Iam particulary delighted to extend my congratulations to the British Chamber of Commerce Thailand (BCCT) on its successes this year, given my recent trip to the United Kingdom in June 2018.
As the BCCT is well aware, this visit to London opened up many opportunities for our two countries to develop a more dynamic trade and investment relationship, especially as Thailand and the United Kingdom are set to take on new challenges at the regional and global levels. To this end, it is essential for our two nations to take advantage of our longstanding relations to forge a stronger partnership that will benefit our economies and societies in a highly competitive and interconnected global economy. Therefore, the publication of the BCCT’s 2019 Handbook and Directory entitled “United Kingdoms -Partners in Progress” has the potential to set the tone for this new momentum of collaboration, and put in place a new chapter of commercial relations between Thailand and the United Kingdom.
Thailand and the United Kingdom share a rich history of friendship, understanding, and cultural affinity. For over 500 years, our two nations have nurtured strong bonds in education, economic development, commerce, and international cooperation. Now, as Thailand is looking forward to the Chairmanship of ASEAN in 2019, and as the United Kingdom moves forward with the Global Britain vision, there is much to be done to hamess our cooperation on global issues, benefit from mutual investment, complement our cutting-edge industries, and develop a greater exchange of ideas between our societies.
With this outlook in mind, I wish to reiterate my continued support for the BCCT and the vital role it plays in the unique friendship between Thailand and the United Kingdom. On this occasion, I take this opportunity to extend my best wishes to the BCCT and all of its members.
Prayut Chan-o-chaIn March of 2019, the United Kingdom will leave the European Union. Although we are leaving the EU, we will continue to be close trading partners, whilst also having the ability to negotiate our own trade policy with new friends around the world. This is an exciting time for the UK, and I know that Brexit will bring many new export opportunities for British companies: in countries that they had perhaps previously not considered.
When I visited Thailand in April, I agreed with the Thai government that we should carry out a trade review, the results of which will serve as the basis for negotiating our future trading partnership. The review will commence shortly, and in future, I hope that we will be in a position to negotiate a more balanced trade partnership between our countries. As Secretary of State I want to ensure that our partnership is one of equals, where British companies can compete on the same terms that Thai companies enjoy in the UK.
I was impressed by the entrepreneurial spirit and enthusiasm from members of the British Chamber of Commerce in Thailand during my recent visit, and I know that you will all cease the great opportunities that our new independent trading status will bring.
Dr Liam FoxThis will be a momentous year for the British Embassy in Thailand. At the end of 2019, we will be vacating our Wireless Road site for the last time and moving to our new Embassy in Sathorn. Over the last few months it was a great pleasure to see the Ploenchit Fair return to its original home and to see thousands of people pass through the gates. Our final remembrance service was held at the Embassy, before the cenotaph is carefully moved to its new home in the British Club. I know that so many of you have a strong connection to the Embassy and the Residence, but I want to reassure you that we are engaging with Thailand in a more vigorous way than ever before. Our commercial and political relationships are strong and the entire Embassy team is focused on promoting and protecting British interests, be they consular or related to our prosperity relationship. My teams continue to find innovative ways to keep our 1 million British visitors a year safe and to find new opportunities for British companies in Thailand. All of our work is underpinned by our values of respect for human rights and democracy. As ever, we owe a vote of thanks to the British Chamber, its leadership and members for their support for British prosperity and we wish you all even greater success in 2019.
Brian DavidsonOn behalf of Thailand Board of Investment (BOI), I am very pleased to extend my congratulations to the British Chamber of Commerce Thailand (BCCT) for the publication of its 2019 Handbook and Directory of Members entitled “United Kingdoms – Partners in Progress”. This publication clearly shows references for our closed relationship and mutually beneficial co-operative efforts between the BCCT and the BOI.
Over past 2 years, Thailand has been making good progress towards the Thailand 4.0 policy, an economic model which aims to push Thailand forward to a new chapter where science, technology, R&D activities and innovation are the central forces driving economic growth. The government is implementing extensive policies to support the model and also investing a large amount of money to enhance our infrastructure. A significant percentage of it will support the Eastern Economic Corridor (EEC) in order to make this government’s flagship project ready to become a new growth hub of this region, not only Thailand.
As part of the efforts in attracting foreign talents and technologies, the SMART Visa program was introduced in February 2018. The special visa will facilitate the entry and sojourn of foreign experts, executives, investors, and startups in the targeted industries.
With a view to achieving “Thailand 4.0”, we look forward to strengthening economic partnership with the UK and hope that UK companies will be taking part in this development. The official visit of Thai Prime Minister Prayuth Chan-ocha to the UK in June 2018 reflects our strong commitment to enhance cooperation between two nations.
We, at the BOI, are very grateful for the BCCT’s continued support and look forward to the further cooperation with the BCCT.
Duangjai Asawachintachit7
2 years ago when the BCCT was formed, things were very different. Over that period membership has grown significantly and the chamber has changed beyond all recognition. It raises for me the clear challenge for the Chamber (and indeed for all businesses) of staying up to date and, where possible, ahead of the business trends. In the last 72 years, there have been significant developments. Fax machines came (and went) telephones became mobile and then increasing became much more than just a device for verbal communication. Electric typewriters came to replace mechanical ones and in their turn were replaced by computers and word processing. Technological advancements expanded what computers could do and they increasingly came in all shapes and sizes. In just about every facet of modern life now, there are banks of computers performing different functions.
Now fast forward for another 72 years and try to predict what advances there will have been between now and 2091. Technology will have embedded artificial intelligence (AI) throughout our lives in so many ways. Businesses will change and develop to introduce new ways of working and new types of businesses. Most of this is mainly beyond accurate prediction but it will happen – indeed it is happening now. The BCCT of 2091 will be a very different beast. So how do we prepare for this?
We can’t do anything more than be in a state of ever-changing and expanding to keep up with new capabilities available to us. This requires forward thinking, sensible investment and open minds. For example, we are currently looking at the new capabilities of modern membership systems to enable us to better serve you, the members.
Financially the task of the Board, the Officers and myself, along with Greg Watkins, our Executive Director and Jonathan Fryer, our Treasurer is to keep the chamber stable and living within its means. Currently, the chamber’s finances show a growing trend to spend beyond our income – something that will have to be dealt with over the next few years. There is no magic formula and hard decisions will have to be taken.
In all that we do, our first priority is you the member. If we don’t provide you with the service you need (whatever that may be) we will lose our competitive edge and find maintaining or increasing membership almost impossible.
Finally, I would like to thank all of the chamber teams who work so hard to achieve what our members need. Perfection is not achievable but that doesn’t stop them from trying. Without our partners who sponsor the chamber in so many different ways (they are listed below) the chamber would be the poorer. Thanks go to them. Lastly, I would like to thank Greg (our ED), the Officers and Board and our Treasurer Jonathan Fryer.
I hope this 2019 edition of the Handbook and Directory proves useful to you.
Chris Thatcher
Sterling Partner: Bangkok Patana School
Sustaining Partners:
Shrewsbury International School Bangkok
Ek-Chai Distribution System Co., Ltd. (Tesco Lotus)
Brighton College International School, Bangkok
Rugby School Thailand
GlaxoSmithKline (Thailand) Limited
The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited
Harrow International School Bangkok
Standard Chartered Bank (Thai) pcl
Airline Partners:
British Airways PLC
EVA Airways
Finnair Oyj
Supporting Partners:
Amari Watergate
WHA Industrial Development Public Company Limited
ManpowerGroup Thailand
St. Stephen’s International School
KIS International School
Mazars (Thailand) Ltd.
Trafalgar International Ltd.
International School Bangkok (ISB)
Ophir Thailand (Bualuang) Limited
Prudential Life Assurance (Thailand) PCL
PCS Security And Facility Services Limited
Jamie’s Italian
Berkeley Group - Bangkok
Founded in 1946, the British Chamber of Commerce Thailand (BCCT) is one of the oldest foreign chambers and one of the largest non-Asian foreign chambers in Thailand. In addition, it is the largest and oldest British Chamber in Asia. At its inception there were 17 founding British members and three associate members
2018 Sterling Partner is: .....................................................................................................................................
In 2018, the BCCT has a membership of approximately 600 with almost 3000 named representatives covering a broad cross-section of business interests in Thailand. There are 25 Annual partners. Membership is open to companies of all nationalities and sizes.
BCCT’s mission statement is: “To serve the needs and promote the development of British business in Thailand and as ‘Partners in Progress’ contribute directly to Thailand’s economic advancement”
Members’ annual fees are BCCT’s main source of income, and together with income from the 100+ events organised throughout the year, help to support an office of eleven fulltime employees on chamber work and a further staff working on the UKTI Overseas Business Network initiative of which more details can be found elsewhere in the Handbook. The office is headed by Executive Director Greg Watkins.
The Board of Directors comprises 14 representatives of BCCT member companies Chaired by Chris Thatcher. The Board is advised by a number of active groups which maintain links with members and the many government and private sector organisations to ascertain views and report business developments and opportunities. Reports are regularly produced by the Board and chamber members, and are made available exclusively to members through the BCCT website – www.bccthai.com – and The Link magazine which is published every Three months.
The BCCT has a seat on the Executive Committee of the Board of Trade of Thailand and is active in representing members’ interests. BCCT supported the establishment of the European ASEAN Business Centre (EABC) in Thailand and continues to work with EABC on various collaborative initiatives most
2018 Sustaining Partners are:-
2018 Annual Airline Partners are:-
2018 Supporting Partners are:-
notably trade advocacy and market access issues. BCCT also co-founded and actively participates in Britain in South East Asia (BISEA), a regional group comprising all the British chambers and business associations in ASEAN countries.
Members can utilise the experience and knowledge of BCCT executive office staff to facilitate direct business introductions to other member companies, or for arranging face-to-face meetings with visitors from overseas, etc. The Executive Director also meets businessmen with an interest in doing business in Thailand during his visits to the UK.
Regular events are held to highlight special interest topics and the Chamber uses its network of business experts to call upon as presenters. Guest speakers have included Prime Ministers of Thailand, key government ministers from Thailand and the UK, British Ambassadors to Thailand, senior officials or senior executives from Thailand and the UK.
BCCT Website
On Thursday 5th April BCCT welcomed members to a ‘Fireside Chat’ with The Rt Hon Dr. Liam Fox MP, Secretary of State for International Trade and President of the Board of Trade. Dr Fox covered international trade situations and discussed UK’s trade relationship and market access issues with Thailand and South East Asia.
www.bccthai.com The BCCT website is the major communications vehicle for the BCCT. Members can find a host of useful information on the website including the latest business reports, event booking, and access to a comprehensive list of contacts from the BCCT members list, news and special member benefits offered by other members.
Networking Evenings are held once a month in Bangkok, the Eastern Seaboard and the Western Seaboard. Networking events are open to members and non-members thus widening the networking base for BCCT members and providing excellent opportunities to meet potential new business partners.
Workshops on key business and management skills for junior and midlevel staff are conducted several times a year. Workshops are conducted in Thai or English, and adopt a participative approach. They range from half day to two days sessions.
Congratulations to all winners - AstraZeneca Thailand (Most Innovative Company), Kensington International Kindergarten (Outstanding Small Company), Primal (Most Promising New Business), Sahib Anandsongvit (Thai Entrepreneur) and Mark McDowell (Young Professional). Big thanks to our generous sponsors Mazars (Thailand) and Samitivej Hospital for their great support making it a wonderful event.
BCCT has an active UK Group that works to raise the BCCT’s profile and that of Thailand as an investment destination in the UK, providing a forum to discuss Thailand-related business activities and provides advice and assistance to BCCT members. The Chamber engages with the Anglo-Thai Society to complement the work of our UK Group. BCCT Executive Director is the Anglo-Thai Society’s representative in Thailand. The Chamber is part of the Britain in South East Asia or BiSEA network. BiSEA is a grouping of British Chambers and Business Groups in the Southeast Asian region including Brunei, Cambodia / Laos, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore and Thailand. This regional Chamber network allows all registered members of any of the Chambers and Business Groups in BiSEA to access membership benefits especially with regard to events that are held in the different countries within the region.
The BCCT also supports several children’s and education based charities in Thailand. The Chamber works closely with the British Community in Thailand Foundation for the Needy (BCTFN), organisers of the annual Ploenchit Fair.
Christmas Luncheon
BCCT celebrates Christmas in style at BCCT Annual Christmas Lunch on Thursday 14 December at Amari Watergate Bangkok. Over 600 guests joined together for the festive lunch with fun activities and great raffle prizes. Thank you to all our generous sponsors for their great supports on the event.
BCCT welcomed members and guests to the exquisite BCCT Life & Style Garden Party on Thursday 22 March at the iconic Ambassador’s Residence, British Embassy. Guests experienced fine British food and drinks as well as British cars, motorcycles, music and a selection of great products from the UK. Big thanks to our generous sponsors making this an excellent evening.
BCCT Young Professionals (YP) Committee organised a BCCT Young Professionals Networking featuring a great talk with RBL Training Academy Managing Director Kornkanok Yongsakul and PRTR Outsourcing Managing Director Risara Charoenpanich. Moderated by BCCT Board of Director Sarah Smith and BCCT YP Committee Carlos Martinez, the talk discussed career growth and skill development for young professionals. Guests also enjoyed fine food beautifully arranged by our kind host Oriental Residence Bangkok. A big thanks to Jamie’s Italian Siam Discovery for the lovely support as always.
Provides detailed profiles of BCCT members and other useful information including a report on Thailand’s economic outlook, other business articles and public holiday lists.
This glossy quarter magazine contains feature articles on major issues of interest to all businesses in Thailand, reports on BCCT speaker presentations, interviews, with dignitaries in Britain and Thailand and BCCT member news. The Link is accessible 24/7 via the BCCT website at the following - http:// members.bccthai.com/Link
BCCT reports including legal advice are available the BCCT website per the link here: https://members.bccthai.com/bcct/ asp/reports.asp?MenuCatID=8&MenuItemID=11&SponsorID=0
BCCT aims to foster partnerships and strengthen ties between Thailand and the UK. Activities are dedicated to building networks, connecting business and creating opportunities for members. Our focus is on serving the needs and facilitating opportunities for our members. The BCCT has a seat on the Board of Trade of Thailand and is active in representing members’ interests.
Membership is open to companies and individuals of all nationalities.
Ordinary persons or juristic entities who are registered as traders.
Ordinary persons who are registered as traders. Applicants should note that the individual members are not entitled to nominate an alternative or pass membership to another representative of that company on their departure. According to Thai law an individual member must be British or foreign (other than Thai) nationality.
Ordinary persons or juristic entities who are qualified for ordinary membership but do not wish or can not be categorized as a Corporate Member e.g. Law firms, Accountants, etc.
Overseas Subscriber:
Persons or companies not resident or established in Thailand.
Eligible to UK SMEs only.
Bangkok Metropolitan Region (BMR)
Joining Fee* - THB 7,000 (plus VAT @7%)
Annual Membership Fee - THB 20,000 p.a. (plus VAT @ 7%)
*New members receive vouchers worth THB 7,000 (plus VAT) for use as entry tickets to BCCT monthly networking evenings
Thailand Eastern Seaboard
Joining Fee* - THB 2,000 (plus VAT @7%)
THB 15,000 (plus VAT @7%)
Thailand Upcountry
THB 10,000 (plus VAT @7%)
Overseas Subscriber
THB 10,000 (plus VAT @7%)
• Exposure to the business community
• Business presentations
• BCCT membership list
• Economic and business reports
• Business advice, support and mentoring
• Business & legal briefings
• Online industry sector reports
• Thai language functions and training programs
• Lobbying
• Networking opportunities
• Publicity / Sponsorship opportunities
• Site visits
• Trade missions
• Training & seminars
• Charities
• Sports & Social activities
It is an exciting time to be Director of DIT in Thailand. The bilateral relationship between our two countries remains strong. Recent high-level visits in both directions have only served to enhance this relationship and the Embassy’s job is now to ensure that the UK builds on this.
Earlier this year we welcomed the International Trade Secretary to Bangkok for his first visit to Thailand. During his visit the Foreign Secretary met the Prime Minister, Deputy Prime Minister and Commerce Minister. He also met with Chamber members and had the opportunity to hear first-hand of some of the challenges of doing business in Thailand.
The Secretary of State raised a number of priority UK issues including opportunities for increasing bilateral trade and investment and developing English language skills for Thais, the potential for reform of the Foreign Business Act, Free Trade Agreement negotiations and foreign policy.
In June, the Ambassador and I accompanied Prime Minister Prayut on his official visit to the UK. The Prime Minister was accompanied by key members of the Thai cabinet including the Minister of Commerce, the Minister of Transport and the Minister of Industry. The Prime Minister was also accompanied by a large business delegation with CEOs from leading Thai companies. The feedback following the visits from the Prime Minster, Ministers and companies has been very positive. Both leaders agreed to the establishment of a trade policy review that will serve as the basis for negotiating our future trading relationship.
Trade in goods and services between the UK and Thailand has now reached £5.5 billion a year, and, apart from a dip caused by the closure of the SSI Steel plant in Teesside, that figure has been increasing for the past 2 years. In fact, in August this year, for the first time ever, the UK exported more to Asia than Europe, and with demand still relatively flat in the EU, this trend will no doubt continue.
For many years Thailand has been a key investment location with many foreign companies successfully growing their business here. And the UK remains a leading European investor, with companies such as Tesco and Boots leading the way establishing their largest overseas operations in Thailand. Many UK SMEs are also achieving great commercial success.
Thailand is a country going through a significant transition. It wants to play a bigger role on the global stage and has strong aspirations to move towards a higher value added manufacturing economy. British companies can help – they have world class expertise and a proven track record of successfully delivering major infrastructure projects, including deep water ports, high speed rail, airports and improved roads. But in an increasingly global marketplace where there is fierce competition for foreign business, Thailand will also need to upgrade its regulatory infrastructure too.
We have much to celebrate in terms of bilateral trade, but there is more work to do to improve market access for UK companies. We continue to lobby for reform of the Foreign Business Act, so that foreign financial, professional and
business services companies here can compete more effectively.
Over the next decade, in order to maintain its position as a leading industrialised nation in the ASEAN Economic Community, Thailand will have to transform itself into an advanced manufacturing economy, where creativity, value addition and investment in skills, R&D and new technologies are underpinned by a legislative framework that encourages entrepreneurship and rewards innovation. When you look at it like that, the challenges seem to make the UK a natural partner of choice for the next generation of Thailand's business leaders.
Britain will, in many ways, be Thailand's natural partner of choice for the coming decades of the 21st century. I look forward to working with you all to make this happen.
Richard Porter Director of Trade & Investment British Embassy, BangkokCHAIRMAN
Group Chairman, ANGLO-THAI LEGAL CO., LTD.
Vice-President & Area General Manager, Bangkok, ONYX HOSPITALITY GROUP (AMARI WATERGATE BANGKOK)
Regional Managing Director, Global Sales Director, LUCY ELECTRIC (THAILAND) LIMITED
Executive Director, ARCADIA (THAILAND) CO., LTD.
Country Commercial Manager
Managing Director, FLUXUS (THAILAND) CO., LTD.
Managing Director / Publisher, THE BIGCHILLI CO., LTD.
Attorney at Law, HLG (THAILAND) CO., LTD.
General Manager, JAMIE’S ITALIAN
Greg Watkins - Executive Director
Greg has worked in Thailand for 21 years, the last 16 as BCCT Executive Director responsible for the overall day-to-day operations and development of the BCCT. He began his career with the Department of Trade and Industry in London and served in a variety of roles over seven years: Malaysia, Singapore and Brunei desk officer; Thailand, Burma, Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam desk officer; secretary to the South East Asia Trade Advisory Group (SEATAG); and editor of the SEATAG bulletin (a 48-page quarterly magazine). During his time at DTI Greg also spent nine months in 1989 on attachment to the Commercial Section of the British Embassy in Bangkok. Greg moved to Thailand in December 1991 and spent five years as Marketing Director for Tara Siam, a business research organization employing 50 staff, before joining BCCT in December 1996. Email: greg@bccthai.com
Rungjit Jarernponganarn - Events Manager
Rungjit (RJ) has been the Events Manager of BCCT since 2005. She oversees all aspects of BCCT events including planning, implementing, securing sponsorship/venues, liaison with guest speakers, associated organisations, chambers or other BCCT committee groups to initiate and deliver events. She is also in charge of overall operation of major events such as the Life & Style Garden Party and the annual BCCT Christmas Lunch. Rungjit holds a bachelor’s degree in Hospitality Management from Indiana-Purdue University, USA, as well as a master’s degree in Southeast Asian Linguistics from Mahidol University. Email: rungjit@bccthai.com
Ms. Kingkaew Prihachinda - Finance Manager
Kingkaew joined the Chamber as Finance/Accounting Manager in February 2011. She received a Bachelor’s Degree from Ramkhamhaeng University, majoring in Accounting. Before joining the Chamber, she worked at KPMG Phoomchai Tax Ltd. as Assistant Manager in IES Department and Accounting Department for over 7 years. You may contact Khun Kingkaew for payments related matters, including to discuss credit terms for your membership, advertising and sponsorship fees. Email: kingkaew@bccthai.com
Mrs. Jintana Phenix - Business Development Manager
Jintana (Jina) joined the Chamber as Membership and Publications Coordinator in October 2013 and the Business Development Manager in May 2014. Jina has extensive experience in international business, having successfully managed her own clothing company and as the owner manager of a courier service franchise on the Eastern Sea Board. She was also the main Thai contact behind the Bangkok St Andrew’s Society for 5 years organising events and securing sponsorship. She studied Computing and Information Technology at The College of West Anglia in England and Commercial Art at Surathani College.
Jina is responsible for member relationship management, increasing partnerships, sponsorships, membership, improving member’s satisfaction, and attracting new advertising revenue to BCCT. She is also responsible for the production of the BCCT publications. Email: jintana@bccthai.com
Phimphika Artthakhan joined BCCT as a Membership and Advertising Coordinator in November 2013 and was promoted to Assistant Business Development Manager in 2016. She graduated with a Master of International Tourism and Hospitality Management from Griffith University, Australia. Phimphika has experienced in business development, working at Agoda.com. Phimphika’s main role is membership support and relationship management for members and non-members. She is also responsible for BCCT publication and electronic advertising. Email: phimphika@bccthai.com
Ms. Warunee Krisee - Membership & Business Development Coordinator
Warunee joined BCCT as a Membership and Business Development Coordinator. She was previously a General Service Officer for Social Services where she developed processes to aid the welfare of disadvantaged and less opportunity citizens for 8 years gaining various skills. She studied computer for business which has given her a practical computer skills. Warunee’s main role is membership support and relationship management for members and non-members. She is also responsible for the BCCT database, website and BCCT publications (The Link and the Directory). Email: warunee@bccthai.com
Mrs. Pattama Panjanont - Finance & Administration Coordinator
Pattama joined BCCT as a Finance & Administration Coordinator in March 2014. Prior to joining the Chamber she worked at Lebua Hotels & Resorts as Executive Secretary. She graduated with a Bachelor’s Degree from The University of Thai Chamber of commerce. Email: pattama@bccthai.com
Ms. Chonticha Intapuntee – Assistant Events Manager
Chonticha joined BCCT as an Assistant Events Manager in May 2017. She holds a bachelor’s degree in English from Srinakarinwirot University and a master’s degree in International Events Management from University of Surrey, UK. Chonticha has experience in the area of event operations and hospitality industry. Her responsibilities include organising events and training workshops held at the British Business Centre. Email: chonticha@bccthai.com
Ms. Urosesri Intarakhao - Events Coordinator
Urosesri Intarakhao is the Events Coordinator in the BCCT. She graduated from the University of the Thai Chamber of Commerce with BA Economics majoring in International Trade and graduated from Assumption University with MBA majoring in Marketing. She also has extensive experience in hotel reservation. Before Joining BCCT she previously worked at JW Marriott Bangkok, Renaissance Bangkok and Metropolitan Bangkok by COMO. Email: urosesri@bccthai.com
Ms. Nattima Vejsathit - Assistant Business Services Manager
Nattima joined BCCT as an Assistant Business Services Manager after working with other European Embassies in the field of economic and trade cooperation for almost 10 years. She has extensive experience in supporting foreign companies to enter the Thai market and assist them to expand their business in Thailand. Nattima holds a Bachelor of Political Science from Chulalongkorn University and a Master of Business (Marketing) from Queensland University of Technology, Australia. Email: nattima@bccthai.com
Ms. Piyachat Chitkasem
Ms. Piyachat Chitkasem - Assistant Business Services Manager Piyachat Chitkasem joined BCCT as Business Services Coordinator in August 2016 and was promoted to Assistant Business Services Manager in June 2017. She graduated with a bachelor’s degree in Liberal Arts from Mae Fah Luang University in Thailand. Before joining the Chamber, she worked as a corporate and immigration assistant at a legal firm in Bangkok. Piyachat is the main contact point for general enquiries relating to the Business Services team and for UK companies that are seeking to invest in Thailand. Email: piyachat@bccthai.com
Mr. Krit Fongpitak - Driver
Krit joined the Chamber in September 2004, becoming the Chamber Driver. Before this he was personal driver to the President of the Netherlands-Thai Chamber of Commerce, working for TBS Co., Ltd for a period of 5 years.
BCCT organised a wide range of breakfast, lunch, dinner or boardroom briefings. These were held at member hotels and the British Business Centre on Digital Technology, Legal, Property and SME issues. High profile speakers included the Minister of Industry, Minister of Commerce, Minister of Education, Minister attached to the Prime Minister’s Office and President of The Stock Exchange of Thailand (SET). Big thanks to all speakers and generous sponsors: TICON Industrial Connection, Wellington
The Life & Style Garden Party, Thailand International Business Awards and Christmas Lunch are BCCT’s three major events. Our warmest thanks to all sponsors: The Fry Group, Parker Bridge, Allied Pickfords Thailand, Rugby School Thailand, Human Inc, Manpower Group, Boots Retail (Thailand), Samitivej Hospital, Bangkok Patana School, KIS International School Bangkok, Tesco Lotus, Brighton College Bangkok, Property Care Services, Standard Chartered Bank Thailand, GSK, HSBC, Mini, Wellington College International School, Niche Cars, Regent International School Bangkok, Beehive Asia, Shrewsbury International School, Prem Tinsulanonda International School, Siam Knight Fund Management Securities, John Michael Sofa Collections, Triumph Motorcycles, Dr. Green Innovation, Budget Business Travel, Captain Hook’s Smoke House, Mazars (Thailand), Amari Watergate, Oriental Residence Bangkok, Bangkok Marriott Sukhumvit, Wine Connection, Flow Inter, Bistro 33, Central Food Retails, Diageo Moet Hennessy (Thailand) and Pernod Ricard (Thailand)
BCCT organises monthly Third Thursday (T3) networking and quarterly Young Professionals networking for members and guests to get together and network in a lovely ambience, tasting fantastic food and drinks provided by our venue hosts. Massive thanks to all sponsors: Radisson Suites, Lancaster Bangkok, Royal Orchid Sheraton, Bangkok Marriott Hotel The Surawongse, The Landmark Bangkok, British Club, Ramada Maenam Riverside, Shangri-la Bangkok, Swissotel Bangkok Ratchada, akyra Thonglor Bangkok, Grand Hyatt Erawan, Hooters Bangkok, Mazars (Thailand), Shrewsbury International School, Wellington College International School, Broadgate Mutual Fund Brokerage Securities (Thailand), RE/MAX – Town & Country, Flow Inter, Samitivej Hospital, Minibar Services, Edge Worldwide Logistics (Thailand), Prem Tinsulanonda International School, Garden International Schools, Jamie’s Italian, Oriental Residence Bangkok, Fitness First and Diageo Moet Hennessy (Thailand)
Phuket, Chiang Mai and Eastern Seaboard members and affiliates enjoyed a variety of BCCT events including networking, after hours, business dinners and briefings. Thank you to all sponsors: Thanyapura Phuket, Royal Phuket Marina, Budget Car & Truck Rental, Hughes Krupica, Phuket News, Window on Phuket, Hard Rock Café Chiang Mai, Movaci Technology, BlueStar AMG, Allied Pickfords, Wisetek Solutions (Thailand), Regents International School Pattaya, Choice Group Asia, WHA Group, Lucy Electric (Thailand), Centara Grand Mirage Pattaya, Securitas (Thailand), INSEE Ecocycle, Garden International School Thailand, Pullman Pattaya Hotel G, Axcel Electronics Thailand, Mazars (Thailand), Pattaya Mail, En-Siri, SCG and Tesco Lotus. We look forward to visiting BCCT regional members again in 2019.
worldwide. Passengers therefore benefit from a large choice of destinations and many combination options. The Lufthansa Group airlines stand for high-quality products and services. With more than 700 aircraft, they have one of the largest and, above all, most modern fleets in the world.
British Community in Thailand Foundation for the Needy Charity activities by members of the British Community in Thailand began at the British Club in 1941 when monthly activities including morning markets selling home-made cakes and other items run by the British Ladies together with the production of several plays were organised.
The British efforts were combined with the YWCA in 1951 when they held their first international Bazaar, but in 1957 the British community, led by the wife of the Ambassador realized the potential for an annual charity Fair and the need for a dedicated committee. The Ploenchit Fair was born.
A committee was formed from a cross-section of the community, UKCTC and charged with the objectives of maximizing the support from the British community for Thai charities, to ensure funds were properly disbursed and spent and to unite and promote British companies’ charitable donations, giving them a forum to handle requests received throughout the year.
The first committee, UKCTC, obtained Foundation status from the Ministry of Interior in 1999 under the name British Community in Thailand Foundation for the Needy and today continues the organization of the Ploenchit Fair. The members are entirely voluntary and, with the experience they have gained over the years, enables them to understand and administer to the needs of the recipient charities, advise them where necessary and monitor the work they
are and have been doing over the decades on an ongoing permanent basis.
In recent years, priority has been given to self-help projects that benefit and enable a community to become selfsustaining. Assistance has also been given in the provision of basic necessities and equipment to improve healthcare, nutrition, education, agricultural projects and the disabled throughout Thailand.
BCTFN has been supporting Thai charities since 1957 operating as the United Kingdom Committee for Thai Charities. In 2000 this became an official Thai Foundation as the British Community in Thailand Foundation for the Needy. Since that time, over 145 million baht has been allocated to projects throughout Thailand with preference give to selfhelp projects, agricultural, educational and medical projects that benefit whole communities.
Funds to support these projects are all raised at the annual Ploenchit Fair, with an army of volunteers and the sponsorship of many companies and organisations.
Some of the projects assisted to date Foundation to encourage Disabled Persons Further support to extend the programme of building toilets for disabled persons in Chiang Mai in rural villages and to Lamphun, Chiang Rai and Phrae.
Karen Hill Tribes in Thailand - Chiang Mai Funds to provide irrigation systems, piped water and communal toilet and shower facilities to two villages Baan Mae La Noi and Mae Cheam in Mae Hong Son. BCTFN will provide funds fpr one scheme annually.
Christchurch Discretionary Fund This fund is to assist emergency cases with medical help, educational and food grants.
Rejoice Urban Development - Chiang Mai. Annual supply of palliative medicines and formula milk to assist HIV mothers and outreach patients, continuing programme
Sisters of Good Shepherd – Bangkok Annual supply of raw materials to enable abused and homeless women and children to be trained to produce garments for sale to give them an income.
THEP Schools - Mae Hong Son 100 bunk beds for boarding children at Santisuk School in Chiang Mai plus roof repairs in Ban Thaa Song Kwae.
Sisters of Good Shepherd Nongkhai. Provision of a drainage system for irrigation and water system for their small medical clinic and vegetable farm.
Siam Care Foundation. Training materials to conduct HIV Awareness for youth in juvenile prison.
SET Foundation. Annual funding for Rajabhat University students to construct a multi function building in the outlying villages.
Project WIN. Funds to construct a chicken farm, fish pond and mushroom growing. Provision of water tanks in this village in Chiang Mai.
Rural Area Medical Aid – Bangkok. Payment of medical supplies for this Foundation who organize visits to outlying areas up country every six weeks by teams of volunteer doctors, dentists and nurses.
One Sky Foundation – Kanchanaburi. Repairs to a school and multi-function centre building deep into the forest and educational equipment and furniture.
Baan Pan Suk – Surathani. Funds to build a multi-function centre for children who cannot attend government school to learn to read and write.
Baan Bang Boon – Pratumthai province. Funds for this Hospice for terminally ill patients for the provision of a water filter system and nursing care materials.
The Britain Brunei Business Forum
British High Commission Bandar Seri
2.01, 2nd Floor, Block D, Kompleks Bangunan Yayasan Sultan
Haji Hassanal Bolkiah, Jalan Pretty, Bandar Seri Begawan
PO Box 2197, Brunei Darussalam
Telephone (+673) (2) 222231
Email: secretary@britbrubus.com
Website: http://www.britbrubus.com/
Chairman: William Martin
British Chamber of Commerce in Cambodia
British Embassy, #27-29 Street 75, Sangkat Srah Chak, Khan Daun Peng
Phnom Penh 12201
Tel: +855 89 333 477
Email: info@britchamcambodia.org
Website: www.britchamcambodia.org
Chairman: Trevor Sworn
Executive Director: Nipoan Chheng
British Chamber of Commerce in Indonesia
Wisma Metropolitan I F/15, Jln. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 29 - 31, Jakarta – 12920
Tel: +62 21 5229453
Fax: +62 21 5279135
Email: busdev@britcham.or.id
Website: http://www.britcham.or.id
Chairman: Ainsley Manm
Executive Director: Chris Wren
British Business Group Lao PDR
Crowne Plaza Hotel, 2nd Floor, Samenthai Road, Vientiane
Tel: +856 (0)20 7802-8885
Email: director@bbglao.org
Website: http://www.bbglao.org
Executive Director: Leire Pez
British Malaysian Chamber of Commerce
LOT E04C1, 4th Floor, East Block, Wisma Selangor Dredging, 142-B, Jalan Ampang, 50450 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Tel: +60 3 2163 1784
Fax: +60 3 2163 1781
Email: info@bmcc.org.my
Website: www.bmcc.org.my
Chairman: Andrew Sill
Executive Director: Jennifer Lopez
Suite No#06-04, Level 6, Junction City Tower
Corner of Bogyoke Aung San Road and 27th Street
Pabedan Township, Yangon, Myanmar
Email: info@britishchambermtanmar. com
Website: http://www. britishchambermyanmar.com/
Chairman: Mr Peter Beynon FCA
Chief Executive: Ms Chloe Taylor
British Chamber of Commerce of the Philippines
8F W Fifth Avenue Building
5th Avenue corner 32nd Street, Bonifacio Global City, Taguig 1634, Metro Manila, Philippines
Tel: +63 2 556 5232
Fax: +63 2 519 6889
Email: info@britcham.org.ph
Website: www.britcham.org.ph
Chairman: Chris Nelson
British Chamber of Commerce in Singapore
39 Robinson Road, #11-03
Robinson Point, Singapore 068911
Tel: + 65 6222-3552
Fax: + 65 6222-3556
Email: Info@britcham.org.sg
Website: http://www.britcham.org.sg/ President: Bicky Bhangu
Interim Executive Director / Deputy Executive Director: Olivia Widen
British Chamber of Commerce
Thailand (BCCT)
7th Floor, 208 Wireless Road
Lumpini, Pathumwan
Bangkok 10330
Tel: 66-2651-5350-3
Fax: 66-2651-5354
Email: greg@bccthai.com
Website: www.bccthai.com
Chairman: Chris Thatcher
Executive Director: Greg Watkins
British Business Group Vietnam
Ho Chi Minh City
G/F 25 Le Duan Blvd, District 1.
Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
Tel: +84 (8) 3829 8430
Fax: +84 (8) 3822 5172
Email: info@bbgv.org
Website: www.bbgv.org
Executive Director: Peter Rimmer
193B Ba Trieu, Hai Ba Trung District. Hanoi, Vietnam
Tel: +84 (4) 3633 0244
Email: bbgvhanoi@bbgv.org
Chairman: Kenneth M Atkinson
The Old Barn, Pury Road Alderton, Northants
NN12 7 LN
T: +44 (0)1327811827
Suite 16, Whitfield House
1 Whitfield Court
Durham DH7 8XL
T: +44 (0) 75 9048 5060 askowronski@ancassociates.com www.ancassociates.com
360 degree video, image and sound, social media and drone technologies offer unprecedented opportunities to share extraordinary experiences with a global audience. Through the use of virtual reality, smartphones, tablets and portable computers it is possible to not only share inspiring people, places and experiences but also to give the consumer the freedom to create their own view of these special points in time.
Every person, place and experience that we encounter in our lives has a story to tell and our aim is to help our clients to tell their story in the richest possible engaging and immersive way by combining the power of these enabling technologies with story telling, gamification and social media strategies. We operate through partnerships based on “win-win” relationships that celebrate and share extraordinary people, places, experiences, events and leisure environments. If you have a passion for an inspiring person, place or experience that you want the world to know about, we can help you.
Download our ideas flyer www.360in360ix.co.uk/culturalidentity.pdf
Watch the 360in360 Immersive Video of the story behind the 360in360 brand and our services.
Check out our 360in360 Immersive Experiences Facebook Page Products or Services Workshops, Keynote Presentations and Virtual tours.
BCCT Member Company Since 2018
A & C Associates, a multi-award winning company, excel in providing consultancy services for the FMCG and Foodservice sectors globally. Our expertise covers franchising, new market entry support, acquisition diligence and best-practise training for those working in Procurement and Sales.
Our International Foodservice industry advisers have the expertise to design and implement tailored strategies that have effectively supported major QSR and CDI brands as well as manufacturing companies the world over, helping them to enter into new markets and maximise profitability.
For Supply Chain and QA professionals, our Procurement Training Course offers cutting-edge coaching techniques plus practical, easy-to-implement tools and processes that are proven drivers of success.
This comprehensive Course has been run in 4 continents and comes highly recommended by both Sales Executives and those in Procurement. It spans all key factors, from Spend Analysis and Category Management, through the entire Procurement Process and concluding with a Negotiating Skills workshop.
A & C Associates stands out from the crowd by delivering bespoke services that meet our clients' individual needs, whether long-term support, shortterm programs, expert advice, training or executive coaching.
As experienced International Foodservice Industry Advisers and specialists in results-driven Procurement Course we have the dedication and skills to ensure your company stays ahead of the curve.
Our expertise in franchising covers both sides, the Franchisor and the Franchisee. From conducting Franchise searches on behalf of the Franchisor, we provide a comprehensive service including:
• working with the Franchisor to develop a franchise prospectus
• developing the Franchise agreements and term sheets
• conducting the Franchise search within a country and developing a short list of potential partners
• detailed overview of the company and using a unique matrix, assessing the compatibility
• country data
Consultants specialising in the Food service and food manufacturing arena with its speciality in the Branded International Food Service Sector.
Procurement Into The Future: the interactive supply chain and procurement training programme.
Member Company Since 2013A2/51, Thosapol Land Building 4
11th Floor, Soi Bangna Trat 25, Bangna, Bangkok 10260
3656/49-52 Green tower, 16th Floor Rama IV Rd
Klongton, Klongtoei, Bangkok 10110
T: +66 (0) 2744 3180/ 2168 4900
F: +66 (0) 2744 3177/ 2168 4999 thierry@ata-services.com www.ata-officerental.com
565/62, Moo 10 (next to Big C South Pattaya) Nongprue, Banglamung Chonburi 20150
T: +66 (0) 3841 5795-6
F: +66 (0) 3837 4251 peter@aainsure.net www.aainsure.net
A - Mr. Thierry Guillossou, Managing Director
B - Ms. Siriporn Chiwaraphan, Managing Director
Capital 33 MB with BOI.
We are a serviced office company with more than 2000m2 office within 2 business centers. One Located near Tonglor and Ekkamai on Rama 4 at green Tower on 1200m2. Another one, 800m2, Located near Udomsuk & Central Bangna. You can rent an office with different possible configurations, open space, co-working space and closed rooms from 1 to 50 people. We also provide Virtual offices as well as meeting room services.
We are also specialized in administrative management and Thai labor regulation. We help companies who want to develop a business in Thailand without creating a local subsidiary upfront.
We hire your employees on your behalf. We provide working permit and visa for foreigners.
We take in charge for our customers the administration of their human resources.
Our solutions are easy and fast to implement. We offer a high-value added service at low cost compared to administrate a subsidiary company.
Products or Services
Ata Services is also: car rental/leasing contract https://www.ata-carrental.com
You have your company, you can trust our team for your payroll & accounting as well than others services like ticket plane and hotel booking, working permit visa and so on…
You are looking for a staff. You can trust our team to find it for you.
Visa and work permit
You have a foreigner in your company, Ata Services takes care of all the administrative parts and save your time
ATA Services Plus: www.ata-officerental.com
• Recruitment
• Pay-roll/ administration
• PEO contract ( outsourcing contract staff )
• Accounting
• Working permit & visa
ATA Car rental: https://www.ata-carrental.com
Because we believe that rental a car is just the beginning, Ata Car rental provide a variety of additional services: We offer you the best service when you rent a car with us.
• Car rental with or without driver
BCCT Member Company Since 2014
A A - Mr. Peter Smith, DirectorAA Insurance Brokers was formed in 2004, the Head Office being located in Pattaya, with the purpose of providing services to the Expat community initially in the Pattaya area and then Bangkok. Since then the company has expanded considerably and now has offices and clients throughout Thailand including Phuket, Samui, Udon, Chiang Mai, and Bangkok. The company is majority Thai owned in line with the current legislation laid out by the Office of the Insurance Commission (OIC) and has a full Company Brokers License. The foreign directors have lived in Thailand for many years and have a broad range of experience in the insurance industry, both here in Thailand and internationally. AA Insurance Brokers work in partnership with the leading international & local insurance companies and aims to provide the high quality service and value for money demanded by the expatriate community. Our client base is not limited to Thailand but stretches throughout the globe and ranging from housewives to international corporations. We specialise in designing tailored solutions to individuals and companies alike. In line with the unique requirements of our clients we offer a full range of services including risk assessment, product design and technical backup. The company is technology orientated and operates a highly sophisticated paperless office system that ensures smooth efficient processing of clients applications and, more importantly, claims. AA Insurance Brokers is constantly updating and improving both its internal systems and its ties with the various insurance providers. We offer specialist services and difficult-to-obtain insurance coverage to the oil and gas industries, both onshore & offshore, schools, small businesses, hotels, large corporations and of course the individual. Public liability, employer & employee liability, workmen's compensation, construction, marine, pleasure craft, house, condo, car, motorbike, SME, hotel, restaurant, medical, tailored group medical schemes, personal accident, life insurance. Our motto is: If it can be insured we will get it insured.
Products or Services
• Corporate and Personal Insurance Brokers
• School Fees Planning
• Offshore Company Formation
• Offshore Banking and Trusts
• Life and Health Insurance
Companies Represented
All major Insurance Companies
Senior Management
Mr. Peter Smith
Bangkok Bank
BCCT Member Company Since 2001
99/127, Monchaya 2
Saimai Road 49, Khwaeng Sai Mai
Khet Sai Mai, Bangkok 10220
T: +66 (0) 2536 0910, 81 813 2402
F: +66 (0) 2536 0913 aamtsurvey@yahoo.com, eurekaheatrecovery.thailand@gmail.com geospatialjs.wixsite.com/aamthai
28/3 Moo 6, T. Khanom, Khanom Nakon Si Thamarat 80210
T: +66 (0) 7530 0310
F: +66 (0) 7530 0312
A - Mr. Atte Savisalo, Managing Director/ Owner
B - Ms. Kati Hakkinen, Owner
AAM (Thailand) Co., Ltd. (AAMT) is an independent registered Thai company, with its principal founding shareholder and director being Mr Dennis Rose (Managing Director). Mr Rose is an Australian citizen, and a resident of Thailand.
AAMT is also the appointed representative and distributor in Thailand for EUREKA, a British company which developed and has been producing Eureka Heat Recovery systems for more than 35 years, to produce warm water from the waste heat of cold-storage plants. The hot water temperature is up to 7 degrees C above the condensation temperature, without requiring more energy for the cooling process. Eureka Heat Recovery systems are extremely economical, very reliable, easy to install, and virtually maintenance free.
AAMT (also) provides quality services in the fields of surveying & mapping, terrestrial, hydrographic, ADCP (Acoustic Doppler Current Profiling) & aerial surveying, remote sensing & photogrammetry, land & geographical information, mining support services, and a wide range of geomatics, and land technology based services. AAM offers these services to clients in Thailand and nearby countries, such as Lao PDR, Vietnam, Philippines, Myanmar, Cambodia, Nepal, Taiwan, South Korea, Bangladesh, India, and Malaysia. AAM’s main office and centre of operations is in Thailand, with regional and affiliate / representative offices in other countries.
Aava Resort & Spa is a Scandinavian owned spa resort in Khanom, Nakhon Si Thammarat province in South-East Thailand.
Aava Resort & Spa combines traditional Thai friendliness and family values with Scandinavian quality and design. The resort sits on the beautiful Nadan beach, a 9 kilometer stretch of pristine golden sands and clear blue water.
In 2013 Aava Resort & Spa was voted as one of the 101 Best Hotels in the World in the globally acclaimed TATLER Travel Guide. Within the review, Aava was praised for its unique Scandinavian and Thai fusion design, facilities for children and incredible food.
The values of Aava Resort & Spa evolved from the idea of serving our guests with traditional Thai friendliness without compromising high European standards.
Aava Resort & Spa is a 28 rooms boutique resort located on the most beautiful beach in Khanom on mainland facing Koh Samui. We are much focused on design and high quality services such as fine dining and spa.
We have been focusing also on wellness holidays providing Yoga, Pilates, Tai Chi, Meditation, Thai Boxing classes to our customers. We also do Yoga and wellness retreats with internationally acknowledged instructors several times yearly.
Please visit our website www.aavaresort.com for more information.
11th Floor, 2535 Sukhumvit Road
Bangchack, Prakhanong
Bangkok 10260
T: +66 (0) 2332 7120-9
F: +66 (0) 2332 7130 wimol.benjamapa@twiningsovo.com www.abf.co.uk
Chamber Representatives
1 Empire Tower, 24th Floor
Unit 2412-2413, South Sathorn Road
Yannawa, Sathorn, Bangkok 10120
T: +66 (0) 2670 0640-7
F: +66 (0) 2670 0649 boworn.p@abworldfoods.com www.abworldfoods.com
Chamber Representatives
A - Mr. Chalermchai Theerakul, General Manager - Thailand
B - Mr. Pongskorn Pongwattanasuk, General Manager – SEADM
AB Food and Beverages manufactures and markets food and beverage products including Ovaltine nutritional beverage and Twining's tea. AB Foods is a diversified International food, Ingredients and retail group with sales of GBP15.4 billon and over 133,000 employees in 50 countries across Europe, southern Africa, the Americas, Asia and Australia. Our purpose is to provide safe, nutritious, affordable food and clothing that is great value for money. A significant supplier of branded and non-branded grocery products and a leading textile retailer, AB Foods has significant businesses in Europe, Australasia and the United States. The company was incorporated in 1987, and continues its efforts to diversify and enter new export markets in Indochina and South East Asia. The company is a wholly owned subsidiary of Associated British Foods Plc (ABF).
Products or Services
Manufacturing and marketing of food and beverage products including Ovaltine and nutritional beverage and Twining's tea.
Companies Represented
Mr. Chalermchai Theerakul, GM - Thailand
Mr. Pongskorn Pongwattanasuk, General Manager – SEADM
Associated British Foods Plc (ABF)
BCCT Member Company Since 1990
A - Mr. Boworn Pakdeesusak, Regional Supply Manager – Asia
B - Mr. Somkiat Vongsirisomboon, Finance And Administrations Manager – Asia
AB World Foods is a wholly owned subsidiary of Associated British Foods Plc (ABF) and has had an office in Thailand for over 10 years. AB World Foods was formed in 2005 by the merger of Patak's and G Costa Trading.
AB World Foods manufactures a wide range of ethnic food products: Indian, Thai, Chinese, Caribbean and Vietnamese. The company is market leader in several markets including the UK, Australia/New Zealand and North America/ Canada and is expanding into Indochina and South East Asia.
Products or Services
AB World Foods product portfolio includes:
• Patak's range of Indian curry sauces, pastes and condiments.
• Blue Dragon range of Thai, Chinese, Japanese and Vietnamese foods.
• Levi Roots range of 'Reggae Reggae' Caribbean sauces and condiments
• Geo. Watkins range of sauces (Anchovy, Mushroom and Brown sauce)
• Food service pack sizes are available for both Patak's and Reggae Reggae products. 75% of curry houses in England UK use Patak's!!!!
AB Food & Beverage (Thailand) Ltd.
Associated British Foods Plc (ABF)
Senior Management
Mr. Boworn Pakdeesusuk, Regional Supply Manager – Asia
Mr. Khomsan Naksomboonchai, Senior Technical Manager – Asia
Mr. Somkiat Vongsirisomboon, Finance And Administration Manager – Asia
Board of Directors
Mr. Paul Wildman, Director
Mr. Rob Dolan, Director
Ms. Jo Hyde, Director
Mr. Boworn Pakdeesusuk, Director
Standard Chartered Bank
BCCT Member Company Since 2012
144 (Off) Soi Siripot Sukhumvit 81 Road
Suanluang, Bangkok 10250
T: +66 (0) 2742 4571-5
F: +66 (0) 2332 8649
li@abacusdesign.co.th, sam@abacusdesign.co.th www.abacusdesign.co.th
Chamber Representatives
352/329 M. 12 Pratamnak Road Soi 5 Nongprue, Banglamung Chonburi 20150
T: +66 (0) 3825 2531-2
F: +66 (0) 3825 2533 helmut@abc-global.com www.abc-global.com
Chamber Representatives
A - Mr. John D. Lightbody, CEO
B - Ms. Samantha Lightbody, Director
For Forty one years Abacus Design has been specializing in designing interiors for fine hotels, Spas and resorts in Thailand, China, India, Malaysia Cambodia Vietnam & the Seychelles. Our primary goal is to create unique, beautiful & functional interiors of hotels to give guests new exotic experience of the country they visit.
Abacus design forms a professional partnerships with the Clients, combines functions, practicality and aesthetic pleasure. The well planned use of rich materials, art work and lighting create the " WOW Factor" of luxury within the limits of a sound business investment. This basic approach, born of long experience is Abacus Design plus.
Products or Services
Interior Design
• Hotels & Resorts
• Luxury homes
• Condominiums
• Offices
Graphic Design
Uniform Design
Abacus Realty Co., Ltd.
Circa Co., Ltd.
100% Thai
Senior Management
Mr. John Lightbody
Mrs. Montha Li Lightbody
Ms. Samantha Lightbody
Ms. Kristina Lightbody
Bangkok Bank
BCCT Member Company Since 2006
A - Mr. Helmut Buchberger, Managing Director
B - Mrs. Supawadee Rodvinit, Director
ABC Asian Business Consulting Co., Ltd. founded in August 2000 is a small but well-established independent business and management consultancy firm located in Pattaya, Thailand providing customized business and consulting services and integreted business solutions.
The company advices foreigners living, working and investing in Thailand and neighbor countries. At the time we take care of approximately 220 mostly smaller companies with foreign directors of more than 20 different nations.
Products or Services
Accounting and Auditing, Consulting Service, Work Permits, Visa, Company Formation etc., all kind of Contractual Agreements, Investment Consultation, Legal Advice in association with our sister company ABC Asian Legal Service Co., Ltd.
ABC Asian Legal Service Co., Ltd.
ABC Asian Business Development Co., Ltd.
51% Thai
49% German
Senior Management
Mr. Helmut Buchberger
Mrs. Supawadee Rodvinit
Bangkok Bank
Financial Details
Year Established: 2000
Registered Capital: B6.0M
Paid-up Capital: B6.0M
BCCT Member Company Since 2009
179, Bangkok City Tower, 28 Floor
South Sathorn Road, Sathorn
Thungmahamek, Bangkok 10120
T: +66 (0) 2352 3333
F: +66 (0) 2352 3389 client.services.th@aberdeenstandard.com aberdeen-asset.co.th/
Bangkok Union Insurance Bldg. II 14th Floor, Suite 14/2, 14/6 177/1 Surawong Road, Bangrak
Bangkok 10500
T: +66 (0) 2634 7163
F: +66 (0) 2634 7165 russell.winn@achieveglobal.th.com www.achieveglobal.com
Chamber Representative
A - Mr. Korawut Leenabanchong, Chief Executive Officer
• Aberdeen Standard Investments is a leading global asset manager dedicated to creating long-term value for our clients, and is a brand of the investment businesses of Aberdeen Asset Management and Standard Life Investments.
• With over 1,000 investment professionals we manage $778.8 billion (£575.7 billion)* of assets worldwide. We have clients in 80 countries supported by 50 relationship offices. This ensures we are close to our clients and the markets in which they invest. (*as at Dec 31, 2017)
• Aberdeen Standard Asset Management (Thailand) Limited is part of the leading global asset management group “Aberdeen Standard Investments”
• Aberdeen Standard Asset Management (Thailand) Limited has been operating under the Mutual Fund license in Thailand since 1996 with extensive local knowledge and on the ground experience, investing through many key economic cycles.
• Known for our long-term and fundamental approach to Equity fund management, Aberdeen Standard Asset Management (Thailand) Limited is trusted with over $5 billion (Dec 2017) of equity assets under management.
Products or Services
Mutual Fund/ Private Fund / Provident Fund
Companies Represented
Mr. Korawut Leenabanchong, Country Head of Aberdeen Standard Asset Management (Thailand) Limited
Aberdeen Standard Investments (Asia) Limited
Senior Management
Mr. Korawut Leenabanchong, Country Head of Aberdeen Standard Asset Management (Thailand) Limited
Board of Directors
Mr. Hugh Young
Mr. Korawut Leenabanchong
Mr. Robert Samuel Penaloza
Mr. Adithep Vanabriksha
Mr. Porrakit Pakphanich
BCCT Member Company Since 2018
A - Mr. Russell Winn, Managing DirectorBackground
Building highly successful Sales Teams, developing strong Leaders for the future, creating Service that dazzles...these are what we do!
AchieveGlobal Thailand (registered name TMTG (Thailand) is a partner of the Miller Heiman Group. We work with our Clients in 45 countries around the world through our network of offices and partners. Here in Thailand, we have been active for 20 years delivering world-class training to our Clients.
We offer customized solutions clearly focused on our Clients' needs. Our Programmes are flexible, affordable, engaging and highly effective. They are grounded in core skill development, and in behaviour modelling methodology. Our local and expat Trainers, who have strong business background, deliver these with passion and with a commitment to your results.
In Thailand, the combination of world-class Training content, adapted to the Thai business market, coupled with our excellent Trainers, has made us one of the premier providers of training and development solutions. We are committed to building individual and organizational performance here in Thailand well into the future.
Products or Services
Training programmes in sales performance, customer service excellence and leadership/teambuilding. Some of our most widely-used programmes in Thailand, and globally, are:
• Professional Selling Skills, (PSS) • Professional Selling Skills Rx (pharma)
• Professional Sales Coaching • Sales Management • Professional Sales Negotiations
• Winning Account Strategies • Professional Presentations • Genuine Leadership (40+ modules)
• Stellar Service • Achieving Trainer Excellence
*** All can be delivered in Thai or English
AchieveGlobal/Miller Heiman Group
Companies Represented
AchieveGlobal/Miller Heiman Group
40% British
60% Thai
Senior Management
Mr. Russell Winn, Managing Director
Bangkok Bank
BCCT Member Company Since 2005
Level 32, Axiata Tower
9 Jalan Stesen Sentral 5
Kuala Lumpur Sentral
Kuala Lumpur 50470
T: +60 3 2260 9400
paul.phenix@ada-asia.com www.ada-asia.com
Chamber Representatives
16th Floor, Maneeya Center Building 518/5 Ploenchai Road, Lumpini Pathumwan, Bangkok 10330
T: +66 (0) 2684 1699
F: +66 (0) 2652 0766 peter.upperton@adminoutsourcing.com www.adminoutsourcing.com
Chamber Representatives
A - Mr. Suppakit Limboonsong, Country Director - Thailand
B - Mr. Paul Phenix, Regional Director Ad Operations (Biddable)
ADA is a full suite digital marketing agency with tech at the core. Our solution has been tailored to provide brands with digital consultancy and guidance on what the right digital investments look like which we link directly to consumer engagement, platform investment and business goals. We offer an end to end solution which starts with consultancy and strategy, we then build in research and insights to understand the consumer. With this information, we build out a media plan and execute using our proprietary technology.
Singapore Regional HQ: 120 Robinson Road, #05-01, Singapore, 068913. Tel: +65 66926700
ADA Digital Thailand (Bangkok): 1-7 Zuellig House, 7th Floor, Silom Road, Silom, Bangrak, Bangkok 10500 Thailand. Tel: +66 2636 0720
Products or Services
Full service digital marketing. Best in Class Social media management, Full Data Management platform, Search, Display, Video and programmatic Advertising
BCCT Member Company Since 2017
A - Mr. Peter Upperton, Managing Director
B - Ms. Chuanpit Ngamsanga, Administrative Liaison Officer, Multinational Clients
Administration Outsourcing is a specialist professional accounting firm which focuses on being the Finance & Accounting department for international and private businesses in Bangkok. Our goals are to help our customers to run their businesses more effectively and profitably, by giving them clear, easily understood, meaningful Profit and Loss accounts and Balance Sheets every month, together with the associated services. All this in a confidential, commercially aware, reliable & speedy way.
The company is conveniently based in Chidlom, and works to international accounting standards, at reasonable prices.
Our teams' background is as CFO's and staff in international/multinational companies in four continents (CPA/Chartered Accountants), so we are able to provide valuable support and practical advice that works, in a discrete and professional manner.
Our customers come from a cross section of the international community in Bangkok, covering a wide range of business sectors
Products or Services
Business advice
Tax returns
Companies Represented
Customers are mostly Bangkok based, but also overseas, based in several countries, including Australia, the USA, Hong Kong, Singapore and others
Senior Management
Mr. Peter Upperton
BCCT Member Company Since 2011
98 Sathorn Square Office Tower
14th – 15th floor, North Sathorn Road
Silom, Bangrak, Bangkok 10500
T: +66 (0) 2677 0000
F: +66 (0) 2230 6500 aetna.co.th
Chamber Representatives
Unit 1/1007-1008, 2525 FYI Center Building 1 10th Floor, Rama 4 Road, Klongtoei
Bangkok 10110
T: +66 (0) 2056 2333
F: +66 (0) 2056 2355 info@theagent.co.th www.theagent.co.th
Chamber Representative
A - Mr. Nicholas Potter, Managing Director
B - Mr. Kachen Kungsadannatee, Sales & Marketing Director
Aetna Health Insurance (Thailand) Public Company Limited was established in July 2017, previously we were known as Bupa Health Insurance (Thailand) Public Company Limited. We serve over 300,000 members and more than 2,000 organizations through our nationwide branches and our network of over 400 hospitals in Thailand. For more information, please visit aetna.co.th
Products or Services
Comprehensive health insurance covers for any medical treatments arising from sickness or accidental injury.
Platinum Plan.
Offer superior coverage with greater personal benefits.
Take care of you and your beloved ones with our health insurance.
New Personal Care Plan.
Live a worry-free life with our 24-hour worldwide coverage.
Sunshine Plan.
A short term health insurance coverage for non-Thai nationals who are staying up to six months in Thailand.
Extra Care Plan.
Deductible health insurance that is designed to complement your corporate medical benefit, social security benefit, or any personal health insurance.
Board of Directors
Mr. Nicholas Potter, Managing Director
Ms. Natwasa Pojamanpornchai, Finance Director
Mrs. Pornthip Chulajata, Operations & Customer Service Director
Mr. Kachen Kungsadannatee, Sales & Marketing Director
Mrs. Amphan Trakulruangroj, Pricing & Insurance Risk Manager
Mr. Danai Sakornsinthu, People Director
BCCT Member Company Since 2003
The Agent team has experienced more than 10 years in especially Urban Link Property, high-end residential property; service apartments Bangkok, houses, real estate agency Bangkok, in central business district of Bangkok. Associated with our accumulated property database of 10,000 properties in Bangkok which has been updated all hours, our team can make your search much more efficient and effective. The Agent is the leading residential Urban Link Property Expert, providing a comprehensive range of real estate services in Thailand to international, regional and local clients, including investors, owners and occupiers. We mainly concentrate on most prestigious condominiums and residential housing projects Urban Link in Bangkok.
Products or Services
Urban-link Property Agent/ Buy-Sell-Rent condominium/ Project Sole Agent
Ideo Condo/ Ashton Condo/ Ideo Mobi Condo/Elio Condo
BCCT Member Company Since 2012
3Rd., Frunzenskaya, 5 Building 1, Office 1 Moscow 119270, Russia
T: +7 495 777 2577
kim@aigroup.ru www.aiGroup.ru
Cervantes House 5-9 Headstone Road Harrow
Middlesex HA1 1PD, UK
T: +44 (0) 7548565671 info@airforlife.net www.airforlife.net
The aiGroup is a Russian company based in Moscow. Our President has 22 years experience in working in Russia and understands the complexity of operating in the former USSR. Our major specialities are the organisation of specialised exhibitions, publishing, marketing and consultancy. We are especially well positioned to assist and advise Thai companies looking to enter the vast Russian marketplace.
Moscow International Property Show, Moscow Overseas Property & Investment Show, International Residence Magazine, Moscow Festival of Health, Moscow MedShow, Moscow Spa Show, Moscow Anti Aging Show, Moscow expat Life - Moscow's expat Magazine.
We are a privately owned company, fully licensed and audited in the Russian Federation
Our President is Mr. Kim Waddoup, a British expat with more than 2 decades of experience in Russia. Our Managing Director is Mr. Igor Gerasimov.
BCCT Member Company Since 2015
A - Mr. Jay Vitale, Founder and CEOAir For Life Technology started with NASA in 1994. A revolutionary ionizing technology called PCO (Photocatalytic Oxidation) was developed in order to extend the life of fruits and vegetables in the space shuttle.
Professor N. Ghosh from West Texas A&M University (Head of Air For Life Research & Development) and his team of scientists further engineered this NASA Developed Technology to create a nanotechnology AHPCO® (Advanced Hydrated Photocatalytic Oxidation) and incorporated it into a specially designed range of next generation purifiers and sanitisers called Sanifiers®.
AHPCO® produces millions of human friendly negative ions, more than any other purifier or ioniser on the market today. These ions destroy on contact impurities in the air such as dust, pollen, pet dander, VOC's (volatile organic compunds), bacteria (including MRSA) and viruses such as H1N1). They also eliminate offensive odours, bathroom and cooking smells at the source and do not mask them like an air freshener. Leaving 99.9% clean, fresh, safe air and surfaces.
These are the same ions that are found in sea air, mountain air and by lakes and waterfalls. Negative ions have many health benefits and are scientifically proven to increase concentration levels and improve quality of sleep and mood, leaving you feeling rejuvenated and refreshed. They are known as the "vitamins of the air".
Most purifiers contain filters such as HEPA filters that cannot trap small bacteria and viruses. Air For Life Sanifiers® contain NO FILTERS and can kill the disease causing bacteria and viruses that pass through filters.
For more information visit www.airforlife.com and for the latest updates follow us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter @airforlifesaver.
BCCT Member Company Since 2018
A21st Floor, Vorawat Building
849, Silom Road, Silom
Bangrak, Bangkok 10500
T: +66 (0) 2610 0878
F: +66 (0) 2610 0890
mail.afklhelpdesk.th@airfrance.fr www.airfrance.co.th, www.klm.co.th
88/333 Eight Thonglor Building
9th Floor, Soi Sukhumvit 55 (Thonglor)
Sukhumvit Road, North Klongton
Wattana District, Bangkok 10110
T: +66 (0) 2090 9000
F: +66 (0) 2090 9090 dos.akt8@theakyra.com www.theakyra.com
Chamber Representative
A - Mrs. Wasinee Kunlawat, Country Sales Manager
A global giant with a strong European base, the Air France-KLM Group's main areas of business are passenger transport, cargo transport and aeronautical maintenance.
Air France-KLM is the leading Group in terms of international traffic on departure from Europe.
Air France-KLM is the leading Group in terms of international traffic on departure from Europe. In 2018, it offers customers access to a network covering 314 destinations in 116 countries thanks to its five brands Air France, KLM Royal Dutch Airlines, Joon, Transavia and HOP! Air France. With a fleet of 537 aircraft in operation and 98.7 million passengers carried in 2017, Air France-KLM operates up to 2,300 daily flights, mainly from its hubs at Paris-Charles de Gaulle and Amsterdam-Schiphol.
Its Flying Blue frequent flyer programme is one of the leaders in Europe with over 15 million members.
Air France-KLM is also a member of the SkyTeam alliance which has 20 member airlines, offering customers access to a global network of over 16,600 daily flights to more than 1,070 destinations in 177 countries.
Air France and KLM offer daily flights between Bangkok and Paris-Charles de Gaulle & Amsterdam-Schiphol Airport operated by Boeing B777 aircraft.
Air France and KLM offer daily flights between Bangkok and Paris-Charles de Gaulle & Amsterdam-Schiphol Airport operated by Boeing B777-300ER aircraft. Air France and KLM provide seamless daily services to 17 destinations in Great Britain: London Heathrow, London City, Southampton, Bristol, Cardiff, Exeter, Norwich, Birmingham, Humberside, Manchester, Leeds/Bradford, Durham, Newcastle, Edinburgh, Glasgow, Aberdeen and Inverness.
Mrs. Wasinee Kunlawat, Country Sales Manager
BCCT Member Company Since 2007
akyra Thonglor Bangkok doesn’t just let you holiday in Thailand – it invites you to live in the city. The modern metropolitan hotel puts you in one of Bangkok’s most dynamic districts. In fact, boutiques, bars and galleries are on the doorstep, while the popular Eight Thonglor Shopping is a neighbor. Whether you’re staying in a studio, one- or two- bedroom suite, expect a chic look throughout. Rooms are all dark polished floors and 1920s inspired custom furniture with a cool artistic vibe in each and the offer of in-room dining means you can eat in after a busy day out.
• Business center
• Complimentary wi-fi connectivity
• Concierge service
• Direct access to 8 Thonglor Shopping
• Fitness center 24 hours
• Free shuttle service to Thong Lor BTS skytrain station
• In-room dining
• In-room massage
• Meeting room
• Otto pool bar
• Parking space
• Presidente Lounge
• Swimming Pool with City View
• Som Tam & Chardonnay Restaurant
• Whiskey Bar
• Meeting Room
BCCT Member Company Since 2018
336/7 Moo 7, Tumbon Bowin
Amphur Siracha, Chonburi 20230
T: +66 (0) 3811 0910
F: +66 (0) 3811 0916
thanakamon.nantaniran@albatrossthai.com www.albatrossthai.com
Chamber Representative
James Alexander Limited (Head Office)
999/99 Moo 20, Soi Boonmeesab Bangplee-Tamru Road
Bangpleeyai Bangplee, Samutprakarn 10540
T: +66 (0) 85 293 2372 jmcoll65@gmail.com www.alexanderandjamessofas.com
Chamber Representative
A - Mr. Peera Thaweechart, Managing Director
100% Thai
BCCT Member Company Since 2011
A - Mr. John Collinson, Export Director
At Alexander and James we are lovers of the humble couch. A fresh faced designer sofa company, rooted in a Great British furniture heritage. Born of 120 years of specialist knowledge in furniture design, retail and manufacturing, our sofas are created by upholstered furniture experts.
Showroom Address:
James Alexander Limited (Showroom)
163/1 Sukhumvit 39, Klongton Nuea, Wattana, Bangkok 10110
Products or Services
Sofas are hand crafted and made to order from the finest materials, sourced from around the world. Our leathers are natural, have character and age beautifully. All our wood comes from sustainable forests and our shapely legs are hand turned and polished to perfection. Fillings are super soft, mixing feather, foam and fibre. We test to the highest British standards, (including our own A&J bottom test!)
BCCT Member Company Since 2018
23rd Floor, Sindhorn Tower III
130-132 Wireless Road
Lumpini, Pathumwan
Bangkok 10330
T: +66 (0) 2263 7600
F: +66 (0) 2263 7699
stephen.jaggs@allenovery.com www.allenovery.com
Chamber Representative
882/2 Loft Lane, La Salle Road
Sukhumvit 105, Bangna
Bangkok 10260
T: +66 (0) 2361 3961
F: +66 (0) 2361 3962 or 63 info@alliedpickfordsthailand.com www.alliedpickfordsthailand.com
Chamber Representatives
A - Mr. Stephen Jaggs, Managing Partner
Allen & Overy is an international law firm with over 5,500 staff, including some 550 partners, working in 44 major centres worldwide. We provide a full range of legal services to clients in diverse sectors across a broad range of practice areas.
Since establishing a presence in Asia more than 20 years ago, we have earned a reputation for providing innovative and high-quality advice that has stewarded numerous complex deals to successful conclusion for our clients.
Our Bangkok office comprises two partners, five counsel and over 30 lawyers (with a mix of Thai and English law qualified lawyers). We provide legal advice to large domestic and multinational corporations, banks and other financial institutions on international and Thai law..
Products or Services
We provide legal services in the following key practice areas: arbitration; banking and finance; business rehabilitation and insolvency; technology, media and telecommunications; corporate and commercial; derivatives; debt and equity capital markets; employment; IPOs, litigation and dispute resolution; mergers and acquisitions; privatisations; projects and energy; project finance; real estate; regulatory; securities-related transactions; structured finance and securitisations.
Allen & Overy (Thailand) Co., Ltd. is affiliated with Allen & Overy LLP, a limited liability partnership registered in England and Wales.
Mr. Stephen Jaggs
Mr. Suparerk Auychai
BCCT Member Company Since 1994
A - Mr. Michael Ellis, Managing Director
B - Mr. Adam Beechinor GMS, SIRVA General Manager
• Allied-to-Allied Worldwide.
• Over 600 locations worldwide, in over 40 countries.
• Allied Pickfords' international experience has been acquired from servicing the needs of thousands of multinational companies and Government agencies across the globe over many years, including 47% of the Fortune Global 500.
• Allied Pickfords moves more than 600 families a day, 365 days a year, making us the industry's leading international mover.
• A heritage dating back to 17th century London.
• Pickfords U.K. holds the global contract for British Foreign & Commonwealth Office (FCO) staff moving worldwide.
• Allied Pickfords Thailand is ISO 9001:2015 certified.
• SIRVA, Inc. is a leading worldwide provider of corporate relocation services and moving solutions, providing more than 300,000 relocations per year to companies, government employees, and individual consumers. SIRVA operates in more than 40 countries. With our industry-leading global footprint, SIRVA can deliver superior service and corporate relocation programs customized for you.
Products or Services
Allied Pickfords services include:
• International Packing & Removals: Worldwide Door-to-Door.
• Long and short term storage
• Ancillary Services: handyman, pet and vehicle shipping.
• Domestic Moving and Office Moves.
• Document Storage.
SIRVA Relocation services include:
• House finding, Temporary accommodation and Lease renewal
• School search
• Orientation and Cultural training
• Visa & Immigration services
• Global assignment management
Allied Pickfords (Asia+Middle East), Allied International (USA+Canada), TEAM Allied (Europe)
SIRVA Relocations (Global)
Senior Management
Mr. Guy Ellis as Allied Pickfords Sales & Marketing Manager
Mr. Adam Beechinor GMS as SIRVA Relocations General Manager
Ms. Napaswan Chase as Business Development Manager
Mr. Wutthichai Muendej as Accounting Manager
BCCT Member Company Since 2013
4 Loom Lane
T: +44 (0) 7554010611
Nigel.Allmond@AllmondBell.com, Lord.Bell@AllmondBell.com www.allmondbell.com
Chamber Representatives
180/1 Surawong Road
Sipraya, Bangrak
Bangkok 10500
T: +66 (0) 2021 8888
F: +66 (0) 2021 8891 sales.bangkok@amarahotels.com www.amarahotels.com
Chamber Representatives
A - Mr. Nigel Allmond, CEO
B - Mr. Lord Tim Bell, Chairman
Allmond Bell have extensive experience advising at the highest levels in international trade, business and government. Ideally positioned to advise on inward and outward business opportunities between SE Asia and UK.
Products or Services
Consultancy Services:
• International Trade & Business
• Management
• Media Negotiation
• Global Barter
BCCT Member Company Since 2018
A - Mr. Viranat Silananda, General Manager
B - Mr. Patrick Eger, Director of Sales
Amara Bangkok is the first Amara Property outside Singapore, equipped with a host of facilities and services to meet the needs of time-strapped business travellers striving to look and feel their best for business meets, or individual leisure travellers planning to unravel the mystic of Bangkok, taste the myriad flavours of Thai cuisine or simply have fun shopping in a city thronged with malls and traditional markets.
Products or Services
250 rooms including Suite Tanjong Pagar:column-free grand ballroom
Suranwong 1&2:two meeting rooms with glass wall facade
24 - hour sky gym
Rooftop infinity sky-high pool
Jacuzzis for Club Cabana Room guests
Element: all-day dining restaurant with indoor and al fresco dining area
AkaAza: rooftop bar with live DJ music and creative drinks
The Bar: featuring selection of cocktails at lobby
Barista Cafe:serves up a fine selection of coffee
The Mini Bar Boutique
Air-con tuk tuk service
Senior Management
Mr. Viranat Silananda, General Manager
Mr. Patrick Eger, Director of Sales
BCCT Member Company Since 2015
117/74 Soi Moo Baan Nongkae
Nongkae, Hua Hin
Prachuapkhirikhan 77110
T: +66 (0) 3261 6600
F: +66 (0) 3261 6699 huahin@amari.com www.amari.com/HuaHin
Chamber Representatives B
A - Mr. Phanuphan Buasuang, General Manager
B - Mr. Prin Pathanatham, Area Director, Sales & Marketing, Southern Thailand
Set in the popular seaside town along the Gulf of Thailand, Amari Hua Hin is just two and a half hours drive from Bangkok. Offering contemporary accommodation in an idyllic garden setting, the resort sits adjacent to Khao Takiab beach and is just 10 minutes from Hua Hin's downtown area, providing the perfect blend of convenience
Products or Services
• Amari Hua Hin features 223 guest rooms ranging from well-appointed Deluxe rooms to expansive suites.
• Showcasing all that is fresh, local and simple, the wide selection of restaurants and lounges will indulge every tastebud, whilst also offering the opportunity for families and friends to share a culinary experience: Mosaic, Reef Dali and Wine Lounge, Aqua, Coral lounge, Shoreline Beach Club, In-room dining
• an interactive brainstorm in one of the Idea Rooms. Play areas include, the fitness centre, kids' club and kids' pool.
• an oversized 38 metre long outdoor pool surrounded by landscaped tropical gardens, running track and a vast sundeck.
• Additional Facilities and Services: Breeze Salon, Kid's club, Fitness Centre, City shuttle service, Babysitting service, Concierge and airline desk, Laundry services, Business services (broadband and Wi-Fi internet access, Business centre, conference and banqueting facility.
BCCT Member Company Since 2016
240 Moo 5, Pattaya-Naklua
T. Naklua, Banglamung Chonburi 20150
T: +66 (0) 3841 8418
F: +66 (0) 3841 8410 pattaya@amari.com www.amari.com/ocean-pattaya
Chamber Representative
Amari Pattaya is part of the Onyx Hospitality Group (previously known Amari Hotels and Resorts) which is a privately owned by the family behind the Italian-Thai Development Public Company Limited, one of Thailand's leading companies with a wide range of commercial interests including construction and trading.
The Amari Pattaya was the first property the company opened in Thailand and set the path of growth the company has clearly followed. Onyx Hospitality has embarked upon significant expansion representing 4 distinct brands; Amari, Ozo, Saffron and Shama.
The 297 bedroom Amari Ocean Pattaya is at the very heart of hospitality business on the Eastern Seaboard and is host to leisure and business travellers alike. The hotel plays an integral part in the local community through not only its various on site and offside catering events but also in its support of a number of corporate social responsibility programs.
Products or Services
Amari Pattaya is well integrated and connected with the British market on the Eastern Seaboard dealing not only with corporate companies and tourists here in Thailand but regularly linking up with travel agents in the UK to further promote Thailand as a tourist destination in a bid to continue the rapid growth that this market is continuing to see.
BCCT Member Company Since 2011
2 Muen-ngern Road
Kathu District, Phuket 83150
T: +66 (0) 7634 0106-14
F: +66 (0) 7634 0115
Chamber Representative
847 Petchburi Road
Bangkok 10400
T: +66 (0) 2653 9000
F: +66 (0) 2653 9045
A - Mr. Pierre-Andre Pelletier, Regional Vice-President,Operations
ONYX Hospitality Group is a leading hotel management company that combines the expertise of a truly global executive team with the hospitality excellence for which Asia is renowned.
ONYX Hospitality Group operates four diverse yet complementary brands –Saffron, Amari, Shama and OZO - each catering to the distinctive requirements of today’s business and leisure travellers.
ONYX reaches beyond its Thai roots to offer innovative management solutions across the Indian Ocean, Arabian Gulf and Asia-Pacific regions. Amari is the centerpiece of the ONYX portfolio of brands reflecting the warmth and energy of an evolving modern Asia.
Products or Services
380 guestrooms and suites in luxury Ocean Wing. The room has its own private balcony, complete with a dazzling sea view.
La Gritta: Savour the tastes of Italy from the shores of Patong. Rim Talay: An all- day dining outlet, casual yet elegant. Samutr Bar: Offers panoramic ocean views and space to lounge throughout the day and evening.
ONYX Hospitality Group operates four diverse yet complementary brands –Saffron, Amari, Shama and OZO - each catering to the distinctive requirements of today’s business and leisure travellers.
Mr. Pierre-Andre Pelletier, Regional Vice - President, Operations, Southern Thailand, Vietnam, Maldives
ITALTHAI GROUP, one of Thailand leading companies with a wide range of commercial interest including construction, engineering and retail.
Douglas Martell, President & CEO
Khun Nijaporn & Khun Yuthachai Charanachitta, Khun Bhilaichit Roengpithya, Khun Premchai Karnasuta and Khun Oraem Terdpravat
ONYX is conservatively financed, having very little corporate or asset-level debt, and is privately owned.
BCCT Member Company Since 2014
A - Mr. David Cumming, Regional Vice President Operations, Bangkok, Malaysia and Laos
Located in a bustling shopping and commercial district, Amari Watergate Bangkok combines spacious guest rooms with superb restaurants and extensive meeting and recreational facilities. Offering comfort and sophistication in a prominent Bangkok location, the stylish Amari Watergate is the ideal Thai city getaway.
The hotel features 569 well-appointed rooms, including Deluxe and Grand Deluxe Rooms and Suites. The dedicated Executive Floors offer an exclusive Executive Lounge with a private reception area and breath-taking city views
Products or Services
Fitness Centre is available, with its gym, squash courts and aerobics studio. Unwind at Breeze Spa, or enjoy the outdoor garden terrace, housing a Jacuzzi pool and sundeck. The hotel boasts an impressive range of restaurants, including AMAYA Food Gallery, Cascade and Hong Bao.
The hotel is one of the most popular meeting venues in Bangkok, with a capacity of up to 1,500 guests. There are a range of function rooms, all equipped with state-of-the-art facilities.
Amari is a privately owned company.
Senior Management
Mr. David Cumming, Vice President & Area General Manager, Bangkok
BCCT Member Company Since 1990
700 Moo 1, Klong Tamru
Muang, Chonburi 20000
T: +66 (0) 3893 9007
F: +66 (0) 3893 9001
Chamber Representative
84 Moo 8, Sakdidej Road
Tambon Vichit, Amphur Muang
Phuket 83000
T: +66 (0) 7631 8888
F: +66 (0) 7631 8800 sales.phuket@amataraphuket.com www.amataraphuket.com
A – Mr.
Viboon Kromadit, Director and Chief Marketing OfficerBackground
Full-service industrial estates that save you money and time. Amata Corp. PCL is a World's Leading Industrial City Developer. Both our Thai estates are situated in the nation's Eastern Seaboard region, today Southeast Asia's preferred location for manufacturing:
Amata City Chonburi, Chonburi Province, just 42 km from Suvarnabhumi Int. Airport and 46 km from Laem Chabang deep seaport. Amata Nakorn, where investors benefit from Board of Investment (BOI) Zone 2 incentives, is home to over 650 factories.
In Amata City Rayong, Rayong Province, investors enjoy highest investment incentives of Zone 3. The site, home to over 230 companies, is only 27 km away from the deep seaport.
In Vietnam, Amata operates Amata City Bien Hoa in Dong Nai province near Ho Chi Minh City.
Amata was established in 1989 and listed on the Stock Exchange of Thailand in 1997. Our global clients include such names as Sumitomo Rubber, Yokohama Tire Manufacturing, Triumph Motorcycles, BMW, Colgate Palmolive and more.
Industrial estates (Amata City Chonburi, Amata City Rayong, Amata City Bien Hoa, Amata City Long Thanh) in Thailand and Vietnam, Utilities, Infrastructure and Services
Known for going beyond the basics to offer a quality, full-service approach, Amata helps factories succeed by saving them time and money. Our 15 subsidiaries and dozens of joint ventures offer support in the field of utility supply as water, power, gas, facility service and security, residentials, commercial centers, educational institute and recreational facilities.
We are building an industrial estate that functions as a complete town, where people can both earn a living and live well.
Mr. Vikrom Kromadit, CEO
Mr. Viboon Kromadit, COO & Director
BCCT Member Company Since 2005
A - Ms. Wipa Nareerak, General Manager
B - Mr. Athipat Jitchaiwat, Director of Sales and Marketing
Amatara Resort & Wellness, overlooking a secluded bay, tucked away in a quiet corner of Phuket island, each of our 105 pavilions, suites and pool villas, featuring its own private balcony with sea views are spacious and stunningly designed, guaranteeing unforgettable luxury and privacy close to the picture-postcard beach.
A selection of exquisite restaurants make dining at the resort a true delight for all the senses. Guests are invited to choose from an extensive variety of traditional and international specialties that is sure to tempt even the pickiest taste buds.
1650sqm spa with 8 private treatment rooms, 6 rooms open to ocean breeze, overlooking the endless seascape, an outdoor swimming pool with infinity edge, state-of-the-art fitness center, tennis court, Yoga Pavilion, intimate library, Children’s club are also available for our guests.
Products or Services Resort
BCCT Member Company Since 2011
1/F Airport World Trade Centre
1 Sky Plaza Road
Hong Kong International Airport
Hong Kong
Chamber Representatives
304/1 Ayutthaya Road
Ratchathewee, Bangkok 10400 T: +66 (0) 2354 5267 josephp@amnuaysilpa.ac.th www.amnuaysilpa.ac.th
Chamber Representative
A - Mr. Christopher Harbourne, Director
B - Ms. Rumrada Suppadit, Company Secretary
AML Global is an independent aviation fuel agent committed to providing a worldwide fuel management service.
BCCT Member Company Since 2017
Our Ninety year long history includes educating five Prime Ministers of Thailand. We have always been committed to providing the highest standard of holistic bilingual education. We believe this to be the critical and profound step in preparing children for a successful future as tomorrow's leaders.
At ANS we are modifying our teaching to promote thinking. Teachers are challenging pupils through effective questioning to understand what they are learning and why. The curriculum promotes the development of skills including thinking skills, placing less focus on the coverage of content. Our classrooms enrich and encourage thinking through the range of strategies that are implemented in lessons and the displays used to reinforce thinking concepts where lessons are becoming more practical.
In 2009, ANS implemented a 'Thinking Programme' in collaboration with the Kings School, New Zealand Thinking Programme.
BCCT Member Company Since 2016
257/1-3, Charoennakorn Road
Thonburi, Bangkok 10600
T: +66 (0) 2476 0022
F: +66 (0) 2476 1120
Chamber Representatives
Rajadamri Hotel Public Company Limited (Head Office)
155 Rajadamri Road
Lumpini, Pathumwan
Bangkok 10330
T: +66 (0) 2126 8866
F: +66 (0) 2253 9195 siam@anantara.com
At Anantara Riverside Bangkok Resort, Anantara’s ancient Sanskrit meaning, “without end”, is captured by the flow of timeless Chao Phraya River life, edging a spacious 11 acres of exotic grounds. Impressive leisure and business facilities, 11 dining options and inspirational local experiences ensure that no two days are the same. While close proximity to some of the capital’s most famous cosmopolitan and cultural attractions, provides journeys of infinite discovery.
Choose from 376 rooms and suites designed in exquisite Thai style with scenic river or lush garden views - all featuring a Handy smartphone. Watch river life unfold from the pool and swim-up bar. Energies with gym, tennis and Thai boxing sessions. Revitalize with exclusive spa and wellness experiences.
Special functions and weddings take place in elegantly appointed indoor venues and scenic riverside spaces. Business travelers balance work with pleasure, courtesy of stylish meeting rooms and onsite venues.
11 dining options include some of the finest riverside establishments. Delight in a deli, bakery and chocoholic café. Sip refreshments at the swim-up pool bar, on the pier at sunset and in colonial bar comfort. Indulge in theatrical teppanyaki at our Japanese steakhouse. Enjoy exotic Pacific Rim flavors with vibrant live music. Savour authentic Italian traditions in a Tuscan villa setting. Feast on international buffets, entertained by a Thai cultural show, framed by the glittering River of Kings. Board a lovingly restored antique rice barge for a gourmet river voyage, cruising past iconic regal landmarks. Celebrate romance over tailored private dining with a personal chef and butler, in riverside intimacy.
The luxurious lifestyle choice showcases the resort’s riverside charms to the full, and seems a world away from Bangkok’s bustling heart. Yet a complimentary shuttle boat service connects guests to the capital’s extensive sky train network, giving daily exploration a convenient appeal.
• Hotel/Hospitality
• Event/Catering
• Meeting
• Food & Beverage
• Wellness & Spa
BCCT Member Company Since 2018
A - Mr. Patrick Both, General Manager
B - Ms. Narumon Runchamroon, Director of Sales
Located in the heart of the city, Anantara Siam Bangkok Hotel is only a 5-minute walk from the Silom subway and adjacent to the Ratchadamri sky train, allowing you to tour the entire city with ease. The surrounding area boasts famous attractions and shopping is just a 2-minute walk away.
Choose from 354 stylish rooms with complimentary WiFi and “Handy” smartphones to stay connected with internet and unlimited local and international calls to 25 destinations.
Enjoy the exclusive Kasara Executive Lounge, Health Club and Anantara Spa for tension-melting massages. In addition, our recently launched Anantara Siam Kid’s Club is complimentary for patrons of the hotel and provides a safe and fun facility for kids. The spacious outdoor pool is also an ideal place to refresh or guests can choose to peruse the boutiques in Parichart Court.
11 Dining options ensure visitors have the best selection of flavours from across the globe, including award-winning restaurants like Biscotti, Madison Steakhouse, Shintaro and the Spice Market. Sip Afternoon Tea in the Lobby, enjoy cocktails at Aqua or sweet temptations at Mocha & Muffins. The Sunday Brunch is renowned as the best in the city with a lavish array of food, free flowing Champagne and signature cocktails. Guests can also indulge in the unique private dining concept, Dining by Design, for a romantic culinary journey amidst one hundred candles.
Discover extensive facilities for meetings and weddings at the most popular location for celebration in the city. With ten flexible naturally lit venues to choose from, and capacity for up to 1,000 people, the hotel is ideal for luxurious occasions and business events.
Anantara Hotels & Resorts
Senior Management
Mr. Patrick Both, General Manager
Ms. Narumon Runchamroon, Director of Sales
Mrs. Auttaya Promsiri, Director of Finance
Mr. Raksaporn Pichitnorakarn, Director of Human Resources
Mr. Vincy Germe Dsouza, Director of Food & Beverage
Mr. Jan van Dyk, Executive Chef
BCCT Member Company Since 2003
10th Floor Jaka Building
6780 Ayala Avenue
Makati City 1221, Metro
Manila, Philippines
T: +63 (0) 2845 0640
F: +63 (0) 2845 0641
Chamber Representatives
62/19 Prompak Place
Sukhumvit 49/6, Klongton Nua
Wattana, Bangkok 10110
T: +66 (0) 2185 2255
F: +66 (0) 2185 2256
angoasia@bkk.loxinfo.co.th www.angloasiagroup.com
A - Mr. Geoff Webb, Regional Manager
B - Mr. Mark Campion, Projects Manager
In today's security industry nothing is more important than trust forged through years of relationship.
In a world that is torn apart by economic upheavals and where institutions which once seemed bedrocks of reliability fail spectacularly, only a solid business built on traditional values can provide the customer with peace of mind.
At Andrews & Wykeham this is how we run our business. A quintessential English company located in the heart of Hampshire, we aim to provide a complete "trust channel" to the customer, supplying security products of the highest standard.
With our extensive management experience in the world of international ID, banknote and security holography, we appreciate the demands and the sensitiveness of this unique marketplace.
Our offices are located in the beautiful Lutyens Building in the heart of Old Basing, Hampshire. Built in Tudor style by the famous English architect Edwin Lutyens in 1905 as the offices of the Daneshill Brick And Tile Works this listed building, which is a fine example of early 19th century English architecture, provides an ideal setting for our Security BoutiqueTM.
Just behind the Lutyens Building is our secure manufacturing facility sited in a modern industrial complex. The combination of these two buildings somehow reflects the conjunction of old and new where Andrews & Wykeham is seenthe traditional approach to business combined with the active development of novel security technologies and solutions.
BCCT Member Company Since 2014
A - Mr. Chris Hunt, Director
B - Mr. Chris Hirst, Director
Anglo Asia Trading was founded in 1997, as international traders of non-ferrous metals, specializing in aluminium. We trade all types of aluminium ingot and scrap from around the globe, and pride ourselves on supplying some of the most prestigious consumers of aluminum in the world.
Anglo Asia Trading supply a full range of primary and secondary aluminium products and ingots. The company also trades in all forms of aluminium scrap from around the globe.
The management team has many years of trading expertise, particularly in Asia. We have developed and grown our market presence through our philosophy to create and develop long-term and loyal partnerships with our customers.
In early 2000, Anglo Asia Trading began producing secondary aluminium ingot. We focus on producing high grade secondary alloys, with an emphasis on recycling our customers scrap. We have achieved a ten-fold increase in production in a relatively short period by maintaining our commitment to high quality ingot, on-time delivery, and continual improvement.
Products or Services
• Primary aluminium ingots and alloys
• Secondary aluminium alloys
• Aluminium scrap
• Copper ingots and scrap
• Brass ingots and scrap
Siam Services & Consultancy Co., Ltd., Thailand
OMM (Thailand) Co., Ltd.
Companies Represented
Omnisource Corporation, USA
Tradmet Co., Ltd, UK
Richfield Industries Inc, Canada
39% British
61% Thai
Senior Management
Mr. Chris Hunt, Director
Mr. Chris Hirst, Director
Mr. Thongchai Jitmontree
Mr. Paul Robinson
Mr. Hiroshi Hosoi
BCCT Member Company
Since 2001
133 Sukhumvit 57
Klong Ton Nua
Wattana, Bangkok 10110
T: +66 (0) 2714 2968
T: +44 (0) 8723521505
enquiry@anglothailegal.com www.anglothailegal.com
Chamber Representatives
19 Soi Ekamai 10, Sukhumvit 63 Road Klongton Nua, Wattana Bangkok 10110
T: +66 (0) 2391 8181 annabels@annabels.ac.th www.annabels.ac.th
Chamber Representative
A - Mr. John Lewis, Lawyer
B - Mr. Chris Thatcher, Group Chairman
An international law company regulated to provide legal services in Thailand [Thai Lawyers Council no. 7082/2552 & Solicitors Regulation Authority no.591861] & England [Solicitors Regulation Authority no. 559208].
Products or Services
A full range of legal services:
• commercial & corporate;
• business & finance;
• family;
• immigration; employment;
• education;
• property;
• probate & wills;
• criminal;
• trade;
• international & cross border affairs;
• litigation, mediation & arbitration;
• translation & interpretation.
Located in Hong Kong, Australia, Afghanistan, Pakistan, India, Viet Nam & France; plus international associates.
The International Thai Foundation (ITF) is a global charity registered in Thailand [Ministry of Interior Kor.Tor.2266], England [the UK Charity Commission no. 1147481] and America [Delaware State Not-for-Profit no. 5169942]. Objectives (I) to promote education, protect human rights and relieve poverty for the people in Thailand; plus (II) help thai people & businesses integrate.
ATL Group
99% Thai
Senior Management
Ms. Thanyaphat Choksirithananon, Managing Director
Mr. Christopher Thatcher, Group Chairman
Mr. John Lewis, Lawyer
Board of Directors
Various Bankers
BCCT Member Company Since 2012
Annabel’s Early Years has been providing a quality nurturing safe learning environment for children aged 18 months to 6 years since 2000. Our philosophy of learning revolves around giving children the freedom to discover their world through play and creativity. We are among the kindergarten’s of choice for expatriates in Bangkok.
BCCT Member Company Since 2018
18A Fl., Siam Piwat Tower Building
989 Rama I Road, Kwaeng Pathumwan
Khet Pathumwan, Bangkok 10330
T: +66 (0) 2305 4555
F: +66 (0) 2658 0181
andrew.bentley@aon.com www.aon.com/thailand
Chamber Representative
55 Market Street, Unit 10-00 Raffles Place 048941
T: +65 (0) 65213081
paul_quaglia@apacassistance.com www.apacassistance.com
Mr. Andrew C. Bentley, Chief Executive OfficerBackground
Aon Plc. (NYSE: AON) is a leading global professional services firm providing a broad range of risk, retirement and health solutions. Our 50,000 colleagues in 120 countries empower results for clients by using proprietary data and analytics to deliver insights that reduce volatility and improve performance.
Established in Bangkok in the 1960's, Aon is the market leader in Thailand offering multi-disciplined broking and consulting services to local and multinational clients.
Products or Services
In Thailand, Aon is the market leader in the provision of these insurance services, delivering retail insurance brokerage expertise through Aon Risk Services, corporate risk management, consultancy, construction and specialty services through Aon Thailand Ltd, global health and benefits insurance through Aon Consulting, reinsurance and wholesale operations via Aon Benfield, and HR business process outsourcing, benefits administration and talent/organisation consulting through Aon Hewitt.
Aon (Thailand) Ltd.
Aon Group (Thailand) Ltd.
Aon Risk Services (Thailand) Ltd.
Aon Benfield
Aon Consulting (Thailand) Ltd.
Aon Hewitt Associates Thailand Ltd.
The Crown Property Bureau, Aon Corporation
Senior Management
Mr. Andrew C. Bentley, Chief Executive Officer
Bangkok Bank
The Hong Kong Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited
Financial Details
Registered Capital B3.0M
Paid up Capital B3.0M
BCCT Member Company Since 1997
A - Mr. Paul Quaglia, APAC Assistance Director
APAC Assistance is a leading risk management company offering highly specialized consulting services and bespoke solutions in security, emergency management and business continuity in the Asia-Pacific region. APAC Assistance is a Singapore-registered private company. APAC Assistance provides bespoke security risk management and investigations services to clients throughout the Asia Pacific.
APAC Assistance founded the Asia Pacific based APAC Alliance. The Alliance gives clients access to bespoke security and risk management companies across the Asia Pacific Region. Key members of the Alliance are APAC Assistance (www.apacassistance.com) and MitKat Advisory Services (www.mitkatadvisory. com). The Alliance entities are all owned by the founders and proven both commercially and technically. The Alliance covers the Asia Pacific region.
APAC Assistance and Alliance members maintain offices and full-time staff in Indonesia, Philippines, Singapore, Australia, India, Thailand, Myanmar and Timor-Leste. We have a range of longstanding and important business relationships that are built on trust and mutual respect with highly influential individuals and companies throughout the Asia – Pacific region.
APAC Assistance is supporting various clients manage risk in the ASIA Pacific Region. The security environment in Southeast Asia remains a challenge, ongoing political and social tensions pose security challenges for people and organizations operating in the region. The regions agility presents commercial, legal and physical challenges to businesses that are not found in developed economies in the western nations. To effectively mitigate security and business risks, and adapt to and respond to sudden changes in threat levels, it is imperative that companies are able to gather information on current and developing issues that could impact safety and security, incidents, and other risks and threats. APAC Assistance offers a holistic, experienced and unique risk management system to assist companies manage their risk profiles in SE Asia, South Asia and the pacific -sub region. "one on one Rehab and human rebuilds for people suffering addictions and or severe mental disorders"
BCCT Member Company Since 2018
98 Sathorn Square Office Tower 17th Floor, Unit 1707
North Sathorn Road, Silom
Bangrak, Bangkok 10500
T: +66 (0) 2108 1822
F: +66 (0) 2108 1826 info@ArcadiaEngineeringGroup.com www.ArcadiaEngineeringGroup.com
Chamber Representative
10th Floor, Kian Gwan Building 2 140/1 Wireless Road
Patumwan, Lumpini
Bangkok 10330
T: +66 (0) 2123 3400
F: +66 (0) 2253 4977 info@th.langdonseah.com www.LangdonSeah.com
Chamber Representative
A - Mr. Wiriya Pienchob, Managing Director
Arcadia is an international professional services firm headquartered in Bangkok, Thailand providing engineering design, procurement, project and construction management services for all aspects of the built environment.
Up to the end of 2013, we were part of a multinational British global engineering firm. We became an independent company through a transfer of Thailand projects.
With approximately 100 staffs in Thailand, we are recognised for providing engineering excellence, project and construction management services.
Products or Services
We provide consulting and construction services to the full spectrum of private and public sector organizations. We have developed an exceptionally broad skill base, embracing such disciplines as:
Civil engineering(highways,railways, maritime,water), Structural Engineering, M&E Engineering, Architecture, Interior, PM/CM, Cost Management, Asset Management, Design and Build, Economics, Facilities Management, Due Diligence, Business Analysis, Geology, Solar, Leed Certification, Energy Conservation.
51% Thai
49% British
Senior Management
Mr. Wiriya Pienchob, Managing Director
Board of Directors
Mr. Wiriya Pienchob, Managing Director
Bangkok Bank
Financial Details
Registered Capital 15 Million Baht
BCCT Member Company Since 2014
A - Mr. Ang Yen Kooi, Director
Langdon & Seah Thailand Ltd. (formerly known as Davis Langdon & Seah Thailand Ltd) has had a presence in Thailand since 1984 and is a part of the Langdon & Seah (L&S) Asia. L&S started in Singapore in 1934 and has evolved into a multi-disciplinary cost consultancy and management firm with a resource base of over 2,360 staff in 34 offices in 13 countries in Asia.
L&S is a member of the Arcadis Group, an international company that provides consultancy, design, engineering and management services in the field of Infrastructure, Water, Environment and Buildings with 21,000 people worldwide and Euro 2.4 billion in revenue.
Products or Services
Quantity Surveying, Project Management and Construction Management services.
Langdon & Seah Asia in Brunei, China & Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Korea, Malaysia, Pakistan, Philippines, Singapore & Vietnam Arcadis Group in Europe, USA, Brazil, Chile.
Companies Represented
Langdon & Seah Asia
LECE (Thailand) Co., Ltd.
51% Thai
49% Foreign
Senior Management
C. P. Leong
Y. K. Ang
Sununta Chantrasint
Board of Directors
C. P. Leong
Sununta Chantrasint
Poon Kan Young
Seah Choo Meng
Loo Ming Chee
Jim Pollock
BCCT Member Company Since 1999
6/10 North Sathorn Road
Bangrak, Bangkok 10500
T: +66 (0) 2233 3361
Chamber Representatives
41 Sukhumvit 16 (Sammitr) Sukhumvit Road, Klongtoey
Bangkok 10110
T: +66 (0) 2204 4343
F: +66 (0) 2204 4344 reservations.thailand@the-ascott.com www.the-ascott.com
Chamber Representative
A - Mr. John Holme, Managing Director (South East Asia)
B - Mr. Andrew Evans, Account Director
Established in 2011, with an HQ in Bangkok, ArtemisSEA is actively and successfully recruiting across Thailand and all Indochina countries.
Our proven recruitment method has been perfected over 7 years, while working with over 100 Multinational corporations.
We recruit at a mid and senior level across multiple major industry verticals including, automotive makers and auto parts suppliers, FMCG and Foods, Energy & Power industry, top 20 global logistics players and major industrial manufacturers of everything from polymers to construction components.
Call us to discuss your next move today.. we love a good conversation.
Products or Services
As an employer, you will get a personal experience with ArtemisSEA.
Our Account Director will visit your location, meet your management team, and experience the working environment and company culture all to appreciate who you are and what you are offering to our candidates.
As a job seeker you gain instant access to top employers in all the major Thailand & SE Asia countries.
BCCT Member Company Since 2014
The Ascott Limited is a Singapore company that has grown to be one of the leading international serviced residence owner-operators. It has more than 55,000 operating serviced residence units and hotel rooms in key cities of the Americas, Asia Pacific, Europe, the Middle East and Africa, as well as over 39,000 units which are under development, making a total of over 94,000 units in over 630 properties. The company’s brands include Ascott, Citadines, Somerset, Quest, The Crest Collection, and lyf. Ascott’s portfolio spans more than 160 cities across over 30 countries.
In Thailand, Ascott operates 11 properties, namely Ascott Sathorn Bangkok, Citadines Sukhumvit 8 Bangkok, Citadines Sukhumvit 11 Bangkok, Citadines Sukhumvit 16 Bangkok, Citadines Sukhumvit 23 Bangkok, Somerset Ekamai Bangkok, Somerset Maison Asoke Bangkok, Somerset Park Suanplu Bangkok, Somerset Sukhumvit Thonglor Bangkok, Somerset Harbourview Sri Racha and Citadines Grand Central Sri Racha.
Primary: Mr. Brian Tan, Country General Manager
Secondary: Mr. Kenneth Long, Country Financial Controller
Singapore-based company
Senior Management
Mr. Brian Tan, Country General Manager
BCCT Member Company Since 2002
191 Silom Complex, 21st Floor Suite A2, Silom Road, Silom
Bangrak, Bangkok 10500
T: +66 (0) 2632 1287
F: +66 (0) 2632 1539 www.icpa.com
Chamber Representative
888/39 Soi Yingcharoen 2 Bangplee-Tamru Road
Bangplee Yai, Bangplee Samutprakarn 10540
T: +66 (0) 2382 5236
F: +66 (0) 2382 5478 walter@asiawestfoods.com www.asiawestfoods.com
Chamber Representative
A - Mr. Tony Rodriguez, Managing DirectorBackground
ICPA has been providing global companies with executive recruitment services since 1992. Our consultants have years of experience recruiting in their specialties. Whether you need a very senior professional or are hiring mid-career staff, our consultants have established contacts and are ready to quickly help you. Our industry groups are focused on finding you candidates in these industries:
• Software
• Consulting
• Finance
• Insurance
• Systems Integration
• Telecomm and Networking
• Sales and Marketing
• Accounting
BCCT Member Company Since 2015
A- Mr.
Walter Pfluger, General ManagerBackground
Asia West Fine Foods were established in 2007 with the aim of becoming the best available source of Western Style Processed Meat Products.
Millions of Baht have been invested within the company over the years, to ensure that we have the most up to date technology and machinery available for use within our facility.
We guarantee that safe, healthy and wholesome food is assured by applying stringent hygiene principles throughout our Food Safety System.
Our factory operates using our approved HACCP systems to ensure that strict quality and food hygiene controls are in place at every step.
We are also fully FDA & GMP Registered.
Maximum traceability is a priority, so we strive to work with our suppliers to ensure that we can follow the footsteps of the products we sell, all the way from the Farm to your Plate.
We have received and passed Audits from a number of external companies, including Tesco Lotus, Makro, Big C, Tops along with some 5 Star Hotels and In-flight catering companies
Products or Services
Quality Producers & Wholesale Suppliers of Fine Sausage, Bacon, Ham, Gammon and Pies and other premium Beef, Pork, Lamb & Poultry Products to the F&B and HORECA sectors. Supplying to Bangkok, Phuket, Pattaya, Hua Hin / Cha Am, Ko Samui, Sarut Thani, Ko Lipe, Nong Khai, Chiang Mai, Chiang Rai and many other areas around Thailand.
We are proud to be supplying: Food Wholesalers, Hotels, Gastro Pub & Restaurant Chains, International Schools, National Wholesale & Retail chains across the country.
Bei Otto Butchery Products, Butcher's Pride
UK & Thai
Senior Management
Mr. Walter Pfluger, General Manager
Siam Commercial Bank (SCB)
Siam City Bank (SCIB)
Financial Details
Registered Capital: 6M Baht
BCCT Member Company Since 2011
Level 29, Centralworld
999/9, Rama 1 Road, Pathumwan
Bangkok 10330
T: +66 (0) 2711 1767-8
F: +66 (0) 2711 1769
aes@aesexhibitions.com www.aesexhibitions.com
Chamber Representatives B
A - Mr. David Aitken, Managing Director
B - Ms. Punnapa Onsarn, General Manager
Asian Exhibition Services (AES) Ltd. is an international, Board of Investment listed company headquartered in Bangkok and has representative offices in Singapore, South Korea, India, China, Argentina and the UK.
AES's partner companies include Pico (Thailand) Plc, AES (UK) Limited and MP International (Singapore). AES is a specialist in business-to-business trade events in all major industry sectors of ASEAN, include transport, manufacturing, logistics, infrastructure, wellness and healthcare.
Products or Services
International Trade Organiser
Senior Management
Ms. Punnapa Onsarn, General Manager
BCCT Member Company Since 2015
Km 42, Phahol Yothin Highway
Klong Luang
Pathum Thani 12120
T: +66 (0) 2516 0110-44
F: +66 (0) 2516 2126
jshaw@ait.ac.th www.ait.ac.th
Chamber Representative
A - Dr. Jonathan Shaw, AIT Extension
The Asian Institute of Technology is an international postgraduate academic institute advancing technology-driven initiatives for the sustainable development in Asia.
AIT's mission is to develop highly qualified and committed professionals who will play a leading role in the sustainable development of the region and its integration into the global economy. Based in Thailand, AIT has affiliated centres in other Asian countries. A multicultural and multinational knowledge hub for a global network of development partners, AIT exists to advance our partners' understanding of global changes and the impact of those changes in Asia, and to influence and enable positive social change. The Institute comprises the School of Engineering and Technology, the School of Management, and the School of Environment, Resources and Development, more than 30 established postgraduate courses, several high quality outreach centers, and AIT Extension, its executive and professional education centre.
Products or Services
undergraduate and post graduate degrees; research and consultancy; executive and professional education.
Intergovernmental organization
BCCT Member Company Since 2008
Transpo International Limited
3388/74-77, Sirinrat Building 21st Floor
Rama 4 Road, Klongton, Klongtoey
Bangkok 10110
T: +66 (0) 2687 7888
F: +66 (0) 2687 7999
outbound@asiantigers-thailand.com www.asiantigers-mobility.com, www.homeconnectthailand.com
Novatech Building
36/9-10 Chaengwattana Road
Laksi, Bangkok 10210
T: +66 (0) 2573 5699
F: +66 (0) 2574 1065 niti.meyer@asig.co.uk, natthaphong.boonpithaksap@asig.co.uk www.asig.com
Chamber Representatives
A - Mr. William C. Reinsch, Chairman
B - Mr. Paul Ware, General Manager
Established as Transpo International Ltd. and incorporated in 1973, the company has grown to become one of the most prominent household goods moving companies in Asia, and is one of 30 offices in 15 countries/territories specialising in the movement of expatriate personal effects and household goods to and from all destinations, worldwide. Asian Tigers Mobility operates in Thailand with more than 300 full time experienced personnel, from a number of strategically placed warehouse/office locations. It operates its own fleet of specialised trucks and vehicles.(www.asiantigers-mobility/Thailand.com)
Asian Tigers Mobility supports most of the major international corporations, embassies and organisations in Thailand, is a fully accredited member of OMNI(www.omnimoving.com) & FIDI(www.fidi.org) the moving industry's main trade organisations.
Products or Services
Business Activities
• Relocation Services
• Property & Real Estate Services
• Destination Services
• Orientation
• Visa & Immigration
• Office Moving
• Pet Moving
• Transportation & Logistics
• Freight Forwarders/Customs brokers
• Storage/Warehousing
"Home Connect" (www.homeconnectthailand.com) the company's home search division, is expert at finding apartments, condominiums and houses for existing or prospective clients. Full relocation can be tailored for corporate clients through Asian Tigers Mobility (www.asiantigers-mobility.com)
The company has also diversified to specialize in forwarding of cargo by air and sea (www.transpologistics.com), customs brokering, and exhibitions.
Companies Represented
Mr. Paul Ware, General Manager
51% Thai
49% Foreign
Senior Management
Mr. William C. Reinsch, Chairman
Mr. Paul Ware, General Manager
Citibank, N.A.
BCCT Member Company Since 1978
A - Mr. Niti Meyer, Director & CEO
B - Mr. Natthaphong Boonpithaksap, Operations Manager
Aircraft Service International Group (ASIG) is the world's largest aircraft fuel service provider and also offers ground handling, cargo and other technical services. ASIG is present at over 70 locations worldwide including London's Heathrow, Gatwick and Stansted airports, Los Angles, JFK, Orlando, San Francisco airports in the USA, Munich and others in Europe.
ASIG is a subsidiary of Menzies Aviation PLC a listed company on the LSE with over £ 3 billion in sales and employing more than 14,000 people.
Products or Services
Aircraft refueling service provider. ASIG (Thailand) has a concession to refuel aircraft at Suvarnabhumi Airport. Customers include British Airways, Star-Alliance carriers (except Thai Airways), Air France/KLM
49% British
51% Thai
Siam Commercial Bank
BCCT Member Company Since 2009
6 Repington Way, Sutton Coldfield
West Midlands
B75 7NB
T: +44 0333 772 0369
- Mr. Jay Acharya, DirectorAspire Consulting and Training Ltd is committed to providing results driven and innovative learning solutions adding true value to all customers to support their growth in people, processes and performance.
Aspire specialises in global consulting and learning, working with multi-national organisations and government departments across the world. We have a reputation for providing high quality bespoke and accredited programmes for our customers to support their leadership teams, strategic thinking and wide range of learning and development programmes to ensure their people are at the forefront of their sectors.
Aspire is a trusted partner to many leading organisations both in the UK and internationally. Our focus on ensuring your organisation understands the return on investment it should achieve from the programmes we deliver is paramount to the success of our future relationships with all our customers.
Our programmes are designed to be interactive and engaging, with both accredited and non-accredtited solutions, ranging from short courses of 1-day to long courses over a period of months. We deliver the following and more:
• Business Transformation
• Leadership Training Programmes
• Management Development Programmes
• Sales, Negotiation and Influencing Skills
• Digital Business
• Industry 4.0 and Smart Manufacturing
• Developing High Performance
• Enterprise and Entrepreneurship
• Workforce Development Programme
The Environment Agency (UK)
Smurfitt Kappa
Jaguar Land Rover
Malaysian Airways
Exxon Mobile Ministry Of Education Oman
BCCT Member Company Since 2017
1 Empire Tower, 56th Floor
South Sathorn Rd., Yannawa
Sathorn, Bangkok 10120
T: +66 (0) 2227 9444
A - Ms. Eriko Yokoyama, Vice President, Head of Strategic Marketing
B - Ms. Phattira Nimnapharoj, Assistant Vice President – Corporate Communications
Asset World Corporation is a member of TCC Group, one of Thailand’s prominent conglomerates. Our business is to develop and invest in wide range of real estate projects covering hospitality, retail, and commercial in Thailand. Asset World Corporation, owns hotels managed under the brands of The Plaza Athenee, Marriott, Starwood, Hilton, Okura, Melia, Banyan Tree, IHG, and The Imperial Hotels and Resorts
BCCT Member Company Since 2018
19th Floor, Asia Center Building
173/20 South Sathorn Road
Thungmahamek, Sathorn
Bangkok 10120
T: +66 (0) 2739 7400
F: +66 (0) 2739 7419
AstraZeneca is a global, science-led biopharmaceutical business and our innovative medicines are used by millions of patients worldwide.
For patients and physicians, we provide medicines for some of the world's most serious diseases. For the people who pay for healthcare, we work to make sure that our medicines offer real value for money. For our employees, we provide a culture in which they can feel appreciated, energized and rewarded for their contribution. For our shareholders, we aim to deliver value through our continued focus on innovation and running our business efficiently. For the wider community, we want to be valued for the contribution our medicines can make to society and trusted for the way in which we do business.
We work closely with all our stakeholders to understand their challenges and how we can combine our skills and resources to achieve a common goal: improved health.
AstraZeneca is a global, science-led biopharmaceutical company that focuses on the discovery, development and commercialisation of prescription medicines, primarily for the treatment of diseases in three therapy areas - Oncology, Cardiovascular, Renal & Metabolism and Respiratory. The Company also is selectively active in the areas of autoimmunity, neuroscience and infection. AstraZeneca operates in over 100 countries and its innovative medicines are used by millions of patients worldwide.
100% owned by AstraZeneca Plc
Inge Kusuma-President
Tan Choon Kiat
Krisda Kirasamuttranon
Veeraya Rattanachaipipat
Suksant Suksangsri
Chittra Theerachai
Patcharanan Laopimolpan
Board of Directors
Inge Kusuma
Sereerath Jirawatsatith
Wachira Kunachitpimol
Financial Details
Registered Capital: B 100.05 million baht
Paid up Capital: B 100.05 million baht
BCCT Member Company Since 1980
61 Wireless Road (Witthayu)
Lumpini, Pathumwan
Bangkok 10330
T: +66 (0) 2650 8800
F: +66 (0) 2650 8500-1
bc.theathenee@luxurycollection.com www.luxurycollection.com/theatheneebangkok
Chamber Representatives
A - Ms. ChooLeng Goh, General Manager
B - Mr. Thanos Economou, Director of Sales & Marketing
The Athenee Hotel, a Luxury Collection Hotel, Bangkok is a five-star hotel in the heart of downtown Bangkok. Located on the grounds of a former royal residence on tree-lined Wireless Road, the hotel is close to embassies, palatial malls, cosmopolitan dining and entertainment, and peaceful Lumpini Park. BTS skytrain and MRT subway stations are nearby.
Renowned as one of Bangkok's most impressive events venues, The Athenee Hotel offers 5,600 square metres of state-of-the-art functions spaces, including the exquisite Atheneum Meeting Floor, and three glamorous ballrooms. The hotel also holds the distinction of being the first hotel in the world to achieve ISO 20121 certification for planning and delivering sustainable events.
With its engaging blend of Thai and European style, the iconic 29-storey hotel eloquently encapsulates the history and culture of its address, and won a "Best Hotel Interior Thailand" award for it.
Its 374 elegant rooms and suites are replete with cutting edge amenities and charming views. The Royal Club Floor features an exclusive lounge offering special privileges. Its restaurants are often among the awards, especially The Reflexions's modern French cuisine and The Rain Tree Café's indulgent buffets. Cantonese, Thai and Japanese restaurants are equally outstanding.
Guests can retreat to the lagoon-style swimming pool in a tranquil oasis or enter a personal sanctuary at Spa Athénée, in the Top 25 of Hotel Spas, offering treatments personalised for men and women and tailored to blood type.
BCCT Member Company Since 2004
Brookwood, Church Street
T: +66 (0) 8 6122 8158
Chamber Representative
11th Floor, Unit 1101
Pakin Building, 9 Ratchadapisek
Dindaeng, Bangkok 10400
T: +66 (0)2333 3222
F: +66 (0)2333 3233
bangkok@aurecongroup.com www.aurecongroup.com
Chamber Representative
A - Mr. Lee Francis,
PartnerAulan Capital is the UK marketing branch of Earthworks (Thailand) Co Ltd which manufactures 100% Natural cleaning products. The Brand made and promoted is ARITHA. The UK website is Aritha.co.uk, all products are showcased in our website.
Products or Services
Our brand is Aritha. We manufacture in Thailand Natural cleaning products which really work and yet kind to the environment.
Earthworks (Thailand) Co., Ltd.
Companies Represented
Aulan Capital & Earthworks (Thailand) Co., Ltd.
