Workshop Rammed Earth Info Doc

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Workshop Rammed Earth and Lime Tiles



A workshop on Rammed Earth (RE) and Lime Tiles techniques, focusing on: - preparing construction site - mixing with on-site excavated earth - ramming earth in formwork - integrating insulation within RE wall - integrating basic techniques within RE wall - controlling erosion of RE wall - Proportion, production and curing of Lime Tiles


2 workshops - Workshop 1 from 19 to 30 march 2012: 10 places - Workshop 2 from 1 to 15 april 2012: 10 places Possibility to join for 3 days only.


In the surroundings between Aalst and Wetteren, Belgium. Location to be communicated upon subscription.


BCs, division of, organizes. Quentin Chansavang, Hugo Gasnier (CRATerre) and Ken De Cooman (Earthworks workshop) tutors. YOU build.


From 19 march until 15 april 2012, we organize a hands-on workshop on building with earth in an innovative way. In a beautiful setting, and with a motivated tutoring team trained in France by CRATerre, and in Austria by Martin Rauch and Anna Heringer, we want to share knowledge on the technique of contemporary Rammed Earth construction. For 11 millennia, mankind has shown a remarkable potential to build with earth, from housing over palaces to whole cities. Also today in numerous areas around the world, earth is the preferred construction material, accomodating more than a third of world population. In Belgium, we want to reconnect with our lowlands tradition of building with earth, but with our eyes fixed on a bright new construction future, where everyone can build.

Subscription: Mail your subscription to You get a reply from us, in which payment details are given. After payment is done, you will receive a confirmation email of your subscription. If you’d wish to unsubscribe, you have to notify us before march 12th 2012, and we will refund you, except for 20% administrative costs. Prices: 180 Euro/workshop students, 360 Euro/workshop for others. 120 Euro/3 days of choice. For workshops, prices include tutoring, daily lunch, a pair of working gloves, a construction helmet, insurance, possibly your own copy of ‘Bâtir en terre’ (very good book by CRATerre), and a T-shirt :) . If you think you deserve a reduction, contact us. Language: The language spoken on the workshop will be English and French. Accomodation: Can be arranged. Info on buildingcasestudies Organized by Brussels Cooperation vzw Rue Houzeau de Lehaie 12 1080 Brussels, Belgium. +32498635085 +32486119733

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