2008-09 BC Children's Hospital Foundation Annual Report

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BC Children’s Hospital Foundation 2008 / 2009 Annual Report

room to grow Childhood is about growth – physical, emotional, intellectual, experiential. It’s our job, at BC Children’s Hospital and Foundation, Sunny Hill Health Centre for Children, and the Child & Family Research Institute, to provide vital research, rehabilitation and medical services to help children in need.

Of course, children aren’t the only ones experiencing change. Just as we give them the chance to learn, we learn from them. Our research into childhood illness yields better ways to heal and an ability to combat diseases that not so long ago claimed children’s lives. We’ve seen an explosion in medical knowledge in recent years, and the implications for the practice of pediatric medicine are immense. Today, we must support the growth of our children by providing annual funding for research, equipment and education, and through the construction of a new BC Children’s Hospital. Together we can give BC’s children the room they need to heal, to grow, and to live.

Amélie Andres Throughout three-year-old Amélie Andres’ life, she has visited almost every area of BC Children’s Hospital, from the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit and Emergency Department, to the Respiratory and Hematology Departments, and the Children’s Heart Centre. BC Children’s Hospital is the only place in the province where Amélie can receive the specialized care she needs under one roof. Her conditions include five heart defects, asthma, a minor hearing impairment, and several bouts with pneumonia. As Amélie recovers and grows she will continue to visit Children’s for regular checkups and further surgeries to replace her transplanted bovine heart valve. Her family is hopeful that advances in medicine and the $25-million gift from her dad’s employer, Teck Resources Limited, will smooth the way for Amélie and other children in the future.

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Lindsey Lourenco Rather than having beautiful photos and souvenirs to show for their Portugal trip in 2007, the Lourenco family has memories of a horrifying experience. Lindsey Lourenco, then 13, was exhausted during the trip and lost about 11 kilograms in a matter of days. Learning that his daughter had leukemia, Lindsey’s father Tony insisted on bringing his daughter back to the place he trusts the most – BC Children’s Hospital. Lindsey’s treatment started the moment she arrived home and she spent her first three weeks at Children’s in an isolation room. After several months of grueling chemotherapy, the teenager finally showed signs of improvement. Today Lindsey is becoming more active and continues to receive treatment at the Hospital once a month. Tony believes his decision to bring his daughter home to BC Children’s for treatment was one of the best he’s ever made.

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Miguel Catarata With his bright smile and dashing good looks, Miguel Catarata can melt the heart of anyone he encounters. In recent years, he’s been charming the caregivers at BC Children’s Hospital, where he and his mom Sally are frequent visitors. When Miguel was 18 months old, he collapsed and was flown to Children’s Hospital from Port Hardy. His pulmonary artery was wrapped around his trachea, restricting his breathing, and he required emergency surgery. Doctors have operated on Miguel countless times since then, inserting stents, or metal tubes, to hold his trachea open and help him breathe. Nevertheless, he still requires surgery at the Hospital every few weeks to open his airway. Sally does her best to help Miguel live as normal a life as possible. She cannot say enough about the amazing caregivers at Children’s Hospital, who save Miguel’s life on a regular basis.

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Sahil Deo Sharlene and Sanil Deo still get emotional when they think back to the 12-hour days they spent with their son Sahil in the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit at BC Children’s Hospital. Born prematurely at 26 weeks and weighing just under a kilogram, Sahil spent over five months at the Hospital before he was able to go home. Today Sahil only has minor delays in his growth and is progressing well – he was recently taken off his asthma inhaler and no longer needs to see any specialists. To show their gratitude, Sahil and his family appeared in the South Asian community’s A World of Smiles telethon to raise funds for BC Children’s Hospital.

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Sienna Mei-Ling Turton With older sisters who their mother Norine describes as “natural therapists,” 11-year-old Sienna Mei-Ling Turton is thriving under the family-centred care she receives at home and at BC Children’s Hospital and Sunny Hill Health Centre for Children. Born with a rare neurological condition called Joubert’s Syndrome, Sienna has to contend with low muscle tone, chronic kidney disease, retinal disorder and hypersensitivity. She is currently on dialysis and visits the Hospital regularly. Although Sienna can walk and run she requires a wheelchair for distances as she tires easily. Sienna’s verbal abilities continue to flourish and she has progressed to using very little sign language. Sienna is spirited and loves being around people, especially hanging out with her mom Norine and her loving sisters, Justine and Nicole.

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Ava Coonfer Ava Coonfer was only 10 weeks old when she began developing a blood-filled blister on her eyelid. A trip to BC Children’s Hospital revealed that it was a hemangioma, a tumour commonly found in infants. However, in Ava’s case, there was a danger that the tumour would blind her. She was fitted with glasses at 11 months old by doctors in the Ophthalmology Department and treated with steroids to reduce the swelling. Getting Ava to wear her glasses at such a young age was a challenge for her parents, Tracey and Lee, who came to rely on doctors at BC Children’s Hospital for care they couldn’t get anywhere else. Today Ava, along with her twin sister Emma, are active three year-olds, spending their time doing the things they love most: singing, swimming, and playing together.

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Roman, Hailey and Madison Gagne Roman Gagne and his twin sisters Hailey and Madison have cystic fibrosis. Between them, they take 70 pills a day and receive physiotherapy twice a day to help loosen the mucus in their lungs – one of the effects of their condition. The siblings visit the Cystic Fibrosis Clinic at BC Children’s Hospital on a regular basis and their parents, as advised by caregivers, encourage the children to participate in physical activities – something that they are only too happy to do. There is currently no cure for cystic fibrosis and Roman, Hailey and Madison will continue to require care throughout their lifetimes.

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Justin Lau A combination of research and clinical care at BC Children’s Hospital saved Justin Lau’s life. Justin, like his late brother Cameron, was born with severe combined immune deficiency – a rare genetic condition that gave Justin a severely compromised immune system and an inability to fight infections. Researchers at the Child & Family Research Institute were able to determine the exact type of Justin’s DNA mutation, enabling BC Children’s doctors to find a suitable cord blood match for Justin’s stem cell transplant before he was born. Justin is now fully recovered, thanks to his “new” immune system and the love of his caregivers and family.

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room to care The children and youth we see don’t just need more room; they need the right kind of room. They need spaces that better accommodate families, facilitate the use of technology, and speed healing. They also need access to specialized care in locations around the province. One of our goals is to ensure that the bedrooms BC’s kids come to know best are their own.

Nearly 140 open-heart surgeries are performed every year, and more than 60 per cent of those are performed on patients younger than one year.

10 Room to Care

Be A Superhero –The Campaign for BC Children The goal of the $200-million Campaign for BC Children is to ensure children and youth in BC and the Yukon have access to outstanding specialized pediatric care in a new hospital that supports excellence, and that every child has access to a consistent standard of specialized care, no matter where he or she lives.

Money raised through the Campaign for BC Children will be used to support the construction of a new Children’s Hospital on the current site, the relocation of child development and rehabilitation services to the site, and Child Health BC, a network of pediatric excellence across the province.

BC Children’s Hospital Foundation proudly recognizes the Superheroes who have stepped forward to support the Campaign for BC Children. Since its launch in April 2008, thousands of individuals and organizations have donated $82 million toward the campaign goal. The Government of British Columbia has stated its support for the campaign and its commitment to the construction of a new Children’s Hospital. Why do we need a new BC Children’s Hospital? Treating Children with Complex and Chronic Conditions

Children with illnesses that would once have claimed their lives are now surviving into adulthood. For these children, survival is not without lasting challenges, and children’s hospitals now expect that in the near future as many as 75 per cent of their beds will be occupied by children with chronic and complex conditions. The age of the existing Hospital makes it harder to meet the needs of today’s

patients, many of whom have far more complex and chronic medical conditions than those the Hospital was originally designed to treat. Attracting the Best of the Best

In order for the Hospital to recruit pediatric specialists from around the world, it must have research and clinical facilities that support the use of the latest practices, techniques and technology. The new Hospital will attract specialists who want a firm foundation on which to build their clinical and research practices. Creating an Environment that Speeds Healing

The new Children’s Hospital will have a physical environment that is designed to promote healing. In recent years, “healing environments” have been shown to greatly accelerate recovery rates and enable children to return home sooner.

Last year, children at BC Children’s Hospital underwent 8,205 surgical procedures, ranging from simple orthopedic day surgeries, to life-saving neurosurgeries and open-heart operations.

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Caring for Children and their Families

On its busiest days, BC Children’s Hospital treats more than 900 children.

Medicine today is family-focused – yet BC Children’s Hospital can’t adequately accommodate families. The new Hospital, like other modern children’s hospitals in North America, will have resources and facilities that will make it easier for parents to stay with their children comfortably and help minimize the hardship of being away from home and work while caring for a sick child. Harnessing Technology

Today’s technology permits faster diagnoses and less invasive treatments, but the existing Hospital was not designed to house the state-of-the-art equipment currently available. The new Hospital will better integrate technology in the operating room and at the bedside.

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Campaign Priorities Building the New BC Children’s Hospital Teck Resources Limited has made a $25million commitment to name the new BC Children’s Hospital building. Other naming opportunities, including labs and hospital wings, are available starting at $3 million.

Planning for building the new Children’s Hospital is well underway. Construction will take place in phases aimed at minimizing disruption to ongoing care and treatment. The first phase, which involves moving staff and services from areas slated for demolition or renovation, is getting started. The second phase involves the construction of the new Hospital adjacent to the existing Ambulatory Care and Children’s Hospital buildings. Project completion is estimated for late 2015. A priority during the first phase is to ensure services are not disrupted and that the quality and range of care remains consistent with current practices.

Robert (Bob) Breen joined the Provincial Health ServicesAuthority in October 2008 as the chief project officer for the Children’s & Women’s Redevelopment Project. His team is consulting with internal and external stakeholders to ensure the new facilities will meet our needs for years to come. As part of that consultation, a public open house was held in April 2009, following the submission of a site rezoning application. Relocation of Child Development and Rehabilitation Services from Sunny Hill Health Centre for Children

Approximately 5,000 kids from across BC receive development and rehabilitation services at the Sunny Hill Health Centre for Children each year. Children seen at Sunny Hill have conditions ranging from cerebral palsy and autism to traumatic brain and spinal injuries as a result of accidents. Caregivers use expertise and specialized technologies to help children learn or relearn basic

skills such as speaking and walking, and support their mobility with customized wheelchairs and other devices. Many children seen at Sunny Hill require regular medical care at BC Children’s Hospital. Relocation of services will eliminate the many cross-town trips that staff and families must make between the two facilities. Children and youth will benefit from care provided by a range of specialists in one location. The move will also enhance collaboration between researchers and clinicians and help to streamline diagnoses and the provision of therapy to children.

Sunny Hill serves more than 5,000 children annually from nearly 300 BC communities.

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Improved Access to Pediatric Care through Child Health BC BC Children’s Hospital Foundation is raising $50 million for Child Health BC as part of the Campaign for BC Children. The Overwaitea Food Group became Child Health BC’s lead benefactor with a gift of $20 million.

The Emergency Department at BC Children’s receives over 40,000 visits a year.

BC Children’s Hospital is responsible for providing care to nearly one million children in BC – no matter where in the province they live. Each year close to 50,000 children and their families travel from outside the City of Vancouver to Children’s Hospital for care. In response to growing needs, BC Children’s Hospital developed Child Health BC to help improve access to pediatric care and ensure all children have access to a consistent standard of medical services. The goal is to enable children and families to receive the specialized care they need, closer to their homes.

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Campaign Gifts Over 11,000 British Columbians from 223 communities have stepped forward to support the campaign. Fourteen donors have made campaign contributions ranging from $1 million to $25 million and approximately 180 more have made gifts of $10,000 or more. This generosity is giving the children of BC a hospital for the future, a refuge for sick and injured kids and their families in their time of greatest need, and the possibility of health and prosperity for generations to come. $20+ Million

The Overwaitea Food Group (Save-On-Foods, Overwaitea Foods, PriceSmart Foods, Cooper’s Foods & Urban Fare) Teck Resources Limited & Employees

$5 Million - $19.9 Million

Ledcor Group of Companies, Dave Lede Family Charitable Foundation Anonymous (1) $3 Million - $4.9 Million

Golden Girls Group $1 Million - $2.9 Million

Estate of Karel and Edith Alston Auxiliary to BC Children’s Hospital BMO Financial Group RBC Milan and Maureen Ilich Foundation Donald Lindsay Colonel Harland Sanders Charities Anonymous (2)

Media Partners

In 2008 and 2009 two major media partners stepped forward to join the Superhero team: Global BC TV joined the campaign in April 2008 with a live broadcast to launch the campaign to roughly 250,000 viewers across the province. Global BC’s unprecedented news coverage of the Hospital continued throughout the year. With 19 stations across BC, the Pattison Broadcast Group joined Global BC in 2009 with a commitment to promote the campaign as a province-wide radio partner. The Overwaitea Food Group, also a Pattison company, was the first donor to the campaign with a $20-million pledge of support for Child Health BC.

The Child and Youth Mental Health Clinics receive more than 11,000 outpatient visits each year.


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More than 900 children receive treatment and follow-up care for cancer at BC Children’s Hospital every year.

Report of the President and Chair In 2008-09 our Foundation, and so many other businesses, faced an unprecedented challenge. Not even a year into our $200-million Campaign for BC Children, the economy faltered, markets plunged and a global recession appeared imminent. In October we scaled back our major gift efforts, maintaining contact with our friends and supporters, but temporarily putting off requests for large gifts. Today, as signs of recovery appear, our campaign is regaining momentum. Through the highs and lows, two things have remained constant. The first is the support we receive from the “grassroots” – the thousands of British Columbians who volunteer their time and talent, and who donate funds to Foundation-hosted or independent events around the province. Their commitment has been steadfast throughout.

16 Report of the President and Chair

The second constant is the need. Regardless of the state of the economy, a sick or injured child needs care. Children need their parents at their bedside, the care of specialists, access to the latest technology and the benefits of research. They need room to grow, to heal and to thrive. We’re doing what we can to ensure children have their complex medical needs met. In 2008-09 BC Children’s Hospital Foundation provided $43.5 million to BC Children’s, Sunny Hill Health Centre for Children and the Child & Family Research Institute. These funds are directed to the urgent priorities of those facilities. In addition, our supporters contributed millions to the Campaign for BC Children as the ranks of Superheroes continue to grow. Global BC TV remains a vital campaign supporter, helping us to build awareness and raise money through news coverage and by participating in our events. Global shares the credit for the 16-per-cent increase in the number of donors we saw this year over last – to 119,551. Global helped us reach British Columbians to an extent and in a manner that we could never have achieved on our own.

BC Children’s sees over 75,000 patients each year.

We would like to thank our supporters across British Columbia for the success of the 2008 Miracle Weekend, which set a new record once again, bringing in $15.6 million. This result, which was announced in June 2008, and an exceptionally strong first half of our fiscal year,

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countered the blow when recession took some of the wind out of our sails in the second half of the year. We finished the fiscal year with consolidated revenues of $61.1 million, slightly higher than the year prior – an exceptional result for the times. In the year ahead we will continue to work toward the completion of our campaign and the construction of a new BC Children’s Hospital, while ensuring children continue to have their needs met on the current site. We are grateful to you, our donors, for standing by the Hospital and BC’s children. We look forward with a confidence that remains rooted in your support. One in every 100 children in BC is born with heart disease, and most of them are treated at BC Children’s Hospital.

Thank you,

Sue Carruthers, FAHP, ICD.D

Graham MacLachlan



18 Report of the President and Chair

Message from the Campaign Chair Much has changed since we held the public launch of the Campaign for BC Children in April 2008 and asked British Columbians to be Superheroes. We had no reason to believe our goal of raising $200 million to support the construction of a new Hospital and improving access to specialized pediatric care was anything but within reach. We announced generous gifts – $20 million from the Overwaitea Food Group and $25 million from Teck Resources – that far exceeded anything the Foundation had seen before. Few could predict then that a mere six months later we would see global economies plunge into recession.

An average of 600 sick and injured children receive care every day at BC Children’s.

Even as financial storms raged, we held on to the belief that our goal was attainable, that future generations of BC children would have a state-of-the-art facility ready for them should the need arise. Of course, we were concerned. Our friends, our donors, our colleagues, were affected by the crisis. We knew though that we had no choice but to continue. This is not a project that can be dismissed. So great is the need. BC Children’s Hospital Foundation 19

We have not emerged unscathed. Our campaign will take longer than anticipated. Fortunately, we’re regaining momentum. By April 2009, the one-year anniversary of the campaign, we had raised $82 million. This is no small achievement. Many new donors pledged their support – from the thousands of people who have responded to our televised pleas on Global BC TV, to the corporations and community groups who have stepped up to help build the new BC Children’s Hospital.

The Radiology Department at BC Children’s Hospital operates the only pediatric magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scanner in BC.

