The AdvocateSeptember 2022 TheAdvocate1 VOLUME XXXII, NO. 2 Newsletter of the Baltimore County Bar Association September 2022 Special Thanks to the Annual Sponsors of the Baltimore County Bar Association Title Sponsor - Law Firm Albers & Associates Title Sponsor - Corporate Growth Solutions Team Signature Sponsors - Corporate CRC Salomon Minnesota Lawyers Mutual Multi-Specialty HealthCare Nota by M&T USI Vallit Advisors Partner Sponsor - Law Firm Rice, Murtha and Psoras Partner Sponsor - Corporate Sandy Spring Bank Chart Squad Supporters - Corporate HealthAbacusNextQuest
The bar office is open for business! Hang up your coat. Make a photocopy. Print a case out for your hearing. Get a coffee or water. Say, “hi” to Gavin, Amber, and Rachel. It’s your bar office. Use it. We are thrilled to announce that Cooper Beeson will return to the BCBA on September 6th as Marketing and Social Media Coordinator. Welcome back, Cooper! Say, “hi” to him as well when you visit your bar Whatoffice.has the BCBA done for you lately? For starters, check out the new Career Center on our web page BCBA Members can post job openings in their firm –for FREE! We hope this becomes a valuable resource for our members and legal job seekers. Next, do you need to check the BCBA calendar or contact people on your committee? If you downloaded the BCBA App, you would already be finished! I hope your transition from summer to fall goes well. See you around the courthouse! - Jack Turnbull
Your 104th President of the Baltimore County Bar Association
The Advocate September 20222
As a child, and I suppose now again as an adult, I remember a profound feeling of sadness when the Maryland State Fair started. School was almost back. Summer was over. The pumpkin spice latte lovers will now quietly rise to walk among us once again as we return to our normal fall programming of being overscheduled, under-rested, and lamenting the passing of summer. I wonder, will this be my last bite of Maryland corn until next July? While the BCBA as a whole slowed its roll for July and August, the staff, EC, and committee chairs have been extremely busy planning an exciting and fulfilling bar year. Please mark your calendars for September 13th and register for the Bar Year Kick-Off Party at Jimmy’s Famous Seafood , which is sure to be a sell-out event.
My friends, Dan Radebaugh (R&P Settlement Group), Nick Del Pizzo (Law Offices of Nicholas J. Del Pizzo III), and Scott Nortman (, are generously sponsoring the event so that it is free to all members who register in advance. Dan, Nick, and Scott jumped at the opportunity to be sponsors because they all know and love our charity – Van Brooks and Safe Alternatives Foundation for Education. Please learn about and patronize our sponsors!
President’s Message
The AdvocateSeptember 2022 3 2022-23 Officers President John G. Turnbull III President-Elect Lisa Y. Settles Secretary Sondra M. Douglas Treasurer Richard Grason VI Executive Council Robert K. Erdman, Jr. Tyler J. Nowicki Michelle Daugherty Siri Alaina L. Storie Mariela D’Alessio
law. Articles
Chair Rachel
Michael S. Barranco G. Gann, Jr., Past J. Walsh, Lawyers M. Ruocco, Executive Tompsett Fruman
views expressed. The
preceding publication. ABATheArticlesLegal Burnout Solution ............................................. 27 BCBABaseball,EventsCrabs, and Fireworks at the Ironbirds ............... 11 Summer Scholars Program 12 BCBAAward-WinningNews The Advocate 7 Baltimore County Bar Association Strategic Plan............... 9 BCBAMagistrateSpotlightSuzanne K. Farace .......................................... 15 Member Spotlight: Carl Gold 16 Member Spotlight: Kramon & Graham ........................... 19 Member Spotlight: White and Williams 21 CommitteeBench/BarReportsCommittee 22 Professionalism Committee ............................................... 25 Lawyer Assistance Program 10 The President’s Message ......................................................... 2 Inside This Edition
President Alexander
Committee Chair Tracee Orlove
Director The Advocate Tommy
The is a Baltimore County Bar its about current events relating to do not necessarily reflect the official position of the BCBA and publication does not constitute an endorsement of contents of are the responsibility of the and are not recommendations or endorsements of the month
Committee Vice-Chair Jill Blum Graphic Designer Contributing Writers Michael K. Barranco Debra B. Cruz Syeetah DennisJenniferRebeccaHampton-ELHowlettHossParvizianW.RitterRobinson,Jr.CynthiaSharpMichaelSiriTommyTompsett
by The Advocate. Publication deadline: 20th
Association informing
monthly publication of the
The Advocate4 Court Notices BALTIMORE COUNTY DISTRICT COURT JUDGES’ ASSIGNMENT FOR SEPTEMBER 2022 1 2 5 6 7 8 9 12 13 14 15 16 19 20 21 22 23 26 27 28 29 30 8 1 #1 KYW KYW L KYW KYW KYW KYW KYW KYW KYW KYW KYW KYW KYW KYW KYW KYW KYW KYW KYW KYW KYW 8 1 #2 MWS MWS MWS MWS MWS MWS MWS MWS MWS MWS MWS MWS MWS MWS JBB KMD X MWS MWS MWS JBB 8 1 #3 A 8 1 #4 8 1 #5 KDP KDP B KDP KDP MBJ LR KDP KDP KDP KDP KDP KDP KDP KDP KDP KDP KDP KDP KDP KDP KDP 8 1 #6 8 1 #7 GJP GJP O GJP GJP GJP GJP GJP GJP GJP GJP GJP GJP GJP GJP GJP GJP GJP GJP GJP GJP GJP 8 1 #8 KP X X KP KP KP KP KP KP KP KP KP KP KP KP JMJ MGR KP KP KP KP 8 4 #1 R pmSCZ/ pmSCZ/ pmSCZ/ pmSCZ/ 8 4 #2 MLR MLR NBS SCZ SCZ SCZ MLR MLR MLR LR KMD VJ VJ VJ LR MTP DJW/SCZ/ampm VJ VJ VJ VJ 8 4 #3 SCZ SCZ D KMD GML* LR KJR MTP KMD SCZ NRS JIL SDW KMD SCZ NBS SCZ DJW KMD SCZ SCZ SCZ 8 4 #4 LR DJW KMD/pmDJW/am LR X MGR LR LR LR X LR LR LR LR X LR LR LR LR LR LR 8 4 #5 KMD KMD A DJW KMD KMD KMD KMD SCZ KMD KMD X KMD SCZ JMJ KMD X KMD SCZ KMD KMD KMD 8 4 #6 KJR SDW KJR KJR KJR KEM KJR KJR KJR KJR KJR KJR KJR KJR KJR KJR KJR KJR KJR KJR KJR 8 5 #1 BEF BEF Y BEF BEF BEF BEF BEF BEF BEF BEF BEF BEF BEF BEF BEF BEF SDW MH BEF BEF BEF 8 5 #2 MTP MTP MTP VJ MTP MTP JIL* NRS MTP MTP MTP MTP MTP MTP MTP NRS MTP MTP MTP MTP MTP 8 5 #3 LAP LAP LAP LAP SDW LAP LAP LAP PNT PNT SDW LAP LAP LAP LAP LAP LAP LAP LAP LAP LAP Chambers JUDGES: SDW Steven D. Wyman, NBS Nancy B. Shuger, GML George M. Lipman, MBJ Megan B. Johnson, MGR Marc G. Rasinsky, KEM Keith E. Mathews, JIL Jack I. Lesser, NRS Norman R. Stone, PNT Philip N. Tirabassi, JMJ JoAnn M. Ellinghaus Jones, JBB Josef B. Brown, MH Miram Hutchins, KYW Kevin Y. Wiggins, KDP Keith D. Pion, KP Karen Pilarski, MWS Michael W. Siri, GJP Guido J. Porcarelli, KMD Kimberly M. Davis, LR Leo Ryan, MLR Marsha L. Russell, KJR Krystin J. Richardson, SCZ Susan C. Zellweger, DJW Dorothy J. Wilson, MTP Michael T. Pate, BEF Bruce E. Friedman, LAP Lisa A. Phelps. *VJ indicates Visiting Judge to be assigned Judges’ assignments are subject to change without further notice September District Court Schedule SAVE THE DATES BCBA Annual Bar Year Kick-Off Party Tuesday, September 13 5:30 PM Jimmy’s Famous Seafood N O V E M B E R 1 7 , 2 0 2 2 3 : 3 0 P M H I S T O R I C C O U R T H O U S E C E R E M O N I A L C O U R T R O O M 5 4 0 0 W A S H I N G T O N A V E . T O W S O N , M D 2 1 2 0 4 A N N U A L M E M O R I A L S E R V I C E S A V E T H E D A T E F O R B A L T I M O R E C O U N T Y B A R A S S O C I A T I O N Reception to follow in Historic Courthouse, Rm 118 CLICK HERE TO REGISTER
