2009-10 BC Children's Hospital Foundation Annual Report

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12,219 51% 67% 13,005 914 22 42,000 5,000 8 The difference. 62,377 960 6,512 400 100+ 54,000 132 208,240 BC Children’s Hospital Foundation 2009 / 2010 Annual Report

Brendan Whieldon was diagnosed with cancer at the age of four. Today, after more than

1,000 days of chemotherapy, the 12-year-old

karate enthusiast has survived with his type of cancer longer than any other child in North America. Your donations have made a difference in

Brendan’s life – and in the lives of his family and friends. Every year, BC Children’s Hospital treats over

78,000 children like Brendan.

Every year, BC Children’s Hospital, Sunny Hill Health Centre for Children and the Child & Family Research Institute make a difference in

the lives of hundreds of thousands of British Columbians. What enables us to make a difference in so many lives? Our staff has a range of expertise that is unique in the province. The combination of specialized clinical care, basic and applied research, and training for tomorrow’s medical leaders

literally changes lives for the better. The new BC Children’s Hospital will further enhance the care we provide, defining the difference between basic care and excellence. Ultimately, though, we couldn’t do this without your support. What is the difference? It’s you. BC Children’s Hospital Foundation 1

Report of the President and Chair


In the past year British Columbians made a difference in the lives of BC’s children by donating to BC Children’s Hospital, Sunny Hill Health Centre for Children or the Child & Family Research Institute. Several thousand people decided to make a difference by volunteering for a variety of events across the province in support of the Hospital. Without million to meet their support, we would not have raised in excess of $ the Hospital’s urgent funding priorities – including research, equipment and education.



-million mark in The Campaign for BC Children passed the $ December 2009. Gifts to this campaign are already making a difference Report of the President and Chair 2

through Child Health BC – to children on Vancouver Island, in Northern BC, the Okanagan and the Lower Mainland. The Overwaitea Food Group, Child Health BC’s lead benefactor, has contributed millions to Child Health BC, allowing children to receive specialized care closer to home. The campaign’s major priority, a new BC Children’s Hospital, will touch the lives of hundreds of thousands of children, many of whom are yet to be born. It will make a difference to the very future of this province. This strong support came during one of the most challenging fiscal years in decades. The province was recovering from a global recession and people were understandably less inclined to reach for their wallets. Donations were down on all fronts, from major corporate gifts to grassroots giving. It could have been considerably worse were it not for the people who, in spite of uncertainty and hardship, made a conscious decision to step up and support their Children’s Hospital. For this, we would like to convey our deepest gratitude. So, while revenues were down from the prior year, we were still able to meet the Hospital’s urgent needs, make progress toward our campaign goal, and children who visit the make a difference in the lives of over Hospital every year.


Our 2009 Miracle Weekend revenues, which were announced in June 2009 and are included in our 2009-10 results, reflect fundraising that took place in 2008 and early 2009 – the worst months of the recession. Although, at

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$ million, 2009 Miracle Weekend revenues were down slightly from the year before, it was still a remarkable accomplishment and a testament to the loyalty of our donors and volunteers. This contributed to the Foundation’s million. consolidated revenues for 2009-10 of $


The Child Life Program at BC Children’s Hospital helps children and youth cope with being at the Hospital and helps them understand their experiences through play, music, education and support.

Of course, our donors and volunteers weren’t the only ones who made a difference. Researchers brought new insights and understanding to the mysteries of childhood illnesses, and found ways to treat our children more safely. Doctors, surgeons, nurses and other caregivers and technicians shaped the experiences of children and families who turned to us for help by comforting, consoling, encouraging and saving lives. And our families – “ours” because they do become part of the Hospital’s family – shared the worst, and best, moments of their lives on the radio, on television, in print and online so that British Columbians could better understand the impact that the Hospital has on so many lives, and the difference donated dollars can make. If you’ve ever wondered whether your gift to BC Children’s Hospital really makes a difference, we hope you’ll find the proof in these pages that it does. Thank you for your support.

Sue Carruthers, fahp, icd.d

Graham MacLachlan



Report of the President and Chair 4

It’s an understatement to say BC Children’s is Brendan Whieldon’s second home. The 12-year-old has been coming to BC Children’s Hospital for two-thirds of his life to treat his neuroblastoma, a solid tumour cancer for which there is currently no cure. Brendan receives chemotherapy for one or two weeks every month at BC Children’s.

Brendan Whieldon Brendan started kindergarten and learned to read in the one-room school at Children’s. Throughout his eight years at the Hospital he has befriended many patients, caregivers and donors, including Dr. Djavad Mowafaghian – the philanthropist who pledged $6 million in 2004 to rebuild the Hospital’s oncology wing. Brendan writes to Dr. Mowafaghian monthly to tell him about school, his love of rap music and everything in between. Brendan’s mom, Shannon, is grateful for each day she spends with her son and hopes that advances in research will one day lead to a cure for Brendan’s cancer. BC Children’s Hospital Foundation 5

Kate Bishop’s parents say their baby girl is no stranger to pain. The resilient oneyear-old has already undergone two heart surgeries, with more to come. Born prematurely, it didn’t take long for specialists at Children’s Hospital to recognize that Kate had a rare heart defect.

Kate Bishop Kate spent her first two months in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, half of that time in an incubator with her parents only able to hold her twice a day. After her first surgery, Kate went home for three months – with a feeding tube, oxygen and a pavlik harness for a dislocated hip – until she grew strong enough for bypass surgery to repair her heart. She made an astonishing 10-day recovery from open-heart surgery in October 2009. Today, Kate loves swinging, going to the pool and pulling every single toy out of her toy box.

Being the Difference 6

Message from the Campaign Chair


In December of 2009, we passed the halfway mark in the $ -million Campaign for BC Children. As we publish this annual report, we’re at million raised – a great accomplishment at any time, but particularly $ so in the context of the economic uncertainty that extended well into our 2009-10 fiscal year.


During these tough times our friends have stood by us. In December 2009 we announced a gift to the campaign from Dr. Djavad Mowafaghian, already BC Children’s Hospital’s single largest individual donor, as he built on the $ -million pledge he made in late 2004 with a $ -million gift to the campaign. BC’s Chinese-Canadian community has supported



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5 2.4

the Hospital for over two decades, and recently pledged $ million to the million to the campaign and $ million Hospital, including $ to help meet the Hospital’s urgent needs.


These gifts were soon followed by significant commitments from Finning and Capstone Mining Corp., who contributed $ million and $ million, respectively.



In March 2010, Vancouver Canucks Daniel and Henrik Sedin, together million to with their wives Marinette and Johanna, made a gift of $ the campaign. The Sedins have directed their gift to the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit and Diagnostics & Imaging area in the new hospital. Their decision to allow us to announce their gift publicly also helped us raise awareness of the campaign, as news media outlets across North America picked up the story.


Over 208,240 prescriptions were filled at BC Children’s Hospital last year.

The average length of stay for a patient at BC Children’s Hospital is eight days.

The major gifts we’ve received reflect the campaign’s renewed momentum. The campaign’s volunteer leadership and Foundation staff are actively engaging potential donors and working with these prospects to identify funding opportunities that meet their needs and interests. Global BC remains a strong supporter of the campaign and BC Children’s Hospital. Global’s frequent news stories and live broadcast appeals help us reach out to British Columbians and inform them of both the need for a new hospital and the impact that donations have on the children of this province. In the past year, the Jim Pattison Broadcast Group has also helped

Message from the Campaign Chair 8

draw attention to the campaign, airing the Foundation’s campaign advertisements on its 19 BC radio stations. In April the Broadcast Group announced that it would continue its support of the campaign for at least another year. Although the campaign is not complete and construction of the new hospital has not yet started, it has already yielded tangible benefits to BC’s children and youth and their families. Since the beginning of the campaign, Child Health BC, one of the campaign priorities, has supported the opening or expansion of five pediatric care facilities in Richmond, Nanaimo, Vernon, Prince Rupert and Prince George. Each of these helps relieve BC families of some of the burden of cost and travel otherwise associated with a visit to Vancouver. Child Health BC’s activities are entirely donor-funded, thanks -million pledge made by the Overwaitea Food Group in 2008. to a $


In the months ahead we expect to see significant progress in our fundraising and in-site preparation for the new hospital. I look forward to sharing news of this progress with you. Thank you for supporting the Campaign for BC Children.


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Meeting Luca Piccolo, one would never guess that this seemingly healthy nine-year-old battles a chronic, life-limiting illness every day. Luca has cystic fibrosis, a condition requiring regular checkups at BC Children’s Hospital, a strict regimen of care that includes hours of daily physiotherapy to clear his lungs and up to 30 pills a day to combat infection and assist with digestion.

Luca Piccolo Despite all this, Luca loves to play soccer and piano, and has shared his experience with his classmates and on a news story that aired in June on Global BC. Luca and his family are managing his CF well at home, but he is still susceptible to illness. The treatments he receives at BC Children’s help him with his ongoing fight to stay as healthy as possible.

Being the Difference 10

The Difference a Hospital Makes – The Campaign for BC Children


There are 132 beds staffed and in operation at the Hospital.

Over 960 children received life-saving care in the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit last year.

The goal of the $ -million Campaign for BC Children is to ensure children and youth in BC and the Yukon have access to outstanding specialized pediatric care in a new BC Children’s Hospital building that encourages excellence, and that every child has access to a consistent standard of care, no matter where in this vast province and territory they live. Money raised during the Campaign for BC Children is being used to support the construction of a new Children’s Hospital on the current site, the relocation of child development and rehabilitation services from Sunny Hill Health Centre for Children to the site, and Child Health BC, a network of health authorities and caregivers across BC.


Since 2008 over British Columbians from 227 communities have made donations to the Campaign for BC Children. Nineteen donors have made contributions ranging from $1million to $25 million and 244 have made gifts of $10,000 or more. The Foundation announced several major gifts to the campaign in the past year. These contributions to the new hospital include a $4-million gift from Dr. Djavad Mowafaghian; a $3-million gift from Capstone Mining Corp. for the new oncology outpatient clinic; a $5-million pledge from the Chinese-Canadian community for a new oncology inpatient unit; $1.5 million from Vancouver Canucks stars Daniel and Henrik Sedin and their wives Marinette and Johanna for the new Pediatric Intensive Care Unit and Diagnostics & Imaging area; and $1 million from long-time friend and supporter, Finning.

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These generous contributions, along with those from thousands of individual Superheroes, have pushed the campaign total to over $ million, more than halfway toward the campaign’s $ -million goal.



Children spent a total of 6,512 days in the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit in 2009.

Media Partners Global BC and the Jim Pattison Broadcast Group remain strong supporters of the Campaign for BC Children. They are contributing millions of dollars worth of air time annually and keeping the health-care needs of BC’s kids top of mind by giving the campaign exceptional provincial exposure. Campaign Donors to Date ($1 million or more) $20+ Million

Save-On-Foods, Overwaitea Foods, PriceSmart Foods, Cooper’s Foods, Urban Fare & Bulkley Valley Wholesale Teck Resources Limited & Employees $ 5 M i l l i o n – $ 1 9.9 Million

Chinese-Canadian Community Ledcor Group of Companies, Dave Lede Family Charitable Foundation Anonymous (1)

$3 Million – $4.9 Million

Capstone Mining Corp. Golden Girls Group Djavad Mowafaghian $1 Million – $2.9 Million

Estate of Karel and Edith Alston The Auxiliary to BC Children’s Hospital BMO Financial Group Colonel Harland Sanders Charities Finning Milan and Maureen Ilich Foundation Donald R. Lindsay RBC Daniel and Henrik Sedin and families Anonymous (2)

Campaign Priorities Building the New BC Children’s Hospital

Teck Resources Limited made a $25-million commitment in 2008 to name the new BC Children’s Hospital building. Other naming opportunities, including labs and hospital wings, are available starting at $3 million.

Planning for construction of the new Children’s Hospital is underway. Construction of the Hospital will take place in phases aimed at minimizing disruption to ongoing care and treatment. The first phase involves Being the Difference 12

moving staff and services from areas slated for demolition or renovation. The second phase involves the construction of the new hospital adjacent to the existing Ambulatory Care and Children’s Hospital buildings. Project completion is estimated for late 2015. Relocation of Child Development and Rehabilitation Services from Sunny Hill Health Centre for Children

Approximately 5,000 kids from across BC receive development and rehabilitation services at Sunny Hill Health Centre for Children each year. Many children seen at Sunny Hill require regular medical care at BC Children’s Hospital. Relocation of services will eliminate the commute that staff and families must make today between Sunny Hill’s East Vancouver location and BC Children’s Hospital. Children and youth will benefit from care provided by a range of specialists in one location. The move will also enhance collaboration between researchers and clinicians and help to streamline diagnoses and the provision of therapy to children.

Improved Access to Pediatric Care through Child Health BC

BC Children’s Hospital Foundation is raising $50 million for Child Health BC as part of the Campaign for BC Children. The Overwaitea Food Group became Child Health BC’s lead benefactor in 2008 with a gift of $20 million.

BC Children’s Hospital is responsible for providing care to close to one million children in BC – no matter where in the province they live. In response to the growing needs of BC’s child population, BC Children’s Hospital developed Child Health BC to help improve access to pediatric care and ensure all children have access to a consistent standard of care. The goal is to enable children and families to receive the specialized care they need, closer to their homes.

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Fear was among the first emotions experienced by Jitesh and Cristine, parents of Hans Gabriel Rana when, immediately following his birth, they were told he needed emergency surgery. Hans has pulmonary stenosis – a congenital heart disease in which outflow of blood from the heart’s right ventricle is obstructed at the pulmonic valve, causing a reduction of blood flow to the lungs.

Hans Gabriel Rana At BC Children’s Hospital, doctors, nurses and ultrasound technicians sat down with the worried parents and drew diagrams to explain Hans’ problems. By the end of that meeting, Jitesh and Cristine had a new appreciation for the intricacies of the human heart and knew without a doubt that their baby boy was in the best of hands. Hans may need more surgeries as he grows, but for now Jitesh and Cristine are busy keeping up with their energetic toddler.

Being the Difference 14

Making a Difference for Families in BC Cardiac Sciences


– percentage of open-heart surgeries performed on children less than a year old in 2009 Over 400 children in BC had cardiac surgery at BC Children’s Hospital in 2009, including 169 infants, almost a quarter of whom were less than a month old. Over 42,000 kids visit the Emergency Department at BC Children’s every year – 80 to 140 children a day.

The Children’s Heart Centre at BC Children’s Hospital launched the Invasive Electrophysiology Program in 2009 with support from the Provincial Health Services Authority and the Foundation. Close to 40 patients received successful cardiac ablation procedures through the program in the past year, eliminating their long-term reliance on medication to regulate their heartbeat. Caregivers see the program expanding in the future with plans to hire a second physician. This will allow them to treat more BC children and reduce the need for families to leave the province for care.

Last year the Hospital upgraded two of the older echocardiography machines and can now generate three- and four-dimensional echocardiograms (ECHOs), making diagnoses of heart conditions in children even more accurate and surgeries safer than ever before. In the past 30 years, the number of ECHOs performed in utero has increased steadily. BC Children’s Hospital now performs approximately 800 fetal ECHOs annually. These procedures allow heart abnormalities to be identified early in pregnancy, and permit immediate planning to address an infant’s health needs after birth. Most of the 5,647 visits from children and infants were on an outpatient basis. Over 900 children were seen in their home communities through travelling clinics. Each year more than 100 children with pacemakers and implantable defibrillators receive care at the Children’s Heart Centre.

