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N:Mmm. . . I ’ ds ayac er t ai nani mec oul dgetme goi ngar ts t y l ewi s e,ev enamanga.Li k eone c al l edVagabondandt hes k i l l i nt her ei s amaz i ng.Thec r os shat c hi ngi nt her ei si ns pi r i ng. I t ’ sj us tc r os shat c hi ngas i mpl emet hodi n dr awi ngands hadi ngbuti f i ndi tamaz i ng. DRX:Nowi mc ur i ouswher edi dy ougr owup bef or e18? N:Bef or ei was18i di dl i v eher ewher ei m at nowNor t hHol l y woodandt henbef or et hatVan Nuy s ,andt henI owaCi t y ,CA.Thei l i v edi nt he c i t yofBel l ,butal ongt hewayf r om Bel l andI owa Ci t yi metal otofpeopl eands omear t i s tt hat wer ei nf l uent i al t omebutk i dsj us tl i k emewho wer er eal l ys k i l l ed. DRX:Thepeopl ewantt ok nowwhi c har m do y oudr awwi t h? N:I ’ mr i ghthandedhaha,Ic an’ tdr awwi t hmy l ef thandatal l haha DRX:Unt i l nex tt i mebr ot her ,t hat ’ sourI nt er v i ew! ThankYou N:HahaAppr ec i at ei t .Thanky ou!


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