The Independent Student Newspaper of Boston College
EST. 1919
MONDAY, APRIL 23, 2018
Shady Lady, BC’s femalemajority band, prepares for its upcoming performance in Arts Fest.
The Eagles may have lost, but BC received its largest crowd ever for the ALS Awareness Game at Fenway Park.
Political Science Majors Outgrow Faculty Numbers The department has no plans to cap the number of majors. BY CHARLIE POWER Asst. News Editor This story is the first in a series about hiring and retaining faculty at Boston College.
On Sunday, SASA hosted the annual Holi celebration on Stokes Lawn.
Junior Places 28th in Marathon Kate Mignosa finished 28th for women, in 2:54:24. BY COLE DADY News Editor Regardless of the downpour on Marathon Monday, one Boston College student who ran the race managed to achieve significant success. Kate Mignosa, CSON ’19, placed 28th for women at this year’s Boston Marathon, running it in 2:54:24. Mignosa first ran cross country and track in high school, and her passion for running has carried on since. During her sophomore year of college, she was working for the Newton-Wellesley Weston Committee for Community Living, working with seven women with intellectual disabilities, through Pulse. The organization just so happened to be looking for a charity runner, and Mignosa fit the profile perfectly, having run a number of half marathons before and being highly motivated to fundraise. Last year, she completed the Boston Marathon in a remarkable 3:02:43. This year, she decided to run again and began training in January. She frequently ran with Newton’s Heartbreak Hill Running Company on Saturdays—she said seeing the significant amount of people who joined the store’s
community runs, including BC students, was motivating for her. She also did a few 20mile runs, which are generally considered the longest distance that one should run to prepare for a marathon. Come race day, Mignosa was surprised by the conditions of the race, with horizontal rain and freezing temperatures that made for some of the worst weather in decades. But that wasn’t enough to keep her from persevering. “Hearing about the weather was kind of a shock the week before, but I stopped checking because realized there’s nothing I can do,” Mignosa said. Thankfully, once she got to the starting line, all the runners were in good spirits, which helped her push through.
Political science majors are once again able to take selected courses through the international studies Program that will serve as credit toward their major requirements next semester. This policy was also enacted last semester because many of the nonintroductory political science courses were already filled after upperclassmen finished registering. Nine hundred twenty-four students are currently majoring in political science, according to Kenji Hayao, the director of undergraduate studies for the department. The major has grown by 280 students since 2013, and the number of political science majors has increased 56 students per year on average. Meanwhile, the faculty size for the department has remained relatively unchanged over this period of time, hovering between 26 and 29 professors. “We certainly think it is a problem, but not a problem that is insuperable,” said Susan Shell, chair of the political science department. “We are trying to deal with it as best we can.” The department has attempted to resolve the problem by hiring more
faculty members. But given that it aims to hire the highest-quality faculty and that talent acquisition is a departmental effort, the process is often quite timeconsuming. “Even though we want to have more faculty members, and certainly we’ve asked for more, it’s not like we could hire five people right away,” Hayao said. “We just would not be able to do it.” Susan Shell, chair of the political science department, explained that the department is currently looking for one faculty replacement and hopes to begin searching for two additional replacements in the near future. The department does not, however, have a concrete idea of how many faculty members it should hire to meet the current student demand. “Political science has been a popular major … and we are planning a careful expansion,” Shell said. “I am confident the administration will cooperate with us, given all the other demands on University resources to make that possible.” “Political science has long been one of our most popular majors, and the quality of the faculty members within the department has been a major reason why,” Dean of the Morrissey College of Arts and Sciences Rev. Greg Kalscheur, S.J., said in an email. “We remain committed to working with Political Science, and all of the departments in the Morrissey College, to manage course offerings in a way that will ensure that
See Poli Sci, A3
Along the course, she received lots of encouragement from her friends and family. When she reached Mile 10, she saw that her family was holding a Fathead of her dog’s face. Upon reaching the climax of the race at Heartbreak Hill, she strode by BC to find that her friends were outside, soaking wet in ponchos, spirited and enthusiastic about supporting her. She said she especially looked forward to this part of the race beforehand. “The people out there—my friends, family, runners and volunteers—make it such a great experience regardless,” Mignosa said. She aspires to become a nurse in the long run, hopes to run road races with her family over the summer, and run Boston again next spring.