BC Children’s Hospital is a leader in noninvasive imaging of congenital heart disease, and echocardiography is the mainstay of assessing the heart’s structure and function.

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Centre for International Child Health

914 – number of procedures performed by the cardiac team at the Children’s Hospital of Fudan University, Shanghai, in 2009

Over 100 kids are newly diagnosed with cancer in BC every year.

Children spent a total of 62,377 days as inpatients at BC Children’s Hospital last year.

Since 2004, the Centre for International Child Health (CICH) has been making a difference for children around the world. With generous support received through BC Children’s Hospital Foundation, caregivers at BC Children’s collaborate with international partners to build capacity and knowledge in pediatric health care in China, Uganda and India. Canada-China Partnerships During the five-year partnership between CICH and Children’s Hospital of Fudan University (CHFU), the cardiac team at Fudan almost tripled its capacity to care for children with complex congenital heart disease. With project support the CHFU has created a training centre and provided training to caregivers at Tai-an Children’s Hospital in Shandong, Urumqi Children’s Hospital in Xinjiang and Yancheng Hospital in Jiangsu. These accomplishments are the result of visionary contributions from Madam Lucina Laam Ho and the Kadoorie Charitable Foundation.

Thanks to support from the ZeShan Foundation and an anonymous donor, 22 Chinese specialists trained for a year in infectious diseases or emergency medicine with Canadian

faculty at CHFU in Shanghai. They then received training in Canada. Six trainees in emergency medicine will finish their sixmonth training in Canada in September 2010. The Fu Tak Iam Foundation Ltd. and an anonymous donor are benefactors of the Advancing Disability and Epilepsy Care for Children in China Program, now in its second year of operation. This four-year project aims to help the Guangzhou Women and Children’s Medical Centre increase its capacity to diagnose and manage seizure disorders, neuromotor disabilities and developmental disorders in children. It is also intended to decentralize services by strengthening capacities in municipal or district hospitals. Last year, two specialists, a physiotherapist and a developmental pediatrician from Guangzhou trained for three months in BC. BC Children’s caregivers also made regular teaching trips to Guangzhou. Canada-Uganda Partnerships An anonymous donor is supporting two partnership projects with Makarere University and Mulago National Hospital in Uganda. The Building Capacity in Child Care in Uganda Project has greatly strengthened local capacity in child and maternal health training, helped restructure pediatric emergency services at Mulago Hospital and established a family-community medicine training program in all four medical schools in the region.

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The Brighter Smiles, Africa Project successfully completed studies in improving dental hygiene, created four health-promoting secondary schools and introduced a communityoriented curriculum in the dental school at Makarere University. The project showed that students can be engaged in working with their communities on health education programs and advocacy for improved health services. It also exposed dental and medical students from the University of British Columbia to the health challenges in less developed countries. Rehabilitative Training in Ladakh, India Since 2007, a team of medical professionals, including therapists and educators from Sunny Hill Health Centre for Children, has travelled to Ladakh in June and July to train local staff in meeting the needs of people with disabilities. Accomplishments to date include building awareness in remote villages of issues for people with disabilities, facilitating multiple health training workshops, and designing/fabricating mobility devices and a playground. Current work is focused on establishing a new pediatric unit at the local government hospital to assess and treat people with disabilities.

Excellence in Child Health – Equipment, Education, Recruitment


– percentage of reduction in injury rates in BC since the establishment of Safe Start Each year, BC Children’s Hospital Foundation provides approximately $13 million in funding to BC Children’s Hospital to support the most urgent health needs of BC’s one million children. These are priorities that have no other source of funding. In 2009-10, over $1.9 million was used to purchase clinical equipment in the acute pediatric inpatient and ambulatory programs including: Seven incubators for premature infants in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit. A heart-lung machine to support blood flow, breathing, heart and other organ function during pediatric open-heart surgery. The $222,370 machine is engineered to ensure children receive the safest care after surgery and in critical situations. Seven monitors designed to show a child’s vital signs and alert caregivers to any changes in a patient’s condition for quick and appropriate treatment.

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Excellence in Child Health – Equipment, Education, Recruitment continued

A $253,500 fibre-optic Video Bronchoscope System in the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit that is light and easy to manoeuvre for faster examination, which means less discomfort for patients and safer procedures. The i-STAT, a newly developed and enhanced hand-held point-of-care blood analyzer. About the size of a cellular phone, it analyzes blood chemistry in two minutes or less, requiring less blood than conventional tests – only two to four drops – greatly reducing the fear and discomfort children may associate with blood tests. The Radiology Department performs 54,000 radiological procedures a year. If a patient is too ill to come to the department or is having a surgical procedure performed, a portable X-ray machine can be taken to the patient’s bedside or operating room table.

The Telethon Awards Competition funded seven awards totalling $178,655 for innovative clinical child-health projects. The competition has provided over $1million in five years to junior researchers yet unable to attain support from larger funding organizations and to clinical staff conducting projects that lead to improvements in child health care. Mental Health

13,005 – number of patient visits to the Mental Health Outpatient Program in 2009

In addition, $720,000 went to support fellowships, the subspecialty training and recruitment of pediatric doctors that enables the highest quality of care for BC’s kids. Seven physicians in Anesthesia, Radiology, Psychiatry, Neurosurgery, Medical Genetics, Orthopedics, and Infectious & Immunological Disease were funded as well as eight fellowships in Endocrinology, Emergency, Developmental Pediatrics, Gastroenterology and Neurology.

Approximately 3,500 British Columbian children and teens made more than 13,000 visits to the Mental Health Outpatient Program at Children’s Hospital last year. Mental Health & Addictions programs and clinics at BC Children’s provide assessment and care for children and adolescents with mental-health and substance-use conditions. Programs are designed to meet the needs of children and their families.

A total of $375,000 was provided to stimulate the development of new programs and enhance the quality of services provided to children in BC. One example is Safe Start, a nationwide leader in injury prevention, allotted $125,000 for the implementation of provincial programs and infrastructure, including the funding of child car seats given to families in need.

With an estimated 140,000 children and adolescents in our province suffering from brain and behaviour problems ranging from anxiety and attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder to depression and schizophrenia, advocates and caregivers at the Hospital continue to promote the view that mentalhealth and substance-use disorders must be perceived in the same way as other medical conditions.

Being the Difference 18

Babies with Down syndrome have an extra chromosome, which is the reason why Maxxwell Soehn’s parents, Tom and Cheryl, decided to use two “x”s in their son’s name.

Maxxwell Soehn Behind his endearing smile, the 18-monthold has endured three surgeries at BC Children’s Hospital to repair holes in his heart, all of which took place within his first four months of life. The family visits the Hospital for checkups every six months, and Tom and Cheryl are hopeful that Maxx won’t require additional surgeries.

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Mental Health continued

Safe Start is Canada’s only hospital-based safety centre and baby-proofing shop.

The Family Resource Library, located at BC Children’s, is a consumer health library that helps families and those working with them understand and manage the needs of children throughout their diagnoses, tests and treatments.

The Provincial Child & Youth Healthy Living Initiative is a comprehensive program launched by BC Mental Health & Addiction Services that promotes physical fitness, good nutrition and healthy lifestyle among children and youth, and their families, receiving treatment for mental health and substance use. Close to 20,000 children and youth, as in- or outpatients, will benefit from this program. Funded by RBC in 2009, the initiative features a state-of-the-art metabolic clinic at BC Children’s Hospital, a provincewide outreach program with resources and an interactive online community for kids and their families. BC Children’s also has 30 inpatient beds for children and youth requiring care for serious mental-health conditions such as eating disorders, and psychiatric emergencies. Child Health BC

67 – percentage of children who visit BC Children’s Hospital from outside the City of Vancouver The mission of Child Health BC, an initiative of BC Children’s Hospital, is to build an integrated and accessible system of care by bringing together partners from the health authorities, various ministries and community health practitioners to improve children’s and families’ access to high-quality health services across the province.

Each year over 52,000 patients travel to BC Children’s Hospital for medical care from communities across British Columbia. These trips often pose enormous financial and emotional burdens on children and families. Since 2007, Child Health BC has supported the construction and development of specialized pediatric clinics and programs in BC communities, including Nanaimo, Richmond, Prince Rupert, Prince George and the Okanagan, so children and families can access the care they need closer to home. In December 2009, an expanded clinic – made possible by a $854,650 contribution from Child Health BC – opened at Prince George Regional Hospital, now the University Hospital of Northern British Columbia, Prince George. The clinic offers specialized services in rheumatology (arthritis), nephrology (kidney), respirology (asthma and cystic fibrosis), endocrinology and diabetes. The funding helped to expand and equip the existing pediatric ambulatory space at the University Hospital and will cover operating expenses for the first two years. Ongoing operating funding will be provided by the province, through Northern Health, starting in 2011. By providing examination space close to the pediatric ward, pediatricians at the University Hospital can now see outpatients without compromising their availability to patients on the pediatric floor and in the delivery room for emergencies. This facilitates a better coordination of care for children who

Being the Difference 20

must also see other child-health specialists in areas such as nutrition and physiotherapy, and reduces waiting time. The clinic is also set up for future expansion. Each year Child Health BC presents a series of knowledge translation and consultation workshops. From October 2009 to January 2010, Child Health BC held workshops on pediatric chronic pain, attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder, the Provincial Newborn Screening Program for Cystic Fibrosis and the care of newborn infants with cystic fibrosis. These workshops provided opportunities for collaborating on best practices, identifying gaps in care, translating policy into practice, and developing interprofessional regional subspecialty teams to build regional capacity throughout BC. Participants representing multidisciplinary teams from the health authorities attended these workshops. Child Health BC’s activities are donor-funded, primarily by a $20-million pledge of support from lead benefactor, the Overwaitea Food Group, through BC Children’s Hospital Foundation.

Sunny Hill Health Centre for Children


Over – number of children who visit Sunny Hill Health Centre for Children each year Last year, Sunny Hill Health Centre for Children received $1.14 million in funding for equipment, research, education and programs for children and youth with conditions that affect their growth and development. Each year more than 5,000 children visit Sunny Hill for conditions that affect their ability to talk, walk, move, sense and interact with others. These kids may experience physical or motor development challenges including cerebral palsy and brain injuries. They may be non-verbal, or have complex developmental behavioural issues and their families may come to the centre with a query of autism or fetal alcohol spectrum disorder. Caregivers at Sunny Hill aim to help these children reach their full potential, regardless of their level of ability. In 2009-10, the Child Development & Rehabilitation Evidence Centre at Sunny Hill focused on increasing evidence use by clinicians and health-professional students at Sunny Hill and in BC’s child development centres. Sunny Hill’s activities, from multicentre research projects and the sharing of findings at Canadian and international

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Shannon Bromley has a rare genetic neurological disorder called Angelman syndrome. As a result, she can’t walk or talk, and has underdeveloped motor skills that can make even the act of looking straight ahead a challenge.

Shannon Bromley At a photo shoot for this publication, Shannon was up for that challenge, smiling at the camera and exercising her unique gift for interacting and connecting with others. Shannon’s medical and therapy needs are managed by over 30 specialists at BC Children’s Hospital and Sunny Hill Health Centre for Children. The 17-yearold attends school and loves to hang out with her friends and ride her bike.

Being the Difference 22

Sunny Hill Health Centre for Children continued

conferences, to the provision of online resources for community professionals, are aimed at supporting families and providing child development and rehabilitation workers with the latest knowledge and resources. Equipment purchases totalling $142,000 focused on improving the quality of the highly specialized care required by children accessing Sunny Hill’s services. These included an innovative bath lift and an ultra-light wheelchair used to assess a child’s ability to use a wheelchair. Sunny Hill Health Centre for Children offers specialized services to children with development and rehabilitation needs and their families from communities throughout BC.

Funding of $165,000 went toward fellowship training in developmental pediatrics. At the completion of their two years of training, the two trainees funded will be fully qualified developmental pediatricians meeting the training requirements of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons. “I Can Talk, Too” – the only program of its kind in BC – provided more than 87 pieces of assistive-technology equipment to help kids across the province communicate with family and friends. Talking computers, writing aids, computer accessories and specialized software are all available on loan to kids with communication challenges.

Childhood Cancer Programs & Research

22 – number of bone marrow transplants performed at BC Children’s Hospital in 2009 Caring for children with cancer requires a dedicated multidisciplinary team. BC Children’s Hospital is the only facility in BC with the range of expertise required to ensure accurate diagnosis and safe, effective treatment for children with cancer. In 2009, 108 BC kids were newly diagnosed with cancer, and the Hospital’s Oncology/ Hematology/Bone Marrow Transplant clinics received 8,379 visits from children. Last year, 761 children received active cancer treatment at BC Children’s. Clinical and laboratory research at BC Children’s and the Child & Family Research Institute (CFRI), located on the Hospital site, are contributing to the gradual improvement in the childhood cancer survival rate, which stands today at about 80 per cent. The clinical research team, led by Dr. Mason Bond, is a leading group within the Children’s Oncology Group (COG) – an international research collaboration dedicated to curing or preventing childhood cancer. Dr. Kirk Schultz is a pediatric oncologist at BC Children’s Hospital and is head of the Childhood Cancer & Blood Research Program at CFRI.

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Childhood Cancer Programs & Research continued

BC Children’s Hospital, under the leadership of Dr. Schultz, joined an experimental phase-one clinical trial group called Therapeutic Advances in Childhood Leukemia and Lymphoma (TACL). The TACL consortium was established to provide a means for carrying out early studies of new drugs in children with recurrent leukemia or lymphoma. One of the new TACL trials will explore a new immune therapy for childhood leukemia and will be focused on translational research performed at BC Children’s Hospital and CFRI. Professional social workers in the Social Work Department provide assessments; individual, family and group counselling; financial/practical assistance; facilitate parent groups and link families with community resources.

Results of a phase-two clinical trial show that adding continuous daily doses of a targeted drug called imatinib mesylate to regular chemotherapy more than doubled three-year survival rates – to 87 per cent – for children with a type of blood cancer called Philadelphia chromosome-positive acute lymphoblastic leukemia. The COG performed the study at 20 North American centres. CFRI received a $1-million grant from the

Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) to study biomarkers in graft-versushost disease (GVHD). GVHD, in which the body’s immune system attacks the donated cells, is a common complication that can occur after a bone marrow transplant. Approximately 50 per cent of people who receive a blood and bone marrow transplant from a non-genetically identical donor

develop GVHD. This grant will enable researchers to identify and validate GVHD biomarkers – molecules or substances that, when measured, indicate the risk or progression of the disease – and contribute to the development of more effective treatment and new therapies. Dr. James Lim joined the Childhood Cancer & Blood Research Program in June 2009. His research is focused on understanding the differences between healthy and diseased cells in order to explore new strategies for treating blood diseases. Dr. Christopher Maxwell, who was recruited to CFRI in November 2009, is investigating cell division with the goal of finding new, more effective therapies and improving survival in childhood and adult cancers. CIHR awarded Dr. Catherine Pallen a five-year operating grant for her work with the neurobiology of protein tyrosine phosphatase alpha, a molecule that regulates molecular communication in cells. Malfunctioning molecular communication is well established as the basis of several human diseases, including cancer.

