Guide to UK qualification in Hong Kong 2014-15

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UK education offered globally Further and higher education are globally accepted as being linked to the future economic prosperity and wellbeing of young people, and are more important than ever as we live and work in an increasingly sophisticated global economy. There are over 100 million students undertaking higher education globally and this number is expected to increase to 263 million by 2025. The UK is renowned for attracting students from around the world. However, the number of students studying UK courses outside the UK has also grown. Official statistics indicates that there are over 500,000 students on UK trans-national education programmes globally. In Hong Kong, the UK offers 72 per cent of non-local programmes, giving students a choice of over 800 UK courses. (Source: the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Education Bureau 2013)


UK qualifications providers are world leaders in quality and recognition. Many well-known UK universities offer full undergraduate and postgraduate degree programmes through local partners, and foundation courses in preparation for degrees. In many cases course schedules are flexible, allowing students to study while they also continue their careers Furthermore, UK professional organisations and industry specific education providers such as the Actuarial Profession and College of Estate Management boast globally leading reputations, and provide courses, qualifications, and continuing professional development to bolster your career. Many of these courses are also offered online in order to provide maximum flexibility.




Modes of learning Studying transnational (non-local) courses may offer more choices in the way you study than traditional education. Below are some of the more popular learning approaches you will find available in Hong Kong: Full-time Full-time study requires students to dedicate more of their time to complete a course within a shorter period. Typically these programmes are conducted during normal working hours and are popular for sub-degree and undergraduate degrees. Part-time Part-time courses deliver the same content as full-time courses but are spread over a longer period of time and delivered in shorter sessions. Part-time courses can therefore be provided

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during evenings and weekends, making them highly suitable for those seeking to stay in their careers while gaining a qualification. Part-time study is popular for some undergraduate courses, as well as professional and postgraduate courses. Face-to-face This is the traditional way of delivering a course, where the educator will be in the physical presence of students. Teaching can be in the form of lectures, seminars or tutorials. Such courses also offer valuable interaction between fellow students through discussions, group/coursework, networking and socialising.

Distance learning Distance learning delivers material to students who may not physically be on campus. The content may be in the form of printed media such as books and/or digital media such as DVDROMs, or web-based technologies, which are currently developing at a rapid rate. Learning by correspondence is a form of distance learning. Some distance learning programmes offer real-time platforms to learn with other students and communicate with teachers and tutors. Often they are supplemented locally with face-to-face support or require on-site assessments such as invigilated examinations (see Blended/hybrid learning). Blended/hybrid learning This combines physical and virtual resources to deliver teaching and materials. The combination of technology and face-to-face teaching means students will have multiple choices in their method of learning and communication. Intensive block mode Offered in part-time courses, intensive block mode provides the same amount and level of content as full-time or part-time courses, but condenses this into a few days of teaching. This is a popular approach in Hong Kong, where 20 to 30-hour modules are condensed into two full weekends and weekday evenings within one fortnight. Intensive block mode is most often used where lecturers from the UK are flown to Hong Kong to teach face-to-face.

Flexible learning This allows students to embrace different methods of study, supported by the educational institution. It makes use of a full range of technologies and approaches such as distance learning and blended learning. However, it places importance on the student to choosing when, where and how to study. Work-based learning A method of learning that combines the experience of the workplace with studying a specific field relevant to your career. It requires students to draw from their experience and resources at work and apply what is being learnt from their studies. Likewise, what they learn from work will in itself form part of the learning experience. This is therefore suited to adult learners who wish to stay in their studies and who are supported by their employers.


Concurrent education


Here, students take two completely separate courses to obtain two separate qualifications. This approach to learning requires the application of one discipline to another discipline for careers such as specialist lawyers, teachers, consultants and medical practitioners. For example, it is not uncommon for teachers to study a qualification in education and a qualification in the chosen discipline they intend to teach.

Self-study is a fundamental part of all learning as completing any course will require students to initiate their own research work and practice for better understanding. Self-study courses support the student by way of materials. However, they may not provide the student with the same range of technologies or academic support as other approaches.

Apprenticeship This focuses on the development of practical skills obtained in the workplace or vocational institute while actually working. Modern apprenticeships combine theoretical study and hands-on training. There is often the added benefit that apprentices are paid by the employer for their work. Internships may be categorised as apprenticeships, but instead focus on work experience related to office or business skills.


Research Learning outcomes of these courses derive from the research conducted by the student. Research graduates will also have developed their skills of analysis, evaluation and expertise. Students will be required to research a specific field, the findings or results of which will add to the existing body of knowledge in that field. Institutions offering research-based courses will support students through research guidance, expert supervision and access to resources.

Getting to know... the students / alumni 13 13

Getting to know…the student Why did you choose your programme? I chose to study for the University of London LLB because it was recommended by a friend and the study schedule allowed me to continue my job in engineering while I studied. I particularly wanted to study at HKU SPACE as it invites academics from top UK law universities to teach us on the second year of the degree. What do you hope to do when you finish your current programme? I hope to take the Postgraduate Certificate in Laws (PCLL) and then work in a law firm. Tell us about the study experience The study schedule at HKU SPACE is intensive but this is one of its main advantages to me as I like getting the full picture of the subject within a reasonable period. Weekend seminars and mock examinations have helped me find the best way to analyse and answer the examination questions and to understand the examiners’ expectations of the answers for a particular subject.


University of London provides a study pack with more than I need to understand the complex law concepts – it is impressive, helpful and effective.

HK institution

The overseas academics who teach us deliver the teaching in a systematic, logical and effective manner and are very happy to answer students’ questions. What advice would you give someone in Hong Kong who is considering studying the University of London LLB at HKU SPACE? Join the HKU SPACE’s Information Seminar to find out more about the programme. Also, choosing the right institution is important. The quality of the academics that teach the programme is critical and HKU SPACE does invite high quality academics to teach it. Find out about studying for a University of London degree in Hong Kong at You can study for the University of London LLB in Hong Kong at both HKU SPACE and PolyU SPEED.


LO Wai Yeung UK awarding institution University of London

HKU SPACE Award/qualification Bachelor of Laws

Getting to know‌the alumni Why did you choose your programme? The BSc (Hons) Building Surveying offered by CEM satisfies the academic requirements for entry onto the Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors (HKIS) Assessment of Professional Competence (APC). What advice would you give someone considering studying with CEM? CEM is a distance learning programme. Support is from the VLE (virtual learning environment), a study platform that allows students to discuss questions with other students and lecturers. The three years I spent at CEM, working with my classmates, was definitely a worthwhile experience. It was a mixed challenge of individual research and collaboration skills. With three other Hong Kong classmates, we had support from each other. I shall never forget the times when we were studying together in the library after work. We engaged with each challenge from the assignment, examined it through discussion, planned, problem solved and got a result. Why did you choose to study by distance learning? Distance learning allows students to have more time with family and friends and for leisure. I didn’t need to go to university and attend class four days a week. I was able to study while working.

Alumnus YUEN Chun-yip, Royus UK awarding institution The College of Estate Management (CEM) Award/qualification BSc (Honours) Building Surveying

What did you enjoy most about the programme? The CEM programme influenced me so much and was probably the most rewarding experience of my life. I am applying the knowledge I learnt from my BSc in a practical environment. Not only did the programme broaden my horizons but it also allowed me to forge unique friendships amongst the community. After we graduated, we still went out after work, having dinner and sharing our experiences at work.


Getting to know…the alumni Executive MBA – The University of Hull “I chose the Hull Executive MBA because it emphasizes both practical live case studies and theoretical understanding. These features are very important to me, especially as I started my own business. Within the Executive MBA classes, friends and classmates I met are yet another invaluable asset. They all come from different career backgrounds, which added value to my pleasant learning experience at Kaplan for the Executive MBA. I wish to truly thank my friend’s recommendation. It is a great choice!”

Alumnus Carrie IP Director Connexions Consulting Limited

BA (Hons) Business Administration (Top-up) – Birmingham City University Jacqueline has been working for more than 10 years before embarking on the degree course. She expects to graduate this September to coincide her 3-year old daughter’s commencement of kindergarten. Jacqueline feels that the 1-year part-time top-up degree is a perfect choice for her. “Although the course is short, it is very intensive. All of our assignments are marked by our lecturers in the UK. The campus is also a great place for our learning. The study rooms, multi-media laboratories and WiFi and internet facilities are all-convenient for striking the balance in our busy lives for studying, family and work.”

Alumnus Jacqueline WONG Marketing Manager

BA (Hons) Accounting (Top-up Degree) – University of Bedfordshire Avis worked full-time and studied part-time when he started the Higher Diploma. He aims to be an Accountant. “I was very determined to sign up with the course, since it gave credit for the modules which I learned already. I only needed to study 4 modules to complete the 1-year degree in Accounting, which is an internationally recognised course.” He graduated in August 2013. As a degree holder, ACCA exempts his sitting for the final 3 papers at the Fundamental level. “I have signed up with Kaplan’s preparatory classes for the ACCA papers. Kaplan’s new campus is located very close to my office, so I don’t have to rush to classes. I can be more focused on my study there.” Avis added.


Alumnus Avis TUNG Assistant Accountant


Getting to know…the alumni Why did you decide to study the BSc (Hons) Psychology? I decided to study the BSc (Hons) Psychology offered by the University of Salford, U.K. and OUHK LiPACE because I found that this is a research-based honours degree focusing on scientific studies including quantitative and qualitative research methodology and statistical techniques. Why did you choose this programme offered by University of Salford at OUHK LiPACE? I chose this programme offered by the University of Salford at OUHK LiPACE because I could do my study in Hong Kong throughout the 3 years of study and be able to obtain an internationally recognized UK degree in psychology. What did you most enjoy about the programme? I enjoyed doing research and conducting experiments the most. During the first year of study, we got the opportunity to conduct our own research project, and this allowed me to acquire proper and ethical procedures as a researcher. This formal training equipped me to complete a sound dissertation without difficulty in my final year. Moreover, I felt that I was extremely lucky that I got to meet like-minded students with whom we created a monthly psychology e-newsletter called “Psycholic”. Being the Deputy Chief Editor of “Psycholic”, I gained experience in planning, organizing, managing and improving my communication skills. What support did you receive from OUHK LiPACE and University of Salford? As a student on this programme, we could use both the OUHK and University of Salford e-library to obtain up-to-date journal articles. Furthermore, the teachers at both OUHK LiPACE and University of Salford were professional and very helpful. They provided us greatest support in learning and useful advice in career planning. How did your programme prepare you for your career? The programme is accredited by the British Psychological Society (BPS) and I was accepted as BPS’s Student Member while studying the programme. Now, I am a Graduate Member of BPS and the Hong Kong Psychological Society (HKPS), and this is the bedrock of being a psychologist.


Alumnus Stephanie SZETO UK awarding institution University of Salford HK institution Li Ka Shing Institute of Professional and Continuing Education, Open University of Hong Kong (OUHK LiPACE) Award/qualification Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Psychology

Getting to know…the alumni Why did you decide to study actuarial science? I wanted to choose a postgraduate course in which I could use my mathematical skills. I chose to study this subject because I was really interested in actuarial science and because of the developments of the insurance industry in China. Why did you choose to undertake Institute and Faculty of Acturaries exams? I studied my undergraduate degree at CUFE. The actuarial course at CUFE is one of the best in China, so I decided to continue studying there for my postgraduate degree. Because of the links CUFE has with the IFoA, a lot of my peers choose to participate in the IFoA exams; although many joined the Society of Actuaries (SOA) in the USA. In China, the IFoA and SOA are viewed as the two major actuarial institutions in the world. I think the two systems are quite different in terms of training actuaries. The IFoA’s emphasis is on the practical side of work and how to solve problems at a high level, whist the SOA focuses more on the details and steps to work out a particular actuarial question. I feel I can benefit more from studying the IFoA exams, which have prepared me to think more broadly when solving a problem at work. It’s always easy to repeat a task but it is also very important to have the skills to think on the ground when you come across a new problem. So, I am glad that I have chosen the IFoA exams; although the exams are more challenging!

Alumnus XIE Yijing UK awarding institution Institute and Faculty of Actuaries (IFoA) Work Actuarial Analyst Taiping General Insurance Company Ltd

How did your degree prepare you for your career? I am now working in the actuarial department of Taiping General Insurance Company Ltd, which is one of the biggest general insurance companies in South East Asia. In my postgraduate degree I really exceled in my exams, which as a result, offered me lots of opportunities when I left university. All the actuarial concepts, theories, techniques, models and ideas that I learned during my degree prepared me for the practical work I am doing now. Also, the support that the IFoA offered, such as the regular seminars, helped me to keep up to date with the industry both in China and the UK.


Getting to know‌the alumni Why did you choose your particular subject/ programme? After getting an Associate of Arts in Television and Digital Media, I planned to further my studies in a relevant area. The Bachelor of Arts (Honours) Media Culture and Practice programme has a focus on screen media with practical elements. I applied for the programme for the purpose of enhancing my knowledge and skills in video and image production. I also wanted to develop my cultural research skills. How did your programme prepare you for your career? The programme expanded my creative digital media production skills and furthered my engagement in cultural research. It also enabled me to understand critical and creative approaches to the study of everyday life and the media. More importantly, I had the opportunity to undertake a production project as part of my final-year study under the guidance of a supervisor who has experience in the field. I also built my confidence in working independently. The knowledge and skills learned in the programme are essential for my present job. In fact, a UK award is highly recognised by employers and it enhanced my job-seeking endeavors.

LEUNG Nga Man, Carmen UK awarding institution University of the West of England,

What support did you receive from the local and nonlocal institutions?


With the dual registration of two universities, I became a student of both the University of the West of England, Bristol and HKU SPACE. As a result I was able to get access to online learning materials and library resources from both institutions. Access to a wide range of academic learning resources is a key to quality assignments. Localisation of the overseas university’s learning materials also means a chance for me to be well equipped with international and local perspectives, making me a more competent candidate in the job market.

HK institution

What did you most enjoy about the course? There is a combination of written and practical assignments including blogs, photo essays and multimedia projects, which enhanced both of my analytical skills and professional knowledge in media production. It is a lot of hard work, but a lot of fun and well worth it in the end. The lecturers were highly supportive and I received a lot of encouragement from them. If anyone is thinking of doing a course related to media culture and practice, I highly recommend this programme. (These are exempted courses under the Non-Local Higher and Professional Education (Regulation) Ordinance. It is a matter of discretion for individual employer to recognise any qualification to which these courses may lead. HKU SPACE is a non-profit making University company limited by guarantee.)



