A Review by Muddy Stilettos

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A Review of Brighton College Prep School

Muddy Stilettos came to visit Brighton College Prep School. Here’s what they had to say. . .

An exceptionally impressive, aspirational and enviably-located day school for children aged 3-13 which focuses on developing kind, academically successful and well-rounded pupils to move on to the sought-after destination of Brighton College.

What? Where?

Located across two sites right next door to Brighton College, with which it shares some facilities, this pre-prep and prep school in the cosmopolitan heart of Brighton enjoys fabulous views down to the sea. With smart facilities, a hugely dedicated body of staff and an incredibly well-thought-through offering, it’s a real destination school that sets children up for success, but retains a nurturing and wholesome feel. A diverse staff and pupil body reflect its location in one of the UK’s

most exciting and progressive cities. In addition to preparing children for the academic rigour of Brighton College (some 95% of pupils go on to study at the prestigious senior school, although children will be prepared for other destinations if it suits them better) the school has a strong focus on pastoral care, pupil wellbeing and cultivating a culture of curiosity and kindness – it’s motto is ‘Be Kind, Be Curious, Be Confident, Be The Best You’.

“The school has a strong focus on pastoral care, pupil wellbeing and cultivating a culture of curiosity and kindness.”


Pre-Prep is housed in a charming purpose-built building all geared up for children to hit the ground running. Before pupils even join, they are invited to weekly Pufflings play sessions with parents at the nursery area, a light, airy and spacious room with natural-themed décor bursting with provocations. This allows a seamless transition once children join at age 3, as they’re generally familiar with the space and staff. As pupils move through towards Reception and Key Stage One, the environment becomes busier, brighter and geared up to support learning at every turn.

Pupils are taught by specialist teachers and start young – Mandarin and French lessons feature on the curriculum (when Muddy visited children were enjoying a fabulous French sing-song) along with drama, music and sport in addition to the standard early years subjects. The philosophy around reading, Every Child A Reader, gets kids into books nice and early.

Special mention goes to the quality of the artwork, which is in one word, exceptional. Work by Reception pupils wouldn’t look out of place in a GCSE art studio.

Classrooms are structured around a generous outdoor play area with lots of age appropriate free-flow space, and the lovely field out front where pupils play sport is a surprisingly generous green addition to this very built-up area of Brighton. The school is only a stone’s throw from the sea, however, and weekly Beach School sessions make the absolute most of the location.

Prep (Years 4 to 8) is a short walk away, right next door to the main college, in the most fabulous Regency-esque building with a rather ecclesiastical feel to the grand entrance. As Muddy walked in, a concert band in the adjacent hall launched into the theme tune from Game of Thrones – how’s that for a welcome? Walk through the stunning library, housed in the old chapel, and through the light and versatile hall space and the building becomes a delightful bustle of classrooms and playgrounds populated by busy and purposeful children. A food tech area resembles the tent from Bake Off, and emits the most delicious aromas to boot.

Both Pre-Prep and Prep facilities are used to maximum effect and despite the heritage of the prep school building in particular, want for nothing. Rather than squeeze in bigger ticket items like a dedicated theatre and sports hall, the school uses Brighton College facilities and pupils get to know the impressive and upmarket campus, including the chapel, sports pitches, swimming pool and a breathtaking new sports and science complex complete with floors of labs, studio and gym, and a rooftop running track. A new performing arts theatre will open in Spring 2024. The beach is utilised as a teaching resource, particularly when studying the natural environment, as well as a place for sport, recreation and relaxation.

“Special mention goes to the quality of the artwork, which is in one word, exceptional. Work by Reception pupils wouldn’t look out of place in a GCSE art studio.”


Pupils start specialist sport lessons from Reception and competitive fixtures begin in Year 3. Brighton College Prep excels in all the usual suspects – rugger, cricket, footie, hockey, netball, tennis, athletics and swimming. With the fabulous facilities of Brighton College at its disposal, it’s no wonder the school does so well. However, this isn’t just

a school for sports stars, participation is valued as much as performance. The goal is to inspire a lifelong love of sport and physical activity.

“With the fabulous facilities of Brighton College at its disposal, it’s no wonder the school does so well.”