Being the Difference 24

Child & Family Research Institute


One in – children and adolescents who are affected by diabetes in BC Research opens the door to new, undiscovered and better forms of medicine. In 2009-10, BC Children’s Hospital Foundation committed $9,348,000 in operational support to the Child & Family Research Institute (CFRI), making it possible to expand upon and recruit great minds to lead the programs and labs in which new treatments and cures for childhood illnesses are found. A new level 3 bio-containment lab, built in 2009, will allow researchers at CFRI’s Centre for Understanding and Preventing Infection in Children to study contagious and life-threatening illnesses such as tuberculosis and the Avian flu in a secure environment. In work published last year in the journal Nature Genetics, researchers identified variations in two genes that predict which children will likely suffer hearing loss as an adverse effect of a lifesaving anti-cancer drug, cisplatin. Principal investigators Dr. Michael Hayden of CFRI’s Centre for Molecular Medicine and Therapeutics and Dr. Bruce Carleton aim to develop a saliva test for use in the clinic to indicate which kids are at increased risk of deafness, allowing individual treatments to be geared toward preventing such disability.

Dr. Daniel Goldowitz will lead NeuroDevNet, a national research network for understanding brain development in children. Awarded $19.5 million over five years from the Networks of Centres of Excellence of Canada, NeuroDevNet focuses on genetic and environmental causes of cerebral palsy, autism and fetal alcohol spectrum disorders. CFRI was awarded a total of $9.8 million from the Canada Foundation for Innovation and BC Knowledge Development Fund to build a Child & Family Research Imaging Facility equipped with a 3-Tesla magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scanner and stateof-the-art lab. With Dr. Steven Miller as the facility’s principal investigator, the new MRI will help to uncover the mysteries of the childhood brain and other areas of child health.

The Diabetes Research Program acquired a powerful microscope and digital imaging system that reveals the real-time response of living cells to new drugs. The Deltavision Live Cell Imaging System shows researchers how cells respond to different therapies, increasing the potential for faster, more accurate diagnoses and treatments. CFRI Scientist Dr. David Scheifele led rapid vaccine trials to determine the safety, effectiveness and dosing schedule for a pandemic vaccine in the national Influenza Research Network. The Network involves

BC Children’s Hospital Foundation 25

Child & Family Research Institute continued

10 Canadian centres for which CFRI Scientist Dr. Jean-Paul Collet led the data management component. Approximately $1.5 million of the Network’s funding will support the work led by CFRI researchers. Surgery

12,219 – number of surgical hours clocked by surgical teams at BC Children’s Hospital in 2009

The Nutrition Clinic provides nutrition assessment and counselling to children from across the province, either on site or via telehealth.

Surgeons at BC Children’s Hospital are committed to providing BC kids with the safest and most effective care. As such, they are constantly on the search for newer, better and less invasive types of therapies and treatments. In 2009, surgical teams at BC Children’s Hospital performed 8,187 inpatient and outpatient operations. Last year, the orthopedic team introduced a less invasive procedure to treat children with scoliosis – a condition that causes the spine to curve. Rather than a large, muscle-cutting incision to permit access to the spine, this pioneering technique involves only three small incisions in a patient’s back which allow “minimal access” placement of two rods alongside the vertebrae to straighten and stabilize the spine. Patients benefit from

dramatically reduced post-operative pain and recovery time – from staying for several weeks at the Hospital and one to two months at home to just five days at the Hospital. The procedure also eliminates the need for the child to wear a body brace after surgery, something that was required for weeks to months following the open procedure. In July 2009, a six-year-old patient became the first child in Canada and youngest person in the world to receive a diaphragmatic pacer implanted by BC Children’s Hospital general surgeons using a minimally invasive technique. The pacer gives children who rely on a ventilator to assist with their breathing the ability to breathe without mechanical support for up to 24 hours a day. The pacer consists of a small external battery pack and control unit that is connected to four electrodes implanted on the inner surface of a child’s diaphragm. The control unit sends an intermittent electric pulse to the electrodes, which stimulate the phrenic nerves and cause the diaphragm to contract and in turn, the child to inhale. The surgery was performed laparoscopically so only small incisions were made and the risk of infection and complications was dramatically reduced. The diaphragmatic pacer also improves a child’s ability to speak and helps to restore their sense of smell and taste. More importantly, children are freed from the burden of manoeuvring around with a bulky ventilator, giving them and their families more mobility and control of their environment.

Being the Difference 26

To her older brother’s chagrin, Sophie Gellert of Langley grew four centimetres in height in a single day. That’s because the 13-year-old underwent major surgery to straighten an almost 90-degree curve in her spine caused by scoliosis.

Sophie Gellert During her 10-hour surgery at BC Children’s Hospital, surgeons removed several discs from Sophie’s upper back, fused part of her spine and snapped a steel rod into place between rows of the 22 screws they fixed to her backbones. This is what holds her spine in its new position. Four days after the operation, Sophie was already on her feet and able to walk slowly with a bit of assistance. She returned to school a month later. Today, Sophie is happy to be standing tall and free of pain.

BC Children’s Hospital Foundation 27

Sevina Samra has reasons to say her 11-year-old son Suneil is mature for his age. When Suneil was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes – a condition that entails lifelong diet monitoring and having his finger pricked eight to 12 times a day to check blood sugar levels – the then-six-year-old only had “one big cry” and hasn’t let diabetes stop him since.

Suneil Samra Suneil visits the Endocrinology Clinic at BC Children’s Hospital every six months to check his blood sugar and weight and to have his diet reviewed. He loves swimming, playing soccer and has the leading child actor role in a movie that will be released in fall 2010.

Being the Difference 28

Report from the Finance Committee The impact of the global recession is reflected in the Foundation’s consolidated revenues of $56.4 million for the 2009-10 year. While, as anticipated, revenues fell short of the $68.7 million reported in the prior year, they exceeded our expectations.

The Partners in Care Family Advisory group provides resources and guidance to strengthen collaboration of professionals and families who use BC Children’s Hospital. At the heart of family-centred care is the belief that health-care providers and the family are partners, working together to best meet the needs of the child.

The decline in consolidated revenue was due in part to reduced investment and endowment income as rates of return remain low in the post-recession environment. In addition, major gift income was lower than in the year prior because, as the recession took hold, the Foundation determined that while it would continue a dialogue with prospects, it was not appropriate to ask for major gifts in such a time of uncertainty. Miracle Weekend revenue for the 2009-10 year also declined to $15.3 million from $15.6 million in the year prior. Although consolidated revenue declined in most areas year over year, the Foundation did not record pledge loss, indicating existing donors remained committed to honouring pledges made prior to the recession. The Foundation reduced expenses by six per cent, and saw revenue from its lottery increase by four per cent, but these changes were not enough to offset the drop in major gift revenue. In December of 2009, the Foundation passed the halfway mark in the $200-million Campaign for BC Children, with announced campaign revenues of $107 million. Major gift activity related to the campaign has resumed and several major gifts were recorded in the latter part of 2009 and early 2010. In 2009-10, Child Health BC, a campaign priority funded by the Overwaitea Food Group, announced the opening of an expanded specialized pediatric clinic in Prince George, building on Child Health BC’s support of facilities in Richmond, Vernon, Prince Rupert and Nanaimo. The Campaign for BC Children, which will support the construction of a new BC Children’s Hospital and Child Health BC, remains a priority for the Foundation. In addition, the Foundation remains committed to meeting the most urgent needs of BC Children’s Hospital, Sunny Hill Health Centre for Children and the Child & Family Research Institute. If you would like more information about the Foundation’s fiscal activity or to receive our audited financial statements, please contact the Foundation at 604.875.2444 or visit us at www.bcchf.ca.

Geoff Parkin

Knut Nordlie, CFRE



BC Children’s Hospital Foundation 29

Source of Donated Funds 9 % Di r e c t Re s p o nse Marketing

1% United Way & Grants

Every year, generous individuals respond to mailed correspondence, television promotions, telephone requests, and door-to-door solicitation conducted by representatives of BC Children’s Hospital Foundation. Many of these donors belong to the Sunshine Club – a monthly donation program that provides a stable and cost-efficient source of funding for the Foundation.

Each year, many individuals contribute to the United Way and designate Children’s and Sunny Hill as the funding recipients. In addition, granting agencies may designate funds to a specific program through the Foundation.

8 % Sp e c i a l E v e nt s

The Foundation organizes a number of special events each year, including Crystal Ball, For Children We Care, Festival of Trees, golf tournaments as well as independent community events put on by individuals and groups across BC. 1 4 % E s t a t e & Tr i b ute Gifts

BC Children’s Hospital Foundation accepts donations from individuals through their estates, gifts in their will, life insurance or charitable trust. Tribute gifts are an expression of friendship, love or sympathy and provide a channel for donors to create a lasting remembrance of someone. Gifts may be designated to a particular area of interest. Undesignated gifts are used to meet the Hospital’s most urgent needs.

9% 8% 14% 1% 32% 36%

Direct Response Marketing Special Events Estate & Tribute Gifts United Way & Grants Individual, Corporate & Community Gifts BC Children’s Hospital Miracle Weekend

32% Individual, Corporate & Community Gifts

Donations from individuals, corporations and community groups make up a large percentage of funds received by the Foundation. Donors can choose to support a specific area of need at Children’s Hospital, Sunny Hill or the Child & Family Research Institute, or allow the Foundation to designate funds where they are needed most. 36% BC Children’s Hospital Miracle Weekend

The annual Miracle Weekend is one of BC Children’s Hospital Foundation’s most visible community fundraising campaigns. This two-day broadcast is the culmination of a year of fundraising activities by employee groups, service organizations, schools and community groups, and members of the public. The Miracle Weekend includes A World of Smiles South Asian Telethon on Shaw Multicultural Channel, Chinese-Canadian Miracle Weekend on Fairchild TV and radiothons on CHMB AM1320 and Fairchild Radio AM1470, and BC Children’s Hospital Miracle Weekend on Global BC.

Being the Difference 30

Use of Donated Funds 2 7 % Re s e a r c h i nt o Childhood Diseases

Childhood cancer and blood research Diabetes, nutrition and metabolism Developmental neurosciences and child health Genetics and health Immunity in health and disease Innovations in acute care and technology Reproduction and healthy pregnancy Cardiovascular sciences Mental health Research Institute infrastructure and equipment Research investigator recruitment 3% Sunny Hill Health Centre for Children

Equipment and capital needs Leadership and program development “I Can Talk, Too” Program Child Development & Rehabilitation Evidence Centre Fellowships and education Clinical improvements

27% 3% 6% 6% 58%

6% Health Promotion & Education

Child Health Advocacy Program Pediatrician and specialist training Leadership recruitment Safe Start – injury prevention program Other special projects including music therapy 6% Specialized Equipment

Clinical equipment in acute inpatient and ambulatory programs Pediatric surgical equipment Anesthesia monitors Incubators 58% Specific Endowments & Designations

Genetic research endowments Pediatric oncology endowments Research Institute expansion Child Health BC A broad range of other areas of donor interest, including diabetes, nephrology, cardiac sciences and gastroenterology to name a few.

Research into Childhood Diseases Sunny Hill Health Centre for Children Health Promotion & Education Specialized Equipment Specific Endowments & Designations

BC Children’s Hospital Foundation 31

Jennifer Burgess knows if she had waited a few more weeks before bringing her daughter, Sierra, to the doctors she might have lost her. What were seemingly flu-like symptoms – fatigue, bruising, paleness, lethargy – turned out to be high-risk acute lymphoblastic leukemia.

Sierra Whyte Since her diagnosis in January 2010, Sierra has had over 30 blood and platelet transfusions, a lumbar puncture, bone marrow biopsies and rounds of intravenous chemotherapy at BC Children’s Hospital. Sierra spends alternating weeks at home and at the Hospital and is slated to undergo 22 more months of treatment. The prognosis for the two-year-old is positive and Jennifer is grateful to Children’s teams of specialists for saving her daughter’s life.

Being the Difference 32

Our Donors are the Difference Corporate, Community Groups & Foundations

BC Children’s Hospital depends on corporations, their employees, foundations and community groups for their dedication and generosity. We thank our Legends, Champions and Heroes who contributed $25,000 or more between January 1 and December 31, 2009 for helping to make miracles happen. Corporate and Community Legends – $1 million or more

The Auxiliary to BC Children’s Hospital ß BMO Financial Group ß Costco Wholesale, Employees and Members Finning ß Golden Girls Group ß Ledcor Group of Companies, Dave Lede Family Charitable Foundation ß Michael Cuccione Foundation RBC ß Save-On-Foods, Overwaitea Foods, PriceSmart Foods, Cooper’s Foods, Urban Fare & Bulkley Valley Wholesale ß Teck Resources Limited & Employees ß Anonymous (1) Corporate and Community Champions – $100,000 to $999,999

Abbott Nutrition Balding for Dollars BC Hydro Power Pioneers BMO Employee Charitable Foundation Building For Kids Charity Golf Classic ß

Campaign supporter

Canamera Refrigerated Transport ß Canucks for Kids Fund CH.I.L.D. Foundation Chemainus Health Care Auxiliary ß Chip’s Not Dead Yet Memorial Mile CIBC and CIBC Employees Dairy Queen Canada Inc. DePuy Spine (Johnson & Johnson Medical Products) Goldcorp Inc. HSBC Bank Canada – Employees Ladysmith Health Care Auxiliary ß Pfizer Canada Inc. RBC – Employees and Clients RE/MAX of Western Canada (1998) Inc. Scotiabank Employees Shaw Cablesystems G.P. Summits of Hope ß TD Bank Financial Group Teck Coal Limited TELUS and TELUS Team Members/Alumni ß Tim Hortons Donors designating through the United Way of the Lower Mainland University of British Columbia Vancouver Foundation

Walmart Canada & Employees West Coast Fishing Club’s Fishing for Kids Tournament ß Windsor Plywood Foundation ß Anonymous (2) Corporate and Community Heroes – $25,000 to $99,999

99.3 The FOX ABA Canadian BMX Association Ainsworth Lumber Co. Ltd. Allergan Inc. Apotex Foundation Army, Navy & Airforce Veterans in Canada Astra Pharma Inc. B.C. Road Builders and Heavy Construction Association ß BC Hydro Employees Community Services Fund The Belmont Foundation Blockbuster Canada Co. Borden Ladner Gervais LLP Brent Gilchrist Invitational Golf Tournament The Bublé Family’s Superhero Suite Canadian Cystic Fibrosis Foundation Carwood Holdings Ltd. Coast Capital Savings Credit Union Coast Mountain Bus Company Ltd. – Employees

Coast to Coast Against Cancer Foundation Commonwealth Insurance Company Concord Pacific Group Inc. Cowichan Charity Classic Dr. Knox Middle School Fraternal Order of Eagles – Aeries and Auxiliaries of BC Hannah’s Heroes Foundation Haywood Securities Inc. ß Highland Valley Copper and Employees HSBC Bank Canada Huckleberry Mines Ltd. and Employees Imperial Oil Ltd. Insurance Corporation of British Columbia JET Equipment & Tools (Canada) Foundation ß Jordan Owens Memorial Hockey Tournament Julian Ceramic Tile Inc. Kids’ Health Links Foundation Langley Minor Hockey Association The Lawson Foundation London Drugs Limited Lotte & John Hecht Memorial Foundation Marriott Hotels of Canada New Gold Inc.

