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British Ambassador to Thailand

Ayear ago my message to you contained cautious optimism regarding Thailand’s vaccination programme and the gradual lifting of restrictions from the pandemic. One year on and I’m pleased to say that the spectre of the pandemic does indeed to be receding and normality for the most part has returned. However Russia’s illegal and reprehensible invasion of Ukraine in February has served only to deepen global uncertainty, exacerbating geopolitical shifts and creating very difficult economic times particularly for people across Europe and the UK.

That is why the UK Government remains committed to championing the rules-based international trading system and seeks to increase bilateral trade and investment with Thailand through reducing barriers to trade, improving the business environment, and directly supporting UK companies and investors domiciled both here and in the UK.

Despite the challenges of the past year, including a fair amount of political and economic turbulence in the UK, we have made significant and positive strides in growing our bilateral relationship with Thailand. This year has seen Ministerial visits to Thailand from the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office, Ministry of Defence and Department for International Trade; thereby covering all pillars of the UK tilt towards the Indo-Pacific. These have been interspersed with numerous business delegations and multiple visits from the UK’s Trade Envoy to Thailand; so we have been kept busy!

We also had the pleasure of welcoming Deputy Prime Minister Jurin to the UK for our inaugural Joint Economic Trade Committee (JETCO) and Vice Foreign Minister Vijavat for the fourth UK – Thailand Strategic Dialogue. The JETCO established a work plan of trade promotion and policy initiatives which we are working closely with the BCCT to deliver, and an agreement to work towards an Enhanced Trade Partnership (ETP) as a first step in laying the foundations for a potential FTA in the future.

Finally, I would like to thank Chris, Greg, and the whole team at the BCCT for all they have done to support British business over the past year as we have exited the pandemic and begun the process of rebuilding despite the global headwinds. The Embassy’s partnership with the Chamber continues to grow and we look forward to working closely with all involved in the years ahead.

H.E. Mark Gooding

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