Heights 11-11-10

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The Independent Student Newspaper of Boston College Established 1919


Vol. XCI, No. 41


Getting a taste of academia Few assault cases taken to hearings

Splash program’s inaugural event draws hundreds

Board heard one sexual assault case last year


Some local Jewish residents have compalined about the behavior of students off campus.


BC parties present problems on Shabbat Noise problematic for Jews on sabbath BY DANIEL TONKOVICH For The Heights

For Rabbi Theodore Schneider, a leader at Temple B’nai Moshe near Cleveland Circle, Friday evenings are time to spend in prayer and with family. For Boston College students residing off-campus, however, they are are a time to head to parties. The neighborhoods surrounding BC are home to many of the Jewish faith. According to a 2006 study by the Mandell L. Berman Institute of Center for Judaic Studies and Contemporary Jewish Life at the University of Connecticut, the Jewish community of the Boston area in 2005 included 208,500 persons in 105,500 Jewish households, accounting for 7.2 percent of the area’s total population. Approximately half of the Jewish population in the Boston area resides in the cities and neighborhoods surrounding BC’s main campus, such as Newton, Brookline, and Brighton. With the high Jewish population in neighborhoods where many BC students also reside, a problem can result when off-campus student parties interfere with neighbors of the Jewish faith observing their Shabbat traditions on Friday evenings through Saturday, as placing a phone call to local authorities is seen as violating restrictions on work imposed by the faith on Shabbat.

Asst. News Editor

Assoc. News Editor

Editor’s Note: The following is the third and final part in a three-part series on the issue of sexual assault on campus.

See Splash, A4


BC Splash, a program that brings high school students to BC to take classes taught by undergraduates, seeks to become a BC tradition.

Resolution promotes STI testing Initiative to highlight campus resources

See Shabbat, A4


Captain Thomas Claiborne sets example for the Eagles, C1


From Watson to Leahy- Six Degrees of Separation, D1


This past Saturday, Boston College hosted more than 170 high school students for the University’s inaugural Splash event. BC Splash, which gives local high school students the opportunity to take classes taught by college undergraduates, is modeled off similar programs at MIT, Stanford, and the University of Chicago. “It’s a short list, but they’re all prestigious schools, and it’s great that BC is now a part of this list,” said Hanyin Cheng, a Splash organizer and A&S ’12. MIT was helpful in the launching of BC’s Splash program, organizers said. “The MIT Splash program allowed us to use their listserv of 20,000 high school students,” said Lisa Piccirillo, a Splash organizer and A&S ’13. “They are happy to see the pro-


Nick Domino, UGBC Senator and A&S ’12 (above), introduced the STI testing initiative.


Last night, the Undergraduate Government of Boston College (UGBC) Senate unanimously passed a resolution in support of a campaign that aims to spread awareness regarding sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and testing on campus. According to the resolution, the UGBC Senate will promote, “the health of the student body through a three-day campaign to encourage students to utilize the STI testing services available at University Health Services.” The resolution can be broken down into three main goals, said Nick Domino, A&S ’12. “STI testing is a taboo subject. This campaign would make it more acceptable, make students more responsible to their community, and continues the spirit of Love Your Body Week,” he said. The resolution attempts to foster acceptance and encourage the use of STI testing by breaking down the stigma that surrounds testing at BC. “This is a campaign that will be a catalyst to promote a culture of STI testing,” said Caitlin Hanley, co-sponsor of the resolution and A&S ’11. Lizzie Jekanowski, A&S ’13, who also co-sponsored the resolution, agreed to its importance as a means of changing the negative connotations associated with STI testing. “There is very little testing on campus,” she said. “Students don’t know about STI testing. We support a campus-wide campaign that would raise awareness and make it [STI testing] more acceptable.” The resolution appeals to students to take responsibility for their health. According to the legislation, “It is the responsible action of students as members of a community and in relation-

ships to be aware of the details of his or her health, specifically in terms of the underutilized opportunity to get tested for STIs, and the responsibility of the community to make its members aware of and provide access to these opportunities.” In part, this resolution was passed in order to promote the values and issues connected to Love Your Body Week, sponsored annually by the Women’s Resource Center, members of the UGBC Senate said. “This campaign would promote a positive body image, and is a nice continuation of Love Your Body Week,” Hanley said.

In the 2009-10 academic year, just one sexual assault case was brought before a Boston College conduct hearing, despite the fact that there were at least nine reported sexual assaults last year. For students who are victims of sexual assaults and who are seeking retributive action against their assailant, the University conduct system, called the Administrative Hearing Board, is an alternative to pressing charges and seeing the case through to court. Despite the availability of a campus disciplinary body, Sheila Horton, dean for student development, said that sexual assault victims rarely choose that route, despite the informal nature of the proceedings relative to legal cases. Thus far, no sexual assault cases have been brought before the board. “Very few students choose to actually adjudicate the cases,” Horton said. “We encourage students to move forward within their comfort level.” As of this year, each board is composed of three administrators, one faculty member, and one student, who are all selected from a general pool. In previous years, each board was only composed of three administrators, but following a 2009 review of the University’s conduct process by a committee of faculty and students, the board was expanded. “The committee also looked at conduct systems at other universities,” Horton said, adding that the conclusion was that additional voices would strengthen the board. “This year we’re trying it out.” The Administrative Hearing Board typically handles the more serious disputes between students, including sexual assaults and “those cases that rise to the level of severity where a student might be suspended or higher,” Horton said, whereas the Student Conduct Board handles lower-level cases. The role of the board in such cases is to allow both students involved in a dispute to tell their sides of the story, after which the

See Resolution, A5

See Hearing Board, A5



BC Students for Sexual Health hosted Sex Toy Bingo at Roggie’s Tuesday – an event that sought an alternative way to educate students about sexual health. For more, see Pg. A3


Schor speaks on ecological decline BY ELISE TAYLOR For The Heights The men’s and women’s basketball season kicks off, B1 Classifieds, C4 Crossword, C4 Editorials, A6 In the News, C8 Police Blotter, A2 Videos on the Verge, D2 Thumbs Up / Thumbs Down, A7 Forecast on Washington, C6 Weather, A2 Editors’ Pick, C2


Juliet Schor, a professor in the sociology department, recently released her new book on ecology and consumer society.

Last Thursday, Juliet Schor gave a presentation on her book, Plentitude: The New Economics of True Wealth, as part of the Winston Center lecture series. Plenitude, a book that deals with economics and ecological decline, is the latest of many books written by Schor, a professor in the sociology department. As a sociologist who has spent most of her career studying consumer society, Schor said she has more recently been combining

her prior research with the issue of environmental sustainability and how it affects the lives of the daily American. “I’ve been doing the research for Plentitude for quite a few years,” Schor said. “It also relates to issues I’ve been working on for my whole career.” Schor began her presentation by explaining the current state of both the environment and economy today. Schor said that, together, these factors hint toward a predictable downward spiral in our economy. Showing graphs as well as other data, she said that despite the acknowledgement

of climate change decades earlier, natural resource extraction has significantly increased. “Dematerialization is not materializing,” Schor said. “We must address ecological deprivation, and we can.” This, Schor said, would cause the economy to eventually become less successful, as over-extraction as well as a host of other factors would raise the costs of production. Furthermore, Schor said the most recent economic collapse in 2007

See Schor, A5


Thursday, November 11, 2010


things to do on campus this week

Veterans Remembrance Mass


Today Time: 9:30 a.m. Location: St. Ignatius Church

The 10th annual Veterans Remembrance Mass will be followed by a roll call at 11 a.m. at the BC Veterans Memorial on the Burns Library lawn.

Learning From Disaster


Friday Time: 1 p.m. Location: East Wing 120, Law School

This symposium will feature speakers reflecting on the future of the Gulf of Mexico following the BP oil spill, and will last from 1 p.m. until 6 p.m.

Men’s Bball vs. St. Francis


Friday Time: 7 p.m. Location: Conte Forum

Come cheer on the BC men’s basketball team as it officially kicks off its season against the Terriers of St. Francis College (NY).


Federal aid up 72 percent

BC Symphony Orchestra


Friday Time: 8 p.m. Location: Trinity Chapel

The BC symphony orchestra will be performing Bartok’s “Romanian Dances” and the “New World” symphony by Dvorak at its annual fall concert.

Remapping the Liberal Arts


Saturday Time: 9 a.m. Location: Heights Room

The Institute for the Liberal Arts at BC presents a day-long symposium that will explore the place of the liberal arts in the 21st century.



46° Partly Sunny 36°


56° Sunny 37°


59° Sunny

University Study shows sharp decline in gifts from the wealthy to nonprofits A study by researchers at Indiana University showed that gifts from wealthy Americans to nonprofit organizations – including colleges and universities – dropped by an average of almost 35 percent from 2007 to 2009, according to a report by The Chronicle of Higher Education. However, the study said that educational institutions were the recipients of the second-biggest share of gifts, at 19.3 percent, behind foundations, trusts, and other similar instruments for giving, such as donoradvised funds, according to the Chronicle.



57° Mostly Sunny 39°


A Guide to Your Newspaper The Heights Boston College – McElroy 113 140 Commonwealth Ave. Chestnut Hill, Mass. 02467 Editor-in-Chief (617) 552-2223

Local News Two Newton teens plead not guilty to murder, other charges


Bernie Pekala, second from right, and the Enrollment Management Dean’s Office assess students’ financial needs. BY DANIEL MORRISON For The Heights

Federal spending on financial aid to colleges and universities soared 72 percent between the 2008-09 and 2009-10 academic years, according to a report by the College Board. In total, $41.3 billion in federal funds was spent on financial aid during the most recently completed academic year. Increased spending on the Pell Grant program and f inancial aid provided to military veterans fueled the rise, according to the organization’s “2010 Trends in Student Aid” report. The Pell Grant program, which supports undergraduate and graduate students, rose to $28.2 billion from $17.9 billion between the 2008-09 and 2009-10 periods. Ref lecting a similar spending trajectory, financial aid given to Boston College students in the form of Pell Grants and supplemental grants from the University climbed 43 percent, or $1.66 million, between the two academic periods. BC students and their families have a chance to benefit from the grant increases, said Bernie Pekala, director of student financial

strategies. “When they increase the dollar amount of the Pell Grant, more students become eligible for receiving money,” Pekala said. A report by The Chronicle of Higher Education showed that Pell Grant recipients increased from 6.2 million to 7.7 million over the latter time periods discussed. Financial aid for members of the military provided by the post-Sept. 11 GI Bill – which first became available for the 2009-10 academic year – more than doubled, increasing from $4.1 billion in 2008-09 to $9.5 billion last year. The GI Bill supported just under 20 BC undergraduate and graduate students last year, Pekala said. Aside from increases in student aid, the College Board report examined debt levels among graduates from public and private four-year colleges receiving bachelor’s degrees. It reported that college students’ average debt at graduation from public and private four-year colleges declined slightly between the 2007-08 and 2008-09 periods, after adjustments for inflation. Graduates of four-year public colleges had an average debt of $19,800, and

graduates with bachelor’s degrees from private colleges experienced an average debt of $26,100 in the 200809 academic period. These numbers were not the result of a substantial increase in student borrowing, according to the Chronicle analysis of the College Board report. Despite higher levels of tuition and fees at four-year colleges, grant aid has risen more than enough to compensate for price increases, the Chronicle report said. A f te r t h e R e p u b l i ca n Party’s gains in the midterm elections, many have worried about the impact of possible spending cuts on student financial aid, Pekala said, citing students’ need to demonstrate the importance of maintaining grant increases in an environment of high unemployment and depressed home values. “The message both parents and students need to get out is how important this aid is,” Pekala said. Continuing BC’s pledge to meet 100 percent of its students’ demonstrated financial need is a critical test for the University, Pekala said. “The biggest challenge we face is keeping college open to our best and brightest, no matter what their financial situation is.” 

Yesterday, two Newton teenagers pleaded not guilty to murder, armed robbery, and firearms charges stemming from the Sept. 30 death of 29-year-old Adam Coveney in Waltham, according to a report by The Boston Globe. Benjamin Peirce, 17, and Shaquan Jacobs, 18, were held without bail after yesterday’s arraignment. According to the Globe report, the Middlesex district attorney’s office said that Peirce, Jacobs, and another man allegedly arranged a drug deal with Coveney in order to rob him of Percocet tablets.

On Campus Eagle EMS commemorates National Collegiate EMS Week with activities All this week, Boston College has joined in celebrating National Collegiate EMS Week, which is dedicated to recognizing the efforts of the 246 collegiate EMS organizations across the United States and Canada. To commemorate the week, Eagle EMS taught Hands-Only CPR to students in O’Neill Plaza on Monday. In addition, Eagle EMS will have information tables located in the dining halls for the remainder of the week to inform students about the organization.

National Teen, object of taunting after saying she was raped, commits suicide HURON TOWNSHIP, Mich. (AP) — Samantha Kelly endured merciless taunting from classmates after they learned that the high school freshman had accused a senior of rape. The weeks of harassment eventually became too much. Samantha went home from school Monday and hanged herself in this community southwest of Detroit. With their key witness dead, prosecutors on Wednesday dropped criminal charges against the older student, saying they had no case without the accuser’s testimony.

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Police Blotter 11/5/10 – 11/7/10 Friday, November 5 3:18 p.m. - A report was filed regarding a party in Ignacio Hall requesting medical assistance. The party was transported to a medical facility in a police cruiser. 4:03 p.m. - A report was filed regarding a past larceny in the Plex. A detective will follow up. 5:49 p.m. - A report was filed regarding the confiscation of alcohol from a minor on Campanella Way. A report will be forwarded to ODSD for review. 9:00 p.m. - A report was filed regarding an underage intoxicated party in Conte Forum. The party was transported by ambulance to a medical facility. 9:35 p.m. - A report was filed regarding a party that presented fraudulent identification off-campus. The party was identified and a detective will follow up.

Saturday, November 6 12:43 a.m. - A report was filed regarding an underage intoxicated party in the Middle Campus lots. The party was transported by ambulance to a medical facility. 12:21 p.m. - A report was filed regarding

a fire alarm activation in the Mods. The alarm was triggered due to bad cooking. 9:02 p.m. - A report was filed regarding the confiscation of a controlled substance and alcohol from an underage party who was operating a motor vehicle in the Beacon Street garage. The keys to the motor vehicle were confiscated due to the operator being impaired and the parties were issued written trespass warnings.

Voices from the Dustbowl “What topic would you like to see discussed at the next State of the Heights meeting?”

“The future of other buildings in general. What’s happening with Edmond’s? The Mods?” —Nathan Smolensky, CSOM ’11

9:18 p.m. - A report was filed regarding the confiscation of a controlled substance from two parties in 66 Commonwealth Ave. A detective will follow up.

Sunday, November 7 12:14 a.m. - A report was filed regarding the confiscation of a controlled substance from a party in Walsh Hall. A report will be forwarded to ODSD for review.

“I guess policy, drinkingwise, [like] the amnesty policy.” —Cate O’Connor, A&S ’13

1:00 a.m. - A report was filed regarding an underage intoxicated party in Walsh Hall. The party was transported by ambulance to a medical facility. “School spirit.” —Matt Alvarez,

—Source: The Boston College Police Department

CSOM ’13

Delivery To have The Heights delivered to your home each week or to report distribution problems on campus, contact John O’Reilly, General Manager at (617) 552-0547. Advertising The Heights is one of the most effective ways to reach the BC community. To submit a classified, display, or online advertisement, call our advertising office at (617) 552-2220 Monday through Friday.

The Heights is produced by BC undergraduates and is published on Mondays and Thursdays during the academic year by The Heights, Inc. (c) 2010. All rights reserved.

CORRECTIONS Please send corrections to editor@bcheights.com with ‘correction’ in the subject line.


The Heights

Thursday, November 11, 2010

BC Students for Sexual Health hosts Sex Toy Bingo

By Michael Caprio News Editor

A group of Boston College students met in the basement of Roggie’s Tuesday night to play bingo. A moderator read questions while participants marked their boards with M&Ms. “Gspot!” said one student who won in the first round. The event, Sex Toy Bingo, was organized by BC Students for Sexual Health (BCSSH) and was the first of its kind for the organization. Nick Domino, an organizer of the event and A&S ’12, said that although the organization usually hosts events aimed at promoting sexual health, the bingo night had elements meant to promote sexual pleasure, as well. Good Vibrations, a national sexual product retailer, pro-

vided the prizes for the night, which included an array of personal items for winners and runners-up. Domino, who conceived the idea for the project, said he was inspired by similar projects at local colleges. He then went looking for sponsors. “We found Good Vibrations on Harvard Ave., and they were very accommodating,” he said. The store liked the idea and placed Domino in contact with their national off ice in San Francisco. “They got back to us right away,” he said. “They were fine with it as long as we put their name out there. They let us roll with it.” Cat Briggs, A&S ’12, said she thought the nature of the event would draw a large number of people. “I think it’s going

to be awkward and fun,” she said. “I think that’s why a lot of people are here. But I think that while a lot of people might pretend they don’t want the prizes, some of them actually might.” Domino said that it was a good way to get information out about contraceptive effectiveness and the prevalence of STIs. Organizers handed students condoms and personal lubricant along with checkered playing boards, on which were statistics about sexual health. O rga n i ze rs rea d q u e st i o n s aloud to the audience, and those who were able to match the question to the appropriate numerical answer were able to mark their boards. “It was an easy event to publicize,” Domino said. “Sex sells." n

Kylie Montero / Heights staff

BC Students for Sexual Health hosted its first Sex Toy Bingo, with prizes for the night provided by Good Vibrations.

BC ranks high in graduation success rate for athletes By Rebecca Kailus Heights Staff

Last week, the NCAA released its Graduation Success Rate (GSR) report, which ranked Boston College the highest in any Division I NCAA university, with 21 teams receiving perfect scores. Every year, the NCAA compiles data on the GRS of more than 25,000 student athletes at more than 330 affiliated Division I colleges and universities across the United States. Among the 21 BC sports receiving a perfect GSR score are men’s baseball, fencing, golf, skiing, sailing, swimming, and tennis, along with women’s basketball, cross country / track, rowing, fencing, field hockey, golf, ice hockey, lacrosse, sailing, skiing, soccer, softball, swimming, and volleyball. BC football received a 90, which makes BC one of only six universities in Division I NCAA football to receive a score of 90 or higher, alongside Notre Dame, Duke, Northwestern, Rice, and Navy. While this score is an achievement for BC, the GSR score for BC foot-

ball has been on the decline for the past four years that the NCAA has been calculating the GSR, having dropped from a 96 in 2006. BC athletic teams that scored the worst during this year’s GSR statistics include men’s basketball, cross country / track, ice hockey, soccer, and women’s tennis. However, these teams scored much higher than the national average. The NCAA compiles data on how many student athletes graduate within a six-year time frame from their respective universities. It then assigns a score to each athletic team for each participating university, with a perfect score as 100, indicating that all student athletes have graduated within the six-year time frame. In order to ensure that BC student athletes graduate within the NCAA time frame of six years, coaches and the athletic staff at BC emphasize the importance of academics to their athletes. “Our coaches and support staff really place a lot of emphasis on education,” said Chris Cameron, director of media relations for the athletics department. “There is

an emphasis placed on classroom attendance. Academics are important to athletics here.” Maintaining a high GSR and the reputation of academic achievement in athletics is central to the recruiting process at BC, Cameron said. “From the beginning of the recruiting process, our coaches are looking for athletes with academic profiles that would fit our program here, will be successful academically, and will graduate with degrees in four or five years,” he said. “The students who participate are first and foremost BC students. They must meet the academic requirements for Boston College. Our coaches, when they recruit, want to have student athletes who will be successful academically.” But, he said, balancing athletics with academics has been a challenge for some athletes. “It’s not easy at all, it’s almost like going to school full time and working full time,” said Jarick Walker, former Eagle linebacker and BC ’10. “Especially the amount of hours you play for football alone

is crazy,” he said. “We would then have morning workouts, class, and meetings. There are no days off, especially in season, and you have to balance your homework with that. If you pull an all-nighter, you have a terrible day or week if you have to run and lift in the morning. It’s not too fun if you have to do that stuff.” Walker said that not all students are able to handle the demands of being a student athlete. “It’s inevitable that even the smartest kids on the team had bad days when they had to stay up late to do work and still be at practice the next day,” he said. “It’s not for everybody, not all athletes do that, they either transfer or get kicked off the team.” In the beginning, Walker struggled with balancing football and academics. “My freshman year I didn’t balance it at all. Sleeping was something I never did. But I noticed when I started doing my homework, the more homework I did, the better I did in class, and the better I did at practice,” Walker said.

BC provides academic resources, like the Learning Resource Center for Student Athletes in the Yawkey Center and the Connors Family Learning Center, in an effort to ease the struggle of balancing academics and athletics. Cameron said these resources are one component of a system that supports BC’s historically high GSR scores. Olivia Curry, a member of the fencing team and A&S ’13, said the help that the Learning Resource Center provides athletes with has been instrumental in her academic success this year. “Last year I didn’t use them nearly enough, and I struggled. But this year I use them a lot, and I’m doing a lot better academically,” she said. Walker, who now runs a learning resource center for student athletes in Brighton, said that the Learning Resource Center positively influenced his academic success at BC. “One of the resources that helped me was I had a French tutor,” he said. “I went there a couple times to get help on papers, and they communicated with my teachers. If I wasn’t do-

ing well in class, teachers would contact them, so they would know I had an idea and help me fix the problem.” While the GSR statistics are an indicator of athletes’ academic performance, they do not measure the grade performance of athletes while they are in college, nor do they measure the success of athletes entering the work force. “The [GSR] data isn’t translated directly to professions,” Cameron said. While there is no data available that connects the GSR with a successful post-graduate career, Cameron said that the skills athletes obtain outside the classroom help prepare them for their future careers. “While we do not have data to show this, there is a huge value with attaining a BC degree,” he said. “The student athletes here are able to connect with former student athletes and their visibility helps them with networking, which will help them with the rest of their careers. They also have learned valuable skills as athletes, like time management.” n

Allston-Brighton Crime Reports 11/5/10 – 11/8/10

Bicyclist struck by car, driver found to be under the influence On Monday, Nov. 8, Boston Police responded to a call for a motor vehicle accident on Commonwealth Avenue at 1:40 a.m. The victim had been riding his bike outbound toward Brighton when a car struck him from behind. Witnesses said that, upon impact, the victim, not wearing a helmet, hit the windshield of the vehicle, flew 10 feet in the air, and then fell to the pavement. When the police arrived, the victim was in severe pain and was transported to Beth Israel Hospital. Upon questioning the vehicle’s driver, police noted that the suspect smelled like alcohol, had bloodshot eyes, and had difficulty providing his license and registration. After failing to sufficiently perform field sobriety tests, the suspect reportedly said, “I didn’t want to drive ’cause I’m drunk.” The suspect was arrested for operating a vehicle under the influence of alcohol.

Officers investigate vandalism, victim’s roommate suspected Boston Police responded to a call of vandalism on Friday, Nov. 5, at 12 p.m. The victim told police she had returned to her apartment that morning to find her room vandalized. There was broken glass on the floor, and items from the victim’s desk were broken and thrown throughout the room. The victim questioned her roommate, who claimed that the victim had locked her out of the apartment. The victim claims her roommate was drunk and probably got in a fight with her boyfriend. Police advised the victim to lock her bedroom door and report further incidents.

BU student arrested for drinking in public, minor in possession Boston Police on Sunday, Nov. 7, at 1:45 a.m. approached a suspect drinking alcohol from an open container on Pratt Street. Upon seeing the police, the suspect attempted to walk away and drop the beer. However, the police questioned him and found that he was a Boston University undergraduate. The student was underage and produced two fake IDs, both of which the police confiscated. The police arrested the suspect for being a minor in possession of alcohol as well as for drinking in public.

Suspect arrested attempted larcency of a motor vehicle At around 5 a.m. on Sunday, Nov. 7, Boston Police apprehended a suspect on Commonwealth Avenue in Brighton for attempting to break into multiple vehicles. The police watched as the suspect tried to gain entrance to more than 20 vehicles by pulling on the passenger door handles. The suspect continually looked over his shoulder while attempting to break into the cars. Upon questioning, the suspect reportedly said, “I was trying to break into a car to get back to Norwood.” The police arrested the suspect for attempted larceny of a motor vehicle.

Halloween ornaments stolen from victim’s front yard On Nov. 7, a victim reported a larceny of over $200 to the Boston Police. The victim claimed that Halloween ornaments had been stolen from his front yard over various nights between Monday, Nov. 1, and that morning. The victim reported missing two gravestones, a severed (rubber) head, animal skulls, a wooden coffin, two skeletal flamingos, and a vampire head.

Breaking and entering results in over $12,000 of stolen property Boston Police responded to a call for a breaking and entering by force on Sunday, Nov. 7 at 4:30 p.m. The victims estimated that the incident took place at 10 a.m. that morning. When police arrived at the scene, they noticed that the apartment’s front doorframe and lock were broken and wood chips were laying on the floor. There was also evidence of pry marks on the doorframe. The victim reported more than $12,000 of stolen property, including laptops, jewelry, watches, and cameras. Detectives took evidence from the scene and suggested that the victim try to trace the lost computers using special software. The detectives will follow up with the victims at a later date.

- Courtesy of the Boston Police Department, District 14, Gathered by Kendall Bitonte & Adriana Mariella for The Heights

Thursday, November 11, 2010

The Heights


Shabbat may prevent some from making complaints deeply troubled while attempting to worship on the weekend,” “There are many restrictions Montgomery said. “There would and prohibitions of acts that be complaints ranging from noise constitute work on the Shabbat to more graphic ones, such as for people of the Jewish faith, public urination. For some, it such as the use of phones ex- was really a story of suffering cept in cases of life-threatening in silence while they respect the emergencies,” said Rabbi Andrew worship restrictions of their JewVogel of Temple Sinai in Brook- ish faith on Friday evenings.” line. “Typical student conduct Part of responding to the issues would not be considered complaints involves Montgomemergencies.Therefore, any com- ery’s interaction with students in plaints regarding student activity the neighborhoods on weekends. would not be reported until after Both Montgomery and Chebator the Shabbat, if one were strictly said they agree that interacadhering to the restrictions. The tion with students earlier in the Shabbat is a time of peaceful- evening has helped to prevent ness and quiet in the company small issues from escalating into of family and friends. It is a time complaints and irritated neighto e n j oy t h e bors. peacefulness of “Personally, if students “ We d e a l all creation.” with crowds as want to gather, they In an effort we see them,” t o p r o m o t e should have a gathering. M o n t g o m e r y respect and “We want If I want silence, then I said. awa re n e ss o f to be quick and will go to the temple.” impactful, preneighbors, especially those venting comof the Jewish plaints. While — Theodore Schneider, faith attemptge n e ra l c o n i n g t o w o r - Rabbi, Temple B’nai Moshe cerns of stuship on Friday dent noise and evenings, University officials drinking still exist, the nature of have cited numerous initiatives complaints has improved. The including informational meet- complaints have changed from ‘I ings, proactive enforcement, and could do nothing because of my citations for noise offenders to faith’ to ‘It was a bit noisy at the ensure that students respect all house next door on Friday.’” of their neighbors’ rights. Chebator and Montgomery “BC has taken neighborhood said that Eagle Ambassadors, concerns seriously, especially students who serve as resources concerns relating to student and points of contact for stuconduct that infringes on one dents living in their neighborworshipping according to their hoods, and the Campus Comfaith,” said Paul Chebator, senior munity Partnership Initiative, associate dean in the Office of are evidence of the University’s the Dean for Student Develop- commitment to improving relament (ODSD). “Students should tions and dialogue between BC be reasonable and respectful, students residing off-campus sensitive to other faith tradi- and permanent neighborhood tions.” residents. Proactively addressing offIn regards to the effectivecampus issues of student con- ness of the University’s efforts duct, especially on Friday nights at being proactive with offout of respect for worshipping campus issues, Chebator said Jews, is largely the responsibility that comparative statistics show of Steve Montgomery, the off- a decline in neighbor-generated campus community liaison. complaints about off-campus “Ten years ago, when I started student conduct. the job as BC’s off-campus comSince the beginning of the munity liaison, I would receive 2010-2011 academic year, 37 numerous calls on Monday morn- complaints regarding off-caming from people of the Jewish pus student conduct were refaith stating that their family was ceived and addressed by BC

Shabbat, from A1

involving 68 students. In the same period for the year prior, there were 43 complaints involving 148 students. Chebator said that the annual turnover off campus is partly to blame for the consistent complaints received by permanent local residents, especially those from Jews worshipping on Friday evenings. “Each year we have a different crop of students moving off campus, usually juniors,” Chebator said. “Therefore, each year we have to educate a new group about the neighborhood and off-campus conduct. Neighborhood problems will not be significantly reduced until we get all undergraduates residing on campus.” While rabbis at local Jewish temples could not recall any specific matter brought to their attention by members of their congregations about infringement of their ability to worship peacefully during their Shabbat services, all mentioned the importance of being a respectful and considerate neighbor. “One of the most important teachings of Judaism is the importance of being a good neighbor,” Vogel said. “It is not just one of the most important teachings of Judaism. It is one of the great teachings of most all religions.” Despite complaints from neighbors and student conduct occasionally infringing on the worship of Jews on Fridays, Rabbi Schneider said he has never had a problem with BC student conduct and expressed his support of students gathering off campus. “Those of other faiths, such as Judaism, must also understand that college is a time to develop as an individual, and part of that development is social, so I understand the student need to gather on the weekends,” Schneider said. “Personally, if students want to gather, they should have a gathering. If I want silence, then I will go to the temple. That being said, I live in an apartment building, which has three other BC students in it. I have never had a problem with them. They are good neighbors.” n

Daniel Tonkovich / Heights staff

Complaints from Orthodox members of local temples pose an issue for some administrators at Boston College.