HKU SPACE Centre for Degree Programmes (CDP) Award/qualification Bachelor of Arts (Honours) Media Culture and Practice (First Class Honours)

Getting to know‌the alumni

Alumnus Emma NIP UK awarding institution University of Central Lancashire (UClan) HK institution Hong Kong College of Technology (HKCT) Award/qualification Higher Diploma in Tourism Management (Hospitality) BA (Honours) Event Management Career plan Flight attendant


Getting to know‌the student Why did you choose to study at MBS? Manchester Business School (MBS) is one of the prestigious business schools in the world with triple accreditation (AMBA, EQUIS, AACSB), and enjoys a top ranking globally. It is one of the first two business schools established in UK and has a long history of academic excellence. The part-time Global MBA programme offers flexibilities to students with a Blended Learning Method which includes online sessions combined with 3 days per course face-to-face workshops, taught by academic staff from the University of Manchester. The programme also provides opportunities for students to take workshops in any of the 7 locations in the world. While in Hong Kong, there is already a good diversity within each intake with students from Hong Kong, China, Japan, South Korea, America and Europe, Why did you choose your MBA? I was trained as a scientist with no prior business education. After working in non-profit organisation management for a few years, I realise it would be essential to learn the management skills and knowledge in a structured and systematic manner. The MBS part-time Global MBA programme offers the flexibilities and practicality which helps to keep a good balance between studies, work and personal commitments. The teaching puts an emphasis on the practice-based approach with the Manchester Method, learning by doing, with real life case studies and projects. What support do you receive from MBS? The MBS East Asia Centre has been in Hong Kong for over 20 years with a local team providing excellent support to the students. Each student is provided with access to the wealth of online teaching materials and the electronic library at Manchester. MBS and the University of Manchester have an extensive network of alumni in Hong Kong with diversified professional backgrounds. The MBS Alumni Association (China) is one of the m ost active alumni communities globally with regular networking and social events held throughout the year. The Centre also organises regular professional seminars and joint business schools events for students and alumni. What advice would you give someone in Hong Kong who is considering studying MBA at MBS? Studying for an MBA is a significant investment as well as a serious commitment. Make sure you keep a good time management between your different commitments during your 2.5 years programme. MBA is about team work and learning how to work with different people, get to know the other students in your intake. You may organise your own study groups with 4 or 5 other students, so that you could support each other in workshop preparation and academic reading. Do attend the alumni and networking events whenever you can, you would gain valuable insights and knowledge from those who have gone through the same learning path before. 22

Student Wilfred LEUNG UK awarding institution Manchester Business School Award/qualification Part-time Global MBA programme Work Manager Charles K. Kao Foundation for Alzheimer’s Disease

Getting to know…the student Why did you choose to study a UK degree programme in Hong Kong? Studying a UK qualification in Hong Kong is a choice worth considering for a number of reasons. First of all, qualifications awarded by a UK university are both locally and internationally recognised. So obtaining a UK qualification gives me additional security in future employment or academic progression in postgraduate studies anywhere around the world. Secondly, a UK degree programme taught in Hong Kong covers a mixture of local and international perspectives. Through the combination of lectures, tutorials and seminars, I was exposed to a wider spectrum of information and knowledge. Thirdly, the tuition fee of a UK degree programme studied in Hong Kong is much cheaper than having to study abroad and pay an international tuition fee. The institution that I am with – Hong Kong Institute of Technology – offers UK degree programmes at tuition fee comparable to the local universities. The quality of the staff and the programmes is also well assured because both local and overseas education authorities monitor their delivery closely and regularly. Lastly, UK degree programmes at the moment are three-year programmes, which is a year shorter than the programmes in local universities. Now that I have completed my second year of the degree study and widened my horizons through the programme, I believe I am in a competitive edge over my friends and old-time colleagues who are currently in the local universities in Hong Kong. Why did you choose the Teesside University BSc (Hons) Computing programme? I am interested in mobile computing and cloud technology. These are the most popular trends and will be developed even further in the coming years. Teesside University is reputed for their computing programmes. Lecturers are professional and have a unique foresight towards the next generation technology. In the Teesside University programmes offered by Hong Kong Institute of Technology, I was given a chance to study in Teesside University – UK Campus for a year in my second year with Hong Kong tuition fee. I managed to enjoy a wonderful learning experience oversea with minimal financial burdens to my family. Having met with people from different countries and backgrounds, my social skills and language skills have improved tremendously. Besides, this UK studying developed my critical thinking, problem-solving skills and creativity. While I was at UK, I gave a presentation on ‘Mobile App for Navigation’ in the NextGen 2014 event, and I earned the award in ‘Innovative Use of Technology’ . It is an once-in-a-lifetime experience which brings me huge satisfaction and boosts my confidence in my academic studies. I am glad that I have chosen the Teesside University BSc (Hons) Computing programme.

Student FOK Wing Hin, Cedric UK awarding institution Teesside University HK institution Hong Kong Institute of Technology Award/qualification Year 2, BSc (Honours) Computing


Types of award/qualification Transnational (non-local) education is often delivered through an international collaboration of two or more education institutions. Whilst single awards issued by one UK institution are the most common in Hong Kong, you may discover a variety of qualification types such as joint, double and dual qualifications. Definitions of these will vary between institutions. Therefore, check the exact title of the award you are intending to take with the local operator. Undergraduate qualifications These are academic degrees of courses normally lasting three years and can only be awarded by regulated institutions. In the UK, higher education institutions offer honours degrees which differ from ordinary degrees by requiring a higher academic standard. Obtaining a good degree is a requirement for further study at postgraduate level. Prerequisites for entry are typically A-levels, higher national diplomas, higher diplomas or their sub-degree equivalents, with a proficiency in English. Foundation programmes are an additional route to entering some undergraduate degrees. Undergraduate degrees are also known as first degrees or bachelor degrees. Top-up programmes Students who have completed Associate Degrees, Higher Diplomas or other equivalent courses in Hong Kong may study for an additional one or two years with a UK institution to gain a full ordinary or honours bachelor degree. These courses are often known as top-up degrees and are a popular route to gaining the same qualifications as students entering university straight


from school. The majority of Hong Kong sub-degree graduates are choosing to top up their sub-degrees by studying a UK bachelor qualification in Hong Kong. Postgraduate qualifications These can include doctorates, master’s degrees, postgraduate certificates and postgraduate diplomas. UK doctorates and master’s degrees require a good honours degree as a pre-requisite for entry. Postgraduate study expects a high order of academic study and knowledge of a subject. The student must master advanced knowledge and skills in analysis and critical evaluation. Postgraduate degrees are often sought by employers for senior positions of leadership and responsibility. Vocational qualifications Vocational courses prepare students for direct employment by learning manual skills and practical abilities. Vocational qualifications are related to specific trades or occupations increasing a graduate’s employability. In Hong Kong, gaining a vocational qualification is a common route to entering an academic degree. The UK leads the world in providing the most modern practices in many vocations. This is reflected in the fact that two of the most respected examination bodies, City & Guilds and Edexcel, come from the UK. Professional qualifications A professional qualification is awarded by a specific association with the view to attaining a standard of quality deemed necessary for practicing in that field. This quality is often maintained by an annual requirement of training

and learning, known as continuing professional development/training/ education. Many professions are required by law to have its practitioners professionally qualified. These include accountancy, aviation, medicine, teaching, law and many banking and finance roles. Other forms of education may not lead to any additional qualification, but are valuable forms of learning recognised by employers and education institutions. They can include: student exchange research collaboration executive education short courses summer courses. Likewise, the following may not be considered qualifications by themselves, but are used to gain entry to a course: language examinations such as the International English Language Testing System (IELTS)

When enquiring about a course, it is important to: EVALUATE the purpose and learning outcomes of the course. Do they match your own requirements? KNOW exactly what qualification will be gained upon successful completion of the course. Are you required to take a further course/examination or make other commitments to obtain the qualification? CONFIRM the awarding body of the qualification. Remember, the institute delivering the course could be different from the institute awarding the qualification. UNDERSTAND what the course will lead to in terms of employment and education prospects. VIEW a sample certificate or diploma. Do all the details of the certificate match the qualification you are intending to take?

admissions tests such as the Graduate Management Admission Test and National Admissions Test for Law access courses preparatory courses pre-masters courses foundation courses.



Levels of courses The Hong Kong Qualification Framework (QF) categorises seven levels of qualifications according to learning outcomes. Education providers, including those from overseas, may volunteer to have their programmes accredited under this scheme. For full details visit: Hong Kong Council for Accreditation of Academic and Vocational Qualifications Hong Kong Qualifications Register Hong Kong Qualifications Framework


Typical examples of titles for qualifications at each level are: Level 1 Certificate Level 2 Certificate Level 3 Diploma Level 4 Higher Diploma, Associate Degree Level 5 Bachelor Degree Level 6 Master Degree, Postgraduate Certificate, Postgraduate Diploma Level 7 Doctoral Degree Source:


Making your UK qualification work for you Employability is a current buzzword that is at the forefront of most institution’s minds when developing higher education programmes. This relates to ensuring that education qualifications achieve the desired result for students in terms of providing the skills and experience they need to succeed in the workplace. Employability is also usually one of the key considerations when students decide upon which course to study. In Hong Kong, employers are clear on what they expect. According to research conducted by the British Council, employers view communication skills and teamwork as the most important skills for fresh graduates, followed by analytical thinking, adaptability and English language ability. For more senior level roles Hong Kong employers also have difficulty recruiting candidates with leadership ability and a world view. Likewise, a study by the Chinese Manufacturers Association and City University in 2011 identified a perception by employers that graduates lack soft skills and an ability to solve problems. The style of instruction in UK higher education includes a combination of individual research and teamwork, and also emphasises creativity and independent thought. Conducting research independently gives you analytical thinking, persistence and the ability to find solutions to problems. Most programmes will include group assignments, which will usually be practical in nature and directly relate to industry case studies or real life examples. From this you will develop the communication skills and teamwork that employers’ value so highly. Lectures are also supplemented by small group tutorials, where students are expected to put forth points of view and discuss topics related to their coursework. This further enhances communication skills and analytical thinking. At the postgraduate level, studying a UK programme will often involve teamwork with peers from different industries, across different countries and cultural backgrounds. This gives you a global view that will enhance your career and stand you in good stead for senior level roles. Choosing a UK study programme therefore maximises your ability to develop your career. Graduation means much more than listing your qualification on your CV. Go beyond that and illustrate to employers what skills and abilities you have learned as a result of your study programme, and relate these to the skills and abilities that your future employer is looking for.


By Steve Corry Regional Business Development Manager British Council


Getting the most out of your UK qualification Graduating from a UK university course in Hong Kong offers you the best of both worlds. You have the opportunity to graduate with an internationally-recognised UK university degree without leaving home. You learn with the support of both UK and local experts through established partner universities and colleges in Hong Kong, as well as gaining lifelong access to a huge international support network of staff and students. In most cases you are taught by UK university lecturers who fly to Hong Kong for study schools, before handing over to staff at partner institutions. This dual teaching model ensures you are fully-supported throughout your studies from both institutions. You might arrange for regular face-to-face guidance from teachers at your Hong Kong institution, whilst also keeping in touch with teachers from your UK institution online. Most courses also offer a Virtual Learning Environment so you can exchange ideas with UK-based students from your subject area. You are likely to find that studying for a UK qualification will feel different to your previous studies, as the education systems are different in their approach. UK universities will expect you to research and read for your work more independently with a focus on driving your own learning so you make the most of your degree. Be prepared to ask lots of questions! Most UK universities will offer you a lot of support at the start of your course to help you make this transition, so that you graduate with a good qualification. Successfully completing a degree allows you to become a member of an alumni (ex-student) network for life. You will have the chance to attend a graduation ceremony to celebrate your success with friends and family. As a graduate, you might receive regular newsletters to keep you up-to-date with the latest news and developments. You might also have access to careers support services, including a database of job vacancies. Many universities and colleges who offer courses in Hong Kong also hold regular events and reunions. These are an excellent opportunity to share your study experiences as well as network with like-minded professionals. Studying for an undergraduate degree with a UK institution in Hong Kong is also an excellent taster for deciding whether you would like to further your career prospects with postgraduate study in the UK. There may be progression discounts available if you go onto study a master’s course in the UK. Learning should be for life, and as your career takes off, you might choose to study with a UK university once again to further your career aspirations.


By Richard Cooper Hong Kong Hub Manager Sheffield Business School, Sheffield Hallam University, UK

Disciplines An introduction to popular disciplines available through UK qualifications in Hong Kong




Career prospects

Accounting is the collection, interpretation, summarisation and dissemination of financial and nonfinancial data for use by various stakeholders.

A popular route is to qualify professionally in order to work with a large accounting firm. The largest firms are known as the Big Four, namely PricewaterhouseCoopers, Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu, Ernst and Young and KPMG. Together, they employ over 600,000 people worldwide.

While in the past this was confined to recording and auditing financial transactions and events, studying accounting today involves project management, risk management, information systems management, compliance and many more business disciplines. While it is a mathematical science, it is often studied as an art at undergraduate level, given the need to select appropriate information and make it useful. The two main branches of accounting are financial accounting and management accounting. Management accounting provides information for internal purposes, while financial accounting is conducted for external purposes, often required by regulations. Students learn the fundamentals through book-keeping, trial balance, ledgers and other traditional methods. While these are rarely used today, they provide the understanding needed to comprehend and manage computer based information systems that accountants now use. Students will also be made aware of wider issues such as business ethics, accounting scandals and subsequent reforms. The most practical aspects will be learning real-world accounting practices such as ACCA, IFRS and GAAP, which standardise the way information is reported.


While a degree in accounting is not essential to become professionally qualified, it is a well-recognised qualification that may provide numerous exemptions for professional examinations. Graduates will find an array of corporate and government opportunities. These include auditing, company listing, tax advisory, company secretary, due diligence, investigation, corporate forensics and many financerelated roles in commerce and banking. Related associations Association of Chartered Certified Accountants London Chamber of Commerce and Industry Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants Hong Kong Institute of Finance & Accountancy Association of Cost and Executive Accountants in Hong Kong

This field involves the design and creation of buildings. In a rare combination, it demands expertise in science, humanities and artistic creativity. Architecture serves to accommodate human activities not just within buildings but also in outdoor space, and in future, virtual environments. Architects must work within the context of the community, politics, culture and the environment. In this sense, they may act as artistic designers, despite being part of the construction industry. Students therefore must have a good foundation in design, though they will also develop their understanding of materials, sustainability, physics and financial aspects of the profession. They may find themselves using the latest technologies in material and design software, such as digital morphogenesis. Most countries require licensed or registered status to practice architecture. A degree in architecture serves as an essential qualification towards becoming a professional, which can take up to seven years’ total study. Career prospects

Hong Kong industry insight – Architecture Architecture firms in Hong Kong have a reputation for rapid completion of construction. Due to the shortage of available land, Hong Kong has also developed specialised techniques in land reclamation, slope design and high-density design. Hong Kong’s expertise in high-quality, high-rise construction has led to arguably one of the most inspiring city skylines in the world.



Hong Kong architects are in demand not just locally but also around Asia for their language ability, work ethic and project management skills. Related associations Chartered Institute of Building Hong Kong Institute of Architects Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors Royal Institute of British Architects Society of Builders, Hong Kong Hong Kong Institute of Construction Managers Hong Kong Institute of Landscape Architects

Graduating with a degree in architecture will not allow you to practice architecture in most countries, but is the base for becoming a registered architect. To become registered, additional study for professional examinations is required. As an alternative, graduates may consider careers in town/land planning, environmental industries or areas within the construction industry, such as project engineering.


Business and administrative studies

Description Business studies can cover management, finance, marketing, human resources, IT, organisational behaviour, economics, statistics, accounting and law.

Selected roles in the business sector: • administrative officer

Students of business will get an understanding of organisations, how they operate, and how they are managed in order to reach strategic objectives. Theory is often supported by real-world case studies and students will be asked to apply what they have learnt to another scenario. For example, how would they apply the latest theories in a marketing initiative or most recent accounting considerations to a poorly operated organisation? The increasing complexity of the business world is reflected in UK business programmes, which now include e-commerce, sustainability, globalisation and ethics. Students will regularly work in teams and on projects, with soft skills developed along with technical skills.

• banker

Career prospects

• customer service representative

Business is the most popular choice of discipline for Hong Kong students. The demand in the workplace for students is high, but then so is the number of graduates each year, resulting in a competitive recruitment market.


Studying business prepares students for a wide variety of roles echoing the range of careers available in the field.

• budget analyst • business advisor • business development • business researcher • business risk consultant • compliance analyst • compliance specialist • contract negotiator • cost analyst • credit manager • customer relationship executive

• e-commerce • event manager • facilities coordinator • financial analyst

• financial planner • human resources executive • lending officer • logistics officer • management consultancy • marketing executive • operational researcher • project manager • publishing executive • public relations officer • sales executive • surveyor Hong Kong industry insight – business Hong Kong has established itself as an international and regional hub for business and is considered a bridge between Mainland China and the West. Hong Kong is: • The world’s freest economy • The world’s most services-oriented economy, with services sectors accounting for more than 90% of GDP • The world’s busiest airport for international cargoes • One of the world’s busiest container ports • The second largest private equity centre in Asia

• The third largest foreign exchange market in Asia, the fifth in the world (Source: Hong Kong Trade Development Council, 2014) The four pillar economic sectors of Hong Kong are: trading and logistics (24.6% of GDP in terms of value-added in 2012), tourism (4.7%), financial services (15.9%), and professional services and other producer services (12.8%). Government policy is to develop six additional industries cultural and creative, medical services, education services, innovation and technology, testing and certification services and environmental industries. Related associations Management Consultancies Association of Hong Kong Chartered Institute of Marketing Hong Kong Advertisers Association

Business and administrative studies

• financial officer

Hong Kong Institute of Human Resource Management Hong Kong Management Association Chamber of Hong Kong Logistics Industry Chartered Institute of Logistics & Transport in Hong Kong British Chamber of Commerce UK Trade and Investment Hong Kong Institute of Planners Hong Kong Logistics Association Hong Kong Institute of Bankers

• The second largest stock market in Asia, the sixth largest in the world


Creative arts and design


Career prospects

This field encompasses the study of different forms of art and is typically the study of fine arts, including the development of skills and techniques for creating art and media. Subjects include music, performing arts, visual arts, film and publishing media, crafts, graphic arts and digital media. There is also a branch focused on the management of works, such as curation, museum/gallery management, restoration and conservation.

