I am blessed to be the Headmaster of such a kind, forward-thinking and caring community.
When the phone rang in October to announce the arrival of a team of inspectors from the Independent Schools Inspectorate, it was met with enthusiasm rather than anticipation. We were excited for them to witness and experience our outstanding school in action. The inspectors thoroughly enjoyed speaking to our brilliant staff, observing our pupils being curious in their lessons, and really getting a sense of what a Brighton College education is all about.
I am thrilled to share the main findings from their three-day visit to the Prep School in the following pages. As you read on, I hope you feel as proud as I am.
Their full report can be found on our website here.
Ant Falkus Headmaster
“Teachers know children well and adapt teaching to meet individual needs.”
develop confident skills in a range of sporting disciplines including swimming, from a young age.”
“Pupils are valued, respected and understood.”
“Pupils are actively involved in projects such as beach clean-ups, baking for a care home and playing board games with residents.”
“There are many opportunities for parents to visit and meet with teachers.”
“Children talk happily to adults and to each other.”
“Pupils demonstrate respect, kindness and empathy in their interactions with each other.”
“Children have strong social skills and show kindness as they play cooperatively with and alongside each other.”
“A culture of kindness enables pupils to flourish across all aspects of school life.”
“A well-established culture of kindness and inclusivity, which permeates all aspects of school life.”
“Teaching inspires pupils to be curious about their learning and to ask meaningful questions.”
“Pupils are confident learners who readily share their ideas.”
“Pupils have well-developed literacy skills because they are given many opportunities to write for different purposes and audiences.”
“A positive learning environment in which pupils’ self-esteem grows.”
“Pupils understand complex ideas and produce work of high quality.”
“Children enjoy the many opportunities they have to explore the stimulating outside space and local environment, which promotes their understanding of the world and their curiosity.”
“Pupils have an extensive and enriching range of opportunities in the clubs programme.”
“Pupils have many opportunities to participate in and contribute to their local community. They embrace these initiatives to make a difference and show a very well-developed appreciation for the world beyond school.”
“Pupils regularly learn through going on educational visits or using the outdoor environment.”
“Pupils develop empathy for others through their involvement in events such as ‘Make a Difference Day’.”
“Ambitious and specialist teaching in music, art and design and technology, which helps pupils to gain knowledge and skills in advance of their years.”
“Pupils are successful in gaining scholarships across a range of disciplines each year.”
opportunities to discover new knowledge and skills across a wide range of subjects, including sciences, humanities, Latin and Mandarin.”
“An innovative approach to teaching history, geography, religious studies and philosophy.”