“I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach….”
~ Henry David Thoreau
Buckingham Browne & Nichols School •
What is Bivouac? Bivouac is a two-week outdoor experience that provides a shared “uncommon experience” for the start of the ninth grade year at BB&N. In the context of a carefully designed program, students are challenged to take responsibility for themselves and their peers in new ways as they live and learn together. Bivouac serves as an orientation for all ninth grade students and as an especially effective way to integrate students who are new to BB&N into the freshman class. It is also a transformative opportunity for each student as they observe, act, and reflect during this vital time in their high school education.
What do we do there? Bivouac involves students living in small groups or squads (single gender) of seven or eight students and attending courses and activities centered around challenge, collaboration, and developing understanding between people. The courses include climbing nearby Mount Monadnock, participating in orienteering and on ropes courses, having conversations about the Upper School, and learning about environmental issues and sustainability. This last element happens first-hand through trips to local farms where parts of their own evening meals are harvested and then prepared. In these courses, students learn to see their own roles within the larger framework of their squad, school, or world, while also having opportunities for growth as they interact with classmates and reflect upon their own values and reactions.
How is the program run? BB&N faculty members serve as “Guides” for each squad throughout the experience. Keeping a close pulse on the experience of each student and squads as a whole, these faculty members also gain insights into individual students that seldom would be possible in a traditional school setting. The chance to talk over a just-cooked meal or reflect together on the highs and lows of the day past are priceless opportunities to get to know one another and to emphasize the most important aspects of a BB&N education. Bivouac, in essence, highlights the types of learning, sharing, and growing that await during the next four years.
Collaboration in action on “Farm to Table”
An afternoon course group discussion
“Victory” on the Climbing Wall To view more Bivouac photos, visit
Student Reflections “Bivouac was one of the best experiences of my life. I was new to BB&N and scared to leave my family and go into the woods for two weeks with a group of kids I didn’t know at all. I emerged from this experience stronger, more resilient, incredibly happy, and having made many new friends.” ******** “While living in a group of eight girls over the past week, I have really learned about teamwork. I have learned when a whole group effort is put into a group of chores, everything goes much faster. I have also learned about the importance of encouragement, responsibility, and determination.” ******** “It is really all about trust. If you can’t trust your classmates to take care of certain duties, you can’t concentrate on your job.” ********* “On the rock wall I was having a hard time getting up and not only was my group very supportive but I was forced to trust in myself that I could do it and that only I was standing in the way of my achievements.” ********** “For me, solo was a way to come back to myself and learn more about who I am. It was so quiet and peaceful out in the woods and the experience I had was very special to me. The school year is so hectic, but going on solo taught me to come back to myself every now and then.”
“At Bivouac, people get to know each other.”
Frequently Asked Questions: What do I need to buy/bring?
An equipment list will be sent to you in the early summer along with medical forms and other information. Essential camping equipment can be rented or purchased from local camping stores. Creative planning can minimize additional costs of the program.
Where is the Bivouac held?
Bivouac is held on school-owned property near Keene, NH. The property is the site of a former camp now largely woodland. It is a spectacular area for all sorts of outdoor activity and exploration.
Who staffs the program?
In contrast to many other outdoor programs, our staff is almost completely formed from faculty at BB&N. A few alumni/ae and outside specialists round out the leadership of “Guides.” All staff are trained in CPR/First Aid.
What if it rains?
High-quality wilderness frame tents set on wooden platforms provide adequate shelter in all weather. The earliest hours and days of the program are set aside for building a protected communal area under an A-Frame along with tables, benches, and structures needed for cooking over a fire.
Tell me more about what happens there…
Arrival and setup is a three-day process that culminates in squads being able to host guides for cooked meals and function independently as a living unit. The middle part of the program involves course and activity days where students are challenged with physical and cooperative learning experiences. The process of closing the Bivouac allows time for both cleanup and reflection. Many students who go through the program find that the second week is when true growth and transformation occurs.
6:45 7:00 8:15 10:00 10:30
Typical Daily Schedule
Everyone up 12:30 Leave for Lake 1:30 Breakfast 1:45 Morning Assembly 2:00 Morning classes 4:30
Lunch Soloists meet Afternoon Assembly Afternoon classes Food Issue & Dinner
5:15 6:00 7:30 8:50 9:00
Staff meeting Dinner Evening Assembly Head for Squad Area Quiet on Mountain
For more information, contact Bivouac Director David Strodel at 617-800-2194 or