Artists are typically independent by nature and are often self-employed. Alternatively, companies can find such graduates valuable for their creative skills in product, marketing, multi-media or industrial design. Designers can take up roles in areas such as graphics, advertising, product design, events, and multi-media.

The arts are supported in Hong Kong through Arts Development Council, and through construction and operation of various types of cultural venues, including performance venues, public libraries and public museums. The Hong Kong government has identified creative industries as a pillar industry which is likely to spur opportunities for future development. One initiative is the West Kowloon Cultural District, which is set to turn a 40-hectare waterfront site into a dedicated art, cultural and entertainment district, providing employment opportunities and positioning Hong Kong as cultural hub in the region. Management talent will be required in the Creative Arts and design field in order to manage the facilities built in this development. Students will learn the processes of conceiving, producing and promoting works. They will be required to master their own personal creative skills and many programmes include business and marketing to enhance students’ potential for success. The historical evolution of their subject is often studied as it is considered highly relevant.


Related associations Arts Development Council (ADC) Chartered Society of Designers Hong Kong Designers Association Interior Design Association Hong Kong Fashion Designers Association Hong Kong Design Centre Design Protection Centre Hong Kong Digital Entertainment Association Hong Kong Fashion Designers Association Hong Kong Film Directors’ Guild Hong Kong Theatres Association Hong Kong Society for Multimedia & Image Computing West Kowloon Cultural District (WKCD) Authority

Career prospects

This discipline can encompass numerous areas of science, technology, computing and mathematics, applied by way of structures, machines, systems and materials.

UK qualifications at vocational, academic and professional levels are respected around the world. In combination with the international nature of many engineering fields, employment opportunities can be found internationally. Graduates will seek to reach professional status where necessary.

As such, a student often chooses a specific subject in engineering: • chemical engineering

• materials and mineral engineering

Construction is a large sector, including civil, structural, building, electrical and mechanical engineering. Outside the construction industry, there are numerous areas of interest to graduates:

• mechanical engineering

• electronic engineering

• aerospace engineering.

• circuit and technical design

Within these fields more exotic specialties exist: terotechnology, nuclear engineering, robotics, nanotechnology and optoelectronics are just some of the exciting areas of study.

• electrical engineering

Students also need to consider commercial and social realities, along with financial, environmental, legal and political constraints when designing projects.

• industrial technical consultancy

The high demands of engineering, particularly for safety, often require being formally licensed or registered to practice within that field. In the UK, degree programmes are designed within a framework to ensure graduates will meet the required level of competence. This framework is known as UK-SPEC (UK Standards for Professional Engineering Competence). Details may be found at uk.

• other commercial research

• civil engineering • electronic and electrical engineering

Engineering and technology


• mechanical engineering • chemical engineering • industrial research

• marine engineering • computer hardware consultancy


Engineering and technology

Hong Kong industry insight

Related associations

Strong demand exists for trained engineers in certain sectors of the economy. One such example is aviation, where the Hong Kong Aircraft Engineering Company for example has 10,000 engineering staff, and hires around 30 local engineering graduates per year. With the construction of the third runway at Hong Kong International Airport this will only grow. Hong Kong may also be well placed to serve the engineering needs of booming aviation industries in China and India Aircraft manufacturer Boeing projects a shortage of 600,000 maintenance engineers globally in the next 20 years, illustrating the excellent long term prospects in this industry.

Hong Kong Institute of Planners Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors Hong Kong Institution of Engineering Surveyors Institution of Civil Engineers Hong Kong Office Institution of Electrical Engineers Hong Kong Hong Kong E & M Contractors’ Association Hong Kong Electronic Industries Association Institution of Civil Engineering Surveyors Hong Kong Chapter Hong Kong Electronics Industry Council Construction Industry Training Authority Hong Kong Institution of Engineers


This subject can be studied vocationally and academically, with areas specialising in hotel management, travel, transport, catering, marketing and events. Within the events industry itself, there are further sub-categories collectively known as MICE (meeting, incentives, conventions and events). Vocational students learn practical and operational skills designed to make them highly employable within the industry. Undergraduate courses address strategies, planning and issues within the field.

Hong Kong industry insight – tourism The Hong Kong tourism industry employs over 190,000 people, nearly six per cent of the Hong Kong workforce. The government continues to invest in its development, with large infrastructure projects such as the West Kowloon Cultural District and the mega cruise terminal. Related associations Travel Industry Council of Hong Kong Hong Kong Tourism Board

Whichever level is studied, students will develop a range of skills in administration, finance, customer service, marketing, human resource management and information systems.

Hong Kong Association of Registered Tour Co-ordinators

Career prospects

Federation of Hong Kong Hotel Owners

Hospitality and its related sectors are important and growing industries for many countries, Hong Kong included. The importance of quality employees is increasing reflected in the number of qualifications and professional associations in the sector. Employers are from a diverse range, including airlines, travel agencies, hotels, tourist attraction operators, as well as meeting, event and exhibition venues. Sports and large event management is also a rapidly growing part of this economic sector.

Hong Kong Association of Travel Agents Hong Kong Hotels Association

Hospitality and tourism management




Description Law and legal studies cover criminal and civil justice systems. The most common undergraduate and postgraduate degrees are known as LLBs (Bachelor of Laws) and LLMs (Master of Laws) respectively. UK diplomas in law, LLBs and LLMs are popular in countries and regions that use common law systems, as in Hong Kong. Not only are many of the principles of law similar, many UK precedent cases remain relevant to Hong Kong. A recent trend is also to study Mainland China law, which leads to career opportunities providing consultancy services to those dealing commercially with the mainland. Such qualifications provide the foundation to proceed to professional qualifications in order to practice law as a solicitor or barrister. For recognition in Hong Kong, UK LLBs must include the following areas:

Alternative careers are available as in-house or corporate counsel, legal executives, paralegals, arbitrators, mediators, unionists and consultants. Law also provides an excellent basis for those wishing to be involved in politics, policy-making and diplomacy. Hong Kong industry insight – legal system There are currently over 1,150 barristers in Hong Kong, while there are over 7,100 registered solicitors. (Source: Hong Kong Bar Association, The Law Society of Hong Kong, 2012)

• law of trusts (equity)

As a Special Administrative Region of the People’s Republic of China, Hong Kong operates under the principle of ‘one country, two systems’, preserving many different legal rights for its citizens. Hong Kong has undergone recent civil justice reform and increased the importance of arbitration and mediation as an alternative means to legal litigation. Hong Kong’s laws and practices in arbitration are recognised as among the most advanced in the world.

• company law

Related associations

• commercial law

Hong Kong International Arbitration Centre

• constitutional or administrative law • evidence and procedure • criminal law • law of tort • law of contract • property law

• legal system of China. Career prospects Graduates wishing to practise as solicitors or barristers should seek a professional qualification and secure


pupillage. This means gaining an LLPC or CPE qualification then working with an appropriate law firm or with a barrister for two years. Unlike solicitors, barristers have the right of audience from a court of law.

The Law Society of Hong Kong

• observation in natural settings • neuropsychological methods • computational modelling • animal studies • qualitative and quantitative research • controlled experiments • questionnaires • longitudinal studies. Subfields within psychology • biological • bio-psychosocial • clinical

• comparative • developmental • educational and school • industrial • organisational


Psychology is the scientific study of mental functions and behaviours, either human or animal. Psychology is subcategorised into social or behavioural, which explores physiological and neurological processes, but both try to understand why and how people behave or act in a certain way. Its general approach is empirical, where new observations lead to new theories and applications. There are numerous methods a psychologist may use to understand their subject better:

• personality • social Psychoanalysts will address the same problems as psychologists. However, psychoanalysts will consider significant factors from the person’s culture and social environment. Career prospects There is a wide range of opportunities for psychology graduates in industry, consulting, military and other government agencies. Their skills are needed in teaching, high-tech industries, training, organisational development, media, social services, recruitment and marketing, and wherever an organisation needs to understand or improve human behaviour. Related association Hong Kong Psychological Society

• cognitive


Pure and applied sciences


environments (e.g. marine biology),


crime (e.g. forensics) and even food (e.g. nutrition).

The biosciences involve the studies of life, including biology, botany, genetics, zoology and many more disciplines. The various doctrines under one discipline are due to the variety of what constitutes forms of life and their complex interactions, from the collection of a few atoms to the interaction of entire ecosystems. Students of bioscience investigate, through a sub-discipline, the life process and the relationships between organisms. The discipline is not limited to the study of biology. Students may specialise in: behaviours (e.g. animal psychology), technologies (e.g. biotechnology),


As a field of research, it is highly relevant to society and requires the student to keep abreast of a rapidly changing field. Career prospects Graduates may develop a career in a field that is directly related to the subject they study. However, bioscientists will also have opportunities in numerous areas, including process development, product development, forensics, industrial and public sector management. Related association Hong Kong Institute of Biotechnology

Description Chemistry students will examine the properties of substances, their composition and reactions. Undergraduate courses provide a foundation in chemical knowledge and their applications. They cover the language of chemistry and delve into the fundamentals and latest thinking in areas such as quantum mechanics, thermodynamics, chemical reactions, organic chemistry and states of matter. Students can develop strong skills in analysis, investigation and evaluation, all of which are highly valued transferable skills in the workforce.

Career prospects Chemistry graduates can consider careers in research and development in a variety of industries seeking new discoveries and applications for formulations, such as cosmetics, consumer goods or cutting-edge materials. Related associations Hong Kong Chemical Society Hong Kong Petroleum, Chemicals & Pharmaceutical Materials Merchants Association

Pure and applied sciences



Pure and applied sciences 46

Physics Description Physics is a field that encompasses subjects such as astrophysics, particle physics and astronomy. Everyday life is also served by medical physics, applied physics and mechanics. Many of mankind’s fundamental questions about the universe have been and will be answered through the realm of physics.

The physics student will not only gain skills of observation and understanding, but also have the means to predict behaviour of both natural and manmade phenomena. Logical thinking is also essential as students employ subjects such as mathematics and information theory. These are combined in practical areas such as computing, materials R&D and medicine. Career prospects Careers in engineering and IT are open to physics graduates. They may also find work in industries that invest heavily in research or provide high-tech solutions.



Quality assurance for Hong Kong students on UK programmes UK institutions in the tertiary education sector have the power to award their own degrees, just like those in Hong Kong. Therefore, to uphold their high standing, UK institutions must ensure their programmes meet quality expectations or risk diluting their reputation. In additional to self-regulation, there are mandatory quality mechanisms applied nationally by government and

48 48

statutory agencies. There are also voluntary quality initiatives that UK institutions choose to subscribe to such as international quality bodies or sector specific organisations. By the time a UK non-local course is delivered in Hong Kong, it will have been assessed, and continue to be assessed, by many different forms of quality assurance.

Layers of quality assurance Stage


Relevant organisations

Institutional Courses are often developed at department or faculty level, with quality assurance imposed by the institution. UK education institutions apply their own quality mechanisms to uphold their reputation and meet quality objectives.

Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education

UK national The UK has a range of quality assurance organisations: some are government agencies with mandatory schemes; others are independent bodies enhancing the credibility of courses and their providers.

Higher Education Funding Council for England

The QAA provides guidance on standards and checks how universities maintain their own academic standards and quality.

Education Scotland ESTYN (Wales) Education and Training Inspectorate (Northern Ireland)




Transnational In addition to national quality education assurance, UK courses delivered in other countries are subject to further checks. These focus on ensuring the content and quality of the exported course matches that delivered in the UK. Likewise, the Hong Kong government has stringent measures in place to ensure non-local courses match the quality delivered in the home country. This includes formal registration and requirements for venue safety, quality of teaching and status the of UK partner. All courses leading to an overseas award must be listed with the Non-local Courses Registry as either ‘exempt from registration’, if offered in partnership with local institutions such as universities that can accredit their own courses, or ‘registered’, which involves meeting criteria assessed by the Hong Kong Council for Accreditation of Academic and Vocational Qualifications (HKCAAVQ) on behalf of the registry.

Relevant organisations Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education Non-local Courses Registry, Hong Kong Education Bureau Hong Kong Council for Accreditation of Academic and Vocational Qualifications asp Hong Kong Qualifications Framework Hong Kong Qualifications Register

Since 2010, non-local courses may be accredited by the HKCAAVQ to ensure they meet the standards and quality of equivalent local courses. Local partner


Often UK institutions partner local institutions such as universities. These local partners will subject their UK partner and its courses to their own set of quality assurance.

Hong Kong has some of the leading universities in the region. They only seek equivalent partners in terms of quality and international standing, the majority of whom come from the UK.

What to expect in terms of support To deliver courses locally, UK institutions will usually partner a Hong Kong institution, whether it is a university or private education company. Some will manage the course themselves and have local offices and staff to support their students. Partnerships and other local support enable students to access resources necessary to complete their courses. Therefore, you should ask the local partner or representative what kind of support is provided. For example: Content

regular access to relevant lecturers or tutors even out of ‘class’ time. Access to staff course director UK teachers/lecturers local teachers/lecturers local student representative body local student counselling. Others computer facilities

hard copy study materials

employment services

online materials

access to UK campus facilities (such as library, computer and sports facilities)

videos/DVD DVD-ROMs library access to recommended publications. Communication student e-mail address access to online materials, maybe also communication facilities such as online conferencing, chat rooms, forums and intranet

premises for meetings or group work equipment/facilities (important for technical, vocational, medical and scientific studies) Non-academic support, often referred to as pastoral support.


Funding your studies Gaining new qualifications will almost certainly benefit your career prospects and prove to be an investment in your future. However what if you need a little help getting started? Fortunately there are a number of ways that you can pay for your studies. Scholarships The availability of scholarships is not confined to Hong Kong students going to the UK to study. There are some opportunities available to students staying in Hong Kong. Ask the UK institution or local partner on what might be available. Continuing Education Fund The Continuing Education Fund is available for Hong Kong residents and reimburses eligible applicants 80 per cent of the course fees, subject to a maximum of HK$10,000 (whichever is less). Students of locally accredited courses are eligible for this fund. You must apply before the commencement of your course, and reimbursement is made after successful completion. Check that the course you are planning to study is on the reimbursable course list. For details visit

Loan schemes The Student Financial Assistance Agency offers a number of loan schemes: The Financial Assistance Scheme for Post-Secondary Students (FASP) is for students taking up locally accredited full time self-financing programs. You must be below 30 years of age, have resided in Hong Kong continuously for more three years and not accepted financial assistance from any other publicly funded scheme. The non-means tested loan scheme for post-secondary students is also for students studying full time programs, while the extended non-means tested loans scheme also covers those studying part-time, professional and continuing education courses. These loan schemes operate on a cost recovery basis, with an administration fee and interest rate set by the government below the average best interest rate of the note issuing banks. For these schemes also visit Banks Commercial banks may also offer personal loans for educational purposes, or facilities for paying course fees with interest-free instalments. Ask your bank for details. Tax deduction Students may be eligible for a tax deduction if the qualification gained is for use in employment. This is referred to by the Inland Revenue Department as expenses of self-education. Follow instructions when filing annual tax returns.



How to apply Application Applying for a UK programme in Hong Kong is likely to differ from applying in the UK. Usually you will be applying through the local institution partnered with the UK institution (also known as the local operator) or with its local representative office. The local operator will guide you through the application process. Payment of fees may be made to the local operator rather than the UK institution. It is important that you check whether the UK programme you are paying for should be formally registered with the Hong Kong Education Bureau. (This requirement does not apply to distance learning courses delivered entirely from abroad). Check for local operator details in our directory section from P.59. For most applications, you will not be required to go through the Universities and Colleges Admissions Service (UCAS) application system. And unlike applying in the UK, there is no standard application timeline for degree programmes.