In the past year the Ledcor Group of Companies and the Dave Lede Family Charitable Foundation pledged $5 million to name the Emergency Department. BMO Financial Group pledged $2 million to support construction of that department. The Golden Girls, a group representing the South Asian community, pledged $3 million to support the construction of a surgical suite. And a generous family, who wishes to remain anonymous, pledged $5 million for the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit, the second largest donation from an individual in the Foundation’s history. Events of all sizes held in communities across BC have raised funds for the campaign. A gala dinner and concert featuring our Campaign Ambassador, Michael Bublé, and chaired by Tali’ah Aquilini raised $2.2 million. A few weeks later, the annual Crystal Ball, chaired by Muriel Dowle, raised $550,000. The For Children We Care Dinner also raised over half a million dollars. Global BC’s support remains a cornerstone of our campaign. Since the public launch of the campaign in April 2008, Global BC’s coverage has helped us win the support of over 11,000 people in 223 BC communities. When we returned to the airwaves live on Global to celebrate the first

20 Message from the Campaign Chair

anniversary of the campaign launch, viewers pledged close to $45,000 in one night. That same night, RBC announced a $2-million gift to the campaign. We were also proud to announce that another prominent BC media organization had joined the campaign: the Jim Pattison Broadcast Group, which includes 19 radio stations across BC, is now helping us build further awareness of the campaign. Although we have a considerable amount of work ahead of us, we gain inspiration from the widespread support we have seen. We are also inspired by the fact that, as you will read in the campaign section of this report, the contributions we have received are already having an impact on the delivery of specialized care to children across BC. Ultimately, that’s the bottom line that really matters. Thank you for your support.

The Pediatric Intensive Care Unit at the Hospital cares for over 1,000 children every year.


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BC Children’s Hospital is the only pediatric health centre and teaching hospital in BC, and the largest full-service child-health centre in Canada.

An Interview with the Hospital President Q: Planning is underway for a new BC Children’s Hospital. Meanwhile, the existing Hospital remains highly regarded in North America. What’s changing in pediatric medicine that makes a new hospital necessary?

There are several trends in pediatric care that are taxing or will tax the resources we have available to us at Children’s today. One of the greatest challenges, ironically, is posed by our own success as medical professionals. There is so much more we can do to help children now than in the past, and we’re much more successful in treating conditions today that would not long ago have proven fatal to children. Mortality rates for young children are decreasing, and that’s a good thing! It does mean, for example, that we are seeing more very young patients and are able to do more to help them. Of course, caring for these fragile patients requires a tremendous amount of resources in terms of both people and facilities, and we’re seeing this strain our resources in our

22 An Interview with the Hospital President

intensive care units in particular, as well as in other areas. These children require the use of incubators, highly specialized ventilators, equipment that delivers medications, and a variety of sophisticated monitors. This means that a considerable amount of space is required to treat even the tiniest of children. Q: So the type of patient we’re seeing is changing?

Yes and no. We continue to see children with the same sorts of injuries and illnesses we’ve seen in the past – with respiratory illnesses and broken bones. Fortunately we’re much better at treating many of these more common ailments, and many of these children are treated as outpatients now, meaning they don’t stay overnight. On the other hand, we’re also seeing an ever-greater number of children with serious and complex chronic conditions, and these are the children who will occupy our beds and require intensive care in growing numbers in the future. These are the children who are surviving cancer, who are living with cystic fibrosis and other once-fatal conditions. They are surviving, but they are not without ongoing and often complex medical needs that will stay with them into adulthood. It’s the double-edged sword of medical progress and a good problem to have. All the same, it’s putting increased strain on pediatric caregivers and facilities as we care for younger children and work with specialists to transition older patients to the world of adult care.

About 15 per cent of BC children have some form of developmental disability.

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Q: What role is technology playing in changing the face of pediatric care? Isn’t it supposed to make life easier?

More than 300 children and their families are involved in ongoing research at Sunny Hill.

Technology plays a vital role in all areas of medicine and patient care and is part of the solution and the challenge. For example, our ability to see inside the body in a non-invasive way is better than ever. Ultrasound images and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) permit us to see with great clarity what once were murky images at best. Increasingly, this is taking technology beyond diagnostics and into treatment. Image-guided procedures are now routine. Minimally invasive surgeries, in which very small incisions are made where once long, disfiguring incisions were required, and which involve less risk and allow faster healing, are becoming more common and require extensive use of technology. In addition, we’re now performing image-guided procedures that simply weren’t possible in the past. Again, the use of technology at the bedside and in the operating room is a wonderful thing, but it creates equipment, training and space needs that did not exist previously. Q: Child Health BC is an initiative of BC Children’s Hospital. How important will the distributed delivery of pediatric care in communities across BC be in the future?

In a province with such a huge geographical area it’s absolutely critical. Although Children’s is responsible for the delivery of pediatric care to children with complex conditions, it’s not our desire or goal to have all those children visit us here in Vancouver. We are doing what we can to support a four-tiered approach to pediatric health-care delivery. On the first tier, we want to support, through training, education and

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awareness, the public health nurses, family doctors, social workers and teachers who are really on the front lines of pediatric care around the province. On the second tier, we are working with partners across the province to strengthen community-based services for children and youth. On the third tier, we are helping to develop regional specialized services to complement those community-based services. And, finally, we are determined to maintain and build on the Hospital’s role as a provider of subspecialized services, delivering the type of care that is made possible only with a range and concentration of expertise in a single location. That’s the fourth tier. Through Child Health BC we are continuing to work with care providers across BC, and with the regional health authorities to ensure children in all corners of the province have access to a consistent standard of pediatric care – ideally, close to home. That is why it is so vital to develop and support the first three tiers in a child’s local community while ensuring the fourth tier, the campus at BC Children’s Hospital, is as strong, modern and up-to-date as possible.

67% of patients seen every year at BC Children’s Hospital come from areas outside the City of Vancouver.

Q: Clearly we are faced with a lot of challenges – we need a new hospital, we are serving kids in a vast area, and there’s strong competition for the specialists we need. What makes you think we can succeed?

We certainly do have a challenge ahead of us. That said, we are positioned as well as, or better than, any hospital in North America. As an agency of the Provincial Health Services Authority, we are part of a province-wide system in a universal and publicly funded health-care

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Surgeons spent 11,850 hours operating on kids at BC Children’s Hospital last year.

system. We have a large and predictable patient base, which makes planning easier. We are the only children’s hospital in the province and have established relationships with regional services. We have an internationally recognized research program at the Child & Family Research Institute and close integration with outstanding medical and nursing schools. Child Health BC is helping us develop services and expertise across the province, and our Centre for International Child Health is connecting us with children and caregivers around the world and helping us attract pediatric specialists whose vision is to be of service in BC and beyond. And finally, we are fortunate to have outstanding public support as demonstrated by the success of BC Children’s Hospital Foundation. So, yes, there’s a great challenge ahead, and we have everything we need to succeed.


26 An Interview with the Hospital President

room by room The new Hospital won’t be built overnight. In the years prior to its completion, donor support will remain critical – ensuring that children continue to benefit from the expertise of our caregivers, the latest technology and the innovations of our research teams. With your help we will continue to support the efforts of our caregivers to deliver the best care, child by child and room by room.

Excellence in Child Health Fund

$13,000,000 allocated to the Excellence in Child Health Fund in 2008-09. Contributions to the Excellence in Child Health Fund go to the areas of greatest need at BC Children’s Hospital, Sunny Hill Centre for Children, and the Child & Family Research Institute. These funds support research and clinical trials of new medications, and the purchase of equipment such as intravenous pumps and ventilators. In some cases funding for these needs would otherwise not exist.

28 Room by Room

In 2008-09, donors gave $400,000 to telehealth, a service that allows children living in remote locations to receive assessment and care from medical specialists via videoconferencing. Rather than travelling to the Hospital in Vancouver for care, telehealth patients can access services faster and closer to their home communities. The fund also supports the Office of Pediatric Surgical Evaluation and Innovation (OPSEI), a program that promotes the delivery of high-quality pediatric surgical care, advanced surgical skills training, improvement of clinical

Excellence in Child Health Fund continued

care through research, and evaluation and implementation of new technologies in surgical disciplines. In 2008-09, OPSEI initiatives that received funding included summer student fellowships and a study to examine the feasibility of having a separate Ambulatory Surgical Unit to handle simple and less resource-dependant surgeries in the new Children’s Hospital. Equipment needs at Children’s Hospital are unique from other hospitals. Equipment purchases supported by the fund in 2008-09 included:

$150,000 to purchase 10 new Code Blue carts, equipped with life-saving equipment and medication used in all areas of the Hospital when a child’s life is suddenly in jeopardy, such as in the event of cardiac arrest. $192,000 to purchase four anesthetic monitors for the Post Anesthetic Care Unit. These monitors provide critical information during the anesthesia process, helping to monitor gas levels, and aid children in their recovery from surgery.

$46,000 to purchase four Stardust II Sleep Recorders. These units are tailored to children to monitor sleep-related breathing disorders, providing information needed for evaluation, follow-up and treatment.

We asked kids to help us design a new hospital room. We’ve included some of their suggestions in this report.

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Sunny Hill Health Centre for Children

$1,432,649 allocated to Sunny Hill Health Centre for Children in 2008-09. Sunny Hill Health Centre for Children is a leading provincial facility offering specialized services to children and youth with developmental disabilities from birth to age 19. Sunny Hill staff are specialists in diagnosis and treatment and work directly with children, their families and health-care professionals in communities across BC. Among the areas of expertise are autism spectrum disorder, complex developmental disabilities, brain injury, positioning and mobility, feeding, hearing and vision disorders. In 2008-09, Sunny Hill received $1,432,649 to support the purchase of capital equipment, fund research and education programs, and provide services to more than 5,000 children from nearly 300 communities.

30 Room by Room

As a tertiary referral centre Sunny Hill assists with outreach and visits to children’s homes and communities. In 2008-09, this task became easier for Sunny Hill caregivers with the purchase of two dedicated-purpose vehicles – a Hybrid Honda and a Dodge Sprinter cargo van. The “I Can Talk Too” Program provides assistive technology such as talking computers, writing aids, and specialized computer accessories and software to children with communication challenges. The program is the only one of its kind in the province.

Sunny Hill Health Centre for Children continued

Renovations began on a “safe room,” designed to provide a designated safe area for children recovering from brain injuries and related types of trauma. In this room, children are protected from potential hazards such as wall sockets, and lighting is adjusted to provide a calm environment. $145,000 was provided to support the Developmental Pediatrics Fellowship Training Program. After two years, trainees will be fully qualified as developmental pediatricians under the requirements of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons. PhD-trained psychologists are critical to providing proper care for children at Sunny Hill. In 2008-09, $14,000 was used to support a psychology internship position.

Childhood Cancer Programs & Research

$640,000 raised by the 23rd annual HSBC Childrun for childhood cancer programs and research. Every year, one child in 8,000 under the age of 17 will develop cancer – that’s about 150 children in BC annually. Last year, 142 BC kids were diagnosed with cancer and another 847 are currently undergoing treatment or on active surveillance. In 2008-09 BC Children’s Oncology/ Hematology/Bone Marrow Transplant clinics received over 9,000 outpatient visits for treatment and follow-up care. On average, 26 bone marrow transplants are performed at the Hospital each year. BC Children’s is the province’s only facility with the comprehensive, multidisciplinary team required to provide detailed diagnosis and treatment for kids with cancer. We are making great strides in developing targeted and less toxic therapies for children and helping to improve survival beyond today’s rate of 80 per cent.

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Childhood Cancer Programs & Research continued

32 Room by Room

Participation in clinical trials is essential in determining the effectiveness of new cancer treatments. The clinical research team, led by Dr. Mason Bond, is a leading group within the Children’s Oncology Group (COG) – an international collaboration dedicated to curing or preventing childhood cancer.

On May 15, 2008, the Government of British Columbia announced a $2-million gift to the Michael Cuccione Foundation. The funding has enabled CFRI to recruit new investigators, including Dr. James Lim, who will work in the Michael Cuccione Laboratory for Childhood Cancer Research.

This year, Dr. Kirk Schultz, pediatric oncologist at BC Children’s Hospital and head of the childhood cancer research program at the Child & Family Research Institute (CFRI), completes his final year as chair of the Pediatric Blood and Marrow Transplant Consortium – a group of over 100 international pediatric transplant centres. During his tenure, BC Children’s Hospital has provided leadership in bone marrow transplant studies, developing clinical trials, international partnerships and improving treatments for children.

As part of the Childhood, Adolescent, and Young Adult Cancer Survivors Research Program, Drs. Paul Rogers, Sheila Pritchard and Rod Rasskeh are evaluating the effects of treatment on cognitive abilities, second malignancies and other long-term problems of survivors. Published in the May 15 edition of Cancer, the study shows that some childhood cancer survivors, in particular those diagnosed with brain tumours, had significant problems in math and reading and were twice as likely to be enrolled in special education.

Childhood Cancer Programs & Research continued

Drs. Rod Rassekh, Bruce Carleton, Michael Hayden and Colin Ross are working to identify genes that predispose children to serious harmful effects from cancer drugs. Dr. Sandra E. Dunn leads a molecular therapeutic discovery team where she was the first to determine that the YB1 gene is a target for the treatment of cancer. Her work was published in the prestigious journal Cancer Research on November 1, 2008.

Drs. Juliette Hukin, Paul Rogers, Rod Rassekh and Mason Bond are achieving improved results with chemotherapy for certain malignant brain tumours, enabling the deferral or avoidance of radiation and the serious conditions it may cause in children. Dr. Catherine Pallen is investigating molecules that control cell movement and tumour cell spreading.

Dr. Poul Sorensen continued to chair COG’s Translational Research Committee. His work with the YB1 gene, conducted at BC Cancer Agency, was published in Cancer Cell. Dr. Evan Shereck received a grant for the study of aplastic anemia – a blood disorder in which the body’s bone marrow produces an insufficient amount of blood cells.

BC Children’s Hospital Foundation 33

Acute Care

$18,000 cost to fund three Dinamap blood pressure monitors. Children across BC with heart and brain conditions made close to 12,000 visits to the Hospital last year. With more than 5,000 visits to BC Children’s Hospital’s heart clinics, and more than 4,700 neurology clinic visits, BC Children’s is the province’s leading resource for children and youth with cardiac and neurological disorders. Last year, approximately 300 babies were born with cardiac conditions in BC. Our surgeons performed 133 open-heart surgeries last year, most of which were done on babies in their first year of life. A total of 414 cardiac surgeries were performed in 2008-09 – one third on patients less than two years old and a third on infants under a month old. This year, the Children’s Heart Centre began a new program for children with irregular heartbeats (arrhythmias), making BC Children’s the sole pediatric hospital west of Toronto with an Electrophysiology Lab. Between January and April 2009, 12

34 Room by Room

children underwent catheter ablation to correct arrhythmias. During the procedure, electrode catheters are inserted into a child’s heart to “burn” away the excess cells causing the abnormal heartbeat, curing the condition and ending the need for arrhythmia medication. An innovative research program at BC Children’s Hospital is examining the link between heart birth defects and developmental deficits in newborns. Using advanced brain imaging, a multidisciplinary team is able to examine a baby in utero, and before and after openheart surgery. Knowing why brain injury occurs in newborns with heart disease is important to help parents and physicians better care for these critically ill infants.

Acute Care continued

In 2008-09, our neurosurgeons performed more than 300 surgical procedures. Neuroscience specialists led a cross-Canada study that showed early surgery can have a positive impact on babies’ brain development. Results revealed that over 80 per cent of children with epilepsy who underwent surgery at younger than three years were cured or had a 90 per cent reduction in epileptic seizures with few complications. In January 2009, Dr. Ross Petty, professor emeritus in the Division of Rheumatology, Department of Pediatrics at the University of British Columbia and a founding researcher at BC Children’s Hospital, was named a member of the Order of Canada for his work as a physician, administrator and researcher who has improved the lives of countless children with rheumatic disease. Fourteen children with kidney failure received kidney transplants at BC Children’s Hospital last year.

Child Health BC

$585,000 committed by Child Health BC to fund the new audiology clinic at Prince Rupert Regional Hospital. BC Children’s Hospital is responsible for caring for any seriously ill or injured child in BC, no matter where in the province they live. Recognizing that trips to BC Children’s in Vancouver can pose significant financial and emotional strain for children and families, Child Health BC works with regional health authority partners, community hospitals and pediatricians to identify ways to improve access to specialized care for children and youth closer to their home communities. Thanks to a $20-million pledge from Child Health BC’s lead benefactor, the Overwaitea Food Group, the program is having a tremendous impact on the delivery of pediatric care across the province. In 2008-09 Child Health BC celebrated the opening of the Child Health Centre at The Richmond Hospital, the reconfiguration of Nanaimo Regional Hospital’s pediatric inpatient unit and construction

BC Children’s Hospital Foundation 35

Child Health BC continued

of its Pediatric Ambulatory Clinic, the launch of telehealth services in Vernon’s Child Development Centre, and the expansion of the Audiology Program at Prince Rupert General Hospital. Medical professionals from across the province – and the children they treat – are also benefiting from Child Health BC’s training and education sessions. Workshops on pediatric diabetes, palliative care and respiratory virus immunization helped caregivers develop regional interprofessional team capacity and provided them with knowledge to plan for and implement specialty community programs. All of these initiatives help to expand the network of care and knowledge supported by BC Children’s Hospital and Sunny Hill Health Centre for Children, benefiting children and their families in communities across BC and supporting regional healthcare providers.


$10,036,000 allocated to research in 2008-09. Research is the foundation on which prevention, treatments and cures for childhood illnesses are built. In 2008-09, BC Children’s Hospital Foundation provided $10,036,000 in operational funding to the Child & Family Research Institute (CFRI), enabling researchers to secure grants and awards to support the programs and research that improve treatments and care for children. Donors, patients and officials gathered for the opening of the new Translational Research Building in the CFRI in November 2008. BC Children’s Hospital Foundation provided $22.5 million of the $58.1-million construction costs for the facility, where new recruits are joining the team of over 185 researchers and 200 trainees working to solve the health issues of children and families. Inside the new facility, scientists in traditional wet labs examine genes, molecules and cells to discover the mechanisms of disease. In neighbouring dry labs, researchers analyze patterns of health and disease in different communities to identify population needs, trends and risk factors, working hand in hand with clinical investigators who lead studies to find better treatments.