BC Children’s Hospital Foundation 33

Corporate, Community Groups & Foundations continued

Northgate Minerals Corporations – Kemess Mines Ltd. PartyLite Gifts Ltd. Prospera Credit Union and Insurance Agency Provincial Employees Community Services Fund RBC Foundation

RE/MAX Camosun RE/MAX Crest Realty (Westside) RE/MAX First Realty RE/MAX Kelowna RE/MAX Nanaimo Rogers Communications Scotiabank

Sears Canada Employee Charitable Fund Silver Wheaton TB Vets Charitable Foundation TELUS Mobility Thrifty Foods Toys “R” Us

UBC REC’s Lace Up for Kids ß Wigs for Kids

Children’s Circle of Care

The Children’s Circle of Care honours individuals, family foundations and privately held corporations who contribute gifts of $10,000 or more. It is our honour to recognize these dedicated donors for their support of child health between January 1 and December 31, 2009. The Royal Circle recognizes donors whose cumulative contributions to BC Children’s Hospital have reached or exceeded $1 million since the inception of the Children’s Circle of Care program in 1995. The Royal Circle

Jack and Doris Brown Foundation ß Patrick and Beryl Campbell Charitable Trust Canadian Chinese Help Care Society Caleb and Nancy* Chan Tom and Bonita Chan Wen and Sylvia Chen ß Dan and Jill Devlin Mike and Lisa Hudson and Family ß Milan and Maureen Ilich Foundation ß Asa and Kashmir Johal and Family ß Dave Lede Family Charitable Foundation ß Donald R. Lindsay ß Djavad Mowafaghian ß

ß Campaign supporter © Hospital Family members listed in this section include current and past employees

Don and Eleanor Rix* ß William L.* and Marjorie-Anne Sauder Allan and Elsa Yap Anonymous (1) 2009 Members

Abercrombie Foundation ß Daniel and Kathleen Allard Andison Family Foundation, Inc. Robert Armstrong and Nicole Fraser-Armstrong ©ß Gurpreet Arneja and Vineet Taneja Jugpal S. Arneja © David and Christina Auyoung Jeffrey Banks and Jeremy Banks Robert J. Banks* Doug L. Barclay Arthur and Elle Bargen Richard and Dorothy Beauchamp © Ryan and Cindy Beedie ß Stephen and Kathy Bellringer

Geoffrey and Catherine Blair ©ß Cornelius Boerkoel and Francine Boerkoel-Weststrate © Roberto Bosa Lois Braunheim Rudy and Gisele Breier Sean Bristol and Lisa Cheung © Stephen Brosseau ß Gail Brown and Brian Williston Suzanne Burgess and Graham Robins Jr. David Cabral and Lori Tucker © Jay Campbell Stephanie A. Carlson Sue Carruthers ©ß Barry and Laurie Cavanaugh Chan Sisters Foundation Harry Kin Chung Chan and Virginia Wai Chun (Wong) Chan and Family Richard C. Chan Tin Lum and Suet Yee Chan David and Sophia Chang ß Jean-Pierre Chanoine and Ariane Alimenti ©

Mickey Cheang Chuen-Chung and On Chau Chow Hon Yee Chow ß Mary and Gordon Christopher Foundation John Clarke The Clayton Family Doug and Barbara Cochrane © JP Collet and Jun Chen © Mary B. Connolly and Louis D. Wadsworth © Mark A. Corra and Cindy Krins W.E. and Y.V. Couling ß Douglas J. Courtemanche © Maureen Crockett Rob and Jackie Cummins Graeme and Cheryl Currie ß Darren and Rochelle Dahlman ß Deepak Binning Foundation Kerry and Ginny Dennehy Charles and Isabelle Diamond ß Craig and Carrie Diamond Sherry Doman Echo Bay Foundation ß Donors are the Difference 34

Children’s Circle of Care continued

David and Wendie Elliott Jim and Jean Engleson ß Allan and Tick Oai Entote ß Nancy Y. Fei Kimberley C. Fenlon ©ß Lena Fish Joe and Diane Formosa ß Fu Tak Iam Foundation Ltd. Danny and Shirley Gaw ß Clay and Joanne Gillespie B. Ming Gin Gooding Family Douglas C. Gordon Margaret Graff* ß Russ and Karen Grant Great Century Foundation Vic W. Griffin Del and Miranda Halladay Peter and Donna Harco David and Margaret* Hardwick © Shelagh and John Hare and Family Michael and Sandra Hayden © Rowan Hazelton and Natalie Forchuk Mark K. Hill © Lawrence and Sharen Ho Liisa Holsti © V.K. Eddie Hsu Foundation ß Noah Hughes Denise Hui and Aaron Hui © Hilary and Patsy Hui ß Terry Hui Lorne Hulley and Cindy Kistner ß Ed, Sandy, Danielle and Cody Hume

James E. Jan and Dee Jan © Lucky and Kiran Janda Chuck and Elizabeth Jeannes Douglas Johnston © Randle and Frances Jones ß Scott Jones ß Colin Joudrie and Dawn Russell Anne Junker ©ß Kadoorie Charitable Foundation Frank and Freda Kaplan Norman B. Keevil Keller Family Jake and Judy Kerr Doug Kibblewhite and Carolyne Montgomery © Bruce and Denise Knight ß Jason and Emily Ko ß Hans and Linda Kohler Koo Family ß Frederick K. Kozak and Lorna E. Hruby © The Kronier Family ß John and Adrienne Kutzschan Michael and Annie Lam ß Charles and Frances Larson ©ß Connie Lau ß Robert H. and Lily Lee Ken and Snow Liang ß Kenneth and Michelle Lim © Emily Ling © Bruno Locher Barry and Benita Loughlin Harald and Sharlene Ludwig ß Scott MacDonald Nancy MacKay Margaret L. Mackenzie ß Graham and Sylvie MacLachlan Stuart MacLeod and Nancy McCullough ©ß

The Mainland-Gratton Family ß Stephan Malherbe © David J. Martin and Lucinda Jones ß Jens Mayer Frank & Yvonne McCracken Foundation ß Deborah McFadden and Ken Berean © Arlene G. McGinnis ß The McKay Family Richard and Lynn McKerracher Bruce and Julia McLeod ß Gary and Anne McPhail ß John D. and Joyce Mitchell Carey and Tina Mobius Rolly Montgomery Kishore Mulpuri and Hima Bindu Yarlagadda © Alexander and Gene Nam Ron Neal Joachim and Susan Neumann ß Shue-Chiu Ng and Family ß John and Diane Norton Glenn and Wynne Olnick Avtar and Geven Opal ß Peter O’Sullivan Millan and Dawn Patel © Lynda Perry* and Robert Edwards Blair and Mairi Claire Pigeon Shafique and Sally Pirani © David and Janice Podmore Patrick and Connie Power Dana Prince and Elana Sigal – Zach Prince Foundation Bob Purdy © Quail Rock Foundation Mike and Barb Ranallo ß

Chris and Leslie Reilly © Eleanor Reimer © Robinson Family Patrick Robinson and Leigh Sauder Stewart and Darlene Robinson Bruce Rockowitz Kevin Ronning Jim and Noreen Rustad ß Ross and Shauna Rustad The Sanatani-Stevens Family © William and Alana Sauder Todd Scharf ß Louis and Jacqueline Scheepers © Kirk and Julia Schultz © Michael and Diane Seear © Joseph and Rosalie Segal Tom and Catherine Seltzer ß Dave and Janneen Sharples ß Vivian Shaw ß David and Eha Shepherd Barinder and Baldev Shokar ß Jason and Audra Shull Patrick Simmons ß Surinder Singh ß Erik and Heather Skarsgard © Reg Skelton Allan and Clarice Skidmore – Jessoma Foundation Dan Small Garry Smith Sandy So and Ron Benoit ß Jason and Monica Soprovich William J. Stafford Paul and Edie Steinbok © Ron and Sharon Stevenson

BC Children’s Hospital Foundation 35

Children’s Circle of Care continued

Sylvia Stockler-Ipsiroglu © David and Ginny Strang The Sutherland Foundation Inc. Grant and Dee Sutherland Debora Sweeney and Stephen Crombie ©ß Daryl Swetlishoff and Catherine Lanyon Nash Syed Thomas and Ida Tait The Tan Family © Ian Telfer and Family Vijay and Shamini Tharmarajah

David and Gail Thompson Norman and Randi Thompson Paul and Candice Tsang ©ß Nancy Van Laeken © Cynthia and Bruce Verchere © Brooke N. Wade Charitable Foundation Jun Wang and Matthew Zhang Mars Wang and Diane Gao Eric Webber and Farah Valimohamed © Margaret Weiss © Alphonse Welchering

David and Janis Wensley and Family © Mark Wenzel Brian Westerberg and Danuta Skowronski © Simon Whyte © Chip and Shannon Wilson Margaret Wilson ß Kristofer Michael Wintemute* The Wolrige Foundation Allen and Karen Wong Daphne Wu ß Soon Sit and Atchara Yeap

Dan and Carole Young ß Peter and Diane Zell ß ZeShan Foundation The Zulinick Family ß Anonymous (36) * Deceased

Children’s Circle of Courage

The smaller the patient, the greater the need for specialized medical care and support. We thank these donors for their support of $1,000 to $9,999 between January 1 and December 31, 2009 and welcome them to the Circle of Courage. 451270 BC Ltd. Helena Abou-Khater ß Philip Abrary Ace Architectural Millwork Byron Aceman Rodney and Edith Adam Charles J. Addison and Anna Stavrakov Stephen and Denise Affleck William Stephen Affleck* Michael and Jane Agg Ronald and Jackie Ainey Susan Ainsworth Ajanda Endeavours Ltd. James S. Alden All Tech Transport Ltd. Michael J. and Gloria Allan ß Campaign supporter © Hospital Family members listed in

Nazmudin and Tazmin Allidina Henri and Karen Alvarez Amco Electrical Ltd. ß Paul Amsler Katrina Amurao Anbrook Industries Ltd. Anderson Daymon Worldwide Inc. Keith and Lynn Andersen E. Edvard and Mary-Louise Anderson ß Rogan Anderson Yolande Anderson Dale Andres Ansatel Communications Inc. Applegath Group – RE/MAX Real Estate (Kamloops) Aquaventures Swim Centre Francesco and Tali’ah Aquilini

Peter Archibald Aremac Holdings Ltd. Jason and Andrea Armstrong Rick and Sharon Arnish ß Tracey Arnish ß Arrow Hedge Partners Julie Aselstine Brian Atherton Amy Hiep Thi H. Au J. Brian Aune Max Austin (Bonita) Auto West BMW ß Yik Fung and Kam Duen Au-Yeung ß Gary and Diane Averbach ß Robert Avery AWM-Alliance Real Estate Group Ltd. Todd Babic

Baby On Board ß Bruce H. Bailey Glenn Bailey Russ Bailie Paramvir Bains ß Ieva Baklane Arno and Nirmal Bangert ©ß Gail S. Barber ß Mary L. Barker Warren Barker Jim Barkman Jeannette Barna Gerry Barregar Lucielle Barrier Nathan and Kim Bartel Rajinder and Jaswinder Bathe Richard and Christine Elizabeth Bathurst Sushil Batra

this section include current and past employees

Donors are the Difference 36

Children’s Circle of Courage continued

Cesarino and Patricia Battistel Bayside Furniture Ltd. Malcolm and Marion Beaton John and Roberta Belancic Belmont Meat Products Ltd. Ariane Benjamin Kevin Bent and Connie Spear Marketta Benton Maggie Bernet Maureen E. Berry Brian and Bev Bertoia ß Brian Betts Doug and Jane Beulah Sushma and Lalit K. Bhagia R.S. and Rajbir Bhatty Laura W. Bicknell Bigridge Brewing Company ß Kim Bihari Garry Biles Jason Binab Rory Bjarnason The Blackham Family Robert Blair Peter Blake Joyce and Frank Blandford Kathleen Blaney Katherine E. Block Boart Longyear Canada Boboli Holdings Inc. Fritz and Laura Boehm Lenard F. Boggio Walter W. Boissevain ß William Boland Craig Bonbernard Tracey Boorman Pardeep Boparai

Margaret Borer Bosa Construction Inc. Allan Bott Joan Bourke Percy A. and Mae Boyd Sandy and Molly Boyd Maurice Brager Pamela Brammall Brandt Tractor Ltd. Makhan and Paramjit Brar Ante Bratanic Howard Breslaw Albert and Barbara A. Brett Douglas and Valerie Brett David and Linda Brewer ß Bried Family ß Gerard Briedis British Pacific Properties Limited Michael Broderick Peter and Teresa Broerken Brookside Foods Ltd. Gerry R. Brow Jim and Linda Brown Abe and Eileen Bruinsma Leo M. Bruneau Vaughan S. Bruneau Brunette Industries Ltd. Arthur Brunn Bob and Donna Bryant ß Saranne Brykajlo Moninder Bual Arvinder S. and Moninder Bubber Arthur and B. Lynn Bucholtz Buckley Bay Beachcomber Ltd. Suzanne Bugden Greg Bullock Jessie E. Bumstead

Edward and Ila Bunton Elizabeth Burley Geoff Burns Steve Busby Ian and Elizabeth Butterfield Norman Button Thea Butz Ehyan Caldwell Eleanor D. Caldwell John D. Cameron Derek and Amy Campbell Gordon and Jean D. Campbell Linda C. C. Campbell Nancy Card Norma Carey Tom and Dianne Carras Kelly Carrick Robert Casault Peter J. and Diane Casey Gilbert and Annette Catillo CDP Marketing Ltd. Celex Laboratories Inc. ß Centra Exteriors Ltd. Marcus Chalk Anne J. Chalmers Chambers Electric Angel Chan ß Benny and Virginia Chan Brian G. and Marie S.M. Chan Carlos K. and May Y. Chan Christina Chan King Foon F. Chan May Wan Chan Norah Chan Pui Ming Chan

Raymond K. Chan ß Sze-Fung Chan Ram Chander Michael and Eleuteria T. Chang ß Sherry C Y Chang Chapman Burner and Heating Service Ltd. Karl Chapman Sean Chapman Jeff and Bettina Charpentier Kei Cheuk Cheang Cheapskates Holdings Ltd. Peter Chee and Lai Ling Chew Bob Cheema Danny Y.L. and Jessie M.C. Chen Renee Chen Yi-Ting Chen Zhihua Chen Eddie C.Y. Cheng Fook Cheng ß Henry Cheng Yung Cheng Joe Cheung Kitty Cheung ©ß Lisa Cheung ß Loretta Cheung M. Cheung Man Chun Cheung ß Ricky Cheung Silas Man Kin Cheung Vicky Cheung