Step guide 1. Choose your field of study. Which subjects will match your interests, skills, career and aspirations? 2. Identify your desired qualification level. Would a higher diploma or undergraduate degree suit your needs, existing experience and qualifications? 3. Shortlist the potential courses that are of interest to you. 4. Compare and select institutions that offer your shortlist of courses. 5. Contact the local representative. This could be the local branch of the UK institution or its Hong Kong partner. For pure distance learning courses, contact the UK institution directly.

Requirements and pre-requisites 6. Confirm the entry and application requirements. Do this BEFORE applying, in consultation with the local operator, to avoid the risk of rejection. Requirements may include: qualifications and experience English proficiency fees interview. 7. Submit your application with supporting documents, which may take time to collect. These may include: personal ID certificates – original or verified copies proof of address reference letters referee contact details 8. Await application result. This may come in the form of an unconditional or conditional offer.

Before making an application, ensure you can meet the admissions criteria to be successfully accepted. This will save you disappointment in future as institutions will keep a record of rejected applications for a period of time. For UK undergraduate degrees, every institution will have its own specific entry requirements for each course. Typically, you will be required to have gained good grades in the Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education, International or UK A-levels, International Baccalaureate Diploma, Higher National Diploma or equivalent, or Associate Degrees and Higher Diplomas offered in Hong Kong. Note that having the required qualifications and grades will not guarantee you a place. Places may be limited and other factors such as extra-curricular activities, interview skills/results and soft skills may be taken into consideration. For master’s programmes, prospective students are typically expected to hold a second class honours, upper division (2:1) degree. However, many other factors are strongly considered,


such as work experience, leadership and managerial level responsibilities, Recognised Prior Learning (RPL), research experience and published research. These will also be considered for PhD and DBA applicants, though you are expected to hold a master’s degree in a relevant discipline and have proven research skills. UK institutions require a certain level of English language competency as courses are conducted in English. The majority of applicants will be required to hold a minimum IELTS grade of 6.5 or higher. Note also that certain disciplines at tertiary level will require a minimum grade from an admission test. Examples: Graduate Management Admission Test National Admissions Test for Law Thinking Skills Assessment (Oxford)


Fees Be aware that over the duration of your programme, there will be a series of fees. These may include course fees, application fees, lab/equipment fees, graduation fees and any fees related to study options, such as overseas study and local library fees. Ask the local operator about all the costs involved before applying.



Alumni and professional associations


One of the ongoing benefits of graduating from a UK institution is the opportunity to join the respective alumni association. Alumni associations can be casually formed among alumni, or formal organisations managed by the institution or local committees. They maintain an active body of graduates, offering events, news, connection with your institution, networking and other activities not just for the members, but also for the benefit of the larger society. These associations are particularly active in Hong Kong. From time to time the British Council also organises events for alumni.

both the UK alumni association as well as the alumni association of the Hong Kong institution. For contact details of UK alumni associations in Hong Kong, visit alumni.

Graduates of UK non-local courses may have the benefit of being invited to join

Currently there are over half a million people taking UK professional exams abroad.

During your studies, you may be entitled to student membership status with some professional associations. For full membership status, associations may also require that you hold both the professional and academic prerequisites. Find out if the qualification you wish to take is linked to a professional association.

Course directory


Course Directory Where there are no registration numbers, registration of that particular course is not required.

Post-secondary Arts and Social Science UK Organisation Edexcel

Pearson Education Limited

RHODEC International University of London


HK Operator


Edexcel BTEC Level 4 HNC Diploma in Fashion and Textiles (QCF) Edexcel BTEC Level 5 HND Diploma in Fashion and Textiles (QCF) Caritas Bianchi College of BTEC HND Diploma in 3D Design BTEC HND Diploma in Fashion and Textiles Careers BTEC HND Diploma in Graphic Design EXCEL Musical Theatre Programme (Pearson EXCEL (Extension and Continuing Education for BTEC Level 4 HNC Diploma in Performing Arts Life) Limited (QCF) Sun Wah - PearL Linux and Pearson BTEC Level 5 HND Diploma in Art and Digital Forensics Limited Design (QCF) International Academy of Pearson BTEC Level 5 HND Diploma in Creative Film and Television (Hong Media Production (Moving Image) (QCF) Kong Limited) Pearson BTEC Level 5 HND Diploma in Hair and HKBHA Academy Beauty Management (QCF) RHODEC Diploma in Interior Design The Open University of Hong Kong Certificate of Higher Education in English with Computing University of Hong Kong Certificate of Higher Education in English with Philosophy Certificate of Higher Education in English with Theology Certificate of Higher Education in History Certificate of Higher Education in Laws Certificate of Higher Education in Philosophy Certificate of Higher Education in Philosophy with Computing Certificate of Higher Education in Philosophy with English Certificate of Higher Education in Philosophy with Theology Certificate of Higher Education in Philosophy, Religion and Ethics Certificate of Higher Education in Theology with Computing Certificate of Higher Education in Theology with English Certificate of Higher Education in Theology with Philosophy Diploma in Law Preparation Courses Diploma in Philosophy Diploma in the Common Law Diploma in Theology Diploma of Higher Education in English with Computing Diploma of Higher Education in English with Philosophy Diploma of Higher Education in English with Theology Diploma of Higher Education in History Diploma of Higher Education in Laws Diploma of Higher Education in Philosophy Diploma of Higher Education in Philosophy with Computing Diploma of Higher Education in Philosophy with English Diploma of Higher Education in Philosophy with Theology Diploma of Higher Education in Theology Diploma of Higher Education in Theology with Computing Clothing Industry Training Authority

Reg. no. 252214 252215 252239 252175 252174 252301

252176 252448

252296 451171 452382 452385 452388 452282 452284 452286 452391 452397 452400 452048 452403 452406 452409 451624 450719 452045 450662 452381 452384 452387 452281 452283 452285 452390 452396 452399 452047 452402

Arts and Social Science UK Organisation University of London

HK Operator University of Hong Kong The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

Course Diploma of Higher Education in Theology with English Diploma of Higher Education in Theology with Philosophy Preparatory Courses for Diploma in Law Preparatory Programme for Diploma in the Common Law

Reg. no. 452405 452408 451842 452051

Business and Administration UK Organisation

HK Operator


Reg. no.

Chartered Management Institute Confederation of Tourism & Hospitality

Consort Management Consultants Limited Hong Kong Institute of Hotel & Tourism Management

CMI Level 7 Extended Diploma in Strategic Management and Leadership (QCF) CTH Level 5 Diploma in Hospitality Management (QCF)

Henley Business School at University of Reading

Henley Business School Limited

250158 250157

Middlesex University

University of Hong Kong

The Henley Certificate by Flexible Learning The Henley Diploma in Management by Flexible Learning Diploma of Higher Education in Work Based Learning Studies (Fitness and Exercise) Diploma of Higher Education in Work Based Learning Studies (Recreation and Sports Management) Diploma of Higher Education in Work Based Learning Studies (Sport Coaching and Performance) Diploma of Higher Education in Work Based Learning Studies (Sport Event and Entertainment Management) Level 4 Diploma in Business IT Level 5 Diploma in Business IT NCC Education Level 4 Diploma in Business (QCF) NCC Education Level 4 Diploma in Business (QCF) NCC Education Level 5 Diploma in Business (QCF) NCC Education Level 5 Diploma in Business Information Technology BTEC HND Diploma in Hospitality Management

252170 252171

BTEC HND in Business (Accounting) BTEC HND in Business (Marketing)

252334 252335

BTEC Level 5 HND Diploma in Business (Accounting) (QCF) BTEC Level 5 HND Diploma in Business (Marketing) (QCF) BTEC Level 5 HND Diploma in Business (QCF)


Pearson BTEC Level 5 HND Diploma in Business (Management) (QCF) Pearson BTEC Level 5 HND Diploma in Business (QCF) Pearson BTEC Level 5 HND Diploma in Business (Marketing) (QCF) Pearson BTEC Level 5 HND Diploma in Business (Marketing) (QCF)


NCC Education Ltd

Vocational Training Council Kaplan Higher Education (HK) Limited Compass College

Pearson Education Limited

The Hong Kong Management Association Caritas Bianchi College of Careers Era Education International Limited Upfront Education Centre

Institute of Business Administration Sino Education Group Beacon Continuing And Professional Education Limited The Wedding Management Academy (Hong Kong) Limited Compass College

350101 252371

452234 452228 452230 452232 251333 251548 251692

250127 252173

252224 252453

252141 252142 252360

Pearson BTEC Level 5 HND Diploma in Business 252369 (Marketing) (QCF) Pearson BTEC Level 5 HND Diploma in Hospitality 252212 Management (QCF) 61

Business and Administration UK Organisation Pearson Education Limited

The Association of International Accountants

HK Operator Asian Centre for Sustainable Development The Wedding Management Academy (Hong Kong) Limited Lifelong College

University of Hong Kong

The Chartered Institute of University of Hong Kong Marketing University of Hong Kong University of Leicester

University of London

University of Hong Kong

The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

University of Northumbria at Newcastle

University of Warwick


The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

The Hong Kong Polytechnic University


Reg. no.

Pearson BTEC Level 5 HND Diploma in Business 252422 (QCF) Pearson BTEC Level 5 HND Diploma in Hospitality 252361 Management (QCF) Pearson BTEC Level 5 HND in Business (QCF) Pearson BTEC Level 5 HND in Travel and Tourism Management (QCF) Executive Certificate in International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) Executive Diploma in International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) Professional Certificate in Marketing Professional Diploma in Marketing Diploma in Higher Education in Human Resource Management Diploma in Higher Education in Training and Development Certificate of Higher Education in Business Administration Diploma in Economics Diploma of Higher Education in Business Administration Preparatory Programme for BSc Accounting and Finance, University of London External Programme Preparatory Programme for BSc Business, University of London External Programme Preparatory Programme for BSc Economics and Management, University of London External Programme Preparatory Programme for BSc Management, University of London External Programme Advanced Diploma in Business Management Advanced Diploma in Human Resource Management Advanced Diploma in Logistics and Supply Chain Management Integrated Manager Development Scheme (IMDS) Post-experience Certificate in Engineering Business Management Integrated Manager Development Scheme (IMDS) Post-experience Diploma in Engineering Business Management

252424 252426 551475 551476 550781 550782 451942 451943 452288 450330 452287 450935 450932 450934

450933 451461 451463 451465 450901 450509

Education and Languages UK Organisation

HK Operator

Heriot-Watt University

The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

Middlesex University

East Asia Work Based Learning Centre operated by Institute of Professional and Continuing Education Limited University of Hong Kong

The University of Nottingham Trinity College London

English for Asia Limited

University of Cambridge ESOL Examinations

British Council

University of London

University of Hong Kong


Reg. no.

Certificate of Higher Education Diploma of Higher Education Advanced Diploma in Work Based Learning Studies

450926 450927 251998

Diploma in Lifelong Education


Trinity College London Certificate in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages Cambridge ESOL Diploma in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (DELTA) Cambridge Young Learner Extension to Certificate in English Language Teaching to Adults (CELTA) Certificate of Higher Education in English Certificate of Higher Education in Theology Diploma of Higher Education in English

250562 250506 250866 450376 452046 452325


Science and Technology UK Organisation Pearson Education Limited

HK Operator (Hong Kong) Continuous Professional Education Centre

Hong Kong College of Engineering

Social Resources Development Institute Hong Kong College of Engineering Social Resources Development Institute Lifelong College Royal College of Surgeons of England University of Northumbria at Newcastle

Academy of General Dental Practice University of Hong Kong


Reg. no.

Pearson BTEC Level 5 HND in Construction and the Built Environment (Building Services Engineering) (QCF) Pearson BTEC Level 5 HND in Construction and the Built Environment (Civil Engineering) (QCF) Pearson BTEC Level 4 HNC in Construction and the Built Environment (Civil Engineering)(QCF) Pearson BTEC Level 5 HND in Construction and the Built Environment (QCF) Pearson BTEC Level 5 HND Diploma in Construction and the Built Environment (QCF) Pearson BTEC Level 5 HND Diploma in Construction and the Built Environment (Civil Engineering)(QCF) Pearson BTEC Level 5 HND Diploma in Construction and the Built Environment (Building Services Engineering)(QCF) Pearson BTEC Level 4 HNC Diploma in Construction and the Built Environment (Civil Engineering) (QCF) Pearson BTEC Level 4 HNC Diploma in Construction and the Built Environment (QCF) Pearson BTEC Level 5 HND Diploma in Construction and the Built Environment (Civil Engineering) (QCF) Pearson BTEC Level 5 HND in Construction and The Built Environment (Civil Engineering) (QCF) Diploma in Implant Dentistry


Diploma of Higher Education in Sport Development with Coaching Diploma of Higher Education in Sport Management


252255 252336 252254 252265 252266 252267


252433 252261

252425 351694


General Studies UK Organisation Abbey DLD Colleges NCC Education Ltd NCC Education Ltd


HK Operator Nikkei Education Centre Kaplan Higher Education (HK) Limited Modern Education (Hong Kong) Ltd


Reg. no.

Abbey DLD International Foundation Programme 252222 International Foundation Year (IFY) 251693 International Foundation Year (IFY)


Undergraduate Arts and Social Science UK Organisation Birmingham City University

Edinburgh Napier University

HK Operator Vocational Training Council

City University of Hong Kong University of Hong Kong


Reg. no.

BA (Hons) Interior Design BA (Hons) Product Design BA (Hons) Visual Communication (Graphic Communication) BA (Hons) Visual Communication (Illustration) BA (Hons) Visual Communication (Moving Image) BA (Hons) Visual Communication (Photography) BA (Hons) Tourism and Airline Management

251238 251239 251236

BA Communication, Advertising & Public Relations BMUS (HONS)


252181 251237 252180 452276

Kingston University

University of Hong Kong

Leeds Metropolitan University

Hong Kong College of Technology International Limited

BA (Hons) Journalism BA (Hons) Psychology and Society BA (Hons) Public Relations BA (Hons) Public Relations and Communication

252328 252329 252330 252331

Vocational Training Council

BSc (Hons) Multimedia and Entertainment Technology LL.B.


BA (Hons) in Work Based Learning Studies (Corrections) BA (Hons) in Work Based Learning Studies (Criminal Justice) BA (Hons) in Work Based Learning Studies (Social Welfare) BA (Hons) Journalism, Media and Cultural Studies BA (Hons) Media & Cultural Studies BA (Hons) Publishing, Media and Cultural Studies Bachelor of Arts (Honours) Graphic Design Bachelor of Arts (Honours) Interior Architecture Bachelor of Arts with Honours in Fashion Bachelor of Arts with Honours in Fashion Communication and Styling Bachelor of Arts with Honours in Fashion Design Bachelor of Arts with Honours in Fashion Design, Styling and Promotion Bachelor of Music with Honours in Popular Music BA (Hons) Fashion Design


Manchester Metropolitan University of Hong Kong University Middlesex University

University of Hong Kong

The Open University of Hong Kong



452117 451580 451438 450957 451437 451581 451582 452037 452459 452458 452036 452172

Nottingham Trent University

Vocational Training Council

Sheffield Hallam University

City University of Hong Kong

BA (Hons) Applied Social Science


Vocational Training Council

BA (Hons) Jewellery and Metalwork BSc (Hons) Events and Leisure Management

252251 251420

The Hong Kong Management Association

Bachelor of Arts (Hons) Leisure Management Â


Hong Kong Institute of Technology

BSc (Hons) Crime and Investigation


University of Hong Kong

Bachelor of Arts (Honours) Criminology Bachelor of Arts (Honours) Criminology and Sociology Bachelor of Arts (Honours) Criminology with Psychology Bachelor of Arts (Honours) Sociology Bachelor of Arts Criminology Bachelor of Arts Criminology and Sociology Bachelor of Arts Criminology with Psychology Bachelor of Arts Sociology

451974 452414

Swansea Metropolitan University Teesside University The University of Hull


452085 452416 452419 452415 452418 452417 65

Arts and Social Science UK Organisation The University of Salford University of Central Lancashire

HK Operator

Reg. no.