36 Room by Room

Research continued

2 00 8-0 9 Highli g ht s Researchers at CFRI are participating in a multi-million-dollar national study to examine the causes of asthma and allergies among children. Dr. Stuart Turvey is leading the Vancouver portion of the study. Researchers made progress in efforts to determine why certain drugs are safe for some children but not others. This knowledge will assist health professionals to select medications based on a child’s individual genetic makeup and to ultimately prevent potentially lifethreatening adverse drug reactions. Research conducted at CFRI revealed that education about inconsolable crying in babies, through the Period of PURPLE Crying® Program, increases parental knowledge and helps to prevent shaken baby syndrome. Each year in British Columbia, between five and 15 children suffer from traumatic brain injury from shaking.

Genetic Research

$75,023 allocated to the Centre for Molecular Medicine and Therapeutics in 2008-09. The goal of the Genetic Research Programs at the Child & Family Research Institute is to translate major advances in the understanding of genetic and genomic mechanisms of disease into improved clinical care for children and families with genetic disorders. CFRI’s close proximity to the Hospital allows BC’s kids to benefit from the synergy between the Hospital’s clinical expertise and research excellence at CFRI. Located on the Hospital site, and affiliated with the University of British Columbia and CFRI, the Centre for Molecular Medicine and Therapeutics (CMMT) is committed to solving the many genetic questions surrounding human illness and well-being. CMMT researchers believe a fundamental understanding of the molecular function and structure of genes is the key to improved diagnosis, treatment and prevention of health problems in children and adults.

BC Children’s Hospital Foundation 37

Genetic Research continued

Dr. Michael Hayden, founder and director of CMMT, was named Canada’s 2008 “Health Researcher of the Year” in the field of biomedical and clinical research – the highest scientific honour from the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR). His team is developing potential treatments for Huntington disease – a fatal degenerative brain disease that affects one in every 10,000 Canadians. Drugs may be ready for testing as soon as next year. Fourteen CFRI investigators received funding as principal investigators in the September 2008 CIHR Operating Grants Competition. CFRI investigators attained a success rate of 48 per cent, surpassing the competition’s overall success rate of 21.6 per cent. Their three- and five-year grants total $6.26 million.

38 Room by Room

The Canadian Pharmacogenomics Network for Drug Safety, led by Drs. Bruce Carleton and Michael Hayden, is a national project to identify children who suffer serious adverse drug reactions (ADRs) to medication. Network scientists are uncovering genes associated with these drug reactions in order to develop tests that predict which children are at risk of ADRs – before the drug is given – so doctors can prescribe drug dosages based on a child’s genetic profile. Findings will influence pediatric medical practice on a global scale, placing Canada as a world leader in making prescription drug use safer for children.


$3,000,000 contributed by Mining for Miracles to create the two SMART operating rooms. Surgical teams at BC Children’s Hospital perform an average of 8,200 operations a year. These include approximately 414 cardiac surgeries, 273 neurosurgeries and 964 orthopedic surgeries. Thanks to the generous support of BC’s mining industry through the 2006 and 2007 Mining for Miracles campaigns, BC Children’s opened two operating suites with Surgical, Minimal Access, RadiologicTelemetric – or SMART – technology in 2008-09. Twice the size of the Hospital’s traditional operating rooms (ORs), the SMART ORs are equipped with the latest surgical and communication technologies, including state-of-the-art laparoscopic equipment, high-definition flat-panel screens and a voice-activated system. In the SMART ORs, doctors perform minimally invasive surgeries guided by live images captured by a tiny camera placed inside the patient. Incisions of a centimetre or less allow small telescopes and lights to be inserted through “ports” into a patient’s body. Because the incisions

are much smaller than those made in traditional surgeries, children endure less pain, recover faster and heal with hardly noticeable scars – helping to enhance positive body images as they grow. One of the SMART ORs – the Navigational SMART OR – is specially designed to perform advanced spinal surgeries in children. The room is equipped with overhead boom-mounted high-resolution monitors, allowing surgeons to view multiple images, such as magnetic resonance images (MRIs) and computed tomography (CT) data, simultaneously during surgery. The room is also equipped with a navigation system and a CT flouro unit – which displays constantly updated images – to facilitate the placement of implants around the spinal cord and around other body structures. The three-dimensional flouro unit and the navigation system communicate with each other to produce virtual three-dimensional images during implant placement – particularly useful in surgeries involving the upper cervical spine in young children.

BC Children’s Hospital Foundation 39

SMART OR continued

In addition to minimizing the impact of surgeries on children, SMART ORs are an ideal place to teach and share information with medical students and caregivers locally and around the world. SMART ORs relay surgical procedures in real time to monitors in classrooms and other settings. Moreover, doctors at BC Children’s use the SMART technologies to consult with specialists in other locations during surgeries. Ultimately, these collaborations translate into safer and better care for our children.

Centre for International Child Health

$1,468,271 raised for the Centre for International Child Health in 2008-09. The Centre for International Child Health (CICH) was established by BC Children’s Hospital in 2004 to improve the lives and health of children globally. The centre works with Canadian and international health-care partners to build capacity and knowledge, cementing BC Children’s position as a leader in efforts to improve global child health. Canada- C hi na Part ners hi ps With generous support from the Fu Tak Iam Foundation Ltd. and an anonymous donor, CICH established a four-year neurosciences training program with the Guangzhou Children’s Hospital. The project aims to help Guangzhou Children’s increase its capacity as a training centre in the region to address the diagnosis and management of seizure disorders, neuromotor disabilities and developmental disorders.

40 Room by Room

Centre for International Child Health continued

Thanks to the visionary support of the ZeShan Foundation and an anonymous donor, the first cohort of 11 specialists selected from across China have undergone 12 months of training with Canadian faculty at Children’s Hospital of Fudan University in Shanghai and six months hands-on training in Canada in infectious diseases and emergency medicine management. These trainees will transfer knowledge to their home hospitals to provide improved medical services for children in China. The second cohort started training in January 2009. As a result of its collaboration with CICH and generous gifts from the Kadoorie Charitable Foundation and Madam Lucina Laam, the Cardiac Program at Children’s Hospital of Fudan University has doubled its capacity to care for children with complex congenital heart disease. Since the program’s launch in 2004, 10 Chinese specialists have received cardiac training at BC Children’s.

T he B ui l di ng Capac i t y i n C hi l d Care i n Ug anda Pro jec t The Building Capacity in Child Care in Uganda Project carries out training and capacity-building activities in Uganda in partnership with the Makerere University and Mulago Hospital. Initiatives involving problem-based learning, midwifery, improved survival for the acutely ill child and specialist training in health research are at various stages of development. B ri g ht er Sm i l es Af ri c a Pro jec t The goal of the Brighter Smiles Africa Project is to build a collaborative partnership with the Makerere University in Uganda to improve the health of African children. More than 1,560 Ugandan children from a Kampala orphanage and in four rural communities – Kiboga, Hoima, Kalisizo and Kawolo – are enrolled in the program. These children have shown great improvements in their oral health and parents and teachers have enhanced knowledge in basic health care.

BC Children’s Hospital Foundation 41

Report from the Finance Committee Consolidated revenues for the 2008-09 year increased slightly, to $61.1 million from $60.7 million in the year prior. A decline in investment income from over $10 million last year to $2.9 million was offset by an increase in major gifts revenue to $19.7 million – donations from individuals and corporations generated through personal solicitation. In addition, Miracle Weekend revenue increased by just under $1 million to $15.6 million – yet another Miracle Weekend record. A sold-out lottery contributed another $2.9 million. Payments of pledges to the Campaign for BC Children are also reflected in Foundation revenue and will continue to be for several years beyond the conclusion of the campaign. Planning for the construction of a new BC Children’s Hospital on the current site is underway and site preparation is expected to begin in 2010. Child Health BC, an initiative of BC Children’s Hospital and a campaign priority, opened facilities in Richmond, Nanaimo, Vernon and Prince Rupert, delivering immediate campaign benefits to children in or near those centres. The new Translational Research Building at the Child & Family Research Institute (CFRI), the construction of which was funded in part with a contribution of $22.5 million from the Foundation, opened in November 2008. It is now home to a variety of research programs including diabetes, infectious diseases, genetics and mental health. The Campaign for BC Children remains the Foundation’s priority, along with meeting the immediate and ongoing needs of BC Children’s Hospital, Sunny Hill and the CFRI. If you would like more information about the Foundation’s fiscal activity or to receive our audited financial statements, please contact the Foundation at 604.875.2444 or visit us at www.bcchf.ca.

Doug Gordon

Knut Nordlie, CFRE



42 Report from the Finance Committee

Source of Donated Funds 11% Special Events The Foundation organizes a number of special events each year, including Crystal Ball, For Children We Care, Festival of Trees, golf tournaments as well as independent special events put on by individuals and groups across BC. 14% Estate & Tribute Gifts BC Children’s Hospital Foundation accepts donations from individuals’ gifts in estate plans, gifts in their wills, and gifts of life insurance or charitable trusts. Tribute gifts are an expression of friendship, love or sympathy and provide a channel for donors to create a lasting remembrance of someone. Gifts may be designated to a particular area of interest. Undesignated gifts are used to meet the Hospital’s most urgent needs. 1% United Way & Grants Each year, many individuals contribute to the United Way and designate Children’s and Sunny Hill as the funding recipients. In addition, granting agencies may designate funds to a specific program through the Foundation. 37% Individual, Corporate & Community Gifts Donations from individuals, corporations and community groups make up a large percentage of funds received by the Foundation. Donors can choose to support a specific area of need at Children’s Hospital, Sunny Hill or the Child & Family Research Institute, or allow the Foundation to designate funds where they are needed most.

30% BC Children’s Hospital Miracle Weekend The annual Miracle Weekend is one of BC Children’s Hospital Foundation’s most visible community fundraising campaigns. This twoday broadcast is the culmination of a year of fundraising activities by employee groups, service organizations, schools and community groups, and members of the public. The Miracle Weekend includes A World of Smiles South Asian Telethon on Shaw Multicultural Channel, Chinese-Canadian Telethon on Fairchild TV and radiothons on CHMB AM1320 and Fairchild Radio AM1470, and BC Children’s Hospital Miracle Weekend on Global Television. 7% Direct Response Marketing Every year, generous individuals respond to mailed correspondence, television promotions, telephone requests, and door-to-door solicitation conducted by representatives of BC Children’s Hospital Foundation. Many of these donors belong to the Sunshine Club – a monthly donation program that provides a stable and costefficient source of funding for the Foundation.

BC Children’s Hospital Miracle Weekend Direct Response Marketing Special Events Estate Gifts & Tribute Gifts United Way & Grants Individual, Corporate & Community Gifts

30% 7% 11% 14% 1% 37%

BC Children’s Hospital Foundation 43

Use of Donated Funds 25% Research into Childhood Diseases Childhood cancer Diabetes, nutrition and metabolism Developmental neuroscience and child health Genetics and health Immunity in health and disease Innovative, acute care and technologies Reproduction and health pregnancy Cardiovascular sciences Mental health Research Institute infrastructure and equipment Research investigator recruitment 3% Sunny Hill Health Centre for Children Equipment and capital needs Leadership and program development “I Can Talk Too” Program Child Development & Rehabilitation Evidence Centre Fellowships and education Clinical improvements


Sunny Hill Health Centre for Children


Health Promotion & Education


Specialized Equipment


44 Room by Room

Research into Childhood Diseases


Specific Endowments & Designations

6% Health Promotion & Education Child Health Advocacy Program Pediatrician and specialist training Leadership recruitment Safe Start – injury prevention program Other projects such as music therapy 3% Specialized Equipment Infusion pumps Clinical equipment in acute inpatient and ambulatory programs Pediatric surgical equipment Anesthetic monitors Code Blue carts 63% Specific Endowments & Designations Genetic research endowments Pediatric oncology endowments Research Institute expansion Mental Health Building Child Health BC A broad range of other areas of donor interest, including diabetes, nephrology, cardiac sciences, and gastroenterology to name a few.

room in your heart In 2008-09, over 119,000 British Columbians found room in their hearts for BC’s children and youth. Tens of thousands of kids benefit annually from the support provided by our donors. Hundreds of thousands more will benefit from the construction of a new BC Children’s Hospital and the delivery of specialized care to children in communities across BC. Thank you for finding room in your heart.

Corporate, Community Groups & Foundations

Corporate and Community Champions – $100,000 to $999,999

Corporate and Community Heroes – $25,000 to $99,999

Fraternal Order of Eagles – Aeries and Auxiliaries of BC ß

99.3 The FOX

BC Children’s Hospital depends on corporations, their employees, foundations and community groups for their dedication and generosity. We thank our Legends, Champions and Heroes who contributed $25,000 or more in 2008 for helping to make miracles happen.

Abbott Nutrition

Accenture Inc. & Employees Army, Navy & Airforce Veterans in Canada Association For Mineral Exploration British Columbia

Global Wish Foundation Lotte & John Hecht Memorial Foundation Huckleberry Mines Ltd. and Employees Imperial Metals Corporation ß

Corporate and Community Legends – $1 million or more The Auxiliary to BC Children’s Hospital ß BMO Financial Group ß Costco Wholesale, Employees and Members Michael Cuccione Foundation Golden Girls Group ß Save-On-Foods, Overwaitea Foods, PriceSmart Foods, Cooper’s Foods & Urban Fare ß Teck Resources Limited & Employees ß Anonymous (1)

ß Campaign Supporter ©Hospital Family Member

Association of Dental Surgeons of BC Balding for Dollars BMO Employee Charitable Foundation Building For Kids Charity Golf Classic Canada Safeway Limited & Employees Canucks for Kids Fund Chemainus Health Care Auxiliary ß Chip’s Not Dead Yet Memorial Mile CIBC and CIBC Employees Dairy Queen Canada Inc. The Kelty Patrick Dennehy Foundation ß Double D Developments Ltd. Elk Valley Coal Corporation Fishing for Kids ß Goldcorp Inc. HSBC Bank Canada – Employees Pan American Silver Corporation & Employees RBC – Employees ß RE/MAX of Western Canada (1998) Inc. ß Rix Clinical Laboratories Ronald McDonald House Charities of Canada & McDonald’s Restaurants of Canada Scotiabank Employees Summits of Hope ß TD Bank Financial Group TD Bank Financial Group – Employees ß TELUS and TELUS Team Members/Alumni ß Tim Hortons Donors designating through the United Way of the Lower Mainland ß Walmart Canada & Employees Anonymous (1)

46 Room in your Heart

B.C. Road Builders and Heavy Construction Association ß BC Hydro Employees Community Services Fund BC Hydro Power Pioneers Blockbuster Canada Co. Brent Gilchrist Invitational Golf Tournament Calneva Financial Partners Ltd. ß Canadian Cystic Fibrosis Foundation Chanel Boutique ß CHMB AM1320 Coast Mountain Bus Company Ltd. – Employees Commonwealth Insurance Company Concord Pacific Group Inc. ß Cowichan Charity Classic DePuy Spine ( Johnson & Johnson Medical Products) E.B. Horsman & Son Endeavour Silver Corp. Fairchild Radio Fairchild Television The Fairmont Empress Finning (Canada) ß For Children We Care Charity Group ß Four Seasons Hotel Vancouver

Imperial Oil Ltd. JET Equipment & Tools (Canada) Foundation ß Johnston Equipment Julian Ceramic Tile Inc. Keg Restaurants Ltd. ß Ladysmith Health Care Auxiliary London Drugs Limited Mark’s Work Wearhouse Marriott Hotels of Canada Mercedes-Benz Canada Inc. ß New Gold Inc. Northgate Minerals Corporations – Kemess Mines Ltd. Paddle for Kids PartyLite Gifts Ltd. Phillips, Hager & North Prospera Credit Union and Insurance Agency ß Provincial Employees Community Services Fund RBC ß RBC Foundation ß RE/MAX All Points Realty Group

Corporate, Community Groups & Foundations continued RE/MAX Camosun RE/MAX Crest Realty (Westside) RE/MAX Kelowna RE/MAX Nanaimo RE/MAX Nyda Realty Rogers Wireless Runners RV Scotiabank ß Shato Holdings Ltd. ß Shaw Cablesystems G.P. Silver Standard Resources Inc. and Employees Sleep Country Canada SMS Equipment Inc. ß TB Vets Thrifty Foods Toys “R” Us University of British Columbia Vancouver Foundation West Coast Fishing Club ß White Spot Ltd. ß Wigs for Kids Anonymous (1)

Children’s Circle of Care

2008 Members

The Children’s Circle of Care honours individuals, family foundations and privately held corporations who contribute gifts of $10,000 or more. It is our honour to recognize these dedicated donors for their support of child health in 2008. The Royal Circle recognizes donors whose cumulative contributions to BC Children’s Hospital have reached or exceeded $1 million since the inception of the Children’s Circle of Care program in 1995.