The Advocate September 20226
The Advocate would like to take a moment to pat itself on the back after receiving an award for Most Improved Newsletter from APEX. Each year, APEX hosts an Annual Awards for Publication Excellence Competition that recognizes excellence in publishing by professional communicators. Open to communicators in corporate, nonprofit, and independent settings, the APEX awards are in their 34th year of existence. APEX bases the awards on excellence in graphic design, editorial content, and the ability to achieve overall communications excellence. With more than 1,200 entries this year, the competition, as always, was exceptionally intense, and with only 100 Grand Awards presented, the Advocate is honored to be recognized. The Advocate Committee would especially like to recognize Tracee Orlove Fruman, Esq. (2021 chair and current vice chair of the Advocate Committee), Tommy Tompsett, Esq. (current chair and 2021 vice chair), Jill Blum (graphic designer of the Advocate), and Rachel Ruocco (executive director of the BCBA) for their vision and all their hard work in taking the Advocate to the next level. The Advocate would also like to thank its committee members for their hard work creating content each Keepmonth.reading, as the Advocate strives to improve its content and layout month after month. If you have an idea for an article, feature, or design tweak, please reach out to the Advocate Committee. Once we are finished congratulating ourselves, we will incorporate your suggestions into the next edition and, hopefully, win many more awards.
to providing unmatched settlement and closing services to
times and
involved in a transaction.
– Tommy Tompsett, Esq. R & P Group, committed our We pride ourselves on the industry’s turnaround constant parties With over 100 years of experience in the title industry, our legal and title professionals are ready and willing to tackle any during process.
BCBA News PUBLICATIONAWARDS2022FOREXCELLENCEWINNER Dan Radebaugh, Esq. Managing Member 1407 York Road, Suite 300 Lutherville, MD dan@rpsettlement.com443.901.330321093Fax410.505.1781 At
communications with all
The AdvocateSeptember 2022 7 Shine the Spotlight on you or a BCBA Member you know! Click Here or email
The Award-Winning Advocate
LLC, we are
the settlement
The Honorable Marcus Z. Shar has joined The McCammon Group after thirteen years of dedicated service as an Associate Judge on the 8th Judicial Circuit Court for Baltimore City. Prior to his tenure on the bench, Judge Shar enjoyed a successful career in private practice focusing on civil litigation. He is a Fellow of the American College of Trial Lawyers. The author of numerous articles on trial techniques and three editions of a treatise on medical-legal issues, Judge Shar has been an invited speaker for lawyer, judicial, medical, and lay groups around the country. He has served on the Executive Committee of the Maryland Circuit Judges Association and on the Maryland State Judicial Ethics Committee where he drafted a number of the State’s formal ethics opinions. A dedicated educator, Judge Shar served as a distinguished Adjunct Professor at the University of Maryland School of Law and University of Baltimore School of Law, and he was formerly an Adjunct Assistant Professor at the University of Maryland School of Medicine. Judge Shar now brings this exemplary record of excellence and experience to The McCammon Group to serve the mediation and arbitration needs of lawyers and litigants in Maryland and beyond. McCammon Group is pleased to welcome our newest Neutral For a complete list of our services and Neutrals throughout MD, DC, and VA, call (888) 343-0922 or visit
The Advocate September 20228
Retired Associate Judge, Circuit Court for Baltimore City
Hon. Marcus Z. Shar (Ret.)
BCBA Strategic Plan, page 3
Priority Area 3: Ensure the BCBA’s sustainability for the future
To achieve this, we will: Strategy 1: Secure the BCBA’s financial stability Strategy 2: Improve the BCBA’s technology infrastructure to meet the evolving needs of members and the bar
Baltimore County Bar Association 2022-2025 Strategic Plan
Strategy 3: Cultivate a staff that enables us to carry out our priorities
Priority Area 2: Create a diverse and inclusive Baltimore County legal community
Vision for 2025
The Baltimore County Bar Association is a welcoming and diverse community where legal professionals at every stage of their careers create meaningful connections, find opportunities to learn and lead, and advance the Baltimore County legal profession and community.
The mission of the Baltimore County Bar Association is to serve as a leader in advancing excellence, ethical conduct, professionalism and public responsibility in the legal profession; to improve the efficiency, fairness and accessibility of our system of justice for all citizens; to increase the public’s understanding and appreciation of our profession and our legal system; to use our collective resources to improve the well-being of our community and its citizens, especially our youth; and to identify and support the needs of a diverse membership and foster an environment in which members experience a sense of fulfillment and satisfaction in the practice of law.
Organizational Values • Operate with integrity • Think innovatively • Approach our work with a diversity, equity and inclusion lens • Serve the community • Hold ourselves to a high standard of excellence, and • Have fun.
To achieve this, we will: Strategy 1: Evolve existing BCBA offerings to meet the changing needs of BCBA members Strategy 2: Develop essential practice resources Strategy 3: Strengthen our relationship with the local judiciary to ensure timely communications and swift problem solving Strategy 4: Provide opportunities for BCBA members to serve the Baltimore County community
Priority Area 1: Provide indispensable resources for Baltimore County legal professionals
Baltimore County Bar Association Strategic Plan 2022 – 2025
To achieve this, we will: Strategy 1: Ensure the BCBA is accessible and welcoming, especially for the newest members joining the profession Strategy 2: Create accessible leadership opportunities for all lawyers Strategy 3: Connect and partner with local specialty and affinity bar organizations to extend the BCBA’s reach and deepen its impact
The AdvocateSeptember 2022 9 BCBA News
The Advocate September 202210 Stuart Axilbund Mary Chalawsky Marissa Joelson William Kerr Richard Lynas Jay Miller Gary Miles Jose Molina Sam Moxley Joseph Murtha Karen Pilarski Bill Saltysiak Thomas Tompsett, Jr.