BC Children’s Hospital Foundation 37

Children’s Circle of Courage continued

Connie Chiang Edwin Chiu and Nancy Y.T. Fong Kyunghee Choi Anthony Chow Mien-Ju Chow Wing Nong and Yang Yiang Chow ß David J. Christian ß Alex N. Christopher Robert R. and Linda S. Chrystal Jessie Chu Karen Chu Jimmy and Nancy Chuck Alice Chui ß David and Alice Chung Norman and Mayme Chung James and Nancy Church Sue Churchill Civil Construction Co. Ltd. ß J. Arthur and Catherine Clark Murray Clark Tim Clark Judith Clarke Ken Clayton Valerie A. Clouston Cobalt Engineering Mary Coggin Marlene Cohen-Wexler Brian Colban Bruce Coleman Edward A. Colin Collins and Cullen Darell Collins Jon A. and Kay Collins Shannon Collins

ß Campaign supporter © Hospital Family members listed in this section include current and past employees

Lance and Diane Conway Brad Cooke J. R. (Randy) Cooke Edward Coombes Douglas Copland Coquitlam Orthodontics Gary A. and Marilyn A. Corbett Belinda Corra ß Amy Cosens Guiomar Costa Tim Cotey and Erin Vipond ß David Couling Byron Coulthard Herbert F.* and Ilene Coupe Ken Cowie Casey Crawford Kerry Cressey Jim W. Culic Clayton Cummins Tanya Cummins Cameron and Wendy Currie and Family Cusson Investments Ltd. Chris Cyca Frank Czank George Czank Dakralda Properties Ltd. Fred Daley Renato and Nilole Dalla Zanna ß Luigi Dall’O ß Paul Daniels ß Darcy and Fiona Daubaras I. Jean (Saiko) Davenport Jeff Davis Douglas E. and Margaret Daws John Dawydiuk

Gerry de Klerk and Irene Nelson Klaas and Ruth de Rooy ß Thomas and Lianne Dean Alceo and Gina DeAnna Leo and Ursula Degenhardt Elinore Delf Della Optique Optometry and Eyewear Arko Demianczuk and Doris Vretenar Ken Dempsey Richard Dempster Manjinder and Kanwal Deol Dependable Door Maintenance Ltd. ß John Derencinovic Kay DesLauriers William A. and Christine Dexter Gurpreet and Tarpinder Dhaliwal Jason Dhami Robin and Rena Dhir Nancy Di Castri John DiBernardo Phong Diep Gordon and Marion Dixon Ken Dixon Larry Dodd Allan J. Dodds Alanna Donahue and Chris Jordon ©ß Elizabeth Done ß Donna Curtis & Associates Matthew Donovan Aldo and Colleen Doratti Jim and Oriette Dorsey and Family Aziz and Pavin Dossa Annie Douglas Leo Douillard Patrick Downey

DP World (Canada) Inc. Dr. Andreas A. Conradi Inc. Dr. J. Smillie Inc. Cody Dreger Alfred T.* and Jenny Drouin Donald Drysdale DSM Excavating & Contracting Ltd. Bessie M. Duncan Barb Dunfield Yolaine Dupont Duso’s Enterprises Ltd. ß Duxiana Mary C. Dvorak John B. and Edith G. Dyck Erik and Louise Dysthe Nikola Dzeletovic Jesse East Howard W. Eckman Edalca Ventures Ltd. Brian Edgar Marion Edmondson ß Bryan Edwards Charles Edwards EEC Industries Ltd. EECOL Electric Aryeh Elbaz Alan Elliott David M.S. and D. Anne Elliott Larry and Jo Elliott Dan Yuen and Wai You Eng Robert and Marianne Eng Epic Metalworks Inc. Lois B. Ewart Dennis Fair Robert Fairbank Frederick Fairey Bruce Fan

Donors are the Difference 38

Children’s Circle of Courage continued

Kwo-Long Fan and Chang-Mei Pan Gong Yu Fang Todd Farina John C. Farmer Fasken Martineau Rory Fatt Pamela Fayerman and William Lachman Henry Federici Femo Construction Ltd. Cristina Fernances Ferrero Canada Ltd. Brenda Ferris Leonard and Pamela Fidgett Joan L. Finnegan Fino Lino Jeff Fitzpatrick James K.* and Barbara Fitzsimmons ©ß Keith Flannagan ß Raymond Fong and Angelique Leung Judy Foo Nancy P Forbes Robert and Edith Ford Stephen Forgacs and Pamela Lee © Doug Fossen Dave Fowler Richard Fowler and Margot Fleming Lillian A. Franz Fraserland Farms Esther S. Freeman Judith Freeman Henry Friesen Ken and Cynthia Friesen

Rick and Bev Friesen Ted and Alice Friesen Rudy Froese Fruiticana Produce Ltd. Jan A. Fuerst The Max Fugman Family Joseph Fujisawa G. Jack Harris Q.C. Law Corporation Andries and Marion Gaastra Divyesh Gadhia George F. and Annabelle Gaffney Gagan Foods International Ltd. ß Manjinder Garcha ß Garden City Greenhouses Ltd. J.A. Gardiner Megan Gates and Family Lloyd Geransky ß Balwinder Ghag Bobby and Neeta Ghirra Michael Ghirra George and Frankie Gibbins Troy Gibson Jaswant S. Gidda Henry and Marty Giesbrecht Gurinder Gill Clay Gillespie Karen Gilmore and Rob Van Nus Nancy-Lee Girling Bert Gisborne Anthony J. and Britt Giuffre Michael Giuffre Frank Giustra John Glasspool Glassworld Installations Inc. Roy and Niki Gloet Frances Glover Jameson Gochngbok

Brian Godfrey Murray and Ann Goldberg Orville Goldby Golden Valley Foods Ltd. ß Goldmine Insurance Services Ltd. Richard Goldney George Gomory William Goring Ajit Gosal Michael Graham Roy H. and Kathleen B. Graham Donald and Rochelle Grasslin Judy Gray Arielle and Isabella Green John Green Greenbrier Holdings Ltd. Greg’s RV Place Halwinder Grewal Parminder K. and Spinder S. Grewal Rob Grey James and Janet C.* Grier Jim Grieve Louise Anne Grimwood Robert and Lori Gritten Peter and Catherine Gudewill Samuel and Patricia Gudewill Gary and Linda Gumley Barry and Judy Gunn Chick and Mitch Gurvitz Betty Hackett ß Haebler Construction (2003) Inc. Phil Hahn Lindsay Hall Don Halliday Robert and Carole Halsey

Norman and Lynette Halvorson ß Brad Hamer-Jackson Rick Hamer-Jackson Pauline* and David Hamilton Dave Hammond Do-Ellen Hansen Poul and Judith Hansen ß Harry Hardie Hardy Sales Ltd. ß James B. Harkness Juris and Madeleine Harlamovs Morley Harman Harris & Company LLP Eric J. and Wendy Harris John and Marjorie Harris Gabryel Harrison David Hart and Jane Grafton Ted Hart John Hartman Harvest Marketing Company Ltd. Crane and Kimberley Harvey Arline Hatch Leo Hathaway Douglas V. and Doreen E. Haynes Gurdev and Sukhjeet Hayre ß Anne Heavenor Robert Heinrich Edwina and Paul Heller Ross and Elaine Henderson Melanie Hennessey Jacqueline Heppler Yvonne Hertach Colin and Lois Hicks Hidber Holdings Ltd.

BC Children’s Hospital Foundation 39

Children’s Circle of Courage continued

Highliner Construction Ltd. Jack G. Hill Walter and Nelly Hillier ß Gordon Hinkel Ai Tang Ho Kwing Yui and Fung Ching Chang Ho Leslie C.K. Ho Judy Hodson Bruce Hoeschen Brian and Cheri Holder Geoffrey Holder Mary Hole Robert W. Hole Margaret Holland Frederick J. and Goldie M. Holman David and Florence Hooper J. Wesley and Margaret Horne Doug and Vicki Horswill Lenard E.S. Horton Brian Hoshizaki ß Rimpy R. Hothi David and Patricia S. Howard John and Jeannette Howard Brian and Leanne Howes ß Gregory Hryhorchuk Mike C.J. Hsu and Maria T.K. Wong Nicole Hsu Gordon Hudson Mitchell Hudson ß Wai Haan Hui Peter Humeniuk Florence M. Hungerford Gordon Hunter Darrell Hurst

John and Marietta Hurst Daisy Hydes Jason Hymers William and Francine Iles ILWU #508 India Foods & Produce Ltd. ß Industrial Investments Ltd. Interline Motor Freight Frank and Patricia Intihar Jim and Linda Intihar Iota Construction William Ip Helen Irwin Hilary R. and Rita M. Isbister Island Girl Originals Khaled E. Issa William, Micheline, Marybelle, Chantal, and Krystal Issa ITT Flygt Canada Alvin Ivey Donald and Michelle Jacklin Victor Jando ß Jane Field Real Estate Consulting Services Inc. Elsie Jang ß Jacqueline K. Jansen Adelaide Jarvis Daniel and Wendy Jarvis Harinder Jawanda Jawl Properties Ltd. Rosella Jefferson ©ß Shiva Jelokhanian Herbert A. Jerry-Cooper Michael (Mukesh) Jogia David A. Johnson Robert Johnson Garth Johnstone Gary M. Jones

Marv Jones Ming H. Jong Tyler and Isabel Jordan Zephiria Joseph Steve Jungaro ß Ahmet Murat Kadioglu ß Bob Kalo Amur Kandola ß Steven R. Kasper Ivo Katnich Kea’s Meats Ltd. Fred Keller David Kelly William R. Kelly Alan Kemp Stephen J. Kemp Page Kendall Kirsten Kennedy Michael Kennedy Jason Kennett Carol Kerfoot Darcy and Heidi Kernaghan Deborha Kerr Zane and Jaye Kerzner Key Largo Jewellery Suraiya Khan and Rasheeda Syed Tarjinder Khanghura ß Parminder K. Khangura Hans Kieliger Charles Kim Henry Kyu Kim and Jung-Hee Kim Brunhilde King Henry and Marg King Pinney King

Peter Kirk Sheila M. Kirkwod Anna Kloess ß Stephen and Claire Kloppenburg Susan Knoerr Anna Knopf Ko Lu Lifestyle Inc. Helene Kohanyi Peter Koltai Hattaya Kongsilp Anthony, Debbie and Jacob Kooy Dave Koszegi David and Janet Kotula Joseph Kovacic Frank* and Kristi Kozel Gerry Kranrod Gerhard and Rita Krause ß Maria T. Kravjanski Robert and Marilyn Krell Ram Krishna Leo Kristensen John Kupskay Yuki Kurozumi L.T. Excavating Ltd. Robert Lacerte Robert G. Lacey Dave Lacusta Shafik Ladha Ladner Dental Clinic I Kei Margarida Lai Kevin Lai Ting Yiu Lai Tong Sang Lai and Sap Mui Vong

ß Campaign supporter © Hospital Family members listed in this section include current and past employees

Donors are the Difference 40

Children’s Circle of Courage continued

Hanif Mohamed A. Lalani Christine LaLiberte Kuldip and Balbir K. Lalli Debbie M.K. Lam ß Hoo Kai and Mary W.H. Lam Jackson Lam Kenneth and Adelaide Lam Lucille Lam Marisa Lam ß Winnie Lam Al and Patty Lambe Lambert Plumbing & Heating Ltd. Eileen Lamont Paul Langley Elizabeth J. Larkin Eric and Wendy Larman Elfride Larsen ß Jack R. Last Philip Lau Margaret C. Laurence William L. Lavery Koon Kau Law Wing Kwong Law Caleb J. and Maureen Lawrence Loretta Lawrence and Steven Rudd ©ß Jason Laynes Byron and Debbie Lazar Lazer Transport Ltd. Brian Lea John Leake Anissa Suet Kam Lee Edward Lee and Family ß Edwin W. Lee and Vicki Lum James and Kathleen Lee Josephine K. Lee

Joyce Lee and Vincent Wong ß Lidia Lee S. K. Lee Soo-Jin Lee Wayne Wei Ming Lee and Louise Chan Ernie and Barbara Leenheer Mary Legiest Scott and Carlene Leier H. Arnie and Alice E. Leigh Gideon and Kari Leoganda ß Amy Leong Les’ Concrete Marylou Leslie Angela Leung ß Donald and Julia Leung Dora Wai Yee Leung Fung Ying Leung Geoffrey K.W. Leung and Virginia Kuok ß Pauline P.L. Leung Karen Lewis Chang Li Dominic Li Ludia M.Y. Li ß Raymond and Anna Li Libra-The Rice People Carol Lidstone Ben and Sally Lim Sandra Lim Howard Lin Sean S. S. Lin Wen Kai Kevin Lin and Hsiao-Ping V. Chang Scott and Lana Lindsay

Thelma I. Lindsay Olive M. Lionel ß Lions Gate Trailers Ltd. Jeng Mao Liu Kyle Liu Lena Liu Judy Lloyd Anthony Lo Pansy Lo Polly Lo Tung Lai Lo ß Barbara Lockhart ß Wayne and Carol Lockhart Khodadad and Mahin Lohrasb Donald and Stella Longstaff Richard and Gabrielle Loren James Lothrop Brandt and Belinda Louie Trung and Caroline M. Lu Yuk Chun Lui Kit Ping Luk Jerry LuKing Dahn Lundell Anthonie Luteijn David and Jill Lyall Lynum Management Resources Inc. M. Pilozzi Inc. Sweedy Ma Wilson Hon Wai and Deborah S. Ma Yeung-Chiu and Eliza W. Ma Alistair MacDonald Michael MacDonald and Sandy Lloyd Iain and Laurie MacDonell Lilian L. MacDonell Kere MacGregor ß James Mackie ß

Macnaughton & Ward Insurance J.S. Madahar Remo and Cheryl Maddalozzo Made in India Collection Jenny Madill Michael Madsen ß Ken Magel Magusta Development (B.C.) Ltd. Gong Sen Mah Jason Mah Khim H.S. Mah Ping Mah Mainland Floral Distributors Ltd. Mainland Sand & Gravel Ltd. Ronald Maitland Mabel Mak Surtaj and Uminder Malhi Kevin Maloney Hanif and Zahra Mamdani Otto and Evellyn Mammel Rajinder Kaur Mangat Brett and Brenda Manlove Lakhvir Mann Jeff Manney and Holly D. Blaikie Juanita Manning Len Manuel Nancy and Frank Margitan Marin Investments Limited David and Marcie Mark ©ß Ralph Markin Betty Marlor ß Beverley Marshall Scott Marshall

BC Children’s Hospital Foundation 41

Children’s Circle of Courage continued

Patti Martin Maria C. Martinez Gordon Masuch Joyce Mather Richard and Irene Matthews Ulrich W. and Margarete Matthews Parkash Mattu ß Sherry Mauro Madataly N. Mawji Moira Maybin Seyed M. Mazarei Jack and Eleanor Maze Bob and Julie A. McArthur Terry McBride ß Albert J. and Sylvie McClean David P. McCleery Kenneth C. and Edith B.* McClelland John A. McCluskey William and Leota McCullagh Dean McDonald Jonathan and Andrea McDonald Harvey McDougall Tisha McEvoy Dale F. McGauran and Tyler Gump Anthony McGill ß Bruce and Dianne McGillivray Sam McGladdery Leah McGrath J.J. McIntyre Kemp and Sandra McKay Les McKee Iris McKibbin © Ken McLaughlin