Privately owned
Senior Management
Alan Wood, Audrey Coleman, Lee Francis
BCCT Member Company Since 2018
A - Mr. Sakorn Kruemai,
Managing DirectorAurecon is an engineering and infrastructure advisory company, but not as you know it. We've re-imagined engineering.
Our clients' ideas and aspirations drive all that we do. We work alongside them like no other firm to co-create clever, innovative solutions to some of the world's most complex challenges, adding value across the project lifecycle through deep technical and advisory expertise. We serve our clients across a range of markets, in locations worldwide. Hardwired in our DNA are engineering, design and the deep need to leave a legacy. We are as diverse as we are dynamic. As curious as we are clever.
Drawing on our deep pool of knowledge, we bring vital engineering experience, technical capability and design expertise to the table. Then we listen deeply and intently. We see the opportunities, possibilities and potential that others don't. Through a range of unique creative processes and skills, we collaborate with our clients to re-imagine, shape and design a better future.
Products or Services
Aurecon has refreshed our approach to taking our expertise to market and we have integrated competencies and services into markets, in locations worldwide such as Aviation, Construction, Data & Telecommunications, Defence, Education, Energy, Health, Manufacturing, Property, Resources, Transport, and Water.
Privately owned by employees, Aurecon formed in 2009 when Africon, Connell Wagner and Ninham Shand announced the formation of a new global group.
Senior Management
Mr. Sakorn Kruemai, Managing Director
BCCT Member Company Since 2013
1499 Petchkasem Road
Cha-am, Phetchaburi 76120
T: +66 (0) 3289 8989
F: +66 (0) 3289 8999
huahin.resort@avanihotels.com www.minorhotels.com/en/avani/hua-hin
Chamber Representative
218/2-4 M.10 Beach Road, Pattaya Chonburi 20260
T: +66 (0) 3841 2120
F: +66 (0) 3842 9926 pattaya@avanihotels.com www.avanihotels.com
Chamber Representatives
A - Mr. Matthew Fryar, General Manager
Make a dash for sun-filled days of tropical bliss at AVANI Hua Hin Resort & Villas. Choose your digs, from pool access suites so you can hop right into the water, to Jacuzzi hideouts, to a prime-position beachfront pool villa. Run wild on long stretches of silky sand. Take a night out on the town, snacking on street eats as you go. Recharge surfing the waves or just chilling in the sea breeze with a mojito in hand.
BCCT Member Company Since 2017
A - Mr. Somsak Tanruengsri, General Manager – AVANI Pattaya Resort
B - Mr. Terapan Chuaprasert, Executive Assistant Manager AVANI Pattaya Resort
Minor Hotels is a leading hotel owner, operator and investor in Thailand and the region, with interests in a variety of related businesses. AVANI Hotels is the vibrant upscale brand offering relaxed comfort and contemporary style in city and hotel destinations, AVANI was launched in response to an increasingly influential group of discerning travellers who appreciate stylish design and excellent service, but also demand great value. The brand currently has 23 properties in operation in Thailand, Sri Lanka, Vietnam, Malaysia, the Seychelles, Mozambique, Botswana, Lesotho, Namibia, Zambia, the United Arab Emirates, Portugal, Australia, New Zealand and Laos, with a pipeline of further openings in Australia, Asia, Indian Ocean and the Middle East.
Launched in November 2016, AVANI Pattaya Resort is one of Thailand's popular beach resort destinations. The 299-room resort offers great sea views and a relaxed vibe for both business travellers and holidaymakers. Located in the heart of Pattaya and overlooking the beach, the resort is only minutes away from the city's hotspots and is connected to Royal Garden Plaza shopping mall. Only 90 minutes by car from Suvarnabhumi International Airport, Pattaya is the closest major beach destination to Bangkok. This vibrant coastal city is a must visit destination in Thailand as there is something for everyone.
Minor International Public Company Limited
Minor International Public Company Limited
Senior Management
Mr. Somsak Tanruengsri, General Manager – AVANI Pattaya Resort
Board of Directors
Mr. William E. Heinecke, Chairman and CEO
BCCT Member Company Since 2001
199, Column Tower, 19th Floor
Ratchadapisek Road, Klongtoey
Bangkok 10110
T: +66 (0) 2260 7587-89
F: +66 (0) 2260 7586 enquiries@asag.aero www.asag.aero
Chamber Representatives B
A - Mr. Simon Paul Wagstaff, Founder & Chairman
B - Ms. Phassana Phudwanna, Sales & Marketing Manager
Business Aviation – Corporate Security – Luxury
With offices spanning 6 countries and operating over 1,000 airports in Asia,business aviation has been the focus of The ASA Group for quite some time. Becoming known for excellence in ground handling supervision, permits, slots, private jet services, corporate security, VIP security, close protection and luxury concierge. We provide a full suite of global possibilities to businesses and VIP leisure travelers, with a clear focus on the Asia Pacific Region.
Being the first and only group to offer such services globally, our air charters allow executives to divide more efficiently their limited time with their demanding schedules, whilst our corporate security expertise ensures smooth coordination on the ground. Thanks to our in-depth proficiency in ground handling and permits, the most challenging aviation regulations turn into maneuverable operations complementing the most demanding requirements from bespoke luxury services.
1. Ground Handling and Permits - Ground Handling Coordination and Supervision, Slots, Landing, Overflight Permits and Parking, Passenger and Crew Transportation and Accommodation, Aviation Security.
2. Air Charter - Access to Aircraft Worldwide, Route Planning & Personalized Itinerary Services as well as a dedicated professional staff to manage your every need.
3. Security - Executive Protection, Aviation and Aircraft Security(AVSEC), Event Security, Secure Transportation, Security Surveys, Risk Assessment, Background Checks, Access Control Testing, Bug Sweeps and Technical Surveillance Counter Measures (TSCM)
4. Luxury Concierge - We provide the highest level of personalized service and care to clients looking for the very best of bespoke luxury experiences.
ASA Group Holdings Ltd.
ASA South China Ltd. (Hong Kong)
ASA (Thailand) Ltd.
ASA (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd
PT ASA (Indonesia)
ASA Group (Singapore)
Simon Wagstaff BEM MIExpE, Founder & Chairman
Ted Devereux FBIM, FIoD, Director Corporate Development
John Barclay LLB (Hons), Director Legal & Finance
Julie Ambrose, Director of Aviation
BCCT Member Company Since 2016
45/33 Moo 4, T. Tonmamaung
A. Meung, Phetchaburi 76000 T: +66 (0) 2648 5114 alexaxcel@icloud.com www.axcel-electronics.com
Chamber Representatives
A - Mr. Alex Stewart, Commercial Director
B - Ms. Nichanan St George, Financial Director
For nearly 20 years Axcel Electronics has been at the forefront of Electronic manufacturing specialising in the automotive Sector and FMCG retail Sectors .
With Manufacturing in China and Thailand, and Sales Offices in Thailand, USA, Hong Kong, Germany and UK, Axcel supports Customers on a global basis from their Asian Headquarters.
Axcel Electronics holds multiple global patents for Cell Phone Charge and Sync cables and can offer unique cable solutions to fit customers' requirements incorporating customer logos with unique shapes and designs.
Axcel Electronics also supplies a full range of Cell phone accessories from Car and Wall chargers, thru Cables and Power banks.
The range of Axcel Electronics cell phone accessories are sold predominantly through C stores in Asia and big box retailers in the USA.
BCCT Member Company Since 2017
1 Empire Tower, 21F, Unit 2108 (River Wing West)
South Sathorn Road, Yannawa
Sathorn, Bangkok 10120
T: +66 (0) 2670 0140-1
F: +66 (0) 2670 0142
Chamber Representatives
35/6 Soi Sukhumvit 89/1 Bangchak, Bangkok 10260
T: +66 (0) 2105 4573
vorawan@ayathaitravel.com www.ayathai.com
B - Ms. Swangchit Tricharoenwiwat, Senior Associate
Axis is a full-service legal advisory firm, specializing in foreign investment, mergers & acquisitions, property development, corporate/commercial matters, banking and finance and dispute resolution, as well as a range of focal industries. Based in Bangkok, we advise on both Thai and international law and practice covers all of Southeast Asia. Each of our practice areas benefits from the wide ranging expertise and experience of both international and locally qualified lawyers who strive to provide clients with prompt and practical solutions to the issues they face. Our expertise is based on our lawyers' years of experience of practicing in Asia and our extensive local and regional knowledge allows us to provide strategic, commercially sound legal advice.
Our industry expertise includes:
• Banking & finance
• Petroleum & natural resources
• Hotels & resorts
• Transportation & logistics
• Information technology
• Manufacturing
• Media
A full listing of the firm's areas of expertise is available at www.axis-legal.com.
BCCT Member Company Since 2011
AyaThai Group provides corporate services to organize and coordinate meetings, seminars, training sessions, etc. to multinationals and governments in Thailand and in the ASEAN region. AyaThai Travel provides regional travel and destinations services both domestic and outbound from its head office in Bangkok, while AyaThai Travel UK provides these services in Europe and AyaThai America for North to South America.
AyaThai Group companies meet the requirements of the UK Bribery Act of 2010 and are in compliance with the US FCPA.
We pay particular attention to preserve and enhance our client's brand image while minding within budget.
AyaThai services standards are equal or superior to that of any global provider, with the added touch of Thai style and the quality standards of Swiss hospitality.
Products or Services
Corporate Services.
Corporate and Government Travel Services by AyaThai Travel Co., Ltd., AyaThai Travel UK Ltd. and AyaThai America Corp.
Travel Safety Assessment by Vorawan & Associates, our parent consultancy in London.
AyaThai Jewelry; precious jewelry for the luxury market by SPK Gems & Jewelry.
AyaThai UK Ltd.
AyaThai America Corp.
AyaThai Travel Co., Ltd.
AyaThai Travel UK, Ltd.
Vorawan & Associates, Ltd. (London)
SPK Gems & Jewelry Co., Ltd.
Thai owned
Senior Management
Dr. Vorawan Kanlayanasukho, Managing Director
Mr. Patrice Veuthey, Director Europe & America
BCCT Member Company Since 2015
5 Hunton Court, Erdington
B23 6BT
T: +44 07957947478
Chamber Representative
990 Abdulrahim Place
5th Floor and 21st-25th Floors
Rama IV Road, Silom, Bangrak
Bangkok 10500
T: +66 (0) 2666 2824
F: +66 (0) 2666 2924
Chamber Representatives
A - Mr. Darren Thawley, Senior Partner
We are a UK Business Consultancy that seeks to enhance business links between the UK & Thailand. We assist UK & Thai companies in developing effective business strategies & solutions to help grow their businesses in these countries.
Products or Services
Marketing, Communications, IT Solutions, Bespoke Training Courses, Investment Strategies, Human Resources, Consultancy, Change Management, Company Research, Organisational Strategy, Policy Development Advice, Market / Sector Analysis, Customer Profiling, Product Placement
Birmingham Chamber of Commerce
100% Darren Thawley (Owner)
Senior Management
Mr. Darren Thawley, Director
BCCT Member Company Since 2018
A - Mr. Waranon Vanichprapa, Partner
B - Mr. Praween Chantanakomes, Lawyer
Baker McKenzie is the foremost international law firm in Thailand, and provides world-class legal services in Corporate & Commercial Law, Trade & Commerce, Banking & Finance, Capital Markets and Securitization, Environment, Insurance, Intellectual Property, International Trade, Compliance & Customs, IT/Communications, Labour & Employment, Dispute Resolution, Major Projects, Pharmaceuticals and Healthcare, Real Estate, Hotel/Resort & Property Development, and Tax. Baker McKenzie's Bangkok office also handles work in other commercial areas and has dedicated Japan, China, and Europe desks.
Baker McKenzie's Bangkok office has provided a full range of corporate legal services in Thailand for over 40 years. As the largest international law firm in Bangkok with 56 partners and 250 legal professionals, in addition to over 250 support staff, the firm serves a full range of domestic, governmental, regional and multi-national clients. For more than 60 years, Baker McKenzie has built a legal practice of global proportion, a multi cultural law firm serving client needs from every major commercial and financial centre in the world. With a network of more than 4,200 locally qualified, internationally experienced lawyers in 78 locations, the firm provides unparalleled geographic coverage to provide clients with the practical legal solutions needed to conduct complex multi jurisdictional business transactions.
Legal services in the following practice areas: administrative law; banking and finance services; capital markets & securities; construction; corporate and commercial; dispute resolution; intellectual property; insurance; international trade, compliance & customs; taxation; labour law; major projects; mergers and acquisitions; power producer projects; real estate; entertainment and technology, media and telecommunications.
Thai limited company
Mr. Kitipong Urapeepatanapong, Chairman
Mr. Wynn Pakdeejit, Managing Partner
BCCT Member Company Since 1977
21/1 Level Sathorn City Tower
South Sathorn Road, Thungmahamek
Sathorn, Bangkok 10120
T: +66 (0) 2679 5400
F: +66 (0) 2679 5401 enquiries@bakertillythailand.com www.bakertillythailand.com
Chamber Representatives
333 Silom Road
Bangrak, Bangkok 10500
T: +66 (0) 2231 4333
F: +66 (0) 2231 4742
info@bangkokbank.com www.bangkokbank.com
Chamber Representative
A - Mr. Apichart Sayasit, Managing Director
B - Mr. Shaun Wong, Partner
Baker Tilly Thailand is an independent member of Baker Tilly International, an international accountancy practice headquartered in London, employing over 26,000 staff in 672 offices and in 131 countries. Very strong representation in the UK, USA and Asia with offices in Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, Philippines, Japan, Taiwan, South Korea, Hong Kong, China and Thailand.
Products or Services
• Corporate Finance Advisory Services
• Audit and Assurance Services
• Tax and Investor Advisory Services
• Accounting (outsourcing) and Secretarial Services
• Business Consulting Services
Baker Tilly Audit and Advisory Services (Thailand) Ltd.
Baker Tilly Corporate Advisory Services (Thailand) Ltd.
Baker Tilly Management Services (Thailand) Ltd.
Baker Tilly Consulting Services (Thailand) Ltd.
Baker Tilly Tax (Thailand) Ltd.
Companies Represented
Independent Member of Baker Tilly International
Majority Thai
Senior Management
Mr. Apichart Sayasit
Mr. Amnaj Mungkornpun
Mr. John Ginnane
Mr. Stuart Monley
Mr. Shaun Wong
Mr. Yundyong Thantiviramanon
Ms. Waleerat Akkarasrisawad
BCCT Member Company Since 2003
A - Dr. Thanatphong Pratheepthaweephon, SVP & Manager of Correspondent Banking Department
Bangkok Bank is Thailand's largest bank, a major regional bank in Southeast Asia and Thailand's market leader in corporate and SME banking. It has the largest overseas branch network of any Thai bank with 32 branches in 15 economies including wholly-owned subsidiaries in Malaysia and China.
With approximately 17 million accounts, including business and retail customers, Bangkok Bank has the largest customer base of any bank in Thailand. The bank has a nationwide network of over 1,200 branches and more than 240 business centers and business desks. The bank's extensive self-service network includes ATMs and cash deposit machines, phone banking, and an easy-to-use bilingual internet banking service, enabling customers to do fast, round-the-clock banking.
Products or Services
Bangkok Bank has six key business units, which are designed to ensure that customer service is at the heart of the organization. These units are Corporate, Commercial, Business, Consumer, International Banking and Investment Banking.
Senior Management
Chairman of the Board of Executive Directors: Deja Tulananda
President: Chartsiri Sophonpanich
Senior Executive Vice-Presidents: Suvarn Thansathit, Chansak Fuangfu, Boonsong Bunyasaranand, Chong Toh, Suteera Sripaibulya, Rushda Theeratharathorn, Virasak Suthanthavibul, Siridej Aungudomsin, Ruchanee Nopmuang
Board of Directors
Chairman of the Board of Executive Directors: Deja Tulananda
BCCT Member Company Since 1978
540, Unit 1705, 17th Floor Mercury Tower
Ploenchit Road, Lumpini
Pathumwan, Bangkok 10330
T: +66 (0) 2252 5895 6
F: +66 (0) 2252 5897 info@globallaw.com www.bgloballaw.com
Chamber Representative
2 Soi Soonvijai 7 New Petchburi Road
Bangkok 10310
T: +66 (0) 2310 3000
F: +66 (0) 2310 3105 info@bangkokhospital.com www.bangkokhospital.com
A - Mr. Ralf Krewer, International Marketing ManagerBackground
Bangkok Global Law (BGL) provides full legal services to its clients of both Thai and international clients.
Our general legal services include corporate, commercial agreements, mergers & acquisitions, securities and stock exchange, project finance, banking and finance, corporate recovery services, labour, real estate, taxation, litigation and arbitration.
We have worked with law firms in many jurisdictions for cross-border transactions because we are an active member of the International Bar Association (IBA), the International Fiscal Association (IFA) and the Inter-Pacific Bar Association (IPBA).
Bangkok is internationally recognised and we are a truly global law firm with our close connection with international legal organisations. It is our great pride to make contributions to many organisations, including the Joint Foreign Chambers of Commerce of Thailand (JFCCT), Doing Business of the Work Bank Group and the International Finance Corporation (IFC), Doing Business in Asia of Thomson Reuters, and Business Operation in Thailand of Bloomberg.
Several lectures have been provided at a lot of legal entities, including the universities in Thailand, the Lawyers Council of Thailand, and the Office of the House of Representatives of Thailand. Our presentations have been made at various seminars and conferences at the domestic and international level.
Bangkok Hospital is a state-of-the-art medical campus providing comprehensive medical care through multidisciplinary teams of highly trained specialists. Offering a broad range of specialized clinics, with dedicated hospitals for cancer and heart disease, Bangkok Hospital is a leading tertiary care facility providing award-winning, world-class healthcare services.
At Bangkok Hopsital, we are committed to providing medical services of the highest international accepted standards, and constantly strive to improve the quality of our patient care. More than 2,200 patients arrive at Bangkok Hospital each day, and though continuous development and investment in breakthrough medical technologies and clinical expertise, Bangkok Hospital has grown to become one of the most trusted healthcare providers worldwide.
Products or Services
Cutting Edge Technology:
• PET-CT for faster and accurate diagnosis of cancer
• Novalis for precise and accurate cancer treatment
• 256 Slice Multi-Detector CT Scan
• Medical Evacuation Department (including Helicopter)
• Dedicated Insurance Claims Department
• Liaison service for embassies
• Visa and immigration issues
Board of Directors
Dr. Prasert Prasarttong-osoth, Group CEO and President
Dr. Chatree Duangnet, Executive Vice President, COO - Medical Affairs
BCCT Member Company Since 2001
301 Moo 6 Sukhumvit Rd., Km. 143
Naklua Banglamung, Chonburi 20150
T: +66 (0) 3825 9999
F: +66 (0) 3825 9919
juthaporn.hu@bph.co.th www.bangkokpattayahospital.com
17th Floor, New ITF Tower 140/36-38, Silom Road
Bangkok 10500
T: +66 (0) 2231 6201/6455
F: +66 (0) 2231 6205 bia@cscoms.com www.bia.co.th
Chamber Representative
A - Dr. Kongkiat Kespechara, CEO Group 3
Bangkok Hospital Pattaya, is the largest referral tertiary hospital on the Eastern Seaboard of Thailand, and accredited by the Joint Commission International, USA. We see over 300,000 patients each year, of which 146,000 are from overseas.
Bangkok Hospital Pattaya was founded in 1990 with only 100 beds, but is now a 15-storey, 300-bed facility providing comprehensive care utilizing the complete range of diagnostic and treatment facilities. We have more than 100 specialist physicians using the world's most advanced medical technology so we can provide our patients with accurate diagnosis and effective treatment.A perennially popular tourism destination, Pattaya welcomes a vast number of international visitors each year. This influx of vacationers,combined with the city's proximity to the key industrial estates on the Eastern Seaboard, brings 100,000 international patients to Bangkok Hospital Pattaya annually. While all our doctors speak English,we have a team of interpreters covering.
Products or Services
Good communication is a 'must' today. Being an international hospital we have a large International Service Department which can communicate with and assist our patients in more than 20 languages. We have modern specialist centers including a 24 hour Heart Center, Neuroscience Center, SuperSight and LASIK Center, Emergency Medical Center, Beauty Center, Surgery Center, Orthopedic Center, Internal Medicine Center, Medical Imaging and Rehabilitation, plus another 13 minor Centres.
The Bangkok Hospital Pattaya is part of the Bangkok Hospital Group, which is the largest medical group in South-East Asia with 41 other hospitals affiliated with us.
100% Thai owned
Senior Management
Dr. Kongkiat Kespechara, CEO Group 3, BDMS
Board of Directors
Dr. Seeharach Lohachitranont, Hospital Director, Bangkok Hospital Pattaya
BCCT Member Company Since 2002
A - Mr. Stephen Frost, Director
Bangkok International Associates is a law firm which was established in 1988 by Freehill Hollingdale Page, a leading Australian law firm.
BIA is able to offer advice and representation concerning corporate and commercial law, joint ventures, foreign investments, business takeovers, commercial and residential property, banking, debt restructuring, employment, taxation, intellectual property, and telecommunications. Through our sister company Bangkok Legal Associates, we are able to provide arbitration and litigation services. Currently we have a staff of 14 lawyers and support personnel.
Products or Services
Offering legal advice and representation to foreign companies investing in Thailand, foreign-Thai joint venture companies and Thai companies.
Thai owned
Senior Management
Mr. Ronachai Krisadaolarn (Ronald Cristal)
Mr. Stephen Frost
Bangkok Bank
BCCT Member Company Since 2003
Bangkok Prep Primary Campus:
23 Sukhumvit 53, Vadhana, Watthana, Bangkok 10110
Bangkok Prep Secondary Campus:
77 Sukhumvit 77, Vadhana, Bangkok 10110
T: +66 (0) 2260 7890, 2700 5858 F: +66 (0) 2662 5444 admissions@bkkprep.ac.th www.bkkprep.ac.th
2 Sukhumvit Soi 57, Sukhumvit Road
Klongtan-Nua, Wattana
Bangkok 10110
T: +66 (0)2797 0000
F: +66 (0)2797 0001
mhrs.bkkms.ays@marriotthotels.com www.marriott.com/bkkms
Chamber Representative
Founded in 2003, Bangkok International Preparatory & Secondary School (Bangkok Prep) is a private co-educational international school offering quality education, primarily based on the National Curriculum of England, to students aged 3 to 18 years. Bangkok Prep is one school based across two campuses, both of which are located in safe, secure and prime residential areas of Bangkok. The primary campus at Sukhumvit 53 is situated adjacent to the Thong Lo skytrain station in the heart of Sukhumvit. The secondary campus T77 is situated less than 3 kilometres away near to a newly built residential and retail complex and close to On Nut skytrain. Bangkok Prep is perhaps the most conveniently located international school in Bangkok. Bangkok Prep provides an education where students can prepare for life and realise their full potential through a stimulating and challenging international learning community. Our school creates a warm, caring, supportive environment that is the Bangkok Prep community. The student-teacher ratio is excellent with the average class size of 22 students. This highlights a nurturing learning experience for our students. Our fully qualified teaching team is here to make sure that the students are happy and progressing well at Bangkok Prep. The school is very proud of its international approach to education. Forty two nationalities are represented in our school and we celebrate our cultural diversity. Students develop their own sense of identity whilst recognising and empathising with other cultures, traditions and beliefs. Both campuses offer state-of-the-art classrooms and libraries, extensive ICT resources across the curriculum, superb sporting facilities including 2 swimming pools and large sports halls, football pitches, tennis and basketball courts, running tracks and outdoor play areas. We also have 3 theatre spaces and a wide range of creative arts facilities including a recording studio, photography darkroom and 3D printers.
The programme of study at Bangkok Prep is primarily based on the National Curriculum of England offering the best educational practice to students from Nursery to Year 13. All of our qualified and committed teachers are experienced in the delivery of our curriculum. Bangkok Prep offers a rigorous IGCSE programme to Year 10 and 11 students as a precursor to the Cambridgeapproved A levels studied in Years 12 and 13, thereby preparing students for entry to leading universities worldwide.
Council of International Schools (CIS)
New England Association of Schools and Colleges (NEASC)
Office for National Education Standards and Quality Assessment (ONESQA)
International Schools Association of Thailand (ISAT)
Federation of British International Schools in Asia (FOBISIA)
Bangkok International Schools Athletic Conference (BISAC)
Thailand International Schools Activity Conference (TISAC)
Cambridge Examination Centre
Oxford International AQA Examination Centre
Edexcel Approved Centre
The Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award
Eco-Schools Green Flag Award
Mrs. Patrada Yomnak, License Holder
Senior Management
Mr. Duncan Stonehouse, Head of School; Mr. Brad Owen, Head of Primary
Mr. Nigel Wilsonlock, Head of Secondary; Mr. Supat Mike Rajkich, Deputy Managing Director & Head of Admissions
BCCT Member Company
Since 2006
A - Mr. Thomas G Christiansen, General Manager
The iconic Bangkok Marriott Hotel Sukhumvit and the Marriott Executive Apartments Sukhumvit Thonglor rises over what has become one of Bangkok's most dynamic and cosmopolitan neighborhoods. Featuring 296 hotel rooms and 74 fully equipped serviced apartments, the hotel is an ideal choice for business and leisure travelers alike. The hotel also offers an impressive range of Food and Beverage options including the signature multi-level Octave Roof top Lounge and Bar. Meeting venues comprise of a 500 sq.mt Ballroom in addition to several other meeting spaces. Located 27 kms from the Suvarnabhumi International airport the hotel is easily accessible from the expressway, major roads and highways. The BTS sky train station is merely a two minutes' walk from the hotel.
BCCT Member Company Since 2013
262 Surawong Road
Si Phraya, Bangrak
Bangkok 10500
T: +66 (0) 2088 5666
F: +66 (0) 2088 5777 george.varughese@marriott.com
Chamber Representatives B
A - Mr. George Varughese, General Manager
B - Ms. Porntita Bheungnoi, Director of Sales and Marketing
Surawong road is one of the main road in Silom area, was built in 1897 (reign of King Rama 5). Since it's one of the oldest road and this area was formerly served the community of European expatriate, it is still home to many historic buildings and neighbourhoods such as Neilson Hays Library, Grand Post office (Build in 1940) and the Old Custom House.
In the past few years, they try to make this area as a "Creative district" area. Creative district is the project that neighbourhoods along the 2 sides of the river co-ordinate to promote the destination together. The elements we promotes are Art, small local bars & restaurant, history and river. More information as per link below. (Even we are not right on the river, but we are in the area of Charoen Krung side)
Products or Services
Bangkok Marriott Hotel The Surawongse combines contemporary design with a creative Thai twist. A combination of 303 rooms, suites and extendedstay apartments under one roof, plus innovative dining and leisure facilities including authentic Thai Buffet Restaurant, rooftop restaurant & bar and a spa, ensure that every stay is elevated to new levels of style and service.
Companies Represented
Mr. George Varughese, General Manager
TCC Hotel Collection Co., Ltd. (Hotel Owner)with respect to Bangkok Marriott Hotel The Surawongse
Senior Management
Mr. George Varughese, General Manager
Ms. Porntita Bheungnoi, Director of Sales and Marketing
Siam Commercial Bank Public Company Limited
Account no: 002-283789-9
Financial Details
Account Name: TCC Hotel Collection Co., Ltd.
Branch: Surawong
Address: 219 Surawong Rd., Suriyawong, Bangrak, Bangkok 10500
BCCT Member Company Since 2018
TCC Hotel Asset Management Co., Ltd.
199 Soi Sukhumvit 22, Sukhumvit Rd. Klongton, Klongtoey, Bangkok 10110
T: +66 +66 (0) 2059 5555
F: +66 +66 (0) 2059 5888 bookbkkmarquis@marriott.com www.bangkokmarriottmarquis.com
Chamber Representatives
A - Mr. Roger Parnow, Cluster Director of Sales and Marketing
B - Mr. Sanya Supanakorn, Cluster Director of Corporate Sales
Bangkok Marriott Marquis Queen's Park blends world-class amenities with the timeless warmth of Thai hospitality, allowing every guest to "Travel Brilliantly."
Located in downtown Bangkok's vibrant EM District, this impressive five-star hotel is surrounded by a wealth of local attractions. This makes it ideal for all types of guest, from business travelers to leisure explorers. Nearby Phrom Phong BTS skytrain station puts the rest of this pulsating city within easy reach. Discover outstanding dining and entertainment at an exceptional collection of restaurants and bars. Goji Kitchen + Bar celebrates the universal pleasures of great food and friendship, while Soba Factory is an authentic Japanese eatery that serves house-made noodles. Pagoda Chinese Restaurant combines classical Cantonese cuisine with contemporary flare, and Siam Tea Room focuses on fine Thai fare and freshly-baked delights.
Perched on the hotel's top floors, a trio of extraordinary venues will elevate your evening. On the 37th floor, Akira Back fuses East and West to create a new style of cutting-edge Asian cuisine, while ABar showcases dark cocktails in an atmospheric bygone setting. Then step into the light on the 38th floor, as ABar Rooftop presents one of Thailand's largest gin collections and stunning city views. Guests seeking to unwind can soothe their senses in the blissful Quan Spa, work out in the fitness center or simply plunge into a choice of two tropical outdoor pools – perfect at the end of a long day exploring the city.
Memorable events, including large-scale conferences and dream weddings with over 1,000 guests, can be hosted at a choice of 37 distinct meeting venues, including three separate ballrooms.
For the most extensive collection of international facilities and superlative service, all under one roof in the beating heart of the city, Bangkok Marriott Marquis Queen's Park is a destination like no other.
Products or Services
Marriott International
TCC Hotel Asset Management Co., Ltd
Companies Represented
Mr. Roger Parnow, Cluster Director of Sales & Marketing
Mr. Sanya Supanakorn, Cluster Director of Corporate Sales
TCC Hotel Asset Management Co., Ltd.
100% Ownership
BCCT Member Company Since 2016
643 Lasalle Road
Sukhumvit 105, Bangna Bangkok 10260
T: +66 (0) 2785 2200
F: +66 (0) 2785 2399 admissions@patana.ac.th www.patana.ac.th
Bangkok Patana School was founded in 1957 to provide a British-style education for the children of English-speaking expatriates and others living in Bangkok. A non-profit making Foundation, the school currently has an enrolment of over 2,200 students representing around 65 nationalities. Over 20% of the students are British and 80% of the teaching staff are recruited directly from the UK or from British international schools.
The superbly resourced 17 hectare campus, situated in Bangna, includes state-ofthe-art classrooms & IT facilities, Secondary and Primary libraries, three swimming pools, an indoor sports centre, tennis courts and sports fields. The school is also home to a modern Arts Centre that offers world-class facilities for students, teachers and the community.
Bangkok Patana School is accredited by the Council of International Schools (CIS), the New England Association of Schools and Colleges (NEASC) and is an IB World School.
Bangkok Patana School's mission is to ensure that students of different nationalities grow to their full potential as independent learners in a caring British international community. Students range from 18 months to 18 years of age and follow the English National Curriculum until they sit IGCSE examinations at 16. Senior students take the International Baccalaureate Diploma or Certificate in Year 13 and go on to attend leading universities in the UK and throughout the world.
Matthew Mills, Head of SchoolOwnership
Licence holder: Bangkok Patana School Foundation
Senior Management
Mr. Matthew Mills, Head of School
Mr. Jason Cooper, Primary Principal
Mr. Michael Smith, Secondary Principal
Mr. Andrew Gordon, Business Director
Board of Directors
Dr. Tej Bunnag, Chairman of the Foundation Board
Thai Military Bank PCL, Kasikorn Bank PCL, Thanachart Bank PCL, Siam Commercial Bank PCL
BCCT Member Company Since 1998
Bangkok Patana is an IB World School, accredited by CIS and NEASC
18/1 Moo. 12 Langwatbangpleeyainai Rd.
Bangphliyai, Bangphli
Samutprakarn 10540
T: +66 (0) 2337 3280
F: +66 (0) 2337 3293
IRgroup@br-bangkokranch.com www.bangkokranch.com
Chamber Representatives
21/100 South Sathon Road
Bangkok 10120
T: +66 (0) 2679 1200
F: +66 (0) 2679 1199 bangkok@banyantree.com www.banyantree.com
Chamber Representatives
Bangkok Ranch founded in 1984 with headquarters in Bangkok, Thailand, is one of the World's largest integrated duck producers and marketers. The Group has operated in two strategic locations, Thailand and Netherlands, with world class quality standards, both operations manufacture their products through their respective fully integrated chain.
Using modern technology with world-class hygiene and quality control standards, BR's operations are fully-integrated from company-owned parent stock farms and hatcheries to dedicated third-party contract farms, and then processing into many types of various products.
BR produces a wide variety of food and agricultural product including; duck feed, duck eggs, duckling, live duck, duck feather, duck meat and duck meat based and prepared food products. BR provides product and services to customers throughout Thailand and international market.
Through its Core Values and Code of Conduct, BR strives to operate with integrity and trust and is committed to creating value for all stakeholders and public at large.
BCCT Member Company Since 2016
A - Ms. Nopparat Aumpa, Assistant Vice President
B - Mr. John Neutze, Director of Sales and Marketing
Banyan Tree Bangkok is part of Banyan Tree Hotels and Resorts. Since its inception, in 1994, Banyan Tree has succeeded in establishing itself as both a premier Asian brand and a leading award-winning luxury resort and hotel chain. The company's corporate mission is to develop and manage luxurious and environmentally sensitive boutique hotels and resorts, steeped in Asian traditions. The philosophy behind the brand is based on providing a place for the rejuvenation of the body, mind and soul -- a Sanctuary for the Senses.
Banyan Tree Bangkok exudes the old-world charm of Thailand and offers business and leisure facilities for its discerning guests. The 327 rooms and suites are sleek and contemporary but have sophisticated design flourishes which create a warm aesthetic. Eight restaurants and two bars which include the famous Vertigo and Moon bar on the 61st floor rooftop, offer the ultimate gourmet experience. The hotel also boasts one of the largest and most luxurious spas in the capital.
Thai Wah Plaza Limited
Senior Management
Ms. Nopparat Aumpa, AVP/ General Manager
BCCT Member Company Since 2002
33, 33/27 Moo 4 Srisoonthorn Road
Cherngtalay, Amphur Talang
Phuket 83110
T: +66 (0) 7637 2400
F: +66 (0) 7632 4375
phuket@banyantree.com www.banyantree.com
Chamber Representatives
Barclays, Level 15, 1 Churchill Place London, E14 5HP
F: +44 (0) 20 3555 8865 martin.xa.hill@barclays.com www.privatebank.barclays.com
Chamber Representative
A - Mr. Sriram Kailasam, Area General Manager
B - Mr. Shannon Creado, Area Director of Sales & Marketing
Sun-kissed beaches of glistening sand, coconut groves and pristine azure waters make up this Pearl of the Andaman. Located only 20 minutes from Phuket International Airport, Banyan Tree Phuket is an oasis of peace and tranquility located within Asia's first integrated resort, Laguna Phuket Complex.
The resort comprise of 173 villas: 135 at the Main Resort, 14 Spa Pool Villas and 24 Double Pool Villas. There are 5 restaurants and 2 bars and 2 Dining Destinations. 2 Meeting rooms accommodating small to medium sized conference from 18-80 persons.
Other facilities include the award-winning Banyan Tree Spa, the newly renovated 18-holes Laguna Phuket Golf Course.
BCCT Member Company Since 2015
A - Mr. Martin Hill, Director - Asia
Please visit https://privatebank.barclays.com/
BCCT Member Company Since 2018
BISB Experience Center 1/1 Park Village Rama II
Rama II Soi 56, Samaedam, Bangkhunthian
Bangkok 10150
T: +66 (0) 2415 0099
e.thies@bisb.co.th www.bisb.co.th
Chamber Representatives
2/4 Wireless Rd. Lumpini, Pathumwan Bangkok 10330
T: +66 (0) 2826 9999 info@bdmswellness.com www.bdmswellness.com
B - Mr. Jonathan B Schwimmer, BISB Limited Managing Director
BASIS International School Bangkok will be the 35th school in the BASIS Curriculum School network. BASIS Curriculum schools have been ranked consistently among the best schools in the United States and in the world. This success is rooted in the belief that advanced coursework is for all students; to that end, the BASIS Curriculum is designed to help students develop autonomy and organizational skills, as well as academic success.
We focus on student engagement and instilling the love of learning through dynamic and hands-on classroom experiences. We offer a unique two-teacher model in the Primary years to ensure that we have a subject expert teacher as well as a teacher that specializes in childhood development in every classroom. In our higher grade levels, our goal is to provide accelerated classroom experiences in all of the core subjects and beyond to ensure that our students are exposed to an advanced STEM and Liberal Arts curriculum as well.
Senior Management
Elizabeth Thies, Head of School
BCCT Member Company Since 2018
The BDMS Wellness Clinic was founded on a single principle: to make the best regenerative and preventative care from around the world accessible in one place.
At the heart of any regenerative and preventive medicine program is a complete evaluation that takes into account all aspects of our lives, from nutrition and work-life factors, to exercise habits and sleeping patterns, coupled with a comprehensive medical screening utilizing the latest advances in modern diagnostic technology.
Our medical screenings are designed to provide our doctors with a clear understanding of the unique health condition of each individual at a cellular level. By taking into account such things as vitamin, mineral, antioxidant, and micronutrient levels in the body, as well as hormone deficiencies and even genetic factors that may predispose us to specific conditions, our doctors are able to develop personalized programs to slow down deterioration and support disease prevention.
The BDMS Wellness Clinic applies an evidence-based approach to health and wellness in order to restore the body with greater vitality and resilience. This approach requires highly trained specialists and leading-edge medical technology to provide optimal disease prevention and life-prolonging practices. The BDMS Wellness Clinic is committed to pushing the boundaries of modern medicine to identify individual health needs and develop programs that promote longevity and prevent the onset of disease.
The BDMS Wellness Clinic offers a comprehensive range of predictive diagnostic services and health optimization programs to regenerate the body and reduce the risk of disease.
Our comprehensive wellness services are offered through the following clinics:
• Regenerative Clinic
• Musculoskeletal & Sports Clinic
• Neuroscience Clinic
• Cardioscience Clinic
• Dental Clinic
• Fertility Clinic
• Digestive Wellness Clinic
At the BDMS Wellness Clinic, we believe preventive medicine is the future of healthcare and the key to a long and healthy life.
BCCT Member Company Since 2018
176/34, Moo4, Tambon Maret
Amphur Koh Samui, Surathani 84310
T: +66 (0) 9 6638 9942
F: +66 (0) 7745 8101
Chamber Representative
287 Liberty Square Building (12th Floor - Suite 1201)
Silom Road, Bangrak Bangkok 10500
T: +66 (0) 2631 1860
F: +66 (0) 2631 1849
tim.beaumont@thebeaumontpartnership.com www.thebeaumontpartnership.com
Chamber Representatives
A - Mr. Tim Dean-Smith, Director
Beach Republic Group is a developer and operator of hotels, residences, and resorts. The group's flagship project is Beach Republic on Koh Samui. Expansion throughout Asia Pacific is expected in the coming years.
BCCT Member Company 2013
A - Mr. Timothy John Beaumont, CEO
B - Mr. Royy Cheenprachar, Partner/Country Manager
The Beaumont Partnership (formerly Woods Bagot Thailand Ltd.) has been operating in Thailand since 1991.
Our primary objective is the successful translation of our client's requirements into built form. The continuity and integration of our services, ensures that clients deal with the same principal and key staff members from the initial brief to the completed premises. We work in an integrated manner with total coordination between our range of specialist professionals.
The Beaumont Partnership delivers projects of an international standard throughout the South East Asian region and offer Clients design excellence in the following sectors:
• Hospitality and Lifestyle
• Residential
• Workplace
• Education
• Healthcare/ Aged Care
As a multidisciplinary design practice The Beaumont Partnership is structured around the key disciplines of:
• Architecture
• Interior Design
• Landscape Architecture
• Project Management
Products or Services
• Architecture
• Interior Design
• Landscape Architecture
• Project Management
• Turnkey Services
• Urban & Master planning
WBT (H.K.) Ltd.
Thai Limited Company
Senior Management
Mr. Timothy John Beaumont, CEO
Mr. Royy Cheenprachar, Partner/Country Manager
Ms. Thalia Andrews, Partner/ Business Development Director
Board of Directors
Mr. Timothy John Beaumont, CEO
Mr. Royy Cheenprachar, Partner/Country Manager
Mr. Sawai Chamroennao, Practice Manager
Bankers Standard Chartered Bank
BCCT Member Company Since 1994
Room2509, 25Fl, Interchange21 Building
399 Sukhumvit Road, North Klongtoey
Wattana, Bangkok 10110
T: +66 (0) 2258 6491 admin@beehiveasia.co.th www.beehiveasia.co.th
Chamber Representative
Free Zone 2, Leam Chabang Industrial Estate 213/1 Moo 3, Tungsukhla, Sriracha
Chonburi 20230
T: +66 (0) 3849 1031
F: +66 (0) 3849 1102 belzona@belzona.co.th www.belzona.com
Chamber Representative
A - Mr. Justin Wright, Regional Head S.E. Asia
As the Responsible Executive for Asia, Justin represents Beehive's interests across the region. Having set up the strategic development and regional head office in Thailand, he is leading the growth of the Beehive-Asia platform and promotion of P2P innovation throughout ASEAN, working closely with regulators and industry leaders to deliver smart finance solutions to SME's.
Justin has over 18 years of investment banking experience combined with more than 12 years in Asia Pacific deal advisory roles, both public and private spanning a range of sectors and countries. He began his career in the management team of Herzog Heine Geduld International in London, during which time, he was appointed as a full time member of the Brussels based 'EASDAQ' market advisory committee.
He has subsequently made regular live appearances on CNBC Asia's business programs as a markets and economic commentator as well as holding the position of Executive Fundraising Officer at Kampuchea Balopp, a FrenchKhmer, non-government organization assisting disadvantaged and disabled Cambodian children with a youth development through sports program.
Products or Services
Beehive aims to be the first pan-ASEAN online marketplace for peer-to-peer lending - a new funding alternative for small & medium enterprises (SME's). The Beehive online marketplace will directly connect smart investors and creditworthy businesses to eliminate the cost and complexity of conventional finance and provide a smarter, faster finance solutions to unmet demand for capital.
Beehive DMCC www.beehive.ae
Justin Wright, Regional Head S.E. Asia
Craig Moore, Group CEO
Bangkok Bank & TMB bank
BCCT Member Company Since 2015
A - Mr. Ronald Campbell, Managing DirectorEstablished in Britain in 1952, Belzona is a leader in providing industrial protective coatings and repair composites. With proven products that rebuild, repair, and maintain machinery, equipment, buildings, and structures, Belzona services many industries including power, oil and gas, water/wastewater and facilities maintenance.
Headquartered in Harrogate, England, with corporate locations also found in Miami, USA and Chonburi, Thailand, Belzona maintains a Global Distribution Network encompassing over 125 countries which provides exceptional coverage and support throughout the world.
Metal Repair/Rebuilding Compounds - Erosion Corrosion Protection - Rubber Repair and Protection - Abrasion Resistant Linings - Casting/Injection Materials- Water/weatherproofing Systems- High Temperature CoatingsIndustrial Lubricants - Corrosion Protection - Concrete Protection - Safety Grip Systems - Concrete Repair
Local Distributors:
Thailand - Pan Mechanic Engineering Co., Ltd.
Singapore/Malaysia- Worldwide Polymer Services Pte. Ltd.
Philippines- Wise Industrial Systems, Inc
Indonesia - P.T. Tunas Tasik
Vietnam- Trim Systems Pte Ltd.
Taiwan- Consin & Co. Inc.
Korea - Hyun Woo Union Trading
India- Nicco Engineering Services Ltd.
BCCT Member Company Since 2013
14th Floor, Sethiwan Tower
139 Pan Road, Silom, Bangrak
Bangkok 10500
T: +66 (0) 2233 7733-9, 2352 3100
F: +66 (0) 2237 0895
nc@benline.co.th www.benlineagencies.com
Chamber Representative
230 Orchard Road
05-230A, Faber House
Singapore 238854
T: +65 (0) 6463 6026
F: +65 (0) 6463 6026
A - Ms. Lynne Geeves, Director
Ben Line agencies (Thailand) Ltd is a joint venture Company with 51% Thai equity which forms part of a regional Far East network providing a shipping agency, marine services and transport related services to a widerange of overseas companies.
The Company handles regular container, breakbulk and bulk liquid services to Australia, New Zealand, the Pacific Islands and Papua New Guinea, United States of America, the Carribbean, Central and South America, Vietnam, West and East Africa, Europe and Intra-Asia.
Products or Services
Shipping, Line Agency, Transportation and distribution services, P+I Correspondents and Marine support services for the offshore oil industry, Project Logistics
Spica Services (Thailand) Ltd.
Simba Logistics (Thailand) Ltd.
Divetide Limited
51% Thai
49% British
Ms. Noparat Chakawantum Director
Board of Directors
Ms. Noporat Chakawantum
Mr. D.J.M. Ramsay
Mr. Kristian M. Vandermeer
Financial Details
Registered Capital: B 6.0 M
Paid up Capital: B 6.0 M
BCCT Member Company Since 1959
With 16 lettings branches in the best London locations and international offices with locally employed staff in China, Hong Kong, India, Malaysia and Singapore, Benham and Reeves Residential Lettings is recognised as one of central London's largest independent letting and property management companies. The Singapore office also represents our Thailand based clients.
Established in London in 1956, the company offers a full letting and property management service to local homeowners in London and rental investors worldwide. The company also provides related services including: handover and snagging; furnishing packages, letting and property management, refurbishment for rental investment properties and a Tax Return service.
Products or Services
London Lettings and Management Services
BCCT Member Company Since 2015
2/f l The St Regis Bangkok
159 Rajadamri Road
Bangkok 10330
T: +66 (0) 2207 7890
BerkeleyBangkok@berkeleygroup.co.uk www.berkeleygroup.co.uk
Chamber Representatives
123 Bangna-Trad Road
Bangna, Bangkok 10260
T: +66 (0) 2747 4888
F: +66 (0) 2747 4988
info@berkeley.ac.th www.berkeley.ac.th
A - Mr. Chris Frame, Head of South East Asia, Regional Business Development
B - Ms. Alexandra Chan, Head of Thailand Business Operations
The Berkeley Group is a business built on 40 years of excellence. We build beautiful, successful places, blending homes, parks and public realm with great facilities to create fantastic communities where people love to live. We work together with trusted partners to tackle the shortage of good quality homes. And we make a lasting contribution to the landscape and to the communities we help create. We have built 19,000 homes in the last five years, across London, Birmingham and the South of England.
We are devoted to the ideals of creating new homes, mixed-use and commercial developments of unrivalled quality, in London Birmingham, and the South of England’s most desirable locations, always underpinned by concepts of sustainability, community and regeneration.
Prudential, Thames Water, and National Grid
Berkeley Group is made up of six autonomous companies: St George, St James, Berkeley, St Edward, St William and St Joseph.
Publicly-owned and listed on the London Stock Exchange as a FTSE 100 company.
Tony Pidgley, Chairman
Rob Perrins, Chief Executive
Paul Vallone, Executive Director
BCCT Member Company Since 2018
A - Ms. Lisa Johnson, Head of School
B - Mr. Lloyd Wilson, Marketing Department
Established in 2010, Berkeley International School (Berkeley) offers an international quality educational program from Pre-K through Grade 12. We welcome all expatriates as well as host country national families. Our overall curriculum is in English. We are fully accredited and recognized by the Western association of schools and colleges, or WASC. We offer an American-based program with an international perspective using common core standards.
Our teachers all carry degrees in education and are certified from the USA,Australia, Canada, New Zealand and UK. We offer comfortable class sizes of 22 students maximum, using the latest in house cutting edge technology. We are a small and friendly school set in very picturesque surroundings, conveniently located on the Bangna Trad road within easy reach of the BTS. Please come by for a visit. Our sporting facilities offer an conditioned gym, full sized grass footie field, 400 seat theater covered tennis courts and Olympic & 25m pools.
Products or Services
Pre K- Grade 12 American International School
BCCT Member Company Since 2012
323 United Center Building
5th Floor, Silom Road, Bangrak
Bangkok 10500
T: +66 (0) 2231 1711
F: +66 (0) 2231 1715
narongchan@berlitz.co.th www.berlitz.co.th
Chamber Representative
Floor11,10/125 The Trendy Bldg.
13 Sukhumvit Road
Khwaeng Khlong Toei-Nua
Wattana, Bangkok 10110
T: +66 (0) 2168 7533
F: +66 (0) 2168 7544
info@bhmahotels.com www.bhmahotels.com
Chamber Representatives
A - Mr. Narongchan Boontam, Country Manager
Berlitz International has a worldwide network of over 500 Language Centers in 60 countries. Berlitz customizes its services in terms of language objectives, customer scheduling, budget and location needs. The Berlitz Method makes learning a language fast effective and enjoyable. Berlitz offers individual and small group instruction to business people, office staff, students and young learners from 4 years old, in 9 languages; English, Thai, French, German, Italian, Spanish, Japanese, Chinese (Mandarin) and Korean.
Products or Services
Language Services, Instruction, Testing, and Cross Cultural-Training, Study abroad, TOEFL, TOEIC, IELTS preparation E-Berlitz and Global Leadership Training
51% Thai
49% Other (USA)
Bangkok Bank
BCCT Member Company Since 2006
A - Mr. Peter Lucas, CEO
B - Ms. Buddhachard Paengchai, VP Marketing Communications
BHMA is a regional Asian-Pacific hotel management company wholly owned by the ASX listed Flight Centre Travel Group ( FCTG ). FCTG is one of the world's largest and progressive travel companies, incorporating diverse worldwide distribution, in destination travel experiences such as transport and touring as well as hotel management solutions. BHMA is a part of FCTG 's Global Hotel Network providing management for hotels, resorts, villas, serviced apartments and branded residences. BHMA delivers owner services all the way from the very early sourcing & planning stages of a development, through technical services during build, to pre opening services and finally professional ongoing hotel management. Visit www.BHMA hotels.com for more information.
BCCT Member Company Since 2018
8/2 FMA Group Bldg., 5th Floor Room 501, Convent Road
Silom, Bangrak, Bangkok 10500
T: +66 (0) 2635 5085
F: +66 (0) 2635 5086
thebigchillimagazine@gmail.com www.thebigchilli.com
Chamber Representative
2119 Moo 6, Airport - Lopburirames Road
Kuanlung, Hatyai
Songkhla 90110
T: +66 (0) 7425 1255
F: +66 (0) 7425 1254 admin@bloombury.ac.th www.bloomsbury.ac.th
Chamber Representatives
A - Mr. Colin Hastings, Managing Director / Publisher
The BigChilli Bangkok
Thailand's hottest news magazine
The BigChilli Company is a major publisher of lifestyle, business and educational magazines with a firmly established reputation for quality editorial and cutting edge design.
Our Flagship publication, The BigChilli Bangkok, was first published back in November 1999 and is now the city's leading English language magazine for expatriates and internationally educated Thais.
Heading The BigChilli Company is Colin Hastings, a former Fleet Street journalist who has spent almost 34 years in Thailand. During this time Colin has worked on virtually every section of the Bangkok Post, including editor of Thailand Tatler, where he was instrumental in the magazine's successful launch and shaping its development for seven years.
Products or Services
The BigChilli Company also handles contract publishing, printing, Public Relations and Creative Advertising.
Bangkok Bank
BCCT Member Company Since 1999
A - Mr. Andrew Elliott, Principal
B - Ms. Pimjun Senneam, Licensee
Bloomsbury is located in Songkhla, southern Thailand. Its academic provision is derived from the National Curriculum of England (with local adaptation); it offers a range of courses culminating in the award of certificates from UKbased international curricular bodies. It holds centreship from Cambridge Assessment International Examinations; it is applying for centreship from Oxford International AQA Examinations, and it also prepares candidates for other externally assessed examinations (such as Cambridge English). Its IGCSE results have been consistently encouraging; it recently inaugurated its Sixth Form (in which AS/A Level studies are followed). Bloomsbury is a member of the Council of International Schools and is pursuing accreditation via the latter.
The school has two branches: (Pre-)Primary and Secondary. Class sizes are relatively small (on average 7 students: 1 teacher); Primary teachers are supported by Teaching Assistants.
English is the main medium of instruction; apart from Chinese and Thai classes, all subjects are taught in English and delivered by qualified and experienced native speakers from the UK, Canada, US, Australia etc.
Academic managers liaise to ensure smooth transitions between years; subject teachers meet regularly to ensure an integrated curriculum across each year. Specialist support addresses special needs; a Learning Support specialist expedites such arrangements. An EAL department delivers bespoke assistance to students whose English requires extra attention. Students enrolling from schools with different curricula are assisted initially until ready to join mainstream classes; ‘class buddies’ ensure they feel welcome among peers from Day 1.
Bloomsbury offers a broad, balanced range of cuisines for luncheon; staff and students share the same refectory (thus contributing to Bloomsbury’s welcoming community-like atmosphere). The school operates a clinic with a professional nurse on duty full-time; warden-supervised boarding facilities accommodate students opting for residential status.
An extensive range of social, cultural, sporting and entertainment events is organised regularly; an eclectic ECA (extra-curricular activity) programme (with the emphasis on enjoyment and fun) complements more formal classroom learning.
BCCT Member Company Since 2017
Regional Office – Unit 732-733
7th Floor, KYMS Building
555 Wuding Road
Shanghai 200040
T: +66 (0) 99 440 7921 chris.ryan@bluestar-amg.com www.bluestar-amg.com
Chamber Representative
10th Floor, 42 Tower Soi 42 Sukhumvit Road, Prakanong
Klongtoey, Bangkok 10110
T: +66 (0) 2713 6070
F: +66 (0) 2713 6074 info@bmrs-asia.com www.bmrs-asia.com
BlueStar AMG Is an investment and insurance advisory firm that works with expatriates to help plan for their financial futures. Whether your priority is retirement, insurance, property or increasing your current wealth, our expert teams will endeavour to find the solution that is right for you.
We were established in 2009 and all our advisers have several years’ experience in the industry in sectors including, accounting, financial planning, and portfolio management. We cover the following areas:
• Pensions & Retirement Planning
• Investments
• Education Fee Planning
• International Property
• Health & Life Insurance
We know that moving abroad can be overwhelming for the individual and their families, with new cultures and customs to take into account, so we work hard to take the stress out of all your financial matters. info@bluestar-amg.com www.bluestar-amg.com
BCCT Member Company Since 2018
With full-service offices and experienced researchers in both Thailand & Cambodia, Business & Marketing Research Solutions (BMRS) Asia was founded in 2004 by partners with more than 20 years’ experience as research directors in the world's largest market research companies.
We provide professional marketing research and consultancy services to a wide range of multinational and local Clients.
Our streamlined and efficient operations allow us to provide our clients with a more personal and customised approach to understanding the local marketplace and its consumers, whilst maintaining international standards of quality and work ethics.
Our policy is always to have a native English-speaking Expat Research Director in daily charge of each project, to ensure that all aspects of the project completely fulfill our client's requirements and objectives.
We also manage online surveys as part of company CRM programmes.
We are capable of implementing most traditional market research methodologies, both Business-to-Consumer (B2C) and Business-to-Business (B2B) research including:
• Customer Retention & Satisfaction Measurement
• Employee Commitment & Retention Measurement
• Usage & Attitude Surveys
• Quality of Service Measurement
• Pricing Research
• Corporate, CSR & Brand Image Surveys
We also manage professional online & mobile phone surveys for Customer Service Feedback
Our affiliate company is an online portal for managing and measuring customer feedback from point-of-sale. Its unique online & offline interface allows a steady stream of up-to-date customer feedback to be viewed by businesses. Comments from consumers go towards not only improving on current service, but can be used in a qualitative manner to help develop new products and service offerings. www.TheCommentBox.com
49% British
51% Thai
Senior Management
Mr. Andy Gower, Managing Partner & Director of Research
Mr. Chanes Vongpradabchai, Business Development & Research Director
BCCT Member Company Since 2015
9/1 Convent Road
Silom, Bangrak, Bangkok 10500
T: +66 (0) 2022 0700
F: +66 (0) 2632 0579 info@bnh.co.th www.bnhhospital.com
Chamber Representatives
500/58 Moo 3
WHA Eastern Seaboard Industrial Estate 1
Tambon Tasit, Amphur Pluakdaeng
Rayong 21140
T: +66 (0) 3310 9801-3
F: +66 (0) 3310 9800 web-enquiries@bnl-bearings.com www.bnl-bearings.com
Chamber Representative
A - Mrs. Amelie Poncelet, Expatriate Marketing and Patient Experience
B - Dr. Apichai Chaiyaroj, Assistant Hospital Director
BNH - Hospital with a human touch.
Founded in 1898, it can claim to be one of the first established international hospitals in Thailand.
Set in a charming, modern facility in the heart of Bangkok, you have access to some of the finest medical professionals in the region. BNH provides a variety of treatments across all major fields of medicine. Using state-of-theart technology and reputable medical practices, they aim to offer the best care within a compassionate and friendly environment.
Products or Services
BNH is a tertiary, JCI accredited, hospital with particular focus on internal medicine, orthopedics, with excellence in spine treatments, gastrointestinal care and women's health.
The hospital's Emergency Room is open 24/7 with fully equipped ambulance and emergency doctor call-out service. Direct emergency number: 02-632-1000. BNH@All Seasons Clinic, located in the CRC Tower of All Seasons Place, is a satellite clinic providing primary care, check-ups and travel medicine.
99.53% Thai
0.47% Other
Senior Management
Piyapatr Nabhawacharakul, MD, Hospital Director
Thanasit Siripokhakul, International Marketing Manager
BCCT Member Company Since 2001
A - Mr. Martin Baumgartner-Pichelsberger, Managing Director
BNL specialises in the design and manufacture of plastic bearings, technical mouldings and associated sub-assemblies that offer many advantages over the traditional steel bearing. Having been at the cutting edge of plastic bearing technology for nearly 40 years, the Company's expertise in this specialised field is unrivalled.
Our experience, together with the design flexibility of injection moulding and the key properties of thermoplastics, allows us to deliver significant product benefits including feature integration, whole system cost reduction, corrosion and chemical resistance, reduced weight and friction, exceptional wear rates and a low maintenance requirement.
The distinct product advantages we offer see BNL plastic bearings featuring in applications as diverse as photocopiers; ATM cash handling machines; spa baths; shower enclosures; mobile satellite antenna; steering columns and conveyor systems.
BCCT Member Company Since 2009
106 Ramkamhaeng Road, Soi 8 Hua-Mak
Bangkapi, Bangkok 10240
T: +66 (0) 2314 5021
F: +66 (0) 2318 2447 tiddy@boonma.com www.boonma.com
Chamber Representatives
9 Pakin Building, 8th Floor Ratchadapisek Road, Dindang
Dindang, Bangkok 10400
T: +66 (0) 2796 5999
F: +66 (0) 2796 5900 sisda.patnakamjorn@bootsrt.com www.th.boots.com
Chamber Representative
A - Mr. Tiddy S. Teerawit, Executive Director
B - Mr. Chaivudhi Pungthong, Managing Director
Welcome to BOONMA Moving & Storage!
Established in 1964, BOONMA has become the most oldest and experienced packers and movers in Thaiand. 'Customer Care' is the important key to our sustained growth and reputation for over decades. We are committed to keep on improving and developing our services to exceed our customer satisfaction. BOONMA has its own affiliates in Chiangmai, Chiangrai and other major cities throughout the country.
Products or Services
• Personal Effects & Household Goods Packing
• Pet & Animal Transportation
• Home Finding & Relocations
• Fine Art Packing & Shipping
• Industrial & Machinery Crating
• Office & Factory Relocation
• Worldwide Customs Clearance & Door Delivery
• Dry & Cold Storage
• Manufacturing of Air Bubble Film
• Manufacturing of Non Cross-linked & Cross-linked Polyethylene Foam
Companies Represented
Mr. Tiddy S. Teerawit, Executive Director
100% Thai
Board of Directors
Mr. Chaivudhi Pungthong, Managing Director
BCCT Member Company Since 2011
A - Mr. Dean Thompson, Managing Director
Boots Thailand is one of the principle businesses of the Retail Pharmacy International Division of Walgreens Boots Alliance (Nasdaq: WBA), the first global pharmacy-led, health and wellbeing enterprise. With 277* stores, Boots Thailand is committed to providing exceptional customer and patient care, working closely with other primary healthcare providers to offer outstanding healthcare and pharmacy services to the communities it serves. Since the opening of the first Boots Thailand store in 1997, the business has significantly grown over the last 20 years and now offers a wide range of services and products, including innovative Boots own brands such as No7, all of which are delivered with the great value customers love.
*As at 31 August 2017, excluding equity method investments.
Products or Services
Pharmacy, Healthcare, Skincare, Cosmetics and Personal Care
Companies Represented
Walgreens Boots Alliance
Board of Directors
Mr. Dean Thompson, VP, Regional Managing Director Asia
Ms. Monrudee Lertuthai, Director - Commercial & Supply Chain
Ms. Sunsanee Kongsiriwattanakul, Director - Retail and Property
Ms. Alana Cartmill, Director - Brands & Merchandising
Mr. Andrew Miles, Director – Finance
Standard Chartered Bank
Bangkok Bank
Thai Farmers Bank
Siam Commercial Bank
BCCT Member Company Since 1998
17th Floor M Thai Tower
All Seasons Place, 87 Wireless Road
Lumpini, Phatumwan, Bangkok 10330
T: +66 (0) 2654 0760
F: +66 (0) 2654 0766
info-bkk@boyden.com www.boyden.co.th
3 Rajanakarn Building, 23rd Floor
South Sathon Road, Yannawa
Sathon, Bangkok 10120
T: +66 (0) 2684 3555
F: +66 (0) 2684 3644
Chamber Representatives
A - Ms. Yupadee Yudhanaraweesak, Managing Partner
B - Mr. Tom Sorensen, Partner
Boyden is a world-class executive search firm with over 70 locations in 40 countries covering North America, South America, Europe, the Middle East, Africa and Asia-Pacific. Founded in the United States in 1946, it was one of the first executive search firms in the world that continues to this day.
We serve a multicultural client base that encompasses mature markets, emerging economies and developing markets across the globe. Our clients include transnational, multinational, and global companies; entrepreneur-led organizations; small- and medium- sized enterprises, as well as not-for-profit organizations. Because of our global perspective and local knowledge, we create teams exceptionally able to meet client requirements.
Boyden Thailand was established as the first executive search firm in Thailand in 1983, and has operated continuously for more than 30 years to date, providing executive talent resources to a broad client base.
We provide senior-level executive search services to multinational and Thai businesses across all sectors including Banking & Finance, Consumer, Healthcare & Life Sciences, Technology, Media & Advertising, Professional & Business Services, Petrochemical, Automotive and Manufacturing.
Our Japan Desk is dedicated to providing local management resources to the overseas locations of Japanese-affiliated enterprises, primarily in manufacturing and sales operations based in ASEAN countries.
Mr. Chainarong Indharameesup, Managing Partner
Ms. Yupadee Yudhanaraweesak, Managing Partner
Mr. Tom Sorensen, Partner
Mr. Peter Fitzroy, Principal
Ms. Wilairat Amornratthamrong, Principal
BCCT Member Company Since 2002
A - Mr. Sathit Lertsukwibul, Market Sales Manager
B - Mr. Samut Smuthkochorn, Finance Manager
BP- Castrol in Thailand is a wholly owned subsidiary of BP plc, one of the largest oil and gas companies in the world. In Thailand BP employs 185 people.
Both BP and Castrol have a long heritage in Thailand where our products have been sold since the 1930's. The Castrol Lubricants brand was initially represented through agents but in 1972, Castrol established a very successful joint venture with Loxley one of Thailand's leading diversified companies.
Products or Services
Marketing and blending Castrol and BP lubricating oils, and specialties for all Automotive, Industrial, Marine & Energy Lubricant.
Companies Represented
BP – Castrol (Thailand) Limited
Castrol UK Ltd., BP Oil (Thailand) Ltd. Loxley Joint & Hold Co., Ltd.
Senior Management
Khun Sathit Lertsukwibul, Market Sales Manager
Khun Samut Smuthkochorn, Finance Manager
Khun Dalad Varanawat, HR Manager
Khun Sirinute Changtong, County Activation Manager
Khun Charnwit Chaipitaksombat, Customer Fulfillment Manager
Khun Rewat Cheeranorawanich, HSSE Manager
Board of Directors
Mr. Peter Weidner, Director
Khun Suroj Lamsam, Director
Khun Dhongchai Lamsam, Director
Khun Suebtrakul Soonthornthum, Director
Khun Sathit Lertsukwibul, Director
Khun Samut Smutkochorn, Director
Mr. Le Van Dung, Director
Financial Details
Registered Capital: Baht 49m
Paid Up Capital: Baht 49m
BCCT Member Company Since 1974
8/8 Soi Krungthep Kreetha 15/1
Huamak, Bangkok 10240
T: +66 (0) 2136 7898
admissions@brightoncollege.ac.th www.brightoncollege.ac.th
Brighton College is the top performing co-educational school in the United Kingdom, achieving the very best academic results and an outstanding record of entry into the world’s leading universities.
As part of the Brighton College family of International Schools, Brighton College Bangkok opened in 2016, and welcomes children aged between 2 and 18.
The College’s aims are consistent with every school in the Brighton family, to inspire academic excellence with a culture of kindness, confidence and curiosity.
Your child will follow the English National Curriculum, with the addition of specialist teaching in art, music, dance, PE and languages including Thai and Mandarin from age four. From Year 5 (age 9) pupils will receive specialist teaching in academic subjects and will have the choice of an extensive range of subjects at IGCSE before progressing to A-level in Year 12.
We want our children to become rounded individuals, with an enthusiasm for the world beyond the classroom – in particular, sport, music and the performing arts. To promote this, we have built a state-of-the-art, 20-acre campus to rival any International School in Asia.
At Brighton College Bangkok you will see superb facilities for sports, including a 50m Olympic-size swimming pool, an IOC-approved athletics track, tennis courts and grass football pitches.
Your child will enjoy world-class performing arts facilities include a number of dance studios, instrumental music practice rooms and a stunning 650-seat theatre to showcase our passion for performance.
We would love to welcome you for a visit to our campus near Huamak, and please feel free to contact us if you have any questions for our admissions team.
Ocean Glass, Ocean Life Insurance, Ocean Property, St. Stephens International School.
Ocean Group
Senior Management
Mrs. Vanessa Robitaille, Head of Prep and Senior School
Mr. Matthew Woodhead, Head of Pre-Prep School
BCCT Member Company Since 2015
919/586-591 Jewelry Trade Center Building
47th Floor, North Tower, Silom Road
Silom, Bangrak, Bangkok 10500
T: +66 (0) 2630 0661
F: +66 (0) 2630 0660
Chamber Representative
18th Floor, Charn Issara Tower 1
942/114 Rama IV Road
Suriyawongse, Bangrak
Bangkok 10500
T: +66 (0) 2014 7499
F: +66 (0) 2784 8133
Chamber Representative
A - Ms. Sallyann
Whittingham, Country ManagerBackground
Brinks Provides domestic and international armored transportation services, vaulting and security center; airfreight and customs brokerage of diamonds, jewelry, precious metals, travelers' checks and currency for gem and jewelry industry and banking community; ATM and currency processing services, cash and cheque distribution centres, secured storage and retrieval of records and data (physical and electronic). A full range of out-sourced banking services is providing nationwide.
Products or Services
• Transportation & Logistics
• Security, Investigative Services & Products
• Freight Forwarders
Joint partnership of brink's Inc., and Transpo International Ltd.
BCCT Member Company Since 2015
A - Mr. Billy
Country Commercial Manager Thailand
British Airways is the UK's largest international scheduled airline. We fly our customers at convenient times to the best located airports across the world.
We are one of the world's leading global premium airlines. Our principal place of business is London with significant presence at Heathrow, Gatwick and London City.
We also operate a worldwide air cargo business, largely in conjuction with our scheduled passenger services. Operating one of the most extensive international scheduled airline route networks, together with joint business agreement, codeshare and franchise partners, we fly to more than 400 destinations worldwide.
In 2011 British Airways and Qantas have enhanced their long-standing Joint Services Agreement (JSA) partnership to provide better connections, product and service for customers on flights between Australia and London.
Products or Services
British Airways has invested significant resources in making the passenger travel process much easier by embracing the benefits of technology and automating the many processes involved in planning, booking, flying and interfacing with the airline.
Under the restructured JSA, from early 2012 Qantas will operate flights between Bangkok and Sydney, while British Airways will operate Bangkok and London flights maximising the airlines' respective network strengths.
Mr. Willie Walsh, IAG Chief Executive Officer
Mr. Keith Williams, Chief Executive, British Airways
Mr. Alan Joyce, Chief Executive, Qantas
BCCT Member Company Since 1966
189 Surawongse Road
Bangrak, Bangkok 10500
T: +66 (0) 2234 0247
F: +66 (0) 2235 1560
Chamber Representatives
254 Chulalongkorn Soi 64 Siam Square, Phyathai Road Pathumwan, Bangkok 10330
T: +66 (0) 2657 5678
F: +66 (0) 2253 5311-2 info@britishcouncil.or.th www.britishcouncil.or.th
A - Mrs. Premrudee Tanyaluck, General Manager
B - Mr. Tee Bale, Deputy General Manager
The Club was founded in 1903 as a British businessmen's & diplomats club but has developed over the past century to be the social, sports & cultural centre for the English-speaking community in Bangkok. Our present Clubhouse was opened in 1910 and we received our clubhouse land as a gift from H.M. King Vajiravudh in 1914. Often called 'an oasis in the heart of Bangkok' we have a compact range of sports and dining facilities on our 1.4 hectare city centre site – with a British Pub, two restaurants, a cocktail bar, a Sports Bar, and a café, and on site tennis courts, fitness centre, cricket nets, swimming pool, multi-purpose sports court with newly opened international standard glassbacked squash courts and a new children's swimming pool, playground and family dining facility. The Club has three function rooms for business meetings and landscaped gardens for parties, and Members also take advantage of the Club's off-site catering service.
Products or Services
Food, beverage, sports & entertainment for Members
The Club has reciprocal arrangements with just under 400 private membership Clubs in 55 countries around the world, an arrangement that entitles Members to entry during business or leisure travel.
The Club is owned by its Australia, Britain, Canada and New Zealand members, and has an extensive Associate Membership covering 44 other nationalities.
Mrs. Premrudee Tanyaluck, General Manager
Mr. Tee Bale, Deputy General Manager
A General Committee, the Members of which are elected annually by the membership on a voluntary basis, runs the Club.
BCCT Member Company Since 1998
The British Council is the UK's international organisation for cultural relations and educational opportunities. We work with over 100 countries in the fields of arts and culture, English language, education and civil society. Last year we reached over 75 million people directly and 758 million people overall including online, broadcasts and publications. We make a positive contribution to the countries we work with – changing lives by creating opportunities, building connections and engendering trust. Founded in 1934 we are a UK charity governed by Royal Charter and a UK public body. We receive 15 per cent core funding grant from the UK government.
We have been in Thailand since 1952 and currently established six offices in Thailand; five in Bangkok and one in Chiang Mai. We are committed to developing relationships between UK and Thailand and creating opportunity through our country strategic themes of raising levels of English, internationalising higher education and science and building creative economy.
We work predominantly in three major areas, education, English language and the creative and knowledge economy. We welcome exciting opportunities to create a greater impact with new partnerships and collaboration.
Through our range of programmes, we are able to support you in meeting your business and CSR objectives.
For more information about partnership opportunities, please contact us at 02 657 5678 or e-mail to Info@britishcouncil.or.th
Mr. Andrew Glass OBE, Country Director
BCCT Member Company Since 2003
59 Moo 2, Thepkrasattri Rd.
T. Koh Kaew, A. Muang
Phuket 83000
T: +66 (0) 7633 5555
F: +66 (0) 7633 5578
www.bisphuket.ac.th, www.facebook.com/bisphuket
Chamber Representative
553 Finchley Road London NW3 7BH UK
T: +66 (0) 98 258 7098 suchaporn.to-nuan@british-study.com www.british-study.com
A - Ms. Suchaporn To-Nuan, Country Manager (Thailand)
Founded in 1996, the British International School, Phuket (BISP) is an English medium, co-educational, day and boarding school that is rated as one of the top international schools in Thailand and Asia. Its purpose-built 44-acre (111 rai) campus includes high quality boarding accommodation and provides world-class facilities which enable students to excel in their studies as well as sports, performing arts and many other areas. The student body consists of some 850 students with over 60 different nationalities represented. Many BISP students have represented their countries internationally across a range of High Performance sports.
Pre-School, Primary and Secondary. Full Boarding service (8-18 years). The English National Curriculum, IGCSE, IB Diploma and US qualifying High School Diploma. ESL and learning support units, counselor and educational psychologist, Modern Foreign Languages department, extra-curricular and co-curricular programmes, school transportation service, two 24-hour infirmaries with qualified nurses, security, and high quality refectory. Highperformance Sports Academies in Swimming, Football, Tennis, Triathlon and Golf. Hosts major international sports tournaments. Summer Camp: English, Sports & Adventure.
Accredited IB World School. Accredited by the Thai Ministry of Education, the Council of International Schools (CIS) and the New England Association of Schools and Colleges (NEASC). Accredited Examination Center for Rockschool and Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music (ABRSM) and Cambridge International Examinations (CIE). Member of the International Schools Association of Thailand (ISAT), the British Boarding School Association (BSA) and the Federation of British International Schools in Asia (FOBISIA). Accredited Athlete Friendly Education Centre by the World Academy of Sport.
Companies Represented
British International Co., Ltd.
Senior Management
Mr. Neil Richards, Headmaster
Mr. Simon Meredith, Head of Secondary
Mr. Kenneth Page, Head of Primary
Dr. Nares Pantaratorn, Managing Director
Dr. Apiramon Ourairat, CEO
Board of Directors
Emeritus Prof. Dr. Pornchai Matangkasombut, BISP Chairman of the Board
Bangkok Bank
Siam Commercial Bank
BCCT Member Company Since 1999
• English Language Teaching for Adults & Juniors in 8 schools in the UK & Ireland and in 13 Junior UK & Ireland summer centres – all British Council accredited programmes
• Teacher Training in the UK and overseas. Cambridge qualifications and bespoke courses
• International Foundation Year programme in London with NCUK
• Online English Language Learning
• Corporate English Language Training in-company
BCCT Member Company Since 2018
Suite 2004, Exchange Tower
388 Sukhumvit Road, Klongtoey
Klongtoey, Bangkok 10110
T: +66 (0) 2260 6830-36
F: +66 (0) 2260 6837
bangkok@broadgatesecurities.com www.broadgatesecurities.com
Chamber Representative
140 One Pacific Place, 15th Floor, Suite 1508-9
Sukhumvit Road, Klongtoey
Bangkok 10110
T: +66 (0) 2254 7233 4
F: +66 (0) 2254 7235
A - Mr. Fredrick Ian McIntyre, Managing Director
Broadgate Mutual Fund Brokerage Securities (Thailand) Company Limited -part of the deVere Group is a private wealth advisory firm and provides customised financial planning advice to individuals pursuing international lives in Thailand and throughout Southeast Asia.Broadgate Mutual Fund Brokerage Securities (Thailand) Ltd. is regulated by a national regulatory agency, Thailand's Securities and Exchange Commission ("SEC"). We take our professional and ethical responsibilities to you, our valued customer, very seriously. Helping you make the most of your investments and savings is our first priority.Broadgate 's range of products encompasses a broad variety of equity and bond investments, government debt and a range of pension and retirement savings products that meet the needs of individual investors
Products or Services
Broadgate Mutual Fund Brokerage Securities (Thailand) Company Limited provides the following services especially for expatriates;-Retirement Planning-
Education Planning
The deVere Group & deVere & Partners (Thailand) Limited
Senior Management
Mr. Fredrick Ian McIntyre, Senior Area Manager
Board of Directors
Mr. Fredrick Ian McIntyre
Mr. Jonathan Martin Brophy
Mr. Nigel Dudley Smith
Mr. Rajendra Sourajen Venu Pillay
Kasikorn Bank
BCCT Member Company Since 2015
A - Mr. Florean R. Laurean, Managing Director
Broadhurst Pacific is a Business development management and consulting firm incorporated in UK, Thailand, Singapore, Korea and Hong Kong with its principal place of business in Marble Arch, London, objectively specializing in Corporate and Business Development Management Consultancy for SME's in the South East Asia and Pacific. Clients range from start-ups, through to small family firms to International medium size companies.
We have advised companies in Private Banking, Corporate financing, Bank products retailing and wholesaling, importing and exporting. Our strategic consultants have assisted companies in the fields of Real Estate investment and management, and business intermediary services.
Products or Services
• Providing our clients with a working capital by initiating ways to obtain funds for their projects
• Preparing a feasibility study and /or business plans and appraisal reports that are acceptable to international standards.
• Obtaining substantial funding facilities for capital project, research and development, overseas joint venture both from US, Japan, UK and other sources those from European Union and offshore.
Veri Asset and Financing(HK) Co., Ltd.
Curtis Fords
Companies Represented
Broadhurst (London,Singapore,HK,&Korea)
49% foreign owned (UK)
Senior Management
Mr. Florean R. Laurean
Mr. David Morgan, (UK)
Board of Directors
Mr. Florean R. Laurean, Managing Director
Mr. David Morgan, Director(UK)
Bangkok Bank
Lloyds TSB
Standard Chartered Bank, Hong Kong& Singapore
HSBC, Singapore& London
Financial Details
Registered Capital: B 7M
Paid up Capital: B 7M
BCCT Member Company
Since 2000
Early Years Campus
344 Mu 12 Ramkamhaeng 164 Rd., Minburi, Bangkok 10510
Primary and Secondary School Campus
55 Mu 9 Windsor Park Golf Club Suwinthawong 15 Road
Minburi Bangkok 10510
T: +66 (0) 2989 4873 F: +66 (0) 2989 4094 enquiries@bromsgrove.ac.th www.bromsgrove.ac.th
Chamber Representative
127/25 Panjathani Tower, 20th Floor Nonsee Road, Chongnonsee Yannawa, Bangkok 10120
T: +66 (0) 2294 4889-92
F: +66 (0) 2294 4467 udomsak.suntithikavong@bsigroup.com orawan.chomklay@bsigroup.com www.bsigroup.com/en-th
Bromsgrove International School Thailand (BIST) is affiliated to Bromsgrove School, UK, one of the UK’s oldest and most prestigious independent boarding and day schools. We aim to focus on the development of students by providing them with a renowned ‘British’ education in an international setting.
Our Early Years campus, located at Soi 164 Ramkhamheang Road, Minburi, caters for our younger students from Pre-Nursery (aged 2) through to Year 1 (aged 6). We follow the British Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) Curriculum; focusing on the 7 key areas of learning, through a play based approach. We believe in providing a safe, stimulating and nurturing environment, where all children flourish and reach their own individual potential.
Our Windsor Park (Primary & Secondary) campus, located within the Windsor Park Golf Club compound on Suwithawong Road, caters for our older students from Year 2 (aged 6) to Year 13 (aged 18). For Primary and Secondary, we follow an enhanced form of the English National Curriculum, which enjoys an excellent reputation throughout the world. The Windsor Park campus boasts enviable space, clean air in a countryside location outside of the bustling city centre and outstanding learning facilities, including a full size football pitch, indoor sports centre, 25m swimming pool, basketball courts, Arts studio, our state-of-the-art Performing Arts Centre and Boarding Houses. We offer a boarding programme which is second to none for students aged 9-18 years old and students may choose day, weekly or full boarding. Our community consists of over 27 nationalities. All our teachers are appropriately qualified with a degree and teaching qualification. Our teachers are mostly British with some from other native-English speaking countries like Australia, USA and Canada. We also have specialist teachers teaching Thai, Chinese and Korean all highly qualified to deliver the best education and opportunities to our students.
• British Curriculum Education for students 2-18 years old. • Day and Boarding
• Summer Camp
Affiliated with Bromsgrove School UK
Affiliated with Daewon Foreign Language High School in Seoul, Korea
Member of the Federation of British International Schools in Asia (Fobisia)
Member of the Council of International Schools (CIS)
Member of the International Schools Association of Thailand (ISAT)
Member of Boarding Schools Association (BSA)
Accredited Examination Centre – Cambridge International Examinations, Edexcel and AQA
Member of The International Award (IA)
Windsor Education Co., Ltd.
Senior Management
Dr. Dan Moore, Headmaster & CEO; Mr. Howard Wu, Head of Marketing and Business Development
BCCT Member Company Since 2004
A - Mr. Udomsak Suntithikavong, Country Manager
B - Ms. Orawan Chomklay, Marketing Manager
BSI, by Royal Charter is the business standards company that helps organizations all over the world make excellence a habit through standards creation, system certification, supplier verification and training activities that help organizations manage risk, reduce costs and ensure sustainability.
Over 100 years’ experience the world’s first National Standards Body and a founding member of ISO. Since 1901, BSI has been helping organizations improve, capturing best practice and shaping the standards of excellence in product specification, business process and business potential. As the leading global company in its field, BSI helps over 80,000 clients in over 170 countries worldwide to improve their business.
Leading Global Standards Creation Body we shape British (BS), European (EN), International (ISO), Publically Available Specifications (PAS) and Private Standards.
The products and services we offer to help organizations, improve performance and capture best practice.
Our performance management products improve efficiency and reduce cost. They help business maintain consistent quality of its product and service offerings.
We provide.-
ISO 9001 Quality Management, ISO 14001 Environmental Management, ISO 45001 Occupational Health & Safety Management, ISO/IEC 27001 Information Security, CSA Star Certification, ISO/IEC 20000 IT Service Management, ISO 13485 Medical Devices, ISO 55001 Asset Management, ISO 50001 Energy Management, ISO 22301 Business Continuity Management, ISO 31000 Risk Management, ISO 39001 Road Traffic Safety Management, ISO/FSSC 22000 Food Safety Management, BRC Global Standard for Food Safety, BRC Global Standard for Packaging, GMP & HACCP etc.
Our training based on Accelerated Learning, which is proven to speed up and enhance learning. Our tutors are qualified, specialized and recognized as industry leaders.
We offer.-
1. Public Training courses
2. In-House courses
Standards and Subscriptions
You can buy current British standards at the BSI shop or through one of our subscription services.
CE marking and BSI Kitemark™
Testing and certifying your products gives them a guarantee of quality, reassuring customers and opening you up to new markets.
As a Notified Body, we can help you gain access into the European market by ensuring your product meets all CE marking requirements.
BCCT Member Company Since 2007
Athenee Tower
23rd Floor, CEO Suite, Suite 38 & 40
63 Wireless Road, Lumpini
Pathumwan, Bangkok 10330
T: +66 (0) 2126 8006
F: +66 (0) 2126 8080 yuttana.sungsap@bt.com www.globalservices.bt.com
Chamber Representative
15th Floor, TST Tower No. 21 Soi Choei Phuang, Viphavadi-Rangsit Road
Jompol, Jatujak, Bangkok 10900
T: +66 (0) 2273 8611-5
F: +66 (0) 2273 8610
daniel@btsgroup.co.th, jiranan@btsgroup.co.th www.btsgroup.co.th
Chamber Representative
A - Mr. Yuttana Sungsap, Senior Management, Sales & Country Head BT in Thailand
BT Group, Headquartered in UK, BT is the world's oldest communications company and one of the world's leading providers of communications services. Its core services include the provision of networked IT services globally; local, national and international telecommunications services to its customers for use at home, at work and on the move.
BT Global Services is a global leader in managed networked IT services and was named as the Leader in Gartners' Managed Network Services Magic Quadrant. Operating in over 170 countries with 18000 employees globally, BT provides IT Network services to more than 7,000 large corporate and public sector customers from key industry sectors including Banking & Financial, Government & Health, Consumer Packaged Goods, Logistics & Pharmaceuticals
BT has been operating in Asia Middle east and Africa since 1985 and has 25 offices in the region including two global R&D development centre in Dalian & Kuala Lumpur.
Products or Services
BT's core portfolio includes IP networks, convergence, customer relationship management, conferencing, outsourcing, security, IT transformation and mobility.
BT's key broad portfolio of technologies and services include IP-based MultiProtocol Label Switching (MPLS) VPNS, WAN Connectivity, managed LAN and IP Telephony, managed security services and infrastructure outsourcing solutions and services.
Mr. Yuttana Sungsap, Sales & Country Head, BT in Thailand
BCCT Member Company Since 1989
A A - Mr. Daniel Ross, Chief
BTS Group Holdings PCL (BTSG) is the preeminent mass-transit services provider in Thailand and a privately-owned conglomerate. Listed on the Stock Exchange of Thailand (SET), a constituent member of the SET50 “Bluechip” Index and MSCI Asia Pacific Index, BTSG Through its majority owned subsidiary Bangkok Mass Transit System Public Company Limited (BTSC) has 30 years concession to run the BTS Sky Train core network. BTSG has also secured contracts for the Green Line extension, Pink, Yellow and Gold lines which will be operating in the coming years. BTSG is the largest “OUT-OF-HOME” Media Company in Thailand conducted by VGI Global Media Group. VGI is a multi-faceted media services company and has exclusive long-term contracts to manage advertising space on the BTS Sky Train Network as well as future lines secured by BTSG. BTSG also owns 38% of U City PCL which is engaged in residential property development and commercial Real Estate (Hotels, Serviced Residences and Offices ).
Primary business comprise Mass Transit (65% of revenue), Media (28% of revenue), Property (4% of revenue), Services (3%)
Absolute Hotel Services Co., Ltd., BTS Rail Mass Transit Growth Infrastructure Fund (BTSGIF), U-City Public Company Limited, VGI Global Media Public Company Limited
Public listed company on the SET trading as ‘BTS’. The major shareholder of Group is Mr. Keeree Kanjanapas group which owns around 40% of the company
Senior Management
Mr. Keeree Kanjanapas, Mr. Kavin Kanjamapas, Dr. Anat Arbhabrirama, Mr. Surapong Laoha-Unya, Mr. Rangsin Kritalug, Mr. Kong Chi Keung, Mr. Chulchit Bunyaketu, Mr. Surayut Thavikulwat, Mr. Daniel Ross, Mrs. Duangkamol Chaichanakajorn, Ms. Chawadee Rungruang
Mr. Keeree Kanjanapas, Dr. Paul Tong, Dr. Anat Arbhabhirama, Mr. Kavin Kanjanapas, Mr. Rangsin Kritalug, Mr. Kong Chi Keung, Mr. Surapong LaohaUnya, Professor Lt. Gen. Phisal Thepsithar, Mr. Suchin Wanglee, Professor Charoen Wattanasin, Mr. Cheong Ying Chew, Henry, Mr. Chulchit Bunyaketu, Dr. Karoon Charndrangsu, Mrs. Pichitra Mahaphon
Financial Details
Market capitalization = THB 107.2bn (USD 3.2bn) as of 31 August 2018 Operating revenue for FY17/18 = THB 14,102 mnNet income for FY17/18 =THB 4,416 mn
BCCT Member Company Since 2011
Worldclass Rent a Car Co., Ltd.
19/23 Building A, Royal City Avenue
New Petchburi Road, Bangkapi
Huay Kwang, Bangkok 10310
T: +66 (0) 2203 9222
F: +66 (0) 2203 9299
reservations@budget.co.th www.budget.co.th
Chamber Representatives
3/F, Summer Hill, 1106 Sukhumvit Rd. Prakanong, Klongtoey Bangkok 10110
T: +66 (0) 9944 12901 steve.harrop@budgetleisuretravel.com www.budgetleisuretravel.com
Chamber Representative
A - Mr. Pimapatt Talalak, Managing Director
B - Ms. Apissara Chompoowong, Sales Manager
Worldclass Rent a Car is an independent Budget System Licensee. The company was Established in 1995 on a join venture basis to provide the following services to worldwind standards in Thailand: Car and Truck rental, Short term and Long term Rental, Chauffeur Driven Service and Online Worldwide reservation.
In Thailand, we are closer than you think with largest car rental network. We are joint venture, this meant we are local operator with international standard control to provide the best value and the best service for you and your business. Over 27 locations throughout Thailand that make Budget never far away from you.
Products or Services
Car & Truck Rental, Long Term, Short Term, Chauffeur Driven, Worldwide Reservation
Companies Represented
Ms. Apissara Chompoowong, Sales Manager
Senior Management
Mr. Pimapatt Talalak, Managing Director
Siam Commercial Bank, Bangkok Bank, Kasikorn Bank
Financial Details
Capital 380 MB
BCCT Member Company Since 2009
At Budget Leisure Travel we take pride in findings our customers the best travel deals available with unbelievable savings. We offer flights and hotels with huge discounts or benefit even more by booking our tailor made packages.
Challenge us to beat any online quotes you have received for hotels & flights across the world and let us save you money today.
Whether you're looking for economy flights or bargain guesthouses, first-class seats and luxury hotels, we are always here to help & support you.
Products or Services
Hotel accommodation worldwide
International and Domestic air tickets with more than 900 airlines including low cost carriers
Steve Harrop
Senior Management
Amy Phulampha
Pam Bunluesak
Board of Directors
Steve Harrop
Ian Coombes
Citibank, SCB, Wirecard
Financial Details
Available upon request
BCCT Member Company Since 2017
(Bumrungrad Hospital Public Company Limited)
33 Sukhumvit Soi 3 (Soi Nana Nua)
Sukhumvit Road, Klong Toey Nua
Wattana, Bangkok 10110
T: +66 (0) 2066 8888
F: +66 (0) 2011 5100 info@bumrungrad.com www.bumrungrad.com
Chamber Representatives
D.S. Tower 2 No: 714 Soi 39 Sukhumvit Bangkok 10110 gulay@thebusinessyear.com www.thebusinessyear.com
Chamber Representative
A - Mrs. Laurie Colyer-Charusorn, Associate Division Director, Expatriate Market Segment
B - Mr. Udo Kim, Senior Manager, Expatriate Market Segment
Bumrungrad International Hospital stands as arguably the most impressive medical facility in the region. It has 55 specialty centers, an internationally certified lab and pharmacy, clinical research centers, advanced imaging facilities, and a 24-hour emergency care unit. Bumrungrad is home to more than 1300 physicians and surgeons, 300 of whom hold US-board certifications and international fellowships. As part of its ongoing commitment to exceptional care, Bumrungrad receives ongoing independent reviews and distinctions, including its consistent accreditation by the Joint Commission International (JCI) since 2002, the first in Asia. In its state-of-the-art campus in the heart of Bangkok, Bumrungrad Hospital treats over 1.1 million patients every year, with over 520,000 of these patients coming from more than 190 countries worldwide. The hospital specializes in treating complicated conditions, and is internationally recognized as one of the top hospitals in the world.
Along with its impressive tertiary and specialty facilities, Bumrungrad International's Medical Coordination Office is a well-oiled machine that facilitates seamless transitions from the first inquiry all the way through aftercare. This exclusive and comprehensive support is offered free of charge to patients, and it includes everything from language and cultural support to travel and accommodation services.
BCCT Member Company Since 2006
The Business Year (TBY) is a leading research firm and publisher of annual economic resources on national economies. Present in over 25 countries, TBY provides first-hand access to the people and ideas shaping business and policy throughout the world. Each country-specific edition contains a comprehensive range of interviews and analysis, offering an inside look at doing business in the world's most dynamic economies. TBY's interviewees, readers, and partners comprise an international network of thought-leaders who are helping to define the future of the global economy. In Thailand, our goal is to reflect the business character of the country, create a networking platform for leading business players, and provide a "who's who" of the local economy. Likewise, through our extensive research and sector-wide analysis, TBY's aim is to understand the key, emerging investment opportunities throughout the Kingdom, and relay them to our targeted, investor-based, international readership.
BCCT Member Company Since 2016
296/1 Moo 3, Tambon Huay Sai
Amphur Mae Rim, Chiang Mai 50180
T: +66 (0) 5208 0720 peter.maplethorpe@thecabin.com www.thecabinchiangmai.com
Chamber Representatives
54 B.B. Building (No. 1704)
Sukhumvit 21 (Asoke), Wattana
Bangkok 10110
T: +66 (0) 2204 1451
F: +66 (0) 2204 1452 bangkok@cambridge.org www.cambridge.org
The Cabin Addiction Services Group is a leading behavioral health and addiction treatment provider with a collection of inpatient and outpatient treatment centres across the world. Headquartered in Chiang Mai, Thailand, The Cabin Group is widely recognised as being at the forefront of behavioral health and addiction treatment, both regionally and globally.
The Cabin Group specialises in providing world-class treatment for both substance addictions, and process addictions such as gambling, sex, internet, food and others. It also treats other mental health issues including depression, anxiety and trauma. Treatment at all our centres is administered by a team of highly experienced, licensed specialists using a self-pioneered treatment model called Recovery Zones. This model has been independently verified to be more effective than conventional addiction treatment methods and yields a 96% programme completion rate.
In addition, The Cabin Group is heavily involved in behavioral health and addiction research, attending and presenting at key conferences world-wide. We also support several non-profit organisations and governments in the region in their efforts to combat addiction and other mental health issues – through training and guidance. As a result, we have received much high-profile press coverage, chiefly for our innovative and successful treatment programme.
A - Mr. Govindan Talian Veedu, Regional Director, ASEAN and North East Asia
Cambridge University Press is the publishing house of the University of Cambridge. It is an integral part of the University and is devoted to publishing for 'the acquisition, advancement, conservation and dissemination of knowledge in all subjects'. For centuries the Press has extended the research and teaching activities of the University by making available through its printing and publishing a remarkable range of academic and educational books and journals, print as well as digital. Today the Press is one of the largest academic and educational publishers in the world, publishing nearly 4,000 books and over 300 journals a year, which are sold in some 200 countries.
Products or Services
The Press publishes books in all subject areas. The publishing groups are:
• English language teaching
• Education (including international education)
• Humanities and social sciences
• Science, technology and medicine
• Professional
• Journals
Cambridge Assessment English and Cambridge Assessment International Education
The University of Cambridge
Senior Management
Mr.Peter Phillips, Chief Executive Officer, Mr.Paul Colbert, Managing Director, ELT, Mr.Rod Smith, Managing Director, Education, Ms.Mandy Hills, Managing Director, Academic Publishing
BCCT Member Company Since 2001
156/18 Moo3
T. MaiKhao, A. Thalang Phuket 83110
T: +66 (0) 81 833 4795 martin.e@chsmokehouse.com www.chsmokehouse.com
Chamber Representative
393 Silom Building, Floor 7-10 Silom Road, Bangrak Bangkok 10500
T: +66 (0) 2636 6111
F: +66 (0) 2636 7953 info@carabao.co.th www.carabao.co.th
Chamber Representative
A - Mr. Sathien Setthasit, Chairman & CEOBackground
Captain Hook's Smokehouse is a producer and wholesaler of premium quality smoked fish using traditional European smoking techniques.
Our state of the art factory, based in Phuket, serves the Hospitality Industry for catering orders as well delivering company branded goods for retailers.
Our team of artisan Master Smokers delivers delicious salmon, tuna, swordfish and mackerel using "hot" and "cold" smoking processes.
Captain Hook's Smokehouse aims to deliver the finest smoked fish in Asia satisfying the expectations of connoisseurs.
Come on a taste adventure with us.
Products or Services
Producer of premium quality smoked fish. 2017 range;
• Cold Smoked Salmon
• Cold Smoked Salmon Dill
• Hot Smoked Salmon
• Indo Pacific Swordfish
• Indo Pacific Tuna
• Cold Smoked Norwegian Mackerel
• White labeling OEM
• Portion Control
• Production Contracting
• Retail Consignment
• Raw Materials Sourcing
BCCT Member Company Since 2017
Carabao Tawandang Company was established and incorporated on 22nd August 2001 in order to conduct its major business of manufacturing and distributing energy drinks under the name "Carabao Dang" along with other beverages. Carabao Tawandang Co. Ltd. launched its energy drink products under the "Carabao Dang" trademark on 28th October 2002. The name "Carabao Dang" comes from the Group's association with the band "Carabao", combined with German Tawandang Brewery Restaurant and is marketed with the slogan " Carabao Dang: The Fighting Spirit."
With the continual and consistent growth of the business, the group of shareholders foresaw the need to expand our strategies for an integrated business model, ranging from the production and marketing to the distribution of energy drinks and other beverages to the consumer's satisfaction.
The Company was registered as a limited company in Thailand on 28 August 2013. Carabao Group Public Company Limited were listed in the Stock Exchange of Thailand on November 21, 2014.
Products or Services
Carabao Energy Drink
BCCT Member Company Since 2018
Cataclean House, Unit 34 Dunes Way, Liverpool Merseyside, L5 9RJ
T: +44 (0) 9287 20462
F: +44 (0) 151 236 5271 daniel@cataclean.com www.cataclean.com
Chamber Representative
46th Floor, CRC Tower, All Seasons Place 87/2 Wireless Road, Lumpini Pathumwan, Bangkok 10330
T: +66 (0) 2119 1500
F: +66 (0) 2685 3300-1 bangkok@cbre.co.th, phuket@cbre.co.th www.cbre.co.th
A - Mr. James Pitchon, Executive Director
B - Mr. Nithipat Tongpun, Executive Director, Office Services
Established in Liverpool, England, in 1997, Cataclean® holds a portfolio of worldwide patented products to service the automotive, motorcycle, commercial vehicle and off highway after markets. With a portfolio of fuel and exhaust cleaning products we are widely recognised as a global market leader in the world of fuel additives. We are now applying strategies to replicate our market successes across Europe and the U.S. in Asia, whilst increasing our product range to incorporate industrial applications. Cataclean® offers products suitable for all diesel, petrol and hybrid engines. These products protect and maintain the catalytic converter whilst cleaning, restoring and protecting the engine, cylinder head, intake valves, injectors, oxygen sensor and exhaust. Cataclean® Diesel offers these benefits in addition to reducing the risk of diesel particulate filter (DPF) clogging. Cataclean® products are proven to reduce emissions by up to 60%.
Products or Services
Cataclean® contains solvents that break down deposits in fuel delivery systems formed by oxidation and polymerisation of hydrocarbon. When Cataclean® combusts, it forms specific acids and compounds. When these reach the exhaust vapours, they remove carbon deposits from the entire exhaust system. The result is an increase in the exhausts ability to remove harmful emissions. markedly increase fuel economy, maximise vehicular safety test pass rates and improve BHP, torque and throttle response.
RAC, Daniel Rowbottom, Affinity Leasing, Babol, Platform hire, Euro Car Parts, The Parts Alliance, Halfords, ARI Fleet Management.
BCCT Member Company Since 2018
Headquartered in Los Angeles, CBRE is the world's largest commercial real estate services and investment firm (in terms of 2016 revenue). With more than 75,000 employees, the company serves real estate owners, investors and occupiers through approximately 450 offices worldwide.
CBRE established the Bangkok Office in 1988, followed by Phuket office in 2004. The firm now employs approximately 1,000 professionals, providing a full range of property services.
CBRE Thailand made achievements by winning industry-recognized awards including "World's Best Real Estate Agency" in 2015, "Best Real Estate Agency in Thailand" for eight consecutive years (2010 – 2017) and "Best Property Consultancy Website in Thailand" for seven consecutive years (2011 - 2017).
Transaction Services - Sales, letting/leasing and marketing services for all property types, including office, residential, industrial, retail, hotel & resort, land and investment properties and corporate advisory
Advisory Services - Valuation & Advisory Services, Research, Consulting and Development Consultancy
Management Services - Property, facilities and project management services
Phuket Office
12/9 Moo 4, Thepkrasattri Road
Tumbon Kohkaew, Amphur Muang, Phuket
Tel: +66 (0)76 689 900 Fax: +66 (0)76 239 971
Email: phuket@cbre.co.th
51% Thai
49% Foreigner
Senior Management
Ms. Aliwassa Pathnadabutr, Managing Director
Mr. James Pitchon, MRICS, Executive Director
BCCT Member Company Since 1988
4 Chichester Road
BN27 4BF
T: +44 1872520000
Chamber Representative
999/99 Rama I
Pathumwan, Bangkok 10330
T: +66 (0) 2100 1234
F: +66 (0) 2100 1235
Chamber Representative
A - Mr. Abdul Hussain, Managing Director
Company that can help project manage Solar Installs from Design to Installation Also TEFL teaching and Training Business English for Corporate clients
Products or Services
TEFL Teaching, Solar Installation, Solar Design, Corporate Business English, Energy Consulting
Companies Represented
Affirmata Teaching
CEC Energy Solutions Ltd.
BCCT Member Company Since 2018
A - Mr. Robert F. Maurer-Loeffler, General Manager
This five-star hotel, the flagship of Centara Hotels & Resorts, is therefore ideal for those shopping, sightseeing, or on the business features 505 luxury rooms including 36 suites and nine World Executive Club Floors. The state-of-theart convention centre offering 21 function rooms accommodating to 6,000 delegates the biggest convention centre venue in the central business district, ideally for conferences, meetings, exhibitions, weddings and social events.
Products or Services
5-star hotel combined with Bangkok Convention Centre features 505 rooms, 21 function rooms with exciting 9 restaurants and bars. A lifestyles complex includes the award-wining SPA Cenvaree along with a fitness centre, tennis courts and an outdoor pool with sundeck.
A member of Centara Hotels and Resorts in relationship with Central Group of Companies.
100% Thai
Senior Management
Mr. Robert F. Maurer-Loeffler, General Manager
Siam Commercial Bank
BCCT Member Company Since 2008
999/99 Rama 1 Rd., Phathumwan
Bangkok 10330
T: +66 (0) 2769 1234
F: +66 (0) 2769 1235 reservations@chr.co.th www.centarahotelsresorts.com
Chamber Representative
12, 15-18th Fl., Central Plaza Chaengwattana Office Tower
99/9 Moo 2, Chaengwattana Road, Bangtalad
Pak Kret, Nonthaburi 11120
T: +66 (0) 2831 7300
F: +66 (0) 2831 7351
Chamber Representative
A - Ms. Ben Montgomery, Director of Business Relations Management
Centara Hotels & Resorts is Thailand's leading hotel operator. Its 58 properties span all major Thai destinations plus Cambodia, China, Cuba, Indonesia, Laos, the Maldives, Oman, Qatar, Sri Lanka, Thailand, UAE and Vietnam. Centara's portfolio comprises six brands - Centara Grand Hotels & Resorts, Centara Hotels & Resorts, Centara Boutique Collection, Centra by Centara, Centara Residences & Suites and COSI Hotels – ranging from 5-star city hotels and luxurious island retreats to family resorts and affordable lifestyle concepts supported by innovative technology. It also operates state-of-the-art convention centres and has its own award-winning spa brand, Cenvaree. Throughout the collection, Centara delivers and celebrates the hospitality and values Thailand is famous for: gracious service, exceptional food, pampering spas and the importance of families. Centara's distinctive culture and diversity of formats allow it to serve and satisfy travellers of nearly every age and lifestyle. Find out more about Centara at www.centarahotelsresorts.com
Products or Services
Operating hotels and resorts, convention centre and exhibition centre.
Centara Hotels & Resorts owns and manages 58 luxury hotels and resorts in major tourist destinations throughout Thailand, Asia and Middle East.
Central Plaza Hotel Public Company Limited
Senior Management
Mr. Thirayuth Chirathivat, Chief Executive Officer
Mr. Markland Blaiklock, Deputy Chief Executive Officer
Mrs. Ben Montgomery, Director of Business Relations Management
Board of Directors
Mr. Suthikiat Chirathivat, Chairman of the Board
Mr. Viroj Lowphaphandu, Honorary Advisor of Board Committee
Thai Military Bank PCL
Bangkok Bank PCL
Financial Details
Registered capital: THB 1,580.8 m
Paid-up capital: THB 1,350.0 m
Annual turnover: THB 2,285,6 m
Net profit: THB 946.5 m
BCCT Member Company Since 1998
A -
Mr. Alistair Taylor, PresidentBackground
and one of the business units under Central Group, Thailand's largest retail conglomerate; operating since 1994 and now has 276 branches nationwide. We design our brands to meet customers' ever changing needs:
Central Food Hall is Asia's finest food store, offering most extensive and exclusive selections of food from all around the world.
Tops Market is the international supermarket with choices for every lifestyle.
Tops SUPERSTORE is to be number one retail store, offering the combination of extensive choices and superior quality products at great value in an uniquely designed space.
SuperKoom is an everyday low price supermarket, offering essential consumer goods, Fresh, all you needs and value of money.
Tops Daily is the mini-supermarket for freshness at your convenience.
Central Wine Cellar is the best wine shop in Thailand, carrying over 1,700 different labels displayed in controlled temperature for optimum quality.
Segafredo Zanetti Espresso, a premium coffee house from Italy.
Eathai, the essence of Thai culture and living; brings over 2,500 food and souvenir products of the highest quality from all across Thailand.
Mr. Alistair Taylor, President
BCCT Member Company Since 2004
1522/2, Soi Kaysorn 1
Charoenkrung 50 Road
Bangrak, Bangkok 10500
T: +66 (0) 2630 6345-9
F: +66 (0) 2630 6353-4
lasa.c@centrepoint.com www.centrepoint.com
Chamber Representative
10/125 Soi Krungthep Krita 7 Hua Mak, Bang Kapi
Bangkok 10240
T: +66 (0) 90 974 6989 info@changeworksltd.com www.changeworksltd.co.th
A - Mr. Paul Marks, Managing Director
Centre Point Hospitality, Thailand is the center of innovative service and heartfelt hospitality. Whether you are here for business or leisure, all the superior properties of Centre Point assure your comfort, convenience, and safety. All our rooms are with an extra space, homelike amenities, and casual atmosphere. While staying with us, our remarkable Thai treats and earnest service ensure a more than pleasant stay every time. Our five properties in Bangkok; Pratunam, Sukhumvit 10, Silom, Chidlom and Thong Lo are in Bangkok’s prime locations with easy access to the BTS Skytrain and the MRT Underground. Experience a heavenly stay like no others and enjoy the conveniences of metropolitan lifestyle. Furthermore, our newest hotel opening soon in Pattaya in December 2018 with soft design colors to help you feel relaxed and at ease for your vacation or work, the whole layout was designed with guests in mind and the relaxing nature of the calm, deep blue sea. At Centre Point a ‘good time’ will be with you always..
BCCT Member Company Since 2012
Change Works was originally founded in Bangkok by its Managing Director, Mr. Paul Marks, and has grown to become a leading provider of professional training and coaching solutions. Change Works brings measurable business results to organisations by enhancing employee performance in various soft skills such as leadership, management, communication skills, sales and customer service and team development.
Change Works focuses its solutions upon
• Increasing greater employee engagement
• Boosting moral and self-esteem Reducing turnover
• Improving productivity
• Driving up sales/revenue Increasing high performance
Change Works provides organisational development solutions, assessments, training and coaching to multinational and local businesses across South East Asia covering a wide spectrum of industries including Banking and Finance, Construction, Consumer products, Government, Hotel, Food and Beverage, NGO, Technology, and Retail.
Products or Services
Communication skills training
Cross cultural awareness and management training
Executive coaching
Leadership training and coaching
Management training
Psychometric testing
Team development and team building
Talent development
Sales and Customer Service training
International Coach Federation (ICF)
Hogan Assessments
BCCT Member Company Since 2016
153/3 Goldenland Building, 3rd Floor Unit A3
Soi Mahadlekluang 1, Rajdamri Road, Lumpini Pathumwan, Bangkok 10330
T: +66 (0) 2652 2270
bangkok@chapmantaylor.com www.chapmantaylor.com
Chapman Taylor is an award-winning practice of global architects and masterplanners, known for designing places and buildings that are both creative and successful. Established in 1959, we have longstanding relationships with many of the world's leading developers, contractors, consultants, investors and brands.
Chapman Taylor's success has been principally due to the quality of its people and their ability to be able to produce high quality design together with an understanding of what makes the building successful commercially, operationally, environmentally and socially. It is our objective to continually evolve as an architectural practice, always striving to find new solutions to traditional challenges and to provide the best possible service to our clients and the community.
Clients benefit from the breadth of our pooled knowledge and creative expertise across design studios in Asia, Europe and the Middle East. Working in Residential, Retail, Leisure, Hospitality and Office design, we are able to blend these uses into vibrant mixed-use environments for people to enjoy. We operate from 18 design studios and have successfully delivered over 2000 projects across five continents. We speak 35 languages and our global team includes over 45 nationalities. This enables us to provide design expertise, experience and resources wherever our clients operate. This portfolio of work and the expertise of our team has won over 250 design awards globally.
• 250+ Design Awards
18 Offices Worldwide
• Designer of Significant International Projects
Products or Services
• Masterplanning
• Architecture
• Interior Design
• Sustainability
• Graphics
36 Chaloem Phrakiat Ratchakan Thi 9 Road Prawet, Bangkok 10250
T: +66 (0) 2726 8283 4
F: +66 (0) 2726 8475 charter@charter.ac.th www.charter.ac.th
Chamber Representative
A A - Mr. Metha Thienprasiddhi, School Manager
Charter International School was established in August 2003 and we strive to provide an exceptional, innovative, and high quality education for all our students. We aim to develop students so that they are independent, productive, lifelong learners, and become responsible global citizens.
The school is accredited by ONESQA, CIS and WASC.
Products or Services
The school comprises Early Years (Nursery, Kindergarten and Reception) and Years 1-13 i.e. all of Key Stages up to graduation The curriculum is based on the English national curriculum adjusted it to reflect the international nature of the school. Full provision is also made for Thai language and culture lessons within the school day.
Council of International Schools (CIS) accredited 2015 International Schools Association of Thailand(ISAT) Office for National Education Standards and Quality Assessment (ONESQA) accredited 2009
Thailand International Schools Activity Conference (TISAC) Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC) accredited 2010 University of Cambridge Examinations Centre (2011)
100% Thai
Chapman Taylor LLP, London
Senior Management
• Mixed Use
• Retail
• Leisure
• Office
• Residential
• Hospitality
• Transportation
Mr. Oscar Martinez, Director South East Asia
Board of Directors
Mr. Chris Lanksbury, Main Board Director
Mr. Oscar Martinez, Director South East Asia
BCCT Member Company Since 2015
Senior Management
Mr. Metha Thienprasiddhi, School Manager
Mr. Jonathan Lane, Head Teacher
Board of Directors
Mr. Manon Thienprasiddhi, Chairperson
BCCT Member Company Since 2007
29, Soi Ruamrudee, Ploenchit Road
Lumpini, Patumwan, Bangkok 10330
T: +66 (0) 2651 4400
F: +66 (0) 2651 4500 gm@chateaubkk.com www.chateaubkk.com
Chamber Representative
Office 2033, 20th Floor, SJ Infinite One
No. 349 Vibhavadi-Rangsit Road
Chompol, Chatuchak
Bangkok 10900
T: +66 (0) 2018 3552
F: +66 (0) 2018 3500
Chamber Representatives
A - Mr. David Shiner Ehrmann, SE Asia & Australia Manager
B - Dr. Sergej Bashir, Strategic Management Coach Check-6 (Thailand)
Whether you are planning a short visit or an extended stay, Chateau De Bangkok offers a wide selection of spacious and lavishly appointedhotel rooms and serviced apartments in central Bangkok.Carefullydesigned and tastefully decorated to make you feel completely at home, all our hotel rooms and serviced apartments include a lounge area, fully-fitted kitchen, and en suite bathroom,complete with bubbling Jacuzzi.For the ultimate in rest and relaxation, our beds are truly an experience to savor, providingheavenly comfort when you lie down and sink into the mattress for a night of the deepest sleep and the sweetest dreams. A large walk-in closet provides ample storage space for your clothes and luggage,while each apartment also includes a safety deposit box to store all your valuables safely and securely. All our hotel rooms and serviced apartments boast a flat screen TV and ahigh-speedWi-Fi connection that allows you work or browse at your leisure. No matter whichtype of hotel room or serviced apartment you choose to meet your central Bangkok accommodation needs, your satisfaction is always assured because at Chateau De Bangkok, you are more than a guest.
BCCT Member Company Since 2013
Given our goal to be the partner clients can rely on to fulfill their own missions, it made sense to express our commitment right up front, in our name…Check-6. It reminds us of our commitment, each and every day, to help our customers build the very best self-supporting teams, which deliver exceptional performance and ensure operational success.
It all started with a phone call in 2007 from a Houston Drilling Engineer, Gordon Tschritter to Brian "Bru" Brurud. Tschritter was telling Brurud about a white paper he had read from the University of Aberdeen, Scotland, which concluded that the oil and gas industry would be well-served if the people in those industries would take lessons learned from military aviators and astronauts. The author made the assumption that the people in those highreliability industries had high-level training in leadership and efficiency that would serve the oil and gas industry well. Tschritter asked Brurud if he would be willing to write a syllabus for this ne
Products or Services
• Performance Excellence® Consulting
• Efficiency Improvement Programs
• Leadership and Human Performance
• Workshop and Events Service
• Rigor® Digital Checklist System
• Well Control Virtual Instructor
• HSSE Training (Health/ Safety/ Security/ Environment)
• Dropped Object Prevention Services
Companies Represented
Mr. David Ehrmann/ Dr. Sergej Nawaz Bashir
Board of Directors
Mr. Brian Brurud
BCCT Member Company Since 2018
826, 826/1-2, 826/6 Soi 13 Moo4
Bangpoo Industrial Estate, Praekesa
Muang Samutprakarn 10280
T: +66 (0) 2709 3422-4
F: +66 (0) 2709 4960
www.chillington.co.uk, www.ralphmartindale.co.uk
Chamber Representative A
A - Mr. Michael Kearney, ChairmanThe Chillington Tool (Thailand) Company Limited was established in Thailand in 1966 and is a wholly owned subsidiary of the British Group "Ralph Martindale & Co,. Ltd." The Ralph Martindale Group was founded in Birmingham, England in 1874, and is a privately owned company which has supplied the agricultural and construction industries with quality "Crocodile" branded products for over one hundred years.
Chillington manufactures the high quality agricultural "Crocodile" branded Hoes, Forks, Oil Palm Sickles, and Machetes using high carbon steel to British standards. It is "ISO 9001" accredited and all Chillington products conform to our strict quality standards. All Chillington products are recognized for their quality, durability and reliability throughout the world and are accepted by farmers and industries as the benchmark for excellent performing tools.
Products or Services
Chillington manufactures a large selection of patterns in a wide range of models or can design and develop product to suit the customers need. The Chillington hoes, fork, oil palm sickles and machetes are sold throughout the world and recognised as the "Crocodile". Our products are produced from high carbon steel through cold press work, hot forging and heat treatment manufacturing processes to meet the critical safety requirement, efficiency, longevity and endurance.
Ralph Martindale & Company Limited
100% British owned subsidiary
Senior Management
Mr. Michael Kearney, Chairman
Ms. Waraporn Poungkham, Finance & Administration Director
Kasikorn Bank
BCCT Member Company Since 2002
44 CIMB THAI Bank Building, 16th Floor Langsuan Road, Lumpini, Pathumwan
Bangkok 10330
T: +66 (0) 2686 9500
F: +66 (0) 2657 3167
A - Mr. Jumpon Saimala, Chief Executive Officer
B - Mrs. Pajaree Punyashthiti, Executive Vice President
CIMB-Principal Asset Management Company Limited is subsidiary of CIMBPrincipal Asset Management Berhad Malaysia, offering total asset management solutions for Mutual Fund, Provident Fund, Private Fund and Property Fund & REITs services to retail and institutional clients.
CIMB-Principal Asset Management Company Limited was founded in 1994 under the former name BT Asset Management, owned by BankThai Public Company Limited. In 2008, 'CIMB Bank Berhad' became the largest shareholder in BankThai and completed the registration of its new name to "CIMB Thai Bank Public Company Limited". Within the same year, 'CIMB-Principal Asset Management' under CIMB Investment Banking – one of CIMB Group's affiliated companies, had acquired 99.99% shares of BT Asset Management.
Under the new management team from CIMB-Principal Asset Management, the company adopted and implemented total asset management solutions provided by its joint venture partner Principal Financial Group (PFG). This includes incorporating PFG's investment philosophy and processes, new technology platform and investment know-how. The company has been providing investment solution to clients under the name of 'CIMB-Principal Asset Management Company Limited' since 2008.
