endless pos sibilit i e s ...

b.box started with two Aussie moms on a mission! it all began on a flight to New Zealand. ever tried changing a wriggly baby on an airplane? mission impossible right?! when good friends Dannielle Michaels and Monique Filer (aka Dan and Mon) were chatting about Dan’s experience travelling with her newborn, they thought surely there was a product that would solve the problem. the answer was no. and so b.box was born fast forward more than 15 years and we are proud of the more than 125 awards we have won for product design, innovation, business excellence and consumer choice. developed using consumer insights from the people who know best – you!
we are proud of the brand we have built and our team that makes it happen. we have an in-house design team dedicated to creating sustainable and innovative products, backed by strong IP and a team of sales, marketing and supply chain gurus who are always thinking of new ways to differentiate our products and support our global partners we love what we do, and it shows in our products, people and partners. working together to make b.box the most sought-after baby and kids brand on the planet
Dannielle + M o niqu e founderswe get to the nitty gritty of what kids need and what parents want, and we design to cater to them. we are meticulous about quality and we are driven by innovation to offer our customers unique solutions to everyday challenges
we know the days can be long, but the years fly by. as your babies grow, we want to be here for the journey
We do! our product design team has sustainability front of mind. what materials we use, how we can help minimize the use of single use plastics, the longevity of our products – as well as how our products and packaging are recycled at the end of their life – are all part of the problem solving that goes into the development of every product
b.box product must always -
in cups #1
600+ IP assets
over 125 awards for product design & business excellence in feeding #1
be original deliver value solve problems innovatively and creatively empower kids and make life’s daily tasks easier be multi-functional - longer lifespan - less landfill use materials that are safe and as sustainable as possible incorporate consumer insight from around the world look great!
we’ve taken our creativity to over 3,000 stores in Australia and into 50 countries around the world – more than 10 million sippy c u p s s old!
available in over 50 countries covering regions within The Americas Canada
bringing the best of b.box design and innovation together with the top children's we bring design, development, marketing and our loyal b.box following. you can find us in many distribution channels - mass, independent, specialty, grocery, pharmacy and many more across the globe
over 600k followers on socials worldwide over 55 social pages across FB, IG, TikTok and Youtube
6 b.box branded websites globally with many other Distributor websites
we use an integrated approach when marketing our products - combining web, socials & social advertising, eDM and collabs to target and reach consumers at optimal times
it all
Disney entertains and inspires families around the world through the power of unparalleled storytelling, where dreams come true
lunchbox sold through
50% in 2 weeks!
Frozen tells the story of Princess Anna who sets out to find her estranged sister Elsa. the message of Frozen is that it's good to be bold and courageous and demonstrates this strength via the strong female characters throughout the story telling process
or t oo sm all there’s no dre a m t o o big
a journey of self-discovery, Arial wants to become human, with incredible curiosity she is willing to risk everything the lesson here is that if we were to give up during challenges, we would never reach our dreams. but if you try your best, you can succeed
omes gre at re s p o nsibility with great po wer
the Avengers have been assembled by fate as a group of extraordinary champions with diverse abilities their purpose is to protect and safeguard finding strength in union
Bluey reminds us all of our own families as it plays out the small but emotionally epic dramas of day-to-day life in surprising, heartfelt and very funny ways that engages children and parents alike
learning thr ough emotional play
creativit y, c ollaborat ion,©Ludo Studio
inspiring kids of all ages since 1959 to have courage to be or do anything they want in life Barbie has always been an inspiration and represented the fact that a woman has choices
can be anyt hing
small gift, big s mile
Sanrio originated from Japan, it's all about generosity, gift giving in a small or big way, and above all makes people smile
our fans. our hist or y
tapping into New Zealand’s national sport, the most successful rugby team of all time are the All Blacks… b.box brings the hype from the field to the schoolyard