ß Campaign supporter © Hospital Family members listed in this section include current and past employees

Ronald F. and Barbara McLean Tom and Sue McLean Bruce McLeod Neil A. McMahon Paul A. McManus and Kristi Johnston Shirley A.L. McMillan Michael McMullen Elizabeth McQueen Mary McRae David Meehan Linda M. Meinhardt Victor and Tanya Meira Grant Meng John and Beverly Menzies Pat Metcalfe Russell Metcalfe ß Karl Meyer Neil and Hazel Meyer Michael Giuffre Professional Corporation L.H. Michalson Kevin and Brenda Mickelby Midas Auto Service Experts Midland Tools Corp. Vern and Nicole Milani Millbank Materials Corp. Don and Debra Milliken ß Walt Miner Allan Minler ß Leslie Minter ß Katharine Mirhady Vince Misceo Stephen Misek Barbara and Gordon Mitchell Bill and Debbie Mitchell Ken Mitchell Arvid and Sandra Moan Lan Fong Mok Molson Coors Vancouver

Moly-Cop Canada Montship Inc. Roy and Pamela Moor John Moore Philippa Morgan Michael Paul Morin Thomas J. Morison N. Bruce Mortimer Thomas Morton Robert and Patricia Muster Myatovic Bros. Logging Ltd. Lawrence D. Myers ß Wu-Yarng Na ß Avtar Nagra Gurpreet and Manjit Nagra Karim Nathoo Sara Neely and Kenneth Crook* ©ß Albert and Carol Ann Nelson Ruth Nelson Nemetz (SA) & Associates Ltd. Dean and Cory-Lea Neufeld Robert Newby Ted Newell ß Agnes Ng ß Cecilia Ng and Bernard Lo Kin Yin Ng William D. Nicholls Laura Nixon ß Aileen Noguer Knut and Susan L. Nordlie ©ß Chris Noske Oasis Marine Services Ltd. Ross and Linda O’Brien Ocean Fisheries Ltd. John and Lisa O’Donnell Virginia Olnick

Jim Olsen Sylvia Olsen John and Alma O’Neill The Oppenheimer Group ß Leila Or and Noah Or Douglas W. and Shirley-Anne Osborne Marion O’Shaughnessy Brian O’Sullivan Dave Otto Russel and June D. Overton Joseph J. Ovsenek Pacbrake Company Pacific Customs Brokers Ltd. June A. Page ß Sean Page Karel Ted Palla Kush Panatch ß Ed Pangilinan and Angela Kaiser ß Ghulam Ali Pardhan Charlie Parker Graeme Parker Geoff D. Parkin Suresh Parmar Parnell’s TV & Appliance Reid Parr Shirley Pasquale Darren G. and Sheila K. Pastro Pervez H. and Jeroo Patel E. J. Paterson Marion Patrick Kris M. Patterson Philip and Gayle Patton ß

Donors are the Difference 42

Children’s Circle of Courage continued

Ronald Patton Jaswinder S. Paul Ken and Nancy Paziuk John Pearcy Edward Pearson ß Ritta Pearson Peggy Yip Piano Studio Inc. ß Guido and Laura Pela Robert Pellegrino Jill Pennefather Donald E. Percy Peter A. Wong Law Corporation Harold Peters ß Harry Peterson Patsy Peterson Robert and Linda Peterson ©ß Matt Petley-Jones James and Yvette Philip Gerald and Ana Philippson Earl Phillips Phoenix Food & Drug Group John and Isabel M. Pihowich George H. Pinch Bernie and Georgette Pinette Conrad and Dorli Pinette Pinty’s Delicious Foods Pioneer Portion Pak Ltd. ß David Piper Robert Pirooz Brian and Berniece Piwek PJ Cabinets Ltd. ß Robert Plowright Neil Pogany Nicole Poirier Betty Pok Pollyco Investment Ltd. Andrew Poon

Peter W.K. Poon and Rippy N.M. Soo ß Woon Ling Poon and Wai Chi Amy Ling James and M. Terri Potts ©ß Premiere Home Mortgage Ltd. Cora Prevost Jill and Hartland Price © Ron and Carol Price M.A. Pringle Prismtech Graphics Ltd. Procon Mining and Tunnelling Ltd. Progressive Rubber Industries Inc. Craig Pugh Pull Master Winch Corporation Arthur Pump Jantzen Pun Mohamed Punjani Darren M. Pylot Quantum Lighting Inc. Quantum Murray LP R. Glenn and Christina Quayle Ryan Quee ß Alain and Linda Quennec John and Sylvia Quilty ß James and Krista Quinn ß Chi Quon ß David Radatzke Subramanian Raghuram Dalbir S. and Kalmash Rai Darcy Ramirez Albert and Rose Rampone Gail Ramsden Matthew Rasmussen Raymond James Ltd. RE/MAX Ed Barker

RE/MAX First Realty RE/MAX Stuart Bonner Peter Redekop Reed Point Marina Ltd. G. Aubrey and Beverley C. Reed Jack Reid Jeff and Christine Reimer Steve and Audrey Rendall Carrie D. Rhodes George E. Rhodes Mike Richard Pixie Riddle John Ridley Cindy Riera Ingo and Lorena Riesen Robert’s & Brown Opticians Craig Robins Graham H. and Candy Robins James and Dorothy Robinson Robert Robinson Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory John Rodgers Diane Rogers Rick and Marcie Rolston Mary Romanuk Marco Romero C. Stanley and Lillian Ross Jock Ross Peter Ross Marilyn Rousseau RST Instruments Ltd. RT Agencies Karen Rudy Ruiz Food Products-El Monterey Harry and Gladys Rusk Shirley A. Russell Dave Russo ß Colette Rustad

Bernie Ryan Christine and Jan Rzepka S. Young Enterprises Ltd. Abraham and Liz Saade Lynne Sager Kenny Sai Janice and Jan Salcedo Alistair L. and Anna Sale Sean Salem and Saeedeh Motalebpour Denise Salter Rashida Samji Sandhu Produce Growers Ltd. ß Arleen Sankey Iris and Walter Saxton Farah and Salam Sayani George and Annie Scaife ß Brad Scharfe Bret Schillebeeckx ß Dennis Schmidt Gordon D. Schubert Rosalie Schuss Bruce Scott Sidney Segal Walter Segsworth ß Suki and Desha Sekhon Riccardo Sestito and Danelle Riccardo Harry and Yu Seto Reudiger J. Seyen Shan Ming Mushroom Farm Ltd. ß Conor and Karen Shankey Shape Properties Corp. Riaz Shariff

BC Children’s Hospital Foundation 43

Children’s Circle of Courage continued

Sharon Black & Associates RE/MAX Kelowna Deanna Shaw ß Maurice Shaw* San Sui Sheng Alexandra Sherman Gregory A. Sherwood Barbara Shettler Andrew T. Shibata Andre Shih ß In Soo Shim In Suk Shim Sandy Shofner John and Christina Shorthouse Claire and Jeremy Sicherman Gurmail Sidhu Jas Sidhu Mary Siemens Linda A. Sifert Cecil and Ruth* Sigal Paul Sih Simpson Spence & Young Deborah Simpson Lynne Simpson ß Scott Simser Murray A. and Cara L. Sinclair Jaswant Singh Penny Sivucha Darryl Sjerven Eleni Skalbania Rheta M. Skea Mary Skujins

ß Campaign supporter © Hospital Family members listed in this section include current and past employees

Joan Smallenberg Brock H. Smith Charles Smith David Smith Derek and Barbara Smith George Smith and Steen Jorgensen Ken and Gladys Smith Marion J. Smith Sandra Smith Shayne Smith Madeleine Smitton Leo Smyth Henry So Anthony and Ditta Soda Stephan Soeller Alex Song Sonny International Import & Export Chadendeep Soos Jagjit and Chandeep Soos Paul and Annegret Soukup D.K. and Marion Soutar ß Alan and Margaret Souther Tom Spencer Bruce and Janet Sprague SRK Consulting (Canada) Inc. Kevin St. George ß Diane St. John Jeff and Tracy Stacer Star Marketing Ltd. Tom and Monique Ste Marie Donald Steele Inez Stewart

Rosemary Stewart Peter and Gabrielle Stojak ß Shannon Stone Tamara Stone Storck Canada Inc. Andrew Storrs Onne and Frances Storteboom David Strasser Joan E. Stringer ß John and Mavis Struk Donald J. and Barbara Stuart Tara Sucke Benny Suen ß Patrick Sullivan and Samantha Mason Sunco Drywall Ltd. Sunrise Kitchens Ltd. Sunrise Poultry Sunstar Realty Ltd. SYSPRO Software Ltd. M. Noreen Szabo Andy and Cheryl Szocs Edwin Tai Quentin Pui Man Tai Malik Talib Alex T.M. Tam and Venita Kwan Tony J.T. Tan and Qiujuan Li King Shen and Wai Fong Tang Target Transport Ltd. George and Norma Taylor Team Sheila Francis Alfons and Marilyn Tecklenborg Wayne A. Temple Macey Terborg Jasvir Thandi Saranya Tharmarajah John and Lindae Thomas Dave Thompson

Frank H. Thompson Ian Thompson Michael Thompson Helen Chua Tiampo Wayne and Carolyn Tilby ß Tim Wait Personal Real Estate Corporation Timberland Developments Ltd. Timeco Watch & Clock Repairs Ltd. Sidney and Pamela Titchener Irene Tong Peter Tai Tak Tong Zoe Towle Ann Toy ß Dean and Kitty Toye TradeBytes Data Corp. ß Gary Trento ß Tribrink Contracting Ltd. Triple Crown Trucking Ltd. Helena Trudel Tsu Young Tsai Ella Y. Tse Lin Soong Tse Lina Man Fong Tse Kai Chiu Tsui Linda M. Turner Neil and Marion E. Turner Timothy W. Turyk Katherine Tweed Barry Tyrer Manuella Uhrig

Donors are the Difference 44

Children’s Circle of Courage continued

Phylis Underwood Lee Unrau Daniel Usselman Sophia Uytdehaag ß Rachel and Jim Vallance Dave Vallee John and Crystal Vamplew Larry and Bev Van Hatten Bryan Van Hoepen Bert and Anne Van Hove Vancouver Bullion & Currency Exchange Ltd. C.A. Vandergugten ß Hari and Madhu Varshney Terry Vato Henry Venema Barbara Vengshoel Nicole Victor Viking Refrigeration Ltd. Visions West Holdings Ltd. Henk Visser Patrick Visser Vista D’oro Farms Aleksander and Theresa Vitali Jose and Sonja Viveiros ß Ken and Betty Voth Martin Wafforn Christopher Wall Florence A. Wall ß Shawn Wallace Darryl and Ann Wallis Godfrey Walton

Brian C. Wambolt Wah Chung Wan Ta Ming Wang and Kuo Ying Shiang Chris Ward Catherine M. Waterson Kathy Watkinson Philip Richard and Kathryn L. Watson Tim Watson WCS Waste Control Services Inc. Kenneth Weaver Dieter Weiland Richard and Coleen Weir Gunter Weissbock Wesgroup Properties LP Becker Lavin & Wessler Westberry Farms Ltd. ß Western Foods Western Roofing (Master Roofers) Ltd. Ken X. Westfall Westower Communications Ltd. Keith Whitaker James and Heather White ß Trish and Rudi Widdershoven Alvin Wiens Ian and Pat Wight Faye Wightman © Helen A. Williams Roger and Elizabeth Williams Willow King Spa Hugh Willson Fergy Wilson Lyle and May Windrim Kelly and John Wiwchar David Wong Isabella Wong

Kwok Hung Wong and Woon Ying Lai ß Lewis Wong Peter Wong and Brenda Luk Philip H. S. and Lily H. Wong Teresa L.K. Wong ß Yin King Wong Bob and Lynda Woodworth James K. Wotten Carol Wright James and Claire Wright John Wright Xypex Chemical Corporation Emad Yacoub and Shannon Bosa Yacoub Adam Shun Long Yang John Yap ß Mohamed Yasin and Mirelle Visram Peter and Eva L.F. Yen Dick Yin ß Jeffrey and Brenda Yip Les York Gong Zhen You Young Brothers Produce Derrick Young Julian Young and Gail Knudson Abbas Yousefian Jos Yu Yun Chung Yu Elizabeth Yung Ed and Dina Zacharuk Anna Zajaczkowska-Kielska Donna Lee and Jack Zaleski

Ezio Zanatta Jun Zhao Natallia Zharykava Shao Mei Zhou ß Zinetti Food Products Ltd. Natalie Zinetti Al and Maureen Zuccolin Jacobus P. and Hillegonda Zwaan Anonymous (50) * Deceased

BC Children’s Hospital Foundation 45

Caring for the Future Society

When a legacy gift to BC Children’s Hospital Foundation is made, a legacy of hope is created for BC kids. The Caring for the Future Society honours those who have generously made provisions for a future gift through their will, life insurance or trust arrangement as of December 31, 2009. We thank these generous individuals for their support. Debbie Alcadinho Barbara M. Alexander Lorianne Amadeo Joel B. Anderson Yolande Anderson Dorothy L. Applegath Jose I. Arbetman Robert Armstrong and Nicole Fraser-Armstrong ©ß Doug L. Barclay Josh and Talia Bender © Ronald W. Bickford Harry* and Anneliese Bloch Herb and Ria Boone Marcia E. Bradley Dave Broadfoot Margo Brown Sara Hope Bryson Rik* and Nancy Campbell Stephanie A. Carlson Stephen and Gayle Carlson Bill Carr ß

ß Campaign supporter © Hospital Family members listed in this section include current and past employees

Sue Carruthers ©ß Chun Choi and Juliana Cho ß John Clarke Heidi Clarkson J. Paul Cloutier Daphne Cole Kenneth Crump Sonia Curlett Margaret Curtis I. Jean (Saiko) Davenport Beatrix De Groot Wally Dennison Rolly DeRoover and Dianne De Gagne The Devine’s Velda Dibblee Ann E. Doherty Alanna Donahue ©ß Colin A.R. Doylend Mary “Johnnie” Duffus Ann Duncan Patricia Edinborough Bryan Edwards Paul and Claudia Estlin Krishna Fagan

Inge Fein and Paul Luke Connie Forbes Margaret J. Ford Art and Ramona Fors Anne Forsyth-Sheardown Lyle David Foster Terrie and Anne* Garscadden Danny and Shirley Gaw Davinder Ghtaura B. Ming Gin Bob and Lisa Ginn Eliza Gordon Katherine and Morris Gordon Russ and Karen Grant Barbara Grantham © Gordon and Drina Green B. Greenwood Doreen and Keith Gregson Vic W. Griffin Betty Harris Mace* and Irene Harrison Michael Haywood Colin and Lois Hicks Lotus E. Hills Lory Hinz John Alden Hodson Derek Holme Jeff and Stephanie Huehn ©ß Aaron Hui © Denise Hui