Shareholding Structure:
Principal Financial Group was among the first to make available a target date fund series and currently the largest mutual fund provider of active multi-managed target date choice and the fourth largest provider of target date lifecycle funds in USA.
Target-date funds in USA are increasingly popular in workplace retirement plans, where they are often the default option for new employees. A 2014 study found that 15% of all 401(k) assets were invested in target-date funds.
Then CIMB-Principal Asset Management Company Limited has adopted this Target Date concept and introduced to Provident Fund members in Thailand.
BCCT Member Company Since 2016
Interchange21 Building
399 Sukhumvit Road
Klongtoey Nua, Wattana Bangkok 10110
T: +66 (0) 2232 2345
F: +66 (0) 2079 4832 www.citi.co.th
11 Henry Close, Battlefield Enterprise Park
Shrewbury Shropshire
SY1 3 TJ
T: +44 333 6000 5005 enquiry@clcacalldirect.com www.clcacalldirect.com
A - Ms. Cherry Adams, CEO
B - Mr. Andy Connell, Chief Commercial Officer
Citi established a business presence in Thailand in 1967, and has since grown to become one of the leading financial institutions in the country. Citi Thailand provides a full range of corporate and consumer banking solutions through Citi and Citibank to over 1 million customers. Citi Thailand employs over 2,200 employees and operates through 3 full-service retail banking branches, 30 Citi outlets and 3 service centers across the country. More information about Citi Thailand can be found at www.citi.co.th and www.citibank.co.th.
Citi Thailand is a member of Citigroup/Citibank, a leading global bank. Citi has approximately 200 million customer accounts and does business in more than 160 countries and jurisdictions. Citi started business in New York in 1812, and celebrated its 200th anniversary in 2012, and 110th anniversary in many countries in Asia.
Additional information may be found at www.citigroup.com | Twitter: @Citi | YouTube: www.youtube.com/citi | Blog: new.citi.com | Facebook: www. facebook.com/citi | LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/company/citi
• Citi Thailand is a leader in corporate and investment banking, global markets and foreign exchange, transaction and securities funds services, credit cards, consumer lending, retail banking and wealth management. Clients include the government, global multinationals, top tier local corporates and financial services companies, and globally minded consumers. Citi Thailand has received many recent awards, most notably the 2018 Best Foreign Bank in Thailand by Finance Asia and Asia's Best Bank 2018 by Euromoney Award for Excellence.
Besides Citibank, N.A. Citi also conducts business in Thailand through the following companies:
• Citicorp Securities (Thailand) Ltd.: a sub-brokerage business
• Citicorp Leasing (Thailand) Ltd.: a consumer lending arm with commercial name "Citi"
• Citi Consumer Products (Thailand) Limited.: collection business
Tibor Pandi, Citi Country Officer
Vira-anong C. Phutrakul, Consumer Business Manager
Narumon Chivangkur, Global Markets Head
Jonathan Nix, Country Operations & Technology Head
Tohphan Tuchinda, Head of Corporate Affairs
Pavin Rodloytuk, Head of Government Affairs
Patrick O'Neill, Head of Treasury & Trade Solutions
Natee Srirussamee, Sales & Distribution Head
BCCT Member Company Since 2008
CLCA Call Direct is an outsourced multi-channel business solutions specialist.
The aim of CLCA Call Direct is to help clients meet the challenge of forming a successful and rewarding experience for customers and staff alike. In a fast-paced and demanding world, it is becoming increasingly important to have available resources on hand to meet the needs of your business or customers. In this digital age, our resources allow you to maintain your dayto-day business 24-hours a day, 7 days-a-week across the globe.
The services we offer can be used as a short-term measure to reach a specific goal or as a cost-effective long-term solution.
We work closely with clients and invest the time to understand their business processes, goals and aspirations and from this, we build relevant requirements. This unique understanding of businesses allows us to tailor a structured account implementation.
To ensure the team we have assigned is meeting the obligations of your business, we will send daily key performance indicator (KPI) reports of their activity to give you full visibility into their progress against agreed service levels.
We are aware that we are often the first point of contact for organisations and are proud to represent you. We are confident in our ability to deliver a world-class service to our clients and can guarantee that choosing CLCA Call Direct will revolutionise your business process.
We view success as building a network of professionals that have the same goal to make a difference to your business, product or service. Our quality is dependent on the people we choose to carry out our services and to maintain this standard and to give our clients peace of mind, we uphold a rigorous application process.
CLCA Call Direct is one of the most reliable global outsourced call centres for tailored multi-channel support.
BCCT Member Company Since 2018
173/8-9 Asia Center 14th Floor
South Sathorn Road, Thungmahamek
Sathorn, Bangkok 10120
T: +66 (0) 2096 8100 www.cnhindustrial.com
Chamber Representative
39/60 Moo 2, Tambol Bangkrachaw
Amphur Muang
Samutsakorn 74000
T: +66 (0) 3441 9100
F: +66 (0) 3449 0576 nishant.manuja@coats.com www.coats.com
A - Mr. Mark Ralph Brinn, Managing Director SEA & Japan
CNH Industrial, a new Group created from the merger of Fiat Industrial and CNH Global, is a solid, major industrial enterprise; a global leader in capital goods, uniting CNH's agricultural and construction equipment operations with Iveco trucks, commercial and specialty vehicles and FPT Industrial's broad portfolio of powertrain applications.
Products or Services
From tractors and combines, excavators, wheel loaders, trucks, buses, firefighting and civil protection vehicles to powertrain solutions for on and off road and marine, the Group designs, produces and sells 'machines for work'. Across its 11 brands, 64 manufacturing plants, 49 research and development centers.
Companies Represented
Case IH, Case Construction Equipment, New Holland Agriculture, New Holland Construction, Steyr, IVECO, IVECO Astra, IVECO Bus, Heuliez Bus, Magiruz, FPT Industrial, IVECO Defence Vehicles.
Senior Management
Mr. Mustak Emre Karazli, Business Director
Mr. James Allan Green, Business Director
Mr. Koray Kursunoglu, Business Director
Mr. Davide Zama, Business Director
Ms. Luisa Guarischi, CFO
Mr. Amor Kadachi, Purchasing Manager
Ms. Waraporn Jongjit, HR Manager
BCCT Member Company Since 2018
A - Mr. Nishant Manuja, General Manager
Coats is the world's leading industrial thread manufacturer and a major player in the Americas textiles crafts market. Headquartered in the UK, we employ 19,000 employees in over 50 countries across six continents around the world.
Coats Thread (Thailand) Ltd. was established in Thailand in 2001 & commenced manufacturing in Thailand Jan 2003. Coats Thailand is part of the Coats Group which operates in many countries around the globe & is a key supplier to many internationally recognized brands. Coats Thailand offers a complete range sewing threads for apparel, footwear, automotive, embroidery, zips and trims markets.
Products or Services
Full range of industrial sewing threads for apparel, footwear, automotive, luggage etc.
• Spun polyester threads
• Cotton corespun thread
• Textured polyester thread
• Embroidery thread
• Polyester corespun thread
• Bonded nylon 6.6 thread
• Polyester braids
Besides sewing thread, Coats Thread (Thailand) Ltd. also provides a full range of technical support and training on thread stitching, colour and embroidery etc.
Others Coats Plc. units in China, Vietnam, Indonesia, Korea, India, Turkey, U.K., Italy, U.S.A., Australia, etc.
Head quarter in UK
Senior Management
Mr. Nishant Manuja, General Manager
Board of Directors
Rajiv Sharma, Group Chief Executive, Simon Boddie, Chief Financial Officer
Standard Chartered Bank, Thailand
Siam Commercial Bank, Thailand
Financial Details
Annual Turnover $1.5 billion globally
BCCT Member Company Since 2013
(C.I.T. Property Consultants Co., Ltd.)
17th Floor, Ploenchit Center
2 Sukhumvit Road, Klongtoey
Bangkok 10110
T: +66 (0) 2656 7000
F: +66 (0) 2656 7111
simon.landy@colliers.com www.colliers.com
Chamber Representatives
370/10 Supattra Building
5th floor, Rama 9 Road
Bangkapi, Bangkok 10310
T: +66 (0) 2719 7761
F: +66 (0) 2719 7762
joe@comcon.co.th www.comcon.co.th
Chamber Representative
A - Mr. Simon Landy, Shareholder
B - Mr. Ratchaphum Jongpakdee, Deputy Managing Director
Colliers International Thailand was established in 2007, registered under the name of C.I.T. Property Consultants Co., Ltd. and wholly owns C.I.T. Appraisal Co., Ltd. The company's vision is to serve as a complete one-stop property service for property users, owners and investors with the highest level of ethics, honesty, integrity and world-class quality. With in-depth and comprehensive knowledge of Thailand's property market, our teams of professionals draw on their years of experience to provide you with knowledgeable, creative solutions to all your real estate needs. Through our culture of service excellence and a shared sense of initiative, we have integrated the resources of real estate specialists worldwide to accelerate the success of our clients.
Colliers International Group Inc. became an independent listed company trading on the NASDAQ (CIGI) and TSX (CIG) on June 2, 2015 as one of only three publicly traded commercial real estate service firms with global operations.
Colliers delivers a full range of services to real estate occupiers, owners and investors across all sectors worldwide. We never compete with clients, preferring instead to remain the ultimate and unbiased choice in global real estate services.
• Valuation & Advisory Services
• Capital Markets & Investment Services
• Landlord Representation
• Tenant Representation
• Real Estate Management Services
• Project Management
• Corporate Solutions
55% Thai
45% foreigners
Mr. Simon Landy, Shareholder
Mr. Barny Swainson, Senior Director
Mr. Ratchaphum Jongpakdee, Deputy Managing Director
BCCT Member Company Since 2007
- Mr. Joe Grunwell, Managing DirectorBackground
The Comcon Group is an international firm of consultants providing commercial and contractual support to the construction industry in Europe, Asia and Africa.
Our Asian branch, Comcon Services (Thailand) Co, Ltd., was established in 1997 to provide consultancy services in Thailand. The office operates as a base for several other countries in the Far East.
Products or Services
The Group Offers specialist services in the fields of Quantity Surveying and Project Management. These services include preliminary budget, cost plans, estimating, bills of quantities, joint venture and consortium agreements, tender and contract documentation, contract administration, insurance valuations, audits, contractual claims and general commercial and contractual advice. We provide a full range of Project Management services from inspection to completion.
51% Thai
49% British
Board of Directors
Mr. Joe Grunwell, Managing Director
Mr. Suwatchai Yeprayoon, Director Project Management
Ms. Arunrat Wongnitisomboon, Director Quantity Surveying
Mr. Burin Onna, Director M&E
Financial Details
Registered capital:THB 8m (2015)
Paid up capital: THB 8m
BCCT Member Company Since 1998
Vauban Group
The Trendy Office & Plaza, 10/31
Sukhumvit Soi 13, Klongtoey Nua
Wattana, Bangkok 10110
T: +66 (0) 2168 7047
F: +66 (0) 2168 7048 contact@companyvauban.com, marketing@companyvauban.com www.companyvauban.com
12 Sukhumvit 24, Klongton Klongtoey, Bangkok 10110
T: +66 (0) 2011 1111
F: +66 (0) 2011 1199 sales@compassskyviewhotel.com www.compassskyviewhotel.com
A - Mr. Cyrille Hareux, Managing Director
B - Mr. Thibaut Marhuenda, Marketing Director
Vauban Real Estate is a leading real estate brokerage firm with strong presence in Thailand since 2006. The group has 6 branches in Thailand most dynamic real estate markets: Bangkok, Pattaya, Hua Hin, Samui, Phuket, and Chiang Mai.
Vauban Real Estate has an extensive experience in Thailand property market and long track records dealing with individuals and institutional clients. Vauban Real Estate covers the real estate needs from advices to property management. The group assists every year hundreds of clients for their property investments, rentals and relocations.
Vauban Real Estate distinguishes itself by an objective vision and ability to advise to the needs of its customers, and provides continuity of services, in particular because of its strong presence and its integrated network of agencies, making it one of the only global real estate's firms in Thailand. The company services include buy/sell/rent and property management services.
Property Consultancy
Rental and Relocations Services
Property Investment
Property Management Services
Hua Hin Agency: 32/2 Naresdumri rd., Hua Hin, Prachuab Khirikhan 77110 [+66 (0) 3 253 0043]
Pattaya Agency: Chateau Dale, 306/71, Thappaya rd., Moo12, Nongprue, Banglamung, Pattaya 20150 [+66 (0) 38 251 729]
Chiang Mai Agency: Pavilion Night Bazaar, Unit B5-145, 176/9 Loy Khro rd., Chang Klan, Muang, Chiang Mai 50100 [+66 (0) 520 011 08]
Samui Agency: IT Complex, 142/57 moo4, Tambol Maret, Lamai, Koh Samui, Suratthani 84310 [+66 (0) 77 963 146]
Phuket Agency: Mam Terrace, 1st Floor, 4 Thanon Hatpatong, Patong Beach, Kathu [+66 (0) 07 629 6039]
Senior Management
Mr. Cyrille Hareux, Managing Director
Mr. Thibaut Marhuenda, Marketing Director
BCCT Member Company Since 2015
A - Mr. Numa Marcel Bertrand, General Manager
B - Ms. Amita Wongwai, Director of Sales, Corporate
The Compass SkyView Hotel, a high-rise hotel located on Bangkok's renowned Sukhumvit Soi 24 offers 285 stylish guest rooms, club floors and spacious Suites for both short and extended stays.
The hotel is located next to Emporium Shopping Centre and just a few steps from Phrom Phong BTS Station and The EmQuartier Shopping Complex.
Dedicated Club Rooms and the Silver Lining Club Lounge provide for "a hotel within a hotel" experience. Featuring a pillarless Sky Ballroom with complete natural light, several breakout rooms, the hotel caters very well to Conferences, Meetings and Events such as Gala Dinners and Weddings. The hotel also features an outdoor Swimming Pool and a carefully laid out Fitness Centre.
Products or Services
• 285 rooms including 47 one bedroom suite service apartment.
• 1 Ballroom (can be divided into 2 rooms), 3 breakout rooms
• Silver Lining Club Lounge on 33rd floor
• Prime+ Urban Grill Restaurant & Bar on 7th floor
• MOJJO Rooftop Lounge & Bar and Character Cigars Lounge on 32nd floor
• Vanilla Sky Rooftop Bar on 35th floor
BCCT Member Company Since 2016
All Seasons Place, 87 Wireless Road
Lumpini, Pathumwan, Bangkok 10330
T: +66 (0) 2690 9999
F: +66 (0) 2690 9000 bkkci.info@conradhotels.com www.conradbangkok.com
4th Floor, Times Square 246 Sukhumvit Road, Bangkok 10110
T: +66 (0) 2653 2384
F: +66 (0) 2653 2385 info@consortiumuk.net www.consortiumuk.net
Chamber Representative
A - Mr. Herman J. Ehrlich, General Manager
B - Ms. Ivy Chan, Director of Business Development
A major refurbishment this year introduces the new Conrad Bangkok, in the heart of Bangkok's commercial and embassy district, providing sumptuous amenities with state-of-the-art technology and an elegant design, together with our intuitive service, ensuring our guests receive an inspiring luxury experience.
Beautifully appointed, with Thai inspired details, our rooms and suites offer an unobstructed view of Bangkok's skyline.
Conrad Bangkok hosts a high tech ballroom of 780 sq m. The Grand Conrad Ballroom is equipped with a 270-degree track affixed with 35 meters modular LED panels, projecting images visible to all participants whichever direction they are seated. Our 22 meeting rooms provide high-speed internet, surround sound and video-conferencing and together can host up to 1,200 guests, from large scale business conventions to intimate gatherings. Fully integrated audio, visual, lighting and retractable trusses are part of this conference standard in hospitality.
Our 391 guest rooms and suites are beautifully appointed and seamlessly blend contemporary luxury and innovative technology. From the 41 sqm Deluxe Room to the 238 sqm Presidential Suite, distinguished guests will discover an experience that exceeds their expectations.
Conrad Bangkok offers exquisite dining choices including a Chinese restaurant at Liu, an authentic Japanese restaurant at KiSara and all-day dining at Café@2. The Diplomat Bar is a perfect place to relax with a refreshing drink.
Conrad Hotels & Resorts in Americas, the Asia Pacific region, Europe and the Middle East.
All Seasons Property Co., Ltd.
Mr. Frankie Bao, Managing Director
Mr. Nakarin Virameteekul, Deputy Managing Director
Number of employees: 530
Mr. Herman Ehrlich, General Manager
Ms. Ivy Chan, Director of Business Development
BCCT Member Company Since 2001
A - Mr. Justin Moseley, Managing Director
Official representatives in Thailand for the UK Universities of Bath, Nottingham and Warwick, we have been advising Thai students about UK education since 2002.
Products or Services
Complete advice and assistance covering all aspects of the university application, offer and enrolment process. Open Monday to Saturday 11.00-18.00 and usually Sunday 14.00-18.00 OPEN on all all national holidays (except Songkran and New Year). You are welcome to make an appointment outside these hours.
Universities of Bath, Nottingham and Warwick
British & Thai
Senior Management
Mr. Justin Moseley, Managing Director
Bankers Bangkok Bank
BCCT Member Company Since 2006
Preees Green
United Kingdom
T: +66 (0) 2512 2957
www.consultancyacademy.com, www.wctcoltd.com
Chamber Representatives
413, Sukhumvit Road
Klongtey nua, Bangkok 10110
T: +66 (0) 2686 7000
F: +66 (0) 2686 7007
A - Mr. Andrew Sloan, Country Manager
B - Mr. Glyn Cartwright, Director
The Academy was developed, to integrate the academic communities with practitioners, bringing "…research into practice…" and "…practice into research…". The Academy is an independent organisation which sees itself as both academic and practice based. Its 'independence' comes from the fact that the Academy is not 'in the pocket' of a University; nor is it a subsidiary of an existing consulting company. As such, it can bring the best of both worlds, to achieve its raison d'etre, which is to bring about "…good thinking in practice!".
Products or Services
The Consultancy Academy runs learning programs and undertakes consulting services. Both concern business growth and organisational improvement. Key to our programs is that you implement models into your business to cause practical change with the support and guidance from the trainer and participants. The methods are based on Systems Thinking, which allows for precision, detail and transparency in key activities and allows for integration of ethical concerns.
Key Program: Business Growth Catalyst
WCT Company Limited
100% UK
Senior Management
Mr. Glyn Cartwright, Director
Mr. Andrew Sloan, Country Manager
BCCT Member Company Since 2015
A - Mr. Jay Jhingran, General Manager
B - Ms. Issarin Khattiya, Director of Sales & Marketing
The Continent Hotel, Bangkok, a Michelin Guide Bangkok listed hotel is a 39 storey lifestyle and boutique glass tower in the heart of Bangkok.
Located directly at Asoke, with adjacent BTS and MRT connectivity, this 5 Star facility is a full serviced Hotel. Well-appointed guestrooms with top to bottom glass windows offer expansive views of the city skyline. Diverse Dining and private dining venues range from a roof top modern Thai Restaurant and Bar ( Bangkok Heightz, 39th Floor), an Italian inspired restaurant offering a la carte and unique free flow dining options (Medinii, 35th Floor), a speak easy lounge on the 38th Floor ( Axis & Spin), a pool bar with Happy Hours on demand ( H2O, 37th Floor). The top floors turn into co-working spaces during the day and the conference room offers natural light, is pillar less and also offers sweeping views of the city skyline. Preferred rates and benefits for BCCT members and partners. Visit www.thecontinenthotel.com
Products or Services
Hotel, restaurant, bar
BCCT Member Company Since 2013
9th Floor, Zuellig House
1 Silom Road
Bangkok 10500
T: +66 (0) 2231 8437
F: +66 (0) 2231 8434
Chamber Representative
89 Romklao Road, Sansab Minburi, Bangkok 10510
T: +66 (0) 2917 3955-8
F: +66 (0) 2917 3959
Chamber Representative
A - Mr. John Robinson, Account Director
Independent insurance brokerage specializing in the servicing and monitoring of client policies.
Having been based from Thailand for over 22 years we understand the importance and expectations of expatriates and what is required in meeting the demands of personal planning in taking advantage of a very diverse but comprehensive range of products.
Our Legal Services Department has expanded from Estate Planning and Trust Services to offering specialist advice in the areas of Corporate & Commercial Law, Arbitration & Litigation, Commercial Real Estate & Immigration Services.
Products or Services
• Life
• Health/Medical
• Key Man
• Critical Illness
• Income Protection
• Liability
• Disability/Accident
• House & Contents
• Wills & Estate Planning
• Corporate & Commercial Law
• Dispute Resolution
• Project Finance
35% British
65% Thai
Senior Management
Philip Barbour, Managing Director
John Robinson, Account Director
Todd Guest, Account Director
Morgan Perkins, Account Manager
Siam Commercial Bank, Thailand
HSBC, Jersey
BCCT Member Company Since 2009
A - Mr. Edward H. Batchelor, Managing Director
Cormix a British owned manufacturer of Construction Chemicals was established in Thailand in 1996. After a management buy out from Australian partners the company has expanded significantly via export and new product development. Cormix's head office is based at its factory in Minburi. Currently Cormix exports to over 25 countries worldwide. Cormix conforms to ISO 9001: 2015 quality system.
Products or Services
Manufacturing and distribution of specialist construction chemicals. Products manufactured include Concrete Repair, Crack Injection and Structural Strengthening of Concrete, Elastomeric Concrete for Jointing and Fast Repair, Specialist Grouting, Slab Lifting and Ground Engineering, TBM Products, Tunnel Specialities, Waterproofing, Concrete Protection and Swelling Waterstops, Concrete and Shotcrete Admixtures, Concrete Accessories and Flooring Systems.
Concrete Services U.K. Ltd.
Senior Management
Mr. Edward H.Batchelor, Managing Director
Ms. Chanida Batchelor, Marketing Director
Ms. Neerajit Timkhum, Accounting & Finance Manager
Board of Directors
Mr. Edward H. Batchelor
Ms. Chanida Timkhum
Kasikorn Bank
Financial Details
PAID UP CAPITAL: US$ 1.1 million
BCCT Member Company Since 1996
30th Floor, Chartered Square Building
152 North Sathorn Road
Silom, Bangkok 10500
T: +66 (0) 2637 8630
F: +66 (0) 2637 8634
rcb@cornerstonemgmnt.com www.cornerstonemgmnt.com
Chamber Representative
Head Office
629, Ram Intra Road, Taaleng Sub-District
Bangkhen District, Bangkok 10230
T: +66 (0) 95 075 0368 info@foremanagement.com
Chamber Representative
- Richard Charles Bell, Managing DirectorBackground
Cornerstone is a Thailand based Project Management consultancy established at the beginning of 2001 by Richard Bell MRICS. The firm was originally Gleeds SE Asia but was changed to cornerstone after a management buyout. The company has the following accreditation Thai Engineer License, ISO 9001: 2015 and RICS registered company. With more than 100 staff we have experience in the following sectors: hotel, condominium office, residential, retail, education, health, industrial and pharmaceutical.
Key references include amongst others
• AIA capital Centre 100,000 m2 office
• The River Condominium 210,000 m2 72 stories high
• Zuellig Pharma warehouse 30,000m2
• Harrow international school
Products or Services
Project Management, Quantity Surveying, Building Surveying, Risk Analysis & Management, Dispute Resolution, Value Engineering, Due diligence and Funders Representative.
Board of Directors
Richard Charles Bell
BCCT Member Company Since 2001
In a very short period of time FORE Management Group has become one of Asia's leading Golf and sport management companies. This is largely due to the company's unique blend of experienced industry executives. Fore brings to bear a management team with experience ranging from international golf course management, to include maintenance and construction, as well as event management at the highest level. Fore has close ties to the equipment and apparel side of the business, and our consulting team also includes a current touring professional.
Fore has already been recognized as market leaders in golf events and is pushing new boundaries as it expands into different areas of the industry. FORE offers the highest quality in modern day management, ensuring positive results and an efficient return on investment.
Products or Services
Event Management
Inbound and Outbound Golf Tours
Golf and Lifestyle Card
Distributions and Apparel Management Services
BCCT Member Company Since 2018
23rd Floor, Chamnan Phenjati
Business Centre, 65/196, Rama 9 Road
Huaykwang, Bangkok 10310
T: +66 (0) 2643 8031
F: +66 (0) 2643 8032
bangkok@covathinking.com www.covathinking.com
Chamber Representative
St.Bride's House , 10 Salisbury Square
London EC4Y 8EH
T: +44 207 842 7100 United Kingdom robin.stevens@crowe.co.uk www.crowe.co.uk
Chamber Representatives
A - Mr. Bruce Hill, Managing Director, Thailand
Mr. Bruce Hill commenced works in Thailand in 1995 and formed ACH Management in 1999 in a partnership with CASA Architects and Arun Chaiseri Consulting.
In 2018 ACH Management joined forces with COVA Thinking Pty Ltd, an advisory, engineering and management consultancy out of Australia, to provide a broader skillset and an enhanced service offering to the market in the form of COVA Thinking (Thailand) Ltd.
COVA Thinking (Thailand) Ltd is a privately owned multi-disciplinary quantity surveying, cost, project and construction management advisory firm providing solutions-based outcomes for our client partners. We provide complete sustainable solutions – from feasibility, planning, design, construction, and ongoing management to a diverse range of industries within the built environment.
With more than 20 years of experience working in South East Asia and Australia COVA holds offices in Bangkok, Phnom Penh, Jakarta, Sydney, Melbourne and Hobart.
Products or Services
Project Feasibility
Quantity Surveying
Project Management
Cost Management
Construction Management
FF&E Services
ACH Management Co., Ltd.
COVA Holdings (Thailand) Ltd.
Senior Management
Mr. Bruce Hill, Managing Director, Thailand
Mr. Jarrod Marsden, Director, Operations (Asia)
Mr. Kerr Thomson, Country Leader, Cambodia
Mr. Ahmed Fawzi, Country Leader, Indonesia
Mr. Soradol Kiratipongvut, Project Director, Thailand
Board of Directors
Mr. Ben Evans
Mr. Bruce Hill
Mr. Allan Waitzer
Mr. Jarrod Marsden
Siam Commercial Bank
BCCT Member Company Since 2013
A - Mr. Stephen Bullock, Corporate Finance Partner
B - Mr. Robin Stevens, Head of Capital Markets
Crowe UK. LLP is a leading audit, tax and advisory firm of accountants and business advisers with over 80 partners and approximately over 600 employees based in 8 offices around the UK. We provide a range of audit, accounting, corporate finance and taxation services to private and public company clients, professional partnerships, not for profit entities, private clients and pension’s funds. We have many private and public clients operating in South East Asia and our team members visit the region on a regular basis, working closely with our member firms of Crowe Horwath International – the eighth largest global accountancy network.
Products or Services
Professional services
Corporate finance
Business support services
Risk Consulting
Internal audit
Forensic and counter fraud
Recovery solutions
Business solutions
Financial services
Tax Investigations
Members of Crowe Horwath International, the eighth largest global accountancy network.
Companies Represented
ANS audits and ANS business Consultants Thailand
A limited liability partnership registered in England and Wales
Senior Management
Nigel Bostock, Chief Executive
Barclays UK
Financial Details
Financial Statements available from Registrar of Companies
BCCT Member Company Since 2015
Pipatanasin Building, Unit no. 11A
11th Floor, 6/10 Naradhiwas Rajanagarindra Road
Tungmahamek, Sathorn, Bangkok 10120
T: +66 (0) 2286 0050
F: +66 (0) 2249 1996 bangkok@crownrelo.com www.crownworldwide.com
952 Rama IV Road, Suriyawongse
Bangrak, Bangkok 10500
T: +66 (0) 2632 9000
F: +66 (0) 2632 9011 info-cpbkk@ihg.com
A - Ms. Pichitra Niphondkit, Corporate Services Manager
B - Mr. Marc Le Lay, Country Manager
Since 1992, Crown Thailand has established its operations in the country offering a full range of Relocation, Mobility and Records Management services.
As a company that has been setting its global footprint in more than 50 countries and relocating people for over half a century, we are fully committed to assisting the effective deployment of global talent and solving the challenges of many data. We actively seek innovative solutions as well as using our immersive market intelligence and insight, captured by our Intelligence Hub, to anticipate the likely future path of the industry.
Our breadth of services comprises a holistic offering which is advantageous partly for its efficiency, but also through the integration of complementary services and the ability of our people to deliver to a consistently high standard, worldwide.
Consulting Services, Program Administration, Global Visa & Immigration, Global Skills Services, Financial and Compensation, Destination Services, Moving Services, Home Sales and Home Finding, Lump Sum Management tool, Supply Chain Management, Records Management and Storage Services.
BCCT Member Company Since 1992
A - Mr. Clive Murray, General Manager
B - Mr. Pradip Bhandari, Director of Sales & Marketing
Crowne Plaza Bangkok Lumpini Park which is an IHG® hotel is one of the most preferred upscale hotel for a wide range of clients including business, travel and leisure that offers high level of comfort, service, and amenities. The hotel also has an enviable reputation for its exceptional dining offerings along with impeccable service that immediately puts you at ease. We also provide flexible meeting venues making it a preferred destination for corporate events and tailored banquets.
Located in the heart of Bangkok, Crowne Plaza Bangkok Lumpini Park combines luxurious amenities and modern conveniences to ensure a truly relaxing and pleasurable stay. The hotel is strategically located at the center of the financial business and entertainment districts with convenient access to and from the city's major roads and express way. Also adjacent are the Sala Daeng BTS Skytrain and MRT Silom Subway Station making your travels around the city easier.
Products or Services
Crowne Plaza Bangkok Lumpini Park has 243 guest rooms that are all equipped with modern amenities designed for comfort. The Hotel also provides services and amenities that includes complimentary buffet breakfast, on-site health and fitness center, housekeeping and laundry services, airport transfers in the brand new BMW 520d sport, outdoor pool, florist, business center with business services, concierge services, safety deposit box, a dedicated lounge, and parking.
Ramaland Development Co., Ltd.
Senior Management
Mr. Clive Murray, General Manager
Siam Commercial Bank
BCCT Member Company Since 1998
14th Floor, Suite 1401
1 Pacific Place, Sukhumvit Rd. Bangkok 10110
T: +66 (0) 2653 5095
F: +66 (0) 2653 5117
Chamber Representative
622, Emporium Tower, 7/9 Floor
Sukhumvit Road, Khlong Tan
Khlong Toei, Bangkok 10110
T: +66 (0) 2090 2808
Chamber Representative
A - Mr. Mark Chewter, Managing PartnerBackground
Typically working with an owner of a small- to medium-sized business (client company sales US$5m to 100m), we are advisors and investors who are focused on 'order of magnitude' changes in shareholder value. Whether through our Transactions Services team or through our MyCFO outsourced CFO services, we are not focused on incremental performance improvements; we drive owners to consider more ambitious goals and take braver decisions in order to achieve sustainable step changes in long-term value. To do this, we bring experience gained in larger businesses to bear on problems that ownerfounders have limited or no previous experience of. We do this in a way that is acceptable to the owner and undeniably adds value to the company. We work for shareholders, not for management teams. We are not consultants. We don't provide excuses.
We aim to make a difference.
Products or Services
• Mergers and Acquisitions
• Finance Raising
• Financial Modeling
• Business Planning
• Feasibility Studies
• Corporate or Project Valuations
• Outsourced CFO services available on an "as required" basis to upgrade your financial capabilities, maximise company value and give peace of mind
51% Thai
49% British
Senior Management
Mr. Mark Chewter, Managing Partner
Board of Directors
Mr. Mark Chewter
Standard Chartered Bank
BCCT Member Company Since 1997
- Mr. Antony Osborne, Managing DirectorBackground
Established in 2018, Culineur’s vision is to become a distinguished Culinary School in Asia, known for training exemplary culinary specialists and entrepreneurs who lead the way to the kitchen of tomorrow. Groomed to become chefs, leaders and quality orientated entrepreneurs with an innate understanding of the industry, its trends and its future needs, our graduates will possess the necessary knowledge, competencies and mindsets to succeed.
Products or Services
School - Short Courses, Intensive Courses, Entrepreneurship Management, Diploma Programme
Glaze - Bakery & Pastry Shop
Flavours - Casual Dining Restaurant
Garnish - Full Service Restaurant
The Bar
BCCT Member Company Since 2018
Suite 1168/35, 23Fl. Lumpini Tower
Rama 4 Road, Sathorn, Bangkok 10120
T: +66 (0) 2649 9799
F: +66 (0) 2649 9788
info@c-asia.com www.c-asia.com
A - Mr. Sukit Tanskul, CEOFounded in 2004, Custom Asia provides a comprehensive range of consultancy services in customer and brand strategy. Our philosophy is to work closely with our clients, listening to their needs and designing research studies which fully satisfy their objectives.
We do not simply deliver data – we go beyond the numbers to provide our clients with solutions and action guidelines.
Custom Asia offers a wide array of business research and analysis service that include the following areas of emphasis:
• Market studies
• Market entry study
• Market feasibility study
• Financial feasibility study
• Attitudes usage and lifestyle study
• Product development and testing studies
• Industrial research
• Government policy research
• Customer satisfaction and loyalty studies
• Employee equity studies
• Brand image / corporate image studies
• Advertising, public relations, and promotion research
• Media research
• Public opinion research
• Social research
Our consultancy services cover both qualitative and quantitative approaches:
• Ethnography
• Focus groups
• Depth interviews
• Creative workshops
• Face to face
• Telephone (CATI)
• Central location
• Mystery shopping
BCCT Member Company Since 2009
89/62 Moo 4 Kanasiri Pinklao-Kanchana Village
Bangyai, Bangyai
Nonthaburi 11140
T: +66 (0) 99 536 4196
daaccessasia@gmail.com, info@dandaaa.com www.dandaaa.com
Chamber Representatives
54 Soi Santipharp Nares Road, Bangkok 10500
T: +66 (0) 2233 5606-7
F: +66 (0) 2236 8143 info@dataconsult.co.th www.dataconsult.co.th
Chamber Representatives
A - Mrs. Nisachon Seale, Managing Director
B - Mr. David Seale, Marketing Director
Established in 2018, d&A Access to Asia assists UK and Ireland degree students to study in Thailand at some of Asia's top universities. We are a small but specialised organisation helping to cut the cost of degree education and help students to be debt free once they graduate. www.dandaaa.com
Products or Services
We work entirely with the private university sector in Thailand, helping to develop university degree packages for British and Irish Students. We are constantly developing our reach in the UK and Ireland to make higher education available to all.
UK Student Recruitment
Ireland Student Recruitment
Thai Student Recruitment
Companies Represented
Rangsit University
Sripatum University
Mrs. Nisachon Seale
Senior Management
Mr. David Seale
Kasikorn Bank
BCCT Member Company Since 2018
A - Mr. Christopher Bruton, Executive Director
B - Ms. Wandee Piyachatsuwan, Managing Director
Dataconsult Ltd. was established in 1983 as a wholly Thai-owned company specialising in research and consulting, conference and seminar organization, and publishing.
Products or Services
Dataconsult offers the following services:
• Thailand Regional Forum: A peer group forum of senior level executives, including monthly meetings, publications and consultancy.
• Government and Industry Roundtables: Dataconsult operates governmentlevel and industry conferences and roundtables in Thailand, Mekong and ASEAN regions
• Dataconsult also offers to peer group forum members the following monthly publications
• Thailand Corporate Alert
• Business Indochina
• Thailand Corporate Management Alert
• Asia Pacific Executive Brief Thailand / Vietnam Forecasting Quarterly
Dataconsult serves as the Thai partner for the IMA Group, based in Sydney, Singapore, Hong Kong and Shanghai, with a network including Australia, China, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, Pakistan, Philippines, Singapore, South Korea, Taiwan, and Thailand, together with affiliations in Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar and Vietnam.
Within Thailand, Dataconsult affiliated companies include Orient Research Ltd (research), Chatsuwan Co., Ltd and Katalya International Ltd (real estate) and Barakat Ltd (healthcare and venture capital investment).
100% Thai, privately owned company
Senior Management
Ms. Wandee Piyachatsuwan, Managing Director
Mr. Chris Bruton, Executive Director
Ms. Katalya Bruton, Director
Mr. Ezree Ebrahim, Senior Consultant
Ms. Kannika Arjchiterb, Conference and Administrative Manager
Kasikorn Bank
BCCT Member Company Since 1990
99 Moo11, Suwintawong Road
Khlong Nakhon Nueang Khet
Chachoengsao 24000
T: +66 (0) 2710 4050
F: +66 (0) 2710 4055 sathit@datasafe.co.th www.datasafe.co.th
In 1991, DataSafe was established with the objective of providing the best records and information management system to our clients. We intended to be the leader in document storage services. As a storage service provider with over 10 years experience, Datasafe is a professional company that really understands the requirements of clients. Our clients typically are major banks, finance and securities companies, airlines, hotels, oil companies, trading firms, universities, schools, hospitals and government departments.
To facilitate your business, Datasafe offers a wide array of efficient document storage services. A US$4million facility at Bangkapi houses our head office and on nearly 20 rai at Sam-wa, Minburi are our warehouses with storage capacity for over 800,000 standard cartons, one stand-alone magnetic tape and media storage room. Our latest sophisticated security system is prepared for both active and inactive documents, records and also magnetic tape and media storage.
Security measures include 24-hour manned guard posts and an infra-red detection system.
Administrative control is based on computer and barcode systemisation. Datasafe Ltd. has affiliate membership in the worldwide Professional Records & Information Services Management (PRISM).
All documentary services such as document storage service, record management, imaging and scanning services, indexing and cataloguing services, magnetic tape and media storage and onsite documentary system services.
JWD Infologistic (Public) Company Ltd.
Ms. Orawan Voranij, Managing Director
Mr. Sathit Singtoroj, General manager
Board of Directors
Mr. Charvanin Bunditkitsada
Dr. Eakkapong Tungsrisanguan
Ms. Orawan Voranij
Capital Investment Bht. 75M.
BCCT Member Company Since 1990
113 Bumrungrad Road
Wat Kate, Muang Chiang Mai
Chiang Mai 50000
T: +66 (0) 5208 8228-9 info@davidskitchen.co.th www.davidskitchen.co.th
A - Mr. David Philip Gordon, Managing Partner
B - Mrs. Tanyarat Gordon, Managing Partner
At David’s Kitchen we serve modern French cuisine with a Thai twist, both indoor and outside on our terrace. We are open all day, and our extensive menu features a wide variety of organic ingredients, paired with a large selection of fine wines sourced from around the world. We can accommodate up to 80 diners and offer a wine bar and a “glass room” which contains a communal table.
Trip Advisor Number 1 Best Fine Dining Restaurant Thailand 2015
Trip Advisor Number 1 Best Fine Dining Restaurant Thailand 2016
Trip Advisor Number 1 Best Fine Dining Restaurant Thailand 2017
Trip Advisor Number 1 Best Fine Dining Restaurant Asia 2016
Trip Advisor Number 1 Best Fine Dining Restaurant Asia 2017
Thailand Tatler Best Restaurants 2015
Thailand Tatler Best Restaurants 2016
Thailand Tatler Best Restaurants 2017
Thailand Tatler Best Restaurants 2018
BCCT Member Company Since 2018
12th Floor, Maneeya Center Building
Ploenchit Road, Lumpini, Pathumwan
Bangkok 10330
T: +66 (0) 2257 3500
F: +66 (0) 2257 3555
naradecharin@dchauriga.com, dechasuwanchaiyong@dchauriga.com www.dchauriga.com
Chamber Representatives
55/40 City Connect Project, Kallapaphruk Road
Bang Khun Thain, Chom Thong, Bangkok 10150
T: +66 (0) 2100 5208, 2100 5209 chris@deemak-international.com www.deemark-international.com
Chamber Representatives
A - Dr. Nara Decharin, Vice President
B - Mr. Decha Suwanchaiyong, General Manager
DCH Auriga (Thailand) Limited (A member Dah Chong Hong Holdings a HKSE Publicly Listed Company) has more than 40 years of market experience and now ranks amongst the leading Asian Healthcare & Consumer Healthcare marketing and distribution organizations in Asia. We provide a comprehensive array services for our clients in Pharmaceuticals, Nutritional Health and Consumer Healthcare products. Our in-depth channel coverage includes Government and Private hospitals, Clinics, Drug Stores, Hypermarkets and the Modern and General Trade.
DCH Auriga has long standing and successful partnerships with multinational and local clients. Our services include regulatory, sales and marketing, logistics, customer service, merchandising, secondary repackaging and supply chain management. We also have vast experience in launching and reviving mature brands with proven successful outcomes.
Products or Services
Distribution & Warehousing services for all categories of Healthcare and Consumer Healthcare Products in Thailand and across Asia
A Dah Chong Hong Holdings Company (A subsidiary of CITIC)
Pharmaceutical, Healthcare and Consumer Healthcare Product Brand owners
Publicly listed on the Hang Seng Index (1828.HKSE) Parent Organization: CITIC Pacific
Senior Management
Dr. Nara Decharin, Vice President
Mr. Decha Suwanchaiyong, General Manager
Board of Directors
Hang Seng Bank; DBS Bank
BCCT Member Company Since 2015
A - Mr. Chris Harrison, Managing Director
B - Ms. Warangrat Thawornwiriyatrakoon, Business Manager
Deemak International Ltd is based in Wrexham, North Wales with representative office in Bangkok.
Deemak International Ltd is part of MVH Ltd the Food Division of Lloyds Animal Feeds Group Ltd, an agri-business based is Oswestry, Shropshire, North West England.
Products or Services
Food procurement and supply chain management
Global Foods Sourcing
Asia-Pacific manages the quality assurance and supply chain on "Just in time" basis for its customer and MVH Ltd Food Service businesses.
Meadowvale Foods Ltd, Foodservice Ready Foods Ltd, Ready meals manufacturer Highbury Poultry Farm Produce Ltd, Broiler Integration
Companies Represented
Lloyds Animal Feeds Ltd, Animal Feed Production MVH Ltd
100% British
BCCT Member Company Since 2013
9th Floor, Charn Issara Tower
942/142-3 Rama IV Road
Bangkok 10500
T: +66 (0) 2233 0055
F: +66 (0) 2236 6681
dej-udom@dejudom.com www.dejudomlaw.com
Chamber Representatives
31 Phyathai Building, Suite 914-915
9th Floor, Phyathai Road, Ratchathewi
Bangkok 10400
T: +66 (0) 2246 1159
F: +66 (0) 2246 1158
dj@deliveringasia.com www.deliveringcommunications.com
Chamber Representative
A - Ms. Nipa Pakdeechanuan, Director
B - Ms. Aim-on Larpisal, Director
When Dej-Udom & Associates Attorneys-at-Law was established in 1986, the founder's goal was to establish a boutique Thai law firm with an international networking system that would offer exceptional legal services. Additionally, Dej-Udom Krairit, the founder, wanted to energize young Thai lawyers into pursuing international and cross-border practices. Since its establishment, the firm has flourished and grown into a full service law firm that offers partner-led counsel and has established a trustworthy presence in Thailand and throughout its well-known network in six continents. The firm's lawyers and supporting staff and assistants deliver in-depth legal services to a diverse client base that values expert counsel, astute representation, and prompt attention. Apart from its regular services, the firm also specializes in alternative dispute resolution with an emphasis on conciliation and arbitration and has considerable experience in both conciliation and arbitration litigation.
Products or Services
Dej-Udom & Associates is a full-service law office with departments handling corporate and tax advice, intellectual property services, and litigation. In particular the office specializes in matters concerning arbitration, dispute resolution, corporate business, finance and banking, securities, joint ventures, taxation, real estate, intellectual property, government contracts, immigration, and labor.
As the International Lawyers Network's member law firm in Thailand since 1990; Dej-Udom & Associates is part of a leading association of high-quality, full-service law firms represented by over 5,000 lawyers in 66 countries.
Privately owned
Senior Management
Mr. Dej-Udom Krairit, Managing Director
Mr. Worawut Krairit, Director
Contact: Ms. Jane Puranananda, General Manager
Board of Directors
Mr. Dej-Udom Krairit, Founder & Chairman
Mr. Worawut Krairit, Director
Ms. Aim-on Larpisal, Director
Ms. Punjaporn Kosolkitiwong, Director
Ms. Nipa Pakdeechanuan, Director
Thai Danu Bank
BCCT Member Company Since 1986
A - Mr. David Johnson, CEO
Delivering Asia Communications is one of Asia's leading hospitality and real estate PR companies. Headquartered in Bangkok, Delivering Asia has operations in ten countries (Dubai, Hong Kong, Ho Chi Minh City, Jakarta, London, Manila, Moscow, Shanghai, Singapore and Sydney) for a total team of 25 worldwide. These countries represent the key source markets into Southeast Asia where Delivering Asia's clients are based, predominantly in Thailand, Indonesia, Vietnam, the Philippines and Singapore.
The team is led by CEO David Johnson, a former journalist who has over 25 years of experience in the travel business in the region. All senior communications team members also have long track records in either journalism or hospitality PR. Delivering Asia’s clients compromise of international hospitality chains such as Four Seasons, Hilton Worldwide, Intercontinental Hotel Group and Mövenpick Hotels & Resorts as well as high end independent boutique brands across the region such as Soneva Resorts, Akaryn Hotel Group and The Nai Harn.
• Strategic communications pre- and post-project launch
• Key message and storyline development
• Press conferences and media briefings
• Arranging press trips to hotels and resorts
• Interviews across Asia and Europe
• Press releases
• Awards strategies and pitching
• Digital and social media planning and execution
• Copywriting for websites and other marketing materials
• Translation for Thai, Bahasa Indonesian, Vietnamese and Mandarin
• Clippings of media coverage and tracking competitors
BCCT Member Company Since 2016
AIA Sathorn Tower, 23rd - 27th Floor
11/1 South Sathorn Road, Yannawa
Sathorn, Bangkok 10120
T: +66 (0) 2034 0000
F: +66 (0) 2034 0100 info_th@deloitte.com www.deloitte.com
Chamber Representative
58 Moo2 Ratchapruek Road, Om Kret
Pak Kret, Nonthaburi 11120
T: +66 (0) 2666 1933 info@dbsbangkok.ac.th www.dbsbangkok.ac.th
A - Mr. Subhasakdi Krishnamra, Managing Partner
Deloitte is a leading global provider of audit and assurance, consulting, financial advisory, risk advisory, tax and related services. Our network of member firms in more than 150 countries and territories serves four out of five Fortune Global 500® companies. Learn how Deloitte's approximately 264,000 people make an impact that matters at www.deloitte.com.
Deloitte Thailand is the member firm of Deloitte and is part of Deloitte Southeast Asia. Comprising 340 partners and over 8,800 professionals in 25 office locations, the subsidiaries and affiliates of Deloitte Southeast Asia Ltd combine their technical expertise and deep industry knowledge to deliver consistent high quality services to companies in the region.
Deloitte Thailand is the local practice of Deloitte. Established since 1939, today we have a team of 50 Thai and international partners and over 1,200 client services and support staff dedicated to serving over 2,000 clients nationwide.
Products or Services
Audit, Business Process Solutions, Consulting, Risk Advisory, Financial Advisory and Tax and Legal.
100% Thai
BCCT Member Company Since 2012
A - Dr. Temyos Pandejpong, Board Member
B - Mr. Mark McVeigh, Principal
DBS is part of the Denla Schools Group which had its first school established in 1979, with the mission to provide excellent education to young learners in Thailand. The School grew tremendously over the years as trust from parents developed and the Denla reputation grew. The group is currently managed by Mr. Arn Pandejpong, Dr. Toryos Pandejpong and Dr. Temyos Pandejpong. Our Principal, Mr Mark McVeigh, went to school at Campbell College in Belfast, and graduated from the University of Bristol, where he read Chemistry. He achieved a Postgraduate Certificate in Education from Queen's University, Belfast, and took up a teaching position at Lancing College in West Sussex. He was appointed as Head of the Chemistry department at Marlborough College in Wiltshire, and then a boarding Housemaster of C2 House. At this time, he acquired an HMC / De Montfort University Master of Arts in Educational Management. A role in International Liaison led to him being selected as Deputy Head at Marlborough College's new partner school in Malaysia. He was subsequently appointed as Headmaster of the Senior School at Marlborough College Malaysia.
Denla British School is a world class school for future leaders of the world. It is located on Ratchapruek Road, northwest of Bangkok, and offers a curriculum grounded in the National Curriculum for England, and enhanced by an allencompassing school day with a vision for holistic learning. DBS is currently enrolling students aged 3 – 13 (EY1 to Year 8) and each year will extend, until reaching a complete through-school for students up to 18 years of age (Year 13).
BCCT Member Company Since 2018
Blenheim Road
Lancing Business Park, Lancing
Brighton BN158UH
T: +44 (0) 19 0352 4300
F: +44 (0) 19 0375 0679
iainf@manhattan.co.uk www.manhattan.co.uk
Chamber Representative
219/28-31, Asoke Towers Office Bldg. Soi Asoke, Sukhumvit 21 Road Khet Wattana, Bangkok 10110
T: +66 (0) 2260 0160
F: +66 (0) 2259 0489 paul@d103group.com d103group.com
A - Mr. Iain Flitcroft, Executive Chairman
Establishes in 1946 as Dennis & Robinson Ltd. Originally manufacturers of clock cases. Began kitchen production in 1961. Based close to Brighton on the South coast of England. Supplying most of the UK top housebuilders. 450 employees.
Bangkok office and showroom
992 Soi Sukhumvit 55, Sukhumvit Road
Klongton Nua, Wattana, Bangkok 10110
Products or Services
Manufacturers and Installers of quality kitchen and bathroom furniture to the house-building industry.
Privately owned. Iain Flitcroft principal shareholder
Board of Directors
Mr. Iain Flitcroft, Executive Chairman
Mr. John Gallagher, Managing Director
Mr. Max Caunhye, Finance Director
Mr. Peter Davis, Operations Director
Coutts & Co., 440 The Strand, London
Financial Details
Also turnover 2006/2007 £16.8m Profit £1.3m
BCCT Member Company Since 2000
Chamber Representatives B
A - Mr. Wayne Kaleta, Vice President
B - Mr. Chaiwat Limwattananon, Vice President – Business Development
Design 103 Limited, established since 1968, is an independent consulting firm of Architects, engineers, planners and interior designers capable of providing a wide variety of professional services in the areas of master planning, feasibility studies, large scale architectural design, interior design and landscape design. Consultancy services in civil, structural, mechanical and electrical design as well as in project management and construction supervision are also provided.
With its long standing experience, Design 103i and its affiliates, Interior Architecture 103 Co. Ltd., Management 103 Co. Ltd. and Chuchawal Royal Haskoning Ltd are ready to support to our clients in enhancing society together.
BCCT Member Company Since 2015
183 Moo 10, Nongprue, Banglamung
Chonburi 20150
T: +66 (0) 3841 5316-8
F: +66 (0) 3841 5319
gm@hooterspattaya.com www.hootersasia.com
Chamber Representative
9 G Tower North Wing 25th - 26th Floor Rama 9 Road, Khwaeng Huaykwang
Khet Huaykwang, Bangkok 10310
T: +66 (0) 2094 8000
F: +66 (0) 2302 1810 dgfth-com-tls@dhl.com www.dhl.co.th
Chamber Representatives
A - Mr. Gerard Phillip Caleo, President
The World’s Largest Hooters welcomes you! Hooters Pattaya is a massive 500-seater venue that you simply cannot miss! Located along Beach Road, Hooters Pattaya features live coverage of all the major sports games and events on more than 20 high definition televisions, a live Band and best of all, our iconic Hooters Girl. A beacon of entertainment and a great time in Pattaya, you’ll definitely want to stop over at Hooters!
Products or Services
American Restaurants and sport bar
Companies Represented
Hooters is the Casual American Dining & Sports Bar, bringing you Hot Wings, Juicy Burgers, Fresh Seafood, Cold Beers and Hooters Girls.
BCCT Member Company Since 2016
A - Mr. Thomas Tieber, Chief Executive Officer ASEAN & South Asia DHL Global Forwarding
B - Mr. Edwin Pinto, Head of Sales
DHL is the global market leader in the logistics industry and "The Logistics Company for the world". DHL commits its expertise in international express, air and ocean freight, road and rail transportation, contract logistics and international mail services to its customers. A global network composed of more than 220 countries and territories and about 285,000 employees worldwide offers customers superior service quality and local knowledge to satisfy their supply chain requirements. DHL accepts its social responsibility by supporting environmental protection, disaster management and education.
DHL is part of Deutsche Post DHL. The Group generated revenue of more than 55 billion Euros in 2013.
DHL Global Forwarding Thailand – a division of the global brand of DHL, is the leader in the Thai air and ocean freight markets. In addition to providing air and ocean freight services, DHL Global Forwarding prides itself in cross border trucking transportation, multi-modal logistics, in-house customs brokerage as well as state-of-the-art general and free zone warehousing management & dedicated value-added services, combined with worldwide coverage and an in-depth understanding of local markets.
Mr. Thomas Tieber, Chief Executive Office – ASEAN & South Asia DHL Global Forwarding
Ms. Patnaree Wongsuwan, Trade Lane Manager (Europe)
BCCT Member Company Since 2014
17-18th Floor, Park Wing, Empire Tower
1,South Sathorn Road, Yannawa
Sathorn, Bangkok 10120
T: +66 (0) 2685 6999
F: +66 (0) 2670 0340
444 Olympia Thai Tower, 18th Floor Ratchadapisek Road, Samsennok Huaykwang, Bangkok 10310
DiageoMoetHennessy-Communications@diageo.com www.diageo.com
Chamber Representatives
A - Mr. Thanakorn Kuptajit, Corporate Relations Director
B - Ms. Khemika Ratanakul, Public Affairs Manager
Diageo Moët Hennessy (Thailand) Ltd (DMHT) is a leading importer and distributor of premium wines and spirits in Thailand. With responsible corporate citizenship as a key element of its business philosophy, DMHT strives to ensure its products and operations balance its commitment to act responsibly and its right to trade freely. This is reflected in its corporate ethics and governance relations with employees, customers, consumers, suppliers and communities, and its health, safety and environmental policies. DMHT strongly supports responsible alcohol consumption and would like to take part in any alcohol-related solutions in the society.
Products or Services
Importer and distributor of Johnnie Walker Scotch Whisky, Smirnoff, Bell's, J&B, Glenmorangie, The Singleton, Ketel One, Belvedere, Gilbey's, Tanqueray, Gordons, Ron Zacapa, Captain Morgan, Pampero, Don Julio, Tres Magueyes, Baileys, Grand Marnier, Hennessy, Cloudy Bay, Cape Mentelle, Terrazas, Chandon, Moet Chandon, Veuve Clicquot, Krug and Dom Perignon.
Mr. Thanakorn Kuptajit, Corporate Relations Director
Ms. Khemika Ratanakul, Public Affairs Manager
94% Diageo Moet Hennessy B.V.
6% Ital Thai Ltd.
Mr. Alberto Ibeas, Managing Director
BCCT Member Company Since 1999
T: +66 (0) 2541 4407 hello@digitalbase.co.th www.digitalbase.co.th
Chamber Representative
A - Benjamin Barling, Managing DirectorDrawing on more than ten years' experience in digital design, advertising and marketing, DIGITAL BASE is perfectly equipped with the tools and know-how to meet all your online marketing needs.
Our team of dedicated professionals come with a wealth of experience in developing marketing solutions for businesses in a wide range of industries.
Regardless of whether you're commencing your first solo business venture or updating an existing brand, we at DIGITAL BASE are ready to provide the solution that matches your goals and budget.
With innovative designs, a creative approach to our work, and meticulous attention to detail, our end-to-end digital solutions are optimised to fulfil all your marketing needs.
Whether it's a Branding package, a marketing plan, Google AdWords, Search Engine Optimisation or a whole new website that will increase your bottom line, DIGITAL BASE has you covered.
DIGITAL BASE's primary services include custom website design & development, online marketing, Google & Facebook advertising, onsite optimisation and social media advertising.
In addition to our online marketing services, we also offer a range of offline services to support your business, such as logo development, photography, videography corporate branding and PR.
Each of our services are individually tailored to meet the current and future needs of your business.
DIGITAL BASE is a Google SME Partner and is a Board of Investment (BOI) recipient.
Companies Represented
We have built over 1000 websites for clients and have over 250 current clients with digital marketing campaigns. (Please contact for examples.)
Board of Directors
Mr. Benjamin R Barling
BCCT Member Company Since 2015
2533 Sukhumvit Road, Bangchak
Phrakhanong, Bangkok 10260
T: +66 (0) 2790 4000
F: +66 (0) 2332 8306
carljohan.s@dksh.com www.dksh.co.th
47th Floor, Unit 4707 Empire Tower
1 South Sathorn Road, Yannawa
Sathorn, Bangkok 10120
T: +66 (0) 2686 8500
F: +66 (0) 2670 0131 peter.shelford@dlapiper.com www.dlapiper.com
A - Mr. Carl Johan Soderstjerna, Head of Central Services
DKSH (Thailand) Limited is a member of the DKSH Group, which came into being following two mergers of three Swiss companies; i.e. Diethelm, Keller and SiberHegner in 2000 and 2002. DKSH Group is listed on the Swiss Stock Exchange.DKSH Group, including DKSH (Thailand) Limited, is the No. 1 provider of Market Expansion Services with a focus in Asia. DKSH helps our business partners and suppliers to grow their businesses, covering the entire value chain, and has an intimate knowledge of the Asian markets generated from operations in Asia for 150 years.
Products or Services
Market Expansion Services, including sourcing, marketing, distribution, sales, logistics, fulfillment and after-sales services for consumer goods, healthcare and technology products as well as performance materials under the following four Business Units:- Consumer Goods Business Unit;- Healthcare Business Unit;- Performance Materials Business Unit; and- Technology Business Unit.
Diethelm Keller Logistics Ltd.The United Drug (1996) Co., Ltd.
Companies Represented
Market Expansion Services, including sales and distribution services to overseas and local suppliers.
Thai shareholders hold more than 51% of the total registered and issued shares of the Company.
Mr. Carl Johan Soderstjerna, Head of Central Services
Board of Directors
Mr. Carl Johan Soderstjerna, Mr. Jareuk Meekhanthong, Mr. Peter Hornby, Mr John Clare, Mr. Leonard Tan, Mr Jaturong Jerdsakulboon, Mr. Mathias Greger
Bangkok Bank, Kasikornbank, and Siam Commercial Bank
Financial Details
Registered and paid-up share capital: Thai Baht 200 million
BCCT Member Company Since 1946
Mr. Peter Shelford, Country Managing PartnerDLA Piper is a global law firm with lawyers located in more than 40 countries throughout the Americas, Europe, the Middle East, Africa and Asia Pacific, positioning us to help clients with their legal needs around the world. We strive to be the leading global business law firm by delivering quality and value to our clients.
We achieve this through practical and innovative legal solutions that help our clients succeed. We deliver consistent services across our platform of practices and sectors in all matters we undertake.
Our clients range from multinational, Global 1000, and Fortune 500 enterprises to emerging companies developing industry-leading technologies. They include more than half of the Fortune 250 and nearly half of the FTSE 350 or their subsidiaries. We also advise governments and public sector bodies. In Asia Pacific, we have lawyers located in 14 offices in Australia, China, Hong Kong, Japan, Korea, New Zealand, Singapore and Thailand. Our offices are located in Auckland, Bangkok, Beijing, Brisbane, Canberra, Hong Kong, Melbourne, Perth, Seoul, Shanghai, Singapore, Sydney, Tokyo and Wellington and include local and internationally trained lawyers who offer high-quality legal services and an understanding of global and local business requirements and cultural considerations.
We also have strong alliances and relationships with independent law firms located in Bangladesh, Cambodia, India, Indonesia, Laos, Macau, Malaysia, Mongolia, Myanmar, the Philippines, Papua New Guinea, Taiwan and Vietnam. Our Bangkok office has a vibrant team of over 40 locally and internationallytrained partners and lawyers. Reflecting the international diversity of our client base, all our people in Bangkok speak English with individuals speaking Thai, French, Cantonese, Mandarin Chinese and Hindi. We welcome the opportunity to work with you.
DLA Piper Thailand provides a full range of legal services to local and international clients including the following practice areas: Corporate
• Employment
• Finance and Projects
• Insurance and Reinsurance
• Intellectual Property and Technology
• Litigation and Regulatory
International Arbitration
• Mergers and Acquisitions
• Private Equity and Venture Capital
• Real Estate
• Restructuring
• Tax and Customs
Clients include major domestic and international insurance companies and brokers, retail companies, sport manufacturers, fund managers, hotels, banks, etc.
Mr. Peter Shelford, Country Managing Partner
Mr. Dusadee Jittasaiyapan, Partner
Mr. Timothy Tan, Partner
Mr. Don Rojanapenkul, Partner
Bankers Citibank, N.A.
BCCT Member Company Since 2003
77/599 Prasert-Manukitch 29 Yaek 2
Prasert-Manukitch Rd., Lat Phrao
Lat Phrao, Bangkok 10230
T: +66 (0) 2578 1559
F: +66 (0) 2578 1558 info@drgreenenergy.com www.drgreenenergy.com
Chamber Representatives
719 Si Phraya Road, Bangrak
Bangkok 10500
T: +66 (0) 2639 1955
F: +66 (0) 2639 1956 mail@dsb.co.th www.dsb.co.th
A - Mr. Tanyarit Pantarawong, Head of Solutions & Business Consultant
B - Mr. Stak Ma-imjie, Executive Director
Doctor Green Innovation founded by group of computer and telecommunication engineer in 2012, that provided smart renewable energy (Solar and Wind), networks and communications, special deployments, and consultancy services for customers in Thailand and APAC region. Today, Dr. Green Innovation expertise also spans the array of Smart Cities and Smart Cognitive Analytics solutions for customers, including manage cloud infrastructure, software, and application of Smart Energy 4.0 for customers and especially top tier MNO in APAC.
Products or Services
• Smart Renewable Energy (Highly Reliable of Wind & Solar Solutions)
• Smart Cognitive Analytics & Machine Learning
• Consultancy services (Radio Frequency Standards & Regulations, Telecommunication and Special Deployments/First Response Network)
• Smart Cities (Smart IoT) Solutions
• Research & Development (working with leading Institutes in Thailand)
Doctor Green Energy
Companies Represented
Telensa, PowerFilm, SolarStik, Kestrel
BCCT Member Company Since 2017
Established in 1947, Domnern Somgiat & Boonma is a specialized intellectual property law firm in Thailand located in the heart of Bangkok. It has six partners consisting of five attorneys-at-law admitted to the Thai Bar, namely Rutorn Nopakun, Chakrapat Mongkolsit, Apiwatt Kongsoowan, Napisit Benjakuljirat (formerly Somporn Liampaw) and Nathapong Tongkaew and a patent attorney with both legal and technical backgrounds, Prabjote Busdee. It has 131 fulltime members (including the partners) and 50 outside experts from various technical fields with whom it consult on technical issues.
About 23% of trademark applications and 50% of patent applications filed in Thailand by foreign companies are handled by the firm. The firm also extensively handles trademark and patent prosecution and enforcement cases in foreign countries through local associates.
BCCT Member Company Since 2016
3 De Montfort Mews
T: +44 845 123 2941
Chamber Representatives
10 Sukhumvit Soi 15, Sukhumvit Road
Klongtoey Nua, Wattana
Bangkok 10110
T: +66 (0) 2254 8500
F: +66 (0) 2254 8534 reservations@dreambkk.com www.dreamhotels.com/Bangkok
Chamber Representatives
A - Mr. Stelvin Tham, General Manager
B - Ms. Jirapinya Funk, Administrator
Draycir provides easy-to-use, practical and affordable software solutions that help small and medium-sized businesses work smarter. Our software products include document management, credit control and credit risk.
100% British
BCCT Member Company Since 2011
A - Mr. Matthieu Reynaud, General Manager
B - Mr. Tawatchai Hormchant, Board of Director
Dream Bangkok (other Dream Hotels in New York, Miami and Phuket) is a fabulous 5-star service boutique property that offers guests a thoroughly modern fusion of Eastern and Western styles while its special design creates an avant-garde level of surrealism with an air of elegance. Located in the heart of Sukhumvit, Bangkok's pulse for fashion, business, entertainment, nightlife, international hospitals and shopping, this stunning hotel is also within a short walking distance to the Asoke BTS Sky Train & Sukhumvit MRT; thus, connecting its guests to all the city's famous tourist sites.
Products or Services
Hotel / Restaurant / Services / Travel & Tourism
Modern luxury and lifestyle hotel brands founded in 1986 by Sant Singh Chatwal. Dream Hotel Group's proprietary brands that include The Chatwal Hotel™, Dream, The Time and Unscripted as well as other trusted marks from leading global hospitality players.
Senior Management
Mr. Matthieu Reynaud, General Manager matthieu.r@dreambkk.com
Board of Directors
Mr. Tawatchai Homchant, Board of Director Mobile +66 (0) 8 1803 1210 tawatchai.h@dreambkk.com
BCCT Member Company Since 2011
12/11, Soi Prompak
Sukhumvit 49, Bangkok 10110
T: +66 (0) 2392 1953, 2392 1958
F: +66 (0) 2392 1959
tom@dtctravel.com www.dtctravel.com
Chamber Representative
Amata Nakorn Industrial Estate
700/242 Moo 1, Bankao Sub-District
Panthong District, Chonburi 20160
T: +66 (0) 3846 5661-2
F: +66 (0) 3846 5663
dalelamb@dunlopadhesives.com www.dunlopadhesives.com
Chamber Representatives
A - Mr. Tom Bishop, Managing Director
DTC Travel was formed in 1995 to service the niche expatriate market. Since 1997 that market has included South-East Asia and Middle East expatriates, corporate entities and inbound referrals. That surge produced the need for a second website to handle inbound golf enquiries only, namely holidaygolfthailand. com. In 2008, outbound golf operations were extended to 19 countries in the Indian Ocean Rim, covered by a third website, exoticgolfholidays.com DTC's customising and packaging of itineraries for clients, as well as its offering a full service agency, is its major strength and has enhanced its reputation. Tom Bishop's "The Travel Bishop" weekly radio show and his current position as Travel & Tourism Committee chairman recognise his years of experience in worldwide travel. DTC Travel appeared in BBC TV's "Last Millionaire" in November 2008.
Products or Services
• Worldwide airline ticketing and reservations.
• Worldwide discount hotel and car rental bookings
• Worldwide packages, diving, golf, safaris, cruises and special interest tour arrangements
• Educational group tours
• On-line newsletter subscription
• Corporate travel account servicing
• Customised travel packages
• Airport/hotel courier delivery
British owned and managed
Senior Management
Mr. Tom Bishop, MD
Ms. Navapas Penphaijit, Reservations Manager
Mr. Simon Higgins, Golf Management
Board of Directors
Mr. Tom Bishop, Managing Director
Bangkok Bank PCL
Thai Military Bank
Financial Details
Registered capital: THB 4m
Paid-up capital: THB 4M, Annual turnover: THB 90M
BCCT Member Company Since 1999
A - Mr. David K. Lamb, Managing Director
B - Mr. Dale Lamb, Marketing and Manufacturing Director
Dunlop has been represented in Thailand since the early 1930s. In 1969, Dunlop (Thailand) Limited was established to manufacture and market Dunlopillo Bedding and Dunlop Adhesives. In June 1999 Dunlopillo (Thailand) was formed following the successful MBO from the Dunlop Group. In 2008 a new investment with the BOI split Dunlopillo (Thailand) Limited into two Companies – Dunlop Adhesives (Thailand) Limited and Dunlopillo (Thailand) Limited, the latter being sold in 2014.
Since 2008 Dunlop Adhesives (Thailand) Limited has operated from new premises in the Amata Nakhon Industrial Estate. Due to the growing strength of the business the initial plant was expanded in 2014 to support new product development and increased production.
Products or Services
Dunlop Adhesives (Thailand) Limited manufactures, markets and distributes a wide range of products in Thailand. The company offers a full range of Adhesives, Sealants, Coatings and Lubricants, with the capacity to manufacture tailor-made products for specialised processing applications.
Senior Management
Mr. David Lamb, Managing Director
Mr. Dale Lamb, Marketing and Manufacturing Director
Mrs. Jenny Thornhill, Business Development Director
Siam Commercial Bank
BCCT Member Company Since 1962
7/274, Moo 6
Amata City Industrial Estate
Mabyangporn, Pluakdaeng, Rayong 21140
T: +66 (0) 3865 0800
F: +66 (0) 3865 0801
sales@durham-duplex.co.th www.durham-duplex.co.th
Chamber Representatives
Dusit Thani Building 946 Rama IV Road
Bangkok 10500
T: +66 (0) 2200 9999
F: +66 (0) 2636 3547 www.dusit.com
Chamber Representatives
A - Mr. Charles Turner, Managing Director
B - Mr. Carl Foster, International Sales Director
Durham-Duplex (South East Asia) Ltd was established in 2008 as a specialist industrial knife manufacturer based in Amata City, Rayong to supply the machine knife and industrial blade requirements within Thailand and ASEAN. It is a wholly owned subsidiary of Durham-Duplex UK which has been based in Sheffield, England since 1910 and which also manufactures Machine Knives and Industrial Blades for OEM and endusers in UK, Europe, USA and Middle East. The range of products includes knives for the packaging, Food processing, film, foil and paper converting, plastics and waste recycling/waste management industries. We also manufacture utility blades in the UK and have a wide range of safety hand knives for industrial and food processing uses. Both UK and Thailand have a full complement of CNC knife grinding machinery and a bespoke design service to help deliver the customers specialised unique blade demands. Durham-Duplex (South East Asia) Ltd is ISO 9001:2008 Certified.
Products or Services
Industrial knives and machine knives for the packaging, food processing, film and foil converting, plastics and waste recycling industries. These products include circular slitters, crush cutters, dished knives, slitting blades, shredders, granulators, pelletizers, tape or carton sealers, tray knives, vacuum packaging blades, form/fill/seal knives, toothform knives, industrial razor blades, safety hand knives, utilty blades, offset knives, log saws, bakery scrapers, guillotines and many more.
Companies Represented
Durham-Duplex(South East Asia) ltd is wholly owned by its UK parent company.
Senior Management
The Int'l Sales Director is Carl Foster, the SEA Factory Manager is K. Churtchai Jullasat and SEA Sales Manager is K. Pimmada Thitipacharawong.
Board of Directors
The Company Director is Mr. Charles Turner.
Kasikorn Bank and Bangkok Bank in Thailand, HSBC in UK.
BCCT Member Company Since 2013
A - Mr. Chanin Donavanik, Vice Chairman and Chairman of the Executive Committee
B - Ms. Suphajee Suthumpun, Group Chief Executive Officer
Founded in 1948 by Honorary Chairperson Thanpuying Chanut Piyaoui, whose first hotel was the Princess on Bangkok’s Charoenkrung Road, Dusit International is synonymous with Thai-inspired, gracious hospitality delivered with genuine care, warmth and respect.
Today our company is a leader in hotel management, franchising and hospitality education, with a unique international portfolio of distinctive hotels and resorts operating under four brands: Dusit Thani, dusitD2, Dusit Princess and Dusit Devarana. ASAI Hotels, an affordable lifestyle brand aimed at millennial-minded travellers, is set to open its first property in 2019.
Our company also operates the signature Devarana Spa, Namm Spa, and has a fast-growing Hospitality Education Division. The latter, established in 1993, comprises Dusit Thani College, which offers vocational and postgraduate hospitality degrees at campuses in Bangkok and Pattaya; Le Cordon Bleu Dusit Culinary School; and the pioneering Dusit Hospitality Management College, which will be fully integrated with dusitD2 The Fort, Manila, Philippines.
Recently, we diversified our lines of business and entered the sharing economy with an investment in Favstay, a Thai hospitality startup offering condos and villas for rent in Thailand’s top destinations. We also successfully entered the food business with an investment in NR Instant Produce, a well-known producer and exporter of ready to cook, ready meals, seasoning powders, dipping sauces, drinks and juices; and expanded into the high-end vacation rental market through the full acquisition of Elite Havens, the leading provider of high-end vacation rentals in Asia.
For more information, please visit www.dusit.com.
Products or Services
Hospitality, Hospitality Education and Spa
Companies Represented
Dusit Hotels & Resorts
Dusit Hospitality Education
Dusit Thani Public Company Limited (DTC)
BCCT Member Company Since 2018
Harindhorn Building Level 2
54 North Sathorn Road
Bang Rak, Bangkok 10500
T: +66 (0) 2267 3939
Chamber Representatives
A - Mr. Philip Hannaford, Managing Director
B - Mr. Edward Enscoe, CEO dwp|Buzz
Established in 1994 in Bangkok Thailand, dwp (design worldwide partnership), is a multi-award winning integrated design company. With over 450 professionals servicing clients from our offices in the Middle East, Southeast Asia, India, China and Australia. dwp portfolio includes Lifestyle: residential, retail, hospitality; Community: architecture, museums, education, health; and Work: workplace, banking and finance. In addition, the dwp group includes events, communications & public relations company dwp|buzz and branding & product design firm dwp|elegance.
Products or Services
dwp (design worldwide partnership) is a global Architecture and Design company. We focus on lifestyle to deliver buildings and spaces that are both beautiful and functional. We offer consulting services across;
• Architecture
• Interior Design
• Graphic Design
• Facility Planning
• Project Management
• Feasibility Studies
• Turn Key Design and
• Event Management and Marketing
• Communications and Public Relations
• Branding and Product Design
• Lighting and Acoustic Design
We are innovative, passionate and proud of what we do.
Companies Represented
Mr. Brenton Mauriello, CEO
Mr. Scott Whittaker, Executive Director
Mr. Edward Enscoe, CEO, dwp|buzz
51% Thai
49% Australian
Senior Management
Mr. Brenton Mauriello, CEO
Ms. Sarinrath Kamolratanapiboon, Business Development Director
Mr. Edward Enscoe, CEO, dwp|buzz
Board of Directors
Mr. Brenton Mauriello, CEO
Mr. Scott Whittaker, Executive Director
BCCT Member Company Since 2016
Eastern and Oriental Express
1249/217, Gems Tower Building
37th Floor, Charoen Krung Road
Suriyawong, Bangrak, Bangkok 10500
T: +66 (0) 2267 4881
reservations.singapore@belmond.com www.belmond.com/eastern-and-oriental-express/
Chamber Representative
3656/16, Green Tower, 6th floor Unit K2. Rama 4 Road, Klongton Klongtoey, Bangkok 10110
T: +66 (0) 2367 3590
F: +66 (0) 2367 3603 leighton@edgewl.co.th www.edgewl.com
Chamber Representative
A - Mr. Leighton Gobbett, Managing DirectorProducts or Services
Experience Southeast Asia in style aboard the Eastern & Oriental Express, passing vibrant cities, rural villages and gleaming pagodas...
Cocktails, fine dining, convivial company and spectacular views: this is what life aboard the Eastern & Oriental Express is all about.
Our fabulous staff will look after you at every step. Attentive but discreet, their aim is to make your journey smooth, indulgent and relaxing.
Masters of the art of luxury train travel, we provide the perfect balance between leisure on board and inspiring excursions further afield.
BELMOND - www.belmond.com/
BCCT Member Company Since 2015
Established in Manchester, England 1989 EWL are a award winning family owned freight forwarding business that prides itself on consistently achieving a high quality of service which has meant we have preserved excellent relationships with our clients and suppliers.
Consistent growth year on year EWL is now amongst the top 15 privately owned freight forwarders in the UK.
One of EWL's many strengths is the movement of food and beverage with many of the top tier supermarkets and F&B wholesalers as our clients and with large volume that move from Thailand the natural progression was for EWL to open Edge Worldwide Logistics (Thailand) in 2011.
With a mix of expat and local staff who all have an extremely high knowledge of all aspects of the freight forwarding industry EWL Thailand have again seen fantastic growth.
A network of agents spanning over 35 countries EWL Thailand are able to offer not only a fantastic service but extremely competitive rates around the globe to all our client
Freight Forwarding, Customs Clearance, Vessel Chartering, Project Freight, E-Commerce, Warehousing, Tariff consultancy, import, exports, sea freight, LCL, FCL, Reefer, Air Freight, consolidation, buyer consolidation
BCCT Mamber Company Since 2016
8th Floor, Tonson Tower
900 Ploenchit Road, Lumpini
Pathumwan, Bangkok 10330
T: +66 (0) 2257 0499
F: +66 (0) 2257 0501 mail@etcthailand.co.th www.etcthailand.co.th
Chamber Representatives B
A - Mr. David George, Director, Business Space / Valuation / Research & Consulting
B - Ms. Punnee Sritanyalucksana, Chief Operating Officer (COO)
Edmund Tie & Company (Thailand) Co., Ltd, previously known as DTZ Debenham Tie Leung (Thailand) Co Ltd, is a prominent property consulting firm with operations in Singapore, Malaysia and Thailand.
Established more than two decades ago, our distinctive Asian philosophy based on trust, integrity, collaboration and reciprocity, combined with international standards, allows us to create value for our clients and stakeholders in a way that exceeds their expectations.
Supported by some 500 experienced professionals, our expertise covers a comprehensive range of property services including: commercial agency and occupier services; residential agency; capital markets & investment sales; auction, tender and private treaty sales; valuation; statutory valuation and property tax advisory; property management; hospitality management; and research and consulting.
Products or Services
We offer a full range of professional real estate services of international standards to investors, owners, and occupiers.
Business Space
Residential Sales
Residential Leasing
Investment Sales
International Project Marketing
Specialist Services
Hospitality Management
Due Diligence
Advisory Services
Consulting & Research
Occupier Services
Investment Advisory
Global Corporate Services
Development and Marketing Consultancy
BCCT Member Company
Since 2011
281/1 Poor House 1 Tambon Nam Bo Luang
San Pa Tong, Chiang Mai
Chiangmai 50120
T: +66 (0) 85 705 2740
Chamber Representative
A - Mr. Richard Prouse, Director
We have specialised in Health Insurance for Expats for the last 12 years.
We are independent Brokers for many company’s such as,HCI, Regency for Expats, Cigna, ACS, William Russell, Pacific Cross, Bupa, to name a few. And have Clients all over Thailand but also oversea in Mexico, India, Malta, Crete, and Spain.
BCCT Member Company Since 2018
629/1 Navamintr Road, Nuanchan
Buengkoom, Bangkok 10230
T: +66 (0) 2797 9000
F: +66 (0) 2797 9811
Eke-Chai Distribution System Co., Ltd. (operator of Tesco Lotus) serves more than 15 million customers each week through our network of more than 2,000 stores around Thailand and two online shopping platforms. As an Omni-channel retailer, Tesco Lotus operates five distinct store formats, namely Extra, Hypermarket, Department Store, Talan, and Express, as well as our own online shopping platform Tesco Lotus Shop Online and our store on Lazed, offering customers convenience, high-quality products, great value for money, and a great shopping experience wherever they choose to shop with us.
In addition to serving our customers better every day, Tesco Lotus is also committed to bringing benefits to the Thai economy, society, and environment. The Tesco for Thais Foundation, established in 2003, has contributed over 650 million baht to worthy causes and social projects. More than 50,000 scholarships have also been awarded to underprivileged children. As a food retailer, Tesco Lotus is committed to ensuring that the people of Thailand have access to nutritious and high-quality food. Our food donation programmer invites customers to take part in donating money to provide lunches for school children nationwide.
Tesco Lotus is the first retailer in Thailand to make a commitment to reducing food waste within our own operations. Since 2016, we have donated unsold food that's still perfectly edible to local charities and the underprivileged. To date, more than 1.2 million meals have been donated from surplus food from our stores.
Retailer selling food, grocery, apparel, home appliance and, electrical appliance.
Tesco Stores (Thailand) Limited
Tesco Card Services Co., Ltd.
Retail Property Co., Ltd.
Tesco Global Employment Co., Ltd.
Mr. Sompong Rungnirattisai, CEO
Tesco PLC
Senior Management
Mr. Sompong Rungnirattisai, CEO
Board of Directors
• Mr. Sompong Rungnirattisai
• Ms. Ann Bell
• Ms. Aurakanda Attavipach
• Mr. Mark Roughley
• Mr. Miroslav Friml
• Ms. Salinla Seehaphan
• Mr. Kris Comerford
• Mr. Gareth Sharpe
BCCT Member Company Since 1998
53-79 Highgate Road London
NW5 1Tl
T: +44 (0) 20 7241 8740
CBlos@elandcables.com www.elandcables.com
Chamber Representative
7/277 Moo 6, Amata City I.E
T. Mabyangporn, A. Pluakdaeng
Rayong 21140
T: +66 (0) 3865 0868
F: +66 (0) 3865 0874 nfarrell@eplgroup.com www.eplgroup.com
Chamber Representative
A - Ms. Claudia Blos, International Sales Manager
Eland Cables is a UK-based supplier of cables and cable accessories supporting projects across industries including rail, mining, oil & gas, construction and infrastructure. Our portfolio includes a wide range of power, data and control cables manufactured to British, European and international standards, and we have a successful track record of delivering cable solutions to over 130 countries.
Products or Services
Cables and accessories
BCCT Member Company Since 2018
A - Mr. Neil Farrell, General Manager, Thailand
Elastomer Products Ltd has it's origins in Christchurch, New Zealand back in 1974.
Originally set up to produce silicone products, the company soon developed capabilities in many other polymer types.
This capability sees EPL as an innovative supplier/exporter to many commercial/ industrial markets in many countries.
The broad range of polymers that EPL processes allows EPL to support the customers concept and design process with best fit polymers.
In 2008, EPL took an opportunity to set up a state of the art extrusion and injection moulding factory in Amata City IE, Rayong.
Elastomer Products (Thailand) Ltd supports home appliance manufacturers with design and manufacturing experience of internal parts produced from many polymer types.
EPL Thailand is also bringing the experience of 30 years supplying commercial window glazing seals to the curtain wall construction and facade industry.
We believe there is a place in Thailand for that Kiwi can do attitude to innovation and service.
Products or Services
EPL Thailand manufacture complicated extruded profiles, tube and corrugated hose, Washing machine drain hoses and high temp seals, for washing machines, fridges, dryers, ovens and dishwashers.
EPL can mould onto extrusions and can do simple to complex moulded parts for many industries.
EPL window construction glazing seals can be one polymer or multi polymer giving technical advantage but not high cost.
EPL produce parts using polymers PP, PE, PVC, PC, TPV, TPE, PA, Silicone, ABS and many more
BCCT Member Company Since 2011
99/349 Chaeng Wattana Road
Thungsonghong, Laksi
Bangkok 10210
T: +66 (0) 2576 1535
F: +66 (0) 2576 1535 info@elevatingstudio.com www.elevatingstudio.com
Chamber Representatives
2/51 Thosapol Land Building 4
11th Floor Soi BangNa Trat 25 Bang Na, Bangkok 10260
M: +66 (0)98 967 7017 info@epa-academy.com www.epa-academy.com
Chamber Representative
A- Mr.
Frank Brown, Managing Director - Mrs. Nuchjarin Disayabut, Business Development ManagerElevating Studio (Thailand) Ltd. is a vertical transportation consulting company, we consists of a team of globally recognized specialists from the elevator industry. We have experience in R&D, Manufacturing, Installation, Maintenance and Modernization of elevators and escalators. Elevating Studio is accredited and certified by Liftinstituut, for safety inspections on elevators and escalators, as per EN81 and EN115 standards.
Private Company
BCCT Member Company
Since 2018
A- Mr.
Kevin Tarrant, Managing DirectorElite Performance Academy (EPA) is a Bangkok based organisation specialising in Sports Education for students and teachers at International Schools. We are part of a not-for-profit foundation that specialise in creating both sporting and educational opportunities for students
We want to develop a love for sport in every child and aim to achieve this by providing high quality, entertaining classes, courses and programs to children aged 2-18, teaching them in an exciting & engaging way. We work with schools ensuring that every child develops to their full potential and offer a genuine pathway for budding golfers, athletes, footballers and gymnasts to move into higher education or professional sport.
In the last 5 years our organisation has placed students into American Universities on a range of scholarships, including a number of students on full scholarships.
Our goal is to help students develop confidence not only in sport but in all aspects of their lives; through the value of participation and the growing selfbelief and self-esteem from both personal and team based achievements. We work with schools to ensure that every single student develops their full potential.
We have extensive experience in organising and running events and camps. Our team has experience of running professional sporting events with over 8,500 people attending, amateur sports competitions with over 1000 participants and high profile football camps for Thai Premier League clubs and their academies.
We run camps, clubs and academies for some of the largest school groups in Asia as well as delivering fully internationally recognised qualifications and continuing professional development courses for international school teachers from around the world.
Products or Services
• After School Clubs
• Weekend Activities
• School Holiday Camps
• Nurser y and Pre-School Sports Programmes
• School Sports Programmes
• Full assessment/attainment targets for all children
• Professional development for teachers and staff
• Increased activity levels for all pupils
• Effective management and monitoring of students
• Health Weeks
• Inter-School and Intra-School competitions
BCCT Member Company Since 2018
High Street, Rillington Malton, North Yorkshire YO17 8LA
T: +44 1944 758395
Chamber Representative
119/26, M.11, Huay Yai Pattaya, Banglamung, Chonburi 20150
T: +66 (0) 89 604 6253 ensiri.c2r@gmail.com www.ensirimediahouse.com
Chamber Representatives
A - Mr. Kelly Brown, Export Sales Executive
Ellis is the world leader in the design & manufacture of electrical cable cleats.
Cable cleats are used to retain & restrain electrical power cables but most importantly protect cables, equipment & people in the case of a short circuit.
All of our products are tested to IEC61914.
We supply our products to major project worldwide within the following sectors;
• Power (Generation, Tranmission & Distribution)
• Oil & Gas
• Petrochemical
• Rail & Metro
• Major commercial buildings (like airports & hospitals)
In addition to our standard range of cable cleats, our design capabilities allow us to offer custom made / bespoke solutions for our customers when required.
You can download our brochure from https://www.ellispatents.co.uk/wpcontent/uploads/2016/09/Ellis-Electrical-Brochure.pdf
BCCT Member Company Since 2018
A - Mr. Raywat Willard, Managing Director
B - Ms. Juthamat Thanomkul, Sales Manager
En-Siri Media House, we specialize in corporate photography with offices in both Bangkok and Pattaya. We provide high quality photography, images and attractive video presentation to showcase your product / services. Our customers includes international hotels, manufacturing, industries, international schools and headlining corporate events. With the latest in imagery technology combine with a dedicated team, we go above and beyond to help you stand out from the crowd.
Products or Services
1. Interior, Exterior, F&B, Event Photography
2. Video Presentation, Company Profile, Social Media Package, Training Video
3. Product Shooting, Studio and Equipment Rental
4. Digital Signage Rental for the Events, Trade show, Exhibition, Grand Opening (ie LED, Information Kiosks)
Companies Represented
Mr. Raywat Willard
Mr. Raywat Willard
BCCT Member Company Since 2018
43 Thai CC Tower, 30th Floor
Unit 307, South Sathorn Rd.
Sathorn, Yannawa
Bangkok 10120
T: +66 (0) 2673 9849
F: +66 (0) 2673 9850
trevor@epicure.co.th www.epicure.co.th
Chamber Representatives
2001 Chartered Square Building
152 North Sathorn Road
Bangrak, Bangkok 10500
T: + 66 (0) 2637 8060
F: + 66 (0) 2637 8422
A - Mr. Trevor Allen, Managing Director
B - Mr. Jason Dinsdale, Director
The Oxford Dictionary definition of Epicure is a "person who takes a special interest in and gets great pleasure from food and drink". A challenge readily met by the numerous excellent dining establishments in Bangkok and Thailand.
But what about those little Epicureans who suffer daily the drudgery of School lunches, remember those!
Formed in June 2003 Epicure Catering Company set out determined to provide good, healthy and safe food for the many little Epicureans attending International Schools in SE Asia. Committed to the highest standard of food safety we provide nutritionally balanced meals taking into consideration the many religious and dietary needs of today's cosmopolitan society.
We offer a responsive service to our clients and our objective is to allow Headmasters to run Schools, not kitchens. That's our job.
Products or Services
Food service provider to the Educational sector in South East Asia
British, Thai
Senior Management
Mr. Trevor Allen, Managing Director
Mr. Jason Dinsdale, Director
Mr. Pornthep Laphiranrak, Culinary Director
Ms. Patcharin Doungkaew, Financial Director
Mr. Andy Bird, Managing Director Cambodia, Indochina
Mr. Trevor Allen, Managing Director
Mr. Jason Dinsdale, Director
Ms. Patcharin Doungkaew, Financial Director
Thanachart Bank, Bangkok Bank
BCCT Member Company Since 2014
A - Mr. Steven Bussey, Chief of Localization
B - Mrs. Phanitanan Sanitprachakorn, Group Chief Executive Officer
One of Southeast Asia's largest independent localization firms, has over 90 in-house staff. Building on a well-educated labor base in Thailand, EQHO has created an internationally recognized localization firm working in all major commercial languages, including rarer Southeast Asian language services. With in-house linguists, multilingual DTP operators, localization & multimedia engineers, and two on-site recording studios, EQHO offers an unrivalled level of service and rapid turnaround. Languages like Thai, Lao, Chinese, Vietnamese, Burmese and Khmer have character sets that pose unique challenges. For this reason, it is essential to have layout staff and native linguists under the same roof. Clients include: SAS, Citrix, ABBYY, AVG, P&G, Siemens, Transocean, Shell, Michelin, Air France, Sheraton, Unilever, and many more. In addition to its Headquarters in Singapore, EQHO has facilities in Bangkok, Thailand and Vientiane, Lao PDR. EQHO is listed as one of the leading Asia-based localization firms, according to Common Sense Advisory, the localization industry's leading research company.
Products or Services
Services: Translation & localization Languages: 50 - Asian, European, Middleeastern, Americas Project types: Documentation, websites, software, multimedia Subject domains: Software & IT, Telecommunications, Professional Services, Manufacture, Heavy Industry, Hotel & Travel, eLearning, Arts & entertainment, Automotive, Healthcare, Energy, Retail, Fashion, Games
• EQHO Globalization Pte., Ltd., Headquarters, Singapore
• EQHO Communications ltd., Primary Production Center, Bangkok, Thailand
• EQHO Communications Laos Ltd., Production Office, Vientiane, Laos
Senior Management
Mrs. Phanitanan Sanitprachakorn, Group CEO
Mr. Steven Bussey, Chief of Localization
Mr. Wee Peng Kang, Chief of Localization
Board of Directors
Mr. Sven Tomas Julin, Chairman
Mr. Per Taube, Board of Director
BCCT Member Company Since 2013
99/19 Mooban Aroonpat3, Yannawa Road
Chongnonsi, Yannawa
Bangkok 10120
T: +66 (0) 2165 6113
F: +66 (0) 2165 6086 www.ahmadteathailand.com
Chamber Representative
318 Evergreen Place, Fl. 10 Phayathai Road, Ratchathevi
Bangkok 10400
T: +66 (0) 2696 3626 7
F: +66 (0) 2696 3628 bangkok@euro-center.com www.euro-center.com
A - Mr. Abolfazl Mokhtari Zanjani, Managing Director
Etemad co Ltd was established in 2009 and since then tried to received Ahmad Tea right and certificate to import its supreme quality tea to Thailand and finally by a long process could achieve all the relevant certificate to become Ahmad Tea Exclusive Agent in Thailand, now consider to one of the top tea company in Thailand.
We currently provide 72 different kind of Ahmad Tea products in Thailand and soon by next year we will provide our customers with Ahmad Ice Tea as well.
Our goal is to expand Ahmad Tea supreme quality tea across Thailand and provide excellent services with unique experience for our customers.
Etemad Company with its good investment and hard work has identified potential markets and in Thailand to expand Ahmad Tea here and aiming to become one of the top 3 tea companies by end of 2014 in Thailand and to achieve a greater market share we would expand in to most of supermarkets, Hotels, Restaurants, Tea houses and coffee shops in all provinces also we aim to introduce Ahmad Ice Tea into shopping malls and super market as well as providing unique taste ice tea following this we would like to convert Thailand into Ahmad Tea hub to allow us export Ahmad Ice Tea to all ASEAN countries
BCCT Member Company Since 2013
A - Mr. Roland Hohmann, Regional General Manager-Asia
B - Dr. Marco Mollwitz, Senior Medical Director
Euro-Center is one of the world's leading medical assistance and claims handling companies, annually processing over 125 000 cases around the globe. Euro-Center (Thailand) Co., Ltd., established since 1989, is a 24/7 assistance & claims center for insurances and self-insured corporate clients servicing expatriates, travellers & tourists in Southeast Asia, including an in-house medical doctor team.
Euro-Center is a unique gateway to a comprehensive worldwide provider network, local know-how, assistance and cost containment for travel insurance, health insurance and corporate companies.
Since 1971, the key to our success is our excellent collaboration with local suppliers of more than 50,000 hospitals, clinics, aviation medical and other supporting services who acknowledge us as a credible partner, thanks to our medical teams' professional dialogue. Euro-Centers benefit from this local reputation, which ensures low claims costs and a seamless service in terms of treatment and finance.
Products or Services
• 24/7 medical assistance for Expatriates, Business Travellers and Tourists in Thailand, Southeast Asia and worldwide
• 24/7 medical Help-line for Thailand supported by EC medical professionals
• Reimbursement of medical claims
• First Aid Training by certified EFR instructors provided in both English and Thai languages
100% Czech Republic
Senior Management
Mr. Roland Hohmann, Regional General Manager, Asia
Mr. Jan Kovacs, Operations Manager
Board of Directors
Mr. Mads Fischer, Chief Executive Officer
Mrs. Irena Zackova, Chief Financial Officer
Mr. Roland Hohmann, Regional General Manager, Asia
Krungthai Bangkok
BCCT Member Company Since 2016
725 Metropolis Building, Room No. 1700 17th Fl., Sukhumvit Rd., Klongton Nua Wattana, Bangkok 10110
T: +66 (0) 2302 7300
F: +66 (0) 2302 7399
bkksales@evaair.com www.evaair.com
Chamber Representative
Alscot Estate, Atherstone Hill Stratford Upon Avon Warwickshire CV37 8NF
T: +44 (0) 203 289 7067 info@evolve-global.uk www.evolve-global.uk
EVA Air, a star alliance member, was founded in March 1989. It is based in Taiwan, 100% privately owned and a sister company to Evergreen Marine Corporation the world-renowned container-shipping line. Since its July 01, 1991 maiden flight. EVA provides high standards quality service and safety. Building on this commitment to quality service and safety for more than 25 years, EVA is now rated as a 5-Star Airline by international quality ratings organization SKYTRAX. Including EVA, there are only eight 5-star Airlines worldwide.
EVA Air has thrived and now serves a global network that connects Asia and Mainland China to Europe, North America and Oceania and link 63 major business and tourist destinations with 82 aircrafts.
From Bangkok, EVA has 14 weekly direct flights to Europe such as London (7), Vienna(4), Amsterdam(3) and 7 flights to Paris via Taipei. EVA also provides 27 flight per week to Taipei and more than 90 weekly flights connecting to major cities in North America such as San Francisco(14-21), Los Angeles(21), Seattle(11), New York(11), Chicago(7), Houston(7), Vancouver(7) and Toronto(7)
For more information traveler can learn more about EVA and book, buy and reserve seats at www.evaair.com
General Tel: 02-302-7300
Reservation and ticketing: 02-302-7288
E-mail: bkksales@evaair.com
Thai Farmers Bank
BCCT Member Company Since 2006
Evolve Global Solutions Ltd. provides training and consultancy services across a number of sectors and industries in the UK and internationally. Our products and services range from training and development for individuals to larger scale projects for small businesses or to national and international projects for governments and larger corporate clients.
Our skills and experience are rooted in the UK and international education, training and professional development sectors, working directly with colleges and universities as well as with ministerial agencies and departments.
Our work has been recognised for creating excellence and deep impact in skills development and bringing about improved performance. Our approach follows three simple steps: Innovate Minds, Create Change, Transform Futures
We have delivered projects in: UK, India, Ireland, Italy, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Morocco, Netherlands, Oman, South Africa, Spain Sri Lanka, Saudi Arabia, Tanzania, Thailand, Tunisia, UAE, Vietnam
Our services fall under 4 main categories:
• Training and Development
• Consultancy Services
• Project Management
• Bid Writing Services
Education: education leadership courses, teacher training, coaching, enterprise and entrepreneurial skills development for teachers and students, quality assurance and quality improvement frameworks, qualification frameworks, curriculum development, student recruitment, English Language
Business: leadership development, leadership coaching, change management
Ms. Afshan Baksh, CEO and Lead Specliasit
Specialism: International and UK Education, Leadership, training and professional development, coaching
BCCT Member Company Since 2017
15th Floor, Le Concorde Tower
Ratchadaphisek Road, Huaykwang
Bangkok 10310
T: +66 (0) 2694 2446
info@excelbangkok.com www.excelbangkok.com
Chamber Representative
22nd Floor, Smooth Life Tower 44 North Sathorn Road, Silom
Bangrak, Bangkok 10500
T: +66 (0) 2633 9060
F: +66 (0) 2633 9070 thailand@exotravel.com www.exotravel.com/exotravel/travelagency/
Chamber Representative
A - Mr. Peter Shinkfield, Commercial Director
Excel Bangkok Co Ltd., part of the Excel group of companies spanning Thailand, Australasia and Europe is recognized as an industry leader in mobile applications and high-end software systems.
With major systems in brand control, fulfilment software and gaming on a worldwide basis, our team focuses on delivering exceptional solutions to our clients. We also specialise in Location based technologies, Pension fund systems, middleware integration and e-commerce platforms
Products or Services
Location based technologies, pension fund systems, mobile apps, websites, middleware integration and e-commerce platforms
PulseID Location Based technologies
Senior Management
Ken Williams, Peter Shinkfield
BCCT Member Company Since 2014
A - Mr.
Hamish Keith, Managing DirectorBackground
EXO Travel is one of Asia's most experienced and pioneering DMC's. We specialise in leisure, corporate and MICE travel across Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, Indonesia, Japan, China and our most recent addition, Malaysia.
With over 800 team members spanning our 9 destinations, we seek out, refine and deliver a diverse range of experiences for a global audience. We succeed because we are as passionate about our job as we are professional. Our values are rooted in our dedication, determination and unquenchable thirst for adventure.
Within Thailand we operate our retail travel agency promoting outbound travel to all our destinations, as well as offering corporate travel services that include regional incentive tours and congress arrangements.
Come and discover our world!
Products or Services
• Complete inbound travel services for agents or individual travellers.
• Travel agency services for expatriates and Thai residents.
• Package tours and tailor-made travel services to Indochina and regional Destinations.
• Worldwide hotel bookings, air-tickets and visa services.
• Corporate and business travel services for Thai or regional companies.
• Specialist meetings, incentive, conference and events (MICE) departments in Thailand and Indochina.
• Specialist adventure travel and school groups in Thailand and Indochina.
49% European
51% Thai
Senior Management
Mr. Hamish Keith, Managing Director
Mr. George Ehrlich-Adam, Chief Operating Officer
Board of Directors
Mr. Hamish Keith
Ms. Nongnass Waraddee
Ms. Yupin Charoensuk
BCCT Member Company Since 2013
199/59 Moo 9, Phuttamonthon Sai 4
Kratum Lom, Sam Phran
Nakon Pathom 73220
T: +66 (0) 81 286 8483 paul@expatsinbangkok.com www.expatsinbangkok.com
Chamber Representative
267/110, Sukhumvit Road
Rayong 21150
T: +66 (0) 3860 8151
F: +66 (0) 3860 8152 projects@ex-pect.com www.ex-pect.com
Chamber Representative A
A - Mr. Paul Jackson, Director
Expats In Bangkok is an online media company, providing local business directory and information services targeted at expatriates, focusing on International Schools and reputable useful local businesses. It provides a number of advertising products for companies wishing to reach these communities.
Products or Services
Offering advertising to any size of business. We offer free business listings. Facebook https://www.facebook.com/Expatsbangkok/
Mr. Paul Jackson
Senior Management
Mr. Paul Jackson
BCCT Member Company Since 2012
A - Mr. Gary Wight, Managing Director
A young dynamic company, Expect Asia Co., Ltd., was founded by a group of colleagues who have come together to pool their knowledge and experiences. The name derives from the services offered: EXpediting and insPECTion. Collectively they have many years of experience both within Thailand and Internationally.
Expect Asia Co., Ltd. is located in Map Ta Phut, Rayong province, Thailand, within convenient reached of Thailand's Eastern Seaboard and many of the business industrial estates in Thailand.
Expect Asia provides local presence for international clients mainly for the manufacturing/fabrication inspection of components such as pipes, fittings and fin tubes to the fabrication of complete equipment items such as furnace, columns, heaters, boilers, combustors stacks and ducting. Also other equipments pumps, crane, valves and electric motor and etc.
Expect Asia is accredited ISO 9001:2008 (Certificate number 37801) since 2009.
Products or Services
Expediting and inspection for the petrochemical construction industry.
Companies Represented
Foster Wheeler, JGC, PV Inspection, Intertek, Germancshier Lloyd, Petrochem Developments, GDDO( Korea), GNDE, Deltak, Fluor, SNC Lavalin, Samsung,
51% Thai
49% British
Senior Management
British director, Thai department heads and management
Board of Directors
Two British, five Thai
BCCT Member Company Since 2009
33rd Floor, Lake Rajada Office Complex
193/136-137 Rajadapisek Road
Klongtoey, Bangkok 10110
T: +66 (0) 2264 9090
F: +66 (0) 2264 0789, 2264 0790
ey.thailand@th.ey.com www.ey.com/th
A - Mr. Songdej Praditsmamont, Chairman
B - Mr. Ruth Chaowanagawi, Country Managing Partner
EY is a global leader in assurance, tax, transaction and advisory services. The insights and quality service we deliver help build trust and confidence in the capital markets and in economies the world over. We develop outstanding leaders who team to deliver on our promises to all of our stakeholders. In so doing, we play a critical role in building a better working world for our people, for our clients and for our communities. EY Thailand, a member firm of EY Global, was established in 1959 under the name Turquand Youngs & Co. – the first international accounting firm in the country. Today we have grown into a practice with 2,200 graduate-level staff, 280 of whom are also CPAs. We audit over 2,500 companies in Thailand of which approximately 190 are listed companies on the Stock Exchange of Thailand (SET) or 32% of all SET-listed companies. We also provide professional services to many of the largest local and international companies.
• External Audit
• International Financial Reporting Standards(IFRS)
• IT risk and Assurance
• Evaluation and Implementation of Internal Control Systems
• Enterprise Risk Management and Internal Audit Plan
• Performance Improvement
• Financial Services Risk Management
• Tax advisory and Compliance
• Tax efficiency and Tax planning
• Transfer Pricing
• Customs and International Trade Advisory
• Expatriate Tax Services
• Due Diligence and Structuring
• Valuation and Business Modelling
• Corporate Restructuring & Lead Advisory
EY worldwide
Senior Management
Mr. Songdej Praditsmanont, Chairman
Mr. Ruth Chaowanagawi, Country Managing Partner
Mrs. Yupa Wichitkraisorn, Partner
Mrs. Saifon Inkaew, Partner
Ms. Piyanuch Nitikasetsoonthorn, Partner
Ms.Narisara Phatanaphibul, Partner
Kasikorn Bank Public Company Limited
BCCT Member Company Since 1966
No 1 Jalan Jernai 7
Medan Idaman Gombak
Kuala Lumpur 53100
T: +60 123327567
info@falconmind.com www.falconmind.com
1 Empire Tower 2, 14th Floor Unit 1403, South Sathorn Road
Bangkok 10120
T: +66 (0) 2670 3902/3
F: +66 (0) 2670 3904 feic@feic-asia.com www.feic-asia.com
Chamber Representatives
A - Mr. Manmeet S Kalra,
B - Ms.
Managing Director Praveen Anansongvit, DirectorAt Falcon Mind, we conduct training that help individuals and organizations grow and nurture their talents. With the help of high quality coaching and soft skills training in human capital development and performance management, we turn middle managers into top leaders.
The Falcon Mind logo is synonymous to everything that personifies a Falcon – Success, Victory and Rising above any situation.
There is an outcry for interpersonal skills, taking initiatives, dependability, teamwork, self-management, and other soft skills within ANY organization. Fundamentally, employees who possess soft skills work well with others and display a positive work attitude in a professional work setting. We provide that service. We provide services that bridge the gap between fresh graduates, young professionals and employability.
Our training programs cover four very specific areas in your organization, which collectively further your company’s potential – Leadership Training, Soft Skills Training, Coaching and Performance Management Training.
Absolutely no one wants to walk into an office full of meeting hell, discontent amongst staff, poor decision making, and the list goes on. That’s why we at Falcon Mind help our clients soar towards unlocking their organization’s full potential.
Manmeet Kalra has a strong talent in developing talent and aspiring leaders through job role enrichment as well as through training, coaching and mentoring. With more than 15 years of extensive management experience, Manmeet has worked closely with company Directors as well as CEOs and CIOs, at the same time nurturing young talent within his previous management and consultancy roles. A respected walk the talk and highly motivated professional with strong applied knowledge in IT service delivery, service and vendor management, and service transitions – applying his expertise in data driven, long term strategic planning in all the organizations he has worked with.
Products or Services
Leadership Program and Training
Soft Skills Training
Professional Coach
Performance Management
BCCT Member Company Since 2018
A - Mr. Roger Ogden, Managing Director
B - Mr. Ben Brett, Manager
FEIC are an established, specialist Insurance and Reinsurance Broker, with a focus on the Aviation and Aviation related sector.
Products or Services
Insurance and Reinsurance
BCCT Member Company Since 2018
9/1 Moo 3, Thamakham, Amphur Muang
Kanchanaburi 71000
T: +66 (0) 3455 1000-23
F: +66 (0) 3455 1033 info@felixriverkwai.co.th www.felixriverkwai.co.th
Chamber Representatives B
A - Ms. Pimpatai Techachukiat, General Manager
B - Ms. Anchalee Kaewsakdanurak, Director of Sale
Felix River Kwai Resort Kanchanaburi
The resort is approximately 2 hours and 30 minute or 130 km. from Bangkok. The located just 10 minute walk from resort to the famous Bridge over the River Kwai.
Felix has comfortable accommodation comprising of 255 rooms and suites with river and garden view, settling in low-rise 3 stories of 20 villas, designed in a contemporary retro architecture with Thai influences, offering the ultimate retreat and business leisure. All rooms and suite are exceedingly spacious and featured large balconies of which some are overlooking the River Kwai and surrounded by lush tropical 53 acres gardens, a host of recreational activities including 2 Swimming Pools, a Spa, Fitness Centre, Tennis Courts, bicycles for the use of Guests and a wide range of Team Building Activities and Excursion options.
Meetings, corporate retreats, special catering requirements, and more can be arranged whether it is for business, leisure or other special occasions, including weddings, which can be arranged in one of indoor venues, 11 meeting rooms and convention hall. The capacity is from 30 up to 800 guests seating. Felix has prided itself with experiences of serving royal gala and high profile catering and special ministerial events.
2 Swimming pool, 7 Outlet of Restaurant & Bars, Room Service 24 hrs., The Spa, Tennis Court, Fitness & Gym, Bicycle, Sauna, Rafting, Cooking Class, fruits carving, library, biking, jogging, cultural programs, games, baby day-care service, children’s activity, transportation, valet parking, ATM service, foreign exchange, tour excursions, canoeing, tracking, golfing and fine wine shop.
BCCT Member Company Since 2018
153/3 4th Floor, A-4, GoldenLand Building
Soi Mahardlekluang 1, Radjamri Road
Lumpini, Phathumwan, Bangkok 10330
T: +66 (0) 81841 6059
FiddAsia Advisory is a consulting company in private management offering services to Expatriates of all nationality in Thailand and the South East Asia region through a network of independent consultant. Consulting services range from local and regional investment in properties, established companies and start-ups,B2B, sustainable economy like plantations and “à la carte” solution…
FiddAsia Advisory is also having a partnership with a leading consulting company with over 20 years of experience in private management for French people living abroad. The company is offering services such as asset management, tax follow-ups and solutions for the French residents and nonresidents. The company has an independent network of asset management consultant located in France and in more than 40 countries.
Asia Plantation Capital; is a leading operator of sustainably managed forestry and agricultural plantations, from project evaluation through to plantation management and forestry product distribution. APC believe that contributing positively to society and the environment is as important as securing profit for shareholders and investors. APC has also developped Fragrance du Bois, a luxury boutique perfume house that creates exclusive bespoke Oud-based fragrances for the international market. www.asiaplantationcapital.com
Incomlend is a unique international online invoice exchange platform connecting SMEs and private funders on a global level for the repurchase of export trade receivables.
Incomlend allows exporting SMEs to benefit from an alternative and rapidly adaptable source of funding according to their needs. At the same time, Incomlend offers new opportunities to different investors seeking to get superior return on their short-term liquidities as compared to existing options.
Either you are a business seeking fast funds advance against your export receivables, or an investor looking to optimize short term yield on your liquid cash, Incomlend can serve your interests.
FiddAsia is the result of field experience over 25 years in expatriation, traveling around the globe mainly in Asia and the observation of the overall development needs of all expatriates regardless of their country of origin. Today expatriate communities became sedentary mainly through professional opportunities but also personal matters and thus wish to participate more and benefit from the economic development of their country of adoption that often offers better prospects.
BCCT Member Company Since 2018
163 Unit F, 18th Floor, Unit F Ocean Insurance Building
Surawongse Road, Kwang Suriyawongse
Khet Bangrak, Bangkok 10500
T: +66 (0) 2266 3260-2
F: +66 (0) 2266 3266
Finnair.bkk@finnair.com www.finnair.com
Chamber Representatives B
A - Ms. Nantiya Wongrojaree, General Manager Thailand and IndochinaOn blue and white wings since 1923 Finnair is a network airline specializing in passenger and cargo traffic between Asia and Europe. Helsinki's geographical location provides us a natural competitive advantage, as the fastest routes between many destinations in Europe and mega-cities in Asia go through Helsinki.
Our global network
Together with our Oneworld partners we offer more than 1000 destinations worldwide in nearly 160 countries. Learn more about our destinations at finnair.com/destinations.
The shortest route between Asia and Europe, with timetables designed to fit business schedules. You'll arrive at your destination refreshed and ready for the days ahead.
Helsinki Airport is small but perfectly formed. Making transfers extremely fast and convenient. Enjoy an airport that is compact and convenient, with just one terminal and three runways.
Functionality meets style at an airport that international surveys have placed at the top of the European league for over ten years.
Products or Services
Our young and modern fleet
Finnair was the first European airline to fly the new Airbus A350 XWB aircraft in November 2015.
Our youngest fleets in Europe and each new Airbus A350 plane even quieter and lighter, spending less fuel per seat thus creating less CO2 emissions. We fly A350 from BKK daily, and double daily in the winter schedule.
The more you fly, the more you save.
It is an easy and budget-friendly solution for cost conscious company customers. Your company can enjoy discounts on flight tickets immediately after joining, and the flexible ticket types allow for last-minute changes.
Join now! at www.finnair.com; or, call us. Tel: 02 2663260-2. We are ready to serve!
BCCT Member Company Since 2006
Level 22, Unit 2202, Pacific Place 2 142 Sukhumvit Road, Klongtoey
Bangkok 10110
T: +66 (0) 2653 2947
F: +66 (0) 2653 2948
apratama@fircroft.com www.fircroft.com
Chamber Representatives
A - Mr. Russell Marland, Regional Manager
B - Ms. Supavadee Sutummikorn, Country Manager
Fircroft is a global workforce solutions provider to the technical engineering sectors. Since 1970 Fircroft has been serving the biggest names in Oil & Gas, Petrochemical & Chemical, ICT, Mining & Minerals, Infrastructure & Construction, Power, Nuclear & Utilities and Automotive. Over 10,000 contractors trust Fircroft to take care of their careers.
Fircroft offers clients and contractors alike a comprehensive range of services and support from our 50 global offices, including Contract and Permanent Recruitment, Managed Service Provision, Onsite Management, Benchmarking, Talent Mapping & Pooling, Payroll, Contractor Logistics & Support and Global Consultancy Services. Fircroft has nearly half a century of experience connecting people to power the world.
Products or Services
Manpower Management, Contract & Permanent Recruitment to various sectors such as Oil & Gas, Power & Energy, ICT, Construction & Infrastructure, Petrochemical & Chemical and Rail & Automotive.
Senior Management
Russell Marland, Business Manager SEA
Supavadee Sutummikorn, Business Manager
Rapeeporn Somwong, Financial Controller SEA
Board of Directors
See www.fircroft.com
Bankers HSBC
BCCT Member Company Since 2014
3rd–4th Floor, Sathorn Square Office Tower
98 North Sathorn Road, Silom
Bangrak, Bangkok 10500
T: +66 (0) 2118 6600
F: +66 (0) 2118 6699 mark.buchanan@fitnessfirst.co.th www.fitnessfirst.co.th
23 Soi Chalermprakiat Rama 9 Soi 9, Sub-soi 2, Nongbon Prawet, Bangkok 10250
T: +66 (0) 2748 1900-4
F: +66 (0) 2748 1905 info@paulaner-thailand.com, sale.paulaner@paulaner-thailand.com www.paulaner-thailand.com
Chamber Representatives
- Mr. Mark Elliott Buchanan, Managing Director B - Ms. Puangpen Virojumporn, Financial Director
"Fitness First started as a single health and fitness club in Bournemouth, United Kingdom in 1993. It is now one of the largest fitness brands in the world and the largest in Southeast Asia with more than 100 Fitness First clubs across Hong Kong, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, and Thailand. Fitness First (Thailand) is the countries leading Fitness provider – hosting over 7 million world class exercise experiences per year across 33 clubs by the end of 2018. The latest branch, The Zone at Central World is now open, showcasing unique HR technology and boutique class concepts, Central Hat Yai opens in September and a new Club Class concept at Icon Siam will follow. Members can enjoy a huge variety of workouts, 24000 classes per month across 75 class types. Our team of over 1500 coaches and fitness professionals ensure that each and every workout is special - we strive to fire our members motivation and ensure progress towards their goals. The company will also be introducing a new and exciting fitness brand during the coming year. Celebrity Fitness will be making its debut with innovative engaging exercise experiences being introduced to the Thai market. Fitness
First was awarded Aon Best Employer award in 2017."
For corporate inquiry, please contact Mr. Tarapong Tuajaroen, Corporate Wellness and Partnership Manager Tel: +66 (0) 2188 6600 Ext 650 M: +66 (0) 86 976 3227 E-mail: tarapong. tuajaroen@fitnessfirst.co.th
We currently have 31 clubs in Thailand, with the expansion of approximately 2-3 clubs every year. Our operating clubs are: Platinum clubs1.Landmark Plaza 4th Fl., Landmark Bangkok (66) 2653 24242; Q-House Lumpini Tower 3rd Fl., Life Center, Q-House Lumpini Tower (66) 2677 71333; Bio-House Sukhumvit 39 8th Fl. Bio-House Bldg. (66) 2262 0520-24; Siam Paragon 4th Fl. Siam Paragon (66) 2610 67775; Sathorn Square 2nd-3rd Fl. Sathorn Square Bldg. (66) 2 118 66006; AIA Capital Centre 3rd Fl. (66) 2002 7999 Premium clubs7; The Mall Ngamwongwan 15th Fl. (66) 2550 1020-98; The Mall Bangkae 4th Fl. Fun Park Zone (66) 2803 8388-999; The Mall Bangkapi 4th Fl. Water Park (66) 2377 929210; The Mall Thapra 4th Fl. Cinema Zone (66) 2477 737711; Future Park Rangsit 3rd Fl. Central Zone (66) 2958 625512; Seacon Square 4th Fl. Next to EGV (66) 2720 199913; Central Pinklao 5th Fl. Plaza Area (66) 2884 7820 2714; Central City Bangna 36-37th Fl. Tower (66) 2 745 6040-515; Central Plaza Rama3 6th Fl. IT City Zone (66) 2 673 6085-8816; Central Plaza Rattanathibet 2nd Fl. Index Bldg. (66) 2969 990017; Homepro Petchkasem b/w Pectchkasem Soi 102 and 104 (66) 2807 477718; The Mall Korat 3rd Fl. near MCC Hall (66) 44 393 60019; Central Chaengwattana 6th Fl. Food Center Zone (66) 2101 030020; Central Chonburi 3rd Fl. Central Chonburi (66) 33 00299921; Central Khon Kaen 4th Fl. Central Khon Kaen (66) 43 288 43322; Central Rama9 7th Fl. Central Rama9 (66) 2 160 290023; Mega Bangna 1st Fl. Mega Bangna (66) 2 105 119024; Terminal 21 6th Fl. Terminal 21 (66)
2 108 033325; Central Udon Thani 3rd – 4th Fl. Central Udon Thani (66) 4 2223 44426; The Crystal Ratchapruek 3rd Fl. (66) 2102 567827; The Promenade 4th Fl. (66) 2947 602228; The Crystal Ramindhra 3rd Fl. (66) 2116 6053; Central Plaza Rama2 4th Fl. (66) 2 032 2133; Zone CentralWorld 3rd Fl. Forum Zone (66) 2096 9595
Upcoming club in 2018; Central Festival Hat Yai 1st Fl. (66) 74 818 700; ICON Siam
BCCT Member Company Since 2008
A - Ms. Kanpitcha Kongsombat, Executive Director
B - Mr. Walter Kenneth Whitty, Managing Director
Distributor of beverage products including beers,wines. champagnes and spirits.