BC Splash program’s inaugural event a success, organizers say Splash, from A1

gram grow and have a second Splash event in the Boston area.” The Splash organizers, which include Cheng and Piccirillo, as well as Andrea Alfani, CSON ’12; Conor Sullivan, LSOE ’13; and Matt Ricketson, A&S ’13, worked with an organization called Learning Unlimited to bring Splash to the Heights. “Learning Unlimited is a non-profit organization founded by an MIT grad who ran Splash while at MIT,” Cheng said. “The purpose of the organization is to bring Splash to other universities. Splash would have been really hard to put together without collaboration with other schools, and I don’t think [BC] reaches out to other schools enough.” Beginning in April, Splash organizers began meeting with administrators to organize the logistics of the event. “When we came back this year, we were approved and got a budget,” Piccirillo said. “We then recruited teachers, made a course catalog, and then recruited students.” Once the idea for a BC Splash program was brought to campus, the concept was adopted by the Undergraduate Government of BC (UGBC). “Splash was an idea that I brought to the UGBC, but Andrea and I are the only UGBC members,” Cheng said. “We

had a lot of UGBC support, and we pulled a lot of our volunteers from their event management team.” “I’ve had the idea of BC Splash since freshman year,” he said. “I wanted to do it because in high school, I went to MIT Splash. The UGBC gave me a platform to do this.” Funding for the event, which amounted to about $2,000, came from the UGBC. “They also helped with a lot of our publicity,” Piccirillo said. The Splash program, with a course catalog consisting of 102 different class options, attracted more than 250 students from the Boston area, and beyond. “We had international interest,” Cheng said. “We had a student come from Canada. That was the farthest.” The program was limited to ninth through 12th grade high school students, and more than 170 students out of the 250 that applied turned out on the day of the event, Piccirillo said. “We turned out a respectable amount for the history of Splash,” she said. Some of the most popular classes, taught by more than 120 BC undergraduates, included: The Subtle Art of Body Language in Dating and Business, The Rebel’s Art, an Improv Workshop, and Political Structures and Policies in the

World of Harry Potter. Splash organizers said that the event, more than anything, was an opportunity for the high school students to explore their interests. “It’s a chance for [students] to explore,” Piccirillo said. “Splash is very independent for the students. They are not chaperoned. We kept the age level high so we wouldn’t have to babysit.” Cheng said that the program was not an admissions portal, but instead was about much more than that. “Splash is not about BC admissions. We don’t exist to bring high school kids here to BC, we’re not another SAP [Student Admission Program]-type thing, this is just a side effect.” “It’s more like a college experience,” Cheng said. “In college you can ask people assertively, ‘What’s you major?’” Ricketson said. “High school students might not know their specific interests because they haven’t had a chance to explore.” One of the best aspects of the program was the passion that the undergraduate teachers brought to their classes, she said. “The teachers really cared about what they were teaching,” Cheng said. Based on the teachers’ feedback, Piccirillo said, “People’s favorite part

of the day was talking with kids about something they love.” “I really didn’t know what to expect,” said Nick Hofmaier, A&S ’11, who taught The Subtle Art of Body Language in Dating and Business. “I didn’t expect it to be this much fun. We had a lot of students show. We wanted to take the aspects from college courses that we like the most, such as discussion and humor [and incorporate them into our class]. “I was really nervous, but from what I’ve heard, all the teachers volunteered and taught things they were passionate about,” Hofmaier said. “A lot of time high school students don’t get to choose many of their classes, so the course catalog that was produced was really cool because students could choose from over 100 different classes.” Kevin DeCusatis, A&S ’13, incorporated personal experience into his two classes, The Art of Friendship Bracelet Making and Surviving Freshman Year in One Piece. “I was a camp counselor over the summer where we made friendship bracelets, so it seemed like a logical choice,” he said. “Also, I had a really rough freshman year, and it’s nice to be able to help other people, and I did a talk to freshmen already this year about roommate issues and how not to stress out about classes. “My first class wasn’t as successful as I wanted it to be, but I do think [the students] had fun,” DeCusatis said. “I had 11 students for friendship bracelet making, and I was overwhelmed because it was all hands on. It was a success in that they had fun, and they all got at least [one] bracelet done.”

“Kids don’t come here to learn facts,” Ricketson said. “It’s about passion, not so much education.” “The course catalog reflects what BC students are interested in,” Cheng said. “Splash gives you an opportunity to share your interests in a positive way. It closes the gap between academic and social life.” “Teachers applied and we were looking for passions,” Piccirillo said. “It wasn’t about denying a class, [but] some were logistically troubling.” For that reason, Cheng said, the Splash organizers held office hours. “We had office hours, where people could discuss their ideas with us and we could work out any issues,” he said. “Everything at BC you have to apply for, but you shouldn’t be denied from sharing something you love,” Cheng said. “The only criteria was that you were sharing your passion,” Piccirillo said. Splash organizers said they are looking forward to continuing the program. “There are so many directions we can go,” Piccirillo said. “From this event, we can build a program.” In the future we would like to add more intensive classes and a summer program, Cheng said, who also said he thought the day was a huge success. “Students looked happy, everyone looked happy,” Piccirillo said. “The teachers were excited and wanted to know if we’re expanding.” “A lot of kids said they want to come back next year and bring their friends,” Ricketson said. “Splash is not going to stop,” Cheng said. “This is a new BC tradition.” n

cecilia provvedini / heights staff

Much of Saturday’s event was based off similar events at MIT and Northwestern. BC Splash organizers said they wanted the program to allow students to share their passions with high school students who showed interest.

Thursday, November 11, 2010


The Heights

Few sexual assault victims bring cases before board Hearing Board, from A1

board will determine whether the accused is ‘responsible’ or ‘not responsible.’ If the board finds the accused responsible of the charges, or of a lesser violation – for example, sexual misconduct rather than sexual assault – it will then recommend a sanction to the Office of the Dean for Student Development (ODSD). Horton said that the board does not act in the same manner as a judge might in court. “This is not a court of law,” she said. “They recommend the sanction. We review that and then make a final decision.” Sanctions in sexual assault or misconduct cases range from be-

ing assigned to alcohol education or anger management programs to University suspension or expulsion, Horton said. “There’s a lot that goes into the sanctioning process that helps students to learn from their mistakes,” Horton said. “We take both students into account … we want to see both of them learn from this incident. We have a different goal [from the justice system] – our goal is not punishment.” Members of the Administrative Hearing Board are all volunteers, and are nominated through various channels. The administrators may come from any BC department, and all volunteer to serve on the board.

Last year, following the committee review of the University’s conduct process, the provost’s office made recommendations for a number of faculty members, who then volunteered if they were interested in serving on the board. The students were all previously chairpersons of the Student Conduct Board for at least one year, Horton said. The general pool of board members is composed of roughly 25 administrators, nine faculty members, and five students, according to Paul Chebator, senior associate dean in ODSD. Every new board member goes through an individual training session where they learn about the philosophy and goals of the board,

in addition to meetings for all new of sexual assaults, he said that and returning board members particular attention is paid to each fall, Chebator said. mentoring board members on “We do training sessions with how to proceed through such the University counsel pres- cases. “Usually every other year, ent,” he said. “He or she will go we do a specialized training on over the legal implications of adjudicating sexual assault cases our work, [and] because those how we differ are usually “We have a different from a court of most chalgoal [from the justice the law.” lenging cases In addition, system] – our goal is not we deal with,” Chebator said Chebator said. punishment.” that ODSD Fo r e a c h brings in repredispute heard sentatives from by the board, — Sheila Shaw Horton, the Middlesex one of the adDean, ODSD district attorm i n i st ra to rs ney’s office in addition to other serves as the board’s chairperson, attorneys and law experts. Chebator said. There are roughly Because of the sensitivity five chairpersons who are all

administrators and who are the most seasoned members of the board, and each goes through individual, specialized training prior to chairing a board. Horton said that when it comes to the University conduct policy, she is unsure whether all students who are victims of sexual assaults are aware of the full range of options available to them. “What we haven’t done in general is to assess all students’ knowledge,” Horton said, adding that instruments such as the Sexual Assault Network (SANet) are designed to make students more comfortable with being able to anonymously report sexual crimes. n

Schor presents ‘plentitude solution’ to economic problems Schor, from A1 that caused the employment rate to spike to higher than 10 percent, and said that the United States needs over 11 million jobs to put itself back to pre-collapse levels. But, she said, this is an unrealistic goal to accomplish in a short period of time because of the current issue of technology replacing labor and the increasing use of offshore labor. “The conventional solution ... is no longer available to solve unemployment,” Schor said. “We need to get our economy under control. It has turned into a ravaging beast.” Schor then proposed her response to the environmental and economic crises, what she refers to as the “Plentitude Solution.” “[The goal of this theory is] to put forward a concrete vision of a small scale, ecologically liked, high well-being economy,” Schor said. Across the country and the world, many people are starting to withdraw or reduce their labor from the formal economy, as work has become more demanding and

less profitable, Schor said. She said that some people have diversified their source of income and have become more self-reliant by doing things such as growing their own vegetables, sharing expensive goods like cars, running small businesses, and trading services within the community. “They are emphasizing a new way of living,” she said. “They learn how to make things, which they develop into skill, and then turn this into a living and a career.” Further, Schor said that the rest of the population, and the government, should follow this trend. By spending less time in the formal labor market and becoming more self-sufficient, people would save money, energy, creativity, and their impact on the environment would decrease, she said. Schor also said thatthe government could help by enacting measures such as a four day work week, an act that would reduce energy costs and carbon emissions, and giving workers more leisure time. This time

elise taylor / heights staff

Schor said that some people affected by the economy are becoming less dependent on wage jobs and have adopted more frugal, self-sufficient lifestyles. would be spent on making connections with neighbors, which would lead to the sharing of goods and the initiating of projects that would advance

society, Schor said. O ve ra l l , t h e Pl e n t i t u d e movement would reduce environmental impact and help restructure the economy, some-

thing Schor said is desperately needed. “We must promote economies of reuse and change,” she said. Schor said she is optimistic

about the success of the Plentitude movement. “This is a construction of a healthier way of life,” she said. “These kinds of innovations will spread.” n

BPD issues party trolley company several citations

Boston Police report underage drinking in trolley By Taylour Kumpf

lights inside that were visible through the windshield. Oknin left the bus obstructOn Oct. 22, police cited the ing traffic from 9:50 until 10:15 operator of a party bus, packed p.m., while a number of stuwith 90 college students, for a dents exited and entered the battery of violations including bus. Officers reported people allowing underage passengers were observed entering the bus on board, open alcohol con- with about seven cases of beer tainers, loud music, displaying and a keg of beer, which resulted emergency vehicle lights without in an additional citation for a permit, and overcrowding by transporting an excess of 20 three times its capacity, accord- gallons of alcohol. ing to a Boston Police report. When detectives in an unOfficers reportedly watched marked vehicle turned on their the bus, with music blaring and own blue lights and sirens, other lights flashing, make multiple nearby drivers moved out of the stops, at times obstructing way. The bus driver, however, traffic, to pick up and drop off did not pull over for five blocks, dancing passengers along Com- “presumably because the opmonwealth Ave. erator could not hear the multiWhen the bus pulled up at the tone sirens and could not disintersection of Greycliff Road tinguish between our emergency and Commonlights and his wea l t h Ave. , “[The bus did not pull own,” the reit stopped in port said. over] presumably the right lane, When Oknin because the operator did pull over, completely blocking one could not hear the multi- he repeatedo f two l a n e s ly said all on of traffic. Of- tone sirens and could not board were of ficers reported distinguish between our legal drinking that vehicles age, according emergency lights wishing to to the Boston turn right Police. and his own.” were boxed in As police by the bus and re-checked — Boston Police Report t h e p a s s e n oncoming traffic, and were gers’ IDs, they therefore forced to back their counted 90 people on the bus, vehicles up and go around the which only has a capacity of 30 bus, creating a hazardous situ- people. Two underage passenation. gers were found on the bus – one The bus picked up a large allegedly was a BC student – who group of students in the Boston were asked to exit and the BC College area before heading in- Police Department (BCPD) was bound on Commonwealth Ave., contacted. often occupying both of the Oknin was allowed to leave busy roadway’s lanes, according the area once he received his cito the police report. tations, according to the report, Gideon Oknin, an employee and additional court action will of The Original Party Trolley follow. of Boston, Inc., was operating A company representative the bus. from The Original Trolley Bus The side and rear windows company said they had not peof the trolley were painted and nalized Oknin in any way. “We’re covered excessively, preventing going to fight it in court,” the visibility, Boston Police officers employee said. “We’re not just reported, and the bus had blue going to let it go. We checked the lights along its exterior and a IDs, everyone was 21, and anyhanging disco ball with flashing way you can still use the trolley if Asst. News Editor

you’re not 21, we just don’t allow you to bring alcohol on.” “We got stopped for no reason,” he said. “We’re taking care of it.” The Original Party Trolley charges a group fee of $899 for four hours to transport passengers from bar to bar. When renting out a trolley, the goings-on of the night are up to the passengers, the employee said. “We come up to school, pick you guys up by the church, go bar-hopping, whatever you want to do. You can bring your own alcohol, your own food, whatever you want.” In light of the incident, Paul Chebator, senior associate dean for the Office of the Dean for Student Development (ODSD) said, “It’s certainly not something the University supports or condones, and it’s not the kind of thing we want to associate with Boston College.” He said that the bus should not even be allowed on campus because BC is private property. “Look at the amount of alcohol in that small contained area,” Chebator said. “It was not an atmosphere of socialization, but more an atmosphere of intoxication. That many people sounds like a real safety issue, too. It scares me because there’s one exit and entrance, which is a potential safety hazard. If the bus got in an accident, people wouldn’t be able to get out.” Overcrowding and complications from alcohol could lead to a potential disaster, he said. “It would be one thing if it was transporting people responsibly from one place to another, but it doesn’t sound like that’s the case.” “It’s great for people to get off campus and into Boston. This isn’t accomplishing that, though,” Chebator said. “It’s a shame they’re not getting out into the city and are instead packing 90 people into this bus. How do you socialize with 90 people on a bus?” n

elise taylor / heights staff

The resolution will not provided funding for students to get tested, but will increase awareness of resources that are already available to students on campus who might want to get tested for sexually transmitted infections (STI).

Senate passes resolution to increase STI awareness Resolution, from A1

Included in the resolution is a provision to provide stickers for students who are tested and support testing for STIs. The stickers, which will read “I got tested,” are aimed at spreading awareness among the student body about the resources BC Health Services provides. The campaign is scheduled to last three days, but the Senate hopes the message it sends will last beyond the length of the campaign itself. “Awareness about STI testing will spread through a viral campaign that way,” Domino

said. While the Senate supports STI testing, this resolution will not provide funding for students to get tested. While STI testing is not free through BC Health Services, it is subsidized through the University’s health insurance plan. However, depending on the type of STI test being conducted, it could cost a student up to $200. “We do not have the funds to subsidize this. Right now it’s just an awareness campaign,” Jekanowski said. The resolution was authored by Domino, who became involved with this issue after hearing about

the rise in the prevalence of STIs on college campuses. “The idea popped into my head when I heard news about STI testing on campus,” Domino said. “I had heard from several sources that because the BC community is composed of mostly higher socioeconomic students, this has led to a psychological persona that STIs are less likely. The opposite is true.” Domino said that this resolution makes an appeal to students and the BC community. “We need people to be more responsible to themselves and their community and get tested.” n


Thursday, November 11, 2010

The Heights


Reviewing the case

The Hearing Board has been experimenting with a new approach this year, and we hope that it will consider its process carefully. In the past few weeks, The Heights has published a series focusing on the perpetration and punishment of sexual assault on campus. In an article in today’s issue, administrators explained the inner workings of the Administrative Hearing Board, an on-campus body that reviews a range of disciplinary cases, including alleged cases of assault on campus. This board is made up of administrators, faculty, and a student member – with the latter two having been added this year – who hear and determine responsibility in situations of assault. We feel that it is of the utmost importance that the process in which this board handles assault cases be transparent to the student body, who will look to this board for support in crisis situations. Although the addition of a student to the board may help to bring a student perspective to the proceedings, we fear that students who have been assaulted may hesitate to come forward if a member of the student community is present, concerned that their personal story will spread outside of the Hearing Board. If even one student is discouraged from seeking help because of these fears, then the board has failed. This new aspect needs to be carefully monitored. Although this board does not function as a court, it does determine responsibil-

ity and recommend punishments, so on a basic level, the process is the same. Students who commit crimes on this campus, be it as frequent as underage drinking or as serious as physical assault, are held to extremely different standards of discipline than would be the case outside the boundaries of Boston College. One only needs to look at the Alcohol Matrix to see that the system of punitive and educational responses is extremely complex, and the decisions of administrators about how to correctly handle these incidents is fraught with challenges. That being said, there is often too much of a focus among administrators to create teachable moments where they may not exist. Although we are all students at this University, when we commit a violent crime against another student, we give up that protection, we have violated the social contract that we entered into upon enrolling. If the Hearing Board is capable of assigning responsibility, then it is just as capable of administering punishment, as it should. To create a safer community, the Office of the Dean of Student Development, which oversees the board, needs to uphold and maintain certain standards of conduct through punishment when the situation necessitates it.

Intelligent design

In order to foster a more connected community, those crafting building designs need to take into account their use of space. As preliminary work continues for the construction of Stokes Hall and the University looks ahead to other projects, we would like to reflect momentarily on what, on a day-to-day basis, makes a building not just good, but excellent. Fulton Hall is one of the best-designed buildings on campus in this regard. Ample covered spaces at the front and rear of the building encourage students to take cover there when it rains. Study areas and the Honors Library invite students to linger in areas where large glass windows draw in both natural light and passersby without making one feel exposed. Higgins Hall also displays a certain purpose and forethought. The building and its purpose are clearly intertwined, and instead of just being a place where teaching occurs, it, in its very design, fosters a cross-disciplinary approach that is the life blood of the sciences. The large open spaces at the center of the building are cut by walkways, allowing one to look to other levels, to other places where learning is happening, and

beyond one’s self. There is nothing more appropriate to a science building than that it incorporate a sense of how optics relate to human well-being. We also know that there are plans to incorporate the design priorities we suggest into Stokes Hall. The coffee bar, sitting areas, outdoor plaza, and access from College Road will do much to make Stokes a vibrant and active building. What we are encouraging is a sense of design that is rooted in the human as a being that flourishes in the liberal arts. Among those many arts is architecture, and an appreciation of that should be demonstrated physically. We hope that, as construction moves forward, some thought is given to these priorities, which could be easily lost in the hectic activity of a construction site. A good building is one that fulfills certain needs. An excellent building is one built with the people who will inhabit it in mind, and which accommodates both the needs of a top university as well as the smaller, less ambitious activities and undertakings of daily life.

State of the Heights

The UGBC has been making an effort to attract more students to the event, and these topics will attract the most questions. Last Wednesday, the Undergraduate Government of Boston College (UGBC) hosted the second installment of its State of the Heights speaker series with an event that featured BC Police Chief John King, who spoke about revamped security measures on campus. In an effort to draw a larger audience, the UGBC restructured the State of the Heights this year, which used to be held once a year, as a series of town hall-style meetings with various administrators on campus who address specific issues. This revitalized program shows promise. While the State of the Heights in its previous form struggled with attendance issues, the new seminars have enjoyed large audiences and increased interaction between students and administrators, UGBC organizers said. But with this newfound audience, the UGBC must give greater consideration to the issues addressed at these meetings. Not the least among these issues should be GLBTQ relations on campus. As members of an institution that prides itself on being among the world’s top Catholic universities, the administration, through

this student-organized outlet, should demonstrate its willingness to accommodate GLBTQ students on campus. The UGBC should also invite members of The Office of Residential Life to speak on the future of off-campus housing. University officials have said that, as the University’s Institutional Master Plan (IMP) progresses, the University will move toward accommodating 100 percent of students on campus. Moving off campus is an important step for many juniors. A discussion on the elimination of off-campus housing would draw more students to the event. Other topics to explore would be the future of late night programming, the structure and practices of medical services on campus, and how the University’s switch to a credit system will affect student registration processes. We believe that the UGBC’s move to expand the State of the Heights was beneficial to the student body. As the organization moves forward with this program, it should consider these ideas that we feel to be of concern to both students and administrative figures on campus.

The Heights The Independent Student Newspaper of Boston College Established 1919 Matthew DeLuca, Editor-in-Chief John O’Reilly, General Manager Darren Ranck, Managing Editor

Contributors: Mollie Kolosky

Matt Laud/ Heights Illustration

Letters to the Editor Invitation to a concert of thanksgiving Readers of last week’s Heights were confronted by an unusual letter to the editor: a question about the responsible use of space at Boston College wrapped in a vitriolic screed against an individual professor. The article poses a challenge for me, its target. The challenge for me as a human being is to respond to such strong negative feelings with compassion: The challenge for me as a faculty member is to find the “teachable moment” in all this. So let me begin by sharing some information with Heights readers. Faculty encourage reasoning from evidence, and last week’s piece provided no information about the event whose sponsorship the author so deplores. The event in question is a cello concert. Both the cellist and the cello have very special histories. The instrument is a concert quality cello, apparently the counterpart of a Stradivarius in the world of cellos. It was owned by a Jewish music lover who helped found the Boston Philharmonic Orchestra. Upon her recent death, her children donated the cello to the New England Conservatory of Music. The Conservatory, in turn, allows their best cello student each year to hone his or her skills on this superb instrument. The lucky and talented student this year is Shaheen Lavie-Rouse, an Israeli of Yemeni descent who considers himself an Arab-Israeli. In his very existence he embodies the hopes of two peoples to share one land and one future. He is every bit as much a “real” Israeli as any African-American is a “real” American. Out of gratitude for the gift of the cello, he volunteered to give a concert to support work dear to the donors. And, in a gesture of good will, a Palestinian qanun player from the Berkelee School of Music is joining in the contemporary music part of the program. As a result, the BC community is invited to a fundraising concert, to be held in the Cabaret Room,

Sunday, Nov. 14, 2 - 4 p.m. The charges are modest: $10 for students and $35 for adults. The purpose of the fundraiser is to support two projects: An Israeli organization (Physicians for Human Rights-Israel) and the annual Health and Human Rights trip of American Jews for a Just Peace (AJJP). The purpose of the HAHRP trip is to help Americans – usually Jewish, usually younger professionals, (largely doctors, lawyers, social workers, but this year also a dancer who wishes to work with children) – to travel to Israel and Palestine, to offer their services in demonstration clinics and classes, and to learn from their travels. The sponsoring organization, AJJP, takes the position that international humanitarian law must be the platform for any just and lasting resolution of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. AJJP makes its point through educational efforts, through promoting travel and witnessing in the Holy Land, and by any other nonviolent means that call attention to the fact that justice is the key to peace. In its stance, AJJP resembles the American civil rights movements of an earlier generation. AJJP has asked to use the Cabaret Room because many of its members earlier attended the screening of Little Town of Bethlehem (a film also dedicated to a non-violent and just resolution of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict) and were delighted by the beauty and welcome of our campus. This concert falls at the beginning of a season of thanksgiving, celebration, and joy, whether for the birth of a savior, a deliverance from danger, or the coming of the winter solstice after which the light grows ever stronger. I invite the BC community to open this season with a concert that celebrates music, learning, and justice. I urge you to come and decide for yourself who are the naysayers and who are the healers. Eve Spangler Associate Professor in the Sociology Department

A reflection on the priority of sports Don’t get me wrong – I like sports. Playing them is fun and watching can be exhilarating! Sports allow us to play out the tribal warfare of our ancestors and support our regional ties. What I don’t like is A.) drunk freshmen kneeing me in the back in the cheap seats, B.) my Catholic schoolmates chanting “you suck” to the other team and individual players alike, and C.) the amount of money spent on promoting sports in contrast to the undergrad-level printing allowance from the University I receive as a doctoral student. I understand that sports make a lot of money for Boston College, and that the Connell School of Nursing does not, which justifies BC to spend a lot of money on making money (they say the rich keep getting richer?). I expect this sort of prioritization from most universities, but at a school built on Jesuit principles, I’m honestly surprised at the disparity in the support for sports and the academic disciplines, such as nursing, social work, and ministry, that are dedicated to serving the needs of people in Catholic tradition. I’m happy to pay $4 for a hot dog at Conte Forum (which is quite a nice facility, really), and in fact I expected to pay more. While I don’t expect to make BC

much if any money by my nursing research, I think I’m in a Division I school of nursing. I wish that I, like a Division I student athlete, had a full package so I could focus on my research, not loans, health insurance, and those distasteful details of real life. The next time you have a bad time in the health care system, consider whether it’d be a better investment to allocate some of the funding from extras in sports such as video promotions played during the men’s hockey game into supporting doctoral students doing clinical research in health care delivery. Sure, dissertation defenses don’t bring out masses of wealthy alums, but I’m certain that slowly but surely, my colleagues and I are laboring in hope of embodying the Jesuit values of improving the well-being of our fellow people. And for that, I think we doctoral students should at the very least get a bigger printing allowance than undergrads. So I’m a fan, not a Superfan – I don’t have time to achieve that level of fandom. I do hope, however, that BC is a Superfan of my colleagues and me as we fight the good fight to protect this house, and all the people, regardless of what jersey they wear. Anna Paskausky

The Heights welcomes Letters to the Editor not exceeding 200 words and column submissions that do not exceed 700 words for its op/ed pages. The Heights reserves the right to edit for clarity, brevity, accuracy, and to prevent libel. The Heights also reserves the right to write headlines and choose illustrations to accompany pieces

submitted to the newspaper. Submissions must be signed and should include the author’s connection to Boston College, address, and phone number. Letters and columns can be submitted online at www.bcheights.com, by email to editor@bcheights.com, in person, or by mail to Editor, The Heights, 113 McElroy Commons, Chestnut Hill, Mass. 02467.

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The Heights

Thursday, November 11, 2010



Thumbs Up TML – Looking for a respite from the crowds in Bapst? Need a change of scenery from the daily doldrums in O’Neill? Then the Theology and Ministry Library is the place for you! Get away from it all in exotic Brighton Campus, conveniently located 50 yards away from Lower Campus (accessible by foot). This library has it all: books, chairs, cozy nooks, even vending machines! Book your stay before the finals season rush. Cupcakes – Look out, doughnut. You’ve got some serious competition. Cupcake boutiques have sprinkled the city with their tasty presence and students are taking advantage. Even BC Dining is trying to fit the mold by offering a “create your own cupcake” station in McElroy. This sweet trend is literally the frosting on the cake. Veterans – For the land of the freeeeeeeeeeeeeee, and the home of the brave. (Play ball!) Mrs. O – Michelle, my belle. The lovely first lady has been taking India by storm (unlike what usually takes India by storm … actual devastating storms). Be it dancing with schoolchildren or meeting with dignitaries, she’s saving her husband’s slipping approval rating one J.Crew ensemble at a time. Coco – From mechanized moons to giant nutcrackers, Conan is back on late night, and his loyal audience will be giving Stewart, Letterman, and the devil himself, Leno, a run for their money. TU/TD has only one suggestion for the gangly ginger’s success: Stop whining about being fired. You’re rehired. Time to move on.