Fareed and Sharon Ahamed ß

The Royal Circle Jack and Doris Brown Foundation Patrick and Beryl Campbell Charitable Trust ß Canadian Chinese Help Care Society Caleb and Nancy* Chan Tom and Bonita Chan Dan and Jill Devlin Mike and Lisa Hudson and Family ß Milan and Maureen Ilich Foundation ß Asa and Kashmir Johal and Family Donald R. Lindsay ß Djavad Mowafaghian ß William L.* and Marjorie-Anne Sauder Allan and Elsa Yap Anonymous (1)

Abercrombie Foundation Kourosh and Afsar Afshar ©ß David Aisenstat ß Christine Alvarez and Sean Keenan ©ß Andison Family Foundation, Inc. Mark and Kathy Ansermino ©ß Francesco and Tali’ah Aquilini ß Robert Armstrong and Nicole Fraser-Armstrong ©ß David and Christina Auyoung AWG/All West Glass ß Glenn and Nicola Bailey K. Jane Baker ß Paul Balfour ß Doug L. Barclay Arthur and Elle Bargen Richard and Dorothy Beauchamp ©ß Betty Beedie ß Ryan and Cindy Beedie Stephen and Kathy Bellringer Syd Belzberg and Joanna Tymkiw Jagmohan Bhandari Deepak Binning Foundation Elizabeth A. Bisson* Geoffrey and Catherine Blair ©ß Cornelius Boerkoel and Francine Boerkoel-Weststrate ©ß Bosa Properties Inc. ß The Bowles Family ß James C. and Nancy Boyle ©ß

Lois Braunheim Eric Brice Sean Bristol and Lisa Cheung ©ß Stephen Brosseau ß Suzanne Burgess and Graham Robins Jr. Kevin Bush and Helga Grau ©ß David Cabral and Lori Tucker ©ß Andrew I. Campbell ©ß Stephanie A. Carlson ß Sue Carruthers ©ß Barry and Laurie Cavanaugh Anson and Lena Chan Richard C. Chan Tin Lum and Suet Yee Chan Chan Sisters Foundation David and Sophia Chang ß Jean-Pierre Chanoine and Ariane Alimenti ©ß Jimmy and Marie Chen ß Sylvia and Wen Chen Wu-Hung and Chi-Hua Chu Chen ß Steve and Bonnie Chiu ß Chun Choi and Juliana Cho ß Chuen-Chung and On Chau Chow The Mary & Gordon Christopher Foundation Agatha Chung ß John Clarke

BC Children’s Hospital Foundation 47

Children’s Circle of Care continued Doug and Barbara Cochrane ©ß JP Collet and Jun Chen ©ß

Larry and Jo Elliott Kimberley C. Fenlon ©ß

Concord Pacific Harmony Trust 2 Mary B. Connolly and Louis D. Wadsworth ©ß

Colin David Ferguson ß Lena Fish The Fisher Group

Cooper Family ß W.E. and Y.V. Couling Douglas J. Courtemanche ©ß Robert and Carolyn Cross ß Rob and Jackie Cummins Graeme and Cheryl Currie ß D.S.M. Excavating and Contracting Inc. I. Jean (Saiko) Davenport Duncan Davies and Donna Mooney Marcello De Cotiis Rossano De Cotiis Bryan and Michelle Dear ß Kerry and Ginny Dennehy Charles and Isabelle Diamond ß Sherry Doman ß Annie Douglas Jeff and Muriel Dowle Elephant Island Orchard Wines

ß Campaign Supporter ©Hospital Family Member

48 Room in your Heart

Anthony Floyd ß Robert and Edith Ford ß Joe and Diane Formosa ß Fu Tak Iam Foundation Ltd.

Terry Hui Iris Consulting Limited Daniel and Wendy Jarvis

Evanda Kwok ß Hou and Silvia Kwong ß Jasen and Jennifer Kwong ß

JET Equipment & Tools (Canada) Foundation ß

Brian Kynoch ß

Natasha, Aly and Nash Jiwa ß The Johel Group Douglas Johnston ©ß Randle and Frances Jones ß

Michael and Annie Lam ß Charles and Frances Larson ©ß Danio and Winnie Lau ß

Danny and Shirley Gaw

Scott Jones ß

Robert J. and Penny L. Gayton ß Richard and Effie Genovese ß B. Ming Gin

Colin Joudrie and Dawn Russell Shawn Julian Frank and Freda Kaplan

Gillian Lauder ©ß Alison Lawton Dave Lede Family Charitable Foundation ß Brian and Dyane Legge ß Sonny B. S. and Florence Leong ß

Nancy Girling and Family

Norman B. Keevil

Bernard Leroux

Melissa Goh Paul and Mary Goh Samantha Goh Gooding Family Douglas C. Gordon ß Rick Grange Great Century Foundation Greczmiel Family Vic W. Griffin Samuel and Patricia Gudewill Hal Industries Inc. ß David and Margaret* Hardwick ©ß Shelagh and John Hare and Family Ivan Harmatny ß Wilfred Harris Michael and Sandra Hayden ©ß Rory and Laura Henry Highland Foundry Ltd. Mark K. Hill ©ß Lotus E. Hills Derek and Lisa Hopkins V.K. Eddie Hsu Foundation Noah Hughes Denise Hui and Aaron Hui © Hilary and Patsy Hui ß

Keller Family Brian and Tammi Kerzner and Family Rupika Khanuja Christopher, Olivia, Victoria and Charlotte King ß Tex and Janice Kissoon ©ß Lorne Hulley and Cindy Kistner Jason and Emily Ko Hans and Linda Kohler Koo Family ß Frederick K. Kozak and Lorna E. Hruby ©ß The Kronier Family ß Kusumoto Family John and Adrienne Kutzschan

Ken and Snow Liang Kenneth and Michelle Lim ©ß Emily Ling ©ß I. Yee Liu Bruno Locher Barry and Benita Loughlin Harald and Sharlene Ludwig ß Nancy MacKay ß Graham and Sylvie MacLachlan ß Stuart MacLeod and Nancy McCullough ©ß Andrew MacNeily ©ß David J. Martin and Lucinda Jones Frank & Yvonne McCracken Foundation ß Donald and Amy McInnes Richard and Lynn McKerracher Michele Cake Shop Ltd. Don and Debra Milliken John D. and Joyce Mitchell

Children’s Circle of Care continued Sylvia Stockler-Ipsiroglu ©ß The Kim Stolberg Foundation David and Ginny Strang

Alphonse Welchering

John and Carmen Sully

Brian Westerberg and Danuta Skowronski ©ß The Westergren Family ß

John and Dana Montalbano Rolly Montgomery

The Quorum Group Radcliffe Foundation ß

Mosaic Homes Kishore Mulpuri and Hima Bindu Yarlagadda ©ß

Albert and Rose Rampone Mike and Barb Ranallo ß Chris and Leslie Reilly ©ß

Alexander Nam Ron Neal ß Michelle Ng ß

Eleanor Reimer ©ß Jim and Leney Richardson and Family

Shue-Chiu Ng and Family Joel Nitikman and Liny Chan

Don and Eleanor* Rix ß Patrick Robinson and Leigh Sauder

Debora Sweeney and Stephen Crombie ©ß Daryl Swetlishoff and Catherine Lanyon

Daniel and Pauline Nocente ß John and Diane Norton

Stewart and Darlene Robinson Robinson Family

T. Verstraete Ltd. Thomas and Ida Tait

Glenn and Wynne Olnick

Bruce Rockowitz

Avtar and Geven Opal ß Peter O’Sullivan Millan and Dawn Patel ©ß Michael and Joy Phelps Warner* and Connie Philip ß Blair and Mairi Claire Pigeon Shafique and Sally Pirani ©ß David and Janice Podmore Jack and Darlene Poole Patrick and Connie Power Dana Prince and Elana Sigal – Zach Prince Foundation Punjab Milk Foods Inc. Quail Rock Foundation ß

Stan and Lily Ross ß Jim and Noreen Rustad ß John and Penny Ryan The Salient Group ß The Sanatani-Stevens Family ©ß William R. Sauder Scamp Transport Ltd. Doug and Marie Schick Kirk and Julia Schultz ©ß Lorne and Melita Segal ß Dave and Janneen Sharples ß Shato Holdings Ltd. Jason and Audra Shull Ash Singhal and Muffy Greenaway ©ß Erik and Heather Skarsgard ©ß Reg Skelton Skyline Plumbing, Heating and Gasfitting Ltd. Derryck Smith ©ß Smythe Ratcliffe ß Sandy So and Ron Benoit ß Solterra Development Corp. Southwest Contracting Ltd. David P. Speert and Sarah Lawton-Speert ©ß Paul and Edie Steinbok ©ß

Timothy Tam and Remedios Fu-Tam ©ß Michael Tan

Surtek Industries Inc. Grant and Dee Sutherland

Ian Telfer and Family ß David and Gail Thompson Norman and Randi Thompson ß Paul and Candice Tsang ©ß Bill Van Damme ß Barbara Vengshoel Cynthia and Bruce Verchere ©ß Vidalin Family Foundation Brooke N. Wade Charitable Foundation ß Jun Wang and Matthew Zhang Eric Webber and Farah Valimohamed ©ß

David and Janis Wensley and Family ©ß

Whittall Family Fund ß William Marsh Inc. ß Chip and Shannon Wilson Margaret Wilson ß Kristofer Michael Wintemute* The Wolrige Foundation Allen and Karen Wong ß Leo and Christina Wong Samuel Wong Sook Ping Wong Yee Tsang Wong Kin Man Yeung ß David Yue Peter and Diane Zell ZeShan Foundation Anonymous (30) * DECEASED

BC Children’s Hospital Foundation 49

Children’s Circle of Courage The smaller the patient, the greater the need for specialized medical care–and support. We thank these donors for their support between $1,000 and $9,999 in 2008 and welcome them to the Circle of Courage. 369221 BC Ltd. ß 6453481 Canada Inc. 828360 Alberta Ltd. Helena Abou-Khater Ace Architectural Millwork 501682 B.C. Ltd. Chuck Adams ß Adera Development Corporation Adesa Vancouver Louise Adrian Michael and Jane Agg Ali and Sukaina Ahmed Susan Ainsworth Air 1 Lower Mainland Traffic Helicopter Rick and Silvia Albus ß All Tech Transport Ltd James and Jean Barbeau Allan Michael J. and Gloria Allan James Allard Seth Allen Violet Allen

ß Campaign Supporter ©Hospital Family Members listed in this section include current and past employees

Alrich Custom Cabinets ALS Canada Ltd. Katrina Amurao Jim Anaka ß Anbrook Industries Ltd. E. Edvard and Mary-Louise Anderson Ian and Kim Anderson ß John and Jo-Anne Anderson Norman Anderson ß Tom and Irene Anderson ß Yolande Anderson Tom and Connie Andersson Dale Andres Deroyl Andrews Michael and Claire Andruff Barry Andruschak Angel Concepts Inc. ß Annacis Enterprises Ltd. J. Grace Anthony Glen Antonuk Applegath Group – RE/MAX Real Estate (Kamloops) Aquaventures Swim Centre Aremac Holdings Ltd. John Armistead Jason and Andrea Armstrong Rick and Sharron Arnish Tracey Arnish Aspen Electric Ltd. ß Sonny Assu Rapinder Aujla Dave and Joanna Aune J. Brian Aune Gary and Diane Averbach ß B.C. Masonry Ltd. Baby On Board ß Bacci’s Design Ltd. ß Shari Bahri Bruce H. Bailey Russ Bailie Avtar Bains ß

50 Room in your Heart

Gunwant Bains Jason Bak Greg and Stephanie Baker ß

John and Roberta Belancic Stuart and Shannon Belkin Belmont Meat Products Ltd.

John Baldissera

Benson Salloum Watts LLP

Ian and Helen Ballam Banana Leaf Canada Holdings Company Ltd.

Kevin Bent and Connie Spear John E. Bentley ß

Arno and Nirmal Bangert © ß Eleanor Barber* ß Warren Barker Jim Barkman Jeannette Barna Alan and Christine Barnard ß Kathleen Barr Norman R. Barrett ß Christine Barron Alex Bartel Lowell and Linda Bartel Nathan and Kim Bartel ß Gordon Barthels David Barton Jim S. Barton ß Kenneth and Judy Bates Avtar Bath Bob Baxter Rick and Kim Baxter ß Jim Bayles Bayside Furniture Ltd. BB Blue Clothing BC Biomedical Laboratories Ltd. BC Conservation Officers (Northern Region) BCF Investments Inc. Richard Bean ß Malcolm and Marion Beaton ß Ronald and Kathleen Beaton ß Elle Beaumont Becker Lavin & Wessler Jack H. and Pamela J. Beech

Gary and Karen Berman ß Doug and Jane Beulah John and Ruby Bey ß Sushma and Lalit K. Bhagia Chris Bicknell Laura W. Bicknell Garry Biles Jason Binab Gil Binne Binpal & Associates Gisele Black Sibylle Blacklock-Schroeder Peter Blake ß Robert Blanchard Joyce and Frank Blandford The Blaney Family Kathleen Blaney BM Landscaping Corp Boart Longyear Canada Boboli Holdings Inc. ß Perry Boeker Paul and Sandra Boenisch Boffo Family of Companies David Bogle ß Makhan Bola William Boland James Bond

Children’s Circle of Courage continued Teunis Boot Casey Kelly Booth ß Borden Ladner Gervais LLP Margaret Borer Frank Borri Mary Borrowman Chris and Cindy Borse-Charles Ezio Bortolussi ß Dale and Anna Bosa ß

Verne Brown Leo M. Bruneau ß Vaughan S. Bruneau Brunette Industries Ltd. Grant E. Brydon BTY Group Jonathan Buchwald ß Buckley Bay Beachcomber Ltd. Suzanne Bugden Gordon and Wendy Buker

The Cape on Bowen Community Development Ltd. Cardinal Meat Specialists Eric H. Carlson ß Alfred Carse ß Brint Carson ß Donald Carson Gregory and Anne Carson James and Leslie Carter

Bob Bourgeault ß Kathy Bowes Percy A. and Mae Boyd

David and Kerri Bunderla

Robert Casault Cascade Aerospace Inc.

Edward and Ila Bunton ß Cheryl Burian ß

Peter J. and Diane Casey John G. and Nina Cassils

Sandy and Molly Boyd

Stephen Burk

Gilbert and Annette Catillo

Pamela Brammall Matteo Branaleoni ß Brandt Tractor Ltd. Ante Bratanic ß Everett F. Bremer Tom and Monica Brennan Howard Breslaw Albert and Barbara A. Brett Douglas and Valerie Brett Rachel Chavisa Brett Brian McLean Chevrolet Ltd. Bridge Electric Corp. Bruce and Patricia Bried ß British Pacific Properties Limited Michael Broderick Peter and Teresa Broerken Brookside Foods Ltd. Alan and Alix Brown ß Dennis and Cice Brown – In honour of our grandchildren and great-grandchildren ß Jim and Linda Brown Roger M. Brown Ryan and Bonnie Brown

Randy Burke and Catherine Vandusen Burke Elizabeth Burley

Kevin W. Bouchard

Geoff Burns Helen Burrows ß Terrence Burstyk ß Keith Burville Beverly Jean Busch David and Tamara Bustos ß Butterfield Development Consultants Ltd. Norman Button C.I.R. Mechanical Ltd. ß Juan C. Caelles Ehyan Caldwell Eleanor D. Caldwell ß Cambie Surgery Centre John D. Cameron Gordon Campbell ß James and Shirley Campbell Sandi Campbell ß Canada Laser Inc. Canadian Direct Insurance Canreal Management Corporation Cantex Mining Services Ltd.

Christian and Lin Cavelti ß CDP Marketing Ltd. Cedarshed Industries (1992) Inc. Central City U-Lock Ltd. Century Plaza Hotel ß Anne J. Chalmers Donald F. and Carole Chalmers Chambers Electric Anabel Rose Chan ß Carlos K. and May Y. Chan Carman Chan Christina Chan Davis Chung Ling and Phyllis Tuen Yee Chan ß Martin W. Chan May Wan Chan Norah Chan Pui Ming Chan Sze-Fung Chan Yau Shun and Elaine Wai Chi Chan Wendy Chang Elizabeth Chaplin Sean Chapman Vincent H. and Anora B. Chapman ß

Checkwell Decision Corp. Bahadur Cheema Chin Yuan Chen Fook Cheng Thomas H. Cheung Jean Chichak ß Frank F.K. Chin Shun-Hing Ching Frank Chiu and Margaret Siu Mui Chan Anthony Chow Jack Chow ß Lawson Chow Mien-Ju Chow Wing Nong and Yang Yiang Chow Barbara Christian Robert R. and Linda S. Chrystal Barbara Chu Benji Chu Karen Chu William Chu ß David Chucko ß Alice Chui ß C. and Eileen Chum David and Alice Chung Donald K.Y. and Winnie Wing Yee Chung Grace Y.Y. Chung Michael Chung Chung Chun International Trading Inc James and Nancy Church Sue Churchill

Betty Charlish* Jeff and Bettina Charpentier Michele Cheang Cheapskates Holdings Ltd.