Products or Services
Distributor of beverage products including beers, wines, champagnes and spirits;
• Sole Representative of Paulaner, Hacker-Pschorr, Hopf, in Thailand.
• Sole Representative of Fuller's Beers in Thailand.
• Sole Representative of Cornish Orchard Cider in Thailand
• Sole Representative of Abbona Wines in Thailand.
Owner and operator of Paulaner Garden Restaurant & Beergarten in Srinakharin Road.
Danmark Co., Ltd. is exclusive importer of Paulaner beers/Germany and Fuller's beers/UK and Abbona wine/Piemonte Italy
51% Thai
49% Irish
Senior Management
Mrs. Ratchadawan Sinsukchai, General Manager
Board of Directors
Mr. Walter Kenneth Whitty/Senior Partner
Managing Director
Ms. Kanpitcha Kongsombat/Senior Partner Executive Director
Kasikorn Bank, Siam commercial bank, Bank of Ayudhya. Bangkok Bank
BCCT Member Company Since 2011
15/1 (3rd Floor)
Sukhumvit soi 3, Klong Toey Nua Wattana, Bangkok 10110 gareth.davies@fluxus.io www.fluxus.io
Chamber Representative
22nd floor, Ocean Tower 1 170/69, Rachadapisek Road
Klongtoey, Bangkok 10110
T: +66 (0) 2261 3164-67
F: +66 (0) 2261 3168
malinee.pairote@foseco.com www.foseco.com
Chamber Representative
A - Mr. Gareth Davies, Managing Director
Fluxus Thailand is a full-service digital agency with creative technology consultants overseeing its four core business units: Technology, Creative, Marketing, and Consultancy.
Founded in 2015 to complement an existing London-based consultancy, Fluxus Thailand has established itself as a digital partner for large and growing Thai enterprises.
Globally, Fluxus serves a client base that includes multinational media, publishing and news organisations, and fast-growing startups. Our team have been involved in some of the world's largest and most complex digital enterprise projects.
We specialise in our technological development processes, where we focus on aligning the needs of all stakeholders with business goals. Our approach encourages a deeper understanding of business goals - not just what a client is building, but why - allowing us to continually deliver value
Products or Services
• Corporate Identity & Brand Development
• Digital Advertising & art direction
• Web Design
• App Design
• UX (user experience)
• Viral Marketing
• Creative writing
• Videos
• Photography Technology
• Websites
• Apps
• Ecommerce
• Data Analytics
100% British
Board of Directors
Mr. Gareth Davies
Mr. Django Beatty
Mr. Rob Knight
Financial Details
Thai BOI Promoted Company
• Performance
• Systems Integration
• Auditing & Compliance Marketing
• Campaign Analysis
• Research
• Market research
• Strategy
• Tech Writing
• IoT
• Smart City
• Project Management
A - Mr. Pirmporn Roektammakit, General Manager
Foseco (Thailand) Ltd. is a subsidiary of Foseco Plc, U.K.
Foseco is the world's leading supplier of special chemicals and materials technology to the foundry industry, under Foundry Division of Vesuvius Group. Principal markets are Steel and Iron Foundries, Non-Ferrous Foundries. Foseco has operations in 34 countries worldwide and in the Asia-Pacific region has companies in Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Vietnam, New Zealand, Australia, China, Japan, Korea, Taiwan and India.
Products or Services
Ferrous & non-ferrous metal treatment chemicals, molten metal feeding systems, refractory coatings, sand mould & core resin binders, inoculants, recarburisers, ferrous & non-ferrous molten metal filters, die-casting lubricants, aluminium degassing machines & consumables, ductile iron nodularisers, refractories for ferrous and non-ferrous applications, aluminium grain refining & modifying alloys, ferrous & non-ferrous linings and flow controls, non-ferrous crucibles and foundry equipments.
Vesuvius Plc.
Foseco International Holding (Thailand) Ltd.
Loxley Public Company Limited
Foseco(Thailand)Ltd is a joint venture with
• Loxley Public Company Ltd
• Foseco International Holding(Thailand)Ltd
• Vesuvius (Thailand) Ltd.
Senior Management
Mr. Pirmporn Roektammakit, General Manager
Ms. Ratchadaporn Nilpradub, Finance Manager
Board of Directors
Mr. Suebtrakul Soonthornthum, Chairman
Mr. B N Chaterjee, MD
Ms. Patra Laohapolwatana, Director
Mr. Sanjay Mathur, Director
Mr. Witthichat Norasetthekul, Director
Standard Chartered Bank
Thai Farmers Bank
BCCT Member Company Since 1992
4 Sukhumvit 15, Sukhumvit Road
Klongtoey-Nua, Wattana
Bangkok 10110
T: +66 (0) 2309 3000
F: +66 (0) 2309 3010 fourpoints.sukhumvit15@fourpoints.com www.fourpointsbangkoksukhumvit.com
Chamber Representatives B
A - Mr. Carl Nicholas Volschenk, General Manager
B - Ms. Duangjai Kaewprajam, Director of Sales and Marketing
Four Points by Sheraton Bangkok, Sukhumvit 15
Strategically located right in the heart of Bangkok, just a few minutes' from Asok BTS Skytrain Station and Sukhumvit MRT Subway Station, Four Points by Sheraton Bangkok, Sukhumvit 15 boasts great convenience and easy access to all major tourist attractions and local shopping and dining venues. Harmoniously combining comfort and functionality with fun and stylish décor, the hotel features 268 gorgeously designed guest rooms and suites well-appointed with quality amenities. Enjoy the simple pleasures at one of their restaurants and bars, stay fit and healthy at the 24-hour fitness center, or refresh yourself with a dip in their rooftop infinity edge swimming pool.
Four Points by Sheraton Bangkok, Sukhumvit 15 promises a good night's sleep with 268 guest rooms and suites fully equipped with all amenities for the guests' comfort and convenience. Aside from the cozy poolside rooftop bar 'amBar', there are also an all-day dining restaurant 'The Eatery' and a relaxed and friendly beer pub called 'The Drunken Leprechaun' located on the ground floor of the hotel. The hotel is an ideal place for quality accommodation, contemporary and fun dining options and impeccable service.
Destination Resorts Company Limited
Mr. Carl Nicholas Volschenk, General Manager
Ms. Duangjai Kaewprajam, Director of Sales and Marketing
BCCT Member Company Since 2010
6 Battery Road #16-04/05
Singapore 049909
T: +65 (0) 6225 0825
martin.wright@thefrygroup.sg www.thefrygroup.sg
Chamber Representative
A - Mr. Martin Wright, Consultant
Established in 1898, we have been working with British expatriates in Thailand since the early 1960's providing common sense and bespoke UK tax, estate planning, retirement and investment solutions.
Products or Services
Private client financial planning - incorporates UK tax compliance, inheritance tax planning, retirement planning and general financial planning. Full licence, regulation and independence offers our clients superior service and protection.
Board of Directors
Mr. Stephen Tucker, Managing Director
Mr. Richard Butler, Director
Mr. Jeremy Woodley, Director
Mr. Aidan Bailey, Director
BCCT Member Company Since 1996
1035/22 Sukhumvit 71 Road, Klongton Nua, Wattana Bangkok 10110
T: +66 (0)2713 2657/9
F: +66 (0)2713 2658
info@ges-solutions.com www.ges-solutions.com
Chamber Representatives
Floor 11th, Charn Issara Tower II New Petchburi Road, Bangkapi Huaykwang, Bangkok 10310
T: +66 (0)2020 2400
F: +66 (0)2020 2416
customerservices.ss@th.g4s.com www.g4s.co.th
Chamber Representative
A - Ms. Nattanicha Suwannasaksin, Managing DirectorBackground
G.E.S. Solutions Co., Ltd. (G.E.S.) was incorporated in 2003 and commenced full time operation early in 2004. The founding Principal of the company, Stuart Dugard, has gained experience from more than 30 years of employment within the construction industry on varied and numerous projects in the UK and internationally, with over 20 years of this experience acquired in Thailand. Since 2004 the majority of G.E.S.'s commissions have been for Clients as their independent Quantity Surveyor on projects including small to large private residences, schools, commercial buildings, major infrastructure projects, hotels, resorts, apartments and industrial works. Our Clients range from private individuals to major international blue chip companies. We have extensive experience in Thailand together with projects located in Cambodia and Myanmar, we have also provided specific QS services for projects located in Australia, Papua New Guniea and Singapore.
Products or Services
G.E.S. have been providing professional and independent Quantity Surveying, Contract & Commercial Management services in SE Asia since 2004.Quantity surveyors are the financial consultants of the construction industry whose training and experience qualify them to advise on cost and contractual arrangements and to prepare contract documents. They act in liaison with architects, consulting engineers and contractors to safeguard the client's interest.
BCCT Member Company Since 2016
G4S Public Limited Company (UK)
G4S is the world's leading global, integrated security company specializing in the delivery of security and related services to customers across six continents. G4S plc is one of the world's largest global networks of security operations worldwide, with 700,000 full and part time employees, operations in more than 120 countries.
G4S Security Services (Thailand) Limited. (Subsidiary to G4S Plc)
Established since 1982 G4S Thailand has over 30 Years of Local Experience. With more than 18,000+ staff G4S Thailand offers a complete range of services to provide total security solutions designed to meet customer needs. We operate in four key areas:
Manned Security Services, Facility Management Services, Electronic Security Solutions, Risk consulting, www.g4s.com, www.g4s.co.th
Our Services in Thailand
• Manned Security Services
• Manned Security, Security Guard Services, Close Protection Services, X-Ray Screening Operations, Event Security, Key holding & Alarm Response, Night Patrol, Other Security Services
• Facilities Management Services
Driver, Maid Service, Messenger, Operator, Cleaning Service, Receptionist, Administrator, ATM Cleaning
• Electronic Security Solutions
Access Control, CCTV Systems (including IP based), Intruder Detection Systems, Biometric Systems, Time and Attendance, Automatic Gates and Barriers, Fire Detection Systems, Fire Suppression Systems, Emergency Lighting, Metal Detectors, X-Ray Baggage Systems, Narcotic & Explosive Detectors, ID Cards and Systems, Central Monitoring & Vehicle Tracking Asset Management Systems
• Risk consulting
Security Risk Management Crisis Management, Crisis Management, Travel & Event Risk Management, Corporate Intelligence, Risk Information, Fraud Prevention & Integrity Risk Management, Integrity Risk, Brand & IP Risk, Cyber Security Cyber / Information Security
G4S Plc. UK
Senior Management
51% Thai
Mrs. Nattanicha Suwannasaksin Managing Director
Mr. Kanchit Nabangchang Manned Security Services Director
Mr. Komol Panmongkol Facilities Services Director
Board of Directors
Mr. Sanjay Verma
Mr. Anuwong Sidhisariputra
Ms. Nattanicha Suwannasaksin
Mr. Komol Panmongkol
Bankers Bank of America Kasikorn bank
Financial Details
Registered Capital: 99,600,000 Baht
Paid up Capital: 99,600,000 Baht
BCCT Member Company Since 1999
MBf Taylors Limited.
188/24 Moo 4, Pala-Ban Chang Road
Tambon Pala, Amphur Ban Chang, Rayong 21130
T: +66 (0) 3803 0808-9
F: +66 (0) 3803 0805 enquiries@gardenrayong.com www.gardenrayong.com
999 Ploenchit Road
Lumpini, Pathumwan
Bangkok 10330
T: +66 (0)2656 1516
F: +66 (0)2656 1501
Chamber Representative
Garden International School, Thailand, was established in 1994, to serve the educational needs of the children of the growing international community living in and around the Eastern Seaboard. Within a year the school had grown considerably due to increasing number of expatriates in Ban Chang, as a result of the establishment of the growing industrial sites situated nearby. The school was registered with the Thai Ministry of Eduation in 1994 and with the United Kingdom's Department for Education and Skills in 1995. GIS was a founding member of FOBISIA (Federation of British International Schools in Asia) in 1997, and gained accreditation from the IBO (International Baccalaureate Organisation) in 1998. Garden International School had its first group of students sit for the International General Certificate of Secondary Education (IGCSE) in June 1996 and its first International Baccalaureate Diploma candidates in June 1999. In 2012 GIS became the first school in the region to be fully accredited by the Council of International Schools (CIS).
Products or Services
We are a highly successful British international school that provides a worldclass education to children from the ages of 2 to 18. GIS is based in the quiet town of Ban Chang and offers a peaceful, safe and rural environment for your children.
GIS is the only school in the region with full accreditation from the Council of International Schools (CIS). We offer a curriculum that uses the British system as a framework and is modified to suit the needs of our international intake. The curriculum is delivered by our experienced, skilled and highly qualified professional staff. Our students consistently achieve well above international standards in the IGCSE and International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma examinations.
We are a family oriented community and our students come from more than 40 countries, making us international in every sense. Most of our students live in the surrounding communities of Ban Chang, Sattahip, Rayong and Pattaya, with our boarding students hailing from all four corners of the globe. We have premium facilities that include two swimming pools, four fullyequipped science laboratories, three ICT suites, dedicated music, art and drama rooms in addition to a well-stocked library. We offer Boarding to students on a long or short-term basis.
Garden International School, Bangkok Rayong English Programme School Companies Represented
Garden Education Sdn. Bhd. (Malaysia) Smart Start Stars (Malaysia)
MBf Taylors Limited
Senior Management
Mr. James Abraham, General Manager
Mrs. Dinah Hawtree, Principal
Board of Directors
51% Thai, 49% Malaysian
Miss Shanti Lourdenadin Mr. Khew Ham Hoe
Tanachart Bank, Rayong Branch/ Kasikorn Bank, Banchang Branch
BCCT Member Company Since 2018
A Joint venture company between Gaysorn Group and Hongkong Land Limited. Nature of business is property and retail management. Currently running retail management for GAYSORN, a luxury shopping center in Bangkok.
Gaysorn Shopping Centre's unique international style includes world-class brands that are recognised for providing benchmarks of highest quality. Gaysorn is the home of international flagship stores in Bangkok including: Louis Vuitton, Gucci, Prada, Dior, Fendi, Celine, Emilio Pucci, Loewe, La Perla, Dunhill, Hugo Boss, Ermenegildo Zegna. Besides, there are popular cuttingedge fashion from leading Thai designers such as Tango, Senada Theory, Fly Now, GGub, Zenithorial, Olivia Diamonds, Disaya, Sretsis, and Matina Amanita. Gaysorn also provides unique home décor and collectable arts stores, a wide selection of well known jewellers, five-star spa and beauty services, and a variety of exclusive dining experiences from stylish cafes to luxury restaurants.
It is a shopping destination for those with a cosmopolitan lifestyle providing a respite from the chaos of Bangkok in a calm, refined and relaxed environment. The pleasure of shopping at Gaysorn Shopping Centre is enhanced by personalized service provided by a dedicated team of valets, multi-lingual concierges, and Lifestyle Consultant offering the highest levels of quality of service from fashion, style, and gifts for all occasions.
Gaysorn Group
Gaysorn Land Co., Ltd.
Gaysorn Property Co., Ltd.
49% British
51% Thai
Senior Management
Mr. Charn Srivikorn, Chief Executive Officer
Mr. Fafuen Temboonkiat, Managing Director
Mr. Edward Michael Barrow, General Manager
Siam Commercial bank
BCCT Member Company Since 2011
Ground Floor, Unit 110 Jewelry Trade Centre 919/1 Silom Road
Bangkok 10500
T: +66 (0) 2630 0054
F: +66 (0) 2630 0006 apbrooke@hotmail.com www.gemdreams.co.th
Chamber Representative
GEMS Education Bldg, Sheikh Zayed Rd., Dubai 8607
T: +97 143477770
F: +97 143403377
bradley.jones@Gemseducation.com www.gemseducation.com
A - Mr. Bradley Jones, Director, Global Business Development
Gem Dreams Co Ltd has been based in Thailand since 1985 and was established as a gemstone trading and mining company. The owner Anthony Brooke, is CEO of Richland Resources, a sapphire mining company listed on the London stock exchange and also Vice President of the Thai Gems and Jewelry Traders Association.
Rough rubies and sapphires are sourced primarily in Africa where Gem Dreams previously operated a sapphire and ruby mine in Tanzania. Gem Dreams is a sight holder with Gemfields, the worlds largest ruby mining company and also a supplier of choice for the Piaget brand.
Gem Dreams supplies faceted gemstones to a variety of jewelry manufacturers and retail jewelers worldwide, however, individuals wishing to purchase jewelry or gemstones are most welcome to visit the main office on Silom Road, where a wholesale gemstone and retail jewelry shop is to be found on the ground floor of the Jewelry Trade Centre.
Products or Services
Wholesale and retail gemstones and jewellery
Richland Resources Ltd, Bermuda. Capricorn Sapphires Pty Ltd, Australia. World Gem Supplies Ltd, Tanzania.
Companies Represented
Thai Gem and Jewelry Traders Association.
Vice President,in charge of overseas development for Europe, Central and South America and Africa.
49% British
51% Thai
Senior Management
Mr. Anthony Brooke, Owner/Managing Director
Mrs. Chamlong Thapchai, Manager
Bangkok Bank
BCCT Member Company Since 2005
GEMS is the largest K-12 education operator in the world with a global network of award-winning schools. Globally, GEMS educates over 250,000 students from 173 nationalities and employs over 20,000 education specialists and staff from over 115 countries. GEMS is the biggest employer of British teachers in the world, outside of the UK, and the majority of our schools around the world are British curriculum.
Products or Services
Private and international schools, offering national, British, IB, US and other curricula, at a range of price points.
Companies Represented
GEMS; GEMS Global; The Varkey Foundation
Family-run business. Chairman and Founder: Sunny Varkey
BCCT Member Company Since 2017
161/1 8th Floor, SG Tower
Rajdamri Road, Lumpini
Pathumwan, Bangkok 10330
T: +66 (0) 2651 9575
F: +66 (0) 2651 8854 salisa.r@generaloutsourcing.co.th www.generaloutsourcing.co.th
Chamber Representative
102 Mitcham Lane, Statham London SW16 6NR
T: +44 7842396876
gilbert@gillsummers.com www.gillsummers.com
general outsourcing Company Limited, go, was founded in 2005 with a registered capital of 50 million baht(Paid up capital). The major objective is to offer consultation and services in payroll processing, HR & Benefit Administration, Employee Welfare as well as web-based employee self-service.
Products or Services
Payroll Outsourcing & Related Compliance Works
Web-based Employee Self Services
Time Attendance Management Services
HR/Benefit Administration Services
Employee Welfare Loans
Information Security Advisory Service
Mr. Nat Sarasas
Mr. Asa Sarasas
Senior Management
Dr. Chaiyong Satjipanon
Ms. Sauwaros Boonbanchachoke
Board of Directors
Mr. Nat Sarasas
Mr. Asa Sarasas
Dr. Chaiyong Satjipanon
Ms. Sauwaros Boonbanchachoke
Ms. Kantima Charoenprasert
BCCT Member Company Since 2018
In the last few years GILLSUMMERS have built a network of contacts and a team that has extensive knowledge of supporting companies and foreign investors. We are a global consulting and investment business, which is deeply committed to unearthing Ghana’s potential with the aspirations and goals of uniting Africa’s finest natural produce. The way in which this has been achieved, is to select a variety of industries and develop their model start ups, supporting them to define their investment strategies, implementing valid assessments and of course obtaining findings, which goes hand in hand with developing a financial and operational plan.
• We are licensed to export and supply cocoa beans to Europe and Asia and working on project with cocoa board.
• Have obtain mining concessions ( for both Gold and components minerals for smartphones, Iron Ore )
• Working with three UK insurers firms to setup branches in Accra.
• Helping investors obtain lands for Hotels construction and farming projects in Ghana.
• Assisting local farmers to export their products to the UK and Europe.
• Currently supporting the Liberia government to install and operate plastic recycling plants to generate electricity and solar power.
Not only can GILLSUMMERS offer the above listed but we also assist companies to raise capital and increase their transparency and investor’s information. I am positive you would agree that it all can be developed further, especially to encourage and support both UK and local businesses and employment, in turn combining the two along with Ghana’s exceptional natural resources. I am proud to say that GILLSUMMERS has supported securities exchange, private equity and investors to develop the markets themselves, systems and also channels to speed this flow of investment. As a growing company, we are extremely passionate about future growth and we are always keeping an eye out for the next remarkable ideas and businesses.
Those that share our vision and have Africa’s UK’s and Asia’s best interest at heart. We take pride in building relationships with those who know the true meaning of hard work and dedication and thrive off the challenge of growing their business from scratch and successfully transforming it into global success and recognition.
Gilbert Yirenkyi
Email: gilbert@gillsummers.com; yirenkyi28@gmail.com
Phone: UK +44 (0) 7842396876, THAILAND +66 (0) 929105032, GHANA +233(0) 502220332
BCCT Member Company Since 2018
Eastern Seaboard Industrial Estate
64/9 Moo 4, Tambon Pluakdaeng
Amphur Pluakdaeng
Rayong 21140
T: +66 (0) 3895 4965-70
Chamber Representative
A - Mr. Jonathan Michael Rose, Vice President Operations
GKN is a global engineering group. We design, manufacture and service systems and components for the world's manufacturers.
Every day we drive the wheels of hundreds of millions of cars, we help thousands of aircraft to fly, we deliver the power to move earth and harvest crops, and we make essential components for industries that touch lives across the globe. – Engineering that moves the world.
Discover more: www.gkn.com
GKN Driveline (Thailand) Ltd.
GKN in Thailand is a BOI promoted company and has two modern manufacturing facilities located on the Eastern Seaboard Industrial Estate. It has been manufacturing CVJ sideshafts and components since 1997 with the forging facility in operation since 2003. Since 2013 it is also produces geared components in a newly established plant. Principle customers include Auto Alliance, Ford, GM, Hino, Honda, Mitsubishi, Nissan, and Toyota. Component export to Australia, Japan, Korea, India and ASEAN form a growing part of the business.
Products or Services
The manufacture and sale of CVJ and AWD systems for passenger cars, both for Thai and export markets.
The GKN Group has companies and joint ventures in more than 30 countries.
100% GKN
Mr. Jon Rose, Vice President Operation
Mr. Pongsak Paraprom, RAY Plant Director
Mr. Yasuhiro Naoi, RTS Plant Director
Mr. Suthep Puisalee, Senior Human Resource Manager
Board of Directors
Mr. Adam Touhig, Senior Vice President Asia Pacific Region
Mr. Jon Rose, Vice President Operation Director
Mr. Pongsak Paraprom, RAY Plant Director
Mr. Yasuhiro Naoi, RTS Plant Director
Deutsche Bank
Financial Details
Registered capital 1,078,500,000 Baht
Paid up capital 1,078,500,000 Baht
BCCT Member Company Since 1997
12th Floor, Wave Place, 55 Wireless Road
Lumpini, Patumwan
Bangkok 10330
T: +66 (0) 2659 3000 www.gsk.com
A - Mr. Viriya Chongphaisal, General Manager
B - Ms. Callie Bangyekan, BU Director and Director Communications & Government Affairs
GSK has been operating in Thailand over 50 years. We are a science-led global healthcare company with a mission to help people do more, feel better and live longer.
Over the past 50 years in Thailand, GSK has given the highest priority to providing quality healthcare products for Thai people, the most important driving force for national development. We have remained strongly committed to improving the quality of people's lives through a wide variety of activities. Under GSK's corporate "Access to Medicine" initiative, we work with many partners to bring access to healthcare to Thai people to create a society of sharing. The GSK Medicine Bank, partner with the Thai Red Cross Society, provides good health to the underprivileged. The Nursing Excellence Programme, in collaboration with the Praboromarajchanok Institute for Health Workforce Development provides scholarships to underprivileged nurse students.
Products or Services
We research, manufacture and make available a broad range of medicines, vaccines and consumer healthcare products. we are the market leader in several products such as general respiratory disease, asthma, allergy, antibiotics, anti-viral therapeutic, and the variety of vaccines provide protection for everybody from newborn infants to the elderly and include HPV vaccine, Rotavirus vaccine and IPD vaccine.
BCCT Member Company Since 1988
Global Doctor (TMVC) Clinic Bangkok (Travel Doctor)
Holiday Inn Silom, Ground Floor
981 Silom Road, Bangkok 10500
T: +66 (0) 2236 8442-4
F: +66 (0) 2236 8445
gdbkk@globaldoctorclinic.com www.globaldoctorclinic.com
Chamber Representatives
446/9, Soi 20 Mithuna, Pracharatbampen, Huaykwang, Bangkok 10310
T: +66 (0) 2277 6000
B: +66 (0) 2277 3399 paisan@qetour.com, thanate@go365travel.com www.goholidaytour.com
A - Dr. Sumait Premmanisakul, Medical Director
B - Dr. Nilarat Premmanisakul, Managing Director
Global Doctor Clinic is an international Travelers clinic with 2 branches in Bangkok, Silom and Asoke. Global Clinic is affiliated with TMVC clinic of Australia. (www.traveldoctor.com.au)
A larger portion of Global Doctor's clients consists of expatriates residing in Bangkok and international travelers.
Products or Services
• General Practitioners
• House Calls 24-hours
• Family Medicine
• Vaccinations
• Aviation Medicine
• Pilot Licensing Check Up (CASA, FAA)
• Work Permit Check Up
• Hospital Referrals and Second Opinions
• Smoke cessation programs
• Check Ups, regular, pre-and post travel, STD
• Occupational Medicine
• International Primary Medical Care&Vaccinations
• Aviation Medicine
• In Office Medical Clinic
• Travel Medicine
• AED implemental
TMVC Australia (Travel Doctor)
100 % Thai
BCCT Member Company Since 2009
A - Mr. Thanapol Cheewarattanaporn, Managing Director
B - Mr. Thanate Suphavittayakorn, General Manager
Our company has established since 30 March 2006, the company was built by the experts of travelling and services. We have got IATA no.11/06236 first of all we have started inbound business with Chinese, Taiwanese, Malasian, Hong Kong etc.
Afetr we do the inbound business, our managements have visions of this business so we have expanded our business to outbound, we have the experts team and services around the world such as Thailand, China, Taiwan, Mynmar,Japan,Laos, Vietnam, Singapore, Korea, Europe,Australia, Russia etc., we have done for all businesses concernes with our outbound tours. We do incentive groups, technical visit, relaxation, honeymooners and cruises. We are also a representative offices(BSP) of many airlines such as Vietjet, Spice Jet.
Established March 30, 2006
Investment THB 5,000,000(Full amount payment)
Managing director Mr.Thanapol Cheewaratanaporn
BCCT Member Company Since 2014
494 Rajdamri Road
Bangkok 10330
T: +66 (0) 2254 1234
F: +66 (0) 2254 6308 bangkok.grand@hyatt.com www.bangkok.grand.hyatt.com
Chamber Representative
14 Coates Crescent Edinburgh EH37AF UK
T: +44 (0) 131 215 1100 invest@gp-invest.com www.gp-invest.com
A - Ms. Sylvia Smith, Director of Sales and Marketing
Grand Hyatt Erawan Bangkok overlooks the iconic Erawan Shrine; a place of worship where millions have shared their deepest hopes and prayers. The interior design is Thai influenced with European furnishings, offering resort-style facilities for business and leisure travelers in the heart of the city.
Authentic and caring Thai hospitality warmly welcomes you to our Grand residence; ensuring extraordinary experiences. Hotel accommodation includes 380 luxurious guestrooms including 44 suites, our most prestigious one being the Erawan Suite and Diplomat Suite; six stunning Spa Cottages and six Premier Suites.
Known for Food & Beverage excellence, offering a variety of dining destinations; where guests enjoy authentic Thai and International cuisines along with award-winning bars and entertainment venues. A wide range of restaurants and bars and award-winning i.sawan Residential spa is available. The hotel is conveniently linked via Sky Bridge to two Sky Train stations and premium shopping centres.
Our distinctive Event spaces are preferred venues for opulent weddings, highprofile events and international conferences. The hotel offers 3,330 sq m (35,828 sq ft) of event and meeting space across the hotel's 14 versatile event venues. All the hotel's event venues are equipped with direct broadband and wireless Internet access. Video Conferencing via three ISDN lines can be arranged upon request. All rooms in "the residence" and The Campus are linked through LCD screens and state-of-the-art technology and communication equipment.
Hyatt Hotels Corporation
Erawan Hotel Public Co., Ltd.
BCCT Member Company Since 1993
A - Mr. Fraser Souness, Associate Director of Investment
Peter Grant founded Grant Management, a residential property investment company in 1997. The business started when Peter and his wife, Colette, bought a property as an investment for themselves. The business now have c£250m of assets under management and operates in 10 cities across the UK. Peter is a keen skier, sailor and golfer.
Grant Property have been helping clients from all over the globe invest well, into the UK residential market, for over 21 years. Covering 10 UK cities, we offer a unique range of services, designed to make investing easy. In addition to sourcing properties, we renovate, furnish and manage them. All under one roof.
BCCT Member Company Since 2013
18th Floor, Capital Tower
All Seasons Place
87/1,Wireless Road, Lumpini
Pathumwan, Bangkok 10330
T: +66 (0) 2205 8222
F: +66 (0) 2654 3339
Grant Thornton is a leading business adviser that helps dynamic organisations to unlock their potential for growth. More than 50,000 Grant Thornton people, across over 135 countries, are focused on making a difference to clients, colleagues and the communities in which we live and work. We have the scale to meet your changing needs, but with the insight and agility that helps you to stay one step ahead. Privately owned, publicly listed and publicsector clients come to us for our technical skills and industry capabilities but also for our different way of working. Our member firm partners and teams invest the time to truly understand your business, giving real insight and a fresh perspective to keep you moving. Whether a business has domestic or international aspirations, Grant Thornton can help you to unlock your potential for growth. For further information, please visit www.grantthornton.co.th
Products or Services
Our services include:
• Audit and assurance
• Business consulting
• Business process solutions
• Business risk services
• Corporate finance and valuations
• Japanese business practice
• Outsourcing services
• Talent acquisition management and executive recruitment
• Tax and legal services
Ian Pascoe, CEO and Managing Partner
Melea Cruz, Partner
Noel Ashpole, Partner
Sanjay Sachdev, Partner
Ratna Wright, Director
BCCT Member Company Since 1993
2/F Neich Tower
128 Gloucester Road
Wanchai, Hong Kong
T: +85 (0) 22511 8337
F: +85 (0) 22137 9190
drb@hfs.com.hk www.hfs.com.hk
Chamber Representative
B6 Dera Mansions, 23 Sukhumvit 18 Klongtoey Nua, Wattana Bangkok 10110 T: +66 (0) 63 646 2470 www.halewood-int.com
H Capital is a licensed* fee-based Financial Adviser and Investment Portfolio Manager, based in Hong Kong since 1996 and with clients throughout Asia.
(*Licensed by the Securities & Futures Commission to advise on securities and to manage a portfolio of securities on a discretionary basis).
Expatriates in Thailand are invited to take advantage of a free-of-charge Discovery Meeting, the objective being to ascertain whether H Capital is likely to be able to add value to your financial affairs.
Clients benefit from impartial advice and commission-free investing conducted in a transparent fashion. There are no conflicts and best interests are completely aligned.
Please visit the Client Testimonial section of our website or ask to speak to one of our Key Clients resident in Bangkok for a reference if needed.
Email the MD David Bojan for details drb@hfs.com.hk or visit www.hfs.com.hk
Products or Services
Financial advice and discretionary investment portfolio management
H Capital Ownership
100% David Bojan
Senior Management
David Bojan
Michael Roberts
Board of Directors
David Bojan, Sole Director
HSBC Hong Kong
BCCT Member Company Since 2016
Halewood International Thailand is a Bangkok based drinks importer. It is a subsidiary of Halewood Wines & Spirits, the UK's largest independent alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks manufacturer.
Halewood is a medium sized company in comparison to some competitors but it continues to "fly the flag" for the UK drinks industry internationally with operations also in China, Romania, Ireland, and South Africa. The company exports to over 95 markets including significant volumes in North America and Australia.
The company's portfolio of craft products includes Whitley Neill Gin, Liverpool Gin & Vodka, The Pogues Irish whiskey, Crabbie's Ginger Beer, and Lamb & Watt premium tonics. Halewood Wines & Spirits has also recently made several acquisitions including the purchase of major stakes in West Cork Distillers in Eire, the City of London Distillery, and two UK craft breweries, Hawkshead and Sadlers.
The new Aber Falls Distillery in North Wales begins operations in 2017, and planning conclusion is being reached to build the John Crabbie's Distillery in Scotland.
BCCT Member Company Since 2017
115, 115/1-2, Loi Kror Road
Chang Khlan, Chiang Mai 50100
T: +66 (0) 5327 7766
F: +66 (0) 5327 7767
Chamber Representatives
429 Moo 9, Pattaya Beach Road
Chonburi 20150
T: +66 (0) 3842 8755-9
F: +66 (0) 3842 1673 rooms.pattaya@hardrockhotels.net www.hardrockhotels.net
A - Mr. Matt Carley, General Manager
B - Ms. Saowalak Assawawiriyakit, Sales and Marketing Manager
Located in the middle of the Chiang Mai Night Bazaar, our Hard Rock cafe is the perfect break from the hustle and bustle of the city. Sit indoors or out and enjoy one of our fresh, handcrafted menu options, including the Legendary® Burger or a frozen Hurricane cocktail served in one of our signature glasses.
Hard Rock Cafe Chiang Mai features seating for up to 200 guests on three floors, all of which are decorated with our signature contemporary design, including music memorabilia from top national and local artists, plus some natural wood elements reflecting the culture and heritage of Chiang Mai. After your meal, you can even visit our Rock Shop® to pick up a souvenir of your experience.
A - Mr. Jorge Carlos Smith, General Manager
B - Mr. John Manley, Executive Assistant Manager
Located an hour and a half drive from Bangkok, for work or play, there is something for everyone at Hard Rock Hotel & Cafe Pattaya.
The 323 rooms include Suites on a grand scale, Suites for families with children, Executive Suites and Deluxe rooms for those on a break, to chill or to work. Dining options include an all-day dining restaurant, Pizzeria, an intimate Lounge with live entertainment on weekends, a Pool bar for all-day snacks and cocktails and the iconic Hard Rock Cafe with live music and the emblematic menu of Eats and Drinks.
An extensive choice of meeting rooms and venues is available to cater from 6 to 600 persons with small boardroom meetings to large events with complex Audio-Visual needs. On top of that, there's the Roxity Kids Club, Tabu club for the family, Rock Spa and Rock Shops for iconic leisure wear.
A wide range of rooms and suites, including suites for families, Composer suites and Deluxe rooms with sea or city views. Smoking and Non-smoking rooms. Rooms for the Physically challenged. 2,000 sqm swimming pool. Beach-sand pool. Cabanas. Roxity Kids Club. Rock Spa. Body Rock gym. Rock Shop. For memorable, productive and fun meetings, our events team can cater small, medium and large groups. For fun, inspiration or bonding we offer a list of teambuilding activities by our own Rock Agent team. We offer The Sound of Your Stay® program, an exclusive audio experience that puts our guests up close and personal with the music. Whether you want to rock out or just tune in and listen, we'll hook you up for free through our tracks.®, picks.®, and wax.® amenities.
With venues in 75 countries, including 180 cafes, 24 hotels and 11 casinos, Hard Rock International (HRI) is one of the most globally recognized companies. Beginning with an Eric Clapton guitar, Hard Rock owns the world's greatest collection of music memorabilia, which is displayed at its locations around the globe. Hard Rock is also known for its collectible fashion and music-related merchandise, Hard Rock Live performance venues and an award-winning website. HRI owns the global trademark for all Hard Rock brands. For more information on Hard Rock International, visit www.hardrock.com.
Hard Rock Hotel Pattaya
Hard Rock Cafe Pattaya
Hard Rock Hotel Pattaya is one of the properties owned by the Hotel Properties Limited (HPL), headquartered in Singapore.
BCCT Member Company Since 2003
45 Soi Kosumruamchai 14
Kosumruamchai Road, Sikun, Don Muang, Bangkok 10210
T: +66 (0) 2503 7222
F: +66 (0) 2503 7223
In 1998, one of Britain's most prestigious independent boarding schools, Harrow, granted an agreement to open Harrow International School in Bangkok – the first Harrow International School in Asia.
The school is thriving, with 1,620 students on its green 35-acre site in North Bangkok. Harrow Bangkok provides a world-class British education for students aged from 18 months to 18 years, with an emphasis on boarding. The school attracts an international mix of students (in excess of 39 nationalities), due in part to the fact that Harrow Bangkok specialises in high-quality weekly or full-time boarding options for students from all over the world. The school recently completed an extensive development of its boarding facilities and opened a brand new boarding complex to help meet demand. They have also recently opened the Creative and Performing Arts Centre and expanded Early Years Centre as part of an ambitious campus redevelopment project, HBuild.
Products or Services
Harrow Bangkok is divided into two schools: Lower School and Upper School. Students are taught by predominantly British staff. Within Harrow Bangkok the medium of instruction is English. The curriculum is based on the British National Curriculum of England and Wales, which leads students for admission into top universities including many highly rated universities around the world. This year, Harrow Bangkok is celebrating outstanding A Level results again.
Harrow School, London, UK
Council of International School (CIS) Accredited 2018
Mr. Jonathan Standen, Head Master
Federation of British International Schools in South East Asia (FOBISSEA)
International Schools Association of Thailand (ISAT)
Office for National Education Standards and Quality Assessment (Thailand) ONESQA
Office of the Private Education Commission (OPEC)
Companies Represented
Harrow Asia Ltd.
A proprietorial school (single owner).
Senior Management
Mr. Jonathan Standen, Head Master
Dr. Timothy Jefferis, Second Master
Mr. Nicholas Prockter, Head of Lower School
Mr. Jonny Liddell, Head of Upper School
Ms. Elizabeth Hammond, Director of Development
Mr. Neil Mollison, Director of Finance
Mr. Mathew Rees, Director of Operations
Ms. Joanne Khanteetao, Director of Human Resources
Board of Directors
Mr. Robert Lloyd, Acting Chair of Governors
Siam Commercial Bank
Bangkok Bank
BCCT Member Company Since 1998
Harsco House, Regent Park
299 Kingston Road, Leatherhead Surrey, KT22 7SG
T: +44 (0) 1372 381454
mjames1@harsco.com www.harsco-m.com
Chamber Representative
95 Cromwell Road
London SW74DL
T: +44 (0) 20 7590 8800
F: +44 (0) 20 7590 8815 enquiries@healtcareinternational.com www.healthcareinternational.com
Chamber Representatives
A- Dr.
Matthew James, Vice President Strategy & Business DevelopmentBackground
Harsco Metals & Minerals is the largest and most comprehensive waste-tovalue creation provider of onsite material processing and environmental services to the worldwide metals industry – with more than 130 customer sites in more than 30 countries across the world.
In addition to metal recovery we find innovative ways to re-use and re-purpose waste into valuable commodities such as asphalt, aggregates and fertilisers – preventing avoidable landfill and preserving vital global resources. In the process, transforming and enriching the lives of our customers, employees and their communities and environments wherever we work around the world.
BCCT Member Company Since 2018
B - Mr. Steve Gregory, General Manager
HealthCare International (HCI) is specialist provider of private health and related personal insurances with a global reach into the worldwide expatriate markets. Increasingly for people living and working abroad, accessing the right kind of health insurance cover can be vital, with the cost of local medical treatment often expensive and difficult to arrange particularly in an emergency.
HCI have the expertise, built from many years servicing the needs of their multinational client to stop an incident from becoming a crisis. HCI provide a professional but personal 24/7 service from their London office and are backed by a worldwide network of support services to ensure their clients always receive the most appropriate treatment just where and when it is needed. HCI are represented locally in Thailand via a network of trusted brokers and advisers.
HCI's products are designed for the specific needs of the expatriate market throughout the world and feature a range of International Private Medical Insurance plans to suit all needs and budgets and including options to cover inpatient and outpatient care as well as diagnostic tests; dental and vision care; maternity and a range of preventative treatments. Cover can be provided wherever in the world it is needed. Travel Insurance; Life Insurance and Income Replacement Insurance is also available as is an international student plan for students attending education facilities in the UK.
BCCT Member Company Since 2016
Clachan, Isle of North Uist
T: +44 1876 580 209
F: +44 1876 580 323 sales@hebrideansmokehouse.com www.hebrideansmokehouse.com
Chamber Representatives
15th Floor Sathorn Thani Building 1 North Sathorn Road, Silom
Bangkok 10500
T: +66 (0) 2636 8609
info@highgroveconsulting.com www.highgroveconsulting.com
Chamber Representative
A - Mr. Christopher West, General Manager
B - Mr. John Hocking, Sales Manager
Hebridean Smokehouse is a family-owned smokehouse located on the remote Isle of North Uist, part of the Outer Hebridean Archipelago west of the Scottish mainland. The business has been operating from this location since 1983 when it was a very small two-handed enterprise supplying fish to the local population. In 2000 the business was taken over by the present owner, Fergus Granville, and a modern food production facility was built on the same site. This development enabled the business to steadily expand operations and today Hebridean Smokehouse operates in retail, food service and the mail-order sectors.
Hebridean Smokehouse holds an enviable position in the UK market as a producer of premium quality smoked salmon and shellfish products and sells to high-end retailers including Fortnum and Mason, John Lewis Partnership foodhalls and Waitrose Supermarkets. Internationally they have worked with the COOP group in Switzerland, Mitsukoshi Isetan and Hankyu in Japan and are regularly featured at altitude in First and Business Class on British Airways, Emirates Airlines and Quantas Airlines out of major UK airports with their partners Alpha LSG.
Hebridean Smokehouse produces premium quality smoked salmon and shellfish, fully branded, private label and for food service.
BCCT Member Company Since 2017
A - Mr. Don Smith, Director Background
Highgrove Consulting Ltd. act as the conduit between Asia based Investors & a specialist team of property professionals in the UK.
Our role is to source private equity investors in Asia, who understand the potential of investing in UK brownfield land sites or, sites designated as 'suitable for development' by UK local authorities.
This significantly reduces any planning risk and leads to healthy capital gains for investors.
Strategic UK land acquisition for planning gain & profit
BCCT Member Company Since 2018
11th Floor, Charn Issara Tower II
2922/205-206 New Petchburi Rd.
Bangkapi, Huaykhwang, Bangkok 10310
T: +66 (0) 2020 2699
F: +66 (0) 2020 2690
ian.betts@hill-assoc.com www.hill-assoc.com/
Chamber Representative
598 Q House Ploenchit Building, 14/F. Ploenchit Road, Lumpini, Pathumwan Bangkok 10330
T: +66 (0) 2627 3501-6
F: +66 (0) 2627 3510, 2627 3545 kungpakorn@hkstrategies.com www.hkstrategies.com
Chamber Representative
A - Ms. Kanpirom Ungpakorn, Managing Director
Hill & Associates is a leading risk management and security consulting group in Asia providing full services to clients to protect their personnel, property, proprietary information, and corporate reputation. Established in 1992, H&A operates in seven countries throughout Asia.
The Group's strength lies in its management team and carefully selected and highly resourceful local nationals who deliver risk management, emergency, continuity and contingency planning, protective security, commercial enquiries and brand protection services to a broad spectrum multinational client base.
Hill & Associates' office in Bangkok covers the whole Indochina region, including Vietnam, Myanmar, Cambodia and Laos.
Hill & Associates is a wholly owned subsidiary of G4S PLC, the largest security services company in the world.
Products or Services
Due diligence, business and commercial enquires, employment screening, IPR and brand integrity services, risk management, country and political risk analysis.
Senior Management
Ian Betts
BCCT Member Company Since 2015
Hill+Knowlton Strategies, Inc. is a leading international communications consultancy, providing services to local, multinational and global clients. The firm is based in New York, with 83 offices in 45 countries, as well as an extensive associate network. The agency is part of WPP Group plc (NASDAQ: WPPGY), one of the world's largest communications services groups.
Products or Services
Hill+Knowlton Strategies Thailand offers a wide range of communications services under the practices: CORPORATE COMMUNICATIONS (including Crisis Management, Corporate Reputation, Financial Communications, Employee Communications, Social Responsibility); MARKETING COMMUNICATIONS (including Media Relationship & Partnerships, product launches) in a wide range of industry sectors
Senior Management
Ms. Kanpirom Ungpakorn, Managing Director
Board of Directors
Mr. Jack Martin, Global Chairman & Chief Executive Officer, Hill+Knowlton Strategies Inc.
The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited
BCCT Member Company Since 2001
11, Soi Sukhumvit 24
Sukhumvit Road, Khlong Ton
Khlong Toey, Bangkok 10110
T: +66 (0) 2620 6666
F: +66 (0) 2620 6699 bkksu.info@hilton.com www.sukhumvitbangkok.hilton.com
Chamber Representative
912B, Tianchuangkeji Tower
Caihefang Road, Haidian District
Beijing, China
T: +66 (0) 9441 49745 kamonwanpiya641@gmail.com www.hioffer.com www.waijiaoyi.com
Chamber Representatives
A - Mr. Ian Barrow, General Manager
Strategically located in the heart of prestigious Sukhumvit Road, Hilton Sukhumvit Bangkok is a luxurious hotel with convenient access to the city's entertainment, business and shopping centers. The Summit, which offers three meeting rooms in a New York penthouse-styled living area, is equipped with state-of-the-art audio visual, VIP business amenities and innovative dining concepts. A multi-award winning modern Italian restaurant which focuses upon providing memorable culinary experiences by applying modern twists to traditional Italian cuisine. The open kitchen allows you to watch the chefs' craftsmanship as they prepare your meals with authentic Italian ingredients. Mondo is an informal dining venue offering global cuisine and local delicacies as well as creative afternoon tea sets, premium drinks and freshly squeezed juices. The outdoor Whisky Bar and Terrace is a popular spot for informal social and business gatherings.
All well-appointed 280 deluxe rooms and 24 spacious suites feature large windows for glorious city views and modern comforts for travellers. Guests can unwind at the rooftop infinity pool and a fully-equipped Precor gym. For information, please visitwww.sukhumvitbangkok.hilton.com or contact the hotel directly on + 66 (0)2 620 6666. Social media users can engage with Hilton Sukhumvit Bangkok at www.facebook.com/hiltonsukhumvit, www. twitter.com/hiltonbkk and www.instagram.com/hiltonbkk.
Products or Services
Hilton Worldwide
BCCT Member Company Since 2013
A - Mr. Zheng Jinli, Founder and CEO
B - Ms. Naravadee Piyawongvisal, Business Development Manager
Your Best Resource For Online ESL Jobs
Hioffer/Waijiaoyi is an internet-based international talent provider. It has the broadest source of ESL latest jobs and databased of legitimate Chinese companies available worldwide. Being one of the most streamlined job application system, Hioffer brags its exemplary services such as free registration,utmost teachers assistance,efficient hiring process,unlimited online job opportunities, and more.From Conversation schools,training centers and institutions for primary to tertiary levels, Hioffer/Waijiaoyi is your best sources for Online ESL teaching jobs.
Our mission is to promote education fair, balance education resources Dedicated to "delivering quality education with technology".
Today,Hioffer/Waijiaoyi we have 700 full-time foreign teachers.We have the same goal, just to "Deliver Advanced Education Resources to Rural Areas". We covered more than 700 institutions from 16 provinces and 187 cities.It is a brand new model for foreign teachers teaching online.
Hioffer/Waijiaoyi is looking for native English Teachers to teach groups of 8-30 students of 5-16 year-olds.
Hioffer/Waijiaoyi provide all teaching materials.Classes are 25 or 50 minutes long and classes take place b/w 1 PM-6 PM weekends. After a teacher has taught 500 hours they get a 1 an hour increase.
VDO How to register: https://youtu.be/8a71nxTbcOk
Hioffer Register here: www.hioffer.com/landing?f=9
Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/ HiofferEuropeanCountriesbyNaravadee/ to update more news.
BCCT Member Company Since 2018
1 Empire Tower, River Wing East
29th fl., Unit 2904, South Sathorn Road
Yannawa, Sathorn, Bangkok 10120
T: +66 (0) 2670 1848
F: +66 (0) 2670 1848 #107 bangkok@harveylawcorporation.com www.harveylawcorporation.com
463/68, 463/99 Pattaya Sai 1
Nongprue, Banglamung
Chonburi 20150
T: +66 (0) 3872 5555
F: +66 (0) 3872 5562
"Harvey Law Group (HLG) is an immigration and business law firm headquartered in Hong Kong and serving businesses, individuals, and governments across Canada, Asia, Middle East, and South America. With offices notably in Montreal, Hong Kong, Xiamen, Ho Chi Minh City, Hanoi, Da Nang, Bangkok, Yangon, Singapore, Manila, Phnom Penh, Antigua & Barbuda, Dominica, St. Kitts & Nevis & Grenada, along with a regional and international network, Harvey Law Group can provide exceptional legal representation to businesses and individuals around the globe.
HLG practice in various areas including investment and business immigration, residence and citizenship programmes, business and corporate law, company formation, labour and employment issues, due diligence, mergers and acquisitions, tax planning and structuring, real estate, contracts and agreements, intellectual property, environmental law, and cross-border trade issues.
The firm was founded in Montreal, Canada in 1992 by Attorney Jean Francois Harvey, who completed a Bachelor of Laws Degree from the University of Ottawa. The team of lawyers have decades of combined legal experience, along with substantial education and professional credentials.
With its multinational presence and expertise in business and immigration matters, HLG's service is built on the cornerstones of strength, reliability, and integrity. Embracing change, a global presence, and a 25-year history, HLG combines world-class acumen with local insight to deliver exceptional legal advice and representation."
• Investment & Entrepreneur programmes
• Foreign Exchange Law
• Estate Planning
• Citizenship by Investment (Caribbean and European countries)
• Real Estate Investment
• Residency Planning
BCCT Member Company Since 2017
A - Ms. Kate Gerits, Area General Manager
B - Ms. Thitiporn Boonsuk, Director of Sales & Marketing
Holiday Inn Pattaya Bay Tower opened its doors in October 2009 and Executive Tower opened in August 2014, owned by The Erawan Group PLC and under management of Intercontinental Hotels Group (IHG). Conveniently located on the bustling Beach Road, North Pattaya with just 90 minutes traveling time from Bangkok and 90 minutes traveling time from Suvarnabhumi Airport, 35 minutes drive to Eastern Seaboard and only 20 minutes drive to Laem Chabang Industrial Area. For golfers, Holiday Inn Pattaya offers an easy access to Sukhumvit road where many of the World class golf courses are within just short travel distance. Holiday Inn Pattaya is the choice for everyday travelers.
Holiday Inn Pattaya offers 567 rooms and suites and all rooms include a private balcony. Families will find a friendly environment and activities designed to guarantee a genuinely fun time. Features include family suites, Kids' Club and Kids Stay and Eat Free program. Relax and enjoy at any of our 4 swimming pools and the tranquil Tea Tree Spa. All 6 dining outlets offer a variety of tantalizing food and beverage choices. Our fully equipped meeting facilities include 10 meeting rooms including 2 ballrooms with 8.55 m high ceilings and a dedicated "Workshop" meeting floor and the first hotel Auditorium in Pattaya.
Ms. Kate Gerits, Area General Manager - Holiday Inn Pattaya
Ms. Thitiporn Boonsuk, Director of Sales & Marketing
Senior Management
Ms. Meera Raj, Executive Assistant Manager
Mr. Chookiat Sringampong, Area Director of Finance & Business Support
BCCT Member Company Since 2009
HSBC Building
968 Rama IV Road
Silom, Bangrak
Bangkok 10500
T: +66 (0) 2614 4000
Mr. Kelvin Tan, Chief Executive Officer
The HSBC Group is one of the world’s largest banking and financial services organisations. We serves customers worldwide from around 3,800 offices in 66 countries and territories in Europe, Asia, North and Latin America, and the Middle East and North Africa. HSBC Holdings plc, the parent company of the HSBC Group, is headquartered in London.
Corporate customers: Unrivalled services based on HSBC’s extensive global network for multinational and large local companies, financial institutions and government agencies: corporate banking, project and corporate financial advisory, treasury and capital markets, global trade and receivables finance, global liquidity and cash management, and securities services.
HSBC is a wholly-owned subsidiary of HSBC Holdings plc.
Senior Management
Mr. Kelvin Tan, Chief Executive Officer
Mr. Asdaporn Vanabriksha, Chief Operating Officer
Mr. Krisda Phatcharoen, Country Head of Commercial Banking
BCCT Member Company Since 1946
Wherever your business goes, your bank should be there.
55/555, Soi Langsuan Road
Lumpini, Pathumwan
Bangkok 10330
T: +66 (0) 2630 4000
F: +66 (0) 2630 4002
Chamber Representatives
565 Moo 7, Hin Lek Fai, Hua Hin Prachuap Khiri Khan 77116
T: +66 (0) 98824 4135 enquiries@huahinschool.com www.huahinschool.com
Chamber Representatives
A - Mr. Jean-Louis Barc, General Manager
B - Ms. Nawarat Takonsub, Director of Business Development
Rising high above one of the city’s most desired residential districts, Hotel Muse brings to Bangkok a heretofore unknown hedonistic experience: a hotel dedicated to the golden age of travel and the most opulent of art and design. Hotel Muse likewise dedicates itself no less to the art of pure pleasure, for every conceptual element reflects a theme of fanciful indulgence and it is here that both hotel and long-stay guests alike enjoy unrivalled facilities and amenities.
Products or Services
174 rooms and suites exude an interplay of classic European signatures juxtaposed against ornate Asian motifs. The naming of Hotel Muse’s six room categories was inspired by Buddhist cosmology where higher Dhevas are supernatural beings who lead blissful lives forever immersed in perpetual pleasures.
• Jatu Deluxe (39m2)
• Dowadueng Corner Deluxe (39m2)
• Yama Executive (39m2)
• Dusid Duplex Suite (76m2)
• Nimman Suite (84m2 -111m2)
• Paranim Penthouse (216m2)
All rooms feature in-room bars, dedicated work area, flat-screen televisions with 65-channel Internet Protocol Television (IPTV), wired and wireless Internet access, iPod docking stations, and premium coffee and tea-making facilities.
BCCT Member Company Since 2012
A - Mr. Graham Sullivan, Managing Director
B - Mr. Roy Barrett, Director
Our school opened in August 2015 on a 19 rai plot of land adjacent to the Black Mountain golf course in Hua HIn. The School has been designed by the Beaumont Partnership to accommodate 1000 students aged 2-18 and will offer the UK National Curriculum, IGCSE at 16 and the IB at age 18.
Products or Services
International Education based on student-centred learning
St. Andrews International School Samakee
Senior Management
Mr. Graham Sullivan, Managing Director
Board of Directors
Roy Barrett, Monica Sudhirak, Graham Sullivan, Tabietha Sudhirak and AdulyasakSudhirak
BCCT Member Company Since 2014
179, 5th Fl., Bangkok City Tower
South Sathorn Rd., Thunmahamek
Sathorn, Bangkok, 10120
T: +66 (0) 2287 2173
F: +66 (0) 2287 2174
desmond@hugheskrupica.com www.hugheskrupica.com
Chamber Representative A
A - Mr. Desmond Hughes, Senior Partner
Hughes Krupica is a law firm based in Thailand with offices in Bangkok and Phuket, specialising and assisting clients in Corporate; Real Estate; Hospitality; Dispute Resolution and Litigation. Each of its partners and associated have specific experience in these practice areas and are able to assist clients through knowledge; experience and expertise applied to transactions and dispute oriented issues.
Hughes Krupica is an international practice as (a) it serves a wide ranging international client base (b) the lawyers in Hughes Krupica comprise Thai; British and American lawyers with international experience in law firms overseas, and also in Thailand combining to provide optimum service experience for clients (c) the transactions and disputed often have an international edge, such as foreign investors; Thai investors investing out of Thailand or disputed involving local and foreign companies.
Products or Services
Legal Services in the areas of Real Estate; Corporate; Hospitality; Dispute Resolution and Litigation
Hughes Krupica Consulting (Bangkok) Co., Ltd.
Senior Management
Woraphong Leksakulchai
Board of Directors
Desmond Hughes
Robert Krupica
Pongsak Daengkaew
BCCT Member Company Since 2014
8 Emperor Way, Exeter Business Park Exeter EX1 3QSZ
paul.grimes@hunterstoves.co.uk www.hunterstoves.co.uk
Chamber Representative
A A - Mr. Paul Grimes, DirectorHunter Stoves Limited is based just outside Exeter in Devon.
The company has operated in its present format since 1996 and has shown rapid growth, becoming one of the largest manufacturers of multi-fuel stoves in the United Kingdom and Ireland.
Ever increasing demand for the products from the UK and abroad has meant that the factory has rapidly grown to 55,000 sq. feet with the addition of a purpose built assembly line.
The workforce has grown accordingly, with over 50 persons currently employed. The employees being made up from welders, drillers, fitters, packers, production and design engineers and a very busy sales team.
The range of appliances now consists of multi-fuel, gas, oil and electric fired stoves, which are all available in many different combinations to suit almost any situation.
Barclays Bank PLC
BCCT Member Company Since 2006
Grande Asset Hotels and Property Pcl.
1 Sukhumvit 13 (Sangchan) Sukhumvit Rd.
Khlong Toei Nuea, Wattana, Bangkok 10110
T: +66 (0) 2098 1234
F: +66 (0) 2098 1235
bangkoksukhumvit.regency@hyatt.com www.hyattregencybangkoksukhumvit.com
Chamber Representative
Expected to open in November 2018, Hyatt Regency Bangkok Sukhumvit will be the first Hyatt Regency brand hotel in Bangkok, joining another 3 Hyatt hotels in the city.
Designed by renowned Thai architecture firm OBA, the new 273-room hotel including 21 suites, will form part of a mixed-use development that also includes retail and the well-established Hyde residential apartments. Facilities will include a Market Café – a Thai restaurant, lobby lounge bar, Regency Club Lounge, swimming pool, fitness centre, and more than 1,000m² of meeting space, including a ballroom, On 29 – a multi-purpose residential event venue designed by Japanese-based Super Potato, and Roof Bar, with a full range of services and facilities tailored to serve the needs of business and leisure travellers as well as meeting planners.
Centrally situated at Sukhumvit Road Soi 13 with direct sky bridge access to BTS Sky Train Nana Station, and in close proximity to the Asoke station of the Bangkok Transit System, the hotel will offer efficient access and visibility, connecting guests with ease to key points of interest in the city and the airport.
BCCT Member Company Since 2017
I70/171 Soi 112 Huana Tuptai Road
HuaHin, Prachuap Khiri Khan 77110
T: +66 (0) 93 629 4400
info@ICCurtains.com www.ICCurtains.com
Chamber Representative
17th Floor, 140/35, ITF Tower Silom Road, Suriyawongse Bangrak, Bangkok 10500
T: +66 (0) 2231 6090
F: +66 (0) 2231 6093 general@icr.co.th www.icrasia.com
Chamber Representatives
A - Mr. John Micchia, Owner
IC CURTAINS is now in Hua Hin after 17 years in Phuket, owner John aka “Lucky” brings over 45 years industry experience to the business, and really understands what is expected in the customer service process - and this is where IC curtains really excels.
Along with our sister companies Just Sofas and Lucky Awnings we provide a wide range of complementary and interrelated products in a ‘one stop shop’ experience, simplifying and minimising the time and stress involved with multiple suppliers.
As a family run business, you can be assured that our customers always come first, and we pride ourselves in giving friendly honest service with no high pressure selling.
We only sell high quality products and are approved Resellers for these leading brands such as VC, PASAYA, ACACIA, SUNBRELLA, GOLD HOUSE, NITAS, SOMFY and more, as we know can depend on both the Products and their Guarantees. We absolutely Guarantee our worksmanship, and to back this up we offer a 12 Months After Sales Guarantee in which we will come back to fix problems caused by normal wear and tear free of charge for 12 months after the sale.. Our Team has been with us for many years and includes specialists in Measuring, Cutting, Sewing, Installation and Servicing, and and will leave your property as clean or better than when they arrived.
For an obligation free quotation and advice you can trust please call Lucky on 093 629 4400 or 087-276-0529 to make an appointment.
BCCT Member Company Since 2018
A - Mr. Calvin Wilkinson, Partner - Corporate Services
B - Mr. Steven Nicholas Parmenter, Managing Partner
Through our tight-knit, high-quality teams of lawyers and accountants, we offer you sensible, commercial advice and a wide range of tailor-made services, including structuring a suitable and bespoke corporate entity for your business, assistance with the purchase or disposal of various types of assets, assistance with applications for investment incentives, and the provision of ongoing corporate secretarial and accounting/tax services to operating businesses.
Over the past 20 years, we have built an outstanding reputation for providing informed and tailored advice and services to our clients that have enabled them to set-up a suitable business structure and operate their businesses in the most commercially advantageous way possible, whilst ensuring compliance with the various regulatory and legal requirements. Our approach, whilst pragmatic, is underpinned by integrity and an ethical approach to business.
"ICR is a provider of (1) corporate and commercial legal services and advice and (2) accounting, tax and payroll services.
We aim to gain a thorough understanding of a client's business right from the outset by simply sitting down with clients and talking to them about their business plans in a straightforward way, without the use of legalese, and then provide clear guidance, bearing in mind their commercial needs and the legal relevant and regulatory requirements."
BCCT Member Company Since 2014
531A Upper Cross Street, #04-95
Singapore 051531
T: +66 (0) 91 029 0596 info@ideafoundry.co.za www.ideafoundry.co.za
Chamber Representatives
Pendle House, Jubilee Road
Letchworth Garden City
Hertfordshire SG6 1SP, UK T: +44 (0)1462 688070 sales@the-imcgroup.com www.the-imcgroup.com
We think that the world has changed and that the agency model is outdated. Idea Foundry is a nimble and independent marketing consultancy that is run by a small team of highly experienced marketing professionals with vast experience across multiple industries, disciplines and emerging markets.
Our senior management team works directly with our clients, meaning you get the right insight, the best service and solutions that exceed your expectations every time. No red tape, cluttered lines of communication or having to fit into a rigid agency structure. We organise our business around what works best for our clients
If you'd like to discuss your particular marketing or business challenges or simply looking for a sounding board to discuss how Idea Foundry can assist your business, we'd love to visit you and chat.
Idea Foundry provide strategic marketing services for local, regional and Multi national brands across Indochina.
100% Privately owned and registered in Singapore
Jacques Erasmus, Managing Director
Nicola Erasmus, Executive Creative Director
Jacques Erasmus
Nicola Erasmus
UOB Singapore
BCCT Member Company Since 2018
The IMC Group Ltd was formed in 2007 by an amalgamation of companies specialising in environmental monitoring equipment. Our strength lies in our breadth of experience with over 100 years of accumulated knowledge in product design, engineering, manufacturing and global distribution of first-class electrical instrumentation.
Using 4 key brands; Hanwell, IceSpy, IMC and ShockWatch, we have an enviable range of environmental monitoring capabilities that surpass the strict regulations enforced upon many industries.
Our aspirations are to grow and expand using bright, enthusiastic staff members that embrace new ideas and concepts to drive the business forward. Investing in people, technology and products make sure that we provide the right solution to customers when they need it.
The IMC Group operates a Quality Management System which complies with the requirements of ISO 9001.
BCCT Member Company Since 2018
4332 Rama IV Road, Phrakanong
Klongtoey, Bangkok 10110
T: +66 (0) 2666 7500
F: +66 (0) 2713 6770
sales@jaguarlandroverthailand.com (Sales), customerservice@landroverthailand.com www.jaguar.co.th, www.landrover.co.th
Chamber Representatives
118/52 Young Place Building Phase A
Soi Sukhumvit 23, Sukhumvit Road
KlongToey Nua, Wattana
Bangkok 10110
T: +66 (0) 2661 7020
F: +66 (0) 2661 7021
Chamber Representative
A - Mr. Charnchai Mahantakhun, Managing Director
B - Ms. Waew Soongsawang, Senior Marketing Manager
Inchcape (Thailand) Co., Ltd. The only exclusive authorized distributor of Jaguar Land Rover in Thailand.
Products or Services
To introduce a world class standard to consumers in Thailand, the showroom will offer full range of services with largest maintenance facilities in Thailand, comprised of Body Shop, Paint Shop, main stock rooms, aluminum body shop and the latest in diagnostic technology as UK standard, available for engine checking and cleaning with Jaguar Land Rover-standard operations. Meet every segment Jaguar Land Rover distributed in Thailand, the latest information and book in for a test drive.
Center: Showroom Rama IV Road
Branch: Showroom 2nd Floor Siam Paragon
Companies Represented
This showroom and service center provides excellent sales services and after services with global standard. Inchcape is committed to providing “The Best Customer Service Experience” to luxury automotive consumers across Thailand.
Inchcape (Thailand) Co., Ltd.
Senior Management
Mr. Wisarut Lochananon
Board of Directors
Mr. Charnchai Mahantakhun
BCCT Member Company Since 2017
A - Mr. Paul Evans, Manging Director
InfraAsia provide a comprehensive range of Engineering, Project Management and Technical services covering all Railway Core Systems & Bus Rapid Transit.
InfraAsia (Thailand) Ltd. is part of the InfraAsia Group which currently has offices in Hong Kong, Bangkok. The company offers a comprehensive portfolio of professional servicesto our clients throughout Asia.
Its senior management team consists of Expatriate and Thai professionals supported by a solid operations base of qualified local engineers. With a core group of local and expatriate staff permanently based in the region the company is well positioned to fulfill our customer's requirements.
Products or Services
Signalling & Train ControlTelecommunications
Intelligent Transportation Systems Systems Integration
Automatic Fare Collection
Rail Traction Power
Platform Screen Doors
Bid & Tender Preparation
InfraAsia (Hong Kong) Ltd.
48% UK & Hong Kong
52% Thai
Senior Management
Paul Evans
Board of Directors
Paul Evans
Financial Details
Registered/Paid up Capital 7m Baht
BCCT Member Company Since 2004
4th Floor, The Esplanade 99 Ratchadaphisek Road
Dindaeng, Bangkok
Bangkok 10400
T: +66 (0) 2642 2084-7
F: +66 (0) 2641 3893
info@inlinguabangkok.com www.inlinguabangkok.com
Chamber Representatives
Column Tower, 3th, 10th-12th Fl. 199 Ratchadapisek Road
Klomgtoey, Klongtoey
Bangkok 10110
T: +66 (0) 2797 7000 inseeecocycle@siamcitycement.com www.inseeecocycle.com
A - Mr. John Tyler, Managing Director
B - Mr. David Latham, Director of Studies
Inlingua Bangkok is a license of inlingua International School of Languages. The Head Office opened in Bern, Switzerland in 1968, and there are now over 400 inlingua schools in 44 countries. Each school is individually managed, but the network is bound by uniform materials and marketing strategy. The teaching methods are adjusted slightly to respect the culture of each country.
The first Bangkok school opened in 1988 and has continued to expand ever since. There are presently 15 inlingua schools in Bangkok, plus schools in Hat Yai, Nakorn Ratchasima and Udon Thani. inlingua caters to the top end of the languages training market in Thailand, providing training both to companies, and to individual students. Courses are run in-house at the client's premises and inside the inlingua schools. Initially involved only in language training, inlingua has expanded into other areas of management training - carried out through our Corporate Training Department.
Quality language training in most European and Asian languages. The main languages taught are English, Thai and Chinese. Other languages taught include German, French, Spanish, Italian, Dutch and Japanese. Many multinational company executives study Thai with inlingua.
Management training including Presentation Skills, Executive Writing Skills, Thai Cultural Awareness Workshops, and Cross Cultural Management Workshops.
License of the inlingua International School of Languages.
Mr. John Tyler, Managing Director
Khun Urai Tinochang, Corporate Training Manager
Mr. Fraser Morrell, Director of Studies
Khun Viraj Torthienchai
Khun Natcha Torthienchai
Mr. John Tyler
Ms. Sonia Gan
Khun Arporn Aeadchalerm
Siam Commercial Bank
Kasikorn Bank
BCCT Member Company Since 1991
A - Dr. Vincent Aloysius, CEO of Insee Ecocycle
B - Ms. Piyachat Chaiaroon, Marketing Communication and Business Liaison Division Manager
INSEE Ecocycle Company Limited is a wholly owned subsidiary of Siam City Cement Public Company Limited, we are a green business offering sustainable solutions to a range of industries in various sectors. Recovering energy and resources from waste materials, INSEE Ecocycle supports its "partners in sustainability" improve their environmental footprint. INSEE Ecocycle's services include industrial waste management by turning waste to renewable fuels and specialist industrial chemical and mechanical cleaning services.
We provide specialist industrial services in the oil & gas and petrochemical sectors as well as a sustainable zero-landfill waste recovery solution for both hazardous and non-hazardous wastes. Our waste management services include consulting, waste analysis, handling, logistics and final treatment. Our industrial services team can provide specialized solutions in chemical cleaning, ultra-high pressure water jetting, mercury decontamination, tank cleaning, catalyst handling and other related services. Waste generated from the cleaning process in handled in a sustainable way in full compliance to all regulatory requirements.
Mr. Siva Mahasandana
Mr. Amornsak Torot
Mr. Chandana Liyanage
Dr. Samarn Thangtongtawi
Mr. Pongtheb Jaru-ampornparn
Mr. Somchai Laohverapanich
Mr. Athavudhi Hirunburana
BCCT Member Company Since 2016
973 Phloen Chit Road
Lumpini, Pathumwan
Bangkok 10330
T: +66 (0) 2656 0444
F: +66 (0) 2656 0555
intercon@ihgbangkok.com www.bangkok.intercontinental.com
Chamber Representatives
437 Phra Tamnak Road
T. Nongprue, A. Banglamung
Pattaya, Chonburi 20150
T: +66 (0) 3825 9888
F: +66 (0) 3825 9899 icpattaya@ihg.com www.pattaya.intercontinental.com
Chamber Representative
A - Mr. Thane J. Kuhlman, General Manager, InterContinental Bangkok & Holiday Inn Bangkok
B - Mr. Gregory Preslier, Area Director of Sales & Marketing, IHG-Thailand
InterContinental Bangkok is a luxurious 5-star hotel located in the heart of Ratchaprasong, Bangkok's thriving shopping and business district. Business and leisure travellers at the renowned hotel enjoy gracious service, spacious rooms and suites, fine dining restaurants, and outstanding facilities for personalized meetings and events.
Products or Services
InterContinental Bangkok offers 381 guest rooms, including Club InterContinental rooms and suites. Diners can enjoy fabulous restaurants and bars including the Fireplace Grill and Bar, Italian Kitchen by Theo Randall, all day dining at Espresso, authentic Cantonese cuisine at Summer Palace, pastries and snacks at The Deli, Balcony Lounge and Humidor cigar bar. The hotel has one of the largest hotel banqueting, meeting and convention facilities in the city. There is also a tranquil spa and a well equipped health club.
Guests enjoy the convenience of the BTS Chidlom Skytrain station, located directly in front of the hotel and providing easy access to the city's many attractions.
InterContinental Hotels Group (IHG)
President Hotel and Tower Company Limited
Mr. Thane J. Kuhlman, General Manager - InterContinental Bangkok & Holiday Inn Bangkok,
Mr. Gregory Preslier, Area Dir of Sales& Marketing-Thailand
Mr. Mark Bannon, Dir of F&B
Khunying Sasima Srivikorn, Chairman of the Board, President Hotel & Tower Co., Ltd.
BCCT Member Company Since 1986
A Jacqui Cuthbertson, General ManagerInterContinental Pattaya Resort is the premier resort on Thailand's East Coast, an elegant five-star oasis set in lush gardens, with spectacular ocean views and a private white sand beach. Our resort offers the exclusive Club InterContinental® Experience, including 40 Club Suites and Villas and the Club InterContinental Lounge, which elevates personalized service and brings an array of special privileges.
The resort has 156 elegantly-designed guest rooms which open on to private gardens and three swimming lagoons or sweeping views of the blue ocean. Each guest room has its own balcony to enjoy the invigorating sea breeze, a spacious bathroom, with separate shower cubicle, and a bathtub in selected room categories; amenities include flat-screen TV with DVD player, Wi-Fi internet access, tea and coffee maker, and private safety box.
The resort's two main restaurants – Infiniti and Elements – offer indoor and outdoor seating with panoramic ocean views. Elements serves a selection of international, Thai and Asian cuisine, while Infiniti serves Mediterraneanthemed cuisine from a wood-fired oven and is the best place in Pattaya for sunset cocktails, accompanied by the cool vibes of the resident Starlights Band.
Deluxe resort facilities include Amburaya Spa, which features award-winning Harrn spa care products, Planet Trekkers Kids' Club, a custom facility for children, and a fully-equipped fitness centre open 24 hours. Our Guest Activities Centre can arrange off-site trips and activities from marine sports to theme parks and temples, and our on-site events team can create customized event space for corporate events, team building and meetings.
The resort's private white sand beach is perfect for sunbathing and can be transformed into a beautiful venue for a theme party, wedding or conference site.
Downtown Pattaya is within easy reach via the resort's complimentary shuttle.
BCCT Member Company Since 2016
4 Calder Court, Amy Johnson Way
T: +44 (0) 7836697397
Chamber Representative
18th Fl., Sathorn City Tower
175 South Sathorn Road, Tungmahamek, Sathorn
Bangkok 10120
T: +66 (0) 2679 6005
F: +66 (0) 2679 6041 law@ilct.co.th www.ilct.co.th
Chamber Representatives
A - Mr. Tim Gerrish OBE, Founder
ICPA is committed to meeting the specific child protection and safeguarding needs of the International Schools and organisations that we work with around the world, helping them to manage the risks and maintain the highest standards.
Products or Services
ICPA works with International Schools in the development and planning for a safer school where the responsibilities set out in the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child to protect children from all forms of abuse are met.
We offer advice and create customised support with tailored solutions for the different risks faced by International Schools, by developing policies and codes of conduct for all staff and by design and delivery of bespoke training for your team.
ICPA is affiliated to:
Federation of British International Schools in SE Asia (FOBISIA)
Council of International Schools (CIS)
Council of British International Schools (COBIS)
BCCT Member Company
Since 2016
A - Prof. Jayavadh Bunnag, Managing Director
B - Dr. Sutharm Valaisathien, Senior Partner
International Legal Counsellors Thailand Ltd., was founded in 1966 and is affiliated with the international firm of Russin & Vecchi with offices in Taipei, Hanoi,and Ho Chi Minh City. The firm has 8 resident partners,13 associate lawyers,21 paralegals and 28 supporting staffs with a total of 70 employees.
Products or Services
We are a full service law firm rendering services in most aspects of commercial and investment laws, e.g. Corporate, Tax, Real Estate, Labour, Energy, Petroleum and Mineral Resources, Banking, Finance, Public Private Participation ventures, Expatriate Services (visas, work permits) Dispute Resolution.
Russin & Vecchi with offices in Taipei, Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh city.
Global Network
We are a member of Meritas, a network of over 200 law firms in major cities of the world.
Companies Represented
Exxon Corporation
SSL Manufacturing (Thailand) Co., Ltd.
Senior Management
Prof. Jayavadh Bunnag
Dr. Sutharm Valaisathien
Mr. Surapan Thimkrajang
Mr. Supoj Boonyavanich
Board of Directors
Prof. Jayavadh Bunnag, MD
Dr. Sutharm Valaisathien
Mr. Surapan Thimkrajang
Mr. Supoj Boonyavanich
Bangkok Bank
Citibank, N.A.
The Thai Military Bank
Financial Details
Registered Capital: 2,000,000 baht
Paid up Capital: 2,000,000 baht
BCCT Member Company Since 1980
39/7 Soi Nichada Thani
Samakee Road, Pakkret
Nonthaburi 11120
T: +66 (0) 2963 5800
F: +66 (0) 2583 5431-2
piyanuck@isb.ac.th www.isb.ac.th
590 Pracha Uthit 24, Pracha Uthit Rd. Huai Khwang, Bangkok 10310
T: +66 (0) 2274 4407
Chamber Representatives
A - Dr. Andrew Davies, Head of School
B - Ms. Shelley Bragg, Director of Marketing and Communications
Widely recognized as one of the premier international schools in the world, International School Bangkok (ISB) has been providing quality education to expatriates representing more than 60 countries since 1951.
Conveniently located just outside the heart of the city, ISB's 15 hectare campus is nestled in a beautiful community where children can walk or ride their bicycle to school.
ISB serves students from Pre-K to Grade 12, with an educational philosophy and curriculum enriched by best practices from around the world, as well as offering the full International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma Program.
Products or Services
The facilities include a 750 seat Chevron theatre, an additional 280 seat theatre housed in ISB's Cultural Centre - the first building in Thailand to have received LEED Gold Certification - 2 libraries, 7 tennis courts, 3 playgrounds, 2 swimming pools, rugby and soccer fields, 5 gymnasiums, a fitness center, 3 baseball fields, dance and drama studios, an international standard running track and more.
ISB is a nonprofit, independent, and nonsectarian school operated by the International School Association governing board, which is elected by parents
Senior Management
Dr. Andrew Davies, Head of School
Mrs. Deborah Ann Caskey, Deputy Head of School for Learning
Mr. Marc de Vries, Chief Financial Officer
BCCT Member Company Since 1999
A - Mr. Nitin Dutta, Managing Director
B - Mr. Warren Stanworth, Programme Director - BTEC
About Us:
International Vocational and Business Education.co ltd (IVBE) is a registered company in Thailand having its operations across Asia Pacific with Headquarters in Bangkok. IVBE is established as a provider of higher education and training services.
IVBE aims to provide good quality higher educational experience for learners who wish to gain recognised qualifications in their chosen field and acquire the necessary skills for a successful career.
Programmes offered by IVBE are accredited to prestigious international consortium of boards, universities and education bodies. At IVBE we deliver qualifications from recognised and respectable institutions enabling learners to achieve awards that are globally accepted by the academia and the industry. Vision: To Educate Globally Recognised Courses, Impart Lifetime Skills, Create Effective Employees & Entrepreneurs.
IVBE in Thailand:
1) Regents International College, Bangkok: First centre for University of London and BTEC UK programmes in Thailand. Regents international College is IVBE's flagship project.
2) Authorised representative of Pearson Qualifications in Thailand. Mainly BTEC (Business & Technical Education Council).
3) British College in SPU University Thailand. IVBE has entered into a Joint venture with SPU to open a British College within the SPU University Thailand.
4) Projects with Ministry of Education Thailand with OVEC (office of the vocation education commission) Thailand.:Teacher Training
5) IVBE Corporate training and CPD (continuous professional development) Classrooms. UK certified professional courses for working professionals.
BCCT Member Company Since 2016
1285/5 Prachachuen Road
Wong Sawang, Bangsue
Bangkok 10800
T: +66 (0) 2765 2999 web.iao-th@intertek.com www.intertek.com, www.intertek.co.th
Chamber Representatives
1 Empire Tower, Tower 2 23rd Floor, Room 2305 South Sathorn Road, Yannawa
Sathorn, Bangkok 10120
T: +66 (0) 2182 8334
F: +66 (0) 2182 8335
nutchanart@inventoryprime.com www.inventoryprime.com
Chamber Representative
A - Mr. Nithiwat Yingkitwiwat, Country Managing Director
B - Ms. Rungnapa Sombunsukho, General Manager
Background ASSURANCE
Enabling you to identify and mitigate the intrinsic risk in your operations, supply chains and business processes. Some of services are System Certification Services (ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO TS 16949, OHSAS 18001,etc.),Corporate Social Responsibility (WRAP, SMETA, BSCI, ICS, etc.),
Evaluating how your products and services meet and exceed quality, safety, sustainability and performance standards. Products covering are automotive, chemical, home appliances, food, toys & baby products, jewelry, cosmetic, furniture, packaging, petroleum, textile & garment, etc.
Validating the specifications, value and safety of your raw materials, products and assets. Our services cover Agricultural Cargo, Electrical Products, Food, Textile & Garment, Toys & Baby Products, Jewelry, housewares, etc.
Formally confirming that your products and services meet all trusted external and internal standards. We provide Product Safety, Quality, and Performance Certification Marks e.g. CE Mark, ETL Mark, GS Mark, S Mark, Warnock Hersey Mark, etc.
Products or Services
Assurance, Testing, Inspection and Certification.
BCCT Member Company Since 2012
A - Ms. Nutchanart Thapan Maejima, Operations Manager
• Created to provide sourcing and distribution solutions to retail partners
• Focusing on private label, exclusive products, CPC product lines, import lines in support of trading needs
• InventoryPrime can offer more
• i.e. Brand Development and Management to enhance the value and success of the products we are sourcing
Brand Development Process
With OMG’s support, we create a complete brand development and management process for Retail Partners
Private Labels, House Brands/ Exclusive, Imports
• Area for Unloading
• Area for Checking
• Area for Labelling
• Area for reassembly and loading trucks
• We deal with customs and clearance
• Our warehouse to yours
• Deliver door to door
• We do FDA clearance
• We can do air as well as sea freight
Partners in the US: Any imported item from US, including those exclusive to other retailers and FMCG Dry Groceries. • Chilled • Frozen • Beef
Partners in South Africa: La Vierge Wine Estate, Tamasa Wines (collection of 12 wine estates), Zonnebloem Wine Estate, FMCG Dry Groceries, Fruit and Vegetables, Beef and Meat Products
Partners in Australia: FMCG Dry Groceries, Frozen & Chilled Groceries, UHT Milkadamia (Macadamia Milk – Next Trend), HBA, eg Jindilli Range of Health and Beauty and Baby Foods
Partners in England & Scotland: FMCG Dry, Frozen & Chilled Groceries, Scottish Products especially Salmon, British Beef and Lamb
China to the rest of the world: Bringing Leading Chinese Brands to Retail Partners across the Globe
BCCT Member Company Since 2018
19th Floor Empire Tower
1 South Sathorn Road
Yannawa, Sathorn Bangkok 10120
T: +66 (0) 2088 0100
F: +66 (0) 2088 0200
60 Paya Lebar Road, 11-30 Paya Lebar Square
Singapore 409051
T: +65 (0) 8672 6927
chris.bishop@ipsotek.com www.ipsotek.com
Chamber Representative
A - Mr. Chukiat Wongtaveerat, Head of Consulting Thailand
Ipsos Business Consulting is the specialist consulting division of Ipsos, which is ranked third in the global research and consulting industry. With a strong presence in 88 countries, Ipsos employs more than 16,000 people. We have the ability to conduct consulting engagements in more than 100 countries. Our team of consultants has been serving clients worldwide through our 21 consulting "hubs" since 1994. Our suite of solutions has been developed using over 20 years' experience of working on winning sales and marketing strategies for developed and emerging markets.
At Ipsos Business Consulting we focus on maintaining our position as a leading provider of high quality consulting solutions for sales and marketing professionals. We deliver information, analysis and recommendations that allow our clients to make smarter decisions and to develop and implement winning market strategies.
We believe that our work is important. Security, simplicity, speed and substance applies to everything we do.
Through specialisation, we offer our clients a unique depth of knowledge and expertise. Learning from different experiences gives us perspective and inspires us to boldly call things into question, to be creative.
By nurturing a culture of collaboration and curiosity, we attract the highest calibre of people who have the ability and desire to influence and shape the future.
This process involves areas such as business strategy, top line and bottom line growth, and differentiation. These are effectively supported by our solutions including: Go-to-Market, Business Unit Strategy, Competitive Insights, Partner Evaluation, Innovation Scouting, Optimal Channel Strategy, Market Sizing, Pricing, Forecasting, Brand Strategy & Value, Sales Detector and B2B Customer Segmentation.
Ipsos Marketing
Ipsos Connect
Ipsos Public Affairs
Companies Represented
Ipsos Limited
Ipsos Global Headquarter Services
Ipsos Loyalty
Ipsos Observer
A - Mr. Chris Bishop, Sale Director APAC
Ipsotek is the world leader in Intelligent Scenario based Video Analytics solutions. Our patented scenario-based approach allows multiple behaviour descriptions to be applied simultaneously or in predefined sequences to the output of an IP CCTV cameras; and it is these scenario combinations that create an exact description of the target behaviour, thereby giving dependable real-time alerts and dramatically reduced false alarms. Established in 2001 with its headquarters in the United Kingdom and offices in the Middle East, Singapore and North America. Ipsotek's solutions are delivered to end-user clients globally, through a network of accredited channel partners.
Products or Services
VISuite 10.1 – Hybrid video analytics engine
Single camera tracker
Scenario based alarm rule engine
Behaviour recognition
Event counting
Tag and Track – Video based tracking
Multi-camera tracker
Overlapped and non-overlapped cameras
Live or forensic deployment
VI Forensics - Forensic Search
Real-time content based video retrieval to support highly sensitive forensics investigation
Advanced Facial recognition
Search based on targets colour, shape, location, speed and other features
VICloud – Cloud based video analytics
Hosted video analytics
Central database for alerts and business data
Designed for scalability and flexibility
35, rue du Val de Marne, 75628 Paris Cedex 13 France
Senior Management
Mr. Peter Snell, Global CEO, Ipsos Business Consulting
Mr. Colin Kinghorn, COO, Ipsos Business Consulting
Board of Directors
Mr. Didier Truchot, Chairman & Chief Executive Officer; Mr. Patrick Artus, Mr. Xavier Coirbay, Mr. Yann Duchesne, Mr. Yann Duchesne, Ms. Mary DupontMadinier, Ms. Marina Eloy-Jacquillat, Ms. Florence von Erb.
FFP Invest, represented by Mr. Sébastien Coquard; Mr. Brian Gosschalck, Mr. Carlos Harding, Mr. Pierre Le Manh, Mr. Henry Letulle.
LT Participations, represented by Mr. Pascal Cromback; Ms. Laurence Stoclet, Mr. Hubert Védrine, Mr. Henri Wallard.
Financial Details
Visit www.ipsos.com/financial_information
BCCT Member Company Since 2015
VISense AR Glasses
Augmented Reality Security Glasses. VISense is designed to enhance situational awareness by capturing video through the on-board camera, detecting and storing faces, and comparing them to faces enrolled in the on-device database. The glasses take full advantage of Augmented Reality technology to overlay detection results on suspect's faces in the field of view.
Private company
Senior Management
Chris Bishop
BCCT Member Company Since 2018
23rd Floor, Room No. 1-5
Silom Complex Building
191 Silom Road, Silom
Bangrak, Bangkok 10500
T: +66 (0) 2686 2300
F: +66 (0) 2686 2487
Chamber Representatives B
A - Dr. Kanokwan Pornprasit, General Manager
B - Mr. Chatchai Lertwatthanachai, Account Director
IQVIA Thailand delivers integrated information and technology solutions to drive healthcare forward. Around the world healthcare stakeholders are working to improve real-world patient outcomes through treatment innovations, care provision and access to healthcare. For the information, technology and service solutions they need to drive new insights and approaches, they count on IQVIA. With a global team of 50,000, we harness insights, commercial and scientific depth, and executional expertise to empower clients to achieve some of their most important goals: Improving clinical, scientific and commercial results. Realizing the full potential of innovations, and ultimately driving healthcare forward.
Products or Services
CRO (Contract Research Organization) business, Information & Analytics Offerings, Commercial Effectiveness Services, Qualitative and quantitative market research, and management consulting.
Senior Management
Kanokwan Pornprasit, General Manager
Chatchai Lertwatthanachai, Account Director, Commercial BU
Jamaree Leewansangtong, Associate Director, R&D BU
BCCT Member Company Since 2011
69 Moo 2, Soi Wat Namdang Srinakarin Road, Bangkeaw Bangplee, Samutprakarn 10540
T: +66 (0) 2753 5340
F: +66 (0) 2753 7767 www.ironmountain.com
Iron Mountain Incorporated is a global business dedicated to storing, protecting and managing, information and assets.
Organizations across the globe trust us to store and protect information and assets. Thousands of local enterprises work with us, as does almost all of the FORTUNE 1000. From critical business information to geological samples, works of fine art to original recordings of treasured artists, our customers can rely on us to protect what they value and help unlock its potential.
We help our customers to lower storage costs, comply with regulations, manage risks, and use the value in their information to grow. Our solutions include information and asset storage, records management, data centers, data management and secure shredding.
Providing off-site storage, retrieval and management for electronic and hard copy documents and business records,a 24 hour per day computer back-up tape storage and retrieval service, Imaging,E-forms, automating workflows,storage and management of specialized items, file management, consulting, specialized banking services,general office storage and secure destruction of items with high intrinsic value.
Services: Document Management Solutions/Secure Destruction Services/ Data Protection Services
Senior Management
Mr. Jamekorn Phuaksuwan, General Manager
Ms. Ruenrat Wongsamang, HR Manager
BCCT Member Company Since 1999
I63/8 Moo.1, Paklok-Muang Mai Road
T. Paklok, A. Thalang, Phuket 83110
T: +66 (0) 7639 0515
Chamber Representative
A - Mr. Shayne Micchia, Business Development Manager
ISLAND CURTAINS has been operating in Phuket for 17 years and has built a solid reputation based on Quality Products and Services and our famous 100% Customer Satisfaction Guarantee.
The owner and founder John Micchia aka Lucky has over 45 years of industry experience, his Daughter Nichole has a background in Interior Design and his Son Shayne in IT & Business, so you can rest assured you are in the hands of Experienced Professionals with ISLAND CURTAINS.
ISLAND CURTAINS only sell high quality products and are approved Resellers for these leading brands such as VC, PASAYA, ACACIA, SUNBRELLA, GOLD HOUSE, NITAS, SOMFY and more, as we know can depend on both the Products and their Guarantees.
We also absolutely Guarantee our worksmanship, and to back this up we offer the Island Curtains Service Guarantee in which we will come back to fix problems caused by normal wear and tear free of charge for 12 months after the sale..
Our Team of trained technicians has been with us for many years and includes specialists in Measuring, Cutting, Sewing, Installation and Servicing, and and will leave your property as clean or better than when they arrived.
For an obligation free quotation and advice you can trust please contact ISLAND CURTAINS to make an appointment.
Products or Services
Awnings - Blinds - Carpets - Cushions
Wallpaper - Unbrellas - ReUpholstery
John Micchia
Senior Management
Nichole Micchia, Shayne Micchia
BCCT Member Company Since 2018
365/1 Phahonyothin Road
Anusawaree, Bangkhen
Bangkok 10220
T: +66 (0) 2552 5015
F: +66 (0) 2972 3728
www.th.issworld.com; www.issworld.com
A - Mr. Worapong Padungkirtsakul, Chief Executive Officer
B - Mr. Carsten Højlund, Chief Financial Officer
The ISS group was founded in Copenhagen in 1901 and has since grown to become the world's leading Facility Service provider in the industry. ISS operates in 77 countries worldwide. In 2013-2018 the International Association of Outsourcing Professionals has ranked ISS among the world's best outsourcing service providers.
Today ISS Thailand employs over 33,000 employees to serve our 1,250 B2B customers in Bangkok and major provinces throughout Thailand.
Products or Services
Integrated Facility Services including Facility Management, Cleaning Services, Security Services, Support Services and Property Services
ISS Group
Senior Management
Mr. Natthawut Mahawilai, People & Culture Director
Ms. Ratchaya Sophondirekrat, Commercial Director
Mr. Glenn Liddell, Operations Director Security Services and Regional
Ms. Janya Phetcharaphoon, Operations Director IFS/
FM Services
Mr. Narong Pisilp, Operations Director Support Services
Mr. Sutaschai Playkaew, Operations Director Cleaning Services and Healthcare
Mr. Scott Duncanson, Account Director Aviatio
Board of Directors
Mr. Worapong Padungkirtsakul, Chief Executive Officer
Mr. Carsten Højlund, Chief Financial Officer
BCCT Member Company
Since 2001
I87, M Thai Building, 23rd Floor Wireless Road, Lumpini, Pathumwan
Bangkok 10330
T: +66 (0) 2677 7186 (Hotline)
F: +66 (0) 2625 3000
bangkok.allseasons@regus.com www.regus.co.th
Chamber Representatives
A - Ms. Noelle Coak, Country Head
B - Mr. Frederik Dhooge, Area Manager
IWG is leading the workspace revolution. Our companies help more than 2.5 million people and their businesses to work more productively. We do so by providing a choice of professional, inspiring and collaborative workspaces, communities and services.
Our customers are start-ups, small and medium-sized enterprises, and large multinationals. With unique business goals, people and aspirations. They want workspaces and communities to match their needs. They want choice.
Through our companies we provide that choice, and serve the whole world of work: Regus, Spaces, No18, Basepoint, Open Office and Signature. We create personal, financial and strategic value for businesses of every size. From some of the most exciting companies and well-known organisations on the planet, to individuals and the next generation of industry leaders. All of them harness the power of flexible working to increase their productivity, efficiency, agility and market proximity.
Join us at www.iwgplc.com
Products or Services
Business lounge, serviced office, virtual office, meeting room, co-working space
Regus UK
Senior Management
Noelle Coak, Country Head - Thailand, Taiwan, South Korea
BCCT Member Company Since 2015
80/164 Moo 9, Soi Sukrudee (Soi A.R.)
Pattaya City, Chonburi 20260
T: +66 (0) 3836 1873-4
F: +66 (0) 3841 5309
info@jamesons-pattaya.com www.jamesons-pattaya.com
Chamber Representatives
No. 989 Siam Discovery, Room G06
BM01 G, B Floor, Rama 1 Road
Pathumwan, Bangkok 10330
T: +66 (0) 2255 5222 enquiries-siamdiscovery@jamiesitalian.co.th www.jamiesitalian.co.th
Chamber Representative
A - Mr. Kim Elvin Fletcher, The Landlord
B - Ms. Pornthip Luanoi, Office Manager
Jameson’s The Irish Pub, Bar & Restaurant - Established 2004, opened January 17th 2005 and still going strong.
If you are looking for a good night out in Pattaya, Thailand look no further than Jameson’s The Irish Pub, Bar & Restaurant. It is undeniably a great place to hang out for locals, expats and Thais. The visitor and holiday maker on their quest to find the cameraderie and friendship often missed in a new and foreign town and country, will find a warm welcome here.
Jameson’s the Irish Pub - Bar & Restaurant is the place to visit when you are looking for a great time, want to follow the latest sporting events or simply want to relax and read a book or the recent local newspaper. The many different pub sections provide for any entertainment preference; may this be the library with its comfortable Chesterfields to sink into and de-stress from a hectic day or the sports ‘arena’ with its Big Screen TVs and sturdy tables to pound on should your favorite team miss a shot.
BCCT Member Company Since 2015
A - Ms. Sarah Smith, General Manager
Siam JI Co Ltd is the operating company of Jamie’s Italian restaurants in Bangkok. Jamie’s Italian began as a partnership between Jamie Oliver and his mentor, Gennaro Contaldo. The first restaurant opened in 2008 in Oxford, UK and there are now 38 Jamie’s Italian outlets in the UK and over 25 internationally, including South Africa, Dubai, Brazil and Singapore. Jamie’s Italian is committed to sourcing only the best free-range, higher welfare meat and sustainable and ethically produced ingredients. All the recipes are Italian classics with a Jamie twist, including fresh pasta made on site every day.
Italian casual dining restaurant in a rustic setting, serving dishes that have been tried, tested and loved. Located in Siam Discovery, it is the first Jamie’s Italian restaurant in Thailand. The restaurant caters to bookings and accepts walk in guests. The ambience is perfect for a relaxed bite to eat, or a more formal dinner. It is also a great venue for bespoke events including pizza masterclasses, staff celebrations and family occasions. The team will help you create an event perfect for your occasion.
BCCT Member Company Since 2017
Royal Phuket Marina
63/202 Moo2, Thepkasattri Road
Koh Kaew, Muang Phuket
Phuket 83000
T: +66 (0) 7660 0225
F: +66 (0) 7660 1320 info@jandevents.com www.jandevents.com
Chamber Representative
8th Floor, Nittochi Nishi-shinjuku Bldg. 6-10-1 Nishi-Shinjuku, Shinjuku Tokyo 160-0023
T: +81 (0) 30 5325 3084 expor t@japan-inter-trading.com www.japan-inter-trading.com
Chamber Representative
- Mr. David Hayes, CEOBackground
Whether organising a large or small-scale event the details are important, and JAND Events are the experts in detail. When it’s your own event such as a birthday, an anniversary or a wedding, it’s personal and the event experience has to be exactly right. At JAND Events we do more than ensure the event is perfect on the day, we will work closely with you all the way. From concept to creation, and all the minute details in between, our team are on your side to ensure the process is enjoyable and the event experience itself is memorable for you, and your guests. Looking to deliver a corporate event but want something, well, different? Give us a call or email us. We are originators. An offsite meeting for company executives, a seminar or mass participation conference, team building events or incentives for your top performers, no corporate event is too small, too large or too detailed for us. We listen to your needs and will create something unique.
Products or Services
Experienced and professional event organisers based in Phuket and operating throughout Thailand. From planning events to sourcing equipment and delivering professional conferences, seminars, meetings and exhibitions all over Thailand, JAND Events is a one stop shop for all your event organisation and management needs.
We organise unique parties, create memorable weddings and book world-class entertainment as well as deliver private corporate events and out-of-the-box team building and incentives
Bangkok Bank
BCCT Member Company Since 2017
A - Mrs.
Etsuko Fukui, Managing DirectorBackground
Japan inter trading is trading company based in Tokyo, Japan with mission to be bridge of Japan and abroad. Not only through trading but also culture.
We are consisted from multinational member of 6 who has international background and understanding of Japanese culture and service.
Products or Services
We provide best solutions to client in:
1. Imoprt/Export in Japan and Southeast Asia
2. Sourcing products (e.g. Food, beverage,second hand cars’ parts, Jewelry etc.)
3. EPA issues
4. FDA registration in Thailand and Japan
5. Import/Export agency(Thailand, Japan)
Companies Represented
Etsuko Fukui, Managing Director
Kedchart Nichapat, Director
Koji Obata, Director
Board of Directors
51% Japanese
49% Foreigners
The Bank of Tokyo Mitsubishi
BCCT Member Company Since 2016
33/4, Building B, The 9th Tower
31 Floor, Rama 9 Raod
Huay Khwang, Bangkok 10310
T: +66 (0) 2626 5600
F: +66 (0) 2626 5655 www.jltasia.com
Chamber Representative
31st Floor, Building B, The 9th Towers
33/4 Rama 9 Road, Huay Khwang
Bangkok 10310
T: +66 (0) 2626 5744
F: +66 (0) 2626 5740 subhak@jardines.co.th www.jardines.com
Chamber Representative
A - Mr. Phil Corrigan, Chief Executive Officer
JLT has been a provider of risk management, insurance broking and consultancy services in Thailand since 1978. Our services include the design, marketing and administration of insurance portfolios with an ongoing emphasis on our servicing abilities, including claims negotiation and settlement and coordination of Multinational insurance programmes.
In addition our Risk Management resources provide an analysis of contractual indemnities and insurance provisions, risk identification and assessment and accident and loss prevention.
Products or Services
Our specialisations include:
Employee Benefits & Life
Directors & Officers Liability, Professional Indemnity, Product Liability and General Liability
Major Corporates & Industrials including hospitality, retail, electronics, petrochemicals, pulp & paper
Plastic & Cement Plants
Power & Energy
SME Facilities
Terrorism & Political Risks
51% Thai
49% The Netherlands
BCCT Member Company Since 2012
A - Mr. Subhak Siwaraksa, Country Chairman Thailand
Jardine Matheson is a diversified Asian-based group with unsurpassed experience in the region, having been founded in China in 1832. We comprise a broad portfolio of market-leading businesses, which represent a combination of cash generating activities and long-term property assets and are closely aligned to the increasingly prosperous consumers of the region.
Products or Services
Group companies in Thailand are engaged in the importation, local manufacture and installation of air-conditioning, mechanical and electrical engineering systems, lifts and escalators, insurance broking, hotels and property development and investment in other interests.
Trane Thailand, Jardine Schindler (Thai) Ltd., Jardine Engineering Company Ltd., Jardine Lloyd Thompson Ltd., Jardine Pacific (Thailand) Ltd., G.S. Property Management Limited, OHTL PCL, Siam City Cement PCL
49% Jardine Asian Holding Inc. (BVI)
51% Local Shareholders
Senior Management
Mr. Subhak Siwaraksa, Country Chairman Thailand
Board of Directors
Mr. Subhak Siwaraksa, Country Chairman Thailand
BNP Paribas, Bangkok Branch
Standard Chartered Bank
Credit Agricole Indosuez
BCCT Member Company Since 1999
64/206 Moo 4, Tambol Pluakdaeng
Amphur Pluakdaeng
Rayong 21140
T: +66 (0) 3892 6400
F: +66 (0) 3892 6499 hrowlandjr@jellybelly.com www.jellybelly.com
Chamber Representative
96 Soi Peungmee 29
Sukhumvit 93 Road
Bangkok 10260
T: +66 (0) 2762 2600
F: +66 (0) 2762 2609 office@jimthompson.com www.jimthompson.com
Chamber Representatives
A - Mr. Herman G. Rowland, Jr., Managing Director
Jelly Belly Candy Company makes the taste defining Jelly Belly jelly beans in 50 official flavors and an ever changing array of new flavors and limited editions. The company that put the gourmet jelly bean on the map became known worldwide when Jelly Belly beans were taken to the White house during the President Ronald Reagan administration. Today, Jelly Belly beans celebrate three decades of fun and flavor, and are the leading jelly bean brand worldwide. Headquartered in Fairfield, California, US, the company operates three manufacturing facilities including the recently opened facility in Rayong, Thailand.
100% American
BCCT Member Company Since 2011
A - Dr. Gerald Mazzalovo, Group CEO
B - Mr. Steve M W Benhar, Chief Administrative and Legal Officer
The company was founded by Jim Thompson in 1951 when he undertook the task of reviving the Thai silk industry. The Thai Silk Company continues to be inspired by its founder’s values. The Jim Thompson brand presents fabrics, personal goods and fine Thai cuisine to the world’s most demanding customers, particularly those in search of authenticity, originality, and refinement. Since 1967 Jim Thompson has expanded from around 100 employees to over 2,500 today, and currently boasts a vast selection of retail destinations and fabric showrooms, plus a network of first class restaurants both in Thailand and abroad.
The brand is active in fashion, home furnishings, art and cuisine. At our 40 boutiques we offer personal goods such as scarves, neckties, women’s and men’s ready-to-wear, leather and silk accessories, handbags, small leather goods and finished home products like cushions, table cloths, and more. Our home furnishing fabrics under the brands Jim Thompson, N°9, Fox Linton and Studio B, marketed in our showrooms (Bangkok, New York, Atlanta, Munich, London, Paris, etc.) have been used by top interior designers and architects, and they adorn some of the most luxurious hotels, residences, resorts, yachts and private planes around the world.
Recently, Jim Thompson also opened Spirit Jim Thompson, a brand new Thai fine dining restaurant located in Soi Som Khit. The restaurant is built around a beautiful tropical garden that offers an oasis of peace and relaxation right in the heart of the bustling city. Spirit Jim Thompson’s culinary concept of originality offers authentic Thai recipes together with Southeast Asian signature dishes that retrace the journeys of Jim Thompson, the brand founder.
Based on its rich and unique heritage, its extensive presence in Thailand, the originality and authenticity of its brand identity, the creativity of its designers, the quality and mix of its products and services, as well as its ambition to develop overseas, Jim Thompson strives to become South East Asia’s first global luxury brand.
Manufacturing, Retail, Export, Restaurants & Farming
The Siam Silk Company Pte Ltd, Singapore
Jim Thompson America Inc.
Jim Thompson Europe GmbH, Germany
JT Thai Silk Company Sdn Bhd, Malaysia
SKK Manufacturing Company Limited, Thailand
Thai majority owned
Bangkok Bank Limited, Siam Commercial Bank, HSBC, Citibank
Financial Details
Registered Capital: Baht 200 million
Turnover in 2013: Baht 3 billion
BCCT Member Company Since 2013
23/110, Sorachai Building, 25th Floor
Soi Sukhumvit 63 (Ekamai)
Sukhumvit Road, Kwaeng Klongton Nua
Khet Wattana, Bangkok 10110
T: +66 (0) 2787 8910
jj_muntons@jjsea.com www.ingredients.jjsea.com
Chamber Representative
A - Mr. Colin Whitehouse, General Manager
JJ-Muntons (Thailand) Ltd is a joint venture between Muntons Plc (UK) and Jebsen & Jessen Ingredients (SEA). The company produces specialty malted food ingredients for Asia’s food and beverage industries.
Products or Services
Manufacture of Malted Food ingredients
Companies Represented
Jebsen and Jessen SEA
Muntons Plc
Senior Management
Mr. Colin Whitehouse
BCCT Member Company Since 2015
19th Floor Sathorn City Tower 175 South Sathorn Road
Tungmahamek, Sathorn
Bangkok 10120
T: +66 (0) 2624 6400
F: +66 (0) 2679 6519 info.thailand@ap.jll.com www.jll.co.th
Chamber Representatives
A - Mrs. Suphin Mechuchep, Managing Director
B - Mr. Maarten Prins, Associate Director Capital Markets
A Fortune 500 company, JLL (NYSE: JLL) is a leading professional services firm that specialises in real estate. Our vision is to reimagine the world of real estate, creating rewarding opportunities and amazing spaces where people can achieve their ambitions. In doing so, we will build a better tomorrow for our clients, our people and our communities. JLL is the brand name, and a registered trademark, of Jones Lang LaSalle Incorporated.
JLL in Thailand was established in 1990 and today is the country’s largest international property services firm with 1,600 employees and over five million square metres of property and corporate facilities managed. The firm was voted Thailand’s number one real estate adviser for the 8th consecutive year in Euromoney Real Estate Survey 2018. JLL was also named Thailand’s Best Property Consultancy Firm at the International Property Awards Asia Pacific 2018 and Thailand’s Best Property Management Brand in 2018 by Global Brands Magazine.
Products or Services
JLL provides a full range of real estate services to owners, occupiers and investors: Sales • Leasing • Acquisitions • Investment • Property and asset management • Integrated facilities management • Project and development services • Research and consulting • and Valuation.
Because our people specialize in a wide range of sectors, they understand your challenges and speak the language of your industry. For every type of property, our experts work to improve the performance of real estate.
51% Thai
49% International interests
Senior Management
Mrs. Suphin Mechuchep, Managing Director
BCCT Member Company Since 1990
399 Sukhumvit Road, Interchange 21 Building
23rd Floor, Unit 1 North Klongtoey
Wattana, Bangkok 10110
T: +66 (0) 2611 2798
F: +66 (0) 2611 2797
info@jnplegalthailand.com www.jnplegalthailand.com
222 Krungthep Kreetha Road
Bangkapi, Bangkok 10240
T: +66 (0) 2379 4646
F: +66 (0) 2379 5050
Chamber Representative
A - Mrs. Nippita Pukdeetanakul, Managing DirectorBackground
JNP Legal is an International Law Firm based in Bangkok that offers professional and personal Corporate and Commercial law services to locals and expatriates both in Thailand and abroad. We practice local law with an international mindset.
Specialising in Corporate, Commercial and Taxation Law, our dedicated team assists companies and individuals with a number of key legal consultancy services. We pride ourselves on delivering first rate, tailor made, cost-effective advice to our clients.
With a team comprising of both Thai and Native English speaking Consultants as well as Japanese, Spanish, Malay, Hindi and Bengali language capabilities, we offer excellent legal advice without any details being lost in translation. JNP Legal is committed to achieving best possible outcomes for our clients, giving legal advice that is practical and most beneficial. Our team is passionate, dynamic, proactive and highly skilled.
We represent clients in various industries and of various sizes, with both international and local presences.
At JNP Legal Thailand, we pride ourselves on our personal client relationships, acting in our clients best interests. We tailor our solutions to our clients’ circumstances and budget with international service delivery and local capability.
JNP Philosophy
Rooted in the view that Legal services can be more intimate, involved, accurate, and straightforward, JNP Legal always strives to create both a professional and a personal ‘relationship’ with our clients. At JNP, we recognise that clients are real people with real issues and hence treat them as such.
JNP Character
JNP Lawyers and consultants are made up of a young, dynamic, interactive, enterprising and generous team, each with their own specialty and talents. Our people aim to build friendly and long-term relationships with clients keeping connected with them via frequent communications for mutual gains.
• Contract Drafting
• Corporate
• Employment Contracts and Disputes
• Intellectual Property
• Real Estate
• Private Client Legal Services Family Law
• Probate
• Work Permits & Immigration
• Notar y Public Services
• Tax and Consulting Services
BCCT Member Company Since 2018
A - Mr. Craig Somerville, International Department Manager
JVK International Movers Limited was founded in 1979, as a leading Thaiowned and asset-based logistics solution provider. Our core business has always been household removals which covers domestic and international service. Throughout our network of offices in Asia, Europe and America, plus those of our worldwide partner agents around the world, we are capable of providing quality services of world-class standard anywhere around the globe.
JVK is a member of JWD Group Public Company Limited. JWD Group of Companies has 18 subsidiaries and operates warehouses and yards covering a total storage space of approximately 800,000 sqm. The Group currently employs 1,300 staff and has branch offices in 32 countries.
World-standard quality:
ISO 9001:2008 certified
FIDI FAIM PLUS accredited international mover
IPPC certified wooden crate manufacturer
C-TPAT certified customs-trade partnership against terrorism
Products or Services
JVK provides a complete range of specialized logistics solutions as follow:
• Household removals
• O ffice removals
• Factory removals
• Exhibition removals
• Fine-arts removals
• Self-storage warehouse
JVK is a member of JWD Group Public Company Limited. JWD Group of Companies has 18 subsidiaries and operates warehouses and yards covering a total storage space of approximately 800,000 sqm. The Group currently employs 1,300 staff and has branch offices in 32 countries.
100% Thai
Senior Management
Mr. Craig Somerville, International Department Manager
Board of Directors
Ms. Chavarnin Bunditkitsada, President
Ms. Orawan Voranij, VP & CFO
BCCT Member Company Since 1991
4 Sukhumvit Soi 2, Klongtoey
Bangkok 10110
T: +66 (0) 2656 7700
F: +66 (0) 2656 7711
bookjwbk k@marriott.com
A - Mr. Peter Caprez, Cluster General Manager
B - Mr. Nicolas Auger, Director of Sales and Marketing
The 5-star JW Marriott Hotel Bangkok is committed to providing refined luxury at every turn. Located in the lively city centre, just a short distance from the BTS SkyTrain, our hotel enables you to discover Thailand’s capital city in unforgettable fashion. Beautifully designed accommodation boasts sumptuous decor, marble bathrooms and a host of modern amenities, including Wi-Fi access and flat-screen TVs. Visit one of our extraordinary on-site restaurants for fresh sushi, sizzling steaks, mouthwatering Chinese fare and more. Our 5-star hotel also features a peaceful spa and a modern fitness center. Those planning events in Bangkok will be impressed with our versatile venues, attentive planning services and customizable catering. If you’re interested in exploring, our city centre location places attractions including Terminal 21 and Siam Paragon well within your reach. We look forward to making your stay in Thailand truly remarkable at the JW Marriott Hotel Bangkok.
Experience the true meaning of Thai hospitality with all the personal touches and comforts that make you feel right at home. With a location that puts this entire vibrant city at your fingertips, newly renovated deluxe rooms and suites with innovative and luxurious amenities and endless array of exceptional culinary delights, JW Marriott Hotel Bangkok is the first-choice hotel for world-class travelers.
Marriott International Inc.
Companies Represented
Mr. Peter Caprez, Cluster General Manager
Mr. Nicolas Auger, Director of Sales and Marketing
The Erawan Group PLC.
Senior Management
Mr. Peter Caprez, Cluster General Manager
Mr. Nicolas Auger, Director of Sales and Marketing
BCCT Member Company Since 2013
125/1, Moo 1, Soi The Valley 1
Kathu, Phuket 83120
T: +66 (0) 89 652 7599
F: +66 (0) 7651 0207
ip@k ajonkietsuksa.ac.th www.kisphuket.ac.th
Chamber Representatives
22, Sukhumvit Soi 28
Bangkok 10110
T: +66 (0) 88 245 5244
k asemsrifarnworth_associates@yahoo.com
Chamber Representatives
A - Mr. Permkiat Ketkul, School Director
B - Ms. Cherish Trakarnboonchai, Director of Business Services
Kajonkiet International School Phuket (KIS) is a family run, co-educational day school for boys and girls aged 2 to 16. Set in 15 Rai of spectacular grounds, we welcome up to 360 pupils into 2 class entry Year groups from Pre-Nursery to Year11. Children at KIS flourish in a family style environment where they are part of a caring community and are taught to respect and support each other. They learn to meet the challenges of the wider world and understand they are part of a global community.
BCCT Member Company Since 2016
A - Mrs. Vanasobhin Kasemsri, Managing Director
B - Mr. Joel Farnworth, Managing Partner
Founded in 2005 by Joel Farnworth (Ex head of HR, HSBC Thailand) and Vana Kasemsri (Ex Head of Learning and Development, HSBC Thailand).
KF&A aims to combine Joel’s international exposure - 20+ years working in Frontier and Developing markets, predominantly ASP/MENA - with Vana’s local expertise and exposure to Engineering, Hotel and Financial services industries here in Thailand.
A variety of core and bespoke HR Services all aimed at improving the capabilities of in-house HR teams and in turn, their impact on business success. A focus on capabilities to implement services that impact business success, essentially talent, performance, reward and organisational design and development. A specific targeting of HR metrics i.e. the creation and ongoing management of key indicators that determine HR success and its impact on business demand and success.
A number of working relationships with local consultancy firms whose expertise can be called upon when required.
A growing client list in Thailand and Asia.
Joel Farnworth and Vana Kasemsri (majority shareholders)
Joel Farnworth and Vana Kasemsri
Bangkok Bank
Well capitalised and able to fund projects of any size.
BCCT Member Company Since 2014
88 Bangprom Road, Bangprom
Talingchan, Bangkok 10170
T: +66 (0) 2864 9977
F: +66 (0) 2864 9911
info@kensington.ac.th www.kensington.ac.th/
Chamber Representatives
APT 612, Saleh Bin Lahej 341
Al Barsha 1
T: +971 50 854 3189
Chamber Representative
A - Mrs. Beverley Petch, Head Teacher
B - Mrs. Varaporn Kanjanawat Phanwiroj, Director
Kensington International Kindergarten is an International Kindergarten offering a curriculum based on the Early Year Foundation Stage and the British National Curriculum. We are committed to providing excellence in Early Childhood Education. We believe that for your child to reach their potential we must provide a stimulating, creative and innovative environment where children become engaged and effective learners.
It is well documented that the first few years of a child’s life are fundamental in term of their development. Hence, our promise to parents is that every single child in our care will enjoy a warm, safe, stimulating, individual and age appropriate education that will prove to be a critical foundation in their life-time love of learning, development and vital confidence building.