Baseball, Crabs, and Fireworks at the Ironbirds
The AdvocateSeptember 2022 11
On August 5, 2022, the Baltimore County Bar Association trekked to Aberdeen for a fun, social event for “Baseball, Crabs and Fireworks” at the Aberdeen Ironbirds game. Those in attendance were treated to an all-you-can-eat experience, feasting on steamed crabs, hot dogs, and hamburgers. Although Mother Nature tried to spoil the fun with a short rain delay, all in attendance had a great time. The BCBA was honored to have some special guests in attendance as well. Bar Association President John G. Turnbull, III welcomed Van Brooks and students from the Safe Alternatives Program to the game. Mr. Brooks’s organization is the BCBA charity organization. Law students from the Diversity and Inclusion Committee’s Summer Scholars program also attended. Those who stayed until the final out were treated to an Ironbirds victory over the Jersey Shore BlueClaws and a fabulous fireworks display.
– Hoss Parvizian, Esq.
BCBA Events
Firms Summer
Another Successful Summer Scholars Program
Turnbull, Nicholson & Sanders, P.A. Maman Ndiong Whiteford Taylor Preston, LLP Aliana
Mintzer, Sarowitz, Zeris,
& Meyers, LLP
BCBA Events
Pessin Katz
P.A. Quazanae
The Advocate September 202212
“The Summer Scholars program provided me with the opportunity to explore a wide range of practice areas in my firm and develop relationships with attorneys throughout Baltimore County.” –Laila Mogharabi
“The most valuable part of the Summer Scholars program was the opportunity to meet and network with other legal professionals. I found their mentorship and guidance to be essential to my summer experience.” – Aliana Carson
We have just wrapped up the second year of the Baltimore County Bar Association’s Summer Scholars Program. The primary goal of this program is to ensure that Baltimore County law firms have the most diverse and qualified applicant pools when considering their hiring needs. The Summer Scholars are assigned mentors, gain valuable experience, and get a head start on networking. This summer, we made the following placements: Scholars Bowie & Jensen, LLC Amaefuna Law Offices of Frank Daily, P.A. Dina Morales & Gann, P.A. Mogharabi Law, Dasher Thompson, Slutkin & White, LLC Amin Carson Ledva Imani Rainey
Although we seek to do justice in our roles on the bench, we have concerns that our words about the impact of this program would not do the program justice. So, without further ado, we are going to let some of the Summer Scholars tell you in their own words how meaningful this program is: “I am grateful for being part of the Summer Scholars program as it provides significant opportunities for someone like me who is a first-generation student. One of the most valuable things about this program has been the opportunity to network with different attorneys and judges.” – Dina Morales
“What I found most valuable about the Summer Scholars program was getting the opportunity to network with lawyers and judges in different areas of law. It really helped me narrow down that type of law I want to practice.”
– Quazanae Dasher
– Frances Amaefuna
On behalf of the bench, thank you to the firms and mentors for their support of this program! We cannot do this without you. We are looking forward to starting to work on next year’s program. Let us know if your firm is interested in participating.
– The Honorable Dennis Robinson, Jr. and the Honorable Michael Siri
CELEBRATE ACCOMPLISHMENTS IN THE NEW SPOTLIGHT ON MEMBER NEWS! Let us know about any awards, promotions, moves and other news you want to include about yourself or others. Fill out the online form here, or email rruocco@bcba org
The AdvocateSeptember 2022 13
“The Summer Scholars Program was great exposure to real-life experiences of a practicing attorney, from a variation of assignments/projects, to attending networking events and feeling apart of the Baltimore County network of attorneys and judges. My skillset has grown tremendously this summer and I look forward to only further developing it!”
“What I found most valuable about the Summer Scholars program is the ability to network with individuals from all different areas of law and gain practical experience in an area in which I previously had no exposure. The Summer Scholars program exposed me to new opportunities, and helped me confirm where I want to be after law school.”
“What I found most valuable about the Summer Scholars Program was the opportunity to gain handson legal experience and meet wonderful people within the Baltimore legal community. My mentors guided me throughout my summer internship and into my 2L year, which was a once-in-a-lifetime learning opportunity, that sprouted relationships I will always appreciate.”
– Imani Raney
– Maman Ndiong
BCBA Events
“The Summer Scholars program provides an opportunity for law students to not only gain valuable experience but also an opportunity to network within the legal community. There is no shortage of supportive attorneys and judges who want to see you succeed and the best way to connect with them and gain a mentor, is through this program. This is the stepping-stone to building your own legal community and ultimately contributing to it, as I’m sure I will, when you’ve gained employment.” - Saad Amin
Growth Solutions Team’s Small Business Advisory Program provides you:
Now is the time to regain perspective and become strategic to make your vision a reality. Become the CEO of your firm, your career and your life. Now is the time to face reality, identify exactly where you want to take your practice and map out a course of action to make it happen.
The Advocate September 202214
Growth Solutions Team offers a wide variety of coaching solutions and tools for your practice to establish goals and help you meet them. Contact us today to determine the right solution for your practice. Because your practice is a BIG deal. Phone: 443-501-2201 | Email: |
Our Small Business Advisory is a coaching and accountability program delivered quarterly in which we provide the structure and tools necessary for you take a step back and see the “big picture.”
Get Back on Track with the Vision You Once Had for Your Business Structure to map out your vision, goals and a plan to achieve them Content designed to further your knowledge and apply it immediately in your role as the leader in your organization Interact with colleagues to share ideas and gain insight from their experiences Real world, “Boots on the Ground” help from our Team to get your practice where you want to go Private, individual coaching sessions to hold you accountable Direction on how to leverage your resources Strategies to seize opportunities and reach your potential Accountability is your KEY to success!
On August 22, 2022, Suzanne Farace was sworn in as the newest Baltimore County Family Magistrate. She brings to the position a commitment to public service and 30+ years of experience helping clients navigate the often messy and always personal process of dissolving a marriage and managing custody of shared children.
The AdvocateSeptember 2022 15
“Becoming a magistrate will enable me to help more people than I could in private practice. I am looking forward to the new challenge and the opportunity to work with the other magistrates and the judges of our wonderful bench,” said Magistrate Farace. Magistrate Farace graduated from Oberlin College in 1984 and three years later from the University of Maryland School of Law in 1987. For her, the most rewarding part of law school was participating in the school’s Clinical Law Programs in her second and third years. During law school, Magistrate Farace also clerked for the Felony Division of the Public Defender’s Office in Baltimore City. After graduation, she clerked for the Honorable David Ross of the Circuit Court for Baltimore City. She then went to work for the law firm then named Israelson, Salsbury, Clements & Bekman, LLC, handling medical malpractice, product liability, personal injury, and other litigation on behalf of plaintiffs. In December of 1995, she opened her own practice in Baltimore County, which quickly became entirely focused on family law. . In 2000, she and Scott R. Scherr, Esquire, with whom she had worked since January 1989 at Israelson, Salsbury, Clements & Bekman, LLC., joined practices to form the law firm of Farace & Scherr, P.A. The firm, which is now known as Scott R. Scherr, P.A., has offices in Towson. In her practice, while advocating for her clients, she also tried to keep the big picture in mind, to look out for the wellbeing of the parties’ children, and to help families preserve their finances. As a long-time, active member of the Baltimore County Bar Association, Magistrate Farace was the Chair of the Professionalism Committee and the Executive Council Nominating Committee this past year. She is a past Chair of the Family Law, ADR, and LRIS Committees as well. Magistrate Farace has also served on the Diversity and Inclusion and Budget and Finance Committees. In 2012, she was awarded the Association’s Judith P. Ritchie Achievement Award, and in 2020, she received the J. Earle Plumhoff Professionalism Award. She is also a long-time member of the Maryland State Bar Association, the Women’s Bar Association of Maryland, and the Justinian Society. Magistrate Farace is an avid sea kayaker in her spare time, having kayak camped and paddled up and down the eastern seaboard, Canada, and Norway. She also enjoys hiking and reading.