Thumbs Down Hot water – As a frequent tea drinker, TU/TD was thrilled to see the playing field being leveled with the installation of a hot water dispenser in Hillside. That commendation being given, however, we were most displeased when we went to fill up our (environmentally conscious) reusable mug and found that the dispenser was too short and stout to adequately function as a tea pot. A for effort, though. Stapler – Not all staplers, mind you, only a very specific and devilishly tricky one, namely the O’Neill print station behemoth, is deserving of our dissatisfaction. Besides TU/TD’s completely justified fear of this beast stapling our fingers, this automated nightmare manages to correctly perform its sole function an astounding 0 percent of the time. Call me old fashioned, but perhaps mechanizing every conceivable item is not necessary. Registration times – Excited for classes next semester? That’s great! That means you’re either a senior or one of the few lucky ones who were assigned, completely arbitrarily, pick times that offer even the faintest glimmer of hope. Webmail – BC’s very own e-mail system is wonderful, particularly the student shot photos that greet visitors on the welcome page. TU/TD has one qualm with this system, being that when it becomes full, a completely natural occurrence for a busy and techsavvy student, there is no warning system for students who are cut off from society.

A tax with substance ety to ensure alcoholic addicts get the treatment they need, but even if you agree with this assessment, alcohol has an unavoidable impact on our society. Working at a courthouse, I see victims of alcohol-induced rages, drunkdriving charges, and crimes carried out while under the influence. These Hayley Trahan-Liptak people are placed in detox facilities at Your weekend just got cheaper. the state prison, provided resources to When you return after Winter Break, pay their time, and they avoid comyou can head down to the liquor store mitting the crime again. Without those for a few cases of beer or go out for resources, recidivism would likely be drinks, and your biggest concern will higher and the number of alcohol-rebe the creepy guy at the end of the bar lated court cases would continue to – not the exorbitant tab you’ve racked increase. Individual abuse of alcohol up. Thanks to the passage of Question intersects with society’s interests in One on the Massachusetts Ballot last the public sphere every day, and so week, Jan. 1, 2011, marks the end of providing programs and services for the sales tax on alcohol. So get ready these abusers is essentially a way of to party, because a case of beer will protecting both the abusers and socicost you about a dollar less. ety as a whole. While Massachusetts voters smartly Not only did we succeed at cutting decided against cutting the state-wide out essential programs, we are also general sales tax on all products, they sending a message about alcohol – by chose instead to repeal the tax on alcostate standards it is a necessity. For hol. The elimination of the tax means many college students, alcohol as a that the $110 necessity may ring million that would true, but think Individual abuse of alcohol about yourself as come solely from alcohol sales will a kid in a grocery intersects with society’s be obliterated from or a young interests in the public sphere store, the state budget. parent filling your That may sound every day, and so providing shopping cart on like just a big programs and services for these a limited budget, number, but for the trying to make abusers is essentially a way good choices for substance abuse programs that of protecting both the abusers yourself and your receive the money, children. Food and society as a whole. it represents a and clothing in lifeline, a second Massachusetts are chance, and, in seen as necessisome cases, the entirety of a program’s ties, commodities essential for living. budget. Without the extra money, which Now alcohol is added to the very short is earmarked specifically for substance list of products the state deems a abuse education and detoxification necessity. Not on the list? Among othfacilities, programs across the state will ers, over-the-counter medicine, any be drastically cut. prepared food, and household paper With the change you can expect to products like toilet paper. Traditionsave an extra dollar now and then, but ally, products like tobacco and alcohol you can also expect to hear of more have luxury taxes affixed to them, but drunk drivers, fewer facilities for those the change in the law tells consumwho want to make the transition to ers that to the state, alcohol isn’t a sobriety, and more people suffering luxury – it is more of a necessity than from alcoholism. Many people argue medicine and toilet paper. that it isn’t the responsibility of sociThe campaign to repeal the tax was

funded by beer giants like AnheuserBusch and the Beer Distributors of Massachusetts, and a total of $2.5 million was invested in advertising to “Vote Yes” on Question One. Liquor stores in Massachusetts, especially those near the New Hampshire border, claimed the tax was infringing on sales, as customers traveled over the border into New Hampshire for their tax-free liquor. Some storeowners have stated a need to cut back hours and, in some cases, lay off employees due to the loss in sales. But the claim that the tax was hurting the economy has little basis. There were no reports of stores forced to close due to lack of business. Even if some liquor store jobs were lost, the tax revenue created its own set of new positions and contributed to the economic success of society in its own way. The services the tax funded created jobs, and the programs themselves were often filled with people who otherwise would be alone on the streets without jobs of their own. If this was truly about the loss of business to New Hampshire, Massachusetts would have eliminated sales taxes altogether in order to compete with sales-tax free New Hampshire. This wasn’t about the economy, it wasn’t about jobs, it was about an extra few cents in the pockets of beer drinkers, cents that don’t add up to anything more than a few dollars. Our substance abuse programs in Massachusetts used to give people a second chance. They used to help people dragged down by the perils of alcohol get a step up and become contributing members of society once again. Now those programs are threatened with elimination. So, as you savor your beer and the extra quarter in your pocket, don’t think that extra money is free. You’ll see the implications on the streets, on the corners, and in the papers as people seeking care are turned away because alcohol, to drinkers in Massachusetts, is a taxfree necessity. Hayley Trahan-Liptak is a staff columnist for The Heights. She welcomes comments at opinions@bcheights.com.

Coco the Triumphant

Tim O’Connor Eleven months ago, late-night talk junkies all across America were dealt a stunning blow – Conan O’Brien would be leaving The Tonight Show due to a dispute with NBC. The timeslot had been handed back to Jay Leno, whose primetime variety show was performing poorly against the 10 p.m. news. Leno supporters claim that NBC wasn’t unreasonable and that the company offered to let Conan keep the house that Carson built, provided he’d move it a half hour later. Conan made a stand on principle. The Tonight Show had been on at 11:35 p.m. since 1954, he said, and he would not take part in what he considered the systematic destruction of an American institution. One hundred and forty-six episodes after its premiere, Conan kissed his dream job goodbye with a mesmerizing rendition of “Free Bird,” accompanied by the alwayscharming Will Ferrell on vocals. As of today, Conan is back on the air for the first time since his departure from NBC, headlining TBS’ Conan, a one-hour comedy / variety program airing in the 11 p.m. block. Up against stiff competition from Stewart, Colbert, Letterman, and Leno himself, it remains to be seen whether Conan’s newest endeavor will achieve success. Longtime second-man Andy Richter will be making the journey to TBS, though drummer Max Weinberg has opted to forgo his position as the head of the legendary Max Weinberg 7, now known as the The Basic Cable Band. Likewise, the skits and characters that Conan invented


while working for NBC remain the intellectual property of the station. Sorry kids, no more Triumph, Masturbating Bear, or La Bamba. The odds may be stacked against Team Coco, but true television aficionados may recall that this is not the first incidence of late-night talk drama. When Carson’s reign ended in 1992, Leno exploited corporate connections and outmaneuvered Letterman, Carson’s protegee and heir apparent, effectively stealing The Tonight Show from under Letterman’s nose (see the Oscar-nominated The Late Shift for a dramatic retelling of the story). Lettermen’s subsequent move to CBS was, and remains, successful. Last week, Letterman defeated Leno in the ratings for the first time ever, though Stewart topped both of them. Since his return, Leno’s popularity has been steadily declining in the 18-49 demographic, paving the way for a Tea Party-esque takeover of the late-night circuit. Despite competition from Stewart for the young and politically-savvy, I’d be willing to wager Conan is on the cusp of a phenomenal success. Since the end of The Tonight Show with Conan O’Brien, Coco has kept up an active Twitter presence, traveled across the nation on his “Legally Prohibited from Being Funny on Television” tour, grown and shaven a beard, and chartered a blimp to fly across the continental 48 to promote his show. He leveraged the repeatedly substantial settlement he received from NBC to support his staff and writers (who had moved from New York to California to support the canceled Tonight Show) and remains engaged with his audience. Those who watched the final episodes of Conan’s Tonight Show will recall the legitimate and heartfelt sentiment he expressed for the fans who fought to keep his show alive, and he’s remained loyal and connected to Team Coco since then. Unfortunate circum-

stances brought together a disparate fan base to unite behind a common cause, and Conan has done his part to keep the family that rallied around him alive. Unfettered by the traditional talkshow format that defined The Tonight Show, Conan will be free to exercise his unconventional wit in a format more suited to his strengths. Cable has an obvious disadvantage to broadcast television, but Conan never pulled much support from the older crowds to begin with. He’s our generation’s comedian, and we will follow him to TBS (conveniently provided by ResLife on channel 37, for those of you living on campus) or online. The day of the Nielsen ratings has come and gone. A show’s success today is measured by how vocal and dedicated a fan base it maintains. Could Leno fill the National Mall on the day before Halloween to rally for common sense? Heh. Most of all, I wish Conan success for the grace and humility with which he handled NBC’s undignified and misguided decision. When he announced that he’d be taking over The Tonight Show back in 2004, he had realized the ultimate goal of his career as a comedian. He spent five years preparing to handle the enormous responsibility of being America’s chief funny-man, and before he was even given a chance to grow into the role, it was taken away from him. Through all this, caring for his professional family was his first and only goal – a refreshing change of pace from the narcissism that defines today’s celebrity culture. His story is one of hard-earned success, and his message, delivered through humor, is one of perseverance and dedication. In the words of the man himself: “If you work really hard and you’re kind, amazing things will happen.” Tim O’Connor is a staff columnist for The Heights. He welcomes comments at opinions@bcheights.com.

Truthiness we trust

Janine Hanrahan The notion that a vigorous free press is a guardian of democracy is one deeply instilled in the American psyche, due in large part to its establishment in the Bill of Rights. The founders firmly believed that in order for the experiment in selfgovernment to work, the citizens had to have all the necessary information, even if political figures were portrayed in a negative light as a result. With the rise of the 24-hour news cycle and the ability to rapidly disseminate information over the Internet, one would imagine that Americans are in the position to know more about their government than ever before. For those citizens that actively seek out information, this may be the case. But for the vast majority of us, including this here writer, we read our newspaper of choice or flick on CNN and expect that it will provide enough information for us to make informed decisions. While the press is certainly free in America, it has little regard for accurately representing events. Rather, our press is driven by “truthiness.” Truthiness is a term coined by Stephen Colbert and defined as “truth that comes from the gut, not books” and “the quality of preferring concepts or facts one wishes to be true, rather than concepts or facts known to be true.” It is the second part of the definition that really makes truthiness appealing, because it gives us license to substitute our opinions for the facts. An examination of the 8 p.m. time slot on the cable news stations finds truthiness in abundance. CNN airs Parker Spitzer, in which Eliot Spitzer, a Democrat, and Kathleen Parker, a Republican, analyze current events from their respective ideological bents. Fox News airs The O’Reilly Factor, a time for conservative commentator Bill O’Reilly to give “Talking Points” and interview / badger guests. MSNBC airs Countdown with Keith Olbermann, in which Olbermann names the worst people in the world (one of whom is often O’Reilly) and goes on Edward R. Murrow-esque tirades against anyone that threatens his standard of decency, whether it’s George W. Bush or Hillary Clinton. In fact, Olbermann just recently found himself embroiled in controversy for donating $7,200 to Democratic campaigns without prior approval from NBC, leading to an indefinite suspension without pay. It turns out that two days is NBC’s equivalent to indefinitely, as Olbermann will be back on the air after missing only two broadcasts. Liberals were in an uproar, claiming moves like this threatened the constitutional rights of journalists. But Rachel Maddow, a fellow MSNBC reporter, had this to say: “Yeah, Keith’s a liberal, and so am I. But we’re not a political operation – Fox is. We’re a news operation. The rules around here are part of how you know that.” Undoubtedly, Fox News has a conservative bent that renders its slogan “Fair and Balanced” essentially pointless. But for Maddow to claim that MSNBC is operating on another plane is ridiculous. Maddow and Olbermann are unabashedly liberal, which comes across in their coverage of all political events. At this point, we might as well throw away all pretenses to unbiased journalism. Liberals can watch MSNBC and conservatives can content themselves with Fox News, while both of them read blogs that may or may not have any factual basis. Then we can boil all debates into sound bites and pithy phrases, thus simplifying political discourse. Sadly, we are already at this point and have been there for some time. Alexander Solzhenitsyn, famous for his work on Soviet gulags, spoke to Harvard University’s 1978 graduating class about cultural decay in America. Labeling the press as symptomatic of the problem, he said, “In-depth analysis of a problem is anathema to the press, it is contrary to its nature. The press merely picks out sensational formulas.” This is even truer now than it was then, due to changes in the media and the demand that the news be entertaining. It simply defies reason that America’s political culture can be healthy in an environment in which far too many citizens are simply tuned out and the rest are given scraps of superficial or partisan information. Of course, the media survives by making money, and the fact that it does indicates that on some level, we are enjoying this dysfunctional discourse. Perhaps this is because truthiness is easy and the truth, as always, is hard. Janine Hanrahan is a staff columnist for The Heights. She welcomes comments at opinions@bcheights.com.



Thursday, November 11, 2010

The Heights

Thursday, November 11, 2010

basketball preview

thursday, november 11, 2010

The Heights

drawing up a winner


New head coach steve donahue has a message: forget what bc basketball used to be see



the athletic reggie jackson and dallas elmore have a new high-powered offense to play with


conte forum welcomes its first two freshmen since the recruiting class of 2008 arrived


after two down seasons, big man josh southern is convinced he fits donahue’s system perfectly


carolyn swords and stefanie murphy have one goal in mind: make their senior year their best one yet



The Heights

Thursday, November 11, 2010

alex trautwig / heights editor

Juniors eager for changing of the guard

Reggie Jackson and Dallas Elmore stuck around for the new offense. You won’t be sorry. By DJ Adams Heights Editor


here is something to be said for playing basketball in front of a jam-packed Conte Forum. Dealing with the immense pressure, it’s in every great player’s repertoire. Showing off flashy dance moves for the samesized crowd at Ice Jam, though? This is an act of courage reserved only for Dallas Elmore and Reggie Jackson. “We perform for what? A packed 8,606 in Conte Forum as athletes?” Jackson boasts with a grin as Elmore nods his head silently. “We enjoyed ourselves, it was a fun time. And really, I don’t think the fans were a factor out there when we were dancing. So what if you’re embarrassed in front of someone you will probably never see on campus? That’s just what we do.” Topping women’s basketball head coach Sylvia Crawley’s “Dougie,” on the other hand, was a tougher task to accomplish for the two. “Oh definitely,” Jackson replied when asked if he had been out-performed. “Totally unexpected from the sideline, and I really didn’t know she had that side. I enjoyed watching it.” “I heard she was going to do the dunk contest with us next time,” Elmore quipped. “I’m really looking forward to that,” Jackson, the reigning champ, joked about potentially losing his title. “She’s got a good arm’s length above the rim, so maybe. We’ll see.”

Whatever the competition, it’s clear. The two veteran guards that compose the Eagles backcourt aren’t afraid of anything. This year, especially, the men’s basketball team is going to need that resilience. In the 2009-10 season, Boston College basketball lived and died by an offense that depended upon sticking to the gameplan. Of course, not everything followed accordingly. The team plummeted to a 15-16 overall record, registering merely six conference wins, just one season removed from its seventh NCAA tournament bid in the past nine years. After such a disappointing result, change was inevitable, and it happened fast. Too fast, for some. When former coach Al Skinner was ousted and 2010 Clair Bee Coach of the Year Steve Donahue was hired, several incoming recruits decommitted, and past lettermen chose not to return to the Heights in fear of the future and the uncertainty associated with such a drastic rebuilding process. “It’s kind of sad that all of our recruits decommitted,” Jackson said. “They didn’t really get the right feel for our coach, and they didn’t feel like this was best for them.” Jackson and Elmore aren’t scared of change, the work it requires, or the team’s season projections. To them, there is more to being a basketball player than running at the first sign of trouble. The team is a family. Unfamiliarity is present, but they chose to stay and embrace it. “It was more [the rest of us] sat down, we all kind of went through our routine

alex trautwig / heights editor

Reggie Jackson and Dallas Elmore will benefit from a new system that embraces athleticism.

at the end of the season,” Jackson said. “We felt like we were one big family, and we all wanted to do it together, so in my sense it didn’t ever occur to my mind that I was ever leaving.” “I mean, these are the guys that I’ve played with for the past three years,” Elmore agreed. “So I want to ride it out with them and see how this season goes. Who knows what is going to happen in the future? I wanted to stay at Boston College.”

So they stayed, and this past summer, the transformation began. Donahue’s offense was the first step, a sequence entirely different from Skinner’s flex. While the former relied on a point guard’s successful, smooth progression of pre-designed plays, BC’s new swagger is dynamic, full of speed and athleticism, and hinges on the entire team’s ability to improvise. “It’s fast,” Donahue said of his scheme. “I want to make quick decisions and I want the ball to move. I’d rather us say we learned to play rather than run a play. We try to read what the defense is doing, but in the same sense, we’re trying to do it quickly.” As if the new offense isn’t fast enough, the Eagles had less than a year to learn it. At first, the lack of time was an immense crutch toward progress, and the work proved to be difficult. “I think they have been really good at coming in each day and trying to get better,” Donahue said. “But there are good days and bad days. This is a mental strain as much as a physical strain, trying to teach them how we want to do everything different. They have been good with it, but I think it has been a challenge, as well. “But like everything in life, when you want to try to do something that’s really beneficial, it’s hard work, and there are going to be some ups and downs.” The new set was a welcomed challenge for Elmore and Jackson, though. Both grew up in Colorado and happened to run similar offenses to Donahue’s in high school, and can’t wait to instill that knowledge in the rest of their teammates. “I didn’t really think it was that big of a change for myself, because in high school, this is the type of offense I played,” Elmore said. “Spread-out offense, cutting to the basket, so it was kind of easy for me to transition into this type of an offense.” “[It’s] not necessarily too great of a change in terms of athletic play,” Jackson agreed. “I played the same style in high school. I’m kind of used to it from AAU ball, same thing, it’s just more getting used to the new coach and being a point guard in Skinner’s system, and now a point guard in Coach Donahue’s new system. Just a few minor adjustments, but I’m really learning how to command my teammates and knowing where my teammates should be at all times.” With not much roster depth to work with (realistically, BC is only about seven or eight players deep), the team looked inward for any previous experience to provide leadership through the learning process. In a powerful basketball conference like the ACC, at some point, new recruits Danny Rubin and Gabe Moton

will have to contribute if the team hopes He has no problem rolling with the tide to have success. of an interview or game. In fact, it is this So again, the two veterans assumed a passive adaptability that Donahue thinks leader’s role and assured their mentees will allow Elmore to accomplish much that it’s about getting rid of that inherent more this season on the court. freshman fear. “I think he is a type of guy that we “Basically, we [have to] mentor could throw in anywhere,” the coach them,” Jackson said. “You got to take claimed. “I don’t worry about it. He a couple bumps and bruises and falls. might have to play the four at times, and Purposefully, I know it sounds bad, but he handles the ball like a point guard at sometimes when they get the ball in prac- times. I think he knows his role, as well. tice, I hack them just because. Just to It’s important that he doesn’t try to do welcome them to the league, and let them too much. He knows to go after balls and know that, yeah, the ACC is one of the make the extra pass, and if he’s open and most athletic conferences in the league, his feet are set, to shoot it.” but our conference is When it comes nitty and gritty also, to wo r k e t h i c , “We felt like we were one and they have to be though, no one ready.” possesses more big family, and we all “Teaching them to than the quiet wanted to do it together, so fire not back down from one himself. any competition that “What I did in my sense it didn’t ever you’re in,” Elmore in the offseason, occur to my mind that I said of his philosoI worked really was ever leaving.” phy. “You may be the hard on trying to shortest guy, you may stay conditioned,” be the lightest guy on Elmore said. “I —Reggie Jackson the team, but don’t knew that Coach Starting Guard ever back down from Donahue’s [style] any competition. Use was going to be your athleticism. You are here for a rea- more of an up-tempo speed. So I had to son, so do what you got to do.” work on my conditioning, work on my shot, because I knew that was necessary. I worked on my 3-pointer, my 15-footer, Jackson and Elmore preach the same and learning to drive aggressively. With mantra. They hail from the same state. my body size, getting into the weight They even both know how to relax and room was key. I should be able to finish have fun, evidenced by their latest Ice the ball and go strong to the rim.” Jam groove. Too many teams focus on one aspect It’s how they differ, though, that in their guards. Quickness, athleticism, bodes incredibly well for the Eagles on decision-making. the court. It is Jackson and Elmore’s bold mix of Jackson provides the energy and similarities and differences, though, that confidence needed in every point guard’s comprises such a dangerous backcourt genes. It’s why he has his own fan section, for the Eagles. Reggie’s Veggies, and his No. 0 is a favorite among fan apparel. As he talks about his role on the team, his answers reveal The thought of a team embattled with deep reflection and passion. Something issues is a dangerous one that Jackson he certainly brings to the parquet Conte and Elmore understand is a possibility floor. for BC this season, but a notion they have “I feel I have always been a player refused to acknowledge since the change where I felt that I can take whatever I began for this program last spring. want at any given time,” Jackson said. “I’ve been told since I was young, “With my athletic ability that God never be nervous. Be anxious,” Jackson blessed me with, and my height, I can get said. “I mean, it’s okay to have a little where I want to on the court at any given butterflies, but if you are nervous, you’re time. But definitely, being a complete, worried because you aren’t prepared. If all-around player. Coach came in, and you are anxious, you know what you’re that’s the first thing he helped me de- ready to do and what you are capable velop. He helped me refine my [outside] of. shot, by not just dropping the ball. Just “So, I’m not really nervous about taking out my hitch and making a more anything. I mean, the only thing I may smooth shot. It’s paid off.” be nervous about is if we will all be here His head coach would agree. ready to play on Nov. 12, or if that day “His outside shot, to me, has im- will ever get here.” proved immensely from what I saw on Tomorrow, that day is finally here. film, and he’s worked on it,” Donahue And after succeeding through months of said. “Obviously, Reggie brings a lot of change, hard work, and uncertainty, fear other things, intangibles, to the game. is the last thing these guards want to lose He’s learned to play how we want to play. to. In fact, overcoming such adversity is He really shares the ball. He rebounds so what motivates Jackson to believe BC well. He does a lot of things rather than can strive for something big this season, just score the points.” despite what skeptics might think. What does this leave for Elmore to “Right now, I am very optimistic,” do? That seems to be the question when Jackson said. “I mean, I feel like there the two are together in person, even. is no one on our schedule that we can’t Reggie, the outspoken one, dominates beat. I’m not worried. I’m not looking the conversation, while Dallas is left to past anybody.” add a reticent “Well said.” There it was once again. “Well said,” His entire collegiate career, Elmore Elmore added. played the quiet role with ease, averaging Maybe now, it’s the rest of the ACC that just 15.9 minutes per game last season. has something to be nervous about. n

Thursday, November 11, 2010

The Heights


Taking His Time

After 26 years, Steve Donahue isn’t going to waste his shot in the ACC By Zach Wielgus Sports Editor


teve Donahue is running late. A group of reporters sits in a lush conference room, armed with inquiries about how Boston College’s first new basketball coach since 1997 will revamp a program that slumped to a losing record in 2009. Assistant coaches pleasantly stop in to introduce themselves, offering strong handshakes and a sincere welcome. But the man with the answers is nowhere to be found. With a gust of wind behind him, Donahue turns the corner and veers into the conference room. Dressed comfortably in a BC basketball sweatpants and sweatshirt ensemble, Donahue plops down at the head of the table before offering an unexpected apology. “Sorry guys, time got away from me a bit,” he said with a lighthearted, but weary smile. There’s an understanding that Donahue has been uttering those words a lot lately. The former Cornell coach has raced around Chestnut Hill and blazed a new recruiting trail since being hired to replace Al Skinner on April 6. He had to stock a cupboard left nearly bare due to zero recruits in 2008 or 2009, and he had to uproot a family after a 10-year stay in Ithaca, N.Y. For Donahue, time has been of the essence. At the expense of a few more gray hairs in his bespeckled brown crew cut, though, the invitation to an ACC program was everything the Philadelphia native had been waiting for. “When you get into any kind of business, you want to achieve at the highest level,” Donahue said. “To have the opportunity to win a national championship, that’s the motivation professionally. I was very concerned I wouldn’t have that opportunity.” Now that he’s here, Donahue isn’t going to waste any time. Cornell still needed Donahue last season, and he still needed his program. After pouring nine years into the Big Red, Donahue finally had the right mix to not only grab a third straight Ivy League title but also make a run into the NCAA tournament. Teams had come calling, but none of the caliber of BC, so Donahue wasn’t listening. “Nothing like this came up that year,” he said. “There were some opportunities I quickly squashed, and I would never do that to Cornell.” Even if a big-name program made an offer? “Wow, that’s a heck of a hypothetical,” Donahue said with a relieved smile. “I was really hoping that it wouldn’t, so I didn’t pursue anything at all. I’ll leave it at that – I’m so glad it didn’t. In a lot of ways, it was an unbelievable experience that I would have really regretted missing. What we went through to get there and not to see it through would have been extremely disappointing.” Donahue took Cornell for the ride of its life, guiding them to the Sweet 16 for the first time in school history. But now, that’s all it is – history. Two decades in the Ivy League (he also spent 10 years at the University of Pennsylvania as an assistant coach) and a close-knit college community that worshiped him beckoned Donahue back to Ithaca for a chance at another phenomenal run. When Athletic Director Gene DeFilippo called, however, Donahue had a chance at the best of both worlds: an Ivy League-quality institution with an ACC-caliber basketball program. “I would have stayed at Cornell,” Donahue admitted. “They did everything they could to make me feel wanted, and I can’t say enough about that. But when it came down to it, I consider this an Ivy school in the ACC. “I watch students, I see how important education is here, I see how challenging it is and the amount of applicants we get, and the cross-reference of students thinking about this school and the Ivies. It doesn’t feel any different. It feels like I’m coaching the same type of kid.” It may be the same type of kid, but the transition into his new position was not a smooth one. Rakim Sanders and Evan Ravenel opted to transfer, and recruits Brady Heslip, Kevin Noreen, and Papa Samba Ndao all chose to decommit after Skinner was fired. That left Donahue with no freshmen or sophomores, a thin frontcourt, and a lingering expectation to improve upon last year’s 15-16 finish. What could have been, however, isn’t on Donahue’s mind. “A couple guys left the program, and they probably didn’t want to buy into my program,” Donahue said, leaving it at that. What Donahue is concerned about is remodeling the personality of the

As the Eagle flies

New head coach Steve Donahue spent 26 years after his graduation from Ursinus College in Collegeville, Pa., to get to BC, stopping at two Ivy League schools along the way.

mollie kolosky / heights graphic

team, a task that starts off the court. He brought in vocal seniors Chris Kowalski, a former baseball player, and John Cahill, as walk-ons. He is leaning on veteran returners Josh Southern, Reggie Jackson, and Biko Paris to lead by example, embodying the new coach’s commitment to involvement in the student body and community service. “The personality of the team is much different,” Donahue said. “We helped out this season for ticket sales, and enjoyed that experience. Ice Jam was fun. But I also try to do little things. I tell them, ‘Don’t sit in the back row like the typical athlete with your hoodie on and hang out.’ Be personable and reach out to everybody.” He is bent on changing the culture that existed under the old regime, but that doesn’t mean Donahue believes he knows his Eagles as well as he knew his kids at Cornell. Realistically, he recognizes, that will come with time, and he appreciates the work it takes to truly get to know one of his players. And it is work he believes must be done in order for him to succeed as a coach. “You hear coaches say things that they’re really close to their guys, but that takes time,” Donahue said. “It would be kind of foolish for me to say, ‘Yeah,

I’m really tight with these guys.’ We are trying to, and we want them to know we are there for them. We are here any time they want to come. If they want to work on their game, we’re here. “Caring more about other things besides basketball – like getting them involved and sitting and talking with them about their families and what they’re going through – for me, that’s how I feel closer to a team. It makes

“I tell them, ‘Don’t sit in the back row like the typical athlete with your hoodie on and hang out.’” —Steve Donahue Head Coach me a better coach. I’m not one who can coach because a guy can make shots. I need to know him. I need to know what he’s going through. I need to feel an emotional bond. That’s what I had at Cornell. I did. But now I have to start from scratch, and I can’t expect it to feel that way now.”

