June Issue of Backtalk: Reflections

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BCAM Backtalk June 2012

Volume 1, Issue 6

Advice for Next Year's Juniors 300 Willoughby Ave, 3rd Floor Brooklyn, NY 11205

by A Sampling of The Junior Class

Anagilda Acevedo: Come to school on time. Mylaecha Aska: Stay consistent from the beginning to the end of the year. And you better treat Mr. P right or I'll come back and haunt you. Carmen Barco: Stay focused in class and get really ready for portfolios. Tykeah Baker: Wasting your time is wasting your education. Adriana Beau: Keep your attendance up, and do your work. Patricia Benoit: Make sure you work on your portfolio ahead of time. Namani Bodian: Do your homework. That's almost all of your grade. If you don't do your homework, you might not pass. Dezi Brown: Start out the year good. Don't wait until the last minute. Lance Chadwick: Hard work and dedication. Chanelle Cintron: Do your work on time, relax and don't fight with the teachers because you are going to lose that war. Shatiya Coleman: Don't procrastinate. Do work when you have free time. Use lunch and advisory time. Danielle Davis; Keep a schedule book, and stay organized. Eliezer DeLaCruz: Work hard. Natkwynjai Floyd: Read. Make sure to remember what you learned sophomore year. Worry about your grades. 12th grade is going to be hard. Anniyah Frasier: Stay focused. Dezhanae Gillet: Come in prepared and on your game because this will be a very important year for you. Read a lot and be open to all opportunities that are beneficial to your 11th and 12th grade year. Christopher Gutierrez: Listen to your teachers when they talk about college; it's no joke. Prince Hall: Study. Because the work requires that much. Darkell Howard: Stay focused and stay on task. Oras Howard: Stay on top of your work. Its' your most important priority. 11th grade is the "no play" year. In 12th grade you can settle down a bit, but 11th grade is important. Leighton Lewis: Take junior year seriously because this is the year to start thinking about college. Tyree Lewis: Write about funny things that you

witness. Giavonni Long: Don't slack off. Keep up a steady pace. Vance Martin: Just do it! Kahliek McArthur: Make sure you pass your required regents so you don't have to worry about them senior year. Romario McDonald: Don't come to school late. It really affects you. Catema Moffat: Studying is the key to success in order not to mess up and go off track. Dvaughn Newman: Attendance is everything. Keep consistent. Foster Percival: Stay focused. James Philbert: Be on time, and come every day. Ruby Polius: Read. Delia Rankine: Smile and breathe. Nasharai Raysor: Don't be late to school. Don't wait until the last minute to finish your portfolio. Raymond Rock: Take it seriously because this is a serious year. Lenasia Roper: Be early to school all the time or you'll fail. Asheika Scott: Make sure you pay attention in U.S. History because that is one of the hardest regents to pass. Work hard. Jaquan Seabrook: Get ready for hard work and dedication, and always stay on top of your work. Kelly SIngfield: Keep your head up, and don't let anybody bring you down. Kareem Smith: Have your future goals set already. Plan ahead. Anticipate. Melisa Smith: Complete all of your advisory work on time so you don't have to race during portfolio interviews. Wassup! Stay fresh to death. Yakira Summers: Stay positive and stay focused. Robert Taylor: Stay focused, no matter what happens. Stay independent. Dwayne Torres: Don't mess up. Do your work. Dammon Vasquez: Be yourself and don't be negative. Shakeem Wilson: Homework is important. Do it. That's the truth. Armani Wynter: Make sure you go to all your classes on time.

by Carmen Barco '13

Junior Carmen Barco demonstrates how to give advice.

Advice for Next Year's Sophomores ...work hard, and you'll be okay. by Katelyn Moeser '14

photo by Lamique Joseph '12

Sophomores David Walker and Nahshon Outten demonstrate how to take advice from a wise and wonderful senior.

Where do you see yourself one year from now? page 3

Are you wondering what to expect in your sophomore year? Well, here are some things you should know. Firstly, sophomore year is when you have to take a few of your regents. These regents include Global History, Living Environment and for some, English. As you all know, attending your classes is extremely important. In sophomore year though, it's more crucial. Throughout the year you have to know the material that your teachers teach you because it's essential for you to pass your regents. Without the

regents you won't be able to graduate, and nobody wants that. Another thing is that if you think missing a few days of school is no big deal than you're wrong. In your classes your grades can easily go from an A to a C. That's why you must stay focused and keep track of your school work. You don't want to end up in credit recovery now. Also during sophomore year you're able to take elective classes. Some choices are mural painting, fine arts, hip hop production, song writing and dance. Electives allow students to do

What's one thing you regret? What's one thing you're proud of? page 2

something they enjoy or have a new experience twice a week. Sophomore year isn't too exciting. You feel the pressure more than the year before. People are concerned about passing the regrets, passing classes of course, and getting better grades. It can be stressful but the sophomore teachers make things easier and help students whenever they can, like Ms. Bello and Mr. Diallo who both have saturday regents prep classes. Although sophomore year is more intense, you quickly get used to it.

Advice for all students from the newspaper staff page 4

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