BCBA Spotlight NW Baltimore OWINGS MILLS N Central Baltimore TOWSON NE Baltimore WHITE MARSH W Baltimore CATONSVILLE Midtown Baltimore CHARLES VILLAGE/REMINGTON Downtown Baltimore FEDERAL HILL Attorney Portal • Central Scheduling/Billing • Same-Day Appts • Transportation 410.356.9939 Be Treated Right. Be Treated Well. Really.Don’t forget to update your information on our website! Click here to access or go to
– Jennifer W. Ritter, Esq. Magistrate Suzanne K. Farace
Suzanne K. Farace
“TreeKeeper.” The TreeKeeper program is a stewardship program open to persons interested in Baltimore’s trees. TreeKeepers promote healthy trees by educating residents and increasing their role in caring for the City’s trees. Carl is also a Maryland Master Naturalist, having completed a rigorous educational and training program. The Master Naturalist program encourages an awareness of ecology and volunteerism, including environmental restoration projects, education, and public awareness campaigns.
Carl has also been an Adjunct Faculty member at Towson University for over twenty years. He greatly enjoys teaching undergraduate courses which have touched on the subjects of constitutional law, family law, law and policy, and law in literature. As was the case of all faculty members, Carl had to quickly pivot and adjust to on-line instruction and new technologies during the pandemic, but was very happy to return to in-person instruction and he is looking forward to teaching another class of students in the upcoming academic year. What he enjoys the most about teaching is interacting with the students. In addition to teaching at Towson University, Carl has been a guest lecturer at the University of Maryland School of Law, Goucher College, and Stevenson University. Carl received his bachelor’s degree from Western Maryland College (now known as McDaniel College), where he graduated Summa Cum Laude and Phi Beta
Carl Gold
If you happen to be walking or riding a bicycle on the Loch Raven Reservoir fire trail behind Seminary Avenue on any given Sunday morning, there is a good chance that you will be greeted with a friendly hello by long-time BCBA member Carl Gold. You will find Carl briskly walking with one or both of his faithful canines, Duke and the aging Cameron on shorter walks. On his walks, Carl frequently stops briefly to observe nature, whether it be a pileated woodpecker, a small purple chicory flower, edible bramble berries, frogs, or assassin bugs (predatory insects that are good for gardeners). You will observe that Carl almost always has his pruning shears strapped to his belt as he battles invasive weeds and vines, which are detrimental to the watershed and native species. Carl is a certified Baltimore City “Weed Warrior,” which means that he has received training to identify non-native invasive (“NNI”) species, and he is allowed to remove the NNI plants without the supervision of City employees. Although Loch Raven is in Baltimore County, Baltimore City owns the reservoir and Carlwatershed.isalsoaBaltimore
Carl has authored several articles on the subject of nature and ecology, including an op-ed published in the Baltimore Sun to bring attention to the issue of invasive weeds. Carl frequently helps to plant trees when Blue Water Baltimore has volunteer opportunities. Carl also enjoys gardening and growing various vegetables, including root vegetables such as beets and carrots, potatoes, lettuce, and flowers for cutting.
Carl’s love for nature isn’t confined to the land. He often kayaks in Loch Raven Reservoir and also at the Gunpowder River Hammerman area, where he observes Bald Eagles and other wildlife. But more often than not on weekends, he is headed to the Hammerman area to swim in the open water. Carl swims in pools in the winter months, but in the summer he concentrates his training on open water swimming, in preparation for the annual Swim Across America fundraising event, which locally benefits the Johns Hopkins Sydney Kimmel Cancer Center. Carl swims every year to honor the memory of the late Circuit Court Judge Anne Brobst and several BCBA cancer survivors. This year the event will be returning to Redhouse Cove, on the Magothy River in the vicinity of Pasadena and the Gibson Island area. Carl estimates that he swims about five miles each week.
The Advocate September 202216 BCBA
Carl Gold with granddaughter Ava
Carl believes that being a part of the Association and being involved in its activities with other members has made the practice of law so much better than it might otherwise have been. He feels “blessed” and is “very, very, grateful” for the collegiality, friendships, and sense of community that we enjoy in the BCBA.
Carl and his wife Sally met while Carl was in college and have been married for over forty-one years. They are the proud parents of two adult children (a son and daughter) and three grandchildren, including their new grandson, born just a few weeks ago.
Over the years, Carl has served as an active member of several BCBA committees, including the Bench Bar Committee, Fee Arbitration Committee, Pro-Bono Committee, and has also served on the Character Committee of the MSBA and on the Attorney Grievance Commission. Several organizations, including the BCBA, have recognized his outstanding service to the bar and his civic involvement. Carl was the 2017 recipient of the J. Earle Plumhoff Professionalism Award and has twice been awarded the BCBA Pro Bono Award.
– Mike Barranco, Esq.
BCBA Spotlight Gold participating in his athletic endeavors
The AdvocateSeptember 2022 17 Kapa. From there he went to Duke University School of Law, where he served on the Editorial Board of the Duke Law Journal. One of Carl’s proudest life accomplishments was to play basketball at Duke (intramural). There he became a life-long fan of the Blue Devils, which wins him no popularity contests in the State of Maryland. After graduating from law school, Carl clerked for the late Honorable Robert C. Murphy, Chief Judge of the Maryland Court of Appeals. After serving for a year in the Office of Special Counsel (involved in the savings and loan crisis of the early 1980s), Carl worked as an associate for several years at Whiteford, Taylor and Preston. In January of 1987, he started his solo practice in Towson, where he has handled civil and criminal matters of all types and assisted clients in non-litigation matters, such as wills and estates. In the past several years, Carl has developed a special interest in matters involving education law and Title IX issues, although his practice remains broad-based.
Editors note: In addition to Carl’s many interests outside the law, some of which are described above, Carl enjoys baking fresh bread at home. Reproduced below is Carl’s note and his recipe for sourdough bread. There may be nothing more natural than making your own bread from scratch. Sourdough bread has been around for millennia. Thousands of years ago, some observant baker noticed that water and flour left alone began to have air pockets. These pockets are filled with carbon dioxide. This is microbiology before anyone had a name for it. These microbes come from the air, your hands, and utensils- they are everywhere. Like sci-fi alien invaders, they are hungry. When the flour and water mix, enzymes in the flour convert starch molecules into sugar- also known as microbe food. When the microbes eat the sugars, they exhale carbon dioxide creating bubbles. This is commonly known as fermentation. Generally speaking, two of the most important microbes are yeast and lactic acid bacteria. You can make your own sourdough starter recognizing that every single starter will be different—just like us. The simplest way is to mix equal parts flour and water. I take a quarter cup of flour and a quarter cup of warm water, mix them together, and let them sit uncovered in a glass bowl or even a drinking glass. Every 12 hours, I feed the nascent mixture with more of the same ingredients and pour out about a quarter cup of the mix- referred to as the discard. I save this excess in a mason jar that I keep in the refrigerator to share. You should see the mixture start to rise on its own within a few days. When it does, you have your starter. It is best to wait about a week before you use it –the microbes take a while to reach an optimum balance. If you don’t want to wait, just borrow some from a friend!