The Open University of Hong Kong


City University of Hong Kong

BA (Hons) International Business Communication with Chinese BA (Hons) International Business Communication with Japanese Bachelor of Arts (Hons) English for International Corporate Communication BA (Hons) Fashion Design BA (Hons) Graphic Design BA (Hons) Interior Design


450375 450375 450375 450375 450375 450375 450375 450375 450375 450375 450375 450375 450375 450375 450375 450375

University of Huddersfield

Caritas Bianchi College of Careers

University of London

University of Hong Kong

452053 451362 251671 251672 251673

University of Sunderland

University of Sunderland

Bachelor of Arts in English Bachelor of Arts in English with Computing Bachelor of Arts in English with Philosophy Bachelor of Arts in English with Theology Bachelor of Arts in French Bachelor of Arts in History Bachelor of Arts in Philosophy Bachelor of Arts in Philosophy with Computing Bachelor of Arts in Philosophy with English Bachelor of Arts in Philosophy with Theology Bachelor of Arts in Theology with Computing Bachelor of Arts in Theology with English Bachelor of Arts in Theology with Philosophy Bachelor of Divinity Bachelor of Laws Bachelor of Science in Development and Economics Bachelor of Science in Economics Bachelor of Science in Geography and Environment Bachelor of Science in Management with Law Bachelor of Science in Politics Bachelor of Science in Politics and International Relations Bachelor of Science in Sociology Bachelor of Science in Sociology with Law LL.B. Preparation Courses Preparatory Courses for Bachelor of Laws (LLB), University of London BA (Hons) Graphic Design Top-up

University of the Arts London, London College of Fashion

Vocational Training Council

BA (Hons) Fashion : Hair and Make Up BA (Hons) Fashion : Styling and Photography

252043 252044

University of the West of England, Bristol

University of Hong Kong

Bachelor of Arts (Honours) Media Culture and Practice BSc(Hons) Digital Media


Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Psychology and Counselling BA (Hons) Business and Law


The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

Vocational Training Council


Course Bachelor of Science with Honours in Psychology

University of Wales

Lingnan University

University of Wolverhampton

City University of Hong Kong

450375 450375 450375 450375 450375 450375 450375 450375 451140 251629



Business and Administration UK Organisation

HK Operator


Reg. no.

Bath Spa University

Lifelong College

BA (Hons) Business and Management

Birmingham City University

Kaplan Higher Education (HK) Limited

BA (Hons) Business Administration (Top-up)


Coventry University

City University of Hong Kong

Bachelor of Arts (Hons) Applied Business BSc (Hons) Business Management (Engineering) BA (Hons) Accountancy BA (Hons) Business Administration BSc (Hons) International Engineering Business Management BA (Hons) Business Administration and Management BA (Hons) Public Administration and Management BA (Hons) Accounting BA (Hons) Accounting and Finance BA (Hons) Hospitality and Service Management BA (Hons) Marketing Management BA (Hons) Marketing Management with Business Studies BA (Hons) Tourism Management BA Accounting BA Accounting and Finance BA Hospitality and Service Management BA Hospitality and Service Management BA Marketing Management BA Marketing Management with Business Studies BA Tourism and Airline Management BA Tourism and Airline Management BA Tourism Management

451827 451686 251559 251732 251997

Bachelor of Arts (with Honours) in Festival and Event Management Bachelor of Arts (with Honours) in Financial Services Bachelor of Arts in Festival and Event Management Bachelor of Arts in Financial Services


Vocational Training Council

De Montfort University

Edinburgh Napier University

City University of Hong Kong

City University of Hong Kong

University of Hong Kong


450283 450284 450282 451954 452277 452008 451259 452356 450806 451955 451561 452311 452009 451258 451860 452312 452357

450914 452179 451501

Glyndwr University

The Hong Kong Management Association

Bachelor of Arts (Hons) Business ManagementÂ


Heriot-Watt University

The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

BA in Business and Accounting BA in Business and Finance BA in Management Bachelor of Arts in Accountancy Bachelor of Arts in Accountancy and Finance Bachelor of Business Administration

450925 450922 450924 451993 450923 450921

Leeds Metropolitan University

Hong Kong College of Technology International Limited

BA (Hons) Accounting and Finance BA (Hons) Business Studies

252326 252327

Vocational Training Council

BA (Hons) Business and Management BA (Hons) Accounting and Finance BA (Hons) Marketing BSc (Hons) Business Information Systems

250946 250559 251389 251251


Business and Administration UK Organisation Middlesex University

HK Operator University of Hong Kong

The Open University of Hong Kong

Lingnan University The Hong Kong Management Association

Reg. no. 450658 451796 452227 452231

451977 451976 451752 252280

Nottingham Trent University

Vocational Training Council

BA (Hons) International Fashion Business


Oxford Brookes University

City University of Hong Kong

BA (Hons) International Business Management


Plymouth University

University of Hong Kong

BSc (Hons) Business Economics BSc Business Economics

452376 452377

Resource Development International Ltd.

RDI Limited

BA (Hons) Business (Banking) (Top-up degree) BA (Hons) Business (Finance) (Top-up degree) BA (Hons) Business (Marketing) (Top-up degree)

251949 251950 251951

RDI Management Learning Limited

BA (Hons) Business (Top-up degree)


Vocational Training Council

BA (Hons) Business and Finance BA (Hons) Business and Human Resource Management BA (Hons) Business Management BSc (Hons) Hospitality Business Management BSc (Hons) Sport Business Management BSc (Hons) Tourism Management Bachelor of Arts (Hons) Tourism ManagementÂ

252134 252133


Hong Kong Institute of Technology

BA (Hons) Accounting and Finance BA (Hons) Business Management BA (Hons) Marketing and Advertising

252187 252184 252186

The University of Bolton

Centre for Educational Development

BA (Honours) Accountancy BA (Honours) Business Management (Marketing)

250467 251735

The University of Northampton

Hong Kong School of Commerce

BA (Honours) International Accounting (Top-up)


Hong Kong Institute of Continuing Higher Education (HKICHE)

BA (Hons) Business and Management (Final Year)


The University of Hull

University of Hong Kong

452423 451538

University College Birmingham

Aston Institute

Bachelor of Arts (Hons) Marketing Bachelor of Arts (Hons) Marketing and Management BSc (Hons) Accounting BA (Hons) Business Enterprise (Final Year)

Caritas Institute of Higher Education

BA (Hons) Hospitality and Tourism Management


Aston Institute

BA (Hons) Marketing Management (Final Year)


Sheffield Hallam University

Swansea Metropolitan University Teesside University


Course Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Work Based Learning Studies (Recreation and Sports Management) Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Work Based Learning Studies (Sport Event and Entertainment Management) Bachelor of Arts (Ordinary Degree) in Work Based Learning Studies (Recreation and Sports Management) Bachelor of Arts (Ordinary Degree) in Work Based Learning Studies (Sport Event and Entertainment Management) Bachelor of Arts with Honours in Accounting and Finance Bachelor of Arts with Honours in Business Management Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Business Administration BSc Honours Banking and Finance

The Hong Kong Management Association

252135 251510 251511 251421

451537 252021

Business and Administration UK Organisation University of Bedfordshire University of Central Lancashire

HK Operator Kaplan Higher Education (HK) Limited Vocational Training Council Hong Kong College of Technology International Limited

University of East London

Compass College

University of Gloucestershire

Hong Kong Institute of Continuing Higher Education (HKICHE)

University of Greenwich

ABRS Management and Technology Institute

The Hong Kong Management Association University of Huddersfield

The Hong Kong Management Association

Caritas Institute of Higher Education University of Leicester

University of London

University of Hong Kong Hong Kong Shue Yan University

University of Hong Kong


Reg. no.

BA (Hons) Accounting BA (Hons) Business Management BA (Hons) Advertising and Marketing Communications BA (Hons) Event Management BA (Hons) International Tourism Management BA (Hons) Management in Events (top-up) BA (Hons) Marketing (Year 3 Direct Entry) BSc (Hons) in Facilities Management

251830 252223 252131

Bachelor of Arts (Honours) Business Management Bachelor of Arts (Honours) Hospitality and International Tourism Management BA (Hons) Accounting and Financial Management Studies (Final Year)


Bachelor of Arts (Honours) Accounting & Finance (Final Year) Bachelor of Arts (Hons) Business Management Year 3 Entry Bachelor of Arts (Hons) Business Studies (Stage 2 & 3) Bachelor of Arts (Hons) Marketing - Year 3 Entry Bachelor of Arts (Hons) Business Studies


Bachelor of Arts (Hons) Global Business and Logistics Management Bachelor of Arts (Hons) Human Resource Management Bachelor of Arts (Hons) International Business Bachelor of Arts (Hons) Marketing Management BSc (Hons) Supply Chain Management with Logistics B.Sc. in Human Resource Management Part I Programme for Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Economics Part I Programme for Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Economics Bachelor of Science in Accounting and Finance Bachelor of Science in Accounting and Law Bachelor of Science in Accounting with Law Bachelor of Science in Banking and Finance Bachelor of Science in Business Bachelor of Science in Business Administration Bachelor of Science in Business Administration with Human Resource Management Bachelor of Science in Business Administration with International Business Bachelor of Science in Business Administration with Marketing Bachelor of Science in Business and Management Bachelor of Science in Economics and Finance Bachelor of Science in International Relations Bachelor of Science in Management Bachelor of Science in Management and Law BSc Accounting and Finance BSc Banking and Finance BSc Business BSc Business and Management BSc Economics and Management BSc Management


252351 252352 252056 251833 250793

252245 251982

252204 251584 252061 252020

251921 251922 251923 250833 451944 451164 451163 451776 451780 450723 450374 450940 451076 451820 451821 451819 452366 451620 451622 451777 451779 450331 451010 450958 452365 450332 450333


Business and Administration UK Organisation

HK Operator

Reg. no.

University of London

The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

University of Northumbria at Newcastle

City University of Hong Kong

BA (Hons) Travel and Tourism Management


The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Business Management Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Human Resource Management Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Logistics and Supply Chain Management Bachelor of Arts in Business Management Bachelor of Arts in Human Resource Management Bachelor of Arts in Logistics and Supply Chain Management BA (Hons) Sport Development with Coaching BA (Honours) International Business Management BA (Honours) International Hospitality and Tourism Management BA (Hons) Finance and Investment Management BA (Hons) International Trade and Operations Management BA International Trade and Operations Management Bachelor of Science (Honours) Hospitality Management Bachelor of Science (Honours) Tourism Management Bachelor of Science Hospitality Management Bachelor of Science Tourism Management BSc (Hons) Business Management BSc (Hons) International Supply Chain and Shipping Management BSc Business Management BSc International Supply Chain and Shipping Management BA (Hons) Business Administration BA (Hons) Human Resource Management BA (Hons) Marketing


Part I Programme for Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Accounting and Finance Part I Programme for Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Business Studies


University of Hong Kong Vocational Training Council

University of Plymouth

University of Hong Kong

University of Portsmouth

Informatics Education (HK) Limited

University of South Wales

Hong Kong Shue Yan University


451145 451021 451462 451464 451466 452472 251032 250997 251937 451989 452153 452218 452220 452219 452221 452143 451990 452144 452154 251409 251410 251431


University of Stirling

University of South Wales Hong Kong Shue Yan University

BA (Hons) Business Studies Part I Programme for B.A. (Hons) in Money, Banking & Finance

252151 451153

University of Surrey

University of Hong Kong

Bachelor of Science (Honours) in International Hospitality Management Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Tourism Management Bachelor of Science in International Hospitality Management Bachelor of Science in Tourism Management Bachelor of Arts (Hons) Accounting and Financial Management (Top-up degree) Bachelor of Arts (Hons) Business Management (Top-up degree) BSc (Hons) International Tourism and Hospitality Management (Top-up degree)


University of Sunderland

RDI Management Learning Limited

RDI Limited


Course BSc in Business Administration

452017 452016 452018 251761 251370 252190

Business and Administration UK Organisation University of Wales

University of Wolverhampton

HK Operator The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

Lingnan University City University of Hong Kong

Course Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Business Accounting Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Information Technology with Business Management Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Business Studies BA (Hons) International Business Management

Reg. no. 451856 451857 451972 451938

Education and Languages UK Organisation Middlesex University

HK Operator The Open University of Hong Kong East Asia Work Based Learning Centre operated by Institute of Professional and Continuing Education Limited

University of Northumbria at Newcastle

University of Northumbria at Newcastle


Reg. no.

Bachelor of Arts with Honours in Early Childhood Studies Bachelor Degree in Work Based Learning Studies


LLB (Honours) Open Learning



Science and Technology UK Organisation

HK Operator


Reg. no.

Birmingham City University

Continuous Professional Education Limited

BSc (Hons) Building Surveying BSc (Hons) Construction Management BSc (Hons) Quantity Surveying BSc (Hons) Real Estate

Coventry University

City University of Hong Kong

Bachelor of Science (Hons) Business Information Technology Bachelor of Science (Hons) in Aviation Management BSc (Hons) Computing BSc (Hons) Computing and Information Technology BSc (Hons) Construction Management BSc (Hons) Creative Technologies BSc (Hons) Multimedia Computing Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Biological Science Bachelor of Science in Biological Science BEng (Hons) Engineering with Management BEng Engineering with Management BSc (Hons) Nursing Studies


Hong Kong College of Engineering

BEng (Hons) in Architectural Engineering BEng in Architectural Engineering BSc in Built Environment BSc in Facilities Management

251991 251832 251887 251513

(Hong Kong) Continuous Professional Education Centre

BSc in Building Surveying BSc in Construction Project Management BSc in Quantity Surveying BSc in Real Estate Management

251846 251985 251407 251683

Vocational Training Council

Edinburgh Napier University

University of Hong Kong

International Centre for Distance and Flexible Learning Limited Heriot-Watt University

252323 252321 252322 252324

451731 252436 252034 252032 251541 252437 451190 450737 452373 452374 252238


Science and Technology UK Organisation Leeds Metropolitan University

HK Operator

Bachelor of Science (Hons) Computer Science and Information Systems Bachelor of Science (Hons) Health Care Studies (Nursing)


Bachelor of Science (Hons) Computing Science Bachelor of Science (Hons) Information Systems BSc (Hons) Business Information Technology BSc (Hons) Computing

450286 450287 450973 252185

The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

BSc (Hons) Building Surveying BSc (Hons) Estate Management BSc (Hons) Quantity Surveying Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Veterinary Nursing

252440 252439 252441 452033

RDI Management Learning Limited

Bachelor of Science (Hons) in Business and Management Studies


University of Hong Kong

The Open University of Hong Kong

Nottingham Trent University Oxford Brookes University

Staffordshire University Teesside University The College of Estate Management The Royal Veterinary College, University of London University of Bradford


Reg. no. 252355 252353 252332 252012 252333 451013

Asian Institute of Built Environment Limited Hong Kong College of Technology International Limited

Middlesex University

Course BA (Hons) Housing Studies BSc (Hons) Building Services Engineering BSc (Hons) Broadcast Media Technologies BSc (Hons) Civil Engineering BSc (Hons) Computing Bachelor of Science (Honours) Computer Networks Bachelor of Science (Honours) Computer Networks (Mobile Computing) Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Work Based Learning Studies (Fitness and Exercise) Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Work Based Learning Studies (Real Estate) Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Work Based Learning Studies (Construction Project Management) Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Work Based Learning Studies (Facilities Management) Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Work Based Learning Studies (Nursing) Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Work Based Learning Studies (Sport Coaching and Performance) Bachelor of Science (Honours) Multimedia Computing Bachelor of Science (Ordinary Degree) in Work Based Learning Studies (Fitness and Exercise) Bachelor of Science (Ordinary Degree) in Work Based Learning Studies (Sport Coaching and Performance) Bachelor of Science with Honours in Environmental and Public Health Bachelor of Science with Honours in Occupational Safety and Health Bachelor of Science Honours Information Technology and Business Information Systems BSc (Hons) Quantity Surveying

The Hong Kong Management Association Hong Kong College of Technology International Limited Informatics Education (HK) Limited The Alliance of International Education (H.K.) City University of Hong Kong Hong Kong Institute of Technology The College of Estate Management

452086 451173 451131 450991 450992 450760 452152 452072 452233 452229

452162 451868(5) 251740 251700


Science and Technology UK Organisation University of Central Lancashire

HK Operator

451418 451419

Asian Institute of Built Environment Limited

BEng (Hons) Building Services and Sustainable Engineering BEng (Hons) Building Services and Sustainable Engineering BSc (Hons) Quantity Surveying BSc (Hons) Building Surveying BSc (Hons) Construction Project Management


BSc (Hons) Occupational Safety, Health and Environment Bachelor of Science (Honours) Computing (Stage 3 Entry) BSc (Hons) Business Information Technology (Stage3) B.Sc. in Computing and Information Systems Bachelor of Science in Creative Computing Bachelor of Science in Information Systems and Management Bachelor of Science in Mathematics and Economics Bachelor of Science International Development BSc (Hons) Food Science and Nutrition


Hong Kong College of Technology International Limited The University of Hong Kong ABRS Management and Technology Institute UNiSOFT IT Limited University of London

Reg. no.