But he is absolutely going to put the time in to get there. The move to BC was a dream come true, but the toll it is taking on his family is not nearly as sunny. A father of four kids, all between the ages of 8 and 14, Donahue asked his family to leave the home and Cornell community it had come to cherish and start over in Chestnut Hill. “You read about coaches who change jobs, as I did, but I never knew how difficult it was,” Donahue said. “It’s really hard. It’s hard to uproot four kids from three different schools, to leave their friends, it’s hard. That part, the personal side, has been way more difficult than the basketball side.” Donahue faces the added difficulty of raising an autistic son who, though considered highly functioning, struggles socially, making the move to an entirely new environment that much more frightening. While at Cornell, Donahue heard about the story of Jason McElwain – J-Mac to his friends – a highly autistic high school student from Rochester, N.Y., who lived his dream and played during his high school’s division title game. J-Mac didn’t just play, he dropped 20

points, including six 3-pointers, before being carried off the court by an ecstatic student body. “When we came across J-Mac, we were struggling with our son, especially socially,” Donahue reflected. “That’s the hardest part with any disorder like that. He’s going to read and learn and be able to be functional, but to be accepted with others is the difficult part. What struck me with that story was how he was loved by all his classmates and how they ran on the floor – it was unbelievable to me. It was hard for me not to get emotional, because that’s my biggest fear with my son.” Between Donahue’s son and J-Mac, the Cornell basketball team learned about and helped raise awareness for autism, which Donahue hopes he can bring to BC. That’s the thing with the Eagles’ new head coach: he wants to intertwine family and basketball. He can help his family acclimate to life in Boston by including them in BC basketball, and he can help his basketball team by incorporating the idea of family into every aspect of the game. There are already plans to meet with Autism Speaks, an organization based in New England that is devoted to increasing awareness and raising research funds to learn about the disorder, and the basketball team will have a chance to volunteer its time there. “We’re fortunate to be in this situation where we can make an impact on different people, and our team is privileged enough to have that opportunity that they should take advantage of it,” Donahue said. While many head coaches are active in community service, few are willing to devote the time to creating a familial atmosphere, especially at the expense of talent. Donahue is one of those coaches, though, convinced that team chemistry trumps individual athleticism. “We passed on kids that people probably think are more talented and took kids we think are the right fit for Boston College and our basketball program,” he admitted with no hint of shyness. “I want these guys to feel like this is a family. Not only that, I want them to be a good father and be a husband and show them how all of us interact with our wives. This isn’t life or death, this is supposed to be fun.” The recruiting assets now at Donahue’s disposal, most notably full athletic scholarships, have changed, but his mentality has not. He is in the business for piecing together a perfect puzzle, searching for the personalities and interests that mesh with his program, just as he did recruiting under the academic constraints of the Ivy League for 20 years. “Recruiting in the Ivy League has made me a much better recruiter, in terms of evaluating players,” Donahue said. “We have an enormous amount of connections that I wouldn’t have had in 20 years. I had to meet thousands of coaches to get four players, and that’s not the case here. The more challenging part is making decisions. I really have to pick, ‘Is Player A better than Player B?’ because I can get them both.” It may sound unconventional, but Donahue has been in the business for a long time. He knows what he’s doing. A lot has changed in the last seven months. Fan pep rallies in the Dustbowl, supporting the first-ever Ice Jam, and a much more open atmosphere surrounding the men’s basketball team have all arrived with Steve Donahue. All of this progress has gone on behind the scenes. But when the new coach unveils his product tomorrow in the season opener, that, too, will look very different from the tight and fixed flex offense of the last decade. “It’s fast,” Donahue said of his offense. “I want to make quick decisions. I want the ball to move. We try to read what the defense is doing, but in the same

“You read about coaches who change jobs, as I did, but I never knew how difficult it was. It’s really hard.” —Steve Donahue Head Coach

nick rellas / heights staff

sense, do it quickly. I’m not caught up with shooting too many threes in that game or not enough. We utilize what the defense gives us and rely on the kids making quick decisions.” In essence, Donahue wants results. He doesn’t care how many sharp passes or missed shots it takes to get there. It worked to perfection at Cornell, and he is confident it will here. After two decades in the Ivy League, it’s about time he got his chance. n


The Heights

thursday, November 11, 2010

“Then that same week, Donahue just randomly called me and was like, ‘I need a point guard.’” — Gabe Moton

The First Fresh Faces

After two years without recruits, Moton and Rubin start a new era By Maegan O’Rourke Assoc. Sports Editor


ooking over the roster of last year’s Boston College men’s basketball team, there is one thing that is noticeably absent. Freshmen. After former head coach Al Skinner brought in three players from the Class of 2008, there were no new incoming freshmen from the Class of 2009, as Skinner chose to save the scholarships for the next year, which resulted in the lack of freshmen on the 2009-2010 team. Enter Danny Rubin and Gabe Moton. The two are Boston College’s first recruits since 2008, the debut recruiting class of new head coach Steve Donahue. Rubin and Moton may not have taken the most traditional path to their place as Eagles, but they are the torchbearers for the beginning of the basketball program Donahue is building at the Heights. Danny Rubin and Gabe Moton appear to be just like any other normal freshmen on BC’s campus. Take away the gray Under Armour athletics gear, and the two could easily be mistaken for average residents of Upper Campus, just trying to navigate their way from Fenwick to Fulton. But what sets the two apart from the rest of the Class of 2014 is that they will play important roles on the basketball court for the Eagles this season, as two of the team’s eight scholarship players. Rubin, who hails from Chevy Chase, Md., was raised in a basketball family. His father, Steven, played at the University of Rhode Island, while his brother Alex, who is three years older, played at Williams College. “I was always going to my brother’s games since I was really little,” Rubin said. “I probably started when I was in first grade. “I used to work out with my brother every day, so I always wanted to beat him in shooting, so I model after my brother.” As Rubin’s skill and height grew, the 6-foot-6 guard played competitively for Team Takeover, an AAU team based in Washington, D.C. Rubin played high school ball at the Landon School in Bethesda, Md., where he made varsity as a sophomore and served as team captain his senior year. During his senior campaign, Rubin recorded 52 3-pointers, while averaging 18 points per game. Moton, on the other hand, comes to the Eagles from St. Petersburg, Fla., where he lived after he was born in Memphis, Tenn. Moton, too, picked up basketball at a young age. “My dad put a ball in my hands when I was little,”

Moton said. “I probably started playing organized [basketball] when I was 7.” Moton, who stands at 6-foot-2, played AAU for the Florida Gulf Coast Rams program and has played point guard for almost his entire career. “Yeah … wait, no,” Moton laughed when asked if he had always played guard. “When I first started playing AAU, I was playing a big man, when I was like 9 and under.” Even if he spent his earlier days in the frontcourt, Moton went on to star in the backcourt for St. Petersburg High, playing on the varsity team since his freshman year. He was a two-time captain for the Green Devils, and averaged 17 points, seven rebounds, and five assists his senior season. By the time April of their senior years rolled around, neither Rubin nor Moton had Boston College on the radar. But that would change with Donahue’s arrival. Most Division I college players know their destination by the start of their senior season. For Rubin and Moton, though, their path to BC was slightly less traditional. Both players were recruited by Donahue while he was still the head coach of Cornell University. As the recruiting process went on, their contact with Cornell waned as the two explored different options, until Donahue was hired by BC in the beginning of April. Donahue said that he and his assistants spent hours reviewing hundreds of transfers and freshmen who were still unsigned. Donahue stated that he even had a few players visit the campus to whom he later declined to offer a scholarship. The coach emphasized that finding a quality kid was just as important as finding one with skills on the court, which came out as he got to know the players he was recruiting. Luckily for Donahue, Rubin and Moton were still available. “I didn’t know he was coming here, and I was still in the process of finding a school,” Rubin said. “He called me out of the blue pretty much.” With Rubin locked down, Donahue turned his attention to adding another player. By the time Donahue called Moton in May, the guard had already verbally committed to the Air Force Academy, but Donahue persuaded him to visit Chestnut Hill. “I had already visited, just committed [to Air Force],” Moton said. “Then that same week, Donahue just randomly called me because he had been recruiting me at Cornell, I guess he needed a point guard. He randomly called me and was like, ‘I need a point guard.’ “My school was all hype because we had a big media day for me at school. I had my Air Force stuff on. Then after that was over, the next week I was like, ‘Yo, I’m going to Boston College.’ And everybody was like, ‘What?’ So it was like a changing experience

nick rellas / heights staff

Though they had committed elsewhere, Gabe Moton (4) and Danny Rubin (31) chose to come to BC late in the game.

alex trautwig / heights editor

for me.” “Both of those kids were guys we knew, great kids, come from good families and good high school basketball programs,” Donahue said. “I think just knowing them like that is why we recruited them, and I think they can both work extremely hard to be good ACC guards.”

said. “It’s a really close team, we all feel like we’re family.” Many of the upperclassmen have especially reached out to the two freshmen. Senior point guard and captain Biko Paris has lent his advice both on and off the court. “Biko’s been real helpful, you know being a head guard, he’s the same position but he’s a senior,” Moton said. “He tells me stuff to do on the court and off the court, like when I first got here, I didn’t know anything. He took me and Danny to get student IDs, housing stuff, get everything situated, go to the Bookstore.” Donahue has also noticed how walk-on and former BC baseball player Chris Kowalski has helped Rubin with the transition to BC and college in general. “I think Chris has taken Danny under his wing,” Donahue said. “I have Jaclyn Thoman of the women’s team babysit, and Chris drives her over, and Danny’s with him, paling around with him on a Friday night. I like those things, that’s what this is about if you’re all in this together. Those are the things that you see that they do it naturally, they don’t try to contrive it.”

While Rubin and Moton are Donahue’s first recruits, they are also the first examples of the players Donahue will try to recruit: good basketball players, but good students as well. “It’s big to what we’re trying to do in my vision of this program,” Donahue said of recruiting quality students. “One of the things I said to the students early on at the rally [in April] was that these guys are going to be one of you, we’re going to be integrated into the student body.” When asked why they were attracted to BC, Rubin and Moton made it clear that the academics of BC were just as important. “It’s not just athletics, it’s academics,” Rubin said. “It’s a really good academic school.” “Good school,” Moton listed. “Good city,” Rubin continued. It’s difficult to predict how any freshman will fare “Smart city, all the education in this city and this in their first college season, let alone a freshman on a area,” Moton emphasized. team with a completely new head coach and system. Rubin and Moton have both proven to be students Still, BC fans got their first look at the new freshmen in the classroom, as well as students of the game. at the Ice Jam event on Oct. 26, when Rubin beat out Rubin, who is fluent in Spanish, talked about com- Paris to win the 3-point shooting contest. The freshpleting his homework on time along with the daily man displayed an obvious shooting stroke, which will grind of practice. And in high only serve as an advantage in school, Moton was part of the Donahue’s up-tempo offense key club and participated in that allows freedom from be“I think just knowing them his school’s Role Models for the arc. like that is why we recruited yond Excellence program. In evaluating his new chargthem, and I think they can “I think it’s important that es, Donahue stressed how each at Boston College, we get kids both work extremely hard to player has a different role on that have the same academic the team. The new head coach be good ACC guards.” goals as [the students] do,” discussed how Rubin will be Donahue said. “I think Danny used as a 3-point threat to and Gabe are two of those spread the court for players like —Steve Donahue guys, and the guys we’re going Reggie Jackson to drive to the Head Coach to bring in next year, you’re basket, while Moton has been going to see, these are kids given more ball-handling duties that I would have recruited at as the backup point guard. Cornell and Penn, yet they can play in the ACC.” “Danny has had some really good moments,” Bringing in quality players on and off the court Donahue said. “I think he’s picked up things, how we is just one step of building the program Donahue play, a little easier than Gabe. He’s making shots, so envisions at BC. you can’t leave him open, with guys like Reggie and Biko, guys like that that can drive, then if someone has to play him honest, it helps them. If recruiting student-athletes is one part of “Gabe has a lot more on his plate. Gabe has to Donahue’s vision for BC, then the other part is handle the ball more, run the team, guard Reggie and building a family within the program. Donahue has those guys. Danny’s been given a little more of a pass removed last names from the backs of his team’s new with those kinds of things where his role is a lot less, Under Armor jerseys and encourages his team to be but he’s been very effective in it. a cohesive unit. “They’re not going to jump out at you now in For a team that has not been subject to any ad- this point in their careers, but if they work at it ditions over the past two years, it may have been and given the resources of our weight room, our difficult for Rubin and Moton to fit in. But the two coaching, and the ability to play against these types freshmen attest that it’s been anything but. of kids day in and day out, I think they’ll improve “They’ve been pretty accepting of us,” Rubin to help us.” n

A look at the ACC Maryland (24-9, 13-3 ACC) BC fans should all shed a tear, for public enemy No. 2 (after Greg Paulus of course) Greivis Vasquez has left for good, never to return again. Jordan Williams, the ACC’s leading returning rebounder, will assume a more central role, while players like Adrian Bowie, Sean Mosley, and crew will be left to assume more of the scoring load without Vasquez and running mate Eric Hayes in the backcourt. Georgia Tech (23-13, 7-9 ACC) Ever since Paul Hewitt took the Yellow Jackets to the cusp of a title behind the immortal Luke Schenscher, it’s been a story of flux. After a basement-dwelling year two years ago, Georgia Tech was much improved behind the post presence of Gani Lawal and Derrick Favors. With both in the NBA, it’s now up to the backcourt of Mfon Udofia, Iman Shumpert, and Mo Miller to keep the Yellow Jackets from returning to the bottom of the heap. NC State (20-16, 7-9 ACC) Head coach Sidney Lowe may finally have the chance to wear his shocking red blazer for some important games come March this season. The Wolfpack have a talented recruiting class and return three starters, including the streaky-hot Javier Gonzalez. But the true story of this team is that they will only go as far as senior forward Tracy Smith will take them, which wasn’t far enough last year.

Miami (20-13, 4-12 ACC) The Hurricanes took their lumps last season as a very young team, but return deep around the perimeter with Durant Scott, Malcolm Grant, and Adrian Thomas. Head coach Frank Haith will have to dig up some big bodies inside to bang with the Zellers, Plumlees, and Williamses of the world.

North Carolina (20-17, 5-11 ACC) The Tar Heels, despite an NIT trip last season, still own some of the best players in the country. Larry Drew II looked shaky at times, but still led the ACC in assists. Tyler Zeller is looking to assume a bigger load, and the fragile John Henson is a year more mature.

Virginia (15-16, 5-11 ACC) Much of the Cavaliers’ hopes this season hang on Sammy Zeglinski. Tony Bennett has his work cut out for him. Mike Scott was an underrated force at times, but both players will have to take the next step for this team to do much of anything. It’s also impossible to count out Bennett, regardless of the talent.

Virginia Tech (25-9, 10-6 ACC) Fiery Seth Greenburg returns nearly every key contributor from a snubbed 25-9 team last season. Jeff Allen is an underrated beast, and Malcolm Delaney led the league in scoring. They also still have hard-to-stop Dorenzo Hudson, so the Hokies look set to actually make a run.

Florida State (22-10, 10-6 ACC) Solomon Alabi has taken his talents to Toronto, but his raw offensive game occasionally hurt more than it helped. Chris Singleton is a preseason All-ACC pick, and will get help from a backcourt of Derwin Kitchen as well as Michael Snaer, who was raw but showed the potential to take over games at times.

Clemson (21-11, 9-7 ACC) The Tigers always play tough and fast, but are one of three ACC teams to welcome a new coach. Brad Brownell replaces Oliver Purnell after three 20-win seasons at Wright State. Clemson will have Demontez Stitt and Andre Young in the backcourt, but not much else.

Duke (35-5, 13-3 ACC) Well, to be frank, Duke is very, very good. It only loses Brian Zoubek and Jon Scheyer, but the Plumlees are both a year older, and Steph Curry’s brother, Seth, as well as freshman point guard Kyle Irving, join the team. Good luck stopping Duke this year. Or getting Kyle Singler to cut his hair.

Wake Forest (20-11, 9-7 ACC) Dino Gaudio is out, and former Nuggets coach Jeff Bzdelik is in, and he comes east to inherit, well, not very much of anything. The Demon Deacons have a lot of size, including Tony Woods (6-11), Ty Walker (7-0), and Massachusetts native Carson Desrosiers (6-11), but all are still raw.

Thursday, November 11, 2010


The Heights

Donahue calls to the bullpen

By Paul Sulzer

Asst. Sports Editor


hris Kowalski walked into Steve Donahue’s office one afternoon in June with an idea. He knew the men’s basketball team at Boston College was shorthanded due to transfers following former coach Al Skinner’s dismissal. Donahue had inherited a roster with only seven scholarship players – barely enough to field a competitive intramural team, let alone an ACC-caliber squad. The new coach desperately needed players to fill in the depth chart. Kowalski thought he could help, so he knocked on Donahue’s door and introduced himself. “I’m thinking of walking on the team,” Kowalski said, looking into the coach’s steel grey eyes. “What do you think?” “You can start,” Donahue replied, “by working out with the guys over the summer.” Kowalski went to the gym twice a day to relearn how to play basketball. “Relearning how to play” is not a phrase you hear much when walk-ons attempt to join the varsity team. But Kowalski is not your typical walk-on. A graduate student in the Woods College of Advancing Studies, he played for the BC varsity baseball team as an undergraduate. His only experience since high school is on the courts of the Plex, where he played in the offseason against the wishes of former baseball coach Mik Aoki. Kowalski obeyed Donahue’s order, though. “I don’t think I took a day off the entire summer,” he said. After watching Kowalski spend each day lifting with the team in the morning and playing pick-up games in the afternoon, Donahue pulled him aside toward the end of the summer and offered him the opportunity to be an Eagle again. “I want to take you on,” the coach said. “I think you’ll be a good influence on the team.”

Kowalski takes that praise seriously, bringing positivity and enthusiasm to practice every day. Within a few months of joining the team, Kowalski is already one of its biggest presences. This is made more remarkable by the fact that, when the Eagles face St. Francis (N.Y.) tomorrow in the season opener, he will be suiting up for his first varsity basketball game in four years. Is putting the burden of leadership on a player so far removed from his competitive days a good idea? We’re about to find out.

The best word to describe Kowalski is gregarious, even if it’s not the first one that comes to mind. That word is intimidating. Measuring up at 6-foot-6, 240 pounds and sporting a buzz cut, he could pass for a drill sergeant without a problem. Once he opens his mouth and flashes the wide smile he almost always has affixed to his face, though, he becomes infinitely more approachable. Donahue likes him for another reason – he brings an infectious energy, one that inspires his teammates, to the court. “Chris is such an upbeat, positive person,” Donahue said. “The guys have enjoyed having him there. He knows how to play. He has great energy and enthusiasm. He has helped change the culture here.” When Donahue took the job, he vowed that he would bring enthusiasm to the program again. Kowalski is helping him do that. It starts with getting the players excited to be a part of the team. To that end, Kowalski has been a massive success. His teammates have been eager to play with him from the start. “I’ve known Chris practically since I got here,” said senior forward Joe Trapani. “We became good friends halfway through last year. I thought it was great when he said he wanted to play.” “I thought it was a really good idea, too,” added graduate assistant Tyler Roche, who played for the

alex trautwig / heights editor

After joining the team at the end of the summer, fifth-year senior Chris Kowalski (front) is now just one of the guys.

team over the past four seasons. “We lost so many guys from last year that we needed some bodies. He’s a big guy who can hit the three. And he’s great for team morale, too.” Kowalski and Roche have been friends since they were freshmen. They live with Trapani in BC graduate student housing at 1850 Commonwealth Avenue, a five-minute walk from campus. “Chris is a one-of-a-kind roommate,” Roche said. “He’s always telling stories and jokes.” There’s one thing, however, he doesn’t bring to the table as a roommate: food. “He doesn’t do much cooking,” Roche said, laughing. “He’s the one ordering out from Pino’s or Presto’s.” “I can cook a little mac and cheese,” Kowalski said. “I let Tyler and Joe do the grilling.” Kowalski makes up for his limited culinary abilities by chauffeuring his teammates in his white Infinity QX4 SUV. As one of the few players with a car on campus, he feels it’s his responsibility to transport his friends and teammates whenever they need it, whether it’s picking up freshman Danny Rubin at the airport or driving women’s basketball player Jaclyn Thoman to Donahue’s house in Wellesley Hills to babysit the coach’s four kids on a Friday night. On the court, Kowalski looks out for his teammates, too. He fills whatever role the team needs each day – comic relief, low post presence, or leader. “We’re always joking around,” he said. “When it’s time to be serious, we buckle down. But we do like to keep it light. We love laughing.” “I don’t take it for granted,” Donahue said of having a player like Kowalski. “It’s great that Chris is here, especially at this time of year. We have good days and bad days. He’s always there, ready to go. He brings the guys up with him.” The Seattle Mariners called Kowalski a week after the MLB draft in June. He had gone undrafted, but the Mariners were interested in him. They offered him a minor league contract. He had a decision to make. Three days earlier, he had enrolled in the Woods College of Advancing Studies and paid his first tuition bill. Should he drop out of school to pursue his dream of becoming a professional baseball player? Kowalski decided that he shouldn’t. As badly as he wanted to go pro, the timing was off. He chose to stick with grad school and figure out his options from there. One option, he realized, was to play for the basketball team. In high school, the Dorchester, Mass., native was a two-time Independent School League all-star for Roxbury Latin, where he averaged 18 points and 10 rebounds a game as a senior. Although Kowalski hasn’t played competitive basketball since then, he remained close to the game through his relationships with Roche and Trapani. “I was there, supporting, sitting close, talking to them, congratulating them after good games and picking them up after bad games,” Kowalski said. “As athletes, we live vicariously through other teams. Through basketball season, we support them, and through baseball season, they supported us.” Once Kowalski began working out with the team over the summer, he recognized how difficult

it would be to become a basketball player again. Baseball and basketball require different levels of conditioning in order to get into optimal shape. As a relief pitcher, Kowalski’s main focus was on keeping his arm as strong as possible. Basketball puts more of a premium on running in short spurts and endurance. One skill that will translate over to the hardwood despite the difference in sport is leadership. Kowalski captained the baseball team as a senior, and he knows what it’s like to follow up an excellent year with a disappointing one. As a junior, Kowalski helped pitch the team to its first NCAA tournament appearance in 42 years. Expectations were high for the Eagles a year later even though they lost Tony Sanchez and Mike Belfiore, their two best players, to the draft. They finished 30-28 and outside the NCAA tournament. The season was a letdown for Kowalski, personally, too. He had plenty to build on after ending his junior year with a win against Texas State in BC’s third-to-last game before throwing 3.1 innings of scoreless relief against Texas in the longest game in NCAA history. Senior year was a nightmare, though. His ERA jumped from 5.10 to 8.42 because he became too hittable. In just 6.1 more innings than his junior year, Kowalski allowed an additional 23 hits. “I was trying to do too much,” he said of his last baseball season. “As a senior captain, every time I came in, I thought I had to be the shutdown guy. It made me pitch out of my element. I left too many pitches over the plate.” The basketball team suffered a similar fate after Tyrese Rice graduated two years ago. The Eagles fell from 22-12 to 15-16. Anything less than an NCAA tournament berth this year is a disappointment, Kowalski said. By learning from what went right his junior year and what went wrong his senior year, he can help the team rebound from an incredibly underwhelming season. Bylaw 14.2 of the NCAA rules grants varsity athletes a fifth year of eligibility in a different sport after four years playing their primary sport. In other words, Bylaw 14.2 is the reason Kowalski is still an Eagle. Several famous players have used Bylaw 14.2 once they exhausted their initial eligibility, including Greg Paulus and Jimmy Graham. Paulus threw for 2,025 yards and 13 touchdowns as the quarterback of Syracuse’s football team after four seasons as a Duke basketball player. Graham parlayed a season of football at Miami into a spot on the New Orleans Saints roster following four seasons of hoops for the Hurricanes. Kowalski doesn’t expect to put up numbers like those two did. Whether he’s the second big man off the bench or buried deep on the depth chart, his goal is the same: to help his teammates improve. If he makes his teammates better, Kowalski said, then he’ll get better himself by going up against superior players every day in practice. All that matters to Kowalski is winning. His time on this team is limited, so he has to make the most of his single season. That means relearning the game as quickly as possible. That means going hard in practice every day. That means guiding the Eagles back to the NCAA tournament. That’s his best idea yet. n

Southern feels he can thrive in new system By Greg Joyce Heights Staff


osh Southern turned down scholarship offers from Michigan State and the University of Kentucky to come to Boston College. He was a MaxPreps All-American, and in his senior year, he averaged 16 points and 16 rebounds per game. Yet, during his first three years at BC, Southern averaged just 5.3 points and four rebounds a game. Under new head coach Steve Donahue, however, Southern looks poised to return to the spotlight as the dominant big man he once was on the court. “Basically for me, it’s kind of like resurrecting my skills and talents,” Southern said. “I think playing in Skinner’s system kind of handicapped me a little bit. Coming out of high school, I was that pick and pop, even bringing the ball up every now and then, handling the ball, shooting threes, shooting the 15-foot shots, posting up. I was doing it all. But just coming into the [Skinner] system, I became stagnant, kind of picked up some weight.” During Skinner’s time at BC, Southern got stuck in the flex offense, and never really got a chance to shine as he did in high school. It wasn’t because of any lack of playing time, as the 6-foot-10 giant started every game in his sophomore season, and all but six games in his junior year. The offensive game plan didn’t allow Southern to flourish, but he believes that the new system is fit to his strengths, and it may even allow him to do something that most BC fans probably never knew he could do. “What some people don’t know is that I actually can shoot,” Southern said. “I haven’t really showed it over the years because of the system that we were in. But I actually can shoot. You’ll see more of that this year. I’ll fit in fine. Pick and

pop situations, pick and roll, finish at the basket. With the offense being so spread out, it gives me more opportunities to work than getting double teamed and then triple teamed.” His coach agrees with him. “Well he definitely can make a 17-18 footer,” Donahue said. “I don’t know if he’s consistently a 3-point shooter. I do think he’s a skilled kid. I think he’s worked on his game, and I don’t ever discourage anybody from shooting an open jumper. But I expect Josh to be able to [shoot]. In some ways, he’s better at that than his back to the basket.” Unfortunately, due to a minor surgery, Southern has not been able to practice at all besides in non-contact drills. After Saturday’s exhibition, during which Southern was not in uniform, Donahue said he expected him to get the green light to start exercising this past Monday, while Southern said he expected to be back in practice next week. Whenever he is able to return, though, Southern will look to get back into the form that he worked hard on all summer. “The main thing for me is just getting back into shape,” Southern said. “They’ve been working with me all summer with what they want me to do, what they need me to do.” “I’m a little disappointed, and I feel bad for him that he hasn’t gotten a good jump on the season,” Donahue said. “But I’m actually excited to get him back into the flow, because I do think he’s someone who fits in well with what we do.” Besides new scoring opportunities, Southern and his coach agree that he will be a key part of the overall new BC offense. “I’ll definitely fit in well,” Southern said. “Big men have to be able to pass out there. I can pass well. You have to be able to put your back to the basket. It should

be fine though, definitely.” “It’s very rare you find a kid that big that has a positive assist-to-turnover ratio, even in a system that doesn’t even stress that, so I see some really good basketball instincts,” Donahue said. “[He] doesn’t lose his poise, finds the open man. A lot of big guys have a tendency to get the ball, put their head down, and go. Josh doesn’t. “I think he’ll flourish in certain aspects – it will help our overall offense. And I think he will score more. But more importantly, I think he’ll help us on the offensive end with the flow of the game.” Southern’s return will be crucial for an Eagles frontcourt, which is thin due to the transfer of Rakim Sanders and Evan Ravenel, and the graduation of Tyler Roche. Until he gets healthy, Donahue will use a mix of players to aid Cortney Dunn at the five. “I have to get back in shape fast,” Southern said. “But Cortney Dunn is gonna be fine. Joe [Trapani] can do both, but he’s more of a perimeter guy. But we should be fine. Corey [Raji] will be down there, even Dallas [Elmore] will be down there playing power forward. We’ll manage.” “Obviously, we want Josh to get back and get healthy because we’re going to need him come game time,” Trapani said after Saturday’s exhibition. At Saginaw High School in Detroit, Southern was a standout player, combining with current Michigan State star Draymond Green to win a state title in 2007. “It was fun,” Southern said. “It was basically like the big two. He was power forward, I was center. We were fortunate to win a state championship my senior year, his junior year. We had a great team that year.” Although he could have played near

alex trautwig / heights editor

Southern is aiming to surpass his subpar sophomore and junior seasons under a new system. home at Michigan State or taken his talents to powerhouse Kentucky, Southern decided he wanted to come to BC, and despite a decline in productivity, said he has not regretted his decision at all. “I don’t know if I was ready for the campus size,” Southern said of Michigan State and Kentucky. “I was ready to play ball at that level in that particular conference, but I liked Boston College because it was a smaller school. Also, we were in the ACC, the TV media is bar none. And then academics, man. Boston College is one of the top schools that you can come to. “When I made my decision, I said I was going to stick it out through thick and thin. I have so many opportunities here, now. Especially with different alumni, different people I’ve met over the years. I have so many connections. I don’t think my decision will go in vain.” A spiritual player off the court, Southern leads the team in prayer before they play every game. His number also has a spiritual meaning. “52 equals seven, which is God’s perfect number,” Southern explained. “All my life, I either had 34 or 52, and all those equals seven.” It is evident that Southern has a deep care for his community and others, as he

also draws praise from his coach on his dedication off the court. “I think he’s a great kid,” Donahue said. “Already, he’s done an incredible amount of community service work since I’ve been here. He’s always the first guy to jump up and say he wants to do it. He doesn’t just want to do it because it’s part of this thing. You can tell he embraces it and he likes it.” One of five seniors who have played at the Heights all three years, Southern has the opportunity to show everyone his true skills that have been dormant over the past three years. It may not be easy at first, especially coming back from surgery, but the quiet big man thinks the team can turn it around this year. “It’s going to be a trying season, just still trying to get into the system and Coach Donahue,” Southern said. “Other than that, everybody’s working hard, everybody’s putting out, so we should have a real good season. “Our main goal is to make the tournament and go as far as we can. We have the talent, I think we can do it.” With the resurrection of Southern’s talents, that goal is certainly within reach. n