The Advocate September 202218 Download the NEW Baltimore County Bar Asssociation App on Google Play or App Store Banking built for law firms Nota is a business banking platform designed specifically for solo and small law firms. And it won’t cost you a thing just open a business checking or IOLTA at M&T ¹ Are you ready to make your life easier? 1 There is no charge for the use of Nota M&T Bank’s standard deposit account and service fees may apply if not enrolled in Nota Banking services powered by M&T Bank, Member FDIC Nota is a product/service offered by M&T Bank and is available to attorneys whose offices and practices are in NY, NJ, MD, PA, DE, CT, VA DC FL or WV IOLTA accounts held by lawyers in these states must be subject to applicable state rules and regulations The advertised product/services and their features and availability are subject to change without notice at any time Use of the product/service is subject to and governed by certain terms, conditions, and agreements required by M&T Bank © 2021 M&T Bank All Rights Reserved Connect your bank account with with Clio, QuickBooks and LawPay Minimize time spent in multiple systems Law Tech Integrations Visit today Support from real humans who know law firms Branchless account opening saves you time Premier Service No monthly maintenance fees No wire or ACH fees Higher mobile check deposit limits Best in class Pricing
Litigation Commercial Litigation Litigation - Construction Personal Injury Litigation - Defendants Personal Injury Litigation - Plaintiffs Kramon & Graham, P.A. One South Street | Suite 2600 Baltimore, Maryland 21202 410.752.6030 | Download the NEW Baltimore County Bar Asssociation App on Google Play or App Store
Litigation Commercial Litigation
The AdvocateSeptember 2022 19 BCBA Spotlight
© Kramon & Graham, a leading Maryland-based law firm providing litigation, real estate, and transactional services, announced today that four firm attorneys were named Baltimore “Lawyer of the Year” in the 2023 edition of The Best Lawyers in America.© As the oldest and most respected peer-review publication in the legal profession, Best Lawyer’s listings signal not only legal proficiency, but also ethics and professionalism of the highest caliber. Corporate Counsel magazine has called Best Lawyers “the most respected referral list of attorneys in practice.” The “Lawyer of the Year” distinction is presented to individuals who have received especially high peer ratings from Best Lawyers surveys. Earning the Baltimore “Lawyer of the Year” designation are: David B. Irwin – DUI / DWI Defense M. Natalie McSherry – Health Care Law In addition, 8 attorneys were selected for inclusion in the Best Lawyers 29th edition: John A. Bourgeois (recognized in Best Lawyers sinceCommercial2019) Defense: White-Collar Geoffrey H. Genth (recognized in Best Lawyers sinceBet-the-Company2012)
Member Spotlight: Kramon & Graham attorneys named “Lawyer of the Year” by The Best Lawyers in America
Litigation Criminal
David B. Irwin (recognized in Best Lawyers sinceCriminal2006) General Practice Criminal Defense: White-Collar DUI / DWI Defense M. Natalie McSherry (recognized in Best Lawyers sinceBet-the-Company2006) Litigation Care Law Law - Defendants Jeffrey H. Scherr (recognized in Best Lawyers sinceLitigation2003) Real Estate Real Estate Law J. Shuster (recognized in Best Lawyers sinceBet-the-Company2018)
Litigation Commercial
The Advocate September 202220 BCBA Spotlight BCBA staff Amber Gaines and Gavin Kemp representing us proudly at the University of Baltimore School of Law Student Fair Phone: 8843526Loanandcreditpro.com877-576-2300EasternAve.|Baltimore,MD21221BelairRd.SuiteA|Nottingham,MD21236 Scott Nortman Regional Sales Supervisor
“This acquisition comes on the heels of growth in the Real Estate Finance Group, which recently added four partners, the Financial Restructuring and Bankruptcy Group, which added two partners, and the Cyber and Data Protection Group that also recently added two partners.” Susko said.
The AdvocateSeptember 2022 21 BCBA Spotlight
Nationally recognized for surety and construction work, the acquisition doubles White and Williams’ capacity in the rapidly growing space
“We are excited to make this longtime informal partnership official by joining forces,” said Gilliss. “Attorneys from White and Williams and Pike & Gilliss have had clients in common for over a decade and we often collaborate. This official coming together creates one of the leading surety practices in the country, offering clients a broader and more cohesive experience and extensive legal expertise.”
“This acquisition is part of a targeted investment strategy by the firm,” said Andrew Susko, Managing Partner, White and Williams. “In addition to the Surety and Construction Group, we have already seen and expect to experience additional growth in the firm’s Real Estate Finance, Financial Restructuring and Bankruptcy, and Cyber and Data Protection practices in the coming months. Our recent investment in all of these groups ensures that we can meet growing client demands and that we are well positioned for the current economic direction that will likely affect these areas.”
“This is a space that is rapidly growing. As the economy retrenches, we’re seeing the number of disputes rise nationally, necessitating an increasing need for coverage for our construction and surety clients,” said Bill Taylor, Co-Chair of White and Williams’ Construction and Surety Practice Group. “We’re busier than we’ve ever been in this space and anticipate continued growth in this practice area.” Gilliss is a leading practitioner in the areas of surety, fidelity and construction-related law and has written extensively on those topics. He is a member of the Defense Research Institute and previously served on the Executive Committee of the Fidelity & Surety Committee of DRI. He is also a member of the Mid-Atlantic Surety Association where he served on the Executive Committee, and the Maryland State Bar Association, where he served on the Board of Governors. He has been listed in Chambers USA, Best Lawyers, and has been named to the Maryland Super Lawyer Top 100 List. Gilliss received his J.D. from the University of Maryland School of Law.
Korphage has worked for almost 20 years in private practice with a focus on surety, construction, and commercial litigation, as well as a bond/claim counsel for one of the largest surety companies in the world before joining Pike & Gilliss. He is a member of the Defense Research Institute and the Maryland State Bar Association. He has been listed in Best Lawyers for construction law and is a Maryland Super Lawyer.
Korphage received his J.D. from Pennsylvania State University, Dickinson School of Law.
For more information on White and Williams, please visit
Member Spotlight: White and Williams LLP Acquires 6 Attorney Firm
White and Williams LLP has announced the acquisition of a six-attorney law firm nationally known for their work in the surety and construction space. Located in Towson, MD, Baltimore County, the attorneys of Pike & Gilliss LLC will join White and Williams, marking the opening of the firm’s 11th location and extending the firm’s presence to Maryland, Washington DC and Virginia. Attorneys joining White and Williams include David Gilliss, who will serve as Managing Partner of the Towson office, Patrick Pike and Eric Korphage as partners, Joel Williams as Counsel, and Anthony Kikendall and Robert Kline as associates.
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Pike is regularly recognized for his work on construction, surety, creditors’ rights, and bankruptcy, on behalf of construction companies, sureties, and fidelity carriers including being named the Baltimore “Lawyer of the Year” for Construction Law and/or Construction Law Litigation in 2013, 2016, 2018 and 2020 by Best Lawyers. In addition to Best Lawyers, he has been listed in Chambers USA, and has been named to the Maryland Super Lawyer Top 50 List. Pike received his J.D. from Georgetown University Law Center.
The August 2022 Bench/Bar meeting of the new bar year met via Zoom on August 11, 2022. Vice-Chair Aidan Smith chaired the meeting. The committee first approved the June 2022 minutes. Circuit Court Administrative Judge Ruth A. Jakubowski next reported that the Circuit Court has hired Suzanne Farace as the newest magistrate after the retirement of Magistrate Beck. Suzanne Farace, Esquire, will be sworn in on August 22, 2022 and begin working on August 23, 2022. In addition, the Circuit Court has hired Valerie Glenn, Esquire, to serve as the Civil Case Manager, a newly created attorney position. Ms. Glenn will begin shortly after the Labor Day holiday. She has experience in the clerk’s office and as a former law clerk to Judge Jakubowki. Abbie Cohen has served as handled both Civil and Family Case Management. After the retirement of Patty Lucchesi, the interview process is underway to fill the Director of Central Assignment position. Regarding criminal and civil trials, the Circuit Court has prioritized criminal jury trials and as of March 7, 2022 the Circuit Court handled 32 jury trials, 51 cases resolved by plea, stet, or nolle prosequi, and 14 bench trials. These numbers include 22 murder trials handled between March 7, 2022 and August 11, 2022.