Patsy Hui ß Ninette Hunziker Shirley Hutchinson Robert W. Ironside © Alvin Ivey Linda Jacobsen Sandra Jarvis Jon and Pamela Johnson Russell and Margaret Jones Victor and Muriel Jones © Anne Junker ©ß Harjit and Helen Jutla John and Dianne Kelly Richard Kelynack Marie J. Kendall Henry King Gerhard and Rita Krause ß Grant Marvin Krueger and Sue Ann Martin* Anita A. Kumar Eva Landrick Jacques LeBlanc and Susan Bockhold © Iris Lees C.K. Li Ludia M.Y. Li ß Dennis Lillico John and Evelyn Long Phyllis Lowdell Jeffrey and Barbara Ludemann © Hugh Lundy Simpson and Nora Ma Susanna Ma Donors are the Difference 46

Caring for the Future Society continued

Veronica Ma David and June Madill Christopher and Suzie Mah Juanita G. Manning Betty Marlor ß Bill and Lisa Marsh Willie McDonald Evelyn McKenzie Iris McKibbin © Linda M. Meinhardt Patricia Memess Bruno* and Frieda Meyer Yvonne Michels and David L. Bruce Deborah A. Mikkelsen Betty Miller Carol Miller Lyle* and Christine Mills ©ß Noah and Erin Morantz ©ß Paul and Elizabeth Moxham ©ß Karen Mulhern

Roberta A. Mulholland Joyce Muscroft Marcus Nairn* Sara Neely and Kenneth Crook* ©ß Donald E. and Mary E. Newman © Bert and Karen Northrup June A. Page ß John and Angela Paterson Gerald and Barbara Pope William and Geertruida H. Portengen Philipp Postrehovsky Cristina Poulette Lucy Prentice Albert and Rose Rampone Peter and Kathleen Ramshaw Elisabeth Riley Dudley and Shirley Ritchie Art and Ruth Robinson Delbert E.* and Jean D. Ross Grace Ruscoe Jeff Salton Dan Sargent Julie Schmitt Geoffrey E. Scott Reg Skelton John Smiley Derek and Barbara Smith Ken and Gladys Smith

M. Joan Smith Shirley F. Smith Sandy So Benoit ß Joan* and Louise Solinger Daniel, Helen and Charissa Sortwell Derek Squires Gus Stassinopoulos Charlene Steen Roger and Darla Steers Ann Sturrock Michael and Patricia Sutcliffe Richard Sutherland Debora Sweeney and Stephen Crombie ©ß Mary Tam and Robert Lachapelle Jacqueline* and Donald Taylor * Robert Taylor Alicia Then Phyllis Thom Frank H. Thompson Michael and Shirley Thompson Candice Y.F. Tsang ©ß Menno Tulp

Lorne Valensky and Cindi Coleman © Arie and Jean Van Halst Larry and Bev Van Hatten Gerald Van Riemsdyk Angelo and Rosa Venetsanos Faye Wightman © Charles and Mary Wilkins Janice Williams ©ß John and Nancy Wise Allen and Karen Wong Tiger Wong (Yan Foo) Norman Wrigglesworth Ryan and Susan Yip Ryan Wei-Yi Yo Selina Yuen and May Yuen Antonietta D. Zanatta Anonymous (185) * Deceased

BC Children’s Hospital Foundation 47

Tribute Gifts

A tribute gift honours a remarkable person who has touched your life. It also honours other remarkable people – all the kids in BC whose lives you are helping to improve every day. These remarkable individuals and organizations have had gifts of $1,000 or more made in their honour between January 1 and December 31, 2009. Gifts Received in Honour of…

David and Susan Ainsworth and Family Alexander Holburn Beaudin & Lang LLP Albrite Lighting Distributers Brian Atherton David Ballantine Cameron Bargen Bayside Furniture Ltd customers and clients Baywest Management Corporation clients and trades Chase Beauregard Ryan K. Beedie Wesley A. Behan Boart Longyear Canada customers and clients Jessica Braun Chase T. Carnduff Johnny and Dolly Chan Serena Chee and Basil Ng Chloe, Carla and Caitlin Arka and Jolie Chorbajian Ryan Chouhan Isabella, John and Bennett Demianczuk Charles and Isabelle Diamond Finn Dodds

Dorothea Douglas and the Todd and McCuaig families Erin Faber Ella R. Frazao Chris Gailus Maya Herger Kevin Herrera Jordan Hopkins Betty Hryhorchuk Raymond and Katherine Hui Jun Jeong Jack Klosterman Aryan and Olivia Kochhar Justin Chun Hong Lau Emily Leake Kasral Lohrasb Angus and Esther MacDonald Stuart MacLeod Mainland Floral Distributors clients, friends and family Shaelyn Martin Rory McFadden Karsen Novak Bruce Olsen and Anne Marie Meehan Benjamin Otter

Pacific Coast Accommodations Julia Parrott Siena Petersen Michael Pettifer Talia, Kalen and Tindi Rayat Tim Richardson Graham Robins Campbell Ryan Arthur R. Savage Hz. Muhammaed Sallahu Aleyhi Sellam Ken Spencer and Judy Gale Duane Storey B&D Tesky Family, H&L Vander Lee, F. Heavenor and Rod Heavenor Manny Tich Gary Toor Alyssa Trudel The Ubyssey Publications Society Hanna E. Weissbock Harry Woo Abigail Wright Tiffany and Belinda Wu

Gifts Received in Memory of…

Joyce Anderson Guy Andrew Helen Beattie Arffman Ken Baker Robert J. Banks Christine E. Bathurst Cooper and Lucas Bekkers Ron Bicknell Donald ‘Boots’ Boutilier Ryder Evans Brockett Keeley Jayde Bruinsma Gordon R. Buchanan Andrea Buhler Victor Chiang Edwin I. Clarke Dorie B. Coombes Lyla Ann Court Merlin Cumming Noah Albert Phillip Daubaras Alice Jean Davies Gabrielle Dorsey Ella Dupont Bedassie

Donors are the Difference 48

Tribute Gifts continued

Trudy G. Edvardsen Calvin James Ekins Colton Kevin Albert Erickson Joan L. Finnegan Irma Friesen Susan Giuffre Isabelle Kayla Gloet Jack Glover Avery Graham Ryan Michael Grant Janet C. Grier Teresa Guenther and Teresa Murphy Irma Gutknecht Josiah Haak Dacre Haines Delbert “Rex” Halladay Gordon Heppler James Hickey Brick Hoover Scott Houghton Gordon Robert Howe Emily Deanne Inglis Cody James Tyler James Samir Jivraj Erik Johnson

Jacob Kyle Jones Phyllis Keefer Jim Keith Kylie May Keller Blair Kolinsky Jaida L. Kooy Kurtis Frank Kozel Sydney Chi Hung Kwok Richard H. Lam Gert Larsen Shane Lazar Taryn Nora Lockhart Ashley Lowey Kara Lunan-Mayers Scotty Roy MacFarlane Arya Madahar Jolie Mia Maddalozzo Travis G. Main James I. Manzer Daniel and Rosina Maris Gordon F. Marshall Madison Leah Uma Martina Jorja Sienna Silva Martins Raymond McAffer Susan McBride Edith B. McClelland Thomas P. McDonagh

Rowena Meehan Shohei F. Meyer Sek-Hong Ming Thomas Mock Scott David Morris Danny Mosher Sharon Nagai Dylan Noel Sydney T.S. Or Griffith D. Owen Jordan Owens Faith Parks Corry Perret Lynda M. Perry Krista Diane Postmus Zach Prince John Christopher Racich Art Rennison Chuck Sankey Marjorie Savage Chase Jaxon Shandler Ruth Sigal Valdis Skujins Janette Mary Spooner Meredith Steers Finn Sullivan Rahkina Szasz

Barneesha K. Thandi Keshminder S. Thind Kaiden Reese Todd Hilda P. Trono Kwan-Loy Tse Emma Turner Elizabeth Hayley Vamplew Louis Veress Abdul and Gulbanu Visram King Tai Wai Harold West Alan Williams Gordon Wilson Robert Glen Windrim Elsbeth Wirz-Keller Myles Wolf Ava Wolff Mabel Wong Terra J. Wood Clara Woods Cliff B. Worthington-White Phillip Fay Yeap Jorye Yeung Jesstin K. Zulinick

BC Children’s Hospital Foundation 49


A gift in a will is an expression of what is most dear to you. BC Children’s Hospital Foundation is fortunate to be the beneficiary of the estates of many people who believed passionately in improving the health of children and youth in British Columbia. We are honoured to recognize the gifts received from the estates of the following individuals between January 1 and December 31, 2009. Jacob Adolph John Moncrieff Ames The Anderson Girls ß George Hubert Armson Nathanial Rial Bailey Leonard Barlow Beverly Diane Bell Olive Irene Leslie Blake Louise Argyle Brown Thomas Hillman and Grace Emily Calhoun ß Jean Jamieson Case Arthur Hullah and Dorothy Mae Cleveland Margaret Edith Coburn Frances May Cochrane Marjory Sita Crombie Phyllis Maude Dennis Alice Maud Denson Doreen W. Duncan Siska Dykema Estelle Berniece Edgar Margaret Middleton Ellams Dorothy May Fairley Helen Frieda and Stuart John Forrester


Kathryn Forsyth Solway Mary Fyke Douglas John George Mary Teresa Gordon Ivy Rose Greef Kathleen Marion Greer Sylvia Ernestine Grusmajer Geraldine Annie Hansen Muriel Hentzen Francis Hitchens Percy Philip Hobbs Gladys Pearl Howie Marie Jean Ingleton Emily Edith Jackson Bernice Annette Johansson Kenneth R. and Winnifred Theresa Jones Bella Kaban Kathleen Kaneen Alexandra Mary Kelley Katharina Kieselew Emylyn Katherine Kirwin William Bruce Dirk Longon Charles Lygo Laura MacDonald

Thelma Ariel MacDonald Jessie Eileen MacKeller Margaret Euphemia McKay Margaret Isobella McMullen James Shearer Motherwell Marcus Nairn Shirley Anne Neva Alice May Norman Allan Herbert and Alfred William Palmer Norah Margaret Elizabeth Papunen John Henry Parker Victor John Pead Wilbert Sanderson Pentland Marilynne Joan Ranalli Ruth Lilian Rasmussen Angenieta Geziena Richardson Margo Jean Robb Duka Nadine Roberts Mary Margaret Roberts Alfred Joseph Schuller

Elizabeth Seger Marjorie Eva Shaw Mary Anona Small Grace Elizabeth Swan Winnifred Annie Swann George Clarence Emmet Tedlock ß Elisabeth Thomi Helena Thompson George Reid Thornton Richard Napolean Troyer Margaret Vetter Joan and Ernest Warwick Wesley Alston Western Evelyn Esther Westlin Kenneth Robert Whitten Marlyn Dale Whitworth Rodney Curt Wooldridge Emily Joy Yardley

Campaign supporter

Donors are the Difference 50


Those who establish and contribute to endowments are the true visionaries of our community. They understand that their investments provide a strong financial foundation to improve the health of children both now and in the future. BC Children’s Hospital Foundation gratefully acknowledges the following endowment funds that provide support in perpetuity for programs and initiatives throughout BC Children’s Hospital, Sunny Hill Health Centre for Children and the Child & Family Research Institute. This list recognizes endowment funds established by December 31, 2009 with a minimum donation of $25,000. A


Adolescent Medicine Endowment Karel & Edith Alston Memorial Endowment for Head of Developmental Pediatrics Yolande Anderson Family Endowment for Cardiac Sciences Andracki Equipment Endowment AstraZeneca Ripples of Hope Endowment for Mental Health Auxiliary to BC Children’s Hospital Endowment for Education

Patrick & Beryl Campbell Endocrinology Fellowship Endowment Cardiac Sciences Endowment Stephanie A. Carlson Endowment for Genetic Research Centre for International Child Health Endowment Centre for Molecular Medicine and Therapeutics Endowment CH.I.L.D. Foundation Endowment for Pediatric Gastroenterology Research Chan Sisters Foundation Endowment for International Child Health Harry Chan & Family Endowment for Head of Department of Pediatrics Chanoine-Alimenti Endowment for Childhood Obesity Robert Chau Memorial Endowment for Oncology Cheung Family Endowment for Pediatric Oncology Research Alex C.L. Cheung Endowment for Pediatric Oncology Research Child Protection Endowment Childhood Infections Endowment Childhood Injury Prevention and Health Promotion Endowment Childhood Nutrition Endowment


Sarah B. Endowment for Cardiac Sciences Bailey Family Endowment for Genetic Research BC Hydro Power Pioneers Ed Turner Memorial Endowment for Medical Genetics Bioethics Endowment Jack & Doris Brown Fellowship Endowment for Genetic Research Louise Argyle Brown Endowment for Genetic Research Bryant Family Endowment for Genetic Research Dennis & Connie Burdett Endowment for Oncology Research Burn Unit Endowment

Cho Family Endowment for Genetic Research Billy Yau Hei Choi Memorial Endowment for Genetic Research CK Choi Foundation Endowment for Child Health Advocacy David Chow Memorial Endowment for Immunology Research CIBC & CIBC Employees Endowment for Pediatric Oncology Research Clinical Genetics Endowment Commonwealth Insurance Company Oncology Endowment Community Child Health Endowment Concord Pacific Group Inc. Endowment for Centre for Molecular Medicine and Therapeutics Research The Connor Clark & Lunn Endowment for Cardiac Sciences Julia & Richard Couch Endowment for Oncology Critical Care Academic Endowment Michael Cuccione Endowment for Oncology Research Michael Cuccione Oncology Research Fellowship Endowment Cystic Fibrosis Endowment


I. Jean (Saiko) Davenport Endowment for Excellence in Child Health Edna & Eugene Delorme Equipment Endowment Dent-Tech Ceramic Studios Endowment for Genetic Research Department of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine Endowment The Isabelle & Charles Diamond Family Endowment for Oncology Gordon & Marion Dixon Endowment for Genetic Research (CMMT) E

ECLS Program Endowment (Ecmo) Endowment For Newborn’s and Children’s Well-Being Excellence in Child Health Endowment

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Endowments continued F

Ricky, Angelo & Marina Fabris Endowment for Oncology Bill Fish Memorial Endowment for Developmental Pediatrics Steve & Eva Floris Memorial Endowment for Excellence in Child Health Carol Ford Endowment for Research Technician Education Four Seasons Hotel Endowment for Genetic Research Stanley Fromm Endowment for Cardiac Sciences G

Gastroenterology Endowment Megan Gates & Family Endowment for Sunny Hill Brain Injury B. Ming Gin Endowment for Pediatric Oncology Andreas Goedicke Memorial Endowment for Infant Transport Team Education Paul & Mary Goh Endowment for International Child Health Paul & Mary Goh Endowment for Pediatric Oncology Research Gooding Family Endowment for Neurosciences Lisa Gravell Endowment for Genetic Research H

The David Hardwick Reading Room Endowment Malcolm & Cathy Hasman Family Endowment for Oncology Research Head of Section of Surgery Endowment Head-Developmental Paediatrics – Working Wonders Together Endowment

Helena & Jessica Endowment for Cardiac Sciences Research Marnie Henderson Memorial Endowment for Vaccine Evaluation Karen L. Hicks RN Memorial Endowment for Oncology The Don & Elizabeth Hillman Lecture Endowment in Global Child Health B.M. Hoffmeister Endowment for a Research Fellowship Robert John Homewood Endowment for Genetic Research Derek & Lisa Hopkins Endowment for Oncology Research Hilary & Patsy Hui Endowment for Genetic Research Arthur Hullah & Dorothy Cleveland Memorial Endowment for Genetic Research I