The Heights

thursday, NOVEMBER 11, 2010

One final chance for an NCAA tournament run “Our goal is to make it far in the ACC tournament and make it to the NCAA tournament for our senior year.”

had thus far. “There is a lot of inexperience, but they are working so hard,” Swords said. “They are very talented individuals. They are learning as they go along. It’s different not playing with the se—Stefanie Murphy niors [who just graduated], but this is so good. Starting Forward We are a little more aggressive and getting more up and trying to learn everything on the go,” steals. It’s an exciting change.” By Brad Zak Swords explained. “My experience has made me Swords and Murphy remain close on and off Heights Staff more alert and more aware of what is happen- the court, which seems to help with their success tefanie Murphy and Carolyn Swords ing on the floor. It’s more like solving a puzzle, on the court. Both create incredible match-up have 2,667 career points and 61 wins instead of trying to remember plays and stuff. problems for opposing defenses due to Swords’ combined during their three-year Now I just get to play the game.” repertoire of strong post moves and Murphy’s Since then, Swords has developed into one ability to stretch opposing forwards toward the careers at Boston College. But the number that is most important to of the premier post players in the NCAA. The extended elbow. them heading into their senior season is zero. past two seasons, she led the NCAA in shooting “[We] are kind of opposites of each other,” That’s the number of times they’ve made the percentage by hitting 66.4 percent of her shots Murphy described their relationship. “On the NCAA tournament since coming to campus in last year, and 67.8 percent the year prior. Last court we can just look at each other and know 2007. As senior leaders, with just one chance year’s 14.4 points and 9.1 rebounds per game what we are supposed to be doing. We don’t left, they are looking to add a tournament berth earned her first-team All-ACC honors, and had really talk to each other a lot on the court, her named to this year’s All-American preseason which the coaches get upset about, but when to their basketball resumes. “Our goal is to make it far in the ACC tour- watch list as well as the Naismith preseason I see her do something, I do the opposite. We nament and make it to the NCAA tournament watch list. have built a very good chemistry over the last Swords wasn’t the only highly anticipated re- three years.” for our senior year,” Murphy said. “[Last year] was the third year we didn’t make it, and we re- cruit that joined the team four years ago, though. That chemistry and cohesive play has alally thought we had a chance because of all the Murphy came to the Heights as reigning Gato- lowed them to etch a prominent place in the BC upsets that we had. When UNC jumped over us rade New Hampshire Player of the Year and a history books. Swords ranks eighth all-time in to make it, that was really a heartbreaker, but Top 40 McDonald’s All-American finalist. In her career points, with Murphy trailing close behind after that Decision Show, we definitely don’t first start for BC, she notched 26 points and 11 in 14th, and they also rank third and fifth, rerebounds against the University of New Hamp- spectively, on the all-time rebounding list. want to feel that way again.” Last year, the women’s basketball team shire, which would end up setWhat prevented the tall put together a successful season that featured ting the tone for an impressive duo from controlling games “It’s more like solving was the team’s inability to wins over perennial ACC powers Duke, North 14.5 points and 7.7 rebounds Carolina, and Maryland, but was also marred by per game during her freshman a puzzle, instead of consistently feed the ball losses to Harvard, Vermont, and Clemson and season that earned her ACC to the dynamic post trying to remember inside a subpar 3-9 record on the road. Their record Rookie of the Year honors. Her players. At times, the team last year was 17-15, 6-8 in the ACC, but those numbers have taken a slight plays and stuff. Now seemed to fall in love with the aforementioned victories and a tough non- dip the past two seasons, but shot, and Swords and I just get to play the outside conference schedule kept them in contention a strong surge during ACC Murphy struggled to remain game.” for an NCAA tournament appearance up until play last year could suggest involved in the offense. Selection Monday. This season, Swords and that she’s finally settling into Murphy was quick to conMurphy, along with fellow senior point guard her role in head coach Sylvia cede that the ACC is loaded —Carolyn Swords Jaclyn Thoman, will look to make the team a Crawley’s offense. with strong guards that deStarting Center “My game has become more more consistent squad. fend the interior pass well. Swords realizes that her leadership will be physical,” Murphy said. “I’ve “Especially in the ACC key in helping the team achieve the balance it also developed more of an outside game. I’ve there are amazing guards,” she said. “If they learned so much in the last three years, and I’m can get us the ball with the defense they face, lacked at times last year. “I think as long as we can keep our good starting to put it all together.” then more power to them. The coaches have These two senior standouts will have an definitely stressed trying to play more inside-out habits consistent regardless of who we are playing and making sure we are focusing on entirely new mission ahead of them this season, basketball, and I think we’ve done that in our ourselves playing the best basketball we can, as they try to incorporate a lot of new faces into past few scrimmages. We think the more we do then it shouldn’t matter who our opponent is,” the system. The team returns three starters in it in practice, the more we do it in games.” Swords, Murphy, and Thoman, as well as key Swords said. The duo will certainly be leaving Chestnut Expectations were high for Swords after she reserve sophomore Kerri Shields. The team Hill with the personal hardware to signify their had been named Massachusetts Gatorade Player graduated three key players from last year’s impressive careers, but some postseason troof the Year. She started in all 33 games freshman team and lost another two players to transfer, phies would go a long way in solidifying their year, and averaged a strong 13.7 points and 7.3 but a strong recruiting class has both senior legacies. A women’s basketball program looking captains confident that the program will only for a signature moment now has the senior stars rebounds per game. “Freshman year, I was doing a lot of catching continue to improve on the three seasons they’ve to lead it there. n

S alex trautwig / heights editor

andrew powell / heights staff

Carolyn Swords and Stefanie Murphy provide important size inside for BC.

Shields forced to grow up quickly Backup guard will be asked to help newcomers

in to play. The rookie guard, fresh from Archbishop John Carroll High School high school, came in off the bench and just outside Philadelphia, she drained hit a pair of clutch 3-pointers, galvaniz- 66 threes during her senior campaign, ing the Eagles on their way to a 72-64 leading her team to a 30-1 overall record, win. The Hurricanes learned the hard a state title, and a top-five national rankway what Sylvia Crawley already knew: ing by ESPN. Kerri Shields is dangerous from beyond Shields’ two younger sisters, Erin, the arc. then a junior, and Shannon, then a “They were playing off of our point freshman, were also on the championBy Robert T. Balint guard a little bit, so we ship team. Their mother, Heights Staff put in Kerri, who has a Maureen, was the head “My role has coach. Maureen played arolyn Swords and Stefanie scorer’s mentality,” Crawcompletely ball at St. Joseph’s UniverMurphy are the two main of- ley said after the Miami sity in Philadelphia, which changed since fensive threats in the Boston game. Despite only startwhere Erin will play this College women’s basketball ing two games, Shields’ last year. It’s been is season as a freshman. arsenal. At 6-foot-6 and 6-foot-4, it’s 37 3-pointers were the about getting the “Mom was a point easy to just focus on the duo that domi- s e c o n d - m ost o n t h e team, and her .346 averguard [in college], so nates the paint. freshmen up to she coached us,” Shields Meanwhile, far from the rim, a new- age from distance was the speed.” said. comer to the team was quietly adjust- 10th-highest among ACC The sophomore deing to college level basketball in the players. For the Pennsylvania scribes her mom as her backcourt. While Swords and Murphy —Kerri Shields inspiration for taking up controlled the frontcourt, this player native, lurking beyond Guard basketball, and as the established herself as a dangerous long- the arc has long been figure she looks up to the range weapon with a knack for hitting familiar territory. “I played guard all most. Coach Shields, howbig shots. When the score was tied in a must-win through high school, and the team’s ever, was not the type to play favorites. “I got kicked out of a few drills,” game against Miami last January, head offense was centered around the guard coach Sylvia Crawley knew who to send scoring,” Shields said. A graduate of Shields said with a laugh. “It was good that way, it toughened me up. I’m very close with my family, and I loved every second.” After graduation, Shields traded her high school uniform for the Eagles’ maroon and gold. Making the transition from Patriot to Eagle was a challenge for Shields. “I went from being a high school senior to back to being a freshman,” Shields said. And that meant she was back on the bottom of the totem pole. With seniors Brittanny Johnson and Mickel Picco ahead of her on the depth chart, she did not see nearly as many minutes as she did back in Drexel Hill, a serious change for the once big-impact player. “I was used to never sitting and watching,” Shields said. As a freshman on a senior-heavy team, she did not hold a starting spot, but still earned playing time in all 32 games, averaging 12.4 minutes per game. She provided the team with a scorer who could come off the bench and provide a jolt of offensive output. This year, however, the team has a new look to it. Besides the three seniors alex trautwig / heights editor – Swords, Murphy, and guard Jaclyn Thoman – Shields is the only member of Fans got a glimpse of Shields during Ice Jam, when she took part in the 3-point contest.


alex trautwig / heights editor

Shields made an impact as a sharpshooter off the bench, but will be relied on more this year. the team with game experience. Along with these four returners, five freshmen and two transfers complete this year’s lineup. “My role has completely changed since last year,” Shields said. “It’s been about getting the freshmen up to speed.” Just how big the jump is from high school to college basketball is fresh in the sophomore’s mind. Everything from longer practices and weightlifting sessions to intimidating course loads can be tough on new players. Fortunately for newcomers like point guards Shayra Brown and Tiffany Ruffin, Shields’ affable and approachable nature coupled with her experience make her an ideal role model. “All the seniors and myself have tried to help them as much as we can,” Shields said. “The upperclassmen are really open and helpful, and they’ve let me take a leadership role.” In addition to her new role as a leader,

Shields has been putting in more work to better fit within the Eagles’ fast-paced strategy. Getting to the basket, practicing her jump shot, and improving her conditioning have been main priorities for the guard. By rounding out her sharpshooting from 3-point land with the ability to penetrate and score from inside, Shields is growing from an outside threat to a full-fledged guard, giving her the versatility she’ll need to split time between point guard and shooting guard. After the long slog that is preseason practice, Shields is ready to get going with the season. She’s confident in the team, and how close they have become. “It’s easy being on a team who you get along with so well,” Shields said. “Everyone wants to achieve the same goal, and we’re all willing to work.” This season will see Kerri Shields mature from an outside threat to a wellbalanced guard. Other teams are going to start to take notice. n


Thursday, November 11, 2010



Soccer blanks Duke

Promise of a new season


As happens so often in soccer, one five-second play dictated the outcome of the entire 90Boston College 1 minute affair. A 0 Duke first-half goal by Amit Aburmad and an ironclad BC defense gave the men’s soccer team its first win of the ACC tournament, as the fifth-seeded Eagles (10-3-5, 2-2-4 ACC) upset fourth-seeded Duke (9-5-4, 3-4-2 ACC), 1-0, on Thursday night in the Blue Devils’ Wallace Wade Stadium. The teams began the first half with cautious skirmishing. Duke held possession for most of the early minutes, limiting the Eagles to defending and chasing. Besides a Blue Devil corner kick in the 39th minute, however, the host team did not force many chances to score. Further into the half, the Boston College offense began to liven up, and in the 28th minute, the strikers found an opening. Midfielder Kyle Bekker took possession of the ball around midfield and spotted Edvin Worley streaking toward the goal. Bekker let go with a long-range pass that found Worley on the near side of the 18, and managed to send it across the box to a waiting Aburmad. Aburmad took the pass and tapped the ball into the goal, finishing a beautifully executed offensive sequence that put the Eagles up 1-0. Finding themselves in the lead, the Eagles pulled back, shifting to a more defensive posture by putting nine players behind the ball and leaving only one forward. Duke challenged several times in the remaining minutes before halftime, including a chance in the 21st minute. Duke’s Cole Grossman threaded a pass in the penalty box to midfielder Daniel Tweed-Kent, who then shot from close range. Goaltender Justin Luthy, however, was in perfect position to make the save, and blocked the try with his body to deny Tweed-Kent a tying goal. With a one-goal lead, the Eagles came out in the second half playing a defenseheavy formation. Rather than pursue any serious chances, the team was content to let Duke have possession, challenging the Blue Devils only when they neared the BC goal. The strategy effectively stifled Duke’s main offensive threat, Ryan Finley, a dangerous forward who had 17 goals this season. There were a few close calls again around the goal, as Duke kept the pressure high. With 13 minutes left, Temi Molinar broke into the box and passed to an open Finley, but the forward lost control and overran the ball. Tweed-Kent continued to make quality crosses and create chances, but there were just too many maroon jerseys for the Blue Devils to handle, and the Eagles’ solid defensive effort held strong until the whistle blew at the 90th minute. With the win, BC improves to 10-3-5 and advances to the semifinals match against top-seeded North Carolina at 8 p.m. on Friday. 



Claiborne, who is an emotional leader for BC, battled an injury and coaching decisions to reclaim his position as BC’s starting guard.

Guarding His Spot

Claiborne sets example, fights to regain his starting role BY DIANA C. NEARHOS Heights Senior Staff

Guard Thomas Claiborne is fighting to re-earn his starting role. He had started 29 consecutive games going into Boston College’s bye week, the third week of the season. After that, however, he came off the bench to play in the next three games. He earned his starting role back for the next three contests before sitting out again due to injury. The fifth-year senior is part of an offensive line that was heralded going into the season, but then struggled to find a rhythm and a set group of players. Claiborne has stayed in the same position, but has moved in and out of the lineup more than most. He has become an example for the rest of the team. Head coach Frank Spaziani wanted to show that not even a fifthyear senior, a captain and returning starter, can slip and just be an average player, according to Claiborne.

“It took me a while to process it, when Coach Spaz first [reduced my playing time], I had my doubts [like], ‘What’s going on, how do I go from being a two-year starter to not playing at all?’” Claiborne said. “He did what he did for a reason.” Claiborne considers himself an emotional leader, a role that is obvious to anyone on or off the field. He is constantly energizing his teammates and calling for noise from the crowd. Even in conversation, Claiborne gestures emphatically and speaks strongly, trying to make his point as clear as possible. But sometimes being an emotional leader is not enough. When Claiborne was playing with the second-stringers he felt that he was trying hard at practice, but nothing was coming out of it. “I was like, ‘What else do I need to do to get on the field on Saturday? What else do I need to do to get

See Claiborne, C3

Every time the middle of November rolls around, I get depressed. Daylight savings means it gets dark at 4:30 p.m. The combination of cold wind and freezing rain makes it difficult to get out of bed even for my noon class. Any evidence of a summer tan is completely gone (if you had one in the first place). Ordering an iced coffee from Hillside draws judgmental stares from the hot chocolate drinkers. The walk to that party on Foster Street is that much longer when you’re wearing a skirt in 20-degree weather. I’m convinced seasonal depression is a legitimate condition, because I am certainly inflicted with it. Exhaustion? Check. General apathy for anything besides sleeping? Check. Completely disregarding the Plex? Check. As a native of Massachusetts, though, I’ve learned to just suck it up. I have also found one foolproof cure that can always drag me out of the doldrums: basketball season. It may sound cliche, but my favorite sport, basketball, keeps me from hating winter. Yes, football in the fall has the tailgating and traditions, and baseball in the spring and summer is America’s sport, but I’ll take basketball any season of the year. I think my love for basketball season stems back from my own playing days (cue “Glory Days,” please). I anticipated the first day of practice like a kid on Christmas morning. Full of high expectations and donning my brand new Nike sneakers, I eagerly awaited running hours of drills on the freshly-waxed court in the gym, just glad to be reunited with my team. The start of a new season was exciting, and breathed life back into the cold days as winter approached. I still anticipate the start of the basketball season, only now I’m watching safely from my couch or the stands. I look forward to the drama and unfolding storylines of the college game, as well as the skill and entertainment of the NBA. Who doesn’t love watching the Duke-UNC rivalry, or seeing LeBron James go for 30 a night (any time he’s not playing the Celtics, that is)? Even beyond the national stage, I’ll still follow my high school team’s season from time to time. I can watch any level of the game and be perfectly content. All of this is why I know I will still be a fan of the Boston College

See Re-energized, C3


Mercurial Eagles open with BU BY ADAM ROSE For The Heights

Despite losing in the semifinals of the ACC tournament and holding a No. 19 national ranking, the Boston College women’s soccer team holds a No. 2 seed in the NCAA tournament, which begins Friday on the Eagles’ home turf. The Eagles (13-6-1) host the Boston University Terriers (16-5) in the first round of the NCAA tournament, marking the 14th time BC received a berth to the national tournament, and the 10th time under head coach Alison Foley. “The familiarity of the field and letting players sleep in their bed is huge for us,” she said. “It was a nice compliment from the NCAA to give a No. 2 seed a hosting site.” The Eagles have scored just one goal in their past three games, which has led Foley and the coaching staff to reevaluate their offensive look. Though Victoria DiMartino leads the team in goals, opposing teams have become aware of her and now send multiple defenders to shadow her. “We’re experimenting with different

combinations now to see which work best,” Foley said. Some of those combinations will involve moving around scorers Brooke Knowlton and Kristie Mewis, who will need to draw pressure away from DiMartino and push the offensive tempo to break up the double-teams. On the defensive end, Foley said the Eagles have corrected many of their earlyseason mistakes and have become a fearsome back line. Plus, if the ball somehow beats the defense, opposing offenses must still deal with one of the top goalies in the country, Jillian Mastroianni, who holds a 0.93 goals-against average this season, and received All-ACC Tournament honors. BC and BU also have a history beyond the usual Comm Ave. rivalry. Earlier this season, the two squads met at BU, and the Eagles earned a 1-0 victory on a Mewis goal. The inherent school rivalry, however, adds an extra incentive. “The pride and city of champions is on the line,” Foley said. “I think BU walks in thinking, ‘We hate BC,’ and that can give them energy. Whether it’s positive or negative energy, it can carry you to a win,


so we need to come out focused.” The Terriers have impressively earned 13 straight shutouts, with their last loss coming at Virginia on Sept. 12. The Terriers started their season with a strong slate of ranked opponents, all of whom they played close. They lost by one goal to No. 12 South Carolina and No. 2 Stanford, and were shut out, 3-0, by the Cavaliers, the team’s most lopsided defeat of the season. BU will attack the Eagles with a 4-3-3 alignment, led by Lisa Kevorkian and Jessica Luscinski, who have scored 14 and 12 goals this season, respectively. For seniors Knowlton, Hannah Cerrone, Chelsea Reagan, Amy Caldwell, and Natalie Crutchfield, this will mark the last NCAA tournament run of their careers, and their experience will be crucial to the team’s success. Cerrone spoke to the team Tuesday afternoon and recounted her story of the first-round loss to UConn in her freshman year as a reminder not to overlook the first game. “The seniors want a national championship,” Foley said. “It’s been their goal since the beginning of the year.” 

Points up for grabs at Vermont

BC travels to last-place Vermont for a crucial early-season two-game series.......................C2


Amy Caldwell and five other seniors will begin their last NCAA tournament run on Friday.

Football Notebook

Duke will launch an aerial attack on the Eagles Saturday. Is the secondary up to the challenge?...............C3

Editors’ Picks..............................C2 BC Notes.....................................C2


Thursday, November 11, 2010


THE HEIGHTS The Week Ahead


Basketball season starts with a pair of non-conference match-ups on Friday. Women’s soccer is a No. 2 seed in the NCAA tournament and will host BU. The football team travels back to North Carolina for the second straight week, this time to play Duke.

Zach Wielgus


Maegan O’Rourke


Paul Sulzer


Heights Staff


The Eagles are two wins away from bowl eligibility after beating Wake, 23-13. Men’s hockey lost to UNH, while the women remain undefeated after tying Vermont. The women’s soccer team was knocked out of the ACC tournament by Maryland in the semifinals.

Guest Editor: Darren Ranck Managing Editor “I’m going to own this like Betty Draper owns Sally. Slap.”

This Week’s Games Football: Boston College at Duke

Men’s Soccer Sophomore forward Charlie Rugg headlined a trio of Eagles named to the All-ACC soccer team in a league announcement. Rugg captured all-conference first-team recognition, sophomore midfielder Kyle Bekker earned second-team honors, and center back Chris Ager garnered All-Freshman Team accolades. Rugg started all 17 regular-season games, registering a team-high eight goals and two assists. Bekker also started every regular season game this year, scoring three goals and dishing out four assists. Ager started the final 12 games of the regular season and was chosen as a co-captain before the season due to his outstanding leadership ability.

Football Zach Wielgus Sports Editor

Maegan O’Rourke Assoc. Sports Editor

Paul Sulzer Asst. Sports Editor

Darren Ranck Managing Editor





Women’s Soccer: Boston College vs. Boston Univ.





Men’s Basketball: Boston College vs. St. Francis (N.Y.)





Women’s Basketball: Boston College at Boston Univ.









NFL: New England Patriots at Pittsburgh Steelers


Recap from Last Week

Former Boston College football player Robert Ziminski, 27, was killed in a one-vehicle traffic accident early Saturday morning, Nov. 6, in Canton, Mass. “We were shocked and saddened to hear of Robert’s tragic death,” said head coach Frank Spaziani. “He was a member of the Boston College football family, and our thoughts and prayers are with his family and friends.” Ziminski, a defensive end, was a member of the BC football team from 2002-05 and graduated from BC in 2006. He is survived by his parents, Eugeniusz and Helen Ziminski, sister Irene Gouge and brother Peter Ziminski.

Four points are up for grabs against Vermont BY STEVEN PRINCIPI For The Heights


Freshman Kevin Hayes will be out 2-3 weeks with a sprained knee, the same injury that has sidelined Tommy Cross.

Seven wins needed to guarantee bowl berth NICK LOURY

What once seemed like a lost football season for the Eagles now has a newfound purpose. With four wins and three games remaining in the season, Boston College has renewed its hopes for winning six games and becoming bowl eligible. Keep in mind that simply becoming bowl eligible does not guarantee that a team will actually be invited to participate in a game. Realistically, the Eagles will probably need to win seven games to actually be selected by a bowl committee for two reasons. Not only do BC fans have a reputation for not traveling well, but this year’s team has been underwhelming from an entertainment standpoint. Bowl organizers would prefer to have an exciting team that will score a lot of points over a grind-it-out, defensive-minded team like BC. Last weekend’s Michigan-Illinois triple-overtime shootout is a perfect example of how captivating a game devoid of defense can be. While the Eagles certainly have their work cut out for them, earning a bowl berth is about more than simply continuing a streak of 11 straight post-season appearances. Extending the season could be a key building block to future success, particularly with such a young team. There are about three weeks of practice between the final game of the season and when teams would begin gearing their preparation to a specific bowl opponent. This time is roughly comparable to the duration of fall camp, and allows younger players to get meaningful reps that are not possible during normal practices. The real future value comes from the way practice can be structured without an imminent game. During the regular season, the scout team, which is made up of reserves, only runs the opponent’s plays, often to the exclusion of BC’s own schemes. The added weeks of practice before the bowl games give them a chance to get comfortable with the team’s own playbook and receive more individual coaching, both from the staff and their older teammates. The players on

the two-deep depth chart can use the time to work on fundamentals that may have been overlooked in favor of game preparation. Once the team begins gearing practice toward preparing for its bowl game opponent, the starters will receive the majority of reps. The opportunities for improvement, however, do not end on the practice field. The extra game is a valuable learning experience, representing almost 10 percent more in-game action compared to the normal 12-game regular season. If the team is able to pull out a win, this experience is magnified. As Vince Lombardi famously pointed out, “Winning is a habit,” not something that happens by chance. It is a trait that can only be taught through the process of preparing for and playing the game. It is easy to recognize the on-field benefits of extending the season, but there are also intangible, off-field benefits. Because most bowls are televised, they can provide increased exposure for the team, which could benefit recruiting, especially with a win. Bowl games also offer teams a chance to develop their off-field relationships with one another. Do not forget that with the bowl game comes a week-long trip filled with events and the chance to explore a new locale with teammates. It is a nice reward for a long season filled with early mornings and late nights and an opportunity for players to enjoy themselves before winter workouts mark the start of the next season in January. If BC can earn an invitation to a bowl game, it will set the team up nicely for next season and give the players some vindication from the disappointment and frustration of the current year. A strong finish would also provide hope and motivation for the grueling winter and summer workouts. In order to accomplish this goal, the whole team will have to follow the example of Montel Harris and fight hard for every yard in the final three games.

Nick Loury is a guest columnist for The Heights. He can be reached at sports@bcheights.com.

Heading to Burlington, Vt. for this weekend’s two-game series against the Vermont Catamounts, the No. 7 Boston College men’s hockey team has only one thought on its mind: get every point that it possibly can. With the Hockey East schedule now in full swing, and having lost two of their last three conference games to Merrimack and New Hampshire, this early season match-up against the Catamounts is a critical one for the Eagles. “It’s certainly a key early season match-up for us,” said head coach Jerry York. “There are four big points available, and the way BU, Merrimack, New Hampshire, and Maine are breaking, it’s up to all of us to keep up and play solid hockey each chance we get.” BC (5-3-0, 3-2-0 Hockey East) sits third in the Hockey East standings, four points behind first-place BU, who is undefeated. Vermont (0-33, 0-2-2 Hockey East), meanwhile, sits last in the conference with only two points. The Catamounts, however, have not been significantly outplayed, having been outscored by only three goals in the four league games they have played. The obvious skill of Vermont, combined with the fact that it has yet to win a league game, has York a bit cautious for this weekend’s series. “Vermont, though they’ve played well, they’re losing a lot of points also, so it’s a very important series for the Catamounts,” York said. “But I think that it’s a good chance for us to move forward.” BC will have to move forward without two key players. Freshman winger Kevin Hayes is expected to miss 2-3 weeks with a knee sprain, and co-captain and defenseman Tommy Cross, who suffered a sprained knee against Merrimack, is also not expected to play this weekend. With the absence of two big contributors on both offense and defense,

York is looking to his upperclassmen to step up their game. “No question, we lean on the seniors for leadership,” York said. “But it’s not just the seniors, it’s all of our players. We all have to be leaders. We have a couple of nagging injuries, so we’ll have to shuffle lines for that, but everyone else needs to pick up the slack. It’s an important weekend for us, we have to play really well to win at Vermont.” The team has been getting incredible play in the defensive zone, even with Cross going down earlier in the season. Goaltender John Muse has a goals-against average of 1.68, and the team has only let up 14 total goals through the first eight games. Still, York was quick to point out the need for continued contribution on both ends, even with freshman Isaac MacLeod filling in for Cross and the likely insertion of Tommy Atkinson as a forward. “Two pretty new guys in the lineup,” York said. “A forward and a defenseman. We need everyone on the roster to contribute this weekend, not just a few people.” York also stressed the importance of capitalizing on scoring opportunities. Against New Hampshire on Friday, BC controlled play for long stretches, often creating excellent scoring chances. Yet, the Eagles managed just one goal the entire game, eventually ending in a 2-1 loss. York, however, managed to take something positive out of the loss. “We thought we created a lot of good chances,” he said. “I think that was probably the best 60 minutes of hockey we played all season, even though we lost that game. We created some really good offensive chances, just didn’t capitalize like we should have. We played good defensively, holding them to two goals, and that’s a pretty high-powered offense.” Against Vermont, though, simply creating chances will not be enough for the Eagles to get every point possible. 