ALJ Syeetah Hampton-EL reported on the Maryland Office of Administrative Hearings for ALJ William Somerville. In September, Chief Clerk Linda Novak, the first and only Chief Clerk for the OAH, will retire after 32 years of service to the OAH. Ashley Wolfe will join the OAH as the next Chief Clerk. In addition, the OAH will begin chairing disciplinary trial boards under the recently passed Maryland Police Accountability Act.
Magistrates are also reviewing standby Family Law cases for settlement purposes.
Bench/Bar Committee: August 2022
Magistrate Dilip Paliath provided the magistrate’s report and advised that magistrates are hearing cases that can conclude in one day. Generally, the clerk’s office will schedule those case 60 to 90 days out before a magistrate. Parties scheduled for multi-day hearings are encouraged to narrow the issues to possibly get scheduled before a magistrate for a one day hearing versus waiting on standby. There’s some discussion to expand the one day timeframe, but that has not changed as of yet.
Tim Sheridan, Circuit Court Administrator, provided the Circuit Court Administrator’s report and mentioned small floods in the building caused a few hearing rooms to close. He also discussed ongoing HVAC issues but noted that an HVAC replacement is in the master plan to be addressed at a later date.
The lease with the American Legion Hall has been extended through September 30, 2022. Construction on the new jury assembly room in the old 911 center that is projected to be completed by July 2023. The new jury assembly room will have three jury rooms, a lock up, and a waiting room all located in the lower level of the Circuit Court. Court operations are fully operational, and while masks are not required, individuals are encouraged to wear one as a matter of courtesy and recognition of the ongoing contagiousness of the ever-evolving COVID-19 virus.
Julie Ensor, Clerk of the Circuit Court, provided the Circuit Clerk’s report and advised beginning Monday, August 8, 2022 the Circuit Court can now process payments online for business licenses. In addition, the Circuit Court is undergoing renovation divided into two phases on the non-judicial side: land records, licensing, fiscal, and IT. Phase one includes painting, flooring, and new furniture that will be completed by end of August.
The clerk’s office has 10 vacancies, and the recruitment process has begun.
Aidan Smith, Vice-Chair, provided the report of the Executive Council on behalf of President Jack Turnball. He advised that the BCBA bar kickoff celebration is
Lastly, effective July 2022, Syeetah Hampton-EL was appointed as the new Deputy Director of Operations.
Maria Fields, District Court Administrator, provided the report on behalf of the District Court. She described the District Court as busy hearing cases and hiring to fill several vacancies. Like the Circuit Court, the District Court has some air conditioning issues. In addition, the District Court has begun a landlord/tenant rent pilot project. Overall, it is going well and filings are increasing.
With regard to civil matters, since March 7, 2022, 51 civil jury trials have been held, with 287 cases settled before jury selection. The Circuit Court is moving rapidly moving cases and aggressively scheduling Criminal and Civil cases. Several Family Law cases are on standby as the Circuit Court prioritizes Criminal and Civil trials. But the Circuit Court may move more to the Magistrates to handle and resolve.
The Advocate September 202222
Finally, Snehal Massey, Esquire, Chair of the Diversion and Inclusion Committee, reported that the Summer Scholars program had 20 applicants and placed eight applicants. She also reported that the D&I Committee and the Real Property Committee are sponsoring a program on Redlining.
scheduled for September 13, 2022 at Jimmy’s Famous Seafood with free food, drinks, and raffles. Public Defender James Dills advised that their office remains busy and they continue to cover cases in the District and Circuit Courts.
CELEBRATE ACCOMPLISHMENTS IN THE NEW SPOTLIGHT ON MEMBER NEWS! Let us know about any awards, promotions, moves and other news you want to include about yourself or others. Fill out the online form here, or email
– The Honorable Syeetah Hampton-EL
The AdvocateSeptember 2022 23
Kerri Cohen, Esquire, Chair of the Family Law Committee, invited everyone to the Annual meet and greet dinner scheduled for September 8, 2022 at Eagle’s Nest. The Committee will also celebrate the retirement of Magistrate Beck. On September 23, 2022, the Family Law Committee and the Pro Bono Committee will sponsor a brown bag lunch series via Zoom.
Harry Chase reported as the Baltimore City Liaison and on behalf of the Portrait Committee. Regarding portrait updates, he advised that Judge John Hennigann’s portrait is hanging in courtroom 12. He also reported that the portrait for Judge Murphy is finished and hanging in courtroom 12 as well.
Committee Reports
The Advocate September 202224 A Debt-Relief Agency Serving all of Baltimore County for over 25 years, we represent business and personal bankruptcy— we can help you get back to normal.The Law Offices of Nicholas J. Del Pizzo, III Baltimore, Maryland • 410-288-5788 CALL 1-800-BANKRUPT
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Professionalism Committee: The Professional Lawyer
IDEALS OF PROFESSIONALISM (Appendix, Vol. II, Md. Rules Civ. Pro.) offers the following definition: Professionalism is the combination of the core values of personal integrity, competency, civility, independence, and public service that distinguish lawyers as the caretakers of the rule of law.
Fairness, Civility, and Courtesy
– Debra B. Cruz, Esq.
Comment: “As individuals, we have two choices: When incivility comes your way, you can be a thermometer and react, or you can be a thermostat and change the temperature” Deborah King Who among us has not had to deal with an opponent who is a jerk? Examples include The Yeller, who shouts you down on phone calls and at depositions; The Manipulator, who re-writes the history of the parties’ behavior to suit his theme; or The False Documenter, who, after a phone conversation, sends you an email which misquotes everything you said. Although not easy to deal with, this behavior should never be an invitation to respond in kind. Do not accept the behavior; give the Yeller a warning on the record that the deposition will end (or the phone conversation) if the misbehavior continues. Correct the Manipulator and False Documenter, in writing, without invective. Do not allow your opponent to control the situation, because it does nothing to advance your client’s cause, which is your ultimate goal.
Professionalism primarily an attitude, not a set of technical competencies. Committee Reports
The AdvocateSeptember 2022 25
A lawyer should understand that: (1) professionalism requires civility in all dealings, showing respect for differing points of view, and demonstrating empathy for others; (2) courtesy does not reflect weakness; rather, it promotes effective advocacy by ensuring that parties have the opportunity to participate in the process without personal attacks or intimidation…;
Example: Susie Civility, Esq. has a hectic trial practice. Although it is not always easy, she is calm and courteous to opposing counsel and parties and is completely prepared for meetings, depositions, and court appearances that the occasional disruptive tactics of opposing counsel do not derail her ability to either obtain or communicate the information that she needs to win her case.
The Advocate September 202226 The Attorneys’ Preferred Lawyers’ Professional Liability Insurance Program, offers proprietary policy enhancements, designed to mitigate claims before they arise. The Attorneys’ Preferred Insurance Program Advising and Protecting the Legal Profession Call today to speak with a Professional Liability Reduce Risk to Your Practice Today
An Attorney’s Personal Journey Through Anxiety
The Legal Burnout Solution: How to Identify and Manage Attorney Anxiety
Another factor not mentioned in this survey is that many attorneys have personality traits, such as perfectionism and pessimism, that make them particularly susceptible to anxiety.