BC Children’s Hospital Foundation 51

Children’s Circle of Courage continued Clifford A. Day ß Victor De Bonis ß Beatrix De Groot ß

Mark Ciarfella Elijah Clare

Lance and Diane Conway Brad Cooke

J. Arthur and Catherine Clark Tim Clark Judith Clarke

J. R. (Randy) Cooke Edward Coombes Laura Coombs ß

Clayburn Farms Ltd Richard L. and Vona D. Clayton

Coquitlam Orthodontics Corra Foundation

Jonathan E. and Wendy Clegg Allan and Victoria Cloke ß

Cosmaceutical Research Lab ß Guiomar Costa

Valerie A. Clouston

David Couling

Coast Distributors (Kelowna) Ltd. Melodie K. Coelho Mary Coggin

Byron Coulthard The Counsel Network Norman and Kerrie Couttie ß

Sherwin Cohen ß

Ken Cowie

Marlene Cohen-Wexler Brian Colban Bruce Coleman Edward A. Colin Collective Approach Health Care Consulting Colliers International Darell Collins Jon A. and Kay Collins Walter Collins Collins and Cullen Colton Development Ltd. ß Columbia Power Corporation ß Combined Mechanical Contractors Ltd. Robert Conconi Robert L. Conconi Foundation Confide Enterprises Ltd. Connect Construction

J. H. Cowling ß Lynda and Jim Cranston J. Casey Crawford and Carla Banfield Ken Cretney Gina Crews Guy Crozier CRS Group Crystal Vision Hearing CTV British Columbia ß Michael Cuccione Foundation ß Denis Cuerrier and Mireille Lafrance Cumberland Ready Mix ß Jim Cumming ß Tanya Cummins Margaret Curtis Cusson Investments Ltd. ß Chris Cyca Sylvain Cyr Dakralda Properties Ltd. Harvey Dales Fred Daley Darcy and Fiona Daubaras David Zacharko Architect ß Davin Management Ltd ß

Claude Delmaire Arko Demianczuk and Doris Vretenar Ken Dempsey Claudia Deng Nian Wei Deng

Peter Davison Ken Dawson

Robert Disbrow and Kim Kawaguchi

ß Campaign Supporter ©Hospital Family Members listed in this section include current and past employees

52 Room in your Heart

Pat De Le Salle Brian Deady and Siri Willoughby Steven G. and Margot Dean Richard D. and Gillian M. Deane ß Alceo and Gina DeAnna Leo and Ursula Degenhardt William Dehaas Irene Dekker Elinore Delf ß Della Optique Optometry and Eyewear

Jeff Dennis Donna Denny ß Eric W. and Peggy C. Denny Hardeep and Manjit K. Deogan Manjinder and Kanwal Deol Dependable Door Maintenance Ltd.ß Mona Catherine Des Roche ß Imani Deyman Baljinder Dhaliwal ß Gurpreet and Tarpinder Dhaliwal Paravdip Dhaliwal G. K. and A.S. Dhinjal Nancy Di Castri Sheryle Di Pasquale Gordon and Leslie Diamond ß Diamond Delivery Services John DiBernardo Elaine Lien Dich ß Direct Nickel

J. Gordon Doll Don McGinnis Contracting Ltd. ß Alanna Donahue and Chris Jordon ©ß Donna Curtis & Associates Matt and Christy Donnelly Aldo and Colleen Doratti Catherine Dorazio Jim and Oriette Dorsey and Family Leo Douillard Patrick Downey DP World (Canada) Inc. Dr. Andreas A. Conradi Inc. Dr. Corey Paul Leung Chiropractic Corporation Dressew Supply Ltd. Donald Drysdale DTZ Barnicke David Dueck ß Helen Duggan ß Barb Dunfield Devon Dupont Richard Duranns Duso’s Enterprises Ltd. Duxiana Mary C. Dvorak Ron Dworsky Andrea Dyck Dynamic Funds Dynamic Structures Ltd. Louise and Erik Dysthe ß Nikola Dzeletovic Eagles Nest RV Resort Dave Eales R. Henry Easingwood and E. J. Paterson Jesse East

Children’s Circle of Courage continued Jim Eccott ß Howard W. Eckman ß Norman Edgar ß Edmonds Appliance Centre ß Justus Edmundson

Elsie Finlay Cyril Fitchett Jeff Fitzpatrick

Yin Ming Fung Ron and Corrine Funk ß G & B Woodcraft Ltd.

Sukhminder Gill Vininder Gill Michael and Diane Gillis ß

James K. and Barbara Fitzsimmons © ß

Andries and Marion Gaastra

Laurence and Michelle Gilman ß Karen Gilmore and Rob Van Nus

Bryan Edwards Charles Edwards

Keith Flannagan ß Steven Flynn

EECOL Electric Thomas Ehlen ß

Chu On* and Wai Yuk Fok Frank and Ada Folino ß

Aryeh Elbaz

Judy Foo

Dale Eliak Alan Elliott David M.S. and D. Anne Elliott ß

Gordon and Christina Ford Robert Ford ß Stephen Forgacs and Pamela Lee © ß Donald S. and Ailsa M. Forsgren Doug Fossen Terri Foster Bruce Fournier Dave Fowler Greg Fowler ß

John and Mary-Anna Ellis Ruth Emley ß David Emri Robert Emri Enda B. Fashions Barb Enns Allan and Tick Oai Entote Darren Entwistle Epic Metalworks Inc. David Erickson Kim Evaskevich ß Robby and Maria Faccio © ß Frederick Fairey ß Terron C. Falk Winifred Fan Fasken Martineau Rory Fatt FCV Technologies Ltd. Harvey Fellowes ß Femo Construction Ltd. Tracey Ferraro Ferrero Canada Ltd. Brenda Ferris Timothy Ferris John C. Fiddes and Susan Vanderflier ß

Richard Fowler and Margot Fleming Sharon Fraess ß Team Sheila Francis Lillian A. Franz Peggy Ann Fraser ß Fraser Milner Casgrain LLP Fraserland Farms Ltd. Bob Fraumeni ß Amber Freed Gary and Connie Freeman ß Judy Freeman Nana and Poppa Freeman Philip G. and Aline Frewer ß Albert Friedland Foundation Joan Friedman Henry Friesen ß Ted and Alice Friesen Frontier Cloth House Ltd. Joseph Fujisawa

Gagan Foods International Ltd. Tony and Laura Gage Thomas T. Gaglardi ß The Galbraith Family

Stephane Gingras Amanda Girling John Glasspool ß

Jason Gallant Judy Galpin

Glassworld Installations Inc. ß GML Mechanical Ltd.

Garden City Greenhouses Ltd

GMS Industries Inc. Gochngbok Holdings

J.A. Gardiner Megan Gates and Family GateWorld

Geoffrey Godding Brian Godfrey

Sonia Gay ß

Gold Key Insurance Services Ltd.

GBS Trucking Ltd Tom Gelmon ß Gemco Construction Ltd. Joan E. Gemmell Robert D. Genn ß Paul George William and Winnifred George ß Lloyd Geransky Donna Gerelle © ß Hari Bans Ghirra, Mohinder Kaur Ghirra and Family Mike Ghuman George and Frankie Gibbins Allan Gibbons Troy Gibson Jaswant S. Gidda Henry and Marty Giesbrecht Amrit Paul Gill Avtar Gill ß Charan Singh Gill ß Hardy Gill Malinda Gill Rob Gill

Kayla Goldberg Orville Goldby ß Golden Valley Foods Ltd. George Gomory Christopher Goodrick Frank Gordon ß Inez S. Gordon Effriede Graczyk Tom Gradecak Marie E. Graham Roy H. and Kathleen B. Graham Graham Construction and Engineering Inc. Brian Grange ß Frank Granger Dorothy Grant ß Bob and Lorie Gray Bruce Gray ß Judy Gray Graymont Western Canada Inc. Great Canadian Van Lines

Doug Fulcher John Fulton ß Woo Fung

BC Children’s Hospital Foundation 53

Children’s Circle of Courage continued Noreen Green ß Rod Green – Masters Gallery ß

Poul and Judith Hansen ß Verna K. Hansen ß

Greenbelt Excavating Ltd. Greenbrier Holdings Ltd. Harchand Grewal

Michael Hanus Happy Together Chinese Bistro Ltd. Katy Harandi ß

Mandeep S. Grewal Parminder K. and Spinder S. Grewal

Harry Hardie Juris and Madeleine Harlamovs

Rob Grey Susan A. Griffin

Morley Harman Charles H. Harris ß

Griffyn Financial Services Ltd.

Gordon Harris ß

Louise Anne Grimwood Grizzly Curb & Concrete Ltd. Geoffrey Gudewill

John and Marjorie Harris Harris & Company LLP ß Harris Rebar

Lori Guincher ß

Richard Harrison

Gary and Linda Gumley Wen Jun Guo Chick and Mitch Gurvitz Apolinar Guzman H.S. Crombie Limited Paula Haehner ß Phil Hahn Trushar and Hema Hajirakar Farima Hakkak ß Halo Sawmill Ltd. Robert and Carole Halsey Michael H. Halvorson Marian Hambleton ß Pauline and David Hamilton Carson Hamm ß Mark Hammer Dennis and Eleanor Hansen Do-Ellen Hansen

David Hart and Jane Grafton David Alan and Andrea Hart Harvest Marketing Company Ltd. Ron and Jeannie Haslett Malcolm and Catherine Hasman and Family ß Robert and Mary Hastings ß Arline Hatch Helen A. Hatch Leo Hathaway Barry and Sharon Hawes Ruth Hawkes ß Hayer Energy Marketing Inc. Douglas V. and Doreen E. Haynes ß Manjit Hayre Heatherbrae Group of Companies Anne Heavenor Kelly Heed Robert Heinrich Heirloom Linens Ltd Tricia Helfer Edwina and Paul Heller Heritage Office Furnishings Ltd. Kim and Joan Hesketh ß

ß Campaign Supporter ©Hospital Family Members listed in this section include current and past employees

Donald and Debra Hewson Colin and Lois Hicks Highliner Construction Ltd. William J. Hilliard ß Walter and Nelly Hillier ß Peter Hinam Gordon Hinkel Ai Tang Ho David T.K. Ho Kwing Yui and Fung Ching Chang Ho Pui Chung Ho and Chi Ching Lau Andrew Kenneth and Harjit Hoffmann Andrea Hofmaier ß Gerry Hol ß Janet Holburn ß Mary Hole Robert W. Hole Dick and Faye Holgate ß David Hollands Frederick J. and Goldie M. Holman Walter and Susan E. Holmes ß Douglas M. Holtby Tom Hood ß David and Florence Hooper G.H. Hope J. Wesley and Margaret Horne ß Rick Horsland Doug and Vicki Horswill Lenard E.S. Horton Brian Hoshizaki Hothead Games Inc. Jasvinder S. Hothi Serena House David and Patricia S. Howard Richard Howard* Brian and Leanne Howes ß Lori Hoy Gregory Hryhorchuk Yu W.C. Hsu I. Hudam

54 Room in your Heart

Karen Hughes Larry S. and Sydney Hughes Walter G. Hughes and Marion G. Sawyer Alphonsus Z. and Josephine Hui ß Peter Humeniuk Humphrey Construction Ltd. Renata M. Humphries Kabal Hundal ß Gary Hunter Daisy Hydes Jason Hymers Hy-Tech Drilling Ltd. Helene and Arthur Iliffe ILWU #508 Payam Imani IMG Canada Ltd. Industrial Investments Ltd. Rexford W. Ingalls and Robbyn Abbott Barb Ingles Lloyd and Leona Ingraham Integrity Services Inc. Intequip Mining Sales & Services Ltd. Interlock Industries (B.C.) Ltd. Interport Shipwaste Solutions Inc. ß Jim and Linda Intihar Alberto Iormetti and Brooke Parkinson IPSCO Canada Inc. Norman M. Ireland Hilda Irish ß Helen Irwin Hilary R. and Rita M. Isbister Ishaq Ismail and Babita Ahir Alvin Ivey

Children’s Circle of Courage continued J. Reid Enterprises, Ltd. J.I. Properties Donald and Michelle Jacklin Tassan Jackson-Sung Jade Line Holdings Ltd. Margaret James Jane Field Real Estate Consulting Services Inc Calvin and Esther Jang © Margaret Rose Janzen Adelaide Jarvis Geraldine Jarvis ß Mel Jarvis ß Peter S. and Ivy M. Jarvis ß Jason Evans RE/MAX Nyda Realty Harinder Jawanda Rosella Jefferson © ß David Jeffs Randy L. and Cheryl A. Jespersen ß JLA Services Inc. Tony Joe Gurbax Johal Sukh Johal Conrad Johansen ß Brooke Johner Craig and Joan Johns David A. Johnson ß Reginald J. Johnstone Jollen Home Creation Ltd. Gary M. Jones Lliam Jones Marv Jones Ron M. Jones ß Ming H. Jong ß Patrick J. Julian ß K&H Dispatch Couriers

Kaatza Foundation Ahmet Murat Kadioglu ß Kains & Strongman Properties Ltd. ß Kardos Family Chetan Kashyap David Katz Christine Katzel ß Andrew and Corrina M. Kaweski Kea’s Meats Ltd

Erna Kohlman ß

Brian Lea ß

Peter Koltai Hattaya Kongsilp Dave Koszegi

Leading Edge Forming Ltd. ß John Leake ß Daniel Leavens ß

David and Janet Kotula

Jacques G. LeBlanc and Susan J. Bockhold © Ledgir House Ltd

Joseph Kovacic Gerry Kranrod ß S. R. Krause Yvonne Krell ß

Albert Yiu Sang and Joyce Lee Edward Lee and Family ß

Dennis Kroeker R.G. (Jako) Krushnisky ß Jasvinder Kular

Edwin Lee Francis Lee

Mary Kehrig Fred Keller David Kelly

Zbigniew Kupczynski

James and Kathleen Lee Lee Keun Ho Lidia Lee

Michael and Lisa Kelly Kelowna Tool & Die Ltd. Alan Kemp Marie Kendall ß Page Kendall ß KenDor Textiles John S. Kendrick Kenneth Gotthilf and Frances A. Kern Zane and Jaye Kerzner Sunil Khanna Susie Kierszenblat ß Il-Kwu and Jung-Hee Kim Henry and Marg King Robert Kirbyson Felicitas Kirchenberger Peter Kirk Anne Marie Kirkpatrick Sheila M. Kirkwod Ruby Kirlik Lydia Klassen Rhonda Klatik Anna Kloess ß

Kwik Metal Install Ltd. Robert Lacerte Milton and Roslyn Lachman Shafik Ladha Kevin Lai Kissun and Kirat Lal Christine Laliberte Marisa Lam Winnie Lam Lambert Plumbing & Heating Ltd. Darrell Lambie Paul Langley Langley Minor Hockey Philip Langridge Kathryn Langsford Scott Laprairie Larco Investments Ltd. Philip Lau ß Margaret C. Laurence Miles and Lynn Laursen ß Loretta Lawrence and Steven Rudd © ß Jason Laynes Byron and Debbie Lazar

Dan Keeley Paul S. Keeling ß Norman and Joan Keevil

Stephen and Claire Kloppenburg Dave Knapp Desmond Ko

Kupidy Family John Kupskay

Graham and Angela Lee ß

Soo-Jin Lee Wayne Wei Ming Lee and Louise Chan Iris Lees ß Mary Legiest H. Arnie and Alice E. Leigh Darren Leith ß Leith Wheeler Investment Counsel Ltd. Gideon and Kari Leoganda Corney Les Carol LeSergent J.N. Leslie ß Fung Ying Leung Judy Leung Paul Yeck Man Leung Pauline P.L. Leung Shiu Shun Leung-Chu* Michael Levin Marc Levy Karen Lewis

Ko Lu Lifestyle Inc. BC Children’s Hospital Foundation 55

Children’s Circle of Courage continued Dominic Li Emily Yuet Man Li ß

Nicholas and Adelin Lohin ß Khodadad and Mahin Lohrasb

John and Jacqueline Li ß Ludia M.Y. Li ß Raymond and Anna Li

Lonetrack Equipment Inc. Lan Long and Jian Hua Tu Donald and Stella Longstaff ß

Bruce MacMillan Macnaughton & Ward Insurance Macquarie Capital Markets Canada Ltd. Remo and Cheryl Maddalozzo

Liberty Investments Ltd. Libra-The Rice People

James Lothrop Brandt and Belinda Louie

Keith and Yvonne Maddocks David and June Madill

Karen Liew ß Ben and Sally Lim

Kevin and Ann Love ß Alan Low ß

Michael Madsen Ken Magel

Jan Lim

George P. Lowe

Gong Sen Mah

Sandra Lim Guang Chang Lin and Shu Xin Jia Howard Lin

Lower Mainland Steel Limited Dylan Lowry Mindy Lucki

Terry Mahnger Mainland Floral Distributors Ltd. Patrick and Connie Mair

Kenny Ming Chin Lin ß

Geraldine W. Lui ß

Ron and Diane Maitland

Mary McDonnell

Sean S. S. Lin Olive M. Lionel Lions Gate Trailers Ltd. Jeng Mao Liu Lena Liu Pansy Lo Polly Lo Shurli Lo Lorraine Lock ß Marlene Locker ß Barbara Lockhart Florence Lockhart ß Wayne and Carol Lockhart Maria Logan ß

Sarina Lui Yuk Chun Lui Kit Ping Luk Jerry LuKing Dahn Lundell Qi Ji Luo Ronild and Anne Lupton Heidi Lussi Anthonie Luteijn The Lutsky Families M & J Ventures Inc. M & M Pacific Coast Farms M. Capewell & Associates Inc. Robert G. MacDonald Lilian L. Macdonell ß Robert MacDonell and Marilese MacDonell John F. and Rosemary MacDougall ß J. D. MacGillivray Brian Macgregor Machinehead Service & Welding Ltd. Bruce and Bonnie Mackay John MacKenzie and Kathy Tang Larry and Wendy Mackenzie Margaret L. Mackenzie ß