City University of Hong Kong

Vocational Training Council

University of Greenwich

Course BEng (Hons) Fire Engineering FDSc Fire Safety Engineering

University of Hong Kong

252295 252192 252193 251152

250635 251896 450329 451782 450367 451536 452313

University of Northumbria at Newcastle

Vocational Training Council University of Hong Kong

BSc (Hons) Sport Management


University of Sunderland

Hong Kong College of Technology International Limited

BEng (Hons) Electronics and Electrical Engineering


University of Ulster

University of Hong Kong

BSc (Hons) Food and Nutrition


University of Wolverhampton

City University of Hong Kong

Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Quantity Surveying BSc (Hons) Construction Management BSc (Hons) Pharmaceutical Science BSc Pharmaceutical Science


BSc (Hons) Information Technology


University of Hong Kong University of the West of England, Bristol

Vocational Training Council


450700 452205 452206


Postgraduate Arts and Social Science UK Organisation Edinburgh Napier University Manchester Metropolitan University Oxford Brookes University Sheffield Hallam University

HK Operator

Reg. no.

International Centre for Distance and Flexible Learning Limited University of Hong Kong

MSc Advanced Practice


CPE of England & Wales


University of Hong Kong

Postgraduate Diploma in Coaching and Mentoring Practice Doctorate in International Criminal Justice Master of Arts in International Criminal Justice Postgraduate Certificate in International Criminal Justice Postgraduate Diploma in International Criminal Master of Arts in Museum Studies Master of Science in Museum Studies Postgraduate Diploma in Museum Studies Diploma for Graduates (Geography and Environment) Diploma for Graduates (International Development) Diploma for Graduates (Social Sciences) Diploma for Graduates (Sociology) Master of Laws Master of Science in Agricultural Economics Master of Science in Managing Rural Development Master of Science in Organizational Psychology Postgraduate Certificate in Laws Postgraduate Certificate in Livestock Health and Production Postgraduate Certificate in Managing Rural Development Postgraduate Certificate in Veterinary Epidemiology and Public Health Postgraduate Diploma in Agribusiness for Development Postgraduate Diploma in Agricultural Economics Postgraduate Diploma in Laws Postgraduate Diploma in Livestock Health and Production Postgraduate Diploma in Managing Rural Development Postgraduate Diploma in Organizational Psychology Postgraduate Diploma in Policy Studies Postgraduate Diploma in Public Health Preparatory Programme for Master of Laws Preparatory Programme for Postgraduate Certificate in Laws Preparatory Programme for Postgraduate Diploma in Laws


City University of Hong Kong

University of Leicester

University of Hong Kong

University of London

University of Hong Kong

University of Hong Kong



452057 452058 452060 452059 452430 452431 452432 451853 451296 451303 451304 451423 450412 451202 450917 451425 451812 451383 451813 451199 450434 451424 450450 451203 450919 451818 451455 451839 451841 451840

Arts and Social Science UK Organisation

HK Operator


University of South Wales Hong Kong Shue Yan University

MSc Play and Therapeutic Play MSc Play Therapy

452310 452309

University of Wolverhampton

Master of Laws Phil in Law PhD in Law

451698 451851 451850

City University of Hong Kong

Reg. no.

Business and Administration UK Organisation Birmingham City University Buckinghamshire New University De Montfort University

Edinburgh Napier University

Heriot-Watt University

HK Operator


Reg. no.

Kaplan Higher Education (HK) Limited HKUE Limited

MSc Accountancy and Finance (Top-up)


Master of Business Administration


City University of Hong Kong

MSc Management MSc International Business and Management MSc Strategic Public Management Postgraduate Diploma in International Business and Management Postgraduate Certificate in International Business and Management Postgraduate Diploma in Strategic Public Management Postgraduate Certificate in Strategic Public Management Master of Science in Business Management Master of Science in International Marketing with Tourism and Events Master of Science in Managerial Leadership Master of Science in Marketing Master of Science in Marketing with Festival & Event Management Master of Science in Wealth Management Postgraduate Certificate in International Marketing with Tourism and Events Postgraduate Certificate in Marketing Postgraduate Certificate in Marketing with Festival & Event Management Postgraduate Certificate in Wealth Management Postgraduate Diploma in International Marketing with Tourism and Events Postgraduate Diploma in Managerial Leadership Postgraduate Diploma in Marketing Postgraduate Diploma in Marketing with Festival & Event Management Postgraduate Diploma in Wealth Management Master Of Business Administration Master of Business Administration with a Specialism in Finance Master of Business Administration with a Specialism in Human Resource Management Master of Business Administration with a Specialism in Marketing Master of Business Administration with a Specialism in Strategic Planning Postgraduate Diploma In Business Administration Postgraduate Certificate in Business Administration Preparatory Course for MBA Progamme Preparatory Course for MBA Programme

451800 451801 451804 451802

University of Hong Kong

University of Hong Kong

451803 451805 451806 452027 452259 450597 450686 452005 452111 452257 451159 452007 452159 452258 450643 451160 452006 452158 452344 452347 452348 452349 452350 452345 452346 452339 452337 75

Business and Administration UK Organisation Heriot-Watt University


Reg. no.

University of Hong Kong

Preparatory Course for MBA Programme


The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

Doctor of Business Administration Master of Business Administration Master of Science in Financial Management Master of Science in Human Resource Management Master of Science in Marketing Master of Science in Strategic Focus Master of Science in Strategic Planning Postgraduate Certificate in Business Administration Postgraduate Certificate in Financial Management Postgraduate Certificate in Human Resource Management Postgraduate Certificate in Marketing Postgraduate Certificate in Strategic Planning Postgraduate Diploma in Business Administration Postgraduate Diploma in Financial Management Postgraduate Diploma in Human Resource Management Postgraduate Diploma in Marketing Postgraduate Diploma in Strategic Planning

451599 451393 451870 451873 451876 451600 451879 451395 451872 451875 451878 451881 451394 451871 451874 451877 451880

Henley Business School at University of Reading

Henley Business School Limited

The Henley Flexible Executive MBA


Leeds Metropolitan University

Asian Institute of Built Environment Limited

MSc Facilities Management


London School of Commerce (LSC) London South Bank University Middlesex University

British School of Business Limited International Academy of Management

Master of Business Administration


Doctor of Business Administration


East Asia School of Business Limited The Hong Kong Management Association

MSc Financial Management


MSc Investment and Finance


ABRS Management and Technology Institute University of Hong Kong

NCC Postgraduate Diploma in Strategic Business IT


MA in Coaching and Mentoring Practice


RDI Management Learning Limited RDI Limited

Master of Business Administration


Master of Business Administration (Finance) Master of Business Administration (Human Resource Management) Master of Business Administration (Law) Master of Business Administration (Management Consultancy) Master of Business Administration (Project Management) Master of Business Administration (Service Excellence) Master of Business Administration

252148 251945

Preparatory Course for MSc Finance & Financial Law Preparatory Course for Postgraduate Diploma in Finance & Financial Law


NCC Education Ltd Oxford Brookes University Resource Development International Ltd.

Swansea Metropolitan University School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London


HK Operator

The Hong Kong Management Association University of Hong Kong

252149 251946 251947 251948 251861


Business and Administration UK Organisation

HK Operator

The Chartered Institute of University of Hong Kong Marketing The University of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Birmingham The Open University of Hong Kong RDI Management Learning Limited The University of Hong Kong Baptist University Sheffield

University of Greenwich

University of Hong Kong

ABRS Management and Technology Institute University of Hull

University of Hong Kong

University of Leicester

University of Hong Kong


Reg. no.

Chartered Postgraduate Diploma in Marketing (Stage 1) Executive MBA


Master of Business Administration


MSc in Public Administration and Development


Master of Science in Global Marketing Management Postgraduate Diploma in Global Marketing Management Postgraduate Certificate in Facilities Management Postgraduate Certificate in Project Management International Postgraduate Diploma in Facilities Management Postgraduate Diploma in Project Management International Master of Arts International Business Master of Business Administration (International Business) MSc Accounting and Finance Postgraduate Certificate in Accounting and Finance Postgraduate Diploma in Accounting and Finance Doctor of Social Science M.Sc. in Human Resource Development M.Sc. in International HR and Globalisation M.Sc. in Training M.Sc. in Training & Human Resource Management M.Sc. in Training & Performance Management Master of Business Administration Master of Science in Finance Master of Science in Marketing Master of Social Science MSc in Human Resource Management and Training MSc in Industrial Relations and Workplace Learning MSc in Performance Management and Workplace Learning Postgraduate Certificate in Business Administration Postgraduate Certificate in Finance Postgraduate Certificate in Human Resource Development Postgraduate Certificate in Human Resource Management and Training Postgraduate Certificate in Industrial Relations and Workplace Learning Postgraduate Certificate in International HR and Globalisation Postgraduate Certificate in Marketing Postgraduate Certificate in Performance Management and Workplace Learning Postgraduate Diploma in Business Administration Postgraduate Diploma in Finance Postgraduate Diploma in Human Resource Development



452445 451744 451742 451743 451741 252207 252208 452392 452394 452393

451180 451493 451578 450327 450369 450531 452305 452307 452306 451181 451494 451759 451495 452315 452319 451899 451900 451903 451902 452317 451901 452314 452318 451496


Business and Administration UK Organisation University of Leicester

HK Operator University of Hong Kong

University of Leicester University of London


University of Hong Kong


Reg. no.

Postgraduate Diploma in Human Resource Management and Training Postgraduate Diploma in Industrial Relations and Workplace Learning Postgraduate Diploma in International HR and Globalisation Postgraduate Diploma in Marketing Postgraduate Diploma in Training Postgraduate Diploma in Training & Human Resource Management Postgraduate Diploma in Training and Performance Management Postgraduate Diploma Performance Management and Workplace Learning Master of Business Administration


Diploma for Graduates (Accounting) Diploma for Graduates (Banking) Diploma for Graduates (Economics) Diploma for Graduates (Finance) Diploma for Graduates (Information Systems) Diploma for Graduates (International Relations) Diploma for Graduates (Management) Diploma for Graduates (Politics) Master of Arts in Applied Educational Leadership and Management Master of Business Administration in Banking Master of Business Administration in International Management Master of Business Administration in International Management Master of Science in Finance (Economic Policy) Master of Science in Finance (Financial Sector Management) Master of Science in Finance (Quantitative Finance) Master of Science in Finance and Financial Law Master of Science in Human Resource Management Master of Science in International Business Master of Science in International Management Master of Science in International Management Master of Science in International Management (China) Master of Science in Poverty Reduction: Policy and Practice Master of Science in Public Policy and Management Postgraduate Certificate in Agricultural Economics Postgraduate Certificate in Applied Educational Leadership and Management Postgraduate Certificate in Applied Environmental Economics Postgraduate Certificate in International Management Postgraduate Certificate in Poverty Reduction: Policy and Practice Postgraduate Diploma in Applied Educational Leadership and Management Postgraduate Diploma in Applied Environmental Economics Postgraduate Diploma in Banking

451294 451295 451297 451298 451299 451300 451301 451302 451305

451760 451579 452316 450786 450784 450785 451498 250208

451658 450740 451663 451911 451910 451909 451535 450916 451814 451664 451771 451660 451915 450402 451379 451307 451381 451666 451917 451306 450437 451659

Business and Administration UK Organisation University of London

University of Northumbria at Newcastle

HK Operator University of Hong Kong

The Hong Kong Polytechnic University The Hong Kong Polytechnic University University of Hong Kong

University of Hong Kong Oxford Brookes University University of Strathclyde Hong Kong Baptist University University of Wales University of Wolverhampton

Lingnan University City University of Hong Kong

The University of Hull University College Birmingham University of Bradford

The University of Hull Caritas Institute of Higher Education RDI Management Learning Limited University of East London Compass College University of Manchester Manchester Business School Worldwide Limited University of South Wales University of South Wales University of Sunderland RDI Management Learning Limited University of Warwick University of Warwick Vocational Training Council

The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

Course Postgraduate Diploma in Economic Policy Postgraduate Diploma in Finance and Financial Law Postgraduate Diploma in Financial Sector Management Postgraduate Diploma in Human Resource Management Postgraduate Diploma in International Business Postgraduate Diploma in International Management Postgraduate Diploma in International Management Postgraduate Diploma in International Management (China) Postgraduate Diploma in Public Financial Management Postgraduate Diploma in Public Management Postgraduate Diploma in Quantitative Finance MSc in Financial Management, University of London External Programme Master of Arts in Management Studies Master of Business Administration MSc International Sport Management Postgraduate Diploma International Sport Management Postgraduate Certificate in Coaching and Mentoring Practice Master of Science in Procurement Management Master of Business Administration LLM in International Corporate and Financial Law Postgraduate Certificate in International Corporate and Financial Law Postgraduate Diploma in International Corporate and Financial Law Executive MBA MA Professional Hospitality and Tourism Management Master of Business Administration

Reg. no. 451914 451816 451913 450918 451815 450741 451665 451817 451661 451662 451912 451019 451023 451022 452470 452471 452304 450473 451973 451376 451378 451377 250079 251799 250819

Master of Business Administration in International 252243 Business Master of Business Administration 250144 MSc Forensic Audit and Accounting Master of Business Administration

251983 251470

Master of Business Administration (MBA) by Distance Learning MSc in Programme and Project Management Postgraduate Award in Programme and Project Management Postgraduate Certificate in Programme and Project Management Postgraduate Diploma in Programme and Project Management Integrated Graduate Development Scheme (IGDS) MSc in Engineering Business Management Integrated Graduate Development Scheme (IGDS) PgA in Engineering Business Management Integrated Graduate Development Scheme (IGDS) PgA in eBusiness Management

250070 251907 251925 251924 251918 450243 450975 450977 79

Arts and Social Science UK Organisation University of Warwick

HK Operator The Hong Kong Polytechnic University


Reg. no.

Integrated Graduate Development Scheme 450789 (IGDS) PgC in Engineering Business Management Integrated Graduate Development Scheme 450791 (IGDS) PgD in Engineering Business Management Integrated Graduate Development Scheme 450979 (IGDS) Postgraduate Award in Supply Chain and Logistics Management

Education and Languages UK Organisation Lancaster University Middlesex University

Nottingham Trent University The University of Nottingham


The Chinese University of Hong Kong University of Hong Kong

Master of Arts Programme in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages MA in Work Based Learning Studies (Communication) MA in Work Based Learning Studies (Creative Industries Management) MA in Work Based Learning Studies (Integrated Arts) Doctorate in Professional Studies Master Degree in Work Based Learning Studies


Doctor of Education (EdD)


Doctor of Education (Lifelong Education) Master of Education (Lifelong Education) Doctor of Education Master of Education Specialising in Education Management MA in English for Professional Purposes Postgraduate Certificate in English for Professional Purposes Postgraduate Diploma in English for Professional Purposes Degree of Doctor of Education MA in Educational Research Postgraduate Certificate Further Professional Studies in Education Postgraduate Diploma Further Professional Studies in Education Master of Research in Educational and Social Research Postgraduate Certificate in Educational and Social Research Postgraduate Diploma in Educational and Social Research

450993 450994 450292 450291

East Asia Work Based Learning Centre operated by Institute of Professional and Continuing Education Limited Hong Kong College of Technology International Limited University of Hong Kong

University of Bristol

City University of Hong Kong

University of Central Lancashire

City University of Hong Kong

University of Durham

University of London


HK Operator

University of Hong Kong

University of Hong Kong

Reg. no.

451499 451953 452241 251512 250470

451562 451564 451563 451656 452099 452124 452123 451783 451785 451784

Science and Technology UK Organisation

HK Operator

Cardiff Metropolitan University

University of Hong Kong

Edinburgh Napier University

University of Hong Kong

Heriot-Watt University

International Centre for Distance and Flexible Learning Limited Hong Kong College of Engineering

(Hong Kong) Continuous Professional Education Centre

Middlesex University

University of Hong Kong

Oxford Brookes University

The Alliance of International Education (H.K.) City University of Hong Kong

Staffordshire University

The Royal Agricultural College University of Bath

University of Central Lancashire

University of Greenwich

Hong Kong Academy of Management Limited University of Hong Kong

City University of Hong Kong

University of Hong Kong


Reg. no.