Recently, we interviewed a 36-year-old male attorney who shared his story of developing anxiety early on in the pandemic. Jeffrey recalled, I was feeling restless all the time and constantly “on edge”; it felt nearly impossible to sit still and actually concentrate on my work. At night I couldn’t sleep, and during the day I felt exhausted and irritable. My relationships with my staff and my family started to suffer. I found myself constantly worrying and dwelling on hypothetical worst-case scenarios—“What if I start making mistakes that lose my clients and my practice goes under? What if everyone loses their jobs because of me?” After a candid conversation with his wife about how he had been feeling, Jeffrey ultimately sought professional help. His therapist screened him for mental health issues and ultimately diagnosed him with generalized anxiety disorder (GAD).1
• Feeling nervous, anxious, or on edge; • Not being able to stop or control worrying; • Worrying too much about different things; • Trouble relaxing; • Being so restless that it is hard to sit still; • Becoming easily annoyed or irritable; and • Feeling afraid, as if something awful might happen.
Jeffrey’s Road to Recovery
After being diagnosed with GAD, Jeffrey continued seeing a professional therapist regularly and actively implementing strategies to manage his anxiety and reduce his stress. Today, he reports that making small targeted changes to how he approaches his law practice
1 We recognize that many suffer from other types of anxiety disorders such as post-traumatic stress disor der or social phobia; however, the focus of this article is on GAD. The website of the National Institute of Mental Health is a good resource for those seeking information with respect to other categories of anxiety.
Screening for GAD
The American Psychological Association defines anxiety as “an emotion characterized by feelings of tension, worried thoughts, and physical changes like increased blood pressure.” Although we tend to think of anxiety as a mental health concern, the signs and symptoms of generalized anxiety can be both emotional and physical.
As a starting point, a screening test may be worthwhile to determine if you are currently experiencing anxiety or at risk of developing GAD. The GAD-7 Anxiety Questionnaire screens for and measures the severity based on how frequently the following emotional symptoms occurred over the past two weeks:
Affirming the existence of the mind-body connection, the Mayo Clinic has identified the following physical symptoms of anxiety: • Fatigue; • Trouble sleeping; • Muscle tension or muscle aches; • Trembling, feeling twitchy; • Nervousness or being easily startled; • Sweating; • Nausea, diarrhea, or irritable bowel syndrome; and • Irritability.
If you suffer from any of the symptoms outlined above, please give special attention to the next section of this article, “Tips to Manage Anxiety.”
The AdvocateSeptember 2022 27 ABA Articles Anxiety does not empty tomorrow of its sorrows, but only empties today of its strength.—Charles Spurgeon Attorney well-being has arguably never been more important. According to the 2022 Mental Health Survey by and ALM Intelligence, 67 percent of attorneys reported anxiety. Note that this is an uptick from the results reported in ALM’s 2020 Mental Health and Substance Abuse Survey, in which 64 percent of the lawyers felt they had anxiety. Feedback provided in the 2022 survey confirmed what most of us already know: Practicing law is stressful! According to 74 percent of the surveyed attorneys, work environment contributed to mental health issues they were experiencing. The most prevalent concerns were (1) always being on call (72 percent); (2) billable hour pressure (59 percent); (3) client demands (57 percent); (4) lack of sleep (55 percent); and (5) lean staffing (49.5 percent).
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Moving Forward
Tips to Manage Anxiety
that a key to his success has been transparency and honesty: “I ultimately sat down with my team and explained what was going on. If anything, this experience actually brought us closer together and helped create a culture where we openly discuss our mental health and how we can support each other.”
• Have fun! On average, children laugh 300 times a day, whereas an adult generally laughs only 17 times per day. Often as attorneys, we over-prioritize our work and under-prioritize play, even to the point of “stresslaxing” where we worry about what we “should be” doing when we are trying to have fun.
• Movement and exercise. Did you know that just 20 minutes of aerobic exercise can immediately have positive effects on your mood that last up to 12 hours?
Consciously set aside time to do activities that bring you fulfillment and joy and make you laugh! Channel your inner child and do the things that brought you joy when you were younger—have a water balloon fight, go to an amusement park, play in the mud. Whatever the activity may be, give yourself permission to relax and play and just be in the moment. Laughter is medicine!
Further, a therapist can provide a safe place to share your thoughts and feelings with a neutral third party. If you’re not sure where to begin, take advantage of any available employee assistance program resources, as well as your state’s lawyers assistance program, which offers confidential support and can help you get set up with a counselor.
ABA Articles
• Seek professional support. Having a strong support system and feeling connected to others is one of the most effective means to protect our health and well-being from traumatic events, as well as everyday stressors. Although temporary moments of stress are a natural part of life, if you find yourself regularly experiencing any of the symptoms we have discussed, please consider getting professional help. Not only can counselors help you identify and recognize what is happening, but they can also provide additional tools, or even medication where appropriate, to effectively manage anxiety symptoms.
Not everyone who experiences anxiety suffers from GAD; however, even “everyday anxiety” is unpleasant and can interfere with productivity, as well as the joy of life. Making positive lifestyle changes can help us manage and even prevent the negative symptoms of anxiety. Below are a few effective strategies to help curb anxiety and safeguard our mental health:
The AdvocateSeptember 2022 29 has not only improved his anxiety but also promoted his staff’s Overall,well-being.Jeffreyemphasized
As more and more attorneys are struggling to cope with generalized anxiety, it is crucial that we openly acknowledge this issue and focus on implementing strategies to curb its negative effects. Experiencing anxiety doesn’t have to be the “way things are” for legal professionals. As Jeffrey’s experience shows, anxiety is manageable with the right tools and support! In our next column, we will explore strategies for increasing productivity through enhanced focus and concentration.
Even incorporating small movements into your daily routine can help protect and promote your mental health and overall well-being. Indeed, small amounts of moderate exercise can help us mitigate the negative effects of daily stressors and keep us in a healthy frame of mind. We recommend incorporating a formal exercise routine into your schedule, ideally early in the day so you can maximize the positive effects. Make it a point to incorporate regular movement throughout your workday as well. Find activities that resonate for you personally, whether it’s taking a short walk outside, stretching, or self-massage. These small steps add up—literally!
• Interrupt negative thoughts. Did you know that approximately 85 percent of our thoughts are negative, and 90 percent are recurring? When we experience anxiety, we may have recurring negative thought patterns that can actually worsen our anxiety when we focus on and believe these thoughts. One way we can help curb anxiety is by recognizing and interpreting these negative thoughts. By practicing mindfulness, we become better able to recognize when this is happening in the moment and take conscious action. When you notice a negative thought arise, pause and recognize the thought; you can internally or out loud say, “My brain is producing a negative thought that I am lazy.” You can even visualize a stop sign and then replace the negative thought with a positive one—for example, “I am relaxing. I do not have to earn rest.” The more you do this, the more detachment you can cultivate between you and your negative thoughts. Remember, you are not your thoughts! You are the observer of your thoughts.
– Rebecca Howlett and Cynthia Sharp
The Advocate September 202230 Local Solutions. Global Reach.