Nick and Janet Majendie ß Eric Guy and Anna-Lisa E. Major ß Jean A. Majoskey

Paul A. McDonnell Douglas and Daphne Mcdougall ß Paul McElligott ß Tisha McEvoy W. Bruce McFarlane ß Dale F. McGauran and Tyler Gump Anthony McGill Bruce and Dianne McGillivray Sam McGladdery Colin McGrath ß Clinton McGuire Grant McIntosh J.J. McIntyre Neil McIver Carolyn McKay Kemp and Sandra McKay ß Eleanor Mckechnie Iris McKibbin © Ian Van C. McLachlin Ken McLaughlin Robert and Catheline McLean ß D. Bruce McLeod

ß Campaign Supporter ©Hospital Family Members listed in this section include current and past employees

Frances Yuen Mak Siu Yuen Mak Marjorie L. Maki ß Shahram Malekyazdi Hanif and Zahra Mamdani ß Otto and Evellyn Mammel Patti Man Mander Bros. Enterprises Ltd. Rajinder Kaur Mangat Juanita Manning ß Tim Manning Myrna and Sidney Mannis ß Len Manuel Scott Marchant Nancy and Frank Margitan Marin Investments Limited John Marinelli David and Marcie Mark © ß Thomas C. Mark Ralph Markin Betty Marlor John and Lenore Marsh Luiza Martens Mike and Virginie Martin ß Patti Martin

56 Room in your Heart

Robert Martin ß Daryl Martini ß Fred Matheis Richard and Irene Matthews Ulrich W. and Margarete Matthews Sherry Mauro Moira Maybin Jack Maze Albert J. and Sylvie McClean McConnan Bion O’Connor & Peterson Law Corporation William and Leota McCullagh Dean McDonald

Children’s Circle of Courage continued Don McLeod Donald and Christa McLeod

Bill and Debbie Mitchell Ken Mitchell William and Hazel Mitchell ß

Sara Neely and Kenneth Crook* © ß David F. and Cheryl Negrin ß

Willie Mitchell ß Fatima Ali Mohammed

Shelley Neil Kay Neison

Chris Meares Ben and Sandra Meinen

Shin Yew Yau Mok Moly-Cop Canada

Cameron and Anna H. Nelson Gertrud Nelson ß

Linda M. Meinhardt Victor and Tanya Meira

Monarch Holdings Ltd. Eugene G. and Shirley May Montpellier

Ruth Nelson

Shirley A.L. McMillan Michael McMullen Elizabeth McQueen

Mark Meloche Derek M. Melville George and Sylvia Melville Menzies Enterprises Ltd. Mercer, Montgomery & Smith Holdings Ltd. Michel and Jeanette Mercier Sandra Merlo Neil and Hazel Meyer L.H. Michalson Daniel Mida Yvette and John Middelaer Steve Middleton Midland Tools Corp. Debbie Mihalchan ß Patrick Y. and Diane R. Miki ß June Milliken R. A. Millos Shane Mills George R. and Kelly Milne ß Kathleen E. Miloglav Harpreet and Gurpreet Minhas Allan Minler ß Mintec, Inc. Frank and Ann Misurka ß Barbara and Gordon Mitchell

Montship Inc. Mandeep and Joti Mooker Baldip and Sunam Moore Graham D. Moore John Moore ß Heather Morin Thomas J. Morison Brenda G. Morrish ß Thomas Morton Reza Motalebpour Randy and Sharon Mott ß Sam Mottram and Diana Motyl ß Mukhtiar & Sons Patrick D. Mulhern Albert C. Munday ß Mike and Peggy Murphy ß Tim Murphy Myles Murtack Musson Cattell Mackey Partnership Robert and Patricia Muster ß Margaret Muxlow ß Bill and Nancy Myckagyn Lawrence Myers Bobby Nagra Gurpreet and Manjit Nagra Shafiq Nazarali Ernest and Janette Neale ß

Nelson Roofing & Sheet Metal ß Dean and Cory-Lea Neufeld Patrick and Katherine Newby ß

Michael Olson ß Patrick Omara Rob O’Neill ß John and Alma O’Neill John O’Neill and Leah O’Neill ß Marti Oppenheimer ß Leila Or Elizabeth O’Rourke Jim O’Rourke ß Sean Orr

Robert Newby

Douglas W. and Shirley-Anne Osborne

Lorne Newson ß Agnes Ng Cecilia Ng and Bernard Lo ß

Christie O’Sullivan ß Joan Ottenbreit Martin Ouellet ß

Edna Ng ß Kin Yin Ng Rita Ng ß Man Tuen and Ting Kong Ngai William D. Nicholls Frank N. and Kathleen Nicolette Danielle Nicolson ß Francoe Nigro ß Daryoush Niknam Emile and Rose Nollette Knut and Susan L. Nordlie © ß Nor-Mar Industries Ltd. North American Pile Driving Northstar Trade Finance Inc. ß Northwest & Ethical Investments, L.P. O & R Entertainment Lucille Anne Oakey ß Oasis Marine Services Ltd. Oasis Windows Eileen O’Brien Mark O’Brien ß Ross and Linda O’Brien

Robert Ovenden ß Russel and June D. Overton Joseph J. Ovsenek P and F Electric Ltd. Pacbrake Company Pacific Customs Brokers Ltd. Kapoor Padda Sean Page Jin and Roberta Pak Palermo’s Pizza Alexis Palkowski ß Karel Ted Palla John and Eva Palmer Bruce and Chang-Mei Pan Naz Panahi ß Kush Panatch Brenda Pang George Papantoniou and Sandra B. Medeiros

Ocean Fisheries Ltd. Maureen O’Donnell © ß Peter Ohler ß Ruth Oliver

BC Children’s Hospital Foundation 57

Children’s Circle of Courage continued David Charles Paperny and Audrey Lee Mehler

Guido and Laura Pela Walter Rosazza Pela

Harry and Eileen Papushka Ghulam Ali Pardhan Richard A. Paris

Robert Pellegrino Jill Pennefather Larry Penner ß

Charlie Parker

John Percy ß Alastair Matheson Perret

Graeme Parker Geoffrey D. Parkin Suresh Parmar Reid Parr Dorothy A Parsons ß J. W. and Nancy Partridge ß Paresh Patel ß Pervez H. and Jeroo Patel Vishnu and Meena Patel Edna Pattenden ß Pattison Incorporated General Contractor ß Paul’s Auto Body Ltd. Marcel and Colleen Payeur Boyd Payne Ken and Nancy Paziuk PCI Cross Roads Developments Inc. James and Jean Peacock ß Keith L. Peck and Dawn M. Peck Pedre Contractors Ltd. ß Maria Pedrosa and Harold Hodgson Alidad Pejman ß

ß Campaign Supporter ©Hospital Family Members listed in this section include current and past employees

58 Room in your Heart

Clayton Perry Lynda Perry * and Robert Edwards Robert James and Alice Perry ß Patsy Peterson Robert and Linda Peterson © ß Andre Petterson Margaret Phang ß Phase Seven Management James and Yvette Philip Gerald and Ana Philippson Belinda Phillips ß Phoenix Food & Drug Group John and Isabel M. Pihowich George H. Pinch ß Bernie and Georgette Pinette Conrad and Dorli Pinette Max and Leona Pinsky Pinty’s Delicious Foods Piteau Associates Engineering Ltd Anne B. Piternick Edna F. Plaxton ß Melissa Ploplis Robert Plowright PML Professional Mechanical Ltd. Neil Pogany George Poling Pollon Poultry Ltd. Carolyn Poole David and Mary Beth Poole ß Rob and Kathy Poole ß Andrew Poon Woon Ling Poon and Wai Chi Amy Ling Tom Potter

James and M. Terri Potts ©ß Hein Poulus and Mollie Massie Premiere Home Mortgage Ltd.

RE/MAX First Realty RE/MAX Stuart Bonner Realtech Capital Group Inc. ß

Jason Price

Mark Reder

Ron and Carol Price M.A. Pringle

Jerry Redman Geoff and Karen Reed ß

Procon Mining and Tunnelling Ltd. David Procter

Craig Regier and Meagan Kus Diana R. Reid and Chris Nelson

Progressive Rubber Industries Inc. Prominent Fashions Mfg. Ltd.

Morley D. Reid ß Jeff and Christine Reimer

Henry and Anne Proteau Prudential Transporation Ltd.

Kelsey Rempel Lowell Rempel

Pull Master Winch Corporation Simarjeet Kaur Purba

Richard and Carolyn Renaud Steve and Audrey Rendall

Kelly Purden

Rennie Marketing Systems ß

Andrew Purdey ß The Purdy Family © Rob Purewal Quantum Murray LP Robert A. Quartermain Quest Specialty Sales ß John and Sylvia Quilty ß Chi Quon ß R. Jamieson Steel Ltd R. Virk Trucking John and Ann Racich Radil Export Import Ltd. Esther Rae Rafii Architects Inc. Glenys Rafuse Subramanian Raghuram Laurette L. Ramsay Gail Ramsden ß Robert Rangno Edward A. and M. Raymond ß Raymond James Ltd.

Evelyn Rexworthy ß R-Four Contracting Ltd. Riccio Geoconsulting Ltd. ß Melbourne D. and Anne Richards John Ridley ß Robert and Delia Ridley ß Ingo and Lorena Riesen Donald Rippon ß George A. Ritchie Al Roadburg Foundation Robert’s & Brown Opticians Craig Robins Doug and Fellette Robins Graham H. and Candy Robins James and Dorothy Robinson ß Robert Robinson Rockyview Ventures

Children’s Circle of Courage continued Iris Rodrigues J.S. Rogers

Rick and Gloria Sampson ß Samuel, Son & Co., Ltd.

Kevin Ronning Sandra Rooney Frankie Rose

Mark Sandercombe Kamaljit Sandhu Devinder Sangara ß

Mark Jefferey and Amy Eleanor Ross Susan K. Ross

Kirtaul Sangara ß Baldel and Parmjit Sangha

A. Roth Marilyn Rousseau

Jagdis Sangha ß Suren Sanmugasunderam ß

Hazel Rownd ß

Olga Sarmento – Cabello Salon & Spa ß Roderick G. and Cheryl Saunders

Ray and Terry Roy ß Peter Rozee and Francesca Patterson RST Instruments Ltd. RT Agencies Clifford Ruddell Karen Rudy ß Cornelia Adriana Ruitenberg Ruiz Food Products – El Monterey Annelisa Ruppenthal ß Harry and Gladys Rusk Shirley A. Russell Ross and Shauna Rustad Bernie Ryan Christine and Jan Rzepka Abraham and Liz Saade Lauren Sadler ß Lynne Sager Balbir and Baljinder Sahota Christa Saito ß Ross and Andrea Saito ß Muhammad Saleem Ronna Salman ß Salman Partners Inc. Ralph J. and Sherry Salsbury

Iris and Walter Saxton Jennifer Schaeffers Darwin Schandor Brad Scharfe Bret Schillebeeckx Adriaan Schipper Dennis Schmidt ß Glenn Schultz ß Joe and Lorraine Schulz Michael H. Schuss and Gillian Pearson Rosalie Schuss Eric L. and Maria Schwitzer Barry and Drinda Gail Scott ß Edward T. and Donna I. Scott ß Georgina Scott Jean Seaman ß Searidge Management Mike Searson The Secret Garden Tea Company Inc. Walter Segsworth ß Tom Seltzer and Catherine McLeod-Seltzer ß Lillian Sembiring Rod and Jeannie Senft ß Kim Seow ß Edna Sevensma

Harbinder Singh Sewak Graeme and Carolyn Sewell ß Reudiger J. Seyen

Darryl Sjerven Rheta M. Skea Skylite Motel ß

SG Power

Richard and Yolanta Slawski

Ali Shahbaz and Mahta Boozari Sohail Shariff

Stuart Slind and Margit Griffiths Joan Smallenberg

Sharon Black & Associates RE/MAX Kelowna Shaughnessy Woodworking Inc.

Brock and Sharon Smeaton J. Smillie

San Sui Sheng Alexandra Sherman Adrienne Sherrin ß Barbara Shettler Andrew T. Shibata Andre Shih ß Andrew Shih Chin-Chueh Shih and Twi-Tzu Chen Cliff Shillington In Soo Shim In Suk Shim Sandy Shofner Jeremiah Shortridge ß C. Lai Shum Arlene M. Si Claire and Jeremy Sicherman Balbir K. Siddoo Arvinder Sidhu Mary Siemens Sigfusson Northern Ray Signorello Paul Sih Navkaval and Ramdip Sihota Tom Simmons Brian D. and Sandra M. Simpson Lynne Simpson Ron H. and Barb Simpson ß Simpson Spence & Young Murray A. and Cara L. Sinclair ß

Charles Smith Derek and Barbara Smith Eric Sinclair Smith ß Ian Smith ß Ken and Gladys Smith Larry Smith Lawrence and Veronica Smith Roger Smith Roy Stanley Smith ß Sandra Smith Henry So Anthony and Ditta Soda Stephan Soeller Keith and Renee Solinsky Myung Jun Song Jagjit and Chandeep Soos Jason and Monica Soprovich Philip and Lea Sorgen ß Paul and Annegret Soukup Alan and Margaret Souther J. Dennis Spence Tom Spencer Bruce and Janet Sprague Susan Spurging ß Squamish Savings SRK Consulting (Canada) Inc.

Rodrigo Sinn ß Gareth Sirotnik Penny Sivucha

BC Children’s Hospital Foundation 59

Children’s Circle of Courage continued Diane St. John Jeff and Tracy Stacer

John Stubbs Tom Stuffco

William J. Stafford Gentilina Staniscia Barbara Joan Stanton ß

Howard Sturgeon ß Kevin Sullivan Daljinder Sumbal

Richard and Laura Stanton Cliff W. Stark ß

Sun Rayz Tanning Studios Sunco Drywall Ltd.

Donald Steele John Steenbergen

Pritam Sunnar Sunstar Realty Ltd.

Ronald and Marilyn Steers

Surtek Industries Inc.

Keith and Norma Steeves Jeffrey Steinbok Rol Steinhueb and Catalina Wells

Sutco Contracting Ltd. Julie Swift Swift Thoroughbreds

Robert Tilden ß

Union Securities Ltd.

Tim Wait Personal Real Estate Corporation

Thane Stenner

SYSPRO Software Ltd.

Timberland Developments Ltd.

Binh Uong Rachel and Jim Vallance Dave Vallee

Glen Stephanishin Peter and Karen Stephen ß John and Grace Stevens Sarah Stevens ß Rosemary Stewart Shannon Stone Tamara Stone Storck Canada Inc. Andrew Storrs Onne and Frances Storteboom Norman Stowe ß David Strasser Joan E. Stringer ß Heather Strobel John and Mavis Struk

Sze Cheung Shiu King Foundation Cecilia Szeto TAG Construction Ltd. Edwin Tai ß King Shen and Wai Fong Tang Steven Chen Liang Tao and Connie Jae Wan Chow Barry and Sally Tarr ß Brenda Taylor George and Norma Taylor Glenn W. Taylor James Taylor Robert W. Taylor and Maura McGivern Shannon Taylor ß TCRT Investments Inc. Alfons and Marilyn Tecklenborg Teldon Media Group Macey Terborg Isaac and Judy Thau Wilf Thebes ß Mui Then Dominic Therrien ß Sabine Thoering

Hubert and Margaret Tipper Toby Pub and Grill Rick and Elsa Tod ß

ß Campaign Supporter ©Hospital Family Members listed in this section include current and past employees

David Thomas ß Jeffrey Thomas Trevor and Barbara Thomas ß Dave Thompson

60 Room in your Heart

David Thompson Frank H. Thompson James Thompson

Ross Tunnicliffe Douglas J. and Mary G. Turland Linda M. Turner

John F.H. Thompson

Randy Turner

Ron and Lori Thompson ß Terry Thompson

Howard and Marilyn Turpin ß Timothy W. Turyk

Roland R. Thornton ß

Tyam Construction Ltd. Irene Tyler

Helen Chua Tiampo Sarah Tichauer Wayne and Carolyn Tilby ß

Glen Todd David Tolman Christina S.Y. Tong Peter Tai Tak Tong Derek Topping Total Graphics Inc. Tourism Vancouver Zoe Towle Dean and Kitty Toye ß TradeBytes Data Corp. Tradex Foods Inc. Trident Seafoods Corporation Trimpac Meat Distributors ß Art and Judy Trojan Jeanie S. Tronningsdal Angelo Tsakumis ß Ella Y. Tse Chris Tsoromocos Dennis Tucker William and Karen Tunmore ß

Delores Tymos Madeline Ung

Valley Cedar Shake Mills Ltd Valley Fuel Injection Ltd. Valley Traffic Systems Inc. Petronella A. Van Bruchem ß Van Gogh Furniture Designs Larry and Bev Van Hatten Bryan Van Hoepen Bert and Anne Van Hove ß Dick and Leelly Van Straaten Paul Van Vliet ß Vancouver.net Bruce and Hope Vandale ß Neal and Mary Vandergugten ß Arthur Frederick and Beverley J. Vanidour ß Patricio Varas Hari and Madhu Varshney Peeyush and Poonam Varshney Praveen and Anuja Varshney

Children’s Circle of Courage continued Don M. Vassos ß Terry Vato

Jim Waterhouse Catherine M. Waterson

VDS Steel Ltd. Henry Venema Ventana Construction Corporation

Kathy Watkinson Louise Watson Tim Watson

Jayne Venu Elton Vetrina Moda ß

Allan Watt ß Michael A. Watt and Monique Badun ß Annalisa Watters ß Wayden Transportation Inc.

