SQ-4 moUt NaNo UNmaNNed aerial SyStem
Weighing in from just 60 grams, the SQ-4 moUt system offer a lightweight vertical take-off and landing (Vtol)
the answer to urban operations
surveillance air-element. depending on requirement, the SQ-4 moUt is designed to assist war fighters working in military operations on Urban terrain (moUt). the lightweight pack contains 2 x NUaV’s and all equipment for full flight and real-time visual observation. the SQ-4 moUt can be operated by line of Sight (loS) or by First Person View (FPV) while the team commander has a separate larger screen to directly observe the camera view. Flight range is designed to be between 300 / 500 meters, with flight duration of up to 20 minutes.
SQ-4 moUt NaNo UNmaNNed aerial SyStem
Using a 1 gram 520 line colour of camera, the SQ-4 MOUT transmits a clear live video feed directly to the pilot and the team commander. On-board sensors weighing just 3 grams make the SQ-4 MOUT very easy to fly and operate. The 2 air-elements fit snugly into its lightweight pack that contains everything required for instant flight. The SQ-4 is ideal for performing a wide range of instant tasks in a MOUT situation like; enemy location and number surveillance, damage assessment, co-ordination, exploration, and observation.
Key Features: z VTOL z Up to two PAL colour video cameras z Weather-proof
z First Person View (FPV) Pilot
Weight (g/oz)
z Separate 7” remote commander display Second Person View (SPV)
Flight Duration (min)
Range Max (m)
300 / 500 (LOS & FPV)
Li-Po Battery (g)
Video Downlink 5.8 GHz
25 mW 500 mW
3 x 2”
Sales Code
Capability: Perch & Stare Deploy in less than 25 seconds
Flight Speed: Vertical 5.5 m/s - Horizontal 7.5 m/s Expected Operating Height: 0-120 m Operating Limits: Max wind speed 8 m/s Video Cameras: One forward facing Pixels: PAL 786 (H) x 576 (V) Resolution: Colour 520 TV Lines Sensor Dimensions: 4.75 (H) x 3.55 mm (V) Data Link: On board gyro sensor stabilization Control uplink Digital 2.4 or 5.8 GHz (frequency hopping) Approx Size: 24 x 24 x 4.5 cm Operating Temp: -10ºC to +50ºC, at less than 90% RH Future Expectations: BCB International Ltd have a policy of continuous development for the SQ-4 systems. The latest development is to further reduce the weight and increase the power output and flight duration. This will be achived by redesigning the flight control board and other components onto ‘flexi’ PCB and the use of advanced Lithium- Sulphur batteries. Video footage of the SQ-4 flying can be seen at the sight below. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RwlwDCGZOJY&feature=related NB: All sizes and weights are approx. Due to BCBs continual innovation policy the above may change.
BCB International Ltd. Clydesmuir Road, Cardiff CF24 2QS UK Tel: +44 (0)0845 300 4111 Fax: +44 (0)2920 433 701 Email: info@bcbin.com