The AdvocateSeptember 2022 31 It can easily be accessed on our website homepage by clicking on ‘Career Center’ in the blue bar at the top of the page. BCBA Members and non-members can view all posted jobs and post resumes for free. Members can post available job opportunities for free and non-member can post available job opportunities for $250. CAREER CAREER CENTER CENTER
The Advocate September 202232
The AdvocateSeptember 2022 33 PITFALLS TO AVOID IN MAGISTRATE HEARINGS P l e a s e j o i n B a l t i m o r e C o u n t y F a m i l y L a w M a g i s t r a t e s f o r a b r o w n b a g l u n c h v i a z o o m t o l e a r n a b o u t p i t f a l l s t o a v o i d i n M a g i s t r a t e ' s H e a r i n g s , p r a c t i c e t i p s , a n d h o w y o u c a n h e l p b y t a k i n g o n a p r o b o n o o r l o w b o n o c a s e . Friday, September 23, 2022 12:15pm Baltimore County Bar Association Family Law & Pro Bono Committees Speakers: Honorable Magistrate Michael McBee Honorable Magistrate Dilip Paliath Honorable Magistrate Carrie Polley Honorable Magistrate Catherine Woods Location: Zoom Cost: BCBA Members, Free: Non-Members, Free Program Chairs: Kerri Cohen and Margaret Henn Registration Required. Click HERE to register. Link emailed upon registration
The Advocate September 202234
The AdvocateSeptember 2022 35 P r o c e e d s B e n e f i t V a n B r o o k s / S a f e A l t e r n a t i v e F o u n d a t i o n f o r E d u c a t i o n B A R W A R S T R I V I A N I G H T BARLEY'S BACKYARD 408 YORK RD. TOWSON, MD 21204 October 18th at 5:30 PM Baltimore County Bar Association Presents $100 entrance fee per team Minimum of 2 players and maximum of 10 players per team ACT NOW: Maximum of 15 teams Prizes await our winners! Registration Required Click HERE to register & pay online
The Advocate September 202236 A N N U A L M E M O R I A L S E R V I C E B A L T I M O R E C O U N T Y B A R A S S O C I A T I O N J o i n u s a s w e h o n o r B C B A m e m b e r s M a r c A . A p p e l J a m e s H . M c A t e e r H o n . T h o m a s J . B o l l i n g e r , S r . F r a n k ‘ B o ’ V e r n o n B o o z e r H o n o r a b l e J o s e p h F . M u r p h y , J r . R o b e r t L . S i m m o n s H e n r y W . S t e w a r t N O V E M B E R 1 7 , 2 0 2 2 3 : 3 0 P M H I S T O R I C C O U R T H O U S E C E R E M O N I A L C O U R T R O O M 5 4 0 0 W A S H I N G T O N A V E . T O W S O N , M D 2 1 2 0 4 Reception to follow in Historic Courthouse, Rm. 118 CLICK HERE TO REGISTER
The AdvocateSeptember 2022 S e p t e m b e r 8 , 2 0 2 2 E x p e r t W i t n e s s e s , L e c t u r e a D i s c u s s i o n , I n c l u d i n g S e l e c t t h e E x p e r t , D i r e c t a n d C r o s s D a u b e r t H e a r i n g s COURTROOM WORKSHOPS FOR NEW LAWYERS American College of Trial Lawyers All Lawyers are Invited and Encouraged to Attend! ALL WORKSHOPS WILL BE VIRTUAL (WORKSHOPS WILL NOT BE RECORDED) 12:00 noon - 1:15 p.m. F e b r u a r y 2 0 2 2 - J a n u a r y 2 0 2 3 Second Thursday of the Month October 13, 2022 Closing Arguments, Lecture and Discussion Contact There is still time to register!
The Advocate September 202238 410.337.8900 | | 1.888.338.0400 Towson, Columbia, Easton Medical Assistance Eligibility Planning and Asset Protection Disability Planning / Special Needs Trusts / Veterans Benefits Healthcare Directives / Living Wills Trusts / Estate Planning and Administration Wills / Powers of Attorney / Guardianship Experts in Elder Law, Estate and Special Needs Planning Eliminate your on-desk time, lower your costs, and start closing cases faster. Sign up today and let us help your firm prosper. If Medical Records are a Problem, Consider a New Solution. 100% HITECH No Membership Fees No OneNationwideContractsServiceFlatFeeperRequest Your ad could rruocco@bcba.orgRachelHERE!beContactRuoccoor410-337-9103 Don’t forget to update your information on our website! Click here to access or go to
The AdvocateSeptember 2022 39 Baltimore County Bar Association M A Y J U N E F E B R U A R Y M A R C H A P R I L N O V E M B E R D E C E M B E R J A N U A R Y A U G U S T S E P T E M B E R O C T O B E R 5, 6pm Baseball, Crab Feast & Fireworks 13, 5:30pm Bar Year Kick off Party 2, 9am Ravens Tailgate 18, 5:30pm Bar Wars 20, 4:30pm Stated Meeting 26, 5:30pm Pro Bono Awards and Reception 1, all day Supreme Court Group Admission Trip 4, 8:30am Civics & Law Academy 12, Safe Alternative Flag Football Fundraiser 17, 3:30pm Memorial Service 19, 10am National Adoption Day 2, 8:30am Civics & Law Academy 8, 6pm Annual Holiday Party 9, 12pm Young Lawyers Holiday Lunch and Toy Drive 26, 5:30pm Black Tie Banquet TBD, Swearing In Ceremony 16, 4:30pm Stated Meeting TBD, Sponsor Breakfast 2, 5:30pm Bar Wars TBD, Chopped Cooking Competition TBD, Young Lawyers Fundraiser 1, 12pm Law Day Noon ceremonies TBD, Golf Tournament 7 10 MSBA Bar Conference in OC 15, 4:30pm Stated Meeting
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OWINGS MILLS Offices to rent: Share space with two solo Family Law practitioners. One or two offices available in a convenient office park off Red Run Boulevard. Includes use of conference room, kitchen, and in suite bathroom. Call Steven at 410979-8250
303 W. Pennsylvania Avenue, Towson across Bosley Avenue from the Circuit Court Building, three offices with bathroom on the second floor, 3rd floor four offices available, conference room, bathroom, and kitchen on first floor, free parking space available, rent negotiable $50$100 less than comparable spaces. $400-$500 per office, great satellite office with possibility of overflow work. Contact Joe Glass at 410-8234214 or
Two to three offices within existing office space, just below 695, free parking, furnished if desired, use of telephone, copier, fax, conference room, Internet, paralegal/secretarial help available. Anne 410-337-8577
TOWSON Two offices to rent. We are a block from the courthouse. Use of office, telephone, copier, and fax, plus secretarial space are included. Call Frank at 410-296-6820. Nicely furnished office space with parking, half block from circuit court. Pete McDowell 410-9602536
Small firm in Towson looking for an experienced, part-time legal assistant/secretary two to three days a week. Any experienced candidates should contact Robert Jacobson at 410-583-8883
Full time associate. Licensed in Federal and Maryland State court. Law Offices of Nick Del Pizzo Member Advertisements
CATONSVILLE Office Space Available; 1007 Freder ick Road; one to four rooms. Prime location along Frederick Road with signage. Call 410-744-3256. Office Space for Rent. 1002 Frederick Road, 2nd floor office. Private entrance, semi-private restroom, use of confer ence room and kitchen on first floor. Free parking. Would be a great satellite office. Please contact Lou Weinkam, Jr. at 410-744-3256, ext 103.
Baltimore County Bar Association 100 County Courts Building 401 Bosley Avenue Towson, MD 21204-4491 (T) 410-337-9103 (F) www.bcba.org410-823-3418
Presort Standard U.S. PermitPAIDPostageNo.1262Baltimore,MD
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