We only have your child for a few short years but we take a long term perspective and see them as future adults and leaders. In light of this, we make every effort to create a solid platform that can be built on. The Kensington kindergarten has everything needed for successful, well-rounded children. “Nurturing Children to Become Happy Life – Long Learners”
BCCT Member Company Since 2018
A - Mr. Michael Judd, Director, IT, Security and AV
Michael is an internationally accredited, experienced IT Specialist within the field of ICT Infrastructures, particularly Network Architecture, Physical Security systems and Audio Visual concepts. His experience covers diverse range of Consultancy, Technical Project Manager, Design and Commercial aspects of the industry from residential and 5 Star Hospitality projects, to major complex projects as Airports, Data Centers, Sporting Events and Government and Manufacturing initiatives.
For Example
Heathrow Terminal 5
Muscat/Salalah International Airports
The Royal Atlantis Hotel and Residences
Bulgari Hotel Resort
Manchester Commonwealth Games
DOHA Asian Games
GCHQ Cheltenham
Currently working on major project in Dubai, looking for further opportunities within ASEAN region!
BCCT Member Company Since 2017
22 Sukhimvit 33, Klongton Nua
Wattana, Bangkok 10110
T: +66 (0) 2260 3035-7
F: +66 (0) 2260 3034 barry@tenderloins33.com www.thebistro33.com
Chamber Representative
The Pearl of Nation Co., Ltd. 23/147, Naithon Beach Road Sakoo, Thalang, Phuket 83110
T: +66 (0) 87 881 6060
F: +66 (0) 76 336 701 sthughes@k ingsbournegroup.com www.pearlofnaithon.com
A - Mr. Barry Shea, Chairman
Importor and distributor of premium vodka brand names: Jewel of Russia and Shustov, distributor of wines from around the world with great prices on take home and delivery, also manages two restaurants in Soi Sukhumvit 33: Tenderloins and Bistro 33.
Products or Services
Premium vodka: Jewel of Russia and Shustov. Tenderloins and Bistro 33 in Soi Sukhumvit 33.
60% Thai
40% Canadian
Kasikorn Bank / Sukhumvit 33
BCCT Member Company Since 2007
A - Mr. Stephen T Hughes, Managing Director
B - Ms. Kannika Kosing, Manager
The Pearl of Naithon has been designed to offer clients a unique opportunity to buy or rent a Luxury Apartment in Phuket or Duplex Penthouse Apartment in one of the world’s most stunning locations. The Pearl of Naithon is situated right on the edge of the Sirinath Marine National Park and is approached via the scenic Naithon Beach Road. The ‘Pearl’ provides direct access onto one of Phuket’s most beautiful and secluded swimming beaches!
Phuket is commonly referred to as ‘The Pearl of the Andaman Sea’, and it’s easy to see why - amazing beaches, world-class shopping, international-standard restaurants and a fantastic climate. Activities include trekking, yachting, SCUBA diving, snorkelling, tropical-island excursions, tours, shows, and of course sightseeing...
We are located right opposite the beach at Naithon, which we believe is the most stunning bay on the island. Naithon boasts one of the very best beaches on the sought after West Coast of Phuket. It is an idyllic location surrounded on all sides by tropical landscaped hills which form part of the Sirinath National Park, making The Pearl of Naithon the perfect getaway.
BCCT Member Company Since 2015
999/123-124 Pracha-Utit Road
Samsennok, Bangkok 10310
T: +66 (0) 2274 3444
F: +66 (0) 2274 3452
info@kis.ac.th www.kis.ac.th
Chamber Representatives
A - Ms. Sally Holloway, Head of School
B - Ms. Linda Belonje, Director of Marketing and Development
Inspiring Individuals
KIS International School in Bangkok aims to inspire students to challenge themselves to become better people, who in turn become inspiring individuals who help make the world become a better place.
The school was founded in 1998 as one of the first full IB Schools in Thailand, offering the PYP, the MYP and the IB Diploma.
The atmosphere at KIS is one of the school’s great strengths. Around 700 students from 55 different countries study at our mid-sized school with a green, spacious campus near the center of Bangkok. Students and parents quickly feel at home and develop a sense of pride in their school. KIS’s smaller size means there is individual attention for each student and openness to creative and progressive ideas.
Academic results are strong, with consistent high Diploma pass rates and high average scores, which have paved the way for KIS graduates to enter top universities around the world.
We invite you to visit KIS and be inspired!
Products or Services
International Education- The International Baccalaureate Programmes
Authorised by the International Baccalaureate Organization; Partnered with Washington International School, an IB world school in Washington, D.C.; Accredited by the Council of International Schools, Member of EARCOS.
100% Thai
Senior Management
Ms. Sally Holloway, Head of School
Ms. June van den Bos, Principal Primary School
Mr. Michael Hirsch, Principal Secondary School
BCCT Member Company Since 2007
Tontine, 20 Trongate
G1 5NA
T: +44 (0)141 4657616
info@klik2learn.com www.klik2learn.com
65/192, 23rd Floor
Chamnan Phenjati Business Center
Rama IX Road, Huaykwang, Bangkok 10320
T: +66 (0) 2643 8223
F: +66 (0) 2643 8224
kft@th.knightfrank.com www.knightfrank.co.th
A - Mrs. Rosy Banwait, Business Development Manager
B - Mrs. Ann Attridge, CEO
Klik2learn is an educational technology company developing learning for a new generation.
We specialise in English language learning and work with awarding bodies such as City & Guilds and the Scottish Qualifications Authority to develop unique, digital courses that lead directly to accredited qualifications.
We’ve created learning for a new generation.
• Journey 2 English (J2E)
• USP’s
• Continued Professional Development Certification
• CPD*
• The ‘English Skills Test’ can be sold separately or as a package with J2E
• Technical Specification for Journey2English and English Skills Test
Video links – Journey 2 English – Product 1 – English online course
An introduction - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EoFrQUDPpAQ&t=36s
Overview of the course - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B3tx3zp3_m8
A closer look - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZFeWK579dA4&t=35s
Video link – Skills Test – Product 2 – test before and after ‘Journey 2 English’ if required.
English Skills Test - An Overview - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rXgwRwO_jo&t=4s
Free Taster – click link and click free taster - www.klik2learn.com/ Who buys our product
Our Business Model and clients
Hong Kong - secondary schools, using journey 2 English embedded into their curriculum to add value and support
Mrs. Ann Attridge, CEO
Mrs. Rosy Banwait, Business Development Manager
BCCT Member Company Since 2018
A - Mr. Phanom Kanjanathiemthao, Managing Director
B - Mr. Marcus Burtenshaw, Executive Director Head of Commercial Agency
Knight Frank, the world’s leading independent real estate agency and consultancy, provides our clients with global coverage via 418 offices in 60 countries and more than 15,020 staff throughout Europe, Asia Pacific, Africa, the Middle East and the Americas, focusing on prime residential property and commercial property markets across the world.
Knight Frank provides market-leading advice and transaction support to investors, corporates and homeowners for their personal and business property needs. This knowledge is supported by industry-leading technology and market research.
At the local level, Knight Frank Thailand has grown into one of the country’s leading real estate agents and consultants, with offices in Bangkok and Phuket. With established specialist departments advising on all aspects of the property ownership cycle, we promote progressive growth through a strong corporate culture and innovation to assist us to recruit and retain most skilled professionals.
Products or Services
• Residential Agency - Development Consultancy and Advisory, Project Sales and Marketing, International Project Marketing, Prime Sales
• Commercial Agency - Office Leasing, Investment Sales and Advisory, Land Sales, Commercial Advisory
• Industrial Agency - Sales and Leasing, Project Sales and Marketing, Industrial Land Acquisition, Development Consultancy and Advisory
• Valuation and Consultancy - Property, Plant and Machinery Valuation, Research and Feasibility Study
• Property/Asset Management
Knight Frank Phuket Company Limited
Senior Management
Mr. Phanom Kanjanathiemthao, Managing Director
Mr. Marcus Burtenshaw, Executive Director of Agency
Mr. Frank Khan, Executive Director of Residential
BCCT Member Company Since 2002
48th Floor, Empire Tower
1 South Sathorn Road
Yannawa, Sathorn
Bangkok 10120
T: +66 (0) 2677 2000
F: +66 (0) 2677 2222
Chamber Representatives
5/356 Mooban Tangrodfai Fangtawantok
Hua Hin, Prachuab Khirikhan 77110
T: +66 (0) 3251 2799
F: +66 (0) 3251 2799
danny@kunini.com www.kunini.com
Chamber Representative
A - Mr. John Andes, Partner, Tax
B - Mr. Ian Thornhill, Partner, Deal Advisory
KPMG in Thailand provides a full range of Audit, Tax and Advisory services to multinational and local clients. KPMG understands the challenges and priorities of doing business in Thailand. The aim of KPMG International member firms is to turn knowledge into value for the benefit of their clients, people and capital markets. With over 200,00 people worldwide, member firms provide Audit, Tax and Advisory services in 154 countries. KPMG in Thailand has a wealth of local knowledge and expertise delivered by a team of over 1,600 professionals and staff, enhanced by international knowledge and leadership in technical and industry matters via our global network. This valuable resource enables our professionals to deliver informed and timely advice that helps business achieve sustainable and superior performance and effectively communicate to our stakeholders.
Products or Services
KPMG in Thailand provides a full range of Audit, Tax and Advisory services.
KPMG Phoomchai Audit Ltd.
KPMG Phoomchai Tax Ltd.
KPMG Phoomchai Business Advisory Ltd.
Companies Represented
KPMG in Thailand.
Senior Management
Mr. Winid Silamongkol, CEO
BCCT Member Company Since 1986
A - Mr. Daniel Parsons, Chief Operation Officer
Kunini Electrical Services was founded in Koh Samui in August 2002. The company transformed from Security Services to Electrical and Lighting Contractors in 2009.
The owning company is Kunini Holdings Limited Partnership, which is a legally registered Thai company. The company is owned by Mrs Sataporn Parsons who is Thai and Mr. Daniel Parsons, Sataporn also acts as the CFO. The chief operating officer of the company is Mr. Daniel A. Parsons, he is originally from the UK and has been managing the business and developing Kunini systems since conception.
Kunini has two offices, Hua Hin and Pattaya.
Time Line
Established 2002
Security Business 2002 – 2009
Electrical & Lighting Business 2005 – Present
Solar PV Business 2011 – Present
Consulting / Design Business 2010 - Present
Products or Services
Kunini’s business activities include Complete Electrical Solutions, Solar PV Solutions, Lighting and Lighting Control Systems, Electrical Consultancy and Project Management.
BCCT Member Company Since 2015
Office No. 28, 6th Floor
Q House Phloen Chit
598 Phloen Chit Road
Lumpini, Pathumwan
Bangkok 10330
T: +66 (0) 2663 7808
F: +66 (0) 2663 7880
jnewman@lampinsurance.com www.lampinsurance.com
Chamber Representatives
1777, New Phetchaburi Road
Bangkok 10310
T: +66 (0) 2262 8000
F: +66 (0) 2262 8010 info@lancasterbangkok.com www.lancasterbangkok.com
Chamber Representatives
A - Mr. Jerome Newman, General Manager SE Asia
B - Mr. Ben Wisbey, Assistant Manager
Background Insurance Services Company for LAMP Insurance Company Limited
Products or Services Insurance and Reinsurance Services
Part of LAMP Group Limited
Senior Management
Mr. Jerome Newman, General Manager for Southeast Asia
Mr. Alan Cousins, CEO of LAMP Group Limited
Board of Directors
Mr. Alan Cousins, CEO of LAMP Group Limited
BCCT Member Company Since 2014
A - Mr. Martin Hurley, General Manager
B - Mr. Tosaporn Sihanatkathakul, Executive Director
Lancaster Bangkok effortlessly blends contemporary design and modern style with traditional Thai elegance. This independent luxury hotel offers the highest levels of professional, warm and friendly service in an iconic setting - the embodiment of Thai warmth and hospitality. Here, guests will experience the heartfelt care for which Thailand is famed.
The elegant guest bedrooms are some of the largest in the city and for our guests’ ultimate comfort each room is furnished with luxury Egyptian cotton and Thai silk bedding. As well as a free-standing bath and rainforest shower, all rooms are fully equipped with modern facilities including an interactive tablet, a 50 inch high definition television and complimentary high speed Wi-Fi.
Lancaster Bangkok features a magnificent grand ballroom and state of the art meeting rooms for between 10 and 500 delegates. These well equipped rooms offer attentive service, free high-speed Wi-Fi, natural light and the latest in A/V technology.
With one of the largest gyms in the city, Viva Fit provides you many options to stay healthier and happier when you’re away from home. Our Viva Jiva spa offers a blend of traditional and contemporary massages, facials and spa rituals.
Centrally located near to Petchaburi MRT, Makkasan Airport link and Asok (Sukhumvit 21), Lancaster Bangkok offers everything you need for the perfect business or leisure stay.
The Landmark Bangkok
The Landmark London
Royal Lancaster London
K West Hotel & Spa London
Basil Street Apartments London
Companies Represented
Preferred Hotels and Resorts
Mr. Jatuporn Sihanatkathakul
Senior Management
Mr. Martin Hurley, General Manager
BCCT Member Company Since 2015
11 Q.House Sathon Building 14th Fl.
South Sathon Rd., Thungmahamek Sathon Bangkok 10120
T: +66 (0) 2286 3484
F: +66 (0) 2286 3585
lhfund@lhfund.co.th marketing@lhfund.co.th www.lhfund.co.th
Chamber Representatives
138 Sukhumvit Road
Klongtoey, Bangkok 10110
T: +66 (0) 2254 0404
F: +66 (0) 2253 4259
A - Mr. Monrat Phadungsit, President
B - Ms. Naree Pruksayaphai, Executive Vice President, Investment Group
Land and Houses Fund Management Company Limited (LH FUND) is a fund management company under LH Financial Group Public Company Limited (LHFG). Our vision and mission are to extend the group’s line of business to cover a diversified range of services as well as to provide investment alternatives for investors through mutual funds, private funds, and provident funds. LH Fund aims to maintain professional standards for operations, the principles of good corporate governance by focusing on operating for the utmost benefit of clients under the duty of loyalty and the duty of care.
Historical Background: On 23 November 2010, Land and Houses Bank Public Company Limited (LHBANK) acquired United Asset Management Company Limited and changed the name to Land and Houses Fund Management Company Limited (LH FUND). Following the restructuring within the financial business group, LHBANK sold 99.99% of LH FUND to LHFG on 1 March 2016.
Currently, LHFUND’s registered capital is fully paid up of THB300 million and was granted various business license. The company has started offering Mutual Fund and Private Fund services since 2011, Provident Fund since 2012 and REITs since 2014 respectively. As of September 2018, LHFUND’s Asset under management was THB67.70 billion.
Mutual Funds, Private Funds, Provident Funds, Property Funds, Real Estate Investment Trusts.
LH Financial Group PLC., Land and Houses Bank PLC., Land and Houses Securities PLC.
Mr. Monrat Phadungsit, President
Land and Houses Financial Group PLC.
Senior Management
Mr. Monrat Phadungsit, President
Board of Directors
Mr. Rutt Phanijphand, Mr. Adul Vinaiphat, Mrs. Suwanna Bhuddhaprasart, Mrs. Sasitorn Phongsathorn, Miss Chutamas Sombunyaviroj, Mrs. Ravewan Wattananukij, Mrs. Chantana Kanchanagama, Mr. Monrat Phadungsit, Mr. Guang- Hua Lai
Currently, LHFUND’s registered capital is fully paid up of THB300 million and was granted various business license. The company has started offering Mutual Fund and Private Fund services since 2011, Provident Fund since 2012 and REITs since 2014 respectively. As of September 2018, LHFUND’s Asset under management was THB67.70 billion.
BCCT Member Company Since 2018
A - Mr. Francis Zimmerman, General Manager
Following major guest room renovations, The Landmark has reaffirmed its position as one of Bangkok’s most enduringly popular hotels. Part of that success is due to its convenient location on lower Sukhumvit Road in central Bangkok, close to Nana station of Bangkok’s skytrain system, and from where it also enjoys easy access to all the important expressways. Our central location in the main business, shopping and entertainment areas gives convenient access to the Bangkok International Trade Exhibition Center (BITEC), Queen Sirikit National Convention Centre, and IMPACT Convention Centre.
The impressive hotel offers 31 storeys of elegant and spacious accommodation with 399 guest rooms including suites. Our accommodation is of the highest standards, as are our restaurants, and our service is, of course, sublimely Thai. Our facilities include a business center with private meeting rooms, 25 renovated meeting rooms with capacities from 10 -1000 delegates, WiFi, a 2,500 square metre Fitness First Platinum Landmark, an outdoor swimming pool, VIVA JIVA Spa, a choice of 7 gourmet restaurants including the renowned RR&B Steakhouse with 2 international bars and a shopping plaza.
Lancaster Bangkok
The Landmark London
Royal Lancaster London
K West London
Basil St. Apartment London
Companies Represented
Lifestyle Preferred Hotels & Resorts
Mr. Jatuporn Sihanatkathakul
Mr. Francis Zimmerman, General Manager
BCCT Member Company Since 1994
50/5-9 Huay Kaew Road
T. Chang Puek, A. Muang
Chiang Mai 50300
T: +66 (0) 2038 5288, 5322 3348
F: +66 (0) 5322 3349 contact@lannasoftworks.com www.lannasoftworks.com
Chamber Representatives
Unit 1401, 14th Floor, Abdulrahim Place
990 Rama IV Road, Silom
Bangrak, Bangkok 10500
T: +66 (0) 2636 0662
F: +66 (0) 2636 0663
kowit.somwaiya@lawplusltd.com www.lawplusltd.com
Chamber Representatives
A - Mr. Surachej Navanich, Chief Executive Officer
B - Ms. Nan Htwe Phyu, Marketing Manager
Lanna Softworks was formed in 2005 in Chiang Mai, Thailand, to provide technical and human solutions for clients around the world. We pride ourselves in providing high quality, competitively priced, multi-platform software development services, implementation and integration, as well as technical consulting.
Bangkok Office
Glas Haus Building, Level P (Penthouse)
Unit P01, 1 Sukhumvit 25, Sukhumvit Road
North Klongtoey, Wattana
Bangkok 10110, Thailand
Products or Services
• Mobile App Development
• Website Development
• Application Development
• Software Quality Assurance
• IT Staff Augmentation
BCCT Member Company Since 2017
A - Mr. Kowit Somwaiya, Managing partner
B - Mrs. Prasantaya Bantadtan, Partner
LawPlus Ltd. is a full-service law firm operating in Thailand and Myanmar (LawPlus Myanmar Ltd.) with a team of lawyers holding the core values of being professional, practical, prompt and proactive. The objective of the Firm is to provide clients with accurate and pragmatic legal advice in a timely manner, while adding value to the client’s business activities at a reasonable cost. LawPlus Ltd. and its founder Kowit Somwaiya have been ranked as leading, highly recommended and recommended in several areas of practices by international legal directories, such as the Legal 500, the Asia IP Experts, the In-House Handbook, the IFLR1000, the AsiaLaw Leading Lawyers and the Asia IP Profiles.
• “LawPlus Ltd. handles a huge variety of corporate transactions and commercial contracts for Thai corporate and well know multinationals.” The Legal 500 Asia Pacific, 2018.
• “Shortlisted [amongst 5 law firms of Thailand] for the Patent Firm of the Year 2017.” Asia IP Profiles 2017.
• “An IP Star by the World IP Sur vey 2017.” Managing Intellectual Property IP Stars 2017.
• “LawPlus Ltd. handles all aspects of financial ser vices regulatory matters, bank lending and project finance, disputes concerning commercial, property and employment matters, IT and telecoms matters for Thai and foreign companies.” The Legal 500 Asia Pacific, 2015.
• “Highly recommended practice areas: bank ing & finance, corporate/M&A, intellectual property.” Asialaw Profiles, 2015.
• “Intellectual property is a central pillar at this admired firm, which continues to make significant strides on the Thai trademark scene. It is a favourite among pan-continental heavyweights, including US, UK and Japanese market leaders.” WTR 1000, 2014.
• “Dynamic, proactive and astute” W TR 1000, 2013.
• “Recommended” for merger & acquisitions, banking and project finance, restructuring and insolvency.” IFLR1000, 2008 through 2012.
Our specialized practice areas include banking and finance, corporate and commercial, mergers and acquisitions, intellectual property, securities, information technology, telecommunications, joint venture, employment, foreign direct investment, real property, debt restructuring, insolvency and litigation and dispute resolution. With our in-depth knowledge of the Thai economy and the clients’ industries, and our understanding of local practices, we strive to make our advice practical and valuable to the client.
Multinationals and leading Thai companies.
100% Thai
Senior Management
Mr. Kowit Somwaiya, Managing Partner
Mrs. Prasantaya Bantadtan, Partner
Bangkok Bank
BCCT Member Company Since 2004
5th Floor, M Thai Tower
All Seasons Place, 87 Wireless Road
Lumpini, Pathumwan, Bangkok 10330
T: +66 (0) 2654 1150
F: +66 (0) 2654 1151
info@lawtonasia.co.th www.lawtonasia.com
Chamber Representative
40/5 Surawong Road, Siphraya
Bangrak, Bangkok 10500
T: +66 (0) 2232 8888
F: +66 (0) 2232 8999
Chamber Representatives
A - Mr. Jerome Kelly, CEO
LawtonAsia is a leading independent insurance broker specializing in international medical insurance, employee benefit schemes, general insurance and reinsurance. The company also provides financial planning services, which cover everything from investment management to retirement planning, and personal protection insurance for individuals and their families. Serving both the international and local communities for over a decade LawtonAsia has earned a reputation for sensible, straightforward advice and innovative service.
Products or Services
• Property, Construction & Engineering • Liability
• Professional Indemnity • Directors and Officers
• Risk Management Service • Employee Benefits
• Shops & Offices • Motor & Home Insurance
• Cargo & Marine • Claims management
• Local & International Medical Insurance • Reinsurance
Financial Services:
• Retirement Planning
• Life Assurance
• Investment Services
LawtonAsia Life Insurance Brokers Ltd.
Companies Represented
We are brokers to many of the leading local and multinational corporations and international schools operating in Thailand.
51% Thai
49% Foreigner
Senior Management
Mr. Jerome Kelly
Ms. Waraporn Mupaisan
Board of Directors
Mr. Jerome Kelly
Ms. Waraporn Mupaisan
The Siam Commercial Bank Pcl
BCCT Member Company Since 1999
A - Mr. Killian Donoghue, General Manager
B - Ms. Nattavadee Sangsirirattana, Account Director
The 282-room Le Méridien Bangkok is the brand’s flagship property in Bangkok to launch Le Méridien group’s new core values of Chic, Cultured and Discovery. Le Méridien Bangkok not only offers guests a friendly hotel to stay with an accommodating room and contemporary cuisine, but also inspires guests to use their time creatively by providing new perspectives on Thailand’s capital. Le Méridien Hotels and Resorts are represented internationally by 120 hotels in 50 countries.
Products or Services
Hotel Accommodation; Meeting Venue; Restaurant; Wedding Service; Catering Service
Marriott International, Inc.
87.4% Thai
12.6% Other
Siam Commercial Bank
BCCT Member Company Since 2011
530 Choniwes, Pracharchun Road
Chatuchak District, Bangkok 10900 rungwit@leadingsupreme.com www.leadingsupreme.com
Chamber Representative
State Tower, 1055 Silom Road
Bangrak, Bangkok 10500
T: +66 (0) 2624 9555
F: +66 (0) 2624 9998 resvn@lebua.com www.lebua.com
Chamber Representatives
A - Mr. Rungwit Isarapandh, Executive Partner
Products or Services
Our Services included:
• One-on-One Coaching
• Group Coaching
• Training
• Assessment
• Training roadmap and Succession plan
• HRD Consultant
Field of Expertise:
• Coaching & Mentoring
• Leadership
• Talent Engagement
• Communication
• Presentation & Storytelling
• High Performance
• Intercultural Management
BCCT Member Company Since 2018
A - Mr. Deepak Ohri, Chief Executive Officer
B - Ms. Piangduan Lertsittikul, General Manager
lebua Hotels and Resorts is a rapidly growing international luxury brand that operates distinctive hotels, fine restaurants and bars across continents. Led by visionary CEO Deepak Ohri, the Bangkok-based lebua aspires to tap into a deeper level of exchange with guests and create emotional connections. The Dome at lebua is an impressive collection of restaurants and bars atop wherein the vistas are breathtaking. These include Sirocco, the rooftop restaurant serving Mediterranean cuisine, Breeze serves pan Asian cuisine and Mezzaluna, the Michelin two star restaurant that conjures up French cuisine with a Japanese touch. Bars at lebua bangkok are legendary with Sky Bar, named most stunning rooftop bar with amazing views of Bangkok; the Flute, a Perrier Jouet Bar, world’s highest Al Fresco Champagne Bar; Alfresco - a Chivas Bar, that takes whisky drinking to a new high; Distil which has the most amazing liqour options for the connoisseur in you.
Products or Services
lebua Hotels and Resorts is an international luxury brand that operates distinct hotels, fine restaurants, and stunning bars. The company’s lodging collection features Bangkok’s best-performing luxury hotels (Tower Club at lebua and lebua at State Tower), magnificent properties in India (lebua Resort, Jaipur; lebua Lodge at Amer, Jaipur, lebua Lucknow and lebua Corbett), and an exclusive property in New Zealand (Lake Okareka Lodge by lebua).
100% Thai
Senior Management
Mr. Deepak Ohri, Chief Executive Officer
Board of Directors
Ms. Narawadee Bualert, President
BCCT Member Company Since 2005
14th Floor One Pacific Place Unit 1401 140 Sukhumvit Road, Klongtoey
Bangkok 10110
T: +66 (0) 2653 5040
F: +66 (0) 2254 3595
leigh@lhh.co.th, wandee@lhh.co.th, panu@lhh.co.th www.lhh.co.th, www.lhh.com
Chamber Representatives
109, CCT Building, 13th Floor, Room 4 Surawong Road, Suriyawong Bangkok 10500
T: +66 (0) 2235 8868 david@lexiconthai.com www.lexiconthai.com
Chamber Representatives
A - Mr. Leigh Scott-Kemmis, Chairman
B - Ms. Wandee Suriwong, Director Client Services
Lee Hecht Harrison is a leading global human capital management firm providing;
• Career transition and change management ser vices to private and public companies, not-for-profits and goverments. With almost 50 years of experience creating innovative career transition solutions. LHH Thailand annually guides more than 7,000 organizations and 250,000 individuals through key transitions caused by significant change events or by the dynamic ongoing employee changes that impact business daily.
• Assisting organizations develop their talent and empower individuals to achieve their full potential.
• Group leadership coaching development programs.
• Individual development and executive coaching programs.
Products or Services
Workforce transformation solutions
We partner with you as we provide integrated solutions to support your organization and accelerate the transformation of your workforce.
Career transition and outplacement
We help people make successful transitions into new jobs within your company or with new employers.
Talent and leadership development
We inspire employees to become better leaders, turn change to their advantage, and move their careers forward.
Lee Hecht Harrison Global in over 60 countries.
51% Thai
49% Australian
Senior Management
Mr. Leigh Scott-Kemmis, Chairman
Ms. Wandee Suriwong, Director Client Services
Mr. Panu Satienpoch, Managing Director
Board of Directors
Mr. Leigh Scott-Kemmis, Chairman
Ms. Wandee Suriwong, Director Client Services
BCCT Member Company Since 1999
A - Mr. David Norcross, Managing Director
B - Ms. Lalita Pudsa, Operations Director
Lexicon provides Digital PR services from our Bangkok headquarters to the world. We call our complete suite of services Fusion Marketing as Lexicon fuses together the best elements of contemporary digital marketing (social media, analytics, SEO) with the best of traditional, content-driven marketing (copywriting, branding, visual design).
Lexicon is unique in Thailand as all of our work is done in-house, meaning we don’t charge additional agency fees. Our copywriting team sits side-byside with our designers, video producers and social media marketers, thus ensuring joined-up solutions and world-class services at local Thai prices.
These USPs allow Lexicon to differentiate on both price and quality, making us an excellent partner for multinationals looking to enter the Thai market, as well as for companies in Singapore and Hong Kong looking to lower operating costs while maintaining international standards.
Products or Services
Content Writing, Video Production, Graphic Design, Branding, Social Media Marketing, Influencer Marketing, Digital Marketing, Translation, Editing & Proofreading, Animation
BCCT Member Company Since 2018
Liongate Enterprise Park, 80 Morden Road, Mitcham
Surrey CR4 4PH
T: +44 (0) 799 723 218
sarah.mcallister@linguaphonegroup.com www.pingusenglish.com www.directenglish.com
Chamber Representative
20th Floor, Capital Tower
All Seasons Place
87/1 Wireless Road
Bangkok 10330
T: +66 (0) 2305 8000
F: +66 (0) 2305 8010 bangkok@link laters.com www.linklaters.com
A - Ms. Sarah McAllister, Head of Marketing
Linguaphone Group Ltd is a world-leading international education company based in the UK, with over 115 years of experience in 40 countries worldwide. They operate under the internationally recognised Pingu’s English and Direct English brand names, through a global network of Master Franchisees in over 40 countries worldwide.
Pingu’s English is their educational, fun and effective pre-school English language training franchise, that encourages children to speak English fluently before they start school. Pingu’s English offers a three-year full-time international kindergarten curriculum, as well as a three-level international English language training (ELT) program.
Direct English is their comprehensive nine-level English language program for adults, including a brand new online learning platform Direct English Live.
Mr. Derek Price, Chief Executive Officer
BCCT Member Company Since 2018
A - Ms. Wilailuk Okanurak, Senior Partner
B - Mr. Pichitpon Eammongkolchai, Managing Partner
Linklaters LLP specialises in advising the world’s leading companies, financial institutions and governments on their most challenging transactions and assignments. With offices in major business and financial centres, we deliver an outstanding service to our clients anywhere in the world.
Linklaters is long established in Asia, with over 350 lawyers spread across offices in Beijing, Shanghai, Hong Kong, Tokyo, Seoul, Singapore and Bangkok. We promote the sharing of expertise across our network, ensuring that clients receive a consistent level of service irrespective of location or the lawyers involved. Few firms match our commitment of ensuring our clients in Asia receive the highest global standards of service and expertise.
In Bangkok we advise across a range of practice areas including corporate/M&A and private equity; the full range of financing law, including banking, projects, acquisition finance and real estate finance; and all areas of capital markets.
49% British
51% Thai
BCCT Member Company Since 2011
Lloyd’s Register International (Thailand) Ltd.
14th Floor, Sirinrat Building
3388/46 Rama IV Road
Klong Toey, Bangkok 10110
T: +66 (0) 2367 5594-7
F: +66 (0) 2367 5598 bangkok@lr.org www.lr.org
Chamber Representative
35th Floor, United Center Building 323 Silom Road, Bangrak
Bangkok 10500
T: +66 (0) 2635 5000
F: +66 (0) 2635 5111 lockton.th@asia.lockton.com www.locktonwattana.co.th
Chamber Representative
A - Mr. Anek Pongtongcharoen, Chief Representative for Thailand
Lloyd’s Register Group is a global engineering, technical and business services organisation wholly owned by the Lloyd’s Register Foundation, a UK charity dedicated to research and education in science and engineering.
Lloyd’s Register has a long-standing reputation for integrity, impartiality and technical excellence. The organisation offers compliance, risk and technical consultancy services to clients so that they have the confidence that their assets and businesses are safe, sustainable and dependable. Through their global technology centres and research network, they are at the forefront of understanding the application of new science and technology to futureproof clients’ businesses.
Founded in 1760 in London as a marine classification society, Lloyd’s Register now operates across many industry sectors, with over 9,000 employees based in 78 countries across the world.
Members of the Lloyd’s Register Group develop products and offer services to meet clients’ needs via three main business streams:
• Marine
• Energy
• Management Systems
LRQA (Lloyd’s Register Quality Assurance)
The Lloyd’s Register Group operates worldwide through a network of bodies including entities such as Lloyd’s Register International Thailand; and Lloyd’s Register Thailand.
Lloyd’s Register Group is wholly owned by the Lloyd’s Register Foundation, a UK charity dedicated to research and education in science and engineering.
Mr. Alastair Marsh, Chief Executive Officer
Mr. Thomas Thune Andersen, Chairman
BCCT Member Company Since 1964
A - Mr. Wattana Wongvisesnopakun, Executive Chairman
Lockton Wattana Insurance Brokers (Thailand) Ltd. is a service minded risk consultancy providing insurance and reinsurance broking, risk management advisory for commercial and personal client alike. Employing over 200 professionals in Thailand alone, we are well positioned to handle all our clients’ consultancy and insurance and reinsurance requirements. We design and implement integrated risk management and insurance programmes for our clients in a wide range of industry sectors including Steel, Power, Energy, Construction and Industrial Risks.
Products or Services
All classes of insurance and reinsurance services, comprising:
• Corporate Risk and Advisory Services
• Employee Benefits
• Affinity and SMEs
• Reinsurance
Senior Management
Mr. Wattana Wongvisesnopakun, Executive Chairman
Ms. Jongjit Dejudomvittaya, Senior Director
Mr. Peter Jackson, Director
Bangkok Bank PCL. Citibank, N.A.
BCCT Member Company Since 1996
1178 Phatthanakan Road
Suanluang, Bangkok 10250
T: +66 (0) 2022 8025
F: +66 (0) 2022 8097
gm@the-londoner.com www.the-londoner.com
Chamber Representatives
3 Shortlands London W6 8DA
T: +44 (0) 203 609 8690
F: +44 (0) 203 609 8691 info@lct.co.uk www.lct.co.uk
A - Mr. John Stamp, Proprietor
B - Mr. Derek Stamp, Director
From humble beginnings in 1997, The Londoner Brew Pub has made its mark as Bangkok’s favourite pub for expatriates, locals and tourists alike.
The Londoner is famed for brewing Thailand’s only pub-brewed English Bitter and Pilsner Lager, stocking a complete range of beverages, wines and cocktails, as well as a wide range of a superb pub food. The newly built Londoner also offers a fantastic second floor open kitchen Bistro with relaxed restaurant experience and rooftop terrace with pool table.
The Londoner is now located on Phattanakarn Road between Soi 30 and 32.
Birthplace of the now infamous Wacky Wednesday 2-for-1 deal, The Londoner Brew Pub is also adept at hosting professional functions and one-off parties for both corporate and private functions our dedicated staff are always at your service. Of course, we never miss an opportunity to party, with special deals offered for major sporting events and the majority of international festive occasions and daily promotion on food and beverage. Check the website or Facebook for daily details.
Mr. John Stamp, Proprietor
Mr. Derek Stamp, Director
Mr. Alex Stamp, Director
Mr. Danai Stamp, Director
Mr. Damian Mackay, General Manager
Mr. Peter Schwarzmueller, Brew Master
Mr. Vicharn Srisutham, Executive Chef
BCCT Member Company Since 1999
A - Mr. Ian Mann, Executive Chairman
B - Mr. Praveen Mathews, Business Development Manager
London Corporate Training, frequently known as LCT, has three divisions.
Sends expert and highly experienced Consultants and Trainers to Thailand and to many countries around the world. We can send them to provide Management Training for international corporations or for small enterprises.
Works with clients to prepare customised and tailor-made training in any area of Management - designed to suit their needs 100%.
LCT’s LONDON Division
Has, for twenty-five years, provided quality Management Training with over 100 different, short (normally 1-3 weeks) courses held in London and repeated several times a year.
Company Directors, Senior and Middle Managers (and even university graduates in their first job) from leading international banks and financial institutions, government departments and agencies, majors in the oil/gas, telecoms and manufacturing industries come to London from more than a hundred countries. This is a great opportunity to network with people from different cultures and countries perhaps with similar problems and different ways of approaching them. Highly educative and most interesting. Here is a quick LINK to the 2019 Management Training Programme that will give you the complete range of LCT’s courses. This will show you WHO should attend, what are the LEARNING OBJECTIVES, and the CONTENT of the course. https://www.lct.co.uk/uploads/documents/2019_training_programme.pdf Standard courses in London and overseas are run in English. For groups of non-English-speaking delegates training can be in other languages as needed, as also for any tailor-made courses in London. All ‘Standard’ London courses of two weeks or longer include a one-day guided tour of London. For Special Courses any arrangements can be made to suit the needs of the group. This can mean visits to government departments, appropriate business connections, trade fairs and exhibitions, and can include cultural tours and other activities.
Privately Owned
Senior Management
Nick Bray, Managing Director
Board of Directors
Ian Mann, Executive Chairman
Richard Gilson, Finance DirectorBankers
National Westminster Bank 314 Chiswick High Road, LONDON W4 5TA, England
Financial Details
Filed at Companies House
BCCT Member Company Since 2018
107 Constitution Street
Edinburgh, Scotland
T: +44 (0) 131 651 0120
k aty@lsproductions.com www.lsproductions.com
Chamber Representative
388 Exchange Tower, 37th Floor, Unit 3702 Sukhumvit Road, Klongtoey
Bangkok 10110
T: +66 (0) 2663 4290
F: +66 (0) 2663 4293 carl.sellick@lucyelectric.com www.lucyelectric.com
A - Ms. Katy Ludvigsen, Head of Brand & Communications Asia
The UK’s largest stills and film Production Company, with a library of unique locations. LS Productions make clients visions happen.
With an HQ in Edinburgh and offices in Manchester, London, New York and Bangkok the twenty five - strong team is spread across four cities and three continents.
LS Productions provide exceptional production for creative agencies, directors, photographers, production companies and brands. Their Locations department work tirelessly to make its locations library the best in the UK, with over 6,000 UK-wide locations of every type of cityscape, landscape and backdrop their clients may need. Going above and beyond to cover every aspect of your shoot, the extraordinary doesn’t faze them.
Clients include: Adam & Eve DDB, Anomaly, Bear Grylls, BMW, Chanel, Chivas, Glenfiddich, GQ, Harper’s Bazaar, H&M, Harry Styles, Johnnie Walker, KIA, Mazda, Marks & Spencer, NBC, Park Pictures, Samsung, Renault, SSE, Vogue, VCCP & Volvo
Products or Services
Production and Locations for creative agencies, brands and fashion editorials.
Marie Owen
Senior Management
Sarah Drummond, Stuart Gibson
BCCT Member Company Since 2018
A - Mr. Carl Sellick, Regional Managing Director, Global Sales Director
B - Mr. Sinchai Tantanapinun, Sales Manager
Lucy Electric is a global leader in switching, protection and automation solutions for electrical distribution systems, with over 100 years’ industry experience. Today the company is a specialist in secondary power distribution, engineering high-performance medium voltage switchgear for utility, industrial and commercial applications, overhead line equipment and providing retrofit and automation solutions to customers internationally. Engineering excellence, based on a long tradition of expertise, coupled with state of the art technology to meet customers’ stringent specifications, make Lucy Electric one of the few companies that can offer truly bespoke solutions.
Ground Mounted Secondary Switchgear, Switchgear Automation, Low Voltage Distribution, Low Voltage Cut Outs, After Sales & Services, Rural and Substation Disconnectors & Package Substations.
Lucy Electric (Thailand) Limited is part of a Lucy Electric group of companies which includes Businesses in the UK, UAE, China, South Africa, Malaysia and Saudi Arabia. It is wholly owned by the W. Lucy Group whose headquarters are in the UK.
Fact Sheet for Lucy Electric (Thailand) Limited
Lucy Electric’s Thai manufacturing plant is located in Rayong at Hemaraj Eastern Seaboard Free Zone. The factory produces a range of Medium Voltage Switchgear Ring Main Units and associated products which sold to our customer throughout the world.
In addition we have a commercial office is located in Bangkok serving the need of customer in Thailand and the region.
BCCT Member Company Since 2013
66 Sukhumvit 21 Road
North Kongtoey, Wattana
Bangkok 10110
T: +66 (0) 2056 6868
bk kgs@dlh.de www.lufthansagroup.com
Bhiraj Tower at BITEC, Unit 1601-1608 16th Floor, 4345 Sukhumwit Road
Bangna Tai, Bangna, Bangkok 10260
T: +66 (0) 2338 0200
F: +66 (0) 2740 5588 th.orders@lyreco.com www.lyreco.co.th
Chamber Representative
A - Mr. Stefan Molnar, General Manager Thailand
B - Mrs. Thitiwan Nualsakul, Account Manager Thailand & The Mekong Region
Lufthansa Group is a leading aviation group. The Lufthansa Group is an aviation company with operations worldwide. In the financial year 2017, the Lufthansa Group generated revenue of EUR 35.6bn and employed an average of 128,856 staff. The structure of the business segments was adjusted in line with the three-pillar concept behind the corporate strategy at the beginning of the financial year. Since then, the Lufthansa Group has been organised into the business segments Network Airlines, Point-to-Point Airlines, Aviation Services (comprising the segments Logistics, MRO and Catering), and Additional Businesses and Group Functions. All segments occupy a leading position in their respective markets.
Network Airlines
The Network Airlines segment comprises Lufthansa German Airlines, SWISS and Austrian Airlines. With their multi-hub strategy, the Network Airlines offer their passengers a premium product and a comprehensive route network combined with the highest level of travel flexibility.
Lufthansa German Airlines
• Offers daily non-stop flights between Bangkok and Frankfurt
• Winter schedule 2017-2018: operated by Airbus A380-800 with 4 classes of ser vice (First, Business, Premium Economy, and Economy Class)
• Summer schedule 2018: operated by Airbus A340-300 with 3 classes of ser vice (Business, Premium Economy, and Economy Class)
• Find out more at www.lufthansa.com
Austrian Airlines
• Offers daily non-stop flights between Bangkok and Vienna
• Operated by Boeing 777-200ER with Business and Economy Class
• Premium Economy Class will be offered as of mid-March 2018
• Find out more at www.austrian.com
Swiss International Air Lines (SWISS)
• Offers daily non-stop flights between Bangkok and Zurich
• Operated by Boeing 777-300ER with 3 classes of ser vice (First, Business, and Economy Class)
• Find out more at www.swiss.com
Point-to-Point Airlines
The Point-to-Point Airlines segment is made up of the flight operations of the Eurowings group (Eurowings, Germanwings, Eurowings Europe) as well as Brussels Airlines and the equity investment in SunExpress. The Point-to-Point Airlines provide an innovative and competitive offering for price-sensitive and service-oriented customers in the growing direct traffic segment. Lufthansa Group offers numerous award programs specially catered for you, be it as a Corporate or an Individual. You can earn miles whenever you fly with Lufthansa Group or other Star Alliance partners with our Miles and More program.
Take advantage of our wide network to Europe and enjoy additional benefits given to our active members. Find out how your company can be rewarded whether you are from a Small-and-Medium Enterprises (SMEs) or MultiNational Corporations (MNCs). For more information, please contact Ms. Thitiwan Nualsakul at thitiwan.nualsakul@dlh.de.
Mr. Stefan Molnar, General Manager Thailand, Philippines, Vietnam & the Mekong Region
Mrs. Thitiwan Nualsakul, Account Manager Thailand & The Mekong Region
BCCT Member Company Since 2017
A A - Mr. David Record, Managing Director
Lyreco one of Thailand’s largest Business to Business distributors of office and workplace supplies offering a next day delivery of stationery, personal protection equipment, cleaning and computeer supplies.
Headquartered in France and operating in Thailand since 2002, Lyreco has operations across 26 countries in Asia, Australia as well as partners in all continents.
Products or Services
Safety shoes, protective gloves, PPE equipment, DVDs, laser cartridges, telephones, batteries, labels, A3 & A4 paper, fax rolls, envelopes, packing tape, postal supplies, post-it notes, notebooks, pads, pens, pencils, highlighters, markers, rubber stamps, ink, glue, staplers, hole-punches, paperclips, filing trays, display stands, office furniture, chairs, flip-charts, whiteboards, presentation material, binding machines, laminating machines, files, boxes, coffee, water, tea & cleaning supplie.
Lyreco group companies worldwide
Companies Represented
Lyreco group companies worldwide
Senior Management
Mr. David Record, Managing Director
Mr. Pattrapong Wongsansuk, National Sales Manager
Kasikorn Bank
Bangkok Bank
Financial Details
Registered Capital: THB 280,000,000
BCCT Member Company Since 2010
63/14-15 M.10, South Pattaya Road
T. Nongprue, A. Banglamung
Chonburi 20150
T: +66 (0) 3842 7904-5
F: +66 (0) 3842 4535 info@macallanbroker.com www.macallanbroker.com
Chamber Representatives
28 Bukit Pasoh Road Yee Lan Court
Singpore 089842
T: +66 (0) 62594 9028 matt@magicrock.com.sg www.comedyfest.com
Chamber Representatives
A - Mr. Jack Levy, Managing Director
B - Mr. Graham Macdonald, Director
Macallan provides insurance for both personal and corporate clients in Thailand and elsewhere. Its dedicated staff has decades of knowledge and experience in the Thai marketplace.
Products or Services
All forms of personal and corporate insurance
Companies Represented
Pacific Cross, BUPA, AXA, QBE, Safety, MSIG, Viriyah, AIG, Bangkok Thaisri, Namseng, LMG, Sri Ayuddhya General
51% Thai
49% Foreign
Senior Management
Jack Levy
Wanarom Hiranprapakul
Board of Directors
Jack Levy
Wanarom Hiranprapakul
Siam Commercial Bank
BCCT Member Company Since 2016
A - Mr. Matt Bennett, Managing Director
B - Mr. Aidan Killian, Creative Genius
Event Organisers and Promoters, Magic Rock is a Singapore registered company that promotes and owns a number of events in Asia. Formed in 2008, Magic Rock produced Asia’s premier Beer Festival, Beerfest Asia. It has since worked on the Premier League Darts masters, Oktoberfest Asia, the Singapore Festival of Fun (shortlisted for best leisure event at Singapore Tourism Awards 2018), Craft, Magners International Comedy Festival and Stand Up Asia. In 2018, Magic Rock brought in comedians Bill Bailey (UK) and Doug Stanhope (USA) to Singapore, Bangkok, Phuket, Pattaya, Saigon, Tokyo, Shanghai and Hong Kong.
Magic Rock is looking to grow with new events and can assist companies looking for help with sponsorships and client entertainment. It is also happy to talk to companies that are interested in branding / meet and greet celebrities and reaching out to our well heeled audiences.
Over the last 12 months Magic Rock has generated over 100,000 in audience numbers and over $1million in income. The company is managed by Matt Bennett (UK) with the creative genius of Aidan Killian (Ire) to help with content and delivery. www.comedyfest.com.sg
BCCT Member Company Since 2018
695 Sukhumvit 50, Prakanong
Klongtoey, Bangkok 10260
T: +66 (0) 2742 9141
F: +66 (0) 2742 8778
mqdc@mqdc.com www.mqdc.com
Chamber Representatives
151/34, Moo 4
Mai Khao, Thalang Phuket 83110
T: +66 (0) 7661 6072
F: +66 (0) 7661 6071 maik haorsvn@maikhaodream.com www.maikhaodream.com
Chamber Representatives
A - Mrs. Sasinan Allmand, Executive Vice President, Corporate Marketing and Communications
B - Mr. Suttisak Ratanopas, Senior Vice President, Corporate Marketing and Communications
MQDC – Magnolia Quality Development Corporation Limited, a member of the DT Group of Companies, established in 1993, operates in property development under the concept of “for all well-being”. Our projects incorporate quality materials and energy-saving and environment-friendly technology. We not only build a place for living. We also innovate to achieve the best quality of life.
Products or Services
Brands include: Magnolia: Magnolias Southern California, Magnolias Ratchadamri Boulevard, Magnolias French Country, Magnolias Waterfront Residences at ICONSIAM, The Residences at Mandarin Oriental, Bangkok; Whizdom: WHIZDOM 101, Whizdom Avenue Ratchada-Ladprao, Whizdom Connect Sukhumvit, Whizdom Station Ratchada-Thapra, Whizdom Essence Sukhumvit, Whizdom the Exclusive, Whizdom @ Punnawithi Station; Services: Courtesy Services Corporation Limited
Senior Management
Mr. Assada Kaeokhiao, President of Whizdom – MQDC
Mr. Suttha Ruengchaipaiboon, President - MQDC
Mrs. Sasinan Allmand, Executive Vice President - MQDC
Board of Directors
Mr. Visit Malaisirirat, Chief Executive Officer
BCCT Member Company Since 2012
A - Ms. Zhanel Tyurina, Managing Director
B - Mr. Mikhail Tyurin, Executive Director
Maikhao Dream Villa Resort & Spa, Maikhao, Phuket, launched its first luxury boutique hotel which officially opened the door to welcome its guests on 2 April 2011. With unstinting interior design and high-end personalized service, we welcome our guests to experience the luxury resort on Maikhao beach, the best seclude sunset destination of the Phuket Island.
Products or Services
Maikhao Dream Villa Resort & Spa, Phuket!
The luxury boutique, Maikhao Dream Villa Resort & Spa, Maikhao,Phuket just 15 minutes from Phuket International Airport offers 22 exquisite pool villas in a romantic tropical beachfront location on Phuket Island. Nestled on the Northwest coast, it blends in perfectly with Phuket’s natural beauty where the warm turquoise sea caresses the golden sand of Maikhao Beach. Each of villa occupies a minimum area of 5,000 square feet (465 square meters) and 7,000 square feet (650 square meters) accordingly featuring a sumptuous private hot tub with power jet, airy wood terrace and outdoor Thai Sala. Relish our selection of luxurious dining options for a gastronomic experience. The dining options include Dokbua Restaurant, the Wine cellar, Poolside bar and Dream Bar. Maikhao Dream Spa offers a variety of spa treatment to rejuvenate the mind, body and soul. This romantic retreat combines both traditional Thai design and modern comfort exuding a sense of pure relaxation and tranquility. Maikhao Dream Resort & Spa, Natai, Phang-Nga!
Maikhao Dream Resort & Spa, Natai, Phang Nga launched its first five-star beachfront resort on Natai Beach, which opened its door to welcome guests in on the 27th of March 2011. Elaborately selected location, impeccable service and traditional Thai hospitality will satisfy even the most sophisticated Guests. Situated on the sandy golden shores of Natai Beach 30 minutes drive from Phuket, which is offering an intimate 56-room Resort featuring deluxe pool or sea view rooms, and spacious 2-storey duplexes. Elegantly designed to reflect traditional Thai architecture and décor the resort boasts of five-star luxury facilities apt for long summer holidays, weekend family getaways and romantic honeymoons. The architecture of the resort is inspired by the Thai Fisherman’s Village and this original touch and feel is incorporated into the wall patterns, the lighting and decorative fixtures & features. Natai is also built to embrace the local culture and we have employed the local community selectively to be part of our team. The dining options include Leelavadee Restaurant, Natai restaurant, Wine Cellar, Pool Side bar. Maikhao Dream Spa is a 3-storey Spa complex surrounded by tropical greenery and water feature where therapists caring hands will remove the pain of fatigue muscles, improve blood circulation and bring a sense of balance and inner peace.
Maikhao Dream Co., Ltd.
Zhanel Tyurina, Managing Director Mr. Mikhail Tyurin, Executive DirectorBCCT Member Company
Since 2013
BB Building Rm 1712
21 Asoke Rd., Klongtoey Nua
Wattana, Bangkok 10110
T: +66 (0) 2260 0422-3
Chamber Representative
48 Oriental Avenue
Bangkok 10500
T: +66 (0) 2659 9000
F: +66 (0) 2659 0000
mobk k-enquiry@mohg.com
A - Mr. Antony Bell, Digital Marketing Account Manager
We at Move Ahead Media, have been in the SEO business for over 10 years, our clients include Yamaha and Novotel Hotels. We have a team comprised of industry experts at your disposal. Working with clients in a wide variety of industries has enabled us to develop unique marketing strategies for each and every one of our clients to achieve their goals effectively and affordably. The technology that drives digital marketing is constantly changing, not only do we ensure staying up-to-date with new tools and methods, but we implement these new processes with what works for you and then make it happen.As your digital marketing partner, we’re much more than just a company you hire. We take the trust received from our clients very seriously, our projects are conducted on the basis of honesty and transparency.Digital Marketing is a results business. From our initial site audit & analysis to the implementation of a final marketing strategy. We ensure that every action we take is a positive step.
Products or Services
Digital Marketing, Pay Per click advertising, Search Engine Optimization Marketing, Search Engine Marketing, Email Marketing. Video Creation, Content Writing.
Companies Represented
MAM Enterprises, Move Ahead Media
Senior Management
Mr. Daniel Bean
Mr. Antony Bell
Board of Directors
Mr. Anthony Hooton
Mr. Martin Finn
BCCT Member Company Since 2018
A - Mr. Greg Liddell, General Manager
B - Mr. Robert O’Kennedy, Director of Sales & Marketing
Mandarin Oriental, Bangkok, situated by the Chao Phraya River, was established in 1876 and is a well-known, historical city landmark. It has the highest staff ratio of any Bangkok hotel with approximately 3.4 staff members per room. From 1981 to the present day, Mandarin Oriental, Bangkok has been ranked amongst the finest hotels in the world and has received numerous prestigious awards.
Products or Services
Mandarin Oriental, Bangkok operates grand deluxe hotel offering 368 rooms including suites; conference and banqueting facilities; The Oriental Spa which blends East and West in a unique approach to mental and physical well-being; the famous Thai Cooking School and Thai Culture Programme, Sanook Sanook Kid’s Club and Shuttle boat service to and from Saphan Taksin BTS Skytrain Station.
Mandarin Oriental, Bangkok offers eight distinctive restaurants and our legendary Bamboo Bar. The choice of cuisine ranges from the International Barbecue Buffet at The Riverside Terrace, delicious seafood at Lord Jim’s, classic Thai feasts at Sala Rim Naam, The China House for modern interpretation of Chinese Cuisine and world acclaimed fine French cuisine at Le Normandie Restaurant. Ciao, Italian restaurant serves classic Italian cuisine with a contemporary twist.
Mandarin Oriental, Bangkok is owned by OHTL Public Company Limited, which is listed on the Securities Exchange of Thailand.
Senior Management
Mr. Greg Liddell, General Manager
Mr. Robert O’Kennedy, Director of Sales & Marketing
BCCT Member Company Since 1979
2nd Floor, BUI Building
177/1 Soi Anumanrachathon 1
Surawongse Road, Bangrak
Bangkok 10500
T: +66 (0) 2634 7273
F: +66 (0) 2634 7271
headoffice@manpower.th.com www.manpowerthailand.com
Chamber Representative
Central World Plaza
9th Floor Zen Tower
4, 4/5 Rajdamri Road
Pathumwan, Bangkok 10330
T: +66 (0) 2100 9352
F: +66 (0) 2100 9368 dipanagiotis@central.co.th, sishamila@central.co.th
A - Mr. Simon Matthews, Country Manager
ManpowerGroup’s operations in Thailand are subsidiaries of ManpowerGroup of the United States. For over 60 years, ManpowerGroup is a world leader in the employment services industry, offering customers a continuum of services to meet their needs throughout the employment and business cycle. The company specializes in permanent, temporary and contract recruitment; employee assessment; training; career transition and organizational consulting services.
ManpowerGroup worldwide network of 4,200 offices in 82 countries and territories enables the company to meet the needs of its 400,000 customers per year, including small and medium size enterprises in all industry sectors, as well as the worlds largest multinational corporations. The focus of ManpowerGroup’s work is on raising productivity through improved quality, efficiency and cost-reduction, enabling customers to concentrate on their core business activities.
Products or Services
Providing comprehensive personnel solutions, including temporary contract and staff, permanent recruitment and payroll services, with expertise in, but not limited to, IT, engineering, finance, textiles, office services and industrial services.
100% ManpowerGroup
Senior Management
Mr. Simon Matthews
Mr. Wanchai Priboonbaramee
Ms. Vimolrat Kosiyangkakul
Registered Capital: THB 30.0 M. (2002)
Paid up Capital: THB 30.0 M (2002)
BCCT Member Company Since 1998
A - Mr. Panos Dimitroulopoulos, VP Marks & Spencer
B - Mrs. Shamila Sivasiamphai, Marketing Manager - Marks & Spencer
Founded in 1884, M&S has grown from a single market stall to an international, multi-channel retailer. Marks & Spencer currently has over 800 UK stores and over 470 international stores across 58 territories in Europe, the Middle East and Asia.
We sell stylish, high quality, great value clothing and home products, as well as outstanding quality food, responsibly sourced from around 3,000 suppliers globally.
Central Group has worked in partnership with Marks & Spencer since 1993 and operates M&S stores in Thailand and Vietnam. In Thailand, M&S operates eleven (11) stores in Bangkok, and four (4) in other major cities (Chiang Mai, Hat Yai, Pattaya, Phuket).
Products or Services
Fashion Apparel, Lingerie, Nightwear and Accessories for Ladies. Fashion Apparel, Nightwear and Underwear for Men. Beauty and Toiletry products. Ambient Food and Wine.
Central Retail Corporation
Operated by Central Department Store Limited Under Franchise from Marks & Spencer p.l.c. London
BCCT Member Company Since 2014
2222/9 Ladprao 112 Road
Phlabpha, Wangthonglang
Bangkok 10310
T: +66 (0) 2793 2222
Unit 903-4, Sathorn Square Office Tower 98 North Sathorn Road, Silom
Bangrak, Bangkok 10500
T: +66 (0) 2108 8555
F: +66 (0) 2108 1555 bangkok.office@mayerbrownjsm.com www.mayerbrownjsm.com
Chamber Representative
A - Dr.
Sunhavut Thamchuanviriya, Group Managing DirectorBackground
Moving Forward with MGC-ASIA
The Master Group Corporation (Asia) Co., Ltd or MGC is one of Thailand’s most dynamic organizations in terms of vision, sustainable growth and business potential. Since 2000 Dr Sunhavut, Ms Sukolkarn and Ms Jerdnapang Thamchuanviriya have transformed MGC into an automotive retail powerhouse under the guidance of their business mentor MGC Chairman Khun Vivat Thamchuanviriya. MGC achieved group revenues of over 15 billion baht last year, and expects 17.5 billion Baht by year’s end.
At the dawn of the new millennium, MGC was officially appointed as a BMW authorized dealer under the name Millennium Auto (MA); a network of BMW showrooms and aftersales service centers were then created for the Bangkok area – MGC was later appointed as the sole authorized MINI dealer in Thailand at that time.
In 2012 MGC was appointed as the sole authorized distributor for Rolls-Royce automobiles in Thailand, managed by subsidiary Millionaire Auto Sales & Services (Thailand). Rolls-Royce Motor Cars Bangkok has showrooms at Siam Paragon and Rama III road, the latter a fully-functional showroom and service facility. The Aston Martin Bangkok dealership followed in 2013, under the management of Heritage Motor Sales & Services (Thailand). Pattanakarn Honda Automobile (PHA) is another gem with its modern Body & Paint facility at Pattanakarn Soi 30.
MGC also represents AC Schnitzer and TechArt premium tuning accessories. Another business unit is Master Car Rental (MCR) which offers long-term and short-term car rentals; and is the Master Licensee for Germany’s Sixt rent a car brand in seven Southeast Asian markets (Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam, Malaysia, Myanmar and Indonesia).
Next is Master Motor Services (MMS) which offers complete car maintenance service under the MMS-Bosch Car Service brand catering to vehicles with expired-warranties. And then there is Maxi Insurance Broker, a leading insurance consultant providing professional insurance services.
MGC aims to be one of Southeast Asia’s leading automotive retailers with sustainable growth and unparalleled success. MGC established the Master Automotive Training (MAT) facility, a state-of-the-art training center with a mini-MBA program in joint effort with Assumption University.
i24 is another BU which serves as an Information Technology Center for the automotive industry, and provides business processes for the group.
MGC group’s strength in competitive competence will undoubtedly prepare it for the ASEAN
Economic Community (AEC) that will come in full force in 2016.
BCCT Member Company Since 2014
A - Mr. Maythawee Sarathai, Partner
Mayer Brown JSM has been in Thailand for more than 20 years. We practice Thai law as well as international law and have a deep and well-established knowledge of Thailand and its legal, regulatory and commercial landscape.
As part of Mayer Brown, a global law firm advising clients across Asia, Europe and the Americas, we are able to provide both local and cross border expertise. Our Thai office together with our Singapore and Vietnam offices form the Southeast Asian hub of the practice, complementing our offices in Hong Kong and the PRC.
Please visit www.mayerbrownjsm.com for comprehensive contact information for all our offices.
Products or Services
We are noted for our commitment to client service and our ability to assist clients with their most complex and demanding legal and business challenges worldwide. Mayer Brown serves many of the world’s largest companies, including a significant proportion of the Fortune 100, FTSE 100, DAX and Hang Seng Index companies and more than half of the world’s largest banks.
We provide a full range of legal services and, through Mayer Brown Consulting based in Singapore, advisory services on customs and international trade across the Asia-Pacific.
Mayer Brown JSM
Senior Management
Mr. Maythawee Sarathai, Partner (Bangkok)
Mr. Ian Chapman, Senior Consultant (Bangkok & HK)
BCCT Member Company Since 1991
12th Floor, Empire Tower
1 South Sathorn Road
Bangkok 10120
T: +66 (0) 2670 1100
F: +66 (0) 2670 1101
info@mazars.co.th www.mazars.co.th
Chamber Representatives
444, 12th Floor, MBK Tower Phayathai Road, Pathumwan
Bangkok 10330
T: +66 (0) 2620 7872
F: +66 (0) 2620 7879
richard@mbkg.co.th www.mbkg.co.th
Chamber Representatives
A - Mr. Blake Dimsdale, Audit and Advisory Partner
B - Mr. Jonathan Fryer, Accounting and Payroll Outsourcing Partner
Mazars in Thailand is a leading Audit, Accounting, Advisory, Legal and Tax practice, combining the benefits of an integrated global partnership with the entrepreneurial drive of the senior advisors.
Mazars currently employs over 200 professional staff in Bangkok, providing professional support to both international and local clients. A key feature of the practice is the multinational composition of its consultants, with Thai, British, Dutch, Korean, Japanese and Australian nationals amongst its senior advisors.
The Mazars global partnership has a direct presence in 86 countries and draws on the expertise of more than 20,000 professionals to assist clients from across a a range of industries and sizes, from major international groups and SMEs to entrepreneurs.
• Accounting and Payroll Outsourcing
• Financial Audit (Thai and International Standards)
• Internal Audit and Control Reviews
• Financial, Tax and Legal Due Diligence
• Taxation Compliance and Advisory
• Legal, Litigation and Company Secretarial
• Work Permit and Visas
• Business Advisory
Mazars (Thailand) Ltd.
Mazars Ltd.
Senior Management
Mr. Rob Hurenkamp, Managing Partner
Mr. Blake Dimsdale, Audit and Advisory Partner
Mr. Jonathan Fryer, Accounting and Payroll Outsourcing Partner
BCCT Member Company Since 2000
A - Mr. Sakchai Suthipipat, Managing Director
B - Mr. Richard Gray, Senior Consultant, Credit Division, Debt Restructuring and Coll
As part of the MBK Group, MBK-Guarantee are the first public listed Thai company that offers THB property finance to Foreigners. Offering flexible, foreigner friendly finance solutions with clients either living in Thailand or overseas, with no work permit or residence requirement.
Products or Services
Condominium loans
Asset Finance/bridging loans
Kai faal/Sale with rights of redemption
Financial Details
Register Capital 500 Million THB
BCCT Member Company Since 2016
75/56 Ocean Tower II, 26th Floor
Soi Sukhumvit 19, Klongtoey Nua
Wattana, Bangkok 10110
T: +66 (0) 2665 2534-9
F: +66 (0) 2665 2996
info@mbmg-investment.com www.mbmg-investment.com
Chamber Representatives
Archcliff e Road
Kent CT17 9EN
United Kingdom
T: +44 1304 502 100
F: +44 1304 207 342 phil.kenedy@megger.com
A - Mr. Paul Gambles, Co-founder
B – Ms. Janjira Sumanus, Chairwoman
MBMG Investment Advisory is an award-winning, SEC-licensed acknowledged leader in the provision of fee-based global financial and investment advisory services to individuals, businesses, family offices and institutions. It is part of the MBMG Group of businesses that has operated in Thailand for over 20 years and is a member of the GGI professional services network, a USD 5.1 bn group with over 26,000 employees in 736 member offices worldwide.
Products or Services
Independent, fee-based advice on: Corporate and personal investment planning, Asset allocation, Retirement planning, Currency allocation, Inheritance and succession, Risk management, insurance and tax planning.
MBMG Corporate Solutions Co., Ltd.
MBMG Insurance Broker Co., Ltd.
Hua Hin Accounting & Law Co., Ltd.
M Audit Co., Ltd.
65% Thai
35% British
Board of Directors
Mr. Paul Gambles, Ms. Janjira Sumanus
Siam Commercial Bank
BCCT Member Company Since 1997
For over 100 years, Megger has been the premier provider of electric test equipment and measuring instruments for electrical power applications. The trademark was first registered in May 1903 and is jealously guarded by the company. Although best known for our world famous range of insulation testers, Megger provides a full service solution to meet electrical test and measurement needs. With such a diverse product offering, its the single source for electrical test and measuring instruments. Megger products are manufactured at sites in Dallas, Texas; Valley Forge, Pennsylvania and Dover, England. Sales and technical support offices are also maintained across the U.S. and Canada, as well as in Mexico City, Mexico; Dover, England; Paris, France; Mumbai, India, and Bahrain. Through a global network of several hundred sales representatives, product literature and user manuals in seven languages, and product software with multilingual display, Megger can work with its customers locally, anywhere in the world.
Products or Services
Megger’s products span 30 distinct product groups with over 1,000 products. Circuit breaker test sets, relay test instruments were manufactured under the Multi-Amp brand. Instruments used for testing and maintaining transformers, batteries and underground cables, were manufactured under the Biddle brand. Manufacturing insulation testers from 1kV to 10kV is where Megger started; Megger has an outstanding reputation in ground testing, oil testing and a wide variety of electrical contractor maintenance tools such as multimeters portable appliance testers and clamp-on meters.
Programma AB Sweden now renamed Megger Sweden ltd.
Private Company Owned by TBG group.
Financial Details
Turnover US$175m pa; 750 employees work at four manufacturing sites in the USA, UK and Sweden; 30 regional sales offices worldwide.
BCCT Member Company Since 2009
6th, 15th, 16th Floor, Thanapoom Tower
1550 New Petchburi Road
Makkasan, Ratchtevee
Bangkok 10400
T: +66 (0) 2207 0568
F: +66 (0) 2207 0574
Level 17, Dashwood House
69 Old Broad Street
London EC2M 1QS
T: +44 (0) 207 256 4068
F: +44 (0) 207 256 4071 contact@mentis.international www.mentisglobal.com
A - Mr. John Pollard, Managing Director
B - Mr. John Mugford, Associate Director
The Meinhardt Group was originally formed in 1955 as an engineering consultancy and has been in Asia since 1972. The group has established 47 offices across four continents including in Singapore, Hong Kong, Jakarta, Kuala Lumpur, Bangkok, Yangon, HCMC, Manila, India, the Middle East and throughout Australia, and UK. Now Headquartered in Singapore, the company is employee owned and has a professional staff of more than 4,500. Meinhardt (Thailand) Ltd. was established in Bangkok in May 1991 and now employs over 400 staff, with an expertise focused primarily on designing buildings such as hotels, resorts, high-rise offices & condominium and factories. Among the company’s major projects, key projects in Bangkok include: AIA Capital Centre and AIA Sathorn Tower, The St. Regis Bangkok, Marriott Bangkok Sukhumvit, The Peninsula Hotel, Millennium Residences, 185 Radjadamri, The Sukhothai Residences, and several industrial facilities & warehouses.
Products or Services
Providing consulting services in Civil & Structural, Mechanical & Electrical engineering and specialist capabilities such as Lighting Design, Façade Engineering, Transportation Engineering, Environmentally Sustainable Design (ESD), LEED and TREES consultant, Seismic & Geotechnical and Building Information Modeling services for commercial, residential and industrial projects in Thailand and surrounding countries. The Thailand Office is Certified to ISO 9001: 2015, ISO 14001: 2015, OHSAS 18001
Meinhardt’s award-winning projects have garnered recognition internationally and these awards serve to affirm our unrivalled reputation for innovative and inspiring engineering solutions. In the last five years, we have won over 90 awards globally. Our consultants work in an environment where initiative is encouraged and excellence is rewarded. We believe that an innovative and inquiring approach is the best way to address our clients’ challenges.
Companies Represented
Mr. John L. Pollard, Managing Director, Mr. John Mugford, Associate Director
Ms. Jaguar Chayanoot Nanthakhetwong, Business Development Manager
Employee owned
Senior Management
Mr. John Mugford, Associate Director
Ms. Chayanoot Nanthakhetwong, Business Development Manager
Board of Directors
Mr. John Pollard, Managing Director
Director: Mr. Nipon T, Mr. Chaichana C, Mr. John Anderson, Mr. Chen Yao Hui, Mr. Theera W, Mr. Boonchon T, Ms. Sasiporn S.
Bangkok Bank, Krung Thai Bank
Financial Details
Registered Capital: B 34M.
Paid up Capital: B 34M.
BCCT Member Company Since 1992
Chamber Representative A
A - Mr. Richard Brady, Founder & Executive Chairman
Mentis specializes in world-class personality assessment, training, values/ culture change, coaching and management development programs - offering targeted solutions to meet your needs. Our services cover all organisational levels, from designing and delivering graduate development to coaching and advising at CEO and Board level. It’s all about predicting performance and identifying potential. Mentis values long-term client relationships. We believe that with an in-depth understanding of your requirements we can provide meaningful results. Our services are available throughout the UK, Europe and the Middle East and AEC regions.
Products or Services
Personality & Psychometric Testing / Assessment
Distributors & Certification Training for the world-renowned Hogan Assessments (also in Thai)
Coaching – management and executive
Leadership Education & Development Courses
Team-building Workshops
Sales Training
Corporate Communications & Company Values
Distributors for the world famous Barrett Values System www.valuescentre.com
E-learning Courses
Mentis Consulting Limited (UK)
Mentis HR Consulting (UAE)
Hogan Assessment Systems Inc. (Tulsa, USA)
Barrett Values Centre (Waynesville, NC, USA & Bury, Lancashire, UK)
Office in Thailand:
Mentis Consulting Co. Limited
323 United Center Building, Level 41
Silom Road, Silom, Bangrak
Bangkok 10500, Thailand
Tel: +66 2 231 1582
Fax: +66 2 207 2626
Senior Management
Richard Brady, CEO
Andrew Salisbury, Director
Ahmed Alqaseer, Director
James Chacko, Chief Financial Officer
BCCT Member Company Since 2015
75/32 12th floor Richmond Building
Sukhumvit Soi 26, Sukhumvit Road
Klongton, Klongtoey
Bangkok 10110
T: +66 (0) 2258 0597 www.metaltiger.co.th
Chamber Representative
180-184 Rajawongse Road
Bangkok 10100
T: +66 (0) 2225 0200
F: +66 (0) 2224 5551 paulsuvij101@gmail.com
Chamber Representatives
A - Mr. David Michael McNeilly, Managing Director
Metal Tiger IHQ is focused on the development of resources in Thailand via mining opportunities and a robust exploration program. We have a dynamic team of experienced professionals in resource development, exploration, management, finance, environment, community relations and public relations. We are committed to operating to develop Thai resource opportunities for the primary benefit of the Thai people to international standards with an absolute focus on the protection of the environment and the communities we engage with.
BCCT Member Company Since 2016
A - Mr. Prasert Tangtrongsakdi, Chairman of Executive Board
B - Mr. Suvij Suvaruchiporn, President
Metro Co.,Ltd. known in Thai as Srikrung Wattana Co., Ltd. is among the largest Thai conglomerates in Thailand controlling some 30 owned and affiliated companies, including three stock-exchange listed companies.
Products or Services
The companies under the Metro Group engages in various fields of activities covering manufacturing, fabrication, services, trading, wholesales and retail sales.
Metro Group engages in petrochemicals, industrial chemicals, steel bar and rod, G.I. Sheet, fertilizers, agro and industrial chemicals, wheat flour, starch, yeast, chocolate, milk powder and other food ingredients, computer systems and software, office furniture, supermarkets, bakery/cooking schools, etc.
United Flour Mill Public Co., Ltd.
Bangkok Steel Industry Public Co., Ltd.
Metro Systems Corp., Public Co., Ltd. etc.
Major Shareholders:
• Laohathai family
• Sethpornpong family
• Tangtrongsakdi family
Senior Management
Mr. Sumit Sethpornpong, Chairman
Mr. Prasert Tangtrongsakdi, Chairman of Executive Board
Mr. Suvij Suvaruchiporn, President
Board of Directors
Mr. Sumit Sethpornpong
Mr. Prasert Tangtrongsakdi
Mr. Suvij Suvaruchiporn
Mr. Kris Kematham
Mr. Sathien Archavaniyut
Mr. Pracha Raksincharoensakdi
Bangkok Bank Pub., Co., Ltd.
Bank of Ayudhya
BCCT Member Company Since 1985
Silom Complex Tower
25th Floor, 191 Silom Road
Bangrak, Bangkok 10500
T: +66 (0) 2118 6831
F: +66 (0) 2118 6809
41st Floor, Bhiraj Tower 689 Sukhumvit Road (Soi 35)
Klongton Nuea, Vadhana, Bangkok 10110
T: +66 (0) 2012 5000
F: +66 (0) 2012 5001 enquiries@michaelpage.co.th www.michaelpage.co.th
A - Mr. Shi Guoyong, President of SAIC MOTOR-CP Co., Ltd.
Founded in 2013, MG Sales (Thailand) Co., Ltd, is the sales, marketing, and after-sales services arm for MG brand in Thailand. MG Sales (Thailand) Co., Ltd oversees dealer networks and is both a joint venture and a business unit of Charoen Pokphand Group (CP) and Shanghai Automotive Industry Corporation (SAIC). SAIC is one of the world’s largest integrated automotive companies, while CP is one of Thailand’s largest conglomerates. Both CP and SAIC operate the state-of-the-art SAIC Motor-CP Co., Ltd manufacturing facility, which assembles the iconic MG vehicles, to serve both domestic and ASEAN markets. SAIC Motor-CP Co., Ltd, the manufacturer of MG vehicles, is located at Hemaraj Eastern Seaboard Industrial Estate 2 in Chonburi province.
Product & Innovation
• Product
- SEDAN: MG6 and MG5
- SUV: MG GS and MG ZS
• i-Smart: A connectivity system with driver behavior learning and the world’s first Thai language voice command which offers enhanced level of convenience, comfort and safety
• InkaNet: A smar t real-time technology that allows customers to connect, communicate and control MG car via mobile smart phone.
• MG Driving Experience Centre provides direct experience to customers
• MG Passion Service program: An innovative after-sales ser vice with the highest attention to customers with 4 services, namely Mobile Maintenance Service, 4-year or 120,000 km product warranty, 24-hour Roadside Assistance and Call Center access, and Courtesy car
• Approved Certified Used Car by MG program to meet the demand of customers who want to purchase or sell the certified used cars with highest quality and satisfaction
SAIC Motor - CP Co., Ltd.
Companies Represented
Mr. Pongsak Lertrudeewatanavong, Vice President of MG SALES (Thailand) Co., Ltd.
Senior Management
Mr. Pongsak Lertrudeewatanavong, Vice President of MG SALES (Thailand) Co.,Ltd
BCCT Member Company Since 2014
A - Mr. Paul Cooper, Managing Director of Michael Page Malaysia, Thailand and Vietnam
B - Mr. Kristoffer Paludan, Regional Director and Country Head of Thailand
Established in the UK in 1976, Page Group has grown to become one of the world’s best-known and most respected recruitment consultancies.
Our Thailand team has a strong track record in Southeast Asia and a management team surpassing 40 years of recruitment experience. We recruit permanent and contract roles through our core brands: Michael Page and Page Executive.
The Group operates in more than 36 countries worldwide, including Australia, China, India, Indonesia, Hong Kong, Malaysia, New Zealand, Japan, Singapore, Taiwan and Thailand.
Our role is to work with employers and job seekers to facilitate a successful match. This can range from advising a global company on a candidate sourcing strategy to helping a job seeker find their dream job.
We leverage our global knowledge and relationships to bring best practices, insights and knowledge to our clients with a specific focus on the following areas:
• Digital
• Banking & Financial Services
• Engineering & Manufacturing
• Executive Search
• Finance & Accounting
• Human Resources
• Marketing
• Procurement & Supply Chain
• Sales
For more information, please visit: www.michaelpage.co.th
Companies Represented
Michael Page and Page Executive
BCCT Member Company Since 2013
123 Charoennakorn Rd., Klongsan
Bangkok 10600
T: +66 (0) 2442 2000
F: +66 (0) 2442 2020
bk khi.informations@hilton.com
Chamber Representative
797/1 Rama 9 Road
Bangkapi, Bangkok 10310
T: +66 (0) 800 800 265
F: +66 (0) 2719 6177
bk k@mbsthai.com
A - Ms. Heidi Kleine-Moeller, General Manager of Millennium Hilton Bangkok
The 32-storey Millennium Hilton Bangkok, designed by famous Thai celebrity Burin Wongsagnuan B. Arch, is an iconic vertical urban resort, located on the banks of the Chao Phraya River and with close proximity to major historical and cultural tourist attractions. At the heart of Bangkok’s original temple precinct, Thonburi, the hotel offers an unusual mix of vistas – a 360-degree panoramic view of the city’s ever changing skyline and snaking klongs from the vantage of ThreeSixty, while closer to the river, guest rooms and reception areas offer a box office view over a rag tag of barges and canal boats that ply the water way.
Products or Services
All 533 guest rooms offer postcard-perfect views over the river. For suite rooms, guests have the luxury of choice with the hotel’s executive lounge with exclusive benefits.
The entire 30th floor is home to 10 stylish meeting rooms boasting wall-towall windows, maximizing natural light and panoramic views of the city. The hotel houses two 700-pax capacity pillar-less ballrooms, a fully-equipped business centre and a number of private meeting spaces.
Hilton Worldwide
Heidi Kleine-Moeller, General Manager Millennium Hilton Bangkok
Krungthep Rimnam Limited
BCCT Member Company Since 2005
A - Mr. Anthony Taylor, Company Owner
B - Mr. David Williamson, Sales Director
Minibar Services (Thailand) is Sole Importer & Distributor of Kopparberg, Peroni, Green King, Fosters, Fashion Vodka, Disney Beverages, Irium Wines and Robinsons fruit drinks, We offer also Britvic real fruit drink mixers. Delivery Service available trough-out Bangkok, Pattaya, Phuket and Chiang Mai in Thailand. Call now or CONTACT US one of our representative will get back to you in a short time.
BCCT Member Company Since 2017
17th Floor Berli Jucker House
99 Soi Rubia, Sukhumvit 42 Road
Klong Toey, Bangkok 10110
T: +66 (0) 2365 7500
F: +66 (0) 2365 7797
mevans@anantara.com www.minorhotels.com
Chamber Representatives
144 North Sathorn Road Silom, Bangrak
Bangkok 10500
T: +66 (0) 2623 4555
F: +66 (0) 2623 4666
info@modesathorn.com www.modesathorn.com
Chamber Representatives
A - Mr. Michael Marshall, Chief Commercial Officer
B - Ms. Meg E. Evans, Regional Director of Sales SE Asia
Minor Hotels is an international hotel owner, operator and investor currently with 163 hotels in operation. Minor Hotels passionately explores new possibilities in hospitality with a diverse portfolio highlighted by our proprietary Anantara, AVANI, Oaks, Elewana and Tivoli brands – as well as Four Seasons, St. Regis and Marriott properties and the Anantara Vacation Club shared ownership programme. Minor Hotels operates over 20,633 rooms in 26 countries across Asia Pacific, the Middle East, Africa, the Indian Ocean, Europe and South America.
Anantara, AVANI, Tivoli, Oaks, Elewana, Anantara Vacation Club, Mspa and MJets
Senior Management
Mr. Michael Marshall, Chief Commercial Officer
BCCT Member Company Since 2009
A - Mr. Roland Aung, General Manager
B - Ms. Otharat Virojdecha, Vice President of Sales & Marketing
Check your fashionable lifestyle into this stylish hotel. Our 201 fashion inspired rooms and suites in six categories provide sophisticated executive and leisure accommodation. Modern amenities include a spa, infinity-edge pool with bar, 38th-floor rooftop bar, and all-day dining restaurant. Plus spacious, stylish, well-equipped meetings and events choices. All in the commercial heart of Bangkok, steps from Surasak skytrain station, with excellent access to tourist attractions, entertainments, business offices and airports.
Products or Services
201 fashion-inspired rooms and suites in six categories
• Business Studio
• Deluxe Mode
• Executive Mode
• One Bedroom Suite
• Two Bedrooms Suite
• Presidential Suite
Restaurant and Bar
• The Sathorn
• Secret M
• The Roof @ 38th Bar
• Pool Bar
Spa and Massage
• Borisud Pure Spa
• Borisud Massage
Companies Represented
Khun Roland Aung, General Manager
Khun Otharat Virojdecha, Vice President of Sales & Marketing
Board of Directors
Khun Roland Aung, General Manager
Khun Otharat Virojdecha, Vice President of Sales & Marketing
Khun Dulyawat Deenuntrakul, Financial Comptoller
Kasikorn Bank
Financial Details
Account Name; K Two Land Co.,Ltd
Account Number; 0382895088
Swift Code; KASITHBK
BCCT Member Company Since 2014
98 Moo 11 T. Thungsukhla
A. Sriracha, Chonburi 20230
T: +66 (0) 3300 6158
Unit 11D, Eton Building
288 Des Voeux Road Central Sheung Wan, Hong Kong
T: +852 359 65857
F: +852 399 67574
A - Mr. Paul L. Angus, Operations and Training ManagerBackground
MOG Industry Training (MOGIT) is a Thai registered company specializing in HSE training to the onshore & offshore oil and gas industry,construction, maritime and manufacturing sectors. Our course list includes over 100 popular HSE courses. We also provide a range of client focused services, including bespoke training.
The company has created a training system in conjunction with the Technical Petroleum Training Institute (TPTI) that focuses on client satisfaction. After many years in operational management roles in industry the principals of the Company understand that one of the biggest headaches from any company is to find a training provider that can meet a company’s standards and provide service at short notice at any location. To this end, the company has an abiding philosophy to “take away the client’s training problems, provide professional instruction, ensure value for money and provide training at short notice”. To meet this philosophy, the Company puts together packages for clients in Thailand and across Asia including flights, transport, hotel accommodation in the resort town of Pattaya, Training and return to point of departure.
Our Single Goal is to:
“Remain Thailand’s premier standards focused training provider and to be the most reliable and complete “one stop service” for training.
We are capable of providing almost any training course a client may request through in house resources, wider group support or international alliances”.
Products or Services
Training & Consultancy service to:
Offshore Industry
Onshore petrochemical industry
Mining industry
Crane, Forklift, Scaffolding
Rigging & Slinging
And other safety courses
Our Approved Standards:
OPITO Offshore Petroleum Industry Training Organization (UK)
TPTI Technical Petroleum Training Institute (Thailand)
Dept. of Labour Protection and Welfare
BCCT Member Company Since 2006
A - Mr. Frank Rittman, President and Managing DirectorMPLC started operations in the United States in 1986 to facilitate the public performance of video cassettes. The company has since expanded to become the largest non-theatrical licensing company in the world, operating in 34 markets and representing more than 1,000 film and television producers, including the major Hollywood studios. MPLC opened its Asia headquarters in Hong Kong in 2018.
Home entertainment DVDs, downloads, internet streams, and TV programs are intended for private, domestic use only (as per the warning that appears before the film or on its packaging). Whether in a hotel lobby, on a coach, in a waiting room, or anywhere outside of one’s home, viewing such products constitutes a “public performance” under sections 15 and 28 of the Thai Copyright Act B.E. 2537. Such screenings are illegal unless properly licensed.
The Motion Picture Licensing Company’s Umbrella License is an administratively convenient, cost-effective compliance solution that enables companies to:
• Use your own legally obtained DVDs, downloads, streams, or television programming on an unlimited basis, all year round, as often as you wish without any usage reporting or other record keeping
• Select any titles from more than 1,000 Hollywood and independent film and television producers
• Pay one annual fee based on the circumstances of your operations
For more information contact MPLC Asia’s President, Frank Rittman, by telephone at +852 3596 5857, or by email to FRittman@mplc.com, or by visiting www.mplc.com.hk
Please see our list of represented clients at www.mplc.com.hk
Frank Rittman, President & Managing Director
Daniel Fong, Senior Sales Director
BCCT Member Company Since 2018
19th Floor, Chamnan Phenjati Building
65/159, 65/162, Rama 9 Road
Huay Kwang, Bangkok 10310
T: +66 (0) 2643 1811
F: +66 (0) 2643 8638-9
churairat.suwanpitak@mottmac.com www.mottmac.com
1 Glas Haus Building, 14th Floor, Suite#1404 Sukhumvit 25, Klongtoey-Nue
Wattana, Bangkok 10110
T: +66 (0) 2661 7081-84
F: +66 (0) 2661 7085 info-ap@mountbatten.org www.mountbatten.org
A - Mr. Somporn Oonchittikul, Managing Director
B - Mr. Phil Napier-Moore, SEA Renewable Energy Account Leader
The Mott MacDonald Group is one of the world’s largest management, engineering and development consultancies engaged in projects touching many aspects of everyday life - from transport, energy, building, water and the environment, to health, education, social and economic development, industry and communications. We are a wholly independent, UK-based international company, with an annual turnover in excess of US$ 2 billion, global experience spanning 150 countries and over 16,000 staff working from offices worldwide. Our clients include national and local governments, public and private utilities, industrial and commercial companies, investors, developers, banks and funding agencies, working on projects of varying size and complexity: from nation-wide multi-disciplinary schemes to small assignments for individuals. In the Asia Pacific region, we have registered offices in Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore, Philippines, Japan, China, Taiwan, Mongolia, Australia and New Zealand.
Work in Thailand includes the MRTA Blue Line and construction supervision of the Rama 8 Bridge, Vibhavadee Cable Tunnel, Don Muang Airport Expansion and expansion of the West of Bangkok Water Treatment Plant and Distribution Facilities. We are one of the leading regional providers of energy technical advisory services in Thailand having delivered inputs to many power generation, transmission and distribution projects including solar PV, gas-fired, wind, biomass and energy from waste projects. Our international development team, which provides technical assistance and programme management services in health systems, education, and social and economic development, are also based in Bangkok; they currently manage the UK Government’s Fleming Fund which seeks to combat antimicrobial resistance in the region.
Thai MM Limited
Mott MacDonald (Thailand) Ltd. is a member of the Mott MacDonald Group of companies.
Mr. Somporn Oonchittikul
Mr. Sook Sanan Jotikasthira
Mr. Philip Napier-Moore
BCCT Member Company Since 1998
A - Dr. Paul Beresford-Hill, MBE, K.St.J. Director General
B - Ms. Nisa Chamat, General Manager
The Mountbatten International Programmes (Thailand) Co., Ltd. is the Asia/ Pacific Regional Office of the New York and London based Mountbatten Institute. Founded in 1984, (as the Mountbatten Internship Programme), it is named in honour of Earl Mountbatten of Burma, a noted supporter of international education. His daughter, the Countess Mountbatten, is the Institute’s Patron.
The Thailand office was established in 2005, to provide programmes for Asian applicants and to facilitate non-Asians to study regional economics and business practice.
The company also provides training services for the business sector specialising within the finance, banking and investment banking sector where previous/ current clients have included Barclays, Bank of America, Credit Suisse, Citi, Deutsche Bank, UBS, Wipro, Cognizant, eClerx and iSoftStone. A number of multinational companies such as BlackRock, Thomson Reuters, Dow Jones, Liquidnet, HSBC, and Prospect Capital also participate within the programme to host trainees for the one year programme.
Mountbatten Programme Ltd - European Regional Office
Mountbatten Internship Programme - North American Regional Office
The Mountbatten Institute, New York, London and Bangkok
49% British
51% Thai
Senior Management
Dr. Paul Beresford-Hill, MBE, K.St.J. Director General (New York Office)
Mr. Jeff Simcox, Academic Director
Board of Directors
Dr. Paul Beresford-Hill
Mr. Robert Thornhill
Ms. Nisa Chamat
Mr. Non Apiwatchart
Mr. Witsarut Duangchinda
Mr. Namchai Sukkasem
Bangkok Bank
BCCT Member Company Since 2006
55 Moo 2, Sukhumvit Road
KM 156 5, Na Jomtien
Sattahip, Chonburi 20250
T: +66 (0) 3307 8888
F: +66 (0) 3307 8777 hotel pattaya@movenpick com w w w movenpick com/pattaya
Located right by Na Jomtien Beach, Mövenpick Siam Hotel Na Jomtien Pattaya offers 260 stylish rooms and suites The hotel’s 5-star accommodation options are complemented by a comprehensive range of facilities including four top class food and beverage outlets
Guests can indulge in an array of different cuisines during their stay at Mövenpick Siam Hotel Na Jomtien Pattaya, from internationally themed food at Twist Restaurant to sizzling specialties at the T55 New York Grill Room, or tantalizing tapas at La Costa Beach Restaurant and Bar
Our all-new family programme inspires kids to create their own unforgettable childhood memories whilst letting the whole family enjoy a special vacation together Featuring Little Birds Club with signature activities, ‘Power Bites’ - our fun and healthy kids menu and Family-friendly services including babysitting and kids TV channels
The hotel offers businesses and individuals impressive options for meetings, incentives and private functions Events spaces include the 392 square metre Siam Grand Ballroom as well as three separate ‘Marina Conference Rooms’ plus a modern, stylish pre- function foyer
Mövenpick Siam Hotel Na Jomtien Pattaya is ideally located for leisure, corporate or incentive-based travellers just 75 minutes from Bangkok Suvarnabhumi International Airport, and 20 minutes from the regional UTapao Airport
For more information to view our current offers or to book a reservation, please visit www movenpick com/pattaya
BCCT Member Company Since 2018
19th Floor, Room 1906, 62 The Millenia Tower
Langsuan Road, Lumpini
Pathumwan, Bangkok 10330
T: +66 (0) 2651 9889
F: +66 (0) 2650 5200
Chamber Representative
1908 MSIG Building, New Petchburi Road
Bangkapi, Huay Kwang
Bangkok 10310
T: F ar
Chamber Representatives
A - Mr. Mark Hamill-Stewart, Managing Director
A subsidiary of CDI Corporation which is quoted on the New York Stock Exchange, MRI Worldwide provides search and recruitment services to its clients. The MRI network now exceeds 1,100 offices worldwide making it the largest search company in the world. With 45,000 placements annually,no other search company approaches MRI in size and scope.
Products or Services
MRI provides retained and contingency search for both Thai and multinational companies in Thailand. With its extensive network throughtout the world, MRI in Thailand is also well placed to find suitable candidates overseas through its extensive network of offices.
49% British
51% Thai
Board of Directors
Mr. Mark Hamill-Stewart
Kasikorn Bank
Financial Details
Registered Capital: B4.0 M (2002)
BCCT Member Company Since 2002
A - Mr. Arnop Phorndhiti, Chairman
B - Mr. Rattapol Gitisakchaiyakul, Chief Executive Officer
MSIG Insurance (Thailand) Public Company Limited is a leading international general insurer with annual written premiums of over Baht 4 Billion. The company has more than 800 dedicated and service-minded professionals in its Bangkok head office and nationwide network of branches.
The company aims to provide customer focused insurance products and services, apply prudent underwriting practices and handle all claims in a fair and timely manner.
The company has been successfully operating for more than 120 years in Thailand and is now a member of the MS&AD Insurance Group, one of the largest global insurance groups with a strong presence in Asia. The group was recently recognized as the ‘General Insurance Company of the Year’ at the Asia Insurance Review’s Industry Awards for 2011.
Products or Services
We offer most classes of non-life insurance (including motor, travel, property, construction and engineering, personal accident and healthcare, liability, marine cargo and inland transit), risk management and loss prevention advice.
MS&AD Insurance Group and a number of local Thai shareholders.
Senior Management
Mr. Arnop Phorndhiti, Chairman
Mr. Rattapol Gitisakchaiyakul, Chief Executive Officer
Board of Directors
Mr. Arnop Phorndhiti (Chairman)
Mr. Alan John Wilson
Mr. Boonchu Angchaisuksiri
Mr. Dhevan Liauburindr
Mr. Hideyuki Tanaka
Mr. Sanit Rangnoi
Mr. Rattapol Gitisakchaiyakul
Financial Details
Paid up Capital: Baht 142.7 M.
Gross Written Premium for 2017: Baht 3,745.5 M.
BCCT Member Company Since 1965
Unit 2, 16th Floor, M. Thai Tower
All Seasons Place, 87 Wireless Road
Pathumwan, Bangkok 10330
T: +66 (0) 2654 1116
F: +66 (0) 2655 8585
bizdev@myinternshipasia.com www.myinternshipasia.com
Chamber Representatives
A - Mr. David Levy, Chairman
B - Mr. Lucas Zimmerman, Chief Operating Officer
My Internship Asia (MIA) connects young professionals seeking an Internship with local and international organizations based in Thailand.
MIA is a Corporate Partner of the British Chamber of Commerce Thailand. As a partner and member, MIA has the ability to offer student interns to member companies. When interns become available, the Chamber will circulate profiles who are available on a first come first serve basis.
Essentially, MIA opens the door to new horizons and offers Interns professional development opportunities. For companies, it offers an opportunity to utilize an Intern in a real work environment and contribute to their personal growth. MIA views this arrangement as win-win for the host company and Intern in achieving personal growth. Take advantage of a new valued service by engaging an intern at your company.
If your company would like to reach out to My Internship Asia, please contact info@myinternshipasia.com, + 66 2 026 2218 a representative will be available to discuss your companies requirements.
Products or Services Internships, Intern Placements
BCCT Member Company Since 2018
Queen Sirikit National Convention Center
60 New Rachadapisek Road
Klongtoey, Bangkok 10110
T: +66 (0) 2229 3000
F: +66 (0) 2229 3102 mkt@qsncc.com www.qsncc.com
Chamber Representatives
4-5th Floors CNW Office
827/1, Ek mai-Rimindra Road
Khlong Chan, Bang Kapi
Bangkok 10240
T: +66 (0) 2935 9779
F: +66 (0) 2935 9788 law@natipatana.com nattaphol@natipatana.com www.natipatana.com
Chamber Representative
A - Mr. Sakchai Pattarapreechakul, President
B - Mr. Raksak Kananurak, Director of Marketing
N.C.C. Management & Development Co., Ltd. is Thailand’s premier private sector venue management company. Its dedication to management excellence in organizing a large number of high profile international events has earned the company the respect of event organizers, exhibitors, business and public sectors, both in Thailand and overseas.
N.C.C. Management & Development Co., Ltd. has managed Queen Sirikit National Convention Center since it opened in 1991 and also manage the 60th Anniversary of His Majesty the King’s Accession to the Throne International Convention Center, Hat Yai.
Today, N.C.C. Management & Development Co., Ltd. has put its 27 years of experience and accumulated expertise to good use by offering event organizers and exhibitors fully-integrated, customer-friendly, one-stop services. This, in turn, will help position Thailand overall as ASEAN’s preferred MICE destination for the foreseeable future.
Products or Services
Venue Management:
• Queen Sirikit National Convention Center, Bangkok (www.qsncc.com)
• 60th Anniversary of H is Majesty the K ing’s Accession to the Throne International Convention Center, Hat Yai (www.icchatyai.com)
Three subsidiary companies & Service:
• F&B International Co., Ltd.
• N.C.C. Image Co., Ltd.
• N.C.C. Exhibition Organizer Co., Ltd. (NEO)
• Professional Conference Organizer (PCO)
N.C.C. Exhibition Organizer Co., Ltd. - professional exhibition and event organizer (www.nccexhibition.com)
N.C.C. Image Co., Ltd. - design & construction for exhibition and event (www. nccimage.com)
F&B International Co., Ltd. - food & beverage service, banqueting and catering (www.nccfb.com)
N.C.C. International Events Co., Ltd. - Professional Event Solution
Senior Management
Mr. Sakchai Pattarapreechakul, President
Mr. Raksak Kananurak, Director of Marketing
BCCT Member Company Since 2006
A - Mr. Nattaphol Chinawong, Partner/ Co-Managing Director
Natipatana Law O ffice is a full-ser vice law firm based in Bangkok, Thailand, specialised in litigation and dispute resolution. The firm was established in 1982 and has been operated for more than 36 years. Natipatana Law O ffice is on the list of English Speaking Lawyers of the British Embassy, Bangkok and has advised the British Embassy on certain legal matters concerning British citizens in Thailand. The firm has been recently ranked by AsiaLaw Profile 2019 as Notable Law Firm on Dispute Resolution.
The history of the Firm can be traced back in 1982 when Mr. Nuttawut Chinawong, a law graduate (with Second-Class Honors) of Thammasat University founded the firm with his friends. The firm is currently co-headed by his son, Mr. Nattaphol Chinawong, a First-Class Honors graduate of Chulalongkorn University and of the University College London (First-Class Honors) on the Chevening Scholarship, sponsored by the UK Government. The collaborative family relationship is at hear t of the firm. Natipatana Law O ffice has now retained 15 qualified and experienced attorneys including supporting legal teams. The firm is authorised by the Lawyers Council of Thailand and has made association with the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators where Mr. Nattaphol serves in its Committee Board of Thailand.
With over 1,500 cases being handled by the firm throughout the past 36 years, Natipatana’s clients range from multinational corporations, Forbes-500 listed companies, public companies, financial institutions, international banks and funds, offshore companies, oversea trusts, trading companies, airlines, liners, international schools, foreign government, charitable organisations to former ministers and public figures. The firm’s recent case highlights can be found in its website.
Natipatana Law O ffice’s reputation is built on the wide range of experiences and expertise in litigation and dispute resolution. The firm also provides business legal advisory services and has handled various types of cases, ranging from corporate, commercial, civil, criminal, administrative, labour, IP, insolvency, to international law and human rights matters. The firm has affiliated par tners in major countries across the globe including the US, UK , Germany, China, India, Singapore and beyond.
The firm’s philosophy is to provide quality legal services to clients with fighting spirit and time and cost efficienc y. I t is the commitment of the firm to ser ve our clients with tailor-made services, taking into account of each of our clients’ circumstances and needs. The firm is keen on every legal submission as it commits to the legal development. Some of the firm’s previous Supreme Court cases has been quoted in legal commentaries of prominent academics. The firm strictly adheres to professional ethics and rules of confidentiality as we put our clients’ interest as top priority.
Mr. Nattaphol Chinawong, Partner/Co-Managing Director
BCCT Member Company Since 2018
111 Jarus Muang Road
Rong Muang Patthumwan
Bangkok 10330
T: +66 (0) 2255 6345
Chamber Representatives
89 AIA Capital Center 11th Floor Unit 1105
Ratchadapisek Road
Dindaeng, Bangkok 10400
T: +66 (0) 20170553
Chamber Representative
A - Mr. Vatcharapong Duangthai , International Sales Manager
B - Ms. Supansa Rojkitpanyakul, International Sales Executive
PM GROUP is one of the top, privately-held. Thai conglomerates with interests in investment, shipping, oil & gas, plastics, property, golf courses, entertainment, education, investments and consumer products such as Nescafe, Pizza Hut, Krispy Kream and P80 under the leadership of Chairman Mr. Prayudh Mahagitsiri.
The Pm Group, through an exclusive agreement with Chiangmai University, has acquired the exclusive sole right of the patent manufacturing technology to produce, market and distribute P80 Natural Essence worldwide.
Products or Services
Natural Essence 260 ml
Natural Essence 100 ml
Nutri Drink 50 ml
BCCT Member Company Since 2018
A - Mr. Carsten Moeller, Marketing Manager
Neos IT Services is founded in Munich, Germany in 2005 and our global operation center is located in Bangkok, Thailand since 2015. Neos has over 120 IT professionals consisting of 19 different nationalities with hand-on experiences in various IT fields working across the globe.Neos integrates and operates high transaction IT platforms for customers such as Amadeus, Lufthansa, Qantas, Finnair and other Star Alliance airlines worldwide.
Neos specialises in building customised high transaction platforms across all industries. One of our most impor tant added values is proven security. We comply with the highest security standards, diligently meeting their rigorous requirements. Our greatest strength is our team of exper ts from 20 countries. They are on the front line, together with our technology partners.
We are passionate about experimenting with new technologies. Those that prove successful are then put into practice. This allows us to understand the implications and maximise the benefits of new technologies at an early stage. Neos is ready to help navigate your IT journey to your digital future.
BCCT Member Company Since 2018
Neptune P2P Group, Riverside New Bailey Street
T: +44 1618376220
Chamber Representatives
999/9 Central World Plaza
42nd Floor, Rama I Road
Pathumwan, Bangkok 10330
T: +66 (0) 2657 8000
F: +66 (0) 2657 8330
Chamber Representatives
A - Mr. Mike Calton, Security Risk Management
B - Mr. Carl Sykes, Managing Director
We are international security risk management and maritime security experts with proven experience of keeping people, assets and organisations safe. We can support your needs anywhere in the world from our bases in the UK and the UAE. We only employ the best, and our track record is second to none. Whether you need our expertise in risk consultancy or our specialist security services, you’ll be in safe hands with us. We can even train your staff and help you introduce processes and protocols that will keep you even safer.
Products or Services
Maritime Security, Security Risk Management consultancy, Infrastructure, Hotel Developments, Ports Assessments, Gap Analysis, Close Protection, Chaperoning, Secure Travel Services, Crisis Management, Emergency Evacuation.
BCCT Member Company Since 2018
A - Mr. Victor Seah, Chairman & CEO
B - Mr. Arsalan Khan, Sales Director – Grocery
Nestle’s history in Thailand began more than a hundred years ago, when the company introduced “Milkmaid” sweetened condensed milk into the local market. The first advertisement for the product appeared in the “Bangkok Times” newspaper on October 18, 1893.
Today, Nestle Group Thailand is a diversified enterprise with seven production plants and over 2,500 employees.
Food and beverage products; Nestle Bear Brand powdered milk, Nestle Milo Powder, Nescafe, Nestle Coffeemate, Nesvita, Nestle Carnation powdered milk, Nestle Cerelac, Nestle KoKoKrunch breakfast cereal, Maggi, Nestle ice cream, Nestle Pure Life, Minere, Purina Alpo, Purina Friskies and Purina Proplan.
Nestlé ROH (Thailand) Ltd.
Quality Coffee Products Ltd.
Perrier Vittel (Thailand) Ltd.
Nestle S.A.
Board of Directors
Mr. Victor Seah, Chairman & CEO
Mr. Satish Srinivasan, Technical Director
Mr. Arsalan Khan, Sales Director - Grocery
Mr. Emilio Requejo, Finance & Con
BCCT Member Company Since 1999
22nd Floor, Rasa Tower 1 555 Phahonyothin Road
Kwaeng, Chatuchak
Bangkok 10900
T: +66 (0) 2793 4600
F: +66 (0) 2937 0144 www.nexant.com
36 Sukhumvit Soi 15, Klongtoey Nua
Wattana, Bangkok 10110
T: +66 (0) 2017 5888
F: +66 (0) 2253 3800 nist@nist.ac.th www.nist.ac.th
A - Mr. Clive Gibson, VP
Nexant is a leading provider of consulting, clean energy and intelligent grid software solutions.
Nexant has provided independent consulting services to the energy and chemicals industry for over 40 years. A global company with over 600 employees it has Asian offices in Bangkok, Shanghai and KL, with Bangkok as its regional office for Asia. Our clients include Fortune 500 companies, utilities, transmission and distribution system operators, international and national petroleum and chemical companies, financial institutions, governments and multilateral agencies.
Nexant is headquartered in San Francisco and has 30 corporate, representative, and project offices throughout the US, Europe, Middle East and Asia.
Nexant provides a broad range of consulting support to its clients in the energy, chemicals and related industries:
• Technical advisory
• Market/Commercial advisory
• Investment decision making and strategic planning
• Feasibility studies
• Project Finance
• Acquisition identification and due diligence
• Litigation support
BCCT Member Company Since 2009
A - Mr. Brett Penny, Head of School
B - Mr. Jared D. Kuruzovich, Director of Communications
The first and only full, not-for-profit IB World School in Thailand, NIST International School was established in 1992 with the support of the United Nations. The school now welcomes over 1,500 students of over 50 nationalities and provides all three International Baccalaureate programmes. NIST is governed by the Foundation for International Education and is accredited through the Council of International Schools (CIS) and New England Association of Schools and Colleges (NEASC).
Recognized worldwide for its progressive approach, the IB programmes provide students with critical 21st century skills. In addition to its rigorous academics, NIST provides students with an expansive World Languages Programme and more than 300 extra-curricular activity options. With its graduates attending the best universities in the world and going on to become community leaders, NIST International School has become recognized as one of Asia’s leading learning institutions.
NIST offers all three IB programmes: the Primary Years Programme, Middle Years Programme and Diploma Programme. Working closely with the IB in the implementation of its mission, NIST has gained a reputation for being one of the top IB schools in the world. Additionally, it partners with a small number of top schools around the globe in offering the Global Citizen Diploma, an optional qualification that distinguishes themselves when applying to universities worldwide.
International Baccalaureate (IB)
Council of International Schools (CIS)
New England Association of Schools and Colleges (NEASC)
Office for National Education Standards and Quality Assessment (ONESQA)
East Asia Regional Council of Schools (EARCOS)
South East Asia Student Activity Conference (SEASAC)
Bangkok International Schools Athletic Conference (BISAC)
NIST is a not-for-profit organization, overseen by the NIST International School Foundation
Senior Management
Mr. Brett Penny, Head of School; Ms. Poonam Sachdev, Director; Mr. Nirut Chavanarodjanarugi, Head of Operations
Mr. Sarath Ratanavadi, Chair of the NIST International School Foundation
Ms. Ornkanya Pibuldham, Chair of the NIST Executive School Board
Siam Commercial Bank
BCCT Member Company Since 2000
BFS House, Golden Square Henfield West Sussex
T: +44 (0) 1273 490100
F: +44 (0) 1273 495448
info@norvic.com www.norvic.com
562-562/1, Moo 10 Pratamnak Road Nongprue, Banglamung Chonburi 20150
T: +66 (0) 3841 2214
F: +66 (0) 3841 2215 dueanpen.p@onyx-hospitality.com www.mosaic-collection.com/novaplatinum
A - Mr. Richard Boddie, CEO
Light Aircraft Engine Overhaul and Exchange Facility based in United Kingdom. With over 46 years’ experience, Norvic is one of the leading engine overhaul companies in the world specialising in Lycoming & TCM Continental engines Overhaul & Ready to Go Engines. With our highly developed quality control systems and comprehensive warranty, the real value for you is our focus on workmanship and delivering first-class work at prices and timescales that are realistic for you and us.
Ready to Go Engines
We have a large stock of ready to go Lycoming and TCM Continental engines we can ship within 5 working days subject to availability and payment.
Lycoming & TCM Continental shock load inspection & repair Trust Norvic to handle your shock load/prop strike inspection or lightning strike inspection and repair to the required manufacturer’s specifications.
Bendix/Slick magnetos & other engine components such as Carb/Fuel injectors, Prop Governors
In addition to your engine overhaul or repair, Norvic can overhaul the majority of aircraft engine components in our range of dedicated facilities within our modern engine shop in the UK.
A Nor vic O verhaul or a Nor vic Exchange O verhaul engine is of the exact same standard as an OEM Rebuilt engine, not their O verhauled engine. Please compare our prices with the OEM Rebuilt. All of the technical work is carried out by EASA Part 145 Certified personnel in accordance with the company’s EASA Part 145 Approval number UK.145.01182, FAA Approval No. 33NY343C, Philippines CAAP Approval No. 412-F and Jordanian CARC Approval No. CARC.F.AMO.28.
Please visit our website for more details https://www.norvic.com/overhaulexchange/
Get in touch with us for a quote and see the difference we can make by offering you the best in quality and value.
BCCT Member Company Since 2017
A A - Ms. Dueanpen Poolsukkho, Director of Sales & Marketing
Nova Platinum Hotel, a stylish first class hotel located in South Pattaya, comprises 270 rooms location, the main entertainment and shopping districts of Pattaya are within walking distance. The hotel is also close to the pier which provides access to nearby island.
Products or Services
Each wing of Platinum 1 and 2 has a separate lobby and check in. At both, a personalised service and friendly welcome await guests, for a relaxed stay, whether for a long holiday or just passing through on business.
Onyx Hospitality
BCCT Member Company Since 2012
566 Ploenchit Road
Lumpini, Patumwan
Bangkok 10330
T: +66 (0) 2305 6000
F: +66 (0) 2305 6001 h7176@accor.com www.novotelbangkokploenchit.com
Chamber Representatives
Neath Campus
Dwr-y-Felin Road
Neath, Neath Port Talbot
SA10 7RF
T: +44 (0) 1 639 648 000
F: +44 (0) 1 639 648 667
A - Mr. Patrick Janssen, General Manager
B - Ms. Supawadee Boonnom, Director of Sales
Novotel Bangkok Ploenchit Sukhumvit, a conveniently located Bangkok City Hotel, near BTS SkyTrain – Ploenchit Station offering easy access to Bangkok’s attractions and shopping malls including Siam, Silom and Sukhumvit.
Find your dream hotel in Bangkok at Novotel Bangkok Ploenchit Sukhumvit, the best 4-star hotel in Bangkok. Enjoy comfortable accommodation, with modern facilities at truly great value rates making your next vacation in Bangkok an even more enjoyable trip. Book direct online with our hotel and take advantage of our Bangkok hotel deals available all year round.
Products or Services
Novotel Bangkok Ploenchit Sukhumvit comprises 370 guest rooms and 12 multi-purpose function rooms all featuring natural daylight and high ceilings; meeting and event spaces are suitable for small- to medium-sized gatherings of up to 240 people. Advanced audio-visual technologies and on-site best professionals further ensure a successful occasion. This Ploenchit meeting venue likewise offers meeting packages and themes to suit a wide range of event types and budgets.
Companies Represented
Mr. Patrick Janssen, General Manager
Supawadee Boonnom, Director of SalesOwnership
Fico Development Co., Ltd.
Senior Management
Mr. Patrick Janssen, General Manager
BCCT Member Company Since 2018
A - Mr. Steve Rhodes, Assistant Principal Worldwide Operations
B - Mr. Mohammed Dabab, Corporate Services Coordinator
NPTC Group of Colleges provides specialist training and qualifications in a wide range of programmes and courses for individuals, companies and governments in both the UK and overseas.
An additional to academic and vocational programmes delivered in the UK, we can also offer a wide range of programmes to be delivered in-country. These programmes include Vocational Teacher Training, English Language, English Language for Professional Communications, Leadership and Management, Train the Trainer, Health and Safety, Assessment, Supervisory Training, First Aid at Work, Quality Assurance and Information Technology to name a few. We also are able to bespoke programmes.
We are also accredited to provide Management Training and qualifications including ILM Level 3 Award in Leadership & Management, and a range of ILM endorsed programmes
NPTC Group of Colleges also works with employers to deliver apprenticeships and work-based learning, which includes the design and development of new programmes to meet industry needs in partnership with internationally recognised awarding bodies.
The College owns and runs an international language school in Hampshire: LSI Portsmouth, welcoming students from every part of the globe.
We deliver a wide range of outstanding higher education programme, delivered through University partnerships.
Successful achievement data published by the Department for Education and Skills in the Welsh Government indicates that NPTC Group of Colleges has the best results in Wales for post-16 education and training in three out of the last four years.
The Group has an excellent reputation for: academic results; the quality of teaching and learning; its support for students; its work with industry and its work in the community.
BCCT Member Company Since 2016
75/122-123, Ocean Tower II
42nd Floor, Sukhumvit 19 (Wattana)
Sukhumvit Road, Klongtoey Nua
Wattana, Bangkok 10110
T: +66 (0) 2661 6800
F: +66 (0) 2661 6825 info@oceanproperty.co.th www.oceanproperty.co.th
9th Floor Abdulrahim Place
990 Rama IV Road
Silom, Bangrak
Bangkok 10500
T: +66 (0) 2636 1111
F: +66 (0) 2636 0000 contact@legists.com www.legists.com
Chamber Representative
A - Mr. Napong Paripontpochanapisuti, Acting Managing Director
B - Mrs. Supatra Angkawinijwong, Deputy Managing Director
Established in 1989, Ocean Property began its operations with the creation of 2 corporate high-rises in the heart of Bangkok, Ocean Tower I & II. Ocean Property aims at being one of the leading full-scale real estate developers in Thailand. It focuses on residential projects for sale and rent, including condominiums, town homes, single houses, and detached-houses. Ocean Property also runs a wide range of relevant business, for example, hotels & resorts, yacht club, marina, office buildings, and property management service.
Ocean Property currently manages over 5,000 million Baht in exclusive properties in prime locations throughout Thailand. As an affiliate under the umbrella of the Ocean Group, Ocean Property has a current registered capital 468 million Baht.
The company is operated by a professional management team and a team of construction and real estate development experts who pool their expertise to develop the highest quality projects to meet their customers’ satisfaction.
• Property for sale
• Hotels & Resorts
• Marina & Yacht Club
• Office Buildings
• Property Agent (Resale/Buy/Rent)
• Property Management Service
BCCT Member Company Since 2014
A A - Mr. Nopadol Intralib, Managing Partner
The Legists provide full range quality legal services combining the talents of partners and associates with over 30 years of experience consulting on local and international legal matters. The Legists team of 30 professionals comprises some of the foremost attorneys in the Bangkok market.
Products or Services
The Legists advise Thai and international clients in a wide range of commercial fields including drafting and negotiation of contracts with a special emphasis on government infrastructure projects; tax; corporate, commercial transactions; project finance; banking; securities; mergers and acquisitions; joint ventures;natural and human resources; privatization; real estate and land development; international trade; corporate and debt restructuring; investment promotion; and intellectual property.
Senior Management
Pracha Tiyapattanaputi
Sombat Thitapanich
Sawitree Treenawarut
Anan Rattanatanawat
Prapoj Jirasathitpornpong
Board of Directors
Mr. Nopadol Intralib, Managing Partner
Mr. Khaisri Utaiwan, Executive Partner
Citibank, N.A.
BCCT Member Company Since 2004
11/1 AIA Tower 7th Floor
Unit 705 South Sathorn Road
Bangkok 10120
T: +66 (0) 2026 3517
F: +66 (0) 2286 1721
resbkk@omanair.com www.omanair.com/en/
20th Floor, 75/34 Ocean Tower 2 Sukhumvit Soi 19, Bangkok 10110
T: +66 (0) 2661 6349
F: +66 (0) 2661 6239
vik ki@omni-interconsult.com
A - Mr. Joseph Cusmano, Country Manager Thailand
B - Ms. Areelak Soralump, District Sales Manager Thailand
Oman Air is the flagship carrier of the Sultanate of Oman and an Official 4 Star Skytrax rated premium full-service airline.
Oman Air operates a modern fleet of aircrafts including the Boeing 787 Dreamliner, the 737 Max and the Airbus A330, boasting the latest in cabin innovations which has won the Airline many awards.
Since March 2018, Oman Air also boast a brand new airport terminal in Muscat, a multi-billion U.S.-dollar project capable of handling over 20 million passengers per year.
The airline currently operates direct international flights from Muscat to 53 destinations, including 8 in Europe, 14 in the Gulf and Middle East, 18 in the Indian Sub-Continent, 5 in the Far East, 5 in Africa and 3 domestic points.
Oman Air operates 3 flights per day from Bangkok Suvarnabhumi Airport with B787 Dreamliner’s, with convenient connections to its network from the new state of the art terminal at Muscat. Promotional fares to Europe start at THB21,600 in Economy Class and THB84,380 in Business Class.
Products or Services
Passenger and Cargo Airline
Government of the Sultanate of Oman
BCCT Member Company Since 2018
A - Ms. Vikki MacQueen, Accounts Director
B - Mr. James MacQueen, CEO
Omni International Consultants is a specialist recruitment organization supplying personnel to the Manufacturing, Engineering, Construction & Oil/Gas industry on an exclusive and highly confidential basis.
We are a global HR consultancy founded in 2000 with our Head Office located in Bangkok, Thailand and liaison offices located in Rayong, UK, Dubai, Saudi Arabia, India and Australia.