Milan & Maureen Ilich Endowment for Genetic Research Immunology Research Endowment International Child Health Trainee Award Endowment J

William Jacques Equipment Endowment Ken & Su Jang Endowment for Pediatric Oncology Research Jessoma Endowment for Nephrology Asa & Kashmir Johal & Family Chair in Pediatric Oncology Asa & Kashmir Johal Family Endowment for Genetic Research Jessica Jones Memorial Endowment for Oncology Reseach



Keller Family Endowment for Oncology Research Brian & Tammi Kerzner & Family Endowment for Oncology Research Killy Fellowship Endowment King Family Endowment for Excellence in Child Health Samuel & Spencer Koltai Memorial Endowment for Genetic Research Koo Family Endowment for Oncology Research Adella Krall Endowment for Oncology Research

Gordon & Barbara MacDougall Endowment for Pediatric Oncology Professor Robert Christopher Madill Endowment for Genetic Research Jon & Dina Markoulis Family Endowment for Otolaryngology Andrew McCormick Endowment for an Ophthalmology Fellowship James & Annabel McCreary Chair in Pediatrics Endowment McCurdy Family Endowment for Oncology Research Wendy McDonald Endowment for Gastroenterology Research Wendy McDonald Endowment for Nephrology Wendy McDonald Endowment for Oncology William S. McQuaid Endowment for Pediatric Oncology MDS Inc. & Dr. D.B. Rix Endowment for Huntington Research Medical Genetics Fellowship Endowment Metabolic Disorders/Cystic Fibrosis Endowment Ted & Penny Metcalfe Memorial Endowment for Genetic Research Mining for Miracles Research Fellowship Endowment Rolly Montgomery Endowment for President’s Child Health Initiatives Morantz Family Endowment for Genetic Research


David & Dorothy Lam Endowment for Oncology Research David & Dorothy Lam Foundation Endowment for International Child Health Cameron Lau Memorial Endowment for Genetic Research Cameron Lau Memorial Endowment for Haematology Research The Jonathon Lawson Endowment for Spina Bifida The Jonathon Lawson Fellowship in Neurosurgery The Jonathan Lawson Head of Section of Surgery Endowment Dave Lede Family Charitable Foundation Endowment for Genetic Research Robert H. & Lily Lee Endowment for Research Ralph Lewis Equipment Endowment Ling Family Endowment for Neonatology Iris Lorntzsen Brain Mapping Endowment

Donors are the Difference 52

Endowments continued N

Guru Nanak Dev Ji Endowment for BC Children’s Hospital Excellence in Child Health Sara Neely & Kenneth Crook Endowment for Oncology Research Nephrology Endowment Neuromuscular Endowment Neurosciences Endowment Neurosurgery Endowment Newborn Health Endowment Dr. Donald E. Newman Pediatric Radiology Endowment Choi-Kiu & Ming Ng Endowment for President’s Child Health Initiatives Nitikman Chan Family Endowment for Excellence in Child Health O

Oncology Program Endowment Oncology Research Endowment Opthalmology Endowment Orthopedics Endowment Otolaryngology Fellowship Endowment P

Pfizer Ripples of Hope Endowment for Mental Health Fellowship Pfizer Ripples of Hope Endowment for Rare Diseases Research Fellowship Conrad & Dorli Pinette Endowment for Speech Language Pathology Research Piwek Family Endowment for Oncology Research David & Janice Podmore Endowment for International Child Health Jack & Darlene Poole Endowment for Oncology Research

President’s Child Health Initiatives Endowment Zach Prince Foundation for Excellence in Oncology Care, an Endowment of BC Children’s Hospital Foundation Professorship in Pediatric Dentistry Endowment Psychiatric Disorders Endowment R

Georgina Jane “Ina” Raeside Endowment for Oncology Research Zahra, Karima & Salima Rasul Endowment for Neurosciences Realtors Care Endowment for Genetic Research Realtors Care Endowment for Oncology Research Respiratory Medicine Academic Endowment Riley-Fish Endowment for the Head of Department of Pediatrics Rix Family Endowment for Professional Clinical Services Staff Education and Training Graham Robins Jr. Endowment for Oncology Research in Memory of Wilda & Frank Robins Geoffrey Robinson Award for Pediatrics Endowment Pat Ross Memorial Education Endowment Royal Pacific Realtors Care Endowment for Medical Genetics S

David & Alissa Sacks Endowment for Nursing Education Marjorie-Anne Sauder Endowment for Molecular Medicine and Therapeutic Research Sauder-Interfor Head of Research Endowment Shriners’ Motor Performance Unit Endowment

David & Manjy Sidoo Family Endowment for Ophthalmology Manjy & David Sidoo Family Endowment for Orthopedics Dr. Parminder Singh Endowment Award of Distinction for Pediatrics Reginald William Skelton Surgical Fellowship Endowment Derryck Smith Endowment for Mental Health Michael Foster Smith Memorial Endowment for Pediatric Anesthesia Sandy So & Ron Benoit Endowment for Childhood Cancer Research Solid Organ Transplant Jean MacMillan Southam Fellowship Spina Bifida Endowment Summits of Hope Endowment for Oncology Sun Life Financial Endowment for International Child Health Sunny Hill Endowment for Adaptive Seating and Mobility Grant & Dee Sutherland Endowment for Orthopedics Andy Sylvester Endowment for Excellence in Child Heath T

Tai Family Endowment for Pediatric Genetic Research (CMMT) Norman & Randi Thompson Endowment for Urology Aubrey Tingle Endowment for Clinician Scientists Program Toohey Family Endowment for President’s Child Health Initiatives

Marjorie Tsang Endowment for Genetic Research Michael C.H. Tsang Endowment for Pediatric Oncology Research Paul & Candice Tsang Endowment for Oncology Research Ted & Deanna Turton Endowment for Oncology Nursing Education V

Vaccine Evaluation Centre Endowment Varshney Family Endowment for Genetic Research W

Isobel & Madeline Wade Endowment for Head of Department of Pediatrics Faye Wightman Endowment for Oncology Nursing Education Women & Family HIV Endowment Stephen Wong & Family Endowment for President’s Child Health Initiatives Dr. Betty J. Wood Memorial Endowment for Radiology Education Danny Wyder Memorial Endowment for President’s Child Health Initiatives Y

Peggy & Y.P. Yang Endowment for Brain Mapping Research Allan Yap & Family Endowment for Oncology Research Selina Yuen & May Yuen Endowment for Excellence in Child Health

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Baby Cienna and her four-year-old sister Emily have more in common than just genetics. Like 42,000 other BC kids every year, both girls have been rushed to Emergency at BC Children’s Hospital. While Emily was treated for a broken elbow, Cienna suffered a life-threatening blue spell.

Cienna & Emily Manaktahla Only five hours after birth, Cienna stopped breathing. Doctors intubated her in Surrey, but couldn’t get her breathing on her own. She was transferred to BC Children’s Hospital and stayed in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit for six days where she was given antibiotics, X-rays, a CT scan and a battery of diagnostic tests. Recovering from what was likely an infection acquired at birth, Cienna hasn’t been back since, and Emily’s elbow is back in full swing.

Donors are the Difference 54

BC Children’s Hospital Foundation Donor Bill of Rights The Board of Directors of BC Children’s Hospital Foundation is in place to ensure that donors: 1) are informed of our mission, of the way we intend to use donated resources, and of our capacity to use donations effectively for their intended purposes; 2) are informed of the identity of those serving on our governing board, and to expect the board to exercise prudent judgment in its stewardship responsibilities; 3) have access to our most recent financial statements; 4) are assured their gifts will be used for the purposes for which they are given; 5) receive appropriate acknowledgement and recognition; 6) are assured that information about their donations is handled with respect and with confidentiality to the extent provided by law;

7) can expect that all relationships with individuals representing our organization will be professional in nature; 8) are informed whether those seeking donations from our organization are volunteers, employees of BC Children’s Hospital Foundation, or hired solicitors; 9) can expect that BC Children’s Hospital Foundation will not share or sell a mailing list that includes the donor’s name; 10) feel free to ask questions when making a donation and to receive prompt, truthful and forthright answers. If you would like to more information about the Foundation’s fiscal activity or to receive our audited financial statements, please contact us at 604.875.2444 or visit www.bcchf.ca.

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Ways of Giving There are many ways to make a gift to benefit BC’s kids. Bequest in Your Will

A bequest is a direction in your will that a certain sum of money, a particular asset, or a portion of the estate is to be given to British Columbia’s Children’s Hospital Foundation (our legal name). Life Insurance

Giving life insurance is a way of making a gift without depleting your estate or depriving your loved ones of other assets. At the end of your lifetime, the gift of the policy proceeds will be paid by the insurance company directly to BC Children’s Hospital Foundation. Depending on how the policy is structured, you may receive a tax benefit during your lifetime or your estate will receive the benefit. Flow-through Shares

Publicly traded flow-through shares for which the hold period has expired are an effective way to give. Flow-through shares – shares of Canadian mining, oil and gas companies – have unique tax incentives that, when combined with a charitable tax receipt, offer even bigger tax savings. Publicly Traded Securities

Donating securities is the most effective way to give. If you own publicly traded securities that have increased in value and you decide to sell them, 50 per cent of the capital gain is taxable. However, if you donate these securities “in kind” to BC Children’s Hospital Foundation, no tax is payable on the capital gain. The resulting tax credit from the donation

of the securities will reduce taxes payable on other income. Making a gift of publicly traded securities to BC Children’s Hospital Foundation is easy to do. Please contact us for a transfer form to facilitate the process. RRSP/RRIF

You can name BC Children’s Hospital Foundation as the direct beneficiary of the proceeds of a RRSP or RRIF or you can make a gift to BC Children’s Hospital Foundation in your will. The resulting tax credit may be used to offset the tax payable on the redemption of the proceeds of the retirement plan. Pledges

Our pledge program offers you a convenient method of making contributions. The program allows you to spread your contribution over three to five years, usually commencing the year the pledge is made. You will receive full recognition for the value of your contribution as soon as the commitment is made. BC Children’s Hospital Foundation is a registered Canadian charity and issues tax receipts for all donations. Tax credits generated by donations can offset tax otherwise payable on up to 75 per cent of your net income in the year of the gift. Any unused tax credits may be carried forward and used to offset taxes over the following five years. Charitable Business Number 11885 2433 RR0001

Donors are the Difference 56

BC Children’s Hospital Foundation Board of Directors (for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2010)

Mr. Graham MacLachlan, Chair Dr. Robert (Bob) Armstrong Mr. Kevin Bent Mr. Christopher (Chris) Carty Mr. David Doig Mr. Haig Farris Mr. Larry Gold Mr. Doug Gordon Mr. Peter Green Mrs. Tammi Kerzner Mr. Donald Lindsay Mr. Geoff Parkin Mr. David Podmore Mrs. Wendy Slavin Mrs. Sandy So Ms. Andrea Southcott Mrs. Diane Zell

BC Children’s Hospital Foundation Governors Mr. Graham MacLachlan, Chair Mrs. Tali’ah Aquilini Dr. Robert (Bob) Armstrong Mr. Kevin Bent Dr. Geoffrey Blair Mr. Jerry Bried Dr. Donald Brooks Ms. Gail Brown Mr. Robert (Bob) Bryant Mr. Terry Bubb Ms. Stephanie Carlson Mr. Christopher (Chris) Carty Dr. Caleb Chan Mrs. Sylvia Chen Mr. Peter S.H. Chieng Dr. Doug Cochrane Ms. Daphne Cole Mr. Lee Coonfer Mrs. Lynda Cranston Mrs. Isabelle Diamond Mrs. Marion Dixon

Mr. David Doig Ms. Sherry Doman Mr. Jeff Dowle Mr. Haig Farris Dr. Jan Friedman Mr. Ming Gin Mr. Larry Gold Mr. Doug Gordon Ms. Lisa Graham Mr. Peter Green Mr. Alan Grimston Mr. Poul Hansen Dr. David Hardwick Mr. Kim Hesketh Dr. Lawrence Ho Mrs. Lisa Hudson Mrs. Tammi Kerzner Mr. Michael Lam Mr. Donald Lindsay Mr. Harald Ludwig Dr. Stuart MacLeod Mr. Brett Manlove Mr. Maurice Mourton Dr. Djavad Mowafaghian Mr. Ron Neal Mr. Geoff Parkin Dr. Martha Piper Mr. David Podmore Mr. Irfhan Rajani Ms. Diana Reid Mrs. Marjorie-Anne Sauder Mr. Garry Skidmore Mrs. Wendy Slavin Mrs. Sandy So Ms. Andrea Southcott Ms. Dee Sutherland Mr. Malik Talib Mrs. Sharon Toohey Mr. Allan Yap Mrs. Diane Zell

Sunny Hill Foundation for Children Board Mr. Kevin Bent Mr. David Doig Mr. Ron Edwards Mr. Doug Horswill Ms. Pamela Mitchell Dr. Maureen O’Donnell Mr. John Smiley

Campaign Leadership Council Mr. Donald Lindsay, Chair Mr. Francesco Aquilini Mr. Kevin Bent Ms. Stephanie Carlson Mr. Graeme Currie Mrs. Isabelle Diamond Mr. Haig Farris Mr. Larry Gold Mrs. Lisa Hudson Mr. Graham MacLachlan Mr. David Podmore Mrs. Wendy Slavin Ms. Andrea Southcott Mr. Malik Talib

Superhero Council Mr. Graeme Currie, Chair Mr. Colin Benner Mr. Jon T. Bishop Mr. Jerry Bried Mr. Patrick Glazier Mrs. Patsy Hui Mr. Ron Neal Mr. Ali Pejman Mr. Peter Zell Mr. Mitchell Zulinick

Centre for International Child Health Campaign Cabinet Dr. Lawrence Ho, Chair Mrs. Sharen Ho, Chair Dr. Leo Chan Mr. Vincent Cheung

Mr. John Crawford Dr. David S.W. Ho Mr. Alex Ing Mr. Eng Boon Lau Mrs. Cynthia Suen Mr. Douglas Van Mr. Alex Yeung

Foundation Executive Sue Carruthers, FAHP, ICD.D President and CEO Kimberley Fenlon Vice President and Chief Philanthropy Officer Knut Nordlie, CFRE Vice President and Chief Operating Officer Debora Sweeney, CFRE Vice President and Chief Communications Officer

BC Children’s Hospital Foundation 938 West 28th Avenue Vancouver, BC V5Z 4H4 604.875.2444 1.888.663.3033

Return Undeliverable Canadian Addresses to: BC Children’s Hospital Foundation 938 West 28th Avenue Vancouver, BC V5Z 4H4

Privacy Policy BC Children’s Hospital Foundation is committed to protecting the privacy of its donors, volunteers and other stakeholders and their personal information. We value the trust of those we deal with, and of the public, and recognize that maintaining this trust requires transparency and accountability in our treatment of the information that you choose to share with us. For further information, please refer to our complete privacy policy on our website at www.bcchf.ca. Publication Sales Agreement: # 40014920 Design: SamataMason Photography: James LaBounty

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