Creative Arts

We’ve already waxed lyrical about the quality of the artwork at Brighton College Prep, which is in no small part attributed to the fact specialist arts teaching starts at Reception and pupils have both a gorgeous rooftop art studio (views for days) packed with materials and provocations including a highly impressive ceramics collection, plus a superb design and technology studio at their disposal in the prep school. Specialist music teaching starts in nursery and all pupils learn the recorder and the ukulele, with tuition in a heap of other

instruments also on offer. There are bands, choirs, orchestras and groups galore for pupils to join and performances aplenty so they can showcase their skills. Dance also starts at nursery and the dance school runs a show annually.

In addition to outstanding curriculum drama, pupils can follow a LAMDA programme and take examinations, setting them up for scholarships in performing arts later on.

“Pupils have both a gorgeous rooftop art studio, packed with materials and provocations including a highly impressive ceramics collection, plus a superb design and technology studio.”


Unsurprisingly given its association with Brighton College, academics are superb. The school has a great deal of support on offer for all pupils –Brighton College Prep gets increasingly selective if pupils join in later years and the curriculum is thoughtfully designed to both challenge and inspire. As a result, the vast majority of pupils go on to Brighton College itself and, importantly, are ready and able to meet the standards of a college that regularly achieves the best co-ed GCSE and A Level results in the country.

“Unsurprisingly given its association with Brighton College, academics are superb.”

Pastoral Care

The school lives and breathes its values of promoting kindness in pupils, and the pastoral care on offer is second to none. Children are encouraged to think of others and support one

“The school lives and breathes its values of promoting kindness in pupils, and the pastoral care on offer is second to none.”

another, and are in turn supported by staff to prioritise their wellbeing, health, mindfulness and emotional regulation. The latter is taught through a child-friendly rainbow system which helps children understand the ‘sweet spot’ of emotional regulation and allows both pupils and staff to express their full emotional spectrum.

The house system is much beloved by pupils and provides them with opportunities to befriend and connect with older and younger children, as well as ways to be of service such as through nominating a chosen charity and supporting it throughout the year. The culture of kindness and support is thoroughly embedded – one pupil told me how she was able to quickly integrate fully into the school when she arrived thanks to older pupils taking her under their wing, and in turn she now looks out for younger pupils to whom she can offer the same service. Pupils nominate one another for weekly Caught Being Kind awards to celebrate random acts of kindness.

The Head

Ant Falkus was appointed Headmaster of the prep school in early 2023. He’s something of a Brighton College stalwart, having worked within the family of school for more than a decade and with a variety of senior leadership roles at Handcross Park and Brighton College Prep under his belt.

Likeable and engaging, he is clearly thrilled to take stewardship of such a thriving school and waxes lyrical about the opportunities offered by the location and environment. He’s also proud of the diversity of the school’s staff and student body, which really reflects the nature of Brighton, and remains unusual for Sussex schools which can often struggle with this issue.

“He’s proud of the diversity of the school’s staff and student body, which really reflects the nature of Brighton, and remains unusual for Sussex schools which can often struggle with this issue.”

Word on the Ground Quirks

Over an extremely classy afternoon tea (for which Muddy was embarrassingly underdressed) eloquent and confident pupils wax lyrical about the opportunities on offer at the school. They love the sense of community, the support, the range of clubs and activities, and they’re keen to see the school continue to embrace technology and take a forward-thinking approach to learning. They also love the range of sport on offer, and the fact there’s something for everybody, and they’re super proud of the house system and how welcoming the school is to everybody. A new Digital Ambassadors programme has gone down a storm with pupils looking to take on extra responsibilities.

The school is very Brighton, and if you know Brighton, you’ll know what I mean. It’s incredibly aspirational but also reflects the city’s unique forward-thinking vibe, sense of fun, and willingness to lead in the areas of diversity and inclusion. Being right by the sea, Beach School is a big part of the culture.

“Being right by the sea, Beach School is a big part of the culture.”
“It’s incredibly aspirational but also reflects the city’s unique forward-thinking vibe, sense of fun, and willingness to lead in the areas of diversity and inclusion.”


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