We already serve a wide network of satisfied clients in different industries spread all across the globe.
Our globally experienced team has in-depth knowledge of the issues facing cross-cultural, multi-racial teams of all sizes which makes our recruitment services customized and solution focused.
Some of our satisfied Clients:
• Siam Cement Group (SCG)
• Babcock Power
• Linde Group
• Aurecon
• Samsung
• Phelps Dodge International (General Cable)
• Global Architecture (Permasteelisa)
• Siemens
• Christiani & Nielsen
Products or Services
Some Categories we assist in the Placement of:
• CEO / Area Manager / GM
• Operations Manager/ BDM/ Country Manager
• Project / Site Manager & Project Engineer
• HSE Manager/ Coordinator / Officer
• Project Control / Planning Manager & Engineer
• Production / Fabrication / Manufacturing
• Contract Administrator / Quantity Surveyor / Cost Control
• Procurement / Logistics / Material
• Finance / HR / Accounting / Administration
BCCT Member Company Since 2016
Q House Lumpini Building
28th Floor, Unit 2802
1 South Sathorn Road
Kwaeng Tungmahamek
Khet Sathorn, Bangkok 10120
T: +66 (0) 2620 0800
F: +66 (0) 2620 0820
Chamber Representatives
110 Wireless Road Bangkok 10330
T: +66 (0) 2125 9000
F: +66 (0) 2125 9111
A - Mr. John Bell, Director Asia
B - Mr. Tharanit Thapanandana, President
Ophir Energy is a UK-listed independent upstream oil and gas exploration and production company, focused on Asia and Africa.
Ophir’s vision is to be the leading independent international oil and gas exploration and production company. Our business model is focused on finding hydrocarbon resources efficiently and monetizing them smartly. We are committed to conducting our operations in an ethical, responsible, apolitical, and transparent manner at all times.
Products or Services
Oil and Gas exploration and production
Wholly owned by Ophir Energy Plc.
Senior Management
Dr. John Bell, Director Asia
Mr. Tharanit Thapanandana, President
Board of Directors
William (Bill) Schrader, Chairman of the Board
Alan Booth, Interim CEO
Tony Rouse, CFO
BCCT Member Company Since 2008
A - Mr. Michael B. Gaehler, General Manager
B - Ms. Maneerat Phayakmareang, Director of Sales
Oriental Residence Bangkok offers refined accommodation surrounded by a lush tree in the centre of Bangkok. Featuring 145 lavished appointed serviced residences, which include Grand Deluxe, One-Bedroom Suite, Two-Bedroom Suite and Three-Bedroom Suite. Oriental Residence Bangkok also consist of 46 private residential units.
Products or Services
Offering the traditional elegance of time tested service – 145 serviced residences feature fully-equipped kitchen, marble bathrooms, custom mattresses, special amenities, wireless high-speed internet access and 24hour In-residence dining. Ranging from Grand Deluxe and One-Bedroom through Three-Bedroom Suite, the residences offer luxury accommodation with superior comforts and traditional elegance.
Managed by ONYX Hospitality Group
BCCT Member Company Since 2012
Unit 1601, 2001-2002, 2501
16th, 20th, 25th Floor
29 Bangkok Business Center Building
Sukhumvit 63, North Klong Tan
Wattana, Bangkok 10110
T: +66 (0) 2714 3801-3
F: +66 (0) 2714 3803 ghaff@orioninv.co.th www.orionlawofficethailand.co.th
Chamber Representative
323 Moo 2, Srisoonthorn Road
Cherngtalay, Bangtao Beach
Phuket 83110
T: +66 (0) 7636 0600
F: +66 (0) 7636 0670
tukta.k husan@outrigger.co.th www.outrigger.com
Chamber Representatives
A - Mr. Ghaff Khan, Director of Legal Services
Orion Investigations is a commercial investigation company and registered law office based in Bangkok. We work with local and international clients to help them protect and enhance their brand, assets, reputation and revenues.
Orion Investigations provides cost-effective results and tailored solutions for our clients. We enable our clients to detect, assess and mitigate or prevent risk from trademark infringement, breach of copyright, corporate fraud, falsified information and theft of physical assets, trade secrets or intellectual property.
The Law Office provides general legal services in all areas except taxation and immigration to both companies and individuals.
Products or Services
Our services include
• Intellectual Property Investigations and Representation
• Computer, Digital, Mobile Phone Forensics
• Company and Individual Background Checks
• Due Diligence & Business Research
• Employment Screening
• Workplace Investigations, Fraud Prevention, Detection and Prosecution
• Insurance Claim Investigations
• Polygraph / Lie Detector Tests
• Surveillance & Counter Surveillance
• Debt Collection & Legal Execution
• General Legal Services - Corporate & Individual
Senior Management
See Company Members
BCCT Member Company Since 2017
A - Mr. Tony Pedroni, Area General Manager Thailand
B - Mr. Rory Campbell, Area Director of Sales and Marketing Outrigger Resorts
Outrigger Laguna Phuket Beach Resort’s premier beachfront setting at Bangtao Bay is one of the most coveted addresses in the distinctive Laguna Phuket resort community. A member of the Outrigger Hotels and Resorts group which boasts magnificent absolute beachfront resorts in the Maldives, Mauritius, Thailand (Phuket & Samui), Fiji, Guam and Hawaii. For online information visit www.outrigger.com
Products or Services
- Accommodation- Hospitality - Sales Distribution / Logistics- Hotel / Hotels Chain - Spa & Wellness- MICE destination
Singha Estate Public Company Limited
BCCT Member Company Since 2016
31st Floor, Italthai Building
2034/134 New Petchburi Road
Kwaeng Bangkapi, Khet Huay Kwang
Bangkok 10320
T: +66 (0) 2716 1561
F: +66 (0) 2716 1562 bangkok@arup.com www.arup.com
Chamber Representatives
131, Great Titchfield St. London
T: +44 (0) 20 7403 7213
F: +44 (0) 17 3026 0274
thailand@oxfordbusinessgroup.com www.oxfordbusinessgroup.com
Chamber Representatives
A - Mr. Jason Simpson, Group Leader / Office Leader / Managing Director
B - Mr. Andrew Davidson, Director / Rail Business Leader (SEA)
Ove Arup (Thailand) Limited, is a wholly owned subsidiary of Arup Group Limited, an independent firm of designers, planners, engineers, consultants and technical specialists offering a broad range of professional services. Founded in 1946, Arup now has more than 14,000 people working in 87 offices in 34 countries and our projects have taken us to more than 160 countries. We provide the engineering and related consultancy services necessary to every stage of the project, from inception to completion and after. These are available to clients singly or in combination, to suit the particular circumstance of the job across the entire built environment including civil, industrial and building works.
In addition to our core activities in Thailand which are building services, advisory and project management, we offer specialist advice in fields such as acoustics, facade, economics, fire safety design and risk analysis to clients from project inception to completion, and operations. Throughout the world we aim to provide a consistently excellent multi-disciplinary service, which also incorporates our concern for the environment. Arup is committed to sustainable design, to its increasing incorporation in our projects and to industry-wide sustainability initiatives.
Arup Group Limited
Arup Group Limited (British 100%)
Senior Management
Jason Simpson, Office Leader / Managing Director
Board of Directors
Jason Simpson, Michael Kwok
BCCT Member Company Since 1998
A - Mr. Louise Grankvist, Country Director
B - Mr. Rey Davis Tuplano, Editorial Manager
Oxford Business Group is a global publisher and consultancy producing annual investment and economic reports on more than 30 countries.
Every business intelligence report is based on in-country research by experienced analysts. To identify investment opportunities, we draw on more than 1,000 first-hand sources.
You need only one –
Oxford Business Group
Through its range of products, OBG offers comprehensive and accurate analysis of macroeconomic and sectoral developments, including banking, capital markets, tourism, energy, construction, transport, industry and ICT. OBG provides business intelligence to its subscribers through multiple platforms: Economic News and Views, OBG Business Barometer - CEO Survey, Roundtables and conferences, Global Platform - exclusive video interviews, The Report publications and its Consultancy division.
Oxford Business Group in Thailand
Mint WorkLounge, 205/21 Soi Sukhumvit 55
Khwaeng Khlong Tan Nuea, Watthana District
Bangkok 10110, Thailand.
BCCT Member Company Since 2015
2034/82 (18-02/2) Ital-Thai Tower, 18th Floor
New Petchburi Road, Bangkapi
Huay Kwan, Bangkok 10320
T: +66 (0) 2716 0000
F: +66 (0) 2716 0577
enquir y@prtr.com
152 Chartered Square Building 16th Floor, North Sathorn Road
Silom, Bangrak, Bangkok 10500
T: +66 (0) 2637 8127-8
F: +66 (0) 2637 8129
l.vandamme@pandrolap.com www.thenewpandrol.com
A - Mr. David Pollock, Head of Executive Recruitment Services
B - Mr. Stuart Reid, VP – Executive Recruitment
We are Thailand’s leading Total HR Solutions Company. PRTR is a Thai/British owned company established in 1993.
We are more than just a Recruitment Company. We have become a total solution for all services Recruitment, Outsourcing and HR related.
Our Mission
It is our mission to have a positive contribution to the growth, prosperity and well being of Thailand and its people.
It is our mission to assist in the development of standards and practices within the subject of human resources and talent management in Thailand, and also to contribute to the development of the skills and abilities of Thai people. Through delivering exceptional service consistently to candidates and companies, PRTR is committed to making Thailand a better place to live and a more competitive nation on the global stage.
Executive Recruitment, Permanent Recruitment, IT Recruitment, Banking & Financial Services Recruitment, Manufacturing Recruitment, Eastern Seaboard Recruitment, Japanese Recruitment, Mass Recruitment, Campus Recruitment
HR Services:
Human Resource Outsourcing, Payroll, Staff Outsourcing, Employee Background
Check Business Process Outsourcing:
Business Process Outsourcing, PC Management, Recruitment Process Outsourcing
Japanese Recruitment, Sriracha-Eastern Seaboard Recruitment
British and Thai ownership
Senior Management
Ms. Risara Charoenpanich, Ms. Onrudee Kettawee, Mr. Luck Dendee, Ms. Bongkoch Pathcharapak, Mr. David Pollock, Ms. Narita Adulkaewphaluek, Ms. Jariya Boonpitaksathit, Mr. Stuart Reid, Ms. Chanyaporn Wirotwuttikul, Ms. Awnrumpha Poopongpunkun, Ms. Chanamon Charoentaweepanukul, Ms. Sukanya Roongjang, Mr. Wichaya Phungtamdet, Ms. Jiraporn Kabilsling, Ms. Napapraw Pongudom, Mr. Sam Mattey
Board of Directors
Ms. Risara Charoenpanich
Kasikorn, HSBC, Siam Commercial, Bank Thai
BCCT Member Company Since 2005
A - Mr. Louis Mariex Vandamme, GM-Sales APAC
B - Mr. Sirawut Tattiyakul, Contract Controller
Pandrol is the railway division of the Delachaux group and specializes in rail fasteners, aluminothermic welding, electrification and track equipment. Pandrol has been permanently present in Thailand since 1998.
Fastening systems: We are a global leader in rail fastenings with more than 2 billion products in service in over 100 countries, including landmark projects with both SRT and MRTA.
Welding: We are a global leader in aluminothermic welding, used both on SRT and MRTA networks, with more than 100 years of global experience.
Electrification: We provide a full range of products for Urban Transportation systems, including aluminium conductor rail, supplied in most of the BTS and MRT lines of Bangkok, and rigid catenaries
Equipment and control: We provide a wide range of track machines and track monitoring devices.
BCCT Member Company Since 2018
88 Wireless Road
Lumpini, Pathumwan
Bangkok 10330
T: +66 (0) 2012 1234
bangkok.park@hyatt.com www.bangkok.park.hyatt.com
Chamber Representatives
140 One Pacific Place, 12th Floor Suit 1206, Sukhumvit Road
Klongtoey, Klongtoey
Bangkok 10110
T: +66 (0) 2653 2680-7
F: +66 (0) 2653 2532 richard@parkerbridge.co.th www.parkerbridge.co.th
Chamber Representative
A - Mr. Michael Golden, General Manager
B - Mrs. Coralie Houplain, Director of Sales and Marketing
Park Hyatt Bangkok has its sights set on being the capital’s leading icon of luxury and hotels in Bangkok. Occupying floors 9 to 36 of Central Embassy overlooking lush garden of embassies and the city skyline. With 222 spacious residential style guestrooms including 32 suites.
Products or Services
Luxury Hotel
BCCT Member Company Since 2017
A - Mr. Richard John Malpeli, Managing Director
Parker Bridge began trading in Bangkok in 2008. Parker Bridge also has offices in Auckland and Wellington, New Zealand which commenced trading in 1997.
Parker Bridge Recruitment is widely respected as one of Southeast Asia’s fastest growing and reputable recruitment agencies. With a structure focused on providing specialist recruitment across industrial, finance, information technology, FMCG industries and contract and payroll services, our reputation and commitment to providing superior services is backed up by 45+ years experience.
Connecting the right talent is much more than just a simple placement. For us, ensuring you have the best possible experience is pivotal to our ongoing success as exceptional recruiters. With offices in Thailand, Eastern Seaboard, Auckland, Wellington and Sydney, a wealth of industry awards, a genuine commitment to deliver excellence and a passion for what we do, we simply are... The best find in recruitment.
Products or Services
In Thailand, Parker Bridge Recruitment are specialized in recruitment for the Industry, Finance, IT and FMCG sectors. We help clients place candidates at all levels of their business.
Privately held
Board of Directors
Mr. Richard Malpeli, Managing Director
BCCT Member Company Since 2015
444 MBK Center, Phayathai Road
Wangmai, Pathumwan Bangkok 10330
T: +66 (0) 2216 3700
F: +66 (0) 2216 3730
ppb@pprincess.com www.pprincess.com
99/89 Moo 9 Khaokhunsong Sriracha, Chonburi 20110
T: +66 (0) 3831 8999
F: +66 (0) 3831 8900 marketing@pattana.co.th www.pattana.co.th
A - Mr. Stefan Heintze, General Manager
B - Ms. Kodchakorn Chakreyarat, Vice President of Sales
An award winning 5-star international hotel located in the heart of Bangkok with direct access to the famous MBK shopping centre and National Stadium skytrain terminal. Experience a warm welcome, as you relax in a Thai contemporary atmosphere featuring wonderful sky-top views of Bangkok, the sleepless city. Pathumwan Princess has 455 guest rooms and suites in total, unveiling “a touch of modernity meets Thai tradition” refurbishments in all guest rooms including its function rooms.
There is also a wide array of modern facilities including the Club Lounge to relax in. Restaurant dining features several interesting concepts with the award-winning Kongju and Kayageum Korean Restaurants specialising in tasty Korean cuisine; Loop Italian Restaurant Terrace & Bar featuring modern Italian cuisine at the poolside, CiTi BiSTRo offers all day dining with a creative Open Kitchen buffet concept and menu; t@Lobby offers a selection of coffee and tea with an array of cakes and pastries while STUDiO BAR with its light jazz music will setting you in the mood for that late evening drink. Flavors Indian Restaurant caters to connoisseurs of delightful Indian dining.
The Hotel’s Olympic Club stretches some 9,000 square metres with tennis, badminton & squash courts, basketball shooting, jogging tracks, Jacuzzis, salt-chlorinated swimming pool, with the gym accommodating over 100 different types of equipment and two aerobics studios with 300 classes per month. Tantara Health Spa has 16 treatment rooms offering healthy medical relaxation and beauty treatments. The hotel’s Banqueting & Conference facilities offer boardrooms to ballrooms and up to 300 sit-down diners.
Serving you total comfort with every visit you make.
BCCT Member Company Since 2001
A - Ms. Rujirapun Juangroongruangkit, Excecutive Vice President
B - Mr. Thomas Tapken, Managing Director
A Sporting Lifestyle Destination, Pattana Golf Club & Resort is dedicated to promoting an active lifestyle culture and welcoming individuals, families and groups of all ages from across the world to experience all we have to offer. Located 90 minutes from Bangkok and neighboring the popular coastal city of Pattaya City, 47 km. The 400 acre resort boasts a range of premium accommodations, amenities, meeting and event facilities along with our 27 holes golf course and fully equipped football stadium. We also hosts sporting events, private function and development training, conventions and any special occasions whether corporate or personal.
• Accommodation: Hotel, Villa, Mansion
• Restaurant & Bar: International cuisine Thai, Japanese, Chinese, Korean, European and Vegetarian.
• Golf Course & Facilities: 27 holes, 400 acres & 30 lane driving range
• Meetings & Conference: Multiple format rooms with modern visual, audio and equipment setup.
• Catering: Indoor & Outdoor Arrangement
• Sport Activities & Facilities
• Events & Special Occasions
• Fitness & Leisure Facilities
• Team Building & Facilities
Mr. Thomas Tapken, Managing Director
BCCT Member Company Since 2016
62/284-286 Moo 12 Thepprasit Road
Tambol Nongprue
Amphur Banglamung
Chonburi 20150
T: +66 (0) 3841 1240-1
F: +66 (0) 3842 7596
www.pattayamail.com, www.pattayablatt.com,www.chiangmai-mail.com
Chamber Representative
420/185 M.9 Soi Buakhaow
Nongprug, Banglamung
Chonburi 20150
T: +66 (0) 3841 2301
F: +66 (0) 3842 9462 info@pattayarealty.com www.pattayarealty.com
A - Mr. Pratheep S. Malhotra, Managing DirectorBackground
Pattaya Mail is the first English language newspaper in Pattaya and the Eastern Seaboard of Thailand. Our inaugural issue hit the streets on July 23, 1993. The aim of the newspaper was, and still is, to represent the area in a fair and unbiased way by telling the truth. Pattaya Mail has enjoyed a steady growth since 1993, and its readership base, which was once restricted to only Pattaya, has expanded to include the entire Eastern Seaboard and even into other regions in the Kingdom.
Pattaya Mail also realises its role as a community minded newspaper and each week reserves space for community happenings, social events, local sports, and an adequate amount of features and informative pieces created by some of the area’s best writers. Pattaya Mail is also proud of having been able to expand its readership via the World Wide Web. Expansion has additionally occurred into the electronic media with the Pattaya Mail on TV Show, broadcast on the Chonburi and Pattaya cable TV networks. We look forward to the inevitable evolution the future has in store for us with sincere optimism.
Publishers of the Pattaya Mail - Pattaya’s First English Language Newspaper, the Pattaya Blatt - The German Language Newspaper and producers of the Pattaya Mail on TV Show, all serving Pattaya and the Eastern Seaboard. Publishers of the Chiang Mai Mail, Chiang Mai’s First English Language Newspaper. We also produce and publish Special Publications and accept assignments for various designing and printing jobs.
Pattaya Mail Publishing Co., Ltd.
100% Thai
Pratheep S. Malhotra
Daniel M. Dorothy
BCCT Member Company Since 1998
A - Mr. Stuart Daly, Managing Director
B - Mr. Mark Bowling, Partner Commercial Property
Pattaya Realty Co., Ltd was established in 2001 making us one of the first and longest established real estate companies in Pattaya and on the Eastern seaboard.
Our English, Chinese, Russian and Thai speaking staff are fully trained to a high standard to provide you with the very best service. Helping you make effective decisions whether you are a property buyer, seller or investor. We can provide you with details on houses and condos of all budgets on the Eastern Seaboard.
Our Commercial department holds a good portfolio of hotels, shops, offices, land and factories in Pattaya and surrounding areas, a new company was formed in 2012 dedicated entirely to providing the owners who have entrusted us with their commercial/business properties to us over the years, an even higher level service and exposure of their commercial real estate than before and to ease the path for those looking to invest in commercial or industrial property here on the Eastern Seaboard.
Products or Services
Residential Sales & Leasing, Commercial Property Specialists
Senior Management
Stuart Daly
BCCT Member Company Since 2017
234 Soi Sukhumvit 101 (Punnavithi)
Sukhumvit Road, Bangchak
Prakhanong, Bangkok 10260
T: +66 (0) 2741 8800, 02088 8949
F: +66 (0) 2741 8062-3 customer@pcs.co.th www.pcs.co.th
Chamber Representatives
Capital Tower, All Season’s Place
F/16 Unit 1604-6
87/1 Wireless Road
Lumpini, Pathumwan
Bangkok 10330
T: +66 (0) 2613 4900
F: +66 (0) 2613 4999 thaigen@pearson.com www.pearson.com
Chamber Representative
Mr. Gilles Mahe, Chief Executive Officer – Asia
Mr. Sebastian Anthony Power, Chief Operating Officer
PCS Security and Facility Services Limited also known as PCS, was established in 1967. We have developed our wealth of expertise in Facilities Services in Thailand over 49 years, offering quality services to all types of properties by our experienced professionals. We currently have over 6,800 clients that are supported by our network of 21 branches.
OCS provides leading Total Facilities Management (TFM) using best practices established over the last 118 years, by our experienced teams across the globe. TFM offers a comprehensive range of facilities management services for all non-core business activities, bringing sustainable solutions that add value to your business.
Products or Services
• Catering
• Cleaning
• Gardening
• Helpdesk
• Inventory & Audit
• Mechanical & Electrical
• Pest Management
• Receptionist
• Security Personnel & Systems
• Washroom Hygiene
Cannon Pest Management Co., Ltd.
Cannnon Hygiene
Comin Asia
Foodhouse Cetering Services Co., Ltd.
Companies Represented
Heather Suksem OBE,Chief Executive Officer, South & Southeast Asia, Middle East
Sebastian Antony Power, Chief Operating Officer
BCCT Member Company Since 1985
A - Mrs. Jantima Hiraga, Country Manager – Thailand
Learning is a never-ending road of discovery, challenge, inspiration, and wonder. For some, learning is a means to an end – a job to support their family or the chance to progress in their career. For others, it’s simply a passion for discovery. As the world’s learning company, Pearson helps learners of all ages and stages find their path to a robust and fulfilling life. Because wherever learning flourishes, so do people.
Products or Services
At Pearson, we believe in a future where learning is more effective, affordable, personal, and accessible for the people who most need it. That’s why we are designing innovative digital technologies and driving business model innovations that help to reduce the barriers to learning and that contribute to solving the world’s most pressing education challenges. By doing so, we can help more people discover a love of learning and make progress in their lives.
BCCT Member Company Since 2015
333, Charoennakorn Road
Klongtonsai, Klongsan
Bangkok 10600
T: +66 (0) 2020 2888
F: +66 (0) 20202889
Permpoom Building (5th Floor)
32, Soi Sukhumvit 87 Sukhumvit Road
Bangchak, Prakanong
Bangkok 10260
T: +66 (0) 2740 3870
F: +66 (0) 2740 3871
A - Mr. Joseph Sampermans, General Manager
B - Mr. Geoffrey Webb, Director of Marketing
The Peninsula Bangkok has 370 luxurious and the hotel perfectly mixes timeless elegance and sophistication with contemporary comfort and technology. Its distinctive design offers each of the 370 rooms and suites stunning panoramic views over the historic Chao Phraya River.
• Pampering at The Peninsula Spa is worthy of royalty. A selection of spa treatments and activities related to health and culture are available.
• The hotel’s shuttle boat transferring to the BTS Skytrain is available on demand from 6:00 am – midnight.
• Dine on Thai cuisine at Thiptara, taste Cantonese dishes at Mei Jiang or indulge in a buffet with a nightly theme at River Café & Terrace.
• Event spaces including the outdoor lawn are ideal for small- to large-sized group meetings.
BCCT Member Company Since 2013
Chamber Representative A
A - Mr. Noel Denton, Director, Asia Pacific
Penspen originally specialised in cathodic protection and construction, Penspen was founded under the name ‘Spencer & Partners’ in 1954. In 1957, it branched out to form ‘Pipeline Engineering Consultants’ (PENCOL) to provide engineering design and project management. In 1969 both branches merged together under the single name Penspen. The company has now grown to include over 1,000 engineers with major offices in London, Houston, Villahermosa, Abu Dhabi, Bangkok and Singapore.
Since then, Penspen has gone on to acquire and develop Manchester Jetline, Unipen, Andrew Palmer & Associates, Greystar Corporation, Progas and DPS Engineering, bringing engineering, project management, asset management, asset integrity, training, specialist subsea and process facilities engineering services together under a single banner.
Our heritage is onshore pipeline engineering and we have been involved in major pipeline projects around the world. However, we have expanded the range of our services to meet our clients’ needs, and we now provide the full scope of engineering services for the life cycle of an asset, both onshore and offshore. We provide a broad range of services to the energy industry, including engineering design works, project management, asset management, asset integrity, training and software products. We can deliver our services as a fully-integrated programme covering the entire project lifecycle, or provide the services your project requires individually.
Andrew Palmer & Associates (APA) a wholly owned division of Penspen, provides specialist Engineering services for offshore pipelines, subsea structure design and operational support and integrity of pipeline systems. GreyStar Corporation Inc provides operation and maintenance services to the onshore and offshore oil and gas industry, facilities management services for terminals, pipelines and storage facilities.
Penspen has been a proud member of the Dar Group for over 25 years. The Dar Group is an international network of professional service firms, with over 13,000 staff in over 100 countries.
As a Dar Group member, Penspen is able to draw upon the diverse resources, expertise and experience of the entire Group.
Mr. Grant McPherson, Regional Sales and Marketing Director, APAC
Mr. Kamin Netwong, Regional Sales and Marketing Manager, APAC
Board of Directors
Mr. Noel Denton, Regional Director, Asia Pacific
BCCT Member Company Since 1990
14th Floor, Unit 14A, President Tower
973 Ploenchit Road
Lumpini Pathumwan
Bangkok 10330
T: +66 (0) 2648 8222
F: +66 (0) 2656 0656 www.pernod-ricard.com
Chamber Representative A
- Mr. Quentin Job, Managing DirectorBackground
Pernod Ricard is the world’s No. 2 in wines and spirits with consolidated sales of €8,558 million in 2014/15. Created in 1975 by the merger of Ricard and Pernod, the Group has undergone sustained development based on both organic growth and acquisitions: Seagram (2001), Allied Domecq (2005) et Vin&Sprit (2008).
Pernod Ricard employs a workforce of approximately 18,000 people and operates through a decentralised organisation, with 6 “Brand Companies” and 85 “Market Companies” established in each key market.
Pernod Ricard is strongly committed to a sustainable development policy and encourages responsible consumption. Pernod Ricard’s strategy and ambition are based on 3 key values that guide its expansion: entrepreneurial spirit, mutual trust and a strong sense of ethics.
Pernod Ricard holds one of the most prestigious brand portfolios in the sector: Absolut Vodka, Ricard pastis, Ballantine’s, Chivas Regal, Royal Salute and The Glenlivet Scotch whiskies, Jameson Irish whiskey, Martell cognac, Havana Club rum, Beefeater gin, Kahlúa and Malibu liqueurs, Mumm and Perrier- Jouët champagnes, as well Jacob’s Creek, Brancott Estate, Campo Viejo, Graffigna and Kenwood wines.
Pernod Ricard Group
Senior Management
Mr. Quentin Job, Managing Director
Mr. Krisda Kamolvarinthip, Marketing Director
Mr. Ivan Froissard, Head of National On Trade
Board of Directors
Mr. Quentin Job, Managing Director
Mr. Krisda Kamolvarinthip, Marketing Director
Ms. Duangdao Warodomwichit, Head of Finance and Operations
BCCT Member Company Since 1994
98, Unit 2812, 28 Floor
Sathorn Square Office Tower North Sathorn Road, Silom
Bangrak, Bangkok 10500
T: +66 (0) 2108 1591-96
F: +66 (0) 2108 1599
info@pkfthailand.asia www.pkf.co.th, www.pkf.com
A - Mr. John Sim, Chairman
B - Mr. Andrew McBean, CEO, PKF Holdings
PKF in Thailand is an international audit, accountancy, tax and corporate legal advisory firm, which specializes in providing you with a full range of integrated services. Through our separate business units, we serve public and private clients in various industries, regardless of turnover size. Our primary concern is providing you with excellent value and quality service.
PKF International was established in 1969 and is a global network of legally independent firms that provide quality accounting and business advisory services around the world. We are the 11th largest global accounting network with more than 21,000 employees in more than 120 countries worldwide. In Thailand, PKF’s headquarters are in Bangkok and they are also the only major accounting firm with an active branch in the Eastern Seaboard.
Our goal for PKF in Thailand is to consistently provide quality professional services and create viable solutions tailored to our clients’ needs. For more information about PKF, please go to our website at www.pkf.co.th and www. pkf.com.
Products or Services
Our full range of services include:
(1) Audit and Assurance
(2) Tax (local and international)
(3) Advisory
(4) Business solutions (accounting, payroll and corporate legal)
(5) Corporate Finance
(6) Transaction services
Companies Represented
PKF Holdings (Thailand) Ltd
PKF Audit (Thailand) Ltd
PKF Tax and Consulting Services (Thailand) Ltd
PKF Advisory (Thailand) Ltd
Senior Management
Mr. John Sim
Mr. Andrew McBean
Mr. Supot Singhasaneh
Mr. Nirand Lilamethwat
Ms. Sawinee Sawanont
Mr. Pitinan Lilamethwat
Ms. Chanpen Suteerapongpun
Mr. John Casella
Ms. Chutinun Wannapirun
Mr. Peter Taylor
Mr. Craig Taylor
Ms. Pimporn Supapatpong
BCCT Member Company Since 2013
Media House, Richmond Road
Bowdon, Altrincham
WA14 2TT
T: +44 (0) 161 302 8200
admin@playonpro.net www.playonpro.net
Chamber Representative
15th Floor, Italthai Tower
2034/72 New Petchburi Road
Bangkapi, Huay Kwang
Bangkok 10320
T: +66 (0) 2716 1800
F: +66 (0) 2716 1801 neil.torrance@pointer.co.th www.pointer.co.th
Chamber Representative
A- Ms.
Fiona Armstrong Hall, Finance ManagerBackground
Playon is a unique concept that gives the opportunity for retired Premier League footballers to extend their careers for as long as they able to play. It allows them to recreate the dressing room atmosphere with ex-team mates that they enjoyed for so long and take part in competitive football games all over the world, outside of the UK.
In the history of UK professional football an organised playing structure for ex-professionals has never been attempted; this at a time when the Premier League is more popular than ever globally.
The playon concept has scale to extend to other major football leagues globally and to other sports such as cricket, baseball and basketball – all of which face similar challenges with professional players upon retirement.
Products or Services
playon will hold tournaments and festivals in the Asia region, with focus on Thailand due to the significant interest in Premier League football and is seeking willing business partners who will be able to benefit from the significant brand association benefits of playon’s growth and exposure in the region.
BCCT Member Company Since 2017
A - Mr. Neil Torrance, Managing Director
Pointer Asia Ltd, a subsidiary of Pointer Ltd., a UK based Electronics Security Integrator, was incorporated in August 2001. The company designs, installs and maintains a complete range of electronic security systems, encompassing access control, fire alarms, CCTV and intruder alarms and specialises in providing integrated solutions.he company is probably the leading provider of integrated solutions in Thailand having completed large projects at Chaibadan Prison, Chantaburi Prison, Esso Refinery Sri Racha and the HQ Office for DSI in the last several years. It has also provided integrated solutions for Exxon Mobil, Shell Thailand, Chevron, HP, Dell, Microsoft, WD, Nissan, Harley Davidson and many more international organisations.
Products or Services
Design, Supply, Install and Maintain Electonic Integrated Security Solutions
Pointer Ltd.
51% Thai
49% UK
Senior Management
Neil Torrance, Managing Director
Zaruth Phanrithi-udom, Country Manager
Natthapol Kochsumrong, Sales Manager
Board of Directors
Neil Torrance, Managing Director
Sandy Rowan, Director
Zaruth Phanrithi-udom, Director
Krungthai Bank
Financial Details
Registered Capital Baht 5 Million
BCCT Member Company Since 2002
234 Moo 3, T. Huay-sai
A. Mae Rim, Chiang Mai 50180
T: +66 (0) 5330 1500
F: +66 (0) 5330 1507 admissions@ptis.ac.th www.ptis.ac.th
Chamber Representative
61/228 Soi Thavee Mitra 9 Rama 9 Road, Huai Khwang Bangkok 10310
T: +66 (0) 2157 1390 k anchanida.r@jinwellbeing.com www.jinwellbeing.com
A - Ms. Linda Buck, Director of External Relations
Located on its lush 100-acre campus set in the foothills north of the ancient and historic city of Chiang Mai, Thailand, Prem is a leading co-educational boarding and day International Baccalaureate (IB) World School. Since its inception in 2001, the school is dedicated to academic excellence and providing multiple pathways for our students. At Prem, students from all over the world receive a rigorous international education that provides them with the global competencies required for a future of increasing cross-cultural interdependence, rapid technological change and critical environmental challenges.
Products or Services
Prem is the first IB World School in South East Asia to offer all four IB programmes for students from ages 3 to 18: the Primary Years Programme (IBPYP), the Middle Years Programme (IBMYP), the IB Diploma Programme (IBDP), and the IB Career-related Programme (IBCP) in Enterprise and Entrepreneurship, Information Technology or Art and Design.
100% Thai ownership
Senior Management
ML Tridhosyuth Devakul, CEO, Chairman of Board
Alun Cooper, Head of School
Anita McCallum, Junior School Principal
Jeff Marquis, Senior School Principal
Nicole Duhig, Director of Boarding
Bangkok Bank Ltd
BCCT Member Company Since 2011
A- Mr.
Pete Cheah, Corporate Relationship DirectorPremiere home health care Co., Ltd. is a healthcare solution provider under Thonburi Healthcare Group Public Company Limited. We are focusing in 2 healthcare solutions business those are “Senior Care and Living” and “Home Healthcare Service”.
Senior Care and Living business, we are currently developing one project named “ JIN Wellbeing County “ which is concerned about healthcare mixed used development located at Rangsit area. JIN Wellbeing County, the new residential concept in retirement, is a world-class integrated healthcare for senior and elderly people which completely redefined living experience of residents. The project is included Active Living Community, Aged Care Center and Club House & Wellness Center with exceptional hospitality and healthcare services. Interiors of JIN Wellbeing County follow Universal Design principles to ensure that furniture and other designed elements are simple and easily adaptable to each resident’s preferences.
JIN Wellbeing County are focusing on Prevention, Treatment, Recovery, and Long Term Care for residents. Health evaluation provides each resident a clear picture of their health. With professional consultation and recommendations, residents can better understand and protect their bodies by following tailor-made medicine and dietary plans. The residents will live in a care free environment thanks to the on premise medical and emergency response team. Know that they are able to be treated at home and safeguarded at all times and get moving again with Rehabilitation Center and hydrotherapy programs available at JIN Wellbeing County. The residents also can enjoy the benefits of our multidisciplinary and personal approach to sustainable care by our team of medical specialists. Receive full-day attention in the day care center, while longer care requirements are welcomed in the nursing home. JIN Wellbeing County also provided a collective of activities, events, and classes that welcomes all residents to inspire a renewed sense of spirit.
BCCT Member Company Since 2017
16th Floor, Q. House Sathorn 11 South Sathorn Road
Tungmahamek, Sathorn
Bangkok 10120
T: +66 (0) 2679 1844
F: +66 (0) 2679 1864 psl@pricesanond.com www.pricesanond.com
Chamber Representatives
15th Floor, Bangkok City Tower 179/74-80 South Sathorn Road
Bangkok 10120
T: +66 (0) 2344 1000, 2824 5000
F: +66 (0) 2286 5050 marketing_thailand@th.pwc.com www.pwc.com/thailand
Chamber Representatives
A - Mr Andrew Wynne, Senior Partner
B - Mr. Stephen Helwig, Senior Associate
Price Sanond established in 1969, is one of Bangkok’s most prominent law firms which for many years has served a notable list of Thai and multi-national corporations and institutions.
As a reflection of the international business which forms a substantial portion of our practice our lawyers are made up of Thai, American and British nationals. Our expatriate lawyers are all long-term residents of Thailand.
We know Thailand. We listen to our clients and anticipate their needs. We know they want quick, concise and practical advice, and we are dedicated to providing it.
Products or Services
Legal services across a broad spectrum of practice areas.
Companies Represented
Clients include major domestic and international businesses.
Board of Directors
Andrew Wynne, Jonathan Uchima, Pramote Srisamai, Wayu Suthisarnsuntorn
United Overseas Bank (Thai) PCL
BCCT Member Company Since 1997
A - Mr. Gary Murphy, Partner
B - Mr. Paul Stitt, Partner
PwC (www.pwc.com) provides industry-focused assurance, tax and advisory services to build public trust and enhance value for our clients and their stakeholders. More than 208,000 people in 157 countries across our network share their thinking, experience and solutions to develop fresh perspectives and practical advice. PwC has had a presence in Thailand for more than 56 years, and there are over 1,600 people in our Bangkok-based office. Our client base includes the largest Thai and multinational companies, as well as government institutions. Our close interaction with both economic and state bodies allows us to keep up with the fast changing business environment. We believe that sound governance and transparency form the bedrock of leadership, and we are committed to serving with integrity and good sense.
Our services include the following:
• Audit and Assurance Services
• Deals Services
• Consulting Services
• Tax Services
• Legal Services
• Other Services
Senior Management
Mr. Sira Intarakumthornchai, Senior Partner/CEO
Mr. Chanchai Chaiprasit, Assurance Leader
Mr. Somboon Weerawutiwong, Tax & Legal Leader
Mr. Gary Murphy, Advisory Leader
Ms. Vilaiporn Taweelappontong, Consulting Leader
BCCT Member Company Since 1966
141, Major Tower Thonglor, Floor 7
Office 2, Soi Sukhumvit 63 (Ekkamai)
Klongton Nua, Wattana
Bangkok 10110
T: +66 (0) 2038 5850
Chamber Representative
1112/110-111, Floor 1-2
Sukhumvit Road, Khwang Phrakanong
Khet Klongtoey, Bangkok 10110
T: +66 (0) 2712 3150-1
F: +66 (0) 2712 3152
primary@loxinfo.co.th www.primary-engineering.co.th
Chamber Representative
A - Mr. Mark McDowell, Managing Director
We’re an integrated and results driven digital marketing agency.
We know how to acquire traffic, convert visitors to sales and scale, with margin!
We work with some of Thailand’s progressive brands from growing start ups and established players disrupting their industries.
We’re a fast-moving tribe of direct response marketers herded together to help you reach your overarching targets – more revenue.
Ultimately everything we do is aimed at helping our clients maximize the amount of bookings, sales and leads they generate. We do this through increasing website traffic, improving conversion rates and implementing proven online strategies to grow brands.
Products or Services
Digital Marketing and Advertising
BCCT Member Company Since 2018
A - Mr. Keith Brooks, Technical Director
Primary Engineering is a direct descendant of GBE Tobacco (Formerly AMF LEGG) Customer Service Division.
With a combined experience of well over a hundred years within the Tobacco Industry it prides itself on giving total customer satisfaction.
Products or Services
Tobacco Processing Equipment and control systems.
Belgian Electronic Sorting Technology is a worldwide leading supplier of of laser, camera, LED and X-ray sorters to perform color, structural, shape and density sorting. The sorting equipment is designed for inspection and removal of defects and foreign materials within a wide range of products: vegetables, fruit, nuts, either fresh, frozen raw, blanched, dried or freeze-dried, no calibration, easy to operate and maintenance free.
Primary Engineering (Thailand) Limited
BCCT Member Company Since 1997
5/F., 659 King’s Road
Quarry Bay
Hong Kong
T: + 852 2561 9031
matthew@profwills.com www.profwills.com
Chamber Representative
A - Mr. Matthew Lloyd TEP, Managing Director
Professional Wills specializes in multi-jurisdictional Will writing and estate planning for expats. Our office is in Hong Kong and we have a regional office in Bangkok and frequently visit to see new and existing clients.
Bangkok Address: 152 Chartered Square Building, 30/F, Room 30-01, North Sathorn Road, Silom, Bangkok, 10500.
Products or Services
Will writing, Enduring Powers of Attorney, Living Wills and guardianship arrangements for children.
Senior Management
Matthew Lloyd, TEP Managing Director
Jessica Park, TEP Director
BCCT Member Company Since 2017
52/33 Soi Nana Nua
Sukhumvit 3
Bangkok 10110
T: +66 (0) 2254 6819
F: +66 (0) 2254 4849 enquir y@projectsasia.co.th www.projectsasia.co.th
Chamber Representatives
A - Mr. Brian Simmonds, Managing Director
B - Mr. Howard Tsang, Director
ProjectsAsia is a Thai company established in 1989 to provide international standard project and construction management services in Thailand and the adjacent South-East Asian countries. The company has provided services on more than 500 major projects in Thailand, covering all types of developments including Shopping Malls, Hotels, Hospitals, Offices, Residential and Industrial Buildings, ranging in value from Baht 200 Million to 10 Billion. The company covers all services in-house and has a permanent staff strength in excess of 200, the majority of whom are professionally qualified.
In 2014 a Branch Office was opened in Yangon, Myanmar.
Products or Services
• Project and Construction Management
• Cost Management and Quantity Surveying
• Design and Equipment Value Engineering
• Project Development and Feasibility Studies
ProjectServices - Cost Management and Quantity Surveying
ProjectsAsia D&M - Design and Management, Design and Build
ProjectsAsia Myanmar - PM & QS Services
Board of Directors
Mr. Brian Simmonds, Managing Director
Mr. Howard Tsang
Kh. Niyom Chukorn
Kh. Janthorn Meesang
Kh. Prasert Samutthananont
Mr. Graeme Revill
Bangkok Bank
Thai Farmers Bank
Financial Details
Registered Capital: B 10.0 M
Paid up Capital B 10.0 M.
BCCT Member Company Since 1990
B2/ Floor A3, KPN Tower
719 Rama 9 Road
Bangkapi, Huay Kwang
Bangkok 10310
T: +66 (0) 2717 1406-7
F: +66 (0) 2717 1408 mtwi@ksc.th.com, john.hamilton@manitouthai.com www.promechresources.com, www.manitouthai.com
Adlington Industrial Estate, Adlington Cheshire
SK10 4NL
T: +44 (0) 1625 856600
F: +44 (0) 1625 856611 info@prosealuk.com www.proseal.com
A - Mr. Stephen Malone, Director
B - Mr. Tony Burgess, Head of Sales & Control Systems
Promech established in 1999 is a specialised sales and rental provider of materials handling, lifting, warehousing and powered access equipment representing world class brands. It is a solutions focused business offering full service, technical support and aftersales service across the full range of related products and services. Active in the construction, industrial, offshore, mining and agribusiness sectors and offering turnkey solutions to lifting and material handling projects. Based in Thailand with operations also in Lao PDR and Myanmar.
Products or Services
Sales / R ental Fleet / S ervice S olutions / Safety and Training.• R ough
Terrain Handling: Manitou telescopic fork trucks, rough terrain masted and semi industrial masted trucks offer unique four wheel drive, best in class performance for off-pavement applications.. With a range of attachments Manitou’s trucks offer effective solutions for all material handling, loading, placing and warehousing duties.• Industrial Materials Handling: Manitou industrial forklifts, diesel, gas and electric powered. Warehousing stackers, pallet movers and reach trucks• Compact Equipment: including sk id steer and tracked loaders, articulated loaders, mini-pavers and EDGE accessories for GEHL and all generic skid steer equipment.
Light Plants and mobile gensets• Heavy Tower Cranes: Supplied to civil engineering projects, shipbuilding, power generation, ports and heavy industry in the range 320 to 10,000 tons/meter capacity. As the builder of the largest tower cranes in the world Kroll with Promech can provide customers with customised heavy lifting solutions on a turnkey basis.• Construction and Building Tower Cranes: Ranging 50 – 350 tons/ meter capacity focusing on the general building and construction industry. The Raimondi range of cranes including Topless, Luffing, Hammerhead and Fast Erection types incorporate up to date electrical control technology and structural design.
Promech Resources (Lao) Co Ltd., VientianeMyanmar Materials Handling Co., Ltd., Yangon
Companies Represented
Manitou BF. (France) Gehl Inc. (USA), Power climber (USA), Pramac ( Italy) EDGE CEAttach Inc. (USA) Kroll Cranes AS (Denmark)Raimondi Srl. (Italy) SOCMA Co.(China)
51% Thai, 49% Foreign
Senior Management
Mr. Malcolm Williams +66 (0) 81 846 2028
Mr. Wichai Chanyutthasart +66 (0) 89 814 2478
Mr. John Hamilton +66 (0) 655 949 556
Board of Directors
Mr. Malcolm Williams, Mr. Bert Fagrell
United Overseas Bank Pcl., Krung Thai Bank Pcl.
Financial Details
Registered/paid up capital: Baht 40 million.
BCCT Member Company Since 2013
Proseal UK was set up by directors Steve Malone and Robbie Hargreaves with an aim to become an innovative and pioneering organisation within the fast-paced food industry. Now, 20 years later, the company has not only become the leading manufacturer of tray sealing machinery and tooling in the UK, but is recognised as a major force internationally, having extended its operation into a number of sites overseas.
Although its headquarters and design and manufacturing facility is based in Cheshire, Proseal also has subsidiaries and production hubs in North America and Australia all known for providing an unrivalled quality of after-sales service. This global presence is further supported by a distribution network across Europe, Asia and South America.
Proseal’s extensive range of manual, semi-automatic and fully-automatic tray sealing machines with throughputs from 6 to 240 packs per minute have satisfied customers’ needs around the world since it was founded in 1998.
Products or Services
Manual, Semi and Fully-Automatic Tray Sealing Machines
Companies Represented
Proseal uk Ltd, Proseal Australia PTY Ltd, Proseal America Inc.
Privately Owned
BCCT Member Company Since 2015
9/9 @Sathorn Building
20th - 27th Fl., South Sathorn Road
Yannawa, Sathorn, Bangkok 10120
T: +66 (0) 2352 8000
F: +66 (0) 2352 8927 pr@prudential.co.th www.prudential.co.th
Chamber Representative
188 Silom Road, Suriyawongse
Bangrak, Bangkok 10500
T: +66 (0) 2352 4000
F: +66 (0) 2352 4195 sales@pullmanhotelG.com www.pullmanbangkokhotelG.com
A - Mr. Aman Chowla, CEO of Prudential Thailand
Prudential Thailand is a leading life insurer that provides a comprehensive range of products for all stages of life.
Prudential entered Thailand in 1995 as a joint-venture with the Thai Sethakij Assurance, or TSLife. On September 14, 2007, following a change in structure, the company changed its name to Prudential Thailand.
Prudential Thailand is an affiliate of Prudential PLC. in the UK, established in 1848 and one of the world’s leading retail financial services groups providing life insurance, financial services and asset management products across the UK, USA and Asia. The Prudential Group has over 26 million customers worldwide and over GBP 664 billion of assets under management, as at 30 June 2018. In Thailand, Prudential provides protection to almost 2 million customers and has a registered capital of THB 20 billion.
Prudential Thailand provides short, medium and long term products for all life stages. Protection, Health, Saving, Retirement and Investment plans are available from our multi-channel distribution channels – Bancassurance, Direct & Telemarketing and our Agency channel. Through our main bank partners, the United Overseas Bank, Thanachart Bank, TISCO Bank and Siam Commercial Bank, our products are accessible throughout Thailand.
Ms. Saipin Choaknumkij, Chief Government Relations Officer
Mr. Martin Berry, Chief Financial Officer
Ms. Lilian Ng, Chairman
Mr. Aman Chowla, Managing Director
Registered capital: THB 20.02 billion.
BCCT Member Company Since 1995
A - Mr. Philippe Le Bourhis, General Manager
B - Mr. Wichai Charoenpanvorakul, Director of Business Development
Pullman Bangkok Hotel G is a 5-star lifestyle hotel with professional yet personalized service, trendy facilities and in-vogue dining and bars. Conveniently located in the CBD, 5-minute walk to the BTS Chong Nonsi Skytrain and 40-minute drive from Suvarnabhumi International Airport
Products or Services
With 469 modern and stylishly designed rooms, this trendy 5-star hotel has what every discerning traveler is looking for. From its floor-to-ceiling windows with panoramic views of the sprawling metropolis of Bangkok to its comfortable ambiance and cool design. Standard room features include complimentary Internet Access (WiFi) and C.O. Bigelow bathroom amenities.
The hotel has 5 trendy restaurant & bars from an award-winning Americanstyle burger bar concept directly imported from LA; 25 Degrees Burger Bar to Scarlett Wine Bar & Restaurant a Michelin Guide 2017 recommended; French-inspired cuisine with an affordable wine list and stunning city backdrop.
The hotel function spaces of varying size, each tailored with its own specialty in mind. For smaller, business-minded functions The Gallery 36 has four meeting rooms each with its own style and revolving art work from local artists. For large parties, Ballroom 38 is the hotel’s grand ballroom with 411 square meters of space and a pre-function room for over 300 guests.
Accor Asia Pacific’s primary corporate office is in Singapore whilst we operate over 100 hotels and restaurants throughout the country.
Richee Holding Alliance Co., Ltd.
Senior Management
Mr. Wichai Charoenpanvorakul - Director of Business Development
Financial Details
BCCT Member Company Since 2002
445/3 Moo 5, Wongamart Beach
Pattaya-Naklua Road
Soi 16, Banglamung
Chonburi 20150
T: +66 (0) 3841 1940-8
F: +66 (0) 3841 1949
info@pullmanpattayahotelG.com www.pullmanpattayahotelG.com
Chamber Representatives
35 Moo 4, Tessemphan Road
Banchang Sub-district Muang District
Pathumthani 12000
T: +66 (0) 2581 6188
F: +66 (0) 2581 6184 www.pzcussons.com
Chamber Representatives
A - Mr. Simon Angove, General Manager
B - Ms. Nattakarn Ratchatanunti, Director of Business Development
Pullman Pattaya Hotel G enjoys a location of secluded, serene sanctuary close to bustling Pattaya city. With its private, absolute beachfront location, this luxurious hotel has 353 uniquely stylish guestrooms, each with Pullman bed, LCD flat screen TV, separate bathtub and/or shower areas, C.O. Bigelow amenities and free Wi-Fi. Complemented by 2 beachfront swimming pools, open-air Lanai swimming pool and the extensive recreational G Club Fitness Centre, Pullman Pattaya Hotel G is also home to the idyllic Aisawan Spa.
Recent extensive renovation elevates beachfront getaway to new heights. The hip and Pattaya’s original Beach Club with 1 restaurant, 2 bars and the executive Sunset Lounge offer dramatic views of Pattaya horizon providing international all-day dining with cuisine by Pullman.
With 14 function rooms and a stunning Infinity Ballroom, Pullman Pattaya Hotel G provides an inspiring selection of venues for all occasions including opulent weddings and other celebratory occasion.
Products or Services
• An absolute beachfront location with Pattaya’s original Beach Club, 2 beachfront plus 1 open-air swimming pool
• 353 upscale stylish rooms featuring private balconies, sea views and garden views, relaxing loungers and free Wi-Fi
• Idyllic Aisawan Spa; comprising pavilions and private treatment rooms, set in a lush green, award-winning garden
• G Club Fitness Centre including Kid’s Club, Yoga and a Gaming room for adults and children
• A restaurant and 3 bars
• 14 function rooms and 1 ballroom
Company representation needs to be GCPH, Gaw Captial & Accor Hotels.
Pioneer Hospitality Siam (GBR) Ltd.
Senior Management
Mr. Simon Angove, General Manager, Pullman Pattaya Hotel G
Ms. Nattakarn Ratchatanunti, Director of Business Development, Pullman
Pattaya Hotel G
BCCT Member Company Since 2011
A - Mr. Giannis Bouras, Managing Director, Asia
B - Mr. Konstantinos Voutiritsas, Managing Director, Supply Chain, Asia
PZ Cussons (Thailand) Ltd. was formed in 1986 after the purchase of a local soap factory to manufacture and distribute toiletries and cosmetics. Sales were mainly to the local Thai market at first but increasingly some of the neighbour countries in the region are now supplied.
Throughout its history, the company has shown substantial growth especially with its flagship brand Imperial Leather Soap & Shower Cream, Cussons Baby Range, Premier Antibacterial Soap & Shower Cream, Morning Fresh Dishwashing Liquid and Carex Handwash Liquid.
Products or Services
Manufacturer and Distributor of Soaps & Shower Cream, Baby & Kids Products, Talcum Powder, Dishwashing Liquids, Refined Glycerine and Soap Base.
Guardian Holdings Co., Ltd.
99.99% owned by PZ Cussons Group Ltd.
0.01% Thai owned
Senior Management
Mr. Giannis Bouras
Mr. Konstantinos Voutiritsas
Mrs. Sakultra Kritthiammek
Mr. Chakrapan Dawmukda
Board of Directors
Mr. G.A. Kanellis
Mr. Giannis Bouras
Mr. Konstantinos Voutiritsas
Mrs. Sakultra Kritthiammek
Mr. Chakrapan Dawmukda
Standard Chartered Bank
Bangkok Bank Public Co., Ltd.
Kasikorn Bank Public Co., Ltd.
Financial Details
Registered Capital: B 500 M. (2006)
Paid up Capital B 500 M. (2006)
BCCT Member Company Since 1987
Jomtien Beach Condominium S1
459/5-6 Moo 12, Nongprue, Banglamung
Chonburi 20260
T: +66 (0) 3823 1694
F: +66 (0) 3823 3132 qcars@loxinfo.co.th www.qcars-thailand, www.qcars.net
Chamber Representative
63 Athenee Tower, 15th Fl. Unit 1506 Witthayu Rd Lumpini Pathumwan Bangkok 10330
T: +66 (0) 2168 0890 jak kraphan@qhunter.co.th www.qhunter.co.th
Chamber Representatives
A - Mr. Jon Fox, Managing Director
Q Cars was first established in 1996, the name deriving from the amount of customers prepared to wait in the Queue for an available vehicle. Our goal is to provide excellent car rental services to the non-Thai speaking community in Thailand. We are determined to help their fellows to adapt more quickly and enjoy their days in the Land of Smiles. Our missions zero in on making customers free from being worried by any transportation inconvenience during their stays in Thailand.
After more than 17 years of excellent service, Q Cars is not only very successful in the non-Thai speaking market but also very well established in the local community. Currently, we offer a fully flexible rate structure catering for all, ranging from frequent international business traveler to the individual renting for the first time, whether their stay is short or long term.
With the customer oriented staff and wide variety of vehicles in our fleet, we are proud to say that we are the choice of everyone.
More information
Mobile: +66 (0) 81 808 7213 English
Mobile: +66 (0) 81 888 6923 Thai/English
Q Cars offers a wide range of vehicles on our Fleet, Small, Medium or Large, 2wd, 4wd and Suvs. All have full insurance, with bail bond and 24 hour AA service with direct hotlines to fluent English speakers.
49% British
35% Thai
Jonathan Peter Fox
Jonathan Peter Fox
Georgia Xuxu Fox
BCCT Member Company
Since 2007
A - Mr. Jakkraphan Kaewsrichan, Managing Director
B - Ms. Nattinee Suebsureekul, Business Development Executive
Q Group is the new generation Human resource advisory firm, provides total solution in human resource services, comprises five companies under its umbrella which are Q Hunter recruitment, Q Gen consultant, Q Capability center, Horizon Principle and Q Elitez.
We started the first business known as Q Hunter recruitment agency, established in 2013 providing recruitment service in all levels for both leading Thai and MNC companies. Throughout the year, we learnt and understood more in depth in our client’s HR problem, so we decided to deliberate and expand our business that can support our clients with more effective solution. Those companies include Q Gen consultant providing an HR strategy advisor as well as Employer branding promoting the company by using social media as a channel. Q Capability center providing training course both external event and in-house training. Apart from that, in order to support and fulfill the expectation of our clients.
We decided to set up Horizon Principle.
Products or Services
• Recruitment service in all levels
• HR strategy advice
• Business
Process Outsourcing, Outplacement service, Recruitment Process Outsourcing, HR administration such as Payroll Process and other specializations.
BCCT Member Company Since 2018
Unit 2301, 23rd Floor, CW Tower A 90 Ratchadapisek Road, Huaykwang
Bangkok 10310
T: +66 (0) 2202 9300
F: +66 (0) 2168 3040
bnp@qad.com www.qad.com
A - Mr. Ben Padoongpan, Business Development Manager
B - Mr. Stephen Fowler, Managing Director
QAD Inc. (Nasdaq: QADA) (Nasdaq: QADB) is a leading provider of flexible, cloudbased enterprise software and services for global manufacturing companies. QAD Cloud ERP for manufacturing supports operational requirements in the areas of financials, customer management, supply chain, manufacturing, service and support, analytics, business process management and integration. QAD’s portfolio includes related solutions for quality management software, supply chain management software, transportation and global trade management software and B2B interoperability. Since 1979, QAD solutions have enabled customers in the automotive, consumer products, food and beverage, high tech, industrial manufacturing and life sciences industries to better align operations with their strategic goals to become Effective Enterprises.
Products or Services
QAD Cloud ERP, Enterprise Application
Bank of America, N.A.
BCCT Member Company Since 2018
Bhiraj Tower at Emquartier, 32nd Floor
689 Sukhumvit Rd., Klongton Nuea Wattana, Bangkok 10110
T: +66 (0) 2261 2850
F: +66 (0) 22612851
489, Sukhumvit Road Soi 27 Klongtoey Nua, Wattana Bangkok 10110
T: +66 (0) 2302 3333
F: +66 (0) 2302 3344 sales.bangkok.blu@radisson.com www.radissonblu.com/plazahotel-bangkok
Chamber Representative
A - Ms. Rachadawan Kelar, Managing Partner
B - Mr. Kevin J. Harrington, Director of Business Development /International Consultant
R.W.T. International Law Offices is a full-service firm which provides legal advice to a variety of clientele by means of a strong local, regional, and global presence. Therefore, our clients range in a variety of both size and corporate background, and we offer a multitude of advisory, financial, and litigation services in which to choose from. The firm is particularly strong in all areas of Litigation, Corporate Law, Intellectual Property, Immigration, and Cybersecurity. An elite team of experienced litigators furnish our clients with the most up-to-date support and guidance that is needed to help maneuver through the complexities of both Local and International law. Our firm’s Attorneys have the comprehensive knowledge in their respective fields to assist with any business requests.
Our Intellectual Property Division offers comprehensive support in Brand Protection and License Compliance as well. With Cybercrime on the rise globally, R.W.T. has remained vigilant in the investigation and enforcement of these and other IP areas. Our team uses their experience in this everevolving field proactively for our clients, and this uniquely flexible model has provided outstanding services to our clients in a cost-effective and timely manner. Standing for clients around the globe, R.W.T. focuses on the clients first and foremost and we are constantly driven to produce positive results for our clients.
Arbitration / Banking & Finance/ Corporate / Mergers & Acquisitions /Employment
/Government relations / Due Diligence / Foreign Investment/ Immigration / Litigation & Dispute Resolution/ Real Estate / Intellectual Property / International Investment / Bankruptcy & Restructuring/ Commercial Transactions/Family Law/License Compliance/Brand Protection/ Forensic Investigations
Senior Management
Mr. Kevin J Harringtonm
Mr. Mark Rowley,
Director of Business Development Director of Intellectual PropertyBCCT Member Company Since 2016
A - Mrs. Deborah Haines, General Manager
With 290 rooms and suites in an array of luxury, fashion-forward designs, Radisson Blu Plaza Bangkok is the perfect base for business and leisure travellers in search of a stylish stay, with state-of-the-art meeting facilities, unrivalled dining and leisure options, and all the city has to offer right at your door. Bringing our refreshing Yes I Can!? attitude and years of hospitality know-how to the city, Radisson Blu offers an exciting choice of stay in the heart of the City of Angels.
Products or Services
• Free high-speed WiFi
• 24 hour reception/concierge and room service
• 3-hour express laundry
• Executive Club Lounge
• 290 rooms
• 6 outlets
• 7 Meeting Rooms
• Spa Esc with four treatment rooms and massage stations
• World class gym with a state of the ar t fitness studio overlooking the pool area
• Open air swimming pool on the 6th floor
G&P Asset Holding Co., Ltd.
Senior Management
Mrs. Deborah Haines, General Manager
BCCT Member Company Since 2014
23/2-3 Sukhumvit 13, Sukhumvit Road
Klongtoey Nua, Wattana, Bangkok 10110
T: +66 (0) 2645 4999
F: +66 (0) 2645 4888 sales.sukhumvit@radisson.com www.radisson.com/bangkokth_sukhumvit
160/1, Sukhumvit Road (Near Soi 8, In front of Nana BTS Station) Klongtoey, Bangkok 10110
T: +66 (0) 2253 8379-89
F: +66 (0) 2254 2181 rajas@ksc.th.com, bobby@rajasfashions.com www.rajasfashions.com
A - Mr. Simon Ramsay, General ManagerThe Radisson Suites Bangkok Sukhumvit Hotel is located just off Sukhumvit Road, one of the city’s major commercial thoroughfares, and is one of the finest hotels for discerning corporate and leisure travellers. The hotel, in its quiet location on Soi 13, It is just moments away from Sukhumvit Road, a home to luxury brands, traditional street vendors and exciting entertainment.
The hotel features 150 spacious rooms and suites designed with contemporary styling and Thai flair features a variety of amenities for the business or leisure traveller, including complimentary Wi-Fi, a Business Centre, a Fitness Centre and a rooftop pool.
Lifestyle dining and entertainment options are available providing a wide range of choice, even for the most discerning taste. The hotel features 4 restaurants and bars include Mauve, Asqu, Sip&Chill, and Punjab Grill - Indian Fine Dining restaurant, the international franchise, the first in Thailand, offers classic Punjabi dishes with a modern twist. Modern furnishings for a British/ Indian feel, our restaurant provides both private and semi-private dining areas with room for up to 120 guests, and a tandoor show kitchen allows you to watch as our chefs prepare food fit for royalty.
The hotel offers pillar-less function space equipped with the latest audio visual technology perfect for small to medium sized business meetings and social events. An adjoining Pre-Function Area offers a natural daylight. Additional Meeting Rooms and Outdoor Rooftop Event Space are also available ideal for high profile or private meetings which can accommodate up to 150-200 guests.
With its worldwide brand signature “Yes I Can” service and “100% Guest Satisfaction Guarantee”, Radisson Suites Bangkok Sukhumvit sets the standard for vibrant and contemporary hospitality.
• 150 well-appointed guestrooms and suites
• Complimentary Wi-Fi Internet in all guestrooms, meeting rooms and public areas.
• Four food and beverage outlets (Punjab Grill, Mauve, Asqu Lounge Bar, and Sip&Chill)
• Three meeting and banquet rooms and the rooftop event space area
• Well-equipped Fitness Center
• Outdoor rooftop swimming pool with sundeck and Jacuzzi
• Complimentary Tuk-Tuk shuttle to nearby selected areas
• Underground car parking
• One-Touch Guest Service
Siri Erawan Co., Ltd.
BCCT Member Company Since 2016
A - Mr. Bobby Gulati, Director
B - Mr. Raja Gulati, Director
Celebrating their 54th Anniversary this year, Raja’s Fashions has delivered high quality, and gentlemen’s bespoke tailoring at reasonable prices to Thailand’s expatriate and diplomatic communities, earning international accolades, including Men’s Vogue Magazine.
Originally nicknamed ‘Raja’s “ Wolf Pack” tailor ’ in 1963 by the USAF 8th Tactical Fighter Wing stationed in Ubon during the Vietnam War, Raja Gulati moved with American forces to Udorn in 1974 until the end of the Vietnam war when officers from JUSMAG invited him to open a store in Bangkok.
Today, known for their impeccable service and attention to detail, Raja and Bobby Gulati continue to serve a generation of loyal customers. Raja’s Fashions now proudly operates with three generations working together at their store, with Raja’s grandson, Dane Gulati, joining full-time three years ago. Since his addition, Raja’s Fashions has grown to reach new heights, carrying premium branded fabrics, natural linings and quality buttons. They hit the world stage when he represented Raja’s Fashions at this years Pitti Immagine Uomo 94 in Florence, Italy.
They continue their suppor t with Ubon’s schools through the AMCHAM’s Adopt-a-School program; donating over 10 million baht in classrooms, water tanks and facilities to 16 schools since 2005. This year also marks their 26th Annual Golf Tournament that raises over 1.1 million baht for charity.
They have been featured in:Trip Advisor (5 stars), Int’l Living; Esquire; Fortune; The Washington Post - International Magazine; Condé Naste Traveler; Lonely Planet; Frommer’s Bangkok 10110, Thailand
BCCT Member Company Since 2002
2074 Charoenkrung Road
Bangkorlaem, Bangkok 10120
T: +66 (0) 2688 1000
F: +66 (0) 2291 9400
gm@ramadaplazamenamriverside.com www.ramadaplazamenamriverside.com
Chamber Representative
219/2, 2nd Floor, Asoke Towers
Soi Asoke, Sukhumvit 21 Road
North Klongtoey, Wattana
Bangkok 10110
T: +66 (0) 2120 9688 info@rawdevelop.com www.rawdevelop.com
Chamber Representative
A - Mr. Willem Pentermann, General ManagerRamada Plaza by Wyndham Bangkok Menam Riverside is a true oasis in the heart of the city and a genuine escape from the world outside. A smoke-free city resort hotel beside the mighty Chao Phraya River, the famed “River of Kings”, the property is surrounded by lush, tropical gardens with an authentic Thai decorative atmosphere. This deluxe hotel is set on an expansive 3.5 acres of land with an impressive 220 meters of exclusive river frontage featuring magnificent panoramic views of the majestic river and awe-inspiring city skyline. The hotel is independently owned and is operated under a franchise license agreement with Ramada Worldwide. Since its inception in 1986, Ramada Plaza by Wyndham Bangkok Menam Riverside has grown gradually, positioning itself in par with other luxury hotels in Bangkok. Through the years, the hotel has succeeded in establishing key markets both for leisure and business; and as a premier choice when it comes to offering service with a smile; hence living up to the hotel’s motto ‘Be our Guest - Leave the rest to us’.
Located in the heart of Bangkok, Ramada Plaza by Wyndham Bangkok
Menam Riverside features 501 guest rooms and suites ranging from 34sqm to 170sqm. The hotel offers a selection of 8 restaurants and bars, which includes a prominent all-day dining outlet which ideally sits on the stunning river, a novel bakery corner, 17 function rooms for 10 up to 1,000 guests; and more than 650 parking lots. Other facilities include a large outdoor swimming pool, the Massira Wellness & Spa and the Ocean Kids Club. The hotel’s convenient location is an additional feature for those who wish to explore this fascinating city. Ramada Plaza by Wyndham Bangkok Menam Riverside provides easy access to all the major tourist attractions, businesses and shopping and entertainment venues with the popular Asiatique – the Riverfront, Asia’s largest night bazaar, being just 500 meters away. The hotel also provides a frequent complimentary shuttle boat service to the central Sathorn Pier where guests can take the Chao Phraya public express boats or BTS Skytrain. Suvarnabhumi International Airport is 40 km. (45 min.) away while Don Muang International Airport is 30 km. from the property.
Wyndham Hotel Group
Senior Management
Mr. Willem Pentermann, General Manager
BCCT Member Company Since 2014
A - Dr. Robert Wavre, Managing Director
We are a Microsoft partner company. With Microsoft certified development skills, we bring expertise in both front end and back end software development. We use the latest technology, and help users leverage cloud solutions such as Azure.
We create software solutions whose end users include the UK government, and multi-nationals primarily based in North America.
Whilst we create many Enterprise applications we have a specialism in training - creating both eLearning and software to support face-to-face training.
We have created a large number of native and hybrid ios and Android apps, primarily for face-to-face training.
Products or Services
.NET development, Azure cloud solutions, Android and iOS hybrid development.
BCCT Member Company Since 2017
388 Exchange Tower, 14th Floor
Sukhumvit Road, Klongtoey
Bangkok 10110
T: +66 (0) 2725 1000 www.rb.com/home
214, Moo 14, Woodlands
Tub Tai, Hua Hin
Prachuap Khiri Khan 77110
T: +66 (0) 81 384 1706 anthony@redmountainhuahin.com redmountainhuahin.com
A - Mr. Robert de Bruin, General Manager
Reckitt Benckiser(Thailand) Ltd. is a subsidiary of Reckitt Benckiser PLC, Slough, England. The company came about after the acquisition of The Boots Company (Thailand) Ltd. by Reckitt Benckiser PLC. The company consists of 2 Business Units, one called RB Health (includes the recent acquisition of Mead Johnson) and the other RB Home and Hygiene; The company has 3 manufacturing plants in Thailand which produce products for both the domestic market and overseas markets including North America, Europe, Singapore, Malaysia, Vietnam, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Japan, Philippines, Indonesia, Cambodia, Laos, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa and Russia.
Marketing and manufacturing of Reckitt Benckiser products; RB Health BU includes brands such as Enfalac/Enfagrow (Infant formula), Dettol (Antiseptic), Strepsils (Cold & Flu), Durex (Sexual Well Being), Gaviscon (Gastro Intestinal), Nurofen (Analgesic) and others whilst RB Home and Hygiene BU brands include Shieldtox (Pest Control), Vanish (Fabric Treatment), Finish (dishwash) and Calgon.
Reckitt Benckiser (Thailand) Limited
Reckitt Benckiser Healthcare Manufacturing (Thailand) Limited
SSL Manufacturing (Thailand) Limited
Mead Johnson Nutrition (Thailand) Limited
100% owned subsidiary of Reckitt Benckiser PLC, England.
Mr. Robert de Bruin, General Manager
Mr. Rahul Mathur, Finance Director
Ms. Corrie Mueller, Marketing Director
Mr. Sajjapong Saphakkul, Sales Director
Mr. Robert de Bruin
Mr. Rahul Mathur
Ms. Mukda Dejchanint
Citibank Thailand
Financial Details
Registered Capital: 503.61 million baht
Paid up Capital: 503.61 million baht
BCCT Member Company Since 1982
A - Mr. Anthony Kelly, Managing DirectorHaving lived in Hua Hin for many years and being socially active in many circles and groups, we have been able to network and be active on a grass roots level within school groups, women’s groups and local charity organizations as well as sponsors of various charity events and local sports teams. We are a local family run operation and we feel that this helps us to relate to our customers and gives them confidence and trust in us to build their dream home and develop an ongoing relationship with them that lasts well beyond the completion of their home.
We built more than 170 houses and have just started our next phase with Riverside Residence.
Products or Services
In all our developments we have opted for underground electricity which although being more costly for us to install, we feel is better for the environment. We use as much environmentally friendly and natural material as we can and are particularly careful to keep as many trees and natural elements (lakes, etc) as we can within our developments and transplant any trees that have to be moved, this is particularly evident in our new ‘Woodlands’ project.
Companies Represented
Hua Hin Finder, Best Plots Thailand, Hot Property Hua Hin, Red Mountain Ownership
Mr. Anthony Kelly
Ms. Chayanisa Ruksaweang
Senior Management
Mr. Anthony Kelly
Board of Directors
Mr. Anthony Kelly
Ms. Chayanisa Ruksaweang
BCCT Member Company Since 2008
32nd Floor, Sathorn Nakorn Tower
100/68-69 North Sathon Road
Silom, Bangrak, Bangkok 10500
T: +66 (0) 2686 7299
F: +66 (0) 2686 7288
r tdx@reedtradex.co.th www.reedtradex.com
601/99 Pracha-Uthit Road
Wangtonglang, Bangkok 10310
T: +66 (0) 2957 5777 enquir y@regents.ac.th www.regents.ac.th
A - Mr. Preecha Sananvatananont, Co-Founder
B - Mr. Isara Burintramart, Managing Director
Reed Tradex is ASEAN’s leading exhibition organizer. We are a member of Reed Exhibitions, the world’s leading events organizer who creates high profile, targeted industry events where buyers and suppliers come together to do business. Our global portfolio includes over 500 events serving 43 industries in 30 countries. In Thailand and Vietnam, we organize 20 strong brands of international exhibitions and conferences.
For 33 years, Reed Tradex has been forming circles of business contacts for many industries using unique skills in Event Strategy, Financial Control, Operations Excellence, and Integrated Marketing Communications, that can only be excelled through experiences and connections. Each year, exhibitors and visitors from around the world participate in Reed Tradex’s marketing platforms that are highly regarded as the centers of business information and market access.
Visit www.reedtradex.com for exhibition calendars or Like our Facebook Page at www.facebook.com/reedtradexpage
Reed Tradex Co., Ltd. has been organizing premium exhibitions and conferences that have become renowned as the events of the industries that they serve. These industry sectors include Metalworking Technologies; Machine Tools; Automotive Parts Manufacturing; Electronics Manufacturing; Surface & Coatings; Logistics; Cosmetics & Personal Care Products Manufacturing; Plastics Manufacturing; Garment & Textiles Manufacturing; Assembly Technology; Industrial Automation; Mold & Die Manufacturing, etc.
Mr. Preecha Sananvatananont; Co-founder
Board of Directors
Mr. Isara Burintramart, Managing Director
Financial Details
Registered Capital: 7,500,000 Baht Paid up Capital: 7,500,000 Baht
BCCT Member Company Since 1993
A - Mr. Peter A. Hogan,By any measure Regent’s International School, Bangkok is one of the best schools in Thailand. We aim to bring out the best in everyone and our graduates are well-rounded, informed, principled and confident global citizens. Results are excellent and we send students to some of the finest universities in the world. We provide a secure and caring coeducational day and boarding environment in which students develop the self-discipline, skills and values necessary to realize their potential and make a positive contribution to society. We foster academic excellence, democratic governance, environmental stewardship, adventure, self-discovery and courage, leadership, compassion and service to others.
Line ID: @regentsschoolbkk, Mobile: +66 (0) 92 362 8888
Students follow an enhanced English National Curriculum. Students are entered for IGCSE examinations at the end of Year 11 and the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme in Year 13. Teaching staff are first class; results are excellent as are facilities and pastoral support. 39 nationalities study together at the school and there are many scholarship programmes. These include Education Ministries abroad, Global Connect, Diplomatic and Ministerial Connect and Regent’s own awards for academic excellence and for music.
Early 2016 the Regent’s International School founded “University of LondonThailand Teaching Support Centre” for BSc. Degrees in Economics, Management, Finance and the Social Sciences (EMFSS) for which academic direction is provided by the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE). Students are able to obtain genuine University of London degrees without having to leave Bangkok. After a successful first year students may study for the second year in London returning to do their third year here or at any of the 125 centres outside the UK Also upon successful completion of the 3 year degree they will be invited to attend their graduation ceremony in London.
FOBISIA, CIS, ISAT and BSA. The School is also a member of the Round Square a worldwide association of high quality and like-minded schools. We work together through students exchanges and service projects to help young people develop international understanding, a practical understanding of democracy, environmental awareness, a sense of adventure, leadership skills and service to others.
Offer full boarding house
The founder and Chairman of The Regent’s International School is Dr. Virachai Techavijit.
Mr. Peter Hogan, Principa, Dr. Peter Jones, Head of Secondary School, Ms. Caroline Drumm, Head of Primary School
Fees are posted on the school www.regents.ac.th
BCCT Member Company Since 1998
33/3 Moo 1, Pong, Banglamung
Chonburi 20150
T: +66 (0) 3841 8777
F: +66 (0) 3841 8778
info@regents-pattaya.co.th www.nordangliaeducation.com/our-schools/pattaya
Room 1501 C1, Grand Millennium Plaza (Lower Block)
181 Queens Road, Central Hong Kong
T: +66 (0) 9493 82079
bk k@reigndesign.com
Chamber Representative
A - Ms. Sarah Osborne-James, Principal
B - Ms. Susan Dineen, Director of Admissions and Marketing
Regents International School Pattaya is a British international school (day and boarding) for children aged 2 to 18, located 90 minutes south of Bangkok on the Eastern Seaboard of Thailand and is part of the Nord Anglia Education family of 56 world-class international schools.
Regents enjoys an excellent reputation and offers the highly-regarded English National Curriculum, IGCSEs and International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IB) to over 1,000 students from 50 different nationalities.
We support children to become well-rounded, thoughtful, high-achieving students who aim for impressive academic attainment and a strong sense of social responsibility. Regents’ students have a track record of entering some of the finest universities in Asia, Britain, Europe and North America.
Our Global Campus gives our students access to outstanding international opportunities and prepares them for the 21st century workplace.
Products or Services
We offer the English National Curriculum, IGCSEs and International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IBDP). We offer full, weekly and flexi-boarding from Years 3 to 13.
We are proud to be collaborating with two of the world’s most influential higher education institutions - The Juilliard School for Performing Arts and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. As a Nord Anglia school, we support our students to be ambitious and give them opportunities that include online debates and challenges, expeditions to the savannah of Tanzania and performing in a Global Orchestra in New York. Round Square, FOBISIA, CfBT, BSA, IB World School, BCCT
Nord Anglia Education
Dr. Virachai, Founder, Licensee and Owner
Nord Anglia, Education School Operators
Senior Management
Sarah Osborne-James, Principal
Amos Turner-Wardell, Head of Secondary
Simon Elledge, Head of Primary
Our Fees can be found on our www.regents-pattaya.co.th
BCCT Member Company Since 2013
A - Mr. Matt Mayer, Founder
Reign Design is a multicultural software design agency. We specialize in the design and development of websites and mobile applications for Android and iOS.
We work with brand-name clients like Dusit Thani, Porsche, Hyperloop One, Nike and Sesame Street, as well as innovative startups. Since 2008 we’ve been helping our clients around the world from our offices in Shanghai, Barcelona, Santiago and Bangkok.
Products or Services
• iPhone and iPad apps
• Android apps
• Websites
• Chat bots (LINE, Facebook etc)
• User experience (UX) design
• User interface (UI) design
• Localization for Chinese market
Companies Represented
Our clients include: Dusit Thani, Luma, Alcatel, BNP Paribas, BMW, Citroen, CMR Falabella, Entel, Frog Design, Hyperloop One, Nike, Porsche, Sesame Street, Standard Chartered, Virgin Mobile, Weight Watchers, Vichy
Privately owned company headquartered in Hong Kong, with offices in Shanghai, Barcelona, Santiago and Bangkok.
Senior Management
Matt Mayer, Founder and CEO Master of Mathematics, University of Cambridge. Spent the last 12 years in Asia in India, China and Thailand.
Juan Manuel Fluxa, Founder and CTO. Bachelors in Industrial Engineering Universidad Diego Portales, Santiago. Exper t English, Spanish and Russian speak ing technical architect.
BCCT Member Company Since 2016
19 Sukhumvit Soi 18 (Pichit) Sukhumvit Road, Klong Toey Bangkok 10110
T: +66 (0) 2261 7100
F: +66 (0) 2261 7017 reservations@rembrandtbkk.com www.rembrandtbkk.com
Chamber Representatives
9/9 Moo 3, Na Jomtien, Sattahip Chonburi 20250
T: +66 (0) 3825 9099
F: +66 (0) 3825 9098 info@renaissancepattaya.com renaissancepattaya.com
Chamber Representatives
A - Mr. Eric Hallin, General Manager
B - Ms. Kamolnuch Bhiromsawad, Director of Sales and Marketing
The 407-room Rembrandt Hotel Bangkok is a modern stylish hotel conveniently located near the central business district and major attractions.
The location also offers our business and leisure guests easy access to Bangkok’s city landmarks with a short 7-minute walk from Sky Train and Underground station and use of our complimentary 24-hour “tuk tuk ” shuttle service to the main road.
The Rembrandt Hotel Bangkok offers outstanding services and facilities to ensure all guests have a warm and memorable stay in Bangkok.The fully equipped Fitness Center, Pool and international standard restaurants are just some of the unique services which provide our guests with an unrivaled hospitality experience. Our award-winning restaurants include the Rang Mahal (Indian cuisine), Mexicano (Mexican cuisine) and da Vinci (Italian cuisine).With its superb facilities, the Rembrandt Hotel Bangkok has a welldeserved reputation as a leader in event management,business conventions and private executive meet
Products or Services
The Rembrandt Hotel Bangkok offers business services, complimentary wireless broadband Internet connectivity and a choice of meeting rooms that make it the preferred choice among business travelers. The Rembrandt Hotel Bangkok also offers a large swimming pool with pool bar, a fully equipped gymnasium and award winning spa.
Family - Suphat Sivasriaumphai
Senior Management
Mr. Eric Hallin, General Manager
Mr. Miguel Jaun, Hotel Manager
BCCT Member Company Since 2009
A - Mr. Denis Richter, General Manager
B - Mrs. Thansita Sirapastuwanon, Director of Sales & Marketing
Renaissance Pattaya Resort & Spa is scheduled to open on September 1st, 2017. The epitome of contemporary luxury with the beautiful, serene Na Jomtien Beach will create an unexpected and engaging experience for lifestyle of a savvy traveler.
Stylish and vibrant interiors will wow guests at the 257-room Renaissance Pattaya Resort & Spa. With four room categories available, the resort will offer some of the city’s most comfortable accommodation, including chic Pool Villas and spacious Family Suites. Recreational facilities will include two outdoor swimming pools, a kids pool, kids club and a luxury spa. Inspirational gourmet choices will be available around the clock,as dining options at the resort are set to include 609 Kitchen for breakfast and all day feasting and specialty restaurant, Pebbles Bar and Grill, for fine cuts served alongside hand crafted beverages, created by an expert mixologist. R Bar will create a relaxing space in the lobby area, where guests unwind.
Products or Services
Hotels/ Resorts/ Restaurants/ Caterers/ Travel & Tourism/ Weddings/ MICE/ Events
Senior Management
Mr. Denis Richter, General Manager
Mrs. Thansita Sirapastuwanon, Director of Sales & Marketing
BCCT Member Company Since 2017
555 Moo 3, Mai Khao, Talang
Phuket 83110
T: +66 (0) 7636 3999
F: +66 (0) 7636 3988
phuket@renaissancehotels.com www.renaissancephuket.com
Chamber Representatives
No. 2, Jalan Anggerik Mokara 31/44
Kota Kemuning, Section 31 Shah Alam, Selangor 40460
T: +60 (0) 35525 3898
F: +60 (0) 35525 5979 malaysia@renold.com www.renold.com
Chamber Representatives
A - Ms. Siriphan Uasrikongsuk, Director of Sales & Marketing
B - Ms. Dutdao Khattiyarangsarit, Director of Sales - MICE
Set amidst the unspoiled splendor of Mai Khao Beach, Renaissance Phuket Resort & Spa, a Marriott Luxury and Lifestyle Hotel, is the ultimate retreat for guests looking for relaxed luxury. Whether you’re here for a vacation, a dream wedding, or a business retreat, our award-winning resort welcomes you to experience the beauty of Thailand; you’ll feel at home, thanks to our famous hospitality and excellent amenities. Our deluxe rooms and private villas boast sophisticated decor, plush bedding, and modern technology; many of our accommodations feature breathtaking beach views, and some even include plunge pools. Pamper yourself with a visit to our resort spa, fit in a workout at our fully-equipped gym, or satisfy your appetite with cuisine from one of our several on-site restaurants. Weddings are truly special occasions here; honor your love with a beach ceremony, and spend your honeymoon here in Phuket with us!
Products or Services
Hotel and resorts
Marriott International, Inc.
Companies Represented
Seacon Hotels & Resorts Co., Ltd.
Mr. Tatiya Sosothikul
Senior Management
Mr. Sander Looijen
Board of Directors
Mr. Prote Sosothikul
Ms. Ravida Sosothikul
Mr. Piya Sosothikul
Mr. Charun Poopat
Ms. Tassama Yurawan
Bangkok Bank
BCCT Member Company Since 2018
A - Mr. Chong Chee Kong, Managing Director, South East Asia
B - Mr. Phasit Lasan, Manager - Renold Thailand
Renold PLC
• International engineering group, producing a wide range of chain, gears and coupling products
• Established 1879 by Hans Renold from UK
• Publicly listed company on London stock exchange
• Sales in more than 100 countries worldwide
• Global manufacturing capability
• 2500 staff worldwide
Products or Services
• Transmission Chain
• Conveyor chain
• Leaf chain
• Tooth chain
Torque Transmission:
• Couplings
• Gears
Renold (Thailand) Co.,Ltd
Renold PLC- England
Senior Management
Mr. Chong Chee Kong, Managing Director - South East Asia
Mr. Chan Yoke Son, Director of Sales
Board of Directors
Mr. Chong Chee Kong, Managing Director - South East Asia
Mr. Chan Yoke Son, Director of Sales
BCCT Member Company Since 2018
Glass Haus Building, Level P, Unit P01
1 Sukhumvit 25, Sukhumvit Rd. North Klongtoey, Wattana District
Bangkok 10110
T: +66 (0) 9572 91652
Chamber Representative
1/18 Soi Ekkamai 10 Bangkok 10110
T: +66 (0) 8901 77427
A – Mr. Oliver Franz, Founder
Rent a Nurse (Thailand) Co., Ltd is a service-provider for domestic nursing care in all its variations.
Our mission is to help Patients of all possible care-levels to find the domestic care they need, in order be able to maintain their life activities at their own home, instead of moving to a care facility or even being forced to move back to their native country.
We will make sure that the service is well maintained and are able to intervene and make changes to benefit both staff and customer, at anytime.
Due to constant monitoring of the Patients condition, we are able to counteract deterioration of the Patient’s condition right when it occurs. Professional help can be arranged immediately after correspondence with the Patients family and insurance.
Communication is the key-value in medical services, especially for foreigners, as it is the base for building trust
Products or Services
• professional, domestic nursing care for all ages (certified RN/PN)
• 3 care-levels available, from simple house -visits to comprehensive 24h care (1
• or 2 nurses, RN + PN)
• documentation of vital-signs and given medication
• management of staff and assistance with medical equipment for home -use
• fall-risk management and vital sign monitoring
• language service, remote-family-contact service (phone-/video-calls)
• insurance-/third party payer direct-billing service and monitoring
BCCT Member Company Since 2018
howard@retail.asia www.retail.asia Chamber Representative A
A –
Mr. Howard Bryant, Managing DirectorBackground
Retail Asia advise the C-Suites of South East Asia’s retailers on how to achieve their business and personal goals by customising strategies and implementation plans to increase sales, reduce operating costs and add millions of dollars, rupees, pounds, yuan, baht and taka etc. to the bottom line.
We often get referrals to multinational and local businesses where we are engaged to help respond to significant new business challenges and opportunities, as an expert and trusted advisor to accelerate business performance, change ways of working, inspire passion and to increase both individual and team contributions.
Others say: “Howard is full of energy, an inspiring leader and his passion for retail and thought leadership in the industry is second to none”
To get in touch with me call +66 8901 77427, Skype howardbryant or email me at howard@retail.asia
I advise the C-Suites of South East Asia’s retailers on how to achieve their business and personal goals by customising strategies and implementation plans to increase sales, reduce operating costs and add millions of dollars, rupees, pounds, yuan, baht and taka etc. to the bottom line.
I often get referrals to multinational and local businesses where I am engaged to help respond to significant new business challenges and opportunities, as an expert and trusted advisor to accelerate business performance, change ways of working, inspire passion and to increase both individual and team contributions.
Others say: “Howard is full of energy, an inspiring leader and his passion for retail and thought leadership in the industry is second to none”
To get in touch with me call +66 8901 77427, Skype howardbryant or email me at howard@retail.asia
BCCT Member Company Since 2005
508/2-3 Moo 10 Soi Honey
Chonburi 20150
T: +66 (0) 8009 51316
Chamber Representatives
34th Floor, U Chu Liang Bldg. 968 Rama IV Road
Silom, Bangrak
Bangkok 10500
T: +66 (0) 2648 9000
F: +66 (0) 2648 9010
Chamber Representative
A - Mr. Dean Ciolek, Group Manager
B - Mr. Simon Peatfield, Owner
Pattaya’s Biggest and Best Sports Bar.
Serving the Finest Gastro Pub Fayre, Steaks,Sunday Carveries and Breakfasts in Pattaya.
BCCT Member Company Since 2018
A - Mr. Prut Sukcharoennukul, Senior Site Officer
Reuters Software (Thailand) Ltd. was established in July 2001 is a whollyowned by Refinitiv. Refinitiv, formerly the Financial & Risk business of Thomson Reuters, is one of the world’s largest providers of financial markets data and infrastructure. Serving more than 40,000 institutions in over 190 countries, we provide information, insights, and technology that drive innovation and performance in global markets. Our 160-year Reuters heritage of integrity enables customers to make critical decisions with confidence, while our unique open platform, best-in-class data, and cutting-edge technology bring greater opportunity to our customers. By advancing our customers, we drive progress for the entire financial community.
Products or Services
Thomson Reuters Eikon, Eikon Messenger, Thomson Reuters Elektron, FXall, FX Trading, Deal Tracker, Trade Matching, TradeWeb, World-Check-Risk Intelligence Data for Due Diligence
Companies Represented
Mr. Prut Sukcharoennukul, Senior Site Officer
Ownership Refinitiv
Senior Management
Mr. Prut Sukcharoennukul, Senior Site Officer
Mr. Wichaya Charnlertlakha, Development Director
Mrs. Vichitra Sopon, Head of HR
Board of Directors
Mrs. Vichitra Sopon
Ms. Kankamol Wichaiyutphong
The Standard Chartered Bank
BCCT Member Company Since 2001
191/14 CTI Tower, 28th Floor
Rachadapisek Road, Klongtoey
Bangkok 10110
T: +66 (0) 2261 5380 info@th.rhenus.com www.rhenus.com
Suite 10019, 10th Floor AIA Sathorn Tower
11/1 South Sathorn Road
Yannawa, Sathorn
Bangkok 10120
T: +66 (0) 2030 0060 info@richmonts.com www.richmonts.com
A - Mr. Benjamin Goddard, Route Development Manager | UK , Australia, New Zealand
B - Mr. Tim Berger, Director Warehouse and Transport Solutions Thailand
Since 1912, Rhenus Logistics has developed strong traditions and positive growth, where today they are invested in markets all around the globe. Rhenus Logistics, with an annual turnover of over €4.8billion makes them one of the bigger players among global logistics service providers.
Incorporated in Europe over 100 years ago, their extensive network has expanded globally, enjoying development both organically and by considered acquisition. Rhenus Logistics now has business locations at more than 610 locations worldwide, employing 29,000 people. The Rhenus business areas – Warehouse Solutions, Freight Logistics, Port Logistics and Public Transport manage complex supply chains and provide a wealth of innovative value-added services. The Rhenus footprint has been here in Thailand and Asia since 1994 and it’s the local, ‘On the Ground Knowledge’, the ‘Can Do’ mentality of its employees & the underlying ‘Family Owned Business’ ethics that permeate the organization adding real and consistent value to their customers supply chains.
For more information visit their website at www.th.rhenus.com
BCCT Member Company Since 2017
A A - Mr. Tim Skevington, Managing DirectorWith a history stretching back more than 15 years in Bangkok, Richmont’s has an enviable track record as a specialist in the luxury residential market, and in international property investment.
Richmont’s is the exclusive affiliate of Christie’s International Real Estate in Bangkok. Working with 141 affiliates across 1,200 offices in 46 countries, the entire network employs 32,000 high-end sales people.
We focus entirely on luxur y residential real estate. With more than US$120 billion of residential real estate sales annually, Christie’s International Real Estate affiliates hold numerous records for top property sales worldwide.
Richmont’s is ideally placed to attract the most active and affluent local and overseas buyers, and benefits from ties to the world’s leading art business and its global real estate network.
Tailored for real estate priced at US$1 million and above, our finely tuned suite of programs provide a world-class showcase for distinguished homes.
Residential property services, relocation and visa services, office, school and domestic help search, property management, interior design services, rental and re-sale services, property valuations and insurance.
Landscope (Thailand) Co., Ltd.
Landscope Christie’s Hong Kong
Mr. Tim Skevington
Mrs. Kay Skevington
Senior Management
Mr. Tim Skevington
Mrs. Kay Skevington
Ms. Nisarrat Chuchertkijwattana
Mr. Watcharajitt Silawatpong
Board of Directors
Mr. Tim Skevington
Mrs. Kay Skevington
Bangkok Bank
BCCT Member Company Since 2017
369/1, Moo 9, Units 8 & 9 Pattaya Second Road, Nongprue
Banglamung, Chonburi 20260
T: +66 (0) 925 638 015
info@rightmovepattaya.com www.rightmovepattaya.com
Chamber Representative
1078 On Nuch Road
Suanluang, Bangkok 10250
T: +66 (0) 2742 0319-20
F: +66 (0) 2742 0318
graham@risk-pro.com www.risk-pro.com
Chamber Representative
A - Mr. Marcus Hurst, Managing Director
Managing Director, Marcus Hurst is a British national who has a wealth of knowledge and experience dealing in the Pattaya real estate market.
At Rightmove Pattaya, we specialise in providing professional and impartial advice regarding all aspects of the process of purchasing and renting property in Pattaya, Jomtien and the surrounding areas.
We market new developments, re-sale properties, rentals and also land. Our team strikes a perfect balance of local knowledge and in depth real estate experience. Our well trained staff are committed to achieving the best possible results, which is as a result of their in depth training in customer services.
What Services are provided by Rightmove Pattaya?
We offer our clients the following services:
• Residential properties for sale
• Residential properties for rent
• Land for sale
• Renovation and decoration
• Corporate re-locations
• Investor services
• Legal services
• Financial services
BCCT Member Company Since 2015
A - Mr. Graham J. Murrell, Managing Director
Background Risk Protection its operations in Bangkok Thailand in January 1997. The company brings a wealth of experience in the security industry as well as technical services and facilities management. Our local team have all had a vast amount of experience in Thailand with key personnel having worked in Bangkok Thailand for 30 years.
Products or Services
Central Station Monitoring Services, including Burglar Alarm, Remote CCTV Monitoring, G.P.S. tracking services, Fire and Management Control, design, supply, installation of CCTV, Access Control, Security Alarms and Guard / Maintenance Patrol Systems. Security Guard Services and Technical Services including air condition ser vice A.H.U Service, swimming pool ser vice, chemicals and maintenance.
Other products and services include:-
• Integrated security solutions.
• Metal and explosives detection
Companies Represented
Hirsch Access Control
C.Tec Fire controls
Zodiac Swimming pool products and chemicals
Majority Thai
Senior Management
Mr. Graham J. Murrell, Managing Director
Board of Directors
Mr. Graham J. Murrell, Managing Director
Ms. Porntip Amjoy, Financial Director
BCCT Member Company Since 2009
300 Romklao Road
Klongsamprawet, Latkrabang
Bangkok 10520
T: +66 (0) 2326 5000
F: +66 (0) 2326 5011 ritta@ritta.co.th www.ritta.co.th
Chamber Representative
9/123 Moo 5, Tambon Bophut
Koh Samui, Surat Thani 84320
T: +66 (0) 77 915 777 www.ritzcarlton.com
Chamber Representatives
A - Mr. Uthorn Phusitkanchana, Managing Director
Ritta Co., Ltd. is a design and construction contractor with vast experience in both conventional construction work and “turnkey” projects. Past projects include numerous plants in the petro-chemical, power, automotive and electronics sectors. Building works include various office buildings, condominiums, hotels and resorts. Civil engineering experience covers roads, dams, tunnels and water treatment plants.
Ritta Co., Ltd. with paid up capital of THB 550,000,000 and turnover has grown progressively since its establishment in 1987. Turnover in the year 2017 was in excess of THB 13,712,000,000 and it is expected the figure for 2018 will be maintained at the same level.
Ritta Co., Ltd. is certified to ISO 9001:2015 for quality management and ISO 14001:2015 for Environmental management.
Ritta is committed to ensuring the health and safety of all those working on the construction site and the surrounding area and implements a strict health and safety policy.
Ritta has an experienced, qualified construction management team of over 2,000 persons, comprising architects, engineers, project managers, commercial and supervisory staff. Ritta also maintains a directly employed workforce of skilled and unskilled workers approaching 55,000 persons.
100% Thai
Board of Directors
Mr. Suwat Chaopricha, President
Mr. Uthorn Phusitkanchana, Managing Director
Mr. Kamol Opaskitti, General Manager
Dr. Teeradetch Tungsubutra, COO
BCCT Member Company Since 2005
A - Mr. Mahmoud Skaf, Area General Manager
B - Mr. Mohannad Shaweesh, Senior Sales Manager
Situated on Thailand’s third-largest island, The Ritz-Carlton, Koh Samui introduces a new sanctuary of luxury amongst white sand beaches and the emerald waters of the Gulf of Thailand.
The Ritz-Carlton, Koh Samui overlooks the tranquil beaches and pristine water of Plai Laem beach. Perched at the island’s Northern tip, it is a haven for well being and leisure, about an hour’s flight from Bangkok.
The Ritz-Carlton, Koh Samui is located 7 Kilometres or 20 minutes by car from Samui International Airport (USM). The resort is located within easy reach of Chaweng Beach and Bophut Fisherman’s Village.
Samui International Airport is connected by up to 24 daily flights from Bangkok, 2 daily flights from Hong Kong, daily flights from Singapore, Kuala Lumpur and other regional gateways.
Products or Services
Luxury Hotel Accommodation,Luxury Escape Destination,Wedding Destination, Honeymoon Destination, Anniversary Destination, Incentive Groups Destination
BCCT Member Company Since 2018
20-22 Wenlock Road
N1 7GU
T: +66 (0) 9568 12162
pstephenson@rlabsports.com rlabsports.com
Chamber Representative
Q House Lumpini, 12th Floor, Unit 1201 1 South Sathorn Road, Thungmahamek Sathorn, Bangkok 10120
T: +66 (0) 2344 4800
F: +66 (0) 2344 4888 gerrit.bouckaert@robertwalters.co.th www.robertwalters.co.th
Chamber Representatives
A - Mr. Peter Stephenson, Managing Consultant for Asia & Africa
We are a boutique marketing and events agency with rich expertise,working with brands and rights holders to unearth,structure and develop successful commercial partnerships.
Products or Services
We can help you with:*Brand Representation*Sponsorship Brokering*Global Marketing Strategy*International Media Management*Developing Partnerships*Investments & Equity Options
Companies Represented
Advisers to EPL/EFL/SPL/La Liga/Rugby League/British,Canadian Swimming/ Formula E
Senior Management
Jules Bewley, CEO Peter Stephenson, Managing Consultant,Asia
BCCT Member Company Since 2017
A - Mr. Gerrit Bouckaert, Country Manager
B - Ms. Punyanuch Sirisawadwattana, Commerce, HR, Banking & IT
Robert Walters plc is one of the world’s leading global specialist recruitment and recruitment outsourcing businesses with over 50 offices across the world. The brand stands for innovation, vision and leadership in the global recruitment market. Robert Walters specialises in permanent and contract recruitment across all industry sectors, and count the world’s leading investment banks and multinational blue-chip commercial organisations as clients. Operating at all levels of seniority we manage the careers of the best professionals in the accounting & finance, banking & financial services, human resources, information technology, sales & marketing, supply chain and engineering fields.
Established in 2008, Robert Walters Thailand offers a highly professional and specialised service to candidates and clients alike and is proud to extend the partnerships we hold with many of the world’s leading institutions to Southeast Asia.
Robert Walters Thailand specialises in the recruitment of mid to senior level professionals in the following disciplines: accounting & finance, banking & financial services, general management, HR, IT, sales & marketing, supply chain, procurement & logistics, engineering & manufacturing and pharmaceutical & healthcare.
Resource Solutions PLC.
In addition to our professional recruitment business, the Robert Walters Group operates a recruitment process outsourcing and consultancy services division, Resource Solutions. Resource Solutions works in partnership with organisations to design and implement balanced and best practice resourcing strategies that optimise both direct and indirect recruitment channels, whilst maximising brand value.
100% British
Mr. Gerrit Bouckaert, Country Manager
Ms. Punyanuch Sirisawadwattana, Director, Commerce, HR, Banking & IT
BCCT Member Company Since 2011
11th Floor, Tonson Tower
900 Ploenchit Road
Bangkok 10330
T: +66 (0) 2263 0500
F: +66 (0) 2263 0505
thailand.regional.office@rolls-royce.com www.rolls-royce.com
Chamber Representative
353 Phra Tamnuk Road
Pattaya, Chonburi 20150
T: +66 (0) 382 50421
F: +66 (0) 382 50511, 3825 0513 relax@royalcliff.com www.royalcliff.com, www.peachthailand.com
A - Mr. Hugh Vanijprabha, Managing Director
Rolls-Royce designs, develops, manufactures and services integrated power systems for use on land, at sea and in the air.
Rolls-Royce has customers in more than 120 countries, comprising more than 380 airlines and leasing customers, 160 armed forces, 4,000 marine customers including 70 navies, and more than 5,000 power and nuclear customers.
Rolls-Royce has developed strong long-term relationships with key businesses in Thailand including Thai Airways International, Bangkok Airways and all three military branches; Royal Thai Air Force, Royal Thai Army, and Royal Thai Navy.
The Group is one of the world’s leading producers of aero engines for large civil aircraft and corporate jets, and is the second largest provider of defence aero engines and services in the world. For land and sea markets, reciprocating engines and systems from Rolls-Royce are in marine, distributed energy, oil & gas, rail and off-highway vehicle applications. In nuclear, Rolls-Royce has strong instrumentation, product and service capability in both civil power and submarine propulsion.
(EPI) Europrop International GmbH
(HAESL) Hong Kong Aero Engine Services Ltd
(IAE) International Aero Engines AG
(LHTEC) Light Helicopter Turbine Engine Company
(SAESL) Singapore Aero Engine Services Ltd
Fully owned by Rolls-Royce Group plc
Senior Management
Mr. Hugh Vanijprabha, Managing Director
Mrs. Pritchaya Devahastin Na Ayudhya, PA to Managing Director
BCCT Member Company Since 1986
A - Mr. Vathanai Vathanakul, President
B - Mr. Vitanart Vathanakul, CEO
A unique meeting destination that is set in a stunning location with breathtaking ocean views, the Royal Cliff Hotels Group along with Pattaya Exhibition And Convention Hall ( PEACH ) is one of Asia’s premier resort - convention destinations that provide complete versatility as a convenient ‘one-stop convention solution’ for any meeting needs. With over 13,000 sq.m of available meeting space, it offers modern facilities, professional services and technological support to successfully host a wide variety of engagements such as international conferences, exhibitions, product launches and banquets. Dedicated events managers are always available to ensure the smooth flexible planning and execution of events and every meeting package can be customized to suit any preference. At the Royal Cliff Hotels Group and PEACH, every event is made extraordinary.
The multi award-winning property is also home to four 5-star hotels offering a sensory experience defined profoundly by its individual style, charm and elegance; namely - Royal Cliff Beach Hotel (Casual luxury), Royal Cliff Beach Terrace (Exotic luxury), Royal Cliff Grand Hotel (Formal luxury) and Royal Wing Suites and Spa (Ultimate luxur y). I ts legendar y history and fame has been impressively reflected in over 200 awards, accreditations and accolades from organizations all around the world.
Guests staying at the Royal Cliff Hotels Group can enjoy an impressive range of facilities including 11 award winning restaurants offering a choice of Thai, Chinese, Japanese, Indian, Italian and European menus, 7 bars, 7 swimming pools including 2 infinity edge pools, 2 health spas, Thai cooking school, state-of-the-art fitness centre, 7 floodlit tennis courts, 2 air-conditioned squash courts, 2 private beaches, cigar lounge, kids world, games and karaoke lounge, shopping arcade, beauty & nail salon, 3 ballrooms, 53 meeting rooms and a world-class convention and exhibition centre, the Pattaya Exhibition And Convention Hall ( PEACH).
Thai - privately owned.
Senior Management
Mr. Vathanai Vathanakul, President
Mr. Vitanart Vathanakul, CEO
Mr. Andreas Grommeck, Director of Sales and Marketing
Board of Directors
Mrs. Panga Vathanakul, Managing Director
Mr. Vathanai Vathanakul, President
Mr. Vitanart Vathanakul, CEO
Bangkok Bank, Kasikorn Bank, and Siam Commercial Bank
Financial Details
Registered Capital: B1,350 million
Paid-up Capital: B1,350 million
BCCT Member Company Since 1991
Lancaster Terrace
W2 2TY
T: +44 (0) 20 7551 6000
mchooseang@royallancaster.com www.royallancaster.com
2 Charoenkrung Road Soi 30 (Captain Bush Lane)
Siphya, Bangrak, Bangkok 10500
T: +66 (0) 2266 0123
F: +66 (0) 2237 2152
A - Ms. Sally Beck, General Manager
B - Ms. Metta Chooseang, Business Development Executive (Thailand)
Royal Lancaster London stands proudly on the border of Hyde Park, offering breath-taking views of the famous London skyline.
In 2017, the hotel unveiled our stunning £85 million renovation; impeccably designed to combine timeless style, sumptuous comfort and incredible city views. The elegant suites include the signature Royal and Lancaster Suites –the pinnacle of luxury on the 18th floor.
There are two award-winning restaurants onsite; Nipa Thai serving authentic Thai cuisine and Island Grill, offering locally-sourced British dishes. There are 3 new outlets include Park Restaurant, Park Lounge Bar and Hyde Bar, serving an extensive breakfast, exquisite Afternoon Tea and inspiring cocktails.
With 2 large ballrooms and 13 smaller meeting spaces, the hotel is able to cater for every type and size of event from 2 to 1000 guests.
Royal Lancaster London is conveniently located adjacent to Lancaster Gate Station with Paddington Station just a 5 minute walk away, offering easy access to Heathrow Airport.
BCCT Member Company Since 2014
A - Mr. Joon Park, Hotel Manager
Royal Orchid Sheraton Hotel & Towers is a popular riverside hotel which is located on the enchanting Chao Phraya River, and all of the 726 guest rooms showcase unobstructed river views.
The Hotel also offers 28,000 square feet of conferencing and meeting facilities, as well as venues for stylish and unforgettable events and weddings.
Dine with family or friends at one of four restaurants, or catch the complimentary shuttle boat to the Bangkok sky train to discover more of the city’s dynamic dining scene.
Two resort-style swimming pools, a tranquil spa, tennis court, and lush meditative gardens inspire you to feel your best.
Products or Services
• All 726 rooms have panoramic views of the Chao Phraya River
• 22 function rooms with over 4,090 square meters of space
• Ballroom with state-of-the ar t light and sound system and elegant views of the river; can accommodate up to 1,250 guests
• Two swimming pools, spa, fitness centre, jogging track and tennis court
• Four restaurants feature authentic Thai, International buffet, I talian and Stylish bar & grill by the river.
Marriott International, Inc.
Companies Represented
Mr. Joon Kwan Park, Hotel Manager
Royal Orchid Hotel (Thailand) Public Co., Ltd.
Senior Management
Mr. Michael Schlueter, General Manager
Ms. Trixie Scully, Director of Sales & Marketing
Siam Commercial Bank
A/C NO. 013-3-02665-8, Talad Noi Branch
BCCT Member Company Since 2009
286, Moo 12, Pratamnak Road
Nongprue, Banglamung
Chonburi 20150
T: +66 (0) 3825 0116
F: +66 (0) 3825 0115
generalmanager@varuna.org www.varuna.org
Chamber Representatives
26th Floor, Sathorn City Tower
175 South Sathorn Road
Thungmahamek, Sathorn
Bangkok 10120
T: +66 (0) 2670 9002-6
F: +66 (0) 2670 9027-8 askus@rsmthailand.com www.rsmthailand.com
A - Mr. Mark Hamill-Stewart, Commodore
B - Mr. Christopher Dando, Vice Commodore
The premier sailing club and centre of sailing in Thailand, The Royal Varuna Yacht Club (RVYC) is located in a secluded cove between Pattaya and Jomtien and is less than a two hours drive from Bangkok.
Visit the family oriented club for sailors of all abilities, from the uninitiated to serious racers. We offer a year-round sailing program with cruising and racing. Great facilities include a stunning clubhouse, restaurant, swimming pool, junior club-house, boat storage and accommodation. An ideal place to give your children some freedom in safe surroundings. Rental boats (Laser, Hobie, Optimist, RS Quba and RS Vision) for racing and leisure are available to members and guests. The club offers sailing classes for adults, as well as an extensive sailing program for children during the holidays plus supervised sailing for kids on the weekends.
BCCT Member Company Since 2017
A - Mr. Gareth Hughes, Managing Director
B - Mr. Mark Butters, Executive Director
RSM Thailand is a member firm of RSM International, the sixth largest worldwide organisation of independent accounting and consulting firms. RSM is represented by affiliate independent members in 120 countries and brings together the talents of over 43,000 individuals in over 800 offices worldwide.
The core member firms of RSM International are RSM USA, RSM UK, RSM South Africa, RSM Japan, RSM Australia, RSM Singapore, RSM Hong Kong, RSM France, RSM China, RSM Germany, RSM Middle East and RSM India.
RSM Thailand is a full service accounting and consulting firm serving the needs of the middle market and owner managed entrepreneurial businesses.
We provide innovative solutions to business problems, integrity and a personal commitment to our clients in:
• Accounting and Tax Compliance
• Audit and Assurance Services
• Business Advisory and Legal Services
• Corporate Restructuring and Due Diligence Services
• Corporate Secretarial Services
• Corporate Tax Consulting Services
• Executive Recruitment Services
• Internal Audit and Risk Management
• Payroll Services
• Work Permits and Visas Services
Napaporn Tanawatyanyong, Associate Director
Tossaporn Kiattidamrongkul, Associate Director
Ravipat Mullijarupongs, Associate Director
Paul Coles, Associate Director
Bhavana Kumar, Associate Director
Sureeporn Thumvachiraporn, Associate Director
Gareth Hughes, Managing Director
Mark Butters, Executive Director
Pardorn Suchiva, Director
Mike Holloway, Director
Lehum Chinnapan, Director
Surachai Damnoenwong, Director
Pannee Rungruangmaneerat, Director
Sunisa Sema, Director
BCCT Member Company Since 2001
7/2 Moo 2, Khao Mai Kaew
Bang Lamung, Chonburi 20150
T: +66 (0) 3314 1800 enquiries@rugbyschool.ac.th www.rugbyschool.ac.th
A - Mr. Nigel Westlake, Founding Headmaster & Head of Prep
B - Mr. Ashley Deacon, Director of Admissions
Rugby School Thailand brings together the traditional values of a 450-year British private boarding school and the rich, rolling countryside and fresh air of Chonburi. Rugby UK , our par tner school, is one of the oldest and most highly-regarded co-educational establishments in Britain. Situated approximately 90 minutes outside Bangkok and 20 minutes from Pattaya, Rugby School Thailand’s 80-acre campus is equipped with state-of-the-art buildings, numerous sports facilities, man-made lakes and meandering nature trails providing a breadth of opportunity for sports and other co-curricular activities right on our doorstep.
The Rugby ethos is ‘the whole person, the whole point’. Pupils not only fulfil their academic potential but also develop moral values, compassion, confidence, a sense of responsibility and social skills. Rugby School Thailand recognises the importance of education outside, as well as within, the classroom: mind, body and spirit - the ‘whole person’.
English National Curriculum, supplemented by the high academic aspirations of the British private school system from Pre-Nursery to Year 12, culminating in the gold-standard IGCSE and A-Level qualifications. Boarding available in Years 3-13 with three options:
• Day Boarding (up to 2 fixed nights per week)
• Weekly Boarding (up to 4 or 5 nights per week)
• Full Boarding (every night of the week throughout term time).
Rugby School, UK.
Privately held.
Mr. Nigel Westlake, Founding Head & Head of Prep School
Mr. Alan Ball, Head of Senior School
BCCT Member Company Since 2017
Unit 5A, Station Yard
Station Road, Hungerford Berkshire
RG17 0DY
T: +44 (0) 1488 684 888 sales@thermatek.co.uk www.thermatek.co.uk
Chamber Representative
133 Sukhumvit 49 Klongtan Nua, Vadhana
Bangkok 10110
T: +66 (0) 2022 2222
F: +66 (0) 2022 2472 info@samitivej.co.th www.samitivejhospitals.com
Chamber Representatives
A – Mr. Lawrence Derek, Managing Director
Design and manufacture of low voltage Frost Heave & condensation prevention products for the Industrial Cold Store Market.
Also Cold Store Door frame Heating, threshold heating and stanchion heating.
Products or Services
ThermaTrad stainless steel heaters for underground frost prevention with modern electronic energy saving controls. Cold store door and threshold heating with energy saving and very long life performance.
Private Limited company
Senior Management
Derek Lawrence, MD
Jane Perry, Sales/ production Manager
BCCT Member Company Since 2015
A - Mr. Nicolas Leloup, Assistant Director International Marketing
B - Ms. Porntip Utsahaphan, International Marketing Manager
Samitivej Sukhumvit Hospital, established in 1979, offers full tertiary and multidisciplinary medical care. Providing the latest in medical technology and awarded multiple times for excellence in healthcare services, the hospital’s umbrella Samitivej Group counts 1,900 doctors, 750 beds and treats more than 1.8 million patients per year.
Offering full specialties and sub-specialties for both adults and children, Samitivej Sukhumvit Hospital is recognized as the healthcare “provider of choice” for both Bangkok’s local residents and expatriate community. For five consecutive years, Samitivej has been awarded the best corporate medical healthcare provider in Thailand. Samitivej has been named Asia’s best hospital for medical tourism in 2017 and 2018.
Highlighting its world-class medical standards, Samitivej received global awards for pediatrics, gynecology, gastroenterology, physiotherapy, cosmetic surgery and aesthetics services. Specialist fields of excellence and expertise are liver and gastroenterology, pediatrics, obstetrics and gynecology, orthopedics, emergency and evacuation services.
Since receiving the first JCI accreditation in 2007, Samitivej is building partnerships with leading hospitals in Japan and the USA to advance medical development and stay at the forefront of international standards of care.
Samitivej Group consists of Samitivej Sukhumvit Hospital, Samitivej Srinakarin Hospital, Samitivej Children’s Hospital, Samitivej Sriracha Hospital, Samitivej Thonburi Hospital, Samitivej Chonburi Hospital and Samitivej Chinatown Hospital. Samitivej Group is a member of BDMS.
All OPD & IPD medical services.
Mr. Nicolas Leloup, Assistant Director International Marketing
Ms. Porntip Utsahaphan, International Marketing Manager
BCCT Member Company Since 2003
207 Soi Saeng Uthai Sukumvit Soi 50 Road
Kwang Prakanong
Khet Klongtoey
Bangkok 10110
T: +66 (0) 2742 9890-2
F: +66 (0) 2741 4089
thailand@santaferelo.com www.santaferelo.com
Chamber Representatives
254 Sasa Patasala Building
Chula Soi 12, Phayathai Road
Pathumwan, Bangkok 10330
T: +66 (0) 2216 8833
F: +66 (0) 2215 3797
marketing@sasin.edu www.sasin.edu
A - Mr. Adam Sloan, General Manager
B - Ms. Rungnapha Kaewduangsri, Client Manager
Santa Fe Relocation Services
As part of the Santa Fe Group, Santa Fe Relocation Services is an innovative global mobility company specializing in managing and delivering highquality Relocation Services worldwide. Our core competence is supporting corporations and their employees as they relocate and settle in a new country. We provide these services at a consistently high standard, locally and globally across six continents. Santa Fe Relocation Services is fully committed to our customer-centric philosophy and to our mission: “We make it easy”.
Santa Fe Group is listed on the Copenhagen Stock Exchange in Denmark. For more information, visit us at www.santaferelo.com, LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter. For more on our consulting practice, watch #complexsimple on YouTube.
Products or Services
Our award winning services include:
• Policy Benchmarking and Mobility Consulting
• Immigration Services, Visas and Work Permits
• Relocation Services
• Home and School Searches
• Language and Cultural Training
• Temporary Accommodation and Real Estate
• International and Domestic Moving of Household Goods
Companies Represented
Mr. Adam Sloan, General Manager
Senior Management
Mr. Adam Sloan, General Manager
BCCT Member Company Since 1994
A - Prof. Ian Fenwick, Interim Deputy Director
B - Mr. Alex Mavro, Sustainability Operations
Sasin was the first Asian school to cultivate fruitful partnerships with top business schools in the United States - including Northwestern University’s Kellogg School of Management and the University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton School. Together, Sasin and its partners created a unique and influential model that is used throughout the world today.
In 2010, Sasin became Thailand’s first business school to earn international accreditation by the Association to Advance the Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB), the longest serving global accrediting body for business schools. That same year, the European Foundation for Management Development (EFMD), one of the world’s leading business education accreditation bodies, granted its prestigious EQUIS (European Quality Improvement System) accreditation to Sasin.