MSc in Food Safety Management Postgraduate Diploma in Food Safety Management Master of Science in Biomedical Science Postgraduate Certificate in Biomedical Science Postgraduate Diploma in Biomedical Science MSc Health Administration

450980 450981

Master of Science in Architectural Engineering Master of Science in Civil Engineering and Construction Management MSc in Facilities Management Postgraduate Diploma in Architectural Engineering Postgraduate Diploma in Civil Engineering and Construction Management Postgraduate Diploma in Facilities Management MSc in Building Surveying MSc in Construction Project Management MSc in Quantity Surveying PgD in Construction Project Management Postgraduate Diploma in Building Surveying Postgraduate Diploma in Quantity Surveying MA in Work Based Learning Studies (IT Project Management) MSc Electronic Security and Digital Forensics Master of Science Management in Health Care Master of Science Nursing Studies

251161 251703

Master of Science Information Technology Management Master of Science Software Engineering Postgraduate Certificate Postgraduate Diploma in Information Technology Management Postgraduate Diploma in Software Engineering MSc International Real Estate


Master of Science in International Construction Management Postgraduate Diploma in International Construction Management MSc Fire Scene Investigation MSc in Fire Safety Engineering Postgraduate Certificate in Fire Investigation Postgraduate Certificate in Fire Safety Engineering Postgraduate Certificate in Fire Scene Investigation Postgraduate Diploma in Fire Safety Engineering Postgraduate Diploma in Fire Scene Investigation Master of Science in Facilities Management Master of Science in Occupational Hygiene Master of Science in Project Management International Master of Science in Real Estate Master of Science in Safety, Health and Environment Postgraduate Certificate in Occupational Hygiene Postgraduate Certificate in Real Estate


450314 450456 450457 252253

251344 251162 251704 251345 251843 252100 251338 252101 251844 251339 452026 452096 250986 251337

450290 450512 450514 450513 252293

451675 452410 451312 452413 451314 452412 451313 452411 450346 450466 450345 450348 450347 451746 451750 81

Science and Technology UK Organisation University of Greenwich

HK Operator University of Hong Kong

ABRS Management and Technology Institute University of Kent University of London

University of Sunderland

University of Hong Kong

University of Ulster

University of Hong Kong

University of Leicester


Hong Kong Baptist University University of Hong Kong

University of Leicester

Course Postgraduate Certificate in Safety, Health and Environment Postgraduate Diploma in Occupational Hygiene Postgraduate Diploma in Real Estate Postgraduate Diploma in Safety, Health and Environment Master of Science Finance and Investment Master of Science in Information Systems Management Master of Science in Operational Research and Business Statistics Diploma for Graduates (Mathematics) Master of Science in Applied Environmental Economics Master of Science in Biodiversity Conservation and Management Master of Science in Clinical Trials Master of Science in Environmental Management Master of Science in Epidemiology Master of Science in Infectious Diseases Master of Science in Information Security Master of Science in Livestock Health and Production Master of Science in Petroleum Geoscience Master of Science in Public Health Master of Science in Public Health (Environment and Health) Master of Science in Public Health (Health Promotion) Master of Science in Public Health (Health Services Management) Master of Science in Sustainable Development Master of Science in Veterinary Epidemiology and Public Health Postgraduate Certificate in Environmental Management Postgraduate Certificate in Sustainable Development Postgraduate Diploma in Clinical Trials Postgraduate Diploma in Environmental Management Postgraduate Diploma in Epidemiology Postgraduate Diploma in Infectious Diseases Postgraduate Diploma in Information Security Postgraduate Diploma in Petroleum Geoscience Postgraduate Diploma in Poverty Reduction: Policy and Practice Postgraduate Diploma in Sustainable Development Postgraduate Diploma in Veterinary Epidemiology and Public Health M.Sc. in Clinical Pharmacy Postgraduate Certificate in Clinical Pharmacy Postgraduate Diploma in Clinical Pharmacy Master of Science in Human Nutrition Master of Science in Human Nutrition and Dietetics Postgraduate Diploma in Dietetics Postgraduate Diploma in Human Nutrition Master of Science in Finance Master of Science in Marketing

Reg. no. 451748 451745 451749 451747 251847 251417 452077 451854 450409 450717 451614 451775 450393 450414 451080 450390 452049 451453 451822 451823 451824 451534 451157 451388 451385 451615 451533 450447 450446 451781 452050 451916 451532 451158 451209 451207 451208 450320 450321 450319 450318 250210 250209

Science and Technology UK Organisation

HK Operator


Reg. no.

University of South Wales University of South Wales

MSc Computer Forensics


University of the West of England, Bristol

Professional Doctorate Programme


MSc in International Technology Management Postgraduate Award in International Technology Management Postgraduate Certificate in International Technology Management Postgraduate Diploma in International Technology Management

252137 252140

Engineering Doctorate (EngD) Integrated Graduate Development Scheme (IGDS) MSc in Manufacturing Systems Engineering Integrated Graduate Development Scheme (IGDS) PgA in Manufacturing Systems Engineering Integrated Graduate Development Scheme (IGDS) PgA in Quality & Reliability Integrated Graduate Development Scheme (IGDS) PgC in Manufacturing Systems Engineering Integrated Graduate Development Scheme (IGDS) PgD in Manufacturing Systems Engineering

450244 450242

University of Warwick

The Alliance of International Education (H.K.) Vocational Training Council

The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

252139 252138

450976 450978 450790 450792


Professional Arts and Social Science UK Organisation Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music

Royal Institute of British Architects The Chartered Institute of Legal Executives

HK Operator University of Hong Kong

Royal Institute of British Architects The Chinese University of Hong Kong


Reg. no.

CT ABRSM Certificate of Teaching Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music Plus Licentiate of the Royal Schools of Music (LRSM) Support Course - Music Performance RIBA Advanced Diploma in Professional Practice


Professional Diploma Programme in Legal Executive Studies


552210 352367

Business and Administration UK Organisation

HK Operator

Reg. no.

Chartered Management Institute Institute of Environmental Management & Assessment International Compliance Association

Consort Management Consultants Limited SGS Hong Kong Limited

Diploma in Business and Management


IEMA Approved Lead Environmental Auditor Course


Courses & Seminars Limited


International Register of Certificated Auditors (IRCA)

BSI Pacific Limited SGS Hong Kong Limited

Society of Trust and Estate Practitioners

Courses & Seminars Limited

The Association of Chartered Certified Accountants

Kaplan Financial (HK) Limited Becker Professional Development Corporation

ICA International Diploma in Anti Money Laundering (Hong Kong) International Diploma in Compliance QMS Auditor/Lead Auditor Training Course Quality Management Systems Auditor/Lead Auditor Course STEP Certificate in International Trust Management STEP Diploma in International Trust Management ACCA Examination Course Becker ACCA Exam Review Course


ACCA Distance Teaching Programme


The Chartered Institute of The Chartered Institute of Bankers in Scotland Bankers in Scotland The Chartered Institute of University of Hong Kong Marketing

Chartered Banker Professional Conversion Course Chartered Postgraduate Diploma in Marketing


The Chartered Management Institute

The Chinese University of Hong Kong


The Royal Agricultural College

Hong Kong Academy of Management Limited

Preparatory Programme leading to The Chartered Management Institute’s Diploma in Business and Management Professional Adaptation Award in Real Estate

FTMS Training Systems (HK) Limited



351020 350296 350626 350774 350775 350465



Institution profiles


+The information is provided by the courtesy of the corresponding institutions.


Institution profile Study for a University of London degree in Hong Kong Prestige All degrees offered by the University of London International Programmes are developed by the Colleges of the University of London. The Colleges are responsible for the standard of your degree. Wherever you live, you are examined to the same high standard as students studying on campus in London. The Colleges of the University of London are ranked among the highest in the world. For example, in the QS World University Rankings (2013) UCL is ranked fourth, Kings is ranked 19 and LSE ranked 69. Recognition Ten University of London programmes have been accredited by the Hong Kong Council for Accreditation of Academic and Vocational Qualifications (HKCAAVQ). The programmes have to be studied at HKU SPACE to obtain a HKCAAVQ recognised qualification. For those studying full-time the accreditation means that they are eligible for financial assistance and loans from the government. Flexibility You can study independently or attend classes on full or part-time basis at a local teaching institution, enabling you to combine study with your work. Contact the local institution that teaches the degrees to find out their schedules. How it works The role of the University of London International Programmes is to provide the administrative systems, processes and infrastructure to support you in gaining your qualification. HKU SPACE acts as a local Admissions Centre for University of London students to provide rapid responses to any admission queries. The University of London provides you with printed study materials, access to an online learning environment and discussion forums. The online forums enable students across the world to collaborate, so you gain a truly global viewpoint. Depending on which of the institutions you choose to study at, and your particular course, you will also receive tutorials and lectures from local teaching staff and lectures from overseas teaching staff, including from University of London academics.


Full institution name University of London International Programmes Physical address (for student enquiries) The Student Advice Centre, University of London, Stewart House, 32 Russell Square, London WC1B 5DN, United Kingdom Enquiry e-form (for student enquiries) Enquiries.londoninternational. Website Years of operation 156 years Levels of qualifications offered Foundation, Bachelors, Masters

Institution profile Heritage and reputation Founded in 1919, The College of Estate Management (CEM) is a leading international provider of supported online learning for real estate and construction professionals. Our patron is His Royal Highness The Prince of Wales.

Courses – earn while you learn

Full institution name The College of Estate Management Physical address (for student enquiries) Whiteknights, Reading, Berkshire RG6 6AW, United Kingdom

From diplomas through to BSc and postgraduate degrees, CEM courses are designed for part-time study around work, develop practical skills which build on a student’s workplace experience and directly benefit their professional life.

Email (for student enquiries) Website

Most CEM courses are accredited by the RICS and/or Chartered Institute of Building (CIOB).

Years of operation 95 years

Currently, CEM offers three BSc courses for Hong Kong students, with exemptions available to applicants holding approved prior qualifications. These courses are recognised by the RICS. Under the current policy of HKIS, graduates of these courses are permitted to take the Assessment of Professional Competence (APC) of HKIS.

Levels of qualifications offered Foundation, Bachelors, Masters

CEM has enrolled Hong Kong students for over 30 years and has close links with Hong Kong academic institutions, employers and professional bodies, including the Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors (HKIS) and Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS).

BSc (Hons) Building Surveying (252440*)

BSc (Hons) Estate Management (252439*)

BSc (Hons) Quantity Surveying (252441*)

Local support CEM has over 400 students in Hong Kong and a large alumni community, offering opportunities for professional development and networking. Local support, including study space, is available via CEM’s Hong Kong partner, MacGregor Education Group (International Centre for Distance and Flexible Learning). Address: 2/F, Ultragrace Commercial Building, 5 Jordan Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong MTR station: Jordan, Exit B2 Telephone: (852) 2300 1824 Email: Website: *These courses are registered with the Hong Kong Non-local Courses Registry (NCR). It is a matter of discretion for individual employers to recognise any qualification to which these courses may lead. 87

Institution profile Kaplan Higher Education is a global provider of management education and quality lifelong learning programmes and services. We are a proud member of Kaplan, Inc. - a global leader specializing in lifelong education, with 1,000,000 students around the globe in more than 500 locations worldwide. Established in Hong Kong in 1991, Kaplan Higher Education is one of the largest providers of tertiary education programmes and services in Hong Kong. KHE’s renowned university partners from across the globe represent a portfolio of programmes from diploma and bachelors to postgraduate and research-based doctoral level. KHE helps develop result-oriented managers and professionals with executive leadership qualities to meet the needs of the rapidly changing knowledge-based economy in Hong Kong and beyond. In Hong Kong, Kaplan Higher Education is one of the few private institutions proudly operating with partner university with triple accredited (AACSB, AMBA & EQUIS) business schools. Our Hong Kong university partners include: Monash University (Australia) University College Dublin (Ireland) Northeastern University (US) The University of Hull (UK) Birmingham City University (UK) University of Bedfordshire (UK) NCC Education (UK) We aim to become a leading higher education institute known for its range of innovative and quality programmes and for a service second to none. We passionately develop quality programmes with reputable international partners; thereby helping our customers build successful and rewarding careers. We also strive to deliver excellent customer service that exceeds expectation.


Full institution name Kaplan Higher Education UK partners • The University of Hull • Birmingham City University • University of Bedfordshire • NCC Education Physical address (for student enquiries) G/F to 3/F, E-Tech Centre, Nos 402-406 Hennessy Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong Email (for student enquiries) Nearest MTR station Causeway Bay MTR Exit A Website Years of operation 23 years Levels of qualifications offered Executive MBA MSc Accountancy and Finance (Top-up) BA (Hons) Accounting BA (Hons) Business Administration BA (Hons) Business Management Level 4 Diploma in Business (QCF)

Institution profile The Li Ka Shing Institute of Professional and Continuing Education (LiPACE) is one of the five academic units of the Open University of Hong Kong (OUHK). With a mission to promote lifelong learning, LiPACE is committed to providing a variety of flexible and high quality lifelong learning opportunities, with an emphasis on face-to-face teaching to the public for personal and professional development, career advancement and appreciation of life. LiPACE offers programmes and courses in various disciplines, at different levels and in different learning modes in anticipation of and in response to community needs. Currently, LiPACE offers 4 major kinds of programmes, namely full-time programmes, overseas degree programmes, professional programmes and community learning programmes. To offer students a better learning environment alongside its continuous development, LiPACE with great support from the University, relocated its headquarters and set up a brand new Learning Centre in Kwai Hing in September 2013. The new Kwai Hing Learning Centre (KHLC) is located conveniently on Levels 8–11 of Kowloon Commerce Centre, which is a 2-minute walk (under covered walkway) from MTR Kwai Hing Station. With about 25,000 sq. ft. per floor, the new centre is able to accommodate 1,500 students. It comprises not only fully-equipped classrooms, PC and languages laboratories, lecture theatre and learning resources centre, but also purpose-built teaching/learning facilities such as design studio, radio broadcasting studio, and mock-up cabin, hotel room and hospital ward, vastly enriching students’ learning experiences.