Winning at Wake


Montel Harris (right) carried the Eagles to victory on their final drive in a 23-13 at Wake Forest on Saturday. For full coverage, see www.bcheights.com/sports.

The Heights

Thursday, November 11, 2010


Boston college at Duke

When BC runs the ball Montel Harris has been the main reason why BC is on a two-game winning streak, and this weekend shouldn’t be any different. Harris will find space whenever he wants, thanks to the improved O-line, which will go against a Duke defense that has allowed 199.8 yards per game this year. Advantage:

When BC passes the ball Last week, the Duke secondary got lit up for 417 yards of passing and 4 TDs by Virginia. Chase Rettig has been improving steadily, looking sharp for the most part, except for his two interceptions last week. This is another road test for the freshman, and he looks primed for a standout day. Advantage:

When Duke runs the ball Desmond Scott leads the rushing attack for the Blue Devils, though he only averages 54 yards per game. Duke’s two QB’s combine for 10 of their 17 rushing touchdowns on the season. The BC run defense has been tough, but with the threat of the QB rushing, Duke gets the edge. Advantage:

When Duke passes the ball The BC secondary had four interceptions last weekend, but that was against a struggling true freshman. Duke QB Sean Renfree averages over 250 yards per game, but has thrown 15 interceptions to only 12 touchdowns in nine games. Look for the Eagles to get a few more picks this weekend. Advantage:

Special teams

Andrew Powell / heights staff

Chase Rettig has looked more comfortable at QB, completing 12-of-16 passes last week, and will look to keep up the improvement against the Blue Devils.

Claiborne earns his position Claiborne, from C1

my spot back?’” Claiborne said. “[Spaziani] wanted to see me be not just a vocal leader, but a leader by example, by doing everything right.” Against Florida State, Claiborne returned to his starting role, a role that he kept for three weeks. In those three games, the line was the closest to stable that it had been all season, and running back Montel Harris had his three best games of the season to that date. Claiborne suffered an injury to his back that kept him out of last week’s game against Wake Forest. This week, he has returned to practicing in full, but still is not listed as the starter. Once again, Claiborne is fighting for his spot. “It felt like for the last four or five weeks when I was trying to battle again to get back on the field,” Claiborne said. “It’s how fast you come back from the injury. It’s how you keep your attitude. Do you keep it high or are you like, ‘Oh, I’m injured, I can’t play?’”

Now, Claiborne is slowly working his way back into his starting position. After a week away from practice, he says he needs to ease back into the game and get himself back into the physical conditioning. The need to get back on the field may be a little bit more pressing for the senior. Coming into the season, Claiborne was named to the All-ACC list and was considered a draft prospect. Some players, including linebacker Mark Herzlich, have received invitations to the Senior Bowl, but Claiborne is sill waiting. As he looks forward to the senior year specialties and that which comes after, maybe even a chance in the NFL, Claiborne looks back on his experiences before he came to BC. After three years of school in Mattapan, Claiborne took a test and was accepted into the METCO program. He was then bussed to public schools in Wellesley, Mass. “[Boston] is not one of the best places to grow up and it’s not one of the worst places to grow up,” he said. “If I stayed in Boston, I

probably would not have gotten the looks that I got at Wellesley.” Wellesley High School is a Division 1 football program and one of the best schools in the state academically. Claiborne was able to get attention from teachers and coaches who helped shaped him into who he is today. “I still sit back now and to think that my name is out there on different NFL draft prospect boards, I believe that what I went through in high school is helping me to what I am now,” Claiborne said. “I feel like [the transition from urban to suburban schools as a fourth grader] helped me to be able to take on the next portion of my life. I went through college. I came, saw, and conquered. Now is where am I going for the next part of my life.” Claiborne has gone through many stages from growing up in Mattapan and going to school in Wellesley to playing football at BC. At each stage, he solidified a role and position. Now he is fighting to maintain that leadership role on the BC football team. n

Donahue’s arrival brings out the energy Re-energized, from C1

basketball team even when I’m abroad next semester in Ireland. At the same time, that may be the only certainty of this upcoming season – I’m not exactly sure what to expect, because this year’s team is completely new. If basketball season reinvigorates my winter depression, then new head coach Steve Donahue has certainly sparked life back into the BC basketball program. It’s a new system under Donahue that shows marked changes from former head coach Al Skinner’s regime of 12 years. The first thing that stands out about Donahue is his energy and the high stan-

dards he sets for his team. He wants BC to be known as the program that hustles for every loose ball on the court, but also has players that act as quality citizens off it. Not only that, but he’s an extremely upbeat and genuine guy who wants you to know that his team is playing for the University, not just for themselves. That’s probably why a new change for the Eagles this year is that players’ last names will not be on the backs of their new Under Armor jerseys. Beyond just his coaching style, Donahue’s system on the court will also be different. No longer will BC run its condensed version of the flex offense that packed the paint and restricted the Eagles to a predominantly half-court offense that couldn’t always keep

up with the rest of the ACC. Now, Donahue encourages his players to push the ball and shoot from beyond the arc, an up-tempo style that will hopefully benefit the quickness and driving ability of guards like Reggie Jackson and Biko Paris. Will Donahue’s changes pay off this season in terms of wins and losses? That’s still to be seen. But we know for sure that Donahue is building a program that will certainly get me excited for the start of every basketball season. Now I just need to make sure that they even play basketball in Ireland.

Maegan O’Rourke is the Associate Sports Editor of The Heights. She can be reached at sports@ bcheights.com.

Tina chou / cornell daily sun

New head coach Steve Donahue wants to improve the BC basketball program on and off the court by setting high standards and introducing a new offense.

After getting two kicks blocked last week, the BC special teams need to get their act together, because as Spaz said after the game, they are not going to win games if they continue to make mistakes. Duke’s kicker’s last name is Snyderwine. That alone is enough for the advantage. Advantage:

Coaching and intangibles Offensive coordinator Gary Tranquill might not be surprising anyone with his play calling, but if a run-heavy playbook is working, why change it? Both teams still have the chance to be bowl eligible, but the Eagles’ chances look a lot better than Duke’s, and that should be enough motivation. Advantage:

football notebook

Duke aerial attack will present challenges By Ian Boynton For The Heights

After losing 2009 second team All-ACC quarterback Thaddeus Lewis, Duke football was not expected to be able to replicate its high-powered offense this year. David Cutcliffe’s squad is proving skeptics wrong. In the last two games, the Blue Devils have scored a combined 89 points, accumulating 945 yards, and have committed only one turnover. Leading the way for the Blue Devils has been sophomore quarterback Sean Renfree, who has thrown for 2,270 yards, 12 touchdowns, and 15 interceptions. Four times this season, Renfree has gone for over 300 yards passing, and in the last two games, the young quarterback had an average passer rating of 162.9, including a stellar mark of 192.26 against Navy. “Duke runs such a power, high-powered offense,” summed up linebacker Mike Morrissey. “It’s definitely a dynamic offense.” Despite Renfree’s success, the Duke offense has adopted a two-quarterback system, at times subbing in true freshman quarterback Brandon Connette. Connette, who has made a name for himself as a dual-threat, has only attempted 15 passes, yet has accumulated 281 rushing yards – good for second on the team. At the two quarterbacks’ disposal is one of the best receiving corps in the ACC, highlighted by junior wide receiver and preseason All-ACC selection Donovan Varner, and sophomore Conner Vernon, who leads the Blue Devils with 717 yards on 49 receptions. While Duke running back Desmond Scott has rushed for 481 yards, he is averaging nearly five yards per carry. Scott, however, gets few touches in Duke’s air-it-out system. “They pass the ball, they are not afraid to pass the ball, and that is what they go to,” said defensive end Max Holloway, who has filled in for the injured Alex Albright. “We’re going to have a lot of pressure on us to get pressure on the quarterback. Coach [Comissiong] told us [Duke] is the least sacked team in the ACC, because they have a good

line, but they are quick to throw the ball away.” At this point in the season, containing the powerful Blue Devils offense is no easy task, but to a defense that has allowed only 23 points in the last two games, it is a challenge that they believe they are more than ready for. “We have to be solid in our pass rush lanes, when they are going to scramble,” said linebacker Mark Herzlich. “But if we are sound in our defense and our zone coverages, and match up, then we can take away things that they are good at.” Mirror Images Two weeks ago, Boston College was in the midst of a fivegame losing streak. At the same time, Duke was experiencing similar adversity, as the Blue Devils had racked up a six-game losing streak after winning their season-opener against Elon. Since the dark days of October, though, both the Eagles and the Blue Devils have each won their last two, with the Blue Devils defeating Navy, 34-31, and Virginia in a 55-48 shootout. “Both teams kept fighting,” said defensive end Brad Newman. “We both have similar players in the fact that both go to the school where academics and football really matter. Both teams have players that have really good values and guys that will keep fighting no matter what your record is and will work their butts off all season long.” Despite their recent performances, both are still fighting to keep their bowl chances alive. The Eagles, now 4-5, need only two more games to become bowleligible, and three to end the season with a winning record, while the Blue Devils, sitting at 3-6, need to win their last three games to reach bowl-eligibility. “It means something a lot more to us and Duke than the national rankings,” Herzlich said. “When you look at it from an outsider view, there is a team that is 4-5 going against a 3-6 team. But to us, we need to get this win, because we had a five-game losing streak, and there is something in winning your last four games. It doesn’t make the season all better … but it gives a sense of pride, for both teams.” n



CLASSIFIEDS Thursday, November 11, 2010

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I like men with facial hair. Answers to the Crossword are below the Sudoku

Directions: The Sudoku is played over a 9x9 grid. In each row there are 9 slots, some of which are empty and need to be filled. Each row, column and 3x3 box should contain the numbers 1 to 9. You must follow these rules: · Number can appear only once in each row · Number can appear only once in each column · Number can appear only once in each 3x3 box · The number should appear only once on row, column or area.

Answers below Answers to Crossword and Sudoku


Thursday, November 11, 2010


Republicans, Democrats forced to work together BY DAVID COTE Heights Staff

In the wake of last week’s midterm elections, the future of the nation remains uncertain. The large Republican gains in the House of Representatives have produced a split Congress, and the legislative effectiveness of the government hangs in the balance. With a Democrat in the White House and Republicans in Congress, will cooperation or disagreement result? Two years ago, the American people voted for change by electing President Barack Obama. Now, the same voters have changed their minds again. Many experts, such as political commentator George Will, feel that the recent election represented “nationwide recoil against Barack Obama’s idea of unlimited government.” Most of the newly-elected Republicans agree, and hope to reverse the increased spending that resulted over the past two years of the Democratic majority. Speaker in waiting John Boehner (R-Ohio) frequently criticizes the stimulus spending of 2009, calling it a “spending spree” that failed to create American jobs and sent them abroad, instead. In the words of Scott Brown (RMass.), the people are “tired of business as usual, they’re tired of political rhetoric, and they’ve had enough.” The Republicans will find it hard to compromise regarding the recent stimulus and health care legislation, creating disagreement that might hinder future legislation. Obama, on the other hand, believes that the election was a “referendum on the economy” and that the Democrats were unfairly blamed for the struggling circumstances they had inherited. Rather

than reflecting a criticism of the American people on the government’s actions, President Obama argues that the election was won by the Republicans as a result of the state of the economy and a perception that the Democrats have failed to solve the problem. In the opinion of the Democrats, continuing the recent policies of increased spending will be the best way to proceed and the only way to repair the economy. This fundamental disagreement could be crucial in the coming months, as Republicans attempt to counteract the legislation which has been passed by the Democratic majority over the past two years. Despite these differences, bipartisanship was a huge part of Obama’s 2008 campaign and presumably a trend he will attempt to continue over the next election cycle, especially because of the presence of a divided Congress. Cooperation between the two parties has the potential to produce valuable results for the American people by cutting unemployment and righting a struggling economy. On the other hand, failure to cooperate could result in a stagnant government that fails to produce effective legislation. There is hope, though, as both sides agree that something must be done. Boehner told reporters in a recent interview that the Republicans “know if we do nothing, this crisis is likely to worsen and put us in an economic slump the likes of which we have never seen.” Both parties realize that action is needed to right the economy. Obama released a statement after the election, saying he was looking forward to working with Republican leaders to “find common ground, move the country forward, and get things done for the American people.” In this,

there is a glimmer of potential. If both parties realize the severity of the situation, and are able to dispose of even a modicum of partisanship to work together and solve the nation’s problems, the future of the American economy looks somewhat brighter. Most economists predict that the economy will right itself over the course of the next few years. With a Democratic president, the American people will most likely attribute this success to the Democrats, regardless of legislative production over the next two years. The pressure is subsequently on the Republicans to cooperate, as failure to do so will result in the production of no legislation at all and a very negative public image. Though they may have won the House, the Republicans certainly have not won the government. As we have seen in the complete reversal of voter behavior between the past two elections, the Republicans cannot rely on the continued support of their constituents for their campaigns in 2014, and must cooperate with the Democrats or risk losing credibility. After all, they were elected to try to solve our nation’s problems, and failing to do so could result in angry constituents. Over the next two years, voters expect the Democrats and Republicans to put the recent election behind them. While the motives of voters have been an important influence on legislation throughout American history, continuing analysis of the recent reversal of the voters will only result in continued disagreement between the two parties. As the President said, it is imperative that partisanship be set aside for the betterment of the American economy and the American people. 


House Speaker-elect Boehner, left, and President Obama will be forced to cooperate during the next legislative session.

Newt Gingrich Former House Speaker BY MATT PALAZZOLO Asst. Marketplace Editor Newton Leroy Gingrich was born on June 17, 1943, in Harrisburg, Penn. He received a PhD in modern European history from Tulane University and taught history at the University of West Georgia from 1970 to 1978. During his tenure at West Georgia, he narrowly lost two elections to Democratic representative Jack Flynt. Flynt retired in 1978, and Gingrich won the seat. He was easily reelected six times As a member of Congress, Gingrich aggressively targeted Congressman of both parties who committed acts of questionable legality. In 1983, he demanded the impeachment of fellow Republicans Dan Crane and Gerry Studds for having sexual relationships with 17-year-old pages. In 1988, he successfully forced the resignation of Democratic Speaker of the House Jim Wright for ethics violations in accepting a book deal. He replaced Minority Whip Dick Cheney in 1989 after Cheney became Defense Secretary under

President George H.W. Bush. In 1994, Republicans gained control of both chambers of Congress in the midterm elections. Gingrich was the main architect of the Contract with America, an outline of the GOP legislation goals during the first 100 days of Congress, which helped propel the victory. As House speaker, he supervised the creation of the first Congressional Internet database. Gingrich also worked with President Clinton to pass welfare reform. However, his popularity plummeted after he engineered a partial government shutdown and pursued impeachment against the popular President Clinton. In 1998, he resigned as House Speaker and Georgia representative. After resigning, Gingrich joined the conservative think tank American Enterprise Institute. He is a frequent contributor to Fox News and has produced numerous political films and books. Gingrich declined a presidential run in 2008, but has expressed interest in running in 2012. 


Former House Speaker and Republican activist Newt Gingrich gives the thumbs-up to supporters in Georgia.


U.S. domestic elections have international repercussions BINH NGUYEN Last Tuesday, Massachusetts remained a Democratic state while the rest of the country turned Republican. As an international student, I am amazed by how the midterm election results could affect the United States’ direction for the future. Political scientists predict that the shift in Congress will hinder President Obama’s economic and domestic initiatives. A Republican majority in Congress will also challenge the incumbent president on foreign policy issues, which matter to voters much more in presidential campaigns than in midterm elections. The relationship between the U.S. and Russia will likely stand some damage from this election. Obama needs Congress to agree on three major policy changes: A U.S.-Russia arms control treaty to decrease nuclear arsenals and resume inspection, a civilian nuclear agreement to allow more cooperation, and finally, a repeal of remaining Cold War trade restrictions that prevent Russia from joining the World Trade Organization (WTO). When Demo-

crats still had control of both houses, persuading Congress to approve any of these policies was already a challenge. With Republicans gaining control of the House and building forces in the Senate, these proposals are encountering even more obstacles. I think President Obama has made so many promises that he put himself in a problematic situation. Should Obama be unable to realize his ambitious goals, it will damage the so-called “reset” policy and decrease Russia’s respect for America. Obama has decided to push the departing Senate to ratify the treaty in a lame-duck session this month. “This is not a traditionally Democratic or Republican issue, but rather an issue of American national security,” he said. If Obama cannot win approval before the old Senate adjourns, the U.S. will lose an important ally when the country needs Russia to pursue several agendas: Cooperation on Iran,

nonproliferation, Afghanistan, and terrorism. The president also needs Congress to decide on a revived civilian nuclear cooperation agreement negotiated by President George W. Bush. Congress has 90 days either to turn the agreement down or approve it. Only two weeks remain to meet the 90day requirement. The newly strengthened Republican base could put in conditions what would be hard to satisfy. The last Obama initiative has not yet been sent to Congress. He wants to remove the Jackson-Vanik amendment to the trade act of 1974 that imposes restrictions on Moscow. Republicans could use the issue as a proxy debate about Russia, which will essentially stall or block Moscow’s entry into the WTO. So far, I have not seen progress in any of these initiatives. Southeast Asia’s main concern with the midterm election is that the Obama administration could lose its focus on monitoring China’s growing influence in the area. The U.S. has recently tried to back some Asian countries to stand up to China’s expanding power. By proposing an international


forum to resolve maritime conflicts with Southeast Asian nations and Japan, the U.S. also risks incurring more wrath from China. Beijing, however, welcomes the win of the Republicans because their strong domestic focus will likely reduce U.S. efforts internationally. China generally prefers Republican presidents over Democrats, who usually focus more on humanrights issues. The Bush administration, for instance, fixed foreign policy mainly regarding Iraq and Afghanistan, and was not as confrontational as the Obama administration. Nevertheless, I think that both parties are concerned with what China plans to do with its growing economic and military power. Both agree that measures must be taken against Beijing’s undervaluation of the currency, which needs to be raised against the dollar so that American goods can better compete in international

markets. The new Republican presence in Congress can back Obama’s policies in Afghanistan when Democrats are losing faith with the almost decadelong conflict. This may push the president to slow plans to begin withdrawing from Afghanistan in July. In the Middle East, Republican wins probably will limit Obama’s agenda in his sponsorship of peace talks between Israelis and Palestinians. The president has demanded that Israel make concessions to the Palestinians on settlement building in the West Bank. Obama has left the country to tour Asia, which would allow him the chance to get away from the challenges of domestic and economic policies at home. The truth of the matter is that the American economy was the prime concern of U.S. voters in the midterm election and will remain so in the presidential election just two years away.

In this complex situation, I do not think Obama will be able to really focus on a particular foreign affairs issue. The greater number of Republicans in Congress does not help, but only brings more trouble to the incumbent president. In my opinion, an atmosphere of bipartisanship needs to materialize in the near future in both the House and the Senate, so that the government move beyond a period of division and polarization. Binh Nguyen is a staff columnist for The Heights. He welcomes comments at marketplace@bcheights.com.


Thursday, November 11, 2010


Obama addresses many issues on trip From Asia Trip, C8



Will you read former President Bush’s new memoir, ‘Decision Points’?

I want to read it and hear it in his funny voice, the one that Will Ferrell made a living off of.

Yes, at least he can’t mispronounce nuclear in a book.

As long as it includes as much hating on Kanye West as his book tour, then it’s at the top of my list.

It’s on my reading list, right behind Jon Stewart’s Earth.

Was Keith Olbermann rightly suspended by MSNBC for making campaign contributions to Democrats?

That doesn’t make sense - I’m pretty sure most MSNBC viewers would be appalled that he wasn’t making contributions.

He should have copied Fox News and offered the candidates jobs on MSNBC instead.

He was rightly suspended, not for making campaign donations, but for being an insufferable prick.

Objectivity is paramount in journalism. MSNBC was too soft.

Can Lisa Murkowski win her write-in candidacy in Alaska?

Yes, I think she will - Yay grassroots (ice/snow?) democracy!

Only if she stars in a TLC reality show and creates new English words.

As long as Alaskans are able to accomplish the difficult task of writing.

She has the votes. And another Tea Partier bites the dust.

Will Obama resolve currency disputes with China at the G-20 summit?

No, he will continue the American tradition of ignoring what the world says with respect to monetary policy.

Of course, if he can’t sell his monetary policy to the American people, why not try a Communist instead?

After election day, he better stop kowtowing to our commie overlords and get something accomplished.

Obama doesn’t hold enough leverage to force the Chinese to reevaluate the yuan.

Marketplace Editor

Asst. Marketplace Editor



Opinions Editor

Assoc. News Editor

because of the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico) have dimmed support for Obama in Indonesia. “When he was just elected as president, we were so excited and thought, whoa, one of us made it as the United States’ president. Can you imagine, a kid that played pebble with us is president? That’s really mind blowing. We never thought of this chubby, odd-looking boy becoming an important figure. But now, the magic is gone, at least for me,” Zulfan Adi, a childhood friend of Obama’s, told reporters. Israel’s recent settlement announcement has also hindered Obama’s trip. On Friday, the Israeli government published its intent to build 1,000 housing units in East Jerusalem. This comes in light of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s meeting with Vice President Joe Biden in New Orleans on Sunday. “I’m concerned that we’re not seeing each side making the extra effort involved to get a breakthrough,” President Obama told reporters after a dinner

with Indonesian President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono. In response, Netanyahu released a statement claiming that “Israel sees no link between the peace process and its development plans in Jerusalem.’’ Last Wednesday, President Obama visited Southeast Asia’s largest mosque, the Istiqlal Mosque, and gave an open-air speech to the Indonesian people. The speech hoped to enlighten Indonesians on the forces of democracy and economic progress. Due to a forecasted ash cloud from an Indonesian volcano, however, the trip was cut short and Obama had to depart for his next stop in Seoul. Obama said that he had made “progress” in the U.S. relationship with the Muslim population, but there was still some “mistrust.” “What we’re trying to do is make sure that we are building bridges and expanding our interactions with Muslim countries,” Obama told reporters after a joint news conference with the Indonesian president. Obama plans to wrap up the trip in Japan before returning home to the U. S. 


Loko packs a dangerous punch with caffeine, alcohol mix RACHEL NEWMILLER Two substances are present in relatively large amounts on nearly every college campus: caffeine and alcohol. The former is utilized to temporarily overcome the tiredness experienced by many students, providing an extra “boost” to make it through two lectures and an exam after a night of little sleep. The latter is a staple at social gatherings, causing its consumer to “loosen up,” with potentially dangerous results. The combination of these two compounds is becoming increasingly more popular, and one caffeinated alcoholic beverage in particular, the Four Loko, has been receiving attention across the nation. An outpouring of concern regarding this product stemmed from a recent incident involving nine underage Central Washington University students, who became seriously ill and were hospitalized after attending an off-campus party in early October. When investigators arrived on the scene, they found a number of “very intoxicated” students, including three females “who appeared to be in serious medical distress” and others who were “passed out.” In the police report, one of the officers describes the inside of the house as containing “a lot of empty beer cans, empty energy drink cans, bottles of hard liquor, and plastic cups filled with clear and amber colored liquids … [along with] large, 24-oz. cans of an alcoholic drink called Four Loko.” According to a letter written by Washington state’s attorney general Rob McKenna and sent to the Food and Drug Administration, the students’ blood alcohol levels “ranged from 0.123 (legally drunk) to 0.35 – a lethal level of alcohol poisoning. One young woman was put on a respirator and nearly

died. The investigation concludes that the students – all under 21 years old – combined AEDs (alcoholic energy drinks) with other kinds of alcohol. It is clear from interviews with more than 40 students that these youths did not know what they were getting into, probably because a single 23.5 ounce can of the AED Four Loko… is 12 percent alcohol. That is comparable to drinking five or six beers.” McKenna also raised concerns about the flavorings used in these products to mask the taste of alcohol and the packaging of the cans, which appears similar to that of non-alcoholic energy drinks. He concluded that these drinks, often referred to as a “blackout in a can” or “liquid cocaine” due to their intoxicating effects, “do not comport with FDA guidelines and present a serious threat to public health and safety.” This is not the first time illness has been linked to the consumption of caffeinated alcoholic beverages, as a similar incident also occurred at Ramapo College in New Jersey. Both universities have banned Four Lokos from their campuses. Some lawmakers are also pushing for new legislation to ban the sale of these products. In addition, a review by the FDA is currently underway, after the agency’s November 2009 request that nearly 30 manufacturers provide evidence that their drinks are safe. As one would imagine, the company behind the production of Four Loko, Chicago-based Phusion Projects, released a statement in response to the recent uproar. “No one is more upset than we are when our products are abused or consumed illegally by underage drinkers – and it appears that both happened in this instance. This is unacceptable. But so, too, is placing blame for the incident squarely on Four Loko when the police report, toxicology reports, and witness testimony all show that other substances, including beer, hard liquors like vodka and rum, and possibly illicit substances, were consumed as well.” Regardless of which side of the argument you may find yourself on, it is


The popular energy drink / alcohol combination beverage Four Loko has been increasingly criticized for its potentially life-threatening health important to understand why caffeinated alcoholic drinks have been deemed hazardous by medical professionals. Boston College’s Director of Health Services, Dr. Thomas Nary, sent an email to students stating that Four Loko, which “approximates six shots of alcohol and five cups of coffee,” is “a dangerous concoction that can create a number of severe reactions, some of which have been life-threatening.” He warned that this drink should be avoided by the BC community. Professor Ken Briggs, the chair of Central Washington University’s physical education school and public health department, called these products “a binge-drinker’s dream” because the caffeine and other stimulants contained within them allow a person to consume large amounts of alcohol without passing out. “Being able to feel the effects of tiredness, loss of coordination, and even passing out or vomiting are the body’s defenses against consuming doses of alcohol that will kill you,” he

told reporters. However, once a person’s blood alcohol level reaches a certain elevation, he or she “can still drop like a box of rocks.” In other words, the depressant effects of alcohol, which often force you to stop drinking, are disguised by the stimulating abilities of caffeine, causing you to continue consuming while making it difficult to realize the extent of your inebriation. As seen in the cases of the students profiled above, this can have disastrous consequences, including (but certainly not limited to) severe alcohol poisoning. On a related note, it should also be mentioned that a recent study published by researchers at the University of Florida revealed some frightening information about the relationship between energy drink consumption and alcohol intoxication. Focusing on the effects of mixing energy drinks and alcohol (i.e. Red Bull and vodka and “Jager bombs”) and armed with the knowledge that this mix may desensitize

drinkers to the effects of intoxication (leading to the potential for increased injury), the group conducted an alcohol field study of 802 bar patrons. They found that people who consumed an alcohol / energy drink mixture were three times more likely to leave the bar highly intoxicated and four times more likely to intend on driving (when compared to those who did not consume alcohol mixed with energy drinks). Thus, the study “contributes to the growing body of literature indicating that this drinking behavior has negative health and safety consequences in young adults.” Although consumption is a personal choice, students should be aware of the risks of drinking caffeinated alcoholic beverages (or mixing energy drinks with alcohol) while heeding the warnings of professionals, which are grounded in scientific reality. Rachel Newmiller is a staff columnist for The Heights. She welcomes comments at marketplace@bcheights.com.

