rosen, Director of Capital Programs Katie Small, Director of Development Audrey Wallace, Assistant Director, The BB&N Fund Design: Marc Harpin, Rhumba Design Photography: Lisa Abitbol, Maria Barton, Sasha Bergmann, Heather Goss, Maya Higgins, Sharon Krauss, Rob Leith, Stephanie Moon, Eric Nordberg ’88, Pat Piasecki, Maura Pritchard, Shawn Read, Janet Rosen, Cecile Roucher-Greenberg, Kelley Schultheis, Joshua Touster,Vaughn Winchell

Diarra English ’15 shares her work with Upper School math teacher Meena Kaur.

Buckingham Browne & Nichols School 80 Gerry’s Landing Road


Cambridge, MA 02138

U S P O S TA G E PA I D W O R C E S TE R , MA P E R MI T N O . 2

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