Sasin provides a transformative, action learning management education that strengthens people, communities, and the entire ASEAN region. As part of Chulalongkorn University - Thailand’s oldest and most prestigious academic institution - Sasin is located in a peaceful, park-like setting in the heart of Bangkok.
Sasin offers a robust combination of degree and non-degree programs:
• The Flexible MBA: choose your completion speed to best suit your commitments (Part-time evening classes available)
• Dual MBA & Master of Engineering: two leading facilities combine to offer two exceptional degrees
• Executive MBA: Sasin’s flagship program for experienced managers
• Executive Development (non-degree programs)
Executive Education (non-degree programs)
• Senior Executive Program (SEP)
• Focused (public) Programs
• Customized (in-company) Programs
Sasin also offers consultancy services (advisory, research and training) through:
• Sasin Management Consulting (SMC)
• Sasin Japan Center (SJC)
• Sasin Sustainability and Entrepreneurship Center (SEC)
Sasin is an autonomous institution within Chulalongkorn University.
Professor Ian Fenwick, Interim Deputy Director
BCCT Member Company Since 2015
26th Floor, Abdulrahim Place 990 Rama IV Road
Silom, Bangrak
Bangkok 10500
T: +66 (0) 2636 0300
F: +66 (0) 2636 0339 robertc@savills.co.th www.savills.co.th
Chamber Representative
211 Soi Prasert-Manukitch 29 Prasert-Manukitch Road Chorakaebua, Ladprao
Bangkok 10230
T: +66 (0) 2943 7166
F: +66 (0) 2943 7169 gregers@scandmedia.com www.scandmedia.com
Chamber Representative
Mr. Robert Collins, Chief Executive OfficerBackground
Savills is a leading global real estate service provider with a full listing on the London Stock Exchange. Established in 1855, we now have over 500 offices and associates around the world. The company has undergone dynamic growth in recent years establishing itself as a powerful player on the international stage with offices and associates throughout the UK, Europe, Asia Pacific and South Africa.
Savills is the trading name for the property services subsidiaries of Savills plc. which services the needs of the investor, owners and occupiers offering transactional advice, property management, consultancy and asset management expertise. In Thailand, Savills is a leading property manager and agency services provider with offices in Bangkok and Pattaya. Savills international residential sales team assists private investors looking to buy anywhere in the world with tailored advice, knowledge and access to key global markets.
Products or Services
Commercial, retail, residential sales & leasing, leisure properties sales, international residential sales and property management.
Savills plc.
Senior Management
Robert A. Collins – CEOA
A - Mr. Gregers A. W. Moller, Managing Director
Scand-Media Corp., Ltd. was established in 1994 to offer design and printing services for foreign customers in Thailand.
Design and printing remains a core competence. Our designers assist corporate clients with the creation of outstanding and unique design.
Print-on-Demand is an increasingly popular product. It is ideal for small number of copies as there is no minimum printing order. The price per piece is the same for any number of prints, you need.
CD’s with multimedia content is often an integrated part of the clients communication needs. This is also a service, we offer. As well as Packaging, Banners, Roll-ups and Backdrops.
Products or Services
Graphics Design services, Printing, Publishing.
Scand-Media Corp., Ltd. owns the majority of the shares in Scandinavian Publishing Co., Ltd.
BCCT Member Company Since 2011
Boonkajornkul - Senior Associate Director | International Sales & MarketingBCCT Member Company Since 2005
39/1 Artnarong Road
Klongtoey, Klongtoey
Bangkok 10110
T: +66 (0) 2672 7900
F: +66 (0) 2672 7380
robin@seabramovers.co.th www.seabramovers.co.th
Chamber Representative
A10 The Royal Place
96/68 Praphuketkhew
Kathu, Phuket 83120
T: +66 (0) 7661 2654
F: +66 (0) 7661 2655
www.seal-superyachts.com, www.superyacht.news
A - Mr. Robin Hyde, General Manager
Established in 1989, our parent company (Sealite) was primarily engaged in providing ships agency and cargo bookings for both container liners and conventional vessels. In order to service a wider range of clients whose requirements and trading limitations placed them in another sector of the transportation business, a freight forwarding division was established in 1992 under the name of Seabra Trans International Co., Ltd.
In 2002, Seabra International Movers and Logistics was established to complete the group as a fully integrated shipping, logistics, and moving company.
The Sealite group is a member of the International Association of Movers (IAM), Thai International Freight Forwarders Association (TIFFA), Bangkok Ship Owners and Agents Association, (BSAA), The Baltic and International Maritime Council (BIMCO), and Thai Airfreight Forwarders Association (TAFA).
As a vertically integrated moving company, Seabra International Movers provide professional export packing and shipping of household goods, local residential moves and office moves, customs clearance, transportation, document storage and general warehousing.
Mr. Suchart Chalermkarnchana, Managing Director
Mrs. Nalin Vipusanamungkla, Executive Finance Director
Mr. Robin Hyde, General Manager
BCCT Member Company Since 2010
A - Mr. Adam Frost, Managing Director
B - Mr. Jeffrey La Valette, Operations Assistant
Asia and Oceania’s most experienced and longest established Superyacht Support Agency.
Servicing the Worlds’ largest Yachts for over twenty five years, our team of dedicated superyacht support offices provide an ever growing coverage of the Indian Ocean, Asia and the Pacific Ocean regions.
We provide a full service solution for owners, Captains and managers visiting our many locations, whether for private visits or charter operations. Our local teams will handle all local administrative protocols and services promptly and with discretion.
• Provisioning - An experienced and dedicated supply department to handle your Chef’s orders.
• Logistics - Handling of guest and crew airport transfers, and helicopter & private jet permits.
• Bunkering - Supplying of fuel in our locations worldwide.
• Maintenance - We offer a full coverage of technical and mechanical suppor t for your engineers.
• Formalities - Inbound & Outbound clearances and immigration bonds, with crew invitation letters provided on request.
• Cash to Master - Local bank ing facilities for your remitted funds in- country, to deliver on board.
BCCT Member Company Since 2018
10/120 The Trendy Office Building
10th Floor, Sukhumvit Soi 13 (Sangchan) Sukhumvit Road, Klongtoey-Nua
Wattana, Bangkok 10110
T: +66 (0) 2168 7400
F: +66 (0) 2168 7402 general.enquiry@securitas.co.th www.securitas.co.th
Chamber Representatives
88/70 Moo 12, Srinakarin Road
Bangkaew, Bangphli Samutprakarn 10540
T: +66 (0) 2348 2007
F: +66 (0) 2348 2238 stephen.wright@securusasia.com www.selectamark.co.uk
Chamber Representatives
A - Mr. Daniel Holstjo, Country President
B - Mr. Rob Scarr, Business Development Manager – Thailand
Securitas (Thailand) Limited is part of Securitas AB, the world’s largest supplier of security and safety staff. Securitas has over 310,000 security and safety professionals working in over 53 countries.
Within Asia Securitas has operating Companies in China, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Taiwan, Singapore, Cambodia and Vietnam with the regional office being in Hong Kong.
Securitas Thailand’s focus is on security providing tailored security manpower solutions to clients utilizing the global best practices developed by the Securitas Group, as well as use of CCTV, access control, Fire & Burglar Alarms, 24/7 Monitoring, Mobile patrols and GPS Tracking for Fleet Management.
Products or Services
Security guards, security & safety technology, CCTV, alarm systems, monitoring. security and safety audits and Investigations
Surveillance through CCTV, Burglar alarms, fire alarms and 24/7 Monitoring Mobile Patrols
Fleet Management (GPS Track & Trace)
Securitas Group of Companies
51% Thai
49% Swedish
Senior Management
Mr. Daniel Holstjo, Country President
Mr. Lenny Holden, Area Manager
Mr. Rob Scarr, Business Development Manager
Ms. Marika Chitcharoen, HR Manager
BCCT Member Company Since 2009
A - Mr. Stephen J. Wright, Director
B - Ms. Siriluk Wright, Director
Securus Asia Ltd is the Thailand Distributor for Selectamark Security Systems Plc, UK, a leading supplier of property marking and asset identification solutions which deter theft and aid recovery of stolen property.
Selectamark Security Systems Plc has been at the forefront of providing Police and Insurance recommended property marking solutions since 1985. Since then, the company has helped Police, Businesses, Governments, Local Authorities, Hospitals, Schools, Universities, Colleges, Hotels, Retailers & Homeowners protect and track their property, marking over 75 million valuable items in the process.
Products or Services
• SelectaDNA offers forensic marking & offender marking solutions using a completely secure and unique synthetic DNA technology. SelectaDNA has been proven to reduce theft and burglary by up to 83%. Products include Property Marking Kits, Tagging & Defence Sprays, Intruder Sprays, Gel, Grease & Trace.
• Selectamark Permanent Visible Property Marking Stencils & Labels
• SelectaLabel Asset & Security Labels
• Powerful Affordable Cloud-Based Asset Register
• Handbag Theft Prevention Chelsea Clip
Selectamark (Hong Kong) Limited
Companies Represented
Selectamark Security Systems Plc, UK
Senior Management
Mr. Stephen J. Wright, Director
Ms. Siriluk Wright, Director
BCCT Member Company Since 2018
100/61, Sathorn Nakorn Tower
Unit C, 29/F, North Sathorn Road
Kwaeng Silom, Khet Bangrak
Bangkok 10500
T: +66 (0) 2236 9785-7
F: +66 (0) 2236 9788
jak krit@th.sedgwick.com www.sedgwick.com/th
Pandy Farm, Earlswood, Chepstow
NP16 6RE
T: +00 44 7824 995324
A - Mr. Jakkrit Khaosaard, Chief Executive OfficerBackground
Sedgwick (Thailand) Limited, previously known as Cunningham Lindsey (Thailand) Ltd., was established on 21 June 1989 to provide the Thai insurance market with a professional and internationally experienced loss adjusting service in all major classes of insurance claims, with particular expertise in contractors all risks, erection all risks, machinery breakdown, industrial all risks; traditional fire and accident classes are also fully serviced.
About Sedgwick
Sedgwick Claims Management Services, Inc. is a leading global provider of technology-enabled business solutions that include property, casualty and integrated risk services and benefits administration. At Sedgwick, caring counts®; through the dedication and expertise of more than 21,000 colleagues across 65 countries, the company takes care of people and organizations by mitigating and reducing risks and losses, promoting health and productivity, protecting brand reputations, and containing costs that can impact the bottom line. Sedgwick’s majority shareholder is KKR; Stone Point Capital LLC, La Caisse de dépôt et placement du Québec (CDPQ) and other management investors are minority shareholders. For more, see www.sedgwick.com.
Sedgwick – a leading global provider of technology-enabled risk, benefits and integrated business solutions – continues to align its enhanced resources around the world by announcing officially on 3 December 2018 the integration of operations, colleagues and services in Thailand. Following the strategic acquisition of Cunningham Lindsey, Cunningham Lindsey in Thailand will now operate under the Sedgwick name.
Products or Services
Technology-enabled business solutions that include property, casualty loss adjusting and risk surveying services embracing fire and allied perils business interruption etc. specialising in industrial all risks, machinery breakdown, construction, erection risks and Advance Loss of Profits claims including integrated risk services and benefits administration.
Sedgwick in UK – 90 offices in the UK
Sedgwick in Europe – 79 offices throughout Europe
Sedgwick in USA – 200 offices
Sedgwick in Canada – 104 offices
Sedgwick offices in Australia, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Taiwan, India, Pakistan, Korea, Japan.
Sedgwick Group
100% Cunningham Lindsey International Ltd.
Senior Management
Mr. Jakkrit Khaosaard
Board of Directors
Mr. Jakkrit Khaosaard, Mr. Stephen John Hope, Mr. Domenick Charles Dicicco JR
Kasikorn Bank
Financial Details
A – Mr. Peter Pearson CB CBE, Lieutenant General
Senior Advice Limited was founded in 2010 by its sole consultant – Peter Pearson. Having spent 35 years in the British Army as a Gurkha officer, and rising to the rank of lieutenant general – the top 10, he spent the first few years after leaving the Army running a charity. More recently, he has started to diversify his business, which originally consisted mostly of giving talks on leadership and being employed as an after dinner speaker; much of which was pro bono. Now he assists companies with their strategic analysis and planning, helps facilitate leadership development courses for lower and middle management and advises individuals and companies in the arena of leadership. More recently, he has started to train people in public speaking, something he continues to be asked to do himself on a regular basis. He plans to publish a book and develop an app on public speaking in the near future.
Products or Services
Assisting companies in carrying out Strategic Analysis and Planning; Facilitating Leadership development of lower and middle management staff; Assisting all levels in understanding the art and science of Public Speaking and in delivering talks/speeches/presentations.
BCCT Member Company Since 2018
789/115-116 Moo 1
Pinthong IE, Nhongkham
Sriracha, Chonburi 20230
T: +66 (0) 3304 7281-5
F: +66 (0) 3304 7280 info@senior-thailand.com www.senior-thailand.com/
21 Soi Amnuaywat, Suthisarn Road
Samsen nok, Huay Kwang
Bangkok 10310
T: +66 (0) 2693 2036
F: +66 2693 4189 info@serimanop.com www.serimanop.com
A - Mr. Simon Shale, CEO
B - Mr. Craig Chisell, Quality Director
Senior Aerospace (Thailand) Limited, located in Pinthong 1 IE., Chonburi. We are one of the largest aerospace components manufacturer in Thailand. We are principally a manufacturer of aerofoils (V2500, Trent and LEAP engines), aluminum and hard metal structural parts (B787 FLE rib, A330 track rib and A320 diaphragm) and premium aircraft-seat structure.
Senior Aerospace (Thailand) employ the latest manufacturing techniques, offers its own line-side kits boxes, with ERP controlled business systems and AS9100 quality accreditation at all of its manufacturing facilities. We also have NADCAP approval for special process such as NDT, Surface enhancement, chemical process for both Aeroengines and Aerstructures product, so we have capability from machining to assembly process as one stop service.
With total 21,000 sqm production area in 4 factories, Senior Aerospace (Thailand) is ready to support new opportunities. All engineering manufacturing process can be developed by experience local Thai engineer and Thai support team. We also use latest technology from Germany and Japan machine to produce the parts and ensure that our capability align with customer expectation.
Products or Services
Aerospace components manufacturer
• Build to print manufacturer
• 5-Axis hard metal machining for main engine compressor blade and vane
• 5-Axis high speed machining for Aluminium structure part
• 5-Axis high speed grinding for supper alloy compressor blade
• 3 Axis & 4 Axis prismatic machining in aluminium up to 40” long
• NADCAP certified for sur face enhancement, non- destructive testing, chemical process, and nonconventional machining.
• Wing structure detail part for Boeing and Airbus commercial aircraft
• Premium aircraft-seat structure
• More than 10,000 sqm production area is available for new project
BCCT Member Company Since 2010
A - Mr. Somsuk Phoungnak, Partner
Seri Manop & Doyle advises international and Thai-based clients in the areas of corporate law, dispute resolution, real estate, tax law, labor law, insurance law, mergers acquisitions and intellectual property protection as well as project finance, securities law and energy and mining projects.
BCCT Member Company Since 2014
41 Soi 41 Sukhumvit 16, Sukhumvit Road
Klongtoey, Bangkok 10110
T: +66 (0) 2633 2234
F: +66 (0) 2633 1250
Chamber Representatives
Al Sila Tower, 21st Floor
Abu Dhabi Global, Market Square
Abu Dhabi, P.O. Box 51297
T: +971 (0) 2 501 3700
A - Mr. Sukamal Mondal, General Manager
B - Ms. Nannaphat Jiemrugeekul, Director of Sales
Contemporary Serviced Apartments in Asoke
Set in the heart of the Central Business District, the chic modern Shama Lakeview Asoke offers a calming retreat in one of the capital’s most prestigious neighbourhoods. Within a 10-minute walk to Asoke BTS Station and Sukhumvit MRT Station, our prime location gives you easy access to Terminal 21 Shopping Mall, Queen Sirikit National Convention Centre, international schools, embassies, banks and the trendy EM District.
Tailored for both business and leisure travellers, our central Bangkok accommodation options range from studio suites to spacious three-bedroom apartments. Featuring scenic views of Benjakiti Park and Lake or overlooking Bangkok, all units feature a fully-equipped kitchen, living and dining area, flat-screen TV with DVD player and an en-suite bathroom with a bathtub. Amenities at Shama Asoke include an all-day dining restaurant, pool deck with lake views, golf practice range, fitness centre and kids’ playroom, making our apartments perfect for short or longer stays.
Shama Lakeview Asoke Bangkok is a privately owned company
Mr. Sukamal Mondal, General Manager
BCCT Member Company Since 2018
A - Mr. Iwan Lloyd, Head of Education
Shamal Group Limited (Shamal) is a high-end business solutions provider working on behalf of investors to ideate, plan, launch and operate profitgenerating businesses in the Middle East and across the world. Shamal was established in 2017 by CEO, Lee Simmonds and is headquartered in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates. Acting as a trusted, singular entity specialising in seamless project delivery of market-leading international schools, Shamal provides full turn-key investment opportunities that create long-term profits and lasting legacies for future generations.
Our vision is to be the global partner of choice for visionary individuals, investors, prominent families and government bodies who share our passion for building lasting legacies, which leave the world in a better place than we found it, for generations to come.
Our mission is to seamlessly deliver diverse and highly-complex projects on behalf of our clients, which create positive social change, enrich the lives of individuals and communities around the world and generate long-term profits for investors.
Our promise is to provide full turn-key business solutions that simplify the complex world of investment for our clients. Adding value and expertise at every stage, to deliver meticulously planned and exceptionally executed projects, end-to-end, by one trusted entity.
Our focus is to be the link between prominent investors and prestigious independent schools looking to expand internationally. To create educationbased investment opportunities, specialising in the development and delivery of outstanding schooling around the world. To combine in-depth sector knowledge and proven business acumen with meticulous project planning and execution, to generate long-term profits for our partners, linked to an ethos of delivering world-class “Education for All.”
89 Soi Wat Suan Plu
New Road, Bangrak
Bangkok 10500
T: +66 (0) 2236 7777
F: +66 (0) 2236 8579
Chamber Representative
10 Soonthornkosa Road, Klongtoey
Bangkok 10110
T: +66 (0) 2262 6000
F: +66 (0) 2249 3700
A - Ms. Caroline Cheah, General Manager
An oasis of tranquillity, relaxation and luxury in the heart of the city, ShangriLa Hotel, Bangkok officially opened its doors to guests on 3 August 1986. The hotel’s prime location on the famous Chao Phraya River contributed to its rapid popularity as a city-resort welcoming a wide range of guests including business travellers, tourists, and meeting and incentive groups.
Products or Services
A city resort in the heart of Bangkok, Hotel offers guests a magnificent garden and pool area on the banks of Chao Phraya River. A spacious lobby, 802 rooms and suites, dining choices and meeting space mean that the hotel appeals to all types of guests. CHI, The Spa, the first superlative spa in the city, offers luxury and serenity in the largest private spa suites in Bangkok. Convenient Skytrain, expressway and river access make getting around town fast and easy.
Senior Management
Ms. Caroline Cheah, General Manager
BCCT Member Company Since 1998
The Shell Company of Thailand Limited is setting its sights on a more sustainable future with the announcement of the ‘More & Cleaner Energy’ strategy – a strategic move to pursue sustainable energy amidst a global energy transition and the battle against CO2. We encourage dialogue and collaboration between the public and private sectors and civil society as our country starts to adapt and prepare for the Energy Transition. We support Thailand’s future energy needs and fulfill the increasing needs of consumers while reducing greenhouse gas emissions through innovation, partnership and people development.For Shell, smarter product innovations have a key role to play in Thailand’s transition to a lower-carbon energy system. Our smart fuel and lubricant products that keep engines cleaner can make significant contributions to fuel the economy and reduce CO2 emissions. Meanwhile, new advances allow biofuels to be introduced as an alternative energy source that supports the prosperity of people and builds on Thailand’s competitive advantage by avoiding competition with the food value chain, reducing cost and providing higher energy recovery. Shell’s presence in Thailand dates back to 1892 when the first barge containing Shell kerosene docked in Bangkok. Shell played a pioneering role in the advancement of the industry, from the establishment of refineries to a nationwide network of gasoline stations. The company has also helped to strengthen the talent base within the energy sector in Thailand as well as the capabilities of Thai children and youth.Shell is continuing its support for schools and communities in areas where we operate, promoting road safety from within our own operations to society as a whole, and educating the general public through our network of retail locations and quality customer care. Shell is also continuously developing Thai talent for the future within Shell and beyond by inspiring Thai students through Shell Eco-marathon events, which help increase awareness and support research and development of lower-emission vehicles. A new energy system is emerging in a journey that will unfold over the coming decades at different paces in different places. This energy transition presents challenges, opportunities and tough choices for governments, businesses and customers. For 126 years, Shell Thailand has been making Thais’ life’s journeys better. We are actively adapting to these forthcoming changes in the energy landscape and believe Shell’s ‘More and Cleaner Energy’ strategy will allow us to fine-tune our business operations to optimally move in step with Thailand through this energy transition period.
• Retail - more than 500 service stations
• Lubricants - Lube Oil Blending Plant, which is also ser ving the APAC region.
• Bitumen – Shell Thailand houses a state of the art Bitumen Solution Center, showcasing technology leadership in Specialties for the region.
• Transport fuels, heavy, heating fuels to enterprises in many industries.
Mr. Asada Harinsuit, VP Retail East and Chairman of the Shell Company of Thailand Limited, Mr. Ath Hemvijitraphan, Deputy Chairman, Ms. Ornuthai Na Chiangmai, Executive Director Retail Business, Ms. Veethara Trakulboon, Executive Director Lubricants Business, Mr. Panun Prachuabmoh, Chief Financial Officer, Mr. Thada Chiengkul, Executive Director Commercial Fuels, Mrs. Chanida Pincharoen, Executive Director Human Resources, Thailand and Vietnam, Dr. Nat Khemakavat, Managing Director Shell Property Development J.V.
BCCT Member Company Since 1946
250 Sukhumvit Road
Bangkok 10110
T: +66 (0) 2649 8888
F: +66 (0) 2649 8000 grande.sukhumvit@luxurycollection.com www.sheratongrandesukhumvit.com www.luxurycollection.com/bangkok
Chamber Representatives
125/5 Soi Ruam Rudee
Ploenchit rd., Lumpini
Pathumwan, Bangkok 10330
T: +66 (0) 827 509694
A - Mr. Richard Chapman, General Manager
B - Mr. Rubel Miah, Executive Assistant Manager I/C Sales and Marketing
Sheraton Grande Sukhumvit is a multi-award-winning 5-star luxury business hotel located in the heart of Bangkok’s business and entertainment district.
With a direct link to the BTS Asok skytrain station and a few steps from the MRT Sukhumvit underground station, it provides ease of access to the Queen Sirikit National Convention Center, many of the city’s cultural sites and attractions, and outstanding shopping malls such as Terminal 21, The EM District, Central Embassy, Siam Paragon, and Central World.
The hotel offers discerning guests luxury accommodation complemented by exceptional service. Rossini’s, an award-winning Italian restaurant and basil, finest authentic Thai cuisine, BarSu, a chic gastro lounge, The Living Room, Bangkok’s premier live jazz venue, Orchid Café, the finest buffets and all day dining, Dine in the Dark, a unique dining experience, exceptional business and function facilities, all combine to deliver an unforgettable personal experience
Mr. Richard Chapman, General Manager
Mr. Rubel Miah, Hotel Manager
Quality Inn Co., Ltd.
Senior Management
Mr. Richard Chapman, General Manager
Mr. Rubel Miah, Hotel Manager
BCCT Member Company Since 1996
A - Ms. Catherine Pucher, Business Head-South East Asia
B - Mr. Yuvraj Singh Johar, Managing Director
Shloka Events is an End to End Event Management solutions company, specialized in destinations within South East Asia, India & UAE.
Shloka opened its office in Kolkata, India more than 6 years ago, specializing in Destination Social Events.
In 2016, Shloka opened its Bangkok office, specializing in Destination MICE Events.
Shloka Events offers clients end to end solutions for their Corporate and Social needs. Consisting of a team of Ex-Hoteliers, Shloka handles all aspects of an event, from transport to rooming, VIP Management to Production, Entertainment to F&B, etc. With more than 6 years of experience, Shloka is an expert in destination events, all throughout South East Asia, India & UAE. All of Shloka clients are unique, and at Shloka we ensure every function is unique as well.
Products or Services
Event Planning
• Concept creation
• Budget Management
Location Scouting
• Venue Proposals for each function
• Venue Negotiations
• Managing all pick-ups & drop offs
• Selection of cars according to needs
Culinary Experience
• Tailor made menus
• Designer & International food
Conference Planning
• Sound/Stage/Light Requirements
• In-house Production team
• Local & International acts
• Adventure Entertainment
• Security Management
• Butler Service
Shloka India
Senior Management
Mr. Yuvraj Singh Johar, Managing Director
Mr. Karan Johar, CEO
Ms. Catherine Pucher, Business Head South East Asia
Board of Directors
Mr. Yuvraj Singh Johar, Managing Director
Mr. Karan Johar, CEO
Ms. Catherine Pucher, Business Head South East Asia
Kasikorn Bank
BCCT Member Company Since 2017
Riverside (3-18 years)
1922 Charoen Krung Road, Wat Praya Krai, Bang Kholame, Bangkok 10120, Thailand
Tel: +66 (0) 2675 1888 E-mail: enquiries@shrewsbury.ac.th www.shrewsbury.ac.th/riverside
City Campus (3-11 years)
982 Rim Klong Samsen Road (Rama 9), Bang Kapi, Huai Khwang, Bangkok 10310, Thailand
Tel: +66 (0) 2203 1222 E-mail: enquiries-city@shrewsbury.ac.th www.shrewsbury.ac.th/city
Shrewsbury International School has two day-school campuses in Bangkok, Thailand.
Riverside (opened 2003), offers a through-education for over 1,700 boys and girls from 3-18 years, and is regarded as one of the leading international schools in South East Asia. Benefitting from this experience, City Campus (opened 2018) is a specialist primary school campus with capacity for up to 640 boys and girls aged 3-11 years. Children who complete their Primary Education at City Campus may continue their secondary education at Riverside.
Both City Campus and Riverside offer an inspirational education based on the English National Curriculum, contextualised and adapted to cater for our high achieving students and our host country of Thailand. Both campuses operate a selective admissions process, as outlined in their shared Mission Statement and School Values.
Whilst both campuses enjoy unique identities in their own right, they also share in the tradition and pioneering spirit of the renowned UK sister school, and are joined by a common ethos and a collaborative approach that brings exciting opportunities for both children and for staff, and ensures that both campuses are able to contribute to and benefit from the extensive experience and expertise that is developed and nurtured within the Shrewsbury family of schools, in Bangkok and beyond.
All of our students benefit from top-class facilities and the support and guidance of exceptional teachers, recruited mainly from the UK. Throughout their time at Shrewsbury, they are also provided with outstanding opportunities to develop their interests both inside and out of the classroom. Shrewsbury
A - Mr. Christopher Seal, Principal (Riverside)
B - Ms. Amanda Dennison, Principal (City Campus)
nurtures a genuine passion for learning, and students graduate from Senior School at Riverside equipped with internationally recognized IGCSE and A level qualifications that, year on year, provide the gateway to the world’s leading universities and colleges, including the elite Ivy League and Oxbridge institutions.
In 2018, 69% of IGCSE exams taken by Shrewsbury students were awarded either A* or A grade, 43% achieving the top A* grade. Meanwhile, 70% of A-level exams achieved either A* or A grade, with 44% scoring the top A* grade; 5.5x the UK national average, and a statistic which places Shrewsbury alongside the very top performing UK independent schools.
Numbers and Facilities
Riverside: 1,718 student enrolment from 3-18 years. 45 Rai site including dedicated Early Years Environment, Junior and Senior buildings, Library (plus online e-library), 3 swimming pools, 2 natural turf sports fields, 3-court Sports Hall, Gymnasium, 600 seat auditorium, Recital Hall and Dance Studio. City Campus: Up to 640 student enrolment from 3-11 years (currently c.200). 15 Rai site including separate Early Years Environment, Library (plus online e-library), swimming pools, natural turf sports field, Sports Hall, Gymnasium, 500 seat auditorium, Recital Hall and Dance Studio.
Parent Company: Shrewsbury International School Bangkok
Establishment Date: 2003
Staff: 500 (combined)
BCCT Member Company
Since 2003
168 Soi Sukhumvit 20, Sukhumvit Road
Kwaeng Klongtoey, Khet Klongtoey
Bangkok 10110
T: +66 (0) 2663 7400-2
F: +66 (0) 2633 7403
contact@shrimp-asia.com www.shrimp-asia.com
1 Siam Cement Road
Bangsue, Bangkok 10800
T: +66 (0) 2586 4444
F: +66 (0) 2586 2974
Shrimp Studios Co., Ltd. was founded in June 1976 and rebranded as Shrimp Asia in 2000. We are Thailand’s longest established branding, design and communications firm and have developed organically with information technology.
The firm focuses on brand identity development, whose aim is to assist in solving image/marketing problems with creative and innovative solutions. The firm not only carries out in-depth analysis and evaluation of our client’s branding and marketing issues, but also ensures that ultimately everyone benefits from the results by improving and building our clients’ brands.
Our key focus has been in the hospitality and property sectors working in the Asia Pacific, Middle East & North Africa (AMEA), China and India regions.
Shrimp Asia is a vertically integrated marketing communications enterprise managing the following scopes of work:
• Strategic Marketing, Planning and Brand Engineering
• Market Research (F&B)
• Branding & Corporate Identity Standards, Design Solutions, F&B Concepts
• Signage Systems: Project Management, Design Development, Manufacture & Installation
• Digital: Digital & Social Media Management, Website design, CGI development
• Advertising Campaigns, Media investments, on- and off-line, Below-theline promotional activities
• Graphic & Industrial design
• Photography and Video Production Management
Panta Trade Co. Ltd (subsidiary); Acumen Dubai; DreamsCreative Doha; Urban Signage
51% Thai
49% Foreign
Mr. Patrick Gauvain, Managing Director / Founder
Ms. Mayuree Sritabtim, Director - Administration & Operations / Senior Partner
Mr. Ben Howard, Exec. Creative Director / Senior Partner
Mr. Shane Campbell, Strategic Marketing Consultant
Ms. Thaniya (Babe) Kongrut, Executive Secretary / PA to MD
Bank of Asia, Bank of Ayutthaya
Financial Details
Capitalized at Bt.6 million paid up
BCCT Member Company Since 2003
A - Mr. Chaovalit Ekabut, VP-Finance & Investment, CFO of SCG
B - Mr. Bunn Kasemsap, MD of SCG Trading Co., Ltd.
SCG was established in 1913 following a royal decree of His Majesty King Rama VI to produce cement, the main building material for infrastructure projects that greatly contributed to the progress of the country during that period. Since its founding, SCG has grown continually and diversified into three core businesses, namely Cement-Building Materials Business, Chemicals Business, and Packaging Business.
Throughout the past 100 years, SCG has been relentless in organizational and employee development which helps drive innovation in products, services, processes, and business models to create higher value and address the needs of all parties concerned. Moreover, the Group is committed to contributing to the sustainable progress of the communities where SCG operates and pledges to become ASEAN’s business leader as well as a role model in corporate governance and sustainable development.
BCCT Member Company Since 2014
20th Floor, 3 Rajanakarn Building
South Sathorn Road
Yannawa, Sathorn
Bangkok 10120
T: +66 (0) 2676 6668
F: +66 (0) 2676 6188
siamcitylaw@siamcitylaw.com www.siamcitylaw.com
Chamber Representatives
A - Mr. Chavalit Uttasart, Managing Partner
B - Mr. Rajen Ramiah, Business Development Consultant
SCL Law Group (formerly known as Chavalit Law Group) provides a full range of legal services to serve the needs of clients. We have structured our group of law firms in such a way that general legal work, such as corporate, securities, banking and finance, corporate recovery services, expatriate services, labour, mergers and acquisitions, property, taxation, litigation and arbitration, are handled by Siam City Law Offices (SCL); and intellectual property, information technology and telecommunications work is handled by Chavalit & Associates (CA).
Our clients are both domestic companies and multinational corporations. We have worked with law firms in many jurisdictions for cross-border transactions.
It is our pleasure to make regular contributions to a number of organisations, including the Legal Committee and the Taxation Committee of the British Chamber of Commerce Thailand (“BCCT”), ‘Doing Business’ books of the World Bank and giving regular lectures at various universities in Thailand.
corporate, securities, banking and finance, corporate recovery services, expatriate services, labour, mergers and acquisitions, property, taxation, litigation and arbitration; intellectual property, information technology and telecommunications
SCL Law Group consists of Siam City Law Offices Limited (SCL), Chavalit & Associates Limited (C&A), Chavalit & Partners (C&P), SCL International (SCLI) and SCL Tax. We also have three offices outside of Thailand: Siam City Law (Myanmar) Company Limited, (SCL Myanmar), SCL SP&P Company Limited (Cambodia) and SCL Law Offices Limited (SCL Lao).
Senior Management
Mr. Chavalit Uttasart
Mr. Vira Kammee
BCCT Member Company Since 2007
32nd Floor, Seng Thong Thani Tower
82 North Sathorn Road, Silom
Bangrak, Bangkok 10500
T: +66 (0) 2639 2965-6
F: +66 (0) 2639 2980 jk@skfm.com www.skfm.com
Chamber Representative
A - Mr. Jeremy King, Chief Executive Officer
Alternative investment management for absolute performance.
Products or Services
Discretionary portfolio management; offshore mutual funds.
Affiliated with Knight Asia Group
Senior Management
Mr. Jeremy King, Chief Executive
Mr. Patrick Davenport, International Business Development
Mr. Richard Neville, Head of Research
Mr. Patarapong Attawetin, CFA, Fund Manager
Board of Directors
Mr. Jeremy King
Mr. Patrick Davenport
Mr. Richard Neville
BCCT Member Company Since 2003
8th Floor, 989, Siam Tower
Rama 1 Road, Pathumwan
Bangkok 10330
T: +66 (0) 2658 1000
F: +66 (0) 2658 1022
The Offices at Central World 26th Floor, 999/9 Rama I Road
Bangkok 10330
T: +66 (0) 2646 1888
F: +66 (0) 2646 1919 info@siampremier.com, www.siampremier.com
A - Mr. Chollachat Meksupha, First Executive Vice President Business Development & Investment
For almost 60 years, Siam Piwat remains a leading world-class retail and real estate developer, and is always recognized as a thought leader in creating distinctive, new prototypes of properties which always set new benchmarks for the country’s retail business. Our mission is to be the first in introducing revolutionary concepts for our projects - creating unparalleled experiences that constantly inspire our customers. Every initiative would contribute to elevating the quality of life of all Thais, foster the prosperity of the nation, bring visitors from all over the world, as well as serve as a source of reputation and pride for Thailand and its citizens.
Core business activities include:
1. Real Estate Development: 5 real estate projects including Siam Center, Siam Discovery, Siam Piwat Tower, Siam Paragon and ICONSIAM
2. Department Stores: Paragon Department Store at Siam Paragon and Siam Takashimaya at ICONSIAM
3. Specialty Retail: 8 stores including Loft, The Selected, The Wonder Room, Gin and Milk, O.D.S., CAZH, PUR•SUIT, and ÅLAND
4. Food and Beverage: 2 projects including Jamie’s Italian and My Kitchen
5. Marketing Communications
6. Venue Management: operating “Royal Paragon Hall”, an international standard exhibition and convention center and True ICON Hall
7. Facility Management
1. Siam Specialty Company Limited: a leading retail management company that values continuous innovative creation in order to keep up with the world’s constantly changing demands. Its team of professionals is highly experienced in sourcing products and developing services to match different lifestyles.
2. Supremo: an integrated marketing company experienced and expert in all types of marketing activities. The company creates positive images for and promotes Siam Piwat’s businesses.
3. Siam Professional Management Company Limited: is a facility management company that boasts a team of Thailand’s highly experienced professionals.
4. Royal Paragon Enterprise: with an excellent team of professionals, the company oversees the management of the Royal Paragon Hall. The venue is used to host a wide range of events including international exhibitions, trade fairs, and conferences.
BCCT Member Company Since 2014
A - Mr. Phisud Dejakaisaya, Managing Partner
B - Mr. Chatchavej Chitvarakorn, Partner
Siam Premier ranks among the largest international law firms in Thailand and has a strong regional presence with law firms Lao Premier in Vientiane. Siam Premier is a full service law firm providing advisory, transactional and dispute resolution services throughout Southeast Asia. Practice areas include aviation, banking, capital markets, corporate, commercial, contracts, construction, employment/labor (including work permits), finance, foreign investment, foreign trade, immigration, information technology, insolvency and restructuring, insurance, intellectual property, M&A, private clients, real estate, tax, telecommunications and tourism.
The firm is particularly strong in all forms of foreign investment (including foreign business licensing and Board of Investment approvals) and is a rising star in intellectual property, providing its clients a highly innovative and comprehensive legal service combining local knowledge with international expertise.
Products or Services
Key Practice Areas: Arbitration | Banking & Finance | Capital Markets | Corporate | Mergers & Acquisitions | Employment | Labour | Government Relations | Foreign Direct Investment | Funds | Due Diligence | Immigration | Technology, Media & Telecommunications | Immigration | Insolvency & Restructuring | Insurance | Intellectual Property | Litigation & Dispute Resolution | Mining | Private Clients | Projects & Energy | Real Property & Construction | Taxation
Lao Premier International Law Office Limited
Lao Premier is an independent full service law firm based in Vientiane with international capabilities.
• Asia Debt Management
• Hilton
• Hyatt
• Charn Issara Residence Co., Ltd.
• Line Corporation
• Dusit Thani Hotel
• Lotte Duty Free ( Thailand) Co., Ltd.
• Loxley PLC
• Megal International Commercial Bank
• Narai Group
• Nok Air PLC
• Power Line Engineering PLC
PT T Global Chemical PLC
• Thai Airways PLC
• Minor Group
• NYE Estate Co., Ltd.
• Padaeng Industry
• Mitsui Fudosan Residential Co., Ltd.
• PT T Exploration and Production PLC
• Sri Trang Argo-Industry PLC
• Triton Holding PLC
• Star wood / Marriott
• Winnergy Corporation Co., Ltd.
Phisud Dejakaisaya, Nithi Soomswasdi, Bancha Wudhiprecha, Linda Osathaworanan, Rawat Chomsri, Chatchavej Chitvarakorn
BCCT Member Company Since 2010
2/42 Moo 4, Viset Rd.
T. Rawai, A. Muang
Phuket 83130
T: +66 (0) 7638 3646
F: +66 (0) 7638 3646
info@siamrealestate.com www.siamrealestate.com
Chamber Representatives
Sukon Court A2, 46 North Sathorn Rd. Silom, Bangrak, Bangkok 10500
T: +66 (0) 61 380 0798 siam@serenegrace.org www.siamsgrace.com
A - Mr. Richard Paul Lusted, CEO
B - Mr. Patrick Kevin lyall Lusted, Director
Thailand Real estate agents, property brokers, consultants covering Bangkok real estate / Phuket real estate / Pattaya real estate / Hua Hin real estate / Koh Samui real estate / Krabi real estate/Chiang Mai real estate/ Phang Nga Real Estate.
Look no further for Thailand property and real estate with over 5,000 property listings, new property developments, houses, villas, condos, apartments, land plots and long term and holiday villa rentals in Phuket, Bangkok, Pattaya, Hua Hin, Koh Samui, Krabi, Chiang Mai and Phang Nga.
Head Office Phuket:
2/42 Moo 4, Viset Road
Rawai, Phuket 83130
Office: +66 (0) 7638 3646, 644, 645
E-mail: phuket@siamrealestate.com
Bangkok Office:
6th Floor, The Trendy Building
Sukhumvit Soi 13, Bangkok 1010
Office: +66 (0) 64202 5701
E-mail: bangkok@siamrealestate.com
Real Estate, rentals, sale, land, villas, condos.
BCCT Member Company Since 2016
A - Ms. Masami Tsuchiya, Managing Director
Siam S & Grace Co., Ltd. offers business consulting and training programs for organizational and individual development. We are partnering world class solution providers and make opportunities be available in Thailand.
Products or Services
1. Organizational and Individual Development
Siam S & Grace is partnering world class solution providers. We are an official affiliate of People Focus Consulting (PFC) in Thailand and has co-organized their 1st public workshops in Bangkok in November 2015.
• Global Team Management
• Leading High Performance Teams
• Coaching for Results
2. Other programs
Mental health and balancing life, wine and restaurant service programs can be customized and offered.
People Focus Consulting (PFC) (www.peoplefocusconsulting.com/en/)
• PFC has worked with some of the biggest brands in global business, covering a wide range of industries. A majority of clients are Fortune 500 companies.
• PFC collaborates with clients to help them create and deliver customized solutions in the following areas:
• Going Global
• Facilitating Change
• Enhancing Teamwork
• Developing Leaders
• Building Skills
51% Thailand
Senior Management
Ms. Masami Tsuchiya
Bangkok Bank
BCCT Member Company Since 2015
174/1-4, Soi Viphavadee-Rangsit 78
Viphavadee-Rangsit Road, Sanambin
Donmuang, Bangkok 10210
T: +66 (0) 2533 5600
F: +66 (0) 2533 5405
info@siamwinery.com www.siamwinery.com, www.spywinecooler.com, www.monsoonvalley.com
Chamber Representative
4201-4204, Floor 42 Exchange Tower
388 Sukhumvit Road, Klongtoey
Bangkok 10110
T: +66 (0) 2302 1495
F: +66 (0) 2262 1400 rachaneewan.pulnil@sindicatum.com www.sindicatum.com
Chamber Representative
A - Mr. Yeen Chalermvongsenee, Deputy Director - Marketing DepartmentBackground
Siam Winery was founded in 1986 by Chalerm Yoovidhya with a vision to offer wine as an alternative to existing alcoholic drinks in the market. The company started off with SPY Wine Cooler, a wine-based alcopop, which is Thailand’s No. 1 best selling ready-to-drink (RTD). In 2002, Siam Winery released its first vintage of Monsoon Valley Wines, entirely produced from grapes at it’s vineyard in Hua Hin, which have gone on to win more than 260 international wine awards and is exported worldwide. With the opening of Monsoon Valley Vineyards in 2008, the company added to its businesses a top agro-tourist destination for travelers to the popular coastal town.
In addition to the locally-produced SPY and Monsoon Valley, Siam Winery also has an international wine portfolio, World of Wines™, which includes brands from leading global wine partners such as Gallo Family Vineyards, Famille Castel, McGuigan and Mionetto wines, as well as in-house brands such as Mont Clair, Peter Vella, Berri Estates, Mar Y Sol and Finca de Malpica. In addition, the company launched Moose Cider in 2015, with the aim to introduce a fresh exciting category to the market with long term potential.
With a nationwide sales network and a complete in-house marketing team, the company as well distributes international brands such as Red Bull Energy Drink and the German Gerolsteiner Mineral Water.
Products or Services
Beverages, Alcoholic & Non-alcoholic
Travel & Tourism
Companies Represented
Siam Winery Commercial
Inspyration Siam Co., Ltd.
Chalerm Yoovidhya
BCCT Member Company
Since 2015
A - Ms. Michelle O’Hare, Managing Director Biogas Waste to EnergyBackground
Sindicatum Sustainable Resources ( Thailand ) Limited is part of the Sindicatum Sustainable Group which is an operator of clean energy projects and a producer of sustainable resources from the utilization of natural products and waste. We provide a one stop shop solution, developing, operating, and financing projects to produce clean energy and sustainable resources (waste, biogas, biomass, water and physical commodities) and reduce greenhouse gases, producing emissions reduction credits and other environmental commodities. We are headquartered in Singapore, with other offices located around the world, including Bangkok, Manila, and New Delhi.
For Thailand, Bangkok produces about 9,000 tons of Municipal Solid Waste ((MSW) each day, a figure which continues to increase with economic growth. Around two thirds of this waste is transferred to two sanitary landfill sites in Nakon Pathom Province, where our MSW to energy projects are located. In addition, we are currently developing other new Waste to Energy projects to provide the solution for managing the Thai MSW in the area outside of Bangkok.
Landfill Gas to Energy: The projects Zenith Green Energy, Bangkok Greenpower Co., Ltd and Crane Renewable Energy Co., Ltd. hold Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) of 24 MW in total. The 3 projects capture the landfill gas released from the landfills and use it as a fuel to generate clean power, while reducing Greenhouse Gas emissions. They are the country’s most successful MSW to Energy projects and have contributed towards Thailand’s ambitious renewable energy targets.
Waste (MSW) to Energy: The two Waste to Energy projects Swan Energy Co., Ltd. and SWM Co., Ltd. are in development phase in the area outside of Bangkok. It is proposed that the projects will utilize the high efficiency incineration technology with advanced state of the art emission control and monitoring systems to ensure the projects performance in managing the disposal of Thailand’s MSW and providing Power to the electrical network.
Zenith Green Energy Co., Ltd, Bangkok Greenpower Co., Ltd., Crane Renewable Energy Co., Ltd., Swan Energy Co., Ltd. SWM Co., Ltd.
Financial Details
BCCT Member Company Since 2013
Avenue Jean Sobieski 15/15
T: +32 (0) 2537 2603
schonfeld@smv-online.com www.smv-online.com
Chamber Representative
4/F, Lake Rachada Office Complex
193/23 Rachadabhisek Road
Klong Toey, Bangkok 10110
T: +66 (0) 2264 0251-4
F: +66 (0) 2264 0255 noraseth@mozart.inet.co.th
Chamber Representative
A - Mr. Raymond Schonfeld, Managing Director
Solar energy (PV) is the main current focus of the company’s activity in Thailand, for rooftop markets. Raymond Schonfeld, the M.D., is the foreign honorary advisor to the Thai Photovoltaic Industries Association, and chairman of A10 Solar, a Thai company developing planning, installation and operations services for PV rooftops in Thailand and ASEAN. The parent company is based in Europe, which has the longest experience of large-scale solar energy deployment. The company has worked in or with Thailand in 1994.
Products or Services
Primary focus on PV solar energy. Through A10 Solar, services for PV rooftops include both consulting (feasibility / design of PV rooftops or related services including financial products); services of installation, operations and maintenance; and direct representation of foreign companies offering best global practice in products or services to this segment.
A10 Solar (Thai company)
Senior Management
Mr. Raymond Schonfeld, Chairman
BCCT Member Company Since 2011
A - Mr. Noraseth Pathmanond, Managing Director
Registered in the year 1981.
Products or Services
Manufacturer of cigarette filter rods and tipping paper.
Majority Thai
Board of Directors
Khun Noraseth Pathmanand, Managing Director
Khun Sunchai Chongsuknirandr, Managing Director
Khunying Chotima Pathmanand Director
Khun Suphakij Pathmanand, Director
Mr. Wing Fai Chung, Director
Mr. Allen Tucker, Director
Khun Prem Thoonkapbalin, Director
Bangkok Bank Ltd.
Thai Farmers Bank
Financial Details
Registered Capital: B 10.0 M. (1981)Paid up Capital: B 10.0 M. (1981)Annual
Turnover: B 170.0 M. (2005)Net Profit: B 15.8 M. (2005)
BCCT Member Company Since 1999
3/21-25 Moo 11 Sukhumvit Road
Nongprue Sub-district, Banglamung District
Banglamung District, Chonburi 20150
T: +66 (0) 3367 2997
Chamber Representative
53 Wittayu Road
Lumpini, Patumwan
Bangkok 10330
T: +66 (0) 2309 5000
F: +66 2309 5050 info@sivatelbangkok.com www.sivatelbangkok.com
Led by a diverse international team with over 30 years of collective Thai property experience Sisaran Group specializes in property development within Thailand’s Eastern Seaboard Region. Operations are currently centered in Bang Saray, one of Thailand’s fastest growing regions, where the company is highly regarded for delivering quality residential projects.
Serving a mixture of end users and investment focused clients seeking high yielding turn-key solutions, Sisaran Group has developed a strong foothold with the local Thai and international markets. With an ever-expanding portfolio of developments, the company plays an active role in supporting and promoting the wider community through the Bang Saray Development Program (BDP) and various social initiatives.
A corporate philosophy favoring long term growth over short terms gains is the guiding principal of the organization.
Residential Projects
Developer Managed Investment Properties
Bang Saray Development Program (BDP)
Bang Saray Clean Up (CUBS)
Beautiful Bang Saray
BCCT Member Company Since 2018
Sivatel Bangkok aims to be the sustainable boutique hotel in Bangkok. We do not only conserve the environment but also select the organic and natural ingredients that doesn’t effect to the environment to provide for our guests in order to offer freshly, no-chemical and eco-friendly products and support local communities in terms of supporting and promoting their organic products. In addition, we want to provide the products that aren’t harmful and good for your health. Hotel businesses play a key role in producing more and more greenhouse gas emissions that causes negative impact to the environment and contribute to dramatic climate change in recent years. So, we want to be the one who can reduce carbon emissions and protect our environment (our planet) to be better. Sivatel Bangkok is committed to integrate environmentally positive operating practices into our hotel that provide a superior guests, local communities and our world. In addition, we have made a commitment to support the environmental protection by minimizing energy, water consumption and waste production. Furthermore, we corporate with local community to build engagement for the environment and social well-being.
Standing tall in one of the greeniest areas of the city and right in the center of Bangkok’s newest prime business and shopping location, the hotel offers an oasis-like escape within the city itself. This boutique all-suite hotel offers easy access to Bangkok’s business district, major luxury shopping complexes and foreign embassies, and is only a 5-minute walk from Ploen Chit BTS Sky Train station. The hotel provides 75 cozy suites with smart & modern amenities. Guests can enjoy facilities such as a lush infinity pool offering a unique view of the city’s skyline, a health club and spa for total wellness, and a cafe and restaurant serving scrumptious meals with the finest organic ingredients. Guests will feel good inside out. Sivatel Bangkok offers its distinctive brand of modern Thai hospitality to both leisure and business travelers, ensuring the best kind of experience this city can give.
Sivayathorn Co., Ltd.
BCCT Member Company Since 2010
Blueprint, 21F Dorset House
Quarry Bay
T: +852 90295321
mark@snagr.com.hk www.snagr.co.th
Chamber Representative
2 North Sathorn Road Silom, Bangrak
Bangkok 10500
T: +66 (0) 2624 0000
F: +66 (0) 2324 0111 H6835@sofitel.com www.so-sofitel-bangkok.com
Chamber Representatives
A - Mr. Mark Henderson, Managing Director
SnagR is designed to monitor the progress of complex projects, providing the easiest way to capture on-site data, automate reporting and visualise sophisticated analytics.
Products or Services
Available on the web, iOS and Android
BCCT Member Company Since 2018
A - Mr. Torsten Richter, General Manager
B - Ms. Juthamas Carranco, Director of Business Development
The premier of urban SO Sofitel Bangkok, a place where design meets pleasure, where technology meets comfort and where people meet people. The first truly urban design hotel in Bangkok, casual and approachable, yet refined and elegant. Prime location in the heart of Bangkok with easy access to public transportation and Lumpini Park offering a stunning view in the middle of vibrant city. Themed accommodation created around the Five Elements, Strong design feature, advance technology and free WIFI, innovative F/B concept, and rooftop dining experience.
Products or Services
Companies Represented OAKTREE Company Limited
100% Thai
Senior Management
Mr. Torsten Richter, General Manager
Board of Directors
Mr. Verawat Ongvasith
Kasikorn Bank
Financial Details
BCCT Member Company Since 2012
23/52-54 Sorachai Building, 17th Floor
Soi Sukhumvit 63, Sukhumvit Road
Klongtan Nua, Vadhana
Bangkok 10110
T: +66 (0) 2714 1661
F: +66 (0) 2714 1916 arnaud.bialecki@sodexo.com th.sodexo.com
Chamber Representative
189 Sukhumvit Road
Sukhumvit Soi 13-15
Klongtoey Nua, Wattana
Bangkok 10110
T: +66 (0) 2126 9999
F: +66 (0) 2126 9998
A - Mr. Arnaud Bialecki, Country President - Sodexo Thailand
Sodexo is the global leader in Integrated Facilities Management (IFM) services that improve Quality of Life, an essential factor in individual and organizational performance. Operating in 80 countries, Sodexo serves 100 million consumers each day through its unique combination of On-site Services, Benefits and Rewards Services and Personal and Home Services. Sodexo Thailand provides Quality of Life Services such as Technical Facilities Management, Medical Devices Management, Food Service and other soft services in the following sectors: Healthcare, Education, and Corporate. Under the Sodexo Amarit brand, the company also has a significant presence in offshore Oil and Gas. In 2015, Sodexo Thailand entered into a Shareholder Agreement with Amata Facility Services Co., Ltd. to establish ‘Sodexo Amata Services’, a joint-venture company to expand IFM services into industrial estates.
Sodexo has been operating in Thailand since 2004 and currently employs over 4,000 staffs.
Products or Services
• Technical Facilities Management
• Medical Devices Management
• Food Services: canteen, restaurant and k itchen operation for hospitals and schools
• Housekeeping & Cleaning Services
• Security Services
• Gardening Services
Sodexo Thailand
Sodexo Healthcare Support Services
Sodexo Security Guard Service
Sodexo Amarit
Sedexo Amata Services
Global Lithotripsy Services
Senior Management
Mr. Arnaud Bialecki, Country President - Sodexo Thailand
Board of Directors
Mr. Johnpaul Dimech
Mr. Gilles Vestur
Mr. Robert Alan Stern
Mr. Arnaud Bialecki
Ms. Orawan Arsadee
Siam Commercial Bank
BCCT Member Company Since 2006
A - Mr. Oliver Schnatz, General ManagerThe Sofitel Bangkok Sukhumvit offers a truly luxurious stay in the heart of Bangkok, located on the main road, next to Sukhumvit Soi 13, with convenient access to the underground and sky train stations. The hotel features 345 contemporary guest rooms and suites. The design of the hotel reflects a commitment to redefining each element of luxury including conceptualised restaurants and bars, rejuvenating spa and wellness facilities and a combined French-inspired personalised service with Thai hospitality. The InspiredMeetingsTM concept features the latest innovation and technology with flexible facilities for the ultimate successful meeting experience. Every detail is tailor-made for all needs. The Grand Ballroom can accommodate from small to large size of events, accommodating up to 800 guests in cocktail reception style.Sofitel Bangkok Sukhumvit, the new flagship of luxury French concepts in Southeast Asia.
Products or Services
The hotel features: 345 rooms and suites, five restaurants and bars and one patisserie, the Grand Ballroom and nine additional meeting rooms, state-ofthe-art business centre, dedicated wellness area including Spa, beauty salon, a fully equipped fitness centre and a beautifully landscaped swimming pool, Club Millésime, Executive Lounge, located on the 31st floor, valet parking and limousine service.
Companies Represented
Sofitel Bangkok Sukhumvit
Delmon Siam Limited
Senior Management
Mr. Oliver Schnatz, Genearal Manager
Mr. Tarek Beheiry, Hotel Manager
BCCT Member Company Since 2012
888/1 Moo 20, Soi Boonmesap
Bangplee-Tamru Road, Bangpleeyai
Bangplee Samutprakarn 10540
T: +66 (0) 2382 5100
F: +66 (0) 2382 5108
Chamber Representatives
11th and 16th Floor, 55 Wave Place Wireless Road, Lumpini, Pathumwan
Bangkok 10330
T: +66 (0) 2610 6470
F: +66 (0) 2610 6469
Chamber Representatives
A - Mr. Mike Allin, Operations Director
B - Mr. Paul Douglas, Managing Director
Formed in April 1997. SHAPE is a Thai company that was set up to service the market globally in terms of the specialist field of powder handling and process engineering.
Products or Services
Offering a ‘one stop’ source of powder handling & processing equipment and process engineering design for the food, pharmaceutical, chemical & plastics industries. SHAPE utilise a combination of licensed local manufacture plus imported technology to provide a cost effective solution to meet our clients requirements.
Services & Equipment include:
• Material Handling, Conveying & Storage.
• Process Weighing (Continuous or Batch).
• Inter Process Conveying (Pneumatic, Vacuum & Mechanical)
• Mixing, Milling, Grinding, Sieving.
• Packing (20Kg - 1,000Kgs pack sizes).
Companies Represented
FLOVEYOR – Australia
51% Thai
49% British
Senior Management
Mr. Mike Allin, Operations Director
Ms. Oytip Kunwunlop, General Manager
Mr. Paul Douglas, Managing Director
Mr. David Sneath, Project Engineering Manager
Ms. Juthamas Kerdsuwan, Marketing & Sales Manager
Mr. Surasak Chobsri, Engineering Design Manager
Board of Directors
Mr. Mike Allin
Ms. Oytip Kunwunlop
Bangkok Bank, Kasikorn Bank
Financial Details
Fully paid-up capital: THB 10.0m
BCCT Member Company Since 1998
A - Mr. Andrew Cumming, General Manager Asia- Pacific, Peroxides GBU
B - Mr. Anupong Rongluengaram, Managing Director-Solvay Peroxythai
Products or Services
Hydro Peroxide
Peracetic Acid
Companies Represented
Mr. Andrew Cumming
Mr. Anupong Rongluengaram
Senior Management
Mr. Andrew Cumming
Mr. Anupong Rongluengaram
BCCT Member Company Since 2015
5th Floor, Zuellig House Building
1 Silom Road, Silom Sub-district
Bangrak District, Bangkok 10500
T: +66 (0) 2636 0585
F: +66 (0) 2636 0587
gar yb@southasia-law.com
Chamber Representative
243/2 Onnuch Road, Prawet Prawet, Bangkok 10250
T: +66 (0) 2721 7373
F: +66 (0) 27216674, 2721 6686 info@spica-siam.com www.spica-siam.com
www.husqvarna.com/th www.greenworkstools.biz
Establishing South Asia Law in 2011 afforded these veteran partners a unique opportunity to adopt a business model which directly responds to the expectations of clients in this constantly changing legal market.
Our principal partners each spent more than 20 years with that firm working on large scale projects throughout Asia.
Our lawyers based in Bangkok and Yangon seek to offer a dedicated legal service to a limited number of high end corporate clients. By focusing in this way and through becoming an integral part of the clients’ business team we believe we are able to offer a more applied service and greater value.
We expect to be rewarded for the positive contribution we make to a client’s business; not for the number of hours we say we have worked.
South Asia Law aspires to be a full corporate service provider. The individual experience of the principal partners over the last 25 years in Asia means that we have advised on a huge range of legal issues.
The reasoning is simple and involves giving clients what they precisely need in an efficient manner and at the right cost.
25% British
75% Thai
BCCT Member Company Since 2011
A - Mr. Jan Eriksson, Managing Director
Spica Co., Ltd. was established in 2008 with a paid up share capital of THB 5M. We have 30 employees with sales of THB 100M+. Spica is the exclusive importer for HusqvarnaAB, Sweden. Husqvarna is world leading in sales of chainsaws, brushcutters, lawn tractors, blowers & lawnmowers. Spica Co., Ltd. is the exclusive importer for GreenWorks Tools. Greenworks Tools supplies products for forestry, lawn, garden & handheld tools using Lithium-Ion Battery which offer premium performance and versatile features, environmental friendly, zero emissions and low noise. We also have our own unique brand “Khunsuke” offering water pumps, gasoline engines & sprayers. Husqvarna forestry, lawn & garden products, GreenWorks Tools & Khunsuke products are distributed nationwide through 350 dealers. All products can be purchased through our online website www.tigerbay.com.
Products or Services
Forestry, Home, Lawn & Garden Products such as chainsaws, brushcutters, lawn mowers, lawn tractors, hedge trimmers, cultivators, blowers, sprayers, gasoline engines, water pumps. Aftersale Services for all products.
Companies Represented
Mr. Jan Eriksson, Managing Director
Mr. Staffan Anaker, Director
Mr. Jan Eriksson,Mr. Staffan Anaker & M2M Technology Co., Ltd.
Senior Management
Mr. Jan Eriksson, Managing Director
Ms. Suthalinee Jungsathitkul, Marketing & Admin Manager
Board of Directors
Mr. Jan Eriksson
Mr. Staffan Anaker
Mr. Anders Lundquist
Mr. Pasit Satayaporn
Thai Military Bank, Kasikorn Bank, United Overseas Bank, SME Bank
Financial Details
Paid up capital THB 5 million & Sale Revenue THB 100 million.
BCCT Member Company Since 2016
45, Sub Soi Pannee, Soi Pridi Banomyong 26 Sukhumvit Soi 71, Klongtan Nua
Wattana, Bangkok 10110
T: +66 (0) 2381 7490
F: +66 (0) 2381 7491
daniel@spiceroads.com www.spiceroads.com
1010, Shinawatra Tower III, 18th Floor
Vibhavadi Rangsit Road, Chatuchak
Bangkok 10900
T: +66 (0) 2966 2780
F: +66 (0) 2966 2787
- Mr. Daniel Moylan, Managing
B - Ms. Sally Hoare,
We believe there’s no better way to see the world than by bicycle. Because travel is about the journey and everything it encompasses, never just the destination. Experiencing the moment and place intensely, not chasing the next must-see sight. Discovering new things about the world, and yourself. Then returning home with experiences that remind you of what it means to be alive.
Since 1995 we’ve been sharing our passion for travelling by bicycle. Curating extraordinary cycle adventures in over 30 countries that give you the opportunity to get up close and personal with remarkable cultures, characters and landscapes in a way that no ordinary tour could.
We offer rides all over the world, on every type of terrain, for all ages and experience. From classic tours to epic cross country voyages, SpiceRoads adventures are for anyone who believes what we always have…
That nothing good ever happened inside a comfort zone. That immersing yourself in different cultures teaches you things you would never learn in a textbook. That you get out of life precisely what you put in. And that traveling isn’t just about seeing the world, it’s about changing how you see it.
A SpiceRoads tour is an expert-led bicycle journey. We strive to make our tours as good as they can possibly be and constantly fine-tune our services and itineraries. On all our tours we maintain a high standard of service and attention to detail. Through meticulous itinerary planning, careful preparation, thorough staff training and attention to our client’s needs, we deliver a comfortable, safe, fun and enriching travel experience every time!
SpiceRoads offers a range of two -wheeled tours in 30 destinations worldwide. SpiceRoads tours cater for every level of cyclist and range from half day sightseeing excursions to 30 day multi¬country odysseys.
We also work with event management companies on incentive trips and with local companies organizing team building and corporate outings.
SpiceRoads also has a fleet of TREK 4300 mountain bikes available for tours and to rent separately.
49% British
51% Thai
BCCT Member Company Since 2005
A - Mr. Nicolas Talabart, Area Manager Thailand / Myanmar / Bangladesh
SPIE Oil & Gas Services (Thailand) Ltd. with offices located in Shinawatra Tower III (Bangkok, Thailand) is part of the international group of SPIE OGS companies, and reports to the Regional Headquarters in Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia).
SPIE in Thailand was incorporated in 1997 to support and enhance the presence of the group and to develop its activities into Thailand.
SPIE provides all activities associated with Operations & Maintenance of industrial units connected the Oil & Gas Industry as well as, Multi discipline engineering, consultancy services, technical assistance for the upstream and downstream sector of the oil and gas, energy and process industries.
Ultimately backed by the SPIE group of companies, Spie Thailand has a track record of 30 years of worldwide operations in the following core business areas:
• Operations and Maintenance of industrial units
• Training Design
• Training and assessment of personnel (Classroom and on the job training (OJT))
• Commissioning and startup of industrial units
• Maintenance Engineering (CMMS design, installation and operation)
• Technical documentation (O &M, commissioning and star t up Manuals etc)
• Construction Supervision Selection
• Recruitment of personnel
SPIE create innovative solutions to meet each client’s particular requirements, from secondment of personnel to turnkey projects.
SPIE is currently engaged in a number of integrated Service contracts including:
• Specialist Maintenance workshop.
• Turnkey commissioning projects
• Global Operations and Maintenance
• Facilities Management
• Staff Nationalization Plans
BCCT Member Company Since 2004
95, Rama 9 Road, Soi59
Kwang Suanluang, Khet Suanluang
Bangkok 10250
T: +66 (0) 2374 0344
F: +66 (0) 2374 0536
salesteam@th.spiraxsarco.com www.spiraxsarco.com
Chamber Representative A
A - Ms. Tuangporn Parwongphol, Managing Director
Spirax Sarco (Thailand) Ltd. Is an operating company of Spirax Sarco, which has been the world leader in the control and efficient use of steam and process fulid over 100 years. Spirax provides steam users with knowledge, service and products through its network of 51 companies in 34 countries.
Products or Services
Steam traps, ancillaries equipment, electric/pneumatic temperature/pressure control valve, boiler house controls, blowdown, heat recovery system, Instrument, level control meter for steam and other gases and fluids, condensate pumps, desuperheaters, heat exchanger solution etc.
Steam trap surveys, plant surveys, services contracts, products repair.
Wholly-owned by Spirax Sarco Investment Inc.
Board of Directors
Mr. Keith M. Pintor, Director
Ms. Tuangporn Parwongphol, Managing Director
Kasikorn Bank, UOB
BCCT Member Company Since 1991
Bangkok Business Center Bldg.
27th FL, Unit 2702, 29 Sukhumvit 63 Road (Ekamai) Klongton Nua, Wattana, Bangkok 10110
T: +66 (0) 2714 3838
F: +66 (0) 2714 3880
A - Mr. Steve
Townshend, Country ManagerSPX Flow Technology (Thailand) Ltd. is a wholly-owned subsidiary of SPX Corporation.
Based in Charlotte, North Carolina, SPX Corporation is a global multi-industry manufacturing leader with a presence in 35 countries. We are focused on providing engineered solutions for the food and beverage, power and energy and chemical processing industries.
Key Brands include;
Food/Beverage: APV, Waukesha Cherry-Burrel Gerstenberg Schroder, Anhydro/e&e, Seital
Power/Energy: Copes Vulcan, Dollinger, Plenty Filtration, Clyde-Union Pumps Chemical/Processing Industries: Lightnin, Plenty Pumps+mixers, Johnson Pump, Bran+Luebbe
Products or Services
Together with our channel partners, SPX Flow Technology (Thailand) provides new equipment, engineered systems and aftermarket support for the range of SPX products. In particular we provide:
Products and full-line systems for food and beverage processing. Pumping, severe service valves and filtration for power generation. Valves, compressed air treatment, mixing and pumping solutions for processing industries from pharmaceutical to chemical to offshore oil/gas installations
• IMI Industries Co., Ltd.
• Innovek Solution Co., Ltd.
• Exion Thailand Co., Ltd.
• P.N.V Polytech Ltd.
• Tacha International Trading Ltd.
SPX Corporation, USA
Senior Management
Steven Townshend, General Manager
Board of Directors
Kevin L. Lilley
Jeremy Smelster
Steven Townshend
Citi Bank, Bangkok Bank
Financial Details
Year Established: 1986 Annual turnover: THB 400 Million
Registered Capital: THB 15.0 Million
BCCT Member Company Since 1985
Sathorn Soi 4 North Sathorn Road
Bangkok 10500
T: +66 (0) 2632 1995
admissions@standrews-schools.com www.standrews-schools.com
Chamber Representative
900 Rama 9 Road, Suanluang
Bangkok 10250
T: +66 (0) 2300 5463
F: +66 (0) 2300 5465 info@stmarks.ac.th www.stmarks.ac.th/
The first campus was established in 1995. The St. Andrews International Schools are proud to be part of the Cognita Group, and comprise four International/ British Schools with three located in Bangkok and one on the Eastern Seaboard. We offer a combination of the English National Curriculum and International Baccalaureate Programme with IBPYP and IBDP being offered at our Sukhumvit and Green Valley campuses. The St. Andrews philosophy encompasses the whole child and each campus is small and exclusive by design. This allows the students to get to know all the staff in the school and our teachers are very aware of each child and their particular gifts. We place a great deal of emphasis on the development of social skills and the importance of valuing individual talents. Our teachers are all are fully qualified native English speakers and are recruited for their special talent and enthusiasm for teaching using child-centred approaches and come with a very wide range of professional experience.
Our schools
1. Dusit Campus: 253/1 Sawankhaloke Road Dusit, Bangkok, Thailand 10300 Tel. +66 (0) 2668 6231 dusit@standrews-schools.com
2. Green Valley Campus: Moo 7, Ban Chang-Makham Koo Road, Ban Chang, Rayong 21130 Tel. +66 (0) 38030611-5 greenvalley@standrews-schools. com
3. Sathorn Campus: 9 Sathorn Soi 4, North Sathorn Road, Bangrak, Bangkok 10500 Tel. +66 (0) 2632 1995 sathorn@standrews-schools.com
4. Suk humvit 107 campus: 7 Sukhumvit 107 Road, Bangna, Bangkok 10260 Tel. +66 (0) 2393 3883 sukhumvit@standrews-schools.com
Products or Services
High quality teaching and learning is a consistent element within the St. Andrews International group of Schools. We recognise this in the way we recruit our teachers and in the ethical principles of management that we operate once they are working with us. We ensure that every child, in every classroom, in every St. Andrews school, experiences the curriculum and standards we promise in our ethos.
Cognita Schools
Senior Management
Mr. Andrew Harrison, Ms. Karen Pennock, Ms. Caroline Ratcliffe, Dr. John Moore
BCCT Member Company Since 1994
A - Mr. Mark Eastland, Head of Admissions
Established in 1999, St. Mark’s International School is a trilingual Christian international school committed to developing creative, confident, and accomplished young people. With the focus on the languages in English/ Mandarin/Thai, our students are capable of conversing, reading and writing in all 3 languages. Our primary programme combines the Australian English curriculum with the rigourous Singaporean Maths and Science program.
Our smaller class size in a caring environment, coupled with our quality programme in Mathematics and Science, has enabled us to nurture each individual student according to their need, be it academic or personal growth.
The recent academic year was an impressive one for us with great achievements across the board, where more than 80% percent of our students achieved at least an A grade or higher in the IGCSE examination.
BCCT Member Company Since 2018
159 Rajadamri Road
Lumpini, Pathumwan
Bangkok 10330
T: +66 (0) 2207 7777
F: +66 (0) 2207 7738
stregis.bangkok@stregis.com stregisbangkok.com
998 Viphavadi Rangsit Road
Lat Yao, Chatuchak
Bangkok 10900
T: +66 (0) 2513 0270
F: +66 (0) 2513 8271
principal@sis.edu www.sis.edu
A - Mr. Klaus Christandl, General Manager
B - Mr. Sam Chia, Director of Sales & Marketing
The St. Regis Bangkok opened in April 2011 on the prestigious Rajadamri Road in the heart of the city. Featuring 228 guestrooms including 51 suites, the St. Regis Bangkok offers luxury amenities, services and incomparable dining options. With 1,515 square meters of meeting space equipped with the latest technology, large and small business or social groups may be graciously accommodated at any given time. Each venue can be transformed into unique themes for every occasion and all meeting rooms command spectacular views with floor to ceiling windows.
Products or Services
• 177 guest rooms and 51 suites.
• 53 private residences.
• Signature St. Regis Butler Service.
• Epicurean experiences at VIU-International restaurant, Jojo Italian restaurant, Decanter wine bar, The Drawing Room, The St. Regis Bar, The Lounge and Pool Bar.
• Outdoor swimming pool.
• Elemis Spa.
• Well-appointed Exercise Room.
• Ballroom and meeting spaces with floor to ceiling windows.
• Direct link to Rajadamri BTS station.
For more information please visit www.stregis.com/bangkok
Marriott International, Inc.
Mr. Klaus Christandl, General Manager
BCCT Member Company Since 2011
A - Mr. John Rolfe, Principal
St. Stephen’s International School, consists of two campuses, one in Bangkok and one in Khao Yai. St. Stephen’s is a fully,(CIS),accredited 3-18 school, which follows a British based, international, curriculum, comprising: the International Primary Curriculum, the International Middle Years Curriculum, IGCSE and A-levels. In addition to the normal school curriculum SIS runs a full programme of camps and study visits every year. These camps are open to students from St. Stephen’s and also from other schools and enable students to gain knowledge, learn valuable life skills, make new friends and discover new interests.
Products or Services
International Education, Boarding, Weekend English Schools, Residential English Camps, Summer Adventure Camps, Outdoor Education Camps
The school is fully accredited by CIS, NEASC and WASC. It is also a member of FOBISIA, ISAT and TISAC
Senior Management
Mr. John Rolfe, Principal
Mr. Simon Glasson, Head of Secondary (BKK)
Mr. Robert Bendall, Head of Primary(BKK)
Dr. Kevin Hylands, Head of Campus (KY)
BCCT Member Company Since 2011
9/8 Phat Phong 2, Bangrak
Bangkok 10500
T: +66 (0) 6109 78325
F: +66 (0) 22332100
office@thesteakhouseco.com thesteakhouseco.com
18th Floor, United Centre
95 Queensway
Hong Kong
T: +852 2868 0789
F: +852 2868 1504 paul.westover@shlegal.com www.shlegal.com
A - Mr. Andrew Charles, Director B - Ms. Kannika Srinate, DirectorSteakhouses began life as ‘chophouses’ in London during the 1690s. These establishments normally catered to men only throughout their early years. They always served hearty fare that featured individual cuts of meat as their biggest selling point. During the late nineteenth century, the Americans adopted the concept of the chophouse and renamed it the ‘steakhouse’. They saw it as a favourable step up from the traditional bars, taverns and inns that were prevalent in America at that time. The steakhouse concept, by design, attracted a somewhat more genteel crowd than the bars and taverns did and steakhouses began to evolve in two directions – casual and fine dining restaurants. The steakhouses that evolved into fine dining establishments, welcomed women and families. They became popular destinations as the country entered the industrial age and families had more disposable income to spend on dining out. Whether casual or fine dining, steakhouses have always made their reputations based on the quality of the meats they prepared and served. This tradition remains today. The SteakHouse Co. Bangkok embraces this tradition of maintaining the high standards of food preparation. Bangkok is known to be a city with a world-class reputation for producing fine food across a rainbow of culinary styles. We are proud to be part of the high-quality, fine dining reputation of a Steakhouse in Bangkok.
Krittin Kerdnaimongkol (“Chef Moo”) “Chef Moo” is a Thai chef from Chanthaburi, on the banks of the Chanthaburi River, Thailand. With over 20 years’ experience in the restaurant industry, Chef Moo began work as a trainee chef at the Delta Grand Pacific Hotel in Victoria, Canada before working for a US cruise-line company and in various kitchens across New York. Returning to Thailand, he took the position of Head Chef at KuDeTa (now Ce La Vi) in Bangkok, and also ran the kitchen at the Dusit Thani Hua Hin Resort.
BCCT Member Company Since 2018
A - Mr. Paul Westover, Partner
Stephenson Harwood is an international law firm, with more than 170 partners and 1000 staff worldwide. The firm has ten offices across Europe and Asia including, Hong Kong, Singapore, London, Paris, Piraeus, Seoul, Shanghai, Beijing, Dubai and Myanmar.
The firm has a long history of acting as a gateway between East and West since 1867 when the firm’s founder started practising in Shanghai. With over 35 years’ presence in Asia and being one of the few international law firms first entering into China in the 1990’s, it has unparalleled experience in assisting local, regional and international companies in a full spectrum of legal services.
The Greater China practice has over 200 staff, including 32 partners and over 120 fee earners and the Singapore practice (Stephenson Harwood (Singapore) Alliance) has 99 staff, including 18 Partners and 37 fee earners.
We offer a comprehensive spectrum of global services including:
• Commercial, outsourcing and technology
• Competition
• Corporate
• Corporate finance (both equity and debt capital markets)
• Data protection and information
• Dispute resolution
• Employment, pensions and incentives
• Finance
• Intellectual property
• Marine and international trade
• Projects and infrastructure
• Real estate
• Regulation
• Restructuring and insolvency
• Tax
• Trusts and fiduciary services
Through our extensive international network of offices and affiliates, we are also able to provide clients with quality resources and expert local knowledge throughout Asia, and in Africa, Europe, the Middle East and Latin America. Stephenson Harwood’s extended Asian foot print includes associations with Indonesian law firm Christian Teo & Partners, and PRC law firm, Wei Tu Law Firm.
BCCT Member Company Since 2013
550 Moo 7, Hin Lek Fai
Hua Hin, Prachuab Khirikhan 77110
T: +66 (0) 84 034 9440 billycove@yahoo.com www.mountainbreezehuahin.com
Chamber Representative
51 Sukhumvit24, Khlong Tan
Khlong Toei, Bangkok 10110
T: +66 (0) 2060 2293
F: +66 (0) 2060 2293 info@storge-asia.co.th www.i-store.co.th
Chamber Representative
A - Mr. William Cove, Managing Director
Diverse experience in International Logistics & Trading, Hospitality and Land Development.
BCCT Member Company Since 2014
A - Mr. Pakdee Anivat, CEO & Founder
At i-Store Self-Storage, Thailand’s Premium Self-Storage Service, providing self-storages for rent. Currently, we have a branch at Silom, which is situated just 500m away from the BTS Chong Nonsi. Additionally, we will have our newest branch at Soi Sukhumvit 24 700m away from the BTS Prompong, ready to function last June 2018.
The aspect of i-Store that will guarantee that this service is not only the typical storage warehouse is the standardized services, new and clean spaces, having the option for users to choose their preferred size of rental, a plus for flexibility. The sizes begin from Luggage (0.5 sq.m.), Locker (1 sq.m.), XS (2.25 sq.m.), S (3 sq.m.), M (4.5 sq.m.), L (6 sq.m.), XL (9 sq.m.), and Premium (18 sq.m.). Furthermore, users can choose to store their goods for both short and long periods. For further convenience, there are elevators and transport facilities, such as trolleys, to assist users when moving items around. i-Store takes safety issues of every users’ valuable items into high consideration and that’s why we have incorporated a security system that will run 24 hours, with CCTV cameras installed every floor, controlling the accessibility within the floors with the use of key cards, and smoke detectors. Nonetheless, we are able to respond to the lifestyles of customers nowadays who want to travel conveniently; as i-Store is located in the central of the town (CBD), Silom and Sukhumvit 24 branches located close to the BTS Skytrain station will certainly be a worthy service. Other than that i-Store plan to open new facility in 2-3 locations in 2019.
Easy, Clean, Safe: The Service of i-Store
Today if you are looking for a private storage area, please do not hesitate to consult with one of our i-Store Self-Storage staff members.
Silom branch
02-047-6998, 062-595-3393
Sukhumvit 24 branch
02-060-2293, 092-525-8293
LINE@: @i-Store
Facebook: i-store self storage
Website: www.i-store.co.th
Email: info@storage-asia.co.th
BCCT Member Company Since 2018
13/3 South Sathorn Road
Bangkok 10120
T: +66 (0) 2344 8888
F: +66 (0) 2344 8899
Chamber Representative
247 Moo 1, Theparak Rd., Theparak Muang, Samutprakarn 10270
T: +66 (0) 2385 3038
F: +66 (0) 2385 3179 info@surapon.com www.surapon.com
Chamber Representatives
A - Mr. Thomas Schmitt-Glaeser, General Manager
Recapturing the splendour of a bygone age, The Sukhothai combines elegant contemporary style with the essence of old-world palatial charm. A haven of calm set amid six acres of tropical gardens and water ponds in the bustling heart of Bangkok. The hotel is imbued with the 13th century Sukhothai era – timeless elegance and luxurious detail in the rich Thai fabrics, teakwood furnishings, impeccable detailing, complemented by high-tech facilities including wireless internet throughout the hotel.
The Sukhothai Bangkok offers a wide selection of world class restaurants & bars: Colonnade for international cuisine and legendary Sunday Brunch, the adjacent Zuk Bar with its indoor and outdoor lounges, La Scala Italian restaurant, Afternoon Tea and Chocolate Buffet at the Salon, Pool Terrace Café & Bar, Thimian gourmet shop and the award-winning Celadon restaurant, which serves traditional Thai cuisine.
On-site leisure facilities include Spa Botanica, a health club and a 25-metre swimming pool.
Products or Services
Hotel services, Room accommodation, Food & Beverage, Banqueting, Private Dining Room, Health Club with a 25-metre swimming pool, squash and tennis courts, Spa Botanica, etc.
HKRI International Limited, Hong Kong
Sathorn Park Company Limited
Senior Management
Mr. Thomas Schmitt-Glaeser, General Manager
The Siam Commercial Bank
Financial Details
Registered Capital: B 933.6 M. (1985)
Paid up Capital: B 933.6 M.
Annual Turnover: B 500.0 M.
BCCT Member Company Since 1991
A - Mr. Sorapon Vongvadhanaroj, Chief Executive Officer
B - Mr. Thomas Ferenc UNG, Senior Vice President
Surapon Foods Public Company Limited was the first frozen foods manufacturer listed in the Stock Exchange of Thailand. In the first stage, the main products were frozen seafood. In 1996, the Company has changed its name from Surapon Seafoods.
Public Co., Ltd. to Surapon Foods Public Co., Ltd. in order to reflect business diversification into both frozen seafood and frozen non-seafood.
Products including frozen Ready to Cook product and Ready to Eat product. Our production processes have been internationally accredited by GMP, BRC, HACCP and etc. These international standards show high level of trustworthy in safety, quality, and traceability in our products together with the Corporate Social.
Responsibilities awareness.
The Company has invested and established the other subsidiary and related companies in various businesses such as Surat Seafoods Co., Ltd. Surapon Nichirei Foods Co., Ltd. Surapon Supreme Foods Co., Ltd. Mobile Logistics Co., Ltd. and Surapon Finest Co., Ltd.
• Surat Seafoods Co., Ltd. (SS)
• Surapon Nichirei Foods Co., Ltd, (SUNIF)
• Surapon Supreme Foods Co., Ltd. (SUP)
• Mobile Logistics Co., Ltd. (MBL)
• Surapon Finest Co., Ltd. (SOFINE)
Senior Management
Mr. Sorapon Vongvadhanaroj Chief Executive Officer
Mr. Thomas Ung Senior Vice President
BCCT Member Company Since 2018
507/573 Nakhon Thai Village 1, Soi Sathupradit 31 Sathupradit Road, Chongnonsee
Bangkok 10120
T: +66 (0) 84 901 9452 enquiries@sutletgroup.com www.sutletgroup.com
Chamber Representative
204 Ratchadapisak Road
Huay Kwang, Bangkok 10320
T: +66 (0) 2694 2222
F: +66 (0) 2694 2218
A - Mr. Colin Bartlett, Managing Director
The Sutlet Group has been providing business solutions and services in Thailand for 20 years.
Based in Bangkok and established in 1998. Since our beginnings our range of services has expanded to help with everything needed when conducting business in Thailand. With a strong focus on providing high level customer service, discovering solutions for any unique situation and a goal of giving clear and honest advice – is what sets us apart from everyone else.
Over the years we have conducted our business in a professional, yet family orientated manner. The founders, believe in the unity of family and all that brings, and have translated that into a business approach for Ex-pats.
Products or Services
Work Permits
All types of Visas Company Formation
Business Development
Social Media Marketing
Search Engine Optimisation
FCA Thailand Co., Ltd.
PB Legal Services Co., Ltd.
51% Thai
49% British
Senior Management
Colin Bartlett
Matt Storey
Gayvalin Bartlett
Board of Directors
Colin Bartlett
Gayvalin Bartlett
BCCT Member Company Since 2014
A - Mr. Bruno Rotschaedl, General Manager
B - Ms. Sukrita Chomdhavat, Director of Marketing Communications
Located in the heart of the rapidly-rising Rachadapisek central business and entertainment district, 40 minutes from Suvarnabhumi Airport and 2 minutes’ walk to Huay Kwang subway station, our five-star realm of Swiss standards and Thai hospitality puts you in command of Bangkok. Our Alpine vitality pervades 407 ideal home-away-from-home guest rooms defined by spaciousness, elegance, scintillating views and every modern amenity. With their complimentary access to the Executive Lounge enablement hub, our top four Executive Club floors give you more of everything. Private breakfast begins the day peacefully while evening cocktails signal time to unwind.
Products or Services
In between work our private meeting space and executive fitness centre into your day. Stay balanced on your travels enabled by our expansive city view swimming pool, Spa De Concorde, and state-of-the-art equipped StduioFit. Enable your business and social ambitions with our large-scale (3,411m²) meeting and convention facilities, ably aided by specialist event planners. Indulge your inner epicure and entertain your associates at inspired Cantonese, Japanese and International restaurants, namely Loong Foong, Takumi, and 204 Bistro respectively. And drop by 204 Bar and Deli Swiss anytime for a pick-me-up beverage or oven-fresh bakery variety.
Swissotel Bangkok Ratchada, affiliated with Accor Hotels.
Le Concorde Hotel Co., Ltd.
Senior Management
Bruno Rotschaedl
Board of Directors
Mr. Dilok Mahadumrongkul
Mrs. Vipavan Mahadumrongk
Mr. Uracha Mahadumrongkul
Mr. Ong-ard Mahadumrongkul
Mr. Teeranuch Rodphothong
BCCT Member Company Since 2012
700/465 Amata Nakorn Industrial
Moo 7, Tambon Donhuaroh
Amphur Muang Chonburi
Chonburi 20000
T: +66 (0) 3845 0092-3
F: +66 (0) 3845 8435 admin_chonburi@steris.com www.steris-ast.com
Chamber Representatives
11 Boleyn Court, Manor Park
Runcorn WA7 1SR
T: +44 1928 579865
F: +44 1928 579734 info@syntor.co.uk www.syntor.co.uk
A - Mr. Suwit Tunlayadechanont, Managing Director
B - Ms. Sita Kongkum, Sales Manager
STERIS Applied Sterilization Technologies (AST). The combination of STERIS Corporation and Synergy Health creates a leading global service supplier, providing our Customers with a network of over 50 contract sterilization and laboratory facilities worldwide. As a technology neutral service provider, STERIS AST offers unbiased technology assessments dependent on the individual requirements of each and every product. All of our radiation and ethylene oxide services are fully supported by a first-class network of laboratories globally. In Thailand, we operate one of the largest Gamma Irradiation facility in Asia. Our aim is to deliver the best in contract sterilization processing. To achieve this, we use our expertise and knowledge to continually update our process and quality systems. We also keep close to our Customers and value any comments that lead to continuous improvement in the way we operate.
Products or Services
As a global leading sterilization and decontamination specialist, STERIS AST has over 40 years experience in providing safe and effective gamma irradiation sterilization. In Thailand, we focus on Sterilization of healthcare products (medical), bioburden reduction in other products such as food packaging, cosmetics and toiletries and animal husbandry, and polymer modification.
Khun Suwit Tunlayadechanont
Khun Saharat Narksakul
Khun Niratchaporn Siriphattarasophon
Khun Sita Kongkum
Khun Paradee Thammajanya
Board of Directors
Mr. Suwit Tunlayadechanont
Mr. Michael J Tokich
Mr. Michael John Eaton
Siam Commercial Bank
BCCT Member Company Since 2002
A A - Mr. Simon Knowles, Managing Director
Syntor Fine Chemicals Ltd specialise in the development and manufacture of fine chemicals into a range of industry sectors. Processes are developed from our UK laboratory, with utilisation of commercial production facilities in the UK, India and China.
Utilising multi-purpose, ISO-accredited manufacturing facilities, we provide cost effective, low risk production solutions, from early stage process development through to commercial production. By maintaining an inventory of products in the UK, India and China we can offer short lead times for exports into our key markets in Europe, SE Asia and Japan. Syntor continues to grow based on service, reliability and flexibility.
We are ISO9001 accredited and offer a fully managed service tailored to specific customer needs.
Syntor Fine Chemicals Ltd offers a range of services including:
• Process development
• Custom synthesis
• Kilogram to multi-tonne scale manufacture
• Toll manufacture
• R&D laboratory, pilot plant and commercial scale manufacturing facilities
• Highly qualified technical expertise and support
• High standard quality control facilities utilising the latest equipment and techniques
• Warehousing and logistics
Our product list allows us to be diverse in a range of industries including, pharmaceutical, agrochemical, aroma, electronic, polymer and surface coating. Our product range includes:
• Chloroalkylamine salts
• Acid chlorides
• Silyl derivatives
• Inorganics
• Friedel Crafts derivatives
• Aromatics
• Esters
• Bromine derivatives
BCCT Member Company Since 2014
88 M.3, Pattanakarn Road
Soi Tungklom-Tarman 9 Nongprue, Banglamung
Chonburi 20150
T: +66 (0) 3822 4511
info@tpis.ac.th www.tpis.ac.th
Chamber Representatives
559 Moo 1 Baan Nong Khon Tambon Hin Lek Fai Hua Hin, Prachuapkhirikhan 77110 T: +66 87 108 9582 grahamebeechamtch@gmail.com www.tchhuahinpropertyagent.com
Chamber Representatives
A - Mr. James Swan, Head of School
B - Ms. Jee Dickson-Smith, School Manager
Tara Pattana International School is a caring school with the most central location of any International School in Pattaya. Our goal is to deliver high expectations of learning that inspires students to reach their full potential. We understand that students learn best when they are happy and settled at school.
We provide a rigorous British Education with a Global Perspective for students of Early Years, Primary and Secondary age that draws its strength from the National Curriculum of England and adapts to blend with the values of Thai culture.
The school has a real mix of international students that creates a spirit based on diversity, respect and understanding. This is something that cannot be underestimated in value in a globalised world.
Our motto is “Expect the Best”, we aim high and encourage students to not give up. The best way to measure our success is to visit the school and feel our down to earth family- focused approach in which our teachers personally know their students and are passionate about learning.
You will find confident and well mannered students who have fun with their learning and know the importance of collaboration.
BCCT Member Company Since 2016
A - Mr. Grahame Beecham, Managing Director
B - Mr. Scott Beecham, Sales & Marketing
“One Stop Shop” For Real Estate Sales in Hua Hin.
TCH Hua Hin Property Agent is a boutique, family run business that aims to make a difference in the real estate industry in Hua Hin, whether it be buying your next home or selling.
Products or Services www.tchhuahinpropertyagent.com www.huahinpropertydirect.com www.huahindevelopmentsdirect.com www.thaicountryhomes.com
Companies Represented
Mr. Grahame Beecham, Managing Director
Mr. Scott Beecham, Sales & Marketing
Ms. Jantra Beecham, Director / Owner
BCCT Member Company Since 2015
46/8 Soi Attakarnprasit South Sathorn Road
Sathorn, Bangkok 10120
T: +66 (0) 8 1868 5256
Chamber Representative
51/1 Panich Plaza 3rd Floor
Rama 9 Road, Huaykwang
Bangkok 10310
T: +66 (0) 2643 8044-8
F: +66 (0) 2643 1122 info@tellus.co.th www.tellus.co.th, www.mobilux.co.th
A - Mr. Ted (Vorathep) Rangchaikul, Chief Executive OfficerBackground
Tedpartners was found with the clear purpose of creating the “breakthrough” level of success to the organization or people it has partnered with This will be delivered by Ted together with the team of best professionals in the industries who will bring in great strategic thinking, wealth of experiences, proven best practices and models/tools that can be adapted to specific needs to deliver the results. Importantly, besides delivering breakthrough result, it is our goal that our strong partnership spirit and accountability will be missed by our client when the project is completed
Value to live
• Excellence in what we do and deliver
• Partnership is the code of conduct among ourselves and with the client
• Inspiration from being regarded as a great partner, by our clients and among ourselves, and consistently delivering great result, is a big part of what makes us feel great everyday
Our different approach
• We regard the client’s brief as critically impor tant. We require to do proper due-diligence on the brief prior to make the decision whether to accept it. We regularly found that the exercise of sharpening the brief has significantly helped the clients to crystalize their own desires and expectations and helped us deliver successful outcome much more effectively
• Charge proposal primarily based on success fees
Besides conducting business in management consulting, Tedpartners has also funded and supported Institute of Leadership & Management Excellence as a part its organization. This institute was originated from the common needs of many renown, top CEOs in various lines of businesses/industries who have strong relationship among each other. They found the opportunity to put their heads together and subsequently created a solution that they will be partners and will serve their common need - an Elite Institution that will play a vital role in training & coaching the current and especially the up-coming top executives to be equipped with high global standard Leadership & Management Capabilities in order for them to take the competitiveness of the entire business sector to the next level
Objectives of Institute of Leadership & Management Excellence
• Research, discover and acquire the necessary k nowledge and insights that are required to make the business leaders globally competitive
• Transform the business leaders
• Management Consulting
• Top executive training and coaching
BCCT Member Company Since 2018
A - Mr. Peter Johansson, Managing Director
B - Ms. Siriluck Boworn-anakeskul, Finance Director
Since 2001, Tellus has provided products and services tailored to the demands of its customers; from design, sale and installation through to after sales service. We manufacture the Mobilux Office Storage Systems in Thailand for local sales and export in Asia-Pacific & Middle East. We represent a number of world leading producers of industrial storage equipment and automated material handling systems for sales in Thailand, Cambodia, Laos and Myanmar.
Range of systems provided
• Industrial Pallet racking, Shelving, Mezzanine Floors for Warehouses and Factories
• Office Space Saving Mobile Shelving Systems, Conventional Shelving
• Automated Pallet Cranes “ASRS”
• Automated Guided Vehicles “AGV”
• Pallet Shuttles
Products or Services
Range of systems provided include:
• Pallet Racking, Shelving, Mezzanine Floors
• Fully Automated Systems such as ASRS Pallet Cranes, Pallet Shuttles, Vertical Lifting Machines, Pick-To-Light, Pick-To-Voice, Carton Sortation Systems & Automated Guided Vehicles “AGV”
• Office Mobile Storage and Filing Systems
• Service Vehicle Interiors
Companies Represented
• Stow
• Lalesse
• Max AGV
• Texo
• Sunring
• VisiPro
51% Thai
49% Swedish
Senior Management
Peter Johansson, Managing Director
Siriluck Boworn-Anakeskul, Finance Director
Bankers United Overseas Bank
Siam Commercial Bank
BCCT Member Company Since 1998
12 Glebe Gardens, New Malden Surrey
T: +44 20725 90600
F: +44 20894 21309
enquiries@templetonevents.com www.templetonevents.com
Chamber Representatives
23rd Floor, Athenee Tower
63 Withayu Roa, Lumphini
Bangkok 10330
T: +66 (0) 6163 76251
craigmcavinue@tpim.co www.tpim.co
A - Mr. Justin Kelly, Director
B - Mr. Robin Mays, General Manager
Templeton is the smart choice for anyone looking for a Destination Management Company in London. We can provide many services for visitors to London.
Products or Services
Meet and Greet
Whether arriving at one of London’s airports or main railway stations, the capital can sometimes all be quite confusing for visitors. We can meet your guests on arrival and make sure their first experience of London is a positive one.
For many years we have worked with a wide range of quality hotels in London from quality business hotels to luxury boutique hotels. Templeton can arrange everything for you at competitive rates.
Transfers and Transport
Companies Represented
Templeton Events and London Destination Management Services
Justin Kelly and Robin Mays started working together in 1992 are the team behind Templeton. They are highly experienced event organisers with 25 years
Senior Management
Justin Kelly and Robin Mays
Board of Directors
Justin Kelly
Barclays Bank
BCCT Member Company Since 2018
Chamber Representative A
A - Mr. Craig McAvinue, Senior Associate
Tenzing Pacific offer Insurance and Wealth Management Services, predominately to the expat market in South East Asia.
Having been established in Vietnam for four years, the Health Insurance Brokerage helps more expats in Ho Chi Minh City than any competitor by some distance.
Their Wealth Management Division is also expanding rapidly. With a team of in house analysts and a focus on offering low cost solutions whether fully Managed or bespoke to the client.
It’s par t of this rapid expansion which has seen Tenzing employ Craig McAvinue in Thailand to develop their business there, with offices in Bangkok and Pattaya.
Products or Services
Tenzing Pacific Services offer Health Insurance (Tenzing Pacific Insurance Services www.ten-pac.com) and Wealth Management (Tenzing Pacific Investment Management www.tpim.co) solutions
Services, they believe the two are synonymous. We have all made a toast to health, wealth and happiness... by working with Tenzing, you only need to worry about the happiness
Standard Bank
Custodian Life
Marlborough Funds
Alquity Fund Management
Interactive Brokers
Atlas Insurance
Senior Management
Sven Roering - Vietnam
Craig McAvinue - Thailand
BCCT Member Company Since 2018
14 Vibhavadi Rangsit Road
Chomphon Sub-District
Chatuchak District
Bangkok 10900
T: +66 (0) 2785 5555
F: +66 (0) 2617 9628
124 North End House Fitzjames Avenue
W14 0RZ
T: +44 (0) 207 602 6203
F: +44 (0) 207 603 6468 ascadding@thaichildrenstrust.org.uk www.thaichildrenstrust.org.uk
A - Mr. Thapana
B - Mr.
Sirivadhanabhakdi, President and CEO Paul Choong, Advisor to President & CEOThai Beverage Public Company Limited (“ThaiBev” or the “Group”) is a leading beverage company in Southeast Asia and the largest in Thailand. The Group’s vision is to be a world-class total beverage company embodying commercial excellence, continuous product development and premiumization, as well as professionalism. ThaiBev’s business consists of four segments – spirits, beer, non-alcoholic beverages and food.
The Group was listed on the mainboard of the Singapore Exchange (“SGX”) in 2006. In 2012, ThaiBev expanded its business overseas through the acquisition of Fraser and Neave Limited (“F&N”), a highly recognized company in Singapore with a portfolio that boasts of many renowned brands. With the acquisition of F&N, the Group further cemented its position as the leading beverage producer and distributor in the region. In 2017, ThaiBev further broadened its presence in the region with the acquisition of a 75% stake in the Grand Royal Group (“GRG”), the largest player in Myanmar’s whisky market, as well as an acquisition of a 53.59% stake in Saigon Beer-Alcohol-Beverage Joint Stock Corporation (“Sabeco”), a leading beer producer in Vietnam, which made the Group the largest beer player by volume in Southeast Asia.
ThaiBev has a market capitalization of around S$17 billion as of 30 September 2018 and is currently one of the largest Singapore-listed companies.
As of 30 June 2018, ThaiBev has 170 subsidiaries, including 18 distilleries, three breweries and 11 non-alcoholic beverage production facilities in Thailand. The Group also has an extensive distribution network covering 400,000 points of sale in the country. In addition, ThaiBev has an international presence in over 90 countries. The Group has five production facilities in Scotland which are known for producing single malt Scotch whiskies such as Balblair, Old Pulteney, as well as Speyburn; has interests in two production facilities in Myanmar which produce the top-selling whisky in the country; and owns one distillery in China which produces the famous Yulinquan Chinese spirits. ThaiBev’s most recognized spirits brands include Ruang Khao, SangSom, Mekhong, Hong Thong, and Blend 285, as well as GRG’s iconic Grand Royal whisky; and the Group’s signature beer, Chang, is very popular among Thai beer drinkers, while Sabeco’s Bia Saigon and 333 are the top-selling beer brands in Vietnam. In the non-alcoholic beverage space, ThaiBev’s leading brands include Oishi green tea, est cola, and Crystal drinking water, as well as F&N’s sparking drinks and 100PLUS isotonic drink. In addition, the Group operates Japanese restaurants, as well as ready-to-cook and ready-to-eat food businesses through its subsidiary Oishi Group Public Company Limited. ThaiBev has also started branching out from these well-established Japanese restaurants and food products, and is accelerating the expansion of its food business by leveraging its subsidiary Food of Asia and its franchise outlets under KFC, the most popular quick service restaurant brand in Thailand.
Mr. Thapana Sirivadhanabhakdi, Mr. Ueychai Tantha-Obhas, Mr. Sithichai Chaikriangkrai, Dr. Pisanu Vichiensanth, Mr. Michael Chye Hin Fah, Mr. Prapakon Thongtheppairot, Mr. Edmond Neo Kim Soon, Mr. Kosit Suksingha, Dr. Agapol Na Songkhla, Mr. Lester Teck Chuan Tan, Ms. Nongnuch Buranasetkul, Mr. Kamolnai Chaixanien, Ms. Vaewmanee Soponpinij, Mr. Jean Lebreton, Mr. Pramote Hassamontr, Mr. Banjong Chintanasiri, Ms. Nantika Ninvoraskul
A member of TCC Group
BCCT Member Company Since 2006
A - Mr. Adrian Hatch, UK Director
Thai Children’s Trust suppor ts local organisations helping more than 4,000 children in Thailand and Myanmar. Typically, the children we reach are orphaned, living with disabilities, HIV positive, living on the streets, victims of trafficking or migrants from Myanmar, Laos or Cambodia. TCT was founded in 1982 by Baron Riccardo Carini and is the largest UK charity focused on Thailand and its neighbouring countries. The areas of our work include: Pattaya; Lat Krabang; Rayong; Nong Khai; Khao Lak; Mae Sot; Mawlamyine, Myanmar.
TCT supports vulnerable children by creating a stepping stone to a better future through sustainable solutions. This includes providing shelter, childcare, meals, medical assistance and access to education. We depend entirely on regular support from our individual donors/companies, as we are not eligible for government funding. TCT beneficiaries include all faiths present in Thailand.
Products or Services
Thai Children’s Trust generates funds to support our partners’ projects in Thailand. We offer corporate partnerships which can be designed to include Pro Bono professional hours, employee involvement or volunteering opportunities.
Mrs. Adele Shaw, Director
Thai Children’s Trust Ireland PO Box 13
Edenderry Post Office 28 JKL Street Co. Offaly Ireland
Companies Represented
London and Offaly are Thai Children’s Trust’s offices.
TCT is a charitable company limited by guarantee. Registered with the Charity Commission in England& Wales (1085407) and with the Revenue in Ireland.
Senior Management
Chairman of trustees - Mr. Crispian Collins; UK Director - Mr. Adrian Hatch, London; CEO Ireland Mrs. Adele Shaw.
Board of Directors
Trustees/Directors: Mr. Crispian Collins – Chairman, Mr. Freddy Cremer, Dr Oraphin Dawson, Mrs. Jane Lowe, Mr. Jozef Mycielski, Mr. Shaun Roy
Royal Bank of Scotland
BCCT Member Company Since 2014
12/1-4 Rongmuang Soi 5
Pathumwan, Bangkok 10330
T: +66 (0) 2216 8777
F: +66 (0) 2216 8778
vithit@thaiyarnyon.com www.thaiyarnyon.com
Chamber Representative
689 Bhiraj Tower, 26th Floor Sukhumvit Road, Klongton Nuea
Wattana, Bangkok 10110
T: +66 (0) 2018 1615
F: +66 (0) 2018 1632 info@thac.or.th www.thac.or.th
Chamber Representatives
A – Mr. Vithit Leenutaphong, President
Thai Yarnyon Co., Ltd. is the sole importer of Volkswagen vehicles and parts and a member company of the Thai Yarnyon group. Established over 60 years ago, the group provides a comprehensive range of automotive services which includes parts & vehicle manufacturing, vehicle retro-fit solutions, retail and distribution of vehicles for the domestic market.
Products or Services
• Importer, assembler, distributor of Volkswagen commercial vehicles.
• General assembly plant (YMC Assembly Limited)
• Automotive tooling and parts supplier.
• Manufacturer of auto component parts and accessories.
Companies Represented
Volkswagen Group
Leenutaphong family
Senior Management
Mrs. Sopha Leenutaphong, Honorary Chairwoman
Board of Directors
Mr. Vithit Leenutaphong, President
BCCT Member Company Since 2001
A - Mr. Pasit Asawawattanaporn, Managing Director
B - Ms. Litsan Chong, Counsel
Thailand Arbitration Center (THAC) is established under the Act of Arbitration Center B.E. 2550 (2007). The objectives of THAC are to support and promote Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) mechanisms in Thailand as well as to provide excellent arbitration and mediation services to users.
To facilitate dispute settlement in accordance with international standards
• To provide ADR services that on par with international standards
• To support and promote ADR
Products or Services
THAC’s arbitration and mediation ser vices aim to help users to unlocktheir dispute in a most time and cost-efficient manner.
THAC offers a wide range of meeting facilities and amenities. With rooms of various size that can be fur ther tailored to suit individual customer’s needs, each room is equipped with video conference and teleconference capability, notebook computer, tablet and Wi-Fi access. THAC’s signature meeting room, which is modern, sophisticated and design with complex proceedings in mind, can accommodate up to 50 participants. There are also room for private interviews and meeting rooms of diverse sizes offered at reasonably priced rates.
Board of Directors
Mr. Wisit Wisitsora-at, Chairman of the Board Directors
Dr. Pasit Asawawattanaporn, Executive Committee & Managing Director of THAC
Mr. Rangsri Sengphol, Executive Committee
Mr. Sarawut Benjakul, Executive Committee
Mr. Suchart Thammapithakkul, Executive Committee
Mrs. Sirinan Sansanam, Executive Committee
Mr. Preedee Daochai, Executive Committee
Mr. Tassanai Chaiyakwaeng, Executive Committee
Dr. Kamol Takkabutr, Executive Committee
Mr. Jadekamjon Phromyothee, Executive Committee
Associate Professor Dr. Kulpatra Sirodom, Executive Committee
Mr. Prasan Chuaphanich, Executive Committee
Mrs. Patthreeya Benjaphol, Executive Committee
Dr. Wilawan Mangklathanakul, Executive Committee
Mr. Wallop Nakbua, Executive Committee
BCCT Member Company Since 2018
9th Floor, Sathorn Thani Building 2 92/16-17 Sathorn Road
Silom, Bang Rak
Bangkok 10500
T: +66 (0) 2235 6796-7
F: +66 (0) 2236 7175
Chamber Representative
58, 58/1-5, 5th Floor, Soi Ekamai Sukhumvit 63 Road, Klongton Nua Wattana, Bangkok 10110
T: +66 (0) 2714 1322
F: +66 (0) 2714 1323
A – Mr. Leighton D. Fowles, Managing Director
The Company was established in 1970 operating exclusively in the Reinsurance field. We are an independent Broking Company, locally incorporated, to serve the local market. The Company continues its efforts to develop stronger associations elsewhere in the Asian Region.
Products or Services
The Company transacts all classes of Non-Life Reinsurance Business throughout Asia
An Independent Thai Company
80% Thai Ownership
Senior Management
Mr. Leighton D. Fowles, Managing Director
Ms. Rattanawadee Damrongpromyos, Director, General Manager
Ms. Wimon Sangsittichai, Director, Accountant
Board of Directors
Mr. Leighton D. Fowles, Managing Director
Mr. Suraphol Assakul, Director
Mr. Kosakd Leetavorn, Director
Ms. Supha-Ahcha Phukkanasut, Director
Citibank N.A.
Kasikorn Bank
Financial Details
Registered & Paid-up Capital: THB.3,000,000
Shareholders Equity 31.12.2017: THB.22,973,296
Annual Premium Turnover: THB.1,757.009,269 (2017)
BCCT Member Company Since 1971
A - Mr. Julian G. Davies, CEO
B - Mrs. Yeeran G. Davies, CMO
Thammachart Seafood Retail Ltd (TSR) manages the seafood counters and departments for the leading retailers in Thailand, notably the Mall Group, Central Food Retail Ltd, Villa Supermarket, Tesco, and Big-C, with more than 150 locations around Thailand managed by 700+ staff. TSR imports products from more than ten countries, mostly fresh and live shellfish but also frozen seafood.
The Company’s second business pillar is the restaurant business, where it operates two seafood F&B brands, the Dock Seafood Bar and the Lobster Lab, and also manages the Ocean Bar at Central Chidlom and Central Phuket for Central Food Retail. The Dock is located in the Gourmet Markets at Siam Paragon, Emquartier, Emporium, Bangkae and Bluport in Huahin and there is one standalone restaurant on Thonglor Soi 4. The Lobster Lab is a gourmet fast-food concept located on the market floor in the Commons on Thonglor 17, which will soon be launched in China.
In Q2 2018, the Company sold 25% to Thai Union PLC.
Products or Services
• Retail sales of premium live, fresh and frozen seafood.
• F&B brands: the Dock Seafood Bar and the Lobster Lab.
75% Julian & Yeeran G. Davies
25% Thai Union PLC
Senior Management
Mr. Julian G. Davies, CEO
Mrs. Yeeran G. Davies, CMO
Ms. Anchalee Rienwatjanawong, Finance Director
Ms. Yaowalak Suwanjansing, HR Director
Board of Directors
Mr. Julian G. Davies
Mrs. Yeeran G. Davies
Ms. Anchalee Rienwatjanawong
Mr. Joerg Ayrle
Mr. Rittirong Boonmechote
BCCT Member Company Since 2016
120, 120/1 Moo 7
Thepkasattri Rd, Thepkasattri
Thalang, Phuket 83110
T: +66 (0) 7633 6000
F: +66 (0) 7633 6067 info@thanyapura.com www.thanyapura.com
Chamber Representatives
1st Floor, 18 Oxford Road
Marlow SL7 2NL
T: +44 1628-475366
A - Mr. Philipp Graf von Hardenberg, President and CEO
B - Ms. Alexandra Lochmatter, Director of Business Development
Thanyapura Health & Sports Resort is located fifteen minutes away from Phuket International Airport and presents a unique and inspiring destination for individuals, groups and families looking for a balanced approach to their lifestyle. Athletes of all levels train and prepare for global sporting events in the state-of-the-art facilities offered at Thanyapura whereas health conscious guests escape to rejuvenating health programs which edify the body and mind.
Products or Services
Resort Thanyapura Health and Sports Resort caters to each individual’s aspirations for a healthy lifestyle. Located on the tropical island of Phuket, the resort is a mere 15 minutes away from the Phuket International Airport.
The hotel comprises of 114 rooms for guests to enjoy, including 77 rooms in the Pool Wing and 37 rooms in the Garden Wing.
Health and Wellness Thanyapura Integrative Health Centre programs include a unique combination of well-being education classes, detox, weight-loss, customised nutrition plans, chiropractic, physiotherapy, and a diverse range of yoga and mindfulness meditation classes to promote overall well-being for the body, mind and soul.
Thanyapura incorporates academies for swimming, fitness, triathlon, tennis and Muay Thai offering a variety of programs suitable for all ages and levels. Personal trainers for all different sports can be booked for one on one sessions. The beautiful surroundings of Phuket can be explored by guided bike tours and runs.
BCCT Member Company Since 2015
A A - Mr. Hein Jan Lapidaire, International Account Manager APACThomas are a leading global provider of people assessment tools and the only provider with bespoke education and sport divisions. We provide assessments in 56 languages and have a presence in over 60 countries. Today, we are working with 32,000 companies and 300,000 trained Thomas users worldwide. You can be assured that since our inception in 1981, we have used years of research which drives powerful results and helps you to recruit, retain, develop, lead and enhance your most impor tant asset – your people. Our solutions enable individuals and teams to perform at their best and will help you to make confident people decisions. Thomas assessments are straightforward to understand and quick to use, with rapid results. Our aim is to empower you to use people assessments to create maximum value for your organisation. Here at Thomas, we exude such passion and belief in our assessments because we know the positive impact they have. Through constant innovation, thinking outside the box and keeping our customers at the centre of everything we do ensures that we are always improving our products and service to deliver cutting-edge, solutions-focused tools and assessments.
• Personal Profile analysis (PPA-behaviour)
• Trait Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire (TEIQue-Personality)
• General Intelligence Assessment (GIA- Aptitude)
• High Potential Trait Indicator (HPTI-leadership)
• 360 surveys
• Engagement Surveys
BCCT Member Company Since 2018
13th Floor, Sathorn City Tower
175 South Sathorn Road
Thungmahamek, Sathorn
Bangkok 10120
T: +66 (0) 805 805 005
F: +66 (0) 2679 6569 ticon@ticon.co.th www.ticon.co.th
Bangkok Showroom Brighton Place, 38/280 Soi Soonvijai 6 New Petchburi Road, Huaykwang
Bangkok 10310
T: +66 (0) 2716 6216-18
F: +66 (0) 2716 6219 info@tile-asia.com www.tile-asia.com
Chamber Representative
A - Mr. Sopon Racharaksa, President
B - Mr. Peerapat Srisukont, Managing Director
TICON Industrial Connection Plc. ( TICON) is Thailand’s leading provider of integrated industrial properties in ASEAN. The company is listed on the Stock Exchange of Thailand with total assets of over 40.8 billion baht (as at the end of December 2017). Established in 1990, TICON provides total industrial property solutions to clients with a strong portfolio of factory and warehouse spaces totaling over 2.7 million square meters in more than 50 strategic locations nationwide. Factory and warehouse solutions offered by TICON encompass both ready-built and built-to-suit facilities. Its subsidiary, TICON Logistics Park Co., Ltd. (TPARK), is the first developer and operator of logistics parks in Thailand. To expand its industrial property development business overseas, TICON entered Indonesia in 2015 as its first investment destination outside Thailand.
In addition, TICON has established TICON Freehold & Leasehold Real Estate Investment Trust (TREIT) having its subsidiary TICON Management Co., Ltd. (TMAN) as the REIT manager. TREIT is currently the largest Industrial Property REIT in Thailand with total asset value of over 32 billion baht.
As a total solution provider of industrial property with a strong commitment to environmental sustainability, TICON has been honored with numerous Thai and international awards and recognitions. For more information, visit www.ticon.co.th/
TICON Logistics Park Co., Ltd. (TPARK), TICON Management Co., Ltd. (TMAN) Eco Industrial Services Company Limited, TICON Property Inc., Shanghai TICON Investment
Management Company Limited and PT SLP Surya TICON Internusa
The company is listed on the Stock Exchange of Thailand
Sopon Racharaksa, President, Peerapat Srisukont, Managing Director
Mr. Chainoi Puankosoom, Chairman of the board and Chairman of Audit Committee, Mr. Chali Sophonpanich, Director, Mr. Panote Sirivadhanabhakdi, Director, Mr. Chotipat Bijananda, Director, Mr. Threekwan Bunnag, Director and Audit Committee’s member, Mr. Chai Vinichbutr, Director, Mr. Chatchaval Jiaravanon, Director and Audit Committee’s member, Mr. Uten Lohachitpitaks, Director
Registered Capital: 2,751 Million Baht Paid-up Capital: 1,834 Million Baht (As of 1 September 2017)
BCCT Member Company Since 2001
A - Ms. Sukanya McAllister, Director
tile-it has showrooms in Phuket (Wana Park), and Bangkok (Brighton Place).
tile-it stocks Italian porcelain stone tiles, and European Standards certified porcelain tiles from China.
Products or Services
• Porcelain Stone Tiles
• Glazed ceramic floor and wall tiles
• Glass Mosaics
• Stone Mosaics
• Natural Brazilian Slate
Companies Represented
Cooperativa Ceramica d’Imola, La Faenza Ceramica, Ceramiche COEM, Fioranese Ceramica, Leonardo Ceramica, Ceramica Rondine, S.I.R.I., Micapel
Senior Management
Ms. Sukanya McAllister, Director
Mr. Payap Passorn, Director
Mr. Alan McAllister, General Manager
BCCT Member Company Since 2009
Supalai Grand Tower, 26th Floor
1011 Rama 3 Road
Chongnonsi, Yannawa
Bangkok 10120
T: +66 (0) 2056 5555
F: +66 (0) 2056 5678
bangkok@tilleke.com www.tilleke.com
Chamber Representative
3rd Floor, Rajapark Building 163 Suk humvit 21 Rd. Klongtoey Nua, Wattana Bangkok 10110
T: +66 (0) 2260 5820-3
F: +66 (0) 2260 5847-8 tqprthai@tqpr.com, tom@tqpr.com www.tqpr.com
A - Mr. Zac Robinson, Consultant, Marketing & Business Development
Tilleke & Gibbins is a leading regional law firm with over 150 lawyers and consultants practicing in Bangkok, Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh City, Jakarta, Phnom Penh, Vientiane, and Yangon. Our firm represents the top investors and the high-growth companies that drive economic expansion in Asia in the key areas of commercial transactions and M&A, dispute resolution and litigation, and intellectual property.
Established in 1890, we have grown into the largest independent law firm in Thailand and a leading international firm in Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Myanmar, and Vietnam due to our client focus, regional expertise, and international vision. Our corporate clients include world leaders in the fields of pharmaceuticals and healthcare, energy, consumer goods and retailing, manufacturing, financial services, information technology, and telecommunications. We proudly help global companies excel in Asia and domestic companies shine abroad.