More than 700 Congolese women raped, UN reports From Congo, C8

protection of civilians lies with the state, its national army, and police force, clearly we have also failed. Our actions were not adequate, resulting in unacceptable brutalization of the population of the villages in the area. We must do better,” he said. Congo’s UN ambassador, Ileka Atoki, expressed his “deep disgust” with the rapes, while noting the small amount of progress in the UN Security Council’s investigation of the attacks. “These heinous acts that have become a weapon of war are one more episode of the unspeakable suffering that the people of Congo have been plunged in for more than a decade now,” Atoki told reporters. While there does not seem to be a definitive reason for the rape of those expelled from Angola, in the past, crimes of this nature have been fueled by highly pursued

conflict minerals such as gold, tantalum, tin, and tungsten. These minerals have a place in almost every computer and cell phone in the world, and, thus, can serve as a source of revenue for those armed groups who seek them. On July 23, President Obama signed into law the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act in an attempt to abolish the “see no evil” approach of Congo mineral users around the world. It is projected that over time these minerals will lose their value, leading to a decline in violence in the Congo. For those thousands of Congolese women victimized by sexual violence, relief cannot come soon enough. Shedla Abedi, age 62 and from the Congolese village of Kampala, spoke on behalf of the 35 women raped in her community. “We are in pain,” she said. Unfortunately, it is unknown how many other women like Abedi

have experienced these traumatic events. The annual number of victims in the Congo can be estimated in the thousands, yet a definitive number cannot be established. Too many cases go unreported or without notice. The reports show that 700 women were victims of the Congo-Angola border rapes, but in reality, the number was most likely much higher. The rapes have had their affect on local communities. Abedi’s fellow Kampala village community member, Mawaza Misori, made this clear when speaking with UN representatives. “We don’t know the real reason these people won’t leave us alone,” she told reporters. “It’s like the devil attacking for no reason. We had the courage to speak out in public because we’ve had enough. We’re like dying people who are no longer afraid because they know they’re at the end of their journey.” 

The Heights

Thursday, November 11, 2010


A Green Piece

Despite U.S. inaction, Mass. passes global warming laws Elizabeth Barthelmes As the UN’s 1997 Kyoto Protocol is set to expire in 2012, the international community has been busy debating the future of these policies aimed to reduce the impact of climate change. With 186 signatories to the protocol, the key industrial nations of China and the United States have remained hesitant to commit, slowing potential progress in this arena. The world watched in December 2009 as meetings of the UN’s Framework Committee on Climate Change failed to establish commitments beyond Kyoto, and again in July 2010, as the U.S. Senate eliminated cap and trade policies from the federal energy bill. While these events were disappointments for the environmental sector, such debates are expected to continue. Greenhouse gases do not stem from a point source that can be easily marked and reduced, and cover most industrial processes, transportation, and agricultural pursuits. In addition, the impacts of greenhouse gases apply to everyone, but vary in their effect by region along with the political and economic conditions under which they take place. With a multitude of factors that need to be considered for accurate and efficient climate policy, a cohesive international plan is necessary, but difficult to establish. As nations face a

slow and complex process to achieving these goals, many are hopeful, however, focusing energy on the state level. The state has the ability to adopt plans that closely analyze the areas that need improvement while considering the local communities, economies and infrastructures. Projects that are proposed can effectively work with existing legislation, making the most of the state’s resources and improving the overall quality of the state while reducing emissions. Massachusetts’s establishment of its own Global Warming Solutions Act (GWSA) in 2008, under Governor Patrick’s Administration, stands as a leading example of how this system can work and could help our country to succeed. Massachusetts was one of the first states in the nation to seriously address the challenges of climate change, by realizing not only the need to incorporate greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions reductions in future planning, but to develop a “comprehensive regulatory program to address climate change” through the GWSA. Speaking with Massachusetts Representative Frank Smizik, chairman of the new House Committee on Global Warming and Climate Change, he explained that the state needed a capstone to existing programs at the time, such as the Green Jobs Act, Oceans Act, Clean Energy Biofuels Act, and Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative, which function throughout the Northeast states. Building upon these policies, the GWSA established the implementation plan to reduce emissions “between

10 percent and 25 percent below statewide 1990 GHG emission levels by 2020” and “80 percent below statewide 1990 GHG emission levels by 2050.” These targets are aided with the Mandatory GHG Emissions Reporting Program under the Department of Environmental Protection for the state’s largest emitters. Starting in 2011, entities emitting over 25,000 tons of carbon dioxide per year will need state verification and eventually must face limitations on their emissions. Three years into the act, a great amount of research has been conducted by the state to identify crucial areas for reduction and low cost reduction, which will allow them to reach these goals. From such research, new programs have also developed, such as GreenDot and the Low Carbon Fuel Standard, which aim to reduce transportation emissions while increasing smart growth and community access to public transit, walking trails, and bike paths. Transportation is currently the largest source of carbon-dioxide emissions in Massachusetts, but through these initiatives and the goals of the GWSA it can be effectively targeted in ways that are beneficial to the state, unlike a federal program might. Lee Dillard Adams, manager of the GWSA Implementation at Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection, explained that in addition to addressing the needs of the public, groups developing the GWSA also work closely with business and utilities to make the implementation plan comprehensive.

michael saldarriaga / heights photo illustration

Adams believes that “if we’re on the forefront of these issues, we gain an economic advantage as the nation begins to make these transitions,” and that hopefully by promoting green jobs and technology the state can grow within these areas. Amid an economic downturn, these programs are beginning to reveal that not only are they useful in emission reductions, but they drastically improve the quality of life for Massachusetts citizens. Smizik reiterated the importance of working with the business community, as “jobs and clean energy are ways of moving the environmental aspects of this forward – it’s a positive future for everyone, not just environmentalists.”

Already, they are seeing job growth in the energy sector in terms of local and state-wide conservation, increases in recycling and home retrofits, wind energy that will bring a variety of jobs building and selling turbines to other states, and innovative solar technologies. Development within all of these areas inspires optimism among Massachusetts citizens about its future in reducing emissions by at least 10 percent in the 1990 baseline by 2020, if not going above and beyond. As these systems are implemented and economies grow in renewables, there will ultimately be a steady increase in the amount of emissions we are able to reduce, and hopefully, a transi-

tion away from our current modes of energy production. As these issues are inherently connected to a variety of sectors, Adams explained, “Political leadership is key to maintaining our progress and keeping these goals on track for areas of the state.” Massachusetts is raising the standards for state climate change policy, with hopes that others will learn from their models and establish its own plans. If they are lucky, however, federal policy might just happen to follow in their footsteps. Elizabeth Barthelmes is a staff columnist for The Heights. She welcomes comments at marketplace@ bcheights.com.

Hip-hop evolves with history From Hip Hop, C8

But that was then. In the Bush years, it was Chamillionaire’s “Ridin’,” a song about police brutality and racial profiling of African-American males. Remember when 50 Cent turned out to be a snitch? He just wasn’t a force in the industry after that. The time of Eminem’s “Lose Yourself,” a poignant expose of life on the edge of despair, deep in poverty, and a narrative of the difficulty of achieving a better life, or “White America,” an incisive song about racial identity. Shortly before Clinton’s time there was Dan Quayle saying Tupac’s music had “no place in our society.” (That criticism could not have been more misplaced – while the “family values” that Quayle championed are important, freedom of expression is paramount.) That was the time of the East CoastWest Coast battle, an eerie, distorted echo of the Civil Rights movement, when the inhabitants of America’s underside were arrayed against each other, and out-of-control violence took the place of orderly protests. Back in those days, hiphop was a loud scream that shattered the picture-perfect conservative complacency conceived during the Reagan years, which continued into the Clinton presidency as well as those of the two Bushes. The warm California sun of the Reagan administration left the

inner cities, along with issues of poverty, race, and gender, largely in the wings. Aside from Nancy Reagan’s meek “Just Say No” campaign against drug abuse, the ’80s were, for hip-hop artists, largely a time of meager innovation. Not much would change in the ’90s, as the Gulliver of the federal government stretched unfeelingly over America’s cities, crushing some and ignoring others. The shootouts and insults hurled at police in the ’90s were thus a call for action – and for attention. The hip-hop movement was violent and explosive, and politicians were not sure about how to approach it. Enter Barack Obama. Here was a positive image for hip-hop listeners, a respectable figure for rappers – “I used to run my own block like Obamaville,” boasts Young Jeezy. Obama was tough, unafraid to ask the difficult questions, ready to tear down the barriers to achievement gaps in elementary education with the “race to the top,” and willing to put new low-income housing in poor neighborhoods. The biggest hits of the genre today, perhaps not coincidentally, are more positive tunes along the lines of “Run this Town” and “Shut it Down.” For better or worse, the high drama, the pleasure and pain, just doesn’t rise to the degree of those earlier days. It doesn’t make sense to be against the establishment when the establishment is looking out for you.

But the strong tradition of self-expression present in America did not go anywhere. Now that the cause of hip-hop is by and large on the White House agenda, a new and very different voice of opposition, with a very different set of beliefs, has emerged on the national stage – or is it really that different? It is grassroots, chaotic, spontaneous, and one which neither Democrats nor Republicans want to claim – the Tea Party. This new phenomenon also places high stock on individual rights and protests the evils of the sprawling, clumsy central government. It also calls out for a charismatic and dynamic leader to meld together the various focal points of the movement. The ideology is based on the Constitution, pure and simple (it is an interesting remix of history, which rekindles a friendship between Jefferson and Hamilton). Sarah Palin is a martyr of sorts, who lost her vice-presidential bid and was reborn as a prominent speaker for the movement. Only time will tell how the Tea Party movement will ultimately play out, and which leader will take up its cause. For the time being, however, it is both an interesting, oppositional voice and exceptional entertainment. Olena Savytska is a staff columnist for The Heights. She welcomes comments at marketplace@bcheights.com.

michael saldarriaga / heights photo illustration

khin maung win/ ap photo

Myanmar citizens check for their names on lists of eligible voters posted outside polling stations during Sunday’s election.

Many Burmese disillusioned by widespread election fraud From Burma, C8

scape in Burma during the weeks preceding the elections posed problems for outside sources, as the Burmese people have been shut off from the Internet and foreign journalists have been barred from conducting interviews or polling. The candidates for prime minister have had no debates, the parties have not been granted permission to hold rallies, and many of the candidates for parliament are members of the military running under the banner of the nation’s two major parties, which are both supported by the same military that currently exercises rule over the nation. As a result of perceived fraud, many voters boycotted the election or did not vote out of apathy, with turnout lingering around 20 percent in some parts of the country. The concerns of the Burmese people that have caused many to doubt the legitimacy of their government have been echoed by international bodies. The United Nations, over the two weeks before the elections were even held, expressed concern about the legitimacy of the elections, particularly considering Burma’s ongoing imprisonment of Aung San Suu Kyi, the winner of the 1991 Nobel Peace Prize and a former General Secretary for the National League for Democracy. In the 1990 Burmese general elections, the most recent election since that of 2010, Suu Kyi and her opposition party took nearly 60 percent of the vote. However, the military disre-

garded the result of her election, placing her under house arrest and keeping the nation under military rule. Although she is finally set to be released from her imprisonment on Nov. 13, she was not eligible to run in the 2010 elections, despite her nationwide popularity. Numerous other international bodies have condemned the elections as fraudulent, declaring the process and the barring of Suu Kyi outrageous. U. S. president Barack Obama declared, “It is unacceptable to steal an election, as the regime in Burma has done again for all the world to see.” These charges stem from widespread reports of voter intimidation, bribery, and even vote-rigging. Those with government jobs were told that they would be out of work were they not to vote for the prevailing Union Solidarity and Development Party (USDP), and those relying on the government for economic support were told their aid would be cut off if they voted for a different party. In addition, many voters were paid for their votes, with some even being offered better social services. Another concern is the amount of advance votes that had been cast during the election. Likely to ensure control of their exact margin of victory, the USDP placed tens of thousands of advance votes into separate ballot boxes, with nearly all being cast by members of the government or military. Though the opposition parties actually had a lead before the counting of the advance votes, the USDP ended

up winning about 80 percent of the seats in parliament. The violence that has resulted from these elections represents the continued struggles of the oppressed Burmese people. Unable to hold valid elections to enact change in their nation, the people have become disillusioned by the impossibility of bettering their lives through their flawed and illegitimate political system. With thousands of Burmese citizens fleeing to Thailand, the problems of this country have only grown after an election that military parties used to attempt to legitimize their sham democracy. That Burma’s people are escalating violence against the government is not a major surprise, but this violence will only exacerbate the nation’s problems with instability. Although civil war is, at the moment, likely to break out, the Burmese people can make greater strides toward justice through political rebellion. By garnering increased international support, particularly from influential bodies like the U. N., and by working against government policies that prevent the leaking of information to outside sources, the Burmese people can give the world a better picture of their struggles, and use this support to push for increased international aid. Only with international intervention can Burma truly work toward creating a just government. Dan Ottaunick is an editor for The Heights. He welcomes comments at marketplace@bcheights.com.


Thursday, November 11, 2010




Hip-hop, a true echo of history OLENA SAVYTSKA

Obama takes 10-day trip to Asia President visits Asia amidst criticism of Federal Reserve’s new economic proposal BY KARN KHUNGER Heights Staff

President Obama recently began his 10-day, four-nation trip to Asia in the hopes of bolstering international opinion and jump-starting economic growth. Recently, diplomatic symbolism has played a major role in the acknowledgment of the rise of emerging markets. “We’ve had this focus on Asia and on emerging powers and on democracies as kind of cornerstones of the kind of strategic orientation of the United States in the 21st century,” Ben Rhodes, Deputy National Security adviser and Obama speech writer, told reporters. “India fits firmly in that category and so does Indonesia.” The first three days of Obama’s visit

were spent in India. While the stay was widely considered successful by both the Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and his cabinet, it ended with controversy and criticism. The Federal Reserve announced that it would be purchasing $600 billion worth of U.S. Treasury Bonds in an effort to combat a stagnant unemployment rate in the United States. Due to the weakening of the dollar as a result, countries such as China and Germany have come out and criticized the U.S. for its supposed hypocrisy. Despite the Federal Reserve being an entity separate from the White House, President Obama voiced his support. “I will say that the Fed’s mandate, my mandate, is to grow our economy. And that’s not just good for the United States, that’s

UN: We have ‘failed’ Congo BY MICHELA GACIOCH Heights Staff


On Friday, the United Nations revealed its concern that rape has become an epidemic in parts of Central Africa’s Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC). Over the past decade, it has not been uncommon for rebel groups to ravage small villages and brutalize women, an unfortunate reality which has caused UN officials to refer to the nation as a “Mecca for sexual violence.” “What worries us is that rape seems to be becoming endemic in several parts of Congo,” Maurizio Giuliano, a UN spokesman for the country, told reporters. Margot Wallstrom, the UN secretary general’s special representative on sexual crime in conflict, confirmed this fear. “The sad reality is that incidents of rape have become so commonplace that they do not trigger our most urgent interventions,” she told reporters. Currently, the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) is investigating reports that, since September, 700 women have been raped along the DRC-Angola border. The rapes were said to occur as nearly 7,000 illegal immigrants were being expelled from Angola to its western neighbor, the Congo. According to UN officials, for two weeks the victims were detained in a dungeon-like chamber and systematically raped by security forces. At least three of them were killed, while the survivors were released and forced to return to the DRC completely nude and without any of their belongings.

good for the world as a whole,” Obama told reporters. While many see the excess liquidity as problematic, some countries have strongly protested such a move. “The U.S. decision does not recognize, as a country that issues one of the world’s major reserve currencies, its obligation to stabilize capital markets,” Chinese vice finance minister Zhu Guangyao told reporters. Furthermore, Germany has lashed out against the U.S. for promoting frameworks that would limit a country’s trade balances, yet purposely devaluing their own currency. One of the top economic advisers to Russian President Dmitri Medvedev said Russia will strongly support the idea of the Federal Reserve consulting other countries before making major-policy decisions at the G-20 Summit. The move by the Federal Reserve could hinder efforts for countries to come to a breakthrough on trade budget talks at the Summit. “We want China to succeed and prosper,”


The UN confirmed that during the captivity period at least one woman died from rape-related internal injuries. Giuliano said Friday that it is still unclear on which side of the border the women were attacked, and he is calling on both countries to perform thorough investigations. Despite the continued interest of Giuliano and other international peacekeepers, the sexual crime rates in both Angola and the DRC have yet to waver even slightly. A few months before the sudden surge of expulsion attacks took place, more than 200 women were raped in a single rudimentary village in the eastern Congo by both Rwandan and Congolese rebels. Peacekeepers sent by the UN were less than 12 miles away as the onslaught took place.

It is neither uncommon nor illegal for the two countries to expel each other’s citizens. According to the UN, last year alone Angola expelled 160,000 Congolese, while the DRC removed 51,000 Angolans. The UN has been criticized for the way it has dealt with the violent aftermath of such expulsions. The world’s largest UN peacekeeping mission is facing criticism for allegedly ignoring warnings from African community leaders before Rwandan and Congolese rebels began the raping spree that affected more than 200 women in the Eastern Congo. Atul Khare, the UN assistant secretary general for peacekeeping, concedes that mistakes have been made. “While the primary responsibility for

See Congo, C6



Former president George W. Bush released his memoir, Decision Points, on Tuesday. In the book, Bush describes the most controversial actions of his presidency.

Both Democrat and GOP members of the Congressional tax committees pledge to fix the so-called wealth tax. The tax, unaltered for inflation, would affect both middle and upper class families.

A group of UK hospitals received a grant to develop an STD test for smartphones. The phone would analyze samples of spit or urine on a computer chip.

The Alaska division of elections began counting absentee ballots. Lisa Murkowski still maintains a slim lead over Joe Miller in the vote count.

The Supreme Court heard arguments on a case concerning class-action lawsuits. The defendant, AT&T, banned classaction suits in its phone contracts.

The EPA subpoenaed energy giant Halliburton on Tuesday. The agency is investigated Halliburton’s controversial “fracking” drilling technique.

Corruption in Myanmar elections lead to violence

Following massive electoral fraud, Burma has seen a growing number of border clashes caused by disillusioned citizens. The riots, which are taking place at the border of Burma (officially Myanmar) and Thailand, have sparked widespread condemnation of the sham Burmese government. With civil war a


growing possibility, it is important to take an in-depth look at the development of Burma’s political unrest. The Burmese general elections, which were held on Nov. 7, were suspect before even being held. The Burmese military, which is, to a large extent, in control of the government, had been ordering citizens to vote so that they may promote a democratic government. This democracy, which was to form the first Burmese parliament in over 20 years, would allow for a transition from a government led by the military to one, at least in theory, led by the people. However, gauging the political land-

See Burma, C7


Voters line up at a polling station in Yangon, Myanmar, for the first Burmese election in 20 years.



See Asia Trip, C6



UN official Atul Khare admits the organization ‘must do better’ to protect Congolese women.

Obama said. “We do want to make sure everyone is operating in an international framework and a set of rules.” President Obama made his stop in Indonesia already facing international backlash. The response he received slightly mitigated these harsh feelings. Obama, who spent nearly four years of his childhood in Indonesia, arrived amid cheers from its citizens. Often, the people of Indonesia refer to him as their “prodigal son.” Obama lived with his mother, Stanley Ann Dunham, and stepfather, Lolo Soetoro, from 1967 to 1971 in the Indonesian capital of Jakarta. During his time there, Obama attended both public and Catholic school. He further detailed his time there in his autobiography, Dreams From My Father. However, a series of “false starts” (i.e. the first trip was cancelled due to the health care debate coming to a close, and the second


Million Americans without health insurance in 2010. The number rose by about 400,000 people from 2009.


Cost in millions of dollars of the cancelled New Jersey tunnel. The Obama administration is seeking compensation for the project.

Forecast on Washington........................................................C7 Politico of the Week....................................................C5


See Hip-Hop, C7


The Obamas visited with the grand imam and president of Indonesia (left), and enjoyed some free time with children on their recent 10-day trip through China, India, Indonesia, Korea, and Japan.


Where did hip-hop go? To the playlist of a young attorney, to the dance floor of a nightclub, to a radio station in a remote corner of the world where listeners may not fully understand the meaning of the words, but may simply appreciate the rhythm. Sure, hip-hop is entertainment, much like other forms of popular media, with the attendant product endorsements (Patron and Dom Perignon are some of the favorites) as well as clothing lines, shoes, fragrances, and the like. Yet at its core, hip-hop is a very powerful doctrine of toughness, ambition, honor, and resistance. It is individualist in nature, making hip-hop martyr Tupac Shakur’s stage name Makaveli particularly appropriate within the genre. It is about power within a community, reminiscent of the old days of political bosses, who filled in a vacuum created by the central government and were able to address the genuine concerns of their neighbors. It is a secular creed of the inner city, complete with heroes and villains. Since these villains are often law enforcement officials or the government as a whole, this genre becomes an antiestablishment political voice as well. In this world view, as Juelz Santana explains, Rosa Parks “was a gangster,” as was Martin Luther King, Jr.

“ The story they told is ghastly: one bad call after another ” – William Reilly, Presidential Committee Head Discussing BP’s actions in the lead up to the April 20th rig explosion and subsequent oil spill.

A Green Piece...........................................C7 International Insights............................C5














Thursday, November 11, 2010

The Heights


+Editor’s Corner

Jay-Z’s ‘Decoded’ is a boon

“Most kings get their head cut off,” so says Jay-Z in his interview promoting his new novel, Decoded. Fortuitously, the arts secKristen House tion received a copy of Jay’s new book (which is due out on Nov. 16). My first thought as I took in the glossy, hardshell white cover, which featured a golden Rorschach ink blot, was that it looked like a decomposed Faberge egg. From then on, I couldn’t say no. Jay-Z is the lovechild of liquid gunmetal and diamonds. If you’ve failed to listen to his music, you have failed to understand a man who can enchant us with his 99 problems, flaunt his beautiful wife (who happens to be mega-star Beyonce) at a Lakers game, and silently make millions of dollars as a music producer. He does it all with this incredible astuteness, like this incredibly visible and artistically relevant Wizard of Oz. Decoded, therefore, doesn’t read like a self-promoting celebrity slop-fest. It’s not on the level of Paris Hilton releasing a fragrance called “Fairy Dust” or “Siren,” complete with a fame-whoring ad campaign. Jay-Z didn’t make this book just to make it. Glossy pages join suave memoir with photographic feats. He footnotes his songs. Jay gives us the meat and bones of his lyricism, taking his songs and breaking them down with line-by-line footnotes. This man is incredibly cerebral, like a superhuman that has found the ability to combine his philosophical debates with musical innovation. He talks at one point about his song “Life is But a Dream,” a song that he wrote during post-Black Album retirement. Jay-Z’s intention, as he describes it, was “a meditation on ambition and the laws of the universe, on questions I can still only ask but not fully answer.” He says he considers this song “as one of the hidden jewels in my catalog,” even though others find it to be a break in style. The footnotes follow this description of the song’s birth, and Jay delivers on his whole “questions about the universe” framework. Footnote number one? “This song is written like a will to an unborn child in anticipation of the day when I wake up from the dream of life.” The song references everything from a skin care line that he invests in to the story of his nephew Colleek, who died when he was 18 in a car accident while driving a car that Jay-Z had bought him. His musings on “Beach House” only last about four pages. There are 306 in total. For all the credit I’ve ever given Jay-Z, I don’t think I ever understood him to be so layered, so full of everyday tragedies and soul-shaking queries. In many ways he reminds me of myself – or anyone I’ve talked to – at their most vulnerable, probing, and intelligent points. This discovery was incredibly refreshing, to say the least. So much of what’s missing in the entertainment industry is true depth and heart. Perhaps I surround myself with too much Bravo and VH1 television, Perez Hilton, and Entertainment Tonight, but I would assume that much of America cares little about a rapper’s private queries about the inherent goodness of God and humanity. But shouldn’t we? What does a song like “Party in the U.S.A.” give us to hold on to other than identifying with the enjoyment of throwing our hands up and singing our song? I want to know that the people representing my generation’s musical passions are thinking about more than their next opportunity to land the cover of US Weekly. I don’t want faux-humanitarians, unconvincing lyricists, and serial daters. What I want is an artist of substance, who will actually have an imagination worthy of decoding in the first place. No, Jay isn’t some innocent Puritan — hell, his book is almost $30 — but his cerebral musings are a great pay off. All hail King Jay. Here’s to hoping his head stays on his shoulders for many more years to come.

Kristen House is the Arts & Review Editor for The Heights. She can be reached at houseka@bc.edu.

An independent frame of mind

arts events calendar, Nov. 11 – 14 thursday Beauty and body art First Floor of O’Neill Library Chile: 1810-2010 Burns Library Literary Lives McMullen Museum Sufjan Stevens Orpheum Theater, 7:30 p.m.



hello...shovelhead! presents: an anime sleepover Fulton 511, 7:30 & 10:30 p.m.

hello...shovelhead! presents: an anime sleepover Fulton 511, 7:30 & 10:30 p.m.

Bc symphony orchestra Trinity Chapel, 8 p.m.

The Joy Formidable Great Scott, 9 p.m

Azure Ray The Middle East, 8 p.m.

grinderman House of Blues, 6 p.m.

sunday Haydn-Mozart-Beethoven Bapst Library, 4 p.m. Literary lives McMullen Museum Kings of Leon TD Garden, 7:30 p.m. Ani difranco Wilbur Theater, 8 p.m.

videos on the verge

Some light comedy amidst political jabber

If there is anything we have heard enough about in the last couple weeks, it is the election. Yes, the American political system is inspired, brilliant, and perhaps the best in the world, but occasionally an outside perspective is refreshing. There is plenty to learn about other cultures beyond what the Boston College Office of International Programs shows you in its (undeniably riveting) pamphlets. These videos cover all the bases of high quality entertainment: Singing, dancing, and wildly inappropriate sexual innuendos. In the end, you will be more than grateful that you hail from the good ol’ United States of America. — Krysia Wazny

photos courtesy of youtube.com

“Wild Thing” on ‘Strictly Come Dancing’

“Immigraniada (We Comin’ Rougher)”

“Get Down” – B4-4

As the title suggests, this video features both the wild and the wide. Ann Widecombe, former member of British Parliament and Conservative party member, has recently taken up a new post as a cast member on Strictly Come Dancing, the British version of Dancing with the Stars. Just try to keep a straight face as this elderly woman is tossed, dragged, and rolled to a beat. It gives a whole new meaning to studying “a broad.”

If you’ve ever wondered what immigrants coming to America from the Ellis Island days onward would act like in a music video, here is your answer. This portrayal of the hardships of newly arrived Americans seeks to drive home a solid point, namely “No human being is illegal.” The lead singer’s crazy Rasputin eyes are a cultural experience in and of themselves, while the video as a whole ferociously exemplifies the international nature of our own country.