Selma Wingrove Joan Winther The James and Kathleen Winton Foundation David Woeller Andrew Wolf

VIA Architecture Inc. Minto Vig Rana Vig Alain Vigneault ß Visions West Holdings Ltd. Myrna Visocchi ß

WCS Waste Control Services Inc. Kim Webber ß

Vital Signs Coaching & Consulting Inc. Aleksander and Theresa Vitali Jose and Sonja Viveiros VP Tile Imports Ltd. ß Harold and Anna Waddell Paul Wadhawan and Hardip Wadhawan Martin G. Wafforn Lorne Waldman Dorothy Walker ß Janet Walker Christopher Wall ß Wall Financial Corporation ß Brian Walley William Walls ß Wah Chung Wan Ta Ming Wang and Kuo Ying Shiang Chris Ward Emilie Warick ß Warnaar Steel-Tech Ltd.

Richard and Coleen Weir Arthur and Gwendolyn Louise Weisner Don Wensley ß West World Brake & Clutch Westbank Projects Corp. Westcoast Drilling Supplies Western Foods Western Pacific Enterprises Ltd. Western Roofing (Master Roofers) Ltd. Ken X. Westfall Westgate Door Industries Westower Communications Ltd. Whitewater Concrete Ltd. Trish and Rudi Widdershoven Paul Wiebe ß Warren and Michelle Wiebe Lisetta Wiese-Hansen Daniel Wight ß Ian and Pat Wight Irv Wight Faye Wightman © Wildcat Helicopters David Wilkins Helen A. Williams Roger and Elizabeth Williams

Peter W. and Nevenka Webster ß

Willow Park Homes Ltd. ß

Ning Yang

Willowbrook Produce Ltd. John M. and Susan M. Willson Arthur Wilson ß

John Yap Doug and Lois Yeast George Yen

Doug Wilson

Vincent and Robyn Yen

Tony & Stojna Wind Family Foundation

Sing Lim and Patricia Yee Ken Yeo Victor and Hoa Yeung Ben and Candy Yim ß

Lyle and May Windrim

Brian and Catharine Wolfman Garry Wong Isabella Wong Philomena Wong ß Sung Huan Wong Yin King I. Wong Keith Wood Richard and Sabine Wood ß T.H. Woodman WrapZone Restaurants Inc. Carol Wright Fred and Maureen Wright James and Claire Wright John Wright Steven Wynker Peter Wyse Xypex Chemical Corporation Y Franks Appliances Ltd ß Catherine Yan Cheng Yu-Jen Yang Li Qiong Yang ß

Dennis Yonge ß Les York Dan and Carole Young Robert and Diane Young ß Rory and Jane Young Colin Yu Yun Chung Yu Chow How Yuk Donna Lee and Jack Zaleski Antonietta Zanatta Ezio Zanatta Eleonora Zavarise ß John Zaytsoff Hendrik Zessel Chris Zimmerman ß Natalie Zinetti Zinetti Food Products Ltd. ß Anonymous (52) * DECEASED

BC Children’s Hospital Foundation 61

Caring for the Future Society When a legacy gift to BC Children’s Hospital Foundation is made, a legacy of hope is created for BC kids. The Caring for the Future Society honours those who have generously made provisions for a future gift through their will, life insurance or trust arrangement. We thank these generous individuals for their support. Debbie Alcadinho Barbara M. Alexander Lorianne Amadeo Joel B. Anderson Yolande Anderson Dorothy L. Applegath Jose I. Arbetman Robert Armstrong and Nicole Fraser-Armstrong ©ß Doug L. Barclay Josh and Talia Bender ©ß Sandy So Benoit ß Ronald W. Bickford Harry* and Anneliese Bloch Herb and Ria Boone

ß Campaign Supporter ©Hospital Family Members listed in this section include current and past employees

Marcia E. Bradley Dave Broadfoot Margo Brown Sara Hope Bryson Stephanie A. Carlson ß Stephen and Gayle Carlson Bill Carr Sue Carruthers ©ß Chun Choi and Juliana Cho ß John Clarke

Iris Lees ß C.K. Li Ludia M.Y. Li ß

Gordon and Drina Green

Dennis Lillico

B. Greenwood Doreen and Keith Gregson

John and Evelyn Long Phyllis Lowdell

Vic W. Griffin

Jeffrey and Barbara Ludemann © Hugh Lundy

Betty Harris Mace* and Irene Harrison Michael Haywood

Simpson and Nora Ma Susanna Ma

Heidi Clarkson J. Paul Cloutier Daphne Cole

Colin and Lois Hicks

Veronica Ma

Lotus E. Hills John Alden Hodson

Kenneth Crump

Derek Holme

David and June Madill Christopher and Suzie Mah Juanita G. Manning ß

Sonia Curlett Margaret Curtis I. Jean (Saiko) Davenport Beatrix De Groot ß Wally Dennison Rolly DeRoover and Dianne De Gagne The Devines Velda Dibblee Ann E. Doherty Alanna Donahue ©ß Mary “Johnnie” Duffus Ann Duncan ß Bryan Edwards Paul and Claudia Estlin Krishna Fagan Inge Fein and Paul Luke ß Connie Forbes Margaret J. Ford Anne Forsyth-Sheardown Lyle David Foster Terrie and Anne* Garscadden Danny and Shirley Gaw Davinder Ghtaura B. Ming Gin

Jeff and Stephanie Huehn ©ß Aaron Hui © Denise Hui Patsy Hui ß Ninette Hunziker Robert W. Ironside © Alvin Ivey Linda Jacobsen Sandra Jarvis Jon and Pamela Johnson Russell and Margaret Jones Victor and Muriel Jones © Anne Junker © John and Dianne Kelly Richard Kelynack Marie J. Kendall ß Henry King Grant Marvin Krueger and Sue Ann Martin* Anita A. Kumar Eva Landrick Jacques LeBlanc and Susan Bockhold ©

Bob and Lisa Ginn

62 Room in your Heart

Eliza Gordon Katherine and Morris Gordon Barbara Grantham ©

Betty Marlor Bill and Lisa Marsh Willie McDonald Evelyn McKenzie Iris McKibbin © Linda M. Meinhardt Patricia Memess Bruno* and Frieda Meyer Yvonne Michels and David L. Bruce Deborah A. Mikkelsen Betty Miller Carol Miller Lyle* and Christine Mills ©ß Noah and Erin Morantz ©ß Paul and Elizabeth Moxham ©

Caring for the Future Society continued Karen Mulhern Roberta A. Mulholland

Gus Stassinopoulos Charlene Steen

Joyce Muscroft Marcus Nairn* Sara Neely and Kenneth Crook* ©ß

Roger and Darla Steers Ann Sturrock Debora Sweeney and Stephen Crombie ©ß

Donald E. and Mary E. Newman © Bert and Karen Northrup John and Angela Paterson Gerald and Barbara Pope Cristina Poulette Lucy Prentice ß Albert and Rose Rampone Peter and Kathleen Ramshaw Elisabeth Riley Dudley and Shirley Ritchie Art and Ruth Robinson Delbert E.* and Jean D. Ross Jeff Salton Dan Sargent Julie Schmitt Geoffrey E. Scott Reg Skelton John Smiley Derek and Barbara Smith Ken and Gladys Smith M. Joan Smith Shirley F. Smith Joan* and Louise Solinger ß Daniel, Helen and Charissa Sortwell Derek Squires

Mary Tam and Robert Lachapelle Jacqueline* and Donald Taylor Robert Taylor Alicia Then Phyllis Thom Frank H. Thompson Michael and Shirley Thompson Candice Y.F. Tsang ©ß Menno Tulp Lorne Valensky and Cindi Coleman © Arie and Jean Van Halst Larry and Bev Van Hatten Gerald Van Riemsdyk Angelo and Rosa Venetsanos Faye Wightman © Charles and Mary Wilkins Janice Williams ©ß John and Nancy Wise Allen and Karen Wong ß Tiger Wong (Yan Foo) Norman Wrigglesworth Ryan and Susan Yip May Yuen and Selina Yuen Antonietta D. Zanatta Anonymous (168) * DECEASED

Tribute Gifts A tribute gift honours a remarkable person who has touched your life. It also honours other remarkable people – all the kids in BC whose lives you are helping to improve every day. These remarkable individuals and organizations have had gifts of $1,000 or more made in their honour. Gifts Received in Honour of… Ames Tile & Stone, staff Cameron Bargen Manmit Bassi Battlestar Crew Bayside Furniture Ltd., customers and clients Baywest Management Corporation, clients and staff BC Children’s Hospital – Ophthalmology Ryan K. Beedie Boart Longyear Canada, customers and clients Jessica Braun Mickey and Bruce Bryant Terrence Burstyk Cameron Campbell Ryan Campbell Ralph Corey Terry and Linda Davies Isabella Demianczuk John Demianczuk

Sahil Deo Manrav Dhaliwal Rayna Dhaliwal Nathan Donnelly Jenesse Edroff David Elliott Madelyn Fick Charlotte Glynes Kellen Haney Katie He Jordan Hopkins Rohan Hundal Saira Hundal Bailey Hunt Charlotte Jacklin Olivia, Victoria, Christopher and Charlotte King Justin Chun Hong Lau Natalie and Maggie Lawson Mainland Floral Distributors clients, friends and family Rory McFadden Taylin McGill McIver Wealth Management Consulting Group, clients Nevin Middleton and Kam Sahota Remmington Negus

BC Children’s Hospital Foundation 63

Tribute Gifts continued Mikayla I. Ong Oless Pasichnik and Kristin Dust

Gifts Received in Memory of…

Michael Pettifer Owen Regier Damien and Julia Reynolds

Brynne Acres

Campbell Ryan Jesse Sawyer

Gordon R. Buchanan Joanna Lilias Carlson

Hannah Schneider Cassandra Scoffins

Elizabeth Carmen Geoffrey G. Chatelain

Hz. Muhammaed Sallahu Aleyhi Sellam Subegh S. Sidhu

Andrew Cheng Caelan A. Cheung

Vanessa Skelton

David Tian-Ren Chow Dorie B. Coombes Gabriella Copeland

Michael Snider and Kelsey Dundon Kyle Stewart Martin Strong Linda M. Taylor Liam Thom Claire Thomson Aubrey J. Tingle Sharon J. Toohey Jeremy Ung and Veronika Ziegler Thomas Van Nus Aydan Virani Paul and Tracey Welsh Conrad and Pat Williams Andre Wong Jason Wong Melissa Wong Tiffany and Belinda Wu

ß Campaign Supporter

Ryan Anderson Doris Brajcich

Fan Yun Chiu

Lyla Ann Court Noah Albert Phillip Daubaras John S. Davies Marjorie Davison Constantinos Demiris Bill Derkach Spencer Dolling Courtenay Doornbos Gabrielle Dorsey Brianna Ferguson Rosalind H. Fernandes Kaylee French Theodore C. Friesen Anna Gabriele Ruth M. Galetzka Reginald Giltrow Trevor J. Green Teresa Guenther Delbert “Rex” Halladay Marnie Henderson Karen Hicks Carl J. Highsted George Ho Mitchell Ho Zac Hobek George Horsman

64 Room in your Heart

Sharon Huang Brent Humphreys June Imai

Hazel Nelson Marcus S. Nevins Targett Ng

Emily Deanne Inglis

Sarah A. Nybakken

Tyler James Gadge Jhuty

Reagan O’Fee Rita Opel

M. Kenny Johl David W. Johnston

Sydney T.S. Or Sandy Oser

Maria Johnstone Savannah Jones

Jordan Owens Lyn Patrick

Athanasios Nasos Jutla

Logan J. Pierce Zach Prince

Elizabeth C. Kan Tessa Kearney Gregory F. Kehrig

John Christopher Racich Conner E. Raponi

James Keith

Jim R. Rattenbury

Margaret Keith Kylie May Keller Lorne Kidd Tevin Anthony Daniel Koehler Jaida Kooy Taylor J. Leaman John I. Livadaru Kenneth R. Lynch Roy and Maude MacKenzie Jolie Mia Maddalozzo Robert Madill Madison Leah Uma Martina Anthony E. May Jody McKimmon Tyler McLaren Patrick M. McLean Don Meyer Faron Michaels Alexa Middelaer Ernie Miller Danny Mosher Keira Murphy Teresa Murphy

Shaun Richmond John Riddell Jacoba Rozenhart William L. Sauder Reggie Scholefield Gwendolyn V. Scribner A.K. Siddoo Deborah Anne (Shaver) Singer Valdis Skujins Sydney William George Skykme Michael Foster Smith Jean Southam Meredith Steers Finn Sullivan Cathy-Lee Surphlis Wah Jow Tom Anthony Tomljenovich Julie A. Veljacic Robert Glen Windrim Stanley Dar Yuen Wong Jorye Yeung Jesstin K. Zulinick

Estates A gift in a will is an expression of what is most dear to you. BC Children’s Hospital Foundation is fortunate to be the beneficiary of the estates of many people who believed passionately in improving the health of children and youth in British Columbia. We are honoured to recognize the gifts received from the estates of the following individuals in 2008. Sverre and Karen Andersen Elizabeth Ann Anderson Margaret Ruth Anderson Margaret Bertha Bailey Nathanial Rial Bailey Doris Mary Bond Helen Fisher Brice Louise Argyle Brown Ailsa Burton James Calcutta Dorothy Anne Carmichael

Arthur Hullah and Dorothy Mae Cleveland Margaret Edith Coburn Joan Ann Conn Marjory Sita Crombie Robert Douglas Cross Radka Curtis

Kenneth R. and Winnifred Theresa Jones Rona Lillian Klus Charles Lygo Florence Rennie Macaulay Thelma Ariel MacDonald

Phyllis Maude Dennis

Barbara Anne MacInnes Jessie Eileen MacKeller

Gladys Margaret Doyle Ada Easley

Donald Carson Marks Lorraine Georgina Milne

John Robert Galer Violet Hazel Gibbard

Mildred Stanton Morrison Irene May Moss

Elinor Boyd Gorman Elizabeth Gray Rankin Hainsworth

Alice May Norman Olive Annie Ogden ß

Florence Margery Haslop Dorothy Moira Hay Violet Hinkel Thelma C. Hollingsworth Lawrence Edward Homer Robert John Homewood Robert James Horel Frieda Hurren Hannelore Maria Ioannides Marjorie Jean Jack

Vera Elizabeth Dorcas Pagdin Victor John Pead Sophia Hedvig Pruszczynski Ruth Lilian Rasmussen Iris Marie Reiss Gertrude Mackie Rhodes Margo Jean Robb Alice Esma Schweb Edward Seefried Mary Anona Small Mildred Daisy Sowerby Nellie Spotswood Esther Josephine Stemp Grace Elizabeth Swan Marjorie Jack Sweeton

Valerie Doreen Tanner Dorothy Avis Irene Telford Gladys Tham George Reid Thornton Josephine Mary Traven Milia V. (Lia) Travis Mary Ellen Trimnell Evelyn Ann van der Veen Gordon Warren Norah Louise Frances Watney Evelyn Esther Westlin Kenneth Robert Whitten Beverley Joan Windsor ß Anonymous (1)

BC Children’s Hospital Foundation 65

Endowments Those who establish and contribute to endowments are the true visionaries of our community. They understand that their investments provide a strong financial foundation to improve the health of children both now and in the future. BC Children’s Hospital Foundation gratefully acknowledges the following endowment funds that provide support in perpetuity for programs and initiatives throughout BC Children’s Hospital, Sunny Hill Health Centre for Children and the Child & Family Research Institute. Endowments may be established with a minimum $25,000 donation. A

Bailey Family Endowment for Genetic Research

Alex C.L. Cheung Endowment for Pediatric Oncology Research

BC Hydro Power Pioneers Ed Turner Memorial Endowment for Medical Genetics

Child Protection Endowment

Bioethics Endowment

Childhood Injury Prevention and Health Promotion Endowment

Jack & Doris Brown Fellowship Endowment for Genetic Research

Childhood Nutrition Endowment

Louise Argyle Brown Endowment for Genetic Research Bryant Family Endowment for Genetic Research Dennis & Connie Burdett Endowment for Oncology Research

CK Choi Foundation Endowment for Child Health Advocacy

Burn Unit Endowment C

CIBC & CIBC Employees Endowment for Pediatric Oncology Research

Cardiac Sciences Endowment

Arthur Hullah & Dorothy Cleveland Memorial Endowment for Genetic Research

Stephanie A. Carlson Endowment for Genetic Research Centre for International Child Health Endowment

Karel & Edith Alston Memorial Endowment for Head of Developmental Pediatrics

CH.I.L.D. Foundation Endowment for Pediatric Gastroenterology Research

Yolande Anderson Family Endowment for Cardiac Sciences

Chan Sisters Foundation Endowment for International Child Health


Sarah B. Endowment for Cardiac Sciences

David Chow Memorial Endowment for Immunology Research

Patrick & Beryl Campbell Endocrinology Fellowship Endowment

Centre for Molecular Medicine and Therapeutics Endowment

Auxiliary to BC Children’s Hospital Endowment for Education

Cho Family Endowment for Genetic Research Billy Yau Hei Choi Memorial Endowment for Genetic Research

Adolescent Medicine Endowment

Andracki Equipment Endowment

Childhood Infections Endowment

Clinical Genetics Endowment Commonwealth Insurance Company Oncology Endowment Community Child Health Endowment Concord Pacific Group Inc. Endowment for Centre for Molecular Medicine and Therapeutics Research The Connor Clark & Lunn Endowment for Cardiac Sciences