Legal services in anti-corruption; antitrust and competition; banking and finance; bankruptcy and restructuring; commercial transactions and M&A; corporate services; dispute resolution and litigation; employment; energy and infrastructure; family law and private clients; government relations; insurance; intellectual property; property; regulatory affairs; tax; technology, media, and telecommunications; and transportation and logistics.
Tilleke & Gibbins International Ltd.
Mr. David Lyman, Chairman and Chief Values Officer
Ms. Tiziana Sucharitkul, Co-Managing Partner
Mrs. Darani Vachanavuttivong, Co-Managing Partner
BCCT Member Company Since 1978
A - Mr. Thomas B. Van Blarcom, Managing Director
B - Ms. Maetavarin Maneekulpan, Partner
Total Quality Public Relations (TQPR) is an independent public relations firm dedicated to providing the highest quality communications services to local, regional and global clients.
Established in 1995, TQPR Thailand is a joint venture between TQPR AsiaPacific, Tom Van Blarcom and Maetavarin Maneekulpan.
TQPR Asia Pacific, is a leading regional public relations consultancy, with full offices in Malaysia, Vietnam and Myanmar, as well as Bangkok, and affiliates throughout Southeast Asia.
We are comprised of experienced strategists, storytellers, and detailed public relations professionals. Together we form a passionate collective dedicated to creating the most meaningful and effective communications and digital solutions by using progressive media strategies and tools.
BCCT Member Company Since 2016
414/16 Jomtien Complex Condotel (Lobby) M12
Nongprue, Banglamung
Chonburi 20150
T: +66 (0) 3825 1481
F: +66 (0) 3825 1482
Chamber Representatives
A - Mr. Cees “KC” Cuijpers, Managing Partner
B - Mr. Herman van Gucht, Director
General real-estate: sales and rentals. Specialised and focused on the Eastern Seaboard on the Gulf of siam, based in Pattaya. Active involvement in residential project-developments. Client base is international and a large group of corporate clients as we are well known for our executive-home rental-program. Town & Country Property fulfils an active role in the Pattaya business community and has a very good understanding with colleague-agencies.
Chartered members of REBA-ES (Real Estate Broker Association Eastern Seaboard); National Association of Realtors (NAR), CIPS (Certified International Property Specialist) and CRS (Certified Residential Specialist).
Members of: BCCT (British Chamber of Commerce) and NTCC (Netherland Thai Chamber of Commerce).
Products or Services
Corporate Networking Events
Sales and rental property services, Project development, investments, consultation, rental services including short-term holiday rental-program, finance
Thailand Property Awards:
2009 - Finalist Best Villa Project - Thailand
2010 - Finalist Best Agent - Eastern Seaboard
2011 - Finalist Best Residential Agent (Resort)
2012 - Finalist Best Independent Agent - THAILAND
2013 - Finalist Best Residential Agent - Eastern Seaboard
Big Chili Magazine:
2014 - WINNER - Expat Entrepreneur Awards 2014 - Category Property
Netherlands Thai Chamber of Commerce:
2015 – WINNER 17th Annual Business Awards “BEST SME ENTREPRENEUR THAILAND”
Companies Represented
Any project development in Pattaya and close surroundings
Mr. Cees “KC” Cuijpers - Mr. Herman van Gucht
Senior Management
Mr. Cees “KC” Cuijpers, Mr. Herman van Gucht
Board of Directors
Mr. Cees “KC” Cuijpers, Mr. Herman van Gucht
Kasikorn Bank
Branch: South Pattaya
A/C Name: Town & Country Property Co.,Ltd.
A/C No: 330-1-02879-1
Type: Current A/C
Swift Code: KASITHBK
BCCT Member Company Since 2009
21st Floor, Vongvanij Complex Building B
100/63 Rama 9 Road
Huay Kwang
Bangkok 10310
T: +66 (0) 2645 1170
F: +66 (0) 2645 1180
insure@trafalgar-intl.com www.trafalgar-intl.com
Trafalgar International Limited was established in 1989 and has provided insurance and risk management services to a wide variety of companies and multinational corporations in such diverse industries as power, energy, construction, marine and aviation, commerce and retail. Since its formation, Trafalgar International has grown to become one of Thailand’s leading insurance brokers, offering a full risk management ser vice from a committed and dedicated group of professionals.
Trafalgar International is also a Partner in Assurex Global, a unique corporation that combines the experience, expertise, products and services of risk management, commercial insurance and employee benefits professionals. Comprising more than 100 independent brokers, “Partner Firms”, in major cities around the globe, Assurex Global Partners are staffed by 20,000 experienced professionals in 550 offices worldwide.
Products or Services
Trafalgar International provides a full range of insurance and reinsurance broking, risk management and insurance consultancy services. The company has the entire range of available insurance products at its disposal, but is also able to adapt existing products or tailor new programmes suited to clients’ specific needs
Majority Thai owned with foreign insurance interests.
Senior Management
Mr. Pornpot Likidpongpaisarn, Managing Director Mr. Grant Cameron, CEO
BCCT Member Company Since 1995
A - Mr. Grant Cameron, CEO B - Mr. Pornpot Likidpongpaisarn, Managing Director43 Soi 16, Ramkhamhaeng Road
Huamark, Bangkok 10240
T: +66 (0) 2718 8779
F: +66 (0) 2718 8546 enquiries@traillschool.ac.th www.traillschool.ac.th
Chamber Representatives
34th Floor Abdulrahim Place 990 Rama IV Road, Silom Bangrak, Bangkok 10500
T: +66 (0) 2649 2600 ts.bkk@transearch.com www.transearch.com
A - Mr. Gordon Espley-Jones, School Principal
B - Mrs. Emma Negus-Hill, Head of Primary
Traill International School, established in 1966, is one of Bangkok ’s oldest international schools. Today, the school continues a long tradition of providing a British style education for pupils between the ages of 2 and 18 years in both the expatriate and local communities. Over a period of over 50 years the school has developed an ethos which promotes high educational achievement in a friendly, caring environment. Traill is a school where “everybody is somebody”.
Traill International School is fully accredited by the prestigious Education Development Trust (EDT). The school is registered with the Department for Education and Skills in the UK, and is recognised by the Thai Ministry of Education. It is also a member of the International Schools Association of Thailand (ISAT) and the European Council of International Schools (ECIS).
Products or Services
Traill International School offers an international programme based on the English National Curriculum for students aged 2½ - 18. At 16+ and 18+ students take Cambridge University IGCSE and A levels examinations respectively. The schools’success rate is high with students achieving some of the highest results internationally. The school has an over 50 year legacy of students obtaining places at some of the world’s leading universities. Traill offers a wide range of extra curricular activities
A proprietorial School (Single owner)
Mr. Gordon Espley-Jones
Mr. Barry Stockton
Mr. Paul Anders
Mr. Robert Traill, Chairman of the Board
Bangkok Bank Plc.
BCCT Member Company Since 2005
A - Mr. Vincent Swift, Chairman TRANSEARCH Asia Pacific
B - Mr. Tae il Chung, Managing Partner, TRANSEARCH Thailand
TRANSEARCH Executive Search Co. established in 1993, is the Member firm for Thailand of TRANSEARCH International Partners.
Established in Europe in 1982, TRANSEARCH is one of the top global retained search organisations with 59 offices in 37 countries, covering The Americas, Europe, Middle East and Asia-Pacific.
Our objective is to identify, select and secure for our clients the most professional, senior-level talent in the market. We assist a range of marketleading clients, multinational and local, in industries where top quality executives are at a premium. By way of illustration, TRANSEARCH Thailand has been retained in Asia by more than 300 multinationals, most of which are among the largest in their sectors. We handle assignments for Regional Asia- Pacific roles, but will also work at Country Head level and in-market at Director/Functional head level.
Products or Services
Retained executive search. Other than services directly related to search assignments, such as psychometric testing, we carry out no other activities.
TRANSEARCH Thailand is a fully-accredited member of the Association of Executive Search and Leadership Consultants (www.AESC.org). Our consultants and researchers conduct search assignments in accordance with the best practices and professional standards established by the AESC.
We work on a retained basis for multinational corporations & major local companies expanding across Asia, with most of our assignments being repeated.
Senior Management
Mr. Vincent Swift, Chairman TRANSEARCH Asia Pacific
Mr. Tae il Chung, Managing Partner, TRANSEARCH Thailand
Mr. Chakrit Wongsakornraksa, Director, TRANSEARCH Thailand
K-Bank, BBL, Standard Chartered Bank
Financial Details
Baht 30 million fully paid-up Registered Capital.
BCCT Member Company Since 2001
ITF Tower2, 8th Floor 140/7, Silom Road
Suriwong, Bangrak
Bangkok 10500
T: +66 (0) 2231 6173-8
F: +66 (0) 2231 6179 info@travelcenterasia.com www.travelcenterasia.com
Chamber Representative
Amata Nakorn Industrial Estate
700/801 Moo 1, T. Panthong, A. Panthong
Chonburi 20160
T: +66 (0) 3846 9800
F: +66 (0) 3844 7291 jurirach.l@triumph.co.uk www.triumph.co.uk
Chamber Representatives
A - Mr. Thomas Maurer, Managing Director
Ground handling specialist, prepare to design amazing and creative itineraries, individuals, groups and big incentive movements, comprehensive representation service throughout Thailand with professional dedication to quality and excellent value for money.
BCCT Member Company Since 2008
A - Mr. Carl Smith, Managing Director
B - Ms. Jurirach Likhitangsuvat, General Affairs Director
Triumph Motorcycles (Thailand) Limited are a 100% UK owned company that currently operate 3 factories in Amata Nakorn Industrial Estate, Chonburi. Triumph’s first factory in Thailand was opened in May 2002 and was established for the manufacture of motorcycle components including Frames, Fuel Tanks, Header Systems, Swinging Arms, Engine Covers and Chrome Plated Parts. A second factory was opened in 2006 where a wet painting facility has been established. A third factory, opened in 2007 includes high pressure diecasting, machining, engines and motorcycles assembly lines. The company now employs approximately 1200 staff in Thailand.
Products or Services
Production of motorcycle components and assembly of motorcycles for local and export markets. Processes include; Aluminium & Steel welding, CNC Machining, Laser Cutting, Polishing, Chrome Plating, Powder Coating, Wet Painting and Assembly.
Senior Management
Carl Smith, Mark Fensome, Dave Thomas, Mark Jones, Jurirach Likhitangsuvat, Patipan Wongsit, Tanathep Theprattanathatkul, Stuart Wright
Board of Directors
Mr. Carl Smith, Managing Director
Mr. Mark Fensome, Finance & Accounting Director
Ms. Jurirach Likhitangsuvat, General Affairs Director
HSBC and Bangkok Bank
BCCT Member Company Since 2001
19/9 Moo 7, Srisoonthorn Road
Sirsoonthorn, Thalang
Phuket 83110
T: +66 (0) 7662 0099
F: +66 (0) 7662 0098
info@tropical-landscaping.com www.tropical-landscaping.com
Chamber Representatives
Level 45, Menara Maxis
Kuala Lumpur City Centre
Kuala Lumpur 50088
T: +603 2171 3800
F: +603 2717 3814 treynolds@trowers.com www.trowers.com
Chamber Representatives
A - Ms. Emily Gerrard, General Manager
B - Mr. Ben Davis, Head Consultant - Asia Pacific
TLI are an internationally recognized, full service golf course and landscape company that provide premium quality landscape design, construction, maintenance, consultation and training services for golf courses, hotels and resorts in the Asia Pacific region.
BCCT Member Company Since 2015
A - Mr. Nicholas Edmondes, Partner
B - Mr. Tom Reynolds, Partner
Trowers & Hamlins is a City of London, UK regional and international law firm, located across the UK, Middle East and Far East.
In April 2015, following three years presence in a representative office capacity, Trowers & Hamlins became the first foreign law firm to be granted a Qualified Foreign Law Firm (QFLF) licence in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
The licence allows Trowers & Hamlins to operate independently in Malaysia, to advise on cross- border and international law deals and projects, and to service the ASEAN region. Trowers & Hamlins provides advice to ASEAN clients on a wide range of corporate, investment and financing activities, including significant investment into the UK and Europe, business activities in the Middle East, as well as major ASEAN infrastructure and energy projects where we bring our international expertise to the projects in question.
Products or Services
The firm offers a comprehensive range of advice, covering corporate, commercial and financial (including Islamic finance) transactions, power and water projects, real estate acquisition and development, construction contracts and oil and gas, and dispute resolution.
BCCT Member Company Since 2012
Room P01, Level P, No.1
Glas Haus Building
Soi Sukhumvit 25, Sukhumvit Road
North Klongtoey, Wattana
Bangkok 10110
T: +66 (0) 2026 0165
Chamber Representative
18/F, Tararom Business Tower
2445/36-38 New Petchburi Road
Bangkapi, Huay Kwang
Bangkok 10320
T: +66 (0) 2314 2071
F: +66 (0) 2318 4864 sales@tha.tuv.com www.tuv.com
Chamber Representatives
A - Ms. Phapatsarin Jira, Partner
At TUFFIE, our products clarity from organic golden bananas. We are concerned every process from the outset to the final product to guarantee that our consumer will received good product and good health. By our care, all of our product not adding Preservative and Monosodium Glutamate (MSG) which damage our health in the long run.
Products or Services
• Tuffie banana Larb Flavour
• Tuffie Banana Honey Butter Flavour
BCCT Member Company Since 2018
A - Mr. Stefan Heuer, Managing Director
B - Ms. Patcharawan Ittisattakul, General Manager, Sales and Marketing
TÜV Rheinland is a global leader in independent technical services provider, founded more than 145 years ago. The group maintains a presence in 66 countries with over 20,000 employees; annual turnover is nearly EUR 2 billion. The independent experts stand for quality and safety for people, technology and the environment in nearly all aspects of life. TÜV Rheinland inspects technical equipment, products and services, oversees projects and helps to shape processes for companies. To this end, TÜV Rheinland employs a global network of approved labs, testing and education centres. Since 2006, TÜV Rheinland has been a member of the United Nations Global Compact to promote sustainability and combat corruption. TÜV Rheinland Thailand provides testing, inspection and certification services. Testing services include chemical, physical, electrical safety and performance tests for a broad product range such as household appliances, IT, automotive parts, components, toys, and stationery. Inspection services include industries e.g. rail, energy, oil & gas, steel, automotive and machinery
Testing, Inspection and Certification Services. Testing services include chemical, physical, electrical safety and performance tests for a broad product range as household appliances, IT, automotive, furniture, textile, toys, stationery and medical. Inspection services include various industries as Rail, Energy, Oil & Gas, Steel, Automotive and Machinery.
BCCT Member Company Since 2012
428 Ari Hills Building, 18th Floor
Phahonyothin Road, Samsen Nai
Phaya Thai, Bangkok 10400
T: +66 (0) 2036 0500
F: +66 (0) 2036 0588, 2036 0599 info@ubm.com www.ubm.com/thailand
Unilever House 161 Rama 9 Road
Huai Khwang, Bangkok 10310
T: +66 (0) 2554 2000
F: +66 (0) 2354 2237
UBM Asia (Thailand) is part of UBM Asia, the largest trade show organiser in Asia with over 290 events. Owned by UBM listed on the London Stock Exchange, in 2016 UBM Asia helped almost 50,000 exhibitors do business in 11 niche sectors. Most of our events have been around for decades and are the must-attend event in their sectors in that country, region or even the world. Our 1,600 people in 25 major cities combine local expertise with a global industry network to provide high-quality events and the best customer experience for event attendees from all over the world.
As Thailand’s “Global to Local to Global” exhibition organiser, UBM Asia (Thailand) provides a unique showcase for industrial manufactures in the Kingdom. We also help facilitate the transfer of technology and makes available to Thai companies over 400 media professionals around the world. Through exhibitions and publications, UBM Asia (Thailand) continuously assists Thai companies to successfully market their products at an international level.
Organising international trade events including:
Advanced Manufacturing
• Intermach
• Intermach Myanmar
• ProPak Asia
• ProPak Myanmar
• ProPak Philippines
• Sheet Metal Asia
• Subcon Thailand
• Subcon Myanmar
Business Services & Infrastructure
• Construction, Power & Mining Myanmar
Food, Hospitality & Leisure
• Food & Hotel Myanmar
• Food & Hotel Thailand
• Food ingredients Asia
Lifestyle & Brands
• ASEAN Beauty
• ASEAN Sustainable Energy Week
• Boilex Asia
• Pumps & Valves Asia
• Thai Water Expo
Mr. M Gandhi, Group Managing Director / (ASEAN Business)
Mr. Justin Pau, General Manager
Mr. Sanchai Noombunnam, Deputy Managing Director
BCCT Member Company Since 1994
A - Mr. Mike Dicken, Vice President Market Supply Chain
Unilever Thai Trading Ltd. is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Unilever, the AngloDutch multinational. Unilever is one of the largest fast-moving consumer goods manufacturers in Thailand. The company was first established in Thailand in 1932 as Siam Industries (1932) Ltd., manufacturing soaps, candles and edible oils and fats. The company was renamed Lever Brothers (Thailand) Ltd. in 1954 and then Unilever Thai Holdings Ltd. in September 1997. The head office has been at Unilever House on Rama 9 Road. The Home and Personal Care /Ice Cream factory is at Ladk rabang where a wide range of consumer products are manufactured. The foods factory (Gateway) is located Southeast of Bangkok. Operations of Unilever in Thailand are split into Unilever Thai Holdings Ltd, and Unilever Thai Trading Ltd. In 2010 the company declared “Sustainable Living Plan” which is one of the most challenging purposes for world and resource sustainability. Unilever has targeted that the company will improve the quality of life, health and living of more than 1 billion consumers within year 2020. And also, the company intends to obtain all materials from the farm that has no impact on environment, and it will reduce half of the environmental impact from its operations and products, in addition to reduce half of the using of Unilever’s products.
Detergents: Breeze/Omo/All/Comfort, Fabric Care: Comfort, Household Care: Sunlight/Vim/Promax/Cif, Sk in Cleansing: Lux/Dove/Vaseline, Oral Care: Close-up, Hair Care: Sunsilk/Clear/Dove /TRESemme’/Toni&Guy, Deodorants: Rexona/Axe, Sk in Care: Pond’s/Vaseline/Citra/K-Bright, Direct Sales: Unilever Network, Tea: Lipton Yellow Label, Ice Cream: Wall’s, Foods: Best Foods/Knorr
Unilever Thai Trading Limited
Unilever Thai Holdings Limited
Unilever Thai Services Limited
Wholly-owned subsidiary of Unilever
BCCT Member Company Since 1946
32/3 Bangna-Trad Soi 56
Bangna-Trad Road
Bangna, Bangkok 10260
T: +66 (0) 2316 2391
F: +66 (0) 2316 2394
stein@unitedreloth.com, joy@unitedreloth.com www.unitedreloth.com
Chamber Representative
388 Stag Hill Guildford Surrey
T: +44 1483 68 8752 sbs@surrey.ac.uk
Chamber Representative
A - Mr. Stein Krakholm, Managing Director
United Relocations has become one of Thailand’s first-class moving companies since it’s foundation in 2008. Combining premier international moving services and a competitive network of partners in more than 40 countries has made the difference in our growth ever since. Our extensively trained and multilingual Team is routinely providing solutions for corporate clients, embassy personnel, educational institutions and private customers all over Thailand.
During its expansion in 2011 the company has established Bangkok Property Square (www.bangkokpropertysquare.com) in order to satisfy the growing demand for expatriate housing and accommodation (rental/buy/sell) in the Bangkok market.
United Relocations also diversified in 2012 with its newest outstanding division United Pet Express (www.unitedpetexpress.com) specializing in prime pet relocations and giving your little family members the comfort they deserve on travels.
Thailand’s premier relocation solution awaits you.
Products or Services
International and domestic household goods shipment by SEA and AIR, origin & destination services (import/export), fine arts shipment, storage and warehousing service, real estate and property services, international and domestic pet transportation
Business activities:
• International & Domestic Moving Services
• Storage / Warehousing
• Property & Real Estate Services
• Pet & Animal Transport
• Transportation & Logistics
United Pet Express, Bangkok Property Square
Companies Represented
Mr. Stein A. Krakholm, Managing Director, Ms. Joy Belle Llenado, Sales Manager
51% Thai
49% Other
Senior Management
Mr. Stein A. Krakholm, Ms. Supakarn Kateratorn, Ms. Joy Belle Llenado
Kungsri Kasikorn Bank
BCCT Member Company Since 2011
A - Ms. Michelle Chiuunga, British Blockchain Association
Executive Education at Surrey Business School works with organisations to deliver fit-for-purpose education solutions tailored to enterprises. With the core aim of accelerating innovative thinking into practice the team works with local, national and international enterprises bringing forward cutting edge research and designing practical enterprise solutions that fit. We believe our Executive Education portfolio should equip leaders to be able to make sense of the confusing digital, economic and business environment (‘wicked times’), and then figure out and execute responses that are both fit for purpose and innovative. Hence the overarching theme of our Executive Education portfolio is Leading in ‘Wicked’ Times.
Products or Services
• Digital transformation
• DLT (Blockchain)
• Leadership
• Entrepreneurship
• SMEs/Women-led business
• Finance
• Business Analytics
• Agile Innovation
• 5G/Artificial Intelligence/Robotics
• Business Insights Lab
• Science to practice events/seminars
BCCT Member Company Since 2018
Frenchay Campus, Coldharbour Lane
BS16 1QY
T: +44 117328 2766
33/7 Soi Charoenchai, Ekkamai Soi 12 Sukhumvit 63, Klongtanua, Wattana Bangkok 10110
T: +66 (0) 81 821 2430 urbanabkk@gmail.com www.urbana.co.uk
A - Mr. David Gee, Global Careers Consultant
B - Mr. Ray Priest, International Director: Asia Pacific; Managing Director
• Almost 30,000 students study with us at any one time, including 4000 international students, of which 2500 are from Asia Pacific.Every year over 100 students progress to UWE from Thailand.
• UWE Bristol ranks 37th in The Guardian University 2019 league tables.97% of UWE Bristol graduates are in work or further study six months after graduating
• We were named the UK’s Best University Careers/Employability Service (National Undergraduate Employability Awards 2014).
• Nearly 6500 students study UWE-awarded programmes with our par tner institutions
• We are investing £220 million in improving students’ experiences and developing new facilities over the next few years.
• UWE Bristol has close relationships with many leading employers including the BBC, Microsoft, HP, Santander and Siemens.
UWE International Educational Services Sdn Bhd provides a whole host of corporate training activities and can also provide motivational speakers on a range of topics. Details from Ray Priest
Email contact person in Thailand: Ray.Priest@uwe.ac.uk
UWE International Educational Services Sdn Bhd is wholly owned by UWE Bristol.
Board of Directors
Ray Priest, William Liew (Chairman)
Jo Midgley, Katie Jenkins
BCCT Member Company Since 2015
A - Mr. Robert Mathieson, Managing Director
Urbana is a consultant construction project management company based in Bangkok Thailand.
Urbana was incorporated in Bangkok 2000 and has now accumulated 15 years of experience working on an extensive portfolio of prestigious projects.
Robert Mathieson, the Managing Director was educated as an Architect and has twenty five years’ work experience in the construction industry.
We offer a wide and comprehensive project management ser vice including; Design Management, Budget Management, Consultant Appointment, Value Engineering, Procurement Management, Tendering, Contract Management, Construction Site Management, Document Control, Change Management, Project Completion and Handover.
We have been appointed as consultants in almost every sector of the construction industry on a wide variety of construction projects from Hospitals, Schools, Condominiums, Retail, Office Buildings and Hotels.
We have extensive experience of renovations and fit-out works as well as new build construction.
Board of Directors
Mr. Robert Mathieson
BCCT Member Company Since 2015
59 Moo 6, Mahidol Road, Nonghoi Muang, Chiang Mai 50000
T: +66 (0) 5314 0232
F: +66 (0) 5314 0231 ep@varee.ac.th www.varee.ac.th
Chamber Representative
1/11 Soi Somprasong 3 (Phetburi 15)
Phetburi Road, Kwang Thanonphayathai
Khet Ratchathewee, Bangkok 10400
T: +66 (0) 2653 9900
F: +66 (0) 2653 7826-7 contact@variety.co.th www.variety.co.th
Chamber Representative
A - Ms. Varee Patravanich, Director
Varee Chiangmai International School is led by Ms.Varee Patravanich, a dedicated educator with over three decades of experience in educational management and leadership. Ms. Patravanich opened her first kindergarten in 1978 and in 2003 she established Varee Chiangmai School which now caters for over 3,000 students.
ln 2009 Varee Chiangmai School establishment opened an international secondary school programme which follows the English National Curriculum. In 2015, the International programme became a fully immersed International School which now provides students with an education catering from PreNursery through to Year 13.
Students studying at VCIS gain the world-renowned IGCSE and A Level certification. Students graduating from Varee Chiang Mai International School have gone on to study at some of the top universities in the world.
Accredited by Education Development Trust (EDT)
Licensed Center for Cambridge International Examinations
Certified by the Ministry of Education
Products or Services
The school provides Kindergarten, Primary & Secondary Education. There are 3 programmes: Thai, English & International.
The school is fully equipped with modern science labs, sporting facilities, music rooms, dance rooms, a large modern library, multi-media rooms and spacious classrooms & interactive whiteboards.
Students enrolled at Varee International follow the English National Curriculum. Students take IGCSE and A Level examinations. These are accepted by top universities around the world
Cambridge International Examinations (CIE)
100% Thai
BCCT Member Company Since 2011
A - Mrs. Thippavan (Tippy) Singkorapoom, Managing Director
Variety international was founded in 1985 by a group of experienced exinternational airlines staff who are specialised in providing personalised services in the travel industry.
Products or Services
Reliable travel arrangements are available for any type of travel, e.g. roundtheworld tours, business and holiday travel, cruises to various exotic resorts in and outside Thailand, car hire, and worldwide hotel bookings. In addition to serving individual clients, the company has been contracted by several commercial firms and oil exploration companies to handle logistics for their personnel on a 24 hours basis (in case of emergency). Since 1996, Variety International has operated an office within the British Embassy to handle its travel needs.
100% Thai
Senior Management
Mrs. Thippavan (Tippy) Singkorapoom, Managing Director
Mrs. Kanokthip Wongummart, Sales Manager
Mrs. Prinya Pawakranond, Reservations & Ticketing Manager
Bangkok Bank
Financial Details
Registered Capital: B 4.0 M. (1999)
Paid up Capital: B 4.0 M. (1999)
Annual Turnover: B 211,899,946 (1999)
BCCT Member Company Since 1999
52588 Maria Lane
Scappoose Oregon 97056
T: +66 (0) 818447015
jim@veritasenterprises.com www.veritasenterprises.com
Chamber Representative
The Village Coconut Island Beach Resort
51/7, Moo 6, T. Kohkaew, Muang
Phuket 83200
T: +66 (0) 7635 2144
F: +66 (0) 7635 2145 info@thevillage-cocnutisland.com www.thevillagecoconutisland.com
Chamber Representatives
A - Mr. James F. Fowler, Managing Director
Veritas Enterprises is better known in Thailand by its trading name, Veritas Graphics. Veritas Graphics specializes in membership publications for Expatriate organizations in the Bangkok-Pattaya corridor.
Current and recent clients have included British, American, Australian and New Zealand chambers of commerce, The Australia-New Zealand Women’s Group, Rotary and the British Club of Bangkok.
Veritas operates in Malaysia as Veritas Partners, managed by Rebecca Fowler. Malaysian operations focus on health care related consulting projects.
Veritas was founded by James and Rebecca Fowler in 1997. The company was incorporated as an American Amity Treaty corporation, and is closely held by James and Rebecca Fowler.
Products or Services
Publishing & Advertising, specializing in magazines, directories & newsletters for expatriate groups in greater Bangkok
Companies Represented
British and American chambers of commerce and the British Club of Bangkok.
James & Rebecca Fowler
Senior Management
James F Fowler
BCCT Member Company Since 2006
A - Mr. Chris Gordon, Managing Director
B - Mr. Thomas Gordon, Commercial Director
The Village Management Co. Ltd operates The Village Coconut Island, a luxury 5 star resort and residence located on KohMaprao, just off of Phuket’s East Coast. The project began 9 years ago and the resort has grown and developed into one of the largest and most unique properties in Phuket.
Products or Services
44 Grand Sea View and Beach Front Pool Villas
76 Sea and Garden View Pool Villas
116 Suites with private outdoor Jacuzzis
Kabang – authentic Thai and Asian cuisine
Kucina – Italian and Mediterranean cuisine
Koko – Japanese fusion cuisine and high end cocktails
Le Petit Prince - Wholesale Bakery company
Island Transfers – Speed boat tours and transfers
BCCT Member Company Since 2015
Laurel House, Ashton Road
Newton Le Willows WA12 0HH
T: +44 7590880946
john.gray@vimto.com www.vimto.com
Chamber Representative
(The Head Office) Unit no. 1214, 12th Floors Empire Tower, 1 South Sathorn Road Yannawa, Sathorn, Bangkok 10120
T: +66 (0) 2770 9772 empire@virginactive.co.th www.virginactive.co.th
Chamber Representatives
A - Mr. John Gray, Regional Manager Asia Pacific
Founded in 1908 in England, Vimto is a soft drink brand that is hugely popular in the UK and enjoyed around the world in the Middle East, Africa and Asia. Made with a mix of raspberries, blackcurrant and grapes, along with a blend of herbs, Vimto provides consumers with a unique burst of flavour and refreshment.
Products or Services
Soft Drinks and Beverages
Nichols PLC (listed on London Stock Exchange)
Financial Details
USD $170,000,000+ Revenue
BCCT Member Company Since 2018
A - Mr. Vutravee Charuvatana, Country Manager
B - Mr. Damien Posterino, Head of Sales, Southeast Asia
Launched in 1999 in the UK, Virgin Active Health & Fitness Clubs are part of the Virgin Group founded by Sir Richard Branson. With over 270 clubs around the globe and more than 1.3 million members. We are a globally recognised brand that prides itself on a personal approach through genuine heart felt service. We’re about relationships, not memberships and in this way we hope to support people to become more active in all aspects of their lives to bring joy. Our aim is simple: we want to make a positive change to people’s lives. We believe that being active makes you happier. And with the right encouragement and the setting of realistic goals you can feel great live longer, look better and have fun. More information can be found at www.virginactive.co.th
Products or Services
Health & Fitness Clubs
Virgin Group Companies Represented
Mr. Vutravee Charuvatana, Country Manager
Mr. Damien Posterino, Head of Sales, Southeast Asia
BCCT Member Company Since 2014
210 Sukhumvit 1, Klong Toei Nua
Vadthana, Bangkok 10110
T: +66 (0) 2066 8899
F: +66 (0) 2011 4011
Chamber Representative
14/2-5 Floor, Emporium Tower
622 Sukhumvit Road, Klongton
Klongtoey, Bangkok 10110
T: +66 (0) 2080 5690
F: +66 (0) 2258 4779
A - Ms. Pattaravadee Wangviriyaphan, Associate Division Director of Marketing and Sales
Vitallife Wellness Centre is a 100% owned subsidiary of the publicly traded Bumrungrad International Hospital since 2001 and located on the campus of Bumrungrad International Hospital, is one of the leaders in the provision of scientifically-based integrated longevity medicine. Our mission is to deliver measurable health span improvement through predictive, preventive, revitalizing and regenerative treatments. We customize our programs, services, and supplements to our client’s needs and requirements individually.
Wellness, Anti-aging, Weight management, Detox, Aesthetic.
BCCT Member Company Since 2018
A - Mr. Chris Wailes, Managing Director
B - Mr. Jean-David Harel, Marketing Director
About Volvo Car Group
Volvo has been in operation since 1927. Today, Volvo Cars is one of the most well-known and respected car brands in the world with sales of 571,577 cars in 2017 in about 100 countries. Volvo Cars head office, product development, marketing and administration functions are mainly located in Gothenburg, Sweden. Volvo Cars head office for China is located in Shanghai. The company’s main car production plants are located in Gothenburg (Sweden), Ghent (Belgium), Chengdu and Daqing (China), while engines are manufactured in Skövde (Sweden) and Zhangjiakou (China) and body components in Olofström (Sweden).
About Volvo Car (Thailand) Ltd.
Company profile
Volvo Car (Thailand) Ltd. is the national sales company and is a wholly owned subsidiary of Volvo Car Corporation, Sweden. VCT is responsible for the marketing, sale and distribution of Volvo Products and Repairer Services.
Volvo Cars (Thailand) Ltd. imports and distributes intuitive, human-focused and functional Scandinavian design cars with all body types; sedans, estates/ sports wagons, cross country, and SUVs. At Volvo, everything we do starts with people. Our mission to make people’s lives easier, safer and better, which is something that comes naturally to us.
Today, we are still as focused as ever on our values: safety, quality and care for the environment. Protecting what is important to people.
BCCT Member Company Since 2016
4 Oak Drive, Halton Lancashire LA2 6QL
T: +44 (0) 845 5438 406 neil@voxtree.com www.voxtree.com
Chamber Representative
A A - Mr. Neil Stoneham, Managing Director
Voxtree is a marketing and training company specialising in professional copywriting services. In addition, our training courses help business professionals communicate more effectively, especially within the field of global commerce. We are based in the UK but often work throughout SE Asia.
Products or Services
Copywriting, Communications Consultancy, Training
BCCT Member Company Since 2013
For more information please email greg@bccthai.com or visit www.bccthai.com
T3 Networking
Efficient English Services Limited
317 Kamolsukosol Building, Silom Road
Silom, Bangrak, Bangkok 10500
T: +66 (0) 2660 3050-2
F: +66 (0) 2237 7052
julian.w@wallstreetenglish.in.th www.wallstreetenglish.in.th
Chamber Representative
849 Vorawat Building, 18th Floor Unit 1804, Silom Road, Silom Bangrak, Bangkok 10500
T: +66 (0) 2237 7830
F: +66 (0) 2236 1999 wsabkk@wallem.com www.wallem.com
Chamber Representative
A - Mr. Julian Warden, Chief Executive Officer, Wave EducationBackground
Wall Street English is the premier worldwide provider of English language instruction for individuals and corporate clients. Our innovative blended learning method integrates the best proven learning approaches to provide the most effective English language instruction available for Adults. Wall Street English’s curriculum is aligned with the Common European Framework Reference for Languages (CEFR) and accredited by the University of Cambridge. The Wall Street training method is ISO-9001 certified and external research verifies students’ levels, and time tracked spent studying, informing us how long it takes our students to reach CEFR milestones.
In Thailand, Wall Street English operates 14 training centers throughout Bangkok, Chiang Mai and the Eastern Seaboard. In addition, a large number of instructors work with corporate and government clients to teach English at their premises. Over the past 15 years, we have trained over 100,000 individual and corporate students. 2018 saw the launch of the Thailand franchise business, with a plan to open an additional 79 centers in Thailand over the next ten years.
BCCT Member Company Since 2016
A - Mr. Denzyl Allwright, Managing Director Indochina
The company commenced operations in Bangkok in 1967 and initially the business revolved around the operation of tugs and barges. Today the company offers a full agency service throughout Thailand for both its shipping and airline agency business. The company has also P&I branch offices in Ho Chi Minh City and Haiphong in Vietnam.
Products or Services
Liner, Container and Tramp Agency Services, Shipbroking, Chartering, Sale and Purchase, P&I Club Representation, Cargolux Airline GSA, and Airfreight.
Companies Represented
Cargolux Airlines, Canpotex, Spliethoff, G2 Ocean, 7-Star, Olam.
Wallem Holdings (Thailand) Limited 69%
Other Thai Shareholders 31%
Senior Management
Mr. Denzyl-Peter Allwright, Managing Director Indochina
Mr. Montri Jitrnoppakhun, Shipping Director
Ms. Chalinee Nankhonon, Aviation Director
Board of Directors
Mr. Denzyl-Peter Allwright
Ms. Chalinee Nankhonon
Mr. Montri Jitrnoppakhun
Mr. Dickson Chin
Mr. Paul Moore
Ms. Monica Cheng
Citibank, N.A.
Financial Details
Registered Capital: 4.0 million baht
Paid Up Capital: 4.0 million baht
BCCT Member Company Since 1970
Second Floor, Suite 4 The Avenue Sandyford
Dublin 18
T: +353 1 293 1960
F: +353 1 293 1052
expor tsales@waterlogic.com www.waterlogic.com
Chamber Representative
Unit 902, 9th Floor, GPF Witthayu Tower B 93/1 Wireless Road, Lumpini
Pathumwan, Bangkok 10330
T: +66 (0) 2665 7800
F: +66 (0) 2665 7888 bangkok info@wfw.com www.wfw.com
Chamber Representatives
A - Mr. Nino Pellegrini, Regional Sales Director APAC
Waterlogic is an innovative designer, manufacturer, distributor and operator of mains attached POU drinking water purification and dispensing systems designed for environments such as: offices, factories, hospitals, hotels, schools, restaurants and other workplaces.
Founded in 1992, Waterlogic was one of the first companies to introduce POU systems to customers, worldwide and has been in the forefront of the POU market, promoting product design and quality, the application of new technologies and world class sales and service. Waterlogic has its own subsidiaries in many markets and an extensive and expanding independent global distribution network in place, reaching over 50 countries around the world.
BCCT Member Company Since 2018
A - Mr. Steven Burkill, Partner, Head of Bangkok office
B - Mr. Alan Polivnick, Partner
Watson Farley & Williams (WFW) is a leading international law firm with 14 offices in major financial centres throughout Europe, Asia, the Middle East and the US.
WFW’s Bangkok office is well known in Thailand and the region for its truly international and exceptional capabilities in delivering high quality legal services in dispute resolution (covering domestic litigation and international arbitration), as well as in finance, corporate and commercial matters. The team has particular expertise in the power & energy, oil & gas, natural resources, international trade, real estate, insurance, aviation, shipping and ICT sectors.
With our highly respected dispute resolution practice, we offer local knowledge and expertise, global know-how and an in-depth understanding of the industries in which our clients operate. The firm is also recognised for its corporate practice, assisting MNCs, foreign companies and shareholders to invest and operate in Thailand and advising Thai companies on their international operations and investments.
We are well-regarded for our comprehensive mix of international and Thai law expertise, having been involved in numerous high-profile deals and cases. We continue to expand our contentious and non-contentious teams and represent clients not only in Asia but across the globe.
The firm is well established in the region, with offices in Bangkok, Singapore, Hong Kong and Dubai. Clients benefit from our seamless cross-border services through the firm’s international network. The close-knit and well-integrated co-ordination among our offices ensures we provide clients with effective legal advice and deliver insightful and commercial results.
We provide services in all areas of corporate, finance, tax, dispute resolution, employment and regulatory law. Our practice covers a wide range of industry sectors including finance & investment, maritime, energy & natural resources, transport, real estate and ICT.
WFW has 14 offices in London, New York, Paris, Hamburg, Munich, Frankfurt, Milan, Rome, Madrid, Athens, Dubai, Singapore, Bangkok and Hong Kong.
Mr. Steven Burkill, Partner, Head of Bangkok office Partner: Mr. Tan Kay Kian, Mr. Ratthakarn Boonnua, Mr. Alan Polivnick, Mr. Christopher Osborne, Mr. Tossaporn Sumpiputtanadacha
BCCT Member Company Since 2002
18 Krungthep Kreetha Road
Saphan Soong District
Bangkok 10240
T: +66 (0) 2087 8888
info@wellingtoncollege.ac.th www.wellingtoncollege.ac.th
Chamber Representatives
259 Sukhumvit 19, Sukhumvit Road
Klongtoey-nua, Wattana
Bangkok 10110
T: +66 (0) 2207 8000
F: +66 (0) 2255 2441 bangkok@westin.com westin.com/bangkok
Chamber Representative
A - Mr. Christopher Nicholls, Headmaster
B - Mr. Prinya Ruenprapan, Director of Admissions and Marketing
Wellington College International School Bangkok is an international school teaching English National Curriculum to students from Pre-Nursery to Year 13 (co-ed age 2 - 18) according to the standards and traditions of Wellington College, Berkshire, UK. WCIB International Co., Ltd is the franchise owner of Wellington College for the Greater Mekong Subregion. Its first school in the ASEAN region is Wellington College International Bangkok, which opened in August 2018 for Pre-Nursery to Year 6 (age 2-11) and will expand to Year 8 in Academic Year 2019-20.
Products or Services
Wellington College, Berkshire UK
Dhurakijbundit University
BCCT Member Company Since 2017
A - Mr. Peter Lucas, General Manager
Renew and recharge at Bangkok’s finest 5-star address for business or pleasure - The Westin Grande Sukhumvit, Bangkok. Situated in the heart of Bangkok’s prime shopping, restaurant and entertainment area, and with the added convenience of the skytrain at your door and the subway mere steps away, you are instantly transported to all that Bangkok has to offer.
Products or Services
The Westin Grande Sukhumvit, Bangkok offers 362 contemporary rooms and suites to enjoy the supreme comforts of the Heavenly Bed® and the rejuvenating Heavenly Bath® amenities. The unique and uncompromising Westin meeting experience features a sensory meeting set up and dedicated Westin One Call® associates on call to provide customized solutions. With 14 flexible function rooms for 6 to 600 persons, including a dedicated floor for break-out rooms, your meeting options are endless. The hotel also offers outside catering and 4 restaurants and bars showcasing Japanese and international cuisines prepared by our celebrated world-class chefs.
Marriott International, Inc.
Companies Represented
Mr. Peter Lucas, General Manager
Grande Asset Hotels and Property Public Company Limited
BCCT Member Company Since 2001
18th Floor UM Tower
9 Ramkhamhaeng Road
Suanluang, Bangkok 10250
T: +66 (0) 2719 9555
F: +66 (0) 2719 9546-7
www.wha-group.com, www.wha-industrialestate.com
Chamber Representative
Unit 1109, 11th Floor, Kowloon Centre
33 Ashley Road, Tsim Sha Tsui
T: +66 (0) 81 814 9990
F: +65 (0) 6826 4039
Chamber Representative
A - Mr. David Nardone, Group Executive Industrial and International Background
WHA Industrial Development PLC. (Former: Hemaraj Land And Development Plc.), a subsidiary of WHA Corporation PCL., is Thailand’s leading developer of Industrial Estates, Utilities, Power, and Property Solutions. Multinational companies have selected WHA’s industrial estates as the strategic location for their investments in Thailand. WHA ID offer developed Industrial land, Utilities, Ready Built factories for rent, quality industrial services, and an integrated logistics and supply chain.
WHA Industrial Development PLC. develops and operates 9+ industrial estates, mostly located in the Eastern Economic Corridor [EEC], covering 46,434 rai (7,429 hectare) and 875,000 square meters of Ready Built Factories with Built to Suit requirement and Logistics Parks. WHA’s industrial estates has been promoted to Industrial Promotion Zone under EEC program such as Aerospace & Logistics, Next Generation Automotive, Robotics & Automotive Industry, and etc. Our 723 distinct customers include 246 automotive customers with 1,095 Land or factory contracts have invested more than USD 31.0 billion.
WHA’s Industrial Estates
Eastern Seaboard (Chonburi and Rayong) in The Eastern Economic Corridor (EEC)
• Eastern Seaboard Industrial Estate (Rayong)
• WHA Eastern Seaboard Industrial Estate 1, • WHA Eastern Seaboard Industrial Estate 2, • WHA Eastern Seaboard Industrial Estate 4, • WHA Eastern Industrial Estate (Map Ta Phut), • WHA Chonburi Industrial Estate 1, • WHA Chonburi Industrial Estate 2, • WHA Rayong Industrial Land, • WHA Logistics Parks 1,2,3,4
• WHA Saraburi Industrial Land
• WHA Industrial Zone 1, Nghe An, Dong Nam Economic Zone
Products or Services
Industrial Estate Development
Ms. Jareeporn Jarukornsakul, Group CEO
Mr. David Nardone, Group Executive, Industrial and International
Mr. Vivat Jiratikarnsakul, Chief Operating Officer Industrial and International
100% Thai, 0% Foreign (as of 30 June 2018)
Senior Management
Ms. Jareeporn Jarukornsakul, Group CEO
Mr. David Nardone, Group Executive, Industrial and International
Mr. Vivat Jiratikarnsakul, Chief Operating Officer Industrial and International
Board of Directors
Mr. David Nardone, Group Executive, Industrial and International
Mr. Vivat Jiratikarnsakul, Chief Operating Officer Industrial and International
Siam City, BBL, BAY, TFB, KTB, TMB
BCCT Member Company Since 1995
A - Mr. Paul Williams, Proprietor
Williams Integrated Transport Solutions (WITS)is a sole proprietorship business registered in Hong Kong. The Proprietor, Paul Williams has over 45 years professional experience in transportation planning and traffic engineering, having worked in UK Local Government Engineers Departments, a UK Passenger Transport Executive, Hong Kong Government Transport Department, and for the past 25 years as a consultant based in South East Asia. Mr Williams provides advice to both public and private sectors on all aspects of urban transport including policy, planning, operations.
Products or Services
Transport Policy advice
Transport Infrastructure Project Feasibility Studies
Railway Planning
Bus Service Planning and Operations
Public Transport Institutional and Regulatory Arrangements
Bus Rapid Transport Systems
Integration of Bus /Rail networks
Environmentally Sustainable Urban Transport
Development and application of urban transport network and demand models
100% owned by Paul Williams
Senior Management
Mr. Paul Williams
HSBC Hong Kong
BCCT Member Company Since 2013
Suite 405-07. 4th Floor
Harcourt House 39 Gloucester Road
T: +852 28900080
F: +852 21690567 www.wlt.com
Chamber Representatives
9th Floor, Metropolis Building
725 Sukhumvit Road
Khlong Tan Nuea, Watthana
Bangkok 10110
T: +66 (0) 2239 9000
F: +66 (0) 2239 9099
sudip.indani@willistowerswatson.com www.willistowerswatson.com/en-TH
A - Mr. Toby Simon Alexander Codrington, CEO
B - Mr. Matthew Szabo, Managing Director Smoke & Mirrors (a WLT company)
Smoke & Mirrors is a full service, post-production company, driven by creativity. We transform powerful ideas into visual reality for the advertising, film and music industries.
Our parent company Williams Lea Tag is the leading independent communications and marketing partner to businesses worldwide. We turn creative ideas into reality by activating marketing strategies for businesses across all channels and regions.
Products or Services
• Creative Adaptation & Design
• Video & Versioning
• Animation and VFX
• Colour Grading
• Audio
• POSM & Packaging Solutions
• Sourcing & Fulfilment
• Digital Asset Management
• Process Consultation
Advent International
Senior Management
Matthew Szabo (Managing Director)
Board of Directors
• David Kassler (Group, CEO)
• Toby Codrington (APAC, CEO)
• James Campbell (CFO)
• Claire Cavanagh (HR)
• Hina Wainwright (Marketing)
• Philip Yau (IT)
• Adam Spurdle (Sourcing)
• Dan Healy (Business Development)
• Andrew Swinton (Managing Director ANZ & SEA)
• Ak i Kubo (Managing Director, North Asia)
• Martin Scrouther (Managing Director, Communications Services)
• Xulu Wang (Managing Director, Greater China)
BCCT Member Company Since 2018
A - Mr. Philippe Robineau, Managing Director, Thailand
B - Mr. Tony Kantapasara, Director | Talent & Rewards Business
Willis Towers Watson (NASDAQ: WLTW ) is a leading global advisory, broking and solutions company that helps clients around the world turn risk into a path for growth. With roots dating to 1828, Willis Towers Watson has 40,000 employees serving more than 140 countries. We design and deliver solutions that manage risk, optimize benefits, cultivate talent and expand the power of capital to protect and strengthen institutions and individuals. Our unique perspective allows us to see the critical intersections between talent, assets and ideas — the dynamic formula that drives business performance. Together, we unlock potential. Learn more at willistowerswatson.com/en-TH.
• Corporate Risk& Broking: Affinity, Broking, Facultative, Financial Lines, Global Services& Solutions, Property& Casualty, Risk& Analytics, Transportation
• Exchange Solutions: Consumer-Directed Accounts, Group Exchange, Health& Welfare Outsourcing, Individual Exchange
• Human Capital& Benefits: Global Services& Solutions, Health& Benefits, Retirement, Talent& Rewards, Technology& Administration Solutions
• Investment, Risk& Reinsurance: Capital& Wholesale, Reinsurance, Risk& Financial Services
BCCT Member Company Since 2007
90/9 Sathorn Thani Building 1, 6th Floor
North Sathorn Road, Silom
Bangrak, Bangkok 10500
T: +66 (0) 2238 2137
oth@wineconnection.com, franchise@wineconnection.com
Chamber Representative
253 Asoke, Level 17 - Suite 1701
Sukhumvit 21 Road, Kwaeng Klongtoey Nua
Khet Wattana, Bangkok 10110
T: +66 (0) 2259 2627-9
F: +66 (0) 2259 2630
wissen@csloxinfo.com www.wissenandco.com
Chamber Representative
A - Mr. Alain Trad, Group CEOBackground
Established in 1998, Wine Connection has developed expertise in offering affordable, high quality and exclusive wines from around the world through owned Retail and F&B outlets. The Company targets the region’s growing middle class through a differentiated offering focusing on affordable and quality western food and beverages. Wine Connection has grown to become the leading wine retailer and wine-themed restaurant operator in South-East Asia.
Products or Services
Wine Connection operates 80 Wine Stores and Restaurants in Thailand, Singapore, Malaysia and South Korea. The business has mission of making wine drinking democratic by making it affordable, accessible and simple to enjoy. The restaurants offer a casual dining experience rooted in wine and European Food in an inviting ambiance with friendly service.
Franchise opportunities are available. Please contact franchise@wineconnection.com for inquiries.
BCCT Member Company Since 2016
A - Mr.
Wichien Harnpraween, Managing DirectorBackground
Wissen & Co Limited was formed in 2006 by a group of lawyers having extensive experiences in both domestic and international business environment for a great number of years. The firm is broad-based commercial and business practice acting primarily for multinational corporations conducting operations in Thailand. The firm also advises shareholders, management, executives and personnel in their analysis and decision-making in Thailand.
Products or Services
The firm provides legal advice on business related issues, commercial contracts, properties, construction, corporation, customs, energy, entertainment, environment, exchange controls, factory, immigration, intellectual property, investment promotion, information technology, joint venture, labor, licensing, litigation, merger and acquisition, real estate, trade practice, taxation, telecommunication. Also, the firm renders services on work permit, visa and translation of legal documents.
Companies Represented
Harrow International School
Acushnet Footjoy (Thailand) Ltd.
BMW Group of Companies in Thailand
Home Product Center Plc.
Tetra Pak
100% Thai Company
Senior Management
Mr. Wichien Harnpraween
Mr. Prem Kiratiratanalux
Board of Directors
Mr. Wichien Harnpraween
Kasikorn Bank Public Co.,Ltd.
BCCT Member Company Since 2006
Foster Wheeler (Thailand) Limited
1st Floor Talaythong Tower, 53 Moo 9 Sukhumvit Road, Thungsukla
Sriracha, Chonburi 20230
T: +66 (0) 3834 4300
F: +66 (0) 3834 4344/5 david.brent@woodplc.com; puttipol.b@woodplc.com www.woodplc.com/
444 Port Authority of Thailand Building B, 5th Floor, Room 5/6-5/7
Tharua Road, Klongtoey, Bangkok 10110
T: +66 (0) 2350 2170-1
F: +66 (0) 2350 2172
Chamber Representative
A - Mr. Gary Milton, General Manager
B - Mr. Puttipol Boonjungmongkol, Business Development Director
Wood is a global leader in the delivery of project, engineering and technical services to energy and industrial markets. We operate in more than 60 countries, employing around 55,000 people, with revenues of over $10 billion. We provide performance-driven solutions throughout the asset life cycle, from concept to decommissioning across a broad range of industrial markets including upstream, midstream and downstream oil & gas, chemicals, environment and infrastructure, power & process, clean energy, mining, nuclear and general industrial sectors. We strive to be the best technical services company to work with, work for and invest in.
Products or Services
Wood delivers comprehensive services to support its customers across the complete lifecycle of their assets, from concept to decommissioning, across a range of energy, process and utility markets. The rich heritage of our founding organisations makes us a respected presence in global industrial markets, combining unrivalled technical knowledge and a drive for outstanding delivery.
Foster Wheeler (Thailand) Limited is a company under Wood
Wood Ownership
Senior Management
Mr. Gary Milton, General Manager
Mr. Puttipol Boonjungmongkol, Business Development Director
Mr. David Brent, Director Strategy & Development APAC
BCCT Member Company Since 1998
A - Mr. Andy Flynn, Managing Director
Every family relocation is a unique experience requiring expertise & professional experience to manage the process. Worldwide Relocations was established in Bangkok focusing on providing BESPOKE yet cost effective services to expatriates & their families. By allowing Worldwide Relocations to help settle your new expatriate staff and family into Bangkok & Thai life, you reap the benefit of a more efficient & happier employee as well as saving costs in the long run.
We understand this ‘unique’ process and our aim is too not only minimizes the upheaval whilst managing the relocation process, but also to provide bespoke professional solutions.
Some of the services available:
International moving to & from Thailand
Area Orientation
Rental Home Search
Cultural Awareness & Language Training
Visa & Immigration Services assistance
Departure Services
Short Term Accommodation
Long & Storage term storage
International Relocation Management
Long & Short term mobility
Extensive & bespoke relocation services offered to expatriate families moving into & out of Thailand. Our services include orientation meeting, Home & school search, home lease negotiations, maid & domestic home help placement and settling-in assistance. Also available are assistance with arrangements for departure from Thailand, such as lease negotiations, the recovery of lease deposits and finalising utility bills. Please check our website for a more extensive and up-to-date list of services
Members: Harmony Relocation Network; EuRA, the European Relocation Association & IAM (International Association of Movers)
49% non-Thai
51% Thai
Andy Flynn, Managing Director - Thailand
SCB Thailand
BCCT Member Company Since 2001
989 Siam Piwat Tower Building 19th Floor, Unit B1, Rama 1 Road
Pathumwan, Bangkok 10330
T: +66 (0) 2658 0950
F: +66 (0) 2658 0956 nick.annetts@wunderman.com www.wunderman.com
For more information please email greg@bccthai.com or visit www.bccthai.com
A - Mr. Nick Annetts, Chief Executive Officer
Wunderman is the most diverse digital relationship marketing network in the world. We help the most powerful brands reach customers wherever they are to inspire action, lifelong relationships & deliver measurable results. Performance driven data, insights, design, analytics & optimization resources are our collective market-moving capital.
We listen to what customers, competitors, the marketplace & the blogosphere are saying. This gives us an ongoing ability to deepen customer relationships & remain competitive. Advanced segmentation, social networking analytics & robust consumer databases help us better target audiences & intensify messages. We understand what best customers (and those who could become best customers) expect and we determine the best ways to reach them, in a world that doesn’t stand still.
Data driven communications across all media and digital channels
989 Siam Piwat Tower Building, 19th Fl. Unit B1, Rama 1 Road Pathumwan, Bangkok 10330
T: +66 (0) 2658 0950
F: +66 (0) 2658 0956 nick.annetts@wunderman.com
BCCT Member Company Since 2008
Phuket Networking
of upcountry events in the Eastern Seaboard, Chiang Mai and Phuket.
507/280 Nakhon Thai 16
Sathu Pradit Road 31
Chong Nonsi, Yannawa
Bangkok 10120
Tel: +66 (0) 81854 1056
info@yes.co.th www.yes.co.th
Chamber Representative
A - Mr. David C. Quine, Managing Director
YES Technologies was formed in 1999 developing database applications for a wide range of clients.
David Quine runs the Thailand offices, has worked in software development since 1980 and started work in Thailand in 1993. The YES company also trades as YES Technologies Integration.
Products or Services
Internet Technology Services, On-Line Databases
YES Technologies has an associate relationship with the following company: Clear Vu - The Database People www.clear.vu (USA, Thailand)
51% Thai
49% British
Senior Management
Mr. David C. Quine, Managing Director
Board of Directors
Mr. David C. Quine
Kasikorn Bank
Financial Details
Registered Capital: THB 5.4m, Paid up Capital THB 5.4m
BCCT Member Company Since 1999
278 B1, Raintree Office Garden
Soi Soonvijai 4, Rama IX Rd.
Bangkapi, Huaykwang
Bangkok 10310
T: +66 (0) 2319 9933
F: +66 (0) 2319 9949
bangkok@zi-argus.com www.zi-argus.com
Chamber Representatives
A - Mr. Frank van Baal, Regional Director Asia
B - Mr. Andre Geertsma, Key Account Manager
ZI-ARGUS is an independent Systems Integrator that provides productivity solutions on levels of Process Control, Industrial Automation, Engineering, Consultancy and Plant Optimization. For over almost three decades our company has gained an excellent reputation while adding value to a wide range of high-performing customers throughout the Asia Pacific region. Our professionals execute turnkey projects in process, manufacturing, infrastructure and business intelligence solutions from offices in Thailand, Australia, Indonesia and the Philippines.
ZI-ARGUS’ engineered solutions are delivered utilizing products from various major international manufacturers which are combined with our professional engineering services. Services are carried out by highly trained and experienced engineers who are led by qualified Project Managers. ZI-ARGUS engineers have diverse backgrounds, disciplines and skills giving them and us a unique level of knowledge and experience which ensures that our customers receive the best solution for their specific needs and requirements.
For more information please email greg@bccthai.com or visit www.bccthai.com
Young Professionals Networking
Thai, Affiliate of the Zuellig Group
BCCT Member Company Since 2017
On-line information and publications including reports on the Thai economy, legal issues and specific sectors.
Bakricono Shipyard
Mr. Philippe M Guenat, Senior Partner
Co PMG Marine Complex, 5/7 Moo 4
Suchada Beach Road, Tumbon Nuen Pra
Ampur Muang, Rayong 21150
T: +66 (0) 3801 0570
info@bakricono.com www.bakricono.com
Britvic Asia Pte Ltd.
Mr. Daniel Lim, Business Development Director
3 Temasek Avenue, Level 34-00 Regus Centennial Singapore 039190
Charleston Scientific International Co., Ltd.
Mr. Alden Lee, Director 1575/43 Phahonyothin Road, Phaya Thai Bangkok 10400
Dragon Capital Management Limited
Mr. Thomas Vaizey, Senior Legal Counsel
399 Interchange Building,23rd Fl.
Sukhumvit Road, Klongtoey-Nua
Wattana, Bangkok 10110
T: +66 (0) 2611 2600-1
Fax: +66 (0) 2622 2603
Mr. Christos Maranis, Unit Manager, Business Development Tower 42, 8th floor, 25 Old Broad Street London, EC2N 1PB www.exus.co.uk
Firstkind Limited
Ms. Reka Angerman, Marketing Communications Manager
Hawk House, Peregrine Business Park Gomm Road, High Wycombe Bucks, HP13 7DL
Kerry Siam Seaport Limited
Mr. Kledchai Benja-athonsirikul, Director & General Manager
804 8/F Chao Phya Tower, 89 Soi Wat Suan Plu New Road, Bangrak, Bangkok 10500
T: +66 (0) 2686 8999
F: +66 (0) 2237 7628
kbenja@kerrylogistics.com www.kerrylogistics.com
Mr. Alan Craig
Mr. Bernard Coe
Mr. David FallCMG
Mr. David Tarrant
Mr. Grenville Fordham
Mr. Graham MacDonaldMBE
Mr. Jeremy BStewardson
Loadtec Engineered Systems Ltd.
Ms. Sue Keeler, Director
The Stables, Coach House, Smeeth Kent, TN25 6SP
T: +44 (0) 1303 813030
Nissan Motor (Thailand) Co., Ltd.
Ms. Mantana Sae Lau, General Manager
3 Rajanakarn Building, 27th Floor, South Sathorn Road Yannawa, Sathorn, Bangkok 10120
T: +66 (0) 2339 3400
Pecan Deluxe Candy (Europe) Limited
Mr. Graham Kingston, Managing Director
F7 1st Floor Lincoln House, Lincoln Way, Ashbrooke Park, Sherburn In Elmet Leeds, LS25 6PJ
Precision Chain Limited
Mr. Nick Landon, Managing Director Clee Road, Dudley West Midlands
T: +44 1384 455455 nick.landon@precision-chains.com
Roffey Park Institute
Mr. Alex Swarbrick, Regional Director Asia Pacific, Forest Road, Horsham West Sussex, RH12 4TB
Scottish Development International (Singapore)
Mrs. Beatrice Huckvale, Food and Drink Specialist, SE Asia British High Commission, 100 Tanglin Road, Singapore 247919 Beatrice.Huckvale@scotent.co.uk
Wisetek Solutions (Thailand) Ltd.
Mr. Tirawat Jittapuckdee, Plant Manager 218/1-2, Moo 3, Tungsukla, Sriracha Chonburi 20230
T: +66 (0) 3840 1603-4
F: +66 (0) 3840 1602 wannaphak@wisetek.net www.wisetek.co.th
Mr. Jon Gray
Mr. Mark Devadason
Mr. Mark Fraser
Mr. Richard Cromwell
Mr. Simon Landy
Mr. Steve Buckley
Mr. Vishnu Mohan
Khun Arnop Phorndhiti, Chairman of MSIG Insurance (Thailand) Public Company Limited.
Arnop Phorndhiti has over 40 years’ professional experience in the general insurance industry. He was appointed head of Thai operations of a leading British nonlife insurer in 1988 following his return from secondment in the UK. Arnop is well known and respected in the insurance community in Thailand and is currently the Chairman of MSIG Insurance (Thailand) Public Company Limited.
Khun Chainarong Indharameesup, Chairman, Boyden Associates (Thailand) Ltd.
Chainarong Indharameesup received his Master of Public Administration degree National Institute of Development Administrator (NIDA), Thailand, then continued his studies in Executive Programs at John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University.
Previously he was the Audit Committee Chairman of the National Scientific Research Institute of Thailand. He also held positions on the Audit Committee at King Prajadhipok’s Institute, and Executive Committee of The International Institute for Trade and Development. He was also an adviser to the Prime Minister of Thailand. He is now Chairman of Boyden Associates (Thailand) Co., Ltd. and CSN Associates Co., Ltd.
Mr. David Armstrong
Date of birth: November 25, 1947
1969: Editor, Tharunka (student newspaper)
1969-75: General and political reporter in Sydney and Canberra, The Australian 1975-76: Government and private public relations
1976-80: Features writer, The Bulletin (national news-magazine)
1980-83: News editor; Deputy Editor, The Australian
1983-85: Senior feature writer; Deputy Editor, The Bulletin
1985-86: Editor, The Bulletin
1987-89: Special Political Reporter; Deputy Editor, Sydney Daily Telegraph
1989: Deputy Editor, The Australian
1989-92: Editor, The Australian
1992-93: Editor, the Canberra Times
1993-96: Editor, Editor-in-Chief, South China Morning Post, Hong Kong
1996-2002: Editor-in-Chief, The Australian
2002-03: Senior corporate executive, News Limited
2003-05: Group Editor-in-Chief, South China Morning Post
2005-06: Director, Editorial, South China Morning Post Publishers Ltd, and Deputy Chief Executive Officer, Post Publishing PCL
2006-09: President & Chief Operating Officer, Post Publishing; Member, Executive Committee of the Board of Post Publishing; Director, Hachette Filipacchi-Post (now Post International Magazines)
2009-2011 Adviser to President and Chief Operating Officer, Post Publishing
2010-2012: Chairman, Post Media Ltd, Phnom Penh.
2003: Awarded the Australian Government Centenary Medal for services to journalism and the newspaper industry
2006: Founding Member, Asia Board, International News Media Association
2007: Passed, with credit, the Thailand Institute of Directors’ “Directors Certification Program”. The certificate is recognized by the Australian Institute of Company Directors
2009-10 Director, Australian-Thai Chamber of Commerce
Khun Kitti Wasinondh
Date of birth: November 23, 1951
Career (Thai diplomat)
1978-79: Attaché then Third Secretary
Southeast Asia Division, Department of Political Affairs Ministry of Foreign Affairs
1982-85: Third Secretary then Second Secretary, Belgrade
1986-87: Department of Economic Affairs: Second Secretary then First Secretary, Chief of GAAT Section, Division of International Economic Affairs
1988-90: seconded to Royal Thai Army
1991: Chief of Secretariat then Chief, Division of Economic Relations
1993: Minister Counsellor, Brussels
1997: Director, Commerce and Industry Division, Department of Association of Southeast Asian Nations Affairs
1998: Deputy Director-General, Department of Information
1999: Deputy Director-General, Department of East Asian Affairs
2000: Consul-General, Sydney
2002: Director-General, Department of Association of Southeast Asian Nations Affairs
2006: Director-General, Department of Information
2007: Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the Court of St James
2012: retired from diplomatic service
2005: awarded Knight Grand Cordon (Special Class) of the Most Noble Order of the Crown of Thailand
2010: awarded Knight Grand Cordon of the Exalted Order of the White Elephant
Khun Sukhavichai Dhanasundara, Board Advisor and sub-committee Director, The Investor Club
Khun Sukhavichai Dhanasundara, has been involved with the industrial sector for over 40 years in the fields of industrial promotions as resource person for the BOI, industrial estates and factory development as Managing Director of TFD plc and partnering with the IEAT, project development and financing under IFCT, and factory operations with Ideal Standard and American Standard plc. Currently Khun Sukhavichai lectures in MBA and BBA programs at the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts (Switzerland) and Bangkok University International College. He is a founding member of the BCCT Management Development Group, and is also Advisor and Facilitator, Asian-Pacific Development Communication Centre, and Director, Thai Business Coalition on Aids.
Sunthorn Arunanondchai is the Vice Chairman of CP Group of Companies, the largest Thai conglomerate with businesses in agricultural feeds, telecommunication and real estate amongst others. In 1998, he created a highly successful joint venture between the CP Group and Tesco PLC (UK). The company has since become the largest hypermarket operation in Thailand.
Over the past 36 years, Sunthorn has been continuously active in the field of education, lecturing regularly at local universities and sitting on boards of management. He has donated a building to the College for Graduate Studies in Management at Khon Kaen University. Furthermore, he currently serves as Chairman of the Board of Directors at the university.
Being an active and charismatic leader with diverse interests, Sunthorn is currently an Associate Judge for the Central Intellectual Property and International Trade Court. In 2005, Sunthorn received the Alumni International Achievement Award at the Sam M. Walton College of Business at the University of Arkansas.
Additionally, he was bestowed an Honorary Commander of the Civil Division of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire (CBE) in 2007.
Khun Tiraphot Vajrabhaya, Ex-Chairman, The Shell Company Of Thailand Ltd.
Tiraphot Vajbhaya was born on the 1st of February 1953 in Bangkok. He holds a BA in Economics and Commerce from the University of Melbourne, Australia in which he graduated in 1976. He then received an MBA from Boston University, USA in 1981. He is married to Varita and they have a son and a daughter.
Tiraphot joined the Shell Co. of Thailand Limited in 1978 as a Senior Assistant in the Systems Evaluation Department. and worked in a variety of roles in the fields of Finance, Supply & Shipping, Personnel and Marketing in addition to an assignment at Shell International Petroleum Co., Ltd., U.K. in 1995. He then became Retail Director in 1998 and General Manager Retail for Thailand in 1999. He retired as Chairman of Shell Companies in Thailand in 2008.
Khun Vikrom Koompirochana, Chairman of the Board, Dragon One Public Co., Ltd. and past Thai Ambassador to UK Vikrom Koompirochana graduated in History from Chulalongkorn University in 1967 and received his MA and PhD degrees in History from Michigan State University in 1972. He first joined the civil service as a lecturer in History at the Faculty of Arts, Chulalongkorn University before transferring to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in 1973.
He has served as Ambassador of Thailand to Singapore (19911995), Malaysia (1996), New Zealand (1997-1999), Italy (2002) and the United Kingdom (2003-2006). During 2000-2001, he served in the Headquarters as Deputy Permanent Secretary of Foreign Affairs. Vikrom served in the Thai foreign service for 34 years until he reached the statutory retirement age of 60 in 2006.
He is now Chairman of the Board of Dragon One PCL; Chairman of the Audit Committee, Oishi Groups of Companies; Advisers to TCC Holding Co., Ltd. and TCC Land Co., Ltd.
Dr. Virachai Techavijit, Chairman and Founder, The Regent’s Schools Thailand
Dr. Virachai Techavijit graduated in Accountancy from Thomas More College-Ft. Mitchell, KY, USA in 1973 and received his MA and PhD degrees in the same field from the University of Missouri-Columbia, USA in 1979. In the same year he also received his Certified Public Accountant (CPA) certification from the State of Nebraska USA.
After he received an Advanced Teaching Certificate in 1966 from the Ministry of Education Thailand, he undertook the position of Headmaster at Joseph Upatham School, Thailand from 1967-1969. He then worked at universities in the U.S.A. from 1975-1981. The last university he worked for was the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) as an Appointed Full Time Lecturer.
In 1994-1995 he was Chairman of the Board of the Mass Rapid Transit Authority (MRTA). From 1996-1997 he was an Official Adviser to The Prime Minister. Currently, he is Chairman of Ventures Group of Companies and, since 1994, Founder /Chairman of The Regent’s Schools.
Dr. Wimonkan Kosumas, Deputy DirectorGeneral, Office of Small and Medium Enterprises Promotion
Education: 1999: Ph. D. in Foreign Affairs (majoring in International Political Economy, University of Virginia, USA (Japan-ASEAN Scholarship), 1990: M.A. in Foreign Affairs (majoring in Soviet Studies), University of Virginia, USA (Fulbright Scholarship), 1983: B.A. in Political Science (Comparative Politics), Thammasat University, Bangkok, Thailand.
Work Experiences: 2014-Present: Acting Director-General, Office of Small and Medium Enterprise Promotion. 2013-2014: APEC SME Working Group Chair. 2009-2014: Deputy Director-General, Office of Small and Medium Enterprise Promotion. 2002-2009: Director, International Cooperation and Policy Support Department, Office of Small and Medium Enterprise Promotion. 2000-2001: Policy Analyst, Policy and Planning Division, Ministry of Foreign Affairs. 1996-1999: Leave. 1991-1995: Soviet Desk Officer, Department of European Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs. 1985-1987: East Asia Desk Officer, Department of Economic Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs. 1984: Project Officer in charge of Technical Cooperation among Developing Countries, Department of Technical and Economic Cooperation, Office of the Prime Minister.
• Managing Director - Aegis International Ltd (start date: January 2016)
• Director - Macallan Insurance Brokers Co. Ltd. (start date: January 2016)
• Senior Adviser - PKF International (start date: April 2018)
• Honorary Adviser to South African embassy in Bangkok (start date: December 2016)
• Honorary Adviser to Rugby School Thailand (start date: January 2017)
Business – Past
• Plant manager – Pioneer Concrete (UK) Ltd: 1983-1985
• Sales Manager – Shire Group: 1985-1989
• UK Sales Manager – Rentokil OMM: 1989-1994
• MD of MBMG Group – co-founder: 1995-2016
• Vice Chairman of ‘World of Wine’ (which gave all profits to charitable causes): 2004-2014
• Regional Business Adviser – MitonOptimal Group 2016-2017
Chambers of Commerce
• Founding Chairman of the British Chamber of Commerce Thailand (BCCT) - Eastern Seaboard in 1997
• Served as a Director on the main BCCT Board: 1998-2012
• Vice Chairman of BCCT: 2005-2010
• BCCT Chairman in 2010. Re-elected in January 2011 and retired in 2012
• Chairman of BCCT Charity Group: 2009-2012
• Director of Board of Trade of Thailand: 2011-2015
• Chairman of South African Thai Chamber of Commerce (SATCC) - first person to be head of two foreign chambers: 2012-2016
• Appointed as Honorary Adviser to BCCT and SATCC in November 2016
• A writer for various newspapers, magazines and journals based in Thailand
• Regular appearances on local and national television
• Nominated for the Lorenzo Natali Prize for journalism. This award was created by the EU in 1992 and is for excellence in reporting on human rights and democracy in the developing world
• President of ‘Care for Kids’: 1998-2010
• Secretary of The Lighthouse Club - Eastern Seaboard: 2006-2007
• President of the Royal British Legion Thailand which also helps the Thai Veterans Assoc. and their local hospitals: 2009 – 2017
• Committee member of BCTFN – a.k.a. Ploenchit Fair charity organisation: 2012-2014. Re-appointed January 2017 – present
• Appointed as Honorary Adviser to English for All – an organisation set up by Korn Chatikanavij, Finance Minister for Thailand 2008-2011, to expand the teaching of English in Thai schools: 2016 – present
• Born in Birmingham, England on 25th June 1959
• Educated at Repton School and graduated from University of Bradford
• Married
• Awarded MBE, by Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, in New Year’s Honours list 2012, ‘for services to British business interests in Thailand’
• Conferred with the inaugural International Personality of the Year award in 2016 by International Investment Magazine
• Bestowed the prestigious Gold Badge award by the RBL in 2018 for services made to the Legion over the last eight years
• Recreation: Pattaya Panthers Rugby Club, this follows from being a member of both Wasps and Moseley Rugby Clubs when in the UK. A supporter of Pattaya Cricket Club. Other interests - History, Literature, Classical Music, Travel and Movies
Level 23, Athenee Tower
63 Wireless Rd., Pathumwan Bangkok 10330
M: +66 (0) 85 656 8283 graham1212@hotmail.com
Background Consultant in Corporate Finance & Investments
Senior Counsel
Weerawong, Chinnavat & Partners Ltd. 22nd Floor, Mercury Tower 540 Ploenchit Road, Lumpini Pathumwan, Bangkok 10330
T: +66 (0) 2264 8016
Mobile: +66 (0) 98 282 1384 james.l@weerawongcp.com
Chown Dewhurst LLP
51 Lafone StreetLodon SE1 2LX
Phone: +44 (0) 20 7403 0787
Fax: +44 (0) 20 7403 6693
John Chown was educated at Gordonstoun and Selwyn College, Cambridge (First class honours economics, Adam Smith Prize and Wrenbury Scholarship) and is an Honorary Fellow of the College. He founded JF Chown & Company, (now Chown Dewhurst LLP) in 1962, as international tax advisers. Most of his career has been spent on professional tax work but he has always been actively involved in public policy issues in the UK, the EC and elsewhere. In 1969, he and three friends founded the Institute for Fiscal Studies and he remains a member of the Executive Committee. He now devotes much of his professional time to international policy advice on taxation, regulation and the development of financial markets, including several projects in Russia and a 4 visit World Bank project in Thailand in 2000 on the taxation of financial derivatives. He now works closely with Jackie Newbury: her background is in investment banking. They began work on a capital market project in Thailand in 2008-9 but this was never finalised because of the political situation. They have been together on missions to China Kazakhstan Azerbaijan and Mongolia.
He is an active member of International Financial Services London, serving on the CIS, CEE and Pensions Committees and participates actively in his specialist capacity in inward visits and outward missions led by the Lord Mayor of London.
The firm, Chown Dewhurst LLP, brings together lawyers, economists and accountants to crack international tax problems. They are members of, and act as secretariat to, the International Tax Specialist Group.
Millennium Residence D301
Sukhumvit Soi 16-20, Klong Toey Bangkok 10110
Mobile: +66 (0) 85 966 7580
BWG committee and St. George’s Society committee ( former President of St. George’s Society)
I was born in London and lived and worked there for the first 27 years of my life. After getting a posting to Guangzhou in China with BP in 1983 where I met Martin, an adventurous and exciting young geologist, I decided that overseas life was definitely for me and we have never looked back, apart from 3 years in Glasgow which seemed as if it was overseas.
We’ve been lucky enough to live in Milan (where I learnt a lot about expensive fashion), Kuwait (Martin learned a lot about home-brewing), Vietnam (we both learned about Asian ‘street life’) and then 11 years in Indonesia before arriving in Bangkok just after the floods in 2011.
I’ve had a fantastic time in Bangkok and made some great friends through the Loyal Societies and the British Women’s Group and long may we stay – if the oil price doesn’t fall any further that is! I’m currently finishing an Open University degree in History and like Martin I’m passionate about mountains and enjoy hiking, climbing and skiing and try and keep fit by running. Most importantly though I do enjoy a good social life of which there is no shortage in Bangkok of course!
48/53 Moo 7, Boonkhum Rd., Kukot, Lamlukka Pathumthani 12130
T: +66 (0) 2900 6900 mikelcl@connols.co.th
CEO & Founder, Connols Group
He provides leadership for positioning the company at the forefront of the industry. His ultimate duty is to set all the directions. Develop a strategic plan to advance the company’s mission and objectives and to promote revenue, profitability and growth as an organization.
Mr. Lee Chew Liang (Michael Lee) has over 35 years of experience in the field of Micro-Contamination Control, HVAC System, M&E System, Cleanroom Design and built experience. During his years in the industry, he carried out project work across ASEAN countries (Singapore, Malaysia, Philippines, Thailand) and China, Australia, and India). He was a former Project Manager of ACMA in Singapore.
Companies which Mr. Michael Lee associated work with are Seagate Technology International (Singapore, Malaysia, China & Thailand) IBM, WD, Maxtor, Hitachi, MMI Precision (Thailand) Ltd., WD, Belton, JCY etc.
Mr. Michael Lee holds various Professional Licenses such as
• Degree in Business Administration (BBA) from Australia
• Diploma in Marketing from Singapore Polytechnic
• Diploma in Marketing from Chartered Institute of Marketing (CIM- UK)
• Diploma in Industrial Engineering from Singapore Polytechnic
• Diploma in Mechanical Engineering from Singapore Polytechnic
• Diploma in Industrial Engineering from Institution of Industrial Managers, UK
• Certificate in Building Science from Singapore University
• Certificate in Industrial Automation from Singapore Polytechnic
Mr. Michael Lee has a global responsibility for strategy, product marketing, sales, services, and support of solutions for Connols Group Management. With his 35 years of experienced in Engineering and Construction & Technology and Services Firm , it has been numerous projects in the field of turnkey constructions, civil and structural engineering, industrial , plant, and Cleanroom building in different parts of Thailand. With Mr. Lee’s long and depth experience in strategic planning and execution, He becomes one of the specialists in the Construction and Cleanroom Industry.
180 Moo 4, Laem Mae Phim Beach Road
Kram, Klaeng, Rayong 21190
T: +66 (0) 33 010 820 resortmanager@grandbluethailand.com
Martin is an entrepreneur who arrived in Thailand in 1988 and has had his own businesses in F&B in Chonburi and Chiang Mai. Today however, you will find him working as Manager of the beach hotel GrandBlue Resort & Beachclub at Laem Mae Phim in Rayong.
Martin’s background as a younger man was working in Wildlife Parks (namely for John Aspinall at Port Lympne in Kent) where he specialized in learning all that was to be known for managing a breeding herd of Asian Elephants, a career that led him to Chiang Mai in 1988 as a group member of the World Wildlife Fund and the Asian Elephant Specialist Group. From those early days in Thailand when even on the airport tarmac he realized “I’m home” he has striven to stay in his beloved adopted country, actually not having returned to the UK for 20 years to date!
Martin also worked as Exhibitions Coordinator for Garrard the Crown Jewellers travelling and setting up exclusive exhibitions the length and breadth of Europe, and as “Camp Boss” in charge of all Catering and Housekeeping for a large number of Offshore Oil Platforms from Angola to Korea, Egypt to the North Sea, Singapore to the Black Sea so is, as was his Royal Marines Commando father before him, a very well travelled man.
Martin has vowed that his final chapter will see him running his own small café and guesthouse establishment somewhere in the mountains north of Chiang Mai….. but there are many years left in the Old Dog yet!
19/70, Ban Prangthong, Kwang Road
Moo 3, T. Vichit, Phuket 83000
M: +66 (0) 819564740 mtumber@trwasia.net
Current Business Objectives:
I want to focus on growing my own consultancy business based in Thailand through my own company, International Project Consultancy (Thailand) Co. Ltd. (‘IPCT’). I am married to a Thai and have a family here. The business would leverage my ‘broad based’ work experience in finance, banking, corporate governance, accounting and commercial real estate development, combined with my intimate knowledge of Thai business practices and regional cultures.
Later, it would be my aim to expand the geographic scope of that business to include regional opportunities in Myanmar and to generally target the Lower Mekong region.
Business Model to achieve the above by:
• Link ing up and contracting with foreign partners to offer ‘Company Representation and Recruitment’ services to support foreign firms wishing to grow their businesses organically by directly selling products and services into Thailand and the immediate region; and/or,
• Contracting with potential foreign investors to provide a full suite of ‘Project Feasibility Analysis, Business Evaluation and Business Brokerage’ services for foreign firms looking to acquire or joint venture with indigenous businesses; and/or,
• Contracting with local entities (both private sector and government) to provide advice to solicit foreign direct investment (FDI) for selected infrastructure/energy related projects and corporate capital restructuring exercises.
Thus provision of a mix of ‘inbound’ and ‘outbound’ services.
Brief Summary of Work Experience:
I am a qualified Company Secretary (The Institute of Chartered Secretaries and Administrators (ICSA)), international banker, and finance professional of some 45 years’ standing – the last 34 years being permanently based in Asia. My banking career commenced in 1974 in London and has geographically covered Europe, North America, the Middle East and, Asia (Singapore and Hong Kong) up to 2003. See ‘Highlights’ below.
After leaving banking in 2003, I was based in Thailand and between 2004/2007 worked for two Thai SMEs in Phuket and Bangkok in the Marine Leisure and Real Estate sectors in the capacities of Financial Controller and International Investment Manager, respectively.
In 2007 I join
M: +66 (0) 87 084 8635 nickthompson7@yahoo.co.uk
Metrosky Ratchada, 453/93 Building C Ratchada Road, Soi Indhramara 47 Din Daeng
Bangkok 10400
M: +66 (0) 87 046 4181 pacharay@gmail.com
Pachara Yongjiranon (Billy) has experience in training, sales, recruitment and talent development. He has conducted training for many corporations across various industries. His passion is training people at all levels and he has coached top executives as well as operational staff.
Billy has professional experience with both Thai and multinational organizations in the recruitment, training, and on-line marketing industries. His functions covers across recruitment, CSR projects, employee relations, organizational development, and speech coaching.
SpeakPro Training is a training brand that was founded by Pachara Yongjiranon (Billy) that primarily focuses on soft skills training. The courses are conducted for both public and in-house purposes. He believes that effective learning comes with hands-on practice by participants.
SpeakPro’s in-house programs can be custom designed to the needs of the organization to be fit with the outcomes required. HIs goal is to give high quality experiences related to communicating, presenting, sales and other soft skills.
Products or Services
Training Services Provided:
• Presentation Skills
• Sales Sk ills
• Telesales Skills (B2B)
• Train the Trainer
• Speech & Presentation Coaching
• Star tup Coaching
• Communication Skills
• English for Business
• Finance for Non-Finance
Mr. Robert Marchant
38/26, 3rd Floor, The Amethyst Condominium Soi Phrommitr, Sukhumvit Soi 39
Klongtoey Nuea, Wattana Bangkok 10110
M: +66 (0) 81 846 4450 bobofbangkok@gmail.com
Robert Marchant is an independent Telecommunications and IT Consultant
Robert has over 30 years experience in the development of Thailand’s Fixed and Mobile Networks. In his role as County Manager for British Telecom he proposed to the Thai government that the private sector would be willing to invest in Thailand’s telecommunications infrastructure.
As a result of his work the Thai government agreed to allow the private sector to invest in telecommunications on a “Build Transfer and Operate basis”. This resulted in the 3 million-line concession being granted along with Mobile AIS and UCOM concessions.
Robert has extensive experience in dealing with senior Thai government officials. He was recently appointed by the “National Broadcasting & Telecommunications Commission” to recommend the design, the technology options and the financial implications of implementing a “Thai National Broadband Plan”.
Currently he is promoting the implementation of Fibre Optic Access Networks throughout Thailand such that households will have access to the very high speeds and services they will demand in the future. He is also an advisor to a number of companies wishing to develop telecommunications business in Thailand and the ASEAN Region.
Abraham, James Garden International school, ThailandD116
Barc, Jean-Louis Hotel Muse Bangkok
Barling, Benjamin Digital Base Co., Ltd.
Barrett, Roy Hua Hin International School
Barrow, Ian Hilton Sukhumvit Bangkok
Bartlett, Colin Sutlet Group
Sergej Check-6 (Thailand) Co., Ltd.
Batchelor, Edward H.Cormix International Ltd.
Baumgartner-pichelsberger, Martin BNL (Thailand) Limited
Bean, Benjamin Sisaran Group Co., Ltd.
Beaumont, Timothy JohnBeaumont Partnership, The
Beck, Sally Royal Lancaster London D233
Beecham, Grahame TCH Hua Hin Co., Ltd. D268
Beecham, Scott TCH Hua Hin Co., Ltd. D268
BeechinorGMS, AdamAllied Pickfords D12
Bell, Anthony MAM Enterprises Ltd. D175
Bell, John Ophir Thailand (Bualuang) LimitedD198
Bell, Lord Tim Allmond Bell Ltd.
Bell, Richard CharlesCornerstone Management Company Limited D78
Belonje, Linda KIS International School (Parich-Pichaya Co., Ltd.) D159
Benhar, Steve M W Jim Thompson
Benja-athonsirikul, KledchaiKerry Siam Seaport Limited
Bennett, Matt Magic Rock Pte Ltd. D173
Bentley, Andrew C.Aon (Thailand) Limited D21
Beresford-Hill, Paul Mountbatten International Programmes (Thailand) Co., Ltd. D186
Berger, Tim Rhenus Logistics Co., Ltd.
Bertrand, Numa Marcel Compass Skyview Hotel D74
Betts, Ian Hill Risk Consulting (Thailand) LimitedD129
Bhandari, Pradip Crowne Plaza Bangkok Lumpini ParkD80
Bheungnoi, Porntita Bangkok Marriott Hotel The SurawongseD38
Bhiromsawad, Kamolnuch Rembrandt Hotel Bangkok
Bialecki, Arnaud Sodexo Thailand
Biesty, Gary South Asia Law Co., Ltd.
Bishop, Chris Ipsotek Pte Ltd.
Bishop, Tom DTC Travel Co., Ltd.
Blarcom, Thomas B. Van Total Quality PR (Thailand) Co., Ltd.D276
Chaiaroon, Piyachat INSEE Ecocycle Co., Ltd.
Chaiyaroj, Apichai BNH Medical Centre Co., Ltd.
Chakawantum, Noparat Ben Line Agencies (Thailand) Ltd.D45
Chakreyarat, Kodchakorn Pathumwan Princess Hotel
Chalermvongsenee, Yeen Siam Winery Commercial Company
Chamat, Nisa Mountbatten International Programmes (Thailand) Co., Ltd.
Chan, Alexandra Berkeley Group - Bangkok
Chan, Ivy Conrad Bangkok, The
Chantanakomes, Praween Baker & McKenzie Ltd.
Chaowanagawi, Ruth EY Corporate Services Limited
Chapman, Richard Sheraton Grande Sukhumvit
Charles, Andrew Steakhouse Co Bar & Grill, the
Charoenpanvorakul, Wichai Pullman Bangkok Hotel G
Charuvatana, Vutravee Virgin Active (Thailand) Limited
Cheah, Caroline Shangri-La Hotel, Bangkok
Cheah, Pete Premiere Home Health Care Co., Ltd.D209
Cheenprachar, Royy Beaumont Partnership, The
Cheewarattanaporn, Thanapol Go Holiday Tour
Chewter, Mark
Chia, Sam St. Regis Bangkok, The
Chiamchintanakul, Lasa Centre Point Bangkok Thailand
Chientachakul, Bhudhibha Bangkok Ranch Public Company LimitedD40
Chinawong, Nattaphol Natipatana Co., Ltd.
Chisell, Craig Senior Aerospace (Thailand) Ltd.D242
Chitvarakorn, ChatchavejSiam Premier International Law Office Limited
Chiuunga, MichelleUniversity of Surrey
Chiwaraphan, Siriporn A Ta Services
Chomdhavat, Sukrita Swissotel Bangkok Ratchada
Chomklay, Orawan BSI Group (Thailand) Co., Ltd.
Chompoowong, Apissara Budget Car and Truck Rental
Chomsakorn, Billy British Airways PLC
Chong, Litsan Thailand Arbitration Center (THAC)D272
Chongphaisal, Viriya GlaxoSmithKline (Thailand) LimitedD120
Choong, Paul Thai Beverage PLC
Chooseang, Metta Royal Lancaster London
Chowla, Aman Prudential Life Assurance (Thailand) Public Company Limited
Chown, John D306
Christandl, Klaus St. Regis Bangkok, The D261
Christiansen, Thomas G Bangkok Marriott Hotel SukhumvitD37
Chuaprasert, Terapan AVANI Pattaya Resort D30
Chung, Tae il TRANSEARCH Executive Search Co., Ltd. D279
Ciolek, Dean Retox (Honey Properties Co., Ltd.) D227
Coak, Noelle
IWG (International Workplace Group)D148
Codrington, Toby Simon Alexander Williams Lea Asia Limited
Collins, Robert Savills (Thailand) Limited
Cusmano, Joseph Oman Air S.A.O.C D197
Cuthbertson, Jacqui InterContinental Pattaya Resort D140
Dabab, Mohammed NPTC Group of Colleges D195
Daly, Stuart Pattaya Realty Co., Ltd.
Dando, Christopher Royal Varuna Yacht Club
Davidson, Andrew Ove Arup (Thailand) Limited
Davies, Andrew International School Bangkok (ISB)D142
Davies, Gareth Fluxus (Thailand) Co., Ltd. D113
Davies, Julian G. Thammachart Seafood Retail Co., Ltd.D273
Davies, Yeeran G. Thammachart Seafood Retail Co., Ltd.D273
Davis, Ben Tropical Landscaping International Co., Ltd.D281
Deacon, Ashley Rugby School Thailand D235
Dean-Smith, Tim Beach Republic (Samui) Co., Ltd.D43
Decharin, Nara DCH Auriga (Thailand) Limited D85
Dejakaisaya, Phisud Siam Premier International Law Office Limited D249
Dennison, AmandaShrewsbury International School BangkokD246
Denton, Noel Penspen Limited
Derek, Lawrence Safeguard Electronic Systems Ltd. (Thermatek)
Dhammawatcharaphan, Pinyaluck akyra Thonglor Bangkok D10
Dhooge, Frederik IWG (International Workplace Group)D148
Dicken, Mike Unilever Thai Trading Limited D283
Dickson-Smith, Jee Tara Pattana International SchoolD268
Dimitroulopoulos, Panos Marks & Spencer
Dimsdale, Blake Mazars (Thailand) Ltd.
Collinson, John M Alexander and James Sofas D11
Colyer-Charusorn, Laurie Bumrungrad International
Connell, Andy CLCA Call Direct
Cooper, Paul Michael Page International Recruitment (Thailand) Limited
Corrigan, Phil Jardine Lloyd Thompson Ltd.
Cove, William Stonehead International Trading Co., Ltd.D264
Creado, Shannon Banyan Tree Phuket
Crist, Darryl William Movaci Technology Limited
Crump, Adrian Cabin Addiction Services Group, The D62
Cuijpers, Cees Town & Country Property Co., Ltd.D277
Cumming, Andrew Solvay Peroxythai Limited
Cumming, David Amari Watergate Bangkok
Eammongkolchai, Pichitpon Linklaters (Thailand) Ltd.
Eastland, Mark St. Mark’s International School
Economou, Thanos Athenee Hotel, a Luxury Collection Hotel, Bangkok, The
Eger, Patrick Amara Bangkok
Ehrlich, Herman J. Conrad Bangkok, The
Ehrmann, David Shiner Check-6 (Thailand) Co., Ltd.
Ekabut, Chaovalit Siam Cement Public Company Limited, TheD247
Eleveld, Martin Captain Hook’s Smoke House Co., Ltd.D63
Elliott, Andrew Bloomsbury International School HatyaiD48
Ellis, Michael Allied Pickfords
Enscoe, Edward dwp
Erasmus, Jacques Idea Foundry Marketing Pte Ltd
Erasmus, Nicola Idea Foundry Marketing Pte Ltd
Eriksson, Jan Spica Co., Ltd.
Evans, Andrew Artemis (South East Asia)
Evans, Meg E. Minor Hotel Group
Evans, Paul Infra Asia (Thailand) Ltd
F Farnworth, Joel Kasemsri Farnworth & AssociatesD156
Farrell, Neil Elastomer Products (Thailand) Ltd.D100
Fenwick, Prof. Ian Sasin School of Management (of Chulalongkorn University) D237
FerencUNG, Thomas Surapon Foods Public Company Limited
Fletcher, Kim Elvin Jameson’s the Irish Pub
Flitcroft, Iain Dennis & Robinson Limited
Flynn, Andy Worldwide Relocations (Thailand) Co., Ltd.D297
Foster, Carl Durham-Duplex (South East Asia) Ltd.D95
Fowler, James F. Veritas Partner
Fowler, Stephen QAD (Thailand) Ltd. D217
Fowles, Leighton D.Thailand Reinsurance Brokers Co., Ltd.D273
Fox, Jon Q Cars Co., Ltd.
Frame, Chris Berkeley Group - Bangkok
Francis, Lee Aulan Capital LLP
Franz, Oliver Rent a Nurse (Thailand) Co. Ltd.
Freyaldenhoven, Maximilian Chateau de Bangkok
Frost, Adam Seal Superyachts Co., LTD.
Frost, Stephen Bangkok International Associates Ltd.D36
Fryar, Matthew AVANI Hua Hin Resort & Villas
Fryer, Jonathan Mazars (Thailand) Ltd.
Fukui, Etsuko Japan Inter Trading Co., Ltd.
Funk, Jirapinya Draycir Ltd.
Gaehler, Michael B.Oriental Residence Bangkok
Gambles, Paul MBMG Investment Advisory Co., LimitedD179
Gauvain, Patrick Shrimp Asia Company Limited
Gee, David University of the West of England
Geertsma, Andre Zi-Argus Ltd.
Geeves, Lynne Benham and Reeves Residential Lettings (Singapore) Pte Ltd.
George, David Edmund Tie & Company (Thailand) Co., Ltd.D98
Gerits, Kate Holiday Inn Pattaya
Gerrard, Emily Tropical Landscaping International Co., Ltd.D281
Gerrish, Tim International Child Protection Advisors (ICPA) Ltd
Gibson, Clive Nexant Asia Ltd.
Gitisakchaiyakul, Rattapol MSIG Insurance (Thailand) Public Company Limited
GlassOBE, Andrew British Council
Gobbett, LeightonEdge Worldwide Logistics (Thailand) Co., Ltd.
Goddard, BenjaminRhenus Logistics Co., Ltd.
Goh, Choo Leng Athenee Hotel, a Luxury Collection Hotel, Bangkok, The
Golden, Michael Park Hyatt Bangkok
Gordon, Chris Village Management Co., Ltd., The
Gordon, David PhilipDavid’s Kitchen
Gordon, Tanyarat David’s Kitchen
Gordon, Thomas Village Management Co., Ltd., The
Gower, Andy BMRS Asia Co., Ltd.
Grankvist, Louise Oxford Business Group
Gray, John Vimto International
Gray, Richard MBK Guarantee Company LimitedD178
Gregory, Steve HealthCare International
Grimes, Paul Hunter Stoves Limited
Grunwell, Joe Comcon Services (Thailand) Co., Ltd.D73
Gucht, Herman van Town & Country Property Co., Ltd.D277
Guenat, Philippe MBakricono Shipyard
Guoyong, Shi MG Sales (Thailand) Co., Ltd.
Hakkinen, Kati Aava
J Jackson, Paul Expats In Bangkok
Jaggs, Stephen Allen & Overy (Thailand) Co., Ltd.D12
James, Matthew Harsco Metals Group Ltd. D127
Janssen, Patrick Novotel Bangkok Ploenchit SukhumvitD195
Jhingran, Jay Continent Hotel Bangkok,The
Jiemrugeekul, Nannaphat Shama Lakeview Asoke BangkokD243
Jinli, Zheng Hioffer
Jira, Phapatsarin Tuffie Food and Marketing Co., Ltd.D282
Jitchaiwat, Athipat Amatara Wellness Resort
Jittapuckdee, Tirawat Wisetek Solutions (Thailand) Ltd.D301
Job, Quentin Pernod Ricard Thailand
Johansson, Peter Tellus Systems Limited
Johar, Yuvraj Singh Shloka Events Co., Ltd.
Johnson, David Delivering Asia Communications Co., Ltd.D86
Johnson, Lisa Berkeley International School
Jones, Bradley GEMS Education
Jones, Gordon EspleyTraill International School
Jongpakdee, Ratchaphum Colliers International Thailand
Juangroongruangkit, Rujirapun Pattana Golf Club & Resort
Judd, Michael Kerzner International
Kaewduangsri, Rungnapha Santa Fe (Thailand) Co., Ltd.
Kaewprajam, Duangjai Four Points By Sheraton Bangkok, Sukhumvit 15
Kaewsakdanurak, AnchaleeFelix River Kwai Resort KanchanaburiD110
Kaewsrichan, JakkraphanQ Hunter Company Limited
Kailasam, Sriram Banyan Tree Phuket
Kaleta, Wayne Design 103 International LTD.
Kalra, Manmeet S Falcon Mind Sdn Bhd
Kananurak, Raksak N.C.C. Management & Development Co., Ltd.
Kanjanathiemthao, PhanomKnight Frank Chartered (Thailand) Co., Ltd.D160
Kanlayanasukho, Vorawan AyaThai Group Co., Ltd.
Kantapasara, Tony Willis Towers Watson Thailand
Kasemsap, Bunn Siam Cement Public Company Limited, TheD247
Kasemsri, Vanasobhin Kasemsri Farnworth & AssociatesD156
Kearney, Michael Chillington Tool (Thailand) Co., Ltd., The D70
Keeler, Sue Loadtec Engineered Systems Ltd. D301
Keith, Hamish Exotissimo Travel Co., Ltd.
Kelar, Rachadawan R.W.T. International Law Office Co., Ltd.D218
Kelly, Anthony RED Mountain Co. Ltd.
Kelly, Jerome LawtonAsia Insurance Brokers Ltd.D165
Kelly, Justin Templeton Events Limited
Kennedy, Phil Megger Ltd.
Kespechara, Kongkiat Bangkok Hospital Pattaya
Kooi, Ang Yen Arcadis (Thailand) Ltd.
Kosing, Kannika Kingsbourne Group Co., Ltd., The D158
Krakholm, Stein United Relocations (Thailand) Co., Ltd.D284
Krewer, Ralf Bangkok Hospital D35
Krishnamra, Subhasakdi Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Jaiyos Co., Ltd.D87
Kromadit, Viboon Amata Corporation Public Company Limited D16
Kruemai, Sakorn Aurecon Consulting (Thailand) Co., Ltd.D29
Kuhlman, Thane J. InterContinental Bangkok D140
Kungsadannate, Kachen Aetna Health Insurance (Thailand) Public Company Limited D8
Kunlawat, Wasinee Air France KLM D10
Kuptajit, Thanakorn Diageo Moet Hennessy (Thailand) LimitedD90
Kuruzovich, Jared D. NIST International School
Kusuma, Inge
Lamb, Dale Dunlop Adhesives (Thailand) Co., Ltd.D94
Lamb, David K. Dunlop Adhesives (Thailand) Co., Ltd.D94
Landon, Nick Precision Chain Limited
Landy, Simon Colliers International Thailand
Lapidaire, Hein JanThomas International UK Ltd.
Ketkul, Permkiat Kajonkiet International School (KIS Phuket)D156
Khan, Arsalan Nestle (Thai) Ltd.
Khan, Ghaff Orion Investigations Co., Ltd.
Khaosaard, Jakkrit Sedgwick (Thailand) Limited
Khattiya, Issarin Continent Hotel Bangkok,The
Khattiyarangsarit, Dutdao Renaissance Phuket Resort & SpaD225
Killian, Aidan Magic Rock Pte Ltd.
Kim, Udo Bumrungrad International
King, Jeremy Siam Knight Fund Management Securities Co., Ltd.
Kingston, Graham Pecan Deluxe Candy (Europe) Limited
Knowles, Simon Syntor Fine Chemicals Ltd. D267
Kong, Chong Chee Renold (Malaysia) sdn bhd
Kongkum, Sita Synergy Health (Thailand) Ltd.
Kongsombat, Kanpitcha Flow Inter Co., Ltd.
Kongsoowan, Apiwatt Domnern Somgiat & Boonma Law Office Ltd
Chaiwat Design 103 International LTD. D88
Lloyd, Iwan Shamal Group Limited D243
LloydTEP, Matthew Professional Wills Limited D212
Lochmatter, Alexandra Thanyapura Health & Sports Resort, PhuketD274
Luanoi, Pornthip Jameson’s the Irish Pub D149
Luansakorn, Prapaporn Finnair Oyj D111
Lucas, Peter BHMA Hotels and Resorts D47
Lucas, Peter Westin Grande Sukhumvit, Bangkok, TheD293
Ludvigsen, Katy LS Productions D171
Lusted, Richard Paul Siam Real Estate Phuket Co., Ltd.D250
lyallLusted, Patrick KevinSiam Real Estate Phuket Co., Ltd.D250
Macdonald, Graham Macallan Insurance Broker Co., Ltd.D173
MacQueen, James Omni International Consultants Company Ltd. D197
Andrew PKF Holdings (Thailand) LimitedD207
McDowell, Mark Primal Co., Ltd.
McIntyre, Fredrick Ian Broadgate Mutual Fund Brokerage Securities (Thailand) Ltd.
McNeilly, David Michael Metal Tiger IHQ Co., Ltd.
McVeigh, Mark Denla British School Bangkok (Rejoin)D87
Mechuchep, Suphin JLL
Meksupha, Chollachat Siam Piwat Co., Ltd. D249
Meyer, Niti ASIG (Thailand) Company LimitedD26
Miah, Rubel Sheraton Grande Sukhumvit D245
Micchia, John IC Curtains D136
Micchia, Shayne Island Curtains
Mills, Matthew Bangkok Patana School
Milton, Gary Wood D297
Moeller, Carsten NEOS IT Services Co., Ltd. D191
Moeller, Heidi Kleine Millennium Hilton Bangkok (Krungthep Rimnam Ltd)
MokhtariZanjani, Abolfazl Etemad Co., Ltd
Moller, Gregers A. W.Scand-Media Corp., Ltd.
Mollwitz, Marco Euro-Center (Thailand) Co., Ltd. D104
Molnar, Stefan Lufthansa German Airlines
Mondal, Sukamal Shama Lakeview Asoke BangkokD243
Montgomery, Ben Centara Hotels & Resorts D66
Moore, Dan Bromsgrove International School ThailandD58
Mosby, Christopher Movaci Technology Limited D187
Moseley, Justin Consortium UK Ltd.
Moylan, Daniel SpiceRoads Co., Ltd.
Mugford, John Meinhardt (Thailand) Ltd.
Murphy, Gary PricewaterhouseCoopers
Murray, Clive
Percival, ChristopherHealthCare International
Petch, Beverley Kensington International KindergartenD157
Pfluger, Walter Asia West Fine Foods Co., Ltd.
Phadungsit, MonratLand and Houses Fund Management Company Limited
Phanwiroj, Varaporn Kanjanawat Kensington International KindergartenD157
Phayakmareang, Maneerat Oriental Residence Bangkok
Phenix, Paul ADA
Phorndhiti, Arnop MSIG Insurance (Thailand) Public Company Limited
Phoungnak, Somsuk Seri Manop & Doyle Ltd.
Phromyothi, Jittima Agent (Property Expert) Co., Ltd, The
Phuaksuwan, Jamekorn Iron Mountain (Thailand) Ltd.
Phudwanna, Phassana Aviation Service Asia (Thailand) Ltd.D31
Phusitkanchana, UthornRitta Company Limited
Phyu, Nan Htwe Lanna Softworks Company, Ltd.
Pinyapa HLG (Thailand) Co., Ltd.
Pienchob, Wiriya Arcadia (Thailand) Co., Ltd.
Pine, Joseph Amnuay Silpa School
Pinto, Edwin DHL Global Forwarding (Thailand) Ltd.D89
Pitchon, James CBRE (Thailand) Co., Ltd.
Rangchaikul, Ted (Vorathep) TedPartners
Ratanakul, Khemika Diageo Moet Hennessy (Thailand) LimitedD90
Ratanopas, Suttisak Magnolia Quality Development Corporation D174
Ratchatanunti, Nattakarn Pullman Pattaya Hotel G D215
Record, David Lyreco (Thailand) Co., Ltd. D172
Reid, Stuart P.R. Recruitment & Business Management Co., Ltd.
Reinsch, William C. Asian Tigers Mobility
Reynaud, Matthieu Dream Hotel (Thailand) Limited
Rhodes, Steve NPTC Group of Colleges
Richards, Neil MalcolmBritish International School, PhuketD56
Richardson, Derek IMC Group Ltd., The D137
Richter, Denish Renaissance Pattaya Resort & SpaD224
Richter, Torsten SO Sofitel Bangkok D254
Rijnders, Robert Amari Pattaya
PongskornAB Food & Beverages (Thailand) Ltd.D4
Poolsukkho, Dueanpen Nova Platinum Hotel
Pornprasit, Kanokwan IQVIA Inc. - Thailand
Posterino, Damien Virgin Active (Thailand) Limited
Potter, Nicholas Aetna Health Insurance (Thailand) Public Company Limited
Power, Sebastian Anthony PCS Security And Facility Services LimitedD205
Praditsmamont, Songdej EY Corporate Services Limited
Pratheepthaweephon, Thanatphong Bangkok Bank Public Company LimitedD34
Premmanisakul, Nilarat Global Doctor Clinic (2006) Co., Ltd.D121
Premmanisakul, SumaitGlobal Doctor Clinic (2006) Co., Ltd.D121
Preslier, Gregory InterContinental Bangkok
Priest, Ray University of the West of England
Prins, Maarten JLL D153
Prouse, Richard EHC Limited D98
Pruksayaphai, Naree Land and Houses Fund Management Company Limited
Pucher, Catherine Shloka Events Co., Ltd.
Pudsa, Lalita Lexicon Business CommunicationsD167
Pukdeetanakul, NippitaJNP Legal Co., Ltd. D154
Pungthong, Chaivudhi Boonma Moving & Storage Co., Ltd.D51
Punja-apisith, SupachaiAnantara Riverside Bangkok ResortD18
Punyashthiti, Pajaree CIMB-Principal Asset Management Company Limited D70
Quaglia, Paul APAC Assistance
Quine, David C. YES Technologies (Thailand) Co., Ltd.D299
Rachasaksa, SoponTICON Industrial Connection PLCD275
Ramiah, Rajen Siam City Law Offices Limited
Ramsay, Simon Radisson Suites Bangkok SukhumvitD219
Preecha Reed Tradex Co., Ltd. D222
Sangsirirattana, Nattavadee Le Méridien Bangkok D165
Sanitprachakorn, Phanitanan EQHO Communications Ltd. D103
Sarathai, Maythawee Mayer Brown JSM (Thailand) LimitedD177
Savisalo, Atte Aava Resort & Spa D3
Sayasit, Apichart Baker Tilly Thailand Ltd. D34
Scarr, Rob Securitas (Thailand) Limited D240
Schmitt-Glaeser, Thomas Sukhothai Bangkok, The D265
Schnatz, Oliver Sofitel Bangkok Sukhumvit D255
Schonfeld, Raymond Single Market Ventures D252
Schwimmer, Jonathan B BASIS International School BangkokD42
Scott-Kemmis, Leigh Lee Hecht Harrison D167
Seah, Victor Nestle (Thai) Ltd. D192
Seal, Christopher Shrewsbury International School BangkokD246
Seale, David d&A Access to Asia Co., Ltd. D83
Seale, Nisachon d&A Access to Asia Co., Ltd. D83
Sellick, Carl Lucy Electric (Thailand) Limited D171
Senneam, Pimjun Bloomsbury International School HatyaiD48
Setthasit, Sathien Carabao Tawandang Co., Ltd.
Shale, Simon Senior Aerospace (Thailand) Ltd.D242
Shaw, Jonathan Asian Institute of Technology
Shaweesh, Mohannad Ritz-Carlton, Koh Samui, The
Shea, Barry Kimberly Holdings CORP. Ltd.
Shelford, Peter DLA Piper (Thailand) Limited
Shinkfield, Peter Excel Bangkok Co., Ltd.
Sihanatkathakul, Tosaporn Lancaster Bangkok
Silandnda, Viranat Amara Bangkok
Sim, John PKF Holdings (Thailand) LimitedD207
Simmonds, Brian ProjectsAsia Limited
Simpson, Jason George Ove Arup (Thailand) Limited
Singkorapoom, Thippavan Variety International Co., Ltd.
Singtoroj, Sathit Datasafe Ltd.
Sirapastuwanon, Thansita Renaissance Pattaya Resort & SpaD224
Sirisawadwattana, Punyanuch Robert Walters Recruitment (Thailand) Ltd.D231
Sirivadhanabhakdi, Thapana Thai Beverage PLC
Sivasiamphai, Shamila Marks & Spencer
Sivayathorn, Alisara Sivatel Bangkok Hotel
Siwaraksa, Subhak Jardine Matheson (Thailand) Ltd.D151
Skaf, Mahmoud Ritz-Carlton, Koh Samui, The
Skevington, Tim Richmont’s (International) Co., Ltd.D228
Skowronski, Andy A & C Associates Ltd.
Sloan, Andrew Consultancy Academy
Smith, Carl Triumph Motorcycles (Thailand) LimitedD280
Smith, Don Highgrove Consulting (Thailand) Ltd.D128
Smith, Jorge CarlosHard Rock Hotel Pattaya
Smith, Laura
Smith, Martin
Smith, Peter AA Insurance Brokers
Smith, Sarah Jamie’s Italian
Smith, Sylvia Grand Hyatt Erawan Bangkok
Smuthkochorn, Samut BP - Castrol (Thailand) Limited
Soderstjerna, Carl JohanDKSH (Thailand) Limited
Sombunsukho, Rungnapa Intertek Testing Services (Thailand) Ltd.D143
Somerville, Craig JVK International Movers Ltd.
Somwaiya, Kowit LawPlus Ltd.
Soongsawang, Waew Inchcape (Thailand) Co., Ltd. D138
Soralump, Areelak Oman Air S.A.O.C
Sorensen, Tom Boyden Associates (Thailand) Ltd.D52
Souness, Fraser Grant Property D122
Srinate, Kannika Steakhouse Co Bar & Grill, the D263
Srisatidnarakul, Tiddy S. Boonma Moving & Storage Co., Ltd.D51
Srisukont, Peerapat TICON Industrial Connection PLCD275
Sritanyalucksana, Punnee Edmund Tie & Company (Thailand) Co., Ltd.D98
Stamp, Derek London Brewery Co., Ltd., The D170
Stamp, John London Brewery Co., Ltd., The D170
Standen, Jonathan Harrow International School BangkokD126
Stanworth, Warren International Vocational and Business Education Co. Ltd.
Stephenson, Peter RLAB Sports
Stevens, Robin Crowe UK. LLP
Stevens, Robin Crowe UK. LLP
Sukcharoennukul, Prut Reuters Software (Thailand) Limited D227
Sukparangsee, Picharn Bangkok Global Law Offices LimitedD35
Sullivan, Graham Hua Hin International School D133
Sultan, Gulay Business Year,
Stewart, Alex Axcel Electronics Thailand Co., Ltd.D31
StGeorge, Nichanan Axcel Electronics Thailand Co., Ltd.D31
Stitt, Paul PricewaterhouseCoopers D210
Stoneham, Neil Voxtree Ltd.
Stonehouse, DuncanBangkok International Preparatory & Secondary School
Storey, Graham
Suchaovanich, JosephBangkok Ranch Public Company LimitedD40
Suebsureekul, Nattinee Q Hunter Company Limited
Townshend, Steve SPX Flow Technology (Thailand) LimitedD259
Trabut, Jean-Pierre Mövenpick Siam Hotel Na Jomtien PattayaD187
Trad, Alain Wine Connection Co., Ltd.
Trakarnboonchai, Cherish Kajonkiet International School (KIS Phuket)D156
Trelcat, Bastien HLG (Thailand) Co., Ltd.
Tricharoenwiwat, Swangchit Axis Consultants (Thailand) LimitedD32
Tsang, Howard ProjectsAsia Limited
Tsuchiya, Masami Siam S & Grace Co., Ltd.
Tumber, Michael John
Tunlayadechanont, SuwitSynergy Health (Thailand) Ltd.
Tuplano, Rey Davis Oxford Business Group
Turner, Charles Durham-Duplex (South East Asia) Ltd.D95
Tyler, John Inlingua School of Languages
Tyurin, Mikhail Maikhao Dream Hotels & ResortsD174
Tyurina, Zhanel Maikhao Dream Hotels & ResortsD174
Uasrikongsuk, SiriphanRenaissance Phuket Resort & SpaD225
Ungpakorn, Kanpirom Hill+Knowlton Strategies Thailand
Upperton, Peter Administration Outsourcing Co., Ltd.D7
Utsahaphan, Porntip Samitivej Public Company LimitedD236
Uttasart, Chavalit Siam City Law Offices Limited D248
Vaizey, Thomas Dragon Capital Management LimitedD301
Valaisathien, Sutharm International Legal Counsellors Thailand Ltd.
Valette, Jeffrey La Seal Superyachts Co., LTD.
Vandamme, Louis Mariex Pandrol (Thailand) Co., Ltd. D201
Vanichprapa, Waranon Baker & McKenzie Ltd. D33
Vanijprabha, Hugh Rolls-Royce (Thailand) Ltd. D232
Varughese, GeorgeBangkok Marriott Hotel The SurawongseD38
Vathanakul, Vathanai Royal Cliff Hotels Group
Vathanakul, Vitanart Royal Cliff Hotels Group
Veedu, Govindan Talian Cambridge University Press
VikkiMacQueen, Vikki Omni International Consultants Company Ltd.
Virojumporn, Puangpen Fitness First (Thailand) Limited
Volschenk, Carl Nicholas Four Points By Sheraton Bangkok, Sukhumvit 15 D114
Vongsirisomboon, Somkiat AB World Foods Asia Ltd.
Vongvadhanaroj, SoraponSurapon Foods Public Company Limited
Voutiritsas, Konstantinos PZ Cussons (Thailand) Ltd.
Waddoup, Kim Aigroup, Russia
Wagstaff, Simon PaulAviation Service Asia (Thailand) Ltd.D31
Wailes, Chris Volvo Car (Thailand) Ltd.
Waldman, Valentin E&O Service Thailand Co., Ltd.
Whitehouse, Colin JJ-Muntons (Thailand) Ltd.
Whittingham, Sallyann Brink’s (Thailand) Ltd.
Whitty, Walter Kenneth Flow Inter Co., Ltd.
Wight, Gary Expect Asia Co., Ltd.
Wilkinson, Calvin ICR (Thailand) Limited
Willard, Raywat En-Siri Co., Ltd
Williams, Malcolm T. Promech Resources Co., Ltd.
Williams, Paul Williams Integrated Transport SolutionsD294
Williamson, David Minibar Service (Thailand) Co., Ltd.D183
Wilson, Lloyd Berkeley International School
Winn, Russell AchieveGlobal Thailand
Wongvisesnopakun, Wattana Lockton Wattana Insurance Brokers (Thailand)
Wongwai, Amita Compass Skyview Hotel
Wanglee, Plakorn Standard Chartered Bank (Thai) pclD262
Wangviriyaphan, Pattaravadee Vitallife Corporation Limited
Warden, Julian Wall Street English
Ware, Paul Asian Tigers Mobility
Watson, Chris Corporate Golf (Thailand) Co., Ltd.D78
Wavre, Robert RAWdevelop (Thailand) Co., Ltd.D220
Webb, Geoff Andrews & Wykeham
Webb, Geoffrey Peninsula Bangkok, The
West, Christopher Hebridean Smokehouse Ltd
Westlake, Nigel Rugby School Thailand
Westover, Paul Stephenson Harwood
White, Nicholas William TROWERS & HAMLINS LLP
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