Full institution name Li Ka Shing Institute of Professional and Continuing Education, The Open University of Hong Kong UK partners • Middlesex University • University of Salford • University of Wolverhampton • University of Birmingham Physical address (for student enquiries) 8/F-11/F, Tower 2, Kowloon Commerce Centre, 51-53 Kwai Cheong Road, Kwai Chung, N.T., Hong Kong Email (for student enquiries) Nearest MTR station Kwai Hing MTR Exit E Website Years of operation 22 years Levels of qualifications offered Yi Jin Diploma, Diploma, Higher Diploma, Bachelor Degree, Master Degree


Institution profile Who is the Institute and Faculty of Actuaries (IFoA)? The IFoA is the only UK’s Chartered professional body for actuaries dedicated to educating, developing and regulating our members worldwide. What is an actuary? What the future looks like is crucial to actuaries because, as experts in risk, they need to calculate the probability of future events occurring. From the ups and downs in financial markets, changes in technology or where and when hurricanes may strike, actuaries quantify the risks to business, especially when the amount of a future payment or the timing of when it is paid is uncertain. An actuarial career is one of the most diverse, exciting and rewarding in the world. The qualification The exam programme is flexible, allowing individuals to continue working for an actuarial employer. In addition to passing professional exams, candidates work with their employer to meet the practical work-based skills requirement. In order to qualify as a Fellow of the IFoA you must complete 15 exams, three years of work based skills and the professional skills requirement. Who makes up our membership? We have a global membership of over 25,548 members (December 2013). Our members come from a variety of different countries, cultures and ethnicities. The IFoA has 13,097 student members (December 2013). The figures below show who makes up our student membership. Age groups • 4% are under the age of 21 • 57% are under the age of 30 • 94% are under the age of 40 Gender • 38% are female • 62% are male Location • 45% are based in the UK • 55% are based outside of the UK • 8% in Europe • 47% rest of the world International Actuarial Careers Network (IACN) The IACN is a global network of potential actuarial students who belong to an online community hosted on the IFoA’s website to discuss industry topics, network and find out what employers and the industry want from them. To find out more and to register, visit 90

Full institution name Institute and Faculty of Actuaries (IFoA) Physical address (for student enquiries) 7th Floor, Holborn Gate, High Holborn, London WC1V 7PP, United Kingdom Email (for student enquiries) Website Levels of qualifications offered Certified Actuarial Analyst (CAA), Associate (AFA/AIA), Fellow (FFA/ FIA)

Institution profile HKU SPACE Centre for Degree Programmes (CDP) Since 2003, the Centre for Degree Programmes (CDP) has brought numerous sub-degree graduates to world-class higher education. As it leaps into its eleventh anniversary, the CDP’s longstanding devotion to global learning defines it a site that is both intellectual and intercultural by nature. Living up to its motto of ‘Education with a Global Vision,’ CDP delivers over 30 full-time undergraduate programmes in collaboration with ten international universities in the UK and Australia, including some ranked in the world’s top 300*. Over the past decade, more than 6,000 Associate Degree and Higher Diploma graduates have been empowered through academic advancement at CDP and can now be found in diverse professions. According to the latest graduate survey, CDP graduates are highly valued in the work place for their range of skills and academic standards. As the demand for postgraduate qualifications is on the rise in Hong Kong and the region, CDP now offers a number of full-time postgraduate diploma and master’s programmes in media, culture and finance, catering to the needs of degree holders. Since 2011, CDP has been working in partnership with Central Saint Martins College of Arts and Design, University of the Arts London to introduce executive courses ranging from media to branding and creative studies for senior executives. CDP’s latest development includes the launch of a new executive education series on leadership and presentation with the Royal Central School of Speech & Drama (RCSSD), University of London in 2014. *Source: QS World University Rankings 2013 These are exempted courses under the Non-Local Higher and Professional Education (Regulation) Ordinance. It is a matter of discretion for individual employer to recognise any qualification to which these courses may lead. HKU SPACE is a non-profit making University company limited by guarantee.

Full institution name HKU SPACE Centre for Degree Programmes (CDP) UK partners • Central Saint Martins College of Arts and Design, University of the Arts London • Edinburgh Napier University • University of Hull • University of London International Programmes (Lead Colleges: London School of Economics and Political Science / Goldsmiths) • Middlesex University London • University of Northumbria at Newcastle • Oxford Brookes University • Plymouth University • Royal Central School of Speech and Drama, University of London • University of the West of England, Bristol Physical address (for student enquiries) 6/F, United Centre, 95 Queensway, Admiralty, Hong Kong Telephone number +852 2910 7555 Email (for student enquiries) Nearest MTR station Admiralty MTR Exit D Website Years of operation 11 years (established in 2003) Levels of qualifications offered Bachelor’s, Postgraduate diploma, Master’s qualifications and executive short courses


Institution profile Sheffield Hallam University is a modern university with a rich and proud history, dating back to 1843. The University is a multicultural institution with a vibrant and diverse student population including over 4,000 international students from more than 100 different countries. The University is situated in the city of Sheffield in the north of England and currently enrols around approximately 34,000 students. One of the greenest cities in Europe, a third of Sheffield lies within the beautiful countryside of the Peak District National Park. Sheffield’s community has a well-deserved reputation for being friendly and hospitable. The University’s staff are leaders in their fields with a depth of expertise, knowledge and experience, committed to providing the highest quality of education. At Sheffield Hallam, ground-breaking research in business, engineering, sport and healthcare would not happen without its innovative researchers, and courses come alive through teachers who apply real-world knowledge to their lectures and seminars. Courses are designed to enhance your career, ensuring you gain the skills and knowledge demanded by the workplace. We collaborate with our partners in business, industry and the public sector to develop our courses. Our research and consultancy as well as our reputation for teaching excellence enable our students to benefit from the expertise of global businesses including Rolls-Royce, Nestlé and Sony PlayStation. A qualification from Sheffield Hallam will be recognised and valued all over the world.


Full institution name Sheffield Hallam University HK partners • School of Continuing and Professional Education (SCOPE) at City University of Hong Kong • School for Higher and Professional Education (SHAPE), of the Vocational Training Council Physical address (for student enquiries) Sheffield Hallam University, Howard Street, Sheffield S1 1WB, United Kingdom Email (for student enquiries) Website Years of operation Dates back to 1843 Levels of qualifications offered Undergraduate Postgraduate PhD

Institution profile The University of Manchester is the largest single-site university in the UK with over 35,000 students. As one of the top research universities in the UK, the University has nurtured 25 Nobel Prize winners since 1824. Part of the University of Manchester, Manchester Business School (MBS) is the largest campus-based school in the UK, with over 3,000 students on campus and an academic staff of almost 300 to support a further 3,500 students worldwide through centres in Hong Kong, Singapore, Shanghai, Dubai, Brazil and the Miami. The School was one of the first two business schools in the UK (both founded in 1965) and it has been perfecting its programmes for more than 40 years. Manchester Business School East Asia Centre has been established in Hong Kong for over 20 years serving the regions in South China, Japan and Korea. Features of Manchester Part-time Global MBA include: Ranking The 2014 Financial Times survey ranks our MBA 6th in the UK, 14th in Europe and 34th in the world (3 year average rank) Accreditation MBS is part of a small and select band of institutions worldwide which are accredited by all three major bodies - AACSB International, AMBA and EQUIS Global footprint Choice of 7 MBS Executive Centres to attend workshops - Hong Kong, Shanghai, Singapore, Manchester, Dubai, Brazil & Miami (with free hotel accommodation for the electives - 10 days at maximum) Flexible and portable 3-day Intensive workshops to be conducted face-to-face by faculty of the University without attending daily/weekly classes

Full institution name Manchester Business School HK partners University of Manchester Address 12/F, The Lee Gardens, 33 Hysan Avenue, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong Telephone number +852 2588 5013 Email (for student enquiries) Nearest MTR station Causeway Bay, Exit F1 Website Years of operation 22 years Levels of qualifications offered Postgraduate

Practical and applicable Learning by doing. Your learning is implemented immediately in your current role and evolves through the group work during the workshops and in the live company project Small class sizes The number of MBA students in each workshop session is kept deliberately low, typically 35 at maximum, to maintain their high quality interactive dynamic nature UK Awarded MBA Degree Award from University of Manchester identical to UK on-campus award Comprehensive Career Services Strong connections with the world’s top Head-hunters Monthly Career seminars Premium career services: One-to-one consultancy; CV & cover letter reviews Great network Global community of over 9,500 students and 50,000 alumni spinning 169 nationalities 93

Institution profile Hong Kong Institute of Technology Hong Kong Institute of Technology (HKIT) is a diversified, non-profit making and self-financed tertiary institute offering a wide range of programmes at post-secondary level. As an institute which emphasizes on students’ international exposure and diversity development, HKIT is the first institute to offer full-time and part-time overseas degrees which are both accredited by the Hong Kong Council for Accreditation of Academic and Vocational Qualifications (HKCAAVQ) and internationally recognised. HKIT provides quality assured further study opportunities for post-secondary students with local and overseas qualifications. Over 5,000 students have obtained Associate Degrees/ Bachelor Degrees after successful completion of the programmes offered by HKIT. In particular, HKIT offers 100% articulation for its Associate Degree graduates to Bachelor Degree programmes provided by the renowned overseas universities. Associate Degree students in HKIT are equipped with wide range of knowledge and ready to articulate to various local and overseas bachelor programmes. In addition, Associate Degree students can also choose to study in other HKIT collaborated institutions. Degree students can further their study in Master and Doctoral programmes offered by the reputable international universities. Partner University – Teesside University Teesside University is an integrated public University located at Middlesborough, United Kingdom. With more than 22,000 students, Teesside University creates a vibrant learning environment for the community. It was the first and only modern university to be awarded the University of the Year by the Times Higher Education in 2009. Since 2012, Teesside has partnered with Hong Kong Institute of Technology to offer their degree programmes in Hong Kong. The programmes have been accredited by the HKCAAVQ and other professional bodies. Students may apply government grant and loan scheme through SFAA, and graduates of the programmes may apply government jobs that require bachelor degree qualifications.


Full institution name Hong Kong Institute of Technology UK partners Teesside University Physical address (for student enquiries) 213 Nam Cheong Street, Sham Shui Po, Kowloon, Hong Kong Email (for student enquiries) Nearest MTR station Sham Shui Po MTR Exit B2 Website Levels of qualifications offered 1. Accredited Bachelor Degree Programmes 2. Associate Degree Programmes 3. Yi Jin Diploma

Institution profile ARCH Education Founded by Oxbridge and Ivy League graduates, ARCH Education (ARCH) is a premier education institute based in Hong Kong that specialises in helping students aged 10-18 bridge the education gaps in skills, preparation, academics and curriculum systems. Through ARCH enrichment courses, tailored counseling and delivery of bespoke programmes at top schools in Hong Kong, ARCH has taught over 4,500 students since 2009. ARCH has partner offices in United Kingdom, United States and China, with full time educators engaged in cutting edge curriculum development, teacher training and university counseling work. ARCH’s proven track record and collaborative partners’ testimonials speak for their quality and commitment to the field of education worldwide.

Full institution name ARCH Education Center UK partners Mander Portman Woodward (MPW) Physical address (for student enquiries) 3/F-4/F, China Hong Kong Tower, 8-12 Hennessy Road, Wan Chai, Hong Kong Email (for student enquiries) Nearest MTR station Admiralty MTR Exit F Website Years of operation 4 years Levels of qualifications offered 1. University of London International Foundation Programme - Academic Direction by London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) 2. One-Year A Level Course


Frequently asked questions How do I know whether the institutions/ agents offering non-local programmes are reliable and accredited?

Is the course fee for UK programmes in Hong Kong normally higher or lower than the one offered in the UK?

All non-local courses that deliver part of the course face-to-face in Hong Kong and lead to an overseas award must be listed on the Non-local Courses Registry. This can be viewed on the Education Bureau website at

The overall costs of studying a UK course in Hong Kong will be significantly lower. The programme fees themselves will not be significantly different, though there are many factors that determine whether the fees of the non-local course differ from those offered in the UK. Additional costs to the programme could include official registration fees with the Education Bureau, logistics, provision of lecturers from outside Hong Kong and services provided by the local operators, such as library, laboratory or IT facilities.

Many UK distance learning courses also register in Hong Kong, even though they are not required to do so. You may check if the course and/or UK institution is recognised in the UK by checking:


However, most of these costs are absorbed by the partnership and outweighed by factors that reduce the fees.

Is the qualification obtained the same as that obtained by taking the course in the UK? Is the title different? Will it be equally recognised by the UK authorities? UK non-local qualifications gained in Hong Kong hold the same status, postnominal letters and recognition as the UK equivalent. Is the appearance of the certificate/ diploma the same as that obtained when taking courses in the UK? Is there anything special marked on the TNE course certificate/diploma? Typically, the certificate will match that of one received in the UK, stating the UK institute as the awarding body. For joint awards, all institutions in the partnership will be stated as the awarding bodies.

The accompanying transcript may note the location where the course was taken, perhaps citing Hong Kong or a local campus. Likewise, the transcript may state the mode of learning (such as distance learning). Are alumni regarded as the same as regular alumni by UK and local institutions? As an overseas graduate of a UK institution you will have the opportunity to become a member of the UK alumni association, the local chapter of the alumni association and also the alumni association of the local operator.


Non-local courses are not new to Hong Kong or other countries, are they? What is the history? How many students in Hong Kong have obtained UK qualifications locally? The UK has been offering education overseas for more than 100 years. One of the most longstanding provisions has come from the University of London External Systems, which has specialised in offering non-local courses outside the UK for over 150 years. There are around 30,000 students studying UK higher education courses in Hong Kong. There are also over 40,000 graduates in Hong Kong annually from other post-secondary courses.



Further resources and links Education UK The Education UK website provides a searchable directory of all accredited UK institutions and courses at various levels of education. You will also find guidance regarding scholarships, finances, application, immigration and studying in the UK. Research Assessment Exercise Every few years, the Research Assessment Exercise (RAE) takes place to judge the quality of research being carried out in UK colleges and universities. The results of the most recent assessment can be downloaded from the following website:


Register of UK education and training providers You can download the archived register of education and training providers from the address below: (as published by Ofqual). Teaching quality You can find information on teaching quality from the following UNISTATS and QAA websites:

The role of the British Council The British Council operates in over 110 countries and has been connecting people around the world with the UK for over 70 years. The British Council’s first office in Hong Kong was opened over 60 years ago and is today one of its flagship operations, providing diverse programmes ranging from the arts and sciences to English teaching and examinations. In education we help foster relationships among governments and institutions; administer scholarships; engage with UK alumni; and assist prospective students to make informed decisions regarding UK education. This includes choices to study UK qualifications in Hong Kong. Hong Kong is a world leader in non-local (transnational) education, with a market that continues to grow in sophistication.

To support prospective students, we offer an array of services that include: exhibitions and seminars publications guidance and consultation online resources. You can prepare for your course by improving your English language via programmes offered by our English teaching centre. Courses can be tailored to your needs. You can also prepare for and take the IELTS test at the British Council. The British Council is a leading provider of English courses and examinations in Hong Kong.


The British Council in Hong Kong Arts & culture We bring the very best of creativity and innovation from the UK through a variety of programmes. These provide opportunities to interact with artists, to ignite out-of-the-box thinking and enhance your language skills in an inspiring environment. We actively encourage exchange of ideas and expertise through international collaborations. Our programme areas include performing arts, visual arts, literature, music, design and more. arts Education Whatever your educational needs and whichever way you prefer to learn, our education services can give you the support you need through a variety of activities including seminars, exhibitions, exchange visits and alumni events. We provide you with comprehensive information on the UK education system, types of qualifications and education opportunities at a diverse range of institutions both locally or in the UK. We also build partnerships and sustainable networks between education communities in Hong Kong and the UK. education Examinations We prepare you for future success by administering international examinations covering a wide range of English language, educational and professional subjects. We organise and deliver IELTS (International English


Language Testing System) at least three times a month, as well as Cambridge English examinations, including the most popular Cambridge English: Young Learners (YLE), Key (KET) and Preliminary (PET) examinations for students aged 5 to adults. We also provide examination and invigilation services to overseas schools, universities and professional bodies. English learning Our English programmes are all 100% face-to-face, classroom-based lessons, giving you the confidence to interact with English speakers from all over the world. All courses are taught by our experienced, internationally-qualified teachers using the latest technology and innovative teaching methodologies. We offer a wide range of courses for adults, Secondary, Primary, Kindergarten and pre-school students as well as teachers, including: myClass General English courses Focus courses Business English courses IELTS and Cambridge exam preparation courses Kindergarten 1 to Secondary 6 regular English courses Phonics Teacher training courses.

Facilities We offer just the facilities and benefits that you need to aid you in learning English. These include: The British Council Shop, which caters for all your English language learning needs. The shop stocks all the course books for our English language courses. It also offers an extensive range of young learners’ materials, from readers and phonetic guides to fun activity books. You can browse at your leisure, try the range of CD-ROMs on the in-house computer or listen to audio books and CDs. Look out too for regular promotions and exclusive offers for British Council members.

Our Multimedia Study Centre gives you unrestricted access to a wide range of materials including computer software, videos, audio tapes, course books and task sheets, as well as internet access. All the materials are catalogued for easy access and one of our Learning Assistants is always on hand to guide you through the materials. They are also available to help you with any questions you may have about your learning. When you join one of our adult courses, you automatically become a member of the Multimedia Study Centre located at our Admiralty centre.


The Cyber cafĂŠ is available at our Admiralty centre if you wish to use the internet to improve your English. Our web pages contain a comprehensive set of links to the best English language learning sites on the internet. Our Customer Services Centre is where our staff will help you to find out more about what we do and the services we offer, including English language courses, UK education, examinations, our arts and science programmes as well as information about the UK. The centre is located on the third floor of our Admiralty building.

We provide English courses for adults, secondary, primary and kindergarten students including: Job Seekers’ Skills workshops Skills Focus courses IELTS preparation courses and workshops courses to complement the new senior secondary syllabus, HKCEE, A-level and AS-level students courses for Hong Kong teachers teacher training courses.




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College of Estate Management

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