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*Source: 2017-2018 BC Fact Book
3-14 014-15 015-16 016-17 017-18 2 2 2 2 NICOLE CHAN / HEIGHTS EDITOR
Kerry Cronin Date Assignment Featured in New Documentary ‘The Dating Project’ follows five people’s relationships. BY JACOB SCHICK Arts Editor Whether it’s on an Admitted Eagles day tour, a discussion with an Orientation leader, or vaguely in passing sometime during freshman year, almost everyone on Boston College’s campus has heard of the legendary “dating assignment.” A select few freshman, placed in Kerry Cronin’s Perspectives class, are given an extra credit assignment: Ask someone out on a date, and follow some guidelines. Adding to this local phenomenon is Cronin’s famous “date talk,” in which students pack a lecture hall to the brim to listen to Cronin speak about hookup culture on campus and about the decreased prevalence of dating as a practice
in our culture and society. Apparently, Cronin’s famous “date assignment” garnered enough attention to warrant a prominent place in a newly released documentary, The Dating Project. The film had a one-day screening in theaters on Tuesday. Directed by Jonathan Cipiti, The Dating Project presents the stories of regular people and their experiences with relationships—or lack thereof. The film follows five people. Two of them, Matt Chilton, CSOM ’18, and Shanzi Mahmood, MCAS ’18, were freshmen in Cronin’s Perspectives class at the time of filming three years ago. The others are regular people of varying ages—Cecelia, Rasheeda, and Chris— spread out across the country. The Dating Project criticizes hookup culture—a society that prioritizes and socially rewards people who engage in short-term encounters based only on physical attraction. While Cronin, Chilton and Mahmood
NEWS: Relay for Life
This year’s Relay for Life event raised a total of $133,768.13 for ACS..................... A2
occupy a large part of this film, their involvement with the overall project is actually fairly minimal. The filmmakers had been working with and filming these three people across the country for almost a year by the time they got to campus, but the filming at BC took a much shorter time. When the crew of The Dating Project arrived, they found themselves staying longer than they had planned. “They were supposed to come to campus and film me [for] one day,” Cronin said. “That year was the year of the 100-plus inches of snow, and they got snowed in and so they stayed for three days, so they filmed a lot.” This also explains Chilton and Mahmood’s involvement with The Dating Project. They asked Cronin whether she had any students who would be willing to be interviewed for the movie. Two students, Chilton and Mahmood, volunteered. While Cronin is pleased with the way The Dating Project turned out, she and her students had very
FEATURES: Edgar Lopez
little oversight on the production itself. “They filmed us and then they left, that was it,” Cronin said. “We had nothing to do with how it played out. There was no money or anything.” There’s nothing about the movie that stands out as something Cronin would change, either. “It was very organic and I think they did a good job editing it, and with the music, and I think it’s beautifully shot,” Cronin said. Cronin’s date assignment is not intended to change the world in any way, religious or otherwise. Instead, she is “just trying to have good conversations with [her] students about what’s the best way to live.” It seems that students appreciate her candor on the subject, and on her extra credit opportunity with the date assignment. I think the dating assignment is a great way to push people out of their comfort zones and experience true vulnerability,” Mahmood said in an email. “It’s not a test
Freshman recounts epic journey from Guatemala to the United States...............A4-5
of romance, but of personal courage and confidence which is often hard to come by in a college environment.” Throughout The Dating Project, the audience watches over a long period of time as Cecilia, Rasheeda, and Chris struggle with loneliness and dissatisfaction with romantic relationships, while tracking Chilton and Mahmood over a short period of time as they discuss their thoughts and feelings about the dating assignment. While she is pleased by the end result, Cronin has little desire to turn this into a regular occurence. “Two other documentary film writers have contacted me since then and I’ve said no,” Cronin said with a laugh. “I’m done with being on the screen.” The Dating Project has finished its oneday theatrical run, but its website contains a form in which those interested can request information on potential DVD releases, or to request a screening near them.
NEWS.........................A2 METRO....................... A6
Vol. XCIX, No. 14 FEATURES..................A4 SPORTS......................B1 © 2017, The Heights, Inc. OPINIONS................... A8 ARTS....................... B6 www.bchelghts.com 69