I. Jean (Saiko) Davenport Endowment for Excellence in Child Health Edna & Eugene Delorme Equipment Endowment Dent-Tech Ceramic Studios Endowment for Genetic Research The Isabelle & Charles Diamond Family Endowment for Oncology Gordon & Marion Dixon Endowment for Genetic Research (CMMT) E

ECLS Program Endowment (Ecmo) Endowment for Newborn’s & Children’s Well-Being Excellence in Child Health Endowment F

Ricky, Angelo & Marina Fabris Endowment for Oncology Bill Fish Memorial Endowment for Developmental Pediatrics Carol Ford Endowment for Research Technician Education Four Seasons Hotel Endowment for Genetic Research Stanley Fromm Endowment for Cardiac Sciences

Harry Chan & Family Endowment for Head of Department of Pediatrics

Julia & Richard Couch Endowment for Oncology


Chanoine-Alimenti Endowment for Childhood Obesity

Critical Care Academic Endowment

Robert Chau Memorial Endowment for Oncology

Michael Cuccione Endowment for Oncology Research

Megan Gates & Family Endowment for Sunny Hill Brain Injury

Cheung Family Endowment for Pediatric Oncology Research

Michael Cuccione Oncology Research Fellowship Endowment Cystic Fibrosis Endowment

66 Room in your Heart


Gastroenterology Endowment

B. Ming Gin Endowment for Pediatric Oncology

Endowments continued Andreas Goedicke Memorial Endowment for Infant Transport Team Education Paul & Mary Goh Endowment for International Child Health Paul & Mary Goh Endowment for Pediatric Oncology Research Gooding Family Endowment for Neurosciences Lisa Gravell Endowment for Genetic Research H

David Hardwick Reading Room Endowment Malcolm & Cathy Hasman Family Endowment for Oncology Research Head of Section of Surgery Endowment Head-Developmental Pediatrics – Working Wonders Together Endowment Helena & Jessica Endowment for Cardiac Sciences Research Marnie Henderson Memorial Endowment for Vaccine Evaluation



Milan & Maureen Ilich Endowment for Genetic Research

David & Dorothy Lam Endowment for Oncology Research

Immunology Research Endowment

David & Dorothy Lam Foundation Endowment for International Child Health

International Child Health Trainee Award Endowment J

William Jacques Equipment Endowment Ken & Su Jang Endowment for Pediatric Oncology Research Jessoma Endowment for Nephrology Asa & Kashmir Johal & Family Chair in Pediatric Oncology Asa & Kashmir Johal Family Endowment for Genetic Research Jessica Jones Memorial Endowment for Oncology Research K

Keller Family Endowment for Oncology Research

Karen L. Hicks RN Memorial Endowment for Oncology

Brian & Tammi Kerzner & Family Endowment for Oncology Research

The Don & Elizabeth Hillman Lecture Endowment in Global Child Health

Killy Fellowship Endowment

B.M. Hoffmeister Endowment for a Research Fellowship Robert John Homewood Endowment for Genetic Research Derek & Lisa Hopkins Endowment for Oncology Research Hilary & Patsy Hui Endowment for Genetic Research

King Family Endowment for Excellence in Child Health Samuel & Spencer Koltai Memorial Endowment for Genetic Research Koo Family Endowment for Oncology Research Adella Krall Endowment for Oncology Research

Cameron Lau Memorial Endowment for Genetic Research Cameron Lau Memorial Endowment for Haematology Research The Jonathan Lawson Endowment for Spina Bifida The Jonathan Lawson Fellowship in Neurosurgery The Jonathan Lawson Head of Section of Surgery Endowment Dave Lede Family Charitable Foundation Endowment for Genetic Research Robert H. & Lily Lee Endowment for Research Ralph Lewis Equipment Endowment Ling Family Endowment for Neonatology Iris Lorntzsen Brain Mapping Endowment

McCurdy Family Endowment for Oncology Research Wendy McDonald Endowment for Gastroenterology Research Wendy McDonald Endowment for Nephrology Wendy McDonald Endowment for Oncology William S. McQuaid Endowment for Pediatric Oncology MDS Inc. & Dr. D.B. Rix Endowment for Huntington Research Medical Genetics Fellowship Endowment Metabolic Disorders/Cystic Fibrosis Endowment Ted & Penny Metcalfe Memorial Endowment for Genetic Research Mining for Miracles Research Fellowship Endowment Rolly Montgomery Endowment for President’s Child Health Initiatives Morantz Family Endowment for Genetic Research N

Gordon & Barbara MacDougall Endowment for Pediatric Oncology

Guru Nanak Dev Ji Endowment for BC Children’s Hospital Excellence in Child Health Punjab Milk Foods Inc. Skyline Plumbing, Heating and Gasfitting Ltd.

Professor Robert Christopher Madill Endowment for Genetic Research

Sara Neely & Kenneth Crook Endowment for Oncology Research

Jon & Dina Markoulis Family Endowment for Otolaryngology

Nephrology Endowment

Andrew McCormick Endowment for an Ophthamology Fellowship

Neurosciences Endowment


James & Annabel McCreary Chair in Pediatrics Endowment

Neuromuscular Endowment

Neurosurgery Endowment Newborn Health Endowment BC Children’s Hospital Foundation 67

Endowments continued Dr. Donald E. Newman Pediatric Radiology Endowment Choi-Kiu & Ming Ng Endowment for President’s Child Health Initiatives Nitikman Chan Family Endowment for Excellence in Child Health O

Oncology Program Endowment Oncology Research Endowment Ophthalmology Endowment Orthopedics Endowment Otolaryngology Fellowship Endowment


Georgina Jane “Ina” Raeside Endowment for Oncology Research Zahra, Karima & Salima Rasul Endowment for Neurosciences Realtors Care Endowment for Genetic Research Realtors Care Endowment for Oncology Research Respiratory Medicine Academic Endowment Riley-Fish Endowment for the Head of Department of Pediatrics Rix Family Endowment for Professional Clinical Services Staff Education and Training

Dr. Parminder Singh Endowment Award of Distinction for Pediatrics

Paul & Candice Tsang Endowment for Oncology Research

Reginald William Skelton Surgical Fellowship Endowment

Ted & Deanna Turton Endowment for Oncology Nursing Education

Derryck Smith Endowment for Mental Health Michael Foster Smith Memorial Endowment for Pediatric Anesthesia Sandy So & Ron Benoit Endowment for Childhood Cancer Research Solid Organ Transplant Endowment Jean MacMillan Southam Fellowship


Vaccine Evaluation Centre Endowment Varshney Family Endowment for Genetic Research W

Isobel & Madeline Wade Endowment for Head of Department of Pediatrics

Graham Robins Jr. Endowment for Oncology Research in Memory of Wilda & Frank Robins

Spina Bifida Endowment

Faye Wightman Endowment for Oncology Nursing Education

Summits of Hope Endowment for Oncology

Women & Family HIV Endowment

Geoffrey Robinson Award for Pediatrics Endowment

Sun Life Financial Endowment for International Child Health

Pat Ross Memorial Education Endowment

Stephen Wong & Family Endowment for President’s Child Health Initiatives

Conrad & Dorli Pinette Endowment for Speech Language Pathology Research

Sunny Hill Endowment for Adaptive Seating and Mobility

Royal Pacific Realtors Care Endowment for Medical Genetics

Grant & Dee Sutherland Endowment for Orthopedics

Piwek Family Endowment for Oncology Research


Andy Sylvester Endowment for Excellence in Child Health

Danny Wyder Memorial Endowment for President’s Child Health Initiatives



Tai Family Endowment for Pediatric Genetic Research (CMMT)

Peggy & Y.P. Yang Endowment for Brain Mapping Research


Pfizer Ripples of Hope Endowment for Mental Health Fellowship Pfizer Ripples of Hope Endowment for Rare Diseases Research Fellowship

David & Janice Podmore Endowment for International Child Health

David & Alissa Sacks Endowment for Nursing Education

Jack & Darlene Poole Endowment for Oncology Research

Marjorie-Anne Sauder Endowment for Molecular Medicine and Therapeutic Research

President’s Child Health Initiatives Endowment

Sauder-Interfor Head of Research Endowment

Zach Prince Foundation for Excellence in Oncology Care, an Endowment of BC Children’s Hospital Foundation

Shriners’ Motor Performance Unit Endowment

Professorship in Pediatric Dentistry Endowment Psychiatric Disorders Endowment 68 Room in your Heart

Norman & Randi Thompson Endowment for Urology Aubrey Tingle Endowment for Clinician Scientists Program

David & Manjy Sidoo Family Endowment for Ophthalmology

Toohey Family Endowment for President’s Child Health Initiatives

Manjy & David Sidoo Family Endowment for Orthopedics

Marjorie Tsang Endowment for Genetic Research Michael C.H. Tsang Endowment for Pediatric Oncology Research

Dr. Betty J. Wood Memorial Endowment for Radiology Education

Allan Yap & Family Endowment for Oncology Research Selina Yuen & May Yuen Endowment for Excellence in Child Health

Ways of Giving


There are many ways to make a gift to benefit BC’s kids.

You can name BC Children’s Hospital Foundation as the direct beneficiary of the proceeds of the RRSP or RRIF or you can make a gift to BC Children’s Hospital Foundation in your will. The resulting tax credit may be used to offset the tax payable on the redemption of the proceeds of the retirement plan.

Bequest in your Will A bequest is a direction in your will that a certain sum of money, a particular asset, or a portion of the estate is to be given to British Columbia’s Children’s Hospital Foundation (our legal name).

Life Insurance Giving life insurance is a way of making a gift without depleting your estate or depriving your loved ones of other assets. At the end of your lifetime, the gift of the policy proceeds will be paid by the insurance company directly to BC Children’s Hospital Foundation. Depending on how the policy is structured, you may receive a tax benefit during your lifetime or your estate will receive the benefit.

Flow-through Shares Publicly traded flow-through shares whose hold period has expired are an effective way to give. Flow-through shares – shares of Canadian mining, oil and gas companies – have unique tax incentives that, when combined with a charitable tax receipt, offer even bigger tax savings.

Publicly traded Securities Donating securities is the most effective way to give. If you own publicly traded securities that have increased in value and you decide to sell them, 50 per cent of the capital gain is taxable. However, if you donate these securities “in kind” to BC Children’s Hospital Foundation, no tax is payable on the capital gain. The resulting tax credit from the donation of the securities will reduce taxes payable on other income. Making a gift of publicly traded securities to BC Children’s Hospital Foundation is easy to do. Please contact us for a transfer form to facilitate the process.

Pledges Our pledge program offers you a convenient method for making contributions. The program allows you to spread your contribution over three to five years, usually commencing the year the pledge is made. You will receive full recognition for the value of your contribution as soon as the commitment is made. BC Children’s Hospital Foundation is a registered Canadian charity and issues tax receipts for all donations. Tax credits generated by donations can offset tax otherwise payable on up to 75 per cent of your net income in the year of the gift. Any unused tax credits may be carried forward and used to offset taxes over the following five years. BC Children’s Hospital Foundation 938 West 28th Avenue Vancouver BC V5Z 4H4 604.875.2444 1.888.663.3033 www.bcchf.ca Charitable Business Number 11885 2433 RR0001

BC Children’s Hospital Foundation 69

BC Children’s Hospital Foundation Donor Bill of Rights The Board of Directors of BC Children’s Hospital Foundation is in place to ensure that donors: 1) are informed of our mission, of the way we intend to use donated resources, and of our capacity to use donations effectively for their intended purposes;

7) can expect that all relationships with individuals representing our organization will be professional in nature;

2) are informed of the identity of those serving on our governing board, and to expect the board to exercise prudent judgment in its stewardship responsibilities;

8) are informed whether those seeking donations from our organization are volunteers, employees of BC Children’s Hospital Foundation, or hired solicitors;

3) have access to our most recent financial statements;

9) can expect that BC Children’s Hospital Foundation will not share or sell a mailing list that includes the donor’s name;

4) are assured their gifts will be used for the purposes for which they are given; 5) receive appropriate acknowledgement and recognition;

70 Bill of Rights

6) are assured that information about their donations is handled with respect and with confidentiality to the extent provided by law;

10) feel free to ask questions when making a donation and to receive prompt, truthful and forthright answers.

BC Children’s Hospital Foundation Board of Directors (for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2009) Mr. Graham MacLachlan (Chair) Mr. Kevin Bent Dr. Geoff Blair Mr. Christopher (Chris) Carty Mr. Haig Farris Mr. Larry Gold Mr. Doug Gordon Mr. Peter Green Mr. Donald Lindsay Dr. Donald Rix Mrs. Wendy Slavin Mrs. Sandy So Ms. Andrea Southcott Mrs. Diane Zell Note: All BC Children’s Hospital Foundation Directors are also BC Children’s Hospital Foundation Governors.

BC Children’s Hospital Foundation Governors Mr. Graham MacLachlan (Chair) Mr. Kevin Bent (Vice Chair) Mrs. Tali’ah Aquilini Dr. Robert (Bob) Armstrong Dr. Geoff Blair Mr. Jerry Bried Ms. Gail Brown 1 Mr. Robert (Bob) Bryant Mr. Terry Bubb 1 Ms. Stephanie Carlson Mr. Christopher (Chris) Carty Dr. Caleb Chan Mr. Peter Chieng Ms. Tim Clark Dr. Doug Cochrane Ms. Daphne Cole Mrs. Lynda Cranston Mrs. Isabelle Diamond Mrs. Marion Dixon Ms. Sherry Doman Mr. Jeff Dowle Mr. Haig Farris 1 Mr. Ming Gin Mr. Patrick Glazier Mr. Larry Gold

Mr. Doug Gordon Mr. Peter Green 1 Mr. Alan Grimston 1 Mr. Poul Hansen Dr. David Hardwick Mr. Kim Hesketh Mr. Lawrence Ho Mrs. Lisa Hudson Mr. Greg Kerfoot Mrs. Tammi Kerzner Mr. Michael Lam Dr. Simon Lee Mr. Donald Lindsay Mr. Harald Ludwig Dr. Stuart MacLeod Mr. Brett Manlove Mr. Maurice Mourton Dr. Djavad Mowafaghian Mr. Ron Neal Mr. Geoffrey Parkin Dr. Martha Piper Mr. David Podmore Mr. Irfhan Rajani Ms. Diana Reid Dr. Donald Rix Mrs. Marjorie-Anne Sauder Mr. Garry Skidmore Mrs. Wendy Slavin Mrs. Sandy So Ms. Andrea Southcott 1 Ms. Dee Sutherland Mr. Malik Talib Mrs. Sharon Toohey Mr. Allan Yap Mrs. Diane Zell

Campaign Leadership Council Mr. Donald Lindsay (Chair) Mr. Francesco Aquilini Mr. Peter M. Brown Ms. Stephanie Carlson Mr. Graeme Currie Mrs. Isabelle Diamond Mr. Haig Farris Mrs. Lisa Hudson Mr. Graham MacLachlan Mr. David Podmore Dr. Donald Rix Mrs. Wendy Slavin Ms. Andrea Southcott Mr. Malik Talib Mr. Ron Toigo

Superhero Council Mr. Graeme Currie (Chair) Mr. Herbert W. Anderson Mr. Jon T. Bishop Mr. Jerry Bried Mr. Patrick Glazier Mr. Henry R. Gregory, III Ms. Patsy Hui Mr. Ron Neal Mr. Ali Pejman Mrs. Cheryl Slusarchuk Mrs. Diane Zell Mr. Mitchell Zulinick Advisors Mr. Bruce Alexander Mr. Jim Ballard

C IC H Campaign Cabinet Mr. Lawrence Ho (Chair) Mrs. Sharen Ho (Chair) Dr. Leo Chan Mr. Vincent Cheung Mr. John Crawford Dr. David S.W. Ho Mr. Alex Ing Mr. Eng Boon Lau Mrs. Cynthia Suen Mr. Douglas Van Mr. Alex Yeung

Foundation Executive Sue Carruthers, FAHP, ICD.D

President and CEO Kimberley Fenlon

Vice President and Chief Philanthropy Officer Knut Nordlie, CFRE

Vice President and Chief Operating Officer Debora Sweeney, CFRE

Vice President and Chief Communications Officer

BC Children’s Hospital Foundation 938 West 28th Avenue Vancouver, BC V5Z 4H4 604.875.2444 1.888.663.3033

Return Undeliverable Canadian Addresses to:

Mr. Jeff Dowle

BC Children’s Hospital Foundation 938 West 28th Avenue Vancouver, BC V5Z 4H4

Mr. Andrew Duffy

Privacy Policy

Sunny Hill Foundation Board

Ms. Colleen Flynn

Dr. Donald Rix (Chair) Mr. Kevin Bent Mr. David Doig Mr. Ronald Edwards Mr. Douglas Horswill Ms. Pamela Mitchell Dr. Maureen O’Donnell Mr. John Smiley

Mr. Dan Gunn

BC Children’s Hospital Foundation is committed to protecting the privacy of the personal information of its donors, volunteers and other stakeholders. We value the trust of those we deal with, and of the public, and recognize that maintaining this trust requires transparency and accountability in our treatment of the information that you choose to share with us.


Denotes a member of the BC Children’s Hospital Foundation Society

Ms. Sherry Doman

Mrs. Judy Gray Mr. Mike Heinrich Mr. Kim Hesketh Mr. Ian Lindsay Mr. Barry Obara Ms. Judith Scott

Charitable Business Number: 11885 2433 RR0001 Publication Sales Agreement: # 40014920 Design: SamataMason

BC Photography: Children’s Hospital Foundation 71 James LaBounty


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