The quintessential ’90s boy band that no one in the United States has ever heard of, B4-4, will shock and amaze audiences with its frosted tips and risque lyrics. The number of questionable elements in this video is astounding. From the little chubby kid to the homeless man and all that lip-gloss in between, it hardly seems possible that a coherent message might emerge, but one certainly does. Now the only question is, are “you gonna come tonight … over to my house?”

bc tube

Dancing into the hearts of moms everywhere

photo courtesy of abc.com

Bristol Palin is one of many questionable Z-List celebrities dancing across our televisions on ‘mom TV’ favorite ‘Dancing with the Stars.’ If you think I watch too much television, meet my mother, Debbie Ranck. You can credit her with my obsession. Even though I think my TiVo Darren Ranck has accumulated more pre-recordings by now, she is the original tube surfer. Every night, she would sit down in her study and map out her television viewing for the night. Each evening had a different show or two, and no night was a blank slate. In my younger years, I would sit with her and watch the lineup she prepared. What we watched I can barely remember, but I know that as I got older I began to develop my own taste, and slowly but surely migrated from my mother’s study to my own room to watch Dexter and the like. That’s not to say my mom still doesn’t influence my viewing choices. She gives me instant access to what I like to call “mom T.V.” I define “mom TV” as television programming geared toward a middle-aged female demographic. Some choice examples of such shows include Desperate Housewives, Grey’s Anatomy, and American Idol. “Mom TV” is watched by a cross-section of demographics, but if my mother is any indication, such shows fuel discussion at matronly social gatherings, like book clubs. The quintessential “mom TV” program, though, is Dancing with the

Stars, and as much as it pains me to admit it, I have been keeping up with this season. Is that to say I watch it religiously week in and week out? No, but I know who goes home, and I watch a fair number of the prepared dances. I totally understand the mom appeal. It showcases fun, slightly dated ballroom dancing, the sort of struts baby boomers learned to prepare for groovy school dances. It’s squeaky clean viewing that has been drained of blood and shrink-wrapped for your protection. It’s harmless and easy to follow. There’s also the inevitable casting of an older athlete or pop icon, who charms his way into the life of homemakers with his gruff attitude but three adorable children. Yes, I’m talking about you, Kurt Warner. In short, if Dancing with the Stars were a person, your mother would arrange your marriage to him or her. I’ve never watched a full season of the show, but this season was particularly enticing because of the abundance of celebrity train wrecks. My mother called it one of the best casts yet, but when you really think about it, the most well-known people are UPN’s Moesha, Mrs. Brady, and a man whose abs have a sobriquet. Yes, I speak of Mike “The Situation” Sorrentino, who was eliminated fourth after an unimpressive Argentine tango. I’m pretty shocked that a man whose daily schedule includes tanning, going to the gym, and doing laundry doesn’t have the necessary grace for passionate Latin dance.

The greatest misappropriation of the term “star,” though, easily goes to Bristol Palin, daughter of former-vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin. In the midst of Jennifer Gray, actress, and Audrina Patridge, reality television star, you have Bristol Palin, teen pregnancy prevention advocate, or as the truncated title displayed on screen, “teen activist.” I call her an “issue-based hypocrite,” but I’m sure one of the mothers at home recognizes her from a cameo on Secret Life of the American Teenager. The most amazing part of her inclusion on this season is that she’s still there. The show is down to the final four dancers, and one of them is Bristol Palin. Bristol, the girl who moves with the grace of a cow. Bristol, the girl who dressed in a gorilla suit one week and promptly forgot all her steps. Bristol, the girl whose mother gets booed on a weekly basis by the audience. She’s still in the running for the tacky “mirrorball” trophy. Despite my loaded rhetoric, though, I can’t get too worked up about her status in the competition. She’s a cute girl who’s obviously trying, and you know who responds to that? Moms, the voting bloc of Dancing with the Stars. In this world of “mom TV,” it’s their world, not mine. I think this season’s finale airs during Thanksgiving break. I’ll probably watch it with my mom in her study.

Darren Ranck is a Heights editor. He welcomes comments at ranckd@bc.edu.

Cinematic underdogs

Why is it that the American movie-going audience so widely ignores quality films? Apart from the obvious (minimal promotion, tiny Brennan Carley budgets, noname actors), it is baffling to me that important movies like Waiting for Superman and A Film Unfinished get pushed aside by people in favor of popcorn fare like this weekend’s box-office champ, Megamind. While not necessarily important in the same regards as the ones mentioned above, Edgar Wright’s criminally underappreciated Scott Pilgrim vs. The World is a daring and exciting movie that signals a change of sorts in the movie industry. Starring Michael Cera in his most entertaining role to date, the movie is an adaptation of a series of graphic novels based around the life of a 20something Canadian named Scott Pilgrim. The film is notable for its creativity despite a relatively large budget. The budget, rumored to be around $70 million, does not sully the creative spark that carries the movie to exhilarating heights. Even the score is masterful, unparalleled by any other movie this year, save for Trent Reznor’s work on The Social Network. However, audiences widely ignored the film, leaving it to gross a middling $31.5 million. Last Saturday, Wright visited Cambridge’s Brattle Theatre to herald the DVD release of Pilgrim, accompanied by a special screening and Q&A session. I found it most interesting that Wright refused to throw anybody under the bus for the movie’s box-office failure. Quite careful with his words, the director exempted the studio, pointing out that “they let me make the film I wanted to make.” He continued, “That’s why I hate deleted scenes. There’s a reason they were cut from the final product! I’m more than happy with how the movie turned out, and I think a movie cannot be fairly judged based on the money it makes on its opening weekend.” His remarks regarding the box office rang true in my ears. I think it is common knowledge that high gross does not necessarily make a good movie, but why does it seem that Americans don’t want to reward small movies? The only mildly successful indie film this year was this summer’s The Kids Are All Right, a critically lavished movie that still only made about $21 million. Despite unimpressive box-office earnings, critics still predict a strong performance at this year’s Oscars, with nominations all but secured by Annette Bening and Julianne Moore for Best Actress. Let’s face it: Oscar ratings have been slipping because the average TV watcher has not seen (and likely has not even heard of) the movies that are nominated. Last year, the nominating committee shook things up by expanding the Best Picture category to 10 nominees. The move was widely seen as a response to the exclusion of Chris Nolan’s The Dark Knight, for which Heath Ledger was posthumously rewarded with Best Supporting Actor, but a Best Picture win would have told America that Hollywood truly embraced all kinds of movies. This year’s win by Avatar seemed like a concession to the average moviegoer, a sort of “here’s one to you guys” win. Things could be looking up in the months to come, though. This time of year is generally rife with buzz about films, and this season is no different. Already a success in limited release, Boston receives Danny Boyle’s 127 Hours starring James Franco in what many news outlets are calling the performance of a lifetime. The Natalie Portman ballet-thriller Black Swan seems poised to draw huge crowds upon its release, and the Colin Firth drama The King’s Speech is sure to draw an Oscar-hungry crowd. Comedy-lovers, just keep in mind: For every Jackass 3D there is a Scott Pilgrim waiting to be embraced by those savvy enough to give it love.

Brennan Carley is a staff columnist for The Heights. He can be reached at review@bcheights.com.



Thursday, November 11, 2010


+Music & notes

Cudi sequel substitutes pep for depth




For The Heights

ith a subtle introduction, Kid Cudi welcomes us to his highlyanticipated sophomore album, Man on the Moon, Vol. II: The Legend of Mr. Rager. When we last saw Cudi, he was in Conte Forum performing his (semi-failed, semi-awesome) Fall Concert. With the exception of a few tracks from his newest album, Cudi had showcased many songs from his largely successful debut album, Man On the Moon – The End of Day. Indeed, Man on the Moon skyrocketed Cudi to hip-hop stardom with such hits as “Day ‘n’ Nite,” “Pursuit of Happiness,” and “Make Her Say.” The combination of Kid Cudi’s raspy and spectacularly average singing voice and his ability to rap drew many listeners to his freshman album. Through collaborations with Jay-Z, Vampire Weekend, Shakira, MGMT, and close friend and mentor Kanye West, Kid Cudi quickly rose to fame during his first few years on the music scene. Kid Cudi is a unique rapper and hip-hop artist in so many aspects. His lyrics are not outlandishly or distinctly motivated by politics, self-adoration, or a haughty loyalty to his unpleasant history, like those of many of his contemporaries. Rather, he incorporates a certain level of sorrow or angst in a fair number of his songs. The beauty of the first volume of Man on the Moon was Kid Cudi’s balance of slower, more gloomy-sounding tracks with a number of fast-paced dance songs with easyto-sing choruses. The greatest flaw in Cudi’s newest album is the lack of such up-tempo, uplifting tunes. Imagine his freshman album without the addict-





Cudi’s ‘Legend of Mr. Rager’ maintains his upbeat, energetic sound with the help of collaborations. ing melodies of “Up Up and Away,” “Soundtrack to My Life,” “Cud Zone,” “Enter Galactic,” and “Make Her Say.” Man On the Moon, Vol. II: The Legend of Mr. Rager includes an overly heavy, disproportionate array of songs that are either too slow or too angry. Of course, there is no need for every track on the sophomore album to be a dance or a good-mood-invoking hit. Certainly, Cudi’s somber lyric subjects are part of his signature sound. In “Maniac,” Cudi supplies his deep lyrics (“I’m in the shadows in the corners of my room / This my new hideaway / This is my tomb / This is my coffin / It is my place for unruliness / No worries / I love the darkness yeah / I’d like to marry it”), with a fast beat and an unnerving background melody. In the slower, more intimate track, “All Along,” certainly a highlight of the album, Cudi confesses “I know all along, all along / I know I’m meant to be alone.” “Ghost” and “Trapped In

My Mind” also feature Cudi’s unhurried, very casual singing voice with his traditionally complex lyrics. The little collaboration included on The Legend of Mr. Rager is not as particularly entertaining as that on the The End of Day. “Scott Mescudi vs. The World,” which features a chorus from Cee Lo, and “Erase Me,” a single that features a brilliantly invigorating verse from Kanye West, are the only two collaborations on the entire album that reach their full potential. Both “Don’t Play This Song” and “These Worries” include Mary J. Blige, but only the latter actually features a verse from the R&B songstress. A listener should rightly expect at least a longer display of Blige’s talent and, in such a case when her vocal prowess isn’t particularly showcased, he or she should question why Blige was even included in the song. GLC, Chip tha Ripper, and Nicole Wray worked with Kid Cudi on “The End,” a track that ought to be skipped

because of its nothing-special collaborators and its wholly unentertaining melody. A number of slower songs on Man On the Moon, Vol. II: The Legend of Mr. Rager were quite enjoyable because they are able to effectively manifest Cudi’s passionate, and often forlorn, lyrics with his coarse singing voice. However, the addition of more up-tempo songs (the type of songs that generally excited the crowd the most at the Fall Concert), would enhance Cudi’s second album significantly. Besides “Erase Me” and the hypnotic “Revofev,” there are not many tracks on Mr. Rager that induce an uplifting, easy to follow chorus. Obviously, the album is a must-buy for any Kid Cudi fanatic. But for those lukewarm followers of Cudi, I recommend searching for particular songs that might appeal to your specific taste (whether up-tempo or slow). Indeed, the successes of Man On the Moon, Vol. I were too great to repeat.

Blitzen Trapper keeps energy high at Paradise Rock Club BY DAN SEIRING Heights Staff

Before they were set to open for indie-rock gods Guided by Voices, Blitzen Trapper had the stage to themselves at the Paradise Rock Club last Thursday night. The Portland sextet fully satisfied the exuberant crowd over the course of the night by playing an array of its popular tunes while also casually chatting with the audience. After receiving a CONCERT REVIEW: warm reception, the BLITZEN TRAPPER band, which consists of NOV. 4 three guitarists, a bassPARADISE ROCK ist, a keyboard player, CLUB and a drummer, immediately got the crowd moving by opening with a hard-rocking song appropriately named “Fire and Fast Bullets.” The opener set the mood for the night, and Blitzen made sure to keep the energy level high and the audience fully engaged. Front man Eric Earley, who switched periodically from lead guitar to piano while also providing lead vocals that sounded like a more capable Bob Dylan, kept the night going at a methodical pace. The majority of the set list consisted of songs from their

newest album, Destroyer of a Void. Early in the night, Blitzen performed “Laughing Lover” and the album’s title track, two psychedelic ballads that could have very well been written in a tent at Woodstock. The sextet would then regularly shoot the energy level back up by playing such folky classics as “Furr” and “Black River Killer,” two numbers that launched the band onto the indie-rock scene. The crowd, which consisted of many hip college students equipped in plaid flannel, and a few baby boomers remembering the good old days, slowly filled the Dise until it was nearly at capacity. The majority of the audience seemed to be very familiar with Blitzen’s catalogue, as they danced and constantly sang along. The band appreciated the crowd’s enthusiasm and conversed with the fans several times over the course of the night. The Dise’s new renovations, which give the venue a more intimate ambiance, allowed for a pleasurable viewing experience and made conversation between the band and the crowd easy. The band maintained a relaxed and humorous demeanor throughout the show. At one point, drummer Brian Adrian Koch and guitarist Marty Marquis began singing “Walking in Boston,” a comical rendition of Marc Cohn’s famous Memphis ballad. The band’s 75-minute set was crisp and

to the point. After the crowd clapped in unison to call Blitzen back for an encore, Marquis promptly took the reigns and sang “Jericho,” an acoustic anthem that is reminiscent of classic Neil Young. Blitzen then finished off the night with the upbeat folk tune “Big Black Bird.” As the sextet took its final bows, the crowd erupted in applause and whistles of appreciation. Boston’s own Faces on Film kicked off the night with a set of songs from their newly released album, Some Weather. The band showed much potential and artistic ability, combining ringing guitar melodies with eerie vocals. Look for this group in the near future as it works its way up the rungs of the local rock scene. Many critics say they sound too much like the Beatles. Others say they steal their sound from Dylan or the Eagles. But while fans endlessly debate the band’s influences on YouTube, many do not sufficiently commend Blitzen Trapper for their talent as musicians, a skill set that kept fans hooting and howling all night last Thursday at the Dise. Blitzen might not use many new-age electronic effects or poppy synthesizers, but they will give you some good, clean folk rock that brings you back to a simpler time of rock n’ roll. It’s a show that can be enjoyed by both the nostalgic baby boomer and the budding young hipster.


1 We R Who We R Ke$ha 2 Like a G6 Far*East Movement 3 Just The Way You Are Bruno Mars 4 Only Girl (In the World) Rihanna 5 Just a Dream Nelly COLLEGE ALBUMS

1 Teen Dream Beach House 2 Transference Spoon 3 One Life Stand Hot Chip 4 Contra Vampire Weekend 5 ODD BLOOD Yeasayer Source: Billboard.com & CMJ.com

Roger Ebert never wrote for the Arts & Review. Distinguish yourself from Roger Ebert. Write for Arts & Review. houseka@bc.edu


My ever-changing relationship with the modern city New York was the first city I ever fell in love with. It was easy, actually. I was 11 years old and the city was everything my hometown in Oklahoma wasn’t. First KRISTIN CANFIELD of all, one could actually consider it a legitimate city. Of course, over the years my love has deepened and matured from its original state to include things like the Union Square Green Market and brunch and the Lower East Side, but it has never faltered. For me, a windy, rainy, and cold day in the city can be better than a cloudless day somewhere else. My other city loves have not always gone so smoothly. Take Boston. I was smitten up until the beyond-freezing and cold days of January became the beyond-freezing and cold days of

February and then of March. You’ve got to be kidding me. Even Vienna, a magical place of coffee houses and endless museums, has on occasion let me down. A few missed trains, some bad weather, and a strong homesickness for my friends back at school, and I am ready to catch the next flight out of here. Recently, my response to such a day has been to do something quintessentially Vienna, like go to the opera. It can’t just be another cultural event. It needs to be extraordinary enough to shock me back into my newlywed bliss. Luckily, the Vienna State Opera House rarely disappoints. Especially when performing a classic like Giacomo Puccini’s Madame Butterfly this Monday night. I could have turned my seat around to face the wall, and I would have still been on the edge of my seat for the entire, nearly three-hour long performance. It was that good, and it was made even better by the fact that the only two empty seats in the entire house were right in front of me, offering a far better view and acoustics

than I had paid for with my eight Euro tickets. The aria “One Beautiful Day” brought me to tears. What can I say? Sometimes you just get lucky. The story of Madame Butterfly is hardly one about luck. The story is set in Nagasaki, Japan. Madame Butterfly, a young Japanese girl, marries Pinkerton, an American Naval Officer. Shortly thereafter, Pinkerton leaves, promising to return when the robins make their nests. What follows can only be described as betrayal and heartache. Butterfly loves Pinkerton, but for many reasons he is unable to love her back. Since the opera is set at the turn of the century, Butterfly’s response is not to try and catch the next plane to somewhere far away. In all seriousness, as I was watching the opera (and thoroughly enjoying every minute of it) I could not help but be perturbed by the level of joy I was gaining by watching someone else’s pain. This is not unique to Madame Butterfly or even to opera as a genre. How many of you have fallen


in love with a song or a movie about betrayal, broken hearts, or tragic love long before you even felt truly such heartbreak yourself? Anyone who has seen Titanic or Moulin Rouge, or went through a Third Eye Blind or Killswitch Engage phase, is guilty of this. When I’m abroad and feeling disenchanted, opera gives me a new perspective on my relationship to Vienna. No matter where in the Opera House

I end up sitting or standing, I take a few hours to watch the worst unfold in a character’s life, and realize that my bad day or week doesn’t even come close. Relationships are never easy, but if you give them a chance, they can yield many beautiful days to come.

Kristin Canfield is a Heights contributor. She can be reached at arts@bcheights.com.


The Heights

Thursday, November 11, 2010

The Heights

Thursday, November 11, 2010


+Fashion & Food Chronicles of Campus Fashion

Championing antiques


KK: How would you describe your personal style? LK: My Southern grandmother meets the East Village. KK: What are you earliest memories

By Kailey kramer | For The Heights

eeing as the topic of last week’s article touched on the art of vintage-chic, it only made sense to do a follow-up with an antique enthusiast. Recently returned from London, Liz Kulze, A&S ’11, can be spotted around campus on any given afternoon sporting some lovely token of the past. Once again, evidence that your new favorite shirt or necklace may indeed be buried in the back of your grandmother’s closet. Liz was kind enough to share some of the inspiration behind her day-to-day wardrobe with me - and now you.

of fashion? LK: I grew up raiding antique stores with my mom on weekends, and would try on fur coats and broaches and Victorian heels and Art Deco jewelry for hours. A lot of my favorite pieces have come from those experiences. I am definitely of the mantra, “They just don’t make things like they used to,” and believe that there is a special quality to things that have been cherished by someone else. My favorite locket has the initials MCH. Mine are AELK.

LK: One vintage ’70s dress, another vintage ’80s dress that I acquired after playing dress up at a friends house when I was seven and accidentally wore it home, and most of all,

KK: How did growing up in Charleston, SC, impact your current style? LK: In a counteractive way. Charleston is very preppy. Seersucker, Martha’s Vineyard, and boat shoes abound, so I loved shocking people by throwing something different into the monolith. I wore a pink, faux fur collar, fishnet tights, and oversized pearls to my first day of high school. KK: How has your style evolved over the years? LK: Certainly, but to be honest I still want to wear overalls everyday like I did in third grade. I would say I take risks a lot more, though.

Liz wears brown leather lace up boots with a vintage straw fedora and cream dress.

KK: What are your favorite pieces within your current wardrobe?

Liz bundles up in a vintage camel wool jacket with fur collar and scarf.

my pair of buffalo leather Kailey kramer / for the heights ankle boots that have Kulze pairs layered socks, tights and boots with a trekked seven countries sleeveless pocketed dress and bone-colored beads. and are quickly reaching ticular? their last days (I plan to LK: A vintage fringe leather jacket put them on the mantle in my first and multiple pairs of boots from the house). Tannery. KK: Would you say your style KK: Do you have any style icons? evolved or changed after going Any particular sources of inspiraabroad to London? tion? LK: East Enders dress like they just LK: My grandmother. Bridget walked out of a fashion house. Just Bardot. Lauren Hutton. Francoise wild. Lots of holes and leather and Hardy. Bonnie and Clyde. The Great leopard, but also a lot of modernGatsby. Greenwich Village in the ized, old fashioned British coun’70s. Western Outlaws. tryside prep. I definitely got a little edgier, and for some reason started KK: Favorite local shops? parting my hair in the middle. LK: H&M and Madewell — we don’t have them at home. KK: Favorite places to shop there? Did you bring back any particularly KK: Favorite shops at home? memorable pieces? LK: Grandmama’s hand-me-downs! LK: London is the BEST place to vintage shop in the entire world. I raided the markets there every week- KK: Favorite brands? Designers? end, namely Portobello Road and the LK: I’m really not too big on either, but chances are if it’s vintage I like Sunday Up Market. I miraculously it. Although I am a fan of Chloe’s bargained down a Fox Fur Coat new “Western Prep” collection. with Turquoise shell buttons for 45 pounds. I was too exchange rate-inhibited to buy much else. Kailey Kramer is a Heights contributor. She can be reached for comment at arts@ KK: What’s on your current wish bcheights.com. list? Lusting after anything in par-

Eat ’Dis Union Street Bar AND gRILL

on The Session

Rachel gregorio / Heights Photo Illustration

Why we pregame our lives photo courtesy of unionst.com

By Michael Matosic & Mary Kate McDonnell

(not to mention the olive oil and balsamic reductions that are waiting for the rolls to swan dive right For The Heights into). We continue with the theme of excessively high calorie dishes, as our main courses included Do you find yourself considering what delec- the Signature Southwestern Burger and the Truffle table take-out food you can have for dinner, even Mac & Cheese. though you are currently in a food coma from your For all my fellow beef-enthusiasts, the burgdelicious tuna delight sandwich with fripps and ers here never fail to amaze, the perfect balance a pickle and a warmed-up chocolate chip cookie of juiciness and a wide variety of toppings, and from Hillside? some are even a little wacky, like the “Maui,” which Well lucky for you, two of your favorite glut- dabbles in putting teriyaki and pineapple in on tons, Mary Kate McDonnell, A&S ’11, and Michael its burger. (Skeptics, don’t fear. I can attest to its Matosic, CSOM ’11, have teamed up to explore the deliciousness). The subtle but never compromisfood hot-spots that will satisfy all the alimentary ing partner to the burgers are the fries, specifically needs we Boston College students have. In “Eat the waffle fries. Their extra surface area not only ’Dis,” we will recommend some of our favorite gives you more satisfaction in every bite, but also restaurants, (take my order ’cause your body like a) maximizes the crunchiness factor, which we all carry-outs, bakeries, or any establishment that is know is key. part of the magical business of food creation. The Truffle Mac & Cheese, steaming upon arGiving in to the nostalgia of living on Newton rival, was a combination of buttery breadcrumbs Campus freshman year, we chose the humble but on top of the rich perfection of truffle and array spectacular Union Street in Newton Centre as our of cheeses that coated the macaroni noodles. first victim. The main level has a swanky bar for The final chapter of our meal came in the form of many young professionals to congregate around our Snookie Snack, or in common language, the come 5 p.m. There is also a plush downstairs area Deep-fried Snickers. Coming full circle with our reserved just for those who wish to dine with T.V.’s affinity for deep fried food, the Snickers offered a in all lines of vision, so there is no bad seat at the salty-sweet flavor and crunchy-soft texture that table. Looking at the menu stirs up excitement, ended our meal perfectly. but also painful indecision, as so many dishes So if you’re in the mood for some straight-up resonate with our grumbling stomachs. With items Americano with a twist, get yourself walking (or ranging from “Pistachio Encrusted Tuna Salad” taking a cab, like we did) to Union Street. They have to the “Ultimate Nachos,” everyone from yuppies some fun ethnic dishes, but for the more conservato Broston College students will enjoy all Union tive cats, they will find safe haven in the “chicken Street has to offer. parm,” “caesar salad,” “chicken pot pie,” and of Our meal started off with a rookie on the menu, course the wings, any way you want them. This the “Italian Egg Rolls.” This lovechild of P.F. does receive a PA (Plex Alert) rating and is not for Chang’s and Olive Garden came out of left field as the gastronomically faint of heart, but for all of you a surprise winner. The crunchy egg out there looking for a change Union Street Bar and Grill roll exterior was perfectly compleof pace from Lower’s pre-made 107 Rear Union St. mented by the prosciutto, mozsandwiches (complete with dyNewton, MA zarella, fresh basil, and roasted ing lettuce) and an even better Price: $10-$20 red peppers, making it a perfect burger than Hillside, test the Health Status: Plex alert appetizer for two to three people waters at Union Street.

Now is the time of year powerhungry resident assistants savor. When it freezes, just as the bear burrows into his cave with all his food, the student scavenges for all the booze he can find and nestles into the cocoon of campus. On The Session takes you across the city, but in light of this snap of cold weather, let’s address Zak Jason a ritual students practice every week in their dorms: pregaming. The term “pregaming” originated in football, as another word for tailgating. Fans grill and drink prior to the game, hence pregaming. Somewhere along the line, humans decided to “pregame” other sporting events – baseball, soccer, high school girls’ volleyball. Eventually, the term spread to college. With the loaded moniker “pregaming,” socializing before an event at college has become a full-fledged, often hardcore procedure. At Boston College, pregaming is the closest ceremony we have to fraternity drinking games. By and large, we pregame for one of the following three rationales. (1) You view the event you’re about to attend as too lame to enjoy sans alcohol. For example, “This Fall Concert / football game / Fulton Debating Society debate / floor meeting / disciplinary hearing / midterm is going to suck. We better pregame hard beforehand.” (2) People you have subpar relations with also plan to attend the event you will attend. To allay an awkward interaction, you conclude you must guzzle copious amounts of alcohol prior. For example, “Oh no, that girl I tried to hook up with on Kairos says she’s going to that Dress as Your Favorite Office Supply party. We have to pregame that.” (3) The event you plan to attend starts later than you would like to start consuming alcohol. For example, on the day of the Boston Marathon, you may hear, “You know the elite runners don’t come until 9 in the morning? Let’s start pregam-

ing at 7.” Sure, you also pregame for more laudable reasons. You may just want to celebrate the beginning of the weekend with your roommates before you veer off to your respective parties. But for the most part, students pregame under the notion that you can’t enjoy yourselves as much at an event without diluting your bloodstreams with alcohol. Oftentimes, students treat pregaming like they treat the flu, by administering a specific amount of liquid to feel better. Let’s pregame with a 12pack of Magic Hat Seasonal. Let’s drain this 30. Let’s duct tape a 40 oz. bottle of malt liquor to each of our hands and drink both before we can urinate. That seems like the most rational way of starting the night. Last year, one of my roommates established a makeshift pregaming clock feature on his Blackberry. Every five minutes, his phone would buzz, alerting him to take another shot. Pregaming is clinical. Are there alternatives? I’m not saying you should spend your early evenings attending Nights on the Heights events or title-defending hockey games or basketball games or on-campus comedy shows (like Hello, Shovelhead!, performing this Friday and Saturday at 7:30 p.m. and 10:30 p.m. in Fulton 511) or theater productions (like She Stoops to Conquer in Robsham Theater from Nov. 18-21) or student art exhibits (like the Home exhibit opening in the O’Connell House Nov. 20) or culture shows or dance performances (like Boston College Dance Ensemble’s performance next month in Robsham). What’s the fun in supporting your fellow students when you have cans of blue raspberry Four Loko waiting for you in the fridge? At this point, pregaming has become too ubiquitous to evaporate. That’s fine. But from time to time, going out to see your friends perform before you party might just help you start your night.

Zak Jason is a Heights editor. He can be reached at arts@bcheights.com.

The Heights

Thursday, November 11, 2010


celebrity connections i’ll bet you never considered how close to meryl streep you are on the celebrity food chain simply by going to bc. here’s your opportunity.


s it true that Justin Timberlake lived in Vanderslice his sophomore year? Did Kim Kardashian really major in perspectives and write a senior honors thesis with Fr. McGowan? Did Cameron Diaz dance in Fuego del Corazon? No. But they all have connections to Boston College. We hired a team of analysts to somehow draw today’s most topical celebrities back to the Heights. In many cases, they could achieve the chestnut feat in less than six steps. Enjoy the fruits of hill is a their labor with this graphic. Afterward, subset of see if you and your friends can newton, draw connections between where john BC and even bigger krasinski celebrities. grew up

emily blunt’s breakout role was in ‘the devil wears prada’

president obama spoke at bc convocation and was named ‘time magazine’s’ person of the year in 2008

John Krasinski is married to Emily blunt J.K. Rowling was also named person of the year by ‘time magazine’ in 2007

Meryl streep stars in ‘the devil wear’s prada’

Emma watson stars as hermione

she attends brown university, where norah of ‘nick and norah’ goes to college.

ben folds, who performed for the 2009 Spring concert, was on chatroulette & so was ashton

Ann patchett spoke at bc convocation. she also wrote for ‘17 magazine’

Both these men Modeled for calvin klein

ke$ha is ‘17 magazine’s’ cover girl this month. ke$ha’s family was also featured on ‘the simple life’

Michael cera stars in ‘nick and norah’

Ken Burns, who spoke at commencement in 2009, was interviewed By Stephen Colbert

who spoke at the white house correspondents dinner before george bush

david beckham’s son is named romeo who owned the Texas Rangers, the team Alex Rodriguez began his career on

Paris went to school with current frenemy kim kardashian

Leonardo Dicaprio was in ‘rOMEO + jULIET’

who dates cameron diaz

mike saldarriaga & molly